Questions and Replies

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29 September 2023 - NW2535

Profile picture: Breedt, Ms T

Breedt, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

1. With reference to SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) Card Replacement Distribution Plan that has been prepared by a team from Postbank, that will serve as a framework upon which the roll-out of the SASSA card replacement programme will be undertaken throughout the Republic, (a) what are the details of the plan, (b) (i) on what date and (ii) how will the details of the specified plan be communicated to (aa) SASSA beneficiaries and (bb) the public in general, (c) what steps have been put in place to ensure that the Postbank does not run out of cards and (d) what steps will SASSA beneficiaries take to ascertain when they are due for an upgrade. 2. Whether he will make a statement on the matter?


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29 September 2023 - NW2896

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(a) What (i) total number of post offices have had to shut their doors since the day the Gauteng North High Court granted the rule nisi order in the SA Post Office provisional liquidation case on 2 June 2023 and (ii)(aa) are the names and (bb) is the location of each office and (b) where will the the SA Social Security Agency grant recipients who are affected by the closure of their post office collect their grants?


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29 September 2023 - NW2934

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital

Technologies: [% 552] [Question submitted for oral reply now placed for written reply because it is in excess of quota (Rule 137(8))] Whether, in light of the circulating reports that the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) journalists in Limpopo and other provinces film and edit news stories with their personal cellphones, the SABC media personnel have all the necessary equipment to execute their job; if not, what are the details of the shortages; if so, what are the relevant details?


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29 September 2023 - NW2847

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether he, in collaboration with the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure will reduce the number of SA Post Offices (SAPO) that are leased and/or operate offices of SAPO out of properties owned by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) to reduce expenditure; if not, why not; if so, what (a) number of offices are operating from properties owned by the DPWI and (b) are the details in this regard?


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29 September 2023 - NW2668

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

1. Whether the SA Post Office has identified the non-core properties that will be sold as part of its realignment project, if not, what is the position in this regards, if so, 2. Whether he will furnish Ms T Bodlani with a list of the properties that have already been identified; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 3. What is the expected revenue from the sale exercise?


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29 September 2023 - NW2667

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(a) What is the budgeted amount needed to improve mail and parcel revenue which will need a fleet of 453 vehicles to be sourced, (b) what budget is available to the SA Post Office (SAPO) in each financial year to reduce the vehicle backlog requirements, (c) how will the sourcing of vehicles affect the finances of SAPO and (d) where will SAPO received the budget to fund the specified vehicles?


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29 September 2023 - NW2666

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(a) What total number of employees of the SA Post Office (SAPO) have taken the Owner Driver Scheme offer and creation of Employee-Owned Companies in order to reduce the current workforce headcount in each province and (b) how has the specified project impacted service delivery of SAPO?

29 September 2023 - NW2600

Profile picture: Luthuli, Mr BN

Luthuli, Mr BN to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether his department has any plans to go paperless in the near future; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Department intends to go paperless as it already has an approved digital transformation strategy which involves digitising its administrative business processes which are department wide as well as its core business processes. This journey towards a paperless organisation is intended to be implemented in a phased approach partnering with SITA and based on resource availability.

Thank You


21 September 2023 - NO514

Profile picture: Gumbu, Mr TT

Gumbu, Mr TT to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(a) What are the strategic resolutions that the Republic can leverage on from the series of meetings he hosted with BRICS Ministers of Communications from 31 July to 4 August 2023 (details furnished) and (b) how will the strategies help to tackle head-on the triple challenges that continue to confront the Republic? NO3353E


The BRICS Ministers Meeting and other related meetings took placed from 31 July to 4 August 2023. The DCDT also convened a Business-to-Business engagement (B2B Dialogue) that focused on digital infrastructure roll-out that promotes universal connectivity, investment in digital skills and capacity building, and establishing a thriving digital economy. The B2B Dialogue was inclusive of over 105 participants including multinationals and SOEs. The main outcome related to cooperation and collaboration in investment in Digital Inclusion to achieve universal connectivity and universal access to Telecommunication/ICT services. The declaration is made available for anyone interested.

(b) There are specific areas of cooperation in the form of collective action, in research and development, skills transfer, exchange of knowledge and best practice as it relates to policy formulation and implementation that was agreed to.

Thank You.

21 September 2023 - NO520

Profile picture: Tambo, Mr S

Tambo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What are the reasons that the SA Broadcasting Corporation constantly reverts to sub-licensing agreements with a certain company (name furnished) when it comes to broadcasting major sporting events that could generate revenue for the entity? NO3359


As a public broadcaster, the SABC is expected to broadcast national sports events as provided for in the ICASA Sports broadcasting regulations. When right holders’ sell Free to Air (FTA) rights to a subscription / pay television broadcaster, the SABC is forced to sub-licence these rights from the broadcaster to fulfill its mandate. This, unfortunately, often comes with inflated pricing and with additional restrictive and possibly anti-competitive conditions.

Thank You.

21 September 2023 - NO519

Profile picture: Tambo, Mr S

Tambo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What is the practical and step-by-step plan of his department to resolve the problems of access to internet connectivity in the Republic?


    1. Cabinet approved the revised SA Connect Phase 2 model and implementation plan which connects both Government and communities.

      The approved model is based on a partnership between SITA, Broadband Infraco and Sentech. It includes implementation via the social obligations in the new licensing plan of high demand spectrum, with Departments being responsible for maintenance thereafter.

      The step-by-step targets for each category are as follows:

      1. SITA will connect Government Sites (National and Provincial Departments – including the South African Police Service) and excluding schools and clinics (unless they are part of the existing broadband initiatives). Over the next 3 years:
      SITA will connect at a minimum of 10 megabits per second (Mbps) a total of 14 742 Government sites as well as 949 libraries and Thusong Centres

      Existing budgets from line departments must be utilised for maintenance and the extension of services provided by SITA.

      2. Telecommunication companies through the ICASA-awarded High Demand Spectrum licenses will be mandated as part of their Service Obligations within 36 months to provide 10Mbps (uplink and downlink), uncapped and upgradable for the same duration that the entities are licensed to utilise the spectrum broadband services to connect a total of:
      • 18 520 schools
      • 1764 pitals and 3967 clinics
      • 567 libraries and Thusong centres; and
      • 8241 Traditional and Tribal Authority centres

      3. Broadband Infraco and SENTECH will provide broadband infrastructure to enable more broadband connection possibilities at a minimum of 5 Mbps, positively affecting 5 830 208 households over the next 3 years, as follows:
      • 840 Open Access Base stations
      • 33 539 community Wi-Fi hotspots to connect 5 830 208 households
      • 1 600 households using a very small aperture terminal (VSAT) connections in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Northern Cape mountainous areas

      Thank You.

21 September 2023 - NO502

Profile picture: Mthembu, Ms AH

Mthembu, Ms AH to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Noting that the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) has reported to only have R234 million remaining from the R3,2 billion bailout funds that it received from the National Treasury, what (a) are the relevant details of the total amount of the used funds that have been directed towards the commercialisation of the SABC for profit maximisation and programmes attached to such funds and (b) plans are in place to mitigate against declining revenue as a result of a decline (details furnished)?


The SABC was allocated an amount of R3.2 billion in 2019 to fund initiatives outlined in its approved Turnaround Plan, aimed at transforming its financial sustainability status. More specifically, these funds were intended for the settlement of trade and other payables, investment in fresh and compelling content as well as funding long-term capital expenditure projects and partnerships crucial for monetizing and commercializing SABC Television, Radio and Digital platforms.

The investment in content was therefore vital for increasing audiences across all SABC platforms on TV, Radio, Digital and Sport to drive revenue performance. As of 31st March 2023, the SABC spent a total of R1.1 billion out of the allocated R1.2 billion from the bailout specifically designate for content investment aimed at driving commercialization of platforms and ultimately enhancing the profitability for the public broadcaster. Unfortunately, the investment in content efforts by the SABC did yield desired results towards the commercialisation of the SABC for profit maximisation.

The R1.2 billion that was allocated to Content was used to fund 196 properties across the following genres mainly: Drama, Entertainment, Children, Religion, Education, and Documentaries. The SABC indicated that it was difficult to commercialise newly acquired content successfully and extracting profits from it. Although some of the popular dramas and entertainment properties yielded significant profits, the SABC has advised that new dramas that were premiered, did not meet expectations towards profit maximisation. Regarding the investment in Capex projects and their potential to contribute towards profit maximisation, the SABC indicated that this will only be evident in years to come.

The projects funded from the bailout funding were a combination of projects to start the journey towards digital transformation and some critical projects to replace aging technology infrastructure. These were almost all major and complex projects that not only required open tender processes following the compilation of complex specifications, but the project rollouts are all multiyear in nature with benefits that can only be tracked post project handover.

The newly appointed Board has developed a Revenue Improvement Plan that is expected to protect and attract current and new audiences respectively to safeguard the current revenue base and improve financial performance over the short-medium to long term period. The plan cannot be attached due to its commercial sensitivity implying that the details of the plan cannot be shared as part of this response.

Thank You.

29 August 2023 - NW2195

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

With reference to his reply to question 1210 on 19 May 2023 and the costs associated with the upgrade of the Digitech website, (a) what is the name of the company, entity and/or person to whom the contract was awarded to redesign the website, (b) who are the directors and/or members of the entity that was awarded the specified contract, (c) what specifications and/or requirements were required in the design, (d) what is the purpose and function of the new website, (e) what was the justification for the cost of almost R 750 000 for redesigning the website and (f) what are the reasons that an outside service provider was appointed instead of the State Information Technology Agency that designed the original website?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(a) No external service provider was awarded the contract, as SITA was tasked by the DCDT to develop the website.

(b) No external service provider was awarded the contract, as SITA was tasked by the DCDT to develop the website.

(c) All requirements for the solution have been included in the User Requirement Specification (URS).

(d) The purpose of DigiTech is to collect data about digital products developed in South Africa with the aim of supporting the products’ technology enablement and promote and expand their adoption and use. Through DigiTech, the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies seeks to promote SA-developed digital products in other markets whilst facilitating partnerships with other countries on the co-promotion of local technologies (source:

(e) The development of the website included the following key items:

• Project Management
• Infrastructure Provisioning Requirements and Software Upgrade o Upgrade of the O/S
• Upgrade of Application software
• Commissioning of the beta environment at CFI
• Development (analysis, design, and testing)
• User Requirement Specification
• Conceptual Solution Architecture
•Developing the DigiTech according to the URS
•Updating the Digitech website with the new theme
• Testing o Technical Testing
• UAT and Sign-off
• Implementation o Vulnerability assessment scans

(f) SITA was tasked by the DCDT to develop the website

29 August 2023 - NW2227

Profile picture: Tambo, Mr S

Tambo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether he will elaborate in a comprehensive manner the bases of the predicted revenue increase for the SA Post Office of an average annual rate of 4.7% per cent, from R5.5 billion in the 2021-22 financial year to R6.3 billion in the 2024-25 financial year, which he alluded to in the recent debate on Budget Vote 30; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


The revenue budgets for the SA Post Office are contained in the Corporate Plan. In determining the revenue budgets in the Corporate Plan the following aspects were taken into consideration:

• Current revenue
• Current cost
• Revenue projects and initiatives
• Cost containment projects and initiatives
• Revenue tariff increases
• Inflationary increases

The budget is as per the Corporate Plan 2023/24FY is indicated below:

05 July 2023 - NW1039

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communication and Digital Technologies

What (a) total number of persons left the SA Broadcasting Corporation in the past three financial years and (b) were the reasons for doing so? NW1149E


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30 June 2023 - NW2181

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

1. Whether he will furnish Ms T Bodlani with a list of (a) government departments and (b) entities with bank accounts in the Postbank; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 2. Whether he will furnish Ms T Bodlani with a list of services that the Post Bank provides to the specified government departments and entities that are currently utilising the services of the Post Bank; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 3. Which government departments and/or entities have pledged to bank with the Post Bank?


(1)(a)(b) The Protection of Personal Information Act No. 4 of 2013 (POPI Act), specifically Section 11, prohibits the dissemination (disclosure) of personal information about data subjects (entities or individuals) without their consent.

(2) Services rendered to government and entities transacting with Postbank include:

• Disbursement of net stipends/wages to Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) participants.

• Disbursement of social grants to beneficiaries of social subsidies through the Special Disbursement Account.

• Collection of municipal rates and taxes

• Banking (opening accounts) the unbanked EPWP participants to enable disbursement through a bank account.

• PQ2181 Ms T Bodlani (DA) to ask Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(3) There is no government department and/or entity that has pledged to do business with Postbank. However, it is in Postbank’s strategy to expand its services to other Government departments and entities.

Thank You.

30 June 2023 - NW2155

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Considering that in his Budget Vote speech in 2023 he reiterated that the aim of his department is to enhance connectivity to government facilities such as schools, health facilities and government offices with high-speed internet access which would, in turn, enable them to serve as connectivity hubs for their users and surrounding communities, and noting that he committed to connecting 1,7 million households with broadband connectivity by the end of the 2023-24 financial year, what (a) progress has been made in fulfilling the specified aim since his commitment and (b) total number of households have been connected with broadband connectivity to date?


a) The commitment aims to enable 1.7 million households to access internet services by expanding infrastructure, which will be utilized by partnering Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide metered internet services.

• The deployment of infrastructure to provide access has not yet commenced. In May 2023, the Treasury confirmed accessibility to the allocated funds, and the process to finalize the disbursement of funds has begun.

• Currently, the appointment of professional service providers for detailed network designs is underway. These designs will facilitate households in accessing broadband services through public Wi-Fi.

• Negotiations with third-party site owners who possess locations where BBI intends to share the infrastructure are currently underway. Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) are still being negotiated, and drafts are circulating with continuous engagement with servitude owners to familiarize them with the project.

• Appointment of equipment suppliers, installers (SMMEs) to facilitate infrastructure roll-out is underway, in addition, engagements are underway with ISPs/ WISPs/ MVNOs to gather requirements.

• The development of the commercial model for partnerships with ISPs is underway.

a) Total number of households connected with broadband connectivity to date?

There are no households that have been provided access to internet access to date.

Thank You.

30 June 2023 - NW1725

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What steps has the Government taken thus far in bringing to book the persons who were found to be responsible for using the monies that were intended for implementing a turn-around strategy at the SA Post Office (SAPO) for consumption instead of investing it in infrastructure and modernisation, something which has been a contributing factor in the decline of the SAPO and its eventual provisional liquidation?


Government has over the years embarked on several interventions to get the South African Post Office (SAPO) back on track and these include a total of R7.3 billion cash injection between 2016 and 2019 during the tenure of the former Group CEO. Unfortunately, despite all the previous Government interventions, SAPO’s recovery has been slow. The entity continued battling to generate enough revenues to fully meet its monthly financial obligations. SAPO’s past management battled to swiftly make capital investments and modernise the entity. They kept maintaining operations under difficult financial challenges and accumulated debts in the process. The past funding allocations which were intended to invest in the turnaround strategy ended up being depleted by operations and debts as the severity of the financial challenges intensified.

No one was brought to book for the non-investment of monies to implement a turnaround as the usage was linked to the cashflow situation. The funds were utilised for operating activities, repayment of terms loans and creditors as the severity of the cashflow situation at SAPO intensified. The situation was exacerbated by the entity’s outdated operating model with high-cost structures. We do acknowledge that better management decisions should have been taken

30 June 2023 - NW1422

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether his department has put any plan in place to review the funding model of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa to (a) include self-funding hybrid provisions and (b) align the required funding in relation to the benefits derived from the digital strategy of the Republic; if not, what is the position in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


No, the Department currently has no plan in place to review the funding model of ICASA. Further, ICASA has not submitted a proposal for a revised funding model.

Thank You.

30 June 2023 - NW603

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to priority two in her performance agreement with the President of the Republic, Mr M C Ramaphosa, she is on track to complete the specified target by the set date; if not, why not; if so, (a) by what percentage has her department reduced unemployment, (b) what total number of jobs has her department created, especially for the youth, (c) what economic growth has her department been able to achieve and (d) what growth in levels of investment has her department achieved?


The Department is finalising a research study that will serve as the basis for the Cost to Communication review model and/or plan for the 2022/2023 annual accounting period. The study will provide the required information for the construction of the review model and/or plan, which will be completed at the end of 2023/2024 financial year.

(a) The Department has been focusing on SMME development programmes as well as skills and training development. Through collaborations and partnerships, the department has successfully created a DigiTech Platform which allows various SMMEs within the ICT Sector to digitally showcase their products and services. This initiative was aimed at promoting home-grown technological solutions and innovation. Seventy of the SMMEs were supported to virtually showcase their innovation during the Dubai Expo 2022. To date, the platform hosts about 80 SMMEs.

Employment between 2021 and 2022 in the telecommunications sector increased by 12 255 (46%); in the broadcasting sector it increased by 118 (3.43%). There was, however, a slight decline of 1 571 (8.5%) in the postal sector. The net contribution of these sectors to new employment created was approximately 10 800 jobs. By the end of March 2023, there was a total of 52 640 jobs created.

(b) The Department in partnership with NEMISA has successfully implemented the Cell Phone Repairs Training Programme across the Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Northern Cape, North West and Limpopo provinces. The three weeks long hybrid training benefited and registered over 100 SMMEs. Beneficiaries of the programme were given toolkits to kickstart their businesses. Further, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) training by .ZADNA is ongoing and has benefited 1200 SMMEs and non-SMMEs to create access to the ISP market across all 9 provinces including 4 correctional service (Boksburg, Mndansani, Groenpunt and Newcastle). 626 of the beneficiaries were women and 574 were men with the majority being youth.

Mechanisms to measure the impact from the Department’s initiatives in terms jobs as well as impact on the vulnerable groups, however, are being developed and will be captured going forward and reports will be made available.

(c) According to the ICASA State of the ICT Sector Report in South Africa, in 2021 the ICT sector grew by R 243.6-billion in revenue. This was up from R243-billion in 2020. The broadcasting service revenue increased by 2.8% i.e. R 36-billion and the postal service revenue increased by 11.1%, from R 5.6-billion in 2020 to R6.6-billion in 2021. The overall sector increased by 4.3%.

(d) The ICASA State of the ICT Sector Report in South Africa states that the total investment emanating from the telecommunication sector was R 33 970-billion, with mobile communication services totalling R 17 251-billion, followed by infrastructure investment of R 8,5-billion. The fixed (wired) broadband services stands at R 3,9-billion while the rest of investment is on expansion of networks (R1,1 billion), maintenance (R 1,1-billion) and R 78-million on fixed telephone services..

Thank You.

30 June 2023 - NW2263

Profile picture: Siwisa, Ms AM

Siwisa, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

In light of the continued talks about the 4th industrial revolution and how the level of communication within society is fast depending on technology, what are the details of the (a) collaborations she has undertaken with the Department of Basic Education to introduce technological ways of promoting teaching and learning in schools and (b) schools that will be using technological ways of teaching and learning, with specific reference to township schools and schools in rural areas?


(a) The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies has collaborated with the Department of Basic Education to introduce technological ways of promoting teaching and learning in schools. By issuing policy direction to the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) during the Covid-19 pandemic to release temporary spectrum license to telecommunications operators, an obligation was put in place to provide broadband connectivity for 17 months from the date of implementation during the 2021/2022 financial year. A virtual classroom solution was developed at 17 (seventeen) schools where laptops were given to all Grade 12 learners as well as teachers at these schools. The virtual classroom solution had the following items:-

• Wireless microphone;
• Video Camera;
• Smart Board;
• LED Monitor/Display with Webcam;
• 24” Monitor;
• Collaborative Learning Management Software;
• Learning Management Software;
• Video Platform; and,
• Tracking software on learners and teachers’ devices.

Out of these seventeen (17) schools, 5 were in the Eastern Cape, 2 in the North West, 3 in the Northern Cape, 2 in Limpopo, 1 in Kwa-Zulu Natal, 2 in the Free State, and 2 in Mpumalanga.


1. The seventeen (17) schools which received the virtual classroom solution were either in townships or in rural areas of South Africa.

2. In the 2021/22 financial year, Broadband Infraco (BBI) provided connectivity, including Wi-Fi and Telematics (IT related) training, at Mhlanganisweni Technical High School in the Port St Johns Municipality in the Eastern Cape. The Telematics facility done in partnership with the University of Stellenbosch.

3. As part of the SA Connect Phase 1 programme, the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies provided broadband connectivity (including Wi-Fi) to 596 public schools in South Africa. Also, under the Universal Service and Access Obligation for 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz, 4770 public mainstream schools and 140 special needs schools in South Africa were provided with broadband connectivity by mobile network operators.

4. Services are scheduled to be rolled out to 18 520 public schools nationally, under the SA Connect Phase 2. License Spectrum Service Obligations Stream will be done by the various Telcos, namely Telkom, Vodacom, MTN, Cell C, Liquid Intelligent Technologies, and Rain Networks. ICASA is finalising the terms and conditions of these obligations with the relevant stakeholders to ensure that these obligations are implemented.

Thank You.

30 June 2023 - NW2194

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether he will consider amending the regulations to allow companies such as Starlink to operate within the Republic, where it is in the public interest to be exempted from the 30% equity requirement (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2491E


The 30% equity to be held by historically disadvantaged groups as enunciated in the regulations is derived from section 9(2)(b) of the Electronic Communications Act (Act No. 36 of 2005) as amended. On this basis, the regulations giving effect to the provisions of the Act, cannot be amended until the ECA is amended.

Any interested party, including Starlink can engage the Regulator to seek advise on operations in South Africa.

|As a Department, we welcome partners and investors to develop and invest in the sector and economy; and appeal that they comply with regulations for the sector.

Thank You.

29 June 2023 - NW1398

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1) What are the (a) names of each small-, medium- and micro-enterprise (SMME) that was contracted for the rollout of set-top boxes in line with the Broad Digital Migration of the Republic and (b) amounts for which each SMME was contracted;


(1) Sentech has issued 1 090 appointments to 825 installation companies in different provinces. Some were appointed in different provinces due to capacity.

(1)(a) Names of appointed companies is attached hereto as Annexure A.
(1)(b) Companies are contracted at R450 per successful completed installation for Value Added Tax (VAT) registered companies and R390 non-VAT registered companies.

(2)(a) See Annexure A attached

(2)(b) See Annexure B attached. The defaulting SMMEs have either corrected their conduct and performance or in some instances their contracts were cancelled.

Thank You.

29 June 2023 - NW1875

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Ms MD

Hlengwa, Ms MD to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether illegal acts, which compromise state security and the relations of the Republic with other states are executed without the knowledge of the Government as upon his ascension as Chairperson of the National Conventional Arms Control Committee that no arms to Russia were approved by the Republic and that, if any weapons were loaded onto a vessel to Russia, it was done so illegally; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?



PQ1875 (NW2126E)

The above question relates to claims that were made by the US Ambassador R. Brigety on the 10th May 2023 that a Russian Vessel Lady R which had come to offload equipment for the South Africa National Defence Force (SANDF) at Simonstown Navy Dockyard, had loaded Arms from South Africa and that these were destined for Russia.

The South African Government responded that this was not the case, it emphasised that no arms to the knowledge of the Control Authority of South Africa was authorised for such a transaction/transfers.

The NCACC which is the Controlling Authority for Conventional Arms Control in South Africa has not authorised any transfers to Russia since 2020 and this would rule out such transfers being authorized

Further, the Presidency issued a statement in this regard, stating that given the seriousness of such claims and the negative implications for South Africa’s International standing the President will appoint a Judge (retired) to investigate this matter. This is where we find ourselves regarding whatever claim has been made about the alleged transfers of arms to Russia.

On the 29 May 2023, a 3 Person Panel was been appointed by the President Ramaphosa, headed by Judge Phineas Mojapelo (retired). The panel is currently hard at work in order to bring this matter to its ultimate conclusion within its mandate. The Panel has been granted a six (6) week period to conclude its investigation.

It is perhaps prudent that the investigation headed by the Judge be granted to run its course in order pronounce a competent outcome, that would settle the matter with an informed ruling.

Thank You.

26 June 2023 - NW1834

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1) With reference to his reply to question 1034 on 4 May 2023, in which three members of his department were involved in irregular expenditure, what (a) were the (i) total amounts of irregular expenditure and (ii) relevant details of the specified irregular expenditure and (b) exact disciplinary action was taken against each of the three persons involved; (2) whether any of the three persons’ cases have been referred to the National Prosecuting Authority and/or SA Police Service for investigation into potential criminal conduct; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in this regard? NW2085E


(1) (a) (i) R 5 374 133,60

(ii) Two officials did not follow the Supply Chain Management (SCM) Policy and National Treasury Instruction note and one official did not follow the Human Resources (HR) policy.

(b) One official was charged with misconduct and was issued with a final written warning. He lodged a dispute at the General Public Service Sector Bargaining Council (GPSSBC) and received an award. The Department is currently studying the award.

The second official had transferred to another Department before the investigation was concluded. The Department has since written to the Employee’s Department to inform them of the irregular expenditure, in terms of the Public Service Act No. 103 of 1994. They are now studying the documentation to determine if disciplinary action should be taken.

The third official received a verbal warning for not following HR Policies.

(2) The cases were not referred to National Prosecuting Authority or SA Police Service for investigation because it was determined by the Department that there was no fraud, corruption and/or criminal conduct perpetrated.


Thank You.

26 June 2023 - NW1690

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether she will furnish Mr M Bagraim with a comprehensive breakdown of the procurement allocation of (a) her department and (b) every entity reporting to her in terms of the percentages allocated to (i) small-, medium- and micro-enterprises, (ii) cooperatives, (iii) township enterprises and (iv) rural enterprises with a view to evaluating the effectiveness of the set-aside policy of the Government in fostering an inclusive and diverse economic landscape (details furnished) in the (aa) 2021-22 financial year and (bb) since 1 April 2023?


(a) Department of Communication and Digital Technologies:
(i) The percentage of SMMEs procurement breakdown for the year 2021/22 for black-owned companies was 51%. Women and youth were 31.11%.
(ii) 0%
(iii) 30%
(iv) 30%
(aa) 51%
(bb) 30%

(b) The response from the entities is attached as an Annexure.

Thank You.

26 June 2023 - NW1431

Profile picture: Tambo, Mr S

Tambo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Communication and Digital Technologies

What (a) total amount is owed by South Africans for television licences and (b) proposals has he put in place to ensure that the television licence model for revenue collection by the SA Broadcasting Corporation is replaced by a model that works? NW1526E


a) A total of 9.2 million accounts has outstanding balances valued at R44.2 billion. These balances comprise of unpaid invoices and penalties levied for non-payment over several years. At least 5.6 million accounts have been handed over for external debt collection.

b) In terms of the South African Broadcasting Corporation SOC Ltd Bill 2022 that was approved by Cabinet on 29 November 2022 for the submission to Parliament for processing, the DCDT is proposing that the television licence model be replaced with the household fee model. Pending the legislative changes, the DCDT will continuously engage with the SABC and Treasury to examine the options for the necessary reform and enhancement required of the current TV licence system to properly provide for the funding requirements of SABC and the most appropriate collection, enforcement systems and a timeframe for implementation.

Thank You.

26 June 2023 - NW1037

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1) How does he intend to address the digital divide in the Republic, particularly in rural areas and disadvantaged communities, and ensure that all citizens have access to affordable, high-quality broadband services. (2) What initiatives does he intend to implement to (a) encourage the growth of the local technological sector and (b) promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital economy? NW1147E


1) To address the digital divide in the Republic, the Department is driving implementation of the SA Connect Phase 2 programme aimed at ensuring affordable and universally accessible broadband nationally to meet the diverse needs of public and private users, including consumers and citizens. The SA Connect Phase 2 programme comprises three connectivity streams:

• Community and Household connectivity.

Broadband Infraco and Sentech will deploy core and access network infrastructure (840 Open Access Base stations, 33 539 community Wi-Fi hotspots and 1 600 VSAT connections in mountainous areas in Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, and Northern Cape provinces. Local Small Medium Micro Enterprises (SMMEs), Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs)

will lease capacity from BBI and Sentech and provide connectivity to targeted 5 830 208 households and through 33 539 Community Wi–Fi hot spots, with the applicable metering and support.

  • • Government Connectivity

SITA is responsible for connecting at a minimum of 10Mbps (total of 14 742 government sites) utilizing existing budgets from line departments for maintenance and the extension of services provided by SITA.

  • • Universal Service Obligations connectivity.

Mobile Network Operators (Telcos) who received IMT spectrum through the recent auction are responsible for the deployment of the USO as per the ITA (Invitation to Apply) conditions. Telcos are required to connect the following facilities:

  • • 18 520 schools
  • • 1764 hospitals and 3967 clinics
  • • 567 libraries and Thusong centres
  • • 8241 traditional and tribal authority centres

(2) As part of their capabilities to deliver, the entities will use existing and new SMMEs and empower new sub-contractors for the programme. Sub-contractors will be sourced from the local communities where the construction will take place. Opportunities exist in route survey, network design, wayleaves, quantity surveys, fibre installation, last mile connections, points of presence (pop) construction, satellite equipment and service provisioning.

The project is estimated to provide employment opportunities for skilled professionals and semi-skilled labour.

The estimated number of SMME opportunities required for the programme are 75 companies for Core Network build, Access Network Service Providers, and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) / Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs).

26 June 2023 - NW1835

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Regarding employees of his department working from home since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, what (a)(i) total number of officials are still working from home and (ii) is the reason for this and (b)(i) total number of officials in the entities reporting to him are still working from home and (ii) is there a reason for this? NW2086E


(a)(i) None. All officials of the Department are working from the office.

(a)(ii) Not applicable

(b)(i) All employees at USAASA, FPB and zaDNA are working from their offices.

SITA, SABC, ICASA, NEMISA, Sentech and Postbank indicated that they are applying a hybrid model which allows employees to combine in office and remote working, that is, 2 or 3 days working in the office and the other days working from home.

50% of the employees at BBI are allowed to work from the office at a time. SAPO has indicated that 201 of their employees are working from home.

(b)(ii) BBI stated that it moved offices from Woodmead to Radiokop and due to the office capacity only 50% of the staff complement can be accommodated at a time. All employees are fully equipped with data and laptops to work productively from home.

SITA stated that the decision for the hybrid model was based on their commitment to ensure that employees have a healthy work-life balance and excel in their performance within the organisation.

ICASA stated that an opportunity had risen to make ICASA more adaptable and find new ways to still deliver on its mandate while promoting employee wellness through creating flexible working arrangements. The employment of the hybrid work model was in line with government guidelines on managing exposure to occupational diseases in the workplace. The hybrid model is in a form of work rotation plans that is enforced for all employees. The employees are on site to ensure that customer facing services are not adversely affected in terms of service delivery.

Currently, the Postbank occupies a SAPO building that is not conducive to housing employees due to poor maintained such as lifts not functioning, poor hygiene and space constraints. Postbank is seeking its own suitable premises that are conducive to housing employees, for those who prefer working in an office.

NEMISA indicated that remote working was as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Subsequently, it opted to implement hybrid work requiring employees to work from the office and from home on certain days. This was done based on the observation that employees remain productive when they work either from the office or from home. NEMISA recognises that the correct use of technology enables work to be carried out at any given location. Thus, the merely availability of technology and work tools enable hybrid work.

Sentech adopted to implement a hybrid working model which is a combination of office and remote working. It determined that this was the most sufficient way in managing resources and output. Further, it found that this was the best way in creating a healthy work environment. This model will be reviewed from time to time.

With effect from November 2021, SABC employees returned to the office and implemented a new way of working wherein employees work on a hybrid model. Employees are only required to come to the office three days a week and each division utilises its own discretion to determine the rotational roaster. This is to promote a productive working environment for employees.

SAPO has provided the following as the reasons why these employees are working from home:

  • • Building not hygienic (non-compliance to OHSA), presents a health risk
  • • Lifts and air conditioning defective
  • • Employees have tools of trade to work from home.
  • • Most sites are affected by loadshedding with no alternatives available.
  • • Outdated tools of trade i.e., computers, printers, etc.
  • • Nature of work does not require employees to be in office to perform functions.


Thank You.

26 June 2023 - NW1837

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

1. Whether, following reports of a bloated structure at the Film and Publication Board (FPB), he will furnish Ms T Bodlani with a list of all positions of persons employed at the FPB that are of a low and/or high managerial level; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 2. Whether the FPB has any outstanding payments of any (a) employee benefits, (b) pay-as-you-earn tax and/or (c) other statutory deductions; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the (i) relevant details and (ii) total amounts in each case? NW2088E


1. The structure of FPB has a total of 115 funded positions, 96 positions are filled and 19 are vacant. Attached is a spreadsheet of all positions.

2. a) No outstanding employee benefits

b) No outstanding PAYE

c) No outstanding statutory deductions

Thank Yo

26 June 2023 - NW1946

Profile picture: Hlonyana, Ms NKF

Hlonyana, Ms NKF to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether she has been informed that there are families living in rural KwaZulu-Natal without addresses who cannot be reached through normal postal services; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Minister and the Department have not been informed of any families living in rural KwaZulu-Natal without addresses who cannot be reached through normal postal services.

However, the process of address roll-out in KZN was hampered by the South African Post Office’s (SAPO’s) lack of materials and tools of trade (paint, vehicles, and other related materials) during the 2019/2020 financial year.

To mitigate these challenges, the SAPO address rollout team provided communities with their addresses in writing and requested the community to then “put up” their addresses themselves.

The team continued with community education on how to use the allocated numbers. Community leaders were also provided with the SAPO contact numbers to call should there be new houses in their areas The SAPO team experienced challenges in some areas where it was refused access by the Chief and other circumstances, and in Zululand only. The team provided the SAPO contact numbers should they require any further assistance.

Areas where access was denied include:

1. The Gcothoyi Tribal Authority Chief in Kranskop who refused to allow the address rollout because he did not agree with the pay rate for field workers.

2. At Dondotha Village, KwesakaMthethwa Tribal authority in the Empangeni area was affected by the high risk of vehicle hijackings.

The Chief was aware of the challenges, but the process could not be completed despite it already having begun.

team still attends to all address enquiries when received, however due to the financial challenges experienced at SAPO, there is no current address rollout plan. The address roll-out plan will be prioritised as soon as SAPO is stabilised and fully operational, especially in rural communities.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW907

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)Whether he will appoint the existing staff in his office; if not, will he take his staff from his previous portfolio with him; if so, (2) whether he will furnish Ms T Bodlani with a full breakdown of all his staff in his personal office with reference to, (a) the positions they occupy, (b) their salary bands and (c) their highest qualifications; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. No. This information is not available at the moment. It should be noted that the changes to the Cabinet announcement was made on 6 March 2023 and staff appointed per term of office of the incumbent executive authority or Deputy Minister will only terminate at the end of the first month after the month in which the term of that executive authority or Deputy Minister terminates for any reason. (Regulation 66 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016)

2. This information will be available after 1 May 2023 when appointments in the office of the Minister have been finalized.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW244

Profile picture: Kohler-Barnard, Ms D

Kohler-Barnard, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communication and Digital Technologies

Whether with regard to the forensic audit that was initiated by the former Minister of Communications, Ms D Pule, in 2013 and conducted by Specialised Security Group on Mismanagement at the SA Post Office, she will furnish Ms D Kohler with the (a) forensic report and its findings and (b) report of the Special Investigating Unit on the non-resolution of the forensic audit report and its findings; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


The SIU Investigation report was commissioned by the President via a Proclamation. The Presidency is, therefore, the owner of the SIU Investigation Report. The Member of Parliament is advised to formally write a letter to the President on this matter.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW1034

Profile picture: Kohler-Barnard, Ms D

Kohler-Barnard, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)Whether his department has taken any action against those who were implicated in irregular expenditure from 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2022; if not, why not; if so, what total number of employees have been (a) found to have incurred irregular expenditure and (b)(i) dismissed and (ii) criminally charged; (2) what are the consequences for any individual who takes part in corrupt activities and/or misconduct within his department?


1. Yes

a) Three (3) and the fourth one is underway.

b) (i) Nil (0)

c) (ii) Nil (0)

2. Individuals are subjected to a disciplinary hearing.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW906

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Ms T Bodlani

(1) What (a) plans have been put in place by his department to ensure that he has a smooth transition after the Cabinet reshuffle and (b) will be his main priorities during his tenure in his portfolio; (2) whether he will be completing the targets as set out in the performance agreement that was signed by the former Minister, Ms K P S Ntshavheni at the start of her term; if not, will he be signing a completely new agreement with new targets; if so, what are the relevant details?


  1. The Executive Committee of the Department met with the Minister on 7 March 2023 (a day after changes were made to the National Executive) to brief the Minister on the work of the department. The Minister has since been engaging with key stakeholders in the sector.
  2. Ministerial Performance Agreements (MPA) are based on the commitments in the State of the Nation Address and selected priority actions from the 2019 - 24 Medium Term Strategic Framework. Each MPA contains a set of specific targets backed by measurable performance indicators to be achieved over the 5- year electoral period, the purpose of which is to put the country on a positive path towards our national development goals and objectives.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW888

Profile picture: Kohler-Barnard, Ms D

Kohler-Barnard, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)Whether his department had developed an integrated Government programme of action (POA) on addressing violence against women, children and persons with disabilities; if not, why not; if so, by what date will the specified POA be implemented; (2) whether his department has developed a framework for women, youth and persons with disabilities to participate in the Information and Communication Technology sector; if not, why not; if so, by what date will the specified framework be implemented?


1. The Department has developed a response to the NSP on GBV and it is being implemented in partnership with the State-Owned Entities and stakeholders.

2. The department has developed a framework for women, youth and persons with disabilities to participate in the Information and Communication Technology sector and it will be implemented by March 2024

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW847

Profile picture: Tambo, Mr S

Tambo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether he has been informed that the SA Broadcasting Corporation will face significant operational challenges as a result of a board not being appointed for over four months; if not, why not; if so, (2) Whether he has communicated the impact of the delay to Cabinet; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


  1. Yes, the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) provided a list of matters that require the Board’s approval and the impact thereof. Hence the Ministry wrote to the Minister of Finance, requesting approval for the CEO to be designated as the Accounting Authority in the absence of the Board in terms of section 49(3) of the Public Finance Management Act. Thought the National Treasury granted the approval, the CEO declined to be designated as the Accounting Authority.
  2. No, because the process of appointment of the SABC Board neither requires approval of, nor consultation with, Cabinet.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW585

Profile picture: Kohler-Barnard, Ms D

Kohler-Barnard, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communication and Digital Technologies

1. With reference to amounts owed by the SA Post Office (SAPO) to their medical aid (Medipos) on behalf of its employees, what (a) total amounts are currently owed by SAPO to Medipos and (b) are the further, relevant details in this regard; 2. (a) what are the relevant details of the amount(s) owed to Medipos that have been written off by SAPO and/or intends to be written off by SAPO and (b) which person(s) and/or member(s) of the board of trustees took the decision to write off the specified amounts?


1. (a) A total amount of R561,667,106 is currently owed to Medipos.

(b)This amount is historical debt, there is no current amount outstanding, SAPO is up to date with Medipos payments.

2. (a) No amounts have been written off by SAPO. SAPO has previously requested the Medipos members to consider writing off the historical debt owed.

(b) No decision to write off any amounts has been taken. Currently Medipos has been placed under curatorship.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW485

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What are the relevant details of the status of the roll-out and implementation of the second phase of SA Connect that will be rolled out using the State Information Technology Agency, Broadband Infraco and Sentech over the next 36 months?


The revised South Africa Connect Phase 2 model focuses on the following three pillars:

  • Community and Household connectivity by Broadband Infraco (BBI), Sentech and Internet Service Providers (ISPs);
  • Universal Service Obligations to connect schools, health facilities and traditional authorities by Mobile Network Operators; and
  • Government connectivity to connect government facilities by the State Information Technology Agency (SITA).

Governance structures involving key stakeholders have been established to guide and monitor the implementation of the programme. The governance structures include the Project Steering Committee and Project Team. The Project Steering Committee is chaired by the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies and include the leadership from the DCDT and implementing entities (BBI, Sentech, SITA, Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA). The Project Team is comprised of senior managers and technical teams from the DCDT and implementing entities.

The DCDT has engaged various stakeholders at National, Provincial and Local Government levels to discuss the project and solicit input in terms of sites that require connectivity.

Community and Household Connectivity

BBI and Sentech are responsible for rolling out infrastructure using various technologies (fibre, wireless and satellite). The local SMMEs, ISPs and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) will lease capacity from BBI while Sentech will provide connectivity to those households and 33 000 community Wi-Fi hot spots with the applicable metering and support.

The Department applied for funding to National Treasury (NT) through the Budget Facility for Infrastructure (BFI) process. National Treasury has since approved R3 billion capital expenditure funds to implement the programme over the MTEF. Engagements are underway with National Treasury regarding the availability of funds to enable the project team to finalise the implementation plan. Relevant details are as follows:

  • High level core and access network technical designs for the fibre, Transmission and Internet Protocol (IP) network components are completed for all 9 provinces. Procurement processes to appoint equipment suppliers, installers (SMMEs) have commenced. Owners of key third party sites that are essential to deploy infrastructure have been identified.
  • Engagements with ISPs have commenced to understand their broadband delivery model and how they can effectively participate in the SA Connect programme to support the overall objectives of connecting communities and households.

USAASA has funded the rollout of 412 sites in the Northern Cape (NC) and Eastern Cape (EC), i.e. Pixley Ka Seme (112) and OR Tambo districts (300) respectively. 110 sites have been connected with the required infrastructure (45 in NC and 65 in EC). Work is underway to connect the remaining 302 in the 2023/24 financial year.

Connectivity to Government Facilities

SITA to connect at a minimum of 10Mbps (total of 14 742 government sites) utilising existing budgets from line departments for maintenance and the extension of services provided by SITA. To date 3767 government facilities in the Eastern Cape, Gauteng and Western Cape provinces facilities are connected and there are ongoing engagements with other provincial departments.

Universal Service Obligations (USO)

ICASA has imposed USOs on Mobile Network Operators (spectrum licensees) who were recently assigned International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) spectrum through an auction as per the Invitation to Apply (ITA) i.e. 18 520 schools; 1764 hospitals; 3967 clinics; 567 libraries and Thusong centers and 8241 traditional and tribal authority Centres.

Engagements are underway to finalise site lists with traditional authorities. ICASA is engaging with spectrum licensees to finalise the allocation of the social obligations connectivity. The licensees will develop roll-out plans after the conclusion of ICASA’s engagements.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW459

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What (a) is the salary of each (i) chief executive officer and (ii) top executive position in each state-owned entity reporting to her and (b) total amount does each get paid to attend a meeting?


The entities have advised as follows:

1) South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)

a) The salaries of the Chief Executive Officer and the top Executives in the Corporation are outlined in the table below.



Total Package


Group Chief Executive Officer

R 5 735 155.92


Chief Operating Officer

R 3 512 790.00


Chief Financial Officer

R 3 348 730.44


Group Executive: Radio

R 2 900 000.04


Group Executive: News & Current Affairs

R 2 801 848.56


Group Executive: Legal Governance & Regulatory

R 2 484 216.72


Group Executive: Video Entertainment

R 2 430 831.48


Group Executive: Sales

R 2 534 839.44


Chief Digital Officer

R 2 787 956.52


Group Executive: Human Resources

R 2 534 839.44


Chief Audit Executive

R 1 500 675.00

b)  None of the Executives are paid to attend any meetings where they represent the SABC.

2) South African Post Office (SAPO)

  • a) The below table reflects the total annual remuneration for the Chief Executive Officer and the respective Executives.


Total Package


Chief Executive Officer

R 3,950,000


Chief Financial Officer and Acting COO for part for the year

R 3,824,906

  • b) Executives at the SA Post Office are not paid to attend meetings.

3. South African Postbank (Postbank)

a_ The salaries of the Chief Executive Officer and the top Executives in the Corporation are outlined in the table below.



Total Package


Interim Chief Executive Officer

R 5 049 993


Chief Risk Officer

R 3 258 439


Chief Human Resources Officer

R 3 000 000


Acting Chief Financial Officer

R 1 702 974


Acting Chief Commercial Officer

R 1 080 603


Acting Chief Information Officer

R 1 096 146 (6 months)


Acting Chief Audit Officer

R 1 869 732

b) The Postbank Chief Executive Officer and Executives are not remunerated to attend meetings.

4. Sentech

a) The below table reflects the total annual remuneration for the Chief Executive Officer and the respective Executives.



Total Package


Chief Executive Officer

R 3 329 513.42


Chief Financial Officer

R 3 000 000.00


Chief Operating Officer

R 3 072 799.55

b) The CEO and top executives do not receive any payment for attending meetings.

5. Broadband Infraco (BBI)

a) The below table reflects the total annual remuneration for the Chief Executive Officer and the respective Executives.



Total Package


Acting Chief Executive officer

R 2 997 978,91


Executive: Compliance Risk and Audit

R 1 676 462,66


Acting Chief Technical Officer

R 1 534 819,71


Acting Chief Marketing and Sales Officer

R 1 484 077,52


Acting Executive Human Resources

R 1 099 639,93

b) The Chief Executive Officer and Executives are not remunerated to attend meetings.

6. State Information Technology Agency (SITA)

a) The below table reflects the total annual remuneration for the Chief Executive Officer and the respective Executives.



Total Package


Interim Managing Director (Chief Executive Officer)

R 3 823 465.36


Chief Financial Officer

R 2 575 000.00


Executive: Application Development and Maintenance

R2 252 334,53


Executive: Corporate and Digital Strategy

R2 000 000,00


Executive: Human Capital Management

R2 000 000,00


Executive: National Consulting

R2 987 192,00


Executive: Service Management

R2 080 000,00


Executive: Supply Chain Management

R2 152 800,00


Executive: Internal Audit

R2 434 367,03


Executive: IT Infrastructure Services

R2 825 680,00


Executive: Governance, Risk, Compliance and Integrity

R2 117 075,05


(i) The Interim Managing Director (Chief Executive Officer) contract ended on the 27th of July 2022 and an Acting Managing Director (Acting CEO) was appointed from then onward. The Interim Managing Director (Chief Executive Officer) salary was R 3 823 465.36.

b) No additional payments for attendance of meetings.

7. National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa (NEMISA)

a) The below table reflects the total annual remuneration for the Chief Executive Officer and the respective Executives.



Total Package


Chief Executive officer

R 1 739 785.11


Acting Chief Financial Officer

R 1 221 273.60

(b) NEMISA does not pay any of the employees mentioned above (CEO and Acting CFO) for attending meetings.

8. Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA)

a) The below table reflects the total annual remuneration for the Chief Executive Officer and the respective Executives.



Total Package


Acting Chief Executive Officer

R 1 768 713


Acting Chief Financial Officer

R 1 308 051


Acting Executive Manager: Corporate Services

R 1 308 051


Acting Executive Manager: Operations

R 1 308 051


Executive Manager: Strategic Planning and Performance Management

R 1 518 069

b) The Executives do not get paid for any meetings.

9) Films and Publications Board (FPB)

a) The below table reflects the total annual remuneration for the Chief Executive Officer and the respective Executives.



Total Package


Chief Executive Officer

R 1 919 662


Chief Financial Officer

R 1 771 664


Executive: Corporate Services

R 1553 000


Executive: Regulatory Development & Enforcement

R 1 806 262


Executive: Technology Support & Platform Monitoring

R 1 878 519

b) The Film and Publication Board’s (FPB) Executives have no additional remuneration offered when attending meetings as they are employed full-time.

10) ZA Domain Name Authority NPC (.zaDNA)

a) (i) The chief executive officer (CEO) of ZADNA earns a total cost to company package of R1,838,575.

(ii) Other than the CEO position, ZADNA does not have any other top executive positions.

b) The CEO of ZADNA does not receive any additional remuneration for attending internal stakeholder engagement sessions.

11) Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA)

a) The below table reflects the total annual remuneration for the Chief Executive Officer and the respective Executives.



Total Package


Chief Executive officer

R 2,667,343.00


Executive: Licensing and Compliance

R 1,891,777.00


Executive: Engineering and Technology

R 1,891,777.00


Executive: Policy Research and Analysis

R 2,029,548.12


Executive: Regions and Consumer Affairs

R 2,020,195.32


Executive: Corporate Services

R 1,891,777.00


Executive: Legal and CCC

R 1,891,777.00

b) Not applicable, as these executives are appointment on a five-year contract.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW751

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(a) Whether his department has built capacity to address cybercrime and promote cybersecurity; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:- 

Cybercrime is the mandate of law enforcement agencies with the Cybercrimes Act 19 of 2020 being the primary and most recent piece of legislation in this regard. The Department has a peripheral role with regards to cybercrime in that acts of cybercrime reported to the Department are routed to law enforcement agencies.

With respect to cybersecurity, the Department has established in 2016 and subsequently operationalised a national Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), namely the Cybersecurity Hub, as per the National Cybersecurity Policy Framework (NCPF) of 2015. The Cybersecurity Hub under the department has a specific mandate to act as the national CSIRT responsible for the private sector and citizens. The Cybersecurity Hub delivers various services including inter alia incident coordination, cybersecurity assessment and advisory services, cybersecurity awareness building and collaboration with private sector industry bodies tasked with issues of cybersecurity.

With respect to promoting cybersecurity the following specific initiatives were and are being undertaken: simulation exercises that improve the coordination of incident response capability at a national level; development of a cybersecurity toolkit for small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMMEs), which is freely available; and development of a cybersecurity schools toolkit for teachers, parents and learners which is freely available.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW750

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether the Digital Economy Framework and/or strategy for the Republic has been developed; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will it be developed; if so, what are the relevant details?


Yes. The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) has developed the draft Digital Economy Framework and Strategy and it is currently undergoing final internal consideration and comments, before being submitted to the new Minister for his consideration and Cabinet for approval and publishing in the Government gazette for public comments and consultation with the broader South African society and industry.

The relevant details will only be shared after Cabinet approval.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW749

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether his department is on track to complete the Cost of Communication review model and/ plan by 31 March 2023, if not which date will this be completed, if so, what are the relevant details?


a) No. The Department is finalising a research study that will serve as the basis for the Cost to Communication review model and/or plan for the 2022/2023 annual accounting period. The study will provide the required information for the construction of the review model and/or plan, which will be completed at the end of 2023/2024 financial year.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW748

Profile picture: Kohler-Barnard, Ms D

Kohler-Barnard, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether there has been any discussion between his department and the SA Post Office (SAPO) to lower the salary of the Chief Executive Officer of SAPO; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Yes, there was a discussion to lower the salary of the SAPO CEO during the process of appointment of the current CEO. The approved salary was lowered by R523 000 as compared to the salary of the previous CEO of SAPO due to the financial constraints of the organisation.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW605

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(a) What percentage of the population currently has access to the internet and (b) Where is the Republic currently ranked in Africa with regard to the price of 1G of data? NW676E


a) [1]The General Household Survey (GHS) 2021 data from Statistics South Africa illustrates that 77,5% of South African households had at least one person who had access to or utilised the internet in places such as their homes, places of employment, places of study, internet cafés, or public hot spots.

b) [2]According to the Research ICT Africa Policy Brief, South Africa's data prices are excessively high in comparison to other African nations. South Africa offers has the most expensive mobile data in the region and ranked 34th out of 47 countries in the Research ICT Africa Mobile Pricing (RAMP) Index for 2021 Quarter 3.

Thank You.

  1. STATISTICAL RELEASE P0318 General Household Survey 2021

  2. Research ICT Africa Policy Brief f [3] [December] [2021]

04 May 2023 - NW587

Profile picture: Kohler-Barnard, Ms D

Kohler-Barnard, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communication and Digital Technologies

1. Whether she will provide clarity on her Postbank activation drive to Struisbaai where decoders and televisions were handed out; if not, why not, if so, what (a) total number of televisions and decoders were handed out and (b) was the total cost of each television and decoder. 2. What (a) total number of individuals that they interacted with signed up for Postbank services and (b) are the relevant details of the (i) project partners and (ii) terms and conditions of the specified deal?


1. The Postbank has been on a countrywide drive to promote its service offerings as it gets ready to play the role of a State Bank. Additional to the support provided to the Postbank at Struisbaai, the former Minister conducted oversight monitoring of the distribution of decoders by SAPO and installation thereof by Sentech to registered households towards fulfilling ConCourt judgement of June 2022.

a) Decoders were distributed to qualifying registered households and five (5) 32 Inch Integrated Television sets were donated to deserving poor households.

b) The cost of the IDTV is estimated at R3500.

2. (a) Through this activation, the Postbank generated 429 leads (individuals who provided their contact information for marketing/ solution purposes). The leads are being analysed and engaged for conversion by the acquisition team.

b) This was exclusively a Postbank initiative from an execution standpoint. The campaign was part of Postbank’s ongoing brand and product awareness efforts and to also promote financial literacy and education as part of Postbank founding mission.

Thank You.

04 May 2023 - NW586

Profile picture: Kohler-Barnard, Ms D

Kohler-Barnard, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communication and Digital Technologies

1. What are the relevant details and reasons for management deducting staff medical aid contributions from employees, but not paying it over to the medical aid provider. 2. whether management intends to continue with the specified practice; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; 3. what (a) dates and/or periods have medical aid benefits and cover for SA Post Office employees been cut and/or suspended over the past three financial years, as a result of nonpayment of medical aid contributions by management and (b) are the full, relevant details in this regard?


1. The SA Post Office financial position has been dire as expenses have continued to exceed revenue resulting in unfunded losses. SA Post Office has continued to manage its expenses prudently resulting in the loss position not worsening. Staff costs is the primary cost driver at 69% of total expenses with revenue unable to cover the total staff cost. The monthly salaries have been prioritised, however, cash flow has been insufficient to pay medical and other statutory expenses in full.

2. The funding and implementation of the Post Office of Tomorrow strategy will improve operational and financial performance.

3. Partial payment of medical aid contributions commenced April 2020. A total amount of R561,667,106 is currently owed to Medipos. This amount is historical debt, there is no current amount outstanding, SAPO is up to date with Medipos payments.

Medical aid benefits for Medipos were suspended from 1 October 2022 to 13 October 2022, and then reinstated on 14 October 2022. The other medical aid schemes (Bonitas, Discovery and Sizwe) were suspended in November 2022 due to non-payment of October 2022 contributions. The suspension was lifted after payment was made in January 2023 for the outstanding three months, October to December 2022.

Medical aid benefits were suspended once more in February 2023 due to non-payment of January and February 2023 contribution. These contributions were paid 8 March 2023. The number of employees affected differs on a month-to-month basis depending on membership numbers, at approximately 10,975 active employees + 1,740 pensioners = 12,715 principal members.

Thank You.

21 April 2023 - NW80

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What are the details of the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacturer, (d) cost and (e) purchase date of all the official vehicles purchased for (i) her, (ii) the former Minister, (iii) the Deputy Minister and the (iv) former Deputy Minister since 1 June 2019?


(i) Minster:

(a) Make : NA

(b) Model : NA

(c) Year of manufacturer : NA

(d) Cost : NA

(e) Purchase date : NA

ii) Former Minster:

(a) Make : Audi

(b) Model : Q5

(c) Year of manufacturer : 2022

(d) Cost : R 726 469-25

(e) Purchase date : 10/01/2022

(iii) Deputy Minster:

(a) Make : NA

(b) Model : NA

(c) Year of manufacturer : NA

(d) Cost : NA

(e) Purchase date : NA

(iv) Former Deputy Minster

(a) Make : BMW

(b) Model : Sedan 12 DC, G30, 520 D

(c) Year of manufacturer : 2021

(d) Cost : R 741 044, 54

(e) Purchase/invoice date : 27/07/2021

Thank You.

18 April 2023 - NW41

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 4481 on 21 December 2022, charges were brought against any of the specified individuals implicated in issuing fraudulent vehicle licences?


I have been advised by SAPO as follows:

Yes, charges have been brought against individuals implicated in issuing fraudulent vehicle licenses:

a) 24 criminal cases have been registered with the South African Police Services (SAPS) for fraud and contravention of the section 7 of the Cybercrimes Act No. 19 of 2020 - unlawful acquisition, possession, provision, receipt or use of a password, access code or similar data or device.

b) Internal disciplinary proceedings have also been instituted for contravention of the Cybercrimes Act and not protecting usernames and passwords as well as not following policies as required by the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC):

87 employees were identified for contravening the Cybercrimes Act and policy:

  • 3 employees resigned prior to their suspension;
  • 84 employees in total were suspended, of which 15 disciplinary hearings have been concluded and following a guilty conviction, these employees were dismissed. 69 employees are currently on suspension awaiting conclusion of the disciplinary processes.

Thank You.

PQ 41: Hon.T Bodlani (DA) to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies



PQ 41: Hon. M Bagraim (DA) to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies


18 April 2023 - NW287

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Following reports that government websites were down in KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and North West, as a result of cable theft according to the State Information Technology Agency (SITA), what steps have been taken by her department to protect the relevant infrastructure against theft; 2. whether her department has had any communication with the SITA on measures to protect the infrastructure; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised by SITA as follows:

1. Vandalism and theft of private sector operator infrastructure as well as that of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs), that have partnerships with SITA through contracted services, have been one of the biggest challenges, negatively impacting delivery of ICT services to government. These acts of vandalism and theft manifest as follows:

a) Overhead routes are targeted, where wooden poles are vandalised and stolen leaving optic fibre cables damaged.

b) Equipment facilities at various network sites are vandalised and batteries stolen, that negatively impact backup power that mitigates against load sheading or loss of power.

c) Rail infrastructure is targeted for various metals and other material, thereby damaging optic fibre cables that use the rail infrastructure routes.

d) Underground infrastructure routes are targeted through manholes for copper and other metals thereby damaging optic fibre cables. The incident that affected access to government websites on 8 February 2023 was related to this type of vandalism and theft.

There have been various interventions as follows:

a) SITA has been working with organisations owning the infrastructure to ensure speedy restoration of services to government.

b) Implementation of service improvement interventions with organisations owning the infrastructure, in the form of establishing alternative routing to improve the already existing layers of redundancy.

c) The South African Police Service (SAPS) and private security companies have been engaged through the relevant processes to address these acts of vandalism and theft. This is through frequent monitoring of targeted areas and investigations to hopefully apprehend those responsible.

(2) SITA has been in communication with its shareholder department, the DCDT, on these challenges and the required interventions to address these matters with the relevant stakeholders.


Thank You.

PQ 287: Hon. Z Majozi (IFP) to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, NW298E