Questions and Replies

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08 June 2018 - NW1472

Profile picture: Stubbe, Mr DJ

Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1)Whether, with reference to the reply of the President, Mr C M Ramaphosa, to the debate on the State of the Nation Address on 22 February 2018 to implement lifestyle audits, (a) she, (b) senior management service members in her department and/or (c) any of the heads of entities reporting to her have undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years; if not, have any plans been put in place to perform such audits; if so, in each case, what are the details of the (i) date of the lifestyle audit, (ii) name of the person undergoing the audit, (iii) name of the auditing firm conducting the audit and (iv) outcome of the audit; (2) whether she will furnish Mr D J Stubbe with copies of the lifestyle audit reports


(1) & (2) The Honourable Member is raising a pertinent matter, that of fighting corruption both in the public and private sector. Accordingly, the President in his response to the debate on the State of the National Address on 20 February 2018 underscored this point and asserted,

The work we must undertake to tackle corruption and state capture has, quite correctly, featured prominently in the debate. It is time that we implement our resolutions on the conduct of lifestyle audits of all people who occupy positions of responsibility, starting with members of the executive….

As we indicated in the state of the nation address, we are equally determined to tackle corruption and other economic crimes in the private sector. Institutions like the SA Revenue Service, the Reserve Bank, the Financial Intelligence Centre and our law enforcement agencies work together to detect and prosecute tax evasion.


Lifestyle audits will go a long way in identifying corrupt practices and assist with the fight against corruption. Therefore, my department will implement any directive issued in this regard. I can assure the Honourable Member that the Government is serious about its commitment to fight this scourge. We have taken the necessary steps towards ensuring that this is realised. I wish to point out to the Honourable Member that public servants are now prohibited from doing business with the state or its organs. Incidentally, it was during my tenure as Minister for the Public Service and Administration that the Public Administration Management Act of 2014 which introduced this prohibition was drafted, processed through Cabinet, was approved by Parliament and assented to by the President in 2014.

Honourable Member, the prohibition referred to above is currently enforceable through section 13 (c) of the Public Service Regulations. The said section stipulates that an employee shall not conduct business with any organ of state or be a director of a public or private company conducting business with an organ of state, unless such an employee is in an official capacity a director of a company listed in schedule 2 and 3 of the Public Finance Management Act”.

The Financial Disclosure Framework which is currently implemented in the public service and applicable to all Middle Management Staff (MMS) and Senior Management Staff (SMS) is meant to identify and manage conflict of interest situations, ensure transparency and accountability (good governance), promote an ethical culture and prevent corruption in the public service.

In addition to the measures which we are already implementing, senior managers in the public service and Chief Executive Officers of our public institution are required to go through a vetting process, which is conducted by the Department of State Security.

With respect to Members of the Executive, Ministers and Deputy Ministers declare their financial interest in compliance with the Declaration of Members’ Interest Framework and the Executive Members Interests to Parliament and the President respectively.

08 June 2018 - NW80

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1) Whether she held a face-to-face meeting with anyone or all of the specified persons (names furnished) since her appointment as Minister of Public Enterprises in May 2014; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) who was present at each meeting, (b) on what date was each meeting held, (c) where was each meeting held and (d) what was discussed at each meeting; (2) whether she (a) has directly interacted via a phone call and/or (b) authorised a certain official (name furnished) to interact with any of the specified persons; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) with whom did (aa) she and/or (bb) the specified official interact, (ii) on what date did the interaction take place and (iii) what was discussed during each interaction? NW86E


Former Minister of Public Enterprises, Ms Lynne Brown, vacated the office on 26 February 2018. In this regard, the Department has not been able to obtain a response from her.

08 June 2018 - NW1777

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Whether (a) public servants and their families and (b) members of the SA National Defence Force living and/or working abroad have been able to cast their ballots for both the national and provincial elections since 1994; if not, (i) on what date did the issuing of the national and provincial ballots change, (ii) what was the reason for the change and (iii) what legal provisions informed such a decision; if so, what address was used to determine which provincial ballot was issued to each individual; (2) Whether he has found that the decision is constitutional and does not amount to disenfranchisement?


1. (a) and (b) In 1994 all South Africans abroad were only issued a national ballot.

(i) In preparation for the National and Provincial Elections of 1999, the Electoral Act 73 of 1998 established limited categories of temporarily absent voters who could vote outside the Republic.

One such category was absence from the Republic on government service or membership of the household of the person so being absent. The head office of the government department or entity in the Republic of such a person or members of his household was regarded as the place of ordinary place of residence. This category of voters was issued both a national ballot as well as a provincial ballot.

A 2003 amendment to the Electoral Act extended voting abroad to those on temporary absence from the Republic for the purpose of a holiday, business trip, attendance of tertiary institution, educational visit or in an international sports event. In all cases it was required that voter inform the Chief Electoral Officer of their intention to vote abroad.

In 2013 the regulatory framework was again amended to extend voting outside the Republic to all eligible South Africans and an international segment of the voters’ roll was established. All voters outside of the Republic are now treated in the same manner in that only a national ballot is issued for voting outside of the Republic.

(ii) The initial limitation to the categorisation of voters who qualify to voting abroad was found to be unconstitutional in the Richter Judgment (Richter v The Minister for Home Affairs and Others 2009). For this reason, the legislation was amended to open voting outside of the Republic to all eligible citizens.

07 June 2018 - NW1729

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)(a) On what date was the matter, DS/R/104/29, with regard to the Internal Audit Division’s grievance on the leadership of the division referred to the Office of the Public Service Commission for investigation, (b) what is the name of the person who referred the matter and (c) in what form was the matter referred; (2) did the Office of the Public Service Commission acknowledge receiving the communication; if not, why not; if so, on what date was the receipt of the communication acknowledged?


1. (a) The matter regarding the collective grievance of the Internal Audit

Division was referred to the Office of the Public Service Commission on 04 October 2016.

(b) The matter was referred to the Office of the Public Service Commission by Adv S.T.B. Damane-Mkosana, the Legal Advisor to the Secretary for Defence.

(c) The matter was referred to the Office of the Public Service Commission by means of a formal letter referenced DS/R/104/29

2. The Office of the Public Protector acknowledged receipt of the formal letter on 13 October 2016.

07 June 2018 - NW1889

Profile picture: Ntlangwini, Ms EN

Ntlangwini, Ms EN to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)What (a) is the total number of incidents of racism that were reported to the human resources offices in (i) his department and (ii) entities reporting to him (aa) 2016 and (bb) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case? NW2049E


Response from the Department

Except for one (1) incident at NCC referred to their Human Resources on 25 January 2017 there were no incidents reported for the Department and the other entities.

Response from the Entities







National Consumer Commission (NCC)

There were no racism incidents that were reported to Human Resource department.

2016-one incident of racism was referred to Human Resource on the 25 January 2017

Not applicable

The matter stemmed from grievance that was lodged by one senior manager against another

The matter was investigated and a recommendation was made that the senior manager be formally charged for misconduct. Whilst the initiator was in the process of drafting the charge sheet, the said senior manager was dismissed for unrelated misconduct. As a result thereof, such disciplinary hearing (relating to racism) did not take place.

"Except as explicitly state herein the Ministry: Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) does not express an opinion in respect of any factual representations. The opinion /memo provided  is limited to the matters stated in it and may not be relied on upon by any person outside the dti or used for any other purpose neither in its intent or existence.It must not be disclosed to any other person without prior written approval other than by law. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as limiting the rights of the dti to defend or oppose any claim or action against the dti."

07 June 2018 - NW1747

Profile picture: Steyn, Ms A

Steyn, Ms A to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)Whether, with reference to his undertaking during the joint sitting of the portfolio committees on Health, Trade and Industry and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on 28 March 2018, that his department would provide rehabilitation relief to businesses in the meat processing industry that are in distress, he and/or any senior official within his department have met with the specified businesses to understand their needs; if not, why not; if so, what were the findings; (2) whether his department conducted a full analysis of the impact the listeriosis outbreak had on the (a) meat processing industry and (b) rest of the value chain with respect to (i) job losses and (ii) revenue losses; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the findings in each case; (3) (a) what is his policy position on the establishment of an independent food health and safety agency to align all areas of food handling and manufacturing regulation and (b) what action will he take to support the existence of such an agency?


1. The lead Department for health and food safety is the Department of Health. Once the National Institute for Communicable Diseases had established the existence of listeriosis in South African meat processing plants the National Consumer Commission issued a recall notice under the provisions of the National Consumer Commission (NCC) and in the over-riding interests of public health.

thedti has an existing agro-processing incentive to which companies in the meat sector can apply. Each application will be dealt with on its merits including with respect to whether or not the company has raised food safety and health standards and commits to raising competitiveness. Senior officials from the Department of Trade and Industry have met with the South African Meat Processors Association (SAMPA) where this was explained.

2. thedti has conducted a preliminary economic analysis of the impact the listeriosis outbreak on the meat processing industry. This preliminary analysis will be followed up with a more comprehensive study to determine the wider economic and employment impact. Preliminary research to date suggests that the pork industry is the hardest hit. The demand for processed meat has dropped by 75% and the demand for pork cold cuts by 50%, with an estimated decline in profits of 40%. According to data from the Pork Producer’s Organization, two plants and one abattoir have closed down.

3. (a) thedti fully supports the formation of a Food Safety Agency and at the time of the outbreak immediately instructed the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) to begin the process to develop the requisite regulation.

(b) The South African Constitution provides for food safety control as a concurrent function, across national government departments and at provincial and local government levels. The Departments of Agriculture, Health and Trade and Industry have existing concurrent functions to enhance food safety and consumer protection with the Department of Health as the lead department.

The fact that some part of the private sector allowed a highly deleterious lowering of standards in food safety, points to the need for a strengthened and consolidated approach by government. It is for this reason that the dti is working with the Department of Health, Department of Forestry and Fisheries other national departments and the National Regulatory for Compulsory Standards (NRCS) to establish a Food Safety Agency, with an attendant regulatory framework.

Government’s view is that the long term sustainability of the food sector and its ability to safeguard jobs, rests on an optimal health and safety standards regulatory framework, and enforcement by government.

07 June 2018 - NW1262

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1) (a) Are all four units of the Ingula Pumped Storage Scheme operational currently, (b) how long have they been operational and (c) how much power is provided by each unit; (2) (a) what was the total cost of the scheme, (b) what was the original budgeted amount for the scheme, (c) what was the original estimated time frame to complete the scheme, (d) how long did the scheme actually take to complete, (e) who was the main contractor for the scheme and (f) what amount was paid to this contractor for work done on the scheme; (3) is the contract under forensic investigation by Eskom; if not, why not?


According to the information received from Eskom


Yes, all 4 Ingula units are in commercial operation.


Each unit has been operational for between 1 and 2 years, as indicated in the table below.

Table 1: Commercial operation dates for each unit at Ingula


Commercial Operation Date

Unit 1

30 August 2016

Unit 2

22 August 2016

Unit 3

30 January 2017

Unit 4

10 June 2016


Each unit is rated at a maximum continuous rating of 333 megawatts (MW).

In terms of the actual production of power per unit, the following should be noted:

  • Ingula has two waterways, each supplying water to two of the four units. Due to the possibility of excessive build-up of pressure, two units with a common waterway are restricted to less than full power when running simultaneously, but two units on different waterways are able to generate at full capacity. Thus, if all four units are required to generate at the same time, each has to reduce output by approximately 50MW.
  • A design modification to address the issue is planned for implementation during the upcoming 2018 outages.


As at 30 March 2018, R29.5 billion (excluding interest during construction) has been spent on the scheme, against an approved business case value of R29.8 billion (excluding interest during construction).


R8.5 billion (excluding interest during construction).


The original estimated time frame to complete the scheme was 6 years and 8 months.


The scheme actually took 10 years and 9 months to complete.


The main contractor for the scheme was CMI-JV (CMC di Revenna, PG Mavundla and Impregilo Joint Venture).


The amount paid to this contractor for work done on the scheme is R14 959 205 944.36 (excluding VAT).


No. A technical investigation looking into the root causes of operational problems has been initiated, the outcome of which will determine whether there is a need for forensic investigation.

07 June 2018 - NW1840

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)Whether (a) his spouse and/or (b) an adult family member accompanied him on any official international trip (i) in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) is the name of the person(s), (bb) was the (aaa) purpose and (bbb) destination of the trip and (cc) was the (aaa) total cost and (bbb) detailed breakdown of the costs of the accompanying person(s) to his department; (2) whether each of the specified trips were approved by the President in terms of the provisions of Section 1, Annexure A of the Ministerial Handbook; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details


(1); (a), (b) (i)(ii); (aa) (bb), (aaa) (bbb),

The provisions for international official journeys for members of the executive and their spouses (alternatively one adult family member) are set out in Chapter 6, section 2 of the Ministerial Handbook. The provisions provide for an accompanying spouse or adult family member on international official journeys undertaken by a member of the executive.

No adult family member other than the Members spouse, Mrs Davies, accompanied the Member on official international duties.

In the past five financial years and the period from April 2018, the Member completed 66 official international work trips and was accompanied by his spouse on 8 occasions at an average cost of R53 037,50.

The purpose of the international work was to promote South African trade and investment interests. Details of the various international work undertaken by the executive member can be found in the dti Annual Reports, various reports to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, reports in the media and the dti website, amongst others.

The provisions in the Ministerial Handbook also provide for the personal staff in a Ministry to accompany the executive member on official travel abroad. During the period under review, staff from the personal office rarely accompanied the executive member on official travel abroad.

(2) There is no provision in the Handbook that requires the President to approve spousal travel.

06 June 2018 - NW1519

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What number of meetings has the Interim Board of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) had with the top leadership and management of Prasa since its appointment, (b) on what date did the meetings take place, (c) who was in attendance at each meeting, (d) what was on the agenda of each meeting and (e) what resolutions were taken at each meeting?



The PRASA Interim Board was appointed with immediate effect for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months. Letters of appointment is dated 12 April 2018.

The following Board Meetings and Board committee meetings have taken place to date:

Type of the meeting


Board Members Attendance

Executive Attendance

Agenda items

Board meeting

03 May 2018

Ms K Kweyama

Ms D Tshepe

Ms J Schreiner

Ms Mashila Matlala

Mr K Wessie

Mr S Ntsaluba

Mr N Alli

Mr L Zide

Ms T Mahlati

Ms. Martha Ngoye

Ms. Pearl Munthali

Mr. Tiro Holele

Mr. Rasheeque Zaman

Dr. Sipho Sithole

Mr. Piet Sebola

Mr. Chris Mbatha

Mr. Khulu Mchuba (KM)

Mr. Joseph Makhura

Mr. Nathi Khena

Mr. Kevin Moonsamy

Mr. Viresh Lutchman

Ms. Anna-Marie Lubbe

Ms M Kotu – Board Committee Secretary

Please refer to the attached agenda

Human Capital & Remuneration Committee (HC&R)

22 May 2018

Mashile Matlala

Doris Tshepe

Khanyisile Kweyama

Jennifer Schreiner

Mr L Zide

Ms P Munthali

Ms M Kotu – Board Committee Secretary

Please refer to the attached agenda

Audit and Risk Committee (ARC)

21 May 2018

Sango Ntsaluba

Nazir Alli

Doris Tshepe

Kodisang Wessie

Mr L Zide

Mr R Zaman

Mr C Mbatha

Ms T Mahlati

Ms K Naicker (AG office)

Mr T Phori

Ms N Motaung (Acting Co Secretary)

Ms M Ngoye

Ms A Lubbe

Please refer to the attached agenda

Safety, Health, Environment & Quality Committee (SHEQ)

23 May 2018

Jennifer Schreiner

Mashile Matlala

Nazir Alli

Kodisang Wessie

Sango Ntsaluba

Mr. L. Zide

Ms. M. Ngoye

Ms. P. Munthali

Mr J. Makhura

Mr. K. Moonsamy

Mr. N. Khena

Ms. T. Ngubane

Ms. N. Mareko

Mr. E. Ngutshane

Ms. N. Kondlo

Ms. J. Moshe

Mr. T. Mahlake

Mr. L. Bayi

Please refer to the attached agenda

Finance Capital Investment and Procurement Committee (FCIP)

24 May 2018

Kodisang Wessie

Nazir Alli

Doris Tshepe

Jennifer Schreiner

Mr L Zide

Mr P Sebola

Mr K Mchuba

Ms M Ngoye

Ms T Mahlati

Ms N Motaung (Acting Co Secretary)

Ms N Nengome

Please refer to the attached agenda

(b) on what date did the meetings take place?

The meetings have taken place on the following dates:

  1. 03 May 2018
  2. 22 May 2018
  3. 21 May 2018
  4. 23 May 2018
  5. 24 May 2018

(c) who was in attendance at each meeting?

Please refer to the above table

(d) what was on the agenda of each meeting?

Please refer to the attached agendas

(e) what resolutions were taken at each meeting?

These meetings were held in May and the resolutions will be ratified at the Board meeting at the end of May. The Main focus of these meetings were to get the business back to focus on its core mandate.

06 June 2018 - NW1458

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER


(1) Whether, with reference to the reply of the President, Mr C M Ramaphosa, to the debate on the State of the Nation Address on 22 February 2018 to implement lifestyle audits, (a) he, (b) senior management service members in his department and/or (c) any of the heads of entities reporting to him have undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years; if not, have any plans been put in place to perform such audits; if so, in each case, what are the details of the (i) date of the lifestyle audit, (ii) name of the person undergoing the audit, (iii) name of the auditing firm conducting the audit and (iv) outcome of the audit; (2) whether he will furnish Ms E R Wilson with copies of the lifestyle audit reports?


Currently no lifestyle audits were done for the Minister, senior management in the department or any heads of entities reporting to the Minister in the past three financial years that the Minister is aware off.

Normally lifestyle audits are done during investigations. The current approved internal audit plan for 2018/19 does not include lifestyle audits as internal audit does not have the necessary capacity, tools and/or skills to do these audits. An auditing firm will have to be appointed for this purpose. The Minister and Director General still needs to decide for whom/what levels, how and when these lifestyle audits need to be done. This can be a costly exercise and the necessary budget needs to be allocated to appoint an auditing firm to conduct lifestyle audits.

06 June 2018 - NW1638

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to the suspension of trains between Mabopane-Belle Ombre-Dewildt and Pretoria North in April 2018, (a)(i) what alternative arrangements were put in place for transporting commuters during this suspension and (ii) how were the arrangements communicated to commuters and (b)(i) what plans were put in place to enable the service to resume and (ii) what are the deadlines, timeframes, timelines and milestones with regard to the resumption of train services?


There was no service suspension of trains between Mabopane-Bell Ombre-Dewildt and Pretoria North during April 2018.

a) (i) not applicable

(ii) not applicable

b) (i) not applicable

(ii) not applicable

06 June 2018 - NW1593

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What (a) number of applications for refugee status from Somali nationals have been (i) received, (ii) approved and (iii) rejected (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2018 and (b) are the main reasons for rejecting the specified applications?


(a) Reporting of asylum statistics is in line with calendar years (January to December):


(i) Received

(ii) Approved

(iii) Rejected

(aa) 2015




(aa) 2016




(aa) 2017




(bb) 2018




* The number of applications approved and rejected may differ with the total received in the specific year as not all applications received are finalised within the same year and there also applications that are finalised from a carryover from previous years.

(b) Main reasons for the rejections are :

  • Applicants with claims that come from the peaceful parts of Somalia like Somaliland and Puntland.
  • Applicants that are in RSA for other reasons than those stipulated in Section 3 of the Refugees Act 130 of 1998.
  • Applicants who were granted refugee status before and withdrew their refugee status because they wanted to return to their country of origin and who failed to demonstrate changed circumstances that forced them to return to South Africa to re-apply for asylum.
  • Applicants who already enjoy protection in other countries that are signatory to the UN Convention and who failed to give compelling reasons as to why they left such protection.
  • Applicants who fall under the exclusion clause.
  • Applicants who re-availed themselves to their country of origin whilst applying for asylum in South Africa.

06 June 2018 - NW1697

Profile picture: Mkhaliphi, Ms HO

Mkhaliphi, Ms HO to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)(a) What total amount of land owned by his department and the entities reporting to him in each province is (i) vacant and (ii) unused or has no purpose and (b) what is the (i) location and (ii) size of each specified plot of land; (2) (a) how much of the land owned by his department and the entities reporting to him has been leased out for private use and (b) what is the (i) Rand value of each lease and (ii)(aa) location and (bb) size of each piece of land?


The department and entities responded as follows:

Department of Home Affairs

(1)(a) The Department of Home Affairs does not own any land.

(1)(a)(i) Not Applicable

(1)(a)(ii) Not Applicable

(1)(b) Not Applicable

(1)(b)(i) Not Applicable

(1)(b)(ii) Not Applicable

(2)(a) The Department of Home Affairs does not own nor lease out any land.

(2)(b)(i) Not Applicable

(2)(b)(ii)(aa)&(bb) Not Applicable

Government Printing Works (GPW)

(1)(a)(i) One

(a)(ii) It is unused but will be renovated as GPW Administration Office.

(b)(i) 389 Sophie De Bruyn Street, Pretoria

(b)(ii) 2552 square metres

(2)(a) Not Applicable

(2)(b)(i) Not applicable

(2)(b)(ii)((aa)&(bb) Not Applicable

Electoral Commission (IEC)

(1)(a) The Electoral Commission does not own any land.

(1)(a)(i) Not Applicable

(1)(a)(ii) Not Applicable

(1)(b) Not Applicable

(1)(b)(i) Not Applicable

(1)(b)(ii) Not Applicable;

(2)(a) The Electoral Commission does not own nor lease out any land.

(2)(b)(i) Not Applicable

(2)(b)(ii)(aa)&(bb) Not Applicable

06 June 2018 - NW1639

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to the pay-outs made to claimants by the Road Accident Fund in the (a) past three financial years and (b) the current financial year to date, (i) what is the average payment made to claimants in each financial year, (ii)(aa) what is the largest single payment made in each financial year, (bb) on what date was the payment made and (cc) what are the reasons that the payment was made, (iii)(aa) what is the smallest single payment made in each financial year, (bb) on what date was the payment made and (cc) what are the reasons that the payment was made?


With reference to the settlement pay-outs made to claimants, including direct claimants and suppliers, by the Road Accident Fund in the

(i) the average payment made to claimants in each financial year was,

a) 2015-2016;




2017-2018 financial years; and


(b) the current financial year to date,

R75,897 (unaudited),

(ii)(aa) the largest single capital payment made in each financial year was,

(bb) the date was the payment made on

and (cc) the reasons that the payment was made for




payment for past medical expenses, general damages and loss of earnings




payment for loss of earnings

2017-2018 financial years; and



payment for loss of earnings, general damages and past medical expenses

the current financial year to date,

R9,052,284 (unaudited),


payment for loss of earnings, general damages and past medical expenses

(iii)(aa) the smallest single capital payment made in each financial year was,

(bb) the date was the payment made on

and (cc) the reasons that the payment was made




payment for past medical expenses




payment for past medical expenses

2017-2018 financial years; and



payment for past medical expenses

the current financial year to date,

R135 (unaudited),


payment for past medical expenses.

06 June 2018 - NW1634

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

What (a) changes have been made to the Interim Board of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa since its appointment and (b) are the reasons for the changes?


(a) Since the Interim Board of Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa Board of Control (PRASA) was appointed with effect from 12 April 2018 for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months, there has been no changes.

(b) Not applicable

06 June 2018 - NW1774

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)With reference to the judgment in respect of the Gauteng Division of the High Court, case 53050/2012, what were the reasons for the (a) signing the acceptance letter of the bid of Adonai Aviation for the leasing of aircraft and (b) failure to sign the five-year lease agreement pursuant to the acceptance of the bid of the specified company; (2) whether, in light of the reasons of the cost order against her outlined in paragraph 11 of the judgment, she will pay for the cost order in her personal capacity; if not, (a) why not and (b) what legal provisions does she rely on for not doing so; if so, what are the relevant details?


This matter is subject to ongoing legal processes.

06 June 2018 - NW1402

Profile picture: Nolutshungu, Ms N

Nolutshungu, Ms N to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What are the details of the backlog of all roads to be constructed in the country, (b) what are the relevant details of the distance in kilometers of roads to be constructed, (c) in which municipalities are the roads to be constructed and (d) what is the total cost to eliminate the backlog?


a) Based on the most recent available consolidated Committee of Transport Officials (COTO) report the backlog was quantified as follows, in 2013. see the link below:


1. Strengthening - This refers to reworking of exiting pavement layers and could include the addition of new layers to increase the structural capacity of the pavement to a condition that is very near or equal to that of an equivalent new pavement.

2. Re-gravel - This refers to the addition of a new gravel layer to replace lost gravel.

3. In addition, the estimated length of gravel network that needed to be upgraded to surfaced standard, that is where the traffic volume exceeds ADT of 300 vehicles per day was estimated at 9,800 km and a cost of R58.8 billion.

4. In addition, the Capacity Expansion Backlog was estimated at R118.9 billion for national roads, SANRAL, only.

b) The existing gravel roads that need to be surfaced was 9,800 km and 2,611 km with capacity backlog.

c) SANRAL unfortunately do not have access to the data at municipal level, as data was aggregated at provincial level for the above COTO report.

d) Estimate 2013 backlog costs were as follow:

(i) Strengthening/Re-gravel Backlog = R197,7 billion

(ii) Resurfacing Backlog = R58,8 billion

(iii) Capacity Expansion backlog = R118,9 billion (SANRAL only)

06 June 2018 - NW1775

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)Whether, with regard to the decision taken by her and/or her department not to sign the lease agreement with Adonai Aviation, any legal opinions were sought prior to taking the decision; if not, why not; if so, (a) what number of opinions were sought and (b) from whom were the opinions sought; (2) did she and/or her department consider the cost implications of not signing the lease agreement; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


This matter is subject to ongoing legal processes.

06 June 2018 - NW1636

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to the contracts of a certain company (name furnished) with the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa, (a) what progress has been made in recouping any monies as a result of activities referred to in the Public Protector’s report, (b) what amounts have been recouped, (c) on what date was each amount recouped, (d) how were the amounts recouped, (e) what arrests were made in this regard, (f) on what dates did the arrests take place and (g) what charges were laid in each case?


(a), (b), (c) and (d)

PRASA has launched an application for the review and setting aside of the contract that was referred to as “an extension”, which, in actual fact was Phase 1 of a project called Integrated Security and Access Management Systems (“ISAMS”). This contract was for R1,95 billion and not the R800 million that was reported to the Public Protector. This review application also includes two contracts that were awarded to Siyangena Technologies (Pty) Limited (“Siyangena”), namely, Phase 2 of the ISAMS project and an upgrade and maintenance of Phase 1 of the ISAMS project. If PRASA is successful in the review application, then the amounts paid may be recouped.

(e), (f) and (g)

The matters were referred to the Directorate for Priority Crime and Investigation accompanied by detailed statements and supporting documents and according to PRASA’s knowledge, no arrests have been made to date and no one has been criminally charged.

05 June 2018 - NW1446

Profile picture: Dreyer, Ms AM

Dreyer, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Police

What number of (a) vehicl06 are there for detectives at the Tembisa South Pollca Station, (b) these vehicles have mileage of (I) 1 — 100 000kms, (ii) 100 001 - 200 000 kms, (iii) 200 001 - 300 000kms and (lv) over 300 000kms and (c) days in 2017 were each of the specified vehicles out of working order?






Tembisa South                                     

(b)(i) 1- 100 000 kms

(b)(ii) 100 001 – 200 000kms

(b)(iii) 200 001 -300 000kms

(b)(iv)over 300 000kms

  1. Number of vehicles
  1. Days out of working order
  1. Number of vehicles
  1. Days out of working order
  1. Number of vehicles

c)Days out of working order

a) Number of vehicles

c)Days out of working order

BTX 916B

BTL 641B

BTM 439B

BVC 897B

BVC 882B







5 vehicles

1 day

1 day

1 day

1 day

1 day

BSX 045B

BSW 645B

BSW 866B

BSW 650B

BSW 648B

BSW 647B

BSZ 435B

BSZ 436B

BSZ 169B

BTB 525B


10 vehicles

1 day

1 day

1 day

1 day

1 day

1 day

1 day

1 day

1 day

1 day







OLE (SOEG) 201f •05- t 8



Reply to question 1446 approvad/‹u›t-aggro

05 June 2018 - NW1234

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

What (a) total amount has his department spent on the Counter-assault Unit in each of the past three financial years and (b} has been the capacity of the specified unit in terms of personnel for each specified financial year?


(a) The total budget for the Presidential Protection Services, is R88 038 000,00, which is inclusive of the Counter Assault Unit.

(b) 2015/2016 - 1162.

2016/2017 - 1 369.

201712018 - 1 382.

The above figures reflect the capacity of the Presidential Protection Services, which is inclusive of the Counter Assault Unit. The segregation of the capacity of the specified Unit, cannot be divulged, as this may compromise security.

Reply to question 1234 recommended

Date: 2018-05-23

Reply to question 1234 approved


05 June 2018 - NW1477

Profile picture: Ross, Mr DC

Ross, Mr DC to ask the Minister of Police

(1) \Whether, with reference to the reply of the President, Mr CM Ramaphosa, to the debate on the Stale of the Nation Address on 22 February 2018 to Implement lifestyle audits, (a) he, (b) senior management service members in his department and/or (c) any of the heads of entities reporting to him have undergone a lifestyle audit In the past three financial years; if not, have any plans .been put in place to perform such audits; If so, in each case, what are the details of the (i) date of the lifestyle audit, (ii) name of the person undergoing the audit, (iii) name of the auditing firm conducting the audit and (v) outcome of the audit; (2) Whether he will furnish Mr D C Ross with copies of the lifestyle audit reports? NW1580E


(1) prior to the announcement of the President, Mr CM Ramaphosa, during his State of the .Nation Address, the South African Police Service (SAPS) had not established a system to. conduct lifestyle audits. Lifestyle audits were, however, given effect to, via the Security Competency (Vetting) System.

Senior Management Service (SMS) members, who are In possession of a security clearance, would have had their lifestyles audited through the Vetting System. To achieve the objective of ensuring the integrity of the SAPS, an SMS members have been instructed to apply for a security clearance, on the SAPS E-vetting System.

The SAPS has since the announcement, as stated above, introduced lifestyle audits as both part of vetting and as a separate activity from the vetting, through random or specific targeting.

(2) Lifestyle audits are by its very nature, highly confidential, as it includes personal information and private details of employees. Therefore, copies of the lifestyle audits reports can unfortunately not be made available to Mr DC Ross.

Reply to question 1477 recommended

Date: 2018-05-23

Reply to question 1477 approved/not approved

Date: 03/06/2018

05 June 2018 - NW42

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)What (a) was the scope of National Treasury’s review of the coal contracts at Eskom, (b) are the names of each consultant that was employed to conduct the review and (c) was the (i) total cost and (ii) detailed breakdown of the costs thereof; (2) whether the report on the specified review has been finalised; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will the report be finalised; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether a forensic audit has been launched as a result of the specified review; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. (a) The scope of the work was to review the allegations pertaining to the awarding of coal contracts by Eskom Holdings SOC Limited (Eskom) as reported in the media and in the “State of Capture” report issued by the Public Protector on 14 October 2016 (State of Capture Report); to obtain and review information / documentation available to the National Treasury; and to obtain and review information / documentation available in the public domain;

(b) PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.

(c) (i) R 494,202.69 (total costs)

(ii) Total Investigation fees: R494,202.69.

2. (a) A draft High Level Review Report has been done.

(b) The review report is the subject of a detailed criminal investigation by the South African Police Service and finalisation is dependent on the completion of those criminal proceedings.

3. There will not be a further in-depth forensic investigation conducted by the National Treasury’s Office of Accountant-General, as the investigation is under a criminal investigation process. The National Treasury is part of the multi-agency to support the criminal proceedings and the review report is subject of the detailed criminal investigation by the South African Police Service.

05 June 2018 - NW1435

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

(1) What (a) are the details of the charges contained in and (b) is the current status of the investigation into each docket (details furnished); (2) whether any suspects have been (a) questioned and/or (b) arrested; if not, in each case, why not; if so, (i) what are the relevant details in each case and (ii) '3fe any suspects out on bait; (3) what are the names of the Investigating officers that were assigned to investigate the charges In each case; (4) whether any forensic evidence has been concluded and/or presented to the investigating officer(s); (5) what (a) is the envisaged date for the finalisation of the specified case if not yet finalised and (b) are the details of the outcome of the case if finalised?


(1)-(5),The information that is required is not readily available, as each case must be verified, before the information can be submitted. A request is made for an extension of three weeks, in. order for us to provide quality and correct information, as soon as it is available.

Reply to question 1435 recommended

: 2018-05-23

Reply to question 1435 approved

; 2018/06/03

05 June 2018 - NW1261

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1) What are the reasons that Eskom has failed to recapitalise its tied mines resulting in a drop in coal supply; (2) whether Eskom has negotiated any contracts with non-tied mines to fill the coal-supply shortfall over the past 12 months; if so, (a) which companies have been contracted, (b) what was the cost of each ton of coal, (c) what is the total number of tons that will be supplied and (d) what are the details of the term of the contract; (3) whether Eskom will be entering into any future contracts with non-tied mines; if so, what is the name of each company?


According to the information received from Eskom


Eskom had Capital constraints post Multi Year Price Determination 3 (MYPD3) award in 2013. Eskom prioritised allocation of capital for the New Build program and thus very limited capital was made available for the cost plus mines expansion and equipment replacement projects.

FY2017 Eskom recommitted capital investment in the cost plus mines. However Eskom is still faced with further funding constraints and this affects its capital allocation for cost plus mines.


Yes, over the past 12 months Eskom has negotiated contracts with non-tied mines to fill the coal-supply shortfall.


Table 1 provides the name of the suppliers that have been contracted; total number of tons that will be supplied to Eskom; and the start date of each coal supply agreement (CSA).

Table 1: Details of contracts with non-tied mines


Name of the supplier (a)

Total Quantity in tons (c)

CSA start date



Sudor Coal (Pty) Ltd – Halfgewonnen

20 960 000



Silverlake Trading (Pty) Ltd – Uitgevalen

             3 000 000



Izimbiwa Handling Systems (Pty) Ltd - Doornrug

                350 000



Iyanga Mining (Pty) Ltd - Leeuport, Klipfontein & Mooifontein

                480 000



Keaton Mining (Pty) Ltd – Vanggatfontein

                100 000



African Exploration Mining and Finance Company - Chilwavhusiku

             9 000 000



Izimbiwa Coal (Pty) Ltd -Graspan (Previously Shanduka)

             1 050 000




Exxaro Coal Mpumalanga (Pty) Ltd – NBC


             1 020 000




                420 000




Cathoros Commodities (Pty) Ltd -  Wescoal Processing Plant


120 000




280 000




Name of the supplier (a)

Total Quantity in tons (c)

CSA start date (d)


Iyanga Mining (Pty) Ltd – Klipfontein

4 800 000



African Exploration Mining and Finance Company - Mzimkhulu

29 800 000



Tshedza Mining Resources (Pty) Ltd – Manungu

720 000



Keaton Mining (Pty) Ltd – Vanggatfontein

200 000



Stuart Coal (Pty) Ltd - East Block

1 200 000



Overlooked Colliery (Pty) Ltd

504 000



Rirhandzu Colliery (Pty) Ltd

790 000



Ntshovelo Mining Resources (Pty) Ltd

550 000



Liketh Investments (Pty) Ltd - KK Pit 5

750 000



Cathoros Commodities (Pty) Ltd - Nndanganeni Colliery

450 000



Exxaro Coal Mpumalanga (Pty) Ltd - NBC

780 000



Hlagisa Mining (Pty) Ltd -  Wildfontein

2 000 000



Izimbiwa Coal (Pty) Ltd (previously Shanduka) - Graspan

3 600 000



Wescoal Mining - Elandspruit

480 000



Please note that prices cannot be disclosed as they are confidential and commercialy sensitive.


Yes, to satisfy its demand Eskom will be entering into any future contracts with non-tied mines through the approved procurement mechanisms.

The names of the suppliers who are involved in the ongoing procurement processes cannot be revealed as this would compromise the processes, while those who will be engaged in the future are not known at this stage.

05 June 2018 - NW1369

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr P

Mhlongo, Mr P to ask the Minister of Police

What is the racial breakdown of members of the SA Police Service at each rank?


The breakdown of the total South African Police Service (SAPS) workforce, as per SAPS\Act and the Public Service Act and per salary level, race and gender category, is attached.

Reply to question 1369 recommended





Reply to question 1369 approved/not approved

Date: 03/06/2018

Find here: Total SAPS (2018-04-30) PERSAP POL+PSA

05 June 2018 - NW1264

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Deputy President

(1) (a) What is the annual budget of the SA National Aids Council (SANAC), (b) what amount of the budget comes from (i) international organisations and (ii) the private sector in South Africa and (c) how (i) is the budget spent and (ii) does the SANAC audit its books; (2) to what extent has (a) SANAC engaged mining companies to implement social labour plans to ease poverty, unemployed and determinants on health and (b) SANAC helped District Aids Councils and Local Aids Councils to be effective; (3) what innovative programmes is SANAC contemplating for reducing unplanned teenage pregnancies and HIV incidents amongst teenagers; (4) whether SANAC will intervene with regard to the poor attendance by the health representatives to Aids meetings at District Aids Councils and Local Aids Councils; (5) how is SANAC tracking its performance on planned activities and what measures are in place to achieve the implementation of its National Strategic Plan 2017-22?


(1) (a) What is the annual budget of the SA National Aids Council (SANAC),

The Annual budget of SANAC for the period 2017/18 was R66, 275,268

(b) what amount of the budget comes from

(i) international organisations?

Funding from International donors for the period 2017/18 was R22,324,975

(ii) the private sector in South Africa and


SANAC did not receive any funding from the private sector in South Africa for the year 2017/18

(c) (i) How is the budget spent

Budget is spent on programmes developed in line with the National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV, TB and STI’s  


(ii) does the SANAC audit its books;

SANAC books are audited by independent internal and external auditors appointed by the SANAC Board of Trustees.

(2) to what extent has (a) SANAC engaged mining companies to implement social labour plans to ease poverty, unemployed and determinants on health

The Chamber of Mines is represented on the Global Fund Country Co- ordinating Mechanism and the Plenary and their participation facilitates the alignment of their social labour plans with other investments in the country, from government and external donors.

The new Global Fund Request for Funding that is currently being developed aims to include an organisation that works with private sector companies to align their investments with the National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs, maximising the efficiency and effectiveness of their investment.   

The SANAC has developed a private sector strategy that includes building a platform for engagement with mining companies but this has not yet been implemented due to funding shortages.

and (b) SANAC helped District Aids Councils and Local Aids Councils to be effective;

In July 2015, SANAC Secretariat commissioned an assessment to look at the functionality of the Provincial Councils on AIDS and their sub-level structures (District and Local AIDS Councils). Overall, the assessment showed secretariats exists and are able to conduct most of the support functions related to day to day Council activities. The assessment further showed that the levels of functionality of the PCAs and that of their respective sub-levels were found to be variable.

Provincial Premiers’ leadership of the PCAs was found to be more visible than perceived. However, at district and local level the assessment found that in many instances the councils were non-existent and where they existed the functionality levels were low. There were however provinces where some districts and local level AIDS councils are functional.

Based on the findings and recommendations SANAC Secretariat put together an AIDS Councils Capacity Development initiative to strengthen the Provincial, Districts and Local AIDS Councils. This initiative has seen the development of a Capacity Development Strategy to guide the implementation of the Capacity Building initiative for the AIDS Councils. A toolkit for AIDS Councils Capacity Development has also been developed and to this end 4 Provinces and their districts have been trained (Gauteng, North West, Mpumalanga and Free State). The remaining 5 provinces will be trained during this financial year. The capacity building will be followed by a mentorship programme to continually support the AIDS Councils to function optimally at all times.

SANAC through its Secretariat is also supporting the AIDS Councils to develop their Implementation Plans to reach the goals of the National Strategic Plan 2017-2018. To this end all the 9 provinces have their Provincial Implementation Plans being finalized while all the 44 Districts and 8 Metros have their Multi-Sectoral District Implementation Plans. However, successful implementation of these instruments will require that the Premiers and the Mayors take overall leadership of their AIDS Councils.

SANAC is also working with the United Nations Joint AIDS Program (UNAIDS) on a Fast Track Cities initiative to assist municipalities and cities with a high burden of HIV, TB and STI’s. This process seeks to support these Municipalities and Cities to fast track their HIV response to achieve the 90-90-90 targets by 2020 and their NSP targets by 2022.

(3) what innovative programmes is SANAC contemplating for reducing unplanned teenage pregnancies and HIV incidents amongst teenagers;

The SANAC secretariat co-ordinates the implementation of programmes targeting young women and girls under the umbrella of the She Conquers campaign launched by the previous SANAC chair. This includes programmes implemented by government, GIZ, the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria and the DREAMS programme of PEPFAR. The Global Fund programme is also piloting a cash plus care programme in KZN and WC where conditional cash grants are provided together with a package of services that aims to empower women aged 19-24 years. All these programmes aim to reduce teenage pregnancies and HIV incidence.

(4) whether SANAC will intervene with regard to the poor attendance by the health representatives to Aids meetings at District Aids Councils and Local Aids Councils;

While it is SANAC’s mandate to coordinate the HIV, TB and STI’s response in the country, it however remains the role of the individual AIDS Councils leadership to encourage every stakeholder to be always represented and participate actively during the AIDS Councils meetings. Therefore, the Premiers and Mayors are encouraged to make sure that their AIDS Councils are well established, multi-sectoral, meet on a regular basis and report on their work.

SANAC is also developing a National Accountability Framework and scorecard as recommended in the National Strategic Plan 2017-2022. It is envisaged that once completed the Accountability Framework will improve accountability across all sectors on the implementation of the National Strategic Plan. This process will result in the Premiers and Mayors understanding their performance progress towards achieving the 8 goals of the National Strategic Plan.

(5) how is SANAC tracking its performance on planned activities and what measures are in place to achieve the implementation of its National Strategic Plan 2017-22?

SANAC has an Annual Performance Plan (APP) which tracks its performance on planned activities on a quarterly basis. The APP is reviewed on a quarterly basis and audited to track progress.

Through its provincial representation and broad multi-stakeholder consultation, on an annual basis SANAC compiles M&E progress reports on the implementation of the National Strategic Plan (NSP). 

The NSP 2017-22 implementation is also tracked through the compilation of provincial quarterly progress reports on key indicators. 

Going forward, quarterly factsheets will be compiled to depict progress in the implementation of the NSP will be develop. The intention of this will be to widely communicate progress. 

A Mid-Term Review is also planned to track progress to document progress and address identified implementation challenges. 

05 June 2018 - NW1356

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

(1) With reference to the concerning steep budget escalations for the Protection and Security Services division from R353-milllon In 2008-09 to R1 ,5-bllllon in 2018-19, which Included an above-Inflation increase of 18,6% from R977,9 million in 2014-15 to R1, 16 billion In 2015-16, what has been the reason(s) for the steep year-on-year budget escalations; (2) has the (a} SA Police Service and (b) Police Ministry studied the SA Institute of Race Relations report titled South Africa's Secret Police: Inside the Multi-Billion Rand, Clandestine VIP Protection Se1Vices on these steep budget escalations; if not, why not; if so, what is the position in this regard? NW1457E


(1) The reasons for the year-on-year budget escalations, are as follows:

- Additional members of Cabinet must be protected.

- An increase in manifested threats against Very Important Persons (VIP's).

- An Increase in major events and the related protection.

(2)(a)(b) Yes. The Department of Police supports the view of the President of the Republic of South Africa, Honourable MC Ramaphosa, who has said that measures must be implemented, to reduce the expenditure of protection and security services for VIPs.

The envisaged re-alignment and rationalisation of government departments by the President, will result in less· government departments, Members of Cabinet and VIPs. This will result In a significant reduction In expenditure for the Division: Protection and Security Services.

Reply, to question 1356 recommended

Date: 2018-05-23

Reply to question 1356 approved

Date: 03/06/2018

05 June 2018 - NW1436

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

(1) What number. of {a) persons became SA Police Service reservists In each: province (I) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018 and (b) the specified reservists were taken on in police stations In each case; (2) whether any reservists received letters of appointment but were never utilised by any police station; If not, what Is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details


2016/2017: None

2017/2018: A total of 1 993 persons, were appointed as student reservists and will be rendering service until the successful completion of the reservist training, whereafter, only those that have passed the training ·will be appointed as fully. fledged reservists. The provincial breakdown, is as follows:

Please find here: Table

04 June 2018 - NW1318

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)What are the criteria followed in allocating staff housing at the Walter Sisulu University; (2) whether staff members are ranked in accordance with the specified criteria when accommodation is offered to staff in university-owned houses; if so, what (a) are the details of the ranking and (b) is the total number of staff members who are provided with housing in each rank; (3) (a)(i) where is each staff house located and (ii) what are the details of each person who occupies each staff house and (b) what is the average monthly (i) rental and (ii) related costs recovered from staff occupying each staff house since 1 April 2017; (4) what (a) costs related to staff accommodation offered by the university are paid for by each staff member concerned and (b) costs are borne by the university; (5) what is the total amount that the university spent on staff housing in the 2016-17 financial year and since 1 April 2017?


The Walter Sisulu University (WSU) has provided the following responses to the questions posed.

1. Staff Housing at WSU is allocated according to the Rules on Allocation of Accommodation:

(a) In the evaluation and allocation process for houses and/or flats, the Interim Staff Housing and Allocation Committee prioritises to the following staff members:

  1. New appointees living in a hotel/B&B with a spouse or partner and children.
  2. New appointees living in a hotel/B&B with a spouse or partner.
  3. New appointees living in a hotel/B&B.
  4. The following critical requirements or conditions of employment for:
  • Executive Management;
  • Exchange Lecturers;
  • Academic Staff; and
  • Scarce Skills Support Services Staff.

(b) Allocation of points according to Peromnes grades:

  1. Grade 1 = 17 points
  2. Grade 2 = 16 points
  3. Grade 3 = 15 points
  4. Grade 4 = 14 points
  5. Grade 5 = 13 points
  6. Grade 6 = 12 points
  7. Grade 7 = 11 points
  8. Grade 8 = 10 points
  9. Grade 9 = 9 points
  10. Grade 10 = 8 points
  11. Grade 11 = 7 points
  12. Grade 12 = 6 points
  13. Grade 13 = 5 points
  14. Grade 14 = 4 points
  15. Grade 15 = 3 points
  16. Grade 16 = 2 points
  17. Grade 17 = 1 point

(c) Allocation of points according to the years of service, i.e. one point per completed year of service to a maximum of 10 years.

(d) Allocation of points for dependents:

  1. (One point for a spouse living with the applicant staff member.
  2. One point per minor child living with the applicant staff member to a maximum of four children.

(e) In the event of there being parity on points between two or more applicants of equal rank, then preference will be given to the applicant who has:

  1. held his/her present grade longer; and/or
  2. the greater number of children in their household.

2. (a) The ranks include Executive Management, Exchange Lecturers, Academic Staff and Scarce Skills Support Services Staff.

(b) Annexure A provides a list of all staff members accommodated at university-owned properties.

3. (a) (i) There are 41 houses and 139 flats in Mthatha, 1 flat in East London and 13 houses in Butterworth.

(ii) The list of staff members occupying various houses and flats is attached as Annexure A.

(b) (i) The average monthly rent for tax purposes is R2 500 per person and income tax is based on this amount.

(ii) The average monthly cost recovered from staff is R300 per unit per month. Housing units have prepaid electricity meters and the individuals occupying the units pay for electricity themselves.

4. (a) Each staff member pays rental costs and in most properties, they pay electricity costs.

(b) The University pays for maintenance costs, rates and taxes, water and security.

5. Facilities operational expenses at WSU are combined and do not reflect each facility’s individual expense, such as staff houses, student residences, administration offices and laboratories. Since the expenses incurred on staff housing are not separately allocated to a cost centre, WSU cannot provide a comprehensive or consolidated account of expenditure on staff houses in the 2016/17 and 2017/18 financial years.

It is also important to report that the staff housing allocation at the Mthatha Campus of WSU is currently a subject of a forensic investigation instituted in March 2018.

Anexure A


Name of Tenant

Flat or Street Name

Number of Bedrooms


Ms Dhunraj S

Uniwes Flats



Mr Nabileyo

Uniwes Flats



Prof Tindimwebwa G

Uniwes Flats



Dr Chitha

Uniwes Flats



Ms Manning WR

Uniwes Flats



Dr Chisanga T

Uniwes Flats



Mr Roberts C

Uniwes Flats



Dr Kuriah F

Uniwes Flats



Mr Dumisani Mrwetyana

Uniwes Flats



Mr Nkaitshana M

Uniwes Flats



Mr Tshangela

Uniwes Flats



Ms Hermanus K

Uniwes Flats



Ms Gqaza B

Uniwes Flats



Ms Dyan F

Uniwes Flats



Mr Sotshangane N

Uniwes Flats



Prof Ogunsanwo B

Uniwes Flats



Mrs Dawson P

Uniwes Flats



Mr Mfunwa S

Uniwes Flats



Prof Del Rior A

Uniwes Flats



Dr Okuthe GE

Uniwes Flats



Mr Abraham

Uniwes Flats



Prof Vasikar SD

Uniwes Flats



Mr Umapathy E

Uniwes Flats



Prof Nakani B

Uniwes Flats



Kabuaya C

Uniwes Flats



Mr Barnard D

Uniwes Flats



Ms Yvonne Dladlama

Uniwes Flats



Dr Teke Apalata

Uniwes Flats



Dr Jimmo

Uniwes Flats



Dr Rodriguez G

Uniwes Flats



Mr Luvuyo Mbazo

Uniwes Flats



Mr Mfundisi S

Uniwes Flats



Mr Zitumane N

Uniwes Flats



Mr Mpambano SA

Uniwes Flats



Mr Ntshanga

Uniwes Flats



Ms Makaula P

Uniwes Flats



Mrs Mcobothi

Uniwes Flats



Mr Mdani S

Uniwes Flats



Mr Nyika S

Uniwes Flats



Ms Malusi N

Uniwes Flats



Mrs Sigaba Linda

Uniwes Flats



Ms Phokwe OJ

Uniwes Flats



Ms Bengu N

Uniwes Flats



Mrs V Matshiqi

Uniwes Flats



Ms Thato- Khauoe

Uniwes Flats



Ms Mdodana

Uniwes Flats



Ms Abraham LS

Uniwes Flats



Mr Ncapayi MC

Uniwes Flats



Mr Lucwaba VB

Uniwes Flats




Uniwes Flats



Dr Marks J

Uniwes Flats



Mr Mvenene J

Uniwes Flats



Mr Mantambo

Uniwes Flats



Mr Sethuntsa ZP

Uniwes Flats



Ms N Gwadiso

Uniwes Flats



Mrs Bula PN

Uniwes Flats



Ms Zungu P

Uniwes Flats



Ms Puseletso Portia

Uniwes Flats



Mr Siwendu TO

Uniwes Flats



Ms Thambo KG

Uniwes Flats



Dr Ogu AM

Uniwes Flats



Mr Shopo

Uniwes Flats



Mrs Shauli MA

Uniwes Flats



Mr Andile Qotoyi

Uniwes Flats



Dr Niba

Uniwes Flats



Ms Ziyanda Vundle

Uniwes Flats



Ms Nqolase N

Uniwes Flats



No response, don’t know who lives there

Uniwes Flats



Mr Nombambela SM

Uniwes Flats



Dr Oyedeji

Uniwes Flats



Ms T Mtwa

Uniwes Flats



Mr Dyeyi T

Uniwes Flats



Ms Fipaza N

Uniwes Flats



Mr T Ganyile

Uniwes Flats



No response , don’t know who lives there

Uniwes Flats



Dr D V Nakin

Uniwes Flats



no response , don’t know who lives there

Uniwes Flats



Ms Madolo Y

Uniwes Flats



Ms Zanele Boti

Uniwes Flats



Ms Catherine Zoliwe

Uniwes Flats



Mr Adonis MC

Uniwes Flats



no response , don’t know who lives there

Uniwes Flats



Dr Hoza

Uniwes Flats



Dr Nomkoko ET

Uniwes Flats



Mr Buswana Sipelele

Uniwes Flats



Ms Dondolo Gloria

Uniwes Flats



Ms Yanga Stofile

Uniwes Flats



Mr P Nyoni

Uniwes Flats



Norma Mlomo

Uniwes Flats



no response , don’t know who lives there

Uniwes Flats



no response , don’t know who lives there

Uniwes Flats



Mr Kali DH

Uniwes Flats



Dr K Sabiti

Uniwes Flats



Mr Mngeyane S

Uniwes Flats



Ms Sheane T

Uniwes Flats



Mr N Busuman

Uniwes Flats



Mr Tole

Uniwes Flats



Mrs N Xamlashe

Uniwes Flats




Ms Mgqobozi ZM

Ntlambo Flats 1



Mr Ramothea LAJ

Ntlambo Flats 1



Ms Danisa RT

Ntlambo Flats 1



Ms Diwu TM

Ntlambo Flats 1



Mr A.S Soyizwapi

Ntlambo Flats 1



Mr Tiphnyana

Ntlambo Flats 1



Mr Somkoko M

Ntlambo Flats 1



Ms Tebmi Sandlana

Ntlambo Flats 2



Mr Sonkqayi PG

Ntlambo Flats 2



Ms Cewu T

Ntlambo Flats 2



Ms Nomakhosi

Ntlambo Flats 2



Mr Tembile Zine

Ntlambo Flats 2



no response , don’t know

Ntlambo Flats 2



Mr Nonezile Dingezweni

Ntlambo Flats 2



Mr T Matu

Ntlambo flats 2











Prof Aguirre JAH

Garden Flats



Ms Xothongo X

Garden Flats



Mr Eugene Tabia

Garden Flats




Garden Flats



Mr Madlongolwana ZG

Garden Flats



Mr Nasila JS

Garden Flats


Unisouth Flats


Mrs Ngketo

Unisouth Flats



Ms F Ganjikfrockwala

Unisouth Flats



Mr Jim Joseph

Unisouth Flats



Mr M Soviti

Unisouth Flats



Mr Nkalashe TF

Unisouth Flats



Mr Arendse

Unisouth Flats



Dr Mutyaba WE

Unisouth Flats



Mr Swanepoel SF

Unisouth Flats



Mr Luvo Xaki

Unisouth Flats




Prof Olloboyo

Fortgale, Sissons St



no response

Fortgale, Sissons St



Garcia MEI Prof

Fortgale, Sissons St



Prof JN mesatywa

Fortgale, Sissons St



Dr Binyavanga KW

Fortgale, Aloe St



Prof Iputo JE

Fortgale, Aloe St



Mrs Kader N

Fortgale, Aloe St



Dr Chirwa M

Fortgale, Aloe St




Prof Awotedu AA

Southerwood, Dove St



Mr Namugowa A

Southerwood, Hawk St



Mrs Cishe N

Southerwood, Hawk St



No response

Southerwood, Hawk St



Ms Mkula BF

Southerwood, Hawk St



Dr Dontsa L

Southerwood, Dove St



Ms Mdodana P

Southerwood, Owl St



Dr Tseki

Southerwood, Dove St



Mr V Lonwabo

Southerwood, Owl St



Semi Ngonyolo

Southerwood, Ukhozi St



Ms Mayila ND

Southerwood, Owl St



Mrs Thurston EO

Southerwood, Owl St



Mrs M John Thomas

Owl Street/S/Wood



Dr Jumbam ND

Nelson Mandela Drive



Dr A Anozi

Delville Road



Mrs N Sokhasi

Ikhwezi T/ship, Moses St



Mrs Kayingana MN

Ikhwezi T/ship, Vabaza St



Ms Beja NN

Ikhwezi T/ship, Vabaza St



Ms Macuphe J

Ikhwezi T/ship, Vabaza St


In-service houses


Mr Masango

House 1



Vacant -VSP

House 2.



Mr Mzimkhulu

House 3



Mr M Fazwe

House 4




House 5



Ms B Dlava

House 6


In-service Block 7


Mr A Skeyi

Flat 1



Mr D Ketse

Flat 2



Mrs Sihlahla PN

Flat 3



Mr S Zoya

Flat 4



Mr N Nkwelo

Flat 5



Ms J N Hila

Flat 6


In-service Block 8


Mr J Bitsoane

Flat 1



Mr Sibotoboto

Flat 2



Mr P Damane

Flat 3



No Response

Flat 4



Mr K Batala

Flat 5



Mr H Buyeye

Flat 6



Mr T Situnda

Flat 1



Ms K Batala

Flat 2



Mr Mbalo

Flat 3



Mr Situnda

Flat 4



Mr Nounge

Flat 5



Ms Ayanda

Flat 6


In-service Houses


Mr A Ntontela

House 10



Ms Mayisihi

House 11



Ms Z Malindzi

House 12



Mr August

House 13


In-service Houses


Mr Batuni

House A



M Charles

House B



Vacant (VSP)

House C



Mr L Majeke

House D



Mrs N Jafta




Ms N Ndlela




Ms B Filtane




Mr Mmqingwana




Ms Nn Pakati




Ms N Khanyiso




Ms PN Nyamende



04 June 2018 - NW1532

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

What number of (a) vehicles are available for visible policing with specific reference to sector policing at the Temblsa Police Station, (b) the specified vehicles have mileage of (i) 1-100 000 kms, (ii) 100 001-200 000 kms, (iii) 200 001-300 000• kms and (iv) over 300 000 kms and (c) days in 2017 was each of the vehicles out of working order?


Please find here: REPLY

04 June 2018 - NW1487

Profile picture: Purdon, Mr RK

Purdon, Mr RK to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether, with reference to the reply of the President, Mr CM Ramaphosa, to the debate on the State of the Nation Address on 22 February 2018 to implement lifestyle audits, (a) he, (b) senior management service members in his department and / or (c) any of the heads of entities reporting to him have undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years; if not, have any plans been put in place to perform such audits; if so, in each case, what are the details of the (i) date of the lifestyle audit, (ii) name of the person undergoing the audit, (iii) name of the auditing firm conducting the audit and (iv) outcome of the audit; 2. Whether he will furnish Mr RK Purdon with copies of the lifestyle audit reports?


I have been informed by the Department and entities reporting to me as follows:


(1)(a) No

(b) No

Currently there are no plans in place to perform such audits

(i) N/A

(ii) N/A

(iii) N/A

(iv) N/A

2. N/A


(1)(c) & 2 - No

SITA’s response

  1. SITA conducts analytical checks continuously and holistically on all employees, followed by forensic investigations where justified.
  2. No. They are confidential

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


04 June 2018 - NW1536

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Police

What number of (a) vehicles are available for visible policing with specific reference to sector policing at the Bedfordview Police Station, (b) the specified vehicles have mileage of (I) 1-100 000 kms, (ii) 100 001-200 000 kms, (lil) 200 001-300 000 kms and (lv) over 300 000 kms and (c) days In 2017 was each of the vehiclse out of working order2



Total vehlclea available for Sector Policlng

1-100 000kms


Number of vehicles (SAPS


(c) days

out of working order for each vehicle, in 2017

Number of vehicles (SAPS


(c) days out of working order for each vehicle, in 2017

Number of vehicles (SAPS


(c) days

out of working order for each vehicle, in 2017


of vehicles (SAPS


(c) days out of working order for each vehicle, in 2017


















Data: 22 May 2018

Reply to question 1536 ‹ecommended




Reply to question 1536 approved/not approved

04 June 2018 - NW1528

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) Whether (a) his department and entities reporting to him and/or (b) any other government department will be underwriting the costs of staging the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) Information Communication Technology (ICT) event to be held in Durban in September 2018; if so, (i) what will it cost to stage the event, (ii) what are the detailed breakdown of the costs, (iii) which department will be underwriting the costs, (iv) why will the costs be underwritten and (v) from which budget allocations will the costs be underwritten; (2) Whether the (a) President and/or (b) Cabinet granted approval for the ITU ICT event to take place; if so, what are the details of (i) the title of the document, (ii) the date on which the document was signed and (iii) who signed the document; (3) Whether he will furnish Mrs M R Shinn with a copy of the specified document? NW1668E


I have been advised by the Department that:

(1)(a) No, however funding for the event will be sourced through sponsorship. The Department will only be responsible for the travel expenses of the ITU including pre-event missions.

(b) No

(2) Yes. The Cabinet approved the hosting in September 2017.

(3) No. Cabinet Memoranda are classified documents.


Approved / not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


04 June 2018 - NW1535

Profile picture: Dreyer, Ms AM

Dreyer, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Police

What number of (a) vehicles are available for visible policing with specific reference to sector policing at the Edenvale Police Station, (b) the specified vehicles have mileage of (i) 1-100 000 kms, (ii) 100 001-200 000 kms, (iii) 200 001-300 000 kms and (iv) over 300 000 kms and (c) days In 2017 was each of the vehicles out of working order?





Total vehicles available for  Sector Policing     

(b)(i) 1- 100 000 kms

(b)(ii) 100 001 – 200 000kms

(b)(iii) 200 001 -300 000kms

(b)(iv)over 300 000kms

  1. Number of vehicles

(SAPS Numbers)

  1. Days out of working order
  1. Number of vehicles
  1. Days out of working order
  1. Number of vehicles

c)Days out of working order

a) Number of vehicles

c)Days out of working order







BTC 849B

BTJ 351B









BSR 044B



04 June 2018 - NW1534

Profile picture: Dreyer, Ms AM

Dreyer, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Police

What number of (a) vehicles are available for visible policing with specific reference to sector policing at the Norkem Park Police Station, (b) the specified vehicles have mileage of (i) 1-100 000 kms, (ii) 100 001-200 000 kms, (iii) 200 001-300 000 kms and (iv) over 300 000 kms and (c) days In 2017 was each of the vehicles out of working order?



Norkem Park


Total vehicles available for  Sector Policing     

(b)(i) 1- 100 000 kms

(b)(ii) 100 001 – 200 000kms

(b)(iii) 200 001 -300 000kms

(b)(iv)over 300 000kms

  1. Number of vehicles
  1. Days out of working order
  1. Number of vehicles
  1. Days out of working order
  1. Number of vehicles

c)Days out of working order

a) Number of vehicles

c)Days out of working order


BTM 258B





BSX 682B




BTC 185B



BRV 123B

Replacement for  

BTC 185B






Data: 22 May 2018


Reply to question 1534 recommended/



Reply to question 1534 approved/not approved


04 June 2018 - NW1500

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the procedure as set out in section 4(2) of the Air Services Licensing Act, Act 115 of 1990, which provides that the Minister should consult when appointing members to the board with representatives of organised business, the industry, transport and air services sectors as well as with organised labour, in respect of the newly appointed members of the Air Services Licensing Board, has been met; if not, (a) what are the relevant particulars and (b) what steps will he take to rectify the omission; if so, (i) what are the relevant particulars and (ii) what proof can he provide that the legal requirement has been met; (2) Whether he will dissolve the appointments to the board and implement the process anew; if not, why not?


  1. With reference to the question of Honourable Adv A de W Alberts, it should be clarified that the Minister of Transport is still investigating the appointment of the Air Service Licensing Board members, in order to determine if the board was properly constituted in terms of the Air Licensing Act, Act 115 of 1990.
  2. Falls away

04 June 2018 - NW1449

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Police

What number of (a) vehicles are there for detectives at the Bedfordview Police Station, (b) these vehicles have mileage of (i) 1 - 100 000kms, (ii) 100 001 -200 000kms, (iii) 200 001 - 300 000kms and (iv) over 300 000kms and (c) days In 2017 were each of the spectfled vehicles out of working order?


{ a)(b )(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)( c}

Please find here: Table

04 June 2018 - NW1443

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

What number of (a) vehicles are there for detectives at the Norkem Park Police Station, (b) these vehicles have mileage of (i) 1 - 100 000kms, (ii) 100 001 - 200 000kms, (iii) 200 001 - 300 000kms and (Iv) over 300 000kms and (c) days in 2017 were each of the specified vehicles out of working order?REPLY:( a}(b )(l)(ll)(ill)(iv)( c)

04 June 2018 - NW1490

Profile picture: Ollis, Mr IM

Ollis, Mr IM to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)Whether, with reference to the reply of the President, Mr C M Ramaphosa, to the debate on the State of the Nation Address on 22 February 2018 to implement lifestyle audits, (a) he, (b) senior management service members in his department and/or (c) any of the heads of entities reporting to him have undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years; if not, have any plans been put in place to perform such audits; if so, in each case, what are the details of the (i) date of the lifestyle audit, (ii) name of the person undergoing the audit, (iii) name of the auditing firm conducting the audit and (iv) outcome of the audit; (2) Whether he will furnish Mr I M Ollis with copies of the lifestyle audit reports?



The response is limited to part B of the question, which relate to SMS members in the department.

1. (a)(b)(c) The department has not conducted lifestyle audits in the past three financial years or any other period before.

(1)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv) However in 2016, the department initiated the process of carrying out this type of audit but could not conduct it due to legal limitation to access information in possession of third parties as it can only be accessed through law enforcement agencies.

Since the pronouncement by the State President, we are working on the modalities of ensuring that if, and when lifestyle audits are conducted, they are done in compliance with the laws of the Republic.

2. Not Applicable.

Cross Border Road Transport Agency

(c) No, the head of the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (CBRTA) has not undergone any lifestyle audit as there is no information that has come to our attention necessitating such an audit.

(i) - (iv) Not applicable

1. Not applicable

Road Accident Fund

(1) (c) No, neither the Chief Executive Officer nor the rest of the sms of the Road Accident Fund (RAF) has undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years; no plans have been put in place to perform such audits as the RAF, unlike the South African Revenue Services, in respect of declared income and suspicious accumulation of wealth, or the State Security Agency, when conducting security vetting, has no legislated mandate to conduct such lifestyle audits. Consequently, such audits would be unreliable, and potentially fruitless and wasteful, if necessary financial information is not considered as part of the audit. Furthermore, such audits would be unlawful if in absence of the necessary consent of the data subject, the financial information is accessed without such consent or court order. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, where suspicions of wrongdoing are identified such suspicions are investigated, and consequently

(i) - (iv) Not applicable

(2) Not applicable.

Road Traffic Infringement Agency

1. (c) Yes, the Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA) has undertaken lifestyle audit of all nine (9) members of its EXCO and staff.

(i) November 2017

(ii) List of EXCO members who undergone the lifestyle audit:

  • Mr Japh Chuwe – Registrar
  • Adv. Mncedisi Bilikwana – Company Sectary
  • Ms Palesa Moalusi – CFO
  • Mr Thabo Tsholetsane – COO
  • Mr Leonard Masango – Snr Manager IT
  • Ms Keobakile Pooe – Executive Internal Audit and Risk Management
  • Mr Jacob Mmekoa – Head Strategy and Reporting
  • Ms Zukiswa Nduneni – Snr Manager Communications
  • Ms Lulekwa Ngcwabe – Snr Executive Corporate Affairs
  • Mr Peter Baloyi – Act Snr Exc Information Management

(iii) Gobodo Forensic and Investigative Accounting (Pty) Ltd (GFIA)

(iv) No employee was found to be living beyond their means

2. Unfortunately, I cannot provide Mr Ollis with this lifestyle audit report it is highly confidential and private.

Road Traffic Management Corporation

(c) No the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) has not yet undertaken a lifestyle audit of its SMS.

However, all employees are duly required to complete a Disclosure of Interest each year. In this Disclosure of Interest all employees are required to disclose details of their financial standing including any potential instances where this conflict could arise and or be seen to arise. This process is subject to the Auditor General’s audit process annually and where transgression is found these are dealt with according to the Public Service Regulations polices and RTMC’s own policies.

A plan that identifies high risk employees has been developed to commence with the audits. These employees are: Executives including Senior Management

Supply Chain Management personnel

(i) – (iv) Not applicable.

1. Not applicable

South African National Road Agency Limited

(1(c) No the South African National Road Agency Limited SOC Ltd (SANRAL) has not undertaken a lifestyle audit of its SMS.

The Accounting Authority of the SANRAL reviewed its existing internal controls with regard to conduct by employees, delegations of powers, supply chain approvals, declarations of interest including the implementation of a no gifts policy and concluded that these instruments are adequate to set a desired tone on ethical behavior within the company. In addition, the Board Charter and Board Code of Conduct are reviewed annually to govern the conduct of directors. As a result, lifestyle audits are deemed unnecessary at SANRAL at this stage. Should a need arise to conduct such audits as a consequence of audit findings or forensic investigations, they will be duly considered and conducted. 

(i) – (iv) Not applicable.

1. Not applicable

Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA)

1. The Airports Company South Africa is in the process of considering the integration of Lifestyle audits as part of its company policy. Whilst consideration is given to this, it can be confirmed that ACSA is focused on the management of integrity and ethical behavior, through amongst others the following:

a) Conducting credit, criminal, qualifications and reference checks prior to employment;

b) The contract of employment makes provision for the company to conduct security vetting, therefore being part of the employment relationship between the company and the employee;

c) Psychometric assessments, including integrity assessments are conducted as part of the employment process;

d) The company designed and implemented a code of ethics, also supporting this by implementing employee training and awareness interventions.

2. Not applicable.

Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ATNS)

ATNS has not undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years. There are plans made by Internal Audit to conduct lifestyle audits.

(i) The lifestyle audit will be performed in July 2018.

(ii) The following persons will undergo the lifestyle audit:

1. Mr. Thabani Mthiyane: Chief Executive Officer

2. Mr. Matome Moholola: Acting Chief Financial Officer

3. Dr Sandile Malinga: Chief Operations Officer

4. Mr. Philip Boshielo: Chief Technology Officer

5. Mr. Thabani Myeza: Executive Commercial Services

6. Ms. Tendani Ndou: Principal: Aviation Training Academy

7. Mr. Hennie Marais: Chief Air Traffic Services

8. Mr. Dumisani Sangweni: Executive Strategy & Optimisation

9. Mr. Jeoffery Matshoba: Executive Air Traffic Management

10. Ms. Thandeka Mdebuka: Legal Counsel

(iii) The lifestyle audit will be performed by the Internal Audit Department through its Co- Source partnership arrangement.

(iv) The outcome of the audit will be communicated accordingly.

(2) Yes, the lifestyle audit reports will be made available.

South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)

1. (a) Not applicable, and (b) No senior member c) head of the entity underwent a lifestyle audit in the past three years and there are no plans to conduct the lifestyle audit, as the need has not been identified.

2. Not applicable.

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA):

  1. PRASA has not instituted lifestyle audits on the Group CEO and Executive Management in the past three financial years.
  2. As per paragraph (1) above, PRASA has not conducted lifestyle audits.

Railway Safety Regulator (RSR):

  1. The RSR has not conducted lifestyle audits in the past three financial years.
  2. As per paragraph (1) above, RSR has not conducted lifestyle audits.

South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA)

There was never a situation presented to the Board to warrant them to commission a lifestyle audit for its employees and no such a directive was received from the Shareholder.

Ports Regulator of South Africa (PRSA)

  1. (c) The head of the Ports Regulator was not subjected to a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years. There has been no explicit instruction from the executive authority, fiscal authorities, Parliament or the Auditor General to conduct such an audit, or any guidance given on what the nature of the audit should be and what the nature of the audit should be. There has been no guidance given as to who should appoint and who would conduct such an audit as the entity is not expected to audit itself. Therefore, currently there are no plans in place to conduct such a lifestyle audits. It must be noted that the Ports Regulator has received clean audit opinions from Auditor General in the past three financial years.

04 June 2018 - NW1522

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

Why were certain persons (names furnished) appointed to managerial positions within the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa in view of the historic allegations levelled against them?


The appointment of Mr Mthura Swartz and Cromet Molepo was approved by the previous Board of Control, as per the recruitment policy of PRASA.

04 June 2018 - NW1508

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)Whether the SA Post Office (SAPO) entered into any agreements with privately-run delivery vehicle owners or operators for the delivery of parcels and mail (a) in each of the past three financial years and (b) since 1 April 2018; if so, what are the details of the (i) location, (ii) name of the SAPO branch, (iii) number of operators or owners, (iv) names of the operators or owners and (v) time for the implementation of each agreement; if not, (2) Whether any plans have been put in place to enter into such agreements; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

1. No

(a) N/A

(b) N/A

(i-v) N/A

2. Currently SAPO are busy with research looking into the feasibility of going into agreements


Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


04 June 2018 - NW1447

Profile picture: Dreyer, Ms AM

Dreyer, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Police

What number of (a) vehicles are there for detectives at the Germiston Police Station, (b} these vehicles have mileage of (0 1 - 100 000kms. (ii) 100 001 - 200 000kms, (ill) 200 001 - 300 000kms and (iv) over 300 000kms and (c} days in 2017 were each Of the specified vehicles out of working order?

04 June 2018 - NW1523

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) Why has the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa not appointed a new chief financial officer (CFO) yet and (b) who has been fulfilling the functions of the CFO since the resignation of the former CFO?


a) The recruitment process was started by the previous PRASA Board, and it will be finalized by the current Board;

b) Ms Thobeka Mahlati is currently the acting GCFO. The recruitment process has been resuscitated by the new Board.

04 June 2018 - NW1319

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)What total number of properties that are used by the Walter Sisulu University for staff housing are (a) owned by and (b) not owned by the university; (2) whether the title deed for each property owned by the university is available; if not, why not; (3) whether any steps are being taken to acquire ownership of each property that is not owned, but used by the university; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Walter Sisulu University (WSU) has provided the following responses to the questions posed:

1. WSU utilises 41 houses and 139 flats in Mthatha, 1 flat in East London and 13 houses in Butterworth for staff housing.

(a) WSU owns 34 houses in Mthatha, 13 houses in Butterworth and 1 flat in East London.

(b) 139 Flats are owned by the Eastern Cape Development Corporation (ECDC) and King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality (KSD). 6 Freestanding houses are owned by the ECDC and 1 by the KSD.

2. WSU has title deeds for some of the properties and is negotiating with the ECDC and Provincial Department of Public Works to obtain the rest. Before the establishment of WSU, most of the university properties were registered under the Department of Public Works when they were Colleges of Education. The transfer of such properties into WSU’s name has stalled at different levels of the bureaucracy, e.g. certain portions of the Butterworth campus has land claims attached to it, making it difficult to transfer the land to WSU.

3. Considerable effort has been made to facilitate the transfer of properties to WSU. Zamukulungisa and Butterworth sites are still owned by Department of Public Works, however both properties have been gazetted to be transferred to WSU. The process for transfer is currently between the Land Affairs department and State Attorney. WSU has also appointed its own independent attorneys to expedite the process. The ECDC has also been approached to facilitate the transfer of various WSU properties that are registered in the name of the ECDC.

04 June 2018 - NW1444

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

What number of {a) vehicles are there for detectives at the Boksburg North Police Station, (b) these vehicles have mileage of (i) 1 - 100 000kms, (ii) 100 001 - 200 000kms, (Ill) 200 001 - 300 000kms and (iv) over 300 000kms and (c) days In 2017 were each of the specified vehicles out of working order?

04 June 2018 - NW1418

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)What conditions have been placed on the receipt of funding by students from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) following the conversion of all student funding from loans to bursaries; (2) is provision made for repayment of the funding if the student (a) fails the course or (b) drops out; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) will she furnish Prof B Bozzoli with a copy of the new agreement that has been signed between NSFAS and student recipients?


1. The following conditions have been placed on the receipt of funding by students through the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Bursary Scheme:

  • In the first year of study, the student must attend and participate in lectures, tutorials and academic support programmes as required by the institution; complete all set assignments and/or tasks as required in terms of the due performance requirements of the institution; undergo all tests and examinations (written and oral) as required; obtain satisfactory results for these assignments, tasks, tests and examinations and meet the academic progression requirements (as described below);
  • In the second and subsequent years, the student shall be required to meet all the conditions stated above, as well as participate in a minimum of 10 (ten) days or 80 (eighty) hours of community service or special project work, of the student’s own choosing from a wide range of possibilities, at any time during the year where they do not have classes or tutorials to attend, submit a written report confirming participation once a year; and
  • All students funded must undertake to remain in the country and participate in the economy, for at least the number of years they have benefitted from NSFAS funding; if they wish to undertake further studies in another country, this will be permitted provided they undertake to return to South Africa to fulfil this obligation. However, students wishing to emigrate before the expiry of the commitment period shall be required to pay back the funds before they leave the country. These service requirements will be finalised for implementation in 2019.

The academic progression requirements for continued funding state that the student must satisfy the minimum progression requirements of the institution, as well as passing a minimum 50% (fifty percent) of all courses in the first year of study, and passing sufficient courses in subsequent years to enable them to complete their studies in the minimum number of years plus one year, N+1 rule.

2. No provision has been made for the repayment of the bursary should the student fail or drop-out. The only provision for repayment is when a funded student emigrates from South Africa.

3. A copy of the agreement is attached as Annexure A.

Annexure A: A sample of the new agreement

04 June 2018 - NW1507

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)Whether any franchise agreements for branches of the SA Post Office have been entered into (a) in each of the past three financial years and (b) since 1 April 2018; if so, what are the details of the (i) name and (ii) location of each franchise; if not, (2) Whether any plans have been put in place to enter into franchise agreements in the future; if so, what are the details of the (a) name and (b) location of each franchise branch?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

1. No

(a) N/A

(b) N/A

(i-ii) N/A

2. (a) –(b) No plans only research.


Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


04 June 2018 - NW1527

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) On what date will the introduction of traffic reservists be considered and (b) what (i) are the details of the plan and (ii) are the time frames, time lines, milestones and deadlines in this regard?


(a)The RTMC does not currently have a policy that allows for the introduction of traffic reservists. The feasibility of introducing such a category of traffic personnel can only be considered after the Traffic Law Enforcement Review Committee has tabled its final report and recommendations at the end of this financial year.

(b)refer to(a) above

(i) refer to (a) above

(ii) refer to (a) above

04 June 2018 - NW1362

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)Whether there is a maintenance plan for staff housing facilities at the Walter Sisulu University; if so, will she provide Prof B Bozzoli with a copy of the maintenance plan; (2) what amount was (a) allocated towards and (b) actually spent on the maintenance of staff housing facilities in the (i) 2015-16, (ii) 2016-17 and (iii) 2017-18 financial years?


The Walter Sisulu University (WSU) has provided the following responses to the questions posed:

1. WSU has a maintenance plan for all its facilities including staff accommodation. The maintenance plan for the Mthatha Campus is attached as Annexure A.

2. (a) Facilities operational expenses at WSU are combined and do not reflect each facility’s individual expense, e.g. staff houses, student residences, administration offices, laboratories, etc. Therefore, WSU cannot provide an amount that was allocated specifically to staff housing facilities in each of the stipulated financial years.

(b) Given that WSU does not separate their accounts according to facilities as indicated under 2(a) above, WSU is unable to provide details of expenditure on staff housing for the stipulated periods.

Anexure A: Mthatha Maintenance Plan for the year 2018/19






Old library


R2 000 000


East teaching mall


R21 000 000


Ntinga residential

Plumbing and electricity

R350 000


East teaching mall

Seating, air conditioning, chalk boards and electricity

R2 000 000


Campus electric reticulation

Service transformers and switch gear and ring main

R1 600 000


KGB KTC Iphulo

Furniture - beds cupboards chairs and desks, painting

R3 900 000


General Campus

Lights on campus

R250 000


Sasol Library, Science block and New Administration

Purchase Jojo tanks

R80 000



Repairs to Gate

R50 000


In-service Road

General road construction

R3 800 000


Chumani Residential

Plumbing and painting, roof leaks

R 450 000


Iphulo Residential

Plumbing and painting, roof leaks

R250 000


Baghadad and Kuwait

Plumbing and burglar doors

R300 000


Atlanta Residential

Electricity, plumbing and doors

R450 000


General Campus

Holes along the perimeter fencing

R170 000


General Campus

Boiler repairs

R335 000


General Campus

Coal for the boilers

R250 000


General Campus

Electrical material

R400 000


General Campus

Plumbing material

R350 000


General Campus

Carpentry material

R350 000


General Campus

Repair of potholes on campus

R150 000


General Campus

Repair of broken glasses in the student Residential

R150 000


East Teaching Mall


R200 000


Old Library


R200 000


Back gate

Guard room

R25 000


Block J

Painting and electricity

R300 000


Block L

Painting and electricity

R300 000


Block M

Electric DB and carpentry

R175 000


Block O

Carpentry and electricity

R45 000


General Campus

Glazing for all the student residential

R60 000


General Campus

Roof leaks in the student residential

R60 000


General Campus

Roof leaks in the lecture halls

R200 000


General Campus

Purchasing of desks and chairs(500)

R350 000


General Campus

Repair of holes in the perimeter fencing

R50 000


General Campus

Repair of potholes on campus

R50 000


Large Auditorium


R350 000

Health Science (Accommodation in the hospitals)


R200 000

Mthatha Campus

Vice chancellor's accommodation

Palisade Fencing

R200 000

Mthatha Off Campus Staff Accommodation

Uniwes Flats


R150 000


Uniwes Flats


R300 000


Uniwes Flats

Kitchen cupboards

R300 000


Uniwes Flats

Replacement of floor mats

R500 000


Uniwes Flats

Replacement of some garage doors

R100 000


Ntlambo Flats

Plumbing and electricity

R250 000


UniSouth Flats

Fencing and Plumbing

R200 000

University Houses



R30 000


Southernwood houses

Fencing and Plumbing

R200 000


Kwezi Houses

Fencing and Flooring

R200 000


Garden Flats


R60 000