Questions and Replies

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29 March 2016 - NW458

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)With reference to section 7 of the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council Resolution 1 of 2012, and for every relevant organ of state, what are (a) the details of all qualifications recognised as an improved qualification which is related to an employee's scope of work and enhances the employee's performance and the service delivered by the employee and (b) the conditions or criteria applicable for recognition of such qualifications; (2) whether (a) a determination is made of an employee's improved performance before a cash bonus is paid to the employee or (b) the bonus is paid on attainment of the improved qualification; (3) (a) for every relevant organ of state and (b) for each financial year since the implementation of the scheme on 1 January 2013, (i) how many cash bonuses for improved qualifications have been paid out and (ii) what has been the cost of such bonuses in each of the specified financial years?


(1) (a) Mandate to determine appropriate qualification/s related to an employee’s scope of work and the expected levels of improvement in performance as results of the attainment of the identified qualification/s resides with the Executive Authority of the respective departments.

     (b) In terms of the Resolution, Sectors and/or Departments must define the qualifications which are relevant to their respective areas of work and which they intend to recognise.

(2) (a) Determination of performance levels in the public service is managed in terms of the Performance Management and Development System (PMDS) as stipulated in Chapter 1, Part VIII of the Public Service Regulations (2001) as amended. This benefit was also introduced to encourage public servants to acquire academic qualifications in their respective areas of work in an attempt to professionalise and to build confidence in the public service.

(b) Bonus is paid on attainment of a qualification subject to terms and conditions stipulated in the resolutions and the circular.

(3) (a)(b) There is no record of any department implementing this agreement so far (since o1 January 2013), except for departments where this benefit has been in existence before the PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2012 was concluded.

29 March 2016 - NW67

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What measures he (a) is considering and (b) will implement to achieve a reduction in the public sector wage bill, in each case providing the relevant details in terms of (i) timelines envisaged, (ii) affected (aa) departments and/or (bb) salary grades and (iii) the extent of (aa) possible job losses or (bb) ability to deliver services?


(a) Measures being considered to achieve a reduction in the public sector wage bill include placing a moratorium on the filling of certain managerial and administrative vacancies in the public service.

(b) Relevant details and their implications thereof will only become available once all necessary consultations have been concluded.

(i)(ii)(aa)(bb)(iii)(aa)(bb) Falls away

29 March 2016 - NW761

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With reference to his undertaking in June 2015 to engage with the National Treasury to extend his department’s Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme beyond its current 2017-18 deadline, (a) what progress has been made to date with the engagement with the National Treasury, (b) what are the details of the proposed extension of the specified programme, (c) what is the value of the proposed extension of the specified programme and (d) when will he make an announcement in this regard?


The department continues to engage National Treasury on the Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme (MCEP) with the purpose of extending it beyond 2017-18 and securing additional funds. The outcome of the negotiations with National Treasury will be communicated through the government budget process.

29 March 2016 - NW762

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With reference to his reply to question 527 on 10 March 2016, (a) which class of travel did Ms Philisiwe Mthethwa use to travel to Cape Town for the specified event and (b) which key stakeholders did she meet with on the side-lines of the specified event for the benefit of the implementation of the mandate of the National Empowerment Fund?


Ms Philisiwe Mthethwa attended the budget vote on 24 February 2016, at the invitation of the National Treasury.

The total cost of her attendance to the event was R7 419.44 which was for her Business Class return flight. The NEF did not incur any car rental or accommodation costs for this trip as the CEO stayed at the official residence of her husband and did not hire a car at the NEF’s expense.

It should be noted that the CEO combined her attendance of this event with other meetings that relate to her role, including meetings with the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform, the Hon. Mr Gugile Nkwinti (MP), the Minister of Labour, the Hon. Ms Mildred Oliphant (MP), as well as representatives of a rural community who have approached the NEF for development funding.

In her capacity as the CEO, Ms Mthethwa always looks for opportunities where she can efficiently and effectively engage with NEF stakeholders. The stature of the budget speech event is such that it brings various strategic stakeholders together in a central place. She therefore used the opportunity to engage with key stakeholders on the sides of the event, for the benefit of the implementation of the mandate of the NEF.

29 March 2016 - NW735

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether Government, in line with its policy to increase beneficiation of minerals, has succeeded in encouraging entrepreneurs to utilise South African steel which is struggling to find ready markets to produce (a) automotive parts, such as chassis, for export around the world, (b) high quality cutlery, (c) pots and pans, (d) wire fencing, (e) hulls for boats and ships; if not, why not; if so, how is South African produced steel being used in component and product manufacture for domestic consumption and for export as well?


South Africa’s industrial policy has sought to strengthen the downstream more labour-intensive segments of manufacturing while ensuring that the competitive advantage enjoyed by upstream capital- and energy- intensive and export-oriented industries is retained and enhanced. In the steel value chain, to promote beneficiation, cost competitiveness and viability of SA’s steel industry, government has had protracted engagements with the dominant player since 2004 to give effect to the national developmental obligations - to ensure a competitive steel pricing regime to support the development and deepening of value-added manufactured products in downstream industries.

It must be noted that the dominant player’s practice of import parity pricing coupled with underinvestment, inefficiencies and resulting plant failures contributed to a significant decline in the competitiveness of steel produced in SA that has led to a trend in which downstream users have adapted to the requirements of importing steel including being accustomed to foreign supply chains, lower prices and in some cases the need for speciality steel qualities and grades.

How is South African produced steel being used in component and product manufacture for domestic consumption and for export:

Approximately 70% of SA produced steel is sold locally for use in downstream fabrication, component and product manufacturing with the remaining being exported into the region. Key demand sectors include construction, mining and packaging. SA has the capacity to produce 9 million tons of steel per annum and local steel consumption is currently at 5 million tons per annum (imports account for about 20% of SA consumption).

Localisation of steel in the following sectors/sub sectors is as follows (a) in the automotive sector a number of the specific automotive steel grades are not produced locally (b) cooking ware and (c) cutlery are the main drivers of the stainless steel consumption in the consumer goods sub-sector. However, the competitiveness of the local producers has been eroded by rising imports, especially from the East. SA’s apparent stainless steel consumption was estimated at 166 600 tons in 2015. During this period, cookware and cutlery exports reached approximately 6000 and 800 tons, respectively. Government together with the industry association, Southern African Stainless Steel Development Association (SASSDA) as well as Columbus Stainless continue to engage to develop sustainable solutions for the local industry (d) wire and wire products have experienced a 13% increase in imports in 2015 compared to the previous year and the South African Wire Association (SAWA) are in the process of re-applying for import duties for certain wire products. Exports of wire and wire products declined for the same period (e) the boatbuilding sub-sector specialises in the manufacture of multihull catamarans and is the world’s second largest producer of vessels in this category (after France) acknowledged for excellence. The sub-sector currently exports approximately 77% of its production. The construction of hulls and ships also requires specialised grades of steel which cannot be sourced locally.

To address the extremely adverse steel conditions characterised by oversupply, depressed demand and increasing imports government has taken a number of steps to develop an integrated set of measures - both supply-side policy support and industry reform measures - that would have to be adopted to achieve the objective of a sustainable steel industry in SA. These measures include (1) tariff protection subject to independent assessment by the International Trade and Administration Commission (2) support for the localisation of steel in state procurement and government infrastructures spend subject to cost competitiveness and affordability and (3) steel pricing principles. Industry reform measures include commitments to capital investment in product lines for key sectors of the economy and a maintenance plan in line with world best practices.

Taking into account the steel crisis and very serious threat to the SA industry, government is working closely with all stakeholders to secure and upgrade existing domestic steel production capacity; protect downstream steel intensive manufacturers and retain employment in order not to lose SA’s strategic steel capacity and capabilities.

29 March 2016 - NW251

Profile picture: Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV

Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Whether he and/or his department has bought advertising space in The New Age in the (a) 2012-13, (b) 2013-14 and (c) 2014-15 financial years; if so, (i) what number of times and (ii) for what amount in each specified financial year?


(a) No.

(b) and (c) Yes. (i) (ii) refer to the table herewith below;

Financial Year



Number of Adverts

2012- 13




2013- 14

MPSA Strategic Communication

R284 988.60



Launch of the Public Service Charter: Business breakfast

R240 574.50


2014- 15

National Batho Pele Excellence Awards

R33 379. 20


29 March 2016 - NW763

Profile picture: Hill-Lewis, Mr GG

Hill-Lewis, Mr GG to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether, with reference to the prevailing drought in the country and the sugar industry’s own forecasts of a significant shortage in local production of sugar for 2016 and 2017, he is considering a temporary removal of duties on imported sugar to assist consumers and alleviate food price inflation; if not, why not; if so, what is the progress in this regard?


The sugar industry has assured us that they have produced sufficent sugar to supply the domestic market in 2015/16 year despite the severe drought in several sugar growing regions. Thus sufficient raw sugar is in stock at the sugar terminals with a small surplus for export. However, due to the unexpectedly high demand for refined sugar especially by the soft drinks manufacturers – due to hot summer period, the industry experienced low stocks of some grades of refined sugar. At the beginning of March 2016 the sugar industry met to implement a strategy to restore supply of refined sugar into the domestic market. This resulted in the two biggest refineries namely Noodsberg and Hullets opening up early for refining purposes as the industry is currently off season, in addition to working over the the public holiday period in March. The rest of the refineries will open in April as the new sugar season starts on 1st April 2016.

The figures received from the sugar industry regarding 2016/17 production estimates, current available supply and carry over stock into the new season from the 2015/16 crop, indicate sufficent supply into the local market going forward. Noting that the supply to the local market consists of SA production,SACU production (Swaziland), SADC quota and duty paid imports as well as imports from the rest of the world, we are confident that supply will be sufficient to meet local demand. In the event of a supply shortage, the department will engage with the industry and International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) to initiate a rebate facility to counter the effects of the duty on imports, subject to statutory requirement of the process.

There is currently no consideration to remove the current duty as it was arrived at through a review process undertaken by ITAC within the provisions of the ITAC Act and because supply has been stabilised. Any stakeholder can apply for either a rebate facility or reduction in the duty directly with ITAC at any point should they deem this necessary.

29 March 2016 - NW717

Profile picture: Lekota, Mr M

Lekota, Mr M to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Whether his department has a special section that deals effectively and expeditiously with every case of stolen identity, as well as with living persons erroneously and wrongly being declared dead through some criminal act or failures within his department; if not, why not; if so, (a) how many such cases had his department dealt with during the period 1 July 2009 to 29 February 2016, (b) how long did it generally take for such cases to be resolved and (c) how many cases have remained unresolved after a period of 90 days; (2) Whether he will make a statement on (a) the extent of the specified problems and (b) how his department was efficiently solving them?


(1) Yes, the department has specialised units which investigate and deal effectively with identity theft resulting from illegal activities within the department and erroneous or fraudulent death registrations.

(1)(a) The number of cases of fraudulent or erroneous death registrations during the period for which statistics are available were 6113.

In the case of identity theft and fraud resulting from an identity document being lost or stolen whilst in the owner’s possession, this is a criminal matter and it is recommended that this specific question be referred to the South African Police Service, which handles these criminal investigations.

(1)(b) The turnaround time required to resolve cases is six to eight (6-8) weeks dependent on the nature of the submission by the citizen concerned and all required supporting documents to expedite the department’s investigation.

(1)(c) All reported cases where full supporting documents were furnished were concluded within 90 (ninety) days.

(2)(a) The department issues media statements and uses various forms of media to address the scourge of problems within the department and to inform the public accordingly. Some are addressed through print media (newspapers) or direct interviews on media shows. The department also uses this medium to inform and sensitise the public on matters such as identity theft and false death registrations.

(2)(b) The department is in the process of modernising its systems to curb the issues of identity theft (through the rollout of the Smart ID Card) and fraudulent death cases (through more stringent Registration procedures).

29 March 2016 - NW654

Profile picture: Lotriet, Prof  A

Lotriet, Prof A to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

Whether the status of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) has been clarified in terms of the type of entity it is for auditing purposes; if not, why not; if so, what is the status of the ASSAf; (2) whether the required supply chain management policies and procedures have been put in place by the ASSAf management; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will it be done; if so, what are the relevant details?”


  1. The status of ASSAf has not yet been clarified. The matter is currently being dealt with by the Academy, Department of Science and Technology (DST) and National Treasury.
  2. The required supply chain management policies and procedures have been put in place by the ASSAf management;

         (a) N/A.

         (b) The required supply chain management (SCM) policies and procedures have been revised in order to ensure compliance with the Public Finance Management Act and have been put in place by the ASSAf management. Furthermore, a dedicated SCM Administrator has been appointed.

29 March 2016 - NW525

Profile picture: Oosthuizen, Mr GC

Oosthuizen, Mr GC to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

For what periods since 1 January 2014 have the (i) position of (aa) Chairperson and (bb) Deputy Chairperson and (ii) any members designated by (aa) provinces and (bb) Parliament been vacant at the Public Service Commission and (b) what are the relevant details in each case?


(a)(b) are as follows:




Mr B Mthembu

First Term of Office

21 October 2009 to 20 October 2014

Adv RK Sizani

First Term of Office

19 December 2015 to 31 August 2016

Deputy Chairperson



Ms TM Tengeni

Second Term of Office Continues

21 October 2009 to 16 January 2014

Adv RK Sizani

First Term of Office

24 October 2014 to 18 December 2015

Commissioner: National



Ms SS Nkosi

First Term of Office

23 February 2009 to 22 February 2014

Ms SS Nkosi

Second Term of Office

24 April 2014 to 23 April 2019

Mr B Mthembu

Second Term of Office

1 January 2016 to 31 December 2020

As at March 2016, there are no vacancies at National level. Commissioners RK Sizani, LV Sizani and CP Nzimande are not included in the table above due to the fact that their periods of appointment do not fall within the period in question, i.e. 1 January 2014.

Free State Province



Mr P Helepi

Second Term of Office

1 February 2009 to 31 January 2014

Dr WH Boshoff

First Term of Office

1 March 2014 to 28 February 2019

Limpopo Province



Mr MZ Mawasha

First Term of Office

5 October 2009 to 4 October 2014

Mr TG Mashamba

First Term of Office

24 August 2015 to 23 August 2020

Northern Cape Province



Ms MA Marais

First Term of Office

1 March 2010 to 28 February 2015

Ms MA Marais

Second Term of Office

13 April 2015 to 12 April 2020

Eastern Cape Province



Mr S Mafanya

First Term of Office

1 February 2009 to 31 January 2014

Mr S Mafanya

Second Term of Office

11 February 2014 to 10 February 2019

Mpumalanga Province



Mr DS Mkwanazi

First Term of Office

23 April 2009 to 22 April 2014

Mr DS Mkwanazi

Second Term of Office

1 May 2014 to 30 April 2019

KwaZulu-Natal Province



Ms PM Tengeni

Second Term of Office

16 January 2009 to 20 October 2009

Dr MP Sithole

First Term of Office

1 September 2015 to 31 August 2020

As at March 2016, there are no vacancies at Provincial level.

It should be noted that Commissioners for Gauteng, North West and Western Cape are not included in the table above due to the fact that their periods of appointment do not fall within the period in question, i.e. 1 January 2014.

29 March 2016 - NW455

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1) With reference to the Government’s PERSAL records, what number of Public Service employees were employed in each provincial Department of Education as at the last day of the (a) 2010-11, (b) 2011-12, (c) 2012-13, (d) 2013-14 and (e) 2014-15 financial years; (2) with reference to the Government’s PERSAL records, what number of Public Service employees were employed in each provincial Department of Health as at the last day of the (a) 2010-11, (b) 2011-12, (c) 2012-13, (d) 2013-14 and (e) 2014-15 financial years; (3) with reference to the Government’s PERSAL records, what number of Public Service employees were employed in each Provincial Legislature as at the last day of the (a) 2010-11, (b) 2011-12, (c) 2012-13, (d) 2013-14 and (e) 2014-15 financial years?


  1. According to data from PERSAL, the number of Public Service employees employed in each provincial Department of Education as at the last day of the (a) 2010-11, (b) 2011-12, (c) 2012-13, (d) 2013-14 and (e) 2014-15 financial years are indicated in the table below. Please note that abnormal and periodical appointments are excluded.
  2. According to data from PERSAL, the number of Public Service employees employed in each provincial Department of Health as at the last day of the (a) 2010-11, (b) 2011-12, (c) 2012-13, (d) 2013-14 and (e) 2014-15 financial years are indicated in the table below. Please note that abnormal and periodical appointments are excluded.
  3. The Provincial Legislatures do not fall under the purview of the Department of Public Service and Administration and most of the Provincial Legislatures are not utilising PERSAL as a personnel administration and payroll system. Each Provincial Legislature can be contacted to obtain this information.

Number of Public Service employees in provincial Education and Health departments

March 2011 to March 2015

Provincial Department






Eastern Cape


86 181

82 816

80 154

78 791

74 279



40 818

41 186

39 577

38 655

39 470

Free State


31 113

31 885

32 013

31 368

30 382



16 841

18 915

19 060

19 008

18 388



79 554

82 134

82 318

83 794

84 353



62 492

65 078

61 406

62 992

62 894



106 689

108 058

106 732

108 024

106 715



71 001

78 543

82 436

72 731

71 865



64 425

63 911

62 901

62 768

62 153



36 472

38 112

37 094

36 650

37 203



42 493

42 719

42 801

42 298

41 848



18 026

18 485

18 269

19 225

19 446

North West


30 425

30 242

30 329

30 703

29 473



17 290

17 613

18 256

19 305

18 955

Northern Cape


12 023

11 892

11 690

12 457

12 229



6 176

6 372

6 474

6 713

6 781

Western Cape


40 514

40 402

40 114

40 672

42 108



29 306

30 446

31 092

31 654

31 882

Excluding Abnormal and Periodical appointments

29 March 2016 - NW320

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

With reference to the statement made on page 14 of his department's Annual Operational Plan for the 2015-16 financial year that the Public Service continues to face substantial challenges around recruiting competent senior managers and developing them to be able to carry out the mandate of Government effectively, what are the details of (a) the challenges, including (i) the departments affected, (ii) the magnitude of the challenges, (iii) the (aa) vacancy and (bb) turnover rate of senior managers per department, and (iv) the identified impact on service delivery, and (b) the measures (i) in place or (ii) planned to address the challenges?


(a) The challenges include the following:

  • Departments have not consistently applied the required legislative prescripts in order to effect a fair and objective recruitment process.
  • Departments did not have standardised methods and procedures in place to ensure compliance.
  • Departments have challenges in determining inherent skills, competencies and training required.
  • Departments have further challenges determining valid and fair selection criteria.

  (i) The departments affected are listed on the attached Annexure A

   (ii) The magnitude of the challenges is small.

   (iii) (aa) The average vacancy rate at senior management level as at 31 December 2015 is 9.12%;

(bb) The average turnover rate at senior management level as at 31 December 2015 is 0.78%.

  (iv) The challenges are minimal due to the measures put in place to prevent them and also to address them as and when they are identified.

(b) (i) Measures in place to address the challenges include the following:

   a) Enforcement of the legislation that govern recruitment and selection namely; the Public Service Act, 1994 (as amended) and its subordinate legislation, the Public Service Regulations, 2011 (as amended).

  b) Implementation of a strategy to reduce the recruitment period and the vacancy rate in the Public Service, which include reduction of the period to fill a vacant post in the Public Service to four (4) months after being advertised; and reducing the average vacancy rate in the Public Service to 10%.

  c) Standardisation of the recruitment practices through introduction of the Executive Protocol on filling of the vacant posts of Directors-General and Deputy Directors-General at national sphere of government. This Protocol also provides norms and standards on recruitment.

  d) Introduction of a Directive on the selection practices in relation to Ministerial Directives.

  e) Introduction of a Directive on Compulsory Capacity Development, Mandatory Training Days and Minimum Entry Requirements into Senior Management Level.

 f) Introduction of a Directive on the Implementation of Competency Assessments for entry onto Senior Management Service levels.

  g) Introduction of a Directive on the minimum educational requirements for entry into the position of senior management service.

(ii) Plans to address the challenges;

Planned initiatives include introduction of a pre-entry certification for any individual who wishes to enter or progress within the Senior Management Service. A Public Service specific course is currently being developed by the National School of Government in this regard. A guideline for mentoring and peer support has also been drafted in order to improve the quality of individual leadership development for newly appointed as well as currently employed SMS members.

29 March 2016 - NW20

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Mr M

Hlengwa, Mr M to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Whether his Ministry has any frozen vacant positions; if so, (a) how many of the specified positions are vacant, (b) what are the designations of the specified positions and (c) for how long have the specified positions been vacant?


No. (a)(b)(c) Falls away.

24 March 2016 - NW706

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)Whether the Airports Company of South Africa (ACSA) has any plans in place to expand the (a) domestic and (b) international (i) passenger and (ii) cargo capacity of the Bram Fischer International Airport in Bloemfontein over the next 10 to 15 years; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether marketing the specified airport as a (a) passenger and (b) logistics hub forms part of ACSA’s strategic medium- to long-term objectives; if not, why not; if so, in respect of each case (i) to which markets is it geared and (ii) what are the further relevant details of sector specific marketing; (3) whether any plans are underway to secure additional (a) passenger and (b) cargo flights both for the (i) domestic and (ii) international sectors at the specified airport over the medium-to-long term period; if not, why not; if so, in each case what are the relevant details; (4) whether any co-ordination to align the strategic objectives between (a) ACSA and (b) the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality exist to fully maximise the benefits of the massive investment into the Airport Node; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA)

  1. Bram Fischer International Airport will be expanded based on traffic demand
  2. . At this stage there is no requirement for further expansion. This can however change at any time if the local conditions change.
  3. Bram Fischer International Airport is not seen as a logistics hub and is not marketed as such. The airport forms a critical link in the network of airports in South Africa but mainly for passenger traffic.
  4. Traffic growth to and from Bram Fischer will depend on the viability of the market and the ability of the airlines to obtain the required yields. Growth in the foreseeable future is limited.
  5. ACSA will definitely work closely with the Mangaung Municipality to maximize business benefit for both organizations by developing the airport precinct and surroundings in an optimal manner.

24 March 2016 - NW681

Profile picture: Majola, Mr F

Majola, Mr F to ask the Minister of Transport

(1) (a) When was a tender notice issued by her department for the installation of photovoltaic solar panels at the country’s regional airports, (b) who won the tender(s) and (c) what were the criteria that had to be met by the bidders to be awarded a tender; (2) (a) what is the value of the tenders that were awarded and (b) what are the (i) timelines and (ii) time frames of each tender that was awarded; (3) what (a) processes, procedures and mechanisms exist in terms of the (i) supply and (ii) installation of photovoltaic solar panels, (b)(i) research and/or (ii) analysis has been undertaken to demonstrate savings of any description once such technology is installed at the specified airports and (c) were the results in each case? NW796E


Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA)

  1. (a) The tender notice was issued by ACSA Procurement on Sunday, 05 October 2014. The tender was advertised in the Sunday Times and on the CIDB website.

(b) VE Reticulation won the tender on an open tender process and

(c) The following criteria were compulsory;

  • Attendance of a compulsory site meeting
  • Bidders must have a minimum CIDB grading of 7EP or higher
  • Acceptance of ACSA Terms and conditions
  • Valid SARS tax clearance certificate

Other criteria used;

  • Functionality
  • Price & BBBEE

2. (a) The value of the tenders that were awarded was R 15, 503, 477.00.

      (b) The timelines were as follows:

       (c) Six month construction period and;

       (d) The tender was awarded on a six month construction period.

(3) (a)(i)(ii) Open tender process exists.

(b)(i)(ii) IRR and NPV calculations were done.

(c) George is currently the only plant in operation and all assumptions will be tested against actual power generations and saving achieved. The viability will be proven over the first year of operation.

24 March 2016 - NW520

Profile picture: Sithole, Mr KP

Sithole, Mr KP to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) Whether, with reference to the R31,4 million in irregular expenditure at the Independent Development Trust (IDT), any departmental officials were investigated; if so, (a) what was the outcome of the investigation, (b)(i) who and (ii) how many persons were suspended and (c)(i) who and (ii) how many persons were dismissed; (2) whether his department has put any measures in place to prevent and detect fruitless and wasteful expenditure; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what are the full relevant details of how his department intends to recover the R31,4 million in irregular expenditure at the IDT?


The Minister of Public Works

(1) Yes, the Independent Development Trust (IDT) has, through its Internal Audit Unit, conducted an investigation into the R31, 4 million in irregular expenditure.

   (a) The investigation has not yet been finalised.

    (b) (i) and (ii) The details of the investigation are yet to be finalised.

    (c) (i) and (ii) The details of the investigation are yet to be finalised.

(2) Yes, control measures have been in place with detailed checklists to help detect and prevent fruitless and wasteful expenditure. Adherence to these measures will be monitored on an ongoing basis and reported upon quarterly.

(3) The Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), 1999 [Act No. 1 of 1999] gives powers to the accounting authority to recover irregular expenditure under certain circumstances, namely, if there is proof of wilfulness in wrongdoing, negligence and if there was no value derived by the organisation. The recoverable amounts will only be known once the investigation is completed.


24 March 2016 - NW530

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What is the current status of the plan to introduce competency testing for (a) entry into the teaching profession and (b) promotion posts mooted in the National Development Plan?


  1. (a) The Department is working with the South African Council for Educators (SACE), the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the Education Deans Forum and other stakeholders in the Basic Education Sector, towards the development of a professional standards framework for teachers. A SACE Advisory group on professional standards has been established. The Professional Standards Framework for teachers will consider introducing professional certification for newly qualified teachers, as stated in the National Development Plan (NDP).

(b) The Ministry has signed a policy on the South African Standard for Principalship. The soon to be gazetted policy will form the basis for the appointment of principals. The Council of Education Ministers (CEM) had already discussed the Guidelines for strengthening administrative processes on the appointment of principals in Public Schools on 21 June 2013. The guidelines included the implementation of competency assessments for all principal appointments in public schools, in line with the National Development Plan (NDP).This matter will be consulted on in the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC).

The Director-General has written to all Provincial Heads of Department on 27 January 2016 to begin to make competency assessments part of the selection process for the appointment of principals from 2016, partly to ensure that every person who is appointed into a principal post fulfils at least the minimum requirement for the advertised job, and partly to provide a profile of existing group of school principals, including capacity gaps that need to be addressed through training. The Director-General has requested in that all advertisements for vacant principal posts from 2016 should carry a statement indicating that applicants will be expected to undergo competency assessments.

24 March 2016 - NW664

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) What was the average rate of teacher absenteeism in days (a) nationally. (b) in each province and (c) in each district in the (i) 2009, (ii) 2010. (iii) 2011. (iv) 2012, (v) 2013, (vi) 2014. and (vii) 2015 academic years; (2) for each of the specified academic years. what is the average rate of teacher absenteeism in days (a) nationally. (b) in each province and (c) in each district in terms of (i) illness. (ii) injury, (iii) family members• illness, (iv) family members• injury, (v) funerals, (vi) medical appointments. (vii) bad weather or road inaccessibility, (viii) official business, (ix) maternity leave, (x) security reasons. (xi) teachers 'strikes, and (xii) any other reasons? NW779E


(1) What was the average rate of teacher absenteeism in days (a) nationally, (b) in each province and (c) in each district in the (i) 2009, (ii) 2010, (iii) 2011, (iv) 2012, (v) 2013, (\'i) 2014, and (vii) 2015 academic years;

(1) (a), (b), (c) (i),(ii),(iii).(iv),(v).(vi), and (vii). Information on teacher absenteeism in the specified detail and for the periods requested is not readily available at National level. Detailed information has been requested from the Provincial Education Departments and will be provided as soon as it is received.

(2) For each of the specified academic years, what is the average rate of teacher absenteeism in days (a) nationally, (b) in each province and (c) in each district in terms of (i) illness, (ii) injury, (iii) family members' illness, (i\') family members' injury, {v) funerals, (vi) medical appointments, (vii) bad weather or road inaccessibility, (viii) official business, (ix) maternity leave, (x) security reasons, (xi) teachers' strikes, and (xii) any other reasons?

(2) (a), (b).(c) (i). (ii). (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii). (ix), (x). (xi), and (xii). Information on teacher absenteeism in the specified detail and for the periods requested is not readily available at National level. Detailed information has been requested from the Provincial Education Departments and will be provided as soon as it is received.

24 March 2016 - NW665

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) Whether. with reference to her reply to question 181 on 29 February 2016. She can clarify how many school days were lost in each district due to (a) strike action. (b) public protests or marches and (c) any other reasons in the (i) 2009 (ii) 2010, (iii) 2011. (iv) 2012. (v) 2013, (vi) 2014 and (vii) 2015 academic years; (2) what were the (a) dates and (b) length of each (i) strike action, (ii) public protest or march and (iii) any other reason for school days being lost in respect of each district in each province?


The Department has written to all the provinces requesting for the above-mentioned information.

24 March 2016 - NW533

Profile picture: Whitfield, Mr AG

Whitfield, Mr AG to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What is the current status of the proposal to declare teaching as an essential service in order to prevent teachers from striking?


The right to strike is a constitutional right afforded to all employees in terms of Section 23(2)( c) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 108 of 1996 ("the Constitution"). However, Section 65 of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) does contemplate restrictions on the right to strike in respect of those employees who are engaged in essential services. Furthermore, Section 213 of the LRA defines an essential service and this mirrors the international understanding of essential services. This definition excludes education as an essential service.

South Africa is a member of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and has signed Conventions No 87 and 98 of the ILO that upholds the principles of freedom of association ~nd the right to organise and bargain collectively. In terms of this, the ILO recognises strike action as a principled right by which workers and their associations may legitimately promote and defend their economic and social interests. The case for education to be declared an essential service has been considered by the ILO, through submissions made to it by various member states from different regions of the world and in respect of a wide range of different circumstances. However, the ILO has repeatedly ru led that essential services refers RESPONSE TO NATIONAL ASSEMBLY QUESTION NA 533

only to those services that endanger the life, personal safety or health of the whole or part of the population and therefore education stands outside of this definition.

All member states, even if they have not ratified the Conventions in question, have an obligation, arising from the very fact of membership to the ILO, to respect, to promote and to realise, in good faith and in accordance with the Constitution, the principles concerning the fundamental rights which include freedom of association. The right to freedom of association allows employees to participate in strike action, once the trade unions have followed due process in terms of the LRA and given the employer notice of a strike.

There is therefore no proposal that is currently being considered to declare education as an essential service since the education sector does not satisfy the definition of an essential service as defined by the ILO internationally and South African legislation through the LRA.

24 March 2016 - NW531

Profile picture: Whitfield, Mr AG

Whitfield, Mr AG to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What is the current status of the proposed performance-related pay and incentives for teachers which is recommended in the National Development Plan?


Teachers have a performance management system referred to as the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) which can be used for the determination of incentives and performance-related pay. Presently, teachers receive a performance-related pay progression of 1% per annum. Collective Agreement 1 of 2008 of the Education Labour Relations Council provided a mechanism whereby teachers would be incentivised to remain teaching by providing them with an accelerated pay progression. However, this was abandoned in Collective Agreement number 4 of 2009.

In order to address the performance-related pay and incentives for teachers as called for in the National Development Plan, the President established the Presidential Remuneration Review Commission in August 2013.

The Commission was appointed to investigate remuneration and conditions of service in the public service and public entities listed in Schedule 3A and 3C of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999) (PFMA). Priority attention would be on the remuneration of educators, including matters relating to organisational development, job evaluation and grading, recruitment, appointment and promotion, human resource planning and utilisation, and performance management systems, policies and practices.

In order to implement the expectations of the National Development Plan in this regard, the Department has submitted its inputs on these matters to the Presidential Remuneration Review Commission which will release its report to the President in August 2017.

24 March 2016 - NW468

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Tourism

(1) How many (a) direct and (b) indirect jobs respectively have been created in the tourism industry in (i) 2013, (ii) 2014 and (iii) 2015 respectively; (2) how much did tourism contribute to the country’s gross domestic product during (a) 2013, (b) 2014 and (c) 2015 respectively; (3) what is the detailed breakdown of international arrivals at the (a) Cape Town International, (b) O R Tambo International and (c) King Shaka International airports in (i) 2013, (ii) 2014 and (iii) 2015 respectively?


(1) How many (a) direct and (b) indirect jobs respectively have been created in the tourism industry in (i) 2013, (ii) 2014 and (iii) 2015 respectively;

(a) Direct contribution to jobs

The latest figures available from Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) are provisional figures for 2014. Estimates from the World Travel and Tourism Council were used to report on 2015.

Job Creation

  1. 2013
  1. 2014
  1. 2015 estimate

Direct Jobs

655 587

680 817


Source: 2013 and 2014: Tourism Satellite Account, StatsSA. 2015: WTTC 2015 estimates.

(b) Total contribution to employment (direct and indirect)

It should be noted that StatsSA does not measure the total contribution of tourism to employment (direct and indirect contribution). Figures and estimates from WTTC were used to report on this indicator. However, WTTC does not release figures on the indirect contribution alone, therefore figures reported below is for total contribution which includes both direct and indirect contribution.

Job Creation

  1. 2013
  1. 2014
  1. 2015 estimate

Total contribution to employment (Direct and indirect)

1 437 500

1 497 600

1 551 400

Source: WTTC

(2) how much did tourism contribute to the country’s gross domestic product during (a) 2013, (b) 2014 and (c) 2015 respectively

It should be noted that the contribution of tourism to GDP is reported for direct as well as for total contribution (direct and indirect). StatsSA only measures the direct contribution to GDP and the latest figures available are 2014 provisional figures. Therefore figures reported below for direct contribution in 2013 and 2014 were sourced from StatsSA. WTTC estimates were used to report on the direct contribution to GDP for 2015 as well as the direct and indirect contribution from 2013 to 2015.

Contribution to GDP

  1. 2013
  1. 2014
  1. 2015 estimate


R101,7 billion

R111,6 billion

R117,8 billion

Direct and indirect

R345,7 billion

R357,0 billion

R369.3 billion

Source: Source: 2013 and 2014: Tourism Satellite Account, StatsSA. 2015: WTTC 2015 estimates.

(3) International tourist arrivals


  1. 2013
  1. 2014
  1. 2015
  1. Cape Town

International Airport




  1. OR Tambo

International Airport




  1. King Shaka

International Airport




Source: Statistics SA

23 March 2016 - NW490

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) How is the National Transport Master Plan (Natmap) being incorporated into (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her, (b)(i) how is the implementation of the Natmap being monitored and (ii) by whom and (c) what are the timelines and time frames in this regard?



(a) i) Incorporation of NATMAP into DOT plans

During the development of NATMAP 2050, an extensive consultation approach from the municipalities, provinces and agencies (bottom-up approach) was undertaken and that culminated into a product informed by plans from various stakeholders.

The NATMAP 2050 Synopsis Report was submitted to the Cabinet on the 18th September 2013 and amongst others Cabinet approved that the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC) Management Committee (MANCO) and the Minister of Transport review the proposed NATMAP 2050. In line with the above Cabinet resolution, the Department has reviewed and updated the NATMAP 2050 Synopsis Report and awaiting the Plan’s endorsement by PICC MANCO before it is resubmitted to Cabinet for approval.

NATMAP 2050 Synopsis Update specifies outcomes and strategic objectives linked to key government policies that includes DOT Strategy amongst others. Its objectives will be delivered by linking key proposals with broader national policy areas, the MTSF 2014–2019, NDP 2030 and National Infrastructure Plan (NIP).

ii) Incorporation of NATMAP into Entities Plans

Based on the bottom-up approach that was adopted throughout the development process of NATMAP 2050, different implementing agencies will have to develop their own implementing plans in line with the interventions proposed on the Synopsis Update report. Upon submission of their strategic plans, the Minister will be ensure that implementation of NATMAP 2050 is finds a clear expression in their plans moving forward.

(b) i) Implementation Monitoring

The Department will regularly monitor the implementation of this Plan by engaging implementing agents in terms of getting the reports and serving on different fora or committees that will oversee the implementation of NATMAP 2050 interventions.

ii) By Whom

The Deputy Director General: Integrated Transport Planning will oversee the implementation process and supported by Chief Director: Macro Sector Planning and Director: Master Planning, Implementation and Review.

(c) Timelines

Interventions indicated on the draft NATMAP 2050 Synopsis Update documents are categorised with the following timeframes:

1. Short term: 5 years (2015-2020)

2. Medium term: 10 years (2020-2030)

3. Long Term: 20 years (2020-2050)

It is worth noting that the Performance Agreement between the President and the Minister of Transport, says that by June 2016, the Integrated National Transport Plan should be developed and approved.

Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA)

a) (i) Not applicable to ACSA.

    (ii) NATMAP seeks to achieve “An integrated, smart and efficient transport system supporting a thriving economy that promotes sustainable economic growth, supports a healthier life style, provides safe and accessible mobility options, socially includes all communities and preserves the environment”. ACSA supports this vision by ensuring that the Airport Development Plans are aligned with relevant policies and through on-going stakeholder consultations.

  • NATMAP recommended the Aerotropolis concept as a means of promoting the integration of airport development with its surrounding land-uses.  At the OR Tambo International Airport (ORTIA), ACSA and the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality have developed an Aerotropolis Master Plan including an implementation plan for the City of Ekurhuleni and ORTIA. The Plan was completed at the end of 2015 and implementation of catalyst projects has commenced.
  • At the Cape Town International Airport (CTIA), ACSA and the City of Cape Town are undertaking a study to determine the feasibility to pursue the Aerotropolis concept as a development strategy for the CTIA and surrounding area. This approach is also being considered in eThekwini for the King Shaka International Airport (KSIA), which includes the Dube Trade Port. The KZN Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs commissioned an Aerotropolis Master Plan Study, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2016.
  • The concept is also being explored at other ACSA airports, in particular in Bram Fisher International, East London and Port Elizabeth Airports through consultation with the respective Local Authorities.

b) N/A (i) N/A and (ii) N/A

c) ACSA is not in a position to respond to part (c) of the question.

Air Traffic & Navigation Services SOC Limited (ATNS)

(a)(i) Not applicable to ATNS

(a)(ii) ATNS has been consulted by the DoT and has provided comments and input in respect of the National Airport Development Plan and National Civil Aviation Policy.

(b)(i) N/A (i) N/A and (ii) N/A

(b)(ii) N/A (i) N/A and (ii) N/A

(c) Not applicable to ATNS

South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)

(a) (i) Not applicable to SACAA

(ii) The National Transport Master Plan is not applicable to the South African Civil Aviation Authority

(b) N/A (i) N/A and (ii) N/A

(c) N/A

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA)

(a)(ii) There is good alignment between the Natmap and PRASA’s Strategic Plan (2012). Both plans identify short, medium and long term requirements through to the year 2050. The recent update of the Natmap 2050 Synopsis provided a further opportunity to strengthen and align the rail plan and requirements going forward.

Furthermore, PRASA’s Strategic Plan is incorporated in the company’s Corporate Plan focussing on the MTEF period (3-year) ahead. Key performance areas (KPAs) and milestones are identified in the plan. The KPAs are monitored and reported to the Department of Transport on a regular basis.

Railway Safety Regulator (RSR)

Natmap is not incorporated by the RSR.

Ports Regulator (PRSA)

The Ports Regulator has not received any directive in this regard from Department of Transport.

Roads Entities:

(a) (ii) The National Land Transport Strategic Framework 2015–2020 (NLTSF) which defines the strategies and policy intent of the Department of Transport with regard to integrated transport and land use planning country-wide over the five year period, incorporates the overarching objectives of Natmap along with National Development Plan 2030 Strategic Aims, Medium Term Strategic Framework (2014-2019) and transport oriented Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs) as identified by Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC).

Entities are expected to adopt the relevant intentions and guidance of the NLTSF and adjust it to local needs and circumstances. This will enable them to implement local planning intent interpreted and guided by national policy.


South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA)

The National Transport Master Plan (NATMAP) provides an overarching integrated plan for the improved movement of people and freight in South Africa and as such informs and forms the basis for integrated planning within and across the various modes of transport. The South African Maritime Safety Authority is tasked with the mandates of:

  1. Ensuring the safety of life and property at sea
  2. To combat and prevent the pollution of the marine environment by ships 
  3. Promoting the Republic’s maritime interests 

SAMSA is therefore responsible for the efficient, safe, secure and environmentally sustainable movement of inbound and outbound seaborne freight through our national port infrastructure. To this end, SAMSA has aligned its plans towards realising the NATMAP vision by pursuing the following objectives and priority actions in line with other governmental plans:

a) Delivering an efficient, safe, secure and environmentally sustainable maritime transport system by

  • Protecting the environment;
  • Promoting safety and wellbeing; and
  • Infrastructure enhancement and management.

b) The socio economic development of South Africa’s maritime sector by undertaking the following: 

  • Grow the economy - this incorporates the pursuit of NATMAP priority actions of growing the economy fuelled by the marine transport development programme under the Operation Phakisa portfolio, specifically focusing on making better use of the maritime transport network, increasing its contribution to GDP and the creation of wealth for the country.
  • Freight integration - The promotion of developing a competitive integrated national supply chain perspective by working together across the freight transport value chain from Pit, Port to Market. 

23 March 2016 - NW554

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether, in line with the National Integrated Information and Communication Technology Policy Review Report published in 2015, a legislative review was undertaken of the Independent Communications Authority of SA’s legislation to ensure that the general duties of the regulator are included in law, including promoting competition across networks and services, equal treatment of technologies, reviewing regulatory burdens, regular impact assessments, increasing the ease of doing business in the sector, publishing decisions promptly adhering to timeframes, and conducting appropriate and relevant international benchmarking; if not, (a) why not, and (b) when will the legislative review be undertaken; if so, (i) which organisation conducted the legislative reviews, (ii) what were the terms of reference and (iii) what budget was allocated to this process?


The DoC has, in developing the Green Paper on Audio Visual and Digital Content Policy for South Africa, considered the recommendations of the National ICT Policy Review report in relation to the work of the Department. Once finalized, the DoC will publish the Green Paper to solicit public comments. It is only after the White Paper on Audio Visual and Digital Content Policy for South Africa has been adopted by Cabinet, that implementation will commence.









23 March 2016 - NW421

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) When will the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa’s report on its internal enquiry which was announced on 3 September 2015, be released, (b) who was tasked to lead the specified enquiry and (c) what was its terms of reference?


(a) The investigation is ongoing and timeframes are dictated by legal processes.

(b) Werksmans Attorneys were appointed to lead the investigation.

(c) The focus of the investigation is based on the findings of the Auditor General in the financial statements of PRASA for the 2014/2015 financial year, and the Public Protector report titled ‘Derailed’.

23 March 2016 - NW691

Profile picture: Redelinghuys, Mr MH

Redelinghuys, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Transport

What is the current status of the Mabopane Transport Hub project in Pretoria, Gauteng, (b) how much has the project cost to date, (c) what are the reasons for the delays in completing the specified project and (d) when will the specified project be completed?


The PRASA section of the Mabopane Transport Hub project is divided into two sub projects which are implemented by two different service providers. The two interlinked projects are outlined below;

  1. The Bridge project, and
  2. The Concourse project

a) The current status of the two projects;

Bridge project: The contract was terminated on 01st April 2015 after matter had been taken to Arbitration as per clause 40 of the JBCC Contract. The Arbitrator determined in favor of PRASA and ruled that the Contractor had unlawfully suspended the works and walked off site without complying with the procedural and substantive requirements of the contract.

At the moment PRASA is in the process of resuscitating the project. What remains is the process of appointing a new contractor to finish the project. Currently the project stands at 70% completion. Major outstanding works remaining are parts of the roof, the link bridge over the railway lines, trading stalls, finishes and some remedial work on some structures constructed by previous contractor which were condemned by the consulting engineers and have to be demolished and rebuilt.

Concourse project: The project is 40% complete with the erection of the roof structure. Works on several platforms including platforms 5 and 6 are 100% complete and works on platform 7 and 8 which is the last platform have just commenced.

Progress on the concourse which focuses on ground floor demolitions, concrete works, brickwork and structural steel work is in progress. The roof structure is nearing completion and the mezzanine level steel structure is complete.

b) Project costs

Bridge project cost to date:






Original Project Budget

R 197 818 781

Including VAT


Project Expenditure to date

R 143 736 161

Including VAT

Concourse project cost to date:






Original Project Budget

R 199 605 421

Including VAT


Project Expenditure to date

R91 128 353

Including VAT

c) Reasons for the delays in completing the projects;

Bridge project: There were various reasons that delayed the project other than the process that led to termination.

  • Land issues around ERF 433, Mabopane which resulted in the redesigning of the bridge to avoid the eminent land issues,
  • Negotiations with traders associations, who refused to vacate the construction site until temporary trading structures were built for them,
  • Community members and structures who demanded to be employed directly by PRASA instead of the appointed Main Contractor and therefore often stopped the site works in protest, and
  • Strikes from workers demanding better remunerations than what the Main Contractor could offer.

Concourse project:




Employment opportunities & subcontracting demands from community resulting in protests and work stoppages


Project scope change. Increase in time and project cost

d) When the project would be completed;

Bridge project: The project is expected to finish within 8 months from the date of site handover to the new contractor (once all the Supply Chain Management processes have been completed).

Concourse project: The project is expected to be complete by end December 2016

23 March 2016 - NW483

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) How are the various color schemes used for signage at the various airports determined, (b) what market research has been done in this regard, (c) how often has such research been conducted, (d) when was such research last conducted and (e) what were the outcomes?


Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA)

(a) The various color schemes are determined by the international benchmark of all the signage for both navigational and disclaimer signage. The colors are then further explained on the actual signage and way finding guideline document.

(b) The research that was done in the initial stages of creating a signage philosophy that is easily recognizable by all passengers, was based on what was acceptable from an aviation regulation point of view in the international market. These standards were adopted to make sure that what is available in South Africa is available in any international airport in the world.

(c) The signage committee at the airports conducts a desktop, top line comparison of ACSA’s signage philosophy to that of international Airports around the world. The same philosophy that is used in South Africa is also used in the airports that ACSA is involved in building and maintaining. The company also works very close with the civil aviation authority to keep tabs on any regulatory changes on the signage philosophy.

(d) In 2013, the company made amendments to the signage guidelines based on international standards that were amended. These standards were as a result of comparison and benchmarking the ACSA signage philosophy and key international standards as outlined by the civil aviation authorities.

(e) The signage for smaller / regional airports were not visible enough and the size of fonts and specs needed to be changed.

  1. The new no smoking act: The signage was outdated and needed to include the actual act on it.
  2. Prohibition signage: The signs at the time did not have clear images / illustration of what the prohibition was for, this has since been changed.
  3. Prohibition signs: The signs that were on glass doors and walls were blank at the back. This has since been changed.

23 March 2016 - NW551

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether she can state the reasons why the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) suspended Mr Frans Matlala as the Chief Executive Officer on or about 18 November 2015; if not, on what statutory authority is she refusing to state the specified reasons; if so, what were the reasons for the SABC to suspend the specified person?


The Department is unable to respond due to the fact that the matter is before the Courts.










23 March 2016 - NW552

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

what progress has been made to date with the review of the SA Broadcasting Corporation’s editorial policy; (2) whether any form of public consultation has taken place during the review process of the specified policy; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the details of the public consultation process followed to date, (b) (i) how and (ii) when were notices for public consultations published, (c) which, if any, organisations submitted written comments, and (d) will she make each of such written representations submitted during the public consultation process available to Ms P T van Damme; (3) (a) when does the SABC envisage that a new draft editorial policy will be completed and (b) when will such a new draft policy be tabled in Parliament?


  1. The revised SABC editorial policy has been approved by the SABC Board and is currently being implemented.
  2. (a) Yes public consultation has taken place. Stakeholder engagements were held with more than 30 organisations and interest groups from across the country and were followed by 17 public hearings, where each province hosted at least one. Almost 2,000 people attended these hearings.

(b) (i) & (ii) The public consultations were advertised on SABC platforms and in selected print media.

(c) The SABC received 216 written submissions from individuals and organisations.

(d)  Not applicable.

3) (a) The policy has been completed

(b) The editorial policy are submitted to the Authority, not Parliament.









23 March 2016 - NW606

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)  Whether, in view of the fact that the Portfolio Committee on Communications obtained a legal opinion regarding matters under consideration by the SABC Board of Directors which led to the dismissal of three board members, she has taken steps to (a) request the specified legal opinion from the Portfolio Committee on Communications, or (b) obtain her own legal opinion to ensure that she did not transgress the law in any way and result in action taken against her for the said transgression; if not , why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether she will make a statement on (a) what she had exactly done and (b) the action she has taken in dealing with the board of directors of the SABC at the time; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Communications has scheduled meetings in 2015 where this matter was discussed in detail. Parliament Legal team has presented their legal opinion before the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Communications and subsequently this legal opinion together with the legal opinion that was sought by Minister of Communications were debated in detail during the Portfolio Committee on Communications meeting in 2015. Portfolio Committee on Communications in its meeting which was opened to the public, resolved to close this matter following the said debates.









23 March 2016 - NW553

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether, in line with the recommendations of the National Integrated Information and Communications Technology Policy Review Report published in 2015, a review of her department’s public entities has been undertaken in order to consider whether these entities are fulfilling policy objectives; if not, (a) why not and (b) when will such a review be undertaken; if so, what were the outcomes in each case; (2)   whether, in line with the recommendations of the National Integrated Information and Communications Technology Policy Review Report published in 2015, regular assessments of public entities reporting to her have been scheduled in the relevant policies; if not, (a) why not, and (b) when will regular assessments of the specified entities be included in the relevant policies; if so, (i) which organisations will be conducting such reviews, (ii) what are the terms of reference and (iii) what budget has been allocated to these processes?


The DoC has, in developing the Green Paper on Audio Visual and Digital Content Policy for South Africa, considered the recommendations of the National ICT Policy Review report in relation to the work of the Department. Once finalized, the DoC will publish the Green Paper to solicit public comments. It is only after the White Paper on Audio Visual and Digital Content Policy for South Africa has been adopted by Cabinet, that implementation will commence.









23 March 2016 - NW509

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)  What (a) sustainability challenges are faced by community small commercial media (CSCM) and (b) intervention processes are in place to address the sustainability challenges faced by CSCM; (2) whether a specific programme to address the slow pace of transformation in the print media has been put in place by her department; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of such a programme; (3) whether she has put any measures in place to facilitate a discussion with the Print and Digital Media of South Africa to review decreased print media contributions; if not, why not; if so, what (a) measures were put in place and (b) was the outcome of such discussions?


(1) (a) The following are amongst the sustainability challenges faced by community small commercial media:

  • Inadequate of support with regard to advertising from government and private sector;
  • Print and Digital Media South Africa (PDMSA) has withdrawn its funding and government allocation to Small Commercial Media;
  • High printing costs; and
  • Inability to attract and retain skilled personnel due to limited funding.

(b) Liaising with the GCIS in order to secure advertising revenue for CSCM

  • Liaising with Media Buyers for advertising bookings to the sector
  • Negotiated printing discounts with the major houses such as CAXTON, Paarlcoldset and Rising Sun Printers
  • Providing support for the establishment of Provincial Cooperatives in order to lobby for advertising bulk buying
  • Capacity building and skills development through partnership with relevant training institutions such as the Wits Radio Academy, finalising MoA with MICTSETA; and
  • For 2016/17 we will be focusing on enterprise development training to equip projects on financials, fundraising skills.

(2) The Ministry of Communications is facilitating the discussions and debates around the discussion document “Towards a Policy on Media Transformation and Diversity” which was drafted to focus on media transformation and diversity issues. This is currently being updated/revised with further desktop and commissioned research. Meetings have also been held with government statutory bodies, non-governmental organisations and media agencies to solicit their views. This has included organisations such as MDDA, ICASA, NABSA, Right to Know and Freedom of Expression.  Issues raised in these meetings are being further investigated and incorporated into the Discussion Document.  A colloquium is further being considered for 2016 to deepen our understanding of key transformation issues within the environment, to finalise scope and allow stakeholders an opportunity to present their views.

(3) (a) The MDDA Board is engaging the individual members of the PDMSA, who have requested details on the funding previously allocated; this will also be covered as part of the Social Impact Study currently being commissioned by the MDDA Board.

(b) So far meeting has been held with the Media 24 and the outcomes were positive, however the MDDA has been requested to develop a report reflecting on how the funds have been allocated to projects. There are meetings due with The Times Media, Caxton and Sekunjalo.










23 March 2016 - NW416

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether her department is contributing in any way to the (a) acquisition of additional coaches for the Gautrain and/or (b) construction of an additional Gautrain depot; if not, why not; if so, what are the (i) relevant details of how her department is contributing, (ii)(aa) time lines and (bb) time frames and (iii) conditions in this regard?


(a) No. The Gautrain Rapid Rail Link was procured and implemented as a Public Private Partnership in terms of Treasury Regulation 16 of the Public Finance Management Act. The acquisition of the additional coached will be procured in term of the provisions of the Treasury Regulations and the Concession Agreement entered into between the Gauteng Provincial Government and the Bombela Concession Company.

(b) No. See above.

  1. N/A
  2. N/A

23 March 2016 - NW508

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether the Media Development and Diversity Agency’s (MDDA) internal audit function is still being outsourced; if so, (a) why and (b) how much is it costing the agency to outsource this function; (2)   whether the vacant positions for the (a) Communications Manager, (b) Programme and Research and Development Manager, (c) Information and Technology Manager, (d) Supply Chain Management Officer and (e) Financial Administration Officer within the MDDA have been filled; if not, (i) why not, (ii) what measures have been put in place to fill the specified vacant positions and (iii) by when will it be filled; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(1) (a) Yes, the internal audit function of the MDDA is being co-sourced due to the inability by the Agency to build internal audit capacity. The contract of the outsourced auditors is coming to an end on the 30th March 2016 and permanent in-house Internal Audit Manager will be appointed. In this regard, the MDDA has since revised the organogram and the position of the Internal Audit Manager has been advertised.

(b) The function is costing the Agency R721 227.00 inclusive of VAT.

(2) (a) The position of Communications & Stakeholders Manager position was filled during the last quarter of 2015.

(b) The position of Programme & Research and Development Manager has not been filled.

(c) The position of Information and Technology Manager was filled on the last quarter in December 2015.

(d) The position of Supply Chain Management Officer was filled during the last quarter of 2015.

(e) The position of Financial Administration Officer has not been filled.

i) The MDDA led by the Board revised its strategy in September 2015 and subsequently has revised its organogram to align to the revised deliverables in line with the MDDA Act. On the 20th February 2016 the MDDA Board approved the revised structure. This will be followed by filling of the vacancies. The process of advertising is underway to fill all positions by the 1st quarter of 2016 financial year.

ii) The work, duties and responsibilities of vacated positions, has been distributed amongst employees. In some of the vacant positions, there are persons who have been contracted externally from suppliers whilst the process of filling, continues. The MDDA Board has approved the revised structure/organogram. This will be followed by filling of the vacancies.

iii) The MDDA is aiming to fill all positions by the 1st quarter of 2016/17 financial year.










23 March 2016 - NW146

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)       Whether any progress has been made on the review of the Municipal Supply Chain Regulations, in particular section 32 of the specified regulations; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what detailed steps are being taken to ensure that municipalities comply with the specified regulations; (3) what is being done to prevent the misuse of section 32 of the specified regulations?


  1. The National Treasury is currently reviewing the entire Supply Chain Management (SCM) legislative framework with a view of developing a single procurement law that seeks to, among others, improve efficiency in the procurement environment and eliminate corruption.
  2. The National Treasury will be developing guidelines to assist municipalities on the appropriate application of regulation 32 of the Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulation by July 2016. These guidelines will assist municipalities to follow due process and thereby prevent any potential misuse of this provision in the Municipal SCM legislative framework. In the interim, municipalities should submit any enquiry to the MFMA helpdesk facility, [email protected].
  3. Additional to the the comment above, the MFMA provides for all processes and procedures that are undertaken at a municipality. Therefore reliance is placed on the system of delegation and other regulatory audit processes to assist in preventing the misuse of regulation 32.

Further efforts will be made to speed up the process of reviews of Section 32 and to stop the abuse that is prevalent in this regard.

23 March 2016 - NW607

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether she had (a) ascertained if the SABC bosses had issued any directives prohibiting talk show hosts from keeping open lines on current affairs until the end of the local government elections and (b) made it clear that Sections 15 and 16 of the Constitution had to be honoured irrespective of the political affiliation of the SABC bosses, if not, why is she failing in her duty to provide constitutionally directed leadership; if so, what are the relevant details?


a) The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) management did not prohibit talk show hosts from having open lines discussions during programmes.  Presenters / talk show hosts of for example religious or sport programmes are subject matter experts and will have open line discussions on relevant religious or sporting matters. At the same time political discussions can only be dealt with during News and Current affairs programmes where presenters/host are skilled to deal with these matters. The SABC therefore wants to ensure that political discussions are dealt with on the correct platforms to ensure that political parties do not misuse entertainment, religious and sports programmes for their political expediency.

b) Not applicable








23 March 2016 - NW555

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether, the recommendations of the National Integrated Information and Communication Technology Policy Review Report published in 2015 have been implemented by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) in terms of (a) stakeholders being provided an opportunity to make representations to the National Assembly regarding the ICASAs discharge of its mandate, (b) ICASA conducting regular research in the information and communications technology sector to determine public needs and views and (c) minutes of meetings of the ICASA Council being made public within a reasonable time, subject to appropriate safeguards to protect confidential information; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


The DoC has, in developing the Green Paper on Audio Visual and Digital Content Policy for South Africa, considered the recommendations of the National ICT Policy Review report in relation to the work of the Department. Once finalized, the DoC will publish the Green Paper to solicit public comments. It is only after the White Paper on Audio Visual and Digital Content Policy for South Africa has been adopted by Cabinet, that implementation will commence.









22 March 2016 - NW660

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of State Security

Whether the office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence produced a report following an investigation into matters relating to the so-called covert SA Revenue Services intelligence unit; if not, why not, if so, (a) what is the title of the report, (b) what are the main (i) findings and (ii) recommendations and (c) when was the completed; (2) Whether the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence (JSCI) (a) received a copy of the report and (b) were briefed on the report; if not, in each specified case, why not; if so, in each specified case, when?


(1) In August 2014, following media reports about allegations of improper and unlawful conduct of members and people associated with the State Security Agency (SSA), the Minister of State Security requested the office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence (IG) to conduct an investigation into these allegations. The media reports had alleged that certain employees of the agency were involved in activities meant to destabilize the functioning of the South African Revenue Services (SARS). (a)the report was titled “Investigation into Media Allegations Against SSA Employees”. (b) the report did not find any wrong doing on the part of the State Security Agency and recommended that engagements be held with SARS on certain aspect of their investigative work. (c) the report was completed on 31 October 2014.

(2) The Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence was briefed on this report by senior officials of the State Security Agency on 12 May 2015.

18 March 2016 - NW381

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

With reference to President Jacob Zuma’s undertaking in his State of the Nation Address delivered on 12 February 2015, that Government will set aside 30% of appropriate categories of state procurement for purchasing from Small, Medium and Micro – sized Enterprises (SMMEs), co operatives, as well as township and rural enterprises, what percentage of total procurement of (a) her department and (b) every entity reporting to her went to (i) SMMEs and (ii) co-operatives from 1 April 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available.


(a)(i) The Department procured 40.38% of goods and services from SMMEs, township and rural enterprises combined for the period 1 April 2015 to 31 January 2016.

(a)(i) The Department did not procure any goods or services from co operatives for the period 1 April 2015 to 31 January 2016.

18 March 2016 - NW372

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

With reference to President Jacob G Zuma’s undertaking in his State of the Nation Address delivered on 12 February 2015, that the Government will set aside 30% of appropriate categories of state procurement for purchasing from Small, Medium and Micro-Sized Enterprises (SMMEs), co-operatives, as well as township and rural enterprises, what percentage of the total procurement of (a) his department and (b) every entity reporting to him went to (i) SMMEs and (ii) co-operatives from 1 April 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?


1. (i) and (ii) The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DoJ&CD) including the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), procures within the current framework in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations (PPR). The PPR was developed to support BBBEE and government specific goals.

94% of the departmental procurement supports government initiatives of which approximately 31% (R139 million) relates to SMMEs.

The department is awaiting the approval of the revised PPR that will provide for full implementation of the commitments made in the recent State of the Nation Addresses’ delivered.


The Office of the Chief Justice is submitting information in terms of the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment scoring points system as prescribed by the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000. Information is submitted as follows:

Total amount spent on procurement from 1 April 2015 to 22 February 2016 by the Office of the Chief Justice amounts to R38 647 064.18. Of this amount R29 173 393.99 was spent on Black Economic Empowerment procurement (all Black Economic Empowerment levels). Therefore the Office of the Chief Justice spent 75.49% on Black Economic Empowerment procurement.

(b)(i) The Special Investigating Unit has indicated that the percentage of total procurement spend on SMME is sixty (60%) percent.

(ii) The SIU further indicated that no procurement was made from or in support of co-operatives and rural enterprises.

  1. (i) Legal Aid South Africa issued instructions to 11,831 judicare practitioners from 1 April 2015 to 31st January 2016 to the value of R96 million. These are all small law firms.

A total amount of R1.35 million, covering 1 April 2015 to 31st December 2015, was paid to five (5) law firms that are all based in rural areas and have Agency Agreements with Legal Aid SA.

An amount of R95,7 million constituting other procurements of services and goods by different suppliers were paid out for the period 01 April 2015 to 31st January 2016. Legal Aid SA awaits National Treasury’s comprehensive review of the existing Supply Chain Management legislative framework in respect of various specific goals, i.e., Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs), co-operatives, as well as township and rural enterprises to classify procurements services going forward.

(a) (i) The Department of Correctional Services has not set aside 30% of its procurement for purchasing from SMMEs, co-operatives as well as

township and rural enterprises as this is not yet supported by procurement legal framework.

Currently contracts are awarded in accordance with the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 and its Regulations, 2011 to the bidder scoring the highest points.

The information regarding the contracts awarded with values above R30 000.00 from 1 April 2015 to 19 February 2016 is as follows:

BEE Level

Total Contracts

Total Current Contract Value


Level 1


R 144 136 872.30


Level 2


R 426 205 448.05


Level 3


R 109 626 423.40


Level 4


R 94 095 598.66


Level 5


R 3 065 779.70


Level 6


R 4 504 798.52


Level 7


R 265 269.30


Level 8


R 381 480.00


Non-compliant contributor


R 34 042 967.57




R 816 324 637.50


National Treasury’s Summary Report: Contract(s) Awarded does not make provision for distinguishing of contracts awarded to Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises, co-operatives as well as township and rural enterprises.

(ii) As above

  1. Not applicable


18 March 2016 - NW539

Profile picture: Selfe, Mr J

Selfe, Mr J to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(1)Whether the Boksburg Correctional Centre has experienced high levels of gang violence in the last six months; if so, what gangs are involved; (2) whether (a) inmates and/or (b) officials (i) died and/or (ii) were injured due to the high levels of gang violence during the specified period; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (3) what steps have been taken to (a) contain the situation and (b) to eradicate gangs in the facility, if any?


1. Yes, gang related incidents were experienced during the last six (6) months at Correctional Centres A, B and C at Boksburg Management Area. Prevalent gangs involved in gang incidents include the RAF 3, Big 5, 26 and 28 Gangs.

(2)(a)(i) One (1) inmate died in November 2015 in Boksburg Medium A following an assault of an “inmate on inmate” with a sharpened object.

  1. (a)(ii) – Yes, see table below.

(2)(b)(i) No officials died due to the violence.

(2)(b)(ii) – No officials were injured due to the violence.

(2) date of incident and centre



Number of inmates involved

2(a)(ii) number of inmates injured

(1) gangs involved

2015.10.10 Centre A

Inmate assaulted two (2) other inmates. Both victims sustained laceration injuries.



26 and 28 gang

2015.10.13 Centre A

Two (2) inmates assaulted one (1) inmate by hitting him with padlocks on his head.



26 and 28 gang

2015.10.15 Centre A

Two (2) inmates were stabbed by two (2) inmates with sharpened objects.



26 gang

2015.11.09 Centre C

Five (5) inmates assaulted one (1) inmate.



26 gang

2015.11.12 Centre A

Three (3) inmates fought amongst themselves with self-made knives.




2015.11.14 Centre B

Four (4) inmates stabbed two (2) inmates.



26 and 28 gang

2015.11.16 Centre A

Two (2) inmates assaulted one (1) inmate with a sharpened object and one (1) of the perpetrators was also injured.



28 gang and Big 5

2015.11.16 Centre B

Three (3) inmates assaulted one (1) inmate with a sharpen objet.



28 and 26 gang

2015.12.25 Centre C

Three (3) inmates assaulted each other



26 and 28 gang

2016.02.18 Centre A

Two (2) inmates stabbed one (1) inmate.



RAF 4 and Big 5

2016.02.29 Centre C

Ten (10) inmates assaulted each other.



  1. and 28 gang

(3)(a) There is ongoing gang profiling in order to ensure improved management of gang dynamics in the correctional centre. The awareness of officials is raised on a regular basis to ensure constant vigilance and emphasis is placed on the effective management of offender complaints and requests. The utilisation of the gang management tools – especially the gang management checklist for utilisation at correctional centre level – is encouraged.

(3)(b) All inmates are made aware of the negative consequences of gangs in a correctional setting as part of the induction process and through ongoing engagement at unit level. As a matter of standard procedure all acts of violence (including those that arise due to gang activities) are investigated internally and this results in the guilty parties having their privileges reviewed. Offenders who pose a risk to the safety of other inmates are placed in single cells for closer monitoring.

It is also normal procedure that where there are injuries the cases of attempted assault, assault, assault with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm and attempted murder or murder are reported to the South African Police Service (SAPS) for investigation and pursuit of criminal charges. In many instances, however, most victims refuse to press criminal charges. Offenders who are found guilty of criminal offences will have their sentences prolonged or parole and release dates reviewed accordingly.

The Department is also working hard at ensuring that gang activities in correctional centres are dealt with in terms of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act (where possible and in liaison with the SAPS) as has been the case in regions like the Western Cape. The Department will also explore how the provisions of the Dangerous Weapons Act 15 of 2013 can be applied to gangs in correctional centres.

18 March 2016 - NW542

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 2968 on 7 September 2015, he has finalized his consideration of the Law Reform Commission Report on sex work; if not, why not; if so, when will he make an announcement in this regard?


I wish to inform the Honourable Member that I have considered the South African Law Reform Commission Project 107 Report on Sexual Offences (Adult Prostitution). It will be released on a date to be announced shortly.

18 March 2016 - NW604

Profile picture: Lekota, Mr M

Lekota, Mr M to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) Whether his department has given full and proper attention to the expert opinion of Fisheries and Research Development officials within his department who noticed a massive decline in the population of horse mackerel in South African waters at the time of granting an 8 000-ton experimental quota to a certain person (name furnished); if not, why not; if so, why (a) did his department act contrary to the view of the specified experts and (b) was his department endangering the viability of the horse mackerel population; (2) whether he will make a statement on the granting of the quota to the specified individual and address the soundness of the decision to grant the specified quota in relation to the scientific facts available to him; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) The Department always gives full and proper attention to the expert opinion given by each Branch or Chief Directorate. It is not understandable why there is a belief that the Department   acted contrary to the view of some experts. The Department acted in accordance with proper rules and procedures and followed the scientific recommendations given by its experts. The Department has not allocated any additional commercial quota and has thus not endangered the viability of the horse mackerel population. It should also be borne in mind that at the moment no fisherperson has been allocated fishing right and all are operating under exemption. This means, therefore, that it is not possible for any person to say that The Department has over-allocated as horse mackerel fishing can be stopped at any time if the Department believes that that stock is facing an ecological threat.

(2) Permits are issued by delegated officials in the Department and there has not been a need (now and in the past) for the Minister to make announcements on the issuing of any fishing rights.

17 March 2016 - NW469

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Tourism

With reference to his comments made during his speech on 16 February 2016 in the debate on the President’s State of the Nation Address, (a) which small, medium and macro enterprises are benefitting from the support of tourism and (b) how many jobs were created in each case?


a) In the 2015/16 financial year, the department is supporting one hundred (100) rural tourism SMMEs through the Tourism Enterprise Partnership (TEP) programme. In the second quarter 92 enterprises were supported on mentorship, business training, and marketing / market access and business development fund assistances and in the third quarter 78 enterprises were supported. The types of tourism businesses supported included accommodation establishments, restaurants, arts and crafts, tour operators and tourism attractions. The department contributed R13.5 million towards the partnership. The department has signed an MOU with the Ministry of Small Business Development to stimulate the establishment of new SMMEs, starting from the 2016/17 financial year.

b) TEP reported that 1,556 Full Time Equivalent (FTEs) jobs were created in the second and third quarter of the 2015/16 financial year.

17 March 2016 - NW723

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)Whether, with reference to the activities of the original owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Gambling Licence and the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB), the Registrar of Companies and the National Lotteries Commission, NLC, formerly known as National Lotteries Board, NLB, a certain person (name furnished), submitted all the documents, including the certificate of incorporation of the SA Apartheid Museum, in terms of the statutory requirements of the National Lotteries Board, if not, why not; if so, who were the directors of the SA Apartheid Museum, inspected and passed by the National Lotteries Board; (2) does Parliament have a copy of the entire incorporation file of the SA Apartheid Museum including the obligatory CM5, Name Reservation Form, with regard to The Registrar of Companies mentioned in the opening paragraph; (3) (a) whether, with regard to the Gauteng Gambling Board, (GGB) the principal financiers behind the Gold Reef City casino licence project were the twin brothers (names furnished) and (b) whether the specified persons also funded the Youth Investment Network company belonging to a certain person (name furnished); (4) whether the specified owner of the company was an employee of the GGB before and/or during the period that, through the Youth Investment Network, he was a person with financial interest in the application for the Gold Reef City casino licence; if so, what position did the specified person hold at the GGB and the relevant dates of his employment with reference to the applicable GGB human resources policy at the time and in respect of issues related to conflict of interest?


1. According to the information received from the NLC, the SA Apartheid Museum, in support of its applications supplied all the required information viz.:

i. Prescribed application form, duly completed.

ii. Project plan and motivation for said project.

iii. Project budget.

iv. Notice of registered office to show registration number.

v. Articles of Association of a Company not having a share capital.

vi. Memorandum of Association of a company not having share capital.

vii. Annual financial statements for three consecutive years.

According to the information received from the NLC, the signatories to the Articles of Association were:

i. Kim Feinberg

ii. Steven Joffe

iii. Christopher Kroese

iv. Solomon Krok

v. Christopher Martin Till

vi. Richard Thabo Moloko

vii. Lesego Wa Lesego

viii. Sidney Abromowitch

2. Yes, please see “Annex A” attached hereto. “Annex B” contains further information regarding changes of directors at SA Apartheid Museum. This information was provided for by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC).

3. (a) According to the information received from the NGB, the casino was funded 60% debt (R497.4m) and 40% equity (R344.9m). Equity contribution was as follows:

i) Akani Leisure R172.45m

ii) M Krok R73.29m

iii) MZ Krok R73.29m

iv)Promoters R25.87m

According to the information received from the NLC, the shareholders of Akani Leisure were as follows:

  • Co-ordinated Network Investments
  • Siphumelele Investments
  • Black Management Forum Invetment
  • Youth Investments Network
  • G7 Investments Holdings
  • Xau Women’s Investment
  • Prime Portfolio Investments A

The shareholders of the promoters were as follows:

  • The Kroks (Maxim and Martin Zane Krok who are the sons of Solly and Abe Krok)
  • Casinos GmbH
  • Murray & Roberts Construction
  • Innovative Resort
  • First Corp Merchant Bank
  • Co-ordinated Network Investments

(b) Youth Investment Network was established and financially assited by Akani Leisure and the Promoters to create an opportunity for the youth to participate in casino licence applications throughout the country. Once it was established, it was offered a shareholding in Akani Leisure.

The shareholders of Akani Leisure were as follows:

  • Co-ordinated Network Investments
  • Siphumelele Investments
  • Black Management Forum Invetment
  • Youth Investments Network
  • G7 Investments Holdings
  • Xau Women’s Investment
  • Prime Portfolio Investments A

According to the response received from the NGB, none of the members of the Youth Investment Network were employees of the Gauteng Gambling Board.

17 March 2016 - NW540

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Tourism

(1)(a) How many SA Tourism country offices are currently in operation, and (b) in which countries are these situated; (2) what are the full details of (a) the budget in rands allocated to each of the specified offices and (b) the number of staff members employed at each of the specified offices?


1.(a) 13 Country Offices are currently in operation.

(b) The South African Tourism offices are situated in the following countries:






Italy (to be closed in 2016/17 financial year)





Angola (rental agreement ending August 2016)


Brazil (General Marketing Agent)

2. (a)

 Country Office

2015/16 Budgets

1. USA

R69 069 634

2. UK

R52 316 899

3. Germany

R54 297 239

4. France

R35 939 548

5. Netherlands

R27 687 781

6. Italy

R14 771 183

7. India

R32 166 316

8. China

R26 617 535

9. Japan

R12 664 850

10. Australia

R33 239 550

11. Angola

R14 251 649

12. Nigeria

R25 035 247

13. Brazil

R23 658 828


 Country Office

Number of Staff (approved headcount)

1. USA


2. UK


3. Germany


4. France


5. Netherlands


6. Italy


7. India


8. China


9. Japan


10. Australia


11. Angola

1 (Trade Relations Manager only)

12. Nigeria


13. Brazil

General Marketing Agent

17 March 2016 - NW336

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What were the salary levels of academics at (a) junior, (b) middle and (c) senior levels respectively in each South African university compared, in real terms, with salary levels of academics in (i) developed countries, (ii) comparable emerging economies, and (iii) less developed countries, over the past 20 financial years, including for the 2015-16 financial year; (1) what were the salary levels of senior university management at (a) junior, (b) middle and (c) senior levels respectively in each South African university compared, in real terms, with salary levels of senior university management in (i) developed countries, (ii) comparable emerging economies, and (iii) less developed countries, over the past 20 financial years, including the 2015-16 financial year; (2) what were the salary levels of Vice-Chancellors in each South African university compared, in real terms, with salary levels of Vice-Chancellors in (i) developed countries, (ii) comparable emerging economies, and (iii) less developed countries, over the past 20 financial years, including the 2015-16 financial year?


The Department has not conducted any studies or research on the salary levels of academics, senior university management or Vice-Chancellors in South African universities. However Universities South Africa (USAf), formerly known as Higher Education South Africa (HESA), completed a study on the remuneration of academic staff at South African universities in 2014. This report can be downloaded from the Universities South Africa’s website.


Compiler/contact persons:










17 March 2016 - NW724

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)Whether , with reference to the activities of the original owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Gambling Licence and the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB), the Registrar of Companies and the National Lotteries Commission, NLC, formerly known as National Lotteries Board, NLB, whether a certain person (name furnished), a founding director of a certain company (name furnished), served for a period as Chief Executive Officer of the aforementioned board; if so, (a) what was the period of the employment of the specified person as CEO of the specified board, (b) what circumstances gave rise to such a situation, (c) according to what statutory of legal authority was an external contractor appointed to serve in the position of CEO of a government institution and (e) was the appointment of the specified person not a breach of the specified board’s policy concerning the conflict of interests; (2) who were the other natural persons and/or juristic persons with a financial stake in certain companies (names furnished) at the time of the grant of R1.5 million; (3) whether a certain company (names furnished), in any manner, influenced the adjudication of the application for funding submitted by a certain person (name furnished) on behalf of a certain museum (name furnished); (4) can the recordings of a certain trust fund (name furnished) be made available when they adjudicated the application for a grant-in-aid submitted by the specified person?NW844E


1. (a) According to the response received from the NGB, Mr Biyela was never an employee of the Gauteng Gambling Board.

(b) According to the response received from the NGB, Mr Mokhobo served as an Acting Chief Executive Officer of the GGB.

(c) According to the response received from the NGB, Mr Mokhobo served as an Acting Chief Executive Officer of the GGB from 01 January 1998 to 14 April 1998.

(d) According to the response received from the NGB, the position was vacant since the then Chief Executive Officer had resigned in December 1997.

(e) At the time the Board had appointed Gobodo Incorporated to assist it with the probity investigations relating to the casino licence applications in terms of section 15 of the Gauteng Gambling Board Act, Mr Mokhobo was responsible for the Gobodo investigating team. Mr Mokhobo was appointed as the Acting Chief Executive Officer whilst the recruitment process was underway. A permanent Chief Executive Officer was then appointed effective from 15 April 1998.The appointment of Mr Mokhobo did not breach any of the board’s policy concerning the conflict of interest since Gobodo was not an applicant to the Board nor licencee; and was already performing duties on behalf of the Board.

2. According to the response received from the NLC, the NLC does not know who the financial stakeholders of the applicants are as this information is not required.

3. According to the response received from the NLC, the response is no.

4. According to the response received from the NLC, the response is no. Recordings are only kept for a period of five years. The adjudication of the application was in 2008, and therefore records are not available.

17 March 2016 - NW470

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Tourism

(1)What are the (a) tourism figures and (b) associated revenue generated for each province in (i) 2013, (ii) 2014 and (iii) 2015 respectively; (2) what are the (a) tourism figures and (b) associated revenue generated for each province due to his department’s efforts to promote business conferencing in (i) 2014 and (ii) 2015 respectively?


  1. A. International tourism


(1)(a)Tourism Figures - 2014

(b) (i)Revenue

2013 - billion

(b) (ii)Revenue

2014 - billion

b (iii) Revenue


Eastern Cape


R 2.0

R 2.4

Data for 2015 is not available as yet

Free State


R 1.9

R 1.2




R 25.6

R 26.1




R 4.4

R 3.8




R 9.4

R 9.4




R 5.2

R 4.7


North West


R 1.7

R 1.4


Northern Cape


R 0.7

R 0.7


Western Cape


R 13.1

R 14.5

  1. B. Domestic tourism


(1)(a)Tourism Figures - 2014

(b) (i)Revenue

2013 - billion

(b) (ii)Revenue

2014 - billion

b (iii) Revenue


Eastern Cape

3,2 million

R 2,5

R 3,0

Data for 2015 is not available as yet

Free State

1,0 million

R 0,7

R 1,1



4,3 million

R 3,6

R 4,4



5,3 million

R 6,6

R 5,2



7,4 million

R 4,3

R 5,5



3,3 million

R 2,7

R 2,4


North West

2,3 million

R 1,1

R 1,9


Northern Cape

0,6 million

R 0,6

R 0,5


Western Cape

1,6 million

R 2,3

R 2,8


2. Business conferencing


*(2)(a)Attendee Figures

*(b)(i) Revenue due to

promotion of business conferencing

2014 - million

b (ii) Revenue

2015 Revenue due to

promotion of business conferencing

2015 - million

Eastern Cape


R 9,4

Data for 2015 is not available as yet

Free State

2 139

R 29,8



12 790

R 159,9



13 265

R 111,6




R 2,2




R 2,4


North West


R 7,8


Northern Cape




Western Cape

32 384

R 455,1


*information on business conferencing is based on data received from the provincial convention bureaus on Association meetings.

17 March 2016 - NW616

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) With reference to the activities of the original owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Gambling Licence and the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB), the Registrar of Companies and the National Lotteries Commission, NLC, formerly known as National Lotteries Board, NLB, (a) to which legal entity or entities was the Gold Reef City casino licence awarded, (b) what were the names of the directors of the entity or entities to whom the Gold Reef City casino licence was awarded on or about 22 April 1998; (2) whether the structure known as The Apartheid Museum was completed by Gold Reef City Casino, complying with the undertakings given to the Gauteng Gambling Board at the time of the application for a licence; (3) whether an application for a grant-in-aid from the SA Apartheid Museum, Registration Number 2001/019108/08, and signed off by a certain person (name furnished) was received by the National Lotteries Board in November 2004; if so, (4) who were the referees the specified person listed in the statutory declaration on behalf of the SA Apartheid Museum; (5) was a grant-in-aid amounting to R1, 58 million approved and paid to SA Apartheid Museum, Registration Number 2001/019108/08 by the National Lottery Board with regard to the above mentioned application?NW728E


  1. (a) According to the response received from the NGB, the licence was awarded jointly to Akani Egoli (Pty) Ltd (licence holder) formerly a dormant company known as Tacasa Investment (Pty) Ltd and Casino Austria International Holding GmbH (casino operator / management).

(b) According to the response received from the NGB, the directors were as follows:

  • Krok Martin Zane
  • Krok Maxim
  • Matthews Kgomotso Regina
  • Thlabi Brynner Brian
  • Schutte Barend Jacobus
  • Hautmann Jurgen
  • Farrow John Robert Henry
  • Mzizi Daniel
  • Moloko Richard Thabo
  • Williams Robert John
  • Ndlovu Maduke Lot
  • Khoza Ruel Jethro

2. According to the response received from the NGB, the answer is in the affirmative.

3. According to the response received from the National Lotteries Board (NLB) and now the National Lotteries Commission (NLC), on 3 November 2004, an application signed by one Mr. C M Till was received.

4. According to the response received from the NLC, the referees cited on the application were:

i. Mr George Bizos

ii. Mr Richard Moloko; and

iii. Mr Reuel Khoza

5. According to the response received from the NLC, the grant of R1 585 000.00 was awarded and paid in three tranches between April 2008 and August 2014 to SA Apartheid Museum with Registration Number 2001/019108/08 by the National Lotteries Board.