Questions and Replies

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03 July 2015 - NW1839

Profile picture: Balindlela, Ms ZB

Balindlela, Ms ZB to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether she has taken any steps to implement the recommendations of the Auditor-General with regard to preventing the procurement of goods and services with a transaction value below R500 000 without obtaining the required price and quotations; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details with regard to each recommendation;


(1) Yes, steps have been taken to implement the recommendations of the Auditor- General with regard to preventing the procurement of goods and services with a transaction value below R500 000, refer below:

  • The Accounting officer invites and accepts written price quotations for requirement up to an estimated value of R500 000.00 from as many suppliers as possible, that are registered on the list of prospective suppliers.
  • Where no suitable suppliers are available from the list of prospective suppliers, written price quotations may be obtained from other possible suppliers.
  • If it is not possible to obtain at least three (3) written price quotations, the reason should be recorded and approved by the accounting officer/ authority or his /her delegate.
  • The Supply Chain Management policy which incorporates the above and other quotation process has been approved and is currently utilized within the Water Trading Entity as a guideline for the procurement process which include other related National Treasury practices notes and related circulars issued by other authorities within the Water and Infrastructure Sector e.g. CIDB Regulations.

(2) Yes, steps have been taken to implement the recommendations of the Auditor-General with regard to preventing the procurement of goods and services with a transaction value above R500 000.00, refer below:

  • Accounting officer invite competitive bids for all procurement above R500 000.00.
  • Competitive bids are advertised in the Government Tender Bulleting and in other appropriate media should an accounting officer deem it necessary to ensure greater exposure to potential bidders. The responsibility for advertisement cost lies with the relevant accounting officer.
  • Should it be impractical to invite competitive bids for specific procurement, such as in urgent or emergency cases or in cases of a sole supplier, the accounting officer/ authority may procure the required goods and services by other means, such as price quotations or negotiations in accordance with Treasury Regulation 16A6.4. The reasons for deviating from inviting competitive bids are recorded and approved by the accounting officer or his/ her delegate.
  • The Accounting officer reports within ten (10) working days to the relevant Treasury and the Auditor-General regarding all cases where goods and services above the value of R1 Million (VAT inclusive) and providing description of the goods or services, the name/s of the suppliers/s, the amount/s involved and the reasons for deviating from the prescribed competitive bidding process.
  • Goods, works or services may not deliberately be split into parts or items of lesser value merely for the sake of procuring the goods, works or service otherwise than through the prescribed procurement process. when determining transaction values, a requirement for goods , works or services consisting of different parts or items must as far as possible be treated and dealing with as a single transaction
  • Accounting officers apply the prescripts of the preferential procurement policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act No. 5 of 2000) and its associated Regulations for all procurement equal to or above R30 000.00.00 (VAT included) less than
    that amount if and when appropriate.
  • The Supply Chain Management policy which incorporates the above and other bids processes has been approved and is currently utilized within the Water Trading Entity as a guide-line for the procurement process which include together with other related National Treasury practice notes and related circulars issued by other authorities within the Water and Infrastructure Sector e.g. CIDB Regulations.


03 July 2015 - NW1913

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(a) Who are the current chief financial officers of (i) her department and (ii) the entities reporting to her and (b) what is the qualification of each chief financial officer?


Refer to the table below for the current Chief Financial Officers of the Department and the Entities:

Department/ Entity

Full Names


Department: CFO Water Trading Entity

Mr Mpho Mofokeng

B Tech: Cost & Management Accounting Degree

Department: CFO Main Account

Ms Nthabiseng Fundakubi

B Tech: Business Administration

Amatola Water

The CFO post is vacant.


Bloem Water

Mr OJ Stadler

B Comm Honours; Masters in Business Leadership (MBL)

Lepelle Northern Water

Mr JC Kilan

Honours: Accounting; Masters in Business Administration

Magalies Water

Ms A Raphela

B Comm Honours; Chartered Accountant

Mhlathuze Water

Mr B Ndaba

(b) B Comm (Accounting)

Overberg Water

Ms A Cilliers

B Compt, B Compt Honours; Chartered Accountant

Rand Water

Mrs SM Nyembe

B Comm (Accounting); B Compt Honours

Sedibeng Water

Ms MA Shasha

B Compt Honours

Umgeni Water

Mr TB Hlongwa

B Comm (Accounting); B Comm Honours (Accounting); Chartered Accountant

Inkomati-Usuthu CMA

Ms Thembelihle Mjaji

Qualified Chartered Accountant.

Honours in Bachelor of Accounting Science

Degree in Bachelor of Accounting Science

Breede Gouritz CMA

Mrs. Judith Ntombizanele Nkomombini

Bachelor of Commerce


03 July 2015 - NW2119

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What amount was spent by her department on environmental rehabilitation due to sewage spills in each province (a) in the (i) 2013-14 and (ii) 2014-15 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2015; 2) (a) what was the location, (b) cause and (c) nature of the rehabilitation for each spillage?


  1. Table 1 below reflects the amount that was spent by the Department on environmental rehabilitation due to sewage spills in each province (a) in the (i) 2013-14 and (ii) 2014-15 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2015:

Table 1


(a)(i) 2013-14

(a)(ii) 2014-15

(b) since 1 April 2015

Eastern Cape




Free State

R15 850 000 (ACIP)

R42 850 000 (ACIP)

R18 968 000 (Planned to be spent under ACIP)


R5 000 000 (RBIG)

R47 000 000 (RBIG)

R90 474 000 ((Planned to be spent under RBIG)














R9 000 000 (ACIP)

R13, 7m (ACIP)

R47m (RBIG)

Northern Cape




North West




Western Cape




(2)(a) Refer to the table below for the (a) location, (b) cause and (c) nature of the rehabilitation for each spillage within the Free State and Mpumalanga provinces.



2013/14 (ACIP)

Location (2) (a)

Cause (2) (b)

Nature of Rehabilitation (2) (c)



Non-functional sewer pump stations due to ageing infrastructure

Replaced all pumps, motors & electrical infrastructure

Setsoto LM


Collapsed old sewer pipes

Unblocked sewer lines and replaced defective ones

Setsoto LM


Collapsed 1,2 km old asbestos sewer line from Gelukwarts polluting the Vals river

Replaced 1,2km of sewer line.

Moqhaka LM


Non-functional sewer pump station & waste water treatment works

Refurbished all pumps, motors & electrical infrastructure.

Naledi LM

2013/14 (RBIG)

Location (2) (a)

Cause (2) (b)

Nature of Rehabilitation (2) (c)



Non-functional sewer pump station & waste water treatment works

Refurbished all pumps, motors & electrical infrastructure.

Ngwathe LM

2014/15 (ACIP)

Location (2) (a)

Cause (2) (b)

Nature of Rehabilitation (2) (c)



Collapsed old asbestos line

Replaced a length of 500 meters

Masilonyana LM


Non-functional two sewer pump stations due to old infrastructure

Refurbished and upgraded the two pump stations.

Masilonyana LM


Non-functional one sewer pump station due to old infrastructure

Refurbished and upgraded the one pump station.

Masilonyana LM


Non-functional pumps & motors and electrical infrastructure

Replaced pumps and motors and refurbished electrical infrastructure

Phumelela LM


Non-functional pumps & motors and electrical infrastructure

Replaced pumps and motors and refurbished electrical infrastructure

Phumelela LM


Non-functional pumps & motors and electrical infrastructure

Refurbished pumps and motors and refurbished electrical infrastructure

Letsemeng LM

2014/15 (RBIG)

Location (2) (a)

Cause (2) (b)

Nature of Rehabilitation (2) (c)



Non-functional electrical and mechanical components at waste water treatment plant.

Replaced all non functional electrical & mechanical components.

Nala LM


Collapsed asbestos sewer pipe line in Hill street

Collapsed Boitumelo Marabastad asbestos sewer pipeline

Non-functional sewer treatment plant

Multi-year projects. Replacing and upgrading the Hill Street sewer pipeline.

Replacing and upgrading the sewer pipeline.

Upgrading of the sewer treatment plant to meet the demands

Moqhaka LM


Non-functional sewer treatment plant and old sewer line

Refurbished and upgraded the waste water treatment plant and replaced the sewer line

Ngwathe LM

2015/16 (ACIP Projects under implementation)

Location (2) (a)

Cause (2) (b)

Nature of Rehabilitation (2) (c)



Non-functional electrical and mechanical components at waste water treatment plant.

Replace all non-functional electrical & mechanical components.

Ngwathe LM

Reitz and Lindley

Non-functional of electrical and mechanical components in pump station

Refurbishment of non-functional of electrical and mechanical components

Nketoana LM


Non-functional electrical and mechanical components at waste water treatment plant.

Replace all non-functional electrical & mechanical components.

Letsemeng LM


Collapsed old sewer lines

Replacement of collapsed old sewer pipeline

Matjhabeng LM


Oxidation ponds not lined and the sewerage seeps through the nearby environment.

Rehabilitation of oxidation ponds

Matjhabeng LM


Collapsed old asbestos sewer pipeline and non-functional of two sewer pump station.

Replace the collapsed sewer line and refurbish the two sewer pump stations.

Naledi LM


2015/16 (RBIG Projects under implementation)

Location (2) (a)

Cause (2) (b)

Nature of Rehabilitation (2) (c)



Collapsed asbestos sewer pipe line in Hill street


Collapsed Boitumelo Marabastad asbestos sewer pipeline

Non-functional sewer treatment plant

Multi-year projects. Replacing and upgrading the Hill Street sewer pipeline.

Replacing and upgrading the sewer pipeline.

Upgrading of the sewer treatment plant to meet the demands

Moqhaka LM


Non-functional of electrical and mechanical components in pump station

Refurbishment of non-functional of electrical and mechanical components

Nketoana LM



Location (2) (a)

Cause (2) (b)

Nature of Rehabilitation (2) (c)


Mhlatikop and Komatipoort

Ageing Infrastructure, operating beyond design capacities, poor operation and maintenance

Refurbishment of the WWTW and pump stations Phase 1



Location (2) (a)

Cause (2) (b)

Nature of Rehabilitation (2) (c)


Mhlatikop and Komatipoort

Ageing Infrastructure, operating beyond design capacities, poor operation and maintenance

Refurbishment of the WWTW and pump stations Phase 2




Refurbishment of the WWTW

Govern Mbeki


Location (2) (a)

Cause (2) (b)

Nature of Rehabilitation (2) (c)



Ageing Infrastructure, operating beyond design capacities, poor operation and maintenance

Upgrade of the WWTW




Victor Khanye LM




03 July 2015 - NW2065

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What is the total cost of the project to raise the wall of the Clanwilliam Dam in the Western Cape; (2) which company was appointed as supervisor of the project; (3) is the company a professional service provider (PSP) for her department; if not, why was the company appointed; if so, (a) when was the company appointed as a PSP and (b) in which category; (4) what are the project value parameters for each category of PSP as stipulated by her department?


(1) The total cost of the Olifants-Doorn River Water Resources Project (Raising of Clanwilliam Dam wall) is estimated to be R2.2 billion. This amount excludes the relocation of the N7, the relocation of the secondary road, cost for land acquisition, construction engineering supervising costs, Project Management costs, heritage expert costs, Environmental Impact Assessment Practitioner, Environmental Control Officer, Hydro-power plant over and above the civil structure, communications, and escalation (inflation).

(2) Bigen Africa Services (Pty) Ltd was appointed for construction supervision and contract management of the project. Two more emerging companies, namely Tlou Integrated Tech cc and Batseta Engineering Services (BES Africa Engineering and Management Consulting (Pty) Ltd), from the panel were appointed for developmental and transformational purposes to work under the stewardship of Bigen Africa. This is intended to ensure that the scope is not entirely allocated to one Professional Services Provider (PSP) and that the technical expertise of a developed PSP (Bigen Africa) is used to develop emerging enterprises that are owned and managed by Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDIs).

(3) Bigen Africa Services (Pty) Ltd is part of the panel of PSPs that was created by the Department, (a) in 2013 under Contract WP0485-WTE (b) in Category five (5).

(4) The guideline project value thresholds is as follows:


Projects with a value between


R0 up to R10,0 million


R10.1 million up to R50 million


R50,1 million up to R100 million


R100.1 million up to R250 million


R250.1 million up to R500 million


R500.1 million - unlimited

It should be noted that the above thresholds are only a guideline. The final Category chosen is determined based on the project’s scope and is determined, amongst others, the type of project, its complexity, its timeframes, developmental and transformational outputs to be achieved and the experience of companies in each of the categories.


03 July 2015 - NW2299

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Are there any plans in place to release water from the Lesotho Highlands Water Project to assist the Free State towns of Ficksburg, Clocolan and Marquard which have been affected by drought; if not, (a) why not and (b) what other measures have been put into place to deal with the effects of water security resultant from the drought in these communities?


Yes, a submission has been made to the Director-General on 21 May 2015 for the release of water from the Katse Dam (Lesotho Highlands Water Project).

(a) Falls away

(b) In order to ensure the sustainability of supply within the system, pumping at the Tienfontein Pump Station (Caledon River) should be maintained. This can only be achieved by releasing water from the Lesotho Highlands Water Scheme (Katse Dam) into the Caledon River. The transfer of water from Knellpoort Dam via the Novo transfer scheme to Rustfontein Dam should also be maintained. Fast-track and intensify the implementation of water conservation and water demand management measures in all affected municipalities. Urgent implementation of the gazetted water restrictions and the monitoring of possible unlawful water use along the Modder River, upstream of Maselspoort Dam.
