Questions and Replies

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12 December 2017 - NW3832

Profile picture: Bucwa, Ms H

Bucwa, Ms H to ask the Minister of Communications

Has she traveled abroad for official purposes since her appointment as the Minister of Communications on 19 October 2017; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what class did (i) she and (ii) persons who accompanied her on the trips travel in, (b) what are the names of each hotel in which each person on the trip stayed and (c) what was the (i) total and (ii) detailed breakdown of the costs in each case?



a) Not Applicable

  1. Not Applicable
  2. Not Applicable

b) Not Applicable

c) Not Applicable

  1. Not Applicable
  2. Not Applicable


Ms. Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane MP,



12 December 2017 - NW3828

Profile picture: Bara, Mr M R

Bara, Mr M R to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the Films and Publications Board accorded any (a) games and/or (b) films the XX rating (i) during the 2016-17 financial year and/or (ii) since 1 April 2017; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (aa) what number of games and/or films were accorded the XX rating and (bb) what were the reasons for the XX rating in each case?


(a) Not Applicable

(b) Not Applicable

(i) Not Applicable

(ii) Not Applicable

(aa) Not Applicable

(bb) Not Applicable

During the 2016-2017 financial year there were no XX Rating issued by the FPB.

Since 1st April 2017 no XX rating issued by the FPB.


Ms Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane MP,



12 December 2017 - NW3824

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) What is the (a) total amount that was paid out in bonuses to employees of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) and (b) detailed breakdown of the bonuses that were paid out to each employee in each salary level in the 2016-17 financial year; (2) What is the (a) total estimated amount that will be paid out in bonuses to employees of the GCIS and (b) detailed breakdown of the bonuses that will be paid out to each employee in each salary level in the 2017-18 financial year? NW4326E


(1) (a) An amount of R 3,262 000.00 was paid out in bonuses to employees in 2016-17 financial year.

(1) (b) The detailed information about a salary package of an employee is based on an employer- employee confidential information relationship. We can however refer the members to our Annual Report of 2016 2017 wherein the broad breakdown is provided and that information was subjected to an external audit process.

(2) The Public Service Regulations stipulates that a department may pay not more than 1, 5% of its pay roll. GCIS uses that as a guide in projecting its anticipated bonus payment and based on signed Performance Agreement Operational Plans of each employee.


Ms Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, MP



12 December 2017 - NW3856

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

Did the Greater Lebowakgomo Community Radio (GLCR) apply for a licence; if not, why is GLCR being allowed to broadcast; if so, (a) when did the GLCR apply for the licence, (b) how long is the licence valid for and (c) what is the registered name of the entity to which the licence was granted?


1. A Community Sound Broadcasting Service (CSBS) licence and a radio frequency spectrum licence were issued to the Greater Lebowakgomo Community Radio (GLCR) in 2008. Both licences expired on 27 October 2013. On 25 March 2014, the Authority published in the Government Gazette 37467, a notice giving all CSCBS licensees whose licences had expired, an opportunity to submit applications for renewal of their licences within thirty (30) working days from the date of publication.

2. GLCR did not submit a renewal application during the grace period despite its name appearing in the said Notice and therefore does not have valid service and spectrum licences issued to it.

3. Having failed to submit its renewal application during the grace period provided by the Authority in 2014, GLCR was required to submit an application for a new licence in order for it to continue providing broadcasting services. No application was received by the Authority.

4. On 22 September 2015, the Authority published a Notice of a Moratorium in Respect of Applications for Class Community Sound Broadcasting Service Licences and Applications for Radio Frequency Spectrum for purposes of providing a Community Broadcasting Service in Government Gazette No. 39226. This Notice effectively means that GLCR can only apply for a new community broadcasting licence once the Authority lifts the Moratorium.

5. In terms of section 7 of the ECA, no person may provide any broadcasting service without a licence. The Authority is investigating the alleged unlawful broadcasting operations / service by GLRC with a view to taking appropriate enforcement action.


Ms Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane MP



29 November 2017 - NW3564

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) What is the total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her for more than (aa) 30 days, (bb) 60 days, (cc) 90 days and (dd) 120 days and (b) what is the total amount outstanding in each case?


Department of Communications

  1. None.
  2. Not applicable.

Brand South Africa

  1. None.
  2. Not applicable.

Film and Publication Board

  1. The total number of supplier invoices outstanding is 16.
  2. The total number of invoices per days:


30 Days

60 Days

90 Days

120 Days

Total number of suppliers invoices





Total amount outstanding

R1 661,850.25




Independent Communications Authority of South Afria

  1. Total number of supplier invoices outstanding is 32.
  2. The total number of invoices per days:


30 Days

60 Days

90 Days

120 Days

Total number of suppliers invoices





Total amount outstanding





Media Development and Diversity Agency

  1. Total number of supplier invoices outstanding is 8.
  2. The total number of invoices per days:


30 Days

60 Days

90 Days

120 Days

Total number of suppliers invoices





Total amount outstanding





South African Broadcasting Corporation

  1. Total number of supplier invoices as at 10 November 2017 is 2161 invoices
  2. The total number of invoices per days:



30 Days, overdue

60 Days, overdue

90 Days-overdue

120 Days-overdue


1 year











Approved/ Not approved


Ms. Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, MP,



28 November 2017 - NW3697

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)(a) What amount did (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in community (aa) print, (bb) radio and (cc) television media in each of the past five financial years; (2) (a) whether the expenditure on advertising in community media has decreased or increased, (b) what are the reasons for the fluctuation in the expenditure on advertising in community media and (c) how does this support the undertaking to spend 30% of advertising expenditure in her department on community media?




1. The Department of Communications has spent the following amounts on advertising in community media:2014/15 =R4 844 392.58

(a) Community print = R0.00

(b) Community Radio= R4 844 392.58

(c) Community TV = R0.00

2015/16 = R1 089 569.85

(a) Print = R0.00

(b) Radio = R380 000.00

(c) Television Media = R531 427.43

2016/17 = R0.00

(a) Print = R0.00

(b) Radio = R0.00

(c) Television Media = R0.00

2. (a) The advertising spend on community media has decreased.

(b) The departmental communications budget has decreased over the years

(c) The department continues to support community media in communicating with citizens


1. 2012/13- R630 600.00

(a) Print - R190 505.00

(b) Radio - R107 043.00

(c) Television Media - R333 053.00

2013/14- R469 194.00

  1. Print- R195 152.00
  2. Radio-R274 042.00
  3. Television media-R0.00

2014/15- R19 062.00

(a) Print-R0.00

(b) Radio-R19 062.00

(c) Television media-R0.00

2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 did not have expenditure.

(2). (a) Expenditure has declined

(b) The decline is due to the fact that SABC uses its own platforms as a cost containment measure.


  1. (a) Not applicable

(b) The MDDA has not placed advertising in community media over the past five years.

(c) Not applicable

  1. (a) Not applicable

(b) Not applicable, and

(c) The MDDA does not have a budget for advertising.


  1. 2013/14- R0.00

(a) Print = R0.00

(b) Radio = R0.00

(c) Television Media = R0.00

2014/15 –R0.00

(a) Print = R0.00

(b) Radio = R0.00

(c) Television Media = R0.00

2015/16- R420 000.00

(a) Print = R120 000.00

(b) Radio = R300 000.00

(c) Television Media = R0.00

2016/17-R400 000.00

(a) Print = R0.00

(b) Radio = R400 000.00

(c) Television Media = R0.00

2017/18- 920 000.00

(a) Print = R400 000.00

(b) Radio = R420 000.00

(c) Television Media = R100 000.00

(2)(a) Advertising expenditure has relatively remained the same throughout the years. This is due to Brand South Africa’s improved relations with media which has resulted in more added value in the form of free Public Relations, being offered to Brand South Africa.

(b) No fluctuations

(c) Not applicable


  1. 2012/2013- R2,240 754.13

(a)Print- R686 241.41

(b)Radio- R961 510.20

(b)Television Media- R593 002.52

2013/2014- R 2,697 202, 48

(a)Print- R528 241.41

(b)Radio- R1, 185,080.00

(b)Television Media- R983 881.07

2014/2015- R2, 114 336.37

(a)Print- R410 481.42

(b)Radio- R231 670.80

(b)Television Media- R1 472 214.15

2015/2016- R1, 220 883.08

(a)Print- R456 615.03

(b)Radio- R0.00

(b)Television Media- R764.268.05

2016/2017- R924 015.65

(a)Print- R442 329.23

(b)Radio- R0.00

(b)Television Media- R481 686.42

2017/2018 - R269 241.62

(a)Print- R0.00

(b)Radio- R0.00

(b)Television Media- R269 241.62

2 (a) Over the past 5 years, FPB’s advertising spend amounted to approximately R4 025 810.00. However, only less than 5% (R43 092 – Cape TV) of the total amount was spent on community media, radio, TV and print combined.

(b) Not applicable.

(c) Not applicable.


  1. 2012-2013- R67,300.00
  2. Print- 20,000.00
  3. Radio- R47,300.00
  4. Television Media- 0

2013-2014- R325, 906.94

  1. Print- R325,906.94
  2. Radio-0
  3. Television Media-0

2014-2015-R161, 223.94

  1. Print-0
  2. Radio-R161,223.94
  3. Television Media- 0

2015-2016- R169, 124.00

  1. Print-R48,250.00
  2. Radio-R120,874.00
  3. Television-0

2016-2017- R48, 000.00

  1. Print- 0
  2. Radio-48,000.00
  3. Television- 0
  1. (a) Expenditure increased over the past 5 years

(b) Expenditure on advertising in community media is dependent on outreach campaigns planned per financial year.

(c) Amount spent to date is below the 30% threshold required as it is dependent on the campaigns .

Approved/ Not approved


Ms. Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane MP,




28 November 2017 - NW3702

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Communications

With reference to the Government Communication and Information System the advertised government positions below senior management in Vuk`uzenzele, (a) in which other community print media were these advertisements placed and (b) what is the name of each print media?


a) Internal circulars are used for all non SMS vacancies

b) Government Communication and Information Systems (GCIS) website, and Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) website


Recommended / Not Recommended


Ms. M.T Kubayi-Ngubane, MP,

Minister of Communications


28 November 2017 - NW3564

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) What is the total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her for more than (aa) 30 days, (bb) 60 days, (cc) 90 days and (dd) 120 days and (b) what is the total amount outstanding in each case?


Department of Communications

  1. None.
  2. Not applicable.

Brand South Africa

  1. None.
  2. Not applicable.

Film and Publication Board

  1. The total number of supplier invoices outstanding is 16.
  2. The total number of invoices per days:


30 Days

60 Days

90 Days

120 Days

Total number of suppliers invoices





Total amount outstanding

R1 661,850.25




Independent Communications Authority of South Afria

  1. Total number of supplier invoices outstanding is 32.
  2. The total number of invoices per days:


30 Days

60 Days

90 Days

120 Days

Total number of suppliers invoices





Total amount outstanding





Media Development and Diversity Agency

  1. Total number of supplier invoices outstanding is 8.
  2. The total number of invoices per days:


30 Days

60 Days

90 Days

120 Days

Total number of suppliers invoices





Total amount outstanding





South African Broadcasting Corporation

  1. Total number of supplier invoices as at 10 November 2017 is 2161 invoices
  2. The total number of invoices per days:



30 Days, overdue

60 Days, overdue

90 Days-overdue

120 Days-overdue


1 year











Approved/ Not approved


Ms. Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, MP,



28 November 2017 - NW3698

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

What was the (a) readership, (b) listenership and (c) viewership of each medium of community (i) print (ii) radio and (iii) television in each month (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2017?


The Department of Communications has not commissioned such a study owing to the lack of funding.

Approved/ Not approved


Ms. Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane MP,

Minister of Communications



28 November 2017 - NW3647

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr P

Mhlongo, Mr P to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation owns any land; if so, (a) where is each plot of land located, (b) what is the size of each specified plot and (c) what is each plot currently used for?


1.SABC owns land in Polokwane, Limpopo a plot in Tweefontein

(a) Tweefontein Farm, Polokwane Limpopo

(c) The farm is currently being occupied by the SAPS Mounted Division.

2.SABC owns land in KwaZulu Natal, Durban 3 pieces of land in Kingsmead

(a) Kingsmead, Durban, KwaZulu Natal

(c) The Land is used for parking by SABC staff.

3. SABC owns land in Emnotweni Riverside Park, Mbombela, Mpumalanga

(a) Emnotweni Riverside Park, Mbombela, Mpumalanga

(c) The land is vacant

Approved/ Not approved


Ms. Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane MP,

Minister of Communications



28 November 2017 - NW3608

Profile picture: Ndlozi, Dr MQ

Ndlozi, Dr MQ to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any entity reporting to her own land; if so, in each case, (i) where is each plot of land located, (ii) what is the size of each specified plot and (iii) what is each plot currently being used for?


(a) & (b) Except for the SABC, the Department of Communications and the other entities in its portfolio do not own land. The details of the land owned by the SABC are as follows:

Polokwane, Limpopo

  1. Tweefontein Farm, Polokwane Limpopo.l
  2. The farm is currently being occupied by the SAPS Mounted Division.

KwaZulu Natal, Durban three(3) pieces of land in Kingsmead

(i) Kingsmead, Durban, KwaZulu Natal

(ii) The Land is used for parking by SABC staff.

Emnotweni Riverside Park, Mbombela, Mpumalanga

(i) Emnotweni Riverside Park, Mbombela, Mpumalanga.

(ii) The land is vacant.

Approved/ Not approved


Ms. Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane MP,



16 October 2017 - NW1964

Profile picture: Walters, Mr TC

Walters, Mr TC to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)With reference to her reply to question 1176 on 5 June 2017 regarding the release of a media advisory by the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) on behalf of the Black Empowerment Foundation on 20 March 2017, (a) what is the name of the individual who requested that the media advisory be released to the media on behalf of the Black Empowerment Foundation using GCIS resources and (b) when and where was the request made; (2) (a) can she provide a copy of the request for the release of the media advisory, (b) what is the name of the individual at GCIS who authorised the distribution of the media advisory, (c) under what mandate was this authorisation given and (d) in which other cases as listed has the GCIS distributed communications on behalf of (i) private, (ii) civil rights or (iii) any other non-governmental organisations?


GCIS assist number of ordinary citizens through Information Centres and also members of the media though media database in all GCIS provincial Offices and also including the National Office. Media Engagement Directorate and GCIS provincial Offices, receives requests to disseminate information either through media database or through GCIS Information Centers, request may be media statements; media advisories; general publications or face to face advisory services, media engagement directorate. Mandate of GCIS is to provide the public with information. GCIS assists the public with services that are within their available resources. GCIS does not keep records of the members been assisted.

16 October 2017 - NW1877

Profile picture: Ndlozi, Dr MQ

Ndlozi, Dr MQ to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her appointed transaction advisors for tenders in the period 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2016; if so, (i) who were the transaction advisors that were appointed for the tenders, (ii) for which tenders were they appointed, (iii) what was the pricing for the tenders in question and (iv) what amount were the transaction advisors paid?


a) No.

b) Yes, namely; The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) and the South Afican Broardcasting Corporation (SABC)

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa, enlisted the services of Detecon International GmbH, during the period 31/03/2015 – 31/03/2017, for Automated Spectrum Management System (ASMS), with a three year support and maintenance, for an amount of R19 566 903.00

The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), enlisted the services of Mott McDonald PDNA for Lift Inspection and Replacement project to the value of R 7 033 464.00 and the services of Lekoko Consulting for Evaluation of Security Tender, to the value of R 02 609.60

16 October 2017 - NW1957

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether, with reference to the statement in the 2016-17 financial year fourth quarter report of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), (a) SABC 1, (b) SABC 3 and (c) each of the SABC’s radio stations went through the same significant schedule changes as SABC 2, which destabilised the channel resulting in disinvestments from advertisers; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what are the full relevant details; (2) what was the (a) total amount of disinvestment by advertisers across the SABC and (b) detailed breakdown for each of the SABC’s (i) TV and (ii) radio stations?


(1) According to the SABC;

(a)(b) minor schedule changes to SABC 2 and SABC 1 were launched for transmission in February, the launch of the newly positioned SABC 3 took place at the end of the quarter with the new schedule going to air at the begging of the new financial year.

(1) (c) The radio stations did not go through any schedule changes except for the annual on air personality’s lineup change as announce every April across all radio stations. SABC 2 did not go through significant schedule change. The only reference to advertiser disinvestment in the Quarter 4 report was with regard to the cumulative impact on revenue decline for the full year and not necessarily in the Quarter 4 period.

(2) Details on disinvestment is provided in the Annual Report of the SABC tabled in Parliament few weeks ago.


16 October 2017 - NW1958

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What (a) was the total amount of trade exchange agreements at the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years, (b) is the detailed breakdown of the (i) names of those with whom the SABC engaged in trade exchanges, (ii) rand value of unsold airtime traded and (iii) rand value of what the SABC received in exchange in each case; (2) what was the cause for the decline in trade exchanges in the 2016-17 financial year?


Some of trade exchange agreement at SA Broadcasting Corporation are under dispute and others are before the Courts. Status report on trade exchange agreements at SABC will be provided to the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Communications with careful consideration not to compromise court processes on those matters that are before the Courts.

16 October 2017 - NW1959

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What budget was initially allocated towards digital media integration at Henley; (2) whether there was an overspend on the specified budget; if so, by what amount; (3) whether the digital integration at Henley was outsourced to a service provider; if so, (a) what is the name of the service provider, (b) why did the service need to be outsourced and (c) how many information technology personnel are employed by the SA Broadcasting Corporation; (4) whether a tender process was followed to appoint the specified service provider; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details of the tender process that was followed, (b) who did the shortlisting and appointed the specific service provider, (c) what was the total value amount of the contract tendered, (d) what total amount has been paid to the service provider to date and (e) what was the quality of work delivered by the service provider?


(1) The budget initially allocated towards digital media integration at Henley was R33 326 731.00

(2) There is an envisaged overspend on the project due to the forex rates impact and also change of scope, which has been approved in terms of the SABC’s Delegation of Authority Framework resulting in R 43 241 731.00. total budget

(3) (a) Digital Integration Service Provider


Name of Service Provider

Objective of the Project


Transfrontier PTY LTD (RFQ/HEN/2016/131)

Building works


LVM Architect (RFQ/CT/15/A1E/26)

Appointment of Architect


Jasco System PTY LTD

Avid ISIS Upgrade Hardware and Software


Dalet (France)

Purchase of Ingest System as part of Digital Media Integration


On going RFP/TV/2016/70

Pheripheral Equipment (Supply of TV Broadcast Facilities Digital Media Integration - Pheripherals


Not yet published

Technical Furniture

(b) SABC does not have the expertise and equipment to build the digital Media Integration facilities.

(c) 67 number of Information Technology Personnel are employed by the SA Broadcasting Corporation

(4) Process followed to appoint specified service provider

RFQ process were followed to appoint;

   (i) Transfrontier PTY LTD (RFQ/HEN/2016/131),

   (ii) LVM Architect (RFQ/CT/15/A1E/26) and

  (iii) On going (RFP/TV/2016/70),

Deviation process were followed to appoint;

  (i) Jasco Systems PTY LTD

  (ii) Dalet (France)

Details of service provider for Technical Furniture Project are not been published yet. Audited value amount has been provided to Parliament through the SABC Annual Report tabled few weeks ago.



16 October 2017 - NW1961

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What budget was initially allocated towards the replacement of self-deploying satellite terminals of the SA Broadcasting Corporation; (2) whether there was an overspend on the specified budget; if so, by what amount; (3) whether the replacement of satellites was outsourced to a service provider; if so, (a) what is the name of the service provider and (b) why did the service need to be outsourced; (4) whether a tender process was followed to appoint the specified service provider; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details of the tender process that was followed, (b) who did the shortlisting and appointed the specific service provider, (c) what was the total value amount of the contract tendered, (d) what total amount has been paid to the service provider to date and (e) what was the quality of work delivered by the service provider?


(1) Budget initially accolated towards the replacement of self-deploying satellite terminals of the South African Broadcasting Corporation was R42 051 200, 00.

(2) Self-deploying satellite terminals business case, was first approved as early as February 2015, following from the negotiation phase, which found that the vehicle price on the quote together with number of options during the initial evaluation were not considered. These options included operational configuration and client’s graphical interphase. The cost escalation is due to unforeseen circumstances and falls within the allowable 10% escalation as per DAF. Letter of ward was issued by the SCM on 9/11/2016, in relation to the motivation written when the budget deactivation was submitted for approval. As a result, an amount of R3 481 547, 00, was approved for budget deactivation, this amount falls within the SA Broadcasting Corporation Governance Framework

(3) (a) the name of service provider is Turnkey Media Solutions, (b) the SABC does not have the expertise and equipment to build satellite broadcast vehicle.

(4) SABC tender process was followed to appoint specified service provider, details of the process followed include the use of the SA Broadcasting Corporation SCM procurement department to carry-out the entire tender process until the service provider was appointed, audited value amount in this regard has been provided to Parliament through the SABC Annual Report tabled few weeks ago.

16 October 2017 - NW1960

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)With regard to the upgrade of the SA Broadcasting Corporation’s TV Outside Broadcast (TVOB) studios, (a) which studios were upgraded and (b) what was the budget initially allocated for this purpose; (2) whether there was an overspend on the specified budget; if so, by what amount; (3) whether the upgrade of the specified studios was outsourced to a service provider; if so, (a) what is the name of the service provider and (b) why did the service need to be outsourced; (4) whether a tender process was followed to appoint the specified service provider; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details of the tender process that was followed, (b) who did the shortlisting and appointed the specific service provider, (c) what was the total value amount of the contract tendered, (d) what total amount has been paid to the service provider to date and (e) what was the quality of work delivered by the service provider?


(1) Upgrade of the SA Broadcasting Corporation’s TV Outside Broadcast (TVOB) Studios:

(a) The regions that were part of the project are as follows; (i) Cape Town, (ii) Port Elizabeth, (iii) Durban, (iv) Tshwane, (v) Mbombela, (vi) Polokwane, (vii) Bloemfontein, (viii) Kimberly and (x) Mafikeng

(b) The budget allocated was R39 147 450.00

(2) There is no overspend on the project currently

(3) The upgrade of the studios was not out sourced, equipment were purchased via SCM from numerous suppliers and were installed by the SABC staff

(4) The SABC tender process was followed to source different elements of the project, since it was not possible for one supplier to provide all elements needed to complete the project.

(a) Tender process followed consist of RFP process for large elements and RFQ process for smaller elements and was facilitated by the SABC procurement department.

(b) Shortlisting was done by the Bid Evaluation Committee (BES) for each tender in line with the relevant tender appointment procedures.

(c) Audited value amount of the contract has been provided to Parliament though the SABC Annual Report tabled few weeks ago.


16 October 2017 - NW1963

Profile picture: Walters, Mr TC

Walters, Mr TC to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) What budget was initially allocated towards the provision of security services at the SA Broadcasting Corporation for SABC Auckland Park. (2) whether there was an overspend on the specified budget; if so, by what amount; (3) whether the provisioning of security services was outsourced to a service provider, if so, (a) what is the name of the specified service provider and (b) why did the service need to be outsourced; (4) whether a tender process was followed to appoint the service provider; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details of the tender process that was followed, (b) who did the shortlisting and appointed the service provider, (c) what was the total value amount of the contract tendered, (d) what total amount has been paid to the service provider to date and (e) what was the quality of work delivered by the service provider?


1. R51,564, 716.88 ( Initial contract from 2011/03/01 to 2014/02/28)

      R 73,095,157.10 ( Deviations from 2014/03/01 to 2017/07/31)

2. Nothing was overspent.

3. Yes , Venus Security Solutions. The Minister of Police declared the SABC a National Key Point on the 11th August 2006. The SABC precinct No. 00058 has to be safeguarded by a NKP registered and compliant service provider for the duration of the precincts NKP status.

4. Yes, the SABC entered into a contract with Venus after an open tender process on the 1st of March 2010 for a period of 36 months. In terms of control of access to public premises and vehicle Act. 53 of 1985 the SABC is required to have a 24/7 security service. The Minister of Police declared the SABC a National Key Point on the 11th August 2006. The SABC precinct No. 00058 has to be safeguarded by a NKP registered and compliant service provider for the duration of the precincts NKP status. The Procurement Division was responsible for tender processes and appointment.


Approved Contract value


Actual Payments


01 March 2011 to February 2012


01 March 2012 to February 2013


01 March 2013 to February 2014


Six months Extension 001      (01 March 2014 to  31 August 2014)


Nine  months Extension 002  (01 September 2014 to  31 May 2015)


Six  months Extension 003     (01 June 2015 to 30 November 2015)


Six months Extension 004      (01 December 2015 to 31 May 2016)


Three months Extension 005 (01 June 2016 to 31 August 2016)


One month Extension 006 (01 September 2016 to 30 September 2016)


Six month Extension 007 ( 01 October 2016 to 31 March 2017)


This deviation request 01 April 2017 to 31 July 2017



R124 659 874.00

16 October 2017 - NW2570

Profile picture: Ndlozi, Dr MQ

Ndlozi, Dr MQ to ask the Minister of Communications

When are the application dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to her?


Time frames in relation to the (a) opening and (b) closing date for submission of application are as follows:

Brand South Africa

The advertisement runs for a period thirty (30) days. Members of the public are informed about (a) opening and (b) closing date for submission of application.

Films and Publications Board (FPB)

Advertisement runs for thirty (30) days from date of publication. Members of the public are informed about (a) opening and (b) closing date for submission of application.

Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA)

The Department informs Parliament of the vacancies, which through the National Assembly initiate recruitment process. Members of the public are informed about (a) opening and (b) closing date for submission of application.

Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA)

The Department of Communications informs the Presidency and the National Assembly on the impending vacancies. The National Assembly of Parliament initiate recruitment process. Members of the public are informed about (a) opening and (b) closing date for submission of application.

South African Broadcasting Corporation

Department of Communications inform the Presidency of the impending vacancies, which intern inform Parliament. The National Assembly of Parliament initiate recruitment process. Members of the public are informed about (a) opening and (c) closing date for submission of application.

16 October 2017 - NW2651

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) (a) held any public participation meetings and/or (b) informed members of the public prior to its decision to place a moratorium on the licencing of community radio stations; if not, why not; if so, (i) on which dates were the (aa) meetings held and/or (bb) notices placed and (ii) in which publications did the notices appear; (2) (a) for what period will the specified moratorium be in place and (b) to what extent does the moratorium affect community media; (3) whether ICASA has taken any steps to solve the issues around community radio station licencing which led to the moratorium; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) ICASA Issued a Notice on a Moratorium on Applications for Community Sound Broadcasting Service Licences and related Applications for Radio Frequency Spectrum in a Government Gazette published on 22 September 2015. ICASA did not hold any public consultations on the Moratorium before the Notice on the Moratorium was published in Government Gazette. ICASA’s decision to place the Moratorium was necessitated by;

i) Scarcity of analoque radio frequencies

ii) Review of the licensing processes and procedures’ regulations to include a requirement for the ICASA to process registrations for class community broadcasting licences in two intervals per year, which was concluded in March 2016.

iii) ICASA’s need for development of a new regulatory framework for community broadcasting.

(2) (a) ICASA will issue a formal notice and communicate its decision to lift the Moratorium once all processes have been completed and it is ready for licensing, which include review of new regulatory framework for community broadcasting, (b) the Moratorium impact on the expansion of community media listenership, however, does not have any impact on existing community sound broadcasting services, since it is applicable to those wishing to apply for a new broadcasting service licence in relation to community sound broadcasting.

(3) Yes, ICASA has taken steps to solve the issues around community radio station licencing, which led to the Moratorium, details of the steps taken include the following;

i) Finalisation of the review of the licencing processes and procedures’ regulations, which include provision for ICASA to process registration for class community broadcasting lincences in two intervals per year,

ii) Review of regulatory framework for community broadcasting, ICASA has published a discussion document on the regulatory framework for community broadcasting services with request for written comments and representations from the public,

iii) Consultation with existing community radio broadcasters as well as the Department of Communications,

iv) Process to develop a framework for community broadcasting,

16 October 2017 - NW2852

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) What number of vacant positions did the Media Development and Diversity Agency advertise (i) in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) what number of the specified vacancies were not filled in each case, (c) what amount was spent on advertising the vacancies that were not filled in each case, (d) what number of applications were received in response to the advertisements for the vacancies that were not filled and (e) why were the specified vacancies not filled?


(a) What number of vacant positions did the Media Development and Diversity Agency advertise:

(i) in each of the past five financial years







Number of posts advertised






(ii) since 1 April 2017

Three (3) positions were advertised:

  • Director: Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Director: Projects
  • Risk Specialist

(b) what number of the specified vacancies were not filled in each case?

(i) in each of the past five financial years







Number of advertised posts not filled






(Two positions were filled in the following financial year.

(ii) since 1 April 2017,

None of the three positions advertised have been filled as they have only recently been advertised (September 2017). However, two positions have been filled since 1 April 2017, which resulted from advertising in the previous financial year.

(c) what amount was spent on advertising the vacancies that were not filled in each case?

(i) in each of the past five financial years

Please note that the MDDA does not advertise posts individually, but, for cost efficiency, places an overall advert for the vacancies, which directs the applicants to the website for the detailed specification of the posts. Therefore, the advertising cost for 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 is for all the posts advertised and not limited to the amount spent on advertising the vacancies that were not filled.







Cost of advertising






*This is the total amount spent on advertising vacancies as, since the MDDA does not advertise posts indivually, the amount spent on advertising posts not filled could not be separated out.

(ii) since 1 April 2017,

R25 075,44 (the advert has only recently been placed and the MDDA is in the process of capturing received applications).

(d) what number of applications were received in response to the advertisements for the vacancies that were not filled

(i) in each of the past five financial years







Number of applications received in response to advertisements for vacancies not filled

No records

due no handover

No records

due no handover

No records due to no handover

No records due to no handover


ii) since 1 April 2017,


Number of Applications Received

Chief Financial Officer


Legal and Contracts Officer


Assistant Company Secretary


Travel and Events Logistics Coordinator


Director: Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation


Director: Projects


Risk Specialist


(e) why were the specified vacancies not filled?

During quarter 1 of 2016/17 (being the period when the posts were advertised), the Board took a decision to start by appointing a CEO who would then appoint the Executive. The CEO took office on January 01, 2017 but left at the end of February 201, which in effect stalled the appointment of the Executive team. After the departure of the CEO, the Board took a decision to proceed with recruitment for the Executive Team.

In addition, the MDDA also took the decision to focus on recruiting only for those posts covered by funding that had been committed at the start of 2016/2017. With the commitment by two major funders later in the year, the focus was intensified on recruiting for all positions in the organogram.

16 October 2017 - NW2652

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

What are the details of the total (a) listenership of the SA Broadcasting Corporation’s (SABC) public radio stations in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017? (b) Amount of income generated by each of the SA Broadcasting Corporation’s (SABC) public radio stations (i) in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017? (2) What are the full relevant details of how this income was utilised in each case? (3) What amount of the SABC’s total income is generated by Radio Sonder Grense?


1. (a) Broadcasters in the country are no longer using the South African Audience Research Foundation (SAARF) as their research authority. The tables below provide audience analysis as at the end of every financial year and since the 1st April 2017. The first table shows the stations’ performances during the time when broadcasters were still utilizing the services of SAARF. The second table reflects the era of the Broadcast Research Council (BRC); the new research authority that is used by broadcasters.

The two sets of tables below are not comparable as SAARF used sample frame skewed to urban areas and LSM 7-10 population.



Oct 11/Mar 12

Oct 12/Mar 13

Oct 13/Mar 14

Oct 14/Mar 15







Total SABC Radio


















the link for the second table:

(b) Radio Division Income Statement for the past five years: see link below

2. The station’s key cost drivers are signal distribution costs, marketing costs, employee costs, broadcast costs and direct revenue collection costs.

3. See the link:

16 October 2017 - NW2654

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Communications

What amount did each of the SA Broadcasting Corporation’s different language news broadcasts on television generate on average in advertisement income (a) in the (i) 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14, (iii) 2014-15, (iv) 2015-16 and (v) 2016-17 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2017?


African Language News Bulletins are grouped in terms of SABC Television Channel Language Allocations for commercial revenue purposes, details are provided on a table in Annexure A attached herewith below;



FY 2012/13

FY 2013/14

FY 2014/15

FY 2015/16

FY 2016/17

APR – AUG 2017

Afrikaans Nuus

164 305 199

175 486 536

121 458 272

122 218 038

66 628 516

22 498 863

English News

97 745 623

73 799 593

52 510 754

52 576 870

44 659 975

9 926 773

Setswana/Sotho News

58 669 216

54 849 982

49 303 600

56 111 635

48 773 619

6 291 374

Siswati/Ndebele News

32 865 728

33 968 964

28 325 912

33 244 303

40 152 736

14 707 526

Venda/Tsonga News

17 108 913

13 727 818

14 050 927

13 478 318

10 238 426

5 156 150

Xhosa/Zulu News

133 639 108

142 576 408

136 042 823

153 272 816

158 458 737

51 934 861


504 333 786

494 409 301

401 692 288

430 901 979

368 912 009

110 515 546

16 October 2017 - NW2655

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Communications

With reference to the reply to question 701 on 11 May 2016, (a) of the community media projects supported by the Media Development and Diversity Agency, how many were awarded to (i) men and (ii) women (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2017 and (b) what are the (i) names and (ii) contact details of each of the specified beneficiaries?


(a) Community Media Projects supported by the Media Development and Diversity Agency are as follows:

(aa) In 2014/2015 Number of community media projects supported by the Media Development and Diversity Agency was eight (8), which is made up of three (3) broadcast and five (5) print;

  1. Number of men project supported is two (2) in broadcast and two (2) print
  2. Number of women project supported is one (1) in broadcast and three (3) in print

(aa) In 2015/2016 Number of community media projects supported by the Media Development and Diversity Agency was fifty (50), which is made up of twenty six (26) broadcast projects and twenty four (24) print projects

i) Number of men project supported is twenty (20) in broadcast and nineteen (19) in print

ii) Number of women project supported is six (6) in broadcast and five (5) in print

(aa) In 2016- 2017 Number of community media projects supported by the Media Development and Diversity Agency was fifty eight (58), which is made up of thirty-nine (39 broadcast project and nineteen (19) print projects:

i) Number of men project supported is thirty (30) in broadcast and seventeen in print

ii) Number of women project supported is nine (9) in broadcast and two (2) in print media

(bb) None

(b) Refer to the attached Annexure A


16 October 2017 - NW2829

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether she, in consultation with the National Assembly, established a performance management system to monitor and evaluate the performance of the (a) Chairperson, (b) councillors and (c) rest of the members of the Council of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA), individually and collectively; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether a performance agreement is in place between her and the (a) ICASA Chairperson, (b) other councillors and (c) members of the Council; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


The ICASA performance agreements were prepared but not signed due to prolonged discussions with the Councillors, the internal process is now at the advance stage of completion.

16 October 2017 - NW2876

Profile picture: Cassim, Mr Y

Cassim, Mr Y to ask the Minister of Communications

What is the detailed (a) breakdown of and (b) valuation for current and non-current assets and investments held by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her according to (aa) listed assets (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held and (bb) unlisted investments (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held by each of the entities, in each case breaking the current assets and investments down by 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months and beyond 12 months?


The Department of Communications (DOC) and also the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) do not have investments. Detail information in relation to current and non-current assets of the DOC and GCIS, including entities current and non-current assets and investments are provided in the Annual Reports tabled in Parliament few weeks ago.

16 October 2017 - NW1956

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What (a) was the total amount of sponsorship revenue at the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years and (b) is the detailed breakdown of the (i) names of the sponsors and (ii) value of the sponsorship; (2) what did each sponsor receive from the SABC in return for the sponsorship; (3) what are the full details of the causes in the decline in sponsorship revenue in the 2016-17 financial year?


Audited amount and details on sponsoships have been submitted to Parliament through the tabling of Annual Reports of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years.

16 October 2017 - NW1962

Profile picture: Walters, Mr TC

Walters, Mr TC to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What was the total amount of sports rights that (a) were acquired by the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years and (b) are being negotiated for the 2017-18 financial year; (2) (a) what was the (i) budget initially allocated and (ii) amount actually spent for each of the sports rights acquired and (b)(i) who negotiated each sports right acquired and (ii) were the negotiators awarded any bonuses; (3) (a) how many of these sports rights were actually broadcast and (b) by what date?


Audited figures and details on SABC Sports Division have been submitted to Parliament through the tabling of Annual Reports of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years.

16 October 2017 - NW1203

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether any of the entities reporting to her paid out any bonuses in each of the past five financial years; if so, (a) which entities paid out bonuses, (b) how many employees received bonuses in each case, (c) what amounts were paid out in each case and (d) did each entity meet performance standards; (2) whether any of the specified bonuses paid out were paid to senior management staff members; if so, (a) in which entities, (b) which senior staff members received bonuses in each case and (c) how much did each senior staff member receive; (3) whether any of the specified entities requested budget increases in the specified period to pay out bonuses; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


Audited figures on payment made by the entitites have been provided to Parliament through Tabling Annual Reports of relevant entities.

16 October 2017 - NW574

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether, with reference to her reply to question 510 on 12 April 2016, any plans have been put in place, as undertaken for the 2016-17 financial year, to ensure that the Kamiesberg and Richtersveld areas in Namaqualand in the Northern (2) Cape, which currently have no cellphone reception, receive adequate cellphone reception signals so that the communities can also be connected; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) by what date will the specified areas receive adequate cellphone reception signals; (3) what (a) steps is Government taking in each province to ensure that (i) cellphone reception and (ii) broadband are rolled out to areas that currently have little to no coverage, (b) timeframes are envisaged in this regard and (c) budget has been allocated in each case?


The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) is in a better position to provide a Reply to this Parliamentary Question.

16 October 2017 - NW1181

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)(a) Which (i) officials from her department and (ii) officials and Board members from (aa) the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) and (bb) each entity reporting to her were in Cape Town for the duration of the inquiry of the Ad Hoc Committee on SABC, (b) on which dates was each individual in Cape Town, (c) what was the cost for each specified individual to be in Cape Town, (d) what class of travel did each specified individual use to attend the SABC inquiry, (e) what accommodation costs were incurred and (f) in which hotel(s) did the specified individuals stay; (2) whether any costs will be recovered from those individuals who were in Cape Town for the duration of the SABC inquiry, but did not attend its meetings?


Officials and Board Members whose work has direct bearing on the Parliament Inquiry of the Ad Hoc Committee on the SABC Board were made available to provide required administrative support to the SABC Board Members and the Executive who appeared before the Ad Hoc Committee. The Annual Reports tabled in Parliament provide expenditure incurred in this regard.

16 October 2017 - NW1458

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What total amount has been paid by the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) for all litigation involving a certain person (name furnished) since the 2013-14 financial year; (2) whether the SABC intends to recover these monies from the specified person; if not, why not; if so, what are the (a) relevant details and (b) timelines in this regard?


The SABC Interim Board, in its progress report to the Portfolio Committee on Communications on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Parliament Ad Hoc Committee on the SABC Board Inquiry alluded to the work done in this regard. Further information will be provided in a closed-out report to the Portfolio Committee on Communications on the work done by the SABC Interim Board on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Parliament Ad Hoc Committee on the SABC Board Inquiry.

16 October 2017 - NW1460

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)With regard to a certain contract (name furnished), (a) what was the initial budget allocation for the outsourcing of forensic audit services, (b) why did this service need to be outsourced and (c) how many staffers are employed in the SA Broadcasting Corporation’s audit division; (2) whether a tender process was followed to appoint the specified audit company; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the tender process that was followed; (3) (a) who did the shortlisting, (b) who decided to appoint the specified audit company to provide this service, (c) what was the total value amount of the contract tendered, (d) what total amount has been paid to the specified audit company to date and (e) what is the quality of the work that has been delivered by the specified audit company?


The matter on the outsourcing of forensic audit services at SABC has been covered in a briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Communications by the SABC Interim Board when providing its progress report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Report of the Parliament Ad Hoc Committee on the SABC Board Inquiry.

16 October 2017 - NW1714

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether any staff of (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her were awarded any contracts or agreements to conduct business with any state entity in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years; if so, what are the (aa)(aaa) names and (bbb) professional designations of the staff members and (bb)(aaa) details of the contract(s) and/or agreement(s) awarded and (bbb) amounts in each case?


Government has a policy to deter public servants from doing business with the state, the Department of Public Service and Administration is the custodian of this policy, details of staff, if any, who were awarded contracts before commencement of this new policy, will be provided to the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Communications.

16 October 2017 - NW1788

Profile picture: Ndlozi, Dr MQ

Ndlozi, Dr MQ to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Which entities reporting to her (a) have a board in place and (b) do not have a board in place, (i) of those that have a board, (aa) when was each individual board member appointed and (bb) when is the term for each board lapsing and (ii) how many (aa) board members are there in each board and (bb) of those board members of each entity are female; (2) With reference to entities that do not have boards in place, (a) who is responsible for appointing the board and (b) when will a board be appointed?


Brand South Africa

  1. (a) Brand South Africa’s Board comprises of 15 members as follows:-


First Name



i(aa) Appointment Date

i(bb) End Of Term

ii (bb)Gender




Trustee Chairperson







Trustee Deputy Chairperson





















ARCO Chairperson



































MARCO Chairperson




























REMCO Chairperson











Media Development and Diversity Agency

  1. (a) The MDDA Board must have ten (10) members.

The filled positions are as follows:-


First Name



i(aa)Date Of Appointment

i(bb)End Of Term












Board member







Board member




Nkgakga Monare and Tasneem Carrim were appointed as non-executive members of the MDDA board on 21 September 2017

Ms Tasneem Carrim end of term is 27 January 2018

Mr Nkgakga Monare end of term is 30 August 2018

Film and Publication Board

  1. (a) The Film and Publication Board must have fifteen (15) members. The filled positions are as follows:-


First Name



i(aa)Appointment Date

i(bb)End Of Term



Nandisile Thoko Flavour







Modjadji Sarah


Deputy Chairperson





Natalie Caroline







Matone Stephen







Nobantu Sizolibusa







Nomvuyiso Memory







Lufuno Tokyo














Nkhumeleni Anderson






Appeal Tribunal


























































Independent Communications Authority of South Africa

  1. (a) ICASA must have nine (9) Council members. The filled positions are as follows:-





i(aa)Date Of Appointment

i(bb)End Of Term




















Acting Chairperson












New appointed Councillors are (i) Ms Palesa Kadi and (ii) Advocate Dimakatso,

South African Broadcasting Corporations

Appointment to the Board of the South Africa Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) is still a work in progress.

08 September 2017 - NW2382

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) What is the mandate of the Digital Terrestrial Television Advisory Panel, (b) what are the (i) names and (ii) professional designations of the (aa) members who serve on the panel and (bb) chairperson of the panel, (c) what role does each of the panel members play in the Information and Communications Technology sector, (d) what are the deliverables of the panel and (e) what are the deadlines for the deliverables?


a) The role of the Digital Migration Advisory Council (DMAC) is to support the department in a non-discriminatory approach in order to enable an expedited rollout of STBs in all provinces of South Africa. The DMAC’s role is limited to providing an advisory role and to execute its work through the established Digital Migration Project Management Office at the Department of Communications.

b) The DMAC’s final composition and structure are still being finalised. The DMAC will be chaired by a representative from the Ministry or Department of Communications, who is appointed by the Minister of Communications. DMAC comprises representatives from government, State Owned Entities (SOEs) and private sector participants from the broadcasting and telecommunications industries (‘telcos”). The participants are as per the table below:




Department of Communications (Head)


Department of Telecommunications & Postal Services


Department of Trade and Industry


Department of Science and Technology


Department of Economic Development















Telco Operators



Cell C




Liquid Telecom




Rain (WBS)

c) The expected deliverables are:

  1. Collaborating with the department to raise awareness and educate the public on Digital Migration and the rollout process, leveraging on the digital platforms from the participants’ industry operations (mobile networks and broadcast platforms);
  2. Facilitating the extension of material support in terms of STB rollout and seconding personnel to participate in the Digital Migration Project Management Office;
  3. Assist with strategies and to provide on the ground support to migrate citizens that do not qualify for the government subsidy;
  4. For participating broadcasters (commercial and free-to-air) to advise on strategies to provide and share attractive content across all the digital platforms in order to encourage viewer uptake;
  5. Provide support to the department’s Digital Migration Project Management Office.

d) December 2018.

08 September 2017 - NW2383

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

What (a) steps have been taken to advertise for potential candidates to serve on the council of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa and (b) are the expiry dates of incumbency of each of the current members of the council?


(a) The Parliament National Assembly Speaker has been informed of the vacancies at ICASA Council and a need to initiate a process to fill the vacancies. Parliament through the National Assembly Portdolio Committee on Communications is in a process to ensure that vacancies at ICASA Council are filled.

(b) Expiry date of current Members of the ICASA Council is 03/04/2020

31 August 2017 - NW2384

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

What total amount has been spent on the set-top box procurement process to date in terms of (a) legal costs, (b) administration costs, (c) outsourced consulting costs and (d) any other costs that may have been incurred?


Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) is in a better position to provide a Reply to this Parliamentary Question. This Parliamentary Question should be redirected to DTPS

31 August 2017 - NW1821

Profile picture: Sonti, Ms NP

Sonti, Ms NP to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether she travelled to Dubai as it is allegedly revealed in the recently leaked Gupta emails; if so, (a) on what date did she travel, (b) what was the purpose of her trip, (c) who paid for her (i) hotel accommodation (ii) car hire and (iii) spa treatment?


Guidelines on Parliamentary Questions published on the Announcements, Tablings and Committee Reports (ATC) dated 25 November 2017 indicate that “Questions may not refer to matters under consideration of a parliamentary committee or deal with matters within the jurisdiction of the chairperson of a parliamentary committee or a House of Parliament;". The matter on travel to Dubai is with Office of the Members’ Interest for consideration by the Parliamentary Committee on Ethics and Member’s Interests.

19 June 2017 - NW1178

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)(a) What is the total number of cases that were investigated by the forensic unit of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) since 1 May 2014, (b) what are the amounts involved in each case and (c) how many cases resulted in (i) disciplinary action, (ii) criminal procedures and (iii) no action whatsoever; (2) what is the stated deadline for conclusion of each case where disciplinary procedures were instituted; (3) with regard to the cases that resulted in no action being taken, (a) why has no action been instituted in respect of the specified cases and (b) when will the investigation be concluded in this regard; (4) how many of the SABC employees who are currently being investigated by the forensic unit have been identified in other reports, including the Special Investigating Unit report, the Auditor-General's report of 2009 and other similar investigations by audit firms; (5) how does her department intend to resolve the matter of unethical conduct at the SABC?


(1), (2), (3) and (4) Thirty-seven (37) reports were issued, table herewith below provides a summary of all reports issued for the period 01 May 2014 to 31 March 2017.

(5) The SABC has been directed to (i) review relevant policies including human resource policies, (ii) ensure participation of all employees during the review process, (iii) ensure awareness of all policies,(iv) and ensure compliance thereof, amongst others.


January 2014 – March 2014









Airtime Outside Broadcasts

Missing Petty Cash


05 December 2014

Allegations of missing petty cash

(Non-Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Accounting Officer and Financial Manager failed to comply with Cash Transactions Policy in that they did not record all cash movements, did not issue receipt, did not do cash counts and balance floats.

Disciplinary Action to be instituted against the Line Manager and the Employee.

Disciplinary Action

Dennis Harold

Awaiting Management Action


Security Tender review


02 December 2014

Review into security tender processes

(Non-Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Irregularities in the current security tender process.

New security tender process to be started.

Rectification of control environment

Madoda Shushu

Awaiting Management Action


Metro FM


28 November 2014

Allegation of unauthorised broadcast of a Campaign

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Elements of the campaign were broadcast on Metro FM without authorisation.

Disciplinary Action to be instituted against employees involved.

Disciplinary Action

Hazel Tlhabanyane

Awaiting Management Action


BIT – Missing Equipment


19 November 2014

Alleged missing equipment at BIT

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Allegations were found to be unsubstantiated.

BIT should implement a proper system of control for all items purchased.

Rectification of control environment

Lorraine Sefolo

Awaiting Management Action


Unethical Behaviour


04 November 2014

Commissioning Editor allegedly performing additional work without permission

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Allegations of additional work being performed were found to be unsubstantiated.

No evidence could be found to substantiate the allegations; therefore we could not recommend any corrective action.

No Action required

Jacqueline Setai

No action required


Verification of qualifications


28 October 2014

Alleged misrepresentation of qualifications

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Allegations that the qualifications were misrepresented were found to be unsubstantiated.

No evidence could be found to substantiate the allegations; therefore we could not recommend any corrective action.

No Action required

Anton Heunis

No action required


GM: Channels


21 October 2014

Allegations leveled against GM: Channels

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

The GM: Channels failed to disclose his Business Interests.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against GM: Channels

Disciplinary Action

Verona Duwarkah

Awaiting Management Action

Lotus FM



29 September 2014

Alleged misrepresentation pertaining to the funds raised during the Warm Hearts Campaign

(Unethical Behaviour)

No proper documentation of shoes bought and distributed, were kept for reconciliation and audit purposes.

Progressive disciplinary action to be instituted against former Marketing Manager and the Programmes Manager.

Progressive Disciplinary Action

Zolisile Mapipa

Vincent Tsoenyane

Awaiting Management Action

North West Province

Executive Producer – News and Current Affairs


25 September 2014

Alleged irregular appointment of the Executive Producer – News and Current Affairs

(Non compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Candidates were interviewed by a panel and the successful candidate was selected by the panel.

Human Resources failed to keep all the interview packs on record.

Human Resources must ensure that all interview documentation is kept for record purposes.

Recruitment Policy to be reviewed.

Rectification of control environment

Dingaan Feliti


Radio 2000

Irregular claims


16 September 2014

Irregular claims submitted by On Air Radio Presenter

(Non compliance to Policies and Procedures)

No new contract in place for 2015 after changes were made to the contract amount and an overpayment of R400.00 in October 2013.

Progressive disciplinary action to be instituted against the Programmes Manager

The amount of R400.00 to be recovered from the On Air Radio Presenter.

Progressive Disciplinary action and Recovery

Carlito Sheikh

Completed. Progressive hearing held.

Free State & Northern Cape Province

Abuse of vehicles - Kimberley


25 August 2014

Misuse of SABC Vehicle at the News offices in Kimberley

(Non compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Assignment Editor used a SABC Vehicle for private purposes and without completing the necessary ML4 forms.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against Radio Assignment Editor and Acting Regional Editor.

Disciplinary action

Mamontha Motaung

Action in progress

Commercial Enterprises

Review of RAP Studios Payments


25 August 2014

Review of payments made at RAP Studios


An artist submitted invoices for work which was never performed.

The amount of R29,400.00 to be recovered from an artist and her contract to be terminated.


Maekanya Morotoba

Recovery in progress


Head of Procurement


19 August 2014

Allegations levelled against the Head of Procurement

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

One deviation was referred to BAC and the other was under the R2 million thresholds. It was common cause that the Head of Procurement and GM: Procurement Operations knew each other and previously worked together.

The Procurement Policy and DAF is in contradiction pertaining to the referral of deviations below R2 million, this should be addressed.

Recruitment Policy is silent on if and how acquaintances should be declared, this should be addressed.

Rectification of control environment

Tian Olivier

Action in progress


Cover Quoting


01 August 2014

Alleged cover quoting during a bid for catering services


Service Provider intentionally misrepresented facts to the SABC.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the Buyer who failed to verify information submitted to the SABC.

Disciplinary action

Mamontha Motaung

Completed. Progressive hearing held

Group Services

SABC Medscheme


23 July 2014

Employees colluding with a Psychologist to bill SABC Medscheme for fictitious consultations


Twenty four employees colluded with a Clinical Psychologist to bill SABC Medscheme for fictitious consultations. In return the practitioner paid the employees a cash amount.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the twenty four employees.

Disciplinary action

  • Bongane Mabaso
  • Theresa Geldenhuys
  • Oupa Mahlangu
  • Dennis Harold
  • Lesetja Lekgotho
  • Tankiso Mothebe
  • Tumiso Radebe

In progress

(Another 192 incidents were identified and the matter was put on hold pending finalisation of the remaining matters)


Desktop RFI


15 July 2014

Procurement irregularities pertaining to the Desktop Request for Information

(Non-compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Technology requested deviation from normal Procurement processes. This was supported by the Head of Procurement and approved by the BAC Round Robin Members.

New deviation request form applicable from 1 March 2014 must be used for future deviation requests.

Rectification of Control environment

Madoda Shushu



Unruly Behaviour


11 July 2014

Unruly behaviour of employee at a hotel

(Unethical Behaviour)

Unruly behaviour at a hotel brought the name of the SABC into disrepute and damaged the image of the SABC.

Disciplinary action

Disciplinary action

Simon Tebele

Completed. Employee received a written warning.

Commercial Enterprises

Media Agency


08 July 2014

Irregularities pertaining to the account held by a Media Agency

(Non-compliance to Policies and Procedures)

We established that a SABC Marketing Executive had an undeclared interest in a company owned by his spouse which was doing business with the SABC. The spouse on whose name the company was registered, took SABC direct clients.

Progressive action and

Disciplinary action to be instituted.

The Marketing Executive to be recalled from the Eastern Cape offices to Johannesburg.

Disciplinary action- Management resolved that no further action is warranted.

Disciplinary action

Thabile Dlamini

Eugene Zwane


In Progress

Ikwekwezi FM

Ikwekwezi FM Dramas


03 July 2014

Allegations levelled against the Drama Producer at Ikwekwezi FM


Drama actor at Ikwekwezi claimed payment of the same episode twice. Abuse of power by the Drama Producer.

Disciplinary action to be instituted.

An amount of R11,000.00 to be recovered

Disciplinary action and recovery

Philip Mahlangu

Action in progress.


TV Operations

Alleged theft of SABC Property


12 June 2014

Unauthorised removal of SABC Property


SABC décor items were allegedly stolen whilst kept at the private storage facility outside the SABC. A register was not kept by TV Operations of the items, housed during transportation from the SABC to the storage facility. Stolen items could not be identified as no proper records were kept.

TV Operations should ensure that a register is kept for all items under their control.

Rectification of Control environment

Oupa Mahlangu


Ukhozi FM

Ukhozi FM Drama


03 June 2014

Fictitious invoices being submitted by actors to Ukhozi FM


Freelance actors submitted fictitious invoices in collusion with the Drama Producer at Ukhozi FM.

Disciplinary Action to be instituted and recovery of R 22, 650 from the Freelancers

Disciplinary action and recovery

Bonga Mpanza

Action in progress.

Henley TV Facilities

Invasion of Privacy


29 May 2014

Allegations of invasion of privacy

(unethical behaviour)

An employee at Henley TV Facilities alleged that his line manager accessed and downloaded emails from his computer without his permission. According to the records from BIT, only email logs were downloaded by BIT on request by the line manager for a disciplinary matter against the employee for various transgressions he committed. This was done in line with SABC policies and procedures

No evidence could be found to substantiate the allegations; therefore we could not recommend any corrective action.

No action required

Lesetja Lekgotho



Catering Services


21 May 2014

Alleged improper inducement from a service provider

(Corruption / bribery)

A service provider gave a SABC employee in the procurement division, money on two occasions as a gift. The service provider had submitted a tender for canteen services at the time of the incident. The employee reported the matter to her line manager.

The contract of the service provider was terminated

Rectification of control environment

Madoda Shushu


Human Capital Services

Gold coin verification


19 May 2014

Verification of long services awards

(Non-compliance to Policies and Procedures)

  • Long service coins were allocated to staff members who did not qualify for such coins incorrectly; e.g. a staff member received a ½ ounce coin instead of a 1 ounce. No proper documentation / records were kept when coins were issued.
  • Coins were ordered for staff in advance, as long service awards. Some of the coins were not collected due to staff retiring or resigning prior to qualifying for long service awards. Some of the unclaimed coins were not returned to Treasury thus exposing the coins to potential theft.

All coins not collected with four months, should be returned to Treasury to avoid them being exposed to theft.

Rectification of control environment

Jabulani Mabaso


Group Services

SABC Tours


14 May 2014

Irregular appointment of a temporary staff member at SABC Tours

(Non-compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Temporary Tour Facilitator was appointed based on a motivation. Three interns were appointed at Tours during 2013.

Recruitment Policy should include temporary recruitment. SOP for Interns should be communicated.

Rectification of control environment

Jabulani Mabaso

Action in progress

April 2015 – March 2016











News and Current Affairs Portable Recorders


14 March 2016

UK company claimed to be a reseller of Marantz products in SA that were distributed by another SA company.

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

HOP did not refer complaints received from clients regarding the tender at News and Current Affairs to the GCEO to resolve as per the SCM Policy.

Disciplinary action against HOP, Procurement should verify supplier letters before appointment of a service provider.

DC against HOP for failure to comply with the provisions of the SCM Policy.

James Aguma

Completed: Communication was send to Procurement staff regarding the verification of supplier letters.

Awaiting Management Action: Investigation against Mr. Shushu still in progress by external service provider.



Xitsonga Music Awards


24 December 2015

Allegations that the musician who received the best male and best collaboration award bribed two individuals at the station, with an amount of R15 000 each.


The allegation of bribery was unsubstantiated.

Most popular song of the year results were misrepresented by the station manager in that he mentioned Song B by another artist when in truth and fact, based on the number of votes, Song C was the winner of the category.

Disciplinary action against the Station Manager of Monghana Lonene FM.

Disciplinary action against Group Internal Audit Portfolio Manager.

Draft and implement a Policy and SOP for Music Awards.

Disciplinary action and improvement of internal control.

Zolisile Mapipa

Action In Progress: DC against the Station Manager to commence on the 11th May 2016.

Completed: Progressive action against the Portfolio Manager has been completed (Verbal Warning).


Protection Services


15 December 2015

Alleged irregular appointments at Protection Services.

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Protection Services appointed persons who did not meet the requirements as per advertised

position(s). We further established that applicants who met the requirements as per the advert were not shortlisted and interviewed.

Disciplinary action should be instituted against Chief Security Officer.

Progressive action should be instituted against HR Consultants.

Disciplinary action

Kubendhran Padayachee

Mzu Ndlovu

Completed: the Security Manager was requested to provide proof of qualifications which were not reflected on his CV at the time of his application and interviewing.

Human Resources updated the personnel files accordingly.

The then acting GE Risk and Governance considered the report and determined that there would not be further action taken by management

No further action required.


SABC Sport


15 December 2015

Various allegations at SABC Sport.


Independent Contractor claimed for hours not worked. Independent contractor submitted duplicate claims as well.

Specialist Producer failed to verify production registers and invoices prior to approving and for further signing as both Producer and Executive Producer as both these functions carries different controls/ responsibilities.

Operations Manager failed to exercise due care when approving payments to MOP.

GM Radio Productions engaged the supplier to render a service without a written contract.

Terminate the contractual relationship with the Independent Contractor.

Recover the amount of R1,059,200.00 from the Independent Contractor.

Disciplinary action against the employees implicated.

Disciplinary action and recovery

Bessie Tugwane

Action In Progress:

Group Executive of Sport is meeting with Employee Relations on 10 May 2016 to finalised a date for the formal sitting of the DC panel to deal with the internal candidate. This will further assist in determining how to proceed with the external / independent contractor.


Tshwane Radio Studios


04 December 2015

A Service Provider who responded to a tender, claimed to be the UK reseller of studio equipment.

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

We established that the Service Provider is not a reseller of Telos products in SA, they can only sell in the UK.

Letter of Intent for should be cancelled.

In future, Procurement should confirm with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) if a SA supplier is one of their resellers/ distributors.

Rectification of control environment

Zakir Rawoot

Completed: Letter of Intent was cancelled and Procurement staff was informed to verify the authenticity of sole supplier letters. No further action required


Various Irregular Claims- Integration in the newsroom


01 December 2015

Alleged irregular claims for hours not work by Independent Contractors.


Independent Contractor’s access card records and the time sheets revealed that some of the Independent Contractors claimed for hours which they did not work, i.e. they claimed for a full eight (8) hour shift even on days that they did not work a full shift.

Line Management failed to verify hours worked prior to approving payments.

Recover a total amount of R4,708.32 from all Independent Contractors identified consider terminating the agreements.

Disciplinary action against three (3) Line Managers.

Disciplinary action and recovery

Nothando Maseko

Completed :

Three (3) Independent Contractors have paid back the overpayments.

Two (2) have made the necessary arrangements with payroll to deduct.

The five (5) remaining Independent Contractors have not made any arrangements for payment. The Line Manager took a decision not to schedule them for work.


Security Tender Auckland Park and TVOB’s


01 December 2015

It is alleged that there had been inconsistencies in applying the established bid evaluation criteria to bidders.

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

The BEC did not evaluate the security companies as per the established criteria as stipulated in the BID documentation.

A re-run of this security tender.

Rectification of control environment

Zakir Rawoot

Re-evaluation process has been completed. Matter on the Agenda for a decision by the BAC (Bid Adjudication Committee) scheduled for 11 May 2016.


Motsweding FM- Various Allegations


17 November 2015

Various allegations at Motsweding FM

(Unethical Behaviour)

Two Producers claimed for days they were not in studio. This resulted to Fruitless and wasteful expenditure amounting to R313, 250.

R46 852 to be recovered from Producers.

Disciplinary action against the Programmes Manager.

Region should install automated access control system.

Disciplinary action and recovery

Katlego Mokhele

Action In Progress: DC against employee will take place on the 26th and 27th of May 2016.


Profounder Training Provider


10 November 2015

Staff members alleged that they never received their free gifts which were part of a package when they registered for a workshop with Profounder.


Staff members received their gifts.

The allegation was unsubstantiated.

Learning & Development Management should ensure that the delegates who attended training and received gifts, declared these gifts accordingly.

Rectification of control environment

Theigasen Govender

Completed: Staff declared their gifts. No further action required


Fictitious contract of employment

(GRP 15/1217)

27 October 2015

Alleged fraudulent offer of employment to student at UJ


The contract was not legit and wasn’t provided by an SABC employee.

Money was accepted from the student for training which he never received.

Protection Services should create awareness to all security personnel and report the matter to SAPS for fraud and pretending to be SABC employee.

Management should create awareness to members of the public regarding SABC recruitment processes / employment opportunities, training.

Rectification of control environment

Kaizer Kganyago

Simon Mathebula

Completed :

Group Communication issued a statement informing members of the public about the SABC recruitment processes.

The complainant was advised to lay criminal charges at the Brixton SAPS

No further action is required from the SABC.


DTT Migration Training RFQ(GRP15/1203)

21 October 2015

Alleged irregularities pertaining to RFQ for DTT Migration Training

(Unethical Behaviour)

Technical Training Practitioner failed to obtain relevant signatures and future exposed forwarded internal confidential to suppliers.

The Buyer accepted ‘Approval to Proceed with the Tender Process’ document without relevant signature and proceeded with the evaluation process prior to the finalisation of the Pre-Qualifying report.

Disciplinary action against the employees implicated.

Disciplinary action

Theigasen Govender

Zakir Rawoot (Acting)

Completed: Final written warning was issued against the Technical Training Practitioner.

Action In Progress: A new acting Head of Procurement has been appointed. He still needs to peruse the report and determine the action required.


Fraudulent Producer for Skeem Saam


07 October 2015

Non SABC employee held TV auditions under false pretends by and introduced himself as an employee of the SABC.


A non SABC employee held auditions under false pretends in Klerksdorp and charged members of the public a total amount of R250 per person.

Create public awareness pertaining to auditions and processes that are followed by the SABC.

Management should consider reporting the matter to SAPS.

Rectification of control environment

Kaizer Kganyago

Completed :

Members of the community opened a criminal case against the suspect in Klerksdorp.

The SABC issued a statement, advising members of the public about SABC processes regarding auditions.

No further action required from the SABC.


Metro FM

Conflict of interest - Metro FM – Programme Complier


15 October 2015

Alleged conflict of interest by Metro FM employee and Independent Contractor.

(Unethical Behaviour)

Producer and On Air presenter at Metro FM rendered services to Castle Milk Stout in their personal capacity which was in conflict with their duties at the station.

Disciplinary action against employee.

Terminating of Independent Contractors Agreement of the On-Air presenter.

Disciplinary action

Sibongile Mtyali

Completed: SABC employee’s contract has been terminated.

Completed :

Termination of Independent Contractor Completed


Metro FM

Trade Exchange


30 September 2015

Employees misused Trade Exchange Agreement with a service provider

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Employees used Trade Exchange Agreement with a service provider to order gifts for their personal use.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the former Marketing Manager, Events Coordinator and Marketing Assistant.

The amount of R47,217.35 to be recovered from the former Marketing Manager.

Disciplinary action and recovery

Sibongile Mtyali

Puleng Thulo


The Former Marketing Manager was found not quality.

The Events Coordinator and Marketing Assistant received warnings.


Ikwekwezi FM and Metro FM Music Compilers


30 September 2015

Music compilers allegedly accepted undue benefit from music artists in order to have their music played / included in the Station’s playlist.


An employee at Ikwekwezi FM accepted undue benefit to have music scheduled and played on air.

The employee resigned with immediate effect.

No Disciplinary action as the employee resigned.

Management to reiterate to all Stations’ music compilers that action will be instituted against those who solicit bribe/accept any undue benefit which may impair/influence their decision making, from musicians, record labels and members of the public.

Disciplinary action

Mr Zolisile Mapipa

Mr Leuba Ramakgolo



Freelancers in the Sesotho/Sepedi/Setsana desk


21 September 2015

It was alleged that Independent Contractors claimed for eight (8) hour shifts, yet they were not present in the SABC buildings for eight (8) hours


During the month of May 2015 Independent Contractors claimed shifts of eight (8) hours each. An analysis of their access records revealed that they were not present for eight (8) hours on all the occasion that they claimed eight (8) hours for.

Recovery amount of R5,775. And R4,875.00 from Independent Contractors involved, respectively.

Management should consider terminating the agreements of the Independent Contractors based on dishonesty.

Progressive disciplinary action the Supervisor / Executive Producer for failure to exercise due when approving payments.

Management should revisit Independent Contractor’s Agreements and their contributions, to determine whether these are in line with the Labour Relations Act regarding supervision and working hours.


Progressive disciplinary action

Jimi Matthews / Nothando Maseko



News Software


18 September 2015

Alleged non adherence to processes when procuring software for news.

Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Deviation process was not followed as no approval was obtained from the BAC / Head of Procurement.

Disciplinary action

Disciplinary action

James Aguma

Action In Progress


Corporate Storage Solution


15 September 2015

It was alleged that information pertaining to the procurement process was leaked to bidder(s)

(Unethical Behaviour)

The BEC members, who were approached by the prospective suppliers for comment, demonstrated ethical values by declining to comment on the progress / status of the process.

We could not find any evidence to substantiate the allegations.

No action required

Kuben Padayachee

No Action


Lotus FM



24 August 2015

It was alleged that the Drama Producer at Lotus FM signed and submitted tax invoices and timesheets on behalf of an independent contractor


The Drama Producer’s husband is a freelance writer for the Independent Contractor and she did not declare it.

The Drama Producer had unsigned tax invoices for the Independent contractor on her computer, which she claimed the Independent contractor gave to her.

The Drama Producer submitted tax invoices and timesheets on behalf of the Independent contractor.

The Drama Assistant allegedly witnessed the Drama Producer signing the tax invoices for the Independent contractor.

Various documents were submitted to the Forensic Analysis. It was concluded that the Drama Producer could not be excluded from having forged the signatures as the invoices were not signed by the Writer.


Signatures could not be linked to the Drama Producer as there was an element of deception on the signatures.

The Drama Producer could not be conclusively linked to the disputed signatures.

Disciplinary action against the Drama Producer.

Management should terminate the contract of the Independent contractor

Drama Producers should declare their relationships with prospective writers


Disciplinary action

Zolisile Mapipa

Awaiting Management Action


Alleged Producer (NEWS15/1205)

24 August 2015

A member of the public attended functions at different events purporting to be a Producer for News. Further promised that he will make inserts / footage available in order to gain undue benefit

(Unethical Behaviour)

we received complaints from Public Relations & Events Company, alleging that a Mr. Tumi Moatshe attended various events purporting to be a SABC News Producer and received undue benefits

Group Communication should create public awareness about people purporting to be from SABC for personal gain, using the good name of the SABC


Rectification of control environment

Kaizer Kganyago



Irregular claims


23 July 2015

Freelance employee claimed for hours not worked


Freelance employee claimed for a full shift whilst he was not at the SABC.

Consider termination of freelance employee’s contract.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against Executive Producer: TV News and Bulletin Editor: Sepedi, TV News.

The amount of R8,850.00 to be recovered from the Freelance employee.

Disciplinary action and recovery.

Nothando Maseko



Non Disclosure


22 July 2015

Alleged non-disclosure

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Supplier and spouse failed to disclose their relationship to SABC.

Supplier to update his marital status with the Vendor Master office.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against Supervisor: Tours

Disciplinary action.

Tumiso Radebe

Hosea Jiyane



Mixing Consoles Tender


10 July 2015

Irregularities pertaining to Mixing Consoles Tender

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Employees did not comply with the Procurement Policy in that they requested three bidders to resubmit their quotations.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against Sourcing Specialist.

Disciplinary action.

Madoda Shushu

Action In Progress


Grievance – Building Technology


08 July 2015

Various allegations at Building Technology

(Unethical Behaviour)

Allegations were found to be unsubstantiated.

No action recommended as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

No action recommended as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

Liketso Mashigo



Medscheme - KZN


07 July 2015

Alleged fraudulent claims


Higher claims for certain employees were as a result of chronic medication.

No evidence was found of wrongdoing by the employees.

No action recommended as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

No action recommended as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

Frans Matlala




Missing iPads


09 June 2015

Missing iPads


No proper system is in place over the procuring and movement of iPads.

Adequate and effective system to be developed to manage movement of iPads procured by SABC.

Rectification of control environment

Dennis Herold



Fraudulent Pension Fund Claim


25 May 2015

Misrepresentation to unduly benefit from the Pension Fund and Group Life Assurance of a deceased employee


Employee intentionally and knowingly submitted false/fraudulent information on SABC nomination forms in order to unduly benefit.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the Programme Acceptance Officer.

Disciplinary action

Jabulani Mabaso



After Hours Transport Vouchers


19 May 2015

Abuse of After Hours Transport Vouchers

(Unethical Behaviour)

No evidence of wrongdoing was found against the employee.

No action recommended as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

No action to be taken.

King Matshaba


Henley TV Facilities

Theft of steel


18 May 2015

Theft of steel at Henley TV Facilities


Project Coordinator signed out SABC property without the authority to do so.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the Project Coordinator: Henley TV Facilities

Disciplinary Action

King Matshaba


SABC Sport

Gift Registry


04 May 2015

Receiving of undue benefit from an Independent Contractor

(Unethical Behaviour)

Employee received an undue benefit from an Independent Contractor which was in contravention of SABC Policies and Governance protocols.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the former General Manager: Sport Productions.

The contracts of the Independent Contractor to be terminated.

Disciplinary Action

Bessie Tugwana

Action In Progress

Motsweding FM

Funeral Contribution


24 April 2015

Unethical Behaviour by former Station Manager

(Unethical Behaviour)

The former Station Manager utilised funds meant for the funeral contribution to purchase groceries for the office.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the former Motsweding FM Station Manager.

Disciplinary Action

Zolisile Mapipa


Henley TV Facilities

Service Outages


April 2015

Staff members intentionally caused blackouts on Air

(Unethical Behaviour)

No evidence of wrongdoing was found against the employees.

No action to be taken.

No action to be taken.

Lesetja Lekgotho


January 2017 – March 2017










Various allegations at Media Technology Infrastructure


27 March 2017

We received a request to investigate allegations of non-compliance to SABC procurement processes for the appointment of a Licensing Service Provider

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

An employee at BIT appointed a Licensing Service Provider without following proper procurement processes.

Disciplinary action against Manager Service Desk for Failure to comply with the provisions of clause 12.1 of DAF and Contravention of the provisions of clause 57 (a) and (c) of the PFMA.

Disciplinary action

Mr. Tseliso Ralitabo

Action in progress

Limpopo Operation

failure to adhere to a lawful instruction


22 March 2017

Alleged sharing of confidential information by the panel members pertaining to the interviews conducted for the Munghana Lonene FM presenter position.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

An employee at Human Capital services failed to execute a lawful instruction pertaining to the engagement of an Independent Contractor.

Disciplinary action against Manager, Human Resource Capital, Limpopo Province for failure to adhere to a lawful instruction.

Disciplinary action

Mr. Mohlolo Lephaka

Ms. Makuya now dealing with the matter

Action in progress

HR is in the process to submit a motivation to seek approval to proceed with a disciplinary process.


Project Qinisa (Special request)


17 March 2017

We received a special request conduct a review on Project Qinisa to determine whether payments to the service provider were done in accordance to the payment schedule and deliverables

(non-compliance to policies and procedures and the provisions of DAF)

We established that payments were not linked to deliverable as per the contract. Payments were made as per the schedules and not linked to monthly deliverable

Management to implement contract management controls

No disciplinary action

Recommended in our review

Ms. Theresa Geldenhuys

No Action required

GE: Governance and Assurance has the prerogative to institute corrective actions were deemed necessary based on findings presented in the report

Kwa-Zulu Natal Operation (Radio)

Free utilisation of studios


14 March 2017

Singer and Producer altered a song belonging to another artist and submitted it to Lotus FM as his own; and


Station Manager Ukhozi FM authorised the use of SABC studio without payment.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

Station Manager Ukhozi FM allowed the Singer and Producer to use SABC Studios without a written contract. Committing him to the delivery of music in return for free utilisation of the studios to record music for the SABC to capacitate the station with 90%local content/ music.

Disciplinary action against Station Manager Ukhozi FM for Contravening the PFMA and DAF and the amount of R98, 040.00 should be recorded as fruitless and wasteful in respect of the utilisation of the studio with no benefit as no music was delivered to the station.

Disciplinary action

Ms. Zamambo Mkhize


No disciplinary action will be taken.

PGM is of the view that the Station Manager acted on an instruction by an Executive Member. This is despite the fact that the SABC has policies and procedures that needs to be adhered to. There was further no benefit to the SABC for the utilisation of the studio due to failure by Management in the Province to ensure that a contract with the Music Producer was in place for delivery of music to meet the 90% requirement for local content / music.


Alleged corruption and nepotism at Ukhozi FM


22 February 2017

We received allegations of nepotism against Programmes Manager, at Ukhozi FM increased salaries of the Ukhozi FM breakfast team in the middle of January 2016, Content Producer on the Afternoon Drive show received preferential treatment and she employed her friends in key positions.

(Non-compliance to SABC policies and procedures)

The former acting Station Manager increased the rate for one of the Ukhozi FM On Air Presenters without obtaining the necessary approval from Radio Management.

We further established an Outside Broadcast vehicle was dispatched for an Event without following proper processes.

Disciplinary action against Programmes Manager, at Ukhozi FM for Contravening Clause 12.1 of SABC Delegation of Authority Framework.

Disciplinary action against Station Manager - Ukhozi FM for increasing the salary without the necessary authorisation/approval from line Management.

Disciplinary action

Ms. Zamambo Mkhize

Action in progress

The matter was referred to the G.E. Corporate Affairs to approve that disciplinary measures be instituted against the Station Manager at Ukhozi. Currently awaiting approval.


Alleged sharing of confidential information


9 February 2017

We received a complaint that Project Manager, Henley TV Facilities, and Studio Operation shared information relating to the engagement of an Independent Contractor with third parties without following proper procedures

Non-compliance to SABC policies and procedures)

We established that an employee at Henley TV Facilities hosted an individual from an external company to serve summons to appear before a disciplinary inquiry at his place of employment. Security protocols were not observed such that the person was left to proceed to the studios where the independent Contractor was rendering services to the SABC.

Disciplinary action against Project Manager, Henley TV Facilities, and Studio Operation for breach of Physical Security Protocols and non-compliance to SABC policies and procedure

Disciplinary action

Mr. Buti Seipei


Manager, Henley TV Facilities, and Studio Operation received a written warning on 14 April 2017.

The security officers who failed to perform his/her duties have been reprimanded.


Learning and Development


8 February 2017

We received allegations that Skills Development Manager at Learning and Development changed the criteria for appointing a prospective service provider to provide Film and Television learning material for the Learning and Development Department.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

We established that two employees at Learning and Development negotiated a deal with a prospective service provider outside the procurement process. The Service Provider was privy to the specifications of a tender prior to this been released to the market.

Disciplinary action against General Manager: Learning and Development and Skills Development Manager; Learning and Development for, Failure to comply with the provisions of clause 12.1 of DAF, Contravention of the provisions of clause 57 (a) and (c) of the PFMA, Failure to comply with the Procurement Process and causing of Irregular expenditure for procuring without a valid contract.

Financial Manager: Supply Chain Management for Gross negligence in that he approved a BEC report without verifying the authenticity of the content recorded. Dereliction of duties in that he failed to oversee the work of his subordinates.

Tender Supervisor: Tender Administration Office – Supply Chain Management for Contravening the Procurement Policy.

Acting Supply Chain Manager for contravening the Procurement Policy; Dishonesty and

Dereliction of duties.

Disciplinary action

Mr. Mohlolo Lephaka & Mr. Simon Molaudzi

Action In Progress

Disciplinary of Learning and development staff is on hold due to an ongoing investigation which is pending.

Acting Supply Chain Manager was put on precautionary suspension pending finalisation of her matter.

Further discussion with Forensics necessary to understand the reasons for the recommendation against Financial Manager: Supply Chain Management and Tender Supervisor: Tender Administration Office – Supply Chain Management

North West Operation

Alleged unauthorised removal of equipment

SABC North West


1 February 2017

We received allegations that the former RBF Provincial Manager removed SABC Broadcast equipment from the SABC Premises, without proper authorisation and rented same to Community Radio Stations.

(Non-compliance to SABC policies and procedures)

SABC broadcast equipment was used in during the Marikana inquiry by the SABC News team and Motsweding FM to report on the proceedings of the hearing. The Commission subsequently relocated to Centurion and the equipment was due to be returned to the SABC premises. Instead, the Provincial RBF Manager instructed his team to install the equipment at various Community Radio Stations without authorization.

  • Disciplinary action against the Provincial RBF Manager.
  • Recovery of equipment from the various Community Radio Stations.
  • Withholding of the Managers’ benefits subsequent to his immediate tendering of resignation.

Management consulted with legal to draft letters to the Community Radio Stations for the return of SABC equipment

Mr. Dennis Herold & Mr. Simon Mathebula

Action In Progress

SABC Legal has instructed attorney to draft and serve letters of demand to the various Community Radio Stations

Mpumalanga Operation (Radio)

Ligwalagwala 34th Birthday Bash


24 January 2017

We received a request to investigate allegations pertaining to the Ligwalagwala FM 34th Birthday -Bash Deviation from the approved Business Plan regarding entrance fees for the Station’s pre – and after party events.

Revenue split 70/30 between the service provider and the Station, as per the Business Plan.

Unauthorised airtime granted to a local Biker’s Club.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

We established the following:

  • No formal written agreements concluded with sponsors,
  • Free exposure given and staff members
  • Did not declare business interest.

Disciplinary action and recovery of value of the free exposure amounting to R169, 365.00

Disciplinary action and recovery

Mr. Quinton Lenyai

Action In Progress

Charges have been drafted for both employees. A panel has been selected

Date of hearing has been diarised for the 24- 25 April 2017.

12 April 2017, a briefing meeting will be held with the Initiator and implicated employees will be served with charges.


Music Tracking and reporting tender


24 January 2017

We received a request to conduct a review of the Music Reporting and Tracking Technology Bid. This was after the BEC was requested to re-visit the scoring.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

Allegations were found to be unsubstantiated.


No action to be taken.


No Action required


Unauthorised use of rented vehicle


24 January 2017

We received allegations that Music Compiler at Motsweding FM, was off duty and not authorised to be a driver of a SABC rented vehicle on 27 June 2016. He was allegedly involved in an accident with the above mentioned vehicle.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

Music Compiler, Motsweding FM, used a SABC rented vehicle from 24 to 27 June 2016 to attend the Motsweding FM Birthday event without the necessary approval to use the vehicle.

Disciplinary action against Music Compiler: Motsweding FM and Digital Specialist, Motsweding FM.

Progressive action against Marketing Assistant, Motsweding FM and Driver, Transport Department, North West Province and possible recovery of R27,409.07 from Music Compiler: Motsweding FM.

Disciplinary action and Recovery

Mr. Daniel Mongale

Action In Progress

The report has been handed over to HR Mafikeng to action accordingly.


Alleged fraudulent claims SABC Sport - Info Hub


20 January 2017

Allegations that Independent Contractors at Info Hub submitted claims for non-existing calendar days, e.g. 29 February 2015, 31 September 2015 and 31 June 2016.


General Manager Radio Sport and Managing Editor Info Hub approved shift lists with incorrect dates

No payments were made to freelancers for claims put in for non-existing dates.

Management should verify authenticity of invoices prior to approval of payments and ensure that shift lists are aligned to calendars.

Rectification of control environment

Ms. Sully Motsweni

No Action required

  1. Special Request










KZN Security Tender


14 March 2016

Forensics was requested to conduct a proactive assurance by evaluating the KZN Security Tender process to ensure that the evaluation process was conducted in a fair and transparent manner and in compliance with Procurement Policy.

Procurement adhered to the Procurement Policy and processes for the sourcing of a physical security service provider

Procurement should continue with the tender and request the latest compulsory documents from the preferred supplier.

Finalise tender

Zakir Rawoot

No action

  1. Cases reported to SAPS
    1. The following cases were reported to the South African Police Service:


Date reported to SAPS

Project Code

Case Description

SAPS Case No.

Police Station




11 November 2015


Pension Fund Fraud



in progress

The matter has been re-allocated from Sergeant. P Zidaya to WO LL Mokhanedi at Johannesburg Commercial Crimes Unit


27 June 2016


North West Equipment



in progress

RBR Manager removed broadcast equipment from SABC premises without permission


06 July 2016


Ukhozi M - Payola


Kempton Park

in progress

Ukhozi FM Presenter solicited undue benefit for interviews and to play music on Ukhozi FM platform.

19 June 2017 - NW1471

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)For each of the past three financial years, (a) what number of local productions has the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) sold, (b) what are the names of the productions that have been sold and (c) what amounts are charged by the SABC for each production; (2) whether, in line with clause 7 of the SABC Freelance Artists’ Agreement, performers are being paid commercial exploitation fees; if not, will she facilitate the process to ensure that actors are appropriately compensated for productions, which have been exploited for their commercial value; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what formula does the SABC use to calculate commercial exploitation fees?


According to the SABC;

1. no local productions were sold,

2. in terms of the aforementioned clause 7, the SABC is currently engaged in discussions with actors on an individual basis and through representative organisations to expedite payment. In order to facilitate the payment process, the SABC has made lists of material sold available on its website and would encourage legitimate claimants to lodge claims using the email address [email protected].

3. the formula for the payment of commercial exploitation fees is specified in the SABC standard agreements with production companies and principal actors:

 (a) The producers are entitled to 15% of the revenue, less SABC expenses, generated through content sales and licencing agreements

(b) The scriptwriters are entitled to 10% of the revenue, less SABC expenses, generated through content sales and licencing agreements

(c) Principal actors are entitled to a negotiated lump sum payment on the basis of a content sales and licencing agreements. Should the SABC and the principal actors fail to reach an agreement, the principal actors shall collectively receive two per cent of the revenue, less SABC expenses, on a pro-rata basis.

(d) The provisions regarding scriptwriters and principal actors do not apply to non-drama productions.

19 June 2017 - NW1459

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)(a) What number of programmes were commissioned by the SA Broadcasting Corporation in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years, (b) what (i) budget was allocated for each programme, (ii) was the title of each programme and (iii) amount was actually spent and (c) on what date was each programme completed; (2) (a) what number of the programmes were actually broadcast and (b) on what date in each case?


For (1) and (2), attached herewith please find Annexure 1 and Annexure 2 on details received from the SABC in relation to the programmes commissioned and broadcasted during 2014-15 financial year and during 2015-16 financial year. Auditing on the 2016-17 details has not been concluded.

19 June 2017 - NW1457

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether a new funding model is being explored for the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether she intends to table an amendment to the Broadcasting Act, Act 4 of 1999, as amended, so that those persons viewing SABC programmes via electronic devices such as cellphones‚ tablets and laptops are brought into the SABC revenue stream; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, on what date does she intend to table the amendment?


1. Yes. This matter is a work in progress, details will be released when consultation has been concluded.

2. An Amendment to the Broadcasting Act, Act 4 of 1999 is currently before Parliament,

19 June 2017 - NW1245

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her (i) procured any services from and/or (ii) made any payments to the Black Empowerment Foundation; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) was the total cost, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of such programmes in each case.


  1. (b) No.

19 June 2017 - NW1029

Profile picture: Robinson, Ms D

Robinson, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communications

With regard to the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on SABC Inquiry and in light of the overwhelming evidence of external interference and noncompliance with the Broadcasting Act, Act 4 of 1999, the Companies Act, Act 71 of 2008, and other relevant legislation, (a) what is the progress on the implementation of the recommendations of the specified ad hoc committee that the (i) new board takes reasonable steps to regularise previous decisions that may pose a financial or legal risk and (ii) interim board investigate the validity of the memorandum of incorporation that was signed in October 2014 and (b) what is the set deadline for achieving each recommendation?


Progress Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the SABC Board Inquiry has been presented to the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Communications on Tuesday, 13 June 2017. The Interim SABC Board is working with speed for achieving each recommendation.

19 June 2017 - NW1028

Profile picture: Robinson, Ms D

Robinson, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) What is the progress on the implementation of the recommendations with regard to the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the SA Broadcasting Corporation Inquiry, that (i) the Board reviews the SABC’s human resource policies to ensure that they comply with labour legislation and regulations, (ii) the Interim Board, in light of past experience, should start the process of appointing a new Company Secretary (details furnished), (iii) all SABC employees who failed to enter into performance management contracts, should do so within 60 days from date of adoption of this report by the National Assembly and that new appointees should do so before they receive their first salary payment, (iv) all other vacant executive positions be properly advertised and filled with suitably qualified people, and that human resource management-related policies, procedures and practices are adhered to during the appointment process, (v) the Interim/new Board must start the process of filling the top three executive positions of Group Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer with suitably qualified and experienced professionals who are able to develop and put in place systems that will support the Board in its efforts to stabilise and regularise the administration and governance of the SABC, (vi) the Interim Board should evaluate the feasibility of the business case for entering into agreements with rival broadcasters (details furnished) so as to ensure that the public broadcaster does not cross-subsidise its competitors, (vii) the Interim Board, or, if necessary, the new board should urgently engage the Auditor-General to address all its findings relating to irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure, as well as to initiate disciplinary steps against any officials as required by section 51(1)(e)(iii) of the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, who made and permitted irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure and (viii) the Interim Board should institute an independent forensic investigation into questionable and irregularly-awarded contracts referred to in this report or any other matter which it deems necessary and (b) has the Interim Board set any deadline in accordance with the recommendations of the report?


Progress Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the SABC Board Inquiry has been presented to the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Communications on Tuesday, 13 June 2017.

19 June 2017 - NW1022

Profile picture: Schmidt, Adv H

Schmidt, Adv H to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What are the names of the office bearers who are currently serving in certain executive positions (details furnished) at the SA Broadcasting Corporation; (2) (a) which office bearers are serving in (i) a permanent capacity or (ii) an acting capacity and (b) for what period has each specified office bearer been acting in each respective position; (3) whether the specified positions have been advertised; if not, (a) why not and (b) at what date will they be advertised; if so, on what date were the positions advertised?


For (1) (2) and (3) as at 4 June 2017, refer to the table link herewith below:

* Incumbent deceased on 13 May 2017


1 Mr James Aguma is Acting in vacant GCEO position. His permanent role is CFO

2 Ms Maseko is Acting as GE: News in place of Mr Simon Tebele

3. Mr James Mathabula is acting in the vacant position of Group Manager: Internal Audit

4. Mrs Audrey Raphela is acting as CFO in Mr James Aguma’s position

5. Mr Simon Tebele is acting as Coordinator: Special Projects in place of Mrs Bessie Tugwana

6. Mrs Bessie Tugwana is acting in the vacant position of COO

7. Mr Keobokile Mosweu is acting in place of Mr Hlaudi Motsoeneng

8. These staff members are not acting

9. All Staff members are on fixed term contract except Mr James Mathebula who is on a permanent contract.

19 June 2017 - NW1530

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) From what date has a certain person (name furnished) been employed at the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) and (b) what amount has been paid to the specified person since the commencement of his employment at the SABC in terms of (i) salaries, (ii) benefits, (iii) bonuses and (iv) any other payments?


According to the SABC, date of the persons’ semployment is 01 March 2013 as General Manager: Strategic Support and on 05 January 2015 employed as Chief Financial Officers. Total income for the period 1 March 2013 – 31 May 2017 is reflected in the table link herewith below:

19 June 2017 - NW1475

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr P

Mhlongo, Mr P to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation has granted any licences to boxing promoters (a) in the 2016-17 financial year and (b) since 1 April 2017; if so, (i) how many licences were granted, (ii) what are the names of the boxing promoters/companies and (iii) what are the relevant costs involved in each case?


Acoording to the SABC:

(a) and (b), Yes, (i) 7 Licenses were granted during the period 2016/17, (ii) Names of the Consortium of African Promoters are as follows;

  • Sibongile Matiti
  • Maxhoba Mabuti
  • Mxolisi Jamani
  • Lukhanyo Ndubane
  • Phathutshedzo Dongola
  • Ayanda Lennox Matiti
  • Alban-Cedric Wilson
  • Vuyani Bungu
  • Samuel Tshele Kometsi of TK Promotions – May 2016
  • Victory Sport Promotions - June 2016
    • Victor Roger Roberts
    • Shanell Winlock Pailman
  • Ayanda Lennox Matiti of Xaba Promotions – July 2016
  • Lebo Mohoko of Roomus Trading – October 2016
  • Dean Lonergan of Duco Promotions – December 2016
  • Samuel Tshele Kometsi of TK Promotions – April 2017

(iii) Auditing process on the cost has not not been concluded