Questions and Replies

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21 May 2021 - NW1069

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What are the reasons and explanation of how over-enrolments occurred in (a) 2019, (b) 2020 and (c) 2021?


(a)  The audited data for 2019 indicates that 1 074 912 headcount students were enrolled, representing an under-enrolment of -6 178 headcounts in relation to the projected target of 1 081 090 set for 2019. This represents a -0.57% deviation from the 2019 target. Universities are permitted to move within a 2% band of their planned targets.

(b)  The Department has not yet received the 2020 final audited data from universities. This is only due at the end of July 2021 once they have finalised their graduate numbers and their external auditors have undertaken the audit of the data to be submitted to the Department. Thereafter the Department can undertake the comparison between the 2020 enrolment planning targets and the actual 2020 enrolments. However, UNISA did signal to the Department last year that they had over-enrolled in 2020. The Department has had a number of discussions with UNISA on over-enrolments both in 2018 and in 2020. 

(c)  The Department has not yet received data for the 2021 academic year, as universities will still enroll students in the second semester. The 2021 audited data will only be received at the end of July 2022.

21 May 2021 - NW1016

Profile picture: Boshoff, Dr WJ

Boshoff, Dr WJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)Whether, with reference to his reply to question 404 on 1 March 2021, he can confirm if Additiv Solutions had met all the requirements for appointment for the Photonics Prototyping Facility Programme; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether Additiv Solutions in fact completed its project by 31 March 2021; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


1. The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) confirms that Additiv Solutions (Pty) Ltd met all the requirements for support from the Photonics Prototyping Facility that is hosted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research’s (CSIR) National Laser Centre. As set out in the reply to question 404 in March 2021, the proposal was evaluated by the PPF Investment Committee, which includes industry experts and the DSI, and which evaluates and recommends proposals to be supported to the CSIR. Proposals are evaluated against the following criteria:

(a) Relevance and Impact (commercial relevance; feasibility; and significance of impact to the Photonics industry);

(b) Technical merit (clarity of objectives/motivation to use the PPF; novelty of technology; maturity of technology);

(c) Budget (alignment to tasks; and feasibility with existing infrastructure); and

(d) Management Plan (feasibility and efficiency of plan; and track record and team)

The proposal from Additiv Solutions (Pty) Ltd was evaluated by the PPF Investment Committee on 9 December 2019. The committee agreed that there was a clear need for lower cost 3D metal additive manufacturing machines, that the proposal met the requirements of technical merits, budget and the management plan. The proposal also met the requirements with respect to relevance and impact, but the committee did recognize that significant effort would be required with respect to market development and marketing, and that the prototype to be developed in this project would assist in this regard. The Committee agreed that the proposal from Additiv Solutions (Pty) Ltd therefore met the requirements for support from the PPF, and recommended it for approval.

2. The project was initially scheduled to be completed by 31 March 2021. However, there were delays with the procurement processes at the CSIR, which delayed the initial setup phase of the project. These delays were due to challenges with suppliers of hardware to the CSIR. The hardware necessary for this phase was delivered to the CSIR in December 2020 and February 2021 and this work is now completed. In the project scope, a prototype system had to be characterised, and then three subsequent "Beta" machines have to be characterised for Additiv Solutions. The prototype setup and characterisation is completed; the Beta 1 system is being characterised. This makes up the bulk of the work in the project and will completed by 31 May 2021. Additiv Solutions is also required to deliver 2 additional machines (Beta machines 2 and 3) to the PPF team for them to characterise the optical setup and complete all activities planned. This stage is dependent on Additiv Solutions and is expected to be completed by 30 June 2021. The project is on track, there are no remaining technical challenges.

3. This question relates to particular project at the CSIR. The Minister does not usually make statements on particular projects, and is not planning to do so in relation to the CSIR’s support to Additiv Solutions.

21 May 2021 - NW1250

Profile picture: Luthuli, Mr BN

Luthuli, Mr BN to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

Whether the Government intends to assist indigent former students who owe universities for fees incurred after the National Student Financial Aid Scheme discontinued their funding; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


Government has contributed R1.7 billion to NSFAS as a result of the due diligence exercise that was undertaken in 2018 towards the historic debt owed to universities by continuing or returning NSFAS qualifying students, registered in 2018.  This allocation specifically targets students who were subject to the R122 000 family income threshold and the NSFAS funding cap, and also covers students registered in 2019, 2020 and 2021.  In many cases, the amount of funding provided was insufficient to cover the actual fees and costs of the study, where the cost of the study was higher than the NSFAS cap. These students (referred to as capped students) therefore accrued debt with their institutions.

Students, including former qualifying NSFAS students, had to meet the academic progression criteria for the years being claimed for and had to sign an acknowledgment of debt with their institutions. Students (including former NSFAS students) who did not meet the NSFAS academic criteria do not qualify for continued funding.

This project is work in progress as it is subject to an audit process required by NSFAS and has not yet been finalised.

21 May 2021 - NW1192

Profile picture: Nxumalo, Mr MN

Nxumalo, Mr MN to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1) With reference to the budget cuts for all government departments in the 2020 21 financial year, including the Department of Higher Education and Training, what is the long-term plan of his department regarding (a) students’ historic debt and (b) safeguarding the integrity and financial sustainability of universities, given the billions owed to the institutions by students and the ongoing cuts on research and funding for universities experienced recently; (2) whether he is undertaking any consultations with other stakeholders and affected students regarding his department’s processes of addressing the plight of university students falling into the missing middle; if not, why not; if so, who is being consulted in making a holistic decision in addressing this issue?


(1) In March 2021, the Department requested universities to complete a student debt survey template with the aim of providing the best possible data on the total student debt as at 30 December 2020. This work will feed into the review requested by Cabinet on government policy in relation to student financial aid, including the “missing middle” and the sustainability of institutional funding (block grants, earmarked and infrastructure funding). 

(2) The Minister will appoint a task team to review the sustainability of and options for the post-school education and training student financial aid system. The focus of the review will be on the sustainable modelling of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), as well as to explore a different public-private sector mechanism to enable better support for the “missing middle” income bracket. Once concluded this will be tabled for Cabinet’s consideration.

21 May 2021 - NW1101

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)(a) What is the total number of technical and vocational education and training colleges that have a functional Employee Assistance Programme and (b) in each case, is there a funded position on the organogram to deal with the Employee Assistance Programme; (2) for those colleges that do not have Employee Assistance Programmes, what are the reasons that they do not have one in place; (3) whether the programme will be established; if not, why not; if so, by what date; (4) (a) what services does the Employee Assistance Programme provide to employees and (b) if no Employee Assistance Programme exists, what measures have been put in place to support employees who would ordinarily have used the programme?


(1) The Department has developed a standardised organisational structure and Post Provision Norms (PPN) model for TVET colleges, which makes provision for a unit and funded post for Employee Health and Wellness (EHW) services within each TVET college. This model and standardised organisational structure is currently being implemented at a college level over 3 years in line with the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework budget. 

(2) The EHW unit at Head Office has been capacitating colleges whilst the PPN model was being developed and supporting the implementation of programmes in colleges.

Colleges were capacitated with 3-day EHW capacity-building workshops. There were 86 psychosocial interventions in TVET colleges. Processes of employee health and wellness were followed, which were agreed upon by labour structures within the Department.

During the COVID-19 pandemic and currently, the EHW unit has trauma counselled, tracked and traced 70 officials, and equipped colleges with various protocols in ensuring adherence to the prescripts of the Department of Public Service and Administration.

(3) The support functions and implementation of the EHW programmes does not depend on the establishment of an EHW unit, as it is the right of all members within the public service to be provided with health care services based on the Bill of Rights section 24 (a) and section 27 (i), as per the directive from the Minister of Public Service and Administration in Circular 1 of 2017 on Employee Health and Wellness.

(4) (a) The EHW programmes are based on the National Strategic Framework of Employee Health and Wellness of 2008. The programmes are as follows:

  • HIV, AIDS, TB & STI programmes.
  • The Health and Productivity Management programme focuses on the return on investment and other psychological, biological, medical and environmental challenges that impede officials to perform in the workplace. Implementation of this programme is done in tandem with leave determination policies, job access strategies, reasonable accommodation, employment equity and the Policy on the Implementation of Incapacity in the public service.
  • The Safety Health Environment Risk and Quality (SHERQ) programme is directed by Regulation 53 of the Public Service Regulation that heads of departments must establish and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for employees of the department and a safe and healthy service delivery environment for members of the public. This programme does not operate in isolation but is implemented with the COVID-19 master plan and protocols, and reasonable accommodation and buildings, e.g. maintenance schedules of lifts and equipment by facilities management and the Departmental SHERQ policy.
  • The Wellness Management Physical programme includes a sports policy whereby members of the Department can participate in healthy lifestyle programmes. Wellness Sporting Committees exist in colleges where a healthy lifestyle is promoted and ensuring that officials achieve a work-life balance. Daily body-mass-index screening is done as part of this programme.
  • The Financial Wellness programme comprises of National Treasury workshops for Departmental officials, including colleges, on savings and managing finances.
  • The Wellness Management Psychosocial programme cuts across all EHW interventions, implemented in conjunction with other Departmental programmes and customised for officials. Scheduled 8 of the Labour Relation Act is invoked in cases that need ill-health retirement.
  • The Organisational Wellness programme incorporates SHERQ as the environment can incapacitate a person; hence, reasonable accommodation is implemented in various ways and can lead to officials being re-allocated to other work or work terrain appropriate for wheelchair-bound officials.

(b)   The EHW programmes are being utilised and programmes are in place within the EHW work plans.

21 May 2021 - NW1088

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What is the projected cost for a student at a university and/or technical and vocational education and training college for one year?


The projected 2021 average full cost of study as reported by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is R59 508.00 per annum for public universities. It should be noted that this includes both distance and contact students. It also includes students on the DHET Grant (capped funding) and the DHET Bursary (fully subsidised) funding. 

The projected cost for a student at a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college is R62 000.00 per annum which covers tuition and allowances. It is important to note that all TVET college students are provided with textbooks, consumables, and safety gear irrespective of whether or not a student is a NSFAS recipient.

21 May 2021 - NW1071

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What (a) total number of students who are National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) beneficiaries (i) registered and (ii) completed their studies at institutions of higher learning in each of the past five academic years, (b) was the dropout rate of NSFAS-funded students in each of the specified academic years and (c) has he found to be the average dropout rate of NSFAS-funded students since the inception of the NSFAS?


The NSFAS cohort study considers any student who received NSFAS funding at any point in time during their studies. The database of students who had received NSFAS funding in all previous years of study is mapped to the Higher Education Management Information System dataset. The NSFAS cohort study published in March 2020 considered all cohorts that entered the public higher education sector, i.e. universities, for the first time from the 2000 to 2017 academic years. The study found that the dropout rate for the 2009 NSFAS cohort was 22.2%, which is 9% lower than the national cohort average of 31.3%.

It should be noted that in order to determine how students, including NSFAS students, are performing, at least 4 years of data is required for a 3-year qualification and 5 years of data for 4-year qualification. The Department is currently in the process of updating the cohort report for this year.

21 May 2021 - NW1087

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)With the rapid expansion of the tertiary system that was not followed by the implementation of financial support for such an expansion from 1994 to date, (a) what are the reasons that the financial support was not implemented and (b) who made that decision; (2) whether there is a funding model that was ever created and/or revised to cater for the expansion; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) (a) The assumption that the rapid expansion of the tertiary system was not followed by the implementation of financial support is not a true reflection of the interventions that the Department has put in place to try to meet the system expansion. Government’s expenditure goal is to spend 1% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product on university education. Given the trajectory seen over the past ten years, this target was achieved during the 2018/19 financial year. However, it is not clear if it will continue to be achieved.

(b)  Funding for the university sector is part of the budgetary processes of government and therefore competes with other government priorities such as health, social welfare, etc.

(2) The Department is aware of the systematic challenges and remains committed to being responsive to the constantly changing landscape within the post-school education and training system. The funding model or regulations are updated when the need arises. Post 1994, the Department revised the funding framework (Annexure A) and is in the process to develop a policy framework on fee regulation to manage the funding model accordingly to ensure it remains relevant. A policy review on student funding is also underway as requested by Cabinet.

19 April 2021 - NW898

Profile picture: Boshoff, Dr WJ

Boshoff, Dr WJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)Whether he will furnish Dr W J Boshoff with a summary of National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) related demonstrations at university and technical and vocational education and training college campuses, comparing the year before administration had commenced with the two and a half years during which NSFAS was under administration; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


1. It should be noted at the outset that student protests do occur on university campuses from time to time and relate to a broad range of issues. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and funding-related matters do sometimes feature in these protests, but are often institution-specific and appear to be NSFAS-related, but are not always.

In 2017, NSFAS introduced and implemented a new funding system for all universities, termed the “student-centred” model. The system was intended to provide an improved information technology platform for submitting and processing student applications, where students apply directly to NSFAS through an online application system and manage allocations to students.

While some changes to systems and processes at NSFAS resulted in students applying directly to NSFAS in 2017 with some of the preliminary funding decisions being concluded and communicated to students on time, the rest of the processes at NSFAS were subject to severe challenges and unacceptable delays.

NSFAS did not have the requisite capacity and technical knowledge required for the successful implementation of the new system. The information technology platform and systems built to manage the processes were not able to function effectively. There were huge delays in the exchange of registration data between NSFAS and universities, making funding decisions, and paying students on time. As a result of these challenges, there was much dissatisfaction across universities and the following universities experienced disruption of the academic activities during 2017:

The Vaal University of Technology, Witwatersrand, University of Limpopo, University of Venda, Sol Plaatje University, University of Cape Town, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, University of the Western Cape, Stellenbosch University, Walter Sisulu University, Rhodes University, Nelson  Mandela University, University of Fort Hare, Central University of Technology, University of the Free State, UNISA, University of Zululand, Durban University of Technology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, and Mangosuthu University of Technology.

In August 2018, an Administrator was appointed to, amongst others, deal with the operational challenges explained above, ensuring improved systems and policy controls, and addressing backlog issues from previous funding cycles. In the first period of administration, operations at NSFAS stabilised significantly, resulting in a comparatively smooth funding cycle for 2019, improved relationships between institutions and NSFAS, improved data exchange between NSFAS and institutions, and better controls being put in place to manage funding rules. There was also a significant improvement in payments to students, which, with the support of institutions, were paid on time to students for the first time ever. Reconciliations were also done monthly, which resulted in smoother administration of the funding scheme.

The Department developed guidelines on how the new DHET bursary would be implemented. Standards were set up early in January 2018 based on research that NSFAS had undertaken. These were communicated to the system but were not implemented by all universities in the same way.  In 2019, it was discovered that some universities did not implement the policy correctly for first-time entering students, and payments of allowances were made to students who did not qualify. NSFAS had no means to validate funded undergraduate courses in universities, and that a funded qualification management system was not in place. With a lack of controls at NSFAS, institutions were able to submit data that did not comply with the policy, such as allowance amounts not in line with the policy and qualifications that did not qualify for funding.

This led to some confusion and dissatisfaction and resulted in turmoil. Many demands made by students and protests were experienced on many campuses. It should also be noted that many universities had protests as a response to the call for a national shutdown by the South African Union of Students. The following universities experienced student protests:

The Mangosuthu University of Technology, University of Fort Hare, University of Zululand, the University of Venda, University of Mpumalanga, the Vaal University of Technology, University of Limpopo, Sol Plaatje University, University of Cape Town, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, University of the Western Cape, Stellenbosch University, Walter Sisulu University, Rhodes University, Nelson Mandela University, Central University of Technology, University of the Free State, UNISA, Durban University of Technology, and University of KwaZulu-Natal.

The government also made funds available to pay off the historic debt of NSFAS funded students incurred prior to the introduction of the DHET bursary.

The lack of policy controls at NSFAS had a significant effect. Closeout issues were still being addressed in 2020, and weaknesses in data controls persisted. There were delays in finalising appeals by NSFAS. Although there was a call for a national shut down by SAUS, the sector was relatively calm and only the following institutions had major disruptions:

Central University of Technology, North West University, University of Fort Hare, University of Venda, University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of South Africa, Central University of Technology, Durban University of Technology, Sefako Makgatho University, Sol Plaatje University, Tshwane University of Technology, University of Limpopo, University of the Free State, University of the Western Cape, University of Zululand, Vaal University of Technology, Walter Sisulu University and Witwatersrand University.

There is a significant improvement in terms of controls at NSFAS and the payment of allowances. The protests that are currently experienced by universities relate to the broader funding of the sector and in particular, matters relating to student debt of missing middle students.  

The following table presents a summary of NSFAS matters that prompted recipients to demonstrate in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges:




Outstanding allowances

Outstanding allowances

Outstanding allowances

Late or non-disbursement of allowances

Late or non-disbursement of allowances

Late or non-disbursement of allowances

Migration to NSFAS wallet payment system

Migration to NSFAS wallet payment system

Migration to NSFAS wallet payment system



Issuing of laptops

The main goal of the Department and NSFAS is to ensure that financial aid reaches the right student timeously. To this end, the value chain process is dependent on the active participation of all stakeholders regarding, amongst others, the following:

  • Development and distribution of the bursary policy by the Department;
  • Capacity building training of college officials by the Department and NSFAS;
  • Accurate completion and timeous submission of a complete application by a student; and
  • Timeous submission of the student registration data to NSFAS by colleges.  

The Department, together with NSFAS, college management and Student Representative Councils collectively have a responsibility to address the issues reflected in the table above. The Department and NSFAS have put various mechanisms in place to address these issues such as developing standard operating procedures for the administration of college fees and allowances as well as the introduction of the NSFAS wallet payment system to expedite payment of allowances.

(2)    Yes.

09 April 2021 - NW999

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)What is the total number of students who (a) owe money to institutions, whose National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) payments have been delayed and (b)(i) are funded by NSFAS have failed the final exam of the 2020 academic year and (ii) what is the financial cost of the failure; (2) what is the total over enrolment (a) maximum limit and (b) above maximum limit accepted by institutions to NSFAS for 2020; (3) what are the reasons for not implementing the recommendations of the Heher Commission of Inquiry into Higher Education and Training on the viability of tertiary education funding; (4) whether his department will continue with fee-free higher education considering the challenges facing NSFAS; if not, why not; if so, what are the further relevant details?


1. (a) A detailed template was sent to all institutions to gain an understanding of the current levels of student debt and the categories of students that carry debt, including NSFAS students. This information was due on 26 March 2021. It should be noted that eligible NSFAS qualifying continuing and returning students with debt are allowed to register and will receive their allowances in the first week of April 2021, dependent on academic results and registration data received from institutions.  No eligible NSFAS applicants and NSFAS returning students in TVET colleges are required to pay registration fees. The first payment of allowances for 2021 was made from 05 March 2021, upon receipt of registration data, for colleges that disburse allowances to students. However, in respect of the rest of the institutions, payments were made on 19 March 2021 upon receipt of their registration data.

(b)   This information will be available from NSFAS on 31 March 2021 as NSFAS is still awaiting academic results from some institutions to conclude 2021 funding decisions for returning and continuing qualifying NSFAS students. Funding for NSFAS returning students is dependent on academic progression. The Department has established that about 10% of TVET college student debt is recoverable and 90% is unrecoverable. However, in an effort to avert exclusion of students due to an inability to afford fees, TVET colleges writes off 90% of the student debt which is not recoverable.   

2. (a) The table below reflects the 2020 Ministerial approved enrolment planning targets for First Time Entering Undergraduates (FTEN) and total undergraduate enrolments.


TVET College

Continuing Student

New Applicant



2 138

2 729

4 867

Buffalo City

1 602

2 076

3 678


4 441

4 514

8 955

Central Johannesburg

1 780

3 329

5 109

Coastal KZN

3 425

5 392

8 817

College of Cape Town

2 348

2 821

5 169

Eastcape Midlands

1 834

2 700

4 534


2 180

3 694

5 874

Ekurhuleni East

2 061

4 966

7 027

Ekurhuleni West

4 209

5 320

9 529


3 261

3 311

6 572


3 163

3 306

6 469

False Bay

1 695

1 951

3 646

Flavius Mareka

1 184

2 937

4 121

Gert Sibande

3 474

4 271

7 745



1 843

2 715


1 750

2 096

3 846


2 375

2 558

4 933

King Hintsa


1 429

2 372

King Sabata Dalindyebo

2 363

3 043

5 406


1 077

1 287

2 364


1 846

1 860

3 706


1 385

1 477

2 862


5 397

5 773

11 170


2 158

3 303

5 461


1 335

1 805

3 140

Mopani South East

2 226

2 936

5 162


1 770

5 175

6 945


1 706

1 783

3 489


3 401

3 362

6 763

Northern Cape Rural


2 119

2 807

Northern Cape Urban

1 405

2 288

3 693


4 129

4 298

8 427


2 222

2 307

4 529

Port Elizabeth

1 631

2 412

4 043


3 480

4 759

8 239


1 523

2 197

3 720

South Cape

1 417

2 877

4 294

South West Gauteng

4 066

5 330

9 396


1 094

2 300

3 394


1 845

2 592

4 437

Tshwane North

2 920

4 230

7 150

Tshwane South

2 131

3 177

5 308


3 034

3 606

6 640


1 883

2 226

4 109


5 150

6 167

11 317


1 524

2 586

4 110


1 598

1 836

3 434

West Coast

1 625

3 421

5 046


2 702

3 447

6 149


115 466

157 222

272 688


(b) It should be noted that the Department has only received preliminary data from universities on their 2020 enrolments and this is therefore subject to change. There may have been institutions that have over-enrolled slightly on their enrolment plans and the impact on NSFAS is not yet known.  More reliable data on enrolments will be received from universities at the end of April 2021. Once they have identified all their graduates, the Department will receive the final audited data at the end of July 2021. Preliminary data indicates that UNISA is the only institution that has exceeded its FTEN 2020 enrolment plan target. The approved enrolment target for FTEN students for UNISA was 57 703. According to UNISA’s first submission of HEMIS data, the University has enrolled 77 840 FTEN students. According to data received from NSFAS on 23 March 2021, the entity has funded 74 427 FTEN students in 2020. 

(3) The Commission completed its report and handed it to the former President on 31 August 2017. Government considered the report through an Inter-Ministerial Task Team and agreed with many of the recommendations, some of which are either currently being planned or implemented. Four recommendations made by the Commission were not accepted:

- Community Education and Training only concerns itself with adult basic education;

- A universal model of Income Contingent Deferred Loans underwritten by government;

- Funding (loans) should be extended to cover students studying at private higher education institutions; and

- University students should not pay application fees nor registration fees.

(4) Government’s policy remains the provision of fully subsidised free higher education and training for poor and working-class South Africans. Cabinet has requested an urgent review of government policy on student financial aid, which must be completed within the next three months. The focus will be on sustainable modelling of NSFAS as well as to explore a different public-private sector mechanism to enable better support for the “missing middle” income bracket.

09 April 2021 - NW837

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What (a) is the vacancy rate for all types of nurses in the Republic, (b) is the breakdown of the number of posts that have remained vacant in each province and (c) are the details of the vacancy rate in the years (i) 2016, (ii) 2017, (iii) 2018, (iv) 2019 and (v) 2020?


The Department of Higher Education and Training has no jurisdiction over the appointment of healthcare professionals or nurses. This is the responsibility of Provincial health Departments and this question should be re-directed to the National Department of Health.

08 April 2021 - NW835

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

Whether the state-owned pharmaceutical company known as Ketlaphela has been established; if not, what are the reasons that it has not been established; if so, what (a) is the latest relevant information regarding the development of the company and (b) total amount has been spent in the (i) planning and (ii) development processes of establishing the company?


1. (a) The Ketlaphela SOC was established as a subsidiary of Pelchem SOC, a subsidiary of South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA). The establishment of Ketlaphela was part of the vision to manufacture Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) for drugs against the most problematic diseases in South Africa, in particular HIV/AIDS. This was part in a process of many other activities and investigations into the sustainability of such an entity which included a number of studies, establishment of public private partnerships seeking expert and legal opinions. Much work in this regard was done between 2011 and 2014. In total, the process was done in three phases. The first phase entailed a partnership with Lonza, from which Lonza withdrew citing the new management team’s global “Focus and Deliver” strategy, which they said would not align with the partnership on Ketlaphela.

Following Lonza’s withdrawal, Cabinet approved a process to find a new technology partner. This was referred to as Phase 2 of Ketlaphela. The need for finding yet another partner was based on the fact that all APIs used in drug formulations in South Africa are imported and as such, a technology partner would facilitate technology and skills transfer. This phase was implemented through open calls for Expressions of Interest. Unfortunately, no bidder could meet the minimum qualifying criteria. The collapse of this phase ushered the process into the third phase.

The third phase entailed a more pragmatic approach, where Ketlaphela branded anti-retroviral tablets (ARVs) would be introduced into the national health care system through a collaboration with local ARV producers, whilst a small-scale manufacturing plant for APIs for selected niche products, including new ARV APIs would be established. The rationale for this phase was to tap into existing contracts between the Department of Health (DoH) and ARV suppliers to produce and supply Ketlaphela-branded ARV tablets to the DoH. In order to incentivise ARV suppliers to collaborate with Ketlaphela, there was a need for a letter of intent between DoH and Ketlaphela on long-term supply agreement. The Request for Proposal was therefore drafted for existing ARV suppliers who want to partner to allocate current supply of their volumes to Ketlaphela in exchange of a long -term contract. In this regard, the Department of Science and Technology (at the time) was to provide financial support for the development of new manufacturing approaches through research and development.

The third phase could not proceed as the letter of intent for long-term supply contract could not be secured. However, the research, development and innovation aspect under the Department of Science and Technology continued and the small-scale manufacturing plant for API manufacturing has been established. As from 2017, the Pelchem Board decided to take the process forward by finding an international technology partner to provide finished products under the Ketlaphela Brand. The Department of Science and Innovation is not part of this process as it does not follow the original aspect of local development and manufacturing of APIs.

(b) It is important to note that for the period 2011 to 2015, all activities for the three phases were funded by the then Department of Science and Technology to an amount of R13 747 152 to support the establishment of Ketlaphela. The funds were utilised as per the breakdown below:

Financial year





R2 964 617

Pelchem SOC

  • KPMG Economic Impact Analyses of Ketlaphela
  • Frost & Sullivan Commercial viability, Socio-economic benefits
  • Study on the formulation, fill and finishing operations in the SA pharmaceutical sector

2012/13 – 2013/14

R1 500 000

Cliff Dekker Hofmeyr

  • At National Treasury’s request to obtain a legal opinion on validity of the process of engaging with Lonza by Pelchem and the IDC
  • Assist with the development of draft contracts and evaluation of Expression on Interest


R4 082 535

Pelchem SOC

  • Development of New Business plan to find new technology partner
  • Development of all legal agreements needed to engage with new technology partner
  • Issuing and evaluation of the Expression of Interest
  • Some direct management and operational expenses
  • Development of blue prints for the pilot plant at Pelindaba

2015/16 - 2016/17

R5 200 000

Pelchem SOC

  • Some direct management and operational expenses
  • Development of Ketlaphela 3 business plan
  • Initial synthesis of 2 drug molecules (Tenefovir and Dalutegravir) at the University of Pretoria and the University of Kwazulu-Natal

It is important to note that the services as procured in this regard during the three phases were rendered and as such, funds were utilised for specific deliverables. At the end of the contract between Pelchem and the Department of Science and Technology in March 2017, the unspent amount of R4 836 272.29 was refunded. Ketlaphela was therefore left existing just in name, without assets and no funding was inherited from the establishment process. The process currently being pursued by Pelchem and the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources to take the process forward in a different format seem to have stalled. With the Department of Science and Innovation not being part of that, the Department is therefore not in a position to provide an update on the latest developments.

07 April 2021 - NW781

Profile picture: Komane, Ms RN

Komane, Ms RN to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

In view of the statement by the President of the Republic, Mr M C Ramaphosa, in his State of the Nation Address on 11 February 2021, that there will be renewed emphasis on building state capacity by building a pool of engineers, project managers and other critical skills in order to ensure a seamless implementation of projects, what targeted interventions will he make to (a) recruit a sufficient number of young persons for enrollment in the specified courses and (b) fund their studies?


a)  Since the introduction of the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System in

2010 and the subsequent Medium-Term Strategic Framework, the Department has been engaging with universities through enrolment planning on their targets for scarce skills areas. In the new enrolment planning cycle, the targets for first time entering students into the scarce skills areas of engineering, life and physical science, human health, animal health and veterinary sciences, and teacher education are indicated in the table below:

Scarce Skills Areas








16 152

16 647

17 085

17 639

18 100

18 317

Life and Physical Science

16 948

17 161

17 584

17 391

17 459

17 614

Human Health

9 796

10 155

10 418

10 838

11 155

11 516

Animal and Veterinary


1 116

1 154

1 194

1 209

1 229

1 257

Initial Teacher Education

22 752

22 746

22 788

22 855

22 951

23 380

The targets for all undergraduate enrolments for the scarce skills are in the table below:

Scarce Skills Areas








77 062

77 003

77 158

78 916

80 796

83 019

Life and Physical Science

58 267

59 240

60 613

61 218

62 092

62 890

Human Health

47 411

47 488

47 597

49 120

50 406

51 926

Animal and Veterinary


5 001

5 208

5 343

5 469

5 592

5 729

Initial Teacher Education









147 471



770 Apprentices are being trained at 26 Centres of Specialisation at different Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges in 13 priority trades with 130

participating employers. A further 1 000 young people are expected to start in 2021 as apprentices. TVET colleges are being supported to be Trade Test Centres for occupational trades.

In response to the President’s State of the Nation Address, Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) have set targets to respond to the National Skills Development Plan and contribute to the post-school education and training system. Amongst others, four SETAs that are involved with artisanal and engineering interventions have set targets for the Medium-Term Strategic Framework.








9 170

7 768

9 683

9 234

9 919

Engineering Learnerships

10 588

7 551

9 840

10 560

8 055

Recognition of Prior Learning

3 259

2 561

2 855

2 978

1 543

Work Integrated Learning

1 849

1 654

2 243

2 166

2 188


4 112

1 474

1 876

1 880

1 886







b) All NSFAS qualifying students in approved undergraduate qualifications are provided with financial support for their studies, as long as they continue to meet the financial and academic eligibility criteria.

SETAs have made commitments to fund employers that partner with TVET colleges to take more apprentices as part of the skills strategy to support the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan. Funding of eligible learners will be done through discretionary grants given to employers and institutions of higher learning. SETAs will fund programmes or projects aimed at developing high-level skills such as managers, associate professionals and artisans amongst others.

25 March 2021 - NW900

Profile picture: Boshoff, Dr WJ

Boshoff, Dr WJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)Whether, with reference to the delayed distribution of laptop computers to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme students, any irregularities were found in the first round of bid evaluation and adjudication; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details of the specified irregularities; (2) whether the company to whom the tender would have been awarded, had the process not been terminated, had in fact complied with all requirements as set out for the bid evaluation criteria; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


(1) No irregularities were noted in the cancelled tender. The tender was cancelled in accordance with regulation 13 (1) (c) of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, as no acceptable bids were received. All 150 bid proposals were disqualified for not achieving the mandatory requirements of the tender.

(2) None of the proposals met the mandatory requirements as outlined in the bid document.

(3) No.

25 March 2021 - NW869

Profile picture: Gwarube, Ms S

Gwarube, Ms S to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What is the breakdown of the R95 million allocated by the Government towards the development of COVID-19 (a) vaccines, (b) treatment and (c) therapeutics?


The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) has committed an amount of ~R95 million for COVID-19 biomedical research and innovation activities covering in the following fields of research:

Research field

Amount disbursed

a) Prevention and vaccines

R7 684 831

b) Repurposing of Drugs for Treatment

R8 483 130

c) Convalescent sera

R4 571 244

d) Understanding the disease

R2 877 495

e) Diagnostics

R16 491 509

f) Genomic Surveillance

R36 338 830

g) Wastewater Surveillance

R345 989

h) Surveillance /Epidemiology

R2 128 665

i) 501Y.V2 variant

R7 636 395

Total amount committed /disbursed

R86 558 088

Amount still to be allocated

R8 441 912

25 March 2021 - NW899

Profile picture: Boshoff, Dr WJ

Boshoff, Dr WJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)Whether, in light of the contested period of administration at the National Student Financial Aid Scheme, the Report of the Ministerial Committee on the Review of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme, investigating the administration phase of NSFAS has been completed; if not, why not; if so, by what date will the specified report be publicised; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


(1) The Report of the Ministerial Committee on the Review of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme has been completed and submitted to the Minister. The Report will be published for public comment after a briefing and presentation to Cabinet. 

(2) The Minister will make a statement after the briefing and presentation to Cabinet.

23 March 2021 - NW766

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What measures will be put in place to (a) assist students who were unable to write exams due to the challenges brought by lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19 with no access to (i) data, (ii) laptops and/or (iii) learning material and (b)(i) ensure that the specified students do not repeat the academic year and (ii) support the students during the continued lockdown?


a) Universities have each put in place different measures to support students during the COVID-19 lockdown period that affected the 2020 academic year.  The information provided below is not specific to any one institution, but rather provides a system overview. Specific information would have to be obtained from individual institutions. 

According to the February COVID-19 lockdown monitoring report received by the Department, there were few students who remained disengaged from their studies. Universities adopted emergency remote multi-modal teaching and learning methodologies in line with their own resources and circumstances. In some institutions, this meant online learning and teaching support and in others the delivery of print-based teaching and learning materials. Many universities also assisted students with the acquisition of laptops and in the provision of data.  

Universities also utilised different strategies for assessments and put in place a number of different strategies to engage students. These include:

  • Designating the first two to three months of 2021 to be an adjustment period (a catch-up period) including the identification of students with one or two modules outstanding for the completion of their degrees with the focus to provide additional support to students who were left behind in 2020. 
  • Students received tuition and assistance and were also allowed the opportunity to resubmit assignments where applicable as well as sit for deferred activities or reassessments.
  • Students who had not been in regular contact with lecturers were contacted through telephone calls, emails, and SMS. 
  • Student leaders in some institutions also assisted to contact students who had been out of regular contact with universities. 
  • Students who had struggled to engage with their studies during lockdown were able to return to campus when it was possible to return. 
  • Some institutions scheduled supplementary examinations for February - March 2021. 
  • Some institutions provided additional assessment opportunities for students who could not complete their assessments. 
  • Extensions for the submission of continuous assessment tasks for students who were delayed by the late arrival of laptops.

b) During the 2020 academic year, the Department monitored teaching and learning at universities through a monitoring report, which will be redesigned for the 2021 academic year. This will allow the Department to report at a high level on some of the indicators, including access to data and devices. 

Three main types of programmes are offered at Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges, i.e. NATED Report 191 Engineering Studies which are offered in Trimesters, NATED Report 191 Business and Services Studies which are offered in Semesters, and the National Certificate (Vocational) [NCV] which are offered as year programmes. In 2020, the Department took a decision to reduce the number of Trimesters offered from 3 to 2 and Semesters from 2 to 1 in order to cater for the loss of teaching and learning time during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown periods. The academic calendar for the NCV was extended.

For Report 191 programmes, those students who would not have managed to write their examinations in any of the trimesters and semester in 2020 would be accommodated in the normal academic trimesters and/or semesters in 2021. The NCV students who could not write their examinations in 2020 will have an opportunity to write their examinations during the supplementary period which runs from 08 March 2021 to 01 April 2021.

23 March 2021 - NW672

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

Whether (a) his department and/or (b) any entity reporting to him makes use of private security firms; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, what is the (i) name of each firm, (ii) purpose, (iii) value and (iv) duration of each specified contract?



Whether (a) his department makes use of private security firm

Whether (b) any entity reporting to him makes use of private security firm

If not, what is the position in this regard

If so, in each case, what is the:



name of each firm






duration of each specified contract?

The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) makes use of private security firm.



G4s Security Solutions (Pty) Ltd.

To provide 24 hour guarding security services.

The costs payable increase annually as per the Sectorial Determination. Total amounts paid from date of contract to September 2021 will be as follows: R1,344 million in 2018/19, R1,451 million in 2019/20 and R1,569 million in 2020/21.

Apr 2018 – Dec 2022


The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) makes use of private security firm.


G4S Security Solutions (Pty) Ltd.

Provide security services to all CSIR sites to protect people, knowledge, assets and property in cost effective and sustainable manner.

R67,2 million (excluding Value Added Tax).

Five years.


The Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) makes use of private security firm.


ELDNA Security Services.

Security services.

R3,134 million.

Three years.


The South African National Space Agency (SANSA) makes use of private security firms at two of its sites.


Site 1: Securi-Team.

Provide 24 hours guarding and monitoring services

R1,857 million.

Five years.


Site 2: Eulesaki

Provide security for the site, being a National Key Point.

R104 000 per month

Two years.


The National Research Foundation (NRF) makes use of private security firms at seven of its Business Units.


NRF Pretoria Head Office: Phuthadichaba Trading Enterprise.

Security and guarding Services at the NRF Pretoria Campus.

R3,159 million.

Five years.


South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB) Business Unit: Hi-Tec Security.

After hours alarm monitoring of buildings.

R45 312.

Three years.


South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) and South African Environment Observation Network (SAEON) Business Units: Red Alert.

Guarding Services at two separate sites.

R6,349 million.

Three years.


SAEON Business Unit: Palsecurity Services (Pty) Ltd and Top Security Systems (Pty) Ltd.

Alarm system monitoring.

R15 057.

Two years and six months.


Office security services in Kimberley.

R5 916.

One year.


South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) Business Unit: Virtual Security.

Protection of grounds, access control, perimeter guarding and off-site monitoring.

R820 335.

Three years.


South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) Business Unit: Khulaluntu Security Hlokomela and Transport 2006

Guarding of premises.

R442 801.

One year.


The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) makes use of private security firm.


Khensani Security Services.

24-hour security services at the HSRC Pietermaritzburg and Cape Town Offices.

R3,869 million.

Three years.


The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) does not make use of private security firm.

ASSAf’s Office is located in Persequor Park, Pretoria. Security is provided by Eris, the property








Departm ent

(a) Whether your Department makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) Name of firm

(ii) Purpose


(iv) Duration



Static Protection

Services (National

Skills Fund - NSF)

To render a 24/7 security guarding services, which includes access control, monitoring and patrol services

R464 000.00

4 months – 01

January 2021-

30 April 2021



Ebukhosini TP Security (INDLELA)

To render a 24/7 security guarding services, which includes access control, monitoring and patrol services

R253 863, 72

4 months – 01

January 2021-

30 April 2021



(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?


No. Security is provided by the landlord.






No. Security services is






(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?


included in the lease agreement with the landlord.




Titanium Security Services

Provision of security services: Guarding and armed response, with one security personnel during the day and one at night, the service is for 24 hours and 7 days a week.

R 1 055 092.44

1 April 2019 to 31

March 2022



Selkirk Security Services Ltd

Access control services, such as:

  • Preventing

unauthorized entries

to the office premises.

  • Monitoring and

recording all activity around a protected facility 24 hours a day.

R 347 912.35 (annualised value)

R 317 552.35

(to date: 28

February 2021)

1 April 2020 to 31

March 2021



  1. Dikgaetsedi Security Services

(Pty) Ltd

  1. Letiqa Twins

Trading (Pty) Ltd

To protect SAQA’s building, movable assets, employees and clients.

The risk is linked to the insurance premium.

R 4 066 214.04

R 5 055 553.26

1 March 2018- 28 February 2021

1 March 2021 – 29 February 2024



Gilija Tactical

To provide security services to INSETA that

R 358 800.00

01 April 2020 to


(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?




  • Guarding INSETA premises and assets.
  • Patrol services
  • Screening staff and visitors for Covid-19
  • Doing other security screening to visitors

31 March 2021


National security

To provide armed response and CCTV


R 367 768.91

July 2020 to June 2025









Imvula Quality

Protection Services

Safeguarding Cape

House building in


Johannesburg which is currently vacant

R 946 129.09

01 August 2020 to

31 August 2021




Alarm system with response to the office building.

R 37 900.04

12 months



Jubzin Security Services

Provision of security services at its Head

Office in Killarney

(Johannesburg) and two

(2) regional offices in the Kwa-Zulu Natal and

Western Cape

R 848 240.00

8 months


(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?







Good Work Security (Pty) Ltd

To provide physical security, armed response and maintenance and repairs of the alarm and electrical fence at Services SETA Head Office.

R 2 916 000.00 per annum


Exodec 365 cc

To provide physical security, armed response, maintenance, and repairs of the alarm at Services SETA North West (Klerksdorp) provincial office

R 342 240.00 per annum


Rise Security

Services (Pty) Ltd

Bohlale Risk


To provide physical security, armed response, maintenance, and repairs of the alarm at

Services SETA


(Nelspruit) provincial office

R 340 313.82 per annum


To provide physical security, armed response, maintenance, and repairs of the alarm

R 338 934.86 per annual



(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?


at Services SETA free state (Bloemfontein) provincial office


Red Alert TSS (Pty) Ltd

To provide physical security, armed response, maintenance, and repairs of the alarm at Services SETA (Western Cape) provincial office.

R 308 221.90 per annum


Nguwo Security Services

To provide physical security, armed response and maintenance and

repairs of the alarm at Services SETA Eastern Cape (Port Elizabeth) provincial office

R 291 000.00 per annum


Fuyatha General Trading

To provide physical security, armed response and maintenance and repairs of the alarm at

Services SETA KZN (Durban) provincial office.

R 326 530.56 per annum


TJ Protection Services

To provide physical armed response, maintenance, and

R 288 475.00 per annum



(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?


repairs of the alarm at Services SETA Northern Cape office (Kimberly) provincial Office.


Nguwo Security Services

To provide physical security, armed response and maintenance and

repairs of the alarm at Services SETA Eastern Cape (East London) provincial office.

R 291 000.00 per annum




Masutha Training and

Security Services


  • Office Security - Covid-19


  • Covid-19

Management of IE

  • Safety of Employees
  • Managing

Attendance of Staff and visitors

  • Record keeping of who enters our offices, staff and visitors
  • Sanitizing everyone
  • Temperature

R 289 104.05

6 months


(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?



 Administration


Masutha Training and

Security Services


  • Office Security Covid-19


  • Covid-19

Management of IE

  • Safety of Employees
  • Managing

Attendance of Staff and visitors

  • Record keeping of who enters our offices, staff and visitors
  • Sanitizing everyone
  • Temperature monitoring
  • Administration

R 278 754,05

6 months


Mzansi Fire and Security


Arlam System and Arm

Respond Services -

Durban Office

R 13 456.56

24 Moths


Cortac (Pty) Ltd

Alarm System and Arm

Respond Services – Head office

R 10 532.88

Month to Month


(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?


National Security and Fire

Alarm System and Arm

Respond Services –

Cape Town office

R 11 711.88

Month to Month



Sinqobile Equestrian Security Services

Provision of security services

R 2 319 669.27

13 August 2018 -

31 October 2020


Mphosha Security Services

Provision of security services including CCTV monitoring and armed response

R 5 724 590.47

28 October 2021 -

31 March 2023



Eldna Security Services CC

To render Security Services at AgriSETA premises

R 1 196 436.57

1 April 2020 –

31 March 2023




Security and monitoring - Nelspruit

R 2 298.00

01 April 2020 –

31 July 2020


Adams Analytical

Detection and security

Security and monitoring - Nelspruit

R 4 073.91

01 October 2020

– 31 March 2021


National Security

Security and monitoring - Mafikeng

R 1 476.00

01 April 2020 –

31 June 2020


National Security

Security and monitoring - Mafikeng

R 4 740.00

01 October 2020

– 31 March 2021



Security and monitoring - Bloemfontein

R 2 637.00

01 April 2020 –

31 July 2020


National security

Security and monitoring -Bloemfontein

R 5 320.00

01 October 2020

– 31 March 2021



Security and monitoring – East London

R 1 045.00

01 April 2020 –

31 June 2020


(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?


Hartwig and Henderson

Security and monitoring - East London

R 3 805.00

01 August 2020 –

31 March 2021



Security and monitoring - Kimberley

R 2 259.00

01 April 2020 –

31 June 2020


Top Security

Security and monitoring - Kimberly

R 3 428.67

01 August 2020 –

31 March 2021


Mzansi Fire and Security

Security and monitoring - Durban

R 1 546.00

01 April 2020 –

31 May 2020


Mzansi Fire and Security

Security and monitoring - Durban

R 3 059.94

01 June 2020 –

31 March 2021


Axon Security

Security and monitoring - Midrand

R 2 414.00

01 April 2020 –

31 July 2020



Security and monitoring - Midrand

R 3 778.00

01 October 2020

– 31 March 2021


Chubb Security

Security and monitoring - Polokwane

R 2 108.00

01 April 2020 –

31 June 2020




No. 24 Hour security is provided by the landlord for the Office Park.







1. Yes, for the old premises. The lease agreement expired on 30 September


Red Alert

Monitoring and Armed Response

R 582.52 Monthly

The contract ended on 30 September 2020


2. Yes, in the new premises

Hartwig & Henderson Alarms (provided by the Landlord through

Monitoring and Armed Response

R 2 127.50 monthly

01 October 2020 - 30 September



(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?

(Free State)


the lease agreement)


1. Yes, for the old premises. The lease agreement expired on 30 September


Imvula Security


(provided by the Landlord through the lease agreement)

Guarding, Monitoring and Armed Response

R 1 011.15 monthly for Guarding

R 309.01 monthly for armed response

The contract ended on 30 September 2020


2. Yes, in the new premises

Nkanga Security,

Cleaning & Training

Provision of guarding services. This includes armed guarding

R 449 779.00 per annum

O1 February 2021

- 28 February





North – Pretoria)


1. Yes, for the old premises. The lease agreement expired on 30 September


National Security

Monitoring and Armed Response

R 850 Monthly

The contract ended on 30 September 2020


2. Yes, in the new premises

Fidelity ADT

Monitoring and Armed Response

R 6 607.90 Monthly

12 Months ending 30 September 2021.


1. Yes, for the old premises. The lease agreement expired on 30 September


Ubuntu Security Services

Monitoring and Armed Response

R 526.00 Monthly

The contract ended on 30 September 2020



National Security

Monitoring and Armed Response

R 340.00 Monthly

On a month-tomonth contract until moving to new premises which is planned for June 2021


(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?



Yes, at the new premises.

Mastiff Security Services

(provided by the Landlord through the lease agreement)

Monitoring and Armed Response

R 3 140.00 monthly

01 October 2020 - 30 September




  1. Broubart Alarms
  1. National Security and Fire

For alarm system

R 3 372 annually

R5 622 annually

3 years



Hlanganani Ezweni Trading and Projects, registration number: 2009/206402/2

General security services at North West

Provincial Office

R 322 179.12

1 August 2018 to

31 December



Vuyani and Socks Security Reg no.


General security services at North West Provincial Office

R 96 000.00

1 January 2021

- 30 June 2021


National Security and Fire Reg no.


Armed response

security services at the

Limpopo Provincial


R 11 508.96

Month to month until 30 June 2021 while the organisation is finalising process of appointing a new service provider


Yes. Our offices make use of a private security company, however the security contract is managed and paid by the

Anerley Road Body Corporate

Security company

Guarding of premises

R 540 192.00 for 2020/21. This is the

MQA portion of

1 year on an annual renewal basis


(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?


Body Corporate. We then pay

our portion via our monthly

management fee

name: 24/7


the annual expense




i. Bidvest Protea

Coin ii. PABC Security


  1. For the Alarm system
  1. One (1) physical

security at the entrance of the building

  1. R 852 per month
  1. R 12 800 per month
  1. Month by month
  1. 5 years,

(linked to the contract duration of the lease)



Eldna Security Services CC

Provision of Security to TETA Randburg offices

R 1 409 160.00

01 April 2019 –

31 March 2021



Bredasdorp Armed Response

Provision of Security

Services including

Armed response for

Bredasdorp office

R 334 926.15

23 September 2020 -

23 September



CKN Security Services CC

Provision of Security

Services for CETA Head


R 373 328.09

R 50 830.00

30 October 2020 -

28 February 2021

25 February 2020

- 15 March 2021


HM Security and Armed Response

Provision of Security Services including armed response for Bethal (CETA -Gert

Sibande Skills

Development Centre)

R 475 629.00

5 November 2020

- 5 December



(b) Whether your entity makes use of private security firms in the 2020/21 financial year, if not, what is the position in this regard?

(i) What is the name of each firm?

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Value

(iv) Duration of each specific contract?



  1. Cannabe Security and Projects
  1. Static Protection

Services (Pty)


Physical Security

R3 196 800.00

R 464 400.00

1 June 2017 - 31 May 2020

The contract was extended from

1 June 2020 to

31 December 2020 at an amount R799 200.00

01 January 2021

– 30 April 2021




Fidelity ADT Security (Pty) Ltd

Monitoring and response of alarm

system for East London office

R 17 604.50


4B Protection

Services (Pty) Ltd

Monitoring and response of alarm system for Head Office -

Vorna Velley

R 154 985.78


23 March 2021 - NW836

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What (a) is the total number of learners who are not funded by National Students Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for the 2021 academic year, (b) number of students have been funded by NSFAS for the 2021 academic year, (c) is the total number of students who have enrolled in each institution of higher learning for the 2021 academic year and (d) number of students have been financially excluded for the 2021 academic year?`


(a) All continuing NSFAS qualifying students who meet the academic and financial criteria will be funded for the 2021 academic year.

(b) Funding decisions for first-time entering students are still in the process following the announcement of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on 11 March 2021.

(c) The Department has not yet received enrolment data for 2021 from Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges. Preliminary unaudited data will only be received at the end of April 2021.

Enrolments and registrations are still underway at many universities. The Department has not yet received enrolment data for 2021. Preliminary unaudited 2021 enrolment data will only be received at the end of April 2022 and final audited data at the end of July 2022.

Below are the approved Ministerial enrolment planning targets for 2020 and 2021.


Projected Targets




Cape Peninsula University of Technology

35 498

37 027

University of Cape Town

28 037

28 174

Central University of Technology

18 255

19 098

Durban University of Technology

30 219

30 439

University of Fort Hare

17 310

17 673

University of Free State

40 271

40 519

University of Johannesburg

49 727

49 969

University of KwaZulu-Natal

47 726

46 829

University of Limpopo

21 995

22 561

Mangosuthu University of Technology

12 980

13 391

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

29 792

30 461

North-West University

63 065

61 054

University of Pretoria

51 978

52 134

Rhodes University

8 714

8 866

University of South Africa

376 000

376 468

University of Stellenbosch

31 690

32 380

Tshwane University of Technology

61 814

62 439

Vaal University of Technology

20 992

22 154

University of Venda

16 992

17 332

Walter Sisulu University

30 269

29 544

University of the Western Cape

24 800

25 060

University of the Witwatersrand

40 935

41 003

University of Zululand

17 920

18 636

University of Mpumalanga

4 218

5 217

Sol Plaatje University

2 512

3 278

Sefako Makgatho Health Science University

6 640

6 820


1 090 350

1 098 526

(d) Institutions have different financial clearance concessions in place to deal with outstanding debt before students are able to be registered and to continue with their studies. The registration at various institutions is currently underway as are consultations with students. This information can only be provided upon the conclusion of these consultations and finalisation of the registration processes at each institution.

23 March 2021 - NW765

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What total number of (a) students are financially excluded at each university for the 2021 academic year and (b) the specified students were funded by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme?


(a) Institutions are currently finalising the 2020 academic year whilst others are busy with registrations for the 2021 academic year. At this stage, institutions are unable to provide data/information for 2021 until the above processes have been concluded.

(b) With regard to NSFAS students, the information will be available once registrations and funding decisions have been made including funding decisions appeals and the outcomes thereof.

18 March 2021 - NW602

Profile picture: Madokwe, Ms P

Madokwe, Ms P to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What was the reasoning behind the appointment of attorneys to investigate the maladministration at the National Student Financial Aid Scheme during the period 2018 to 2020, as opposed to Parliament leading the investigation?


In 2020 the PCHEST received a complaint from NEHAWU and some NSFAS employees about alleged maladministration at NSFAS. The issues related in the main to the following broad categories:

  1.      Changes in Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan
  2.      Failures in Corporate Governance and PFMA Principles
  3.       Supply Chain Management Processes:
  • Appointment of consultants
  • Procurement of laptops for students

      4. Human Resources Processes:

(i)   Appointment of Advisors and their benefits

(ii)  Appointment of other employees

(iii) Purged employees and disciplinary action against employees

The PCHEST was on the verge of instituting an enquiry into NSFAS as the result of these allegations. The envisaged enquiry coincided with the appointment of the new Board.  The new Board, therefore, requested PCHEST to afford it the opportunity to conduct its own review into these matters, PCHEST acceded to the Board’s request. The Board opted to appoint independent experts to conduct this review, the experts included an accounting firm and a legal firm, to ensure objectivity of the process. Part of the review included the reviewing of underlying records and also included deposing affidavits of either those that were named in the allegations or those that made the allegations to ensure that the process was fair and transparent.

16 March 2021 - NW509

Profile picture: Faber, Mr WF

Faber, Mr WF to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)Whether any staff member in his department (a) performed work in addition to the responsibilities related to his or her work, outside normal working hours, in the past five financial years and (b) has been performing such work during the period 1 April 2014 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, in each case, how is it determined whether such work is being performed or not; if so, in each case, (i) what number of staff members and (ii) in what job or work categories are the specified staff members employed; (2) whether approval for such work was obtained in each case; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what is the policy of his department in this regard, (b) by whom are such applications considered and approved, (c) what number of contraventions of this policy were brought to the attention of the National Treasury in the past five financial years and (d) what steps have been taken against the transgressors?



1(a) Yes employees on salary levels 4 to 12 performed approved remunerated overtime and standby duty.

1(b) The information is available in the employee’s personal files and it is reported in the annual report.

(i) 51 staff members.

(ii) 11 Deputy Directors.

14 Assistant Directors.

1 Senior Administrative Officer.

1 Supply Chain Management Practitioner.

2 Senior Administration Clerk.

14 Security Officers.

2 Maintenance Officers.

1 Auxiliary Services Practitioner.

3 Human Resources Practitioners.

2 Senior Secretaries.

2(a) The departmental overtime policy provides for 15 hours per week of pre-authorized overtime work. Standby duty is regulated by Public Service Co-ordination Bargaining Chamber (PSCBC) Resolution 3 of 1999 and is also pre-authorized.

2(b) The authority is delegated to the Chief Director: Human Resources.

2(c) No contraventions of both the policy and PSCBC regulations were identified by the Auditor-General and reported to National Treasury.

2(d) No transgressions were identified.


(1) (a) Yes, there are employees who have performed remunerative work outside the public service.

(b)   It is through the mandatory disclosure of financial interests, where officials disclose all their financial interests, and information obtained from other governmental structures such as the Public Service Commission, National Treasury database, Department of Public Service and Administration, and Auditor-General.

2015/16 financial cycle:  According to departmental records, eight officials requested approval, seven were approved and one was withdrawn. Five officials did not apply for permission to perform remunerative work outside the public service.

2016/17 financial cycle:  According to departmental records, six officials requested approval and all were approved. Eight officials did not apply for permission to perform remunerative work outside the public service

2017/18 financial cycle: According to departmental records, five officials requested approval, four were approved and one was withdrawn. 

2018/19 financial cycle:  According to departmental records, eight applications were received and all were approved.

2019/20 financial cycle:  According to departmental records, fifteen officials requested approval and all were approved.

2020/21 financial cycle:  There are twenty applications that are being processed.

(i) A total number of 62 applications were received for remunerative work outside public service.

(ii) According to the analysis, most of the applications are related to lecturing in private institutions, invigilation, counselling and some working for their own private businesses.

(2) According to information at the Department's disposal, the majority of employees who perform remunerative work outside the public service do apply for and obtain approval in line with the DPSA determination. However, those who do not apply are subjected to consequence management.
(a) The Department applies the Public Service Act, 1994, the Public Service Regulations, 2016 and its applicable determinations.  Employees can perform other remunerative work provided that they have obtained written permission to do so from the Executive Authority/Accounting Officer, in terms of Section 30 of the Act. If any employee did not obtain written permission to perform other remunerative work, disciplinary action against such an employee will be instituted as consequence management.

(b) According to the Public Service Regulations, the delegated powers are vested with the Director-General of the Department.

(c) No contraventions were brought to the attention of the National Treasury as it is not required; however, all contraventions are reported to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration.

(d) The Department has invoked appropriate disciplinary steps in line with the misconduct provisions of Section 16A (2) of the Public Service Act of 1994.

16 March 2021 - NW449

Profile picture: Tambo, Mr S

Tambo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What (a) total number of students who graduated from universities and/or universities of technology during the period 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2020 did not receive their official transcripts and qualification documents due to outstanding fees and (b) are the relevant details of the (i) name of each specified university and/or university of technology, (ii) number of relevant students at each such university and (iii) amount owed to each university?




Number of students who did not receive degree certificates due to outstanding fees    (period 2010 – 2020)

Fee amount outstanding for these students

System(s) is in place for students to access their results if they are owing resources to the university.



Cape Peninsula University of Technology

The current situation is that both the Certificates and Academic Records are released to students even if they owe fees to the University. Management is considering the matter with a view to make representation to Council to review same.

R1 130 000 000.00



Central University of Technology

12 985

R1 782 552 433.72

No information provided.


Durban University of Technology

5 155

R99 134 074.40

Graduation certificates are withheld for those in arrears. Assistance is provided to those seeking employment and/or access to studies at other institutions by sending an academic transcript (student record) to these institutions directly. Graduates also receive a letter indicating completion of studies.


Mangosuthu University of Technology

3 870

R74 678 403.16

No information provided.


Mpumalanga University

No response


Nelson Mandela University


R62 857 952.00

To assist our students in gaining employment, the University has a standard process in place as a concession by providing proof of completion of qualifications directly to potential employers. The students owing the University fees approach the University and provide the University with the contact details of the potential employers.


North-West University


R18 750 358.17

NWU does not withhold any transcripts and that any person who had studied at the NWU has access to his/her full academic record.


Rhodes University


R15 246 000.00

Options for payment plans.

Students receive a letter of invitation to graduation so that they participate in graduation. 

Where prospective employers request, and with the student’s permission, results are sent to the prospective employers.

Parchments are released to students owing less than R1 000.


Sefako Makgatho University

No response


Sol Plaatje University



Since 2016 to 2020, SPU did not withhold any degree certificates and academic transcripts.


Stellenbosch University


R18 831 981.40

Students with outstanding debt at graduation are allowed to attend the ceremony, but do not receive their degree certificate.  They receive a communique to contact the student fees office to enter into a monthly payment arrangement. Where students are unable to afford a monthly payment arrangement, they are required to sign an acknowledgement of debt form. Once either the monthly payment arrangement or acknowledgement of debt is in place, the official academic transcripts are sent directly to potential employers/other tertiary institutions upon the graduate’s request.


Tshwane University of Technology

11 255

R4 401 096 000.00

No Information provided.


University of Cape Town


R14 077 628.79

Outstanding fees are regulated by Council policy and the Council approved UCT policy is explicit: qualifier students with outstanding balances on their fee account will not receive an academic transcript and will not be permitted to graduate.  At UCT, in cases where a transcript is withheld, and where students so request, UCT issues written confirmation to a prospective employer that the student concerned has met qualification requirements. This provision assists the student in applying for and being considered for a job.


University of Fort Hare

5 922

R285 977 088.00

No information provided.


University of Johannesburg

7 722

R537 674 000.00

No information provided.


University of KwaZulu-Natal

17 840

R868 000 000.00

Every graduate is entitled to an official academic record/transcript on application and an official letter confirming ‘Degree Complete’, again on application and payment of the a fee.

On settlement of fees outstanding and the requisite ‘fee clearance’, a graduate can formally request to be issued with their withheld degree/diploma certificate(s).


University of Limpopo

10 345

R342 579 200.45

All students are allowed to attend their graduation ceremonies. They are also provided with a transcript of academic record for free, and the University does confirm with a potential employer that the affected student has complied with the requirements for a particular qualification. Each student is expected to make a payment plan with the University. The certificate is released upon full settlement of the debt.


University of Pretoria

1 092

R34 872 944.53

It should also be noted that the University has and will make available official transcripts, at the request of a student, to a potential employer so as not to prevent gainful employment of University


PS: It should be noted that 1 597 students who owe the University a total amount of R29 898 160.68 received their official transcripts and qualification documents as they have entered into payment plans with the University.


University of South Africa

No response


University of the Free State

4 023

R64 968 521.11

Students who owe fees may request their academic records from the Deputy Registrar: Student Academic Services. There is a process in place to assist these students by sending the relevant documents directly to their potential employer or educational institution.


University of the Western Cape

No response


University of the Witwatersrand

3 426

R224 320 052.50

It should be noted that students who have fees outstanding can request their official academic transcript reflecting their results and degree completion. The transcript does indicate that there is an outstanding amount owed to the University. We do however assist students with a letter to confirm that their conduct was satisfactory if they have a debt outstanding should they require this for work purposes. Students who have not graduated are also assisted with letters confirming the completion of their degree for work purposes. Students who can bring the total amount of their debt down to an amount of R15 000 can sign an Acknowledgement of Debt, which enables them to graduate.


University of Venda

1 405

R42 592 027.82

Students can view their results on the students’ portal but certificates are withheld.


University of Zululand

5 450

R83 227 792.00

Students are furnished with a letter confirming that they have graduated but due to outstanding fees, their certificates have not been issued, which they may furnish to external parties.


Vaal University of Technology

3 402

R118 873 105.00

No information provided.


Walter Sisulu University 

20 088

R526 000 000.00

No information provided.


106 494

R10 403 730 362.60



The submission is based on responses received from 21 universities as at 8 March 2021.

16 March 2021 - NW481

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(a) What is the nature of his discussions with the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies on reasonable data to students and (b)(i) how and (ii) on what date will this be rolled out?


a) The Ministers of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and Communications and Digital Technologies met on 30 March 2020 and agreed on the importance of data for students and established a Ministerial Task Team (MTT) on zero-rating to advise the Ministers on the implementation of affordable access to data for education and training purposes over the short, medium and long term.

The two Ministers also met with all Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) on the urgent implementation of zero-rating and data bundles. 

b) The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies also published the government's call for telecommunication companies to provide free access to educational websites to support online teaching and learning. According to Section 9.1 of the Electronic Communications, Postal and Broadcasting Directions issued under Regulation 10(8) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002) (Government Notice No 417 of 26 March 2020), “electronic communications service licensees must provide zero-rated access to local educational content websites”.

The Department of Higher Education and Training has adopted a hybrid approach combining zero-rating and “educational data bundles”.  The Departments of Higher Education and Training, and Communications and Digital Technologies, concluded the negotiation on the standardisation of data pricing and conditions with MNOs early in April 2020. Students across the board made use of these offers through their institutions. 

The November 2020 report received from universities shows that data bundle provision to students remains high across the system. The average across the system for all undergraduate students is 94%. Some of the reasons for lower than 100% deployment at some institutions include students not submitting their cell phone numbers; incorrect cell phone numbers submitted; no device to connect with; no connectivity; and service provider glitches; including some SIM-cards being blocked for various reasons.

Nationally only 10% of National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) funded students in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges have access to data. Data for NSFAS funded TVET students will only become effective when devices are made available to students in 2021.

The zero-rating of Departmental and public institutions’ websites is 97% completed. This is following directions issued under Regulation 10(8) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002) (Government Notice No 417 of 26 March 2020). Service providers providing zero-rating include Electronic Communications Service Licensees (Mobile Network Operators and Internet Service Providers).

As of 1 June 2020, private higher education institutions and colleges, and private publishers’ websites were also implemented. The full list of websites that have been zero-rated has been published on the individual institutional and Departmental websites.

16 March 2021 - NW767

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(a) Who were the service providers who received contracts in respect of the R45,7 million budget for cleaning services in community education colleges and (b) on what date did the service providers (i) start and (ii) complete their services in each case?


(a) The cleaning services allocation of R45.7 million is for the 2021/22 financial year, which is effective from 1 April 2021. The appointment of service providers will be done by each Community Education and Training (CET) college following their supply chain management policies and processes for procurement. The cleaning services are for Community Learning Centres and Satellite Centres that fall under each CET college.

(b) (i) Each CET college will appoint a service provider in the 2021/22 financial. The first tranche of funds, i.e. 25%, will be transferred to CET colleges in April 2021.

(b) (ii) The colleges will contract the services for a period of 12 months, i.e. April 2021 to March 2022, as the funds are for the 2021/22 financial year. There are preliminary funding allocated for the 2022/23 and 2023/24 financial years amounting to R54.5 million and R51.2 million, respectively.

16 March 2021 - NW762

Profile picture: Winkler, Ms HS

Winkler, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(a) On what date will the outstanding laptops promised to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme students be rolled out, (b) what is the time frame and (c) how will students who have not received their laptops be assisted in the interim?


(a)  NSFAS is expecting the first batch of laptops to arrive on 18 April 2021. 

(b)  Distribution to students who have opted to participate in the digital learning device scheme will commence once institutions have confirmed registration data of students with NSFAS.

(c)  All universities have developed multimodal teaching and learning plans and are putting in place several measures to support students.

16 March 2021 - NW736

Profile picture: Julius, Mr J

Julius, Mr J to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

Whether his department has released the Guidelines for the Bursary Scheme for Students in Public Universities 2021 to universities and colleges in all provinces; if not, (a) why not, (b) on what date will the guidelines be sent to the institutions and (c) what is the impact of his department’s failure in this regard on the commencement of classes at the institutions awaiting the guidelines; if so, on what date were the guidelines sent?


(a) The university funding guidelines could not be finalized given the uncertainties about the demand for funding and the available budget, which was addressed by Minister Nzimande in his media statement on 8 March 2021. The Bursary Rules and Guidelines policy document, which governs the administration and management of bursaries in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, were distributed to colleges in November 2020.

(b) The funding guidelines for universities for 2021 will be finalised as soon as Cabinet has made a determination in this regard. The Department, in collaboration with the National Student Financial Aid Scheme, conducted regional capacity-building workshops for college officials on the revised policy document from November 2020 to December 2020.

(c) The 2021 Guidelines have been kept as close as possible to the 2020 Guidelines.

02 March 2021 - NW404

Profile picture: Boshoff, Dr WJ

Boshoff, Dr WJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)Whether the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research granted support to the company Additiv Solutions from the Photonics Prototyping Facility Programme (a) in the past three financial years and (b) since 1 April 2021; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, Additiv Solutions qualified for such assistance at the time; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


1. The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) funds the Photonics Prototyping Facility (PPF) through its Industry Innovation Partnership Programme. The PPF was established in 2016 and is a national facility that supports the commercialisation of photonics prototypes and facilitates photonic product development that results in market-ready products. It is hosted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research’s (CSIR) National Laser Centre. The facility supports small technology businesses in the main. The PPF publishes call for proposals, inviting technology business to submit proposals for technologies requiring prototyping support. The PPF established a PPF Investment Committee, which includes industry experts and the DSI, and which evaluates and recommends proposals to be supported to the CSIR. Proposals are evaluated against the following criteria:

a) Relevance and Impact (commercial relevance; feasibility; and significance of impact to the Photonics industry);

b) Technical merit (clarity of objectives/motivation to use the PPF; novelty of technology; maturity of technology);

c) Budget (alignment to tasks; and feasibility with existing infrastructure); and

d) Management Plan (feasibility and efficiency of plan; and track record and team)

PPF published an open call for participation inviting proposals from SMMEs, established companies and technology entrepreneurs requiring prototype product development support, using photonics as a core building block. Additiv Solutions (Pty) Ltd submitted a proposal for the “Development of a low-cost metal additive manufacturing machine to target the use of metal 3D printing in various industries” on 30 September 2019, in response to this call. The proposal was evaluated by the PPF Investment Committee, and approved for funding on 9 December 2019. A contract between the CSIR and Additiv Solutions was concluded on 12 June 2020, and the planned contract completion date is 31 March 2021. The value of the contract is R1 245 890, with no direct funding transfer to Additiv Solutions. The funding is utilized at the CSIR to support CSIR labour and equipment acquisition to support the project. No additional contracts or funding allocations are currently planned to Additiv Solutions.

2. This question relates to particular project at the CSIR. The Minister does not usually make statements on particular projects, and is not planning to do so in relation to the CSIR’s support to Additiv Solutions.

01 March 2021 - NW365

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What is the total amount of money that was received by the Government from the (a) World Health Organisation, (b) International Monetary Fund and (c) World Bank for research in the development of vaccines in the Republic?


The Department of Science and Innovation has not received any funding from the (a) World Health Organization, (b) International Monetary Fund and (c) World Bank for research in the development of vaccines in the Republic.

25 February 2021 - NW204

Profile picture: Winkler, Ms HS

Winkler, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

Whether there is a planned revision of curricula offered at technical and vocational education and training centres in light of the fact that many courses offered to equip students with trade skills are more theory-based than focused on practical application and skill, thus effecting graduating students’ employability; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Since 2018, the Department has embarked on a plan to review and update programmes and qualifications offered at Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges in order to align them with the needs of industry and society. This plan has focused on the following aspects of the curriculum:

1.   Integrating digital skills knowledge into current programmes;

2.   Introducing new programmes in response to the fourth industrial revolution (4IR);

3.   Phasing out of outdated programmes;

4.   Reconstruction of Engineering programmes to make them more responsive to the changing industry environment; and

5.   Revision and updating of subject content.

 1. Integrating digital skills knowledge into current programmes

With the support of CISCO Systems, the Department has developed digital skills training, which has been integrated into the National Certificate (Vocational) [NCV] programme. Knowledge of the use of the internet, email, cyber security and databases are examples of digital skills training that have been integrated into the NCV programme.

2.   Introducing new programmes in response to the 4IR

The Department has developed a new stream focusing on Robotics in the NCV: Information Technology and Computer Science programme which previously focused on programming and systems development only. This stream will cover subjects such as Electronic and Digital concepts for Robotics, Robotics Fundamentals and Industrial Automation. The curriculum for this programme is currently being quality assured by Umalusi and is envisaged for implementation in 2022.

3.   Phasing out of outdated programmes

In November 2020, the Department published a government notice for public comment on the phasing-out of NATED Report 191 N1 – N3 programmes. These programmes have been identified to be outdated in their curriculum structure, purpose and articulation possibilities within the National Qualifications Framework. The Department has received public comments, which are currently being analysed before final recommendations can be made.

4.   Reconstruction of Engineering programmes to make them more responsive to the changing industry environment

The Department has collaborated with the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) in reconstructing curricula of Engineering Studies programmes to align with industry needs and standards of professional bodies. The programmes that have been prioritised and are currently being reconstructed are in the following fields: Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering.

This reconstruction commenced in August 2020 and is anticipated to be completed by June 2021. The completion of this process will see a reduction in the offering of the current NATED programmes and a move to occupational programmes, which are more industry-aligned.

5.   Revision and updating of subject content

The Department has since 2018 updated curricula in 38 subjects of the NATED Report 191 programmes covering Engineering, Business and Services studies. The implementation of these revised/updated curricula started in January 2021.

25 February 2021 - NW203

Profile picture: Winkler, Ms HS

Winkler, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

On what date will all National Student Financial Aids Scheme students at technical and vocational education and training centres at (a) Esayidi Campuses and (b) Thekwini College in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, receive the laptops as he promised in 2020?


The procurement of laptops by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is still underway. NSFAS has communicated to all Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges that laptops will be distributed to all qualifying students in the month of April 2021.

25 February 2021 - NW187

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)What (a) number of students was able to enrol in each public university (i) in 2020 and (ii) in 2021 in terms of the enrolment plan of each university and (b) is the current enrolment numbers at each public university; (2) what number of the students who enrolled at each of the specified universities in 2020 were beneficiaries of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme?


(1) (a) The table below reflects the Ministerial approved enrolment planning targets for the 2020 and 2021 academic years.


Projected Targets




Cape Peninsula University of Technology

35 498

37 027

University of Cape Town

28 037

28 174

Central University of Technology

18 255

19 098

Durban University of Technology

30 219

30 439

University of Fort Hare

17 310

17 673

University of Free State

40 271

40 519

University of Johannesburg

49 727

49 969

University of KwaZulu-Natal

47 726

46 829

University of Limpopo

21 995

22 561

Mangosuthu University of Technology

12 980

13 391

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

29 792

30 461

North-West University

63 065

61 054

University of Pretoria

51 978

52 134

Rhodes University

8 714

8 866

University of South Africa

376 000

376 468

University of Stellenbosch

31 690

32 380

Tshwane University of Technology

61 814

62 439

Vaal University of Technology

20 992

22 154

University of Venda

16 992

17 332

Walter Sisulu University

30 269

29 544

University of the Western Cape

24 800

25 060

University of the Witwatersrand

40 935

41 003

University of Zululand

17 920

18 636

University of Mpumalanga

4 218

5 217

Sol Plaatje University

2 512

3 278

Sefako Makgatho Health Science University

6 640

6 820


1 090 350

1 098 526

(b) The Department has only received preliminary data from universities on their 2020 enrolments and this is therefore subject to change.  More reliable data on enrolments will be received from universities at the end of April 2021. Once they have identified all their graduates, the Department will receive the final audited data at the end of July 2021. 

(2) As at 31 December 2020, NSFAS had confirmed funding for 487 411 university students on the DHET Bursary Scheme. It is estimated that this number would increase taking into consideration that NSFAS is concluding outstanding funding decisions. The table below provides a breakdown of the numbers per institution.


NSFAS Funded Students

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

                15 521

Central University of Technology

                  8 868

Durban University of Technology

                19 994

Mangosuthu University of Technology

                10 430

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

                14 164

North-West University

                22 356

Rhodes University

                  3 128

Sefako Makgatho Health Science University

                  3 229

Sol Plaatje University

                  1 434

Tshwane University of Technology

                36 447

University of Cape Town

                  5 109

University of Fort Hare

                  9 339

University of Free State

                21 503

University of Johannesburg

                23 328

University of KwaZulu-Natal

                23 916

University of Limpopo

                15 749

University of Mpumalanga

                  3 090

University of Pretoria

                10 706

University of South Africa

              157 395

University of Stellenbosch

                  3 952

University of the Western Cape

                10 471

University of the Witwatersrand

                  9 327

University of Venda

                10 890

University of Zululand

                13 092

Vaal University of Technology

                12 540

Walter Sisulu University

                21 433


              487 411


25 February 2021 - NW364

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What is the (a) total number of students who wrote their final examination in the 2020 academic year and (b) ratio of those who wrote exams versus the enrolment rate of 2020?


(a)  A total of 469 549 candidates participated in the November 2020 final examinations.

(b)  The table below provides a breakdown of enrolments and participation ratios per qualification as at 19 February 2021.

Qualification Category

Number Enrolled

Number Wrote

Participation Ratio

National Certificate (Vocational) Level 2 - 4

175 232


138 351



National Technical Education Report 190/1 N1-N6

355 535


289 509



General Education and Training Certificate: Adult Basic Education and Training   Level 4

74 063


41 689




604 830

469 549


25 February 2021 - NW16

Profile picture: Boshoff, Dr WJ

Boshoff, Dr WJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)Whether the investigation by the former Department of Science and Technology in 2016 into alleged maladministration by a certain person that was in the employ of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research at the time (name furnished), led to a report and/or any other indication of wrongdoing by the specified person; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in this regard; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


  1. There was no investigation instituted against the former CEO of the CSIR by the DSI.
  2. Based on the answer given above, the question is moot.

17 December 2020 - NW3002

Profile picture: Winkler, Ms HS

Winkler, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

With reference to the reply to question 2458 on 9 November 2020, what are the reasons that Esayidi Technical, Vocational, Education and Training (TVET) College received no funding for laptops considering that most of the attendant students hail from rural areas and impoverished circumstances and thus have limited to no access to resources to continue their academic work during the COVID-19 lockdown period; (2) whether he has been informed that Esayidi TVET students have not received laptops; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, on what date will Esayidi TVET receive funding for (a) data and (b) laptops?


(1) The Department has not received any funding from the National Treasury to provide laptops to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college students. NSFAS has advised that there are savings from previous years of unutilised bursary funding that will cover the cost of laptops for NSFAS recipients in TVET colleges. The procurement of laptops by NSFAS is still underway and it is expected that these laptops will be distributed in the 2021 academic year once the process of identifying qualifying students has been completed.

(2) Going forward a proposal has been made that there should be a baseline increase in NSFAS funding for TVET colleges to accommodate this cost. Furthermore, TVET colleges will have to incorporate some funding into their annual budgets to cater for gadgets for new students entering the system. Given the relatively shorter time that some students spend in TVET colleges, a loan system might be considered by colleges to make the availability of devices to students affordable and sustainable. All TVET colleges will therefore be required to develop an institutional policy for the provision and/or loan of devices to students. The above response covers the distribution of laptops to NSFAS recipients in all TVET colleges and the anticipated period for distribution of these laptops.

17 December 2020 - NW3051

Profile picture: Ngcobo, Mr S

Ngcobo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

In view of his proposal of a university fee increase of no more than 4,7% for the 2021 academic year, following earlier announcements that fee structures for tuition and accommodation would largely remain even as learning was moved online for many students and that many students will not be occupying their accommodation for extended periods, (a) what rationale did he employ to arrive at such a bold proposal and (b) how does he intend to justify this proposal to students and parents, when his department has not increased its contribution to the university sector in preceding years and in view of the 2021-22 budget being reduced to fund the SA Airways business rescue plans?


(a)  It should be noted that fee increases were implemented for the 2020 academic year. The costs of providing tuition did not reduce as a result of the introduction of emergency remote multi-modal teaching and learning. In fact, universities, in many areas incurred increased costs, including the provision of electronic devices and data, improvements to learning management systems, the cost of health and safety and other costs. Given that no additional funding was available for this, the Department worked with universities to re-prioritise existing funding from earmarked funds, which were approved as a COVID Responsiveness Grant to support institutions and limit the effects of in-year subsidy reductions. The national framework for fees gazetted in October 2020 aimed to guide institutions on tuition and accommodation fees remaining at the same level for the academic year despite the extended academic year. 

Public universities have three main sources of income: State subsidies, tuition fees and other (third stream) income. The bulk of funding is received through subsidies and tuition fees. Tuition fees are determined by university Councils. 

However, since the agreement on a 0% increase on fees for 2016, there has been a sector-wide agreement/compact in place to ensure that fee increases be kept at an affordable rate, while the development of a policy framework is underway. In 2017 and 2018, this was set at a maximum of 8% increase, and in 2019 and 2020, the increases were CPI-linked, with CPI for tuition and CPI+2 for accommodation. This is determined based on the realistic cost increases incurred by institutions for their operations. 

It should also be noted that in 2016 when fees were not increased, university expenditure nonetheless increased, and although fees were charged to users/students at the same level as 2015, the cost of the gap between the fee income and required budget was covered by substantial funding from government, which resulted in a baseline increase in the subsidy budget in following years. In addition, through the gap grant (fee adjustment grant) provided from 2017 onwards, students with family incomes up to R600 000 received support from the government to cover the gap between the 2016 and increased fee required. 

The proposal is a reasonable one, given that universities have CPI-linked increases in costs and therefore require fee increases, and this increase is designed to balance the income requirements of universities, with keeping fee increases at reasonable levels. The proposals are also discussed extensively within the university system before being finalised. 

(b)  Through the compact on tuition fees, the State, working with universities, has kept university fees at affordable levels since 2015, while increasing support to poor and working-class students and providing relief to missing middle families. Universities cannot operate without tuition fee income, and the compact is focused on keeping fees at affordable levels for fee-paying individuals and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) despite the fact that university subsidies have declined in 2020 due to COVID in particular.

09 December 2020 - NW2719

Profile picture: Nodada, Mr BB

Nodada, Mr BB to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

What is the (a) latest staff headcount of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), (b) total amount of approved positions in 2020, (c) number of clients that NSFAS has and (d) staff-to-client ratio that is taken into consideration when increasing staff?


(a) The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) headcount as at 31 October 2020 is 448 employees.

(b) In 2020, there are 448 approved positions in the NSFAS organogram. 89 Vacancies were approved for filling. These included critical technical and specialist vacancies, including appointments to vacant positions arising out of resignations and other staff exits.

(c) TVET Colleges: 270 048 students

University: 497 822 students

(d) The staff complement is adjusted with short-term seasonal contract workers during the application and registration cycle. Approximately 60 part-time individuals are hired for this. With regards to staff increases, technical and specialist skills are substituted for non-core and management resignations and vacancies where possible. NSFAS is required to stay within its allocated budget for administration and cost of employees.

09 December 2020 - NW2717

Profile picture: Nodada, Mr BB

Nodada, Mr BB to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

(1)With reference to the 20 000 students who were affected by the hand of god during the 2019 application process for assistance by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme, what is the total (a) number of students who have not been paid due to technical reasons in 2020, (b) amount that the errors amounted to and (c) number of students who dropped out of tertiary institutions because of the technical malfunction; (2) whether any measures have been put in place to assist the specified students; if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) This matter relates to 28 552 records that were withdrawn by the errant code in question. These applications were linked to 11 572 applicants during the 2020 application cycle, as the system allowed the applicant to submit more than one application.

(a) Not applicable.

(b) Not applicable.

(c) Currently of these 11 572 applicants, 10 461 applicants have a funded status and 1 111 applicants have not been funded due to the application not having met requirements during filtering, validation or evaluation.

It should be noted that the errant piece of code had no impact on the disbursement processing of these records. Once the issue had been identified by NSFAS and corrective action had been taken, processing of these records commenced as per normal. Furthermore, it should be noted that the issue was detected as early as November 2019 and the correction of all records impacted by the issue had been corrected byMarch 2020.

(2)  Given that NSFAS identified the issue in November 2019 and corrected these records in a proactive manner, no further assistance was provided to these students.

03 December 2020 - NW2795

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

(1)With reference to the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority and the online management system, (a) what are the reasons that a new system was implemented and (b) on what date did the new system commence; (2) (a) to whom was the tender awarded to operate and maintain the new system, (b) how were they selected, (c) what criteria were used to select them and (d) what are the terms and conditions set out in the tender; (3) (a) what are the key performance indicators (KPIs) that have to be met in each month, (b) what are the specified KPIs measured that are used to in each case and (c) how are the penalties that are imposed if KPIs are not met and (d) what criteria are used to terminate the tender?


The following responses were received from the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA).

(1) (a) The aim was to deploy an integrated system that will assist in integrating and automating most of CATHSSETA’s processes to eliminate duplication of efforts, improve business efficiency, comply with legislation and government policies, and promote good governance. The integrated modules of the system are:

- Finance

- Supply Chain Management

- Human Resource Management

- Skills Development (Education and Training Quality Assurance and Learning Programmes)

(b) The system was implemented in the following phases:

- Human Resource Management modules commenced on 1 August 2019

- Finance module commenced on 1 September 2019

- Skills Development modules commenced on 1 August 2020.

- Supply Chain Management module commenced on 1 November 2020

(2) (a) The tender was awarded to Dajo Technologies.

(b)  A competitive bidding process was followed.

(c)  Functionality, price and black economic empowerment criteria as per the attached terms of reference.

(d)  The terms and conditions set out in the tender are as per the attached terms of reference, as well as the contract entered into between CATHSSETA and Dajo Technologies.

(3) (a) A project charter was developed and signed by both parties, which outlined project phases with specific deliverables per phase and expected delivery dates.

(b) The project phases with specific deliverables per phase and expected delivery dates are outlined in the project charter.

(c)  In terms of the agreement between CATHSSETA and Dajo Technologies, the penalty clause empowers CATHSSETA to enforce penalties against the service provider for service delays and defects, particularly if the service provider solely causes the delays or defects. The penalties are guided by the project charter, which provides a detailed implementation plan with specific deliverables. Schedule 1 of the contract provides the details.

(d) The agreement between CATHSSETA and Dajo Technologies provides for termination based on specific conditions set out in the signed contract.

03 December 2020 - NW2718

Profile picture: Nodada, Mr BB

Nodada, Mr BB to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

What were the job requirements for the position of Governance Risk and Compliance executive at the National Student Financial Aid Scheme?


The following are the job requirements for the Governance Risk and Compliance Executive at the National Student Finance Aid Scheme.


  • An undergraduate qualification and a postgraduate qualification (NQF 8) in Commerce, Business Management or related fields.
  • A solid understanding of governance risk and compliance processes and technology with demonstrated expertise and experience including strong governance, regulatory compliance, and enterprise risk management.
  • At least 10 years’ proven experience in governance, risk and compliance management at a senior level.
  • At least 5 years’ experience at an executive level.
  • Proven business and management skills.
  • Demonstrated strategic leadership and people management skills.
  • Broad computer literacy in organisation-wide ICT systems deployments.

Beneficial Skills

  • MBA or related Masters qualification.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the higher education policy environment.
  • Knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act and public entity standards.
  • Knowledge and appreciation of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act.

Core Competencies

  • Technical/professional knowledge and skill.
  • Strategic and visionary leadership.
  • Resource management, including people and performance management.
  • Building interpersonal relationships.
  • Decision-making and problem solving.
  • Building strategic alliances and partnerships.
  • Emotional intelligence and political sensitivity.
  • Personal impact, stature and credibility.

03 December 2020 - NW2796

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

(1)With reference to the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority and the online management system, (a) what are the reasons that a new system has not gone live to date and (b) on what date will registration commence; (2) what (a) information and data protection processes and mechanisms are in place that meets the Promotion of Access to Information Act, Act 2 of 2000, and (b) are the reasons that these are not operable; (3) (a) what are the reasons that some legacy learner registrations reflect as new registrations and vice versa and (b) on what date will this be fixed; (4) what (a) is the turn-around time for learner approvals and (b) are the reasons that (i) a high number of approvals is pending and (ii) learners need to be approved in the first instance; (5) what are the reasons that an applicant’s identity number is not used to ascertain their age?


The following responses were received from the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA).

(1) (a)    The system was implemented in the following phases:

- Human Resource Management modules commenced on 1 August 2019

- Finance module commenced on 1 September 2019

- Skills Development modules commenced on 1 August 2020

- Supply Chain Management module commenced on 1 November 2020

(b)  CATHSSETA has successfully been registering learners on the system since the first quarter of 2020/21 as reported to the Department in its quarterly performance information report.

(2) (a)  CATHSSETA has a Records Management and ICT Security Policy that regulates how both physical and electronic information should be accessed and handled. These policies are in line with the POPI Act. Furthermore, CATHSSETA has a records management procedure and a user account management process, which guide on how access to information, records and systems should be conducted. CATHSSETA uses a unique password for each user who accesses CATHSSETA systems and uses an encryption mechanism to secure access to electronic information and systems.

(b) CATHSSETA’s current policies, processes and mechanisms are operational.

(3) (a) CATHSSETA migrated the legacy data from the old information management system, as well as information that was reported through spreadsheets when the system was under development into the new system.  One of the processes required to ensure that information transferred to the new system is credible was for providers and employers to confirm through an activation process the accuracy of the data.  The date of activation is the only aspect that reflects as a new activation and not a new registration.

Employers/providers who had conducted training during the system development phase were not expected to register their learners as new. They were given an opportunity to submit a spreadsheet of historic data, which was uploaded on the system. Their responsibility in this aspect was to then activate the records as a means of confirming the credibility of the data.

When CATHSSETA was conducting training on the new system, there was confusion amongst providers on processes to be followed. This has been addressed through a memorandum that went out to stakeholders advising them of the two separate processes, i.e. one for registering new learners and another for activating legacy learners.

(b)  Nothing needs to be fixed on the system; however, based on the need, training sessions are undertaken to capacitate stakeholders on the various system functionalities. Furthermore, inputs to enhance system functionality are being deployed based on the feedback received from stakeholders.

(4) (a)  In terms of the Workplace Based Learning Programmes Regulations (Regulation 10(i)), CATHSSETA has 30 days to register a learner on a learning programme provided all requirements for the registration have been met.

(b)  (i)  From the information at the SETA’s disposal, there is no high number of approvals pending.  Approvals are done in line with the provisions of the Regulations.

(ii)  Learners need to be approved/registered in terms of the Workplace-Based Learning Programmes Regulations (Regulation 10) which requires SETAs to make a decision on whether or not to register (approve) learners.

(5)  One of CATHSSETA’s requirements for learners’ registration are copies of a recently certified identity document. The SETA is therefore able to verify the authenticity of learners. Currently, the SETA is working with service providers to ensure that the system automatically calculates the learner’s age. It is one of the ongoing system enhancements that CATHSSETA and the service provider are engaged in. CATHSSETA remains committed to ensuring that it delivers an effective, efficient and user-friendly system.

25 November 2020 - NW2736

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What number of educators with qualifications in African mother tongue languages graduated for the foundation phase in (a) 2013, (b) 2014, (c) 2015, (d) 2016, (e) 2017, (f) 2018, (g) 2019 and (h) 2020?


Since 2011, the Department has had a dedicated focus on strengthening Foundation Phase teacher education in the public university system, particularly on developing capacity for the preparation of African mother tongue language teachers.

The Strengthening Foundation Phase Teacher Education Programme involved an investment of R141 million and was implemented between 2012 and 2016.

From 2017 onwards, the Department has been implementing the Primary Teacher Education Project. An investment of R32.984 million has been made focusing on strengthening the numeracy and literacy component of Foundation and Intermediate Phase teacher education programmes. This includes the use of African languages as the language of learning and teaching, and on the teaching of the African languages.

This has led to a significant expansion in the number universities that offer Foundation Phase Teacher Education programmes from 13in 2011 to 22 currently, as shown in the table below.






Cape Peninsula University of Technology


isiXhosa H/L


Central University of Technology


Sesotho / Setswana / isiXhosa / IsiZulu


Nelson Mandela University


isiXhosa H/L


North West University


isiXhosa H/L


Rhodes University



isiXhosa H/L



isiXhosa H/L


Sol Plaatje University


Setswana / isiXhosa H/L


Stellenbosch University


isiXhosa H/L


Tshwane University of Technology


isiZulu / Sepedi / Setswana / Xitsonga / Tshivenda


University of Cape Town


isiXhosa H/L


University of Fort Hare



isiXhosa H/L



isiXhosa H/L


University of the Free State


isiZulu / Sesotho H/L


University of Johannesburg


isiZulu / Sesotho H/L


University of KwaZulu-Natal


isiZulu H/L


University of Limpopo


Sepedi / Xitsonga H/L


University of Mpumalanga


isNdebele / isiSwati


University of Pretoria


isiNdebele / isiZulu / Sepedi / Setswana




isiNdebele / isiZulu / Sepedi / Setswana


University of South Africa



isiNdebele / isiZulu / Sepedi / isiXhosa / Sesotho / Setswana / siSwati / Tshivenda / Xitsonga



isiNdebele / isiZulu / Sepedi / isiXhosa / Sesotho / Setswana / siSwati / Tshivenda / Xitsonga


University of Venda


Tshivenda / Siswati / isiNdebele / xiTsonga / Sepedi


University of Zululand




University of the Western Cape


isiXhosa H/L


University of the Witwatersrand


isiZulu / Sesotho H/L


Walter Sisulu University


isiXhosa H/L

Many of these programmes are new, recently accredited by the Council on Higher Education and it is anticipated that the number of graduates produced through them will increase over time.

The Department does not collect HEMIS data at the level requested. However, in order to track graduate output, the Department requests universities to annually submit information about their initial teacher education graduates on a standard template. The following data has been extracted and consolidated from individual reports that universities submitted from 2014 to 2018. Information for 2019 is currently being collected.

The Table shows the number of graduates from Bachelor of Education and Postgraduate Certificate in Education programmes that have specialised in Foundation Phase teaching and that have an African language as home language / mother tongue[1].






















1 035











1 051






















1 5822











1 563




2 717







5 909

1 In 2016, UNISA data was not received. The institution contributes a large portion of the total Foundation Phase graduates in African languages.

2 In 2017 TUT indicated that there were 44 African Foundation Phase graduates, but a language breakdown was not provided, hence not included in the 2017 total.

It is assumed that graduates that have an African Language, as their mother tongue would have developed this as a teaching specialisation, in order to meet the language requirements of the Policy on Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications. The specialisation would be at home language level or at first additional language level.

16 November 2020 - NW2672

Profile picture: Boshoff, Dr WJ

Boshoff, Dr WJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

(1)Whether he has been informed of the alleged financial mismanagement and/or irregularities connected to a certain company (name furnished) which was funded by the Department of Science and Technology; if not, why not; if so, (a) what action has he taken in this regard and (b) will he investigate the specified matter; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


1. The Department was alerted of alleged financial mismanagement related to the Aeroswift 3D printing project.

a) The Department allowed the CSIR Board, as prior recipient of the alleged financial mismanagement, to deal with the matter.

b) The Department will not investigate the matter.

The Department had allowed the CSIR board to investigate the allegations.

2. The Minister might make a statement on the matter, depending the feedback from the CSIR Board.

16 November 2020 - NW2552

Profile picture: Winkler, Ms HS

Winkler, Ms HS to ask the Ministerof Highe rEducation, Science and Technology

(1) What(a) total amount in funding does the Thekwini Further Education and T raining College,Kwa-Zulu Natal,receive from his department and (b) is Thekwini college’s annual total revenue from all other sources; (2) what(a )total amount in funding is allocated to its Thekwini College Springfield Campus and(b) is the budget allocation per line item for Thekwini College Springfield Campus; (3) what(a)are there as on s that the Springfield Campus only have one senior lecturer in engineering and (b)plans does the college have in place to hire more senior lecturers?


(1)(a) R198 175 000

ProgrammeFunding Allocations forthe 2020/21 financialyear



(PERSAL Allocation)












Total Final









99 371

57 934

2 109

60 043

38 761

198 175

(1)(b) Interest received 1 514 860

(2)(a) Springfield campus 36 991 576

(2)(b) Thebudgetallocationis perlineitem



Administration expenses

293 300

Cleaning and college maintenance

1 216 968

Technology expenses

5 000

Repairs and maintenance

790 258

Security expenses

1 902 000

Student welfare expenses

70 000

Teaching administration and teaching materials

1 451 000

Travelling expenses

9 000

Water and electricity

880 000

PERSAL salaries

24 111 734

Council paid salaries

6 262 316


36 991 576

(3)(a) ThekwiniTVETCollegehasbeenoverthe63%salarythresholdandwasnotabletomake appointments. TheCollegeisawarethattheCollegestructureofseniorlecturersandheadsof departmentsneed tobe addressedatall6campusesso thattherecan beimprovedmonitoring ofteachingandlearningactivities,not onlyat theSpringfield Campus.

(3)(b) We hadhopedthattheimplementationofthe Post Provisioning Norms (PPN)thatwasscheduledfor01April2020 wouldassisttheCollegeinaddressingtheproblem. However, the PPN has not been implemented yet.

09 November 2020 - NW2532

Profile picture: Ngcobo, Mr S

Ngcobo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

(1)What total number of graduates have been retained by their respective host institutions since the National Research Fund internship programme of the Department of Science and Innovation commenced; (2) whether he has the statistical data on the number of graduates who have been able to find employment once the internship ended; if not, what is the position in this regard, if so, what is the data of (a) how long it took for graduates to gain employment and (b) the terms of their (i) permanent and/or (ii) contract employment; (3) whether there are any obligations placed on the host institutions and mentors to facilitate formal skills training during the programme to enhance the chances of the graduates to gain employment once their internship is completed; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) with the 2020-21 cohort of graduates, what support mechanisms are in place to ensure that students obtain their qualifications within the two-year period?


1. Interns that participated in the Programme have been absorbed for employment by various sectors, as depicted in Figure 1 below. Data on the retention of interns for employment by their respective hosts has not been collected. The Department has commissioned an impact study that will provide more information on the retention of interns by their hosts and their career progression. The study will be completed in March 2022.

Figure 1: Sectors employing Interns on completion of the internship

2. Two months after the end of each internship, high-level data on the employment is collected, through exit surveys. Table 1 below provides statistics on interns’ employment and further studies. According to the annual exit surveys, of the 5 505 interns enrolled in the Programme since inception more than 2 100 were employed (a) The number reported is a cumulative number of interns employed while in the Programme and two months after exiting, as per annual exit survey’s findings. It should be noted that this number may have changed significantly with interns who exited the programme more than two years ago (b) Longer-term tracking of interns is currently not in place, and the impact study that has been commissioned is expected to gather data on the nature of their first employment after the internship.

Table 1: Interns’ status at the end of each internship

Internship Year

No. Placed


Further Study








































































3. As part of the intern performance management, mentors are expected to develop a detailed work plan for their respective interns for the internship period. This includes an agreement between the mentor and the mentee to identify training needs and courses for the intern to enhance their skills and competencies such as basic project management, report writing and Curriculum Vitae drafting. Training undertaken is reported on in the intern quarterly reports.

4. Interns are encouraged to enrol for postgraduate studies whilst participating in the Programme. It is required that mentors support interns on their further study activities so as to ensure that interns obtain the qualifications. The Programme makes provisions for interns to take study leaves when preparing for examinations and undertaking research activities. Progress on studies is also reported as part of the intern quarterly reports.

09 November 2020 - NW2458

Profile picture: Winkler, Ms HS

Winkler, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science andTechnology

(1) What(a)amount in funding has his department allocated to Esayidi Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college in KwaZulu-Natal, (b) is the specified TVET’s annual total budget for the 2020-21 financial year and (c) is EsayidiTVET’s budget allocation to each of its campuses for the specified year and (d) is the budget breakdown for each line item and present expenditure per item for each campus for the specified year; (2) whetherthepromisedfundsforlaptopsforstudentstofacilitateonlinelearning during the Covid-19 lockdown at EsayidiTVET Umzimkulu Campus were allocated and received by the Umzimkulu Campus;if not,(a)on what date and what amount will be received for laptops and (b) on what dates will the students receive their promised laptops; if so, (i) what amount in funding was received,(ii) on what date and what amount of funds received and (iii) to whom were the funds released; (3) whether he has been informed that EsayidiTVET’s Umzimkulu Campus has no library, problems with running water in the residences, only four toilets on the campus for approximately 1000 students and that the Wi-Fi on the campus is not working; if not, what plans does his department have in place to address the specified issues;if so,what are the relevant details of his department’s plans to address the specified issues?


1. (a) ProgrammeFunding

Compensation of Employees (PERSAL allocation) R151 729 000

Direct Transfer (Subsidy) R 88 550 000

COVID 19 allocation R 3 233 000

Total Bursary allocation (20%) R 59 068 000

Capital Infrastructure Efficiency Grant R 11 872 784

(b) ProgrammeFunding

Compensation of Employees (PERSAL allocation) R151 729 000

Direct Transfer (Subsidy) R 88 550 000

COVID 19 allocation R 3 233 000

Total Bursary allocation (20%) R 59 068 000

Capital Infrastructure Efficiency Grant R 11 872 784

(c) Duetothecurrentaccountingsystem andstaffcomplimentinplace,EsayidiTVETCollege operatesonacentralizedbudget.Alloperationalcostsarebudgetedandpaidforcentrally.Each campus requests specific items based on their student enrolment figures, maintenance and individual campus needs.

(d) The budget breakdown and expenditure for each line item per campus based on the COVID-19 amended 2020 budget is attached.

2. EsaydiTVET College has not received anyfunds for laptops for any of its campuses.

3. Umzimkulu as a town has severe water issues and water is only pumped for a few hours a day.Thecampus has implemented a waterbackup storagesystemtoensurethatthereisbackupwateravailablespecificallyfortheresidences.Thecollegeisinthe processofaddressingthelack of toilets.Quotationshavebeenobtained,but sincethequotesexceeded theprocurementlimits,itwillgooutonpublictenderwithinthenext 2 weeks. Thecollegeisintheprocessofupgrading its infrastructureonallcampusesandplanstohave Wi-Fi available in 2021.

27 October 2020 - NW2300

Profile picture: Ngcobo, Mr S

Ngcobo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

(1)In view of the series of student deaths that have occurred at the University of Fort Hare (details furnished), which seem to be reflective of broader trends in the higher education sector, what immediate steps has his department taken in response to the tragic state of affairs; (2) whether there are systems in place to monitor universities and colleges’ level of compliance with legal investigations following the death of a student; if not, what steps does his department intend to take to remedy the situation; if so, what are the relevant details of the monitoring systems?


1. The University of Fort Hare (UFH) experiences a significant number of student deaths each year. The University keeps a record of all student deaths, although not all deaths occur on campus or while students are at the University. The causes of death include natural causes (illness), car accidents, suicides, and/or violent deaths as a result of stabbing or assault. In 2019, a student drowned in the University pool, which was reported to the Department. The University has provided the following summary of student deaths with causes, during 2019 and 2020:

Cause of Death



Natural causes (Illness)






Car accident









Hit and run accident






Injuries sustained in a fire






The University and the Department are deeply concerned about the prevalence of preventable deaths, specifically suicide and assault (including stabbing). The Department engages with the institution regularly and receives reports from the University when a tragic event occurs, particularly if they are on campus. 

Last year, the University employed two part-time social workers to work with its psychologists. The Student Affairs Division has also partnered with the Social Work and Psychology Departments to provide support to students in distress, over and above the work done by the Student Counselling Unit. Residences have started the process of replacing Wardens with Residence Student Assistants. The Residence Student Assistants are mainly selected from among senior students from the Psychology and Social Work Departments. In 2019, the Student Affairs Division started a group called Champions Against Gender-Based Violence. These students are mainly selected from Social Work, Psychology and Criminology Departments and they create awareness on campus, support victims, and attend social gatherings. Just before the national lockdown, the Student Affairs Division was in conversation with the Eastern Cape Liquor Board to explore areas of collaboration to curb substance abuse amongst students. The Student Counselling and HIV/Aids Units holds regular information sessions with students in the evenings.

Higher Health has introduced innovative measures and solutions to support the mental health of students at universities, such as the 24-hour toll-free number mental health support service managed by a dedicated team of experienced psychologists, social workers, and counsellors. The service is available to all students within universities, and Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges. 

The Department also engages with Universities South Africa on matters relating to the mental health of students, and safety and security on campus on a regular basis. 

2. The University cooperates with government agencies tasked with conducting investigations when a death occurs. The University also provides reports to the Department where cases are subject to legal investigations. The Department monitors the implementation of the recommendations of the reports provided and lends further support if requested by the University. 

21 October 2020 - NW2268

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(a) What measures has he taken to dissuade the National Student Financial Aid Scheme from defunding the 5000 students they publicly announced they will defund and (b) how are students expected to complete their studies if the defunding of the students continues?


(a) Section 38 (g) of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) on the duties of Accounting Officers dictates thaton discovery of any unauthorized, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure, must immediately report, in writing, particulars of the expenditure to the relevant treasury, and in the case of irregular expenditure involving the procurement of goods or services, also to the relevant tender board;”.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) unfunded students whom it discovered were funded above the approved policy thresholds of R350 000 annual family income (students registered for the first time from 2018 onwards) and R122 000 annual family income (pre-2018 continuing students). The declared income on applications were verified against income declared to the South African Revenue Service (SARS). If NSFAS continued to fund these students above the approved policy thresholds, such expenditure would be classified as irregular.  The Minister could therefore not dissuade NSFAS from taking this action, as continuing the funding would be in contravention of the PFMA.

The Minister ensured that students whose funding was withdrawn due to the SARS income verification process had an opportunity to provide further evidence and appeal the decision by NSFAS.

(b) Students who successfully appealed the decision will continue to be funded by NSFAS. Students who did not appeal, or whose appeal was unsuccessful, may look to other sources of funding to support their studies, as they do not qualify as NSFAS beneficiaries.

21 October 2020 - NW2166

Profile picture: Marawu, Ms TL

Marawu, Ms TL to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

Whether he is aware of the alleged flouting of Covid-19 regulations and the Continuing Education and Training (CET) Act, Act 16 of 2006, at the Motheo Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College in Bloemfontein, as per the whistleblowers’ report to the College Council Chairperson; if not, what steps will he take to thoroughly investigate the matter; if so, what steps have been taken to ensure that the specified persons are brought to book?


According to Mrs D Phutsisi, Principal of Motheo TVET College, the college is not aware of a whistle blower who raised such allegations to the Council Chairperson. If these allegations were made, the Council as the highest decision-making governance structure would have followed the college policy on whistleblowing. The college’s Executive Management however brought an anonymous letter to the attention of Council that was circulating at the college raising similar allegations. Council dealt with these allegations accordingly.

11 September 2020 - NW2031

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

What are the terms and conditions for the provision of laptops to students who are recipients of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) grants;


  1. University Students: The acquisition of digital learning devices for the 2020 NSFAS funded students registered at public higher education institutions shall be funded by the students’ learning materials allowance made available by NSFAS on a loan-to-buy basis.

Where a NSFAS funded student has the 2020 learning materials allowance available at the date of applying for the digital learning device, that learning materials allowance will be used by the institution to purchase the device on behalf of the student. Where the 2020 learning materials allowances has been used by the NSFAS funded student, the 2021 learning materials allowance shall be used to purchase the digital learning device. Should the student not return as a NSFAS funded student in future academic years, the student is liable to repay the amount due to the institution. Where applicable, the institution shall utilise its existing policies and procedures/guidelines to recover funds for the purchasing of the digital learning device from the student.

TVET Students: The acquisition of digital learning devices for the 2020 NSFAS funded students registered at public TVET colleges shall be as a once-off arrangement for the duration of their studies and a once-off 3-month data allowance in line with the negotiated deals between the Department and mobile network operators, with the exception of Trimester 1 and Semester 1 students who are already exiting the system. The digital learning device is a once-off allowance for the current 2020 academic year. Since this is an allowance, ownership of the digital learning device will vest with the student. Institutions must therefore ensure that only NSFAS funded students who are currently enrolled and registered with the TVET college receive this allowance and digital learning devices. Since Trimester 1 and Semester 1 are already at the end of the cycle, these students are not eligible to receive digital learning devices and shall be excluded from this once-off scheme.

  1. University Students: The institution shall issue a purchase order together with the NSFAS student details and at a minimum, the institution will maintain proper records of all digital learning devices distributed to NFSAS funded students. Rules on the return of devices to the institutions must be provided for in the asset management policy of the institution. The institution shall coordinate the logistical arrangements with the service provider(s) to ensure that the appropriate checks and balances are implemented and agreed upon to guarantee that the correct NSFAS funded students receives and accepts responsibility for the safekeeping and care of the digital learning devices.

TVET Students: The TVET college will maintain proper records of all digital learning devices distributed to NFSAS funded students. The digital learning devices will be delivered directly to NSFAS funded students. The TVET college shall coordinate the logistical arrangements with the service provider(s) to ensure that the appropriate checks and balances are implemented and agreed upon to guarantee that the correct NSFAS funded students receives and accepts responsibility for the safekeeping and care of the digital learning devices.