Questions and Replies

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18 April 2019 - NW795

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) What are the details of the contract that Brand SA concluded with a certain company (name furnished) to act as its digital marketing agency from 2014 to 2017; (2) what are the details of the relationship between certain persons (details furnished); (3) on what basis was the specified company appointed to conduct digital marketing for Brand SA when a certain company (name furnished) provided a cheaper quote; (4) why did the tender amount of the digital marketing services of the specified company increase from R15 million to R33 million; (5) whether any steps were taken to address the finding of the Auditor-General that the contract amounted to irregular expenditure; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW918E


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

1. The Avatar Digital Agency was contracted from 2014 to 2017 and was mandated to provide strategic input and guide the positioning of the brand on digital platforms. The scope of work included amongst others, management of website properties and social media platforms, content development, campaign development and execution as part of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) and contract agreed upon by both parties. A copy of the contract including SLA is attached herewith with full details.

2. The Chairperson of Brand South Africa and Avatar Digital Agency’s Chief Executive Officer belong to the same church denomination, but attend different branches in Pimville, Soweto, and Tsakane, East Rand respectively.

3. Avatar Digital Agency won a 3-year tender in 2014 to provide services as described in reply 1 above. Hetzner is not a digital marketing agency, but a web hosting services provider. To run the website properties, hosting is required amongst other services such as Search Engine Optimisation, Server set up and monitoring, framework and software updates, back up, security and quality assurance which were all encompassed in Avatar Digital Agency’s quotation. Website hosting is a sub element of digital marketing which Avatar Digital Agency outsourced to Hetzner. In 2017 when the Avatar Digital Agency contract came to an end, Brand South Africa outsourced only the website hosting services directly to Hetzner. Brand South Africa currently remains without digital marketing capability pending the conclusion of the Avatar Digital Agency matter.

4. The awarded tender amount for Avatar Digital Agency was for R18 million inclusive of vat. This vat inclusive amount was in line with the tender specifications. The amount increased to R33 million as follows:




Original Tender Price

R18, 000, 000


10% year on year increase

R1, 860, 000

R1, 860, 000

14% Vat charge year on year

R2, 780,400

R2, 780,400

Online digital marketing fees (3yrs)

R4, 803, 439


Website Hosting fees (3yrs)

R3, 003,176


Retainer fee for 4 months extended period

R2, 758,800



R33, 205,815


As per the AGSA Management Report dated 17 July 2018, the AG found that this contract was irregular to the tune of R4.6 million.

5. Brand South Africa is taking the necessary steps to recoup the R4.6 million of overpayment from Avatar Digital Agency. Brand South Africa Management allowed Avatar Digital Agency to change the SLA to include 14% vat and 10% escalation in contravention of the original bid

document which resulted in this R4.6 million overpayment. An investigation is currently being finalised to determine those employees responsible and hold them to account.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


18 April 2019 - NW694

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and (d) date on which each vehicle was purchased for use by (i) her and/or the former minister and (ii) the former deputy ministers (aa) in the (aaa) 2016-17 and (bbb) 2017-18 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2018?


I have been advised by the Departments as follows

Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services:-

(i) (aaa) No vehicles were purchased for the former Minister in the 2016-17 financial year.

(bbb) No vehicles were purchased for the former Minister in the 2017-18 financial year.

(bb) A land Cruiser 200 4.5 V8, VX 6A/T, Model 26U was purchased for the former Minister for R1 298 945.70 in the 2018/19 financial year.

(ii) (aaa) No vehicles were purchased for the former Deputy Minister in the 2016-17 financial year.

(bbb) An Audi Q7 3.0 TDI, Quattro model, was purchased for the former Deputy Minister in the 2017/18 financial year for the amount of R 910 928.40. The vehicle was purchased for use in Cape Town.

(bb) An Audi Q7 3.0 TDI, Quattro model, was purchased for the Minister for the amount of

R 1 025 640.13 in the 2018/19 financial year. The vehicle was purchased for use in Pretoria.

Department of Communications:-

The department bought two vehicles for the former Deputy Minister Ms T Mahambehlala during 2017/2018 financial year.

Vehicle 1: Cape Town

(a) Jaguar XF 2.0d R Sport

(b) 2017 Model

(c) R 748 941.00

(d) 02 August 2017

(i) None

(ii) Former Deputy Minister – Ms T Mahambehlala

(aa) None

(bbb) 2017-18 Financial Year

(bb) None

Vehicle 2: Pretoria

(a) Mercedes Benz GLC 250 (X253)

(b) 2017 Model

(c) R 755 888.01

(d) 28 July 2017

(i) None

(ii) Former Deputy Minister – Ms T Mahambehlala

(aa) None

(bbb) 2017-18 Financial Year

(bb) None

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


18 April 2019 - NW609

Profile picture: Stubbe, Mr DJ

Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any entity reporting to her contracted the services of a certain company (name and details furnished), in each of the past 10 financial years; if so, what (i) number of contracts were signed, (ii) was the date on which each contract was signed, (iii) was the duration of each contract, (iv) services did the company render and (v) was the monetary value of each contract in each case; (2) Whether any irregular expenditure relating to the contracts was recorded and/or condoned in each case; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised by the departments as follows:

1. (a) DTPS and DoC have not contracted the services of Bosasa now known as African

Global Operations.

(i-v) Not applicable

(b) USAASA and SAPO are the only entities that have contracted services from Bosasa.

(i) Both, USAASA and SAPO had one contract each signed with Bosasa.

(ii) USAASA signed the contract on 29 August 2014 and SAPO signed on 6 December  2004.

(iii) USAASA signed the contract for a duration of 36 months. SAPO’s contract was for a duration of two years with extensions after the original period until March 2010.

(iv) Bosasa provided ICT equipment and ICT services to schools, public access centres and public address areas for USAASA. At SAPO guarding service were rendered by Bosasa

(v) USAASA indicated that three purchase orders were issued to the value of R5 615 021.30, SAPO indicated that the total monetary value of the contract was not indicated as this was a rate-based contract and the total spent during the period was R10,193,035.56

2. USAASA had an irregular expenditure of R737 437.50 with regard to Bosasa. The irregular expenditure relates to the contract extension beyond 15% threshold without National Treasury approval. USAASA indicated that the amount is not yet condoned.

SAPO had no irregular expenditure with regards to the Bosasa contract.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


18 April 2019 - NW595

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

By what date is it envisaged that the investigation into the Media Development and Diversity Agency will commence as proposed and agreed to by the Portfolio Committee on Communications?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

The investigations into the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) were confirmed by the Portfolio Committee on Communications during the oversight visit to the Agency on 2 May 2018. It is the understanding of the Department that the investigations were going to be conducted by the PCC, not by the Department. Consequently, the Department does not envisage to conduct investigations at MDDA.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


18 April 2019 - NW592

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

What (a) is the total amount that the SA Broadcasting Corporation has spent on (i) advertising and/or (ii) communication services since 1 October 2017 and (b) was the (i) purpose, (ii) cost and (iii) name of the publication or platform used in each case?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

a. (i) R12, 034 825.32 was spent on advertising.

(ii) The services of advertising agencies (Creative agencies) were terminated on the 31st August 2016, in the period there was only one agency, The Media Shop – a media buying agency whose contracted was terminated on the 31st August 2018. The SABC Marketing, currently doesn’t have any media/advertising agencies, Request for Quotation (RFQ) process was put on hold due to budgets constraints.

b. (i) The primary marketing objectives for SABC Brands are to deliver on audiences and revenue. The marketing campaign’s objectives is to increase brand awareness and drive appointment viewing to SABC platforms.

SABC Brands that ran campaigns during this period:


(ii) R8, 300 000.00

(iii) See attached a detailed campaigns, publications and different SABC Brands.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


18 April 2019 - NW544

Profile picture: Kalako, Mr MU

Kalako, Mr MU to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

With reference to the outcomes of the engagement with the creative industry with the theme Leveraging on digital platforms for Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) creatives, which focused on the fourth industrial revolution, broadcasting, audio-visual and new platforms which was held on 22 February 2019, (a) what has been derived from the engagements towards optimising the broadcasting, audio-visual and creative industries and (b) what are the priority areas for immediate implementation?


I have been advised by the Departments as follows:-

a) The Communications Ministry was able to assess the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on the creative sector, and within the broadcasting and audio-visual sector.

Together with the creative industries, the Ministry developed formal stakeholder platforms towards the transformation of the creative industry.

The participants agreed that Government should engage stakeholders and Parliament on the Copyright Amendment Bill; development of the Media Transformation Charter; engage broadcasters in an endeavour to curb exploitation of small and independent producers; and ensure that content owners duly benefit from their content being used on online platforms.

b) In line with developing a multi-stakeholder collaborative effort aimed at building a capable 4IR Army; we will are forming partnerships with various stakeholders to train youth focusing on the digital skills required for the 4IR

We are also engaging Broadcasters as an endeavour to curb exploitation of small and independent producers and ensure that content owners duly benefit from their content being used on online platforms; and the Ministry of Trade and Industry on the Copyright Amendment Bill concerns raised by Broadcasters and Producers to strike the correct balance. This will also address the inefficiencies in policy and regulation to provide a conducive environment for the creative sector. It will also include the Departments of Arts and Culture, and Small Business Development.

Alongside the above, we will continue engaging online platforms such as Google to ensure that content owners duly benefit from their content being on online platforms;

In the next financial year 2019/20, we will commence the necessary work towards the development of a Media Transformation Charter.

During 2019/20, we will continue engaging the creative sector through 4IR thought leadership sessions and ensure inclusivity by inviting more young people to future engagements.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


18 April 2019 - NW473

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether any SA Broadcasting Corporation (a) staff and (b) executives received a salary increase since 1 October 2017; if not; why not; if so, what is the (i) name of each (aa) staff and (bb) executive member who received a salary increase, (ii) amount that each specified staff or executive member received, (iii) designation of each specified staff and executive member and (iv) reason for each salary increase?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

(a) and (b) (i) (aa) and (bb) All Staff members appointed prior to 1 April 2018 received an annual increase with effect from 1 April 2018. 

(ii) Bargaining Unit (Scale 300 – 407) received a 5% increase and Management (Scale 110 – 130/200) a 4% increase.  The Executive Directors did not receive any increases.

(iii) These were annual increases as negotiated with organised labour and approved by Board.

(iv) Annual increases


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


18 April 2019 - NW471

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)Whether the board of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) has implemented the recommendation of Parliament’s Ad Hoc Committee on the SABC Board of Inquiry that the SABC Interim Board, or, if necessary, the new board should urgently engage the Auditor-General to address all its findings relating to irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure; if not, by what date does the board intend to implement the recommendation; if so, what was the outcome of the engagement with the Auditor-General; (2) whether the board initiated any disciplinary steps as required by section 51(1)(e)(iii) of the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, against any officials who made and permitted irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure; if so, what form of disciplinary action has been taken against each official?NW535E


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

1. Yes, the Board has implemented the recommendations of Parliament’s Ad Hoc Committee on the SABC Board Inquiry.

Of the twenty four (24) recommendations that ought to have been implemented, twelve have been successfully implemented by both the Interim and successive Boards. Twelve (12) of the recommendations are in progress due to:

  • SIU investigations that are still ongoing;
  • Pending civil litigation to declare irregularly awarded contracts unlawful and invalid;
  • Recovery of monies due to the SABC; and
  • Consultation between SABC management and organized labour on the review of policies and performance management.

The SABC is in constant contact with the Auditor General’s office to address all its findings relating to irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure.

2. The SIU and the SABC’s Internal Audit conducted forensic investigations into irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred during the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2017.

As a result of these investigations, court proceedings on the following companies are underway:


Mott McDonald;

Asante Sante;

Foxton Communications (Pty) Ltd; and

Lesaf Consulting.

The Board instituted legal action to recover monies from Messrs Motsoeneng and Aguma which they appear to have received irregularly, and recommended the consideration of the institution of criminal charges against these employees who allegedly participated in criminal activities. Both pension pay-outs of Messrs Motsoeneng and Aguma have been withheld pending the finalization of legal processes. Further, a number of legal proceedings have been instituted against companies whose contracts were irregularly awarded. These include:

Lorna Vision;

Sekela Xabiso;

Vision View;

Infornomix; and

Mott McDonald.

Legal proceedings have also been instituted against the following former employees who made and/or permitted irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure:

Mr Motsoeneng: The SABC withheld his pension pay-out while legal process is underway. Summons has been issued for R21 million against Mr Motsoeneng for damages and losses with regards to the success fee.

Ms B Tugwana: The SABC withheld her pension pay-out for her involvement in the Vision View irregular award of the contract. The matter is being prepared for court and draft papers are with Senior Counsel. 

Ms A Raphela: The SIU and SABC instituted proceedings against her to recover the losses suffered by SABC in the approximate sum of R21 million (relating to the R5 million SARS penalty and other irregular contracts) and obtained a court order to freeze her pension.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


18 April 2019 - NW470

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

What is the (a)(i) total amount and (ii) detailed breakdown of salaries paid to each board member of the SA Broadcasting Corporation since their appointment in October 2017 and (b)(i) total number of meetings attended by each board member and (ii) detailed breakdown of the costs of attending each meeting in terms of (aa) travel, (bb) catering and (cc) venue hire?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

See attached Annexure A for (b) (i) and (ii)

(aa), (bb) and (cc) is not applicable.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


18 April 2019 - NW408

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)Whether the Government will give any guarantees so that the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) can implement its turnaround plan; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date will it take place and (b) what is the monetary value of the guarantees; (2) how does the Government intend to ensure that the SABC remains functional without dismissing staff; (3) how will the Government protect the SABC board members against the consequences and personal liability in terms of the Companies Act, Act 71 of 2008, due to the SABC's threatening insolvency?NW471E]


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

1) The Department is currently engaged in ongoing discussions with the National Treasury for a Government Guarantee and / or financial bail-out in order for the SABC to implement a Turnaround Strategy that will be finalized before 30 September 2019. While the Government recognizes that the SABC requires urgent financial assistance, a final

decision on the type of assistance (Government Guarantee or bailout or a combination of both) as well as the exact amount has however not been reached at this stage.

2) Dismissal of staff members is the responsibility of the SABC management team wherein staff members found to have transgressed any of the SABC policies as applicable as and when required, due process will be followed by the SABC management.

3) The department of Communications and National Treasury’s GTAC are assisting the SABC in its application for both a Government Guarantee and financial bailout. These applications are meant to assist the SABC in its looming insolvency.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


18 April 2019 - NW381

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications, Postal Services and Communications

(1)       (a)(i) What types and level of information and communications technology (ICT) are being used in the informal sector in the Northern Cape and (ii) what is their impact in this regard, (b) what method is used to measure the impact and (c)(i) which subsectors are using ICT in the informal sector in the Northern Cape and (ii) what is their impact; (2) what (a) are the problems or challenges that block the awareness and use of ICT in the informal sector in the Northern Cape and each other province, (b) is the role of the Government in creating the necessary infrastructure for the use of ICT in the informal sector in the Northern Cape and each other province, (c) has been done so far, (d) strategies, suggestions and recommendations can be made towards the use of ICT in the informal sector in the Northern Cape and each other province and (e) model can be used to map ICT access, use and impact in the informal sector in the Northern Cape and each other province?


I have been advised by the Departments as follows:

The Departments have not conducted any ICT-related research in the informal sector of the Northern Cape.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


19 March 2019 - NW466

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) has awarded any sponsorships to any (a) events, (b) organisations and/or (c) other activities since 1 October 2017; if so, (i) which events, organisations and/or other activities were sponsored by the SABC, (ii) what was the total amount of each sponsorship in each case and (iii) what benefit did the SABC receive in each case?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

(a) (b) and (c), The SABC has not awarded any sponsorship to any events or organisations. (i)(ii)(iii) Not Applicable


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



19 March 2019 - NW384

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Telecommunications, Postal Services and Communications

(1)What radio stations in each province benefited from Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) procurement of airtime on behalf of government departments (a) in the (i) 2016-17 and (ii) 2017-18 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2018; (2) what amount has the GCIS spent on each specified radio station in each specified financial year and period; (3) what comprehensive plan does the Government have to ensure that departments advertise in community media; (4) (a) does the Government have a database of all community media, (b) does community media have to register on the Government’s database and (c) how does the Government ensure that all community media has a fair opportunity to benefit from government advertisement spending?NW408E


I have been advised by the GCIS as follows:

1. The radio stations listed below were appointed to provide airtime during the stipulated periods:

(a) (i) 2016/2017

Eastern Cape

Free State


Alfred Nzo Community Radio

Koepel Stereo

Alex FM

Forte community radio

Mosupatsela FM

City Youth FM

Inkonjane FM

Motheo FM

Cosmo Fm

Kouga Fm

Naledi community radio

Eastwave FM

Mdantsane FM

Setsotso FM stereo


Nkqubela community radio


Ekasi community radio

Nqubela FM

Kwa-Zulu Natal

Eldo's FM

Takalani community radio

Good News Community Radio

Emfuleni community radio

University of Fort Hare


Impact Radio

Khanya community radio

Inanda FM

Jozi FM

Vukani community Radio

Izwi Lomzansi

Kasie FM


Maputaland community Radio

Kathorus FM


Newcastle Community Radio

Kofifi FM

Botlokwa community radio

Nqubeko Community Radio

Lekoa FM

Energy FM

Radio Khwezi

Rainbow FM

Greater Tzaneen

Rise community radio

Sedibeng FM

Lephalale FM

Rise FM

Soshanguve community radio

Makhado FM

Siyathuthuka FM

The Vaal's Hit Station

Mohodi community radio

Ugu Youth Radio, KZN

Tshwane University of Technology

Mokopane community radio

Umgungundlovu FM

90.6 FM stereo,

Moletsi community radio

Vibe FM




Vaal University of Technology

Phalaborwa community radio

Northern Cape

Westbury Community Radio

Radio Turf

Kurara FM

Westside FM

SK fm

Radio Kaboesna


Tubatse community radio

Radio NFM

North West

Univen Radio

Radio Riverside

Aganang community radio

Zebediela community radio

Revival FM,

Kopanong FM


Lethabile Community Radio


Western Cape

Life FM

Barberton community Radio

Bush Radio

Mafikeng fM

Emalahleni FM

Eden FM

Mahikeng FM

Kanyamazane radio

Radio Atlantis

Mmabatho FM

Mash FM

Radio Cape Pulpit

Modiri FM

Moutse community radio

Radio Gamkaland

Moretele Community Radio

Radio Alpha,

Radio Helderberg

North-West University

Radio Bushbuckridge

Radio KC

Ratlou FM

Radio Kragbron

Radio Namakwaland

Star FM

Radio Laeveld

Radio Overberg

Vaaltar fM

Witbank FM,

Radio West Coast

Village fM


Radio Zibonele


RWC Community 92.3 FM


The Voice of the Cape


Valley FM


Whale Coast FM


(ii) 2017/2018

Eastern Cape

Free State


Alfred Nzo community radio

Masupatsela community radio

Botlokwa community radio

Forte community radio

Mosupatsela FM

Energy FM

Khanya community radio

Motheo FM

Giyani FM

Link FM

Mozolo FM

Greater Lebowakgomo


Myeza Network

Greater Tzaneen

Nqubela FM

Qwa-qwa radio

Kanyamazane radio

Pheli FM

Radio Alpha

Makhado FM

Rhodes Music Radio


Malamulele community radio

Sajonisi Youth Radio

Kwa-Zulu Natal

Mohodi community radio

Takalani community radio

Divine Touch Radio

Mohodi FM

The Voice of the Cape

Good News community radio

Moletsi community radio

University of Fort Hare

Icora FM


Vukani community radio

Inanda FM

Radio Turf


Indonsakusa community radio

Sekhukhune community radio


Itheku FM


Cosmo FM

Maputaland community radio

Tshepho ya Setshaba community radio

Eastwave FM

Mgungundlovu community radio

Tubatse community radio


Newcastle community radio

Univen radio

Eldo's FM

Nguna FM

Zebediela community radio

Emfuleni community radio

Nkqubela community radio


Impact radio

Nongoma FM

North West

Jozi FM

North Coast radio

Aganang community radio

Lekoa FM

Nqubeko community radio

Bokone Bophirima

North West FM

Pongola FM

Bokone Bophirima FM

Rainbow FM

Radio Atlantis

Lethabile Community radio

Sedibeng FM

Radio Khwezi

Life fm

The Vaal's Hit Station

Siyathuthuka FM

Madibogo community radio

90.6 FM stereo

Theku FM

Mafikeng fm

Thetha FM

Ugu Youth Radio

Mmabatho Fm

Tshwane University of Technology

Ulundi Christiaan Community Radio Station

Modiri fm

Vaal University of Technology

Umgungundlovu FM

Moretele community radio

Voice of Tembisa

Vibe FM

North-West University

Westbury Community Radio

Zululand FM

Radio Mafisa

Westside FM

Rise community radio

Ratlou fm


Vaaltar FM


Northern Cape

Village FM

Barberton community radio

Kurara fm


Emalahleni FM

Radio Kaboesna

Western Cape

Ermelo Community Radio

Radio NFM

Eden fm

Mash Fm

Radio Riverside

Radio 786

Moutse community radio

Revival fm

Radio Gamkaland

Radio Bushbuckridge


Radio Helderberg

Witbank fm


Radio KC


Radio Namakwaland


Radio Overberg


Radio West Coast


Radio Zibonele


Whale Coast FM


Worcester FM

  1. 1st April 2018 to 28 February 2019

Eastern Cape


Kwa-Zulu Natal

Alfred Nzo Community Radio

City Youth Media

Good News Community Radio

Inkonjane FM


Icora FM

Isajonisi Radio

Eldo's FM


Izwi Lethemba

Impact radio

Intokozo FM

Kumkani FM

Inanda FM

Itheku FM

Link FM

Lekoa FM

Maputaland community radio

Lukhanji FM

Myeza Network

Nongoma FM


Pheli FM

North Coast Radio

Nkqubela community radio

Rainbow FM

Nqubeko Community Radio

Rhodes Music Radio

Sound Fusion

Radio 786

Sajonisi Youth Radio

The Vaal's hit station

Rise community radio

Siyathuthuka FM

Thetha FM

Ugu Youth Radio

Takalani Community Radio

Tshwane University of Technology

Ulundi Christiaan Community Radio Station

Vukani Community Radio

90.6 FM stereo

Umgungundlovu FM


Vaal Community

Vibe FM

Free State

Vaal University of Technology


Mosupatsela FM

Westbury Community Radio

Northern Cape

Motheo FM


Radio Riverside



Revival FM


Energy FM


Energy FM

Greater Lebowakgomo Community Radio

North West

Greater Lebowakgomo Community Radio

Hlanganani FM

Aganang Community Radio

Hlanganani FM

Makhado FM

Bodumedi FM

Makhado FM

Mala FM

Bojanala FM

Mala FM

Mohodi Community Radio

Bokone Bophirima FM

Mohodi Community Radio

Mokopane community radio

Life FM

Mokopane community radio

Moletsi community radio


Moletsi community radio

Radio Turf

Madibogo community radio

Radio Turf


Mafikeng FM


Tshepho ya Setshaba community radio

Mahikeng FM

Tshepho ya Setshaba community radio

Tubatse community radio

Mmabatho FM

Tubatse community radio

Univen radio

Modiri FM

Univen radio

Zebediela Community Radio

Moretele Community Radio

Zebediela Community Radio

Energy FM

Radio Mafisa


Ratlou FM

Western Cape


Star FM

Eden FM


Vaaltar FM

Elgin FM


Village FM



Muslim Broadcasting


Radio Helderberg


Radio KC


Radio Overberg


Radio Pulpit


Radio Pulpit kansel


Radio West Coast


Radio Zibonele


The Voice of the Cape


The Voice of the community


Whale Coast FM


Worcester FM



  1. As per tables below:

2016/2017 Financial Year


Order Amount

Eastern Cape


Alfred Nzo Community Radio

R 369 750,00

Forte community radio

R 190 000,00

Inkonjane FM

R 324 750,00

Kouga Fm

R 206 000,00

Mdantsane FM

R 251 500,00

Nkqubela community radio

R 297 000,00

Nqubela FM

R 174 000,00

Takalani community radio

R 220 000,00

University of Fort Hare

R 152 750,00

Khanya community radio

R 285 750,00

Vukani community Radio

R 257 750,00

Alfred Nzo Community Radio

R 369 750,00

2016/2017 Financial Year


Order Amount

Free State


Koepel Stereo

R 240 000,00

Mosupatsela FM

R 366 750,00

Motheo Fm

R 243 750,00

Naledi community radio

R 214 000,00

Setsotso FM stereo

R 62 750,00

2016/2017 Financial Year


Order Amount



Alex FM

R 36 000,00

City Youth fm

R 162 000,00

Cosmo Fm

R 86 000,00

Eastwave fm

R 116 000,00


R 51 900,00

Ekasi community radio

R 6 000,00

Eldo's FM

R 327 000,00

Emfuleni community radio

R 18 000,00

Impact Radio

R 296 750,00

Jozi fm

R 172 640,00

Kasie FM

R 71 300,00

Kathorus Fm

R 156 000,00

Kofifi FM

R 4 000,00

Lekoa FM

R 74 000,00

Rainbow fm

R 196 000,00

Sedibeng FM

R 42 000,00

Soshanguve community radio

R 210 000,00

The Vaal's Hit Station

R 43 000,00

Tshwane University of Technology

R 316 750,00

90.6 FM stereo,

R 145 750,00


R 16 000,00

Vaal University of Technology

R 28 000,00

Westbury Community Radio

R 158 750,00

Westside FM

R 23 750,00


2016/2017 Financial Year


Order Amount

Kwa-Zulu Natal


Good News Community Radio

R 376 750,00


R 107 750,00

Inanda Fm

R 366 750,00

Izwi Lomzansi

R 10 000,00

Maputaland community Radio

R 204 000,00

Newcastle Community Radio

R 321 750,00

Nqubeko Community Radio

R 42 000,00

Radio Khwezi

R 321 000,00

Rise community radio

R 41 000,00

Rise FM

R 6 000,00

Siyathuthuka FM

R 260 000,00

Ugu Youth Radio, KZN

R 208 000,00

Umgungundlovu FM

R 80 000,00

Vibe Fm

R 12 000,00

2016/2017 Financial Year


Order Amount



Botlokwa community radio

R 334 000,00

Energy FM

R 105 000,00

Greater Tzaneen

R 25 000,00

Lephalale Fm

R 168 000,00

Makhado Fm

R 162 750,00

Mohodi community radio

R 274 000,00

Mokopane community radio

R 186 000,00

Moletsi community radio

R 339 000,00


R 218 000,00

Phalaborwa community radio

R 279 000,00

Radio Turf

R 220 000,00

SK fm

R 94 750,00

Tubatse community radio

R 112 750,00

Univen Radio

R 196 000,00

Zebediela community radio

R 16 000,00

2016/2017 Financial Year


Order Amount



Barberton community Radio

R 366 750,00

Emalahleni FM

R 16 000,00

Kanyamazane radio

R 374 750,00

Mash Fm

R 366 750,00

Moutse community radio

R 348 750,00

Radio Alpha,

R 311 000,00

Radio Bushbuckridge

R 232 000,00

Radio Kragbron

R 129 000,00

Radio Laeveld

R 160 000,00

Witbank FM,

R 162 000,00

2016/2017 Financial Year


Order Amount

Northern Cape


Kurara FM

R 393 750,00

Radio Kaboesna

R 125 000,00

Radio NFM

R 362 750,00

Radio Riverside

R 237 520,00

Revival FM,

R 142 000,00

2016/2017 Financial Year


Order Amount

North West


Aganang community radio

R 250 000,00

Kopanong FM

R 31 000,00

Lethabile Community Radio

R 242 000,00

Life FM

R 222 000,00

Mafikeng fM

R 18 000,00

Mahikeng FM

R 41 750,00

Mmabatho FM

R 260 750,00

Modiri FM

R 182 000,00

Moretele Community Radio

R 369 000,00

North-West University

R 277 000,00

Ratlou FM

R 65 750,00

Star FM

R 287 000,00

Vaaltar fM

R 11 000,00

Village fM

R 108 000,00

2016/2017 Financial Year


Order Amount

Western Cape


Bush Radio

R 212 000,00

Eden FM

R 347 967,65

Radio Atlantis

R 198 000,00

Radio Cape Pulpit

R 6 000,00

Radio Gamkaland

R 262 840,00

Radio Helderberg

R 294 750,00

Radio KC

R 4 000,00

Radio Namakwaland

R 60 000,00

Radio Overberg

R 323 000,00

Radio West Coast

R 256 000,00

Radio Zibonele

R 434 924,60

RWC Community 92.3 FM

R 6 000,00

The Voice of the Cape

R 58 000,00

Valley FM

R 28 000,00

Whale Coast fM

R 200 750,00



R 20 486 842,25

2017/2018 Financial Year


Order Amount

Eastern Cape


Alfred Nzo community radio

R 245 500,00

Forte community radio

R 224 000,00

Khanya community radio

R 66 500,00

Link fm

R 292 500,00

Lukhanji fm

R 18 000,00

Nqubela FM

R 24 000,00

Pheli fm

R 504 000,00

Rhodes Music Radio

R 16 000,00

Sajonisi Youth Radio

R 18 000,00

Takalani community radio

R 353 500,00

The Voice of the Cape

R 192 000,00

University of Fort Hare

R 241 850,00

Vukani community radio

R 520 569,61

2017/2018 Financial Year


Order Amount

Free State


Masupatsela community radio

R 4 000,00

Mosupatsela fm

R 342 000,00

Motheo fm

R 243 500,00

Mozolo fm

R 12 000,00

Myeza Network

R 28 000,00

Qwa-qwa radio

R 8 000,00

Radio Alpha

R 286 000,00

2017/2018 Financial Year


Order Amount



Cosmo fm

R 475 000,00

Eastwave fm

R 328 000,00


R 4 000,00

Eldo's FM

R 465 500,00

Emfuleni community radio

R 197 000,00

Impact radio

R 536 500,00

Jozi fm

R 157 300,32

Lekoa fm

R 469 000,00

North West FM

R 39 000,00

Rainbow fm

R 470 500,00

Sedibeng FM

R 40 000,00

The Vaal's Hit Station

R 271 500,00

90.6 FM stereo

R 174 000,00

Thetha fm

R 138 000,00

Tshwane University of Technology

R 518 000,00

Vaal University of Technology

R 261 000,00

Voice of Tembisa

R 6 000,00

Westbury Community Radio

R 431 500,00

Westside FM

R 29 000,00

2017/2018 Financial Year


Order Amount

Northern Cape


Kurara fm

R 213 500,00

Radio Kaboesna

R 245 000,00

Radio NFM

R 42 500,00

Radio Riverside

R 65 240,00

Revival fm

R 78 000,00

2017/2018 Financial Year


Order Amount

Kwa-Zulu Natal


Divine Touch Radio

R 36 000,00

Good News community radio

R 352 000,00

Icora fm

R 317 000,00

Inanda fm

R 365 500,00

Indonsakusa community radio

R 64 000,00

Itheku FM

R 52 000,00

Maputaland community radio

R 182 500,00

Mgungundlovu community radio

R 4 000,00

Newcastle community radio

R 61 000,00

Nguna fm

R 18 000,00

Nkqubela community radio

R 409 000,00

Nongoma fm

R 21 000,00

North Coast radio

R 400 500,00

Nqubeko community radio

R 341 500,00

Pongola Fm

R 113 500,00

Radio Atlantis

R 276 000,00

Radio Khwezi

R 197 500,00

Siyathuthuka fm

R 400 000,00

Theku fm

R 21 000,00

Ugu Youth Radio

R 237 500,00

Ulundi Christiaan Community Radio Station

R 33 000,00

Umgungundlovu FM

R 270 000,00

Vibe fm

R 6 000,00

Zululand fm

R 278 500,00

Rise community radio

R 385 000,00

2017/2018 Financial Year


Order Amount



Barberton community radio

R 322 000,00

Emalahleni FM

R 99 500,00

Ermelo Community Radio

R 4 000,00

Mash Fm

R 225 000,00

Moutse community radio

R 118 800,00

Radio Bushbuckridge

R 16 000,00

Witbank fm

R 18 000,00

2017/2018 Financial Year


Order Amount



Botlokwa community radio

R 4 000,00

Energy FM

R 12 000,00

Giyani FM

R 6 000,00

Greater Lebowakgomo

R 24 000,00

Greater Tzaneen

R 6 000,00

Kanyamazane radio

R 358 500,00

Makhado fm

R 158 000,00

Malamulele community radio

R 201 000,00

Mohodi community radio

R 313 000,00

Moletsi community radio

R 348 500,00


R 76 000,00

Radio Turf

R 247 500,00

Sekhukhune community radio

R 12 000,00


R 187 000,00

Tshepho ya Setshaba community radio

R 213 000,00

Tubatse community radio

R 166 500,00

Univen radio

R 400 000,00

Zebediela community radio

R 360 500,00

2017/2018 Financial Year


Order Amount

Western Cape


Eden fm

R 386 500,00

Radio 786

R 313 500,00

Radio Gamkaland

R 288 000,00

Radio Helderberg

R 308 500,00

Radio KC

R 283 000,00

Radio Namakwaland

R 207 500,00

Radio Overberg

R 370 500,00

Radio West Coast

R 18 500,00

Radio Zibonele

R 347 765,99

Whale Coast fm

R 348 500,00

Worcester FM

R 64 000,00

2017/2018 Financial Year


Order Amount

North West


Aganang community radio

R 308 500,00

Bokone Bophirima

R 12 000,00

Bokone Bophirima FM

R 6 000,00

Lethabile Community radio

R 211 000,00

Life fm

R 310 000,00

Madibogo community radio

R 24 000,00

Mafikeng fm

R 12 000,00

Mmabatho Fm

R 304 500,00

Modiri fm

R 169 000,00

Moretele community radio

R 501 500,00

North-West University

R 76 840,00

Radio Mafisa

R 147 500,00

Ratlou fm

R 288 000,00

Vaaltar FM

R 12 000,00

Village FM

R 100 500,00

01 APRIL - 29 NOVEMBER 2018


Order Amount

Eastern Cape


Alfred Nzo Community Radio

R 41 000,00

Inkonjane FM

R 52 000,00

Isajonisi Radio

R 6 000,00

Izwi Lethemba

R 6 000,00

Kumkani FM

R 6 000,00

Link FM

R 172 000,00

Lukhanji FM

R 30 000,00


R 6 000,00

Nkqubela community radio

R 16 000,00

Rhodes Music Radio

R 142 000,00

Sajonisi Youth Radio

R 182 000,00

Siyathuthuka FM

R 188 000,00

Takalani Community Radio

R 114 000,00

Vukani Community Radio

R 256 827,47

01 APRIL - 29 NOVEMBER 2018


Order Amount



City Youth Media

R 108 000,00


R 6 000,00

Eldo's FM

R 194 000,00

Impact radio

R 188 000,00

Inanda FM

R 188 000,00

Lekoa FM

R 136 000,00

Myeza Network

R 88 920,00

Pheli fm

R 200 000,00

Rainbow FM

R 138 000,00

Sound Fusion

R 6 840,00

The Vaal's hit station

R 16 000,00

Thetha FM

R 130 000,00

Tshwane University of Technology

R 161 800,00

90.6 FM stereo

R 114 000,00

Vaal Community

R 6 000,00

Vaal University of Technology

R 68 000,00

Westbury Community Radio

R 172 000,00


01 APRIL - 29 NOVEMBER 2018


Order Amount



Good News Community Radio

R 28 000,00

Icora FM

R 85 000,00


R 6 000,00

Intokozo FM

R 188 000,00

Itheku FM

R 16 000,00

Maputaland community radio

R 18 000,00

Nongoma FM

R 120 000,00

North Coast Radio

R 217 000,00

Nqubeko Community Radio

R 188 000,00

Radio 786

R 196 000,00

Rise community radio

R 172 000,00

Ugu Youth Radio

R 192 000,00

Ulundi Christiaan Community Radio Station

R 6 000,00

Umgungundlovu FM

R 130 000,00

Vibe FM

R 184 000,00

01 APRIL - 29 NOVEMBER 2018


Order Amount

Free State


Mosupatsela FM

R 200 000,00

Motheo FM

R 36 000,00

01 APRIL - 29 NOVEMBER 2018


Order Amount



City Youth Media

R 108 000,00


R 6 000,00

Eldo's FM

R 194 000,00

Impact radio

R 188 000,00

Inanda FM

R 188 000,00

Lekoa FM

R 136 000,00

Myeza Network

R 88 920,00

Pheli fm

R 200 000,00

Rainbow FM

R 138 000,00

Sound Fusion

R 6 840,00

The Vaal's hit station

R 16 000,00

Thetha FM

R 130 000,00

Tshwane University of Technology

R 161 800,00

90.6 FM stereo

R 114 000,00

Vaal Community

R 6 000,00

Vaal University of Technology

R 68 000,00

Westbury Community Radio

R 172 000,00

01 APRIL - 29 NOVEMBER 2018


Order Amount



Energy FM

R 10 000,00

Greater Lebowakgomo Community Radio

R 124 000,00

Hlanganani FM

R 150 000,00

Makhado FM

R 178 000,00

Mala FM

R 6 000,00

Mohodi Community Radio

R 178 000,00

Mokopane community radio

R 4 000,00

Moletsi community radio

R 200 000,00

Radio Turf

R 188 000,00


R 112 000,00

Tshepho ya Setshaba community radio

R 130 000,00

Tubatse community radio

R 22 000,00

Univen radio

R 64 000,00

Zebediela Community Radio

R 182 000,00

01 APRIL - 29 NOVEMBER 2018


Order Amount



Bushbuckridge Community Radio

R 6 000,00

Bushbuckridge Radio

R 30 000,00

Emalahleni FM

R 192 000,00

Ermelo Voice of Community

R 6 000,00

Kanyamazane radio

R 182 000,00

Mash fm

R 12 000,00

Mkhondo FM

R 144 000,00

Moutse community radio

R 194 000,00

Mozolo fm

R 16 000,00

Nkomazi FM

R 6 000,00

Radio Bushbuckridge

R 124 000,00

Voice of Hope fm

R 148 000,00

Voice of the Community FM

R 157 000,00

Bushbuckridge Community Radio

R 6 000,00

01 APRIL - 29 NOVEMBER 2018


Order Amount

Northern Cape


Radio Riverside

R 167 800,00

Revival fm

R 126 000,00

01 APRIL - 29 NOVEMBER 2018


Order Amount

North West


Aganang Community Radio

R 188 000,00

Bodumedi fm

R 6 000,00

Bojanala FM

R 42 000,00

Bokone Bophirima FM

R 188 000,00

Life FM

R 178 000,00


R 6 000,00

Madibogo community radio

R 16 000,00

Mafikeng fm

R 154 000,00

Mahikeng FM

R 30 000,00

Mmabatho fm

R 182 000,00

Modiri FM

R 194 000,00

Moretele Community Radio

R 178 000,00

Radio Mafisa

R 52 000,00

Ratlou FM

R 132 000,00

Star FM

R 166 000,00

Vaaltar FM

R 52 000,00

Village FM

R 28 000,00

01 APRIL - 29 NOVEMBER 2018


Order Amount

Western Cape


Eden FM

R 205 134,25

Elgin FM

R 218 000,00


R 10 000,00

Muslim Broadcasting

R 6 000,00

Radio Helderberg

R 16 000,00

Radio KC

R 52 000,00

Radio Overberg

R 68 000,00

Radio Pulpit

R 20 000,00

Radio Pulpit kansel

R 36 000,00

Radio West Coast

R 22 000,00

Radio Zibonele

R 265 721,66

The Voice of the Cape

R 172 000,00

The Voice of the community

R 6 000,00

Whale Coast FM

R 130 000,00

Worcester FM

R 142 000,00



R 11 341 043,38

3. GCIS regularly holds meetings with various government departments to impress upon them on the importance of using community media. However, it should be noted that government departments have a final discretion to determine how they spend their allocated budget for advertisements.

4. (a) Government uses the Central Supplier Database (CSD) as hosted by Treasury which includes community media.

(b) All suppliers including community media are required to register on the CSD database.

(c) The GCIS invites quotations from all complying community media. The first to submit their

quotations are chosen.


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



19 March 2019 - NW648

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What number of SIM cards were issued in 2018?


I have been advised by ICASA as follows:

The number of SIM cards issued in South Africa from September 2017 to September 2018 is as follows:-

  • 80.4 million for prepaid mobile voice subscriptions
  • 11.3 million for postpaid mobile voice subscription
  • 6.9 million for machine to machine mobile subscriptions


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



19 March 2019 - NW493

Profile picture: Rawula, Mr T

Rawula, Mr T to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

What is the total number of SA Post Office employees?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

Number of permanent employees

17 297

Number of fixed-term contract employees

1 632

Total Number of Employees:

18 929


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



19 March 2019 - NW472

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether any bonuses have been paid to the SA Broadcasting Corporation (a) staff and (b) executives since 1 October 2017; if so, what is the (i) name of each (aa) staff and (bb) executive member who received a bonus, (ii) amount that each specified staff member or executive member received, (iii) designation of each specified staff member and executive member and (iv) reason for each bonus paid?


I have been advised by the department as follows:

No bonuses were paid since 1 October 2017. 


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



19 March 2019 - NW468

Profile picture: Samka, Ms P

Samka, Ms P to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

What (a) is the total amount that the SA Broadcasting Corporation has spent on consultants since 1 October 2017, (b) is the name of each consultant, (c) was the purpose of consulting and (d) was the detailed breakdown of the costs of services rendered?


I have been advised by the department as follows:

The attached table contains the detailed information.


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



19 March 2019 - NW467

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether any (a) executives and/or (b) staff of the SA Broadcasting Corporation undertook any international trips since 1 October 2017; if so, what (i) is the name of each person who undertook each international trip, (ii) was the (aa) purpose and (bb) destination of each trip and (iii) was the (aa) total cost and (bb) detailed breakdown of the costs of each trip?


I have been advised by the department as follows:

a) Yes

b) Yes

c) i, ii, iii – see attached spreadsheet


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



08 March 2019 - NW383

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Telecommunications, Postal Services and Communications

(a) What digital projects are rolled out on community media, (b) on what date were the projects rolled out, (c) in which provinces were the projects rolled out and (d) at what cost were the projects rolled out?


I have been advised by the Department of Communications as follows:

The Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) has provided funds for websites for its print and broadcast projects through supporting the rollout of two digital news projects, as follows:

a) Name of digital project

b) Date project rolled out (funded)

c) Province in which project rolled out

d) Cost at which the projects were rolled out (MDDA funding)

Joburg Post Online



R 825,200.00

Kleva Nkeva Online


Eastern Cape

R 935,979.00


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP


Date: 08/03/2019

08 March 2019 - NW371

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications, Postal Services and Communications

(1)Whether, since the reply to question 90 on 12 March 2018, the new regulatory framework for community broadcasting has been finalised; if not, by what date will it be finalised; if so, (2) whether the moratorium on the issuing of new licences for community radio stations that has been in effect since 22 September 2015 has been lifted; if not, by what date will the moratorium be lifted; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised by the department as follows:

1. The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (the Authority/ICASA) is in a process of finalizing the regulatory framework for Community Broadcasting. The regulations are currently undergoing quality check process within ICASA. It is expected that the regulations will be published by 22nd of March 2019.

2. No, the moratorium has not been lifted.

No date has been set for lifting of the moratorium.


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



08 March 2019 - NW389

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Telecommunications, Postal Services and Communications

What (a) amount did (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her borrow from any entity in the People’s Republic of China (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2018, (b) is the name of the lender of each loan, (c) conditions are attached to each loan and (d) are the repayment periods for each loan?


The departments and entities have advised me as follows:

The departments of Communications and Telecommunications and Postal Services as well as entities that report to me have not borrowed any money from the People’s Republic of China.


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



05 March 2019 - NW223

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Telecommunications, Postal Services and Communications

Whether, with reference to a memo purportedly sent by the Group Executive: Human Resources of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) on 27 September 2018, which suspended with immediate effect submissions for the creation and/or filling of positions, advertising of positions and all new offers of employment, the SABC hired any staff following the circulation of the memo; if so, (a) who was hired, (b) on what salary and (c) who allowed the deviation from the memo?


I have been advised by the department as follows:

After publication of the memorandum, all vacancies were frozen, except for the appointments relating to core and critical functions. 



Positions filled

N Gcabashe


J Mocoma

Senior Producer

M Ramsimphi


L Snyman

Account Executive

b) All appointments were done in line with the SABC’s recruitment and selection policy and salaries were determined in line with the SABC’s remuneration guidelines.  Specific salary information cannot be divulged as this is confidential information pertaining to an individual.

c) The Vacancy Committee which was established to deal with critical appointments took the decision.  All requests to deviate from the memo are sent to the vacancy committee who then determines the merits of the request and take a decision if recruitment can go ahead.  Once a decision is taken by the vacancy committee, HR manages the recruitment process in conjunction with the relevant line manager.






Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



04 March 2019 - NW210

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Minister ofTelecommunications, Postal Services and Communications

Whether she has appointed a panel to advise her on the 2018 turnaround strategy of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC); if so, what (a) is the name of each person serving on the panel, (b) is the expertise of each member, (c) are the qualifications of each member, (d) amount is each member paid to serve on the panel, (e) is the total number of meetings that have been held since the panel was appointed and (f) was the outcome reached by the panel regarding the turnaround strategy of the SABC?


No, the Minister did not appoint a panel to advise her on the 2018 Turnaround Strategy of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC).

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



04 March 2019 - NW192

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Minister of Telecommunications, Postal Services and Communications

Whether she intends to merge the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) with the Universal Services and Access Agency of SA (USSASA); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what are the relevant details, (b) on what ground(s) will the two entities with different mandates be merged and (c) how will the board members of each entity be accommodated after the merger; (2) are any of the specified persons relatives of other employees of her department; if so, who?


1. In line with the Presidential pronouncement that there will be a configuration of Government departments as well as entities to improve efficiency in the delivery of Government services, there has been engagements with various entities to look for synergies. This is still work in progress and currently there is no definite decision that has been made on the merger of USAASA and MDDA.

2. Once discussions are finalized and a decision is made, further details will be provided. However, it should be noted that the Board Members referred to were not removed following a damning report by the Public Protector, but instead the Board was dissolved due to a fundamental breakdown of their relationship with Minister.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



04 March 2019 - NW193

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Minister of Telecommunications, Postal Services and Communications

By what date will the interviews for the board members of the Media Development and Diversity Agency be conducted?


As members of Parliament would know, the appointment of MDDA board members is a Parliamentary process in terms of section 4(1) (b) of the MDDA Act. The date for the interviews is determined by the Portfolio Committee on Communications.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



04 March 2019 - NW211

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Telecommunications, Postal Services and Communications

(1)       Why did she not invoke section 8(3)(a) of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act, Act 13 of 2000, for the removal of a certain person (name furnished) as soon as Parliament began proceedings; (2) whether the specified person has appealed the (a) conviction and (b) sentencing; if not, why has this not been reported to Parliament; if so, what are the relevant details.


I have been advised by the department as follows:

1. The Minister intended to invoke section 8 (3) of Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) Act, Act 13 of 2000, at the time. However, Mr Mohlaloga filed urgent application to interdict the process of Parliament on consideration to removal before the Western Cape High Court. Settlement agreement was reached between the parties to remove item on the agenda dealing with removal of Mr Mohlaloga. The settlement agreement was made an order of the court.

2(a) Mr Mohlaloga was convicted on 15 January 2018. Subsequent to conviction, he lodged an application an application for leave of appeal against the whole judgement.

(b) On 14 February 2019, Mr Mohlaloga was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment by Regional Court for Gauteng (held at Pretoria). Subsequently, Mr Mohlaloga lodged an application for leave of appeal against the sentence which was granted.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



04 March 2019 - NW276

Profile picture: Yako, Ms Y

Yako, Ms Y to ask the Minister of Telecommunications, Postal Services and Communications

What number of (a) tender briefings were held in 2018 by each of (i) her departments and (ii) each of the entities reporting to her and (b) the specified briefings were compulsory?


I have been advised by the departments and entities as follows:

Dept. and Entities

What number of tender briefings were held in 2018?

What number of tender briefings were compulsory?



Not applicable


Four (4)

All briefings were compulsory



All briefings were compulsory


Three (3)

Two briefings were compulsory

Brand SA


All briefings were compulsory


Fifteen (15)

Twelve of the briefings were compulsory



Not applicable


Forty (40)

Twenty three briefings were compulsory


Forty four 44

Twenty five briefings were compulsory


Seventy four 74

All briefings were compulsory


One (1)

One was compulsory





7(seven) (USAASA) 2 (two) (USAF)

All the briefings were compulsory



The briefing was compulsory


35 (thirty five)

One briefing was compulsory


Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



01 March 2019 - NW177

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Minister of Telecommunications, Postal Services

Whether the post office in Ennerdale in Gauteng has been closed due to non-payment of rent; if not, what are the relevant details in this regard; if so, (a) what total amount in rent is outstanding, (b) by what date will the outstanding amount be settled by the SA Post Office and (c) what arrangements have been made for the collection of postal items from the specified post office?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

The Ennerdale Post Office has been closed due to a dispute with the landlord regarding rental amount for the office. A meeting between SAPO and the landlord took place on 21 February 2019 to reconcile. Agreement has been reached on the following:

(a) That total amount outstanding is R489,846.36

(b) That settlement for the total outstanding amount will be effected on 08 March 2019.

(c) After negotiations with the landlord and partial payment, the branch was re-opened on 21 February 2019.

Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, MP



03 December 2018 - NW3552

Profile picture: McGluwa, Mr H

McGluwa, Mr H to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a)What number of meetings did each chapter of the national information and communication technology forum have since 1 September 2016, (b) on what date was each meeting held, (c) what was the agenda of each meeting and (d) did each meeting quorate?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

(a) The number of meetings held by each chapter of the National Information and Technology Forum since 1 September 2016 are as follows:

Social Chamber – Two (2)

Economic Chamber – One (1)

Governance and Security Chamber – three (3)

ICTs and Disability Chamber – One (1)

b) The meetings were held on the following dates

Social Chamber – 9 September 2016 and on 23 March 2017.

Economic Chamber – 27 February 2017.

Governance and Security Chamber – 11 November 2016, 7 April 2017 and 12 December 2017.

ICTs and Disability Chamber – 22 November 2017

c) The agenda of each meeting is outlined below:

Social Chamber

09 September 2016 – Update by the Policy Head of the chamber

The Visual Networking Index Country Readiness Report

Report from e-Health Working Group

Report from e-Education Working Group

Report from the e-Agriculture Working group

Report form the e-Justice Working Group

23 March 2017 – Report from e-Education Working Group

Report from the e-Health Working Group

National e-Government Strategy and Road Map

Report from the e-Justice Working Group

Economic Chamber

27 February 2017 – Five Year Plan for ICT SMME Working Group

Five Year Plan for the ICT Skills Working Group

Five Year Plan for the Industrialization Working Group

Five Year Plan for the ICT and Postal Services Working


Governance and Security Chamber

11 November 2016 – Feedback from Cybersecurity Working Group

Feedback from Internet Governance Working Group

Feedback from e-Commerce Working Group

07 April 2017 – Feedback from the National ICT Forum

Feedback from the e-Commerce Working Group

Feedback from the Cybersecurity Working Group

Feedback from the Internet Security Working Group

12 December 2017 – Review of 2017 Activities from the Working Groups

Strategy for 2018 and beyond

ICTs and Disability Chamber

22 November 2017 – Feedback from the National ICT Forum

Input into the ICT White Paper Policy

Report from the Education Sub-committee

Report from the Procurement Sub-Committee

Nomination of Deputy Chairperson of the chamber

d) Yes, the meetings did quorate.


Approved / not approved


Ms S Ndabeni - Abrahams


DATE: 03/12/2018

03 December 2018 - NW3550

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What is the budget allocation for the Cyber Security Hub over the 2018-19 to 2020-21 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework and (b) how will the budget be spent?


I have been advised by the Department as follows: 


(i) The budget for the 2018-2019 financial year is R 12 125 000.

(ii) The budget for the 2019-2020 financial year is R 9 000 000.

(iii) The budget for the 2020-2021 financial year is R 9 435 000.

(b) The budget is spent in pursuit of the mandate of the Cybersecurity Hub as detailed in the National Cybersecurity Policy Framework (NCPF) of 2015 as follows:

  • Increase collaboration through public-private partnerships and the establishment of sector Cyber Security Incident Response Team capacity; and the ability to coordinate responses to threats at a national level.
  • Information dissemination and the development of best practice guidelines and standardization.
  • Initiating Cybersecurity awareness campaigns.


Approved / not approved

Ms S Ndabeni - Abrahams


DATE: 03/12/2018

03 December 2018 - NW3546

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)    What (a) is the detailed breakdown of the (i) R 1 398 000 spent on goods and services to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Telecom World Conference 2018, as stated in the Programme 2 virements, (ii) R 6 778 000 virement from Programme 3 and (iii) R 1 267 000 virement from Programme 4 of his department’s 2018-19 Adjusted Estimates of Expenditure and (b) impact have these virements had on the service delivery mandates of the affected programmes; (2) Has South Africa’s membership of any international organisation been affected by the Programme 2 virements; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) Whether any funds from the virements were sent to (a) the ITU and/or (b) any person or organisation not based in South Africa; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised by the Department that:

(1)(a)(i) R 1,398,000 under Programme 2 spent on goods and services was for the travel and accommodation expenses of the ITU officials to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Telecom World 2018 event.

(ii) - (iii) R 6, 778, 000 virement from Programme 3 and R 1,267,000 virement from Programme 4 were utilised for the payment of the venue for ITU Telecom World 2018 event.

(b) There is no impact on service delivery plans of the affected programmes because some of the Sponsorship valued at R26 000 000.00 was paid directly into the Department’s bank account. When the money was appropriated during the AENE process, the affected programmes were reimbursed.

(2) No.

(3) No.

Approved / not approved


Ms S Ndabeni - Abrahams


DATE: 03/12/2018

03 December 2018 - NW3547

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)    Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1529 on 4 June 2018, any of his department’s (a) Directors-General and/or (b) senior staff members were involved in organising the International Telecommunication Union, Telecom World Conference 2018, held in Durban on 10 to 13 September 2018; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) (a) which service providers were contracted to render services in respect of the event, (b) what services did each service provider render and (c) how was the quality of services rendered monitored; (3) Whether any measures were put in place to ensure that the specified employees do not benefit financially from contracting the service providers; if not, (a) why not and (b) what steps have been taken to investigate whether any employees benefitted financially from contracting any of the service providers; if so, (i) were the measures implemented and (ii) what are the details of the results?


I have been advised by the Department that:

1. The Director-General and senior managers were involved in the organization of the ITU Telecom World 2018.

The details are as follows:




Mr. Robert Nkuna


Project Sponsor

Ms. Nonkqubela Jordan-Dyani

Deputy Director General

Project Manager

Ms. Thulisile Manzini

Deputy Director General

Stream Head: Media, Marketing and Communications

Mr. Omega Shelembe

Deputy Director General

Stream Head: Logistics

Mr Tinyiko Ngobeni

Deputy Director General

Legacy Project

Ms Mameetse Masemola

Acting Deputy Director General

Stream Head: Content

Ms Jeanette Morwane

Acting Deputy Director General

Legacy Project

Ms Sybil Lyons-Grootboom

Chief Director: Legal

Lead Negotiator: Host Country Agreement

Mr Luyanda Ndlovu

Chief Information Officer

Coordinator IT Services

Mr Jim Paterson


Project Management team

Ms Pam Mallela


Project Management Team

Mr Thulani Ngubane


Communications Team

Rebolang Soldaat


Budget and Finance Oversight

Charles Mabuza


SMME Programme Coordinator

2. (a) (b) and (c)

(a) Service Provider

(b) Type of Service

(c) Evaluation


(DTPS appointed service provider for travel, accommodation and conferencing)

Venue Procurement and Professional Conference Organiser

(iNkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre)

Contract signed with ICC. Evaluation and monitoring done via contractual obligations

Tsogo Sun

(appointed by sponsor)


Contract signed between Tsogo Sun and Sponsor. Evaluation and monitoring done via contractual obligations.

Flash Marketing (appointed by sponsor)


DTPS and Sponsor Team evaluated service for quality assurance

Riverbed Marketing,

Flash Marketing

(appointed by sponsor) (appointed by sponsor)

Media and Marketing

DTPS and Sponsor Team evaluated service for quality assurance


(appointed by sponsor)


DTPS and Sponsor Team evaluated service for quality assurance


(appointed by sponsor)

Exhibition Stand Build

DTPS and Sponsor Team evaluated service for quality assurance


(appointed by sponsor)

Media Centre

DTPS and Sponsor Team evaluated service for quality assurance

Marketing 2the Max

(appointed by sponsor)

Leader Space Build

DTPS and Sponsor Team evaluated service for quality assurance


(appointed by sponsor)

Registration Space Build

DTPS and Sponsor Team evaluated service for quality assurance


(appointed by sponsors)

Ministerial & VIP Transport

Evaluation and monitoring done via contractual obligations.


(appointed by sponsors)

Delegate Transport

DTPS and Sponsor Team evaluated service for quality assurance

SAPS (partner department for provision of security)


Evaluation and monitoring done via contractual obligations.


(appointed by sponsor)

Audio Visual

DTPS and Sponsor Team evaluated service for quality assurance

SITA appointed service providers

IT Services

IT Team evaluated service for quality assurance

Honey Comb, Fun and Class Relations

(appointed services by DTPS)

SMME Support

DTPS Team evaluated service for quality assurance

Misoso Trading Enterprise

(appointed by sponsor)


Evaluation and monitoring done via contractual obligations.


(appointed by sponsor)

Broadcasting and Video-on-Demand

Contract signed with SABC. Evaluation and monitoring done via contractual obligations.

Sithelo Events, BGD Consulting

(appointed by sponsor)

Recruitment of Local Staff and Ushers

Evaluation and monitoring done via contractual obligations.


(DTPS appointed service provider through the Government Transactional contract)

Freight Services for ITU shipment

DTPS Team evaluated services as per contractual obligations.

3. The following measures have been implemented to ensure that employees do not benefit financially from the service providers contracted for the ITU Telecom World 2018 event:

  • Department entered into Sponsorship Agreements with the different Sponsors. Sponsors were requested to appoint and pay to the service providers from their database directly. This was to mitigate the risks of employees being involved with the selection and payments of service providers for personal benefits. For those sponsors who paid their sponsorship to the Department, the Department followed Government Supply Chain (SCM) processes in the appointment of service providers.
  • A circular was issued to all staff involved in organising the ITU Telecom World 2018 reminding them of the regulations on declaration, approval, acceptance and registration of gifts and hospitality.
  • Declaration forms were issued before the event for employees to declare any gifts and/or hospitality they would have received during the course of performing their duties for the ITU Telecom World 2018.

(a) N/A

(b) N/A

(i) The measures above were implemented.

(ii) The Department has undertaken a reconciliation process, assessing all the sponsorship committed and received, and is finalising a report. All sponsorship, and financial declarations will be disclosed in the Annual Financial Statement of the Department, in line with Treasury Regulation 21.2.4.


Approve/Not Approved

Ms S Ndabeni - Abrahams


DATE: 03/12/2018

03 December 2018 - NW3548

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

With reference to his reply to question 685 on 27 March 2018, what is the current status of the dispute between his department and the Department of Communications relating to the payment of Media Corner; (2) What is the current status of the disciplinary proceedings instituted against the employees who served as members of the Departmental Bid Evaluation Committee and the Departmental Bid Adjudictaion Committee; (3) Whether any criminal charges have been laid agains any employee or consultant involved in the Media Corner matter since 27 March 2018; if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

1) Judgement was obtained against Media Corner on 20 September 2016. The High Court held that the decision of the Department, taken on 14 August 2012 and 22 October 2012 to award the tender to Media Corner, is reviewed and set aside, further ordering that the two remaining prayers, namely:

(i) to have the contract declared null and void ab initio; and

(ii) repayment of retainer fees, in the amount of R12 783 368.00 were not granted but postponed for further argument sine die

The matter resumed on 17 October 2017 for the remaining prayers to be heard. The High Court declared the agreement concluded between the Department and Media Corner invalid and null and void ab initio. The court further ordered that the Minister and SIU, deliver a declaration setting out the relief sought associated with the two remaining prayers, reformulated as may be advised, within 30 days of the order, where after the normal rules applicable relating to action proceedings will apply. On 18 October 2017, whilst the matter was in court, the State Attorney was informed that Media Corner was placed in voluntary liquidation.

Pursuant to the judgement, Media Corner was placed in liquidation. The department is currently assessing whether it will be able to recover the judgement amount through the liquidation procedures.

2. The disciplinary hearing relating to the DBEC members was finalised. The Department is awaiting the outcome from the chairperson.

The Director-General made a decision to withdraw legal representation dealing with the hearing of the DBAC members and requested the DPSA to provide an employee to continue with the hearing. This was in line with the recommendation of the Public Service Commission (PSC) and accepted by the Minister. The PSC report stated that the Department cannot use legal representation against employees without legal qualifications. The Department received the nomination from the DPSA and is in the process of appointing an employee within the Public Service to represent the employer at the disciplinary hearing. As soon as the employee is appointed the disciplinary hearing will be scheduled to continue.

3. No criminal charges have been laid against any of the employees who were implicated in the Media Corner matter as the hearings have not been finalised. The charges levelled by the Department does not relate to criminal action.


Approved / not approved

Ms S Ndabeni - Abrahams


DATE: 03/12/2018

03 December 2018 - NW3549

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

With reference to his reply to question 678 on 27 March 2018, what is the (a) status of the legal challenge lodged by former Deputy DG, Mr Gift Buthelezi, against his dismissal and (b) total amount spent by his department in defence of the challenge to date.


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

a) Mr Buthelezi lost his case with the arbitration process at the GPSSBC and is now challenging the outcome of the arbitration in the Labour Court. Legal counsel was appointed to defend the case of the Department.

b) Total amount paid toward legal cost is R791,283.90


Approved / not approved

Ms S Ndabeni - Abrahams


DATE: 03/12/2018

03 December 2018 - NW3551

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What are the details of (a) the employee who received the R18,940,000.00 arbitration award as a virement in Programme 5, (b) the programme that the specified employee is employed in, (c) the grounds on which the arbitration award was made and (d) the reasons the award was made from the Universal Service Access Fund?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

(a) No employee of the Department received an arbitration award of R18,940,000.00 or of any sort.

(b) – (d) Not applicable.


Approved / not approved

Ms S Ndabeni - Abrahams


DATE: 03/12/2018

03 December 2018 - NW3543

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

With reference to his reply to question 679 on 23 April 2018, (a) what is the current status of the legal case in the matter between .ZA Domain Name Authority and the ZA Central Registry, (b) what attempts at mediation of the issue have been held since the Deputy Minister withdrew her participation after 7 June 2017, (c)(i) who conducted the specified mediation between the parties, (ii) on what date and (iii) what was the outcome of the mediation attempts and (d)(i) what did the attempts cost the .ZA Domain Name Authority and (ii) who is paying the costs?


I have been informed by. zaDNA as follows:

(a) What is the current status of the legal case in the matter between .ZA Domain Name Authority and the ZA Central Registry?

The Arbitrator ruled in ZADNA’s favour on 7 August 2018. ZADNA has since applied for the award to be made an order of court, however ZACR is opposing the court order application. ZACR is also intending to review the arbitrator’s decision.

(b)- (d) What attempts at mediation of the issue have been held since the Deputy Minister withdrew her participation after 7 June, who conducted the specified mediation between the parties, on what date, what was the outcome of the mediation attempts, what did the attempts cost the .ZA Domain Name Authority and who is paying the costs?

The mediation process is still ongoing and is conducted on a “without prejudice” basis and, therefore, cannot be disclosed at this stage.

Approved/ not approved




DATE: 03/12/2018

03 December 2018 - NW3544

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1529 on 4 June 2018, the full costs of hosting the International Telecommunications Union’s Telecom World Conference in Durban in September 2018 was covered by sponsorships received; if not, (a) what amount of the total cost was not covered by sponsorships, (b) to whom was the shortfall paid and (c) from which budget allocation of his department was the shortfall paid; if so, what (i) is the name of each sponsor who paid money over to his department and (ii) was the value of each sponsorship?


I have been advised by the Department that:

No, the full cost of hosting the International Telecommunication Union’s Telecom World Exhibition and Forum was not entirely covered by sponsorship.

a) The amount not covered by sponsorship was R 11, 5 Million (estimated pending receipt of one outstanding invoice)

b) The shortfall was paid by the Department to:

  • the contracted Travel Agent of the Department(TWF) for ITU Staff flights R1 713 046.00
  • South African Police Services for Safety and Security Services R4 800 000.00
  • South African Police Services for Accommodation R2 595 810.00
  • Skynet Courier services R701 110.00
  • Skynet Customs and VAT R170 253.00
  • SABC for Broadcasting R1 375 177.00 and
  • Kwazulu-Natal Health Department. R173 219.00

c) The shortfall was paid from the International Affairs and Trade budget through virement from other programs and through appropriation during the AENE process.


Approved / not approved


Ms S Ndabeni - Abrahams


DATE: 03/12/2018

03 December 2018 - NW3545

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)   With reference to his reply to question 1528 on 4 June 2018, what (a) total costs did his department incur and (b) is the detailed breakdown of the total costs incurred in covering the travel expenses of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) delegation for its attendance at (i) pre-event missions and (ii) the Telecom World Conference in Durban in September 2018, including accommodation and any other relevant expenses; (2) What are the (a) names and (b) official positions of each person for whom costs were incurred; (3) Whether (a) his department and/or (b) any other government department covered the travel expenses of any spouses accompanying any of the ITU delegates; if so, what are the full details in each case?


I have been advised by the Department that:

1. (a) The total cost incurred by the Department was R 11.5 million (estimated pending receipts)

(b) The detailed breakdown of costs incurred in covering the travel expenses of the ITU delegation for its attendance at

(i) Pre-event Missions:

3 team member visited South Africa from the 11-13 December 2017(No expenditure incurred by the Department)

3 team member visited South Africa from the 7-10 May 2018 (R23 940 as the expense incurred by the Department for accommodation)

(ii) During the Telecom World Conference in Durban, the Department incurred R 1,713,046

The amounts for the Daily Allowances and Hotel Accommodation for the ITU were paid directly by sponsors.

2. (a) and (b) The names and official positions of the ITU delegation for pre-event Missions and the actual event are tabulated below:

Pre-event Missions:





Mr Drew Donovan

Head, Safety and Security Division, ITU


Mr Julien Smith

Event Technical Production Manager, ITU Telecom


Mr Shahid Merchant

Systems Analyst, ITU

The Telecom World event in Durban:





Mr Houlin ZHAO

Secretary- General


Mr Malcolm JOHNSON

Deputy Secretary-General


Mr Francois RANCY

Director, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau


Mr Brahima SANOU

Director, ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau


Mr Chaesub LEE

Director, ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau


Mr Feibo XIE

Special Adviser to the Secretary-General


Ms Morag SALE

Administrative Officer to SG



Administrative Assistant to DSG



Administrative Assistant (to BR Director)


Ms Mairéad MAGUIRE

Senior Administrative Assistant (to BDT Director)



Administrative Assistant (to TSB Director)


Mr Xin LIU

Executive Manager, ITU Telecom


Ms Yong LI

Administrative Assistant



Head, Planning and Strategic Relationships Service



Head, Marketing Communications Service



Head, Operations Service



Strategy and Policy Coordinator



Programme Officer



Programme Officer


Mr Miroslav SUZARA

SME Pogramme Officer


Ms Jeoung-Hee KIM

ICT Analyst


Ms Alessandra CICCOLELLA




Interpretation Coordinator



Head, Protocol & Special Events Division



Head, Security and Safety Division



Senior Data Analyst


Ms Deboleena MAMJUMDAR

Registration Services Officer


Mr Nagui COLTA

Registration Services Support



Programme Officer



Junior Programme Officer


Mr Naroumba KOUROUMA

Conference and Meeting Room Assistant


Ms Ledia ARIZA

Programme Officer



Graphic Designer


Ms Kathryn CARRARA

Content Creator



Programme Services Officer



Web & Data Officer



Web Developer


Mr Chee Kong CHONG

Operation Manager


Mr Julien SMITH

Event Technical Production Manager


Ms Isabelle LUCAS

Conference Coordinator


Mr Baptiste PROST

Programme Assistant


Mr Cyrille ROUSSEL

Assistant Conferences Organization


Ms Jennifer CHALK

Programme Services Officer



Programme Officer


Ms Chen ZHU

Junior Programme Officer


Mr Sangwon LEE

Programme Officer


Mr Rahul JHA

Junior Programme Officer


Mr Ahmed RIAD

Programme Officer



Junior Programme Officer



Senior Communications Officer


Mr Daniel WOLDU

Official ITU Photographer



Media Relations Assistant



Finance Coordinator


Mr Jean-Claude DUFOUR

Accounting Assistant



Applications Systems Analyst



Supervisor Conference IT Service


Mr Maxim ALIU

Network/Server Engineer



Security, Data Protection and Compliance Officer


Mr Tounssi HADJRI

CRM Business Analyst

3. (a)+(b) No.


Approved / not approved

Ms S Ndabeni - Abrahams


DATE: 03/12/2018

19 November 2018 - NW3462

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)    (a) On what date did his department last conduct an audit of artwork owned by Government which is under his department’s curatorship and (b) what are the details of each artwork under the curatorship of his department according to the generally Recognised accounting Practice 103; (2) Whether any artwork under his department’s curatorship have gone missing (a) in each of the past five financial years an (b) since 1 April 2018; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a) The Department did not procure any artwork and therefore does not own any artwork.

(b) The department does not have assets under curatorship.

(2)(a) No. there is no artwork under curatorship that went missing in each of the

past five financial years and

(b) Including since 1 April 2018.

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


19 November 2018 - NW3368

Profile picture: Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV

Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether there are any plans for the country to launch its first satellite; if so, what are the relevant details in this regard?


As I have mentioned in my Budget Speech on 17 May 2018, SENTECH will conclude its business plan and funding model for a South African owned communication satellite by building on our national capabilities and partnerships. The aim will be to reduce our current leasing costs to government and develop our technical skills.

The Department has established a Working Group comprising relevant Government Departments and SOCs to develop a communication satellite strategy for a South African communication satellite.

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


19 November 2018 - NW3290

Profile picture: Rawula, Mr T

Rawula, Mr T to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether (a) his department and/or (b) entities reporting to him awarded any contracts and/or tenders to certain companies (names and details furnished) from 1 January 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if so, in each case, (i) what service was provided, (ii) what was the (aa) value and (bb) length of the tender and/or contract, (iii) who approved the tender and/or contract and (iv) was the tender and/or contract in line with all National Treasury and departmental procurement guidelines?


I have been informed by the Department and entities reporting to me as follows:



I have been informed by the department and entities as follows:

a) None by the Department

Entity (b)

Service Provider

(i)Service Provided




Length of Tender

(iii)Approved by


In line with NT























AFRAIT Pty (Ltd)

Line Haul Trailer

R14 134 720.00

28-Mar 2013-15 Jan 2014




Vox Telecommunications




Sentech EXCO



Vox Telecommunications

Internet Connectivity equipment and Connectivity Services

R1 308 030.00

04 Feb 2015-03 Feb 2018

Mr Zami Nkosi


SITA has awarded contracts on RFQs to VOX as per the attached table (Annexure).

Over and above the transactions listed in the attached table, in 2014 SITA published to the open market RFB 1316/2014 for off-net voice services for the agency. After evaluation and approval the tender was awarded for 3 years to Vox for the total amount of R10 425 600.00. The tender was approved by the Bid Adjudication Committee as per the SITA Delegation of Authority. In terms of the tender requirements, bidders were required to provide two options on the solution required and to price them separately. After award, it was realised that the bid price for the solution awarded to Vox was actually for the other option.

SITA attempted to withdraw the award. The decision to withdraw was challenged by Vox as it was of the view that it is entitled to the tender. SITA launched a counter application to have its decision set aside in order to approach the market. The Court set aside the award to Vox as it was based on the incorrect evaluation results.

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


19 November 2018 - NW3251

Profile picture: McGluwa, Mr H

McGluwa, Mr H to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What (a) amount did (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him borrow from any entity in the People’s Republic of China (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2018, (b) is the name of the lender of each loan, (c) conditions are attached to each loan and (d) are the repayment periods for each loan in each case?


I have been informed by the department and entities as follows:

(a)(i) The Department did not borrow money from the People’s Republic of China.

(a)(ii) No entities borrowed money from the People’s Republic of China.


Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


19 November 2018 - NW3070

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What number of SA Post Office purchase orders are outstanding for a certain company (name and details furnished), (b) What are the (i) dates (ii) amounts owed to and (iii) details of the services rendered by the specified vendor and (c) By what date will the specified purchase orders be paid?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:


(a) There are 240 orders outstanding for services rendered by Plantcon.

(b) (i) (ii) (iii) See attached statement from Plantcon.

(c) The orders will be created before the end of November 2018.

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


05 November 2018 - NW2836

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

With reference to his reply to question 261 on March 2017, what are the details of the postal services provided by the SA Post Office to the residents of (a) Kidd’s Beach and (b) Seavale in the Eastern Cape?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:


  1. Kidds Beach

Kidd’s Beach was an Agency which closed down because the owner no longer wished to provide postal services. The post boxes have remained in the same location and continue being serviced.

A new shopping centre is in the process of being built. SAPO has approached one of the tenants and negotiations are currently underway to establish an Agency.

  1. Seavale

There are no postal outlets at Seavale. Some of the residents of Seavale have their post boxes at Kidd’s Beach. Mail for street delivery are left in a box for some of the residents at a shop.

Currently, ownership of the shop is changing and SAPO will make arrangements with the new owner in the interim. SAPO intends to introduce street delivery in Seavale.

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


05 November 2018 - NW3129

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether, since he served in Cabinet, he (a)(i) was ever influenced by any person and/or (ii) influenced any of his department’s employees to take any official administrative action on behalf of any (aa) member, (bb) employee and/or (cc) close associate of the Gupta family and/or (b) attended any meeting where any of the specified persons were present; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?



05 November 2018 - NW2840

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

1. Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1509 on 4 June 2018, the Mondeor Post Office reopened in August 2018; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will the post office reopen; 2. What steps have been taken to secure the new premises of the specified post office from trespassers?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:


The Mondeor Post Office originally operated from a company-owned building along Columbine drive. It was, however, vacated approximately 15 years ago and relocated to a shopping centre.

During the tenancy at the shopping centre, the available space was reduced and the lease eventually terminated by the landlord. The company-owned building currently requires renovation for the Mondeor Post Office to be re-established, however due to budgetary constraints, this has not yet taken place. The Mondeor Post Office operations have been moved to the Southdale Post Office, approximately 5km from the Mondeor Post Office.

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


05 November 2018 - NW2839

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

1 Whether his department’s positions of (a) Deputy Director-General for ICT Policy and Strategy and (b) Deputy Director-General for ICT Information Society Development and Research are currently vacant; if not, (i) who was appointed to each position and (ii) what are the details of the processes followed in each case; if so, what steps have been taken in each case to fill the vacancies?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(a) Yes

(b) Yes

The organisational structure is being revised. Currently there are acting appointments in these positions, pending the finalisation of the Departmental structure.

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


05 November 2018 - NW2838

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) What are the requirements relating to (a) academic qualifications and (b) experience for the position of Deputy Director-General of International Affairs and Trade in his department; (2) Whether a certain person (name furnished) fulfilled the academic qualification and experience requirements; if not, why was the specified person appointed to the specified position; if so, (a) which (i) degree did the person obtain and (ii) university awarded the degree and (b) in which year was the degree awarded?


I have been informed by the Department as follows:-

  1. A relevant post graduate qualification at National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 8 as recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)

(b) 8 to 10 years of experience at Senior Management Level of which at least 5 years of experience must be with International Relations and in foreign policy.


  1. Yes

(a)(i) Baccalaureus Artium Honores in International Studies

(a)(ii) Rhodes University

(b) 1999

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


05 November 2018 - NW2837

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What are the reasons why a small parcel, with tracking number 710-53598-1-1393114-15/1, which was posted via airmail in Bloemfontein on 27 January 2018, at a cost of R40 to Australia, only arrived on 21 September 2018?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:


The number 710-53598-1-13933114-15/1 indicated as a tracking number is unfortunately not a valid tracking number which makes it difficult to determine where the item was delayed as items go through a number of processes between different postal operators, ground handling agents and airlines.

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


05 October 2018 - NW2634

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Following a recent admission before Parliament’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts by the State and Information Technology Agency (SITA) that SITA had essentially been captured by a certain company (name furnished), what steps does he intend to take to investigate in an open and transparent manner the admission and the circumstances that facilitated this alleged capture?


“After referring the matter to the Department”, I have been advised by Department that the following activities have been initiated by SITA:

The matter has been referred to the HAWKS for investigation;
There are ongoing court cases wherein SITA seeks the review and setting aside of the contracts;
a forensic investigation was conducted and has since been finalised, concluding that there was wrong doing on the side of FDA assisted by some employees of SITA.
a number of employees were suspended and some have subsequently resigned;

Noting that these matters are ongoing and before the courts, therefore it is in order that the Ministry awaits the outcome of the court processes.

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services Date: