Questions and Replies

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02 September 2021 - NW1802

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) is the current status of vaccine availability in the Republic, (b)(i) total number of vaccines are being used and (ii) from which companies and (c) is the current status for approving the (i) Sinovac and (ii) Sputnik V vaccines?


a) Covid-19 Vaccines are widely available across all provinces and there are vaccination sites, fixed or mobile in every local municipal area.

b) (i) Two vaccines are presently in daily use

(ii) Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson

c) (i) Sinovac has been conditionally approved by SAHPRA for use in adults. The conditions primarily relate to evidence of efficacy and safety for use in people with HIV & AIDS and evidence of efficacy against Delta variant in a real-life setting (not laboratory Based). The NDOH has conducted an economic assessment and is presently engaged in the preparatory procurement process to obtain a price and availability information from the applicant.

(ii) The regulator has received two applications for Sputnik V vaccine but neither has been approved for use yet..


02 September 2021 - NW1885

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Health

Whether social workers are (a) categorised as frontline workers and (b) prioritised for the vaccination roll-out; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the further relevant details in each case?


a) Yes, Social Workers are front-line workers in the care of the public.

b) Yes Social Workers were prioritised in the vaccination roll-out. After the healthcare workers the vaccination programme embarked on vaccination of workers in the basic education sector, police, social development and several other priority essential services sectors. Social Workers (public and private), along with all Social Service Professions registered with the Council were offered vaccination. The table below provide the details.





Group A: DSD National and Provincial Staff (all on PERSAL) (Incl. of SACSSP Staff as well as cleaning and security staff)

Rationale: All frontline staff who are in direct contact with members of the public through NPO registration, monitoring and evaluation, processing of child protection register applications, consultations for adoptions, engagements with CSOs, civil society and stakeholders, incl. distribution of food parcels to the public, customer related queries etc. amongst others.  


Group B: SASSA Staff Nationwide (all on PERSAL)

All front frontline staff dealing with grant applications incl. home visitations to assist i.e. the elderly, persons with disabilities, and child support grant beneficiaries amongst others,


Group C: National Development Agency: (all on NDA database)

Our staff are in direct contact with the public collecting applications on a daily basis for consideration of grant funding for projects, in addition, they do capacity building training and monitor projects on sites across the republic. Furthermore, they include a cohort of people who assist in manning SASSA queues.  


Group D: Social Service Professions; (incl. SW +ASW + CYCCs + ACYCCs +Student Social Workers + CDPs)

Social workers who provide psychosocial support to citizens affected and infected by covid-19 as well as other social ills, conduct site visits and work with DoH across the country. Incl. of CDPs.

Incl. Private sector/ NGO’s / Public Sector etc.


Group E: ECD Workforce: (Incl. of entire workforce)

A cohort of educators looking after children at ECD centers which remain open during the current lockdown alert level, and are thus at risk in the a similar manner in which school teachers are.

Data base from ECD PES + ISF (for unregistered ECDs) 



02 September 2021 - NW1781

Profile picture: Van Staden, Mr PA

Van Staden, Mr PA to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What is the (a) state of readiness of the Government’s facilities regarding the cold chain of COVID-19 vaccines and (b) role and responsibilities of the specified facilities; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


1. (a) Government facilities providing services for childhood vaccination programmes already had cold chain capacity before COVID-19. As a result of the oral polio vaccine program in the country, most public health care establishments already have -20-degree storage capacity plus 2-8 degree storage. A cold chain audit has further assisted in informing procurement of equipment in the provinces. Provincial procurement processes have already taken place.

(b) Roles and responsibilities must be in line with the Rules relating to Good Pharmacy Practice published in terms of the Pharmacy Act 53 of 1974. All sites that store COVID-19 vaccines must have contingency plans to manage power failures, equipment breakdowns, or cold chain breaches.

  1. Store the vaccine in a purpose-built vaccine refrigerator.
  2. Ensure that sufficient cold chain capacity is available for all thermolabile medicines stocked, including Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines.
  3. Products must be stored in a temperature-regulated environment as per the manufacturer's product recommendations.
  4. Enough refrigerator capacity should be available to allow orderly arrangement and air circulation.
  5. WHO-approved/compliant continuous temperature recording devices must be installed.
  6. Regardless of the system used, the temperature should be monitored physically twice daily.
  7. The cold storage area or refrigerator must be connected to a standby generator.
  8. The devices must be connected to an alarm and/or warning system in the event of a power failure or other events that may lead to temperature excursions.

2. Yes.


02 September 2021 - NW1805

Profile picture: Arries, Ms LH

Arries, Ms LH to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What (a) is the updated number in her department of learners who have dropped out of school from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to date  and (b) measures has she taken to ensure that those learners return to school?


(a) Provinces are verifying data on the drop-out rate, since learners returned to school in the third term.  The verification process has to be carefully executed for a number of reasons, so that learners are not counted as drop-outs, when that is not the case.  Some schools follow a weekly rotation timetabling; learner attendance is marked when it is a learner's turn to come to school.  In some cases, learners are absent for an extended period of time, and this may erroneously be interpreted as a drop-out.  Some learners are physically at school, but are either learning virtually from home or are participating in home education programmes.  As provinces are verifying learner drop-out statistics, they need to consider these issues, which may be construed as drop-out.

(b) Strategies to get all learners back to school include schools supported by districts; and following-up on learners who have not returned to schools.  This includes engaging with parents or caregivers to address the issues that result in learners not going to school.  To minimise learner drop-out, at the national level, the Quality of Learning and Teaching Campaign (QLTC) is the most effective instrument that is being used, to engage with all relevant stakeholders, including but not limited to parents, schools and local authorities. 

02 September 2021 - NW1522

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Ms MD

Hlengwa, Ms MD to ask the Minister of Health

Whether his department made any payments to a certain company (name furnished) to co-ordinate its media appearances and interviews relating to the COVID-19 global pandemic and/or any other subject matter and/or function; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) are the full, relevant details and (b) is the total breakdown of the payments made in each specified case?


Yes, the Department did make payments to Digital Vibes.

a) Digital Vibes was appointed on the 15th of November 2019 through a deviation process, which was approved by National Treasury, to provide communication services in relation to the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill as released by the Cabinet for Parliament consideration. On the 25th of March 2020, the Department extended the scope of work of Digital Vibes to include Covid-19. This was done in accordance with the Emergency Procurement rules issued by National Treasury for COVID-19 Procurement.

b) The following table reflects the details in this regard.


02 September 2021 - NW1834

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1).What (a) are the legal costs incurred by (i) each entity reporting to him and (ii) his department in the past three years, (b) are the reason for (i) the legal action and (ii) the service of a legal representative and (c) amounts have been paid; (2). what are the consultant fees that (a) each entity reporting to him and (b) his department have paid in the past three years


1. Details on Legal costs incurred by entities attached.

2. Details of consultant’s fees paid by entities attached.

The legal costs incurred by my department in the past three years are as follows:-

18/19                  19/20                  20/21                 

R5, 4 mill             R8, 2 mill             R3, 1 mill = Total to-date R16, 7 mil

The reasons for legal action ranges from:

  1. Breach of contract – 25 matters
  2. Labour laws and regulations – 7 matters
  3. Ethics and Integrity – 2 matters
  4. Public Interest Matters – 10 matters
  5. Damages – 6 matters
  6. Intellectual Property - 1 matter

(ii) The legal costs incurred by the service of the legal representative are as in roman figure (ii) above.

(c) The amounts that have been paid are as in roman figure (ii) above.


02 September 2021 - NW1846

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

Whether he will furnish Mr T W Mhlongo with the full details of the (a) processes and (b) clear timelines regarding the date on which the amalgamation of councils of the performing arts institutions will take place as he referred to in his speech during the debate on Budget Vote 37 on 13 May 2021; if not, why not; if so, on what date?


The Department has drawn up a Process Map; that is made up of the following Phases and Key activities and timelines:

  • PHASE 1: Project Planning including setting up of a Project Management Team; workshopping of the new Council members in affected PAIs; establishment of the Joint Task Team; formulation of terms of reference; appointment of service provider (where applicable); review of applicable legislation for alignment; preparation of public notices for gazzetting: JUNE 2021 – MARCH 2022 (Step one in this Phase has started)
  • PHASE 2: Councils reconfiguration processes implemented as informed by outcome of Phase 2: 4 – 6 MONTHS in 2022/23
  • PHASE 3: Detailed Amalgamation process; including selection of systems, standardised policies and procedures and identification of the necessary steps to implement the amalgamation; consolidation of Stream Plans; Development and implementation of the Change Management Plan; Development and implementation of the Budget Plan; amongst others : 6 MONTHS in 2022/23
  • PHASE 4: Migration to central or standardised accounting and administration systems including supply chain processes and systems; Migration to a single payroll and human resource platform; Standardisation of communication platforms including email and office automation; amongst others: 6 MONTHS in 2023/24
  • PHASE 5: Benefits realisation: This will be determined by the established benefits tracking process which requires reporting on the amalgamation process including the implementation progress and the savings which have been achieved: 6 MONTHS in 2023/24

NB: - The Phases are inter-dependent therefore the projected timelines might change

02 September 2021 - NW1804

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

What is the current operational status of Ketlaphela Pharmaceuticals?


Ketlaphela SOC Ltd was established as a subsidiary of Pelchem SOC, a subsidiary of South African Nuclear Energy Corporation. These SOCs are part of the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources.

The Department of Health is not the responsible Department for Ketlaphela, the Department can therefore not comment on the current operational status.



02 September 2021 - NW1779

Profile picture: Van Staden, Mr PA

Van Staden, Mr PA to ask the Minister of Health

(1)With regard to the vaccine online registration system, also known as the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS), what has he found are the reasons that on 2 May 2021 it was reported that only 500 000 South Africans above the age of 60, out of a group of 5 million persons in this specific age group, have so far registered to be vaccinated; (2) how can persons who are not equipped to register online be assisted by Government to enable them to register on the EVDS system; (3) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


1. The reference date of 2 May 2021 was before the start of the National Vaccination rollout programme on the 17 May 2021. As of 31 August 2021, at 14h50 a total of 3,567,652 individuals older than 60 had registered for vaccination on the EVDS;

2. The response is as follows:

  • There are three options to self-register at no cost to the individual namely:
      • Through the internet at
      • Through WhatsApp by sending a Whatsapp Message – Register to 0600123456
      • Through USSD by dialling *134*832#

    Two options for assisted registration exist namely:

  • Registration points at vaccination sites
  • Dial the National Call Centre Toll free numbers 0800029999, the call centres agents will assist the individual to register while on the call.

3. Yes.



02 September 2021 - NW1794

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Ms MD

Hlengwa, Ms MD to ask the Minister of Health

Whether, with reference to reports that the Delta variant has affected a lot of children in the United States of America resulting in overcrowded paediatric wards, his department has made the relevant preparations to ensure that the Republic does not face a similar predicament; if not, why not; if so, what are the full, relevant details?


According to the reports from the DATCOV, in South Africa, children make up a smaller proportion of those tested for SARS-CoV-2, confirmed cases, hospital admissions and in-hospital deaths, despite comprising 37% of the population. The picture here below shows the low rate of infections among children including the data for the third wave, which is why the department has adopted an attitude of alert and caution on the infection and admission rate of children.

Figure 1: Incidence risk of SARS-CoV-2 cases per 100,000 persons, by age group and epidemiologic week, South Africa, 5 March 2020-14 August 2021

Hospital admissions

The records from the DATCOV show that Covid-19 hospitalisation rate is low among children in all three waves, compared to adults. However there was a 44% increase in admissions in children <19 years, in 3rd wave compared to the 1st wave peak. Among individuals under 19 years, the highest rate of hospitalization is in children < 1 year. The reasons for this increased admission is likely testing for non-COVID indications, because clinicians were likely admitting them as a precaution in this younger population group.


Figure 2: Incidence risk of COVID-19 admissions per 100,000 persons, by age group and epidemiologic week, South Africa, 5 March 2020-14 August 2021

Although there have been slightly more children admitted during the third wave compared to the first, the delta virus doesn't seem to be causing more severe infections in children. It is for this reason that it is unlikely that paediatric hospital bed capacity and critical care capacity will be overwhelmed as has been seen in adults.

Despite these low numbers, the health system has made adequate provision for the increased hospitalisations for all age groups during all various waves of Covid-19 pandemic. With the information having come to our attention, the health system will pay special attention to this possibility during the review of the implementation of the third wave resurgence plans, which will include planning for the fourth wave.

Of the 11 129 COVID-19-associated admissions among individuals aged ≤19 years, 688 (6.2%) were admitted into ICU and 252 (2.3%) were ventilated at some point during admission. Children are generally managed in line with the guidelines on Covid in Children contained in the National Essential Medicine List Standard Treatment Guidelines. A more detailed guideline (Managing Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa: A clinical guide for health workers and clinical managers) provides additional detail. Children and adolescents with mild disease should be managed at home, whilst those with moderate or severe disease should be admitted in the health facilities. From the previous waves, it has been shown that children and adolescents rarely required admission to ICU.

The public sector has approximately 11,000 paediatric beds and 3,000 neonatal beds (DHIS data). To date there has been sufficient capacity to accommodate the additional workload resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Adolescent beds are generally only available in central hospitals, with the result that many adolescents are cared for in adult wards in most hospitals, which are in good supply. Whilst the number of adolescents requiring admission and ICU care in particular remains small, these numbers have been included when planning for surge capacity during all waves.

Afrox, as the service provider for oxygen supply and support, has made provision for all means of supply ranging from different kinds of cylinders to the reticulated bulk oxygen supply. This includes coverage of paediatrics wards.


02 September 2021 - NW1840

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether he will furnish Ms H Ismail with a list of the (a) companies appointed by the Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS) who were implicated and/or involved in the R300 million irregular payments, (b) GEMS executives who directly benefitted from such irregular payments; (2) what (a) are the processes, policies and procedures that are in place in GEMS to prevent corruption and fraud and (b) checks and balances are in place to prevent conflicts of interest?


1. (a) Please be informed that the Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS) has taken steps against the parties implicated/involved, including civil litigation, as such the matter is sub-judice and we cannot disclose the names of the parties and companies involved in line with the Constitution of the Republic. The matter is now with the Law Enforcement Agencies.

  • The tender irregularities were uncovered in 2016 after whistle-blower complaints were received;
  • A comprehensive forensic investigation, overseen by the Board was launched and was completed early in 2018. At the commencement of the investigation, key stakeholders including the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) and the Minister for the Public Service and Administration were briefed. Members of GEMS were informed at the Scheme’s Annual General Meeting held on 31 July 2017 and the updates that could subsequently be provided were included in the GEMS Annual Integrated Reports. A copy of the signed 2017 AGM minutes can be provided if required. Stakeholders were kept informed as the investigation unfolded and the finalised forensic reports were handed over to the Council for Medical Schemes;
  • Criminal charges were laid with the SAPS on conclusion of the investigation and the forensic investigation reports were submitted to the SAPS. The matter is with the HAWKS at present;
  • The Scheme bound by the Laws of the Republic is unable to provide the names of the individuals as well as companies until this matter has been heard in court.

(b) With regards to GEMS executives who directly benefitted from such irregular payments -

  • As a result of the investigation by GEMS, disciplinary cases were brought against 7 employees. Of the 7 employees, 5 resigned during the disciplinary hearings in 2017 and 2 employees were dismissed after the hearings, also in 2017. The Scheme terminated all implicated contracts; and
  • The Scheme has taken steps against the parties as indicated above, laying criminal charges (Case number: CAS 244/04/2018 was opened at Brooklyn Police Station). Civil litigation is also underway and as such the matter is sub-judice and GEMS cannot disclose the names of the parties involved in line with the Constitution of the Republic. The matter is now with the Law Enforcement Agencies.

(2) (a) Processes, policies and procedures that are in place in GEMS to prevent corruption and fraud

  • The Scheme strengthened existing controls, implemented new controls and enhanced policies and systems subsequent to the forensic investigation. This includes the implementation of a strengthened ethics management programme and enhanced/new policies regulating supply chain management, vetting of Scheme officers, recruitment of employees and whistleblowing;
  • There was also the introduction of an internal whistle-blowing hotline and the establishment of an internal forensic investigation unit in addition to the systems already in place for investigating member and healthcare provider claims fraud.

(b) Checks and balances are in place to prevent conflicts of interest

The Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS) is registered as a restricted membership medical scheme under the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998, as amended.

  • The Scheme is run by a Board of Trustees, where 50% of the Trustees are elected by members and 50% appointed by the Minister for the Public Service and Administration;
  • The Scheme finances and systems are subjected to internal and independent external audit reviews and these are reported to the Board via the Audit Committee and ultimately the Public through the Annual Integrated Report;
  • All GEMS officers, including the Independent Audit Committee members are subjected to vetting. Vetting reports are compared to the Declaration of Interest forms submitted by Scheme officers (and updated annually) and inconsistencies/red flags are followed-up;
  • During the Scheme’s procurement processes, all Board members, Scheme Management and employees involved in the procurement processes are required to complete additional declarations of interest. In this regard, Scheme Officers are provided with a list of bidders, the directors and shareholders of bidders as well the bidders’ employees who would be involved in rendering services should the bidders be contracted. Scheme officers are then required to declare any conflict of interest against this information. Should a potential conflict be declared, the matter is referred for an independent legal opinion;
  • Further to the declarations of interests submitted, checks are performed against a procurement database to rule out any conflict of interest;

The Scheme is also implementing lifestyle audits for executives and has already piloted the new process.


02 September 2021 - NW1793

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Ms MD

Hlengwa, Ms MD to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether, in light of a case opened for theft of items estimated at R200 000 at the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, he will furnish Ms M D Hlengwa with reasons on how some fire doors were left unguarded when an amount of more than R3 million is being spent on security detail each month at the specified hospital; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the relevant security company is being held liable for the theft; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether there is camera surveillance that can aid with the investigation, given that R450 000 is spent on electronic surveillance each month; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) The Gauteng Health Department reported that immediately after the fire, the City of Johannesburg inspected the facility and found out that the hospital was not compliant in several aspects. The hospital has more than 1500 fire doors, which are at the back of the wards and lead to the fire escape routes. The hospital had to remove burglar doors next to the fire doors and this meant wards were left with no protection on access to the wards. This meant that the risk of criminals entering the wards was high in the wards using the back side of the wards without being detected. Plans are in place to review different options of securing the units without compromising fire regulations policies, including extending the CCTV installation to the fire escape routes.

(2) The hospital entered into a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the security company. The SLA under schedule of penalties give guidance to parties on handling of violations to any terms contained in the agreement. It has been difficult to apportion the liability to the security company as all hospital staff had to vacate the building due to the uncertainty on the safety of the building, including security personnel.

During the temporary closure of the hospital, the Department of Infrastructure Development (DID) took advantage of the situation and invited contractors to do fire remedial work and some maintenance work in the wards. This meant that the hospital had several contractors on site.

(3) Most of the hospital walkways are covered by camera surveillance except for the fire escape routes as per a response to question number 1. The fire escape routes did not have CCTV coverage, they had bugler proofs. As a result, it was not possible to review that footage in the areas where equipment was stolen.

The monthly payment of R450 000 is for repairs and maintenance of CCTV equipment. The monitoring/surveillance of cameras is done by physical security.

CCTV’s have assisted before in identifying and investigation of criminal activities within the hospital. Where criminals are identified the hospital submitted footage to SAPS and had successful prosecutions before. It is for this reason, that the hospital is now exploring the latest technology to have surveillance in fire escape routes.


02 September 2021 - NW1826

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Mr M

Hlengwa, Mr M to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1) Whether she has taken relevant steps to negotiate with her counterparts in the United Kingdom, in order to mitigate the effect of the Republic being placed on the United Kingdom ’s travel red list, and the impact it is having on the relations between the two nations (details furnished ); if not, why not; if so, what are the full relevant details; (2) Whether she and the Minister of Tourism have liaised on the matter; if not, why not; if so, what are the full relevant details†


  1. Yes, my Department is currently engaging with the government of the United Kingdom (UK) of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to raise this matter within the context of our strategic bilateral relationship. Such matters form part of our ongoing engagements and exchange of views on bilateral, regional and global issues that present challenges and opportunities to both our countries. The UK has placed South Africa on the Red List meaning that both SA and UK travellers face heavy restrictions when travelling to the UK. South Africa being placed on the Red List has caused distress to many South Africans living in the UK who are unable to attend funerals of loved ones in South Africa as well as visit sick family members due to the punitive costs of mandatory quarantine they would bear on their return to the UK. The travel restrictions on travellers from South Africa has also severely impacted trade and tourism between South Africa and the UK.

In my most recent meeting with Foreign Secretary Raab, the issue of mitigating the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on our economies was indeed discussed and we agreed that we need to continue our collaboration on how to best deal with this scourge.

South Africa’s High Commission in London has also held discussions with the Office of the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Minister for Africa) at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Mr James Duddridge in this regard.

The severe constraints in travel have prompted the South African expat community and others in the UK to launch a petition in order for this matter to be debated in the House of Commons. For a debate in the Commons to take place, 10 000 signatures are required. The petition has now been signed by more than 10 000 people.

As Government, we firmly believe that our country must be removed from this Red List as soon as possible and this is based on a number of issues:

    1. Government has launched an extensive public awareness campaign on the Covid-19 virus and South Africans are taking the necessary precautions to prevent the virus from spreading. The government vaccine rollout is fully on track, and many South Africans have had their first jab of the Pfizer vaccine and are awaiting their second jabs, while the number of people opting for the One Shot J&J vaccine is also on the increase. Having covered the most-at- risk demographics, the government recently announced that the 18-34 year olds can now get vaccinated.
    1. The South African government continuously monitors the Covid 19 situation and has established testing sites all over the country which are easily accessible to the general population.
    1. Statistics indicate that Covid figures have decreased steadily.
    1. The South African government has now downgraded the country to Level 3 (from level 4) due to the encouraging statistics. Restrictions are consequently relaxed.
    1. South Africa has recently successfully hosted the British and Irish Lions tour where all Covid protocols were observed.
  1. South Africa’s Covid-19 response remains a government-wide intervention. In this regard, Minister Sisulu and I are conscious that the United Kingdom (UK) is South Africa’s number one source of long-haul tourism in the world, a position it has not relinquished for the past 18 years. The travel restrictions on British passport holders during the lockdown and subsequent period have caused the numbers of British tourists to SA to reduce drastically for the year 2020 and the first half of 2021, which has negatively impacted on the tourism sector. Plans are being finalised for Government to significantly increase its lobbying efforts to ensure that South Africa is removed from the UK’s Red List soonest.


02 September 2021 - NW1835

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

1. what are the details of the total projected costs that will be incurred (a) by the various role players involved in and (b) due to the changes in the official geographical names of each of the nine airports, villages, human settlements, cities, and towns in the eastern cape, as announced in government gazette no 44181 on 23 February 2021; 2. what are the details of (a) the public participation process(es) followed before finalising the name changes in each case, (b) the (i) dates on which and (ii) places where each public participation meeting took place and (c) the support and/or objections received in each case for each proposed geographical name change?


1. Costs incurred to date for

(i) Advertisements on newspapers is R42 209 19

(ii) Venues for local consultations were provided by municipalities free of charge

(iii) Honoraria paid to the Eastern Cape Provincial Geographical Names Committee is R 23 998.19

(iv) Honoraria paid to the South African Geographical Names Council for its sitting is R147 986.00.

(2) Details of consultations and dates. The Provincial Geographical Names Committee did consultations on all twenty-three names at the same meetings as follows:-


  1. 13 November 2018 Raymond Mhlaba Sports Centre.
  2. 14 November 2018 Port Elizabeth City Hall.
  3. 20 November 2018 Uitenhage Town Hall.
  4. 21 November 2018 Chatty Community Hall.
  5. 22 November 2018 Nangoza Jebe Hall.


  1. 27 February 2019 Town Hall.


  1. 19 November 2010 King Williamstown Town Hall.
  2. 21 November 2019 Berlin Town Hall.
  3. 26 November 2019 East London City Hall.


Objections that were received were for Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality names as community members that lodged objections argued that the processes of public consultations were inadequate, and some were unhappy with change of name of Port Elizabeth to Gqeberha. The main objections were for renaming of Port Elizabeth to Gqeberha.

The Eastern Cape Provincial Geographical Names Committee’s Objections Committee subsequently sat for Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in 2019 and found the objections to be baseless as the consultation processes were thorough and Gqeberha was for the popular choice.

In relation to Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, objection was for East London, and for East London Airport, new names were submitted being Steve Biko Airport, King Hintsa Airport and Chief Phato Airport.

The Eastern Cape Provincial Geographical Names Committee subsequently sat for Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality and processes were found to be sufficiently consulted in relation to Qonce, Ntabozuko and King Phalo Airport. However, in relation to East London, the name of Gompo was found to be problematic as there was already a settlement with that name in the city. A new name has to be agreed upon, and the ECPGNC is ceased with this task.

02 September 2021 - NW1841

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What checks and balances will he put in place to ensure that there will be no looting and corruption during the implementation process of the National Health Insurance (NHI) and beyond; (2) whether the allocation of funds to medical schemes will be automated; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) how will (a) his department ensure detailed monitoring of the Government Employee Medical Schemes (GEMS) (i) payments and (ii) claims and (b) GEMS ensure timely pay-outs that are free of glitches?


1. The NHI is designed to purchase healthcare benefits directly from public and private providers. All prices will be set nationally and will be published by the NHI Fund for everyone to see what the fund is paying for. The Fund will not purchase any goods (healthcare products) for service providers. The Bill provides for an Office of Health Products Procurement that will describe, set standards and set prices of all products that are required in a national Formulary that is needed to deliver the services according to standard clinical guidelines. The digital systems of the NHI are already under development to manage the benefits, record accreditation of health care providers (establishments and individuals) and to capture the individual data required to process and make payments to providers. The systems are designed to identify any aberrant use patterns by patients, providers or suppliers and to flag them for investigation. This will include outright rejection for abuse to managing utilisation and provision patterns. The NDOH has been working with the SIU to develop the Risk Management Framework for the NHI. The Auditor General (AGSA) is the auditor of all public entities and will be responsible for oversight of systems and governance integrity. All attempted abuse will be reported and where appropriate placed in the public domain. The Bill provides for an Investigation Unit to follow up on identified or reported fraud or abuse. There is also provision for public reporting of Fraud.

2. No funds will be allocated to medical schemes. The Bill provides that medical schemes will be allowed to cover only those benefits that are not covered by the NHI Fund. The NHI Fund will be the ‘single’ purchaser of all benefits that are covered by the NHI.

3. Under NHI the GEMS, will cover only those benefits that are not covered by the NHI Fund. In the interim the department does not monitor any medical schemes as there is an independent regulator, the Council for Medial Schemes, (CMS) responsible for that function. GEMS is an entity of the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA).


02 September 2021 - NW1839

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What (a) is the total amount incurred by his department from tender irregularities with regard to the procurement of personal protective equipment that are currently being investigated by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), (b) is the breakdown of the irregularities investigated in each province and (c) is the total irregular expenditure investigated by the SIU that has been returned to his department; (2) whether any (a) officials, (b) companies and/or (c) businessmen have been charged with and/or held accountable for such tender irregularities, fraud and corruption; if not, why not; if so, (i) who has been charged and/or held accountable and (ii) what is the breakdown of the persons charged in each province in his department?



1. (a) No tender irregularities with regard to the procurement of personal protective equipment was recorded in the National Department of Health.

(b) and (c) Not applicable.

2. (a), (b), (c) Not applicable.


1. (a) No tender irregularity findings have been reported to the department to date.

(b) and (c) Not applicable.

2. (a), (b), (c) Not applicable.


1. (a) No tender irregularities with regard to the procurement of personal protective equipment were found and/or investigated by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU).

(b) and (c) Not applicable.

2. (a), (b), (c) Not applicable.


1. (a) The Department incurred costs to the value of R2,394,514,261.70 (Two billion three hundred ninety-four million five hundred fourteen thousand two hundred sixty-one rand and seventy cents) for procurement of goods relating to PPE.

(b) The SIU is performing the said investigation by order of the President in terms of Presidential Proclamation R23 of 23 July 2020. As soon as the report are made readily available a determination will be made available.

(c) The SIU is performing the said investigation by order of the President in terms of Presidential Proclamation R23 of 23 July 2020. As soon as the report are made readily available a determination will be made available.

2. (a) , (b) and (c)

Officials and other persons have been charged pertaining to the SIU investigation. The SIU is performing the said investigation by order of the President in terms of Presidential Proclamation R23 of 23 July 2020, the SIU reports directly to the President and for that reason, any questions pertaining to the SIU investigation should be addressed to the Presidency.

3. The SIU is performing the said investigation by order of the President in terms of Presidential Proclamation R23 of 23 July 2020. As soon as the report are made readily available a determination will be made available;

4. The SIU is performing the said investigation by order of the President in terms of Presidential Proclamation R23 of 23 July 2020. As soon as the report are made readily available a determination will be made available.


1. (a) R86,064,628.50 (Eighty-six million and sixty-four thousand six hundred and twenty-eight rand and fifty cents).

(b) Not applicable.

(c) None.

2. (a), (b), (c) None. Special Investigating Unit (SIU) started investigations in June 2021. The investigation is currently still on-going.


1. (a) R240 000 (Two hundred and forty thousand rand) has been found to be irregular expenditure.

(b) Not applicable.

(c) None

1. (a) Four officials are undergoing disciplinary processes.

(b) and (c) None.


1. (a) The total amount paid by the Department for tender irregularities is amounting to R18,863,628.50 (Eighteen million eight hundred sixty-three thousand six hundred twenty-eight rand and fifty cents), as investigated by Special Investigating Unit (SIU).

(b) The Department is still awaiting the Final Investigation Report from SIU for the period from August 2020 to 31 March 2021.

(c) There was no amount recovered from the above tender irregularities as there was no element of fraud identified however, there were non-compliance during the procurement processes.

2. (a) Department has suspended two senior officials relating to the same tender irregularities.

(b) and (c) None.


1. (a) R77,558,766.53 (Seventy-seven million five hundred fifty-eight thousand seven hundred sixty-six rand and fifty-three cents) are still being investigated for any irregularities.

(b) The breakdown of transactions under investigation are as follows:


Supplier name

Total amount


DNS Supplies

528 195,00


C-Med Medicals

7 447 681,00


Revolt Headboy

2 947 200,00


Asijiki Sound Bytes

13 918 100,00


Macronym 37 (Pty) Ltd

26 960 025,00


MKV Investments

16 906 667,50


Logan Medical

8 850 898,03

Grand total


(c) Investigation is still in progress.

2. (a) On 23rd August 2021, the former Acting Head of Department and the Chief Financial Officer were arrested by the HAWKS.

(b) and (c) None.


1.(a) None.

(b) and (c) Not applicable.

2. (a), (b), (c) Not applicable.


1. (a) None.

(b) and (c) Not applicable.

(2) (a), (b) , (c) Not applicable.


02 September 2021 - NW1833

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

What (a) is the total number of overseas trips that (i) each entity reporting to him and (ii) his department have taken in the past three years, (b) were the reasons for each trip, (c)(i) is the total number of persons that went on each trip and (ii) in what capacity and (d) was the cost of (i) road transport and (ii)(aa) first class and (bb) economy flights and (iii) accommodation?


(a). In the past three years my department undertook atotal of forty (40) overseas trips, i.e. 2018 - 19 trips, 2019, 18 trips and only 03 trips in 2020.

(b)-(d). See the attached report on the reasons and number of officials, accommodation roa and flight class used.

(a)(i). The number of overseas trips in the past three year undertaken by Entities reporting to me are:-

The attached spreadsheed contains details of Overseas travel by Public Entities.

01 September 2021 - NW1801

Profile picture: Shembeni, Mr HA

Shembeni, Mr HA to ask the Minister of Police

Whether he received an intelligence report from the former Minister of State Security about the violence that would follow the arrest of the former President, Mr J G Zuma; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


As stated in the Police Portfolio that no Intelligence report that was given, handed over to the Minister. If discussion did take place on different structures that was not conveyed to the Minister.

Position as explained above.

Reply to question 1801 Approved

Date: 2021/08/30

01 September 2021 - NW1906

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Police

(1) With regard to case no 422/05/2020 opened at the Booysens Police Station in Johannesburg, (a) who is the complainant in the case, (b) who is the accused and (c) what are the full details of the status of the case; (2) whether the complainant was informed of the status of the case; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date, (b) by what means of communication was the information sent to the complainant and (c) on what date will the case be heard in court? NW2134E


(1)(a) The complainant in the case is Mr Malesela William Mookka. (1)(b) To date, nobody has been charged in the case.
(1)(c) The case docket is under investigation by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI). It was taken to court and received back, on 26 July 2021, with further investigation instructions, from the Public Prosecutor.

(2)(a) Yes, the complainant was informed of the status of the case, on 2 August 2021. In addition, a meeting with the complainant Is scheduled, for 26 August 2021.
(2)(b) The complainant was informed telephonically.
(2)(c) The case is still under investigation and the court date has not been scheduled yet,

Reply to question 1906 recommended

Date: 2021-08-27

Reply to question 1906 approved

Date: 2021/08/30

01 September 2021 - NW1773

Profile picture: Ndlozi, Dr MQ

Ndlozi, Dr MQ to ask the Minister of Police

(1). Whether he has any relationship with a certain person (name and details furnished) that may influence his official policy decision-making; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what is the nature of the relationship and (b) does it include discussing Crime Intelligence matters;


(1). He is a person I know who can be described as an acquaintance.

(a). As explained above to be acquaintance.

(b). It include receiving information on different matters that may touch my work, which happens to many South Africans on daily basis.

(2). As said from above information has been received and is not classified as Intelligence information since that can be done by competent structures.

(3). Again to me whatever discussion remains information, until it is classified by those who are competent to do so. I have heard that as I was informed.

It has been explained. I receive a lot of information from the members of time community and I don’t check the security clearance status that includes the person you are talking about. Maybe General Khan as an Intelligence person and competent can explain if this was intelligence information and has advised me so.

Reply to question 1773 Approved

Date: 2021/08/30

01 September 2021 - NW1803

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(a) On what date will his department resolve the issue pertaining to Naledi (details furnished), who had applied for a gender marker, and subsequently a new identity document on 23 October 2020 at the Centurion Home Affairs office and still waiting for his documentation to date and (b) how long does it ordinarily take for (i) new applications to be processed and (ii) documentation to be delivered to persons having done gender marker changes?


(a) The application for gender marker was lodged on 07/10/2019 and was finalized on 27/11/2019. Subsequent to finalization of gender marker changes, the client applied for new identity document in October 2020. The system reflect that the client’s application was pending awaiting outstanding supporting documents, which were submitted on 25/05/2021 and the identity document was collected by the client on 07/07/2021.

b(i) Application for a Smart ID Card takes 13 days to be processed, unless there are outstanding documents.

(ii) The Department does not deliver documentations to its clients, clients are expected to visit front offices to collect the confirmation letter for finalised gender marker changes.


01 September 2021 - NW1871

Profile picture: Terblanche, Mr OS

Terblanche, Mr OS to ask the Minister of Police

What ate the full relevant details of the (a) arrests of people who allegedly instigated the violent unrest that took place in Gauteng from 9 to 18 July 2021 and (b) progress on the specified cases?


(a). The South African Police Service (SAPS), shall not mention the names of suspects, until they are charged in a court of law.

(b). As at 23 August 2021, a total of 16 persons had been arrested, appeared in various courts and are now accused persons on charges, relating to incitement to commit crime.

Reply to question 1871 recommended

Date: 2021-08-27

Reply to question 1871 approved

Date: 2021/08/30

01 September 2021 - NW1800

Profile picture: Shembeni, Mr HA

Shembeni, Mr HA to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his announcement, a few days after the protests that followed the arrest of the former President, Mr J G Zuma, that about 12 suspects were identified for instigating the specified protests, what (a) are the names of the specified suspects and (b) exact number of suspects had been arrested?


(a). The South African Police Service (SAPS), shall not mention the names of suspects, until they are charged in a court of law.

(b). As at 23 August 2021, a total of 16 persons had been arrested, appeared in various courts and are now accused persons on charges, relating to incitement to commit crime.

Reply to question 1800 recommended

Date: 2021-08-27

Reply to question 1800 approved

Date: 2021/08/30

01 September 2021 - NW1869

Profile picture: Terblanche, Mr OS

Terblanche, Mr OS to ask the Minister of Police

Whether the KwaZulu-Natal SA Police Service are investigating him on allegations of corruption and embezzlement of State funds amounting to at least R1 billion, which allegedly took place during his tenure as the Member of the Executive Council of Transport, Community Safety and Liaison in KwaZulu-Natal; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) is the case number and (b) progress has been made with the investigation to date?


(1). I don't know if I’m investigated by the police on this matter with exception to hear that case has been opened by an Ngo.(a). I don’t have any case number, anyway case number is for the police not for a person who is investigated.

I(b). don’t know as it is investigating team that would know.

Reply to question 1869 Approved

Date: 2021-08-27

Reply to question 1869 approved

Date: 2021/08/30

01 September 2021 - NW1889

Profile picture: Sharif, Ms NK

Sharif, Ms NK to ask the Minister of Police

(1) Whether, with reference to the Ward Committee of Ward 38 in the City of Ekurhuleni which requested a permanent station for the Brackendowns SA Police Service (SAPS), with the understanding that the current structure is a temporary structure and has been so for the past 20 years, and in view of the fact that residents of the area also raised concerns about how rape victims are being assisted at the police station, the Brackendowns SAPS have a designated area where anyone who has been raped can report the case; if not, why not; if so, what was the total number of gender-based violence cases that have been reported at Brackendowns SAPS between January and May 2021; (2) whether the police station has adequate rape kits; if not, why not; if so, on what date was the station supplied with rape kits; (3) whether, with regard to the residents of the area raising the need of a permanent police station, he will furnish Ms N K Sharif with the details on how SAPS is planning to establish a permanent police station; if not, why not; if so, on what date 1s it envisaged he will have the budget for a permanent police station structure and (b) what total amount has been set aside for the permanent police station to be built around the Brackendowns area? NW2117E


  1. Yes. the Brackendowns Police Station has a designated area at the Victim Empowerment Centre. in room number 39, where victims can report cases in private. A total of 50 cases were reported, between 1 January 2021 and 31 May 2021. The cases comprise 43 domestic violence cases and seven rape cases.
  2. Yes, the police station has sufficient rape kits and the latest consignment was delivered, on 11 July 2021.
  3. (a)(b) There is no plan to build a police station at this stage. The current building is leased. Planning for an alternative leased facility has commenced and the needs assessment was submitted to the Divisional Commissioner: Supply Chain Management (SCM).

Reply to question 1880 recommended

Date: 2021-08-27

Reply to question 1889 approved/

Date: 2021/08/30

01 September 2021 - NW1686

Profile picture: Gondwe, Dr M

Gondwe, Dr M to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Whether the commissioners in the Public Service Commission signed performance agreements; if not, (a) what are the reasons that they do not sign and conclude performance agreements and (b) how is their performance assessed and/or measured; if so, (i) how often are the performance agreements signed and concluded and (ii) with whom do they sign and conclude the performance agreements?


The Commissioners in the Public Service Commission (PSC) have not signed any performance agreements.

a) The legislation regulating the employment of Commissioners, i.e. the Public Service Commission Act, 1997 and the Conditions of Appointment (including remuneration and other conditions of service) applicable to members of the Public Service Commission determined by the President, in terms of section 6 (1) of the Public Service Commission Act, do not provide for Commissioners to sign Performance Agreements. The implication of this is that Commissioners are not eligible for annual notch increases and remain on the same notch for the duration of the 5 year term.

The performance of Commissioners was raised by Members of Parliament in dealing with the Public Service Commission Amendment Act, 2019, and the Act makes provision for the renewal of term of a commissioner, based on the commissioner having maintained a satisfactory level of performance in relation to his or her duties. Parliament, being the employer of Commissioners, has to finalise a process in this regard. The PSC is also addressing the matter in the PSC Bill that is being processed.

b) Therefore, no assessment of individual performance is conducted. As the Public Service Commission operates as a single entity, it submits an annual report on its activities to the National Assembly and legislatures as required in section 196 (4)(e) of the Constitution, 1996.

  1. Not applicable
  2. Not applicable


01 September 2021 - NW1916

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

What total number of murder cases where women were the victims of domestic violence has the SA Police Service recorded from 1 January 2021 up to the latest specified date for which information is available? NW2144E


The total cases where women were the victims of murder in a domestic related relationship, from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021, was 177. The table below provides the provincial distribution of cases where women were the victims of murder in a domestic-related relationship.




Eastern Cape


Free State










North West


Northern Cape


Western Cape





Reply to question 1916 recommended

: 2021-08-27

Reply to question 1916 approved

: 30/08/2021

31 August 2021 - NW1825

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Mr M

Hlengwa, Mr M to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Whether any South African (SA) nationals are stuck in Afghanistan; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) Whether there are any immediate plans to withdraw SA nationals from Afghanistan; if not, why not; if so, what are the full relevant details? NW2048e


1. Yes, there are thirty four (34) South Africans present in Afghanistan according to the reports from the South African High Commission in Pakistan. Thirty (30) South Africans managed to leave Kabul on evacuation flights arranged by the relevant Employers who utilised the United States of America and the United Kingdom evacuation flights. The remaining four South African citizens await evacuation arrangements by the Employers.

2. No, the South Africans are in Afghanistan on private business, mostly working for large multi-national companies, International Organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and international security companies. South African citizens that approached DIRCO and the South African High Commission in Pakistan have been informed that it is the responsibility of the Employer to arrange the evacuation of their foreign staff on special evacuation flights.

31 August 2021 - NW1808

Profile picture: Mkhonto, Ms C N

Mkhonto, Ms C N to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

What (a) intervention has the Government made to persuade King Mswati III to allow democratic reforms to take place in eSwatini and (b) options will she pursue against any continued surppression of voices for democracy in the specified country?


a) His Excellency, Mr Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi, the President of the Republic of Botswana, in his capacity as a chairperson of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation invited SADC Troika Ministers to travel to Eswatini on 11 July 2021 to meet with the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini and political leaderships as well as civil society and academia with a view to support the people of Eswatini towards finding a durable solution to their political challenges.

The SADC Troika Ministers was led by Botswana’s Minister of International Affairs and Cooperation, Dr Lemogang Kwape, in his capacity as a chair of the Ministerial segment of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation and included the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa, Dr Naledi Pandor, as incoming chair of SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Mr Frederick Shava.

As part of these developments, SADC Troika Ministers spent two days in Eswatini, which was agreed to be insufficient for the Troika to interface extensively with the people of the Kingdom of Eswatini. In this regard, a SADC sent a Fact Finding Technical Team to Eswatini from 15 to 22 July 2021 and again South Africa participated.

b) Following their visit to Eswatini, the Fact Finding Technical Team submitted a comprehensive report with recommendations to the Chair of Troika. The report has been forwarded to the Government of Eswatini for their consideration.

31 August 2021 - NW1812

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What (a) number of schools were recorded by her department to have been affected by the recent acts of destruction in (i) KwaZulu-Natal and (ii) Gauteng, (b) is the extent of the damage and (c) plans are in place for the learners who were studying in these schools?


(a) (i) (ii) 144 schools, 8 education district offices and 3 education centres in Kwa Zulu Natal and 54 schools in Gauteng.

(b)  In the majority of the burglaries, the damages to infrastructure were minimal, and learner and teaching equipment was stolen together, especially ICT equipment.  The  most common target areas in schools, were administration blocks - for information and communication technology (ICT) equipment; and nutrition centres - for food items.  Out of 144 schools in KZN, three (3) schools had serious damages, resulting from the burning of infrastructure.  The schools are: In Pinetown district - SIPHOSETHU PRIMARY, which suffered a loss of  3 classrooms; In UMgungundlovu district - SIKHULULIWE, which suffered a loss of 8 classrooms; and at  ILembe district - RADHA ROOPSINGH, which suffered a loss of 7 classrooms.

(c) The damages did not affect teaching and learning; and at the 3 schools, where some classrooms were burnt, mobile classrooms have been provided by the provincial department.

30 August 2021 - NW1811

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

What (a) relief packages did her department provide to small businesses affected by the recent violence that followed the imprisonment of former President, Mr J G Zuma, and (b) is the demographic profile of the specified businesses that benefited from the relief packages?”


a) The Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) has developed the Business Recovery Support Programme in response to the recent spate of public violence, looting and destruction of property in Kwazulu-Natal and Gauteng. The Business Recovery Support Programme focuses on uninsured small enterprises impacted negatively by the unrest, predominantly in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng provinces. The Programme caters for small enterprises that require funding for working capital (including stock), equipment (including delivery vehicles) and furniture, as well as fittings.

The programme offers financial support in line with the Blended Finance approach, which is a combination of a grant (60%) and a loan (40%). The interest rate on the loan component is limited to 5%. There is an initial payment moratorium of up to maximum of 12 months for small enterprises in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng; and six (6) months for other Provinces. The repayment period of a maximum of 60 months applies. Maximum funding available per entity is R2 million.

The DSBD also has the Township and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme (TREP), which offers financial and non-financial support to rural and township enterprises. This programme has been in existence before the looting that occurred in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng provinces in July 2021. The aim of the programme is to support SMMEs and co-operatives in order to revitalise and improve the economy. The SMMEs that were affected by the looting may also apply for the TREP support.

Furthermore, the DSBD and its entities (Small Business Development Agency [Seda] and Small Business Finance Agency [sefa]) has the Informal Traders Support Programme that is aimed at supporting informal and micro businesses in the informal sector that were affected by looting. The Programme provides business focused support (financial and non-financial) to informal businesses. The Programme will support 17 667 entrepreneurs at R3 000 each (as a once-off grant).

In addition, and linked to the Programmes outlined above, Seda provides Business Development Support (including pre and post investment support), which includes development of business plans where necessary, financial management training, and other business support related aspects.

b) Applications by businesses that were affected by the looting are currently being processed by sefa. These businesses affected by the looting, based in Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng North and South at large, are open to apply for the programmes offered by the Small Business Portfolio (the DSBD, Seda and sefa).

However, the table below outlines the applications received so far at sefa KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng Regional Offices that are currently being processed:






Total number of applications received





Total value of applications received

R30 000 000

R9 700 000

R8 100 000

R47 800 000

Total number of applications being processed 





Total value of applications being processed 

R15 500 000

R2 593 000

R1 500 000

R19 593 000



30 August 2021 - NW1876

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)What (a) is the estimated expenditure on (i) compensation of employees, (ii) systems development and (iii) other goods and services for each year of the 15-year Border Management Authority implementation project, (b) are the specific implementation milestones for each year and (c) is the target date for the Border Management Authority to take over border co-ordination responsibility from National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure; (2) Whether funding guarantees have been secured for the full 15-year implementation project; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a)(i) In terms of the BMA Blueprint estimated expenditure on Compensation of Employees for the fully-fledged BMA Public Entity is R2,974,962,978.00. It is important to note that the estimates included in the cost model would reflect compensation budgets to be transferred by principal departments whose functions are to be transferred to the BMA. However, the realization of additional budgets would be based entirely on availability of funds from the National Treasury.

(a)(ii) As far as estimated expenditure for Systems Development is concerned, notable establishment costs considered to be incurred are as follows:

  • Payroll ICT systems
  • Integrated ICT systems development and installation at Ports of Entry
  • Computer equipment for the NTC and Ports of Entry Surveillance and monitoring

The actual cost for ICT systems is still being determined and given the disparity in prices, an estimate has not been included in cost model.

(a)(iii) In terms of the BMA Blueprint, the estimated expenditure for Goods and Services for a fully operational BMA will be R5,281,133,622.00. It is important to note that the estimates included in the cost model would reflect budgets for goods and services to be transferred by principal departments whose functions are to be transferred to the BMA. However, the realization of additional budgets would be based entirely on availability of funds from the national fiscus.

(b) The BMA Roadmap outlines the following six (6) Phases for the full establishment and integration of the BMA:

Phase 1: Pre-establishment – 2018-2020

Phase 2: Planning, Establishment and Transitional – 2021-2023

Phase 3: Integration and Initial Roll-out – 2024-2025

Phase 4: Integration and Incremental Expansion – 2026-2027

Phase 5: Operate, Review and Full Integration – 2028-2029

Phase 6: Sustainment and Adaptability Phase – 2030

Each Phase will cover each of the following aspects:

    • Key activities and milestones;
    • Identified Ports of Entry and segments of the Land Borderline to transition into the BMA;
    • The proposed transition approach for the Ports of Entry;
    • The maximum timeframe for each Phase;
    • The capability/operating model functions;
    • The roles and structures to support and manage PoEs and Land Borders transitioned into the BMA; and
    • The role of the Implementation Protocols, Multi-Party Agreements, Service Level Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding.

(c) Noting the phases of the Roadmap above, I appointed an Acting BMA Commissioner in January 2021 to drive the process of the implementation of the Act and the incremental roll-out of the BMA. The Department of Home Affairs was, through a Cabinet decision, mandated to coordinate all operational activity at Ports of Entry. However, due to human resource constraints, the Department entered into a Multi-Party Agreement with all departments at the border to afford some of the departments to coordinate activities at Ports of Entry.

(2) No funding guarantees have been secured from the National Treasury yet. The current arrangement with the National Treasury is that the costing for each Implementation Phase and the MTEF Budget Submission. It should be noted that the total cost identified in the BMA blueprint will be incrementally implemented over the identified six (6) Phases in the roadmap. All expenditure incurred will be costed for each Phase against the various cost categories.


30 August 2021 - NW1831

Profile picture: Powell, Ms EL

Powell, Ms EL to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)With reference to the (a) Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, (b) United Nations, (c) African Union, (d) Southern African Development Community, (e) International Organisation for Migration and (f) any other government administration, both domestically and internationally assisting and/or deporting the refugees currently occupying 24544-RE, Cape Town, which is owned by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, on what dates did his department engage with each specified administration; (2) whether he will furnish Ms E L Powell with the written minutes of all engagements his department has had with them; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a) Engagements were conducted between myself, the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure and Premier of the Western Cape in 2020 regarding the provision of shelter at two sites in Cape Town following the removal of the protesters from Greenfield and the Methodist Church in April 2020.

(b) The UNHCR initially provided funding for the tents and ablution facilities for the protestors at the two mentioned facilities, but indicated that they could no longer do so after February 2021. According to the UNHCR, it further provided assistance for persons willing to reintegrate back to the local communities or repatriate to their countries of origin as part of their mandate.

On local reintegration the UNHCR offered a reintegration package to cover basic rentals and necessities for three months, as well as counselling support for those choosing to reintegrate. The project which was originally intended to end on 30 April 2021 was then extended to 15 May 2021, following requests by some of the refugees. With many registering at the eleventh hour, UNHCR consulted with Department of Home Affairs to continue with the reintegration process for those for who registered by the deadline of May 15. UNHCR’s implementing partner, Adonis Musati, assisted with the implementation of the reintegration project that has now reached completion.

The status report of the reintegration indicated that 810 persons have reintegrated back into their communities. A total 761 persons were from Wingfield, and 49 persons were from Paint City. Of the 810 persons, the vast majority were from Democratic Republic of Congo, (739 persons), followed by 26 persons from Congo Brazzaville, Burundi (15 persons), Zimbabwe (8 persons), Angola (6 persons), Cameroon (5 persons), Zambia (4 persons), Somalia (2 persons), and a few single persons from Mozambique, Malawi, Cote d’Ivoire, Tanzania and Nigeria. In terms of gender breakdown, 427 persons are male and 383 persons are female. 334 persons under the age of 18 years and 43 persons have benefitted from a small livelihoods component in the programme.

An additional 50 persons have voluntarily returned to their country of origin, all but 2 are from Paint City, these are mostly women and children. Of this number, 48 persons returned to Burundi, 1 to Democratic Republic of Congo and 1 to Cote d’Ivoire.

In total, in Cape Town, UNHCR project has assisted 860 persons from two sites this year, either to reintegrate or voluntary return to their country of origin. The UNHCR’s voluntary repatriation programme remains active and all new persons at the two sites of Wingfield and Paint City who still wish to reintegrate back into their communities will now be referred back to UNHCR’s regular programme where the partner will conduct individual needs assessment to determine eligibility for assistance.

(c) No engagements with the SADC

(d) No Engagements with AU

(e) On 7 May 2021, a request was made to the IOM Chief of Mission for the organisation to assist in managing and evacuation process in the Western Cape. The total number of 43 families with a head count of 75 undocumented persons. The DHA had already been working with UNHCR to facilitate the dignified departure of those who had indicated an intention to repatriate from the Paint City location of protests.

A list of the names was provided by Asylum Seeker Management (ASM) for verification of status and documentation for effecting direct documentation which could not be conducted via Lindela Holding Facility. Initial engagements were embarked virtually with the Mission to discuss the required operations, phases, timeframes and logistics (including the issue of travel documents in Pretoria). The DHA therefore envisioned a direct deportation from Cape Town – probably through OR Tambo International Airport to their countries of origin.

On 28 May 2021, the IOM Mission advised that it was still coordinating with its head office in Vienna as to whether assistance could be extended to this group in Cape Town. There was also a request for the interviewing and filling of forms with the returnees at Lindela. However, this was not possible due to the space accommodated forcefully by refugees at Lindela since November 2019, though they are not deportees, but were brought in there on humanitarian basis while being documented and assisted with evacuation.

On 1 June 2021, the IOM proposed conducting telephonic interviews and for the completion of forms as the Mission does not have a presence in Cape Town. Thereafter, the documents would be forwarded to their headquarters to assess the cases and eligibility for funding. At the time, the mechanisms of operations of the Mission did not allow for the implementation of the evacuation requests, as there needs to be face to face interaction between the interviewer and the applicant requiring assistance, this includes the completion of documents.

(f) After the UNHCR stopped funding the Department of Home Affairs, on the basis of humanitarian grounds again approached National Treasury and asked for permission to utilise the department’s budget to pay for these facilities (marquee and ablution facilities) at Paint City. The DHA also approached National Treasury for approval to take over the responsibility of providing accommodation and ablution facilities at Wingfield. On 10 March 2021, DHA approached the Mayor of the City of Cape Town to provide ablution facilities for a period of 1 week while the DHA awaited approval from National Treasury. On 11 March 2021, after obtaining approval from National Treasury, the ablution facilities (20 toilets, 20 showers and 10 sanitary bins) were replaced at Paint City by the DHA. The payment for the tent at Paint City was also covered by DHA.

On 26 March 2021, DHA received a letter from the City of Cape Town indicating that they intend to remove the infrastructure (marquee tent and ablution facilities) at Wingfield on 15 April 2021. The City of Cape Town had obtained a negative audit finding by the Auditor-General regarding its continued expenditure at Wingfield. The City of Cape Town took a decision to end its continued payment for facilities by 15 April 2021.

This decision by the City of Cape Town would have disrupted the good work that the UNHCR and IOM were doing. On 15 April 2021, I held a meeting with the Premier of the Western Cape, as well as with the DG of DHA and DG of the Western Cape. This meeting resolved that the DHA and the Western Provincial Government would share the cost of the marquee tent and ablution facilities at Wingfield for a period not more than 2 weeks, ending on 30 April 2021. This decision was taken to avoid a humanitarian crisis. On 19 April 2021, the Minister of Home Affairs announced this joint decision (supported by the UNHCR Representative and Premier of the Western Cape) that the tents and ablution facilities at both Wingfield and Paint City temporary shelters will be removed 2 weeks from the 15 April 2021.

The deportations of the some of the protesters were effected by engaging with the respective governments of some of the protesters in order to obtain the necessary travel documents for their deportation. The governments concerned were Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The engagements with Burundi, Rwanda and DRC were in March 2021. The deportations that have taken place were 15 to Burundi in December 2020 and 17 to DRC in April 2021.

(2) Ms E L Powell can apply through the “Promotion of Access to Information Act” to the various stakeholders to have access to this information.


30 August 2021 - NW1921

Profile picture: Luthuli, Mr BN

Luthuli, Mr BN to ask the Minister of Employment and Labour

In light of the fact that the Unemployment Insurance Fund’s Destroyed, Affected and/or Looted Workplaces: Temporary Financial Relief Scheme has finally been approved through the Government Gazette published on Tuesday 10 August 2021, which has been established to assist workers whose workplaces have been closed due to unrest in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng from 9 to 18 July 2021, resulting in either reduced pay and/or no pay at all, (a) how does his department intend to assist those in informal businesses without the necessary documentation given the debilitating effects this has had on their livelihoods and (b) what are the further full relevant details in this regard?


Firstly, each and every case is treated according to its own merit. There are a number of particulars that get considered. This is done to ensure that a proper verification process is undertaken. The aim is to provide relief to the deserving, correct and intended workers. So, among others, these are checked, UIF registration number, SAPS Report indicating that indeed the business where the workers are/were employed was destroyed, insurance claim to the extent that this is available, bank documents, employees’ salary slips, contracts, etc.

We must also emphasize that the relief from the Department of Employment and Labour is more towards the affected workers. Other departments such as Department of Small Business and Development (DSBD), Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) handle the other side of business.

30 August 2021 - NW1810

Profile picture: Mkhaliphi, Ms HO

Mkhaliphi, Ms HO to ask the Minister of Employment and Labour

(1)Whether his department has conducted any investigation into restaurants that have not complied with the Disaster Management Regulations and the Level 3 curfew; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what action was taken in this regard?


1. Inspections were conducted in the food and Beverage as well as the hospitality sector during the period in question, to test the extent to which Covid-19 Directions (linked to the Disaster Management Regulations) were complied with. The table below provides specific details:




Total Inspections

% of total inspections

Follow up

Compliance Rate

Non-Compliance Rate

Food & Beverage
















These inspections were conducted in quarter 1 of 2021/22 in OHS. It can be noted that compliance in the two sectors were low.

Reports are developed on a quarterly basis which details challenges and indicates possible solutions.

2. All non-complying employers were served with notices. Employers are recommended for prosecution if they do not comply after the expiry of a notice.

30 August 2021 - NW1784

Profile picture: Boshoff, Dr WJ

Boshoff, Dr WJ to ask the Minister of Transport

How many tonnes of manganese ore are the Ports of (a) Ngqura (Coega) and (b) Port Elizabeth (Gqeberha) planning to export this year; (2) By what date will the manganese-quay of the Port of Port Elizabeth be closed down; (3) What is the rail tariff per tonne of manganese ore (details furnished); (4) Whether he will make a statement on the matter?


  1. The Ports of Ngqura has budget for 2 150 000 tonnes and Port Elizabeth bulk terminal handle 5 002 321 million and Multi-purpose terminal 1 3040 735 tonnes of manganese a year.
  2. The Port Elizabeth manganese terminal will be closed by 2025/27
  3. Rail tariff is R474 per tonne of manganese ore


30 August 2021 - NW1807

Profile picture: Mkhonto, Ms C N

Mkhonto, Ms C N to ask the Minister of Employment and Labour

(1)What number of cases have been reported by domestic workers since the launch of the Impimpi hotline (details furnished); (2) whether the hotline was publicised enough to be known by all vulnerable workers even in the rural outskirts of the Republic; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what is her department doing to rescue domestic workers who are allegedly locked in their employers' houses against their will and not paid overtime, as employers fear that when they are permitted to travel home, they may return and infect them with the coronavirus?


The Impimpa Hotline was launched by the Minister in March 2020. Due to budgetary constraints, the hotline had to be discontinued in October in 2020. During this time 178 977 calls were logged. 20 346 (11%) of these were from the Domestic sector.

The hotline was publicised via various media channels such as TV and Radio. We believe that the publicity was adequate since these channels have wide reach.

In instances where domestic workers get locked up at their work places against their will, South African Police Services (SAPS) would have to be brought in, due to jurisdictional issues. The Department has not received complaints of this nature yet.

The Department conducts both pro-active and re-active inspections (based on complaints) at workplaces to ensure that employers comply with all labour legislation.

Domestic Workers should contact their nearest Labour Centre and register their grievance against their employers with the view that the necessary labour inspection takes place. The Department also conduct periodic advocacy, stakeholder engagement and awareness campaigns highlighting domestic workers’ rights.

In instances where there are complaints around non-compliance with Employment Laws such as the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the inspectors would investigate such matters. To this end, the table below provides details on the inspections that were carried out in the domestic sector.


Latest Labour Inspections Statistics for the Domestic Workers Sector (2020/21 Financial Year):

Total Number of Inspections



Notices to Comply issued

Non-Compliance with Notices to Comply

Employers referred for Prosecution

Amount Recovered







R669 471 - 78

30 August 2021 - NW1768

Profile picture: Powell, Ms EL

Powell, Ms EL to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What (a) assistance, (b) mediation, (c) repatriation and/or (d) deportation is being offered by and (e) steps are being taken by his department to deal with the refugees currently occupying 24544-RE, Cape Town, which is owned by the National Department of Public Works and Infrastructure?


(a) The assistance provided includes tents, electricity and ablution facilities.

(b) Engagements with the occupants of the shelter have been done by government officials, the United High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), civil society and the Portfolio Committee. All engagements have encouraged the occupants to either re-integrate into communities or to voluntarily repatriate to their home countries.

(c) The option of voluntary repatriation has been offered to the occupants. Between 1 January and 21 March 2021, 305 individuals have voluntarily departed South Africa to their countries of origin.

According to the UNHCR, it has provided assistance for persons willing to reintegrate back to the local communities or repatriate to their countries of origin as part of their mandate.

On local reintegration the UNHCR offered a reintegration package to cover basic rentals and necessities for three months, as well as counselling support for those choosing to reintegrate. The project which was originally intended to end on 30 April 2021 was then extended to 15 May 2021, following requests by some of the refugees. With many registering at the eleventh hour. The UNHCR consulted with Department of Home Affairs to continue with the reintegration process for those who registered by the deadline of May 15. UNHCR’s implementing partner, Adonis Musati, assisted with the implementation of the reintegration project that has now reached completion.

The status report of the reintegration indicated that 810 persons have reintegrated back into their communities. A total 761 persons were from Wingfield, and 49 persons were from Paint City. Of the 810 persons, the vast majority were from Democratic republic of Congo, (739 persons), followed by 26 persons from Congo Brazzaville, Burundi (15 persons), Zimbabwe (8 persons), Angola (6 persons), Cameroon (5 persons), Zambia (4 persons), Somalia (2 persons), and a few single persons from Mozambique, Malawi, Cote d’Ivoire, Tanzania and Nigeria. In terms of gender breakdown, 427 persons are male and 383 persons are female. 334 persons under the age of 18 years and 43 persons have benefitted from a small livelihoods component in the programme.

An additional 50 persons have voluntarily returned to their country of origin, all but 2 are from Paint City and these are mostly women and children. Of this number, 48 persons returned to Burundi, 1 to Democratic Republic of Congo and 1 to Cote d’Ivoire.

In total, in Cape Town, UNHCR project has assisted 860 persons from two sites this year, either to reintegrate or voluntary return to their country of origin. The UNHCR’s voluntary repatriation programme remains active and all new persons at the two sites of Wingfield and Paint City who still wish to reintegrate back into their communities will now be referred back to UNHCR’s regular programme where the partner will conduct individual needs assessments to determine eligibility for assistance.

(d) Deportation remains an option for those who are found to be illegal or have failed in their asylum applications and have no further grounds to remain in South Africa. So far 32 people have been deported from these shelters.

(e) The department is finalising the asylum applications of the occupants in these facilities.


30 August 2021 - NW1818

Profile picture: Sithole, Mr KP

Sithole, Mr KP to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether his department will (a) replace the current information technology systems and (b) increase human resources at driving licence testing centres in light of the grace period for renewal of expired vehicle licence discs and driving licences that ends on 31 August 2021 (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


a) The Department through its entity, the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC), working with the relevant provincial departments in all provinces will replace the Live Enrolment /Live Capture Units (LEUs/LCUs) with Smart Enrolment Units throughout the country. However, the project will first commence in Gauteng Province where the online booking system has been completed.

The RTMC is in the process of refreshing all end-user devices at the DLTCs throughout the country. This is multi-year programme scheduled for completion in March 2022. Additionally, the RTMC is deploying the Computerised Learner’s License Testing (CLLT) Solution at all DLTCs and will be completed by March 2024. The Corporation is also in the process of procuring the new core infrastructure to improve the stability and uptime of the system. This should be completed by end of February 2022.

(b) In all provinces affected by the backlog, working hours have been extended including operations on Saturdays. The RTMC is opening additional DLTCs with more staff working from 7 in the morning and ending at 9 at night for seven days a week. This initiative will increase the capacity in Gauteng by 30%. The initiative can be deployed nationally in consultation with the MECs concerned.

30 August 2021 - NW1775

Profile picture: Hendricks, Mr MGE

Hendricks, Mr MGE to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether she has been informed of the reasons for the postponement of the Deputy President, Mr D D Mabuza’s oversight visit to District Six; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what were the reasons given to her; (2) whether she furnished the Deputy President, Mr D D Mabuza, with an explanation regarding the delay of the redevelopment plan; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what was the explanation; (3) whether, after handing over 900 houses to the claimants, she will continue to play a role in the development of District Six in terms of developing schools, crèches, community halls, etcetera; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether, in instances where she would allow residents’ land to be usurped by developers, she would agree that the 42 hectares should be for the sole benefit of the persons who were forcibly removed from District Six and their offspring; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) what are her reasons for marginalising the District Six Development Trust, the entity in which former President Nelson Mandela expressed his confidence?


1. Yes. With regards to the initial request for an oversight visit, the Phase 3 site up until handover was not conducive to hosting groups of visitors on what was an active construction site. Covid-19 regulations for onsite health and safety had a substantive impact on construction sites. The Contractor who was responsible for the safety of the site until the handover to the Department was reticent about having to host a group of visitors including media on site while still being expected to meet their deadlines to completion. If the Department had to impose the visit request to the contractor, they would in turn be liable to be granted a claim for an extension of time (EOT) which would have a financial impact and an impact on the contractual practical completion date. It was thus agreed that the visits be conducted after the practical completion and the site handed over to the Department. Which has since taken place.

2. Yes. The Department’s responses to the questions and enquiries by the Deputy President’s offices was addressed and submitted. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought an onset of many challenges to the implementation of the original programme that was devised in 2019. Before the factoring of COVID-19 the original programme was scheduled for completion by 2023. The revised programme is scheduled for completion by August 2024.

The revision in time is based on the changes made to the original design of the housing unit by the claimants and allowing a process to fully consult with claimants while adhering to lockdown regulations. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply chain processes has also been a critical factor. The new program has been devised to catch up as much time that was lost by allowing for larger phases and doing them concurrently.

3. The Department’s role and mandate in District Six is the Restitution of claimants through the provision of houses. However, the Department has always acknowledged that the District Six Redevelopment requires more than housing to cater for the needs of the returning claimant community. To this end, since the very onset the Department initiated and supported the drawing up of the District Six Development Framework.

The Development Framework, an extensive document that has been widely consulted with the community, is a framework for the development of the whole area of approximately 40 hectares. It presents a set of principles, strategies, design and planning guidelines; as well as infrastructure proposals based on the existing inner city context of the site. The Development Framework proposals begin to address the issue of social justice and the restoration of land rights lost to give effect to the provisions of the Restitution of Land Rights Act (Act 22 of 1994).

The Framework recognizes that District Six is an inner city area that can significantly contribute to the revitalisation of the city. It argues that the site should neither be speculated upon nor encouraged to be gentrified as may ordinarily be the case had restitution not formed the basis of its redevelopment imperative. An integrated approach is therefore taken that includes a range of social, environmental and economic concerns relevant to District Six and the Cape Town CBD. The approach is strongly informed by the history and memory of the site as the subject of forced removals more than 40 years ago. Social justice and restoration of land rights therefore form the pillars that proposals towards the realisation of the framework, are based on.

The holistic redevelopment of District Six requires the participation and contribution from various sector departments, the province and very intrinsically the City of Cape Town. The Department last year granted the City of Cape Town to use the District Six Development Framework to form the underpinning of a process it has undertaken to develop and adopt a Local Spatial Development Framework for District Six.

The Department has provided and continues to provide support to the local authority in their mandate of providing the necessary social infrastructure to ensure that District Six is redeveloped in an integrated and sustainable manner.

4. The Department’s and Minister’s position on this matter has always been resolute. The 42 Hectares of land that is included in the settlement agreement should be used to solely enhance and benefit the claimant community of District Six. The land should neither be speculated upon for private gain nor encouraged to be gentrified.

5. The District Six Beneficiary Trust has always been acknowledged as a key body of representatives for the community of District Six. It was on that basis that they were a partner and signatory to original settlement agreement of District Six. The Trust were given the role of Developer from inception and subsequently were responsible for the development of Pilot Phase 1 and Phase 2 of District Six between 2002 and 2012.

In 2012 the full group of verified claimants in a meeting with the then Minister, addressed concerns and grievances to the Minister regarding the issues of progress and representation. The Minister at the time acceded to these concerns and allowed for the election of nominated claimant representatives to deal with the Department on matters pertaining to the development of the remaining phases. The members of District Beneficiary Trust were encouraged to participate in that elective process but chose not to. The body of representatives who were nominated and elected by the claimants themselves became the District Six Reference Group (RG), whom the Department has since dealt with as representatives of the verified claimants on matters pertaining to the design of the future phases.

The Minister in her tenure has always tried to consult with all the community groupings in District Six – of whom there are many - from the onset and will continue to encourage their participation in the redevelopment process.

27 August 2021 - NW1507

Profile picture: Buthelezi, Mr EM

Buthelezi, Mr EM to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1)Whether the Government intends to provide financial support to Denel to overcome the current financial challenges faced by the state-owned company; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what date and (b) what are the relevant details; (2) whether the Government has a long-term plan to revive the profitability of the specified company; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what interventions will be put in place?


1. Yes, Plans are afoot to provide financial support to Denel to overcome its current financial challenges.

(a) A solution for the guaranteed debt (>80%) will be addressed between August 2021 and December 2021. Further funding request has been made in the 2022/23 Medium Term Expenditure Framework.

(b) The Department and the National Treasury have agreed on the process to be followed to address the guaranteed debt which is maturing in September 2021 and December 2021. A joint task team consisting of the DPE, National Treasury, Department of Defence and Denel is exploring further funding options to support the operations resumption.

2. The Defence Review regards Denel as a strategic national asset. Denel is critical to the operational readiness of the Department of Defence and the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). Denel is the original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for some of the primary mission equipment of the SANDF. In repositioning Denel for sustainability and profitability, the SOC has developed a new operating model which will result in fundamental reorientation of its business structure. In terms of the new business model, Denel will reduce the number of business units from the current six (6) to two (2) to ensure optimal utilisation of critical resources and infrastructure. The SOC will, in terms of the new operating model, rationalise its asset base and plans to dispose non-core assets. The Department has made a funding application for Denel to support the implementation of the new operating model.

However, much still needs to be done to reposition Denel and return it to functionality and profitability. A challenging road will have to be traversed to get to this point. Recovery from the huge damage done to these institutions by state capture is a challenging task. There is no “quick fix” in this regard.


27 August 2021 - NW1416

Profile picture: Gondwe, Dr M

Gondwe, Dr M to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)With respect to the establishment of the Public Administration Ethics, Integrity and Disciplinary Technical Assistance Unit, (a) on what date was the specified unit officially established, (b) what is the current staff complement of the unit and (c) what has been the successes of the unit since its establishment; (2) Will he furnish Dr M M Gondwe with a list detailing the job title of each member of the unit; if not, why not; if so, on what


1. (a) In March 2019, the President issued a proclamation on the establishment of the Unit, to be effective from 1 April 2019. The Unit was therefore formally established on 1 April 2019.

(b) Currently the unit consists of nine employees: 1 Chief Director, 1 Director, 4 Deputy Directors and 3 Assistant Directors. Two vacant Director posts are in the process of being filled.

(c) The successes of the unit:

  • Technical Assistance and support: Since 2019, various awareness sessions were conducted to assist departments to implement Public Service Regulations, 2016 addressing ethics; integrity and discipline management. This includes issues of financial interests, gifts, other remunerative work and employees conducting business with the State. Departments were also assisted with establishing Ethics Committees. Ethics Officer Forums were established and used to guide Ethics Officers on the management of ethics in their departments, focussing on identified challenges and new developments.

The Unit assisted departments in rolling out the Guide to implement lifestyle audits in the Public Service. This included conducting training of 41 Ethics Officers (on 3 – 4 May 2021) regarding the verification of assets. This training was run in partnership with the UNODC and the World Bank.

Supported by Co-Water Sogema, an implementing agent for the Government of Canada (under the Strengthening of Ethics and Integrity Project) the Unit is finalising online courses to enable Ethics Officers and departmental investigators to conduct lifestyle reviews and lifestyle investigations as part of the lifestyle audit process. Awareness sessions on the Guide to implement lifestyle audits in the Public Service were presented to all provinces and selected national departments.

The Unit developed and adopted a Guide on managing discipline in the Public Service, to assist departments in managing disciplinary cases and to address precautionary suspensions.

The Unit adopted a project in Q 3 of 2020/2021 to assist those departments with long outstanding precautionary suspensions to address their backlogs and as a result, the costs for precautionary suspensions. Due to the project, by end of March 2021, provinces finalised 78% of their precautionary backlogs (Q1: 1% - Q 2: 8%, Q 3: 18% and Q4: 78%). The cost for precautionary suspensions was reduced, with the cost for National Departments stabilising around R 20 million per quarter and the cost for provinces decreasing from the first quarter to the last quarter with almost R 25 million (Q1:R 87 million compared to Q4: R62 million). The Unit specifically focussed on two provinces with the highest costs pertaining to precautionary suspensions: Free State and Kwa-Zulu Natal. The Free State managed to reduce their cost from R 12 million in Q 3 to R 6 million in Q 4. KZN reduced its cost from a high of R 92 million in Q 3 to R 21 Million in Q 4. NB: The amounts are based on information captured on PERSAL and verified by departments.

  • Monitoring and evaluation: The Unit drew information from 2017 and drafted monitoring and evaluation reports where trends on the following are monitored and used to identify needs and emerging risks:
    • Report on employees conducting business with the State (March 2021), which indicated a decline in employees conducting business with the State. In June 2020, approximately 1500 employees were identified to be possibly involved in conducting business with the State. This declined to 490 employees in Jan 2021, and at the end of June 2021 it declined to 96 employees.
    • Report on employees performing other remunerative work (Feb 2021). The report found that departments are successfully implementing regulation 24 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016 (dealing with approval for performance of other remunerative work). Where challenges are identified, the Unit intervenes with training and assistance.
    • Report on submission of Financial Disclosures (March 2021). The report found that 98% of SMS members submitted their financial disclosures for 2020/2021. 60% of MMS members submitted their financial disclosures. Most of these members submitted for the first time, as they were identified as a new category. The Unit intervened to address challenges through training, awareness sessions and technical support provided to departments.
    • The Unit established a database on Public Service employees appointed as board members to State Owned Entities. The database is used to monitor if those employees were appointed in an official (as allowed in terms of Regulation 13(c) and to cross reference with existing databases to ensure they do not perform other remunerative work or conducting business with the State).
  • Cooperation: The DPSA entered into agreements with the Financial Intelligence Centre, National Prosecuting Authority, South African Police Service and Auditor-General South Africa to assist the Unit with monitoring the implementation of regulations and to share data. The Unit works within the Anti-Corruption Tasks Team to provide support to investigations involving fraud of Personal Protective Equipment, Unemployment Insurance Fund and Social Relief of Distress fraud by identifying Public Service employees and following up on the institution of disciplinary action against employees.

2. A list of the members of the Unit was provided to Dr Gondwe.

27 August 2021 - NW1674

Profile picture: Gondwe, Dr M

Gondwe, Dr M to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What are the (a) full relevant details of the various agreements signed by him and his predecessors over the past 10 financial years on behalf of the Government with the Republic of Cuba, (b) reasons and (c) total amounts paid to any Cuban entity in the past 10 financial years by (i) his department and (ii) any entity reporting to him?


a) The Department of Public Service and Administration has not concluded any agreements with the Republic of Cuba over the past 10 financial years.

b) Not applicable

c) (i) & (ii) Not applicable


27 August 2021 - NW1327

Profile picture: Brink, Mr C

Brink, Mr C to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional AffairsQUESTION

What is the current status of the (a) Local Government Leadership Academy and (b) Municipal Leadership Development Programme launched by the erstwhile Department of Provincial and Local Government in 2007?


a) The Local Government Leadership Academy (LOGOLA) was established in 2004 as the initiative of the then Department of Provincial and Local Government (dplg). Its developmental objective was to contribute towards the development of a broad base of politically mature leadership that can sustain democracy and strengthen a sustainable developmental local government sphere in South Africa. The LOGOLA model proposed in the Concept Paper was too expensive to implement, although by 2007 it was accredited by LGSETA as a virtual training provider to facilitate the Municipal Leadership Development Programme (MLDP). The academy was since disestablished during the Department’s transitional process in 2010, which also planned for the revitilisation of LOGOLA towards the establishment of a School for Local Government that in the future would merge with the National School of Government.

b) After its launch in 2007, the Municipal Leadership Development Programme (MLDP), and given that the overall concept was too expensive to implement, it was agreed that a focus on councillors training would be subjected to a number of pilots facilitated by accredited service providers. Approximately, 286 councillors and senior managers were enrolled in the pilot programme although in many cases the Portfolio of Evidence was not timeously completed in those four municipalities. The programme was since discontinued in 2010 as part of the envisaged reconcptualisation of LOGOLA.

27 August 2021 - NW1766

Profile picture: Luthuli, Mr BN

Luthuli, Mr BN to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

How much electricity (a) Does Eskom produce for and supply to foreign countries, (b) Is generated during the period we are experiencing load-shedding and (c) Revenue is generated from the specified contracts?


According to the information received from Eskom

a) Electricity supplied by Eskom to foreign countries is as set out in the table below:




Customer type




Botswana Power Corporation (BPC)





Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc (CEC)

Transmission Company




Electricidade de Mocambique (EDM)


Standby of up to 300MW



Mozambique Transmission Company (Motraco)

Transmission Company selling to South32 (end user)




Lesotho Electricity Company (Pty) Ltd (LEC)





Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower)


200MW+ non-firm



NamPower for Skorpion Zinc Mine





NamPower for Orange River Cross Border Supply





Eswatini Electricity Corporation (EEC)





Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission & Distribution Company Private Limited (ZETDC)


50MW+ non-firm

b) Eskom is expected to honour its contractual obligations as per the respective agreements.  Eskom supplies foreign countries in terms of firm and non-firm power supply agreements.

  • Firm power supply agreements are subject to the load curtailment reduction that is in proportion to the load shedding stages that are determined by NRS 048-9.
  • Non-firm power supply agreements are suspended in the event of increased demand in South Africa including use of Open Cycle Gas Turbines (diesel) and load shedding.

c) Revenue generated is published in Eskom’s annual financial statements. The results for financial year 2020/21 are not yet published.

27 August 2021 - NW1546

Profile picture: Komane, Ms RN

Komane, Ms RN to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What are the reasons that vacant Head of Department posts in the North West are filled with persons employed on temporary contracts?


The appointments of Heads of Department is governed by the Public Service Act which states that such appointments shall not exceed a period of five years. The contracts of two serving heads of department (COGTA and Human Settlements) were extended by the Premier on a short term basis at the end of their initial 5 year contract periods. The recruitment process of replacement full time incumbents is currently underway.


27 August 2021 - NW1372

Profile picture: Komane, Ms RN

Komane, Ms RN to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(a) What is the total Rand value of monies recovered by his department from officials doing business with the State and (b) which departments has he found to be implicated in the specified matter?


a) No monies were recovered by the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA), as no individual within this department were found guilty of conducting business with the State. The DPSA established a Memorandum of Understanding with the South African Police Service (SAPS), National Prosecuting Authority and Department of Justice and Constitutional Development to assist departments with investigating those cases where public service employees were identified by the DPSA to be possibly conducting business with the State. The SAPS investigations into the criminal cases referred by departments are not finalised yet, and as such no monies could be recouped.

b) By April 2021, the DPSA identified the following departments as possibly having employees conducting business with the State, and they were requested to investigate the allegations, to proceed with disciplinary action and to open criminal cases against employees found to be guilty:

National/Provincial department


Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural



Correctional Services


Higher Education and Training


Justice and Constitutional Development


Science and Innovation


Social Development


Trade, Industry and Competition

Eastern Cape

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs


Office of the Premier


Provincial Treasury

Free State

Social Development






Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs








Culture, Sport and Recreation




Public Works, Roads and Transport

North West




Northern Cape

Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural


Development and Land Reform


Economic Development and Tourism






Roads and Public Works

Western Cape



27 August 2021 - NW1746

Profile picture: Komane, Ms RN

Komane, Ms RN to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(a) What (i) are the reasons for the failure by Denel to pay their employees their full salaries since May 2020 and (ii) action has he taken to resolve the problems and (b) by what date is it envisaged that Denel employees will receive their full salaries?


According to the information received from Denel:

(a)(i) Denel’s failure to pay employees during this period is as a result of the company’s liquidity challenges, which started as far back as 2017. Denel is a case study on what corruption and state capture in particular can do to a once successful business that was a benchmark on governance and performance. This pandemic has made the situation worse with closure of facilities in response to lockdown requirements.

(a)(ii) Denel is dealing with the root causes of the challenges faced by the entity which include the impact and consequences of state capture. The process to rebuild Denel is underway. This includes adopting a new business model that is responsive to changing market conditions to ensure sustainability. Management is in constant engagement with employees to find solutions. The Department is looking at various options of improving the liquidity solutions in the short term and options to strengthen the balance sheet for long term sustainability.

Most of Denel’s operating divisions are steadily addressing the outstanding salary payments owed since May 2020. However, this is dependent on how quickly the divisions are able to turn sales into cash. This is ongoing as Denel is dependent on sales in order to create its own liquidity.

27 August 2021 - NW1718

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What are the full details of the current evergreen contracts for the Government Printing Works, including the (a) deadline and/or expiration date, (b) value of the contract and (c) company name of the service provider for the (i) 2020-21 and (ii) 2021-22 financial years?


An “evergreen contract” is defined as a contract that automatically renews itself on or after the expiry date. This means that the parties involved in the contract should agree that it rolls over automatically until one party gives a notice of termination. GPW’s business entails engagement with suppliers and service providers to acquire services and products that serve to facilitate the printing of critical print and media material for government departments and its entities. This relationship is formalised through entering into Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) with respective customers. Some customers are either a single source and or sole supplier/provider depending on the type of service rendered to GPW by these customers.

GPW observed that some companies on its database had been providing services for prolonged periods and therefore initiated a project to review the content of its contracts. Its objective is to identify and classify all contracts into different types and produce a report for implementation. The outcome of this project would enable GPW to determine the evergreen contracts and address them accordingly, including consideration to go out and test the market where necessary. GPW has been in consultation with National Treasury for advice on this project. In view of this, it would at this stage be legally inappropriate to provide full details of the current evergreen contracts for the Government Printing whilst the project is still underway. The project should be concluded by the end of this financial year.

GPW intends to address all the undesirable evergreen contracts found within the organisation to ensure compliance with the supply chain management principles of equity, ethical and fair dealing, open and effective competition, accountability and reporting, value for money, and transparent procurement.


27 August 2021 - NW1315

Profile picture: Cachalia, Mr G K

Cachalia, Mr G K to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1) Whether Eskom was a conduit for a certain company (name furnished) in making a strategic donation of R30 million to a certain foundation in 2016; if so, (2) whether he intends taking any action against any senior executive of Eskom for his or her agency, on behalf of the specified company, in using Eskom as a conduit to make the transfer of the donation; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


According to the Information Received from Eskom


General Electric (GE) has a contract with Eskom for the design, engineering, supply, construction and commissioning of the turbines and generators installed at the Kusile Power Station project. There are six turbines and generators at Kusile. The contract includes for the major auxiliary plant supporting the turbines and generators.


Eskom does not have records of correspondence where GE was instructed to make a donation for R30 million.


Eskom understands that the alleged donation may be linked to corporate social investment (CSI) projects agreed between Eskom and GE. In this regard, we can confirm that Eskom and GE agreed that GE will execute CSI projects in or around Mpumalanga.

Within this list of CSI projects, Eskom cannot identify any item relating to a donation to the DD Foundation.