Telecommunications and Postal Services
National Assembly Committee
No results.
Electronic Communications Amendment Bill [B31-2018] | |
Ikamva National e-Skills Institute (iNeSI) Bill | |
Electronic Communications Amendment Bill - draft | |
Postal Services Amendment Bill | |
iKamva National e- Skills Institute Bill | |
Nominations: South African Post Office board member appointments | |
Submissions on the Cost to Communicate in South Africa | |
Request for Information on ICT SMMEs |
Notice: This ministry is now inactive. Find new questions under the ministry housing this function now.
NW795 by Ms V van Dyk - (1) What are the details of the contract that... | |
NW694 by Ms V van Dyk - What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and... | |
NW609 by Mr D J Stubbe - (1) Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any... | |
NW595 by Ms V van Dyk - By what date is it envisaged that the... | |
NW592 by Mr C D Matsepe - What (a) is the total amount that the SA... | |
NW544 by Mr M U Kalako - With reference to the outcomes of the... | |
NW473 by D Matsepe - Whether any SA Broadcasting Corporation (a)... | |
NW471 by Mr M Bagraim - (1)Whether the board of the SA Broadcasting... | |
NW470 by Mr M Bagraim - What is the (a)(i) total amount and (ii)... | |
NW408 by Adv A de W Alberts - (1)Whether the Government will give any... | |
NW381 by Ms V van Dyk - (1) (a)(i) What types and level of information... | |
NW466 by Ms P T van Damme - Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)... | |
NW384 by Ms P T van Damme - (1)What radio stations in each province... | |
NW648 by Dr S S Thembekwayo - What number of SIM cards were issued in 2018? | |
NW493 by T Rawula - What is the total number of SA Post Office employees? | |
NW472 by Mr C D Matsepe - Whether any bonuses have been paid to the SA... | |
NW468 by Ms P T van Damme - What (a) is the total amount that the SA... | |
NW467 by Ms P T van Damme - Whether any (a) executives and/or (b) staff of... | |
NW383 by Ms P T van Damme - (a) What digital projects are rolled out on... | |
NW371 by Ms V van Dyk - (1)Whether, since the reply to question 90 on... | |
NW389 by Mr R A Lees - What (a) amount did (i) her department and... | |
NW223 by Ms P T van Damme - Whether, with reference to a memo purportedly... | |
NW210 by Ms P T van Damme - Whether she has appointed a panel to advise... | |
NW192 by Ms V van Dyk - Whether she intends to merge the Media... | |
NW193 by Ms V van Dyk - By what date will the interviews for the board... | |
NW211 by Ms P T van Damme - (1) Why did she not invoke section 8(3)(a) of... | |
NW276 by Ms Y N Yako - What number of (a) tender briefings were held... | |
NW177 by Mr C MacKenzie - Whether the post office in Ennerdale in... | |
NW3552 by Mr J J McGluwa - (a)What number of meetings did each chapter of... | |
NW3550 by Mr C D Matsepe - (a) What is the budget allocation for the... | |
NW3546 by Mr C MacKenzie - (1) What (a) is the detailed breakdown of the... | |
NW3547 by Mr C MacKenzie - (1) Whether, with reference to his reply to... | |
NW3548 by Mr C Mackenzie - With reference to his reply to question 685 on... | |
NW3549 by Mr CD Matsepe - With reference to his reply to question 678 on... | |
NW3551 by Mr CD Matsepe - What are the details of (a) the employee who... | |
NW3543 by Ms M R Shinn - With reference to his reply to question 679 on... | |
NW3544 by Mrs M R Shinn - Whether, with reference to his reply to... | |
NW3545 by Mrs M R Shinn - (1) With reference to his reply to question... | |
NW3462 by P Kopane - (1) (a) On what date did his department last... | |
NW3368 by Ms N V Mente - Whether there are any plans for the country to... | |
NW3290 by Mr T Rawula - Whether (a) his department and/or (b) entities... | |
NW3251 by Mr JJ McGluwa - What (a) amount did (i) his department and... | |
NW3070 by MR Mr C Mackenzie - (a) What number of SA Post Office purchase... | |
NW2836 by C MacKenzie - With reference to his reply to question 261 on... | |
NW3129 by Mr T Z Hadebe - Whether, since he served in Cabinet, he (a)(i)... | |
NW2840 by M R Shinn - 1. Whether, with reference to his reply to... | |
NW2839 by M R Shinn - 1 Whether his department’s positions of (a)... | |
NW2838 by Mr C Mackenzie - (1) What are the requirements relating to (a)... | |
NW2837 by C MacKenzie - What are the reasons why a small parcel, with... | |
NW2634 by Ms D Carter - Following a recent admission before... |
Bill name | Date introduced | Number | Status |
Electronic Communications Amendment Bill | 19 Sep 2018 | B31-2018 | Withdrawn |
iKamva Digital Skills Institute Bill | 07 May 2018 | B10-2018 | Withdrawn |
iKamva National e-Skills Institute Bill | 09 Nov 2017 | X-2017 |
No current attendance data
Secretary of Committee: