Question NW3251 to the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
19 November 2018 - NW3251
McGluwa, Mr H to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
What (a) amount did (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him borrow from any entity in the People’s Republic of China (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2018, (b) is the name of the lender of each loan, (c) conditions are attached to each loan and (d) are the repayment periods for each loan in each case?
I have been informed by the department and entities as follows:
(a)(i) The Department did not borrow money from the People’s Republic of China.
(a)(ii) No entities borrowed money from the People’s Republic of China.
Approved/ not approved
Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP
Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services