Questions and Replies

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19 June 2020 - NW269

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What was the total amount that was spent on international travel by (a) her and (ii) her spouse and (b) the Deputy Minister and (ii) her spouse since 1 May 2019; (2) what was the (a)(i) purpose and (ii) breakdown of each trip undertaken in terms of the (aa) date on which the trip took place and (bb) total number of persons who were part of the delegation, (b) costs of flights, (c) cost of accommodation, (d) hotels used in each case, (e) total subsistence and travel allowance approved for each member of each delegation on each trip and (f) cost of special vehicles and/or chauffeur driven transport? NW357E


I have been advised by the department as follows:

(1)(a) R1, 397,393.62

(1)(a)(ii) R212,236.93

(1)(b) R374, 413.28

(1)(b)(ii) R0.00

(2)(a)(i) Refer to the attached

(a)(ii)(aa) Refer to the attached

(a)(ii)(bb) Refer to the attached

(b) Total cost for flights – R3, 212,273.22

(c) Total cost for accommodation – R1, 435,681.07

(d) Refer to the attached

(e)Total subsistence and travel allowance – R506, 882.48

(f) Total cost for ground transport – R479, 949.64



19 June 2020 - NW270

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

What number of employees have been found to have criminal records in (a) The Ministry, (b) her department and (c) all entities reporting to her; 2. What mechanisms has her department put in place to conduct vetting of potential employees to ensure that persons with criminal records are not employed as public servants in her department?


The Departments and Entities has advised me as follows:

1(a) None

(b) None

(c) At FPB, ICASA, ZADNA, Nemisa, USAASA and Sentech, there are no employees with criminal records

BBI has embarked on a vetting process for all employees in October 2019. It is still awaiting one (1) employee’s result, which is expected before end of the financial year 2019/20.

SAPO has 147 employees with criminal records.

SITA has confirmed 130 employees have criminal records.

SABC has one employee with a criminal record.

2 All new employees, on assumption of duty, are under an obligation to apply for security clearance from State Security, as their appointment is subject to security clearance being obtained. Should they fail to obtain such clearance the Department, will terminate after having adhered to due process, the employment relationship. In addition, the Department, now request an SAP69 from SAPS before appointment to ensure the person to be appointed has no criminal record before appointment.

Further, prior to appointment, the department submits the fingerprints of potential employees to the South African Police Services [SAPS] Criminal Record Center for criminal checks due to long delays from the State Security Agency [SSA] to provide the outcomes of security checks/vetting of potential employees.



19 June 2020 - NW237

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

Who has been acting as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the State Information Technology Agency since the resignation of certain person (name furnished); 2. Whether any steps have been taken to fill the CEO position permanently, if not, why not; if so, 3. Whether any prospective applicants were interviewed; if not, why not; if so, what number of applicants were interviewed; 4. Whether any steps of the applicants were found to be suitable for the position; if not, (a) why not and (b) what further steps are being taken to recruit a permanent CEO?


I have been advised by SITA as follows:

1. The position of CEO has been vacant since 31 March 2019, after the employment contract of the previous incumbent came to an end. Mr Ntutule Tshenye was then appointed as an acting Chief Executive Officer, whilst the process of sourcing a replacement candidate was underway.

2. Yes, the recruitment process was initiated on 28 April 2019. Inputs were received from key stakeholders, the candidates were sourced through the SITA Website, Sunday Times and Linkedin. The pool of potential candidates was not satisfactory. The then Board of Directors requested additional CVs to be sourced through recruitment agencies.

3. Two (2) shortlisting sessions were held. The first session of the considered CVs received via SITA’s Website, Sunday Times and Linkedin was held on 28 May 2019 and the second session was held on 14 June 2019 to consider CVs received via the recruitment agencies. Five (5) candidates were shortlisted and interviewed on 28 June 2019 and none of the candidates were found suitable for the position.

4. The second phase of the recruitment process was initiated by the previous Board of Directors where the approach was to utilize the services of headhunting firms specialising in executive search. This process required a deviation from the current recruitment panel, which was requested from National Treasury, however it was not granted. The term of office expired for the Board of Directors expired on 31 December 2019. The Minister appointed and Executive Caretaker and Accounting Authority, Mr Luvuyo Keyise from 28 January 2020 and the acting tenure of Mr Ntutule Tshenye ceased on 28 January 2020. As a result, the recruitment process did not proceed.



18 June 2020 - NW235

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

1. What number of times has the (a) SA Post Office (SAPO) Board and (b) SAPO board subcommittees met since the board’s appointment on 1 November 2019; 2. What (a) were the (i)(aa) dates and (bb) times that the meetings took place and (ii) names of the directors who attended the meetings, (b) was the purpose of each meeting and (c) total remuneration amount was paid to each director; 3. Did she and/or the Deputy Minister attend any of the meetings; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised by SAPO as follows:

1. The SAPO Board and Committees met as follows:

SAPO Board & Committee meetings November 2019-February 2020

No of meetings


SAPO Board



SAPO Board committee meetings November 2019-Feb 2020


Docex Subsidiary Board



Audit Committee



Risk Committee



IT Governance and Procurement Committee



Strategic Turnaround & Investment Committee & Properties



Govt service delivery and Corp Contracts Committee



Remuneration and Performance Committee



HR & Transformation Committee



Social, Ethics and Stakeholder Committee



Stamp Advisory Committee


Oversight meetings with Departments by identified Board Members


Financial meeting



Debt Management meeting



Operations meeting



Distribution Network Optimisation Task Team


2. (a)(i)(aa)(bb)(ii)(b)(c) Refer to the attached table.

3. The Minister and Deputy Minister only attended the Board induction meeting on 01 November 2019, as the Shareholder is not required to attend Board and Sub-Committee meetings.




09 June 2020 - NW817

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether her department has given a concise definition for the term 5G or Fifth Generation wireless communications systems as there appears to be no standardised form of the term; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the full relevant details?


5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology network adopted by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a standards organisation which develops protocols for mobile telecommunications. 5G is a new globally accepted standard of technology after 3G, 4G and LTE/LTE advanced. 5G is identified by the following use cases: enhanced mobile broadband communications, massive machine type communications, ultra-reliable and low latency communications, and Internet of Things that virtually connects everything and everyone.




09 June 2020 - NW505

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

1)     Whether a certain person (Thato Abrahams) has attended any official meetings and/or gatherings at (a) the Ministry, (b) the department and (c) any of the entities reporting to her; if so, what were the reasons for the specified person attending each meeting; (2) Whether the specified person was remunerated for attending any meeting; if so, what (a) total amount was the person paid and (b) were the reasons for the remuneration?


I was advised by the department and entities as follows:

1(a),(b)&(c) The Ministry, Department and entities have indicated that the specified person did not attended any official meetings and/or gatherings.

2(a) Not applicable

(b) Not applicable



09 June 2020 - NW925

Profile picture: Mulder, Dr CP

Mulder, Dr CP to ask the Minister of Communications

1. Whether her department awarded any tenders connected to the Covid-19 pandemic; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) are the names of the businesses to whom these tenders were awarded, (b) are the amounts of each tender awarded and (c) was the service and/or product to be supplied by each business; (2) whether there was any deviation from the standard supply chain management procedures in the awarding of the tenders; if so, (a) why and (b) what are the relevant details in each case; (3) what was the reason for which each specified business was awarded the specified tender; (4) whether she will make a statement on the matter?


1. The Department did not award any tenders connected to the Covid-19 pandemic. Items procured such as masks, gloves, hand sanitisers and decontamination of premises (office buildings) were below R500 000 and supply chain processes were followed.

(a) None

(b) N/A

(c) N/A

2. No deviations from the standard supply chain management procedures.

(a) None

(b) N/A

3. N/A

4. N/A



09 June 2020 - NW740

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any entities reporting to her, sponsored political party (i) advertisements, (ii) events and/or (iii) paraphernalia in the 2018-19 financial year; if so, (aa) which political party was sponsored and (bb) what was the monetary value of the sponsorship in each case?


I was advised by the Department and entities as follows:

(a)& (b) The Department and entities did not sponsor any political parties in the 2018/19 financial year.

  1. None
  2. None
  3. None

(aa) N/A

(bb) N/A



04 June 2020 - NW685

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What are the relevant details of official credit cards issued to (a) her, (b) her staff and (c) the Deputy Minister; (2) In respect of each specified credit card, (a) what is the (i) name and (ii) organogram position of the user, (b) what is the (i) maximum permissible value of each purchase and (ii) total credit limit of the card, (c) what are the relevant details of permissible purchases for which each credit card may be used and (d) may alcoholic beverages be purchased?


1. The Department did not issue any credit card issue to:

(a) Minister

(b) Ministry Staff

(c) Deputy Minister

(2) (a) (i) N/A

(ii) N/A

(b) (i) N/A

(ii) N/A

(c) N/A

(d) N/A



04 June 2020 - NW438

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether (a) she and (b) the Deputy Minister has each employed ministerial special advisors; if so, in each case, (i) what is the name of the special advisor, (ii) on what date was the advisor appointed, (iii) what are the duties of the advisor, (iv) at what post level was the appointment made, (v) what is the salary level of the advisor, (vi) what is the duration of the employment contract entered into with the advisor and (vii) why was it necessary to appoint the advisor?


(a) Yes

(b) No

(a)(i) Mr Thabiso Kenneth Thukani

(a)(ii) 29 August 2019

(a)(iii) The duties of the special adviser are the following:

(i) Provide strategic advice to the Minister in the development of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) policy and regulatory framework, including monitoring implementation as well as its impact on the wellbeing of the citizens of South Africa;

(ii) Provide specialist advice to the Ministry in executing the mandates of Departments of Communications (DoC), Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) and its State-Owned Entities (SOEs);

(iii) Assist with developing appropriate relationships with the sector, academia, caucus, and civil society groups in order to facilitate progress of policy and legislation within the Minister's portfolio of responsibilities;

(iv) Review submissions going to the Minister, drawing attention to any aspect which has policy/political implications, and ensuring that sensitive political issues are addressed accordingly;

(v) Speechwriting, thought leadership and related research, including ensuring that relevant overarching government policies are reflected in material prepared by the Department.

(a)(iv) Compensation level III

(a)(v) Salary level 15

(a)(vi) 12 months

(a)(vii) To advise the Executive Authority on the exercise or performance of the Executive Authority’s powers and duties, and on the development of policy that will promote the Department’s objectives.



04 June 2020 - NW506

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

What (a) number of judgments and (b) court orders were made against her department in the (i) 2017-18 and (ii) 2018-19 financial years, (b) number of the specified judgments and court orders (i) were implemented and (ii) await implementation by her department and (c) was the nature of each (i) judgment and/or (ii) court orders.


(a)(i) One judgement was delivered against the Department during the year 2017/2018.

(b)(i) None

(a)(ii) One judgment was delivered against the Department during the year 2018/2019.

(b)(ii) None

(b) The Department has two judgements, meaning that the matters have been finalised through court proceeding or arbitration, for the financial years 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 and no court orders.

(b)(i) Both judgments, one issued by the Labour Court in Paris (France) and one award issued by the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa, were implemented.

(b)(ii) The Department has no judgment or order that awaits implementation.

(c) Judgment issued against the Department during 2017/20

In the matter between Ms Terry Crawford (“Ms Crawford”) and the Republic of South Africa (Paris Mission), Ms Crawford instituted legal proceeding in the Labour Court (Paris) for compensation for the termination of her employment contract, psychological harassment, the payment of her leave credits and reimbursement of cost incurred for the litigious matter, amounting to 513 416.48 Euro. The Labour Court found that Crawford was not dismissed without actual or serious basis as she claimed.

Crawford was employed as a switchboard operator by the Embassy on 21 January 1991. During 1999 the Embassy opened a new section to represent the Department of Communications and Ms Crawford was employed as an Administrative Assistant to support the official seconded to the Embassy. Subsequently, the Department took a decision to close the Communications Section which resulted in the official seconded to the Embassy returning to South Africa. Ms Crawford’s position became redundant and the Embassy offered her an alternative position as Accounts Clerk. Ms Crawford was dissatisfied with the position offered to her and instituted legal proceedings where she cited, amongst others, unilateral termination of her employment contract on 19 September 2012. During the hearing Crawford disclosed confidential information and was dismissed on 11 August 2014, after she failed to attend a disciplinary enquiry.

On 10 July 2017 the Labour Court (Paris) ordered that Crawford be paid an amount of 16 252.57 Euros as compensation, representing the minimum amount to be paid for the termination of the contract, instead of the 513 416.48 which Crawford claimed.

The judgment was furnished to the Department on 8 March 2018, the date on which Crawford’s’ legal representatives furnished the Department’s legal representative, with same. Payment in the amount of R236 891.77 was made on 28 March 2018.

Judgment issued against the Department during 2018/2019

Following a procurement process, the Department of Communications (DoC) entered into an agreement Draft FCB Africa (FCB), who was the successful bidder to conceptualise, develop and implement a comprehensive three-year public awareness strategy for Broadcasting Digital Migration on 24 February 2009. The effective duration of the agreement was from 1 November 2008 for a period of three years, same to terminate on 31 October 2011. The initial total price tendered for was R399,078,495.84 but the evaluation committee removed certain items not required and brought the tender price down to an amount of R282,500,000.00.

The DoC, terminated the contract on 3 May 2010 and withdrew the termination notice on 30 June 2010, indicating that “the department intends to review the contract for the sake of progress of the matter”. Thereafter FCB stopped rendering services to the former DoC due to payment delays after it failed to submit signed off timesheets of consultants that worked on the project. FCB instituted court proceeding against the DoC during December 2011 and the matter remained dormant for a period of almost three years, whereafter same was subjected to arbitration. On the advice of SC, the Director-General appealed the arbitration award issued on 30 September 2017.

On 4 June 2018, the Office of the State Attorney informed the Department that the Appeals Panel has now concluded the appeal and issued a final arbitration award against the Minister of Communications and the Director-General of DoC ordering them to pay to FCB Africa an amount of R45,064,990.84.

The Department notified National Treasury of the award on 5 June 2018 and on the advice of National Treasury, a meeting was held with FCB Africa on 12 June 2018, wherein the Department explained that it lacked the funding to satisfy the award and requested indulgence to execute the award on or before 31 January 2019, after the budgetary adjustment processes of Government has been concluded. Payment of an amount of R18 940 000.00 was made on 7 February 2019, and the balance of R26 572 515.51 was paid on 3 April 2019.



04 June 2020 - NW507

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What are the details of the office furniture ordered and/or purchased for (a) her, (b) the Deputy Minister and (c) officials in the Ministry since their appointment; (2) (a) what is the (i) description and (ii) breakdown of the costs of each piece of furniture, (b) where will each piece of furniture be used and (c) who will use each piece of furniture; (3) What are the full relevant details of the furniture that was disposed of (details furnished)?


1.(a) No furniture was ordered/or purchased for the Minister.

(b) No furniture was ordered/or purchased for Deputy Minister.

(c) No furniture was ordered/or purchased for Officials in the Ministry.

2. (a) (i) N/A

(ii) N/A

(b) N/A

(c) N/A

3. None



04 June 2020 - NW864

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Communications & Digital Technologies:

1) Whether her department will offer any form of Covid-19 financial and/or other relief to small businesses; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 2) Whether the Covid-19 financial and/or other relief will only be allocated to qualifying small businesses according to the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, Act 53 of 2003, as amended; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what statutory grounds and/or provisions does she or her department rely to allocate Covid-19 financial or other relief only to small businesses according to the specified Act and (b) what form of Covid-19 financial or other relief, if any, will be made available to other small businesses? (NW1071E)


I have been advised as follows:

1.No, the department does not offer financial assistance and/or other relief to small businesses. The department has not budgeted for such.

2. The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa [ICASA], an entity of the department, has written to licensees in an effort to ensure that they make communication services available to all South Africans. ICASA provided concessions or relaxations to enable the sector to meet the demands of business unusual environment brought about by COVID-19.

ICASA has exempted television broadcasting service licensees from compliance with the local television content quotas and specific advertising and programming requirements in terms of licence conditions during the National State of Disaster.

Sound broadcasting service licensees are exempted from compliance with specific programming requirements and promises of performance in terms of licence conditions during the National State of Disaster. However, sound broadcasting service licensees shall comply with the local content music quotas.

These exemptions will automatically cease three months after termination of the National State of Disaster.



04 June 2020 - NW739

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether (a) she and (b) the Deputy Minister have undergone any training on media since she has been appointed to the Cabinet; if so, what (i) is the name of the service provider, (ii) was the total cost of the media training and (iii) number of sessions has completed?


(a) Yes, the Minister did attend training on media.

(i) This was an in-house training conducted by the GCIS.

(ii) There were no financial implications.

(iii) One session.

(b) Yes, the Deputy Minister did attend training on media.

(i) This was an in-house training conducted by the GCIS.

(ii) There were no financial implications.

(iii) One session.



04 June 2020 - NW686

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)In respect of purchases made with each official credit card issued to (a) her, (b) her staff and (c) the Deputy Minister during the period 8 May 2014 up to the latest specified date for which information is available, (i) what is the (aa) name and (bb) organogram position of the user and (ii)(aa) what is the value of each purchase made, (bb) what are the details of each item purchased and (cc) for what purpose was each purchase made; (2) whether any alcoholic beverages were purchased; if so, (a) what (i) are the relevant details and (ii) is the value of the specified purchases in each case and (b) for what purpose was each purchase made?


1. The Department did not issue any credit card issue to:

(a) Minister

(b) Ministry staff

(c) Deputy Minister

(i) (aa) N/A

(bb) N/A

(ii) (aa) N/A

(bb) N/A

(cc) N/A

(2) (a) (i) N/A

(ii) N/A

(b) N/A



04 June 2020 - NW353

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What is the (a) total number and (b) percentage of employees of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) who have disclosed their business interests in the past three financial years as required by the SABC's Conflict of Interest Policy. (2) Employees who disclosed business interests, what are the full details of the specified (a) business interests and (b) companies currently doing business with the SABC including the (i) Rand value of the contracts involved and (ii) service delivered in terms of each contract; (3) Whether the specified contracts were put out to tender; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW508E



Employee Submissions

Total Number of Employees

% Compliance













2. Refer to annexures A and B.

3. Refer to annexures A and B.



04 June 2020 - NW721

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)In light of the various initiatives launched to provide online learning to school learners and tertiary students during the national lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19, what is the smart phone penetration in rural areas across the Republic; (2) What is the (a) television and (b) radio penetration across the Republic?


1. According to the ICASA’s State of ICT Sector in South Africa 2019, the penetration of smartphones countrywide is 81, 72% as at the end of September 2018, compared to 43, 5% in September 2016 and 74, 2% in September 2017.

ICASA recorded smartphones subscriptions at 46, 9 million as at 30 September 2018. According to ICASA that total number of 4G/LTE devices in 2018, was 12 644 364 million countrywide with GP being the highest at 4 304 758; KwaZulu-Natal at 1 859 095; Western Cape at 1 562 239; Limpopo 1 532 666; Mpumalanga at 1 310 633; Eastern Cape at 745 272; North West at 664 362; Free State at 444 639; and Northern Cape at 220 700.

The data does not into account socio-economic factors.

(2) (a) The Broadcast Research Council of South Africa (BRC) is a body which commissions and oversees the delivery of radio and television audience measurement research for broadcasters. According to the latest BRC TAMS report for the period July 2018 to June 2019: 14 577 947 television households.

(b) The Broadcast Research Council of South Africa (BRC) is a body which commissions and oversees the delivery of radio and television audience measurement research for broadcasters. The BRC RAM™ figures released in February 2020, and covering the period January 2019 to December 2019, reveal that radio reach countrywide is:

  1. 92% weekly with 37.5 million listeners listening at any given time during the week.
  2. 73% daily (Monday to Friday) with 29.9 million listeners, on average each weekday.

The data does not take into account socio-economic factors.




07 April 2020 - NW452

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) What is the breakdown of the amount spent by her department on any persons who accompanied (i) her, (ii) the Deputy Minister, (iii) the Director-General and/or (iv) any of her staff to the 2019 Rugby World Cup, including (aa) travel, (bb) accommodation, (cc) entertainment and (dd) any further costs and (b) in each case, what is the (i) relationship and (ii) reason for accompanying the relevant person?


I have been advised by the department as follows:

There is no amount that was spent by the Department in relation to attending the 2019 Rugby World Cup.



09 March 2020 - NW148

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

(a)(i) On what date and (ii) under what terms was a set-top box testing facility established at the SA Bureau of Standards, (b) what was the cost to her department of establishing this facility and (c) what number of set-top boxes have been tested at the facility since it was completed?


I have been advised by the department as follows:

(a)(i) The SABS decoder testing lab was established in February 2012.

(ii) The lab was established to test decoders to be manufactured in South Africa based on the SANS862 national DTT decoder standard administered by the SABS. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Department of Communications (DoC), Department of Trade and Industry [DTI] and the SA Bureau of Standards (SABS). Under the terms of the MoU, the SABS had to:

  1. Assume responsibility for the establishment and operations of the decoder conformance lab.
  2. Procure lab test equipment
  3. Appoint personnel to operate the lab
  4. Work closely with the DoC and broadcasters on operational matters of the lab as and when necessary.

(b)The SABS was given a once-off grant of R30-million for the establishment of the facility by the DoC under the terms of the MoU, to perform the duties as outlined.

(c) According to the records provided by the SABS, they have tested and issued certificates for eleven (11) decoder samples from a number of local suppliers since the inception of the lab in 2012. The method was to test one decoder sample per model of decoder that the manufacturer was in the process of putting into production. The list of the samples is provided below:


DTH-Satellite STB

DTT-Terrestrial STB










African Digitech Solutions (ADS)




BUA Africa




BUA Africa




BUA Africa




BUA Africa




Altech UEC



DTD 4126

CZ Electronics














28 February 2020 - NW46

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What business has the SA Post Office (SAPO) conducted with a certain company (name furnished) from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2019; (2) Whether (a) SAPO, (b) her department, (c) the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, (d) the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies, (e) the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa and/or (f) the Universal Service and Access Fund have entered into any agreements with the specified company with regard to the manufacture and distribution of set-top boxes; if so, what are the relevant details of the (i) scope, (ii) extent and (iii) costs of the agreements of each specified


The Department and its entities have advised me as follows:

1. The South African Post Office (SAPO) did not conduct any business with Yekani Manufacturing Company from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2019.

2. The Departments and the listed entities did not enter into any agreements with Yekani Manufacturing Company to manufacture and distribute set-top boxes.





28 February 2020 - NW106

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

What (a) are the reasons that the repeat fee claims (details furnished) submitted to the SA Broadcasting Corporation have not been paid on time in compliance with the National Treasury circulars on the timeous payment of invoices and claims and (b) actions have been taken against the relevant accounting officers for the (i) late and/or (ii) no payments?


I have been advised by the SA Broadcasting Corporation as follows:

a) The SABC has a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in place on Royalties which stipulates the processes, timelines and requirements for a claim to be successfully processed and paid. These requirements have been communicated to all claimants. The SABC has paid on time all repeat claims which met the prescribed requirements. The public broadcaster is processing claims that are due for payment at the end of February 2020.

There are several older claims which are in dispute, based on the fact that these do not fully comply with the requirements, i.e. licenses (SABC does not pay repeat fees on Licensed Content), not being lead actors (only lead actors can claim). Some of the older claims are disputed by the SABC due to fact that no contracts have been provided as proof and claimants are not willing to align the rate with the prescribed requirements and processes. However, the SABC is willing to pay these claims if the claimants align with prescribed requirements. The older claims have been raised in various forums and have been dealt with in several continuous communication and forums.

b) No actions have been taken against anyone as there is no dereliction of duty involved.(i) and (ii) as per Annx.A



19 December 2019 - NW1486

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether, with reference to the fact that the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) have sold licensed programmes to other broadcasters all over the world, she will supply a list of the (a) programmes licensed throughout the world in the past 10 years, (b) fees attached to each transaction and (c) individual share of profits due to each of the (i) producers, (ii) writers and (iii) performers for each transaction; (2) what are the details of the (a) programmes sold on DVD in the Republic and throughout the world, (b) fee attached to each transaction and (c) individual share of profit due to the producers, writers and performers for each transaction; (3) whether the SABC will be paying interest for late payment considering that the share in profit due to producers, writers and performers is by contract and should have been paid bi-annually; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the further relevant details?NW2754E


I have been advised by the department as follows:

1. (a) The attached Pivot worksheets entitled, Programme sales FY2014 to FY2019, details all, the licensed programming sold worldwide, by the SABC, since 2014. Manual records were kept prior to 2014.

(b) The sheets named 2017/2018 royalty calculations and 2018/2019 royalty calculations, details all royalty calculations since formal records were kept. The sheet indicates all the fees payable, for each transaction, for the writers, producers and performers.

(c) The sheets named 2017/2018 royalty calculations and 2018/2019 royalty calculations, detail all share of the profits due, for each of the writers, producers and performers.

2. (a) The worksheet titled: Calculations of DVD royalties for Oct 2018-Jan 2019 details all programme’s sold on DVD in the Republic and throughout the world.

(b) and (c) The worksheet titled: Calculations of DVD royalties for Oct 2018 – Jan 2019, details for (b) fee attached to each transaction and (c) individual share of profit due to the producers, writers and performers for each transaction.

3. The SABC management had taken a decision not to pay interest on late payments.           



13 December 2019 - NW1485

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) will supply a list of (a) programmes licenced to KykNet up to the latest specified date for which information is available, (b) the fees attached to each transaction and (c) individual share of profit due to each of the (i) producers, (ii) writers and (iii) performers for each transaction; (2) On what date will the SABC (a) honour their contracts and (b) pay the share of the profit of commercial exploitations to the producers, writers and performers for each transaction; (3) whether the SABC will be paying interest for late payment considering that the share in profit due to producers, writers and performers is by contract and should have been paid bi-annually; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the further relevant details? NW2753E


I have been advised by the SA Broadcasting Corporation as follows:

1. (a) (b) (c) A list of 78 titles have been licenced to Kyknet, as detailed in the attached spreadsheet and the fees received for all titles licenced is included therein. It further indicates the profit share where applicable.


(a) Contracts for licensed content from 2014-2018 have been honoured in line with the applicable SOP. Content contracts for 1996 – 2014 are still to be processed. The date is to be determined.

(b) Profit / commercial exploitation payments for licensed content from 2014-2018 have been made. Payments for the years 1996- 2014 are still to be processed and the date thereof to be determined.

3. The SABC does not pay interests on late payment of commercial exploitation fees. Payment of interest must be negotiated with the SABC.



13 December 2019 - NW1160

Profile picture: Steenhuisen, Mr JH

Steenhuisen, Mr JH to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether her department incurred any costs related to the (a) inauguration of the President of the Republic, Mr M C Ramaphosa, held in Pretoria on 25 May 2019 and (b) State of the Nation Address held in Cape Town on 20 June 2019; if so, in each case, (i) what costs were incurred and (ii) for what reason?


I have been advised by the departments as follows:

a) Inauguration

The Department incurred costs amounting to R34,916.97 relating to the inauguration as follows:

Item (i)

Details (ii)

Amount (iii)


4 Commissioners

R7 345, 96


3 Officials in the ICT workstream

R4 820, 95

Road Transport

4 Commissioners

R9 094, 72

Air Transport

2 Commissioners

R13 655, 34

Total Costs


R34 916, 97

b) State of the Nation Address

The Department incurred costs amounting to R119 540, 84 relating to the SONA as follows:

Item (i)

Details (ii)

Amount (iii)


Guest of the Minister

R1 440, 00


Deputy Minister’s support staff

R11 722, 40


Minister’s support staff

R7 380, 00

Road Transport


R12 785, 00

Road Transport

Deputy Minister’s support staff

R9 378, 00

Road Transport

Minister’s support staff

R5 083, 00

Air Transport

Guest of the Minister

R13 996, 00

Air Transport


R10 530, 00

Air Transport

Deputy Minister

R14 660, 00

Air Transport

Deputy Minister’s support staff

R17 108, 44

Air Transport

Minister’s support staff

R15 458, 00

Total Costs


R119 540, 84



13 December 2019 - NW1487

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Is the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) broadcasting on or licensing drama series or parts thereof to YouTube and other electronic media platforms such as ShowMax; if so, what (a) is the name of each programme affected, (b) amount is received from each transaction and (c) individual share of profit is due to each producer, writer and performer for each transaction; (2) on what date will the SABC pay the relevant profit share fees to each producer, writer and performer? NW2755E


I have been advised by the SA Broadcasting Corporation as follows:

1. Yes, the SABC broadcasts on You Tube, Show Max and Vu.

(a)  See attachment, titled, Media platforms the SABC broadcast on. It details each programme name.

(b) See attachment, titled, Media platforms the SABC broadcast on. The attachment details the amounts received by the SABC for each programme sold.

(c) Commercial exploitation fees and profit share are used interchangeably.  When we refer to profit share we normally mean commercial exploitation fees. Yes commercial exploitation fees are paid to the Producer, the Writer and the Principal Performers in licensed programmes.  The Producer might be paid a further 10% of the commercial exploitation fee where the Producer facilitated the licensing of the programme.

2. Payments are made on a continuous basis based on each agreement. The royalty payments / profit share payments were allocated for payment at the end of October 2019 after receiving the first portion of the bailout.



11 December 2019 - NW1483

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether she has found that (a) it would be just to allocate 15% of the profit to principal performers in accordance with clause 7.2.1 of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Freelance Contract and (b) principal performers are often a group of five or more individuals who have to share 2% of the profit; if not, what is the position in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) Whether actors have requested the specified 15% in terms of clause 7.2.1 of the SABC Freelance Contract through the SA Guild of Actors, which is the only representative organisation for actors in the Republic; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2751E


I have been advised to by the SA Broadcasting Corporation as follows:

1a) It would not be justifiable to pay 15% if there was just one sale.

b) The 2% is paid when there is no prior agreement in place, this percentage has now been increased to 5% for productions on the Encore channel.

2) The SABC has no knowledge of actors requesting 15%.




11 December 2019 - NW1484

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Communications

With reference to determining net profit of a commercial script, why does the SA Broadcasting Corporation insist on deducting fees paid to contract writers as if it is a royalty fee paid to a copyright owner?


I have been advised by the SA Broadcasting Corporation as follows:

The fees received by Script Writers are contract fees for the writing of the scripts, not “royalties” as the writers are commissioned to produce an SABC owned script. However, the writer’s fee is currently deducted from the sales amount when calculating the producer’s portion as part of the administrative process. However, the SABC is reviewing its TV Script Writer’s Agreement and is re-looking the term “royalties” in the Agreement.



06 December 2019 - NW1519

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

What (a) number of premises or properties are leased or rented by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa and (b) are the full relevant details of the lease agreements, including the (i) name of the landlord(s), (ii) description of the property or properties, (iii) usage of the property or properties, (iv) annual rental and (v) terms of the lease?


I have been advised by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) as follows:

ICASA leases 9 premises across the country. The details of the properties are provided in the table below:

ICASA Office Premises Rental Costs (a)

Lessor b (i)

Description & Size (b)(ii-iii)

Rental p. a (b)(iv)

Expiry Date (b)(v)


Redefine Properties

599.5 square metres office space





Factaprops 185

827 square metres office space






500 square metres office space





Delta Properties

500 square metres office space





Valzone 104

339 square metres office space





Bousaam Trust

197 square metres office space






125 square metres office space





Prestige Properties

135 square metres office space





Centurion Vision

9320 square metres office space






06 December 2019 - NW781

Profile picture: Mokoena, Mr L

Mokoena, Mr L to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)(a)What amount was spent on advertising by (i) her department and (ii) state-owned entities reporting to her in the (aa) 2016-17, (bb) 2017-18 and (cc) 2018-19 financial years; (2) what amount of the total expenditure incurred by (a) her department and (b) state-owned entities reporting to her went to (i) each specified black-owned media company and (ii) outdoor advertising in each specified financial year and (c) on outdoor advertising by her department and state-owned entities reporting to him went to each black-owned media company in each specified financial year? NW1896E


I have been advised by the departments and entities as follows:


See the link below 1(a)-(b)

2(a)(ii) N/A. There was no outdoor advertising by the Department.

2(c) N/A. There was no outdoor advertising by the Department.


1 (i) (aa) (bb) and (cc) The amount spent by the Department of Communications is reflected as per the table below.

DOC Advertising Spend

Financial Year



R 1,229,768.66


R 2,943,619.13


R 2,059,150.79


R 6,232,538.58

2 (a) (i) The amount spent by the Department of Communications is reflected in the tables below:

Financial Year 2016/17


Order Amount


Infinity Media Networks

R 958,689.84

Black owned


R 958,689.84


Financial Year 2017/18


Order Amount


Tiso Blackstar Group

R 125 377.20

 Black Owned

Community Radio Stations

Order Amount


Aganang community radio

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Alfred Nzo community radio

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Barberton community radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Cosmo FM

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Eden FM

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Eldo's FM

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Emalahleni FM

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Good News community radio

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Icora FM

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Impact radio

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Inanda FM

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Kanyamazane radio

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Lekoa FM

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Makhado FM

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Mmabatho FM

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Modiri FM

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Mohodi community radio

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Moletsi community radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Moretele community radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Mosupatsela FM

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Myeza Network

R 16 000.00

Black owned

Nkqubela community radio

R 36 000.00

Black owned

North Coast radio

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Nqubeko community radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Pheli FM

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Pongola FM

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Radio 786

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Radio Gamkaland

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Radio KC

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Radio Mafisa

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Radio Zibonele

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Ratlou FM

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Revival FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Rise community radio

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Sedibeng FM

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Siyathuthuka FM

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Sound fusion

R 6 840.00

Black owned

Takalani community radio

R 36 000.00

Black owned

The voice of the Cape

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Tubatse community radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Ugu Youth Radio

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Umgungundlovu FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Univen radio

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Forte community radio

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Vukani community radio

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Westside FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Worcester FM

R 36 000.00

Black owned

Zebediela community radio

R 42 000.00

Black owned

Zululand FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned


R 1 648 217.20


Financial Year 2018/19



Order Amount


Tiso Blackstar Group

R 813 141.54

Black Owned

Community Radio Stations

Order Amount


Aganang Community Radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Bojanala FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Eldo's FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Emalahleni FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Hlanganani FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Icora FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Impact radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Inanda FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Inkonjane FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Intokozo FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Itheku FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Kanyamazane radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Makhado FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Malamulele Community Radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Mkhondo FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Mmabatho FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Modiri FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Mohodi Community Radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Moletsi community radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Moretele community radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Mosupatsela FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Motheo FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Moutse Community Radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Nongoma FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

North Coast Radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Nqubeko Community Radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Pheli FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Radio 786

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Radio KC

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Ratlou FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Rise community radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Sajonisi Youth Radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Siyathuthuka FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Takalani Community Radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Tubatse community radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Ugu Youth Radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Vibe FM

R 6 000.00

Black owned

Vukani Community Radio

R 6 000.00

Black owned


R 1 041 141, 54


2 (ii) (c) The Department of Communications did not spend any amount herein.


1 (a) (ii) (aa) (bb) (cc) The amount spent by the FPB is reflected as per the table below.

Films and Publications Board Advertising Spend

Financial Year



R 517 389.26


R 608 513.76


R 1 074 158.10


R 2 200 061.12

2 (b) and The blacked owned media company for the said financial years.


Media Platform and Owner

Ownership Status


Pretoria News:  Independent Media SA (Pty) Ltd: Newspaper Division

54.90% White owned

42 388.20

Cape Times:  Independent Media SA (Pty) Ltd: Newspaper Division

54.90% White owned

74 161.06

The Star: Independent Media SA (Pty) Ltd: Newspaper Division

54.90% White owned

101 178.30

The Mercury: Independent Media SA (Pty) Ltd: Newspaper Division 

54.90% White owned

59 594.90

Screen Africa:  Sun Circle Publishers t/a Screen Africa

100% White owned

108 300.00

The Loeries: The Loerie Awards Company NPC

100% White owned

9 875.00

Sunday Times: Tiso Blackstar: Newspapers 

53.25% Black owned

121 888.80



517 389.26



Media Platform and Owner

Ownership Status


Screen Africa:  Sun Circle Publishers t/a Screen Africa

100% White owned

15 960.00

Callsheet:  Film & Event Media

100% White owned

28 500.00

Sunday Times: Tiso Blackstar: Newspapers

53.25% Black owned

369 313.83

Stuff Mag:  Stuff Group (Pty) Ltd 

100% White owned

75 998.67

GQ Magazine: Independent Media SA (Pty) Ltd

54.90% White owned

118 741.26



608 513.76






Media Platform and Owner

Ownership Status


City Press:  Media24: News

60% White owned

68 629.00

Business Day: Tiso Blackstar: Newspapers 

53.25% Black owned

50 542.50

Government Handbook: Yes Media 

100% White owned

74 750.00


City Press: Media24: News

60% White owned

89 239.00

Daily Sun:  Media24: News

60% White owned

87 375.00

Mail and Guardian: M&G Media Limited

100% White owned

34 414.10

Sunday Times: Tiso Blackstar: Newspapers

53.25% Black owned

182 655.00

SABC Radio (Motsweding FM; Mhlobo Wenene FM; 5FM; RSG)

State Owned Entity

486 553.50



1 074 158.10


1 (a) (ii) (aa) (bb) and (cc)


Financial Year



R42, 296,162.00


R22, 298,233.00


R5, 187,878.00


R 69 722 273.00

2 (a) Not applicable

2 (b) (i) The SABC’s media buying and advertising were done through a media buying agency “The Media Shop”. The Media Shop was appointed in 2010 through a procurement process. SABC does not negotiate directly with media owners but this is done via the agency “The Media Shop”. The Media Shop is a Level 1 Contributor.

(ii) Outdoor advertising


Financial Year



R 29, 179,391.00


R 13, 494,927.00


R 3, 658,578.00


R 46, 332, 896 .00

(c) The SABC media buying and advertising were done through a media buying agency “The Media Shop”. The Media Shop was appointed in 2010 through a procurement process. SABC does not negotiate directly with media owners but this is done via “The Media Shop”. The Media Shop is a Level 1 Contributor.


1(a) (ii)

ICASA Advertising Spend

Financial Year



R 122 842.27


R 1 737 664. 17


R 7 102 589.84


R 8 963 096. 28

2 (b)(i)

Recruitment advertising 2016-2017 total – R122 842.27

Ownership status


Media Platform


Jozi Media

100% Black owned

Full page colour advert

R 21 090.00

Ultimate Recruitment Solutions


Adverts 4 positions

R15 398.21

Basadzi Personnel


Advert: PE

R 1 228.12

Basadzi Personnel


Advert: JHB

R 24 699.54

Ultimate Recruitment Solutions


Adverts 2 pos – Snr Man Facilities

R 24 637.13

Basadzi Personnel


Adverts advert 4 positions

R 10 982.36

Kone Staffing Solutions


adverts market analyst

R 24 806.91




R122 842.27

Recruitment advertising 2017-2018 total – R343 798.26

Ownership status


Media Platform


Basadzi Personnel

100% Black owned

CCC Vacancies

R 77 911.03

Basadzi Personnel


Vacancy Adverts

R 24 931.53

Ayanda Mbanga Communications


Advert for CEO

R 25 471.21

Human Communications


Manager Type Approval Advert

R 26 845.63

Human Communications


Technical Officer Eastern Cape

R 2 190.99

Ayanda Mbanga Communications


Adverts for Adm Manager

R 25 474.63

Ayanda Mbanga Communications


Ayanda Mbanga - Advertisements

R 25 474.63

Basadzi Personnel


CCC, ITRC, Applications Develop

R 106 232.61

Nugen Media


Placement of adverts

R 29 266.00




R 343 798.26

Recruitment advertising 2018-2019 total – R166 623.72

Ownership status


Media Platform


Human Communications

100% Black owned

Recruitment Advertising

R 26 691.88

Basadzi Personnel


Adverts x2 Sunday times

R 26 580.73

Basadzi Personnel


2 x adverts

R 26 598.09

Kone Staffing Solutions


Adverts Sunday Times City Press

R 28 039.39

Human Communications


Adverts Rf Specialist

R 28 823.63

Kwanza Communications


Advert Supervisor procurement

R 29 890.00




R 166 623.72

2. (b) Not Applicable

(ii)Not Applicable

(c) Not Applicable








R48 693.85

R1 000.00

R4 174.80


R96 900.00

R50 000.00

R57 384.00


R3 675 165.00

R1 210 485.00

R77 611.00


R1 755 277.50

R1 316 466.69

R3 542 576.98


R199 500.00

R22 344.00

R56 868.00


R11 109 283.99

R4 179 423.60

R7 878 262.52


R255 417.00

R387 452.37

R737 606.06

2. (b)(i,ii)

















Independent Newspaper

R386 536.61


Pure Brown


R16 000.00




R131 314.12




R69 563.75


Pesiyanto Stationery


R5 700.00




R1 595 000.00


Flash Marketing


R1 316 466.69

R3 542 576.98







MOD Management Consulting, Polokwane

R62 888.00


MA Executive CC, Laudium

R26 803.50


Morwamphtshe Trading Projects

R22 701.00


Sondlo &Knopp Advertising

R308 829.54



Highbury Media

R127 053.00


R80 000.05


Whoodoo Media & Advertising


R40 589.25


Times Media Pty Ltd

R17 784.00

R55 723.20




Outdoor Advertising




















Flash Marketing


R93 000.00



















06 December 2019 - NW576

Profile picture: Mokoena, Mr L

Mokoena, Mr L to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What number of (a) security, (b) cleaning and (c) general worker personnel who work in buildings, facilities and all other infrastructure are employed through tenders obtained by their companies or third party service providers at (i) the SA Broadcasting Corporation, (ii) the SA Post Office and (iii) Telkom; (2) what total amount does the SA Broadcasting Corporation, the SA Post Office and Telkom spend from their current budget on security, cleaning and general worker personnel who work in their buildings, facilities and all other infrastructure? NW1573E


I have been advised by the department and entities as follows:


1. (a) Number of Security Personnel


Number of personnel





















1. (b) Number of Cleaning Personnel


Number of personnel





















(c) Number of General Workers


2. Total amount budgeted for FY2019/20 on:

Security Services: R64.1 million

Cleaning Services: R23.1 million

General Workers: Zero


1. (a) SAPO’s total number of guards in all provinces is 6 010.

(b) SAPO’s total number of cleaning service personnel is 134 in all provinces.

(c) SAPO does not have general worker personnel.

2. SAPO security budget for the 2019/2020 financial year is R 827 104 090.00 (eight hundred and twenty-seven million one hundred and four thousand and ninety rand). To date as at the end of October 2019 the amount spent is R 457 000 000 (four hundred and fifty-seven million rand). On cleaning services R22 924 551. 61 was spent and no amount on general workers.


Telkom is exempted from entire provisions of section 51 of the PFMA which deals with, among other things, procurement of goods and services in general and the submission by the public entity of all reports, returns, notices and other information to Parliament.



06 December 2019 - NW1424

Profile picture: Mpambo-Sibhukwana, Ms T

Mpambo-Sibhukwana, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications

What precisely was the R540 million interest free loan from SA Social Security Agency to the SA Post Office used for?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

Following the withdrawal of the cash payment tender by SASSA, the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) requested SAPO to look into assisting with the distribution of cash payments to beneficiaries through utilising SAPO infrastructure. An agreement was reached between the parties (SAPO and SASSA) to focus on the immediate needs to ensure that beneficiaries are serviced. SAPO was required to perform a detailed review of its current infrastructure to determine if any upgrades would be required to be able to adequately render the service to SASSA. The analysis indicated that SAPO would require R541 million in the FY 2018/19 to address all immediate needs which include the following capacity areas:

  • IGPS licenses and a new instance for Cash (Biopay). This environment was subsequently funded by Postbank.
  • Front End Infrastructure for Retail
  • Dignity services
  • Network Upgrade/ Refresher and banking host infrastructure
  • CIT, Guarding and Response Service
  • Risk Management (Insurance)
  • Branch staffing
  • Banking charges

The actual expenditure in the identified areas that was funded from the R541 million advance are reflected in the link below:



26 November 2019 - NW1093

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

With reference to the approximately R364-million framework agreement contract between the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) and Micro Focus, (a) why did the Micro Focus terminate the two-year contract with Afrocentric Projects and Services after just eight months, (b) what was the reason for appointing a X-Telecoms in place of Afrocentric Projects and Services for the remainder of the contract and (c) what role did her Department’s Deputy Minister Pinky Kekana, play in the decision to change small, medium and micro-sized enterprises contractors and appoint X-Telecoms instead?



I was informed by SITA as follows:

a) According to the letter from Microfocus, Afrocentric fulfilment agreement was terminated for convenience in accordance with the agreement between the parties. After insisting on reasons, SITA was informed that there were some irregularities that led to the on-boarding of Afrocentric, which SITA is currently investigating. No further information was given to SITA which tend to prove or disprove this allegation.

SITA embarked on a preliminary investigation following the reports in the media. Subsequent the allegations purported in the media, the Agency received formal correspondence from Microfocus dated 01 October 2019. SITAs Internal Audit Unit initiated a forensic investigation on 03 October 2019, which is underway.

b) SITA has ensured that the onboarding of SMMEs is addressed by clause 12.2; 12.3 and 12.4 of the SITA Framework Agreement. In addition, there’s Annexure J of the agreement that governs the relationship between SITA and Microfocus states that Microfocus agrees to make use of the selection criteria for the purposes of selecting a black owned Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise (SMME) to develop and empower. It is with this provision that InnovD (Afrocentric) was onboarded as a fulfilment agent to Microfocus. To date SITA has not onboarded any additional fulfilment agent. SITA received an email correspondence dated 21 August 2019 from Microfocus communicating they have identified a fulfilment partner. This was followed with official correspondence from Microfocus dated 02 September 2019, communicating details of the identified fulfilment partner. SITA has not implemented the recommendation. As an interim arrangement SITA is engaging directly with Microfocus and not utilising any of the fulfilment partners.

SITA through the office of the Acting Executive SCM raised an objection to this appointment as per the clauses that govern this agreement on the 3rd September 2019.  A meeting was convened on 25th September 2019 and a follow up was held on the 11th October 2019. SITA and Microfocus agreed that a process which is compliant with PFMA will be used for the appointment of Fulfilment Agents going forward. 

It is envisaged this process should be finalised at the end of November 2019.

(c)   SITA has never received any instruction from Deputy Minister to on board SMMEs to the Framework Agreement.                                                                                       



26 November 2019 - NW1482

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

Why does the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) apply clause 7.2.2. of the SABC Freelance Contract, which offers the principal performers 2% of the profit to be shared amongst them, and ignore clause 7.2.1 which requires the SABC and the principal performers to first endeavour to agree on a lump sum amount before applying clause 7.2.2?


I have been advised by the department as follows:

There are two reasons why the SABC applies clause 7.2.2

a) The SABC is not forced to (or must) negotiate a lump sum in terms of clause 7.2.1. It is merely an option available to the SABC. The SABC therefore prefers to opt for clause 7.2.2 which refers to the 2% profit share.

b) It also becomes practically impossible and a protracted process to negotiate individually with the performers once the SABC has commercialized a production. Therefore, the implementation of clause 7.2.2 is applicable, see below.




21 November 2019 - NW998

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

What are the reasons that the De Rust Post Office is closed and (b) by what date will the post office reopen to continue providing essential services to the rural community?


I have been advised by SAPO as follows:

a) The landlord evicted Post Office due to rental dispute as the landlord increased the rental money more than double the amount the Post Office was paying.

b) The De Rust Post Office opened on 02 October 2019.



21 November 2019 - NW999

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

With reference to her reply to question 303 on 4 September 2019, (a) by what date will the work to restore the Mondeor Post Office after years of neglect commence, (b) what is the (i) scope and (ii) cost of the work and (c) which company, contractor or department has been authorised to carry out the work?



I have been advised by SAPO as follows:

(a) The contractor officially took over the site on 12 November 2019 to commence with work. Demolition work has already started. SAPO delegation and the contractor met on site on 14 November 2019, to finalize the project plan. A meeting with the local Councilor was on 15 November 2019. The work is scheduled to be completed by 7 December 2019.

(b)(i) The scope of work entails the total refurbishment of the Mondeor Post Office building which includes electrical works, plumbing works, shop fitting, roof repair and reinstallation of post boxes etc.

(ii) The total cost of work is R776 228, 46 excluding VAT, however there could be variations due to unforeseen structural defects.

(c) The appointed contractor is Sewele SA RE Phoo Business Enterprise


21 November 2019 - NW914

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa was the subject of any investigations by the Special Investigating Unit in the period 1 June 2014 to 30 June 2019; if so, what was the (a) subject and nature of each specified investigation and (b) outcome of each such investigation?


I have been advised by USAASA as follows:

The SIU investigation into USAASA relates to maladministration and irregular expenditure. The area or subject of investigation is as per the table below:





The alleged irregular appointment of Mr Zami Nkosi, as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of USAASA

The SIU found that the appointment of Mr Zami Nkosi as the CEO was irregular and as such USAASA incurred irregular expenditure in the sum of

R255 211.27. Mr Nkosi’s contract expired before the report could be released. Therefore, his contract could not be nullified as legislatively required.


Resulting from this, the SIU referred the matter on the irregular expenditure of R255 211.27 to the National Prosecuting Authority in respect of 3 former Board members of USAASA (2013/2014 and 2014/2015

financial years) on 16 November 2017.


The alleged funding by

There was no funding of irregular expenditure in



USAASA, by way of a subsidy in the amount of R500 million, to CellC for the construction and expansion of an electronic communications network for the Emalahleni Local


respect to the CellC investigation.


The appointment of Mthinthe Communications (Pty) Ltd in respect of phase 2 of the Rapid Development Programme

The SIU found that the appointment of Mthinthe Communications (PTY) Ltd in respect of phase 2 of the Rapid Development Programme was irregular.


Therefore, the SIU found that the Accounting Authority of USAASA at the time represented by the former Board (2013/14 and 2014/2015 financial years) were grossly negligent and / or willfully negligent in the execution of their fiduciary duties. The SIU further found the evidence substantiating the commission in offence of financial misconduct as envisaged in Section 86 (2) of the PFMA.




Resulting from the above, USAASA incurred irregular expenditure on appointment of Mthinthe Communications in the sum of R33 914 567.84. The SIU referred the matter to the National Prosecuting Authority as the evidence pointed to the commission of an offense of financial misconduct as envisages in Section 86 (2) of the PFMA on 16 November 2017.




USAASA contravened the following:




  • Section 217(1) of the Constitution which effectively requires USAASA to procure its goods and services by means of a system which is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective.
  • Section 51 (1)(a)(ii) of the PFMA which requires USAASA to ensure that it has a procurement system which is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective.
  • Regulations 16A3.2(a) of National Treasury Regulations which required USAASA to have and maintains a procurement system that is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective and that is consistent with PPFA.
  • USAASA effectively contravened their own

SCM policy.


21 November 2019 - NW554

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

Has the SA Post Office been subjected to any Special Investigating Unit in the period 1 June 2014 to 30 June 2019; if so, (a) what was the subject and nature of each investigation, (b) what was the outcome of each finalized investigations and (c) what is the current status of each incomplete investigation?


Mr C MacKenzie (DA) to ask the Minister of Communications:

Has the SA Post Office been subjected to any Special Investigating Unit in the period 1 June 2014 to 30 June 2019; if so, (a) what was the subject and nature of each investigation, (b) what was the outcome of each finalized investigations and (c) what is the current status of each incomplete investigation? NW1551E


I have been advised by SA Post Office as follows:

The SA Post Office was subjected to a Special Investigating Unit investigation in terms of Proclamation No R5 of 2014 read with Proclamation R56 of 2014 into certain affairs of the SA Post Office.

(A) The terms of Proclamation R5 of 2014 was to investigate the following:

  1. The procurement of goods, works or services by or on behalf of the SAPO and payments made,
  2. Irregularities, malpractices or maladministration in the affairs of the SAPO in relation to:

(a) The management of immovable property;

(b) The implementation of the WebRipost system;

(c) Loans granted to Courier and Freight Group (Pty) Ltd; and

(d) The failure by officials or employees of the SAPO to take necessary steps to prevent the SAPO from suffering financial losses or damages as a result of industrial action.

(3) Irregularities relating to the recruitment, selection and appointment of officials or employees of the SAPO.


(4) Payments which were made by the SAPO to fictitious officials or employees.


(5) Any undisclosed or unauthorized interests the officials or employees of the SAPO have had with regard to –

(a) Vendors, contractors, suppliers or service providers who bid for work or did business with the SAPO;

(b) Contracts awarded by or on behalf of the SAPO;


(c) The Terms of Proclamation R56 of 2014 was to investigate the following:

(d) The further extension of Proclamation R5 of 2014, by addition of the following paragraph after paragraph 5 of the Schedule;

(e) “6” Irregular conduct by the Board members of the SAPO in relation to the matters set out in paragraphs 1 and 3 above”.

(B) What was the outcome of each finalised investigation and;


The outcome of the investigations is contained in the recommendations in the table below. In addition a criminal case has been lodged with the South African Police Services and the National Prosecuting Authority as well as a civil case seeking to set aside the lease contract for the Ecopoint building together with a claim for all rentals paid by SAPO to M&T Properties. The civil case has been set for the 18 – 22 November 2019 in the North Gauteng High Court. SAPO officials implicated in the investigation have faced disciplinary action and as at current date, no officials implicated are still in the employ of SAPO.

(C) What is the current status of each incomplete investigation?


SAPO received correspondence from the Presidency on the 2nd October 2018 advising it that the SIU had concluded its investigations in respect of the above proclamations. Consequently, all investigations by the SIU have been completed, however, there are recommendations from the reports that still need to be finalised. The table below indicates the status of the various recommendations:




SAPO should approach the Auditor General for purposes of dealing with the irregular expenditure amounting to R 2 735

SAPO established a Financial Misconduct Committee (FMC) in 2015 and has since its inception led to a significant reduction in irregular expenditure.

This matter was not initially addressed, as the SIU report had not been shared with management in its totality. The FMC will in addition process this irregular expenditure for condonation with the Auditor-General, and also review the SIU Report in its entire in order to identify and strengthen

any control weaknesses

SAPO has submitted a the request for condonation to National Treasury. Further information required by National Treasury was provided including the fact that action was taken against the employees involved. SAPO still awaiting final outcome from National Treasury

The SAPO should approach the Auditor-

General for purposes of

SAPO established a Financial Misconduct

Committee (FMC) in 2015

SAPO has submitted a the request for

condonation to National

dealing with the fruitless and wasteful expenditure amounting to R125 187 961

and has since its inception led to a significant reduction in irregular expenditure. This matter was not initially addressed, as the SIU report had not been shared with management in its totality. The FMC will addition process this irregular expenditure for condonation with the Auditor-General, and also review the SIU Report in its entire in order to identify and strengthen

any control weaknesses

Treasury. Further information required by National Treasury was provided including the fact that action was taken against the employees involved. SAPO still awaiting final outcome from National Treasury.

The SAPO should approach the Auditor- General for purposes of dealing with the fruitless and wasteful expenditure amounting to R15 700 309.84

A submission was prepared and submitted to National Treasury for the condonation of this irregular expenditure.

National Treasury had acknowledged receipt of this application for condonation and requested for additional information is being provided through the


SAPO has submitted a the request for condonation to National Treasury. Further information required by National Treasury was provided including the fact that action was taken against the employees involved. SAPO still awaiting final outcome from National Treasury.

The SAPO should engage

the services of

The SAPO engaged

Werkmans Attorneys in

Policies are being

developed on the basis of

appropriate experts who would assist it in the developing policies and/or procedures relating to its relationships with its subsidiaries. These should include all aspects relating to the granting of loans by the SAPO to its subsidiaries

determining the processes and options that should be explored with respect to its relationship with CFG. That opinion is available. The process for the development of a broader set of policies and/or procedures to deal with intra-company transactions has


advice from experts and these will be completed in this third quarter.

The SAPO should take the necessary action to create and maintain a register to record the receipt of declaration of interest forms.

A file with all declarations of interest for Board members is kept, and copies of declaration of interests for staff is kept on employee’s personal files. Line managers has ensure completion of declaration forms and HR has commenced the development of a database for all declarations of interests across the organisation.

This should be reflected as complete, the recommendation has been implemented

The SAPO should take the necessary action to recover the placement fee

that was paid to Interim

Placement fee, Interim Consulting – SAPO Legal department assessing the

matter in terms of

Due to the time that it took management to be aware of the

recommendation the

Consulting in respect of the appointment of Mr Jacobs.

conscription and prospects of success.

matter had prescribed. Furthermore actual service was rendered by the employee concerned. There are no reasonable prospects of recovering

these fees.

The SAPO should consider entering into a Memorandum of Understanding or Intergovernmental Protocol with the Department of Home Affairs in order that the SAPO can verify and authenticate the identity numbers of all SAPO employees.

The recruitment policy was reviewed to ensure that all experience and education requirements are reviewed by HCM and the line manager prior to the advertisement being issued. Verifications are part of the interview process. Candidates completed affidavits in the interim to mitigate the risk, where verifications could not be done due to financial constraints. In 2018 as part of the SASSA process all management employees were vetted by State Security Agency. This is an on-going process.

SAPO will be meeting with department of Home Affairs to engage on a

memorandum of

This item should reflect as complete. Not only has SAPO considered the entering into an agreement with DHA, they actually have a working relationship with respect to the issue at hand. A MOU with Home Affairs is in the process of been completed and will be a holistic agreement taking into account all potential aspects for collaboration. That MOU should be concluded and signed by the parties in this third quarter 2019/20 financial year.


understanding in this regard to verify all ID numbers in the system. SAPO and Home Affairs already have an arrangement to verify ID Number and life status of all pensioners. Currently all ID number are verified during the recruitment process.


The SAPO should ensure that properly qualified, skilled and or/experienced staff are appointed in order to ensure that all data regarding the current SAPO immovable property inventory is kept up to date.

The skills required for this function are currently not at the required level as these employees are recruited from within SAPO. The skills development of employees within SAPO is underway and a process has started with the Services SETA to address these critical

skills development needs.

SAPO has appointed Broll Properties to assist in this regard including the transfer of skills. Currently all property inventory is up to date.

The SAPO in respect of the SAPO properties that are at present being leased or occupied by Telkom, take steps to:

After rental and utilities reconciliations Telkom has agreed to pay SAPO R60m.

Further reconciliation is being done to recover

Various engagements have been entered into with Telkom. The reconciliations have been concluded and each party is aware of the obligations

they have in regard to the

  • Finalise the reconciliation/audit of all outstanding amounts (including arrear property rates and taxes) due to the SAPO by Telkom and take the necessary action to collect any outstanding amounts in this regard (if


outstanding utilities since April 2017 from Telkom which is estimated at R11m.

properties. Therefore this item should be recorded as complete.

In the future ensure that the records pertaining to all rental properties are regularly updated and consolidated.

Signed lease schedules are now being submitted by Telkom and loaded onto the SAPO system for the collection of outstanding and future rentals. Currently SAPO has 29 signed lease Schedules out of the 118 have been received from Telkom and a follow- up meeting is being scheduled to discuss the

outstanding leases.

SAPO has appointed Broll Properties to assist in this regard including the transfer of skills. Currently all property inventory are up to date. This item should therefore be considered complete.


20 November 2019 - NW354

Profile picture: Weber, Ms AMM

Weber, Ms AMM to ask the Minister of Communications

What (a) number of official international trips is (i) she and (ii) her deputy planning to undertake in the 2019-22 medium term expenditure framework, (b) will the (i) destination, (ii) date, (iii) purpose and (iv) number of persons who will travel with the delegation be and (c) is the detailed breakdown of the expected cost of (i) flights, (ii) accommodation and (iii) any other expenses in each case?


I have been by the Department as follows:

Please see attached Annexure in response to the above-mentioned questions in relation to the 2019/20 period. For the periods from 2020/2021 period and beyond the Department is unable to provide the requested information. This is due to the fact that the Department is still in the process of reconfiguration and reviewing its policies and strategies, which includes reviewing all our existing international engagements.



13 November 2019 - NW340

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether (a) each artist who receives any form of payment from the SA Broadcasting Cooperation (SABC), first has to be registered with the SABC Pay Office under a unique artist number and (b) this number include the artist’s (i) full names including his or her stage name, (ii) ID number, (iii) tax number, (iv) postal address and (v) banking details; if not, why not; (2) does the Pay Office’s computerised pay system automatically reject payment to an artist who has a unique artist number and details on the claim form that do not correspond with the details kept under the artist’s artist number; if not, why not; if so, (3) why do the artists still need to provide certified copies of their ID numbers not older than 3 months when unique artist numbers are created; (4) whether she has found that the above red tape causes unnecessary delays in processing of repeat fees, which in turn leads to unnecessary expenditure for the SABC in the form of interest for late payment and to what extend has this procedure created fruitless and wasteful expenditure for the SABC; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised by the SABC as follows:

1. Yes, any individual and or company who receives payment from the SABC requires to be registered with the SABC either as an independent contractor through the payroll system or as a vendor and as a vendor they need to adhere to Treasury regulations. No actor that claims repeat fees from the SABC can be paid without being registered as an independent contractor.

2. Yes, the SABC uses a payroll system which has all the details of the individuals loaded on their artist number and claims are verified against this in the standard payroll system.

3. This is part of the SABC’s governance and internal controls processes. The SABC needs to verify the validity of the claim to ensure that a fraudulent claim is not submitted by an individual, getting hold of and using, the artist’s unique number. The two numbers (ID and artist number) are vetted by TV and then send to the SABC’s corporate shared services payroll to process payment (against the artist number).

4. No, the SABC’s verification process is not causing unnecessary delays in processing of repeat fees.  The documents are necessary to verify claims, i.e. it is a governance and internal control measure.  Fruitless and wasteful expenditure has not been incurred as a result of the verification processes. 

Fruitless and wasteful expenditure has been incurred due to interest levied on late or non-payment of service providers.  This was not because of the verification processes but because the SABC had no money to pay its service providers.  During FY2018/19 an amount of R81m was viewed as fruitless and wasteful expenditure owing to interest and penalties levied on late / non-payment



13 November 2019 - NW1402

Profile picture: Mphithi, Mr L

Mphithi, Mr L to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether, in light of the fact that the Republic faces some of the highest data and internet costs in the world and taking into account the role that the high data costs play in youth unemployment, her department has any plans or strategies to lower data costs; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of the plans or strategies?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

The Department has the following plans or strategies to lower data costs:

a) End User and Subscriber Service Charter Regulations (EUSSC): In response to the Minister’s Policy Direction on Price Transparency

The EUSSC regulations were first published by ICASA in August 2017, and the final regulations in February 2019.

The Regulations provide for:

  1. Notifications of service depletion to be sent to the end-user at set intervals (50%, 80% and 100%). All licensees to provide options to consumers to rollover unused data. This is to ensure that consumers do not lose unused data as is the current practice.
  2. All licensees are required to provide an option to consumers to transfer data to other users on the same network. All licensees are no longer allowed to charge consumers out-of-bundle rates for data when their data has run out without consumers’ specific prior consent.

b) Priority Markets in the Electronic Communications Sector: In response to the Minister’s Policy Direction on Lack of effective competition in the broadband market

Pursuant to the above policy direction, ICASA has since undertaken the following:

  1. Released a discussion document on the list of markets that are prone to ex ante regulation and recommendation on priority markets.
  2. Released a Findings Report which identified a list of markets that would require a market review process. The report specified, the wholesale fixed access, upstream infrastructure markets and mobile services as markets to be prioritised for market review.

c) Competition Commission’s Data Services Market Enquiry

Following consultation with the Minister of Economic Development, the Competition Commission has since undertaken a market enquiry on data services:

  1. The Data Services Market Inquiry was initiated by the Competition Commission in terms of Section 43B (2) of the Competition Act No. 89 of 1998 (as amended) in August 2017. The Competition Commission held public hearings on the data inquiry on 1 October 2018.
  2. The data market enquiry provisional findings released in April 2019, identified recommendations that provide immediate relief to high prices, especially for low income consumers, combined with initiatives to improve mobile price competition and greater alternatives to consumers over the medium term.
  3. The Competition Commission will release the final findings and recommendations towards the end of the 2019/2020 financial year.



13 November 2019 - NW555

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

What are the reasons the SA Post Office in Walmer, Port Elizabeth has been closed to the public, (b) on what date is the post office likely to reopen and (c) what happens to the mail and parcels of customers awaiting collection from the Walmer Post Office?


I have been advised by SAPO as follows:

a) The Walmer Post Office was closed following an armed robbery on 1 July 2019. All staff members with the exception of one employee were present when the robbery occurred and were booked off for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Customers were referred to the nearest post office, that is, Emerald Hill, which is 6 kms away as well as Central Hill, which is 3.7 kms away.

b) The Walmer Post Office opened on 19 August 2019 after staff were requested to return from sick leave where possible.

c) The mail was delivered to the Emerald Hill and Central Hill Post Offices depending on where customers resided and the Walmer Post Office was opened twice a week during the closure period to deliver parcels to customers.



13 November 2019 - NW304

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) Why has SA Post Office in Bluff Towers in Durban been closed to the public, (b) By which date is the specified post office likely to reopen to the public and (c) What has she found happened to the (i) mail and (ii) parcels awaiting collection at the Post Office? NW1270E


I have been advised by SAPO as follows:

a) The Post Office in Bluff Towers in Durban was closed because the landlord wanted a 6 months advanced rental and utility services payments before entering into an agreement. SAPO could not make the payments due to PFMA rules.

b) The intention is to reopen the outlet as soon as a suitable site can be found in the vicinity of the old Bluff Post Office.

c) (i)(ii) All mail items and parcels are delivered from the Jacobs Post Office which is approximately 3km away from the old site (Bluff Towers).




14 October 2019 - NW641

Profile picture: Mokoena, Mr L

Mokoena, Mr L to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether her department and /or any entities reporting to her contracted the services of certain companies (names furnished) if so, (a) what services did each company render, (b) what was the total monetary value of each contract, (c) what amount was paid to each contract, (d) what was the duration of each contract, (e)who signed off on each contract and (f) was each contract in line with the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999 and relevant departmental regulations?


I have been advised by the Departments and SOEs as follows:


Both Departments have not contracted the services of Forensic Data Analysts, Muvoni Technology Group, Muvoni Investment Holdings, Ideco or any of their affiliated companies.


Nemisa, BBI, USAASA, Sentech, ZADNA, SAPO and SABC have not contracted the services Forensic Data Analysts, Muvoni Technology Group, Muvoni Investment Holdings, Ideco or any of their affiliated companies.

SITA only contracted services of Forensic Data Analysts.

ICASA only contracted services of Muvoni Technology Group.

FPB only contracted services of Muvoni Technology Group.

  1. – (f)



Services Rendered


Total monetary value for each contract


Amount paid to each contract


Duration of contract


Who signed off the contract


In line with PFMA and relevant regulations

Maintenance and support of SAPS ROFIN, Spheron and Nikon products for SAPS

R31 437 095.70

R31 437 095.70

6 months

Blake Mosley-Lefatola, Chief Executive Officer


Maintenance and support of SAPS ROFIN, Spheron and Nikon products for SAPS

R15 718 547.85

R15 718 547.85

3 months

Blake Mosley-Lefatola, Chief Executive Officer


Maintenance and support of SAPS ROFIN, Spheron and Nikon products for SAPS

R16 583 067.96

R16 583 067.96

3 months

Blake Mosley-Lefatola, Chief Executive Officer


Maintenance and support of SAPS ROFIN, Spheron and Nikon products for SAPS

R11 055 378.64

R11 055 378.64

2 months

Freeman Nomvalo, Chief Executive Officer


Maintenance and support of SAPS ROFIN, Spheron and Nikon products for SAPS

R17 660 970.00

R17 660 970.00

Month to month (1 Sept 2013-30 Nov 2013)

Freeman Nomvalo, Chief Executive Officer


Maintenance and support of SAPS ROFIN, Spheron and Nikon products for SAPS

R153 788 818.08

R153 788 818.08

12 months

Freeman Nomvalo, Chief Executive Officer


Maintenance and support of SAPS ROFIN, Spheron and Nikon products for SAPS

R582 252 167.87

R582 252 167.87

5 years

Freeman Nomvalo, Chief Executive Officer


Maintenance and technical support of SAPS Firearms Permit Systems (FPS)

R20 297 345.03

R20 297 345.03

1 year

Marvin Sebela, HoD: Strategic Sourcing (Acting).




Services Rendered


Total monetary value for each contract


Amount paid to each contract


Duration of contract


Who signed off the contract


In line with PFMA and relevant regulations

Installation and Commissioning of Broadcasting Monitoring System



28 March 2013 to 30 September 2016

CEO: Mr. Themba Dlamini




Services Rendered


Total monetary value for each contract


Amount paid to each contract


Duration of contract


Who signed off the contract


In line with PFMA and relevant regulations

Credential verification services

R168.72 X7 Executive Competency assesments R9747 & R2924) (X1 Psycometric assesment R 9804) (X9 Credential vericfication R168.72)

R72 665.25

3 Years

ACEO: Ms Lillian Phahla




14 October 2019 - NW916

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

1. Whether the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) has been the subject of any investigation by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) in the period of 1 June 2014 to 30 June 2019; if so, what was the (a) subject and nature of each specified investigation and (b) any further relevant details? 2. Whether the specified investigations have been completed in each case; if not, what is the current status of each of the incomplete investigations; if so what was the outcome of the investigation in each case?


I have been advised by the SITA as follows:

Yes, SITA was the subject of an investigation by the SIU.

  1. (a) (i) Subject

1 (a) (ii) Nature of each Investigation

1 (b) Any further relevant details?

  1. Status of each Investigation

Proclamation No. R. 53, 2014

Investigate payments which were made by SITA (SOC) Ltd to IBM SA (PTY) Ltd, in terms of an agreement dated 30 April 2013, concluded between IBM SA (PTY) Ltd and SITA, for the period 08 September 2012 and 01 August 2014.

Alleged tender irregularities and non-compliance with PFMA as well as supply chain management prescripts


Pending Investigation

Proclamation No. R. 15, 2015 (Amendment)

Investigate contracts concluded with IBM SA (PTY) Ltd / SITA (SOC) Ltd, iFirm Consulting (PTY) Limited/SITA (SOCT) Ltd for the procurement of goods or services for itself or for and on behalf of State Institution; and payments made to such institutions for the period 03 August 2012 to 17 March 2015.

Alleged corruption, tender irregularities and non-compliance with PFMA as well as supply chain management prescripts


SITA went to court against iFirm Consulting (PTY) Limited based on the report received from SIU. SITA successfully, set aside the agreement.

Proclamation No. R32, 2017

Amendment to Proclamation No. R.7 of 2014, amended by Proclamation No. R.599 of 10 July 2015 extending the period of the Proclamation to the date of publication this Proclamation, to 06 October 2017.

Substituting paragraph 2 of the Schedule of the Proclamation.

Proclamation No. R. 7, 2014 as amended. Alleged tender irregularities and non-compliance with PFMA as well as supply chain management prescripts


Pending Investigation

Proclamation No. R. 599, 2015 (Amendment)

Amendment to Proclamation No. R.7 of 2014 extending the period of the Proclamation to 10 July 2015.

Substituting paragraph 2 of the Schedule to the Proclamation.

Proclamation No. R. 7, 2014 and R32 of 2017 as amended. Alleged tender irregularities and non-compliance with PFMA as well as supply chain management prescripts


Pending Investigation



14 October 2019 - NW343

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Communications

What was the rationale for the implementation of the State Information Technology Agency Transversal Contract 2007/2015 for the provision of printer consumables, (b) what promotional marketing efforts were undertaken to invite prospective service providers to apply for the contract’s preferred supplier list, (c) why was sufficient opportunity not given to prospective service providers to tender for the contract, (d) why is the contract being implemented so late in its scheduled term and (e)(i) which companies are on the preferred suppliers list for the contract, (ii) in which province do they operate and (iii) what criteria were applied to select them?


I have been advised by the SITA as follows:


(a) The rationale was to afford new service providers an opportunity to respond to the bid, new brands to be added and afford an opportunity to existing service providers to add additional provinces to their offerings.

Secondly, to get Government volume discount from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and to support the transformation in the ICT sector by developing existing and new suppliers/partners through training, certification, accreditation and SMME incubation. This includes skills transfer to partners/resellers to build skills base in the ICT sector.

(b) RFB 2007/2015 was published through an open market on 04 December 2015. The bid was published in the following platforms:

  • Government Tender Bulletin
  • National Treasury portal
  • SITA Website

In terms of the Treasury Regulations, bids are published in Government Tender Bulletin and in any other media. So SITA website was used as an additional media for advertisement.

(c) The bid was published on 04 December 2015 and closed on 29 January 2016 and the advertisement was prior to the annual closure period. The Vendor Briefing Session was held on 10 December 2015. The minimum period for advertisement of bids is 21 days and the bid was published for more than 21 days.

(d) SCM received a tasking from the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) on the 13 November 2014. SITA embarked on extensive stakeholder consultations to ensure the strategic approach of economic transformation was all encompassing, which resulted in a delay in publishing the bid. The specification was developed by SITA and approved by DPSA. An open tender process was used for sourcing the required solution. A competitive bidding process allowed bidders in the market to participate and compete fairly.

(e) (i) and (ii) A detailed list of accredited suppliers per province and brand is attached as Annexure A

(iii) SITA evaluated RFB 2007/2015 as follows:

  • Screening of mandatory documents
  • Technical Evaluation
  • Mandatory Requirements
  • Price Evaluation/Mark up %



14 October 2019 - NW611

Profile picture: Mokoena, Mr L

Mokoena, Mr L to ask the Minister of Communications

What (a) total amount has (i) her department and (ii) each of the entities reporting to her spent on (aa) cleaning, (bb) security and (cc) gardening services in the (aaa) 2017-18 and (bbb) 2018-19 financial years, (b) amount was paid to each service provider to provide each specified service and (c) total mount was paid to each of the service providers?


I have been advised by the Departments and SOEs as follows:



(b) & (c)

DTPS Entities:

(a) (ii) Entities

(aa-cc) Services Rendered

(aaa) 2017-18

(bbb) 2018-19



R474 072.51

R430 605.56



R716 049.95

R1 067 762.05







R6 418.12

R95 455.40



R313 045.34

R322 380.10







R678 672.87

R1 096 749.38



R764 413.51

R1 750 976.73



R14 750.00

R20 650.00



R4 324 098.91

R4 545 512.18



R15 477 947.57

R14 617 214.00



R551 582.45

R549 863.33



R7 813 707.26

R3 550 716.09



R18 546 017.02

R18 534 970.58






Cleaning & Gardening

R11 664 273

R11 260 278.26



R125 266 999.97

R387 837 961.07



R60 000.00

R60 000.00











(b) (c)


Service Provider


2017/18 2018/19


17/18 18/19


2017/18 18/19

Total Amount


Masana Hygiene Service

R48 368.96


R48 368.96


Neledzi Cleaning Services

R317 994.88


R317 994.88


Walking Tall Trading & Projects

R107 708.67

R430 605.56


R538 314.23


Rise Security Services


R311 760.35

R1 067 762.05

R1 379 522.40


Usendo Security & Cleaning Services


R404 289.60


R404 289.60


Mode Security Pty Ltd


R333 240.65


R333 240.65


Bamogale Security Services


R112 269.04


R112 269.04




R5 597.18


R5 597.18




R2 536.00


R2 536.00


Fidelity Security Services


R181 782.57


R181 782.57


Bidvest Steiner


R3 323.52


R3 323.52


Thole Events Management & Projects


R68 000.00


R68 000.00




R25 000.00


R25 000.00


Nsuku Integrated Hygiene

R5 550.00


R5 550.00


Bidvest Prestige Cleaning

R28 766,23

R14 383,16


Abasemonti Cleaning and Garden Services

R21 300,00

R24 850,00


Baduscope (Pty) Ltd


R42 860,50


Ipigogo Spring cleaners and trading

R2 700,00



Masello Ngoako & Associates


R27 655,46


Masana Hygiene Services CC

R320 086,61



Momacha Trading CC

R254 866,50

R628 656,07


Nindzy's Contractor services CC


R88 599,75


Phiwami Ulpholstery and Services


R47 196,00


Relaele trading (PTY) LTD

R4 789,50

R33 526,50


Supercare Service Group Polokwane

R27 302,21

R16 702,67


Supercare Service Group Richards Bay

R18 861,82

R40 532,17


We can do it Transport & Projects


R47 900,04


Yonwabeli Mzansi Cleaning


R83 887,06


Bidvest Prestige Cleaning

R28 766,23

R14 383,16


Servest Security

R322 578,98



Azifani Security and Cleaning services (Pty) Ltd


R405 145,10


Mafoko Security Patrols


R516 099,81


Mamafha Protection services(Pty) Ltd


R53 852,34


National K9 Security Service


R3 288,00


Rianah Access Systems Security Solutions

R48 689,40

R29 316,25


Rise Security Services

R387 018,33

R656 706,44


Rosdea Security Services


R28 167,50


Supreme Range General Suppliers CC


R53 199,00


Alfa Security

R6 126,80

R5 202,29


Ngwelezani cleaning services


R14 750,00

R20 650,00



Steiner Services Edms Bpk

R63 314.53

R30 489.41


R93 803.94


Steiner Service

R15 414.48



R15 414.48


Isikhonyani Cleaning (Pty) Ltd

R19 582.07

R73 997.69


R93 579.76


Fidelity Supercare Cleaning Service

R14 537.04

R39 302.00


R53 839.04


Sry Environmental Pest Control & Pro

R2 060 938.88

R3 631 892.54


R5 692 831.42


Steiner Service


R216 207.60


R216 207.60


Steiner Hygiene

R148 882.80



R148 882.80


Steiner Services

R11 342.34

R23 226.00


R34 568.34


Cleancor- A division of Servest

R88 327.72



R88 327.72


Staza Cleaning Services


R465 689.65


R465 689.65


Health Care Cleaning

R1 766 651.28

R1 125 802.90


R2 892 454.18


Tsebo Solutions Group

R71 438.04

R62 977.76


R134 415.80


Mamulo Trading & Projects

R83 145.24

R27 271.64


R110 416.88



R3 384 573.53

R150 855.45


R3 535 428.98


Khayalami Services

R1 017 018.20

R1 254 232.38


R2 271 250.58


Ssg Cleaning Pty

R151 980.00

R1 254 232.38


R303 960.60


Abaphumeleli Trading

R105 125.81

R91 866.90


R196 992.71


Texinox Investment

R285 863.81

R12 105.00


R297 968.81


Nontlahla Civil Building & Cateri

R759 727.58

R753 437.96


R1 513 165.54


Kwagga Holdings Pty

R984 484.80

R991 974.84


R1 940 459.64


Lnv Logistics

R520 485.20

R806 752.04


R1 327 237.24


Eyenu Holdings Pty

R147 440.00

R600 216.50


R747 656.50


Fholisani Projects


R750 000.00


R750 000.00


G4S Cash Services (SA) Pty


R55 959 561.80

R93 598 570.11

R149 558 131.91


Excellerate Services t/a Enforce


R1 407 162.29

R1 584 504.97

R2 991 667.26


Fidelity Security Services


R39 839 932.24

R263 457 794.04

R303 297 726.28


Distinctive Choice 447 CC


R1 645 584.46

R1 540 994.99

R3 186 579.45


Mabotwane Security Services


R12 811 907.43

R10 710 017.19

R23 521 924.62


JCM Security Joint Venture Pty Ltd


R3 073 143.36

R2 868 693.82

R5 941 837.18


Fidelity Cash Solutions Pty

R10 529 708.39

R14 077 385.95


R24 607 094.34



Note: Sentech and SITA questions (b and c) are attached as Annexure A and B

ZADNA has a permanent employee that is appointed for the cleaning services. The security and gardening services are included in their rental amounts.


DOC has not spent any amount on cleaning, security and gardening.

DOC Entities

(ii) ICASA

Services rendered


Number of Years









R 1,917,100.51




R 2,188,855.70


cc) Gardening services

Not Applicable-It is the land-Lord responsibility as per the lease agreement.




2017-18 Financial year

Supplier name

Total Amount

Bidvest Steiner

407 094.75

DKZEE Cleaning Services

72 272.16

Kusile Hygiene and Industrial

39 801.15

Matsapa Trading 749

52 800.00

Milestones Izagaba Trading Ent

85 029.56

Neledzi Cleaning Services (Pty

1 014 021.03

Prestige Cleaning Services

49 583.60

Red Alert TSS (Pty)LTD

48 714.78

Super Clean

104 686.56

Grand Total

1 874 003.59

(aa) Cleaning

2018-19 Financial year

Supplier name

Total Amount

Bidvest Steiner

65 969.72

DKZEE Cleaning Services

100 245.97

Impact Cleaning CC

345 167.46

Kusile Hygiene and Industrial

79 583.77

Limcapri Homecare Services

29 881.18

Milestones Izagaba Trading Ent (Mpumalanga)

76 079.08

Monabo Hygiene Services

346 781.62

Neledzi Cleaning Services (Pty

627 688.71

Quintax Cleaning Services(Limpopo)

109 663.10

Red Alert TSS (Pty)LTD

90 093.85

Super Clean

137 355.59

Grand Total

2 008 510.05

(bb) security

2017-18 Financial year

Supplier name

Total Amount

Analytical Risk Mng t/a 2 RM S

1 878 059.46


1 443.00

Defensor Electronic Security S

7 757.55

Fidelity ADT

17 551.30

Stallion Security (Pty) Ltd

12 289.20

Grand Total

1 917 100.51

2018-19 financial year

Supplier name

Total Amount

Analytical Risk Mng t/a 2 RM S

1 978 131.47

Defensor Electronic Security S

4 830.00

Fidelity ADT

30 794.39

Modise Protection Services cc

175 099.84

Grand Total

2 188 855.70

(cc) gardening services

ICASA didn’t spend any amount on Gardening service as this service are provided by the landlord in line with the lease agreement.

(c) The amount paid to each service provider is the same figures as per (b) response.


The Film and Publication Board did not procure cleaning, security and gardening services in the financial year 2017-18 and 2018-19.









14 October 2019 - NW246

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether the Freelance Contract for Performers announced by the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) on 27 August 1997 between the SABC and actors is the final, legal and binding contract; if not, what legislation was put in its place; (2) Whether production companies are altering contracts at will; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what steps is the SABC taking to ensure that the correct contract is used at all times; (3) Whether the contract may be amended without prior written approval by the SABC; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) Why do actors allegedly not receive remuneration in line with the 15% received by producers and 10% received by writers in the commercial exploitation of programmes when sold to other television stations; (5) Whether the SABC has agreed to negotiate the fee in giving effect to clause 7.2 of the actors’ contract; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, why does the SABC not agree with the proposal of the SA Guild of Actors to at least set the actors’ portion at 15 %?


I have been advised by SABC as follows:

  1. Yes, the Freelance Contract for Performers of 27 August 1997 between the SABC and actors is indeed the final, legal and binding contract.
  2. No, production companies are not altering contracts at will, however, should any alterations be required those will be effected after agreement between the SABC and affected company. 
  3. No alternations may be made without the SABC’s consent. The SABC issues the performers’ agreement and advises specifically that clauses 5 and 7 cannot be altered without prior approval of the SABC. [Clause 5 and 7 are attached]
  4. The payment of actors is prescribed in clause 7 of the Agreement in question. The SABC is merely adhering to the percentages set out in the agreement.
  5. There is no new agreement in place and the SABC is complying with the stipulated payment of 2%. The SABC can enter into new negotiations but it would have to be with all representatives in the Industry and not only with SAGA.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


25 September 2019 - NW474

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

1. What reasons did a certain official (name and details furnished) give for resigning; 2. Whether she has found that there was no undue political interference in the specified person’s decision to resign; if not; (a) will the alleged undue political interference be investigated and (b) what action will be taken against persons found to have been involved in the alleged exercising of the undue political interference in the specified person’s decision to resign? NW1466E


I have been advised by SAPO as follows:

  1. The erstwhile Post Office GCEO, Mr Mark Barnes, mainly cited the ultimate separation of the shareholding, control and management of Postbank and SAPO as his main reason for his resignation. He reasoned that the decision goes against the agreed strategy for SAPO business model founded on a diversified revenue strategy.
  2. The resignation letter does not indicate that undue political interference was the reason for the resignation. (a) and (b) are therefore not applicable.




25 September 2019 - NW735

Profile picture: De Villiers, Mr MJ

De Villiers, Mr MJ to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether her department hosted any event and/or function related to its 2019 Budget Vote debate; if so, (a) where was each event held, (b) what was the total cost of each event and (c) what is the name of each person who was invited to attend each event as a guest; (2) whether any gifts were distributed to guests attending any of the events; if so, (a) what are the relevant details of the gifts distributed and (b) who sponsored the gifts?


1. No.

(1)(a), (b) and (c) Not applicable

(2) No

(2)(a), (b) and (d) Not applicable


Ms Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams


25 September 2019 - NW915

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the Broadband Infraco (BBI) has been the subject of any investigation by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) in the period of 1 June 2014 to 30 June 2019; if so, what was the (a) subject and nature of each specified investigation and (b) outcome of each such investigation? 2. Whether the specified investigations have been completed in each case; if not, what is the current status of each of the incomplete investigations; if so what was the outcome of the investigation in each case? NW2069E


I have been advised by the BBI as follows:

BBI was not the subject of an investigation by the SIU.