Questions and Replies

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17 October 2016 - NW1994

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) (a) Who signed the ICT Plan of Action between South Africa and China in Cape Town in June 2015 and (b) why were he and the Chinese Minister of Industry and Information Technology, Miao Wei, not the signatories of the specified agreement; (2) what (a) actions have been implemented in terms of the agreement and (b) is each of the specified action’s current status? NW2305E


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(1) (a) The ICT Plan of Action (POA) between South Africa and China was signed in Cape on 08 June 2015 by the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services from South Africa, Dr Siyabonga Cwele and the Minister of Industry and Information Technology from China, Mr Miao Wei.

(b) See 1(a) above.

(2)(a)(b) The POA involves nine (9) areas of collaboration and some progress has been made in the following areas:

RSA-China PoA Implementation Plan since signing in 2015 (Q1994)




Broadband Infraco (BBI), a state owned entity, has concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with China Telecom to boost investment in telecommunications.

In April 2016, Mustek Limited Group (South African Company) signed a multimillion Rand investment Agreement with the Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable (Chinese Company).


In light of the fact that South Africa recently launched a Cyber Security hub, South Africa and China are sharing information and experiences in the area of Cyber Security. As part of ongoing implementation of the POA, the Deputy Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Prof. Mkhize hosted the Vice Minister of Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), Ms Wang Xiujun. The two Principals hosted an Internet Roundtable from 13-14 May 2016 in Durban. The Internet Roundtable was attended by ICT Industry and SMME’s from both countries. The meeting was used as a platform to discuss and share expertise in different areas such as Internet Information Infrastructure, e-commerce, electronic manufacturing, Cyber security, e-government & smart cities. Discussions on securing the online activities to ensure that technology provides secure platforms for e-identity are ongoing. China is also advanced in the area of e-identity and has developed legislation in this regard.


The Digital Object Architecture (DOA) – recently approved by Cabinet for domestic implementation. Department currently engaged in bilateral discussions with the government of China since they are one of BRICS member countries that have implemented the DOA successfully.


The South African Government is collaborating with China Telecommunications and Huawei in capacity building and e-skills development programmes. Currently:

  • China Telecom is training 17 officials through seminars nominated from state owned companies.
  • Flowing from the POA, the DTPS and Huawei signed a Cooperation Agreement which focuses on three (3) areas including capacity building and training. The Cooperation Agreement includes the need for a joint Innovation Centre between DTPS and Huawei wherein training of SMMEs and students can be conducted.
  • Ten (10) best performing IT students chosen from South African Universities of Technology (Central University of Technology, Free State; Cape Peninsula University of Technology; Tshwane University of Technology; and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University) have been selected to undergo a skills development programme at the Huawei HQ in China, for two weeks in October and November.

See above in relation to technology transfer (Joint Innovation Hub).


An Official Working Visit focusing on e-government was undertaken to China in April 2016.

Furthermore, e-government was discussed during the Bilateral Meeting between the Vice Minister of Cyberspace Administration of China and the Deputy Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services in April 2016.


Well developed and small MME’s participated during RSA-China Internet Roundtable held from 13-14 April 2016.

Big cooperates have been requested to incubate the small SMMEs for developmental purposes.


17 October 2016 - NW2109

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel, (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations (aaa) in the 2015-16 financial year and (bbb) since 1 April 2016?


I have been informed by the Department and Entities reporting to me as follows:

(a)(i)(ii) No money was spent on advertising on the Africa News Network 7 channel or the SA Broadcasting Corporation by the Department for the financial year 2015-16.


SENTECH , BBI, NEMISA, USAASA and .Zadna spent nil on during the 2015-16 financial year.

The following Entities spent the following on advertising on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel and (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation during the 2015-16 financial year as follows:-











R0. 00

R0. 00

R333 337

R217 060

R0. 00

R0. 00



R2 726 955

R4 076 651

R0. 00

R0. 00

R0. 00

(bbb) No money was spent on advertising by the Department and entities since 1 April 2016.

17 October 2016 - NW1992

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether the employment of a certain person (name and details furnished) is being extended; if not, (a) what steps are being taken to recruit a permanent employee for the specified position and (b) by what date will this appointment be finalised; if so, what are the relevant details?



 (a) – (b) The recruitment process for the appointment of a permanent employee is on course and will be communicated once finalised.

17 October 2016 - NW1990

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What is the current status of the legal action taken against the former Chief Executive Officer of the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa?


I have been informed by USAASA that:

In March 2016 the parties agreed that the matter be settled and the court action was accordingly withdrawn with all the parties paying their own legal costs. The settlements was motivated by the fact that the employment contract of the former CEO, Mr Zami Nkosi expired on 31 March 2016.

17 October 2016 - NW1989

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether the (a) board and/or (b) members of the executive management of the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa have undertaken any overseas trips since 1 April 2015; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) what was the (aa) purpose, (bb) destination, (cc) duration, (dd) programme and (ee) outcome of each overseas trip that was undertaken, (ii) who went on each of the specified trips and (iii) what is the detailed breakdown of the costs of each of the trips?


I have been informed by USAASA as follows:

(a) Nine (9) overseas trips were undertaken by the Board members

(b) Seventeen (17) overseas trips were undertaken by members of the Executive Management since 01 April 2015.

(i)(aa-ee) and (ii-iii) See attached Annexure A which reflects the purposes, duration, destination, outcomes and detailed cost breakdowns of the overseas trips undertaken by members of the USAASA Board and Executive Management during the period 01 April to September 2016.

17 October 2016 - NW1987

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)   Whether the National Broadband Advisory Council, appointed by Cabinet in line with the SA Connect policy, has formally been disbanded; if so, (a) when and (b) why was the specified council disbanded; if not, (2) Have new councillors been appointed to the council in the past three financial years; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the names of the councillors and (b) on what date were the specified appointments approved by Cabinet; (3) Whether the Cabinet’s approval was required for the disbanding of the specified council; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the full relevant details; (4) What (a) is the current role of the council and (b) are the full details of all interactions that have taken place between him and the council in the past three financial years?



I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

1. The National Broadband Advisory Council (NBAC) was not appointed by Cabinet. As outlined in the SA Connect Policy, Digital Readiness Policy decision taken states that “the Minister of Communications (now DTPS) appoints broadband Council to advise on the implementation of policy and emerging policy issues”. The NBAC has not been disbanded, the Minister has tasked the Department to review and recommend ways to reconfigure the functioning of the Council in an optimal manner to ensure that its role is efficiently realised in advising the Minister on the implementation of SA Connect.

2. No new Council members have been appointed.

3. Cabinet’s approval is not required.

4. (a) As mentioned in (1), currently, the Council does not have a specific role that it is involved in pending the Council review exercise by the Minister. (b) In August 2015, the Minister met with the Council Chairperson to discuss the role and functions of the Council. As a result, the Minister took a decision to review the Council’s functions and roles with the objective of appropriately reconfiguring the Council in order to derive maximum value.

17 October 2016 - NW1986

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Did he institute any internal disciplinary actions against each (a) employee and (b) former employee, excluding the deputy directors-general, of his department who were involved with the Media Corner contract; if not, why not; if so, (i) how many of the specified persons were subjected to disciplinary actions, (ii) what was the nature of the charges against each such person, (iii) what is the status of each disciplinary process still underway and (iv) what was the outcome of each disciplinary action completed to date; 2. What is the current status of the civil proceedings instituted by his department against Media Corner?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

1(a) Yes,

(b) Yes

(b) (i)10.

(b) (ii) Approving the issuing of a tender for a project based on flawed terms of reference, and failure to evaluate bids against the minimum qualifying score for the functionality in order to assess bids.

(iii) As yet incompleted .

(iv) One case was concluded and the employee was found guilty and a two (2) months suspension without pay was imposed.

2. The Media Corner matter is at the exchange of pleadings .

17 October 2016 - NW1984

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) (a) On what date was the employment contract of a certain person (name and details furnished) terminated and (b) why was it terminated; (2) Did the Special Investigating Unit’s investigation into (a) the contract of a certain company (name furnished) and/or (b) any other contract recommend that any civil and/or criminal action be taken against the specified person; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details; (3) Whether his (a) Ministry and/or (b) department has instituted any criminal and/or civil action against the person for being involved in the contract of the specified company and/or any other contract; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details


1 (a) Ms. Rosey Sekese’s employment as Director-General of my department was terminated on 31 May 2016.

(b) Ms Rosey Sekese was found guilty of multiple counts of misconduct and the sanction imposed by the chairperson was that of dismissal , which was given effect to.

2. The Special Investigating Unit has not yet reported to the President regarding the issue in question.

3. No.

22 September 2016 - NW1752

Profile picture: Mulder, Dr PW

Mulder, Dr PW to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether his department has met the requirements of the Use of Official Languages Act, Act No 12 of 2012, according to which his department (a) has established an official language policy for the department and (b) instituted a language unit; if not, (i) why not and (ii) what steps he will take to ensure that the provisions of the Act are met; if so, what are the relevant particulars?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(a)The department has developed a draft language policy which is currently being consulted within the department. The draft policy will be approved by the Department’s Executive Committee for gazetting after 30 September 2016.

(b) The Department does not have a language unit in existence. As this is a new Department, a review process of the Department’s organizational structure in line with the new mandate is underway. Once the review process is complete and a new structure approved, the Department will fill all relevant posts.

17 June 2016 - NW1606

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) Which (i) metropolitan areas, (ii) cities and (iii) towns had Wi-Fi networks installed in the past five years, (b) what were the criteria for choosing the specified sites, (c) how much funding was given to each of the specified sites, (d) what is the (i) expected coverage area and (ii) population reach of each of the specified sites, (e)(i) which of the specified sites are live and (ii) when were they switched on and (f)(i) which of the specified sites are not live and (ii) when will they go live?


The Department has advised me as follows:

(a) (i) (ii) & (iii) In the 2015/16 financial year, the Department funded expansion of Wi-Fi networks in the following Metropolitan Municipality areas:

  • City of Tshwane
  • City of Johannesburg
  • City of Mangaung
  • Ekhuruleni
  • City of Cape Town
  • Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

The District Municipality of Dr Kenneth Kaunda in the North West used its own resources to deploy WiFi during 2015/16.

(b) The criteria was readiness to implement and focus on areas which were underserved or having high concentration of population.

(c) The Department made available R40m that was distributed amongst the 6 Metropolitan municipalities based on their proposals on the extent of the expansion of their WiFi programmes:



Nelson Mandela Bay

R 6m

City of Tshwane

R 8.9m

City of JoBurg

R 7.8m

City of Cape Town

R 4.6m


R 7.4 m


R 5.3m


R 40m

(d) (i) and (ii) Expected areas of coverage and population reach are:


Areas to be covered

Average of population reach(users)

Nelson Mandela Bay

Zwide, Kwanobuhle, Korter, Kwamagxaki, Motherwell, Kwazakhele

25 000

City of Tshwane

Mabopane, Saulsville, Winterveldt

90 000

City of JoBurg

Alexandra, Dieplsoot, Tshepisong, Ivory Park, Doornkop, Orlando East, Dhlamini, Lawley, Protea South, etc

45 000

City of Cape Town

Athlone, Goodwood, Khayelitsha, Gugulethu, Harare, Crossroads

39 000


Areas to be covered

Average of population reach(users)


Alberton, Benoni, Daveton, Springs Katlehong, Voslorus, Tembisa, Tsakane, Nigel

45 000


Bloemfontein, Thaba Nchu, Bosthabelo


(e)(i) - (ii) The following Metros have live sites and have been live since the dates shown alongside:

  • Tshwane – March 2016
  • Ekhuruleni – April 2016
  • Nelson Mandela – April 2016
  • Cape town (80% sites live) – Sites switched on since March 2016 and all expected to be live by 30 June 2016

(f)(i) The following areas have not switched on their sites:

  • City of Johannesburg
  • Mangaung

(ii) The expected timeline for switch on is by the end of July 2016

17 June 2016 - NW1608

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What was on the agenda of the inter-governmental discussions between South Africa and the People’s Republic of China held in Durban on 14 May 2016, (b) what programme of action and/or collaboration was adopted between the specified governments and (c) what is the timeframe for the implementation of the programmes?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(a) The following items were on the agenda of the of the inter-governmental discussions between South Africa and the People’s Republic of China held in Durban on 14 May2016

  • E-Government & Smart City
  • Internet Information Infrastructure
  • E-Commerce & Electronic Manufacturing
  • Cyber Security

(b) The two Parties agreed on the following:

  • The need for regular exchange between the two countries,
  • The promotion of collaboration, investment within the sector
  • Building on the partnership cooperation which was entered into by the China Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable and the South African Joint Stock Limited Group, Mustek Limited Group.
  • Proposal that the Internet Roundtable should take place annually.
  • Proposal that the South Africa ICT sector be invited to the World Internet Conference, which China hosts on annual basis.
  • Agreement on the need for officials of the two countries to strengthen cooperation, and build programmes which can be incorporated into multilateral forums such as the G20 and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

(c) The Plan of Action (2015) is a five year plan commencing in 2015 to 2020.

17 June 2016 - NW1607

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) How much money was allocated for the installation of wi-fi networks in (i) metropolitan areas, (ii) cities and (iii) towns and (b) from which programme(s) was the money sourced; 2) Whether the Wi-Fi sites in each of the specified sites will become assets of the respective municipalities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 3) (a) who will maintain the specified sites, (b) how were service providers to install and run the specified sites chosen and (c) what provisions are in place to protect the data privacy of users of the specified sites; 4) What is the fate of the 112 emergency number programme now that its funding has been diverted to the installation of Wi-Fi networks in the specified sites?


The Department has advised me as follows:

(1)(a)(i)(ii)& (iii) The Department made available R40m from its budget, which was distributed amongst the 6 Metropolitan municipalities based on their proposals on the extent of the expansion of their WiFi programmes:



Nelson Mandela Bay

R 6m

City of Tshwane

R 8.9m

City of JoBurg

R 7.8m

City of Cape Town

R 4.6m


R 7.4 m


R 5.3m


R 40m

(b) The Wi-Fi project funding was reprioritised from 112 emergency number programme

(2) The Department is not rolling out and building Wi-Fi sites for the Metros. The Department provided funding to supplement Metro Wi-Fi Projects and the sites will become assets of the respective Metros.

(3)(a) The Municipalities are responsible for the maintenance of the sites

(b) The Service Providers were sourced and procured by the Metros guided by their procurement processes

(c) All Metros have data privacy plans in place to address privacy and data security risks when deploying the Wi-Fi network solutions

(4) The 112 emergency number programme from DTPS is currently on hold. Should funding be made available, the Department would need to ensure that there is sufficient funding for the entire life of the project.

The Department and DoH in partnership, are exploring various funding mechanism to set up the 112 emergency service.

17 June 2016 - NW1604

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) On which date was the ICT Policy Review White Paper delivered to Cabinet, (b) what are the full details of the processes that the specified paper has gone through since being delivered to Cabinet and (c) when is the specified paper expected to be tabled before Cabinet for approval; (2) Whether any private sector stakeholders are in discussions with Cabinet’s communications committee to amend the specified paper before it is tabled for approval; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so (a) what are the names of the private sector stakeholders; (b) what matters have been discussed in each case and (c) what was the outcome of each such discussion to date?


1. (a) The National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper was tabled before the ESEID Cabinet Committee on 09 March 2016.

(b) The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services was directed to further consult with key stakeholder Departments, which was done.

(c) It is envisaged that the National Integrated ICT Policy White

Paper will be finalised within next few months.

2. (a) The Department is not aware of any private sector stakeholders being in discussions with Cabinet’s Communications Committee to amend the specified paper before it is tabled for approval.

(b) Not applicable (see 2(a).

(c) Not applicable (see 2(a).

06 June 2016 - NW1380

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunication and Postal Services

(1)   With reference to his reply to question 983 on 21 April 2016, (a) what are the detailed reasons why the City of Johannesburg owes R25 968 523,32 to the SA Post Office for more than 120 days and (b) what steps are being taken to recover the specified outstanding amount; (2) Whether any interest is being charged on the specified outstanding amount; if not, why not; if so, what (a) amount of interest has been incurred on the specified outstanding amount to date and (b) are the further relevant details?


SAPO has advised me as follows:

  1. (a-b) Although the amount of R25, 968, 523.32 is attributed to the City of Johannesburg technically, it is its Agency, JMPD that owes SAPO. The reason why JMDP owes SAPO for more than 120 days is due to the dispute over service level as a result of the prolonged and illegal strike that paralyzed operations.
  2. (a-b) Interest has been suppressed due to the dispute declared by JMPD.


06 June 2016 - NW1529

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)Whether his department was approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether his department provided any form of funding to any political party (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

  1. The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services not been approached by any political party for funding
  2. The Department has not provided any funding to a political party.

06 June 2016 - NW1412

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether (a) his department and (b) all entities reporting to him are running development programmes for (i) small businesses and (ii) co-operatives; if not, why not; if so, in each case, (aa) what are the relevant details, (bb) what amount has been budgeted and (cc) how many jobs will be created through the specified development programmes in the 2016-17 financial year?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:

  1. (i) Not yet

(ii) Not yet.

  • At a programme level, the Department has, for the 2016/17 financial year, prioritized the development of an ICT SMME Strategy in line with ICT B-BBEE Sector Code. The strategy would identify programmes to support and accelerate the development of ICT SMMEs across the ICT value chain.

The Department is also finalising a Traversal Agreement with the Department of Small Business Development, intended to ensure that ICT SMMEs and Cooperatives benefit from support programmes provided by portfolio organisations under the DSBD umbrella.

  • At Supply Chain Management level, the Department ensures that all tenders include the 30% Set Aside for SMMEs, Co-Operatives, Township and Rural Enterprises as prescribed by Treasury.


I have been informed by the entities as follows:

b) (i) Yes for Sentech, SAPO, BBI, SITA, Nemisa and .zaDNA.

No for USAASA. It has ICT programmes as per its mandate in the ECA. To this end, USAASA has subsidized the construction and extension of electronic communications through small operators such as MENG (28 million subsidy) and Galela (30 million subsidy). Whilst these are small licensed operators compared to the likes of Vodacom, MTN and CellC, however they fall outside the definition of SMME.

(ii) Sentech – No, no programmes for Cooperatives for this financial year. Sentech will be exploring support for Women Cooperatives as a new development programmes for the next financial year.


SAPO – Yes. SAPO is running a Supplier and Enterprise Development Programme. The beneficiaries are Emerging Micro Enterprises, Black women owned, Youth owned, Rural women and Disabled people owned enterprises. Products and services that are used to anchor Enterprise development are postal services related. These include postal bags, speed services bags, owner driver vehicles, envelopes etc. R 34.9 million was spent on SMME’s in the past year and R76.1 million was spent on Black women owned enterprises. The Enterprise development budget is R120 million for the 2016/17 financial year and the projection is to create fifty (50) new jobs for each of the beneficiary categories.

BBI No. This is because co-operatives had not responded to the public roadshows and forums conducted by BBI as many of them are not participating in the Telecoms Infrastructure sector. Co-operatives also did not respond to tenders issued by BBI.

SITA – No. SITA does not have a specific classification for co-operatives in its development programmes.

NEMISA No. NEMISA does not have development programmes for cooperatives as they were not the targeted group

.zaDNA - No, .zaDNA does not have development programmes for cooperatives, because it was not budgeted for 2016/17 financial year.

USAASA – No, USAASA runs programmes pertaining to ICASA licensed operators as required by the ECA. Cooperatives are not a feature in the ICT industry.

aa) The relevant details per SOC are as follows:




Supplier Development (Institutional support & capacity to create more jobs), Enterprise Development (Support growth and expansion of existing SMMEs), SMME start up development (Business Support & Mentoring for potential entrepreneurs), Cooperatives Development (support new women cooperatives in ICT) and Grant (Small Medium Enterprises Support);


Products and services that are used to anchor enterprise development are postal service related. Chief amongst these are red letter trays, postal bags, speed services bags, twine, owner driver vehicles and envelopes.


Conducted Supplier Forums focusing on Basadi (Black Women) and Youth in various provinces. The objective of these forums was to encourage Basadi and Youth participation in the mainstream telecommunication industry and facilitation of transfer of technical skills and the development of black women and youth. The specific initiatives was information sharing on the telecommunication industry, providing information on BBI business and opportunities available, training on business and technical skills, fostering partnerships with Basadi, Youth and large businesses, encouraging Basadi and Youth suppliers to become contributors to BBBEE by improving their own contribution levels and thereby improving BBI procurement status, providing the environment and opportunities to increase the rand value of procurement-spend towards BBBEE and increase the number of BBBEE enterprises participating in BBI’s Basadi and Youth owned companies.


Is in a process of concluding an agreement with two Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to assist in the development of SMME in specific technologies. Furthermore, SITA is in a process of appointing an economic transformation execution partner to accelerate the implementation of SMME development and other identified programmes.


E-Literacy for Entrepreneurs, Mobile Tech Supporting Micro Business, e-Skills Course for Entrepreneurs and using Social Media for Entrepreneurs.


The Registrar Reseller Programme is aimed at the historically disadvantaged people who are interested in the domain name registry business. The programme will train the individuals and give them a chance to become Registrars.


Not applicable.

bb) Sentech - Supplier Development (R1.2m), Enterprise Development (R200 000), SMME start up development (R170 000), Cooperatives Development (R200 000) and Grant (R2.8m);

SAPO – R120m;

BBI – R20 000;

SITA – R3m;

NEMISA – e-Literacy for Entrepreneurs (R17500), Mobile Tech Supporting Micro Business (R150 000), e-Skills Course for Entrepreneurs and using Social Media for Entrepreneurs (R71 5000);

.zaDNA – R350 000;

USAASA – not applicable.


cc) Sentech – 36;

SAPO – 50

BBI – 20

SITA – 50

NEMISA – already in business

.zaDNA – 20

USAASA – not applicable.

06 June 2016 - NW1379

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunication and Postal Services

(1)   With reference to his reply to question 983 on 21 April 2016, (a) what are the detailed reasons why the Road Traffic Infringement Agency owes R39 374 828,78 to the SA Post Office for more than 120 days and (b) what steps are being taken to recover the specified outstanding amount; (2) Whether any interest is being charged on the specified outstanding amount; if not, why not; if so, what (a) amount of interest has been incurred on the specified outstanding amount to date and (b) are the further relevant details? NW1527E


SAPO has advised me as follows:

1. (a) The reason why the Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA) owes the South African (SAPO) R39, 374, 828.78 for more than 120 days is due to the dispute over service level as a result of the prolonged and illegal strike that paralyzed operations.

(b) On 08 April 2016, the SAPO GCEO and RTIA CEO/Administrator held a meeting in which a technical committee consisting of the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC), Tshwane Metro Police Department (TMPD), Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) and the Road Traffic infringement Agency (RTIA), was established to resolve payments and other strike related issues. The committee meets on a weekly basis to discuss progress and outstanding matters.

2. (a) Interest charged on outstanding amount in September 2014 was R2, 242.22, and in March 2015 was 2,969.66. Since then, interest has been suppressed due to the dispute declared by RTIA and JMPD.

(b) Therefore, there are no further details at this stage.

23 May 2016 - NW1284

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) what amount of the R1.2 billion allocated to broadband in his department’s Medium Term Expenditure Framework 2016-17 to 2018-19 financial years is allocated to SA Connect and (b) what is the detailed breakdown of items the specified allocation will be spent on in each of the specified financial years; 2) (a) what steps in line with the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, are being taken to select a lead agency for SA Connect, (b) what skills are required of the lead agency and (c) what documents, such as requests for proposals, have been published in this regard to invite private sector participation in the (i) planning, (ii) project management and (iii) execution of the programmes under SA Connect up to the latest specified date for which information is available; 3) Whether any funds allocated for SA Connect have been spent in the (a) 2015-16 financial year and/or (b) since 1 April 2016 to the latest specified date; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 4) What amount of funding allocated for SA Connect in the 2015-16 financial year rolled over to the 2016-17 financial year?


1. (a) R1.54 million is allocated for the implementation of SA Connect Phase 1.

(b) The allocated amount will be spent to procure broadband connectivity services for the Phase 1 sites. Detailed Breakdown:

Budget Allocation (Million)





336 600

422 300

711 900

1 450 800

2. (a) The Department is engaging with SITA to explore options of the appointment of the service provider that will be in line with the existing procurement legislations and regulations.

(b) The lead agency should be an organisation with the following capabilities:

   (i) To coordinate between public & private sector players,

   (ii) To raise funding to expand fibre infrastructure,

   (iii) To rollout simultaneously in all the phase 1 districts as per the Broadband Implementation Plan,

   (iv) To leverage on existing infrastructure to minimise duplication.

(c) The Department is engaging stakeholders to finalise the appointment process and no requests for proposals have been published yet.

    (i) - (iii) See (c) above

3) (a) In the 2015/2016 financial year R200 million was allocated for this project of which R100 million was transferred to Sentech for dual illumination and R50, 240 million to SAPO for the National Address System.

(b) No funds were spent since 1 April 2016. Because the department was engaging with the relevant stakeholders to finalise the appointment process.

4) In the 2015/2016 financial year R200 million was allocated for the project. An amount of R49, 760 million was rolled over.

23 May 2016 - NW1287

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)What meetings of (a) the National ICT Forum and (b) each of its four forums have taken place since 1 October 2015, in each case indicating (i) dates, (ii) venues of these meetings, as well as (iii) agendas and (iv) records of decisions made at each meeting; (2) Which (a) reports and/or (b) initiatives have been instigated by any of the specified forums, in each case providing the relevant details including (i) plans of action and (ii) deadlines where applicable?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

1. (a) Since 1 October 2015, the National ICT Forum has held a number of meetings through its various structures, which comprises of the Chairpersons Forum, Chamber meetings and Working Committees.

(b) (i) Meeting Dates:

      • Chairpersons Forum – 30 November 2015, 11 March 2016 and 06 May 2016
      • Economic Chamber – 3 March 2016
      • Social Chamber – 27 November 2015 and 19 February 2016
      • Governance and Security Chamber – 7 December 2015
      • ICTs and Disability Chamber – 2 December 2015 and 17 March 2016

(ii) Venues:

  • Chairpersons Forum – Director General’s Boardroom (Department)
  • Economic Chamber – Blue Crane Boardroom (Department)
  • Social Chamber – Blue Crane boardroom (Department)
    • Governance and Security Chamber – Blue Crane Boardroom (Department)
  • ICTs and Disability Chamber – Burgherspark Hotel (Pretoria)


(iii) Agendas:

Chairpersons Forum – Stakeholder Mobilization and Participation, Resource Mobilization, Draft Work Programmes of Chambers, National Workshop

Economic Chamber – ICT Skills, ICT SMMEs support, Electronic Manufacturing, Postal Sector and ICTs

  • Social Chamber – e-Health, e-Education, e-Justice and e-Agriculture
  • Governance and Security Chamber – e-Commerce, Internet Governance, Policy Mapping and Cyber Security.
  • ICTs and Disability Chamber – ICT Assistive Devices, Access to Government websites, Access to Banking Services

(iv) Records of decisions:

  • Chambers have developed their Terms of Reference and firmed up their structures
  • Chambers have now resolved and are prepared draft Work Programmes which still need to
  • be approved by the department
  • The Chairpersons Forum agreed to convene a National Workshop to discuss and endorse
  • the draft Work Programmes

(2)(a) Reports and (b) Initiatives

Initiatives that are coming out of the draft work programmes of the chambers include the following:

  • Conduct a National ICT Skills Audit with relevant stakeholders
  • Develop and implement a basic National e-Literacy Programme
  • Facilitate creation of Creative Hubs for SMMEs in townships with relevant support
  • Support development of ICT applications that will enable SMMEs to expand business opportunities
  • Develop and implement a Cybersecurity Awareness programme
  • To develop a National set of Principles/framework for Internet Governance in South Africa
  • Establish/ or revive an Intergovernmental Forum on Internet Governance
  • Create a cybersecurity Body of Knowledge for general access by South Africans
  • Explore Youth Job Creation Programme focusing on cybersecurity awareness
  • Facilitate engagements with relevant to improve access to banking services, government websites, employment, education and broadcasting for people with disabilities.

A National Workshop will be convened before the end of June 2016 to discuss and endorse the draft programmes of each Chamber. The workshop will also discuss resource mobilization for implementation of the work programme and timelines.

23 May 2016 - NW1286

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What steps have been taken to replace the three councillors who resigned from the National Broadband Advisory Council in 2015, (b) who is the current chair of the specified council and (c) what meetings has he had with the specified chairperson since taking office, in each case indicating (i) dates, (ii) venue and (iii) agenda of any specified meetings?


(a) There have not been attempts to replace the Councillors. Minister met with the previous Chairperson and expressed the intention to change the structure of the Council to derive maximum value for all stakeholders.

(b) There is currently no designated Chairperson of the council.

(c) There has not been any meetings with the Chairperson.

23 May 2016 - NW1285

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)Has the Universal Service Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA) played any role in the planning of SA Connect; if not, (a) why not and (b) what role will USAASA play in the future planning and rollout of the programme; (2) (a) what is the estimated cost of (i) planning and (ii) rolling out (aa) Phase 1 and (bb) Phase 2 of SA Connect, (b) what is the detailed breakdown of how this funding will be spent in the (i) 2016-17, (ii) 2017-18 and (iii) 2018-19 financial years and (c) which budget allocation will the specified funds come from in each of the specified financial years?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

1. No.

(a) The Department has engaged with USAASA to ensure alignment of the Broadband initiatives being funded through the USAF and SA Connect Phase 1 hence USAASA’s current and future plans are aligned with the SA Connect Phase 1 District Municipalities.

(b) The Department and USAASA will continue to engage to outline the agency roles on SA Connect implementation taking into consideration developments in the sector

2. (aa) (i)-(ii) The estimated cost for Phase1 of SA Connect is R6.56billion

(bb) (i) – (ii) The estimated cost for Phase2 of SA Connect is R67.4 billion

(b) (i)-(iii) Phase 1 detailed breakdown

Phase 1 Budget Allocation (Million)





R 516.34

R 719. 52

R 720. 37

R6.56 Billion

(i)- (iii) Phase 2 detailed breakdown

Phase 2 Budget Allocation (Million)





R 823, 9

R 1, 557

R 2, 213

67.42 Billion

(c) The funding for Phase 1 will come from Budget allocation MTEF 2016/-2018/19. No allocation for Phase 2

23 May 2016 - NW1283

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) How much funding has been allocated for the Virtual Cyber Security Hub hosted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research for the 2016-17 financial year and (b) what are the specific deliverables that the specified hub must deliver against these funds; (2) (a) how much funding has been allocated for the specified hub for the (i) 2017-18 and (ii) 2018-19 financial years and (b) what items and programmes will the funding be spent on in each of the specified years; (3) whether his department is the sole funder of the specified hub; if not, (a) what is the name of any other funder, (b) what is the financial contribution of each other funder and (c) what are the specific items and programmes to be delivered against these funds in each case, respectively; if so, what is the position in this regard; (4) (a) How much did his department spend in each year that it contributed to the specified hub and (b) what items and programmes were these funds spent on in each specified year?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(1)(a) The amount allocated to the Cybersecurity Hub for the 2016/2017 financial year is R 16, 418, 000.00

(b) Specific deliverables include

  • Formalise engagements with stakeholder, which supports the sharing and technical integration of cybersecurity incident information
  • Operationalisation of the Proactive and Reactive services
  • Increased functionality of Hub’s tools
  • Assist in the enablement and establishment of sector CERTs
  • Dissemination of incident and thereat information to stakeholders
  • Undertaking of a cybersecurity awareness programs which includes upgrade of the Hub’s website functionality

(2)(a)(i) In the 2017/2018 financial year R 15, 325, 000.00 has been allocated

(ii) In the 2018/2019 financial year R 12, 297, 000.00has been allocated

It should be noted that the allocated budget for these two financial years are subject to change as the MTSF is yet to be finalised.

(b) The monies will be used as follows:

  • Obtaining international certification for the Hub
  • Establishment of both private and public sector industry specific CERTs
  • Integration of incident information
  • Development and deployment of cybersecurity audit and readiness tools
  • Ongoing awareness programs

(3)(a) The Department is the sole funder of the Hub

(b) N/A

(c) N/A

(4)(a) In the 2014/2015 financial year R 18 533 013 was allocated

In the 2015/2016 financial year R 15 156 157 was allocated

(b) In the 2014/2015 financial year the monies were used for:

  • Establishment of the Hub
  • Development of Operational Processes
  • Development of Policies and Procedures

In the 2015/2016 financial year the monies were used for:

  • Research
  • Technical and operational support
  • System integration
  • Facilities, facilities maintenance
  • Infrastructure costs
  • Stakeholder engagement

25 April 2016 - NW1088

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What are the reasons for the closure of the SA Post Office branch in Bloubergrant, postal code 7443 and (b) were any residents of the Bloubergrant consulted before the branch was closed; (2) Have residents of the specified area been provided with any alternative postal service; if not, why not; if so, what are these alternatives?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

1. (a) The Bloubergrant Post Office was closed due to non-payment of rental. SAPO could not make regular rental payments to the landlord on time due to SAPO cash flow challenges. SAPO was subsequently given notice by the landlord to vacate the premises by 8 April 2016.

(b) In view of the fact that the eviction was sudden and unexpected, no prior consultations could take place with the residents, but notices of the closure were placed at the Post Office and around the post boxes area.

2. The residents have been informed that the Table View Post Office which is situated 2.8km from Bloubergrant could be used as an alternative service point. The post boxes will, however, remain at the old site for the convenience of residents.

25 April 2016 - NW985

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Which schools in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality were connected to the internet by (a) his department and/or (b) any entities reporting to him in (i) 2014, (ii) 2015 and (iii) 2016; (2) in each case, what are the relevant details of the connectivity solutions provided by his department in terms of (a) hardware, (b) software, (c) training, (d) cost and (e) service providers?


1. (a)-(b)(i -iii)

I have been informed by the Department and Entities as follows:

Schools Connectivity in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality







Phefeni High School (Soweto)

Mphethi Mahlatse Secondary School in Orange Farm

Zandspruit Primary School













40 Tablets, 120GB of data

V SAT Internet

IBurst WI-Fi @ 10Mbs uncapped for 24 months

Fully equipped computer Lab that includes 20 desktop computers



Android Software


Microsoft office



Training on usage of Labs





R257 600.00

Wi-Fi= R48 016.80 Hardware Installation = R5 016.00

cost of establishing the Lab was R268 264.00


Service Providers

B-Wired Telecoms


Moagi Technologies

25 April 2016 - NW1075

Profile picture: Selfe, Mr J

Selfe, Mr J to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)      (a) How many computers did the State Information Technology Agency SOC Ltd (Sita) purchase for use by state departments for every year during the period 10 May 1994 up to the latest specified date for which information is available, (b) what amount did the specified purchases cost in each of the specified years, (c) what was the average cost of each computer bought in each of the specified years and (d) who were the five top suppliers of the purchased computers in each of the specified years; (2) Whether Sita, in line with its mandate to achieve cost savings through scale, increase delivery capabilities and enhanced interoperability of the State’s information technology (IT) resources, has set a maximum amount for the purchase of any IT resource; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) Whether Sita has ever purchased any computers from a certain company (name and details furnished) for government use; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW 1208E


I have been advised by SITA as follows:

1 (a) SITA SOC LTD does not purchase computers for State departments. Instead State departments purchase through a transversal contract that SITA established in 2005 on behalf of the Department of Public Service and Administration. Transaction are done under this contract are between the State departments and accredited suppliers directly.

(b) State departments purchase computers directly using the transversal contract mentioned above.

(c) See (b)

(d) Details are unknown since departments were transacting directly with the suppliers.

2. SITA negotiated a maximum price with manufacturers. The resellers will provide mark-up percentages on the maximum price negotiated with the manufacturers. The negotiated maximum price caters for cost savings through economies of scale.

3. No

21 April 2016 - NW885

Profile picture: Ketabahle, Ms V

Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)Has he earned any additional income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, since his appointment as Minister; if so, (a) when, (b) how much did he earn, (c) from which businesses and (d) for what work; (2) whether his (a) spouse, (b) children and (c) close family earned income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, through his appointment as Minister; if so, in respect of each case, (i) when, (ii) how much did each earn, (iii) from which businesses and (iv) for what work?


  1. – (2) The disclosure of the interest of Members of Parliament are governed by the Parliamentary Code of Conduct.

This disclosure of registrable interests of Members of Parliament, their spouses and dependent children are under control of the Registrar of Members interests where the disclosable information can be obtained.


21 April 2016 - NW984

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) When were renewal notices for post boxes sent out in 2016, (b) what methods were used to send out these notices, (c) by what date was the renewal fee due to be paid and (d) what is the penalty for late payment?


I have been informed by SAPO:

(a) First notices were sent 20 October 2015.

The Second on 19 November 2015

(b) (i) TV Campaigns and physical reminder cards.

(ii) SMS reminders and

(iii) Physical reminder cards

(c) 01 January of each year.

(d) R40

21 April 2016 - NW983

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services:

(a) How many (i) government departments and (ii) state-owned entities owe money to the SA Post Office for more than 60 days and (b) what are the (i) names of the specified departments and (ii) amounts outstanding in each case for (aa) 60 days, (bb) 90 days and (cc) 180 days plus, in each case providing an aged analysis?


SAPO has advised me as follows:

  1. (i) The total number of Government Departments including municipalities owing SAPO for more than 60 days is 16.

(ii) The total number of SOE’s owing SAPO money for more than 60 days is 9.

  1. (i) (ii) (aa), (bb) and (cc)



+30 DAYS

+60 DAYS

+90 DAYS

+120 DAYS


17,3 m

4,5 m

2,2 m

3,7 m

83,5 m

111,1 m

The breakdown is as follows:






521 830.95


128 539.42


25 968 523.32


27 184 811.46










3 757 262.28


5 404 930.32


233 427.50




7 116.40


240 543.90










1 434.60


9 172.33






880 210.59


693 201.38






55 288.20


356 574.42


385 527.07


3 288 392.34






64 696.48


2 535 581.02


2 838 937.58


11 261 296.18






501 627.01






501 627.01






106 048.75


7 552.95


14 868.55


238 640.15








28 601.10


174 193.30


266 841.40






2 334.25


238 924.80


157 031.85


398 290.90






40 702.20






40 702.20








59 713.50




59 713.50








122 093.40




122 093.40








1 674.40


1 038.00


16 181.40










5 831.10


11 107.80








2 601 072.96


2 601 072.96






492 999.76


492 999.76


492 999.76


492 999.76






232 780.00


143 889.45


19 504.40


850 729.72










19 665.93


19 665.93










39 374 828.78


39 412 024.70










6 790 187.06


16 006 145.59










22 868.53


38 044.83








3 138.50


140 163.10


154 860.85










5 938.29


4 467.59

12 April 2016 - NW521

Profile picture: Khubisa, Mr NM

Khubisa, Mr NM to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

In view of the recent protracted strike by post office employees around the country, (a) how many post offices were part of the strike and in which provinces and districts are the post offices located and (b) how many employees in the post office joined the strike; (2) What are the relevant details of the grievances complained of by the post office employees, inter alia, salaries and working conditions; (3) Whether the specified grievances have been finally resolved; if so, what is the nature of resolutions and or settlement reached?



SAPO has advised me as follows:

There has been no recent strike at SAPO, the last strike was in 2014.

(1)(a) 851 Post Offices (including 13 mail centres) were closed across the country at the start of the strike. In the third and fourth week 634 post offices (including 14 mail centres) and 714 post offices (including 9 mail centres) were respectively closed. The closures were mostly in the Gauteng Province followed by Western Cape and Kwa-Zulu Natal. These were mainly in; Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town and Durban. The closures in other provinces were sporadic in nature.

(b) A total of 4656 employees were reported to be on strike. However the level of intimidation and violence that was experienced during the strike led to more employees not being at their workstations during the strike due to fears of intimidation and violence.

(2) The details of the grievances included:

    (i) Back pay for the 2014 salary increases

     (ii) Casual employees requesting full time employment with full benefits

     (iii) Permanent Part time employees (flexible labour contracts) requesting full time employment

     (iv) Equal work for equal pay

    (v) The 588 employees that were previously dismissed due to illegal strike but then re-employed in 2013 after agreements between SAPO and labour Unions demanded re-instatement of full benefits

(3) The Minister established the National Leadership Forum at SAPO in October 2014. This was used as a platform to re-establish the engagements between representatives of the organised labour and SAPO management with the Department attending as an observer. SAPO workforce forums were subsequently established and settlement agreements reached with labour representatives taking into account SAPO’s financial situation. These agreements included:

    (i) Back pay for 2014/2015 salary increases

    (ii) Conversion of casual and permanent part-time workers to permanent full time employees

    (iii) Equal pay for work of equal value

    (iv) 2015/2016 salary increases

Of the above agreements, the conversion of the temporary employees (casuals and flexible labour contracts) to permanent employees started in 2014 in a phased-in approach but was stopped due to financial constraints. Other settlements agreements were not honoured altogether due the entity’s continued constrained cash-flow position as the entity battled to recover financially post the strike action.

11 April 2016 - NW659

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) How many supplier invoices currently remain unpaid for more than (i) 30 days, (ii) 60 days and (iii) 90 days at the SA Post Office and (b) in each case, what is the (i) the name of the company and/or supplier, (ii) amounts outstanding, (iii) reason for non-payment and (iv) envisaged date on which the amounts will be paid?


SAPO has advised me as follows:

There are numerous outstanding invoices. SAPO is arranging long term funding with the support of DTPS and National Treasury, to enable implementation of the corporate plan for 2016/17 through 2018/19. Once funding has been secured, SAPO’s arrangements with creditors will be finalised and implemented.

Below is the creditors’ age analysis:


11 April 2016 - NW636

Profile picture: Ketabahle, Ms V

Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

When is he going to implement the remedial action recommended by the Public Protector regarding the mismanagement of the SA Post Office?


  1. SAPO is cooperating and implementing the recommendations of both the Public Protector and the SIU Reports.
  2. The Minister through our department is monitoring that SAPO complies with the recommendations of the Reports.

11 April 2016 - NW510

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) (a) Which areas in each province have no cellphone reception and (b) which cellphone company has the biggest signal distribution in South Africa; (2) (a) how does the delay in the roll-out of broadband affect the cellphone spectrum and (b) are cellphone companies dependent on the analogue spectrum made available through the roll-out of broadband; (3) whether any plans have been put in place to ensure that the Kamiesberg and Richtersveld areas in Namaqualand in the Northern Cape, which currently have no cellphone reception, receive adequate cellphone reception signals so that the communities can also be connected; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) by when will the specified areas receive adequate cellphone reception signals?


I have been advised by ICASA and the Department as follows:

(1)(a) ICASA does not have this information. We rely on map data provided by the operators as we do not have the resources to independently verify coverage of operators on a nationwide scale, although we can verify coverage in a specified location through measurement.

(b) The Authority has information regarding which operator has the largest coverage by the type of technology. However, this information has been submitted on a confidential basis therefore the Authority would have to request for permission to disclose it.

(2)(a)The roll-out of broadband does not affect the cell phone spectrum. Spectrum is an enabler for broadband roll out. It should however be noted the release of digital dividend spectrum after the migration from analogue to digital broadcasting will be critical in ensuring broadband rural deployments.

(b) Cell phone operators are dependent on spectrum to roll out broadband but not solely on analogue spectrum currently being held by broadcasters. The analogue spectrum will not be made available through the roll-out of broadband. It will be made available through digital switchover, a process of migrating analogue TV broadcasting to digital transmission, and analogue switch off, a process to complete switch-off of analogue TV services and freeing-up of spectrum. Thus, this spectrum would be available for broadband roll-out.

(3)(a) Both Kamiesberg and Richtersveld areas in Namaqualand in the Northern Cape were not monitored for the availability of Coverage. The Authority relies on the on coverage complaints it receives from the people in the area to conduct such monitoring.

(b) The areas of Namaqualand will be covered in the 2016/2017 financial year. It should be noted that Operators are not obligated to provide coverage in all areas as long as their total coverage remains within their licence conditions.



11 April 2016 - NW521

Profile picture: Khubisa, Mr NM

Khubisa, Mr NM to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

In view of the recent protracted strike by post office employees around the country, (a) how many post offices were part of the strike and in which provinces and districts are the post offices located and (b) how many employees in the post office joined the strike; (2) What are the relevant details of the grievances complained of by the post office employees, inter alia, salaries and working conditions; (3) Whether the specified grievances have been finally resolved; if so, what is the nature of resolutions and or settlement reached?


SAPO has advised me as follows:

There has been no recent strike, the last strike was in 2014.

(1)(a) 851 Post Offices (including 13 mail centres) were closed across the country at the start of the strike. In the third and fourth week 634 post offices (including 14 mail centres) and 714 post offices (including 9 mail centres) were respectively closed. The closures were mostly in the Gauteng Province followed by Western Cape and Kwa-Zulu Natal. These were mainly in; Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town and Durban. The closures in other provinces were sporadic in nature.

(b) A total of 4656 employees were reported to be on strike. However the level of intimidation and violence that was experienced during the strike led to more employees not being at their workstations during the strike due to fears of intimidation and violence.

(2) The details of the grievances included:

  1. Back pay for the 2014 salary increases
  2. Casual employees requesting full time employment with full benefits
  3. Permanent Part time employees (flexible labour contracts) requesting full time employment
  4. Equal work for equal pay
  5. The 588 employees that were previously dismissed due to illegal strike but then re-employed in 2013 after agreements between SAPO and labour Unions demanded re-instatement of full benefits

( 3)The Minister established the National Leadership Forum at SAPO in October 2014. This was used as a platform to re-establish the engagements between representatives of the organised labour and SAPO management with the Department attending as an observer. SAPO workforce forums were subsequently established and settlement agreements reached with labour representatives taking into account SAPO’s financial situation. These agreements included:

  1. Back pay for 2014/2015 salary increases
  2. Conversion of casual and permanent part-time workers to permanent full time employees
  3. Equal pay for work of equal value
  4. 2015/2016 salary increases

Of the above agreements, the conversion of the temporary employees (casuals and flexible labour contracts) to permanent employees started in 2014 in a phased-in approach but was stopped due to financial constraints. Other settlements agreements were not honoured altogether due the entity’s continued constrained cash-flow position as the entity battled to recover financially post the strike action.

11 April 2016 - NW810

Profile picture: Malatsi, Mr MS

Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) What is the (a) total amount in Rands that Telkom SOC Ltd paid to a certain person (name furnished) to promote its fibre broadcast technology and (b) duration of the contract closed between Telkom and the specified person in this regard; (2) whether any South African athletes were considered to promote Telkom’s fibre broadcast technology in the specified campaign; if not, why not; if so, why did Telkom not choose a South African athlete for the specified campaign; (3) (a) which company, including the (i) name and (ii) business address of the company and (iii) details of the (aa) chief executive officer, (bb) managing director and (cc) account manager, was awarded the tenders for (aaa) print, (bbb) radio and (ccc) digital marketing of the specified campaign and (b) what is the total amount paid by Telkom to the specified company in each case? NW929E


Telkom has provided me with the following response:-

(1)- (3) Telkom as a listed company must comply with the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) rules.

In terms of the JSE rules, information that is of financial nature has to be disclosed to all shareholders at once during an open period (reporting period). The company is currently in a closed period.

Furthermore, the information required, requires Telkom to reveal information which is of a commercial nature. The information therefore cannot be shared as it is competitive sensitive.


11 April 2016 - NW689

Profile picture: Bhanga, Mr BM

Bhanga, Mr BM to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What are the reasons for the 94, 2% increase in consultants fees for the South Africa Connect project over the Medium Term Expenditure Framework, (b) why is most of the expenditure expected in the final year of the project, (c) what are the full details of the process by which the specified consultants services will be procured and (d) when is procurement due to start?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(a) The funds reflected under the Consultants: Business and advisory services line item are not funds that will be used to procure consultancy services. National Treasury allocated Phase 1 roll-out funding under the Economic classification (Goods and Services: Consultants: Business and advisory services) line item. These funds will be used to procure connectivity services for the facilities targeted for the Phase 1 roll-out over the MTEF period.

The increase in the allocation is due to additional funds that National Treasury allocated towards the SA Connect Phase 1 implementation.

(b) Additional funding was allocated by National Treasury in 2017/18 and 2018/19 as it was envisaged that lessons learnt from the Phase 1 pilot will allow for a ramp up of the project in the outer years. This funding is in addition to the partial funding that was allocated for the Phase 1 roll-out during the 2014 MTEF allocation period, covering the 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 financial years.

(c) There will not be any consultants procured using the funds allocated for the roll-out.

(d) Refer to (c)


11 April 2016 - NW687

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What plans are in place to expand  (i) the exposure and (ii) work of the Child Online Protection programme at schools during the Medium Term Expenditure Framework and across and  (b) in  which provinces is this going to take place; (2) what (a) training workshops and/or (b) training support is being given to educators in all (i) government and (ii) private schools to (aa) alert them to the dangers of online child abuse and (bb) how they can mitigate against this?


(1)(a) The DTPS will increase the number of schools per province from one (1) to two (2) as reflected in quarterly targets in the 2016/17 Business Plan. The Child Online Protection Programme also includes the e-Parenting Programme and in this regard the DTPS intends to develop an interactive e-platform for parents and an e-guide for parents to capacitate them to cope with issues of exposure of the children to harmful content online.

(1)(b) The Child Online Protection Programme will be implemented in all nine provinces and in two towns in each province. The e-Parenting Interactive Sessions will be held in all provinces except the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal as these provinces were covered in the 2015/2016 financial year.

(2)(a)(i)The DTPS will be hosting School based Awareness Workshops in eighteen (18) schools with grade 9 to 11 learners, at least two hundred and fifty (250) learners per school, and their respective teachers, at least six (6) teachers per school. The content of the workshops includes the following topics: Dangers of being Online, Safety Tips for being Online, Cyberbulling and Sexting, Identity Theft and the impact of creating a negative or positive digital footprint for the individual and the country.

(2)(a)(ii) No training workshops are planned to be implemented in private schools.

(2)(b)(i) The learners and teachers are given content and information in terms of web based resources that may be accessed in order to assist them to mitigate against the online abuse of children.

(2)(b)(ii) No training support is planned to be given to educators in private schools.

15 March 2016 - NW438

Profile picture: Ketabahle, Ms V

Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

When does he intend to release the Public Service Commission inquiry related to the Director-General’s conduct?


I have been advised as follows:-

After considering the contents of the report and applying my mind to the matter, I notified the PSC on 23 February 2016 that I have accepted the report without any amendments. The report is available to the affected parties.

15 March 2016 - NW386

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

With reference to President Jacob G Zuma’s undertaking in his State of the Nation Address delivered on 12 February 2015, that the Government will set aside 30% of appropriate categories of state procurement for purchasing from Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs), co-operatives, as well as township and rural enterprises, what percentage of the total procurement of (a) his department and (b) every entity reporting to him went to (i) SMMEs and (ii) co-operatives from 1 April 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?


I have been advised by the Department and Entities as follows:-

(a)(i) The Department has spent 28% on SMMEs from April 2015 to January 2016.

(a)(ii)The Department does not have a specific classification for Co-operatives.

(b) Entities:

Sentech SOC Ltd

(b) (i)The percentage spend on SMMEs for period 1 April 2015 to January 2016 was 15% of the total procurement expenditure.

(b)(ii) Sentech does not have a specific classification for Co-operatives.


(b) (i)The percentage spend on SMMEs for period 01 April 2015 to 31 December 2015 was 10%.

(b)(ii) SITA does not have a specific classification for Co-operatives.

Broadband Infraco SOC Ltd

(b)(i) The percentage spend on SMMEs for a period 01 April 2015 to date is 34.56%.

(b)(ii) Broadband does not have a specific classification for Co-operatives

ZA Domain Name Authority

(b)(i) The zaDNA has spent 100% of its procurement budget on SMMEs from 1 April 2015 to date.

(b)(ii) zaDNA does not have a specific classification for Co-operatives.

Universal Service and Access and Agency of South Africa (USAASA)

(b)(i) USAASA does not have a system to track procurement by SMMEs but this will be a requirement of their new electronic system. The current system does however track spending on BBEEs. The BBEE target is set at 80%. The overall budget of USAASA during the current financial year is R24, 591 million. Of this amount, about R19, 672 million have been spent on BBEEs.

(b)(ii) USAASA does not have a specific classification for Co-operatives.

National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa

(b)(i) NEMISA has spent 0.9% on SMMEs for a period 01 April 2015 to February 2016.

(b)(ii) None

South African Post Office

(b)(i). SMMEs spending from 01 April to date is 6.60% of the total procurement spend.

(b)(ii) 14.41%


15 March 2016 - NW258

Profile picture: Ketabahle, Ms V

Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether he and/or his department has bought advertising space in The New Age in the (a) 2012-13, (b) 2013-14 and (c) 2014-15 financial years; if so, (i) what number of times and (ii) for what amount in each specified financial year?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(a) & (b) Not Applicable: The department was not in existence during the years in question.

(c) No: The department did not buy advertising space in The New Age in the year in question.


15 March 2016 - NW210

Profile picture: Ketabahle, Ms V

Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Has his department awarded any contracts to companies indirectly or directly owned by certain persons (names furnished) in the (a) 2012-13, (b) 2013-14 and (c) 2014-15 financial years; if so, in each specified financial year, (i) how many times were such contracts awarded and (ii) for what amount?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(a) & (b) Not Applicable: The department was not in existence during the years in question.

(c) No: The department did not award any contract to the persons in question.

15 March 2016 - NW197

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Service

Whether his Ministry has any frozen vacant positions; if so, (a) how many of the specified positions are vacant, (b) what are the designations of the specified positions and (c) for how long have the specified positions been vacant?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

There are no frozen vacant positions.

a) Not applicable

b) Not applicable

c) Not applicable

29 February 2016 - NW57

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a)What was the contracted term of the lease of the premises that the SA Post Office in Bryanston, Gauteng, used, (b) on what date was it signed and (c) what is the rental (i) period and (ii) amount; (2) what is the outstanding amount owed for (a) rent and (b) utilities at the specified premises; (3) Whether any mail and other postal items including equipment are still in the post office; if so, what arrangements have been made to retrieve these items; (4) have arrangements have been made to settle the outstanding rental; if not, when will the outstanding rent be settled; if so, what are the terms?


I have been advised the South African Post Office (SAPO) as follows:-

  1. (a) The Bryanston Post Office was on a 3-year lease.

(b) The lease was signed on 2015/10/09 for Retail, Mail delivery lease is in circulation for signature

(c) Rental is as follows: Retail= R89 877.60 per month, mail delivery = R147 507.16 per month

(i) Commenced on 2011/11/01 and expired on 2014/10/30, the renewal delayed due to negotiations;

2. According to the landlord the following amounts are overdue and SAPO is busy with its reconciliation of the outstanding amounts as it is not in full agreement:

(a) Mail delivery R422 609.47, Retail R18 703.23, Total due R441 312.70, all-inclusive and

(b) Amounts include utilities;

3. Mail has been retrieved. The equipment is still on site. The landlord will only release the equipment once the payment is made in full.

4. No settlement arrangements have been made because SAPO is currently doing a reconciliation of the outstanding amounts.

29 February 2016 - NW125

Profile picture: Gqada, Ms T

Gqada, Ms T to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What is the status of the Special Investigating Unit’s (SIU) reports into (i) the SA Post Office, (ii) the Media Corner contract, (iii) the State Information Technology Agency, (iv) the Department of Communications’ role in the ICT Indaba and (v) the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa and (b) in respect of each case, what (i) progress has been made in respect of investigations, (ii) subsequent action has been undertaken arising from recommendations made by the SIU and (iii) is the status of the specified actions?


I have been advised as follows:-

South African Post Office (SAPO)

(a) The President referred the SIU Report to myself for implementation. I in turn submitted it to the Board of the SAPO, with an instruction to comply with the recommendations made in the SIU Report. SAPO is in the process of implementing these recommendations.

(b) The SIU and SAPO are instituting a court process to have the Eco Point lease contract set aside.

(c) At least two matters are being dealt with by the SAPS and NPA:

i) The one matter involves a contravention of the Private Security Industry Regulation Act, 2001, which has been set down for hearing in early March 2016;

ii) The other matter involves Eco Point lease, where the SAPS indicated that it should be able to complete the investigation docket by the end of February 2016, where after the docket will go back to the assigned prosecutor. In this regard, the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) has secured an interim attachment of property to the value of approximately R 2 million. This case is defended and on-going.

Media Corner

(a) The SIU is in the process of finalising its report.

(b) The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services and the SIU instituted civil proceedings against Media Corner (Pty) Ltd and others in the High Court (Gauteng Division) under case number 66037/14 in which the Department and the SIU are requesting the court to declare the tender worth approximately R756 million and the resulting contract unlawful and void ab initio. Since only approximately R58.7 million was paid to Media Corner to date, the Department and the SIU are also claiming approximately R12.7 million from Media Corner and requesting for a type of debating of accounts (to ascertain value for money) in respect of the remaining approximately R 46 million. This case is defended and on-going.

Seven recommendations for the institution of disciplinary proceedings against certain officials of the Department were referred to the Department. Two officials resigned. The Department is instituting disciplinary proceedings against the remaining officials and these have not been finalised and are on-going.

State Information Technology Agency (SITA)

(a)(i) & (b)(i) The SIU’s investigations are being conducted on the basis of the following Proclamations:

(1) The investigation mandated in terms Proclamation R. 48 of 2012:

This investigation has been concluded and a report has been submitted to the relevant authority but it has not yet been referred to us. However, the SIU informed us as follows;

  • Evidence pointing to the commission of Fraud, forgery, and uttering of a false document, involving an invalid and/or false Tax Clearance Certificate submitted as part of bid documents i.r.o. the so-called “IFMS” contract was referred to the relevant Prosecuting Authority and is currently still be reviewed with a view to decide whether to proceed with prosecution.
  • The above matter was also referred to the Asset Forfeiture Unit, who has commenced with certain investigations pending the outcome of the decision of the National Prosecuting Authority.
  • A settlement was reached between the SIU, National Treasury, SITA and the supplier/IFMS contractor concerned (Accenture South Africa (Pty) Ltd) to the effect that:

(aa) The contract allocated to Accenture (to the value of R 223 585 246.00) would be terminated (due to having been procured and awarded on an irregular basis).

(bb) SITA would pay Accenture an additional amount of R 19 060 553.83 for work already completed but not yet paid for. At the time of the settlement, payments to the value of R 93 175 991.25 for work satisfactorily completed had already been made to Accenture.

(cc) The IFMS contract was therefore terminated and the balance of the of the contract amount (R 111 348 700.92) was listed as a saving as result of the termination of the agreement.

  • The SIU has forwarded 26 disciplinary recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the SITA recommending that disciplinary action be instituted against the identified SITA officials for failing to comply with various SITA policies in respect of declaring their Conflict of Interest (in 22 instances) and for failing to comply with the provisions of section 57 of the PFMA (in 4 instances). The matter is currently still with SITA’s labour department for consideration of institution of disciplinary action
  • As at 31 March 2014 a total of R 24 644 470.01 had been collected from other SITA debtors who were served with letters of demand issued by the SIU. In addition to serving the letters of demand, the SIU also assisted and interacted with debtors who requested information and invoices on accounts.

(2) The investigation mandated in terms of Proclamation R. 53 of 2014, as amended by Proclamation R. 15 of 2015.

  • The one leg of this investigation (i.e. the one relating to an entity named iFirm) has largely been concluded. In respect of the remaining leg (pertaining to contracts entered into with IBM) significant progress has been made and a report is expected to be submitted to the President by end of June 2016.
  • The SIU found and reported to SITA various irregularities with regard to the irregular award of the R265 million contract to an entity named iFirm. SITA thereupon instructed their own attorneys who, with the support and assistance of the SIU, lodged an application in the High Court, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, under case number, 2847/2016 to have the contract declared invalid. The case is still on-going.

The Department of Communications’ role in the ICT Indaba

(a) The SIU is in the process of finalising its report.

(b) Evidence pointing to the commission of an offence has been referred to the National Prosecuting Authority.

Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa USAASA

(a) The SIU is in the process of finalising its report.

(b) The SIU instituted civil proceedings against Mr. Zami Nkosi, USAASA and others in the High Court (Gauteng Division) under case number 43250/14 in which the SIU is requesting the court to declare the appointment of Mr. Zami Nkosi as the Chief Executive Officer of the USAASA unlawful. This case is defended and on-going.

29 February 2016 - NW53

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) (a) How many set top boxes were delivered to households in the Northern Cape during January 2016, (b) what was the cost of (i) delivery and (ii) installation of each unit and (c) what is the name of the (i) person and/or (ii) company that installed the specified units; (2) (a) how many of the specified units were subsidised and (b) by what amount; (3) whether every household that received the specified units was in possession of a valid TV licence; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) (a) how many of the specified units delivered to households in the Northern Cape were delivered in the area of the Square Kilometre Array, (b)(i) how many of the specified units were subsidised and (ii) by how much and (c) when will the rollout be completed? NW53E


I have been advised the South African Post Office (SAPO) as follows:-

(1)(a) 62

(b)(i) Costs of delivery = R 14 768. 40 (R 238.20 per unit including VAT)

(ii) Cost of Installation =R 550 (VAT included) per unit

(c)(i)&(ii): The following 7 installation Companies appointed by USAASA were utilised for the installations:


(2)(a) 62

(b) All the units were fully (100%) subsidised. The subsidy amount is approximately R1 500 per household. This includes the set top box, antenna and the installation costs.

(3) TV Licence Requirement Details:-

Yes. The TV licence verification process was streamlined via the SABC’s web portal confirmation process. A pending registration file process for the needy households that do not have TV licence or whose TV licence is in arrears has been introduced on the request of the Department of Communications during mid-October 2015. The total number of pending file registrations for the period ending 31 January 2016 amounted to 447 in total. The SABC’s decision on the way forward in this regard is awaited.

(4)(a) All units delivered were in the Square Kilometre Array area.

(4)(b)(i) Number of subsidised units = 62 units

(4)(b)(ii) All the units were fully (100%) subsidised. The subsidy amount is approximately R1 500 per household. This includes the set top box, antenna and the installation costs.

(4)(c) The targeted rollout completion date is 2019, if required uptake materialises.

29 February 2016 - NW52

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) How many set top boxes were delivered to households in the Northern Cape during December 2015, (b) what was the cost of (i) delivery and (ii) installation of each unit and (c) what is the name of the (i) person and/or (ii) company that installed the specified units; (2) (a) how many of the specified units were subsidised and (b) by what amount; (3) Whether every household that received the specified units was in possession of a valid TV licence; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? (2) (a) how many of the specified units were subsidised and (b) by what amount; (3) Whether every household that received the specified units was in possession of a valid TV licence; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised the South African Post Office (SAPO) as follows:-

  1. (a) 149

(b)(i) Cost of delivery = R 31 543.30 (R 211.70 per unit including VAT)

(b)(ii) Cost of Installation = R 550 (VAT included) per unit

(c)(i)&(ii) The following (7) seven Installation Companies appointed by USAASA were utilised for the installations:


(2)(a) 149

(2)(b) All the units were fully (100%) subsidised. The subsidy amount is approximately R1 500 per household. This includes the set top box, antenna and the installation costs.

(3) TV Licence Requirement Details:-

Yes. The TV licence verification process was streamlined via the SABC’s web portal confirmation process. A pending registration file process for the needy households that do not have TV licences or whose TV licence is in arrears has been introduced on the request of the Department of Communications during mid-October 2015. The total number of pending file registrations for the period ending 31 December 2015, amounted to 414 in total. The SABC’s decision on the way forward in this regard in awaited.

29 February 2016 - NW102

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether he has entered into a performance agreement with the President, Mr Jacob G Zuma, with regard to the implementation of the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2014-2019; if not, why not; if so, (a) which key indicators and targets from the MTSF are reflected in the agreement, (b) how many performance assessments has he undertaken in consultation with the President since the agreement was signed, (c) what progress has been made in meeting the key indicators and targets from the MTSF, (d) what are the key obstacles to implementation and (e) what is the plan to address such obstacles?


Yes, Minister is subject to Performance Agreements with the President.

(a) The Performance Management Framework for Minister is the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) for 2014-2019, which is the first 5-year implementation plan of the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030. The performance targets and indicators are derived from the 14 Outcomes which government seeks to achieve.

These outcomes and targets constitute government’s Programme of Action (POA), against which performance is tracked and reported at least on a quarterly basis. POA reports are publicly available on the government’s website.

(b) To (e) Cabinet closely monitors the implementation of the NDP 2030/MTSF 2014-2019 through POA Reports. These reports are tabled before an implementation Forum of a Cluster of Ministers collectivity responsible for MTSF outcomes, and then submitted to Cabinet, where progress is noted, bottlenecks to implementation are discussed, and recommendations to address bottlenecks are considered and approved.

29 February 2016 - NW50

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether the SA Post Office (SAPO) received any complaints from the Universal Postal Union regarding the SAPO’s failure to deliver or dispatch international mail according to the contracted service delivery agreement; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what was the nature of the specified complaints?


I have been advised the South African Post Office (SAPO) as follows:-

The South African Post Office has not received any complaints from the Universal Postal Union (UPU). SAPO informed its international counterparts (international postal operators) about the impact of the strike in 2014 via the UPU platform.

29 February 2016 - NW59

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

How many supplier invoices currently remain unpaid for more than (a) 30 days, (b) 60 days and (c) 90 days, in each case specifying (i) the name of the company and/or supplier, (ii) the amounts outstanding, (iii) the reason for non-payment and (iv) the envisaged date on which the amounts will be paid?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(a) Nil

(b) Nil

(c) Nil

29 February 2016 - NW58

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) How much does the SA Post Office owe Just Matric, vendor number 111421, detailing the amount in terms of an aged analysis per month and (b) by when will this amount be paid in full?


I have been advised the South African Post Office (SAPO) as follows:-

(a) The table below illustrates the age analysis of the outstanding amount of R127 080.00 on the Just Matric vendor.




+ 30 DAYS

+60 DAYS

+120 DAYS


111 421

Just Matric




127 080.00

127 080.00

(b) SAPO is clearing the backlog of supplier payments which includes Just Matric. Payments will be made depending on cashflow improvements.

29 February 2016 - NW51

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) (a) How many SA Post Offices were closed due to non-payment of rent during 2015, (b) what are their names, and (c) what amount was owed in each case; (2) of the specified post offices, (a) how many remain closed to date, (b) when will their outstanding rent amounts be settled and (c) when will they open for business again?


I have been advised the South African Post Office (SAPO) as follows:-

(1)(a) Fifteen (15) Post Office branches have been closed due to non-payment of rental.

(1)(b) The names and (c) amount owing in each case are listed below see the link:

(2)(a) Of the (15) fifteen branches, (14) fourteen branches have been closed permanently, of which only (2) two have outstanding amounts owed. (1) One branch (the Bryanston West Depot) is still locked by the landlord requiring full settlement of the rental.

(2)(b) The outstanding amounts will be settled when there are cash flow improvements however, in the Bryanston Depot case, reconciliation of the outstanding amounts and escalations is in progress given that according to the landlord the total amount due is R 441 312.70, which does not reconcile with SAPO’s records.

(2)(c) The Bryanston Depot will be opened when the outstanding amounts are settled which is dependent on cash-flow improvements and the outcome of the reconciliation process. The Bryanston Post Office has in the interim been relocated to the Sloan Square Shopping Centre and is trading.