Questions and Replies

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25 April 2016 - NW443

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether her department was ready to initiate an adequate number of desalination plants, using the latest proven and most cost-effective technology, especially in areas which long term forecasts have indicated will experience water shortage in the foreseeable future; if not, why not; if so, (a) when, (b) where and (c) with or without partners; (2) Whether her department will acknowledge Operation Hydrate in an appropriate manner and develop close working relationship with the specified group to ensure clean drinking water for all?


1. My Department encourages measures to extend the available water resources in South Africa which include the utilization of ground water, re-use of water, rainwater harvesting and desalination of sea water. A sea water desalination plant is essentially a water purification plant and the norm is for water purification plants to be developed and owned by Water Boards and Water Services Providers (municipalities). In the conciliation strategies developed for the coastal towns, sea water desalination is an important option being considered for implementation by Water Boards and Municipalities, depending on the particular institutional situation in the area  Currently the Durban area is investigating the desalination as an option and there will be a decision made soon on whether to implement a medium sized sea water desalination plant to the south of the city, or to develop conventional water storage close by is expected soon. 

Experience shows that sea water desalination is becoming more and more economically competitive when compared with other available water resource options and with the comparative advantage of coastal cities having an abundance of sea water available close by, we can expect see medium to large sea water desalination plants being implemented there in future.  We can also expect to see small sea water desalination plants, making use of less expensive beach well raw water abstraction (as compared with expensive ocean abstraction for larger sea water desalination plants) becoming viable in certain local applications. 

(2) I have noted and acknowledged the humanitarian support that the civil society is playing in distributing drinking water to needy communities across the country. In this regard the effort by Operation Hydrate, Gift of the Givers, Nelson Mandela Foundation and Proudly South Africa, among others, are greatly appreciated. These organizations are most encouraged to work with my Department in continuously monitoring and identifying communities that have been hit the most by the drought, and therefore who can benefit the most from this gesture.


20 April 2016 - NW818

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)With reference to her reply to question 4225 on 18 December 2015, (a) which of the provinces which have been declared drought disaster areas have approved drought intervention plans in place, (b) what amount has been paid out to each specified province to date and (c) how was this money used; (2) (a) when were the specified provinces declared drought disaster areas and (b) what are the further relevant details of the gazettes in which they appeared; (3) (a) which dams in each province have reached levels below the restricted level for abstraction as per the operating rules of each dam, (b) when was this level reached, (c) how many applications were received for further abstraction past the restricted level, (d) how many applications were approved for continued abstraction despite the low levels and (e) what studies and/or assessments were conducted in each case prior to permission being granted; (4) (a) how many towns across the country have run dry from 1 June 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available, (b) what are the names of (i) each town and (ii) each local municipality and (c) what interventions have been put in place in each of the specified towns?


(1) The KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province is the only province with approved Business Plan and dedicated budget for drought interventions thus far, refer to Annexure A. All other provinces are using funds which are reprioritized/adjusted within the Departmental budget.

(2) Refer to the table below for the specified provinces declared drought areas.


Date Declared

Type of Declaration


17 December 2014

Old declaration, Provincial Gazette 167


8 February 2016

Updated declaration to include 2 additional Municipalities, Provincial Gazette No 1600.

North West

24 July 2015

Provincial Gazette 7501

Free State

4 September 2015

Provincial Gazette 83


13 November 2015

Provincial Gazette 2630


04 December 2015

Provincial Gazette 2619 (Not all local municipalities in the DM)

Western Cape

25 November 2015

Council Resolution

Eastern Cape

4 December 2015

Provincial Gazette 3560 Ugi Town declared a Local State of Organic Pollution


22 January 2016

Provincial Gazette 3582 Council Resolutions in the following DMs: OR Tambo on 11 Jan 2016, Alfred Nzo on 17 Dec 2015.


04 March 2016

Extension, including Ugu Town Provincial Gazette 3606.

Northern Cape

29 January 2016

Provincial Gazette 1983

(3) (a)Restrictions for Dams are applied starting from different levels for different Dams as per the Dam’s operating rules to prevent the Dams from complete failure to supply water or to prolong water supply from each Dam provided the restrictions are adhered to. For additional information on Dam Levels kindly refer to

(3)(c) No applications were received for further abstraction past the restricted level.

(3)(d) Not Applicable (N/A).

(3)(e) Annual Operating Analysis is conducted each year at the end of the rainy season to determine allocable amount for the particular year.

(4) Requesting Honorable Member to refer to NA 428 on February 2016 as this question was adequately responded to.


20 April 2016 - NW820

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With reference to the Msunduzi River Sewer Project which is a joint partnership between the Duzi-Umgeni Conservation Trust and the Msunduzi Local Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal, (a) what is the E-coli count of the tests conducted on the river since 1 April 2015, (b) how many incidents of sewerage pollution have been reported over the specified period, (c) what action has been taken against the identified polluters and (d) what remedial action has been taken to deal with the environmental impact of this sewerage pollution in each case?


(a) The E. coli counts of the tests conducted on the Msunduzi River between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2016 range from 1 313 counts per 100ml to 1 000 000 counts per 100ml.

(b) There were approximately thirteen (13) pollution incidents reported to my Department.

(c) My Department engaged the identified polluters and requested that corrective measures be taken. Based on the severity of the pollution incident, my Department issued the identified polluters with Section 19 non-compliance notices in terms of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998).

(d) The Mvoti to Mzimkulu Classification Study has highlighted the need to improve water quality of the Msunduzi River citing nutrients as a variable requiring improvement. Hotspots contributing to poor water quality in this river system have been identified, and the Msunduzi Municipality together with Duzi-Umgeni Conservation Trust, and my Department engages in monitoring all the identified hotspot areas. There has also been the installation of Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTV) which operate 24 hours to identify surcharging manholes and allow for swift response and corrective action. Water quality monitoring is done on a weekly basis on both downstream and upstream of problematic manholes and pump stations along the Msunduzi River and its tributaries. My Department has also increased the frequency of inspections of hotspot areas.


20 April 2016 - NW955

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Has (a) she and/or (b) her Deputy Minister ever (i) met with any (aa) member, (bb) employee and/or (cc) close associate of the Gupta family and/or (ii) attended any meeting with the specified persons (aa) at the Gupta’s Saxonwold Estate in Johannesburg or (bb) anywhere else since taking office; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified case, (aaa) what are the names of the persons who were present at each meeting, (bbb)(aaaa) when and (bbbb) where did each such meeting take place and (ccc) what was the purpose of each specified meeting?


No, neither myself nor the Deputy Minister have met with any member employee and/or close associate of the Gupta family and/or attended any meeting with the specified persons at the Gupta’s Saxonwold Estate in Johannesburg or anywhere else since taking office.


20 April 2016 - NW897

Profile picture: Khawula, Ms MS

Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Has she earned any additional income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, since her appointment as Minister; if so, (a) when, (b) how much did she earn, (c) from which businesses and (d) for what work; (2) whether her (a) spouse, (b) children and (c) close family earned income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, through her appointment as Minister; if so, in respect of each case, (i) when, (ii) how much did each earn, (iii) from which businesses and (iv) for what work?


(1) No, I have not earned any additional income from any businesses.

(2) No, no members of my family have earned any additional income from any businesses doing business with government.


20 April 2016 - NW859

Profile picture: Khawula, Ms MS

Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

When is the community of Siyancuma in the Northern Cape, Huhudi and Ipeleng in North West and Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality in Free State going to get water?


The responsibility to provide water to households in the Municipalities lies with the respective Water Service Authorities in the different provinces as follows:

(a) Northern Cape: Pixley ka Seme District Municipality

(b) North West Province: Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality

(c) Free State Province: Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality


20 April 2016 - NW822

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With regard to the water quality of the (a) Umbilo, (b) Palmiet and (c) Vungu rivers in KwaZulu-Natal, (i) what are the greatest risks in each case, (ii) are these risks being monitored and (iii) what action is being taken to reduce these risks?


(i) There is a need to improve on the microbial quality of the Umbilo River, the nutrient levels of the Palmiet River and in the Vungu River system, nutrients and microbial quality requires improvement.

(ii) Yes, these river systems are being monitored.

(iii) My Department, as well as the eThekwini Municipality has increased the frequency of inspections of hotspot areas to enable early detection of potential problems and allow for swift corrective action. The Department also engages with the Ugu District Municipality at the Ugu Coastal Management Committee where issues relating to pollution are addressed. The Department, together with the respective Municipality, ensures that all the sources of pollution are addressed timeously.


20 April 2016 - NW821

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(a) What are the current phosphate levels of the Inanda Dam near Hillcrest in KwaZulu-Natal and (b) what measures have been taken to reduce the prevalence of toxic green-blue algae which is a threat to the water quality of the specified dam?


(a) The current phosphate levels of the Inanda Dam near Hillcrest in KwaZulu-Natal is 40 µg/l.

(b) Inanda Dam receives flow from the Msunduzi River. The Mvoti to Mzimkulu Classification Study has highlighted the need to improve water quality of the Msunduzi River citing nutrients as a variable requiring improvement. Hotspots contributing to poor water quality in this river system have been identified and the Msunduzi Municipality together with Duzi-Umgeni Conservation Trust, and my Department engages in monitoring all the identified hotspot areas. There has also been the installation of Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTV) which operate 24 hours to identify surcharging manholes. Water quality monitoring is done on a weekly basis on both downstream and upstream of problematic manholes and pump stations along the Msunduzi River and its tributaries. My Department has also increased the frequency of inspections of hotspot areas.


11 April 2016 - NW637

Profile picture: Khawula, Ms MS

Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether, with reference to the freshwater ecosystems that are in an endangered state (details furnished), she has engaged with the Minister of Environmental Affairs to collectively come up with a coherent programme for preserving our ecological infrastructure, such as wetlands and other freshwater ecosystems which are key for sustainable water supply; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Yes, I have been engaging with the Minister of Environmental Affairs on different platforms to collectively come up with a coherent programme for preserving our ecological infrastructure. These engagements have resulted in several strategies and action plans, as follows:

  1. Chapter 5 of the National Water Resource Strategy 2, outlines the protection strategies for our fresh water ecosystems which are inclusive of rivers, and wetlands. The progress in the implementation of these protection measures is monitored in the outcome 10 report of the Minister of Environmental Affairs as a key performance indicator on the number of rivers that have been classified. A joint Implementation Plan with the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has been developed to ensure the implementation of protection measures and the sustainable functioning of ecological infrastructure. It is important to note that this Implementation Plan is also in alignment with the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan developed by the DEA.
  2. The Classification, determination of the Reserve and Resource Quality Objectives work done by my Department, takes into cognisance the information contained in the National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (NFEPA) and Strategic Water Source Areas developed by DEA, in collaboration with SANBI & the CSIR and stringent protection conditions are prescribed to protect ecologically important and sensitive ecological resources e.g. threatened wetland habitat, rivers, lakes, pans and estuaries which have been identified within these studies.
  3. These protection measures outlined above are further translated into license conditions when the different water use authorisation applications are approved with clear recommendations on the management of the ecological infrastructure. My Department and DEA have a joint responsibility in the management of estuaries, where my Department is responsible for determining the ecological state, importance and sensitivity of estuaries and DEA is responsible for the regulatory measures for maintaining the ecological state. The ecological information determined by my Department is taken into consideration by DEA when issuing of permits for the utilisation of estuaries.


11 April 2016 - NW192

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)With reference to her reply to question 570 for oral reply on 11 November 2015, what are the results of the latest E.coli tests done by her department in the (a) Apies River and (b) adjacent boreholes; (2) on what date was the City of Tshwane requested to provide her department with an action plan detailing how it will deal with Rooiwal Power Station; (3) whether she has received the specified action plan from the City of Tshwane; if not, when is the action plan due; if so, will she provide Mr E J Marais with the action plan; (4) (a) what alternative action does her department pursue when it is satisfied that it has exhausted the recourse provided by the Inter-governmental Relations Framework Act, Act 13 of 2005 and (b) in terms of what legislation and/or regulations is this action pursued, (5) whether she has employed the specified alternative course of action; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a) The latest results available for E coli for Apies River reveal medium to low risk. This can be attributed to the improvement made at the Rooiwal waste water treatment plant since my Department’s intervention.

(1)(b) Tests conducted in adjacent boreholes revealed low to medium risk levels of E-coli found.

(2) The action plan was requested for end of August 2015.

(3) Yes. The action plan was submitted on 31 August 2015. A copy of the action plan is attached. It must be noted that the action plan is a living document and it is revised as and when required.

(4)(a) If all avenues provided for by the Inter- governmental relations framework Act, Act 13 of 20015 has been exhausted and no noticeable improvement can be observed, Criminal Charges are laid against the relevant organ of state.

(4)(b) These criminal charges are pursued in terms of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998).

(5) No. My Department has not pursued the alternative (criminal charges) thus far. My Department is engaging with the City of Tshwane on the action plan and the last engagement was on 8 December 2015. During the engagement, the City Manager committed R140 000 000 to upgrade the plant. Furthermore, the municipality is currently looking at all legal avenues within the supply chain process (SCM) to fast track the procurement of the contractors to urgently start with the required upgrade. My Department is closely monitoring the SCM process and the development at the woks. The last visit at the plant was on 15 January 2016 and there is promising improvement, within the current treatment capacity.


31 March 2016 - NW428

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1) (a) Which towns in each province have been affected by water shortages during the period 1 June 2015 to 15 February 2016 and (b) what intervention measures were put in place by her department to assist the relevant communities with the provision of water; (2) (a) which dams in each province ran dry during the period 1 June 2015 to 15 February 2016, (b) which towns and/or communities were affected and (c) what is the current status of each dam?



(1) Refer to Table 1 below for towns in each province affected by water shortages and intervention measures.

(2) Refer to Table 2 below for the dams in each province which ran dry during the period 1 June 2015 to 15 February 2016, the affected communities and the current status of each dam.


Table1. Towns in each province affected by water shortages and intervention measures


Towns Affected

Intervention measures

Northern Cape

Philandersbron, Welkom and Groot/Klein Mier, VanWyksvlei, Bendell, Deurham, Ditshipeng, Gamorona, Gamokatedi, Gasehunelo, Ganap, Glenred, Heuningsvlei, Laxey, Kilokilo, Metsimatse Wyk 1, Klipham, Kome, Letlhakajaneng, Loopeng, Madibeng, Magojaneng, Saamsukkel, Tsiloane, Van Zylsrus, Tweed, Klein Eiffel, Eiffel, Sydney, Dealand Tsinengkop

Dikgatlong, Magareng, Phokwane, Maruping, Brandvlei, Loeriesfontein, Calvinia, Garies, Klipfontein, Spoegrivier, Hondeklip Bay, Eksteenfontein, Lekkersing, De Aar, Strydenburg, Blaauwskop, Warmsand, Eenduin, 7de laan, McTaggerskamp, Noudonsies and Eksteenskuil, Eilande

  • Rainwater harvesting tanks have been installed at present for the benefit of indigent households.
  • Drilling of boreholes was done as part of the bulk infrastructure program
  • Refurbishing of non-functional boreholes
  • Water is supplied by tankers to some of these affected communities

Free State

Kroonstad, Viljoenskroon, Steynsrus, Brandfort, Winburg, Verkeerdevlei, Boshof, Dealsville, Bloemfontein, ThabaNchu, Botshabelo, Fouriesburg, Rosendal, Kestell, Qwaqwa, FicaPatso, Ladybrand, Excelsior, Tweespruit, Hobhouse, ThabaPatshoa, PetrusSteyn, Lindley, Arlington, Vrede, Memel, Ficksburg, Clocolan, Marquard, Senekal, Phillipolis, Bethulie, Springfontein, Trompsburg, Petrusburg, Smithfield,

Dewetsdorp, Wepener, Vanstadensrus, Bethany, Fauresmith, Jackobsdal, Koppies, Kroonstad, Oranjeville, Parys, Theunissen, Vredefort, Warden, Winburg, Zastron, Soutpan

  • Katse dam water released since early August 2015
  • Groundwater augmentation
  • Welbedacht dam water release in early January 2016
  • Drilling of boreholes
  • Boreholes were equipped and connected.
  • Sterkfontein water scheme project is providing water
  • 12 DWS and municipalities’ water tankers provided to relieve water crisis
  • Water released through Orange River
  • Restrictions gazetted for 5 dams and 1 system (3 dams)
  • 32 Boreholes equipped and connected.


Mbuzini, Gomora, Magogeni, Managa, Mgobode, Dludluma, Jeppes, Reef, Schoemansdal, Buffelspruit, Driekoppies, Langeloop, Aniva, Steenbok, Louville, Hectospruit, Komatipoort, Malelane, Marloth Park, Badfontein, Draaikraal, Shaga, Boschfontein, matibidi, Moremela, Leroro, Madubula, Rainbow ZFarm, Mahiyane, KaMashayane, Silver Creek, Mtaliyane, Honeybird, Siyalima, Sheba, Paradors, Noordkaap, Mandela Place, Mlambongwane, Castlekop, Hangingstone, Goedehoop, Kamadakwa, Ndlovu, Dixie Farm, Mandela Village (Maviljan), Mamba Mencisi, GaRelani, Violet bank, Kofifi (shatale), Zoeknog A& B, Benoni, Zimbabwe, Mahashe, Tsakane/Greenvalley, CottondaleIslington, Burlington, Mambumbu/Zola/Songeni, Role, Kumani, MP Stream, Hluvukani, Newington, Xanthia, Agincourt, Metsi, Ximhungwe, Kildare, Huntington, Lilydale, Belfast, Cork, Sommerset, Mashonamini, Madras, Goromane, Mkhuhlu A & B, Cargo Inn, Jimbrown, Carlton, Mathibela, Alexandra, Takamahala, Oakley, Chavelagaza, Thushaneng, Cunningmore A, Cunningmore B, Morongwane, Mphenyatsatsi Township, Newforest, Sibambayana, Tsuvulani, Edinburg, Leratong/Zakheni, Kwagafontein/ Emasimini, Vreisgewaght, Kleipfontein, Suncity D, Mandela, Msholozi, Pankop/Masobe, Rakaile, Phake-Thabeng, Mametlhake, Nokaneng, Katjibane, Seabe, Greenside, Marapyane, Ramantsho, Loding, Semotlase, Malopoamogale/Kameelpoort, KwaMakola, Kgaphamadi, Wonderfontein, Tweeloop, Sycamore, Paardeplaats, Zwartkoppies, Waaikraal, Sewefontein, Groenvlei, Lothaire/Silindile, Sheepmore, Sheepmore, Warburton, Skaaprouse, Elm Tree, Biermani, Cedermont, Groenvlei, Keslek,

Pamietkuil, Rietvlei, Rondavel, Rooikoppies, Platokop 1, Maizefield, Uitkom, KwaMathibela, De Kuilen, Platrand, KwaMadlebe, Wolvespruit (Mkhwanazi), majojobeni, Katdoornkraal, Morakane, Mkomeni, Emnyama, Sterkfontein, Vaalvrede, Alzu borehole, Matafuleni, Tshondo, St Helena, Msinyane, Bushman band, Sgudada, Derby-ntintinyane, Derby-marondweni, Dalia, Kamavumbuka, Emakhwabeni, Haarlem, Newpitoli, Groenfontein, Mooihoek, Madola, Matsheni, Bothashope, Sunbank, Athalia, Bergplaas, KwaMagadla, KaJesus, Qalokusha, Kwarati, Aggendrift, Moolman, Alman, Congo, Vezokuhle, Berbice, Kwashuku, Esiqhintini, Ezintabeni

Ezimnyanma, Jikagogo, Bakenkop-Kwanyisi, Madanca, Madabukela, Kafiti, Stafford, Sihanahana, Emaswazini.

Elandspoort, Wolwspruit, Parmlford, KoppieAleen, Rust Hoek, Elantfontein, Odewood farm, Smooltlof, Voorseg, Ekukhanyeni, Schuihoek, Mabhondo, Brontol,

Rust Hoek, Thuthukani, Oodendal rust B, MinigScheilhoek, Sterkfoutein VK, Spitkop, Sckoongeseg, Wakk-sttaion, Duck in farm, Gunmwane, 51 plot, Verkerk 1, Sunspruit, Lowra farm, Elandfontein/Rooipot, Vemrky far,

Rooiport farm, Uitkyk farm, Goedeluk, Kaffieskraal, Kalfantein, Vleifontein, Kalfontein, Mooifontein, Rietspruit A, Goodewoop farm, Zamokuhle, Rietspruit, Welgelegen Farm, Enon farm, Emabhosi farm, Somershoek, Bethamoya, Mzwele, Kalkoenkraas, Valpoort, Fickland, Verkyk, Daggakraal, Skurwepoort, Vaalbank, Njusuthu, Syde, Nordeen, Ndonga, Mafufumbe, Mandela, Sthobile

Robisndale, Hartebeeskop, Emganwini, Sincobile, Redhill, Waverley, Faith Mission, Nhlaba, Ngonini, Josephdale, Khuzulwandle, Elukwatini

  • 29 new boreholes drilled to augment surface water supply
  • boreholes refurbishment: 107
  • 91 Static tanks provided
  • Rehabilitation of Queens River Pump Station and SuidKaap WTW was completed and commissioned and Five (5) kilometre bulk pipeline complete linking Queens river pump station and Suidkaap Water Treatment Plant.  Construction of 2 reservoirs and drying bed in progress.
  • Restrcitions gazette for 6 dams (including 1 system) and being prepared for 2 more systems.


Durban (North), Tongaat, Balito, KwaDukuza, Mandeni, , Maphumulo, Kokstadt, Ixopo, Port Shepstone, Kelso, Pennington, Scottburgh, Sezela, Umdoni, Harding, Hluhluwe, KwaMsane

Mthubathuba, St Lucia, Greytown, Melmoth, Eshowe, Vryheid, Nongoma, Ulundi,Hlabisa, Jozini, Manguzi, Ndwedwe, Manguzi,

Dundee, Msinga, Nquthu, Greytown, eNhlalakahle, Sithembile

Emnambithi/Ladysmith, Imbabazane, Indaka, Okhahlamba, Umtshezi, Wembezi, Melmoth, Nkandla, Ntambanana, Mambuka, Dlangubo, Richardsbay, Esikhaleni, Empangeni, Ngwelezana, kwaDlangezwa, Eshowe, Vryheid, eDumbe, Obivane, Tholakele, Bellavista, Mfenyane, Nongoma, Ulundi, uPhongolo

Ingwe, KwaSani, Ubuhlebezwe, Umzimkhulu

Ezingoleni, Umdoni, uMuziwabantu, Umzumbe

Vulamehlo, Impendle, Mkhambathini, Mpofana, Richmond, Msunduzi, uMngeni, uMshwathi, Umhlabuyalingana

  • The Department with the Provincial CoGTA’s Disaster Management Unit has established Joint Operating Committees to assess the options to ensure water shortages are not experienced in each supply system.
  • Drought operating rules have been developed for systems supplied by dams and are being implemented.
  • Other measures include implementation of water restrictions, augmentation of supplies through boreholes and transfer systems, active leak detection and pressure management and the installation of water restrictors.
  • In some areas where the required water savings have not been achieved, water supplies have been limited and static tanks installed to ensure access to water
  • 53DWS tankers deployed, 86 new boreholes drilled, 80 springs protected.
  • 464 Static tanks with stands have been purchased and installed at various communal points.
  • Restrictions gazette for 8 dams and 2 systems (6 dams)
  • 38 500 restrictors installed in 4 Local Municipalities.
  • In Amajuba DM, water is released from Ntshingwayo Dam to support several towns.
  • In iLembe DM water is transferred from uThongathi River to augment Hazelmere dam.
  • Several water schemes have been repaired and many smaller repairs are being made to schemes.
  • In Ugu DM, water is being transferred from Mpambanyoni River.
  • In Umgungundlovu DM phase 2 of the Ophathe water supply scheme is underway.
  • In Umkhanyakude DM contructionon and refurbishment of the Shemula rising main is underway, the refurbishment of the kwaMsane pipeline, a new pipeline from the existing Mtubatuba Heights reservoir to the existing KwaMsane reservoirs and the upgrading of the Hluhluwe phase 2 WTW from a 1.8ML/d to a 3.8Ml/d package treatment plant.
  • In the Umzingyati DM, water is released from Ntshingwayo Dam, and a pump station is installated at Tayside.
  • In the Unthungulu DM, water is transferred from Uthukela to supplement Goedertrouw Dam.
  • In Zululand DM, water is being released from Klipfontein dam for Vryheid and Ulundi, and water is being transferred from Jozini Dam for Nongoma

Eastern Cape

Matatiele, Mbizana, Ntabankulu, Umzimvubu, Mbhashe, Mnquma, Amahlathi,Emalahleni, Inkwanca, Lukhanji, Engcobo, IntsikaYethu, Inxuba, Yethemba, Sakhisizwe, Tsolwana, Elundini, Gariep, Maletswai, Senqu, Aliwal North, Elundini, Mhlontlo, Ngquza Hill, Nyandeni, Port St Johns, King SabataDalindyebo

  • Refurbishment of boreholes
  • Drilling, testing and equipping of new boreholes
  • Water Conservation and Water Demand management programs (War on Leaks)
  • Fast tracking of completing and commissioning Water Treatment Works (Chulunca, Mnceba,
  • Installing new connections to reticulation systems like the delivery from Ludeke Dam
  • Emergency bulk water pipelines like Mbase North to Dutwa WTW, Xilinxa to Gcuma weir,
  • Deployment of 11 DWS water tankers
  • Desilting and replacing pipelines
  • Increase storage capacity and upgrade Cala Package plant
  • Hydrosensus undertaken in Joe Gqabi DM
  • Desiltattion of dams like Chippinisklip
  • Upgrade of water supplies like Burgersdorp/Steynsville
  • Restrictions gazetted for 1 system and 9 more being prepared.
  • Water released from Katze Dam brought relief and assist in redirecting resources to Mount Fletcher
  • Emergency transfer from Mooi River to WTW

Western Cape

Ceres, Tulbagh, Klaarstroom, LeeuGamka, Dysselsdorp and De Rust, Vredendal, Klawer, Clanwilliam, Lutzville, Citrusdal, Malmesbury, Mooreesburg, Piketberg, Vredenburg, Saldanha, Velddrift, Knysna, Breede Valley, Drakensteyn, Stellenbosch, Witzenberg, City of Cape Town, Bergrivier, Cederberg, Matzikama, Saldana Bay, Swartland

  • DWS is re-prioritizing its financial support to assist these municipalities with infrastructure e.g. leaking bulk water pipes, incorporation of groundwater to augment water supply.
  • Water restrictions and awareness campaigns are in place to prolong the period of supply in these Municipalities.
  • These Municipalities are also assisted with information and guidance to assist in making informed decisions regarding water supply.
  • Restrictions gazette for 1 dam and 1 system.


Alexandra Park Res, Signal Hill, Bedfordview, Empire Palace, Isando, Kempton South, Germiston (Low Pressure in some areas), Spartan, Bonaeropark, Edleen, Bichley Area, Brandwood, Sunny Ridge, Primrose South, Chloorkop, Ester Park, City of Tshwane, Forest Hill, Town View, Chrisville, Robertsham, Rossetentville, Half of Winchester Hills , Turfontein, Forest Hill Tower, Oakdene, South Hills, Tulisa Park, Linmeyer, Risana, Moffatt View, Hursthill Areas Sharpville, Nordic, Meyerton-Midvaal, Meyerton Park (Samacor), EMSA, Riverside-Midvaal, Evaton, Sebokeng North, Ironsides, Eaton, boipatong, Bophelong, Emfulenie, Evalton, Golden gardens, Johandeo, lakeside, Sebokeng, Sharpville, Stretford, Tshepiso, Vaal Oewer, Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging

  • Water is being released from Sterkfontein Dam to Val Dam.
  • Currently all drought alleviation activities are coordinated with, and implemented by municipalities.
  • In general, consumers were requested to stop watering gardens, filling swimming pools, washing of pavements and to repair leaks;
  • In several areas level one restrictions are imposed and residents are urged not to water gardens between 06:00 and 18:00, was cars with hosepipes or fill swimming pools.
  • Static tanks are placed at selected points;
  • At least one tender was published for the drilling of boreholes by a municipality.
  • Studies are being conducted for the water network integration to enable water supply to be shifted from one network to the other in order to build redundancies in the system to improve operational resilience
  • Tankers are provided for critical facilities that were currently affected .
  • An office hour Joint Operations Centre (JOC) was establishd at the Joburg Water (JW) offices on 17 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. This facility serves as a nodal point for information
  • A principle agreement was reached between District and its constituent local municipalities for the provision of potable water in the event of any eventualities in the Region;
  • Disaster Management Officers are tasked with the responsibility to physically monitor any possible or related drought incidents through the established Volunteer Units;
  • Daily early warning systems are circulated through the Short Messaging System (SMS) to all stakeholders in some Districts;
  • Awareness campaigns are currently underway through the distribution of pamphlets, local newspapers and ward councillors across the municipal areas.


Roedtan, Groblersdal, Marble Hall, Mookgopong, Modimolle, Thabazimbi, Lephalale, Mokopane, Tzaneen, Giyani

Sibasa, Thohoyandou, Polokwane, Alldays, Dendron, Botlokwa, Bakenberg, Lebowakgomo, Makhado, Mutale, Roedtan

Water restrictions implemented, Requests for funding for tankering and drilling boreholes compiled & submitted. Restrictions have been gazette for 8 dams and 1 more is being prepared

North West

SweitzerReneke, Naledi, Ottosdal, Sannieshof, Delarayville, Zeerust, Mahikeng, Vyburg, Koster, Koster, Swartruggens, Brits, Jericho and Majakaneng, Fafung,Waariekraal ,Jonathan and Klipvoorstad, Mapaputle, Boitekong, Maquasi Hill, Potchefstroom, Ventersdrop, Taung, Wentzel, Taung, Majemantsho,Mokgobistad, Mashutle, Motswedi, Dinoka, Khumutwane, Mosweu, Lekubu, Driefontein, Mokgola, Gopane, Pitsane, Greysdorp, Majaneng, Lichtenburg, Mafikeng, Pomfret, Ratlou, Sannieshof

  • The Department is providing support to the affected Municipalities through water trucks, water tanks and restore the water supply through drilling and equipping of boreholes.
  • 12 DWS tankers have been deployed
  • Restrictions have been published for 9 dams.
  • Intensification of the WC/WDM programs, e.g. leak detection and repairs (War on leaks).
  • Drilling of boreholes
  • Construction of the Brits WTW
  • Water augmentation inMabokoloka
  • Maquasi Hills bulk water supply scheme completed.
  • Ventersdorp Bulk Water Supply scheme completed.
  • Taung/Naledi BWS completed
  • RBIG programmes underway.


Table 2: (a) Dams in each province which ran dry during the period 1 June 2015 to 15 February 2016, (b) which towns and/or communities were affected and (c) what is the current status of each dam?



Communities Affected

Current Situation

Northern Cape



Free State










Theunisen, Brandfort, Bultfontein












Koffiefontein, Luckhoff, Oppermansgronde, Jacobsdal, Fauresmith, Jaggersfontein.




Bloemfontein, Thaba Nchu, Botsabelo.




Koppies, Vijoenskroon




Bloemfontein, Thaba Nchu, Botsabelo




Bloemfontein, Thaba Nchu, Botsabelo




Bloemfontein, Thaba Nchu, Botsabelo




Bosfontein, Schuzendal, Magogeni, Mananga, Mgobodi, Dludluma, Amsterdam, Volksrust,

Umjindi, Nkomazi, Nkomazi, Mkhondo, Pixley ka Isaka




















Harding area

Below 30 %



Scottburg, Kelso, Pennington, Umdoni, Sezela.




Greytown, Ixopo, Kokstad, Harding, Port Shepstone, Hluhluwe, Glencoe, Hattingh Spruit, Dundee, Nquthu, Msinga, eDumbe, Hlabisa, Mbazwana, Ingwavuma, Ballito

Maphumulo, KwaDukuza, Mthubathuba, KwaMsane, St Lucia, Vryheid, Ulundi, Eshowe, Melmoth, Nongoma











Donald Mchardy




Prestine Pan








Tom Worthington








Lake Merthley


Below 30%



Tongaat Durban North


Eastern Cape


Golfcourse dam, Mputi&Ngxakaxa Dam

20% on average


Aliwal North

Orange River ran dry

River flowing normally again


Lady Grey

Lady Grey Dam




Aucamp dam & Town Dam



Mount Fletcher

Mount Fletcher Dam

Full, but 70% silted



Dordrecht Dam

Still very low- exact level not gauged.



Mountain Dam

20% - exact level not gauged. Connected pipeline to Mountain Lake, tankering.



Nzwakazi Dam

Still very low- exact level not gauged.

North West


Borelelo, Ipelegeng, Glaudia, Atamelang, Mathibestad, Khunotswane, Ganyesa, Pomfret, Morokweng, Ga-maloka, Tshidilamolomo, Setlagole, Lekoko, Makhubung, Majemantsho,Lomanyaneng, Phitsane, Masutle, Motswedi, Rietpan, Ntsweletsoku, Setete, Welbedatch, Letsopa, Geysdorp, Khunwana, Sannieshof, Delareyville, Taung, Karelstad, Diplankeng, Lokgabeng, Mathanthanyaneng, Gamokake, Lothwanyeng



















Marico Bosveld
























Nwamitwa, Bolobedu and Modjadji


Western Cape



31 March 2016 - NW475

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)(a) What is the (i) budget and (ii) cost to date of the construction of the 20 megaliter per day water purification plant in the Madibeng Local Municipality in North West, (b) when will the specified plant be completed and (c) at what estimated cost; (2) whether the cost of building the specified plant has increased against the original budget since construction started; if so, what are the (a) amount and (b) reasons in each case; (3) whether the specified municipality is contributing financially to the construction of the specified plant; if not, why not; if so, what (a) amount and (b) are the further relevant details; (4) whether the specified municipality has sufficient funds available to assist in funding the construction of the specified plant; if not, (a) why not and (b) how will the construction of the specified plant be completed; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a)(i) The budget allocation for the upgrade of Brits Water Treatment Works (WTW) is R60 million.

(1)(a)(ii) The expenditure to date is R36 million.

(1)(b) The first module is envisaged to be completed by July 2016 and overall project completion is August 2018.

(1)(c) The estimated cost for the first module is R 93 million and overall project estimate cost is R800 million.

(2) No, the cost has not increased.

(2) (a) Falls away.

(2) (b) Falls away

(3) The Madibeng Local Municipality is not providing financial support due to financial constraint.

(3)(a Falls away.

(3)(b) Falls away.

(4)(a) The funding is enough to carryover the construction, for the completion of module 1 upgrade.

(4)(b) The construction will be done in phases until completion.


31 March 2016 - NW264

Profile picture: Khawula, Ms MS

Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether she and/or her department has bought advertising space in The New Age in the (a) 2012-13, (b) 2013-14 and (c) 2014-15 financial years; if so, (i) what number of times and (ii) for what amount in each specified financial year?


a) Yes, my Department did buy advertising space in The New Age. Refer to the table below for the break down per financial year.

Financial Year

Number of times


(a) 2012/13

Once (1)

R97 723.08

(b) 2013/14

Five (5)

R 175 091.40

(c) 2014/15

Thirteen (13)

R 953 887.97


31 March 2016 - NW319

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1) Whether she is aware of the critical water shortages in Vryheid in the AbaQulusi Local Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal; if not, why not; if so, what steps is (a) she and (b) the specified municipality taking to address the critical water shortages in the specified municipality; (2) (a) what were the levels of the (i) Klipfontein Dam, (ii) Grootgewacht Dam and (iii) Bloemveld Dam at (aa) 30 November 2015, (bb) 31 December 2015 and (cc) 31 January 2015 and (b) what are the levels in each case as at 15 February 2016; (3) why has water from the Grootgewacht Dam not been released in time to feed the feeder dams; (4) whether the water piped to the residents of Vryheid are safe to drink given that the feeder dam levels are so low; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a) Yes, I am aware of the water challenges faced by the Vryheid (Abaqulisi Local Municipality (LM) within the Zululand District Municipality (DM).

(1)(b) My Department, after the 2014 drought declaration has allocated R39 693 million to the Zululand DM to address the drought to all its local municipalities which included Abaqulusi LM. The Zululand DM identified the following interventions to address the critical water shortages in the Abaqulusi LM:

  • Drilling of new boreholes and refurbishment of existing boreholes
  • Refurbishment of existing water schemes
  • Springs protection and
  • Water tankering

These interventions are currently underway to address the drought under the Abaqulusi LM and can be summarized as follows:

Drilling of new boreholes and refurbishment of existing boreholes: An existing borehole in Vryheid has been successfully refurbished and people are fetching water from this borehole during the day. Since the drought began, a number of new boreholes have been successfully drilled by the Zululand DM with the aim of augmenting the supply in the various rural water supply schemes. A total number of 7 new boreholes are planned specifically for the Abaqulusi LM and all have already been drilled and tested. The contractors have recently been appointed for equipping the boreholes with hand pumps and are currently undertaking this task.

Refurbishment of existing water schemes: Excellent progress has been made in regards to the refurbishment of existing water supply schemes; R17.5 million has been set aside by my Department for these much needed urgent refurbishments, of which the Zululand DM have expended at least R12.5 million. Four of the water schemes are nearly complete and the Odushwini Water Supply Scheme is at 20% completion, it is estimated to be completed by the end of May 2016.

Springs: Four springs have been identified in the Abaqulusi LM for protection and developing by the Zululand DM, using the DWS existing funding. The installation of 10 000l Jojo tanks and reticulation from the tanks to standpipes will be undertaken. The contractors were appointed in the late October 2015 and this work is being fast tracked to be completed by middle March 2016.

Water Tankering: The Abaqulusi LM owns two water tanker trucks and as such, struggles to service the vast areas of the Abaqulusi LM that are without formal water supply. DWS has approved the business plan and had budgeted R 4,123 million for the 7 tankers hired by the Zululand DM to supply water to severely affected areas within its 5 LMs. The Zululand DM confirms that at least two of their tankers were being sent to assist in parts of the Abaqulusi LM periodically.

Further to this, on 19 February 2016 the Zululand DM has allocated R3, 78 Million to Abaqulusi LM to deal with the current drought. The Department of Water and Sanitation, through its Branch: National Water Resource Infrastructure has also made 20 (5000 litres) JoJo tanks available to be used in Vryheid Town when the reticulated water is limited during the restricted period. The department has also set up the committee to monitor the drought situation in the Abaqulusi LM which is currently taking place weekly.

(2) Refer to the table below for the level of dam for the specified periods.

Name of Dam

30 November 2015

31 December 2015

31 January 2015

as at 15 February 2016

Klipfontein Dam

22, 46%,

20, 39%

19, 88%

21, 14%

Grootgewacht Dam





Bloemveld Dam





(3) The Grootgewacht Dam is reserved as a backup resource, when the other resources including the Klipfontein Dam are completely unavailable.

(4) Piped water for Vryheid is safe for human consumption as it goes through water treatment process to meet drinking standard prior to distribution.


31 March 2016 - NW477

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1) (a) When will the second phase of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project be completed, (b) at what cost, (c) how will the second phase be funded and (d) who has been appointed as (i) the construction company and (ii) consultant engineers; (2) what was the original (a) cost and (b) completion date of the second phase of the specified project; (3) whether a certain person (name furnished) is still South Africa’s Chief Delegate in terms of the specified project in the Kingdom of Lesotho; if not, (a) why not, (b) who replaced her in this position and (c) who appointed the new delegate?


(1)(a) The expected delivery date of water to Gauteng is December 2024.

(1)(b) The cost at completion is expected to be R22.9 billion. This includes contingencies, escalations and exchange rate fluctuations.

(1)(c) The second phase will be funded through raising bonds in the market for which Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA), as the funding agency, has National Treasury approval.

(1)(d)(i) Construction contractors have not been appointed yet.

(1)(d)(ii) Consulting engineers have not been appointed yet.

(2)(a) The original cost based on a feasibility study dated 2007 was R6.6 billion. The amount did not include contingencies, escalations and exchange rate fluctuations.

(2)(b) The original completion date for Lesotho Highland Water Project (LHWP) Phase II was 2019.

(3) No, Dr Zodwa Dlamini is not the Republic of South Africa’s (RSA) Chief Delegate for the Lesotho Highland Water Commission (LHWC).

(3)(a) Dr Dlamini was replaced in December 2015.

(3)(b) The Republic of South Africa’s Chief Delegate is Mr. Bhekizwe Nkosi who was appointed in December 2015.

(3)(c) I have appointed the new delegate.


11 March 2016 - NW189

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether there are any plans to desilt the (a) Hazelmere Dam in KwaZulu-Natal and (b) Welbedacht Dam in the Free State; if not, why not; if so, (i) when will the project commence and (ii) at what cost?


(a) The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has been appointed to develop a dam basin management strategy for my Departmental dams, which will inform on where dredging and/or other operative methods could be employed to address the siltation phenomenon. Hazelmere Dam and the Welbedacht Dam are some of the dams subjected to the study which will inform this strategy and subsequent operational strategy development.

(b) The time lines and costs for each siltation management operations plan will be informed by the output of the CSIR project.


11 March 2016 - NW193

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)(a) What is her department’s figure for the amount of water that is potentially available for development in the year 2025, or the closest date for which these projections are made and (b) when was this figure calculated; (2) (a) what are her department’s projections for water demand in 2025 or the closest date for which these projections are made under (i) base scenario and (ii) high scenario, (b) when were these figures calculated and (c) what was the (i) population and (ii) economic growth figures used in these calculations?


  1. In the First Edition of the National Water Resource Strategy (NWRS1) of 2004 the total volume of water available from the river systems in South Africa on a reliable basis for 2025 was estimated at 14 166 million m3/a.
  2. The total water requirements for 2025 base and high scenario was estimated at 14 230 million m3/a and 16 814 million m3/a respectively. The amount of water that could potentially be available for development in the year 2025 was estimated at 5 410 million m3/a. This surplus amount is however only available in some catchments throughout the country. This analysis was done considering a projected population of 54 million and economic growth trends at the time.


11 March 2016 - NW390

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With reference to President Jacob G Zuma’s undertaking in his State of the Nation Address delivered on 12 February 2015, that the Government will set aside 30% of appropriate categories of state procurement for purchasing from Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs), co-operatives, as well as township and rural enterprises, what percentage of the total procurement of (a) her department and (b) every entity reporting to her went to (i) SMMEs and (ii) co-operatives from 1 April 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?


My department and its entities are performing well above the target of 30% in terms of procuring goods and services from Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs).


11 March 2016 - NW474

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether any investigations, both formal and informal, have been undertaken in Joubertina in the Kou-Kamma Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape to determine the extent of the lack of water in the town; if not, why not; if so, (a) what were the outcomes of these investigations in terms of infrastructure that needs to be (i) repaired and (ii) upgraded and (b) how (i) long will it take and (ii) will it be funded in each case; (2) whether her department is providing any assistance to the specified municipality to deliver water to the community in Joubertina, where there is reportedly no more water in the taps; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


  1. Yes, investigations were conducted most recently on 04 February 2016 to determine the extent of lack of water in Jourbertina, Koukamma Eastern Cape.

(1)(a) It was discovered that the dam level is critically low at 0,5m, the storage enough to last for a day or two.

(1)(a)(i) The gravity pipeline from Joubertina to the Water Treatment Plant is exposed due to flooding.

(1)(a)(ii) The pipeline has to be relocated and other sections have several leaks and have to be repaired/ upgraded.

(1)(b) Funding was made available by my Department to relocate the exposed pipeline including plugging the leaks, Amatola Water has been appointed and is already onsite.

(1)(b)(i) This part of the project should be completed by end March 2016.

(1)(b)(ii) Further repairs to the system will be funded through Accelerated Community Infrastructure Programme (ACIP).

My Department has been involved in Koukamma Local Municipality (LM) since 2014/15 where a community water supply project was implemented to do research on existing water use within the Koukamma area, research on surface water resources within the Koukamma area, investigate raw water storage at Krakeel and investigate the condition of the Kareedouw Water Treatment Works (WTW) and on the groundwater resources within the Krakeel and Kareedouw area.

Based on the outcomes of the research done, the Water Treatment Works (WTW's) of Kareedouw was refurbished since it was basically non-functional. Several boreholes were drilled and equipped, chemical analysis of the water was done and electricity had to be provided where boreholes were drilled. Meters were also installed.

Water Conservation Demand Management (WCDM) Project was also implemented to develop a WCDM strategy. Water Safety Plans were prepared for each of the 11 water supply systems, retrofit Programme (Toilet Retrofit Project) was implemented, awareness and education program was implemented at schools, a water meter and leak audit was done for each and every town in Koukamma LM as well as water balances, marketing and publicity was done through posters, entrance town billboards, pamphlets and information.

2. Yes, my Department is providing assistance to the municipality in the following.

  • A 18 000L tanker was sent to Joubertina and has been operational during
    February 2016.
  • 200 X 25L of clean water was also sent to Jourbertina on
    1 February 2016
  • Amatola Water has been appointed to replace and relocate a section of the exposed bulk pipeline to the town. Leaks will also be detected and repaired. The project is currently under construction.


11 March 2016 - NW190

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1) Whether, following the completion of the R3 billion De Hoop Dam in Limpopo, the residents of the district municipalities of (a) Sekhukhune, (b) Waterberg and (c) Capricorn are being provided with piped water from the specified dam; if not, (i) why not and (ii) how many villages surrounding the specified dam are not being provided with water from the specified dam; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) (a) what is the current status of the project to supply residents in the vicinity of the specified dam with drinking water from the specified dam and (b) when will the project be completed?


(1)(a) Sekhukhune: has not yet benefited from De Hoop Dam. The Pump station and water treatment plant at the Steel Bridge as well as the main pipeline that will provide water to Jane Furse is the responsibility of the Sekhukhune District Municipality.

(1)(b) Waterberg: has not yet benefited from De Hoop Dam. Communities in the Waterberg area will only be able to receive water from the system once the Phase 2B pipeline and the extension of the pipeline from Pruissen to Sekuruwe has been installed. This pipeline is not yet constructed. This pipeline is largely commercial, and is highly contested by the Mining House. Discussions with the Mining House are now at a high level.

(1)(c) Capricorn: The communities in the Capricorn district municipal area are currently receiving water from the Olifantspoort water treatment plant which is fed from the Flag Boshielo Dam. As soon as Phase 2D, 2E and 2F are completed, water will be delivered at the Olifantspoort treatment plant from the De Hoop Dam. The current shortages of water in that area will then also be augmented through these pipelines. These phases have not yet been constructed. The project is currently at design phase.

(2)(a) Phase 2C (pipeline from De Hoop Dam to Steelpoort) is under construction and is nearing completion. Phase 2B a pipeline between Flag Boshielo and Pruissen must still be constructed to provide water to platinum mines in the Pruissen area. In order for Phase 2C infrastructure to integrate the Olifants and Steelpoort system with the remaining sub-phases, there is a need to construct the remaining sub-phases (Phase 2D, E and F).

(2)(b) Although Phase 2C pipeline for bulk raw water is projected to be finished by July 2016, for the water to reach the people other works need to be completed by the municipality. The Department will commence with the construction of Phase 2 (bulk distribution system, phase 2D, E and F) in the 2016/17 financial year. The Department is in the process of engaging the municipalities involved in order to assist with the acceleration of reticulation so that the process can run parallel with bulk distribution. It must be noted that the pipelines will not be able to supply water to the villages if the three Water Treatment Plants in the area are not refurbished/ rehabilitated.


11 March 2016 - NW117

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What is the reason for the decrease in the number of monitored gauging sites from 1 458 in the 2013-14 financial year to 500 in the 2014-15 financial year?


There is no decrease in the number of monitored gauging sites. My Department’s annual reports for financial years 2013-14 and 2014-15 indicate that we monitored 1458 sites for the 2013-14 financial year and 1641 sites for 2014-15 financial year.


11 March 2016 - NW119

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(a) How many of the 1 028 wastewater collector systems which were assessed for compliance with effluent discharge standards in the 2014-15 financial year and (i) did not comply, (ii) what is the location of each of these and (b) what action has been taken to remedy the situation in each case?


(a) The water supply systems that were assessed in 2014-15 financial year were totaling at 842 waste water collector and treatment systems and the results have been published in the 2014 Green Drop Report. This information is also available on my Departmental website at


11 March 2016 - NW187

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What is the total cost of the construction of a pipeline from the Gariep Dam to the KnellpoortDam; (2) Whether the entire cost of construction is currently funded; if not, how will the pipeline be financed; if so, what are the (a) funding sources and (b) amounts; (3) What is the estimated (a) start and (b) completion date of the pipeline?


(1) Current capital cost estimate of the project to augment Mangaung and surrounding areas' water supply from Gariep Dam is in excess of R 7 billion.

(2) A Feasibility study will have to be done to confirm the preferred option to obtain water from the Gariep Dam. This is the only part that has been funded as yet and the funding model of the rest of the project will be confirmed as part of the work done during the Feasibility study. Options to be considered will include project finances both on-budget and off-budget..

(3) The fast-tracked implementation programme, consisting of a Feasibility Study, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, and Design and Construction phases, will take 5.5 years to completion. The Feasibility Study will be finalised over an eighteen (18) months period before design and construction can start. Construction is expected to start during financial year 2018/19 with completion during the 2022/23 financial year.


21 December 2015 - NW3959

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With reference to the R918 million under spending of her department’s Programme 4: Regional Implementation and Support, as indicated in its 2014-15 Annual Report, (a) which (i) regions and (ii) municipalities are affected and (b) what are the full relevant details of each project that is affected in each of the specified (i) regions and (ii) municipalities?


(a) A number of projects in various regional offices and municipalities will be affected by the disapproval of rollover in that their completion date will be delayed due to budgetary shortfall.

(b)(i) The risk will however be mitigated by the reallocation and prioritisation of the 2015/16 allocation towards some of the affected projects on rollover disapproval.

(b)(ii) This will delay the implementation of new projects which were to start in 2015/16 as their allocation would be reprioritised towards rollover.


18 December 2015 - NW4226

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What is the supply and demand ratio for each municipality that is supplied with water by each water board in each province?


Refer below for the supply and demand ration for each municipality supplied by each water board.

Water Board


Supply and Demand Ratio

Amatola Water

Amathole District Municipality



Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality





Bloem Water

MangaungMetropolitan Municipality



Naledi Local Municipality



Kopanong Local Municipality



Mantsopa Local Municipality


Lepelle Northern Water

Polokwane Municipality



Mogalakwena Municipality



Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality



Greater Letaba Municipality

1: 1,7%


Greater Tzaneen Municipality



Elias Motswaledi/Fetakgomo/Makhuduthamaga municipalities



Tubatse Municipality



Ephraim Mogale Municipality


Magalies Water

Bela-Bela Local Municipality



City of Tshwane Metro



ModimolleLocal Municipality



Moses Kotane Local Municipality



Rustenburg Local Municipality



Thabazimbi Local Municipality


Mhlathuze Water

City of uMhlathuze





Overberg Water

The Municipalities supplied are Theewaterskloof and Hessequa in the Western Cape. % cannot be provided per Municipality as the water schemes do not only provide to Municipalities, but also for agricultural customers. Below are schemes





Ruensveld East



Ruensveld West


Rand Water

Johannesburg Water






City Of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality






Mogale City Municipality



Metsimaholo Local Municipality



Rustenburg Municipality



Govan Mbeki Municipality









Randfontein Municipality



Westonaria Local Municipality



Lesedi Local Municipality



Ngwathe Local Municipality - Heilbron Town




Delmas Local Municipality



Royal Bafokeng Nation



Madibeng Local Municipality



Thembisile Local Municipality


Sedibeng Water Free State







Maquassi Hills


Sedibeng Water Northern Cape

Dikgatlong LM



Tsantsabane LM



Gamagara LM



Joe Morolong LM



NamaKhoi LM



Khai Ma LM


Sedibeng Water North West Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality









Umgeni Water

eThekwini Municipality



Msunduzi Municipality



uMgungundlovu District Municipality



iLembe District Municipality



uGu District Municipality



Harry Gwala District Municipality



18 December 2015 - NW3879

Profile picture: Balindlela, Ms ZB

Balindlela, Ms ZB to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1) With reference to her reply to question 3376 on 7 October 2015, for each of the 19 cases mentioned, (a) what is the name of each waste water treatment works (WWTW) where the spillage occurred, (b) what was the latest Green Drop rating of each WWTW, (c) in which municipality is each WWTW situated and (d) what was the nature of the spillage in each case; (2) whether each specified WWTW has a water use licence; if not, why not; (3) whether any progress has been made with regard to each of the 19 cases; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (4) whether any additional cases have been reported since 7 October 2015; if so, (a) what is the name of each WWTW where the spillage occurred, (b) what is each specified WWTW's latest Green Drop rating, (c) in which municipality is each WWTW situated and (d) what was the nature of the spillage in each case; (5) whether the specified WWTW has a water use licence; if not, why not?


Refer to Annexure A for the list of WWTW where the spillages occurred, progress and additional cases reported. The Blue and Green Drop reports, is still due to be submitted to Cabinet for approval in line with the exercise of executive authority in terms of section 85 of the Constitution.


Annexure A



Name of WWTW

Name of Municipality

Nature of Spillage

Water Use License


Alexandria WWTW

Ndlambe Local Municipality

Untreated sewer discharged into the environment from the WWTW.

No Water Use Licence application submitted.


Cradock WWTW

Chris Hani District Municipality

Final effluent discharged not meeting prescribed General Standard limit.

General Authorisation by the Regional Office


Bothaville WWTW

Nala Local Municipality

Final effluent discharged not meeting prescribed General Standard limit and malfunctioning pump station causing spillage.

No Water Use Licence application submitted.


Manhole overflow

Mangaung Metro

Spillage at the manhole due to presence of solids in system.

Not Applicable


Deneysville WWTW and Refengkgotso Pumpstation

Metsimaholo Local Municipality

Final effluent discharged not meeting prescribed General Standards limit and malfunction at the pump station causing sewer spillage.

Not Applicable


No WWTW linked to the sewer line.

Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality

Spillage at the manhole due to presence of solids in system.

Not Applicable


Mokopane WWTW

Mogalakwena Local Municipality

Spillage at the manhole due to presence of solids in system.

No Authorisation


Matibidi District Hospital WWTW

Matibidi District Hospital WWTW

Untreated sewer discharged into the environment from the WWTW.

No Authorisation


Thabazimbi WWTW

Thabazimbi Local Municipality-

Final effluent not meeting limits prescribed in the Water Use License.


Licence Issued for 21(c,f,g&i) 07/02/2014


Barkley East WWTW

Joe Gqabi DM - Burgersdorp

Untreated sewer discharged into the environment from the WWTW.


Ekangala WWTW

Tshwane Metropolitan

Untreated sewer discharged into the environment from the WWTW.


Wemmershoek WWTW

Stellenbosch Local Municipality

Final effluent not meeting prescribed General Standards limit


Kathu WWTW

Gamagara Local Municipality

Untreated sewer discharged into the environment from the WWTW.


Dibeng WWTW

Gamagara Local Municipality

Final effluent not meeting prescribed General Standards limit.


Dingleton WWTW

Gamagara Local Municipality

Untreated sewer discharged into the environment from the WWTW.


Olifantshoek WWTW

Gamagara Local Municipality

Final effluent not meeting prescribed General Standards limit.


Barkley West WWTW

Dikgatlong Local Municipality

Untreated sewer discharged into the environment from the WWTW.


Warrenton WWTW

Magareng Local Municipality

Final effluent not meeting prescribed General Standards limit.


Randfontein WWTW

Randfontein Local Municipality

Untreated sewer discharged into the environment from the WWTW.




Name of WWTW

Name of Municipality

Nature of Spillage


Standerton WWTW

Lekwa Local Municipality

Final effluent not meeting prescribed General Standards limit.


Bothaville WWTW

Nala Local Municipality

Final effluent not meeting prescribed General Standards limit.


Viljoenskroon WWTW

Moqhaka Local Municipality

Final effluent not meeting prescribed General Standards limit.

18 December 2015 - NW4117

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)With regard to the supplying of water by Magalies Water to Bela-Bela in Limpopo, (a) what is the agreed mega litres to be provided daily, (b) how much is Magalies Water supplying on a daily basis currently and (c) what is the cost of water per kiloliter; (2) whether there are any future plans for Bela-Bela to acquire more water supplies from Magalies Water; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) (a) what is the capacity of the Bela-Bela Treatment plant, (b) how many mega litres per day is the specified plant currently purifying and (c) are there any plans in place to expand the Bela-Bela water purification plant; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a) The agreed mega litre to be supplied by Magalies Water is 4.5 mega litres per day.

(1)(b) Magalies Water is currently supplying an average of 2.6 mega litre per day.

(1)(c) The tariff is R5.65 per kilolitre.

(2) Magalies Water is in the process of implementing the Klipvoor scheme, which, upon completion, will augment supply to the Bela-Bela Local Municipality (LM). The scheme will comprise of a new Water Treatment Works and bulk supply mains to the 3 Local Municipalities: Mookgophong, Modimolle and Bela-Bela. The scheme is at detailed design phase and the next phase is tendering. The scheme will be funded mainly by my Department and the shortfall will be funded by the Municipalities and Magalies Water.

(3)(a) The Bela-Bela Treatment Plant is designed to produce 7 megalitres per day.

(3)(b) It is currently producing 6.8 mega litres per day.

(3)(c) The Bela-Bela LM intends to upgrade the purification works to produce 13 mega litres per day. A request for funding through Accelerated Community Implementation Programme (ACIP) and Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant (MWIG) has been submitted to my Department.


18 December 2015 - NW4119

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)With regard to the supplying of water by Magalies Water to Modimolle in Limpopo, what (a) is the agreed megalitres to be provided daily, (b) volume is Magalies Water supplying on a daily basis currently and (c) is the cost of the water per kilolitre; (2) whether (a) a buster pump will be installed at Kranskop, (b) any upgrade at the Donkerhoek Purification Plant is planned in the future and (c) her department will assist Modimolle to clean its water reservoirs; if not, why not, in each case; if so, (i) when and (ii) what are the relevant details in each case; (3) (a) how many boreholes are (i) used in Modimolle and (ii)(aa) equipped and (bb) functional and (b) what is the water quality of the boreholes; (4) (a) why is the reservoir in Golf Street without a standby pump and (b) when will it be replaced; (5) whether a telemetry system will be installed in Modimolle; if not, why not; if so, (a) when and (b) what are the further relevant details in this regard?


(1)(a) The agreed allocation with Modimolle Local Municipality is 5.3 Ml/d.

(1)(b) The supply on average is 3.8 Ml/d. The current plant upgrade at Klipdrift Water Treatment Works will help to close the supply gap and meet contractual obligations.

(1)(c) The cost is R 5.65 /kl.

(2)(a) Yes, the booster pump will be installed at Sondela.

(2)(b) Yes, currently the plant has been upgraded to a capacity of 10 megalitres per day. What needs to be upgraded is a bulk pipeline from Donkerpoort plant to the command reservoir. A technical report has been approved to an amount of R106 million through Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) funding.

(2)(c) No, my Department is not assisting Modimolle municipality in cleaning the reservoirs, however, the municipality is cleaning the reservoirs once a year during winter season.

(2)(c)(i) Modimolle municipality is cleaning the reservoirs once a year during winter season.

(3)(a)(i) There are 8 boreholes in Modimolle with 2 boreholes in use.

(3)(a)(ii)(aa) There are 2 boreholes equipped.

(3)(a)(ii)(bb) There are 2 boreholes functional. The municipality is currently conducting yield tests to 6 boreholes.

(3)(b) The quality of water is within the required standard which is SANS 241 of 2015.

(4)(a) There is a standby pump at Golf Street reservoir.

(4)(b) Refer to (a) above.

(5) Yes. A telemetry system will be installed in Modimolle – the system will be installed as soon as the funding has been made available.

(5)(a) During the implementation of upgrading the bulk pipeline from Donkerpoort plant.

(5)(b) There will be a complete telemetry system from the plant to the distribution system.


18 December 2015 - NW4120

Profile picture: Atkinson, Mr P

Atkinson, Mr P to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether, with regard to the non-functionality of the current wastewater treatment plant with only one aerator working in Modimolle in Limpopo, she took any steps to intervene in this situation; if not, (a) why not and (b) what steps will her department take in this regard; (2) whether she took any steps to intervene in the pollution of Modimolle’s water with blood and fat by the abattoir; if not, (a) why not and (b) what steps will her department take in this regard; (3) (a) when will Modimolle’s new wastewater treatment plant be completed, (b) what capacity will the new plant have, (c) what will the final cost be and (d) what was the budgeted amount in this regard?


(1) The Modimolle Wastewater treatment plant is functional.

(1)(a) The municipality has appointed contractor to upgrade the wastewater treatment works from the initial capacity of 3.5 megalitres per day to 6.5 megalitres per day and to also repair aerators.

(2) To date two Directives dated 22 April 2014 and 21 August 2014 have been issued to the Municipality for the abattoir manhole blockages and ongoing site inspections are conducted to ensure compliance to the Directive and monitor the situation of which the latest inspection was conducted on the 06 November 2015 and it was found that the manhole was operating well and there were no blockages.

(3)(a) The anticipated completion date for Modimolle Waste Water Treatment is February 2016.

(3)(b) The capacity of the new plant will be 6.5 megalitres per day. (c) The final cost will be R43 million.

(3)(d) The budget amount for the project is R43 million.


18 December 2015 - NW4121

Profile picture: Atkinson, Mr P

Atkinson, Mr P to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)(a) How many boreholes are used in Vaalwater in Limpopo, (b) how many boreholes are (i) equipped and (ii) functional and (c) what is the water quality of the specified boreholes; (2) what steps has her department taken to provide a constant supply of water to the community of Vaalwater; (3) why are water tankers only delivering water in some of the areas and not to all the affected areas in Vaalwater; (4) with regard to the leaking water reservoirs in Vaalwater, (a) what is the cause of the specified leak and (b) when will this situation be remedied; (5) what is the (a) medium and (b) long-term plan to resolve the water problems in Vaalwater?


(1)(a)There are 7 boreholes used in Vaalwater in Limpopo.


(1)(b)(i) There are 7 equipped boreholes.

(1)(b)(ii) All 7 boreholes are functional.


(1)(c) The quality of water is within the required standard which is SANS 241 of 2015.

(2) The Modimolle Local Municipality (LM) is a Water Service Authority and Water Service Provider, however my Department has allocated an amount of R10 million under the Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant (MWIG) in the current financial year 2015/16 for Modimolle LM. Out of R10 million, Vaalwater is allocated R3.8 million which will be used to supplement the water supply.

(3) The Modimolle LM supplies water through water tankers at Vaalwater merely where there is no reticulation system and any affected areas within Vaalwater.

(4)(a) The cause of the leaks is dilapidated infrastructure.

(4)(b) The Modimolle LM is finalizing the procurement processes of appointing contractors to seal the leaking reservoirs/towers.


(5)(a) Medium term solution is that the municipality is currently sourcing to explore groundwater development to supplement the current water supply to Vaalwater.

(5)(b)My Department is currently conducting the Mokolo Crocodile Feasibility Study where Vaalwater is anticipated to be covered by the outcomes.



18 December 2015 - NW4122

Profile picture: Atkinson, Mr P

Atkinson, Mr P to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What is the capacity of the old water purification plant in Parys, Free State? (2) (a) what will the new purification plant add in mega liters per day, (b) what is the cost of the specified plant, (c) when will the new plant be completed and (d) what was budgeted for this project; (3) whether the new plant will be completed within the budgeted amount; if not, why not; if so what are the relevant details; (4) when will a telemetry system be installed at the new plant?


  1. The capacity of the old water purification plant in Parys, Free State, is 15 Mega litres per day

(2)(a) The new purification plant will add 10 Mega litres per day.

(2)(b) The cost of the specified plant will be R34 million.

(2)(c) The new plant will be completed by the end of December 2015.

(2)(d) An amount of R34 million was budgeted for this project.

(3) Yes, it will be completed within the budgeted amount. The cost obviously differs with capacity size. The fluctuations are as a result of the dollar exchange rate, shipping conditions, and the conditions of the site where the plant is built. Such include the turbidity status of the area where the plant is drawing the water, and the overall layout and terrain of the construction area.

(4) The telemetry system is usually installed at the storage reservoirs (and not at the plant) to monitor and manage the water levels. Programmes such as Sequence Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), is normally utilized for such functions.

The focus of the Water Services Authority (WSA) is to ensure that reservoir levels are

sufficiently filled to provide adequate pressure on the reticulation network and realized sustainable water supply.


18 December 2015 - NW4123

Profile picture: Brauteseth, Mr TJ

Brauteseth, Mr TJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)With regard to problems associated with sludge at the wastewater treatment plant in Parys, Free State, how will this problem be resolved to prevent pollution in the specified area; (2) what are the full details of the quality of the water that was tested from the specified plant in the period 1 January 2014 to 31 October 2015; (3) what is the (a) megaliter of water inflow per day and (b) megaliter of water outflow per day at the specified plant?


(1) Ngwathe is currently engaged in a process of research and development on how to utilise alternative ways of sludge disposal. The Municipality is currently looking at piloting the use of sewer sludge for producing energy. This energy will drive the plant during purification process, whilst preventing pollution. The sludge is also available for Local and neighbouring farmers.

(2) Refer to the table below for the waste water quality status of Parys Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) (January – October 2015).

Local Municipality


Period 2015



Ngwathe LM



































Colour Codes





90 - ≤ 95



80- ≤90%



≤ 80%


(3)(a) 7.4 Mega litres of water inflow per day.

(3)(b) 7.4 Mega litres of water outflow per day.


18 December 2015 - NW4125

Profile picture: Brauteseth, Mr TJ

Brauteseth, Mr TJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What is the capacity of the water purification plant in Koppies, Free State; (2) whether there are any plans to upgrade the specified plant in the near future; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what are the full details of the quality of the water that was tested from the specified plant in the period 1 January 2014 to 31 October 2015; (4) how will her department assist in preventing sludge from flowing into the Renoster River?


  1. The capacity of the water purification plant in Koppies, Free State is 3.5 Mega litres per day.
  2. Yes, there are plans. Through the Accelerated Community Infrastructure Grant (ACIP), electrical and mechanical components of the plant have been refurbished at a cost of R2.5 million. The project was completed in June 2015. There will still be a need to expand the plant further because of the pending developments in Koppies, mainly of new households - a total of 5000 houses over the next 4 Years.
  3. Drinking water quality status for Koppies (January 2015 – October 2015):

Colour Codes





95 - ≤ 97






75 - ≤90%




Critical State








Monitoring Compliance

Ngwathe LM























































The municipality was advised to pay more attention to its operational monitoring, especially the microbiological quality to prevent water failures. Action taken by the Department for not uploading full data: non-compliance letter was issued to the Ngwathe Local Municipality.

4. The Wastewater Treatment Plant has been refurbished hence no sludge is directly flowing into the river currently. The dried sludge will be disposed (as per the normal practice) through the local and neighboring farmers.


18 December 2015 - NW4142

Profile picture: Balindlela, Ms ZB

Balindlela, Ms ZB to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What is the estimated (a) percentage and (b) amount of litres of non-revenue water of the Tlokwe City Local Municipality in the North West as at the latest specified date for which information is available; (2) what was the estimated (a) percentage and (b) amount of litres of non-revenue water of the Tlokwe City Local Municipality at the end of the 2010-11 municipal cycle; (3) what are the water demand targets for Tlokwe City Local Municipality as set by her department’s Water Reconciliation Strategies; (4) whether Tlokwe City Local Municipality has a water conservation and water demand management programme; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of each programme?


  1. (a) The estimated percentage of non-revenue water the Tlokwe City Local Municipality at the end of 2014/15 municipal cycle was 10,59%.
  1. (b) The estimated amount of litres of non-revenue at the end of 2014/15 municipal cycle was 5.2292m/l per day

(2) (a) The estimated percentage of non-revenue at the end of 2010/11 municipal cycle was 12,9 %.

(2) (b) The estimated amount of litres of non-revenue at the end of 2010/11 municipal cycle was 5.34424m/l per day.

(3) The water demand target for Tlokwe City Local Municipality as set by my department’s Water Reconciliation Strategies is 10%

(4) Yes, the Tlokwe City Council has a Water Conservation and Water Demand Management Plan (WCWDM) in place, and the Business Plan has been submitted to my Department for the Accelerated Community Infrastructure Programme (ACIP) financial support for 2016/17 financial year. The project is also included in the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) to cover the following work:

  • replacement of water meters older than 10 years
  • replacement of bulk water meters
  • leak detection and repairs
  • replacement of old water mains


18 December 2015 - NW4159

Profile picture: Wana, Ms T

Wana, Ms T to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether there are any investigations into the appointment of the contractor in the Vingerkraal borehole project to supply additional water to Bela-Bela; if not, why not; if so, (a) who is the appointed contractor, (b) what is the scope of the contractor’s work, (c) what is the value of the contract, (d) what process was followed to appoint the contractor, (e) what is the status of the contract and (f) how much water will be provided to Bela-Bela; (2) whether a telemetry system will be installed in Bela-Bela; if not, why not; if so, (a) when and (b) what are the further relevant details in this regard?


  1. The Vingerkraal Borehole will not be providing water to Bela-Bela but Vingerkraal community only. My Department and the municipality are not aware of any investigations regarding the service providers in Vingerkraal.

(1)(a) The service provider appointed for Vingerkraal is AURECON SOUTH AFRICA (Pty) Ltd employing a Turn - key implementation method to fast track the project.

(1)(b) The summary of scope is: Ground water study and borehole siting drill and equip 2 boreholes, erect 40kl storage tanks in a tank stand, reticulation pipelines and stand taps, and link the new pipelines to existing network.

(1)(c) The total project cost is R1 700 000.00 (excl: VAT) including professional fees and construction works as per (b) above.

(1)(d) The appointed service provider is in the panel of Civil Engineers appointed following the Supply Chain Regulations and policy of the municipality.

(1)(e) Currently the Geohydrology studies are complete with 3 boreholes drilled; borehole testing and quality analysis is in progress.

(1)(f) The drilled borehole will yield ±4 litres/second and will be able to provide 200 kilolitres/day to Vingerkraal community.

(2) (a) The Bela-Bela Local Municipality is busy with a demand management programme which include bulk meter installations for remote monitoring;

(b) The project is funded by Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant (MWIG) and is currently in its design phase for a remote monitoring technology.


18 December 2015 - NW4225

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(a) What amount has been made available by her department to each province that has been declared a drought disaster area, (b) from which budget will this money be allocated, (c) how soon will it be made available to each province and (d) how will this money be prioritised?


(a) Below are amounts for each province that has been declared a drought disaster area:


Budget Requested

Allocated Budget


R 502 304 426.33

R 502 304 426.33

Free State

R311 843 331.00



R153 710000.00



R114 600 000.00


North West

R222 211000.00


(b) Funds are re-prioritised in my Department’s budget.

(c) The Municipalities in the affected provinces are paid in accordance with their approved drought intervention plans once work has been completed and on receipt of valid invoices with the necessary supporting documentation. The KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province is the only province with allocated funds thus far. As of the 8 December 2015, a total of R 214 713 491.16 has been paid and a further R94 451 166.47 is in the process of being paid in KZN.

(d) Funds are prioritised according to need, level of stress (criticality), expected effectiveness, viability & speed of interventions and numbers of households being affected.


18 December 2015 - NW3809

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)With regard to the contract for water rights signed between the Lepelle Northern Water Board and Southern Palace 440 (Pty) Ltd in 2012, (a) what is the extent of the specified contract, (b) what is the period of the contract and (c) did the contract go out on tender; if not, why not; if so, what (i) is the tender number and (ii) are the names of the other parties who submitted tenders; 2) was this contract ever investigated by her department; if not, why not; if so, (a) what was the outcome of the investigation, (b) did her department take any steps in this regard and (c) is the contract valid; (3) (a) what is the price per cubic metre at which water is sold to the specified company, (b) how is the specified company’s usage measured and (c) at what price does the specified company resell the water; (4) (a) when did the specified contract start, (b) how many cubic metres of water in total has been sold to the specified company by the end of September 2015 and (c) does the specified company owe any money to the Lepelle Northern Water Board; (5) whether her department approved the specified contract; if not, why not; if so, (a) who approved the specified contract, (b) when was it approved and (c) can she supply the approval letter?


(1)(a) The contract referred to is a bulk water supply contract.

(1)(b) The duration of the contract is for 30 years.

(1)(c) The contract did not go out on tender. My Department allocates water to Water Boards in general, the Water Board (Lepelle Northern Water in this instance) needs to find clients who will utilise such allocation and alternatively other businesses approach LNW to check if the board can meet their demands for either their expansion or extension or starting up a business.

The above is not done through the form of a tender but through water supply agreements between its customers, whether it is industries or Municipalities in LNW’s area of supply.

(2) No, there was no need as this was a normal bulk water supply agreement between LNW and Southern Palace 440 (Pty) Ltd.The contract is valid but has outstanding suspensive conditions which have not yet been agreed to.

(3)(a) R0, 07658 cents per m3 adjustable annually,

(3)(b) Through meters.

(3)(c) The water was intended for Agricultural purposes.

(4) The contract has not been implemented.

(5) No, my Department does not approve agreements, the LNW signs agreements with clients, in line with the delegations of authority.


18 December 2015 - NW4229

Profile picture: Gqada, Ms T

Gqada, Ms T to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)(a) What are the reasons for the frequent interruptions of the water supply to Delmas in the Victor Khanye Local Municipality in Mpumalanga, (b) what action is being taken to remedy the situation and (c) by what date will the water supply be stabilised; (2) whether she has taken any action against the specified municipality for the violation of the rights of the residents of Delmas to have access to water as enshrined in the Bill of Rights; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a) The reasons for the water supply interruptions to Delmas is due to the following:

  • Breakages of the pipeline ageing of bulk water pipe line which was made of Asbestos in Sundra, Rietkol and Eloff.
  • Increasing of the pipeline size to increase the volume of water supply in Boetleng.

(1)(b) Remedial actions are as follows:

  • With regards to the Sundra, Rietkol and Eloff areas, the Municipality has made a request to the Provincial Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs(COGTA) for the replacement of the Asbestos Pipeline that will be at an amount of R120000 000.
  • In terms of the Boetleng area, water has been restored and the community is receiving water without any interruptions.

(1)(c) The date which water supply stabilisation in Victor Khanye will be determined by the outcome of the request submission which has been made to the Provincial COGTA.

(2) As indicated above, the temporary disruptions are an unintended consequence of government efforts to redeem the state of infrastructure within the municipality consequently reducing the risk of breakdowns in future. There is regular liaison with the residents on these infrastructure upgrades. Considering that there is no undue intention to deprive residents of their basic rights, my Department supports the infrastructure upgrades. Naturally, most major infrastructure upgrades may render temporary disruptions; these are intended for the good of all residents concerned. Other than supporting the good cause the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) does not deem necessary to pursue action against the municipality at this stage. The DWS will work together with the municipality to ensure that the process is carried out in a manner that will bring reduced impact to the residents.


18 December 2015 - NW4230

Profile picture: Gqada, Ms T

Gqada, Ms T to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether, with regard to the ongoing non-functioning waste water treatment plants in the towns of Embalenhle, Leandra and Bethal in the Govan Mbeki Local Municipality in Mpumalanga, her department has taken any steps in line with the National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998, against the specified municipality for polluting the environment as a result of continuous sewerage spills; if not, why not; if so, in each case, what are the (a) relevant details of the specified action and (b) dates on which the specified action was taken; (2) what is the extent of the damage to the environment and particularly the effect on the Vaal River system which the streams from these waste water plants flow into; (3) what health hazards have the communities of the specified towns been exposed to asa result of the close proximity of residential settlements to the specified plants?



(1) Yes, my Department has taken steps in line with the National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998 against Govan Mbeki Local Municipality in terms of Section 19 to ensure that pollution or potential pollution does not have a detrimental impact on water resources.

(1)(a) A “notice of intention to issue a directive” and a “directive” (all in terms of Section 19 of the NWA) were issued to Govan Mbeki Local Municipality for pollution incidents as per Table 1 below.

Table 1


Relevant details

Date issued

A directive was issued to Bethal Wastewater Treatment Works

Sewerage spills associated with pump stations failures. A task team was established with other relevant Departments such as (Department of Corporative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Human Settlements and Gert Sibande District Municipality to monitor progress on the plan required as per the directive. Currently all the pump stations are operational.

13 January 2013

A notice was issued to Embalenhle Wastewater Treatment Works

Sewerage spills associated with pump stations failures. The plant is currently being refurbished to cater for an extra load.

01 September 2015

(1)(b) See relevant dates as provided in Table 1.

(2) My Department does not allow effluent from being discharged to the environment before being suitably treated. The water quality in the Vaal River system is slightly affected as the current infrastructure of the wastewater treatment works has aged, overloaded and there is lack of maintenance. My Department is responding to this threat by implementing programmes such as Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant. Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant and Accelerated Infrastructure Programme. In addition, the Green Drop reports are compiled annually to provide an indication on the level of compliance of wastewater treatment works and whether conditions of authorisation are met.

(3) There are no health hazards which have been exposed to the communities of the specified towns as the sewerage spills have been localised and the areas rehabilitated speedily after the municipality was notified. In addition, no water is drawn from the adjacent rivers by the communities as potable water is provided by the municipality. Furthermore, my Department’s ongoing regulation and enforcement measures will ensure that any current and future wastewater impacts on the water resources are adequately addressed.


18 December 2015 - NW4250

Profile picture: Rabotapi, Mr MW

Rabotapi, Mr MW to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)With regard to the presentation made by Rand Water to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation on 25 February 2015 regarding water outages in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng, why has Rand Water not implemented its own recommendations, specifically with regard to the installation of independent power supplies at its pump stations; (2) by which date will all the pump stations operated by Rand Water have independent power supplies installed?


  1. Rand Water has 24 primary, secondary and tertiary sites with an additional 74 energy supply points which requires extensive planning for the energy matrix to complement current energy supplies. Rand Water has targeted smaller tertiary sites with smaller energy requirements for installation of mobile energy supplies. However, the larger municipalities such as Johannesburg, Tshwane and Ekurhuleni are part of a larger energy mix. Presentations by potential energy suppliers points to a requirement of between R3 and R10 per KWh which will have a knock-on effect on the potable water tariffs. It is estimated that the total matrix of energy requirements will cost an estimated R20 billion. Given the required capital injection, Rand Water’s investigation informs that it will take up to five years for energy to be produced.
  2. The procurement of electricity for Rand Water’s pumping stations from Independent Power Producers has started with proposals sought for the most appropriate technology for large scale and long-term electricity generation plant, and its deployment and utilisation to cover the whole of Rand Water. The assessment has been concluded and enabling further tendering process towards the acquiring of the Independent Power Producers. The tender process will be concluded by first quarter of the year 2016.


18 December 2015 - NW4254

Profile picture: Balindlela, Ms ZB

Balindlela, Ms ZB to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether any of the country’s metropolitan municipalities are currently treating effluent for reuse; if not, why not; if so, for each specified metro, (a) what percentage of effluent that passes through the treatment works is currently being reused, (b) how many of the wastewater treatment works are equipped to produce treated effluent for reuse and (c) for what purpose is the effluent being reused; (2) whether she has taken any steps to encourage the recycling of effluent by municipalities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) There are only Six (6) wastewater treatment works (WWTW) under the metropolitan municipalities reusing effluent. The following are WWTW that are currently treating effluent for reuse:

  • eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality reuse wastewater treated at Durban Water Reclamation Plant;
  • Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality re-use wastewater treated at Eastbank WWTW;
  • City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality re-use water at Baviaanspoort WWTW, Daspoort WWTW;
  • Rooiwal WWTW; and
  • Zeekoegat WWTW.

Refer to table below for the percentages and purpose of the effluent reused.

Name of Metro

Name of WWTW

Percentage of Re-use

Purpose of effluent reuse

eThekwini Metro

Durban Water Reclamation Plant


100% of 47.5 Ml/d treated at Durban waste reclamation plant is being re-used.

Buffalo City Metro

Eastbank wastewater treatment works (WWTW)


20% of 50 Ml/d treated at Eastbank WWTW is being reused

City of Tshwane Metro

Daspoort WWTW


Effluent from Daspoort WWTW flows via the Bon Accord Dam and used for agricultural irrigation. This agricultural use is not measured at point of abstraction by the Municipality.


Rooiwal WWTW


The effluent of the Rooiwal WWTWs used by the Rooiwal Power Station at a rate of 8.6ML/d. There is a long standing operational agreement that the neighbouring farmers must get 8ML/d and the average is currently at about 5ML/d.


Zeekoegat WWTW


The effluent from Zeekoegat WWTW is also used by a Dry Beans Seed Test Centrum (0.8ML/d)and the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) (0.6ML/d)


Baviaanspoort WWTW


Effluent re-use is with respect to internal use for process water and supply of treated effluent to the Pretoria Power Station for cooling purposes. Also it is estimated that a volume of 1.2 Ml/d being re-used for irrigation purposes for internal purposes only.

(2) My Department has encouraged recycling of effluent by municipalities more especially in water stressed areas of our country. Recently Lephalale LM has signed a contract with Resource Generation, which plans to open Boikarabelo Mine in Limpopo. Under the terms of the agreement, Resource Generation will build, operate and maintain a wastewater treatment facility at Marapong for the Boikarabelo mine site. The treated water will be pumped to the firm's planned Boikarabelo mine site through a new pipeline. Resource Generation will pay for the Marapong wastewater treatment plant upgrade works and expansion works to extend capacity to 4Ml a day, increasing to a daily 16Ml by January 2017.

Also in Lephalale, Waterberg Coal Company entered into an agreement with the Lephalale Municipal Council (LMC) to take over the management and operation of the Paarl WWTW for the purposes of supplying water to the Waterberg Coal Projects (WCP). The facility has a treatment capacity of 10 million litres per day.


17 December 2015 - NW4252

Profile picture: Balindlela, Ms ZB

Balindlela, Ms ZB to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(a) How many cases are currently under investigation by the Blue Scorpions in terms of (i) the agricultural sector, (ii) the mining sector, (iii) water service authorities and (iv) any other organ of state and (b) what are the relevant details in each case?



My Department through its Enforcement Unit has investigated a total of One Hundred and Three (103) cases in quarter one and two of this financial year. From the 103 cases, fifty six (56) cases were in terms of the agricultural sector, thirty seven (37) cases were in the mining sector, eight (8) cases were in water service authorities and two (2) cases were regarding organs of state. Refer to Annexure A for details of each case investigated.


Annexure A

(a) No:


(i)(ii)(iii) Sector


(b) (i) Water User

(b)(ii) Regulated Water Use Activities

(b)(iii)Authorization Status

Date Investigated

Case Status


Kwa-Zulu Natal

Government [National/Prov]


Albert Falls Dam

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorization


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Ally Sand

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorization


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Amanzi Farm

Storing water; Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorization


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Arum Valley Estates Pty Ltd

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorization


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Aslockton Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

No Authorization


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Autumn Skies Resources (Pty) Ltd

Taking water from a resource;

Schedule 1


Still under investigation


Northern Cape



Burk Mining (Pty) Ltd

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorization


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Byrne Village Lovu Catchment KZN

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

Schedule 1


Still under investigation


Eastern Cape

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


Central WWTW

Pollution Discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation





CJ Roos Farm

Pollution, Taking water from a resource;

No Authorization


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Cloverton Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorization


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Crover Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorization


Still under investigation


Free State



De Berg 453/0 - De Berg Trust

Taking water from a resource;

Existing Law Water use


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Department of Agriculture – State Land

Control of emergency incidents

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



DH Heritage Property (Pty) Ltd

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Northern Cape



Diacor CC/ Good Hope Mine

Pollution Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation





Ditubatse Business Enterprise CC

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Northern Cape



E&RKadgame Holdings

Pollution Taking water from a resource; Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characterisctics of a water cource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation



Local Government [WSA/WSP]


Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality


No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Emagxabeni Community Trust

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Northern Cape



EmangMmogo Mining (Pty) Ltd.

Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Erf 1623 Dundee

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



ERW Trust / Justin Family Trust

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal




Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal




Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



GandhilallChunderlall Farm

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation





Glen Douglas Dolomite Mine

Taking water from a resource; Discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource; Removing discharging or disposing of water found underground; Section21k

Existing Law Water use


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Goodland Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation





Greystone 469/32 Machimane Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Northern Cape



Guilford Limited

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Hazelmere Systems KZN

Taking water from a resource;

Schedule 1


Still under investigation


Northern Cape



Helpebietjie Manganese Minefirst

Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Hlanganani Plant and Civil

Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;



Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Honey Glen Family Trust

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Inter- ocean Sand and Plant Hire

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Isibaya Manufacturing

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Island View Farm

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Northern Cape



Kareepan Manganese Miningfirst

Taking water from a resource;

Schedule 1


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Kedron Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Eastern Cape



KleinbeginBoerdery Piggery & Abattoir




Still under investigation





Klipdrift Farm: MakepiseAgri (Pty) Ltd

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Northern Cape



Kudumane Manganese Mining NC

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;



Still under investigation


North West



Logibrik Brick Works

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken



Local Government [WSA/WSP]


Mafube Villiers (Gauteng)


No Authorisation


Still under investigation



Local Government [WSA/WSP]


Makhado DorpsRivier Abstraction

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation





Marais Trust- PORTION 216 Oudedorp 376

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

Existing Law Water use


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Marcel Wittig Family Trust

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Eastern Cape



Marlow Boerdery Milking Parlours (EC)

Taking water from a resource;

Schedule 1


Still under investigation


North West



Melrose 524 JP8, Inyati Lodge

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Mondi Paper KZN

engaging in a stream flow reduction activity contemplated in section 36;



Still under investigation


Northern Cape



Morokwa Manganese

Taking water from a resource; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Mr. FaizalAkoonjee

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Mr. Vishal Ramlakan Sands

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Neil Witting Family Trust

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



New Brough Grange Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


New England Landfill




Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Njomane Investment

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Northern Cape



North Cape Mining (Pty) Ltd

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Nundhlal Farm S29.56967” E 31.01504

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Nundhlal Farm S29.56984” E 31.01596

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Northern Cape



Pensfontein Manganese Mining

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation





Radoo (Nyakelani) village

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



RamnarainPraimrajh Farm

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



RampulShanthee Farm

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation



Local Government [WSA/WSP]


Refengkgotso Waste Water Treatment Works

Pollution; Discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall or

other conduit;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Northern Cape



Rex Exploration (Pty) Ltd

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Richards Bay Mining Pty Ltd

Engaging in a stream flow reduction activity contemplated in section 36;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Rietfontein and Riet Vallei Farms

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

Water Use License


Still under investigation





Rietvlei Farm Portion 29

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Northern Cape



Ringside Trading 520 (Pty) Ltd

Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal




Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Riverside Farm KZN

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



RochRoopnarain Side

Taking water from a resource; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


North West

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


Rooiwal Waste Water Treatment Plant

Pollution; Discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall orother conduit;



Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



S & S Mining (KZN)

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Sand Mining (Crocodile Creek Farm)

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Sand Mining (Mr. Byron Biller owner of Inter Ocean)

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Sand mining activities at Wasbank river in KZN

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Sand Mining Umgeni near N2 Bridge

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Sand Mining Umgeni River

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation



Government [National/Prov]


SANRAL and Tau Pele Construction Company

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Northern Cape



Selective Sands (NC)

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Sendhlm Farm KZN Silverleaf Farm KZN

Storing water;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Sigh Harware and Espirit Investments

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Eastern Cape



Spekboomberg Dairy (EC)


No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Stockton Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Eastern Cape



Stormberg Abattoir


No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


North West

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


Sunderland Ridge WWTW

Pollution; Discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall orother conduit;



Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Sunnyside Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal




Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation





Tia Farming (LP)

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;Discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall orother conduit;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Tongaat-Hulett Heatonville

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Tri Sand cc

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Ubuntu Sand and Blocks

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Umzumbe Mining Company

No Water Use Activities



Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Valhalla Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Vlei Villa Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Eastern Cape




Storing water; Discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource; Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Eastern Cape



VLR Trust

Engaging in a controlled activity Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource; Section21h;

No Authorisation


Administrative Enforcement Taken


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Vrystaat Farming Durleigh Farm

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



VusiOakford community/ KWA-Zulu Natal Department of Housing

Taking water from a resource;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Wiveton Plant Growers

Taking water from a resource; Storing water; Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse ; Altering the bed; banks, course or characteristics of a water course;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation


Kwa-Zulu Natal



Wozani Farm

Taking water from a resource; Storing water;

No Authorisation


Still under investigation

17 December 2015 - NW4208

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether the previous suspended Director-General of her department is still receiving his salary; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) why and (b) on what scale is he still being remunerated; (2) whether she can confirm that the current Director-General has been appointed on a level 16 salary even though the specified person is only qualified for a level 14 salary scale; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a) The previous suspended Director-General, Mr Maxwell Sirenya was appointed as Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Eastern Cape: Catchment Management Agency (CMA), in terms of the President’s Minute 45 of 2015 from 1 March 2015 until he reaches the age of 65 years.

(1)(b) Mr Maxwell Sirenya is appointed on salary level 16.

(2) Yes, the Director-General is appointed on salary level 16 and her transfer from the Office of the Premier: Gauteng Provincial Government was approved by the President of the Republic of South Africa on the 26 February 2015.

The Director-General has the following qualifications:

  • Bachelor of Arts Degree (University of the Western Cape);
  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours (University of the Witwatersrand);
  • Higher Diploma in Education (University of the Witwatersrand);
  • Master’s degree in Psychology (University of the Western Cape); and
  • Advanced Executive Programme (Graduate School of Business Leadership – UNISA).

The Director-General meets the minimum entry requirements in terms of executive management experience and academic qualifications with nine (9) years of experience the public sector.


17 December 2015 - NW4207

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)How will problems associated with sludge at the wastewater treatment plant in Vredefort in the Free State be resolved to prevent pollution in the area; (2) what are the full details of the quality of the water tested from the specified plant during the period 1 January 2014 to 31 October 2015; (3) what is the mega-liter (a) inflow and (b) outflow per day at the specified plant; (4) why is sewerage overflowing into the oxidation ponds; (5) (a) what (i) was the budget, (ii) was the actual cost for the upgrades done to the specified plant and (iii) are the relevant details of the upgrades done and (b) how many contractors worked on the upgrading of the specified plant?


(1) Ngwathe Local Municipality is currently engaged in a process of research and development on how to utilize alternative ways of Sludge disposal. The Municipality is currently looking at piloting the use of sewer sludge for producing energy. This very energy will be used to drive the wastewater treatment plant, whilst preventing pollution. The Sludge is also available for Local and neighbouring farmers. Furthermore activated sludge is needed inside the aeration tanks to improve the process.

(2) The full details of the quality of the water tested from the specified plant can be provided by the specified municipalities for the period in question.

(3) The design capacity of the plant is 5.5Ml/day. Inflow and outflow readings per day can be provided by the Ngwathe Local Municipality.

(4) The sewage is no longer flowing to the oxidation ponds as the plant is operational.

(5) The project was budgeted for R17 000 000.00 and the actual cost is R16 889 500.00. The scope of work included the refurbishment of wastewater treatment works, Outfall sewer line, dry beds and three pump stations. Two main contractors were appointed.


17 December 2015 - NW4118

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether, with reference to the non-functionality of the wastewater treatment plant in Bela-Bela in Limpopo, she took any steps to intervene in this situation; if not, (a) why not and (b) what steps will her department take to prevent the continued release of 90 litres of untreated wastewater per second; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether she intends to upgrade the specified plant in the future; if not, why not; if so, (a) when and (b) what are the relevant details; (3) what is the current capacity of the specified plant?


(1)(a) Bela-Bela Waste Water Treatment Plant in Limpopo is installed with three Biofilters, two are fully functional and one is not in working order due to a faulty pump. This process is followed by two humus tanks, both are operational however there is a standby pump that is faulty, thus reducing standby capacity of the plant should the pump in duty fail. The two anaerobic digesters installed are both blocked and non-functional.

(1)(b) The municipality has appointed a service provider to maintain the non-functional components of the waste water treatment plant and the contractor is on site and is anticipated to complete work by end of February 2016.

(2)(a) Yes the plant will be upgraded (b) the municipality has developed a Business Plan to source funding under Accelerated Community Infrastructure Programme (ACIP) for the upgrade of the plant. The Business Plan is still under evaluation.

(3) The capacity of Bela-Bela Waste Water Treatment Plant is 5 mega litres /day.


17 December 2015 - NW3904

Profile picture: Madisha, Mr WM

Madisha, Mr WM to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether her department has ascertained which municipalities are (a) lacking adequate infrastructure for the full and proper treatment of sewage, (b) releasing effluent from non-compliant or poorly functioning waste water treatment works into streams and dams, (c) unable to provide reliable bulk infrastructure sewerage collection services, (d) still using outdated or inefficient pump stations and (e) falling foul of the South African National Water Policy of 1996 and the National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998, in respect of not properly protecting aquatic ecosystems; if not, why not in each case; if so, (i) what steps has her department taken to rectify each specified situation fully and rapidly and (ii) to what extent has the specified steps succeeded in doing so?


My Department is currently undertaking a comprehensive functional assessment of the 850 waste water treatment plants for South Africa.

The immediate priority and intervention is that my Department has appointed a professional service provider under its Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant (RBIG) programme to deal with the 26 plants in the Vaal River System. This is in line with my Department’s National Campaign entitled War on Water Pollution.



17 December 2015 - NW3815

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Has her department complied with all the recommendations made in the SA Human Rights Commission report, report number MP/2011/0134 in respect of the Emalahleni Local Municipality in Mpumalanga; if not, (a) why not and (b) what measures will she take to ensure urgent compliance by the relevant officials of her department; if so, what are the relevant details?


Yes my Department did comply with recommendations of the SA Human Rights Commission Report. During 2011/2012 financial year the Department provided training on process control to Emalahleni Local Municipality, extending to all Water Services Authority (WSA) within the Mpumalanga Province. In addition to the training provided the Department undertakes annual symposia on water quality compliance training as part of the blue drop compliance assessment process. The most recent symposium on the assessment tool were held from 30 - 31 July 2015.

As recommended by the report, the Department undertakes regular water quality compliance monitoring aimed at determining the safety of water for human use. The supply and infrastructure monitoring is carried through the blue drop assessment programme.


17 December 2015 - NW3807

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)(a) What royalties are paid to Lesotho for the Lesotho Highlands Water Project and (b) how are the specified royalties calculated; (2) what was the (a) fixed tariff royalty, (b) price of water per cubic meter and (c) total amount of water used in each year since 2000; (3) is there a sliding scale on royalties for the next 10 years; if not, why not; if so, (a) why and (b) what are the relevant details of the specified sliding scale?



(1) Royalties, as defined in the Treaty, are paid to the Government of Lesotho for the benefit of receiving South Africa’s share of the yield from the Orange River through the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP), a gravity scheme, rather than through the least cost Orange-Vaal Transfer Scheme (OVTS), a pumping scheme wholly located within South Africa. Royalties are based on the amount of water actually delivered and correspond to 56% of the capital, operation and maintenance and pumping electricity cost savings realised by Republic of South Africa (RSA) through the implementation of the LHWP water transfer component rather than the costlier next best Orange Vaal Transfer Scheme.

In terms of Article 12, Paragraph (10) of The Treaty between Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Kingdom of Lesotho, royalties comprise of a fixed and a variable component. The cost savings on capital costs are referred to as fixed royalties since a fixed amount in real terms is paid out as royalties every month. The compensation will be for fifty years and commenced from January 1995.

The variable portion is related to the cost savings on O&M costs and amounts related to the pumping electricity cost savings and these amounts depend on water actually delivered to RSA. The variable component is based on the volume of water delivered to South Africa and is made up of the net benefit on being able to gravitate from LHWP rather than pumping from OVTS. It comprises:

  • The difference in electricity costs. This component is adjusted on a monthly basis in accordance with the Producer Price Index (PPI) and corrected on a yearly basis when the Eskom selling price of electricity becomes available (usually in October of every year), and
  • The difference in operation and maintenance costs, which is also adjusted on a monthly basis in accordance with the PPI.

(2) Refer to table below. Please note that the price per cm3 for both the O&M and the electricity is determined on a monthly basis due to the monthly PPI adjustments, the amounts reflected below are therefore the average price for the year.

(3) No, there is no sliding scale. The royalties are calculated as per (1) above as stipulated in the Treaty.


17 December 2015 - NW3737

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With regard to the (a) 349 water projects and (b) 171 sanitation projects that are in various stages of pre-implementation and implementation in the prioritised 27 district municipalities, (i) in which municipality is each project situated, (ii) what is the (aa) nature, (bb) total budget and (cc) status of implementation of each project, (iii) who is the implementing agent of each project and (iv) when will each project be completed?


(a) Currently, my Department is implementing 329 Water Supply Projects through the Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant within the 27 prioritized district municipalities as well as 33 Regional Bulk Schemes. The 33 Bulk Schemes consist of 30 Bulk Water Supply and 3 Bulk Waste Water Schemes. Refer to Annexure A.

(b) The following projects are located in Priority District Municipalities (colour coded in yellow) and a total of 230 Sanitation Projects. Refer to Annexure B.

The Bucket Eradication (BEP) programme is aimed at eradicating the legacy of bucket toilets in use as a form of sanitation in formal areas. This programme in the main seeks to deliver water borne sanitation to peri urban and urban settlements neglected with the provision of sanitation. The programme will include the construction of water and sewer reticulation (which ever is applicable or appropriate) complimented with new Toilet structures (replacing the bucket toilet) with connections to the bulk water and sewer (Waste Water Treatment Works). Alternatively, where water availability is a challenge and bulk infrastructure (Waste Water Treatment Works) not available and or the settlement patterns (low and dispersed settlements) as well as topography does not allow, alternative sanitation solutions will be provided i.e Dry, on site sanitation.

The Rural Household Infrastructure Grant (RHIG) programme seeks to provide basic level of service to households in amongst other the 27 Priority District Municipalities in South Africa (see table). The RHIG Grant allocation takes place in two fold i.e Direct and Indirect Grant. The Division of Revenue Act defines a Schedule 5b grant (which are grants allocated to municipalities for a specific purpose) are direct transfers to District Municipalities whereas Schedule 6B (Allocations-in-kind to municipalities for designated special programmes) grants to Local municipalities. In the main, the solution provided is a dry, on-site sanitation or a Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine (VIP) toilet addressing issues of water scarcity, bulk infrastructure availability, often dispersed settlement patterns and unfavourable topography.

Both Sanitation Projects are funded through a National Treasury Grant and for the 2015/16 financial Year, a total of R975 399 000,00 million is allocated towards the Bucket Eradication Programme and R115 510 million for the Rural Household Infrastructure Grant (RHIG) of which R48 182m is for direct grant (Schedlue 5B) and R67 328m is an Indirect Grant (Schedule 6B).


With regards to Bucket Eradication Programme, the Implementing Agents in 2014/15 financial year was Public Entities affiliated to the Troika Departments and are as follows:



Eastern Cape


Free State



Lepelle Northern Water

North West

Magalies Water

Northern Cape

Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent (MISA)

Sedibeng Water

However, following a recommendation from the Select Committee on Appropriations, the Department will phase out the use of Public Entities and accordingly, appointed Turnkey Contractors in the provinces where bucket toilets are still prevalent and include North West, Northern Cape, Free State and Eastern Cape.

With regards to the Rural Household Infrastructure Grant (RHIG) my Department will transfer the Direct Grant (allocation) to all Water Services Authorities (WSA’s) for implementation whereas the Indirect Grant (allocation) will see the appointment of suitable contractors by my Department for implementation. Refer to Annexure C.


17 December 2015 - NW3373

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)With regard to her reply to question 2064 on 23 June 2015, (a) which companies are currently appointed as professional service providers for her department and (b) what is the appointment period of each professional service provider; (2) (a) what criteria were used to evaluate each category of professional service provider and (b) which companies were appointed in each category; (3)(a) how many projects have been awarded to each professional service provider and (b) what is the (i) nature and (ii) rand value of each contract?


(1) There are a total of companies appointed as Professional Service Providers.

(2)(a)(i) The Department has evaluated all the proposals submitted by the Professional Service Providers in terms of the preferential procurement policy regulations, 2011 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act no.5 of 2000 (PPPFA). All invited bids were evaluated on the basis of functionality as a criterion taking into account quality, reliability, viability and durability of a service and the bidders’ technical capacity and ability to execute a contract.

(2)(a)(ii) When the bids were invited, the following aspects were clearly specified in the bid documents:

  • Evaluation criteria for measuring functionality

The evaluation criteria may include criteria such as the consultant’s relevant experience for the assignment, the quality of the methodology, the qualifications of the key personnel, transfer of knowledge etc.

- Weight of each criterion

The weight that is allocated to each criterion was not generic but determined separately for each bid on a case by case basis.

- Applicable value

The applicable values that were utilized when scoring each criterion were objective. As a guide, values ranging from 1 being poor, 2 being average, 3 being poor, 4 being very good and 5 being excellent, were utilized.

- Minimum qualifying score for functionality

The minimum qualifying score that was obtained for functionality in order for the bid to be considered further was not generic but specific for each bid. It was determined separately for each bid on a case by case basis. The minimum qualifying score was not prescribed so low that it jeopardized the quality of the service required nor so high that it was restrictive to the extent that it jeopardized the fairness of the SCM system.

(3) Responded to in (1) above.
