Questions and Replies

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15 November 2018 - NW2544

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

1. With reference to her reply to question 2167 on 31 October 2016, what were the findings of the follow up meeting of 30 November 2016? 2. Has the structural damage to the school been repaired; if not, what danger does the structural damage pose to pupils and teachers;? 3. Whether all the roof leaks have been repaired; if not, what number of classrooms are still affected by the leaking roofs?


Minister of Labour’s Response;

  1. At the disposal of the current management of the province, there is no record of the initial response to the 2016 enquiry. The current senior management started after the initial query and was not able to retrieve the original response. Notices were served on the school in June 2018 and a follow up inspection conducted in August 2018.
  2. The structural damage has not been repaired. The structural damages and the non-repairs pose a danger to both the learners and the staff.
  3. The roof does not seem to have been repaired and is still leaking, alternatively it is still not maintained as the whole asbestos block is affected.


Prosecution will be recommended to the NPA for non-compliance.

15 November 2018 - NW3146

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) What (i) is the name of the company in the private sector that has employed the most people in the past five financial years and; (ii) is the total number of employees that the specified company employs and; in which sector does the specified company conduct business?


According to the Unemployment Insurance Fund records, Shoprite Checkers PTY LTD has employed the most people in the past five financial years, totalling 355 932 employees.  Shoprite Checkers operates in the Retail sector.

15 November 2018 - NW2930

None to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) What (i) is the total number of employees that have been outsourced from private companies and/or contractors by (aa) her department and (bb) each entity reporting to her (aaa) in the past three financial years and (bbb) since 1 April 2018 and (ii) is the name of each company or contractor and (b) what amount is each employee paid?



The information is as follows;

DoL / Public Entity

(a)(i)(aaa) What is the total number of employees that have been outsourced from private companies and/or contractors in the past three financial years

(a)(i)(bbb) What is the total number of employees that have been outsourced from private companies and/or contractors since 1 April 2018

(a) (ii) What is the name of each company or contractor

(b) what amount is each employee paid







Fourteen (14)

Nine (9)

1. Multilead

2. ebustech-consulting

3. Human Communication

1. 2 x P03 (R1 805 012.94 pa)

2. 4 x P06 (R 699 155.12 pa)

3. 1 x P07 (R 561 386.32 pa)

4. 2 x P08 (R454 297.90 pa












Six (6)

Two (2)

Thokazani Ntshingila

R30 000.00 per month ( 2015/2016)


Tiaan Rosslee

R30 000.00 per month (2015/2016)


Modiegi Mooko

R20 000.00 per month (2016/2017)


Portia Kekana

R72 430.66 per month (2017/2018)


Lorraine Mofokeng

R55 000.00 per month (2017/2018)


Tidimalo Chuene

R78750.00 per month (2017/2018 & 2018/2019)


Clarinda Simpson

R104 000.00 per month (2018/2019)











18 October 2018 - NW2625

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) Whether she has been informed of the report of the South African Human Rights Commission which indicates that South Africa’s policy of affirmative action and its implication are not in line with the international law and practice; if not, (2) Whether she will familiarise herself with the content of the report and implement the findings; if not, what will she do to implement the findings of the report; (3) Whether she will commission an investigation into the matter; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) Whether she will make a statement on the matter?


I am still studying the report together with seeking advice from relevant labour market institutions, including the Commission for Employment Equity.


18 October 2018 - NW2205

Profile picture: Mulder, Dr CP

Mulder, Dr CP to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether all members of the senior management service (SMS) in her department had declared their interests for the past year as required by the Public Service Regulations; if not, (a) why not, (b) what number of the specified members did not declare their interests and (c) what are the (i) names and (ii) ranks of the specified noncompliant members of the SMS; (2) whether noncompliant SMS members have been charged; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what number (a) of employees in her department at each post level are currently suspended on full salary and (b) of the specified employees at each post level have been suspended for the specified number of days (details furnished); (4) what is the total amount of cost attached to the days of service lost as a result of the suspensions in each specified case? NW2374E


1.  All members of the Senior Management Services declared their interests for 2016/17 financial year. For 2017/18, all SMS members declared their financial interests.

2. Only 13 SMS members were disciplined for late submission for 2016/17. Disciplinary process is in progress for late submission for 2017/18.

3. (a) There are no employees on pre-cautionary suspension.

(b) Not applicable.

4. No costs as there are no employees that are suspended by the Department.

18 October 2018 - NW2450

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Labour

What is the (a) name of each investing company that has invested on land owned by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her and (b) (i) nature, (ii) value and (iii) length of each investment?



18 October 2018 - NW2216

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) Whether, with reference to a certain letter (details furnished), she attended to the specific case as per the request by the office of the Presidency, if not why not, if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether she will commit to take steps to address the complaints and the injustice caused to the specified employees; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether she intends to take action against employees who are found to hold positions whilst they do not meet the required job specifications or who falsified qualifications; if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether she intends to open an investigation into racketeering in light of the specified letter; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details.


1.  Yes, I requested the Director General of the Department of Labour to investigate the matter. The Inspection and Enforcement Services conducted the investigation. The investigation referred to above revealed that the complaint falls under the SASSA National Bargaining Forum and the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration.

2. Yes, I commit to take steps to address the complaints and the alleged injustices caused to the specified employees in as far the complaints and/or the alleged injustices fall within the legal mandate and/or Constitutional mandate of the Department of Labour. In order to illustrate my commitment, the investigation conducted by Inspection and Enforcement Services is already testimony of my commitment.

3. No, because the action referred to falls outside legal and/or Constitutional mandated as well as that of the Department of Labour.

4. No, because the action referred to falls outside legal and/or Constitutional mandated as well as that of the Department of Labour.

20 August 2018 - NW1995

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) Whether with regard to her reply to question 2165 on 28 October 2016, she will provide Mr M Waters with the full report; if not, why not; (2) what steps have been taken to ensure that the school adhered to the Asbestos Regulations; (3) have the (a) parents and (b) teachers and other workers at the school been informed of the non-compliance with the Asbestos Regulations; if not, why not; if so, on what date were they informed?


Feedback from Chloorkop Primary School:

(1) Whether with regard to her reply to question 2165 on 28 October 2016, she will provide Mr M Waters with the full report; if not, why not;


A report can be made available to Mr Waters.


(2) what steps have been taken to ensure that the school adhered to the Asbestos Regulations;


The case was referred for prosecution. The Department is still waiting for a final outcome from the Department of Justice regarding the case.

(3) have the (a) parents and (b) teachers and other workers at the school been informed of the non-compliance with the Asbestos Regulations; if not, why not; if so, on what date were they informed? NW2154E


The principal was made aware, and, as part of their health and safety policy such communication should be done through school internal structures.


Noordgesig Primary school


1995. Mr M Waters (DA) to ask the Minister of Labour:

(1) Whether with regard to her reply to question 2165 on 28 October 2016, she will provide Mr M Waters with the full report; if not, why not;


A report is available if required.


(2) what steps have been taken to ensure that the school adhered to the Asbestos Regulations;


The matter was then referred for prosecution.


(3) have the (a) parents and (b) teachers and other workers at the school been informed of the non-compliance with the Asbestos Regulations; if not, why not; if so, on what date were they informed? NW2154E


The meeting was urgently held between the School SGB, high ranking official’s from Department of Education and infrastructure on the 20 September 2016. The parents were refusing to accept the prohibition notice and asking the inspector to revoke the notice. It was during that meeting that all members were given information regarding the risk associated with asbestos.

Currently a notification was received from Zendasat (Pty) Ltd Reg No: RAC 2017/OHH/CI-173 relating to the removal and ethical disposal of asbestos-cement wall cladding and roof sheeting at the Noordgesig Primary School, Soweto is scheduled to commence on 18 July 2018 and be completed by 22 August 2018.



20 August 2018 - NW1249

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

a) Which appointment were made by the Director- General of her department, Mr Lamati, in the past financial year, b) What are the names of the persons he employed? c) To which positions were the specified persons appointed? d) What are the details of their qualifications (a) what are their annual Salaries?


a) (i) In line with the Executive Authority (Minister) to Head of department (DG) and also Head of department (DG) to other performer levels delegations in terms of Public Service Regulations and Public Service Act, the Director- General is delegated to make appointments at SR 13-14.

(ii) For the past financial year 2017/2018 the Director- General made 20 appointments at SR 13-14.

b) List attached annexure A

c) List attached Annexure A

​d) List attached Annexure A



13 August 2018 - NW1716

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) (a) What total amount of land owned by her department and the entities reporting to her in each province is (i) vacant and (ii) unused or has no purpose and (b) what is the (i) location and (ii) size of each specified plot of land; (2) (a) how much of the land owned by her department and the entities reporting to her has been leased out for private use and (b) what is the (i) Rand value of each lease and (ii)(aa) location and (bb) size of each piece of land?


The department owns 32,213 m² of land where our existing offices are located and two sites where the land is being developed to house the Department of labour entities.


Size of each specified plot of land


826 m²

Pretoria Central

8 454


12 468 m²


3 251 m²

Pretoria Sunnyside A

2 519 m²

Pretoria Sunnyside B

4695 m²

2. No land is leased out for private use.

13 August 2018 - NW1932

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) What (a) is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment that were reported to the human resources offices of entities reporting to her in (i) 2016 and (ii) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case?


Department of Labour

(1) NIL

(2) NIL


(1)     NIL

(2)     NIL                                      

Supported Employment Enterprises


(1) NIL

(2) NIL


(1) NIL

(2) NIL


Compensation Fund

(1) NIL

(2) NIL


(1) NIL

(2) NIL



(1) NIL

(2) NIL

13 August 2018 - NW1656

Profile picture: Schmidt, Adv H

Schmidt, Adv H to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) What number of cases relating to the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, Act 12 of 2004, as amended, have been referred to the (i) SA Police Service (SAPS) and (ii) Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) by (aa) her department and (bb) each entity reporting to her for further investigation since the Act was assented to and (b) what number of the specified cases have (i) been investigated by SAPS and DPCI, (ii) been followed up by the respective accounting officers and (iii) resulted in a conviction in each specified financial year since 2004?


o The Compensation Fund referred eighteen (18) Cases to the South African Police Service from 2013- 2018 financial years.

o Referred fourteen (14) Cases to Directorate for Priority Crime and Investigation (DPCI)

o (10) cases were referred to Commercial Crime Unit and four (4) cases to Serious and Economic Offences Unit.

Progress Cases (DPCI) - Serious and Economic Offences Unit

• Four (4) Cases has been referred and are being attended to by the DPCI.

• Progress on 10 cases in the Commercial Crime Unit.

• There are eight (8) Cases finalized by DPCI and SAPS to date.

30 July 2018 - NW1474

Profile picture: Schmidt, Adv H

Schmidt, Adv H to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) Whether , with reference to the reply of the President, Mr CM Ramaphosa ,to the debate on the State of the Nation Address on the 22 February 2018 to implement lifestyle audits, (a) she, (b) senior management service members in her department and /or (c) any of the heads of entities reporting to her have undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years; if not , have any plans been put in place to perform such audits; if so, in each case, what are the details of the (i) of the lifestyle audit, (ii) name of the person undergoing the audit, (iii) auditing firm conducting the audit and (iv) outcome of the audit ; (2) (whether she will furnish Adv. HC Schmidt with copies of the lifestyle audit reports?


Government Policy prohibits Government Officials from doing business with the Government.

The Public Service Commission is responsible to investigate whether that is happening. Therefore the Honourable Member should refer the matter accordingly.

30 July 2018 - NW1452

Profile picture: Bara, Mr M R

Bara, Mr M R to ask the Minister of Labour

With reference to her reply to question 2167 on 31 October 2016, (a) what was the outcome of the inspection at the Edleen Primary School in Kempton Park, Gauteng, that was scheduled to take place on 30 November 2016 and (b) what defects had been


a) Leaking roof, which was subsequently repaired.


05 July 2018 - NW1984

Profile picture: Maimane, Mr MA

Maimane, Mr MA to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)What (a) number of the buildings housing her department’s 22 labour centres are owned by her department and (b) is the Rand value of each building; (2) (a) what number of the buildings housing her department’s 22 labour centres are leased by her department, (b) what is the monthly rental amount of each building and (c) from whom is each building leased?


The Department of Labour has more than 22 Labour Centres. All Buildings / leases are acquired through the Department of Public Works. Therefore the Honourable Member must direct the question to the Minister of Public Works.

05 July 2018 - NW2025

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Labour

1. What are the details of the (a) number of accidents that vehicles owned by her department were involved (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018, (b) cost for repairs in each case and (c) (i) number of and (ii) reasons for vehicles being written off in each case; 2. whether all vehicles owned by her department have tracking devices installed



The Member should refer to the Annual Reports fo the Department of Labour for the required information.


Vehicles used for Service delivery in the Department are fitted with a tracking devices.

05 July 2018 - NW1825

Profile picture: Gqada, Ms T

Gqada, Ms T to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)Whether (a) her spouse and/or (b) an adult family member accompanied her on any official international trip (i) in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) is the name of the person(s), (bb) was the (aaa) purpose and (bbb) destination of the trip and (cc) was the (aaa) total cost and (bbb) detailed breakdown of the costs of the accompanying person(s) to her department; (2) whether each of the specified trips were approved by the President in terms of the provisions of Section 1, Annexure A of the Ministerial Handbook; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Honourable Member must read the Annual reports which were tabled in Parliament for the past five financial years. Further read the Members Facilities / Privileges which govern the travelling of spouses including the Ministerial Handbook.

21 May 2018 - NW1255

Profile picture: Majola, Mr TR

Majola, Mr TR to ask the Minister of Labour

With reference to her department’s commitment that approximately 40 labour centres across the country will have fully installed self-help kiosks by March 2018 at a projected cost of R14 million, (a) how many of the self-help kiosks have been installed, (b) what has been the cost in relation to installing the self-help kiosks, (c) where are they located, (d) which functions do they offer and (e) what number of persons have received a service from the self-help kiosks?


a) The Department has installed Kiosks in 22 sites by March 2018. There are further 40 sites that have equipment that are awaiting cabling.

b) The total cost for equipment for the 62 sites was around R12 million.

c) The Labour Centers that are currently live are:






Bloemfontein Labour Centre

Cape Town Labour Centre

East London








Port Elizabeth


Richard's Bay




Kempton Park

d) The Kiosks offer the following functions:

  1. Registration of work seekers
  2. Searching for job opportunities
  3. Registration of job opportunities
  4. Application for UIF benefits
  5. Letters of Good Standing for the Compensation Fund
  6. Career Interest Assessments

e) As at 31 March 2018, the detailed statistics relating to usages for all services was not available as the landing page is being enhanced.

21 May 2018 - NW1247

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether her department currently has an operating Employment Equity Plan; if not, why not; if so, (a) from what date has the plan been in operation, (b) when last was the plan reviewed, (c) how long has the plan been in operation and (d) will she furnish Mr M Bagraim with a copy of the Employment Equity Plan?


Yes; the Department has an operating Employment Equity Plan.

a) The Department’s Employment Equity Plan has been in operation since 01 September 2015.

b) The Department’s Employment Equity Plan was last reviewed on 27 February 2018.

c) The Department’s Employment Equity Plan has been in operation for 2 years 8 months.

d) Yes; the copy of the plan is attached herewith.

21 May 2018 - NW1248

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)Why were certain officials (names and details furnished) removed from their positions in 2016; (2) were there any disciplinary steps taken against the specified individuals; if so, (a) why, (b) what steps were taken, (c) where are the specified individuals currently employed and (d) have their salaries decreased?


(1) The officials were removed from their positions following disciplinary steps taken against them.

(2) (a) The officials were removed from their positions following an investigation and discplinary hearings that were convened.

(2) (b) Mr T Thejane was issued with a final written warning and suspended without pay for one (1) month. Ms A Bobani was issued with a final written warning, suspended without pay for one (1) month and demoted from the level of Deputy-Director to Assistant-Director.

(2) (c ) Mr T Thejane is currently employed as the Chief Director: Communications and Ms A Bobani is employed as the Assistant-Director: UIF.

(2) (d) The salary of Mr T Thejane did not decrease but the salary of Ms A Bobani decreased from the level of Deputy-Director to Assistant-Director.

21 May 2018 - NW1250

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether any disciplinary action was taken against a certain person (name and details furnished); if not, why not; if so, (a) what action was taken, (b) why was disciplinary action taken and (c) what was the outcome thereof?


a) Disciplinary action was taken against Mr N Lubelwana.

b) Disciplinary action was taken due to a salary overpayment to an official that resigned with immediate effect.

c) The official was issued with a written warning.

21 May 2018 - NW1252

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Labour

What (a) number of grievances have been filed against her department due to irregular appointments and (b) amount has been paid in compensation for irregular/unfair appointments in the past three financial years?


a) There were no grievances filed against the Department due to irregular appointments.

b) n/a.

21 May 2018 - NW1253

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)        (a) What number of (i) job centres and (ii) mobile job clinics are in operation  in each province, (b) where are they allocated, (c) on what date were they opened, (d) what was the total cost of opening the facilities and (e) what number of people have visited the facilities in the past three financial years; (2) (a) what number of (i) job centres and (ii) mobile job clinics will be opened in the 2018-19 financial year, (b)(i) what will the cost be to open them and (ii) by what date will they be operational?



(a) The Department does not have job centres and/or mobile job clinics operational in Provinces; it has Labour Centres and 2 Mobile Buses.

(b) N/A

(c) N/A

(d) N/A

(e) N/A


(a) The Department will not be opening any job centres and/or job clinics in the 2018/19 financial year. However, the Department intends to pilot Youth Employment Centres in the existing Labour Centres and the Compensation Fund intends to introduce 4 multipurpose mobile units and 4 mobile clinics to take services closer to the people.

21 May 2018 - NW1254

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)        Why was the annual target of the Public Employment Service reduced to placing only 8000 people in employment; (2) (a) what number of people have been put into permanent employment annually by the Public Employment Service, (b) when were these people placed into employment and (c) what number of these people are still in permanent employment in the past three financial years; (3) (a) by what date will the Public Employment Service finalise regulations on the establishment of work schemes aimed at stimulating the absorption of unemployed work seekers into the work force and (b) what will this entail?


1. The targets were reduced to align with the reduction of the operational budget of Branch that was effected by the National Treasury.

2. (a) The Department has placed 40,078 work seekers into different employment on a daily basis from the various Labour Centers during the 2014/15 and 2015/16 financial years and records of placements were audited by the Internal Audit and the Auditor General. The placement during 2017/18 still to be audited stands at 21,076.

(b) Placement happens on a working daily basis and dates are linked to individual records.

(c) The Department has not conducted tracer studies to determine those that remain employed 3 years after placement.

3. The Employment Services Board is still busy discussing Regulations and I will publish them as soon as they are certified by the State Law Advisors.

21 May 2018 - NW1256

Profile picture: Majola, Mr TR

Majola, Mr TR to ask the Minister of Labour

What number of jobs have been (a) created and (b) saved through Productivity SA in the past three financial years?


a)  Productivity SA’s mandate is not to create jobs. It is important to carefully note that Productivity SA’s mandate is to assist companies in distress through its programmes, such as Work Place Challenge and Turn Around Solutions to sustain and save jobs. Therefore, there are no jobs created by Productivity SA in the past 3 financial years.

b) In the past 3 financial years Productivity SA had a total of 1 797 (One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven) companies ranging from small to large corporates participated in the Workplace Challenge Programme and managed to assist in sustaining just over 143 429 (One Hundred and forty Three Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Nine) jobs.

Furthermore during the period in question Productivity SA assisted just over 163 (One Hundred and Sixty Three) companies through the Turnaround Solutions Programme and managed to save a total of 20 251 (Twenty Thousand Two Hundred Fifty One) jobs.

15 May 2018 - NW1251

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) What (i) are the required qualifications for the post of Deputy Director: Risk and (ii) qualifications does a certain person (name furnished) have and (b) did the specified person meet the qualifications requirement; if not, why was the person appointed?


(a)(i) The required qualification for the Deputy Director: Risk Management is a 3 year relevant Tertiary qualification in Risk Management/Financial Management or Equivalent qualification.

(a)(ii) The specified person has equivalent qualification and the requisite functional and management experience required as specified in the advertisement

(b) The person was appointed because he met the requirements of the position as specified in the advertisement

15 May 2018 - NW1107

Profile picture: Rawula, Mr T

Rawula, Mr T to ask the Minister of Labour:

What (a) number of consulting firms or companies are currently contracted by (i) her Department and (ii) the entities reporting to her and (b) (i) is the name of each consultant, (ii) are the relevant details of the service provided in each case and (iii) is the (aa) start date, (bb) time period, (cc) monetary value in Rands of each contract and (dd) name and position of individual who signed off on each contract What (a) number of consulting firms or companies are currently contracted by (i) her Department and (ii) the entities reporting to her and (b) (i) is the name of each consultant, (ii) are the relevant details of the service provided in each case and (iii) is the (aa) start date, (bb) time period, (cc) monetary value in Rands of each contract and (dd) name and position of individual who signed off on each contract? NW1199E” Department of Labour (b)(i) (b)(ii) (b)(iii)(aa) (b)(iii)(bb) (b)(iii)(cc) (b)(iii)(dd) ERNST AND YOUNG ADVISORY SERVICES RESEARCH ON RME AGENDA PROJECTS 01/02/2018 1 year R 3 355 374.54 Ms Tendani Ramulongo - Director: Research, Policy and Planning Unit TRI DEV WORKS AFP RESEARCH ON RME AGENDA PROJECTS 01/02/2018 1 year R 1 346 112 Ms Tendani Ramulongo - Director: Research, Policy and Planning Unit DATACENTRIX Procurement of PL/SQL and Quality Assurance/Testing Resources and Services 01/06/2017 6 months R 4 156 771.97 Samuel Morotoba (Acting-Director-General) Dimension Data SAP Maintenance and Support 01/10/2014 4 years R 63 876 807.53 Thobile Lamati (Director-General) CCMA IE Communications Annual Report, Editing, Layout and Printing 01/07/2017 3 years 615 898.12 Cameron Morajane (Director) Tourvest Holdings (Pty) Ltd Travel Management Services 01/10/2017 3 years 1 019 242.08 Cameron Morajane (Director) Ebus-Tech Consulting Panel of Recruitment Agencies 01/01/2018 2 years As & when Service is rendered Cameron Morajane (Director) Human Commutations Panel of Recruitment Agencies 01/01/2018 1 year As & when Service is rendered Cameron Morajane (Director) Wozani Recruitment Agency Panel of Recruitment Agencies 01/10/2017 3 years As & when Service is rendered Cameron Morajane (Director) Kudsiya Cassim & Associates cc trading as the Renaissance Network Mid-Term Impact Assessment of the Organisational Strategy 01/11/2017 Once off Project 1 231 200.00 Cameron Morajane (Director) Careways Wellness (Pty) Ltd Psychologist/Employee Wellness 01/12/2017 1 year 384 708.28 Phetsile Magagula (CFO) Ngubane & Co (Johannesburg) Inc Corporate Governance Audit Services 03/01/2018 6 months 251 942.04 Phetsile Magagula (CFO) Continuity SA (Pty) Ltd Business Continuity Management Services 01/05/2018 7 months 474 958.00 Bridgette Mbolekwa (Acting CFO) UIF True South  Actuaries Actuarial Services 15/05/2017 3 years R2 485 529.00 Francois Hugo (Executive Manager) Nexus Lexus Forensic Investigation Services 09/06/2016 3 years R36 042 628.00 Mary-Anne Whittles (Director) IAC Investment Advisory Services 17/07/2017 3 years R2 784 974.00 Asim Gani (Managing Director) SizweNtsaluboGobodo Internal Audit Services 12/02/2018 3 years R 7 771 245.12 Patrick Ganesan (Director) SAB&T Grap Standards Services         29/05/2017 28/05/2020 R1 020 793.00   COMPENSATION FUND Skynet (RT5-2013) Courier Service 01/02/2016 01/06/2016 01/10/2016 4 months 3 months 3 years as per egreed tariffs Commissioner V Mafata Interfile Internet filling 01/03/2014 28/08/2017 3 years 1 year 29959590.00 46247914.45 Director General Delta Facilities Management Cleaning Services 01/01/2016 2 years 4 003 005.95 Commissioner V Mafata C-Track Mzansi Tracking of Funds vehicles 06/06/2016 3 years 184 529.52 Commissioner V Mafata Sysman Public Saftey System Remrad System 01/03/2017 01/03/2018 1 year 1 year 15408.24 16397.76 Commissioner V Mafata Phamacy Direct Distribution of chronic medication to COIDA patients 27/09/2016 3 years R17.20 medication charged at SEP & dispensing fee per line item Commissioner V Mafata Transunion Pre-screening system 12/10/2016 3 years 500 000.00 Commissioner V Mafata View Fron Solutions car wash 22/05/2017 1 year 42 820.00 Commissioner V Mafata Vodacom mobile commucation network services 01/05/2017 1 year 91 577 625.00 Commissioner V Mafata HAB flire & Security X-Ray machine 01/10/2017 3 years 80 850.35 Commissioner V Mafata HISSCO X-Ray machine 01/10/2017 3 years 644 392.36 Commissioner V Mafata Lothlorein Recyling Recyling of waste paper services 29/11/2017 2 years payment per kg Commissioner V Mafata Uni-life plumbing services 20/11/2017 4 months 90 135.66 Commissioner V Mafata Cardura Trading Enterprise Private security 08/12/2017 6 months 469 500.00 Commissioner V Mafata Travil with Flair travel and accommodation 11/01/2018 3 years 343 656.30 Commissioner V Mafata Medikredit nappi file 01/03/2017 3 years 1 491 735.90 Commissioner V Mafata Linhleko Marketing printing services 19/03/2018 3 years as per bill of quantity Commissioner V Mafata DPW RENTAL OF INCOME Bisho building 01/05/2014 4 years 5 276 199.32 Director General First Property Trust Taaljaartpark properties 01/10/2015 2 years 7 881 677.04 Commissioner V Mafata Vuani Property (JHI)(Kuperlengh property management Benstra lease 01/04/2014 01/04/2017 3 years 6 months 992 886.24 Commissioner V Mafata (Travalgar -new management   01/10/2017 1 year 1 155 078.84 Commissioner V Mafata Konika Minolta 6 photocopies 01/10/2015 3 years 1 990 237.10 Commissioner V Mafata Konika Minolta 12 photocopier Machines 03/10/2016 3 years 1 188 743.04 Commissioner V Mafata Konika Minolta 48 photocopier Machines 01/06/2017 3 years 5 027 433.12 Commissioner V Mafata Rand Mutual Assurance Support & maintenance of RMA Claim processing system 01/08/2014 01/08/2015 15/12/2016 1 year 15 months 1 year 11310750.00 11310750.00 90840874.50 Director General Delta Heights Leasing of Building 01/09/2017 3 years 2017104.60 ( @ escalation of 7.5 per year Director General Nashua Communications Install contract centre system and maintenance 01/06/2017 3 years 1 094 681.79 Commissioner V Mafata KPMG Services Fraud Prevention and Detection Services - RFQ 9 2015/16 23-Mar-16 8 months 1 282 849.00 Commisioner V Mafata Extention no 1 22-Oct-16 6 months Extention no 2 22-Apr-17 7 months Extention no 3 N/A N/A 45 600.00 Commisioner V Mafata Extention no 4 20-Nov-17 6 Months PWC / LIGWA Limited Forensic Investigation services - RFQ 15 2015/16 09-May-16 08-Sep-16 980 913.00       Commisioner V Mafata Extention no 1 09-Sep-16 07-Mar-17 Extention no 2 08-Mar-17 07-Aug-17 Extention no 3 08-Aug-17 07-Aug-18 Grant Thornton Advisory to provide Litigation support services 23-Jun-16 12 Months or completion of litigation 396 460.00 Commisioner V Mafata Kago Solutions Advisory Assist with year end process and financial statements - TCF 11 2015/16 20-Sep-16 1 year 20 458 029.60 Director-General Deloitte and Touche Enterprise wide risk management - TCF 2 2016/17 20-Feb-17 1 year 25 372 543.00 Director-General QED Actuaries and Consultants Actuarial services - TCF 04 2016/17 29-Mar-17 3 years 5 024 760.00 Commisioner V Mafata Consumer Profile Bureau Tracing of beneficiaries 01-Jun-17 1 year R19 per trace limited to R5000000 Commisioner V Mafata Nexus Forensic and UIF Forensic Services 29-May-17 1 year R4 947 212.24R742 081.83 Commisioner V Mafata Selekane Asset consultant Investment Advisory services - TCF 05 2016/17 12-Jun-17 3 years Not exceeding R7million Commisioner V Mafata Dimension Data (Participation of a DOL ICT Contract) SAP Service 18 November 2014 (original contract) 3 years 11 824 060.39 Director-General Additional SAP Service SAP Legal Case Management System 10 388 009.24 MSO and Bank Reconciliation   NEDLAC Phuthumani IT Solutions Support services for the Sage evolution system 01-Jan-18 2 years Rate based contract. Depending on usage (annual average = R75 000) Mododa Vilakazi: Executive Director Outsourced Risk and compliance Assessment (ORCA) Internal Audit Services 01-Apr-18 3 years 1 183 824.00 Mododa Vilakazi: Executive Director PRODUCTIVITY SA None None None None None None


Department of Labour










1 year

R 3 355 374.54

Ms Tendani Ramulongo - Director: Research, Policy and Planning Unit




1 year

R 1 346 112

Ms Tendani Ramulongo - Director: Research, Policy and Planning Unit


Procurement of PL/SQL and Quality Assurance/Testing Resources and Services


6 months

R 4 156 771.97

Samuel Morotoba (Acting-Director-General)

Dimension Data

SAP Maintenance and Support


4 years

R 63 876 807.53

Thobile Lamati (Director-General)


IE Communications

Annual Report, Editing, Layout and Printing


3 years

615 898.12

Cameron Morajane (Director)

Tourvest Holdings (Pty) Ltd

Travel Management Services


3 years

1 019 242.08

Cameron Morajane (Director)

Ebus-Tech Consulting

Panel of Recruitment Agencies


2 years

As & when Service is rendered

Cameron Morajane (Director)

Human Commutations

Panel of Recruitment Agencies


1 year

As & when Service is rendered

Cameron Morajane (Director)

Wozani Recruitment Agency

Panel of Recruitment Agencies


3 years

As & when Service is rendered

Cameron Morajane (Director)

Kudsiya Cassim & Associates cc trading as the Renaissance Network

Mid-Term Impact Assessment of the Organisational Strategy


Once off Project

1 231 200.00

Cameron Morajane (Director)

Careways Wellness (Pty) Ltd

Psychologist/Employee Wellness


1 year

384 708.28

Phetsile Magagula (CFO)

Ngubane & Co (Johannesburg) Inc

Corporate Governance Audit Services


6 months

251 942.04

Phetsile Magagula (CFO)

Continuity SA (Pty) Ltd

Business Continuity Management Services


7 months

474 958.00

Bridgette Mbolekwa (Acting CFO)


True South  Actuaries

Actuarial Services


3 years

R2 485 529.00

Francois Hugo (Executive Manager)

Nexus Lexus

Forensic Investigation Services


3 years

R36 042 628.00

Mary-Anne Whittles (Director)


Investment Advisory Services


3 years

R2 784 974.00

Asim Gani (Managing Director)


Internal Audit Services


3 years

R 7 771 245.12

Patrick Ganesan (Director)


Grap Standards Services        



R1 020 793.00



Skynet (RT5-2013)

Courier Service

01/02/2016 01/06/2016 01/10/2016

4 months

3 months 3 years

as per egreed tariffs

Commissioner V Mafata


Internet filling

01/03/2014 28/08/2017

3 years

1 year

29959590.00 46247914.45

Director General

Delta Facilities Management

Cleaning Services


2 years

4 003 005.95

Commissioner V Mafata

C-Track Mzansi

Tracking of Funds vehicles


3 years

184 529.52

Commissioner V Mafata

Sysman Public Saftey System

Remrad System

01/03/2017 01/03/2018

1 year

1 year

15408.24 16397.76

Commissioner V Mafata

Phamacy Direct

Distribution of chronic medication to COIDA patients


3 years

R17.20 medication charged at SEP & dispensing fee per line item

Commissioner V Mafata


Pre-screening system


3 years

500 000.00

Commissioner V Mafata

View Fron Solutions

car wash


1 year

42 820.00

Commissioner V Mafata


mobile commucation network services


1 year

91 577 625.00

Commissioner V Mafata

HAB flire & Security

X-Ray machine


3 years

80 850.35

Commissioner V Mafata


X-Ray machine


3 years

644 392.36

Commissioner V Mafata

Lothlorein Recyling

Recyling of waste paper services


2 years

payment per kg

Commissioner V Mafata


plumbing services


4 months

90 135.66

Commissioner V Mafata

Cardura Trading Enterprise

Private security


6 months

469 500.00

Commissioner V Mafata

Travil with Flair

travel and accommodation


3 years

343 656.30

Commissioner V Mafata


nappi file


3 years

1 491 735.90

Commissioner V Mafata

Linhleko Marketing

printing services


3 years

as per bill of quantity

Commissioner V Mafata


RENTAL OF INCOME Bisho building


4 years

5 276 199.32

Director General

First Property Trust

Taaljaartpark properties


2 years

7 881 677.04

Commissioner V Mafata

Vuani Property (JHI)(Kuperlengh property management

Benstra lease

01/04/2014 01/04/2017

3 years

6 months

992 886.24

Commissioner V Mafata

(Travalgar -new management



1 year

1 155 078.84

Commissioner V Mafata

Konika Minolta

6 photocopies


3 years

1 990 237.10

Commissioner V Mafata

Konika Minolta

12 photocopier Machines


3 years

1 188 743.04

Commissioner V Mafata

Konika Minolta

48 photocopier Machines


3 years

5 027 433.12

Commissioner V Mafata

Rand Mutual Assurance

Support & maintenance of RMA Claim processing system

01/08/2014 01/08/2015 15/12/2016

1 year

15 months

1 year

11310750.00 11310750.00 90840874.50

Director General

Delta Heights

Leasing of Building


3 years

2017104.60 ( @ escalation of 7.5 per year

Director General

Nashua Communications

Install contract centre system and maintenance


3 years

1 094 681.79

Commissioner V Mafata

KPMG Services

Fraud Prevention and Detection Services - RFQ 9 2015/16


8 months

1 282 849.00


Commisioner V Mafata


Extention no 1


6 months


Extention no 2


7 months


Extention no 3



45 600.00


Commisioner V Mafata


Extention no 4


6 Months



Limited Forensic Investigation services - RFQ 15 2015/16



980 913.00




Commisioner V Mafata


Extention no 1




Extention no 2




Extention no 3




Grant Thornton

Advisory to provide Litigation support services


12 Months or completion of litigation

396 460.00

Commisioner V Mafata

Kago Solutions Advisory

Assist with year end process and financial statements - TCF 11 2015/16


1 year

20 458 029.60


Deloitte and Touche

Enterprise wide risk management - TCF 2 2016/17


1 year

25 372 543.00


QED Actuaries and Consultants

Actuarial services - TCF 04 2016/17


3 years

5 024 760.00

Commisioner V Mafata

Consumer Profile Bureau

Tracing of beneficiaries


1 year

R19 per trace limited to R5000000

Commisioner V Mafata

Nexus Forensic and UIF

Forensic Services


1 year

R4 947 212.24
R742 081.83

Commisioner V Mafata

Selekane Asset consultant

Investment Advisory services - TCF 05 2016/17


3 years

Not exceeding R7million

Commisioner V Mafata

Dimension Data (Participation of a DOL ICT Contract)

SAP Service

18 November 2014 (original contract)

3 years

11 824 060.39



Additional SAP Service


SAP Legal Case Management System


10 388 009.24


MSO and Bank Reconciliation





Phuthumani IT Solutions

Support services for the Sage evolution system


2 years

Rate based contract. Depending on usage (annual average = R75 000)

Mododa Vilakazi: Executive Director

Outsourced Risk and compliance Assessment (ORCA)

Internal Audit Services


3 years

1 183 824.00

Mododa Vilakazi: Executive Director








07 May 2018 - NW973

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Mr M Bagraim (DA) to ask the Minister of Labour

How much land does (a) her department and (b) the entities reporting to her (i) own, (ii) have exclusive rights to and/or (iii) lease from the State to (aa) use and/or (bb) occupy? NW1066E


a) The Department does not own any land.

b) However the following entities do own land;



(ii) SIZE



  1. Corner Southspansberg & Hamilton street, Arcadia, Pretoria.
  1. ERF 252 Phalo street, Bisho
  1. 10584 square meters
  1. 801 square meters
  1. Compensation Fund Head Office
  1. The land is leased to Public works in order to build offices.


  1. ERF 895 Phalo Avenue, Bisho
  1. ERF 43 Corners Garden road & Post office street, Thohoyandou
  1. ERF 834, 20 Trevenna Street, Pretoria
  1. 826 square meters
  1. 1200 square meters
  1. 2519 square meters
  1. Undergoing refurbishment
  1. Undergoing refurbishment
  1. Undergoing refurbishment




(ii) SIZE


  1. ERF 3384, 94 WF Nkomo Street, Pretoria
  1. 8454 square meters
  1. Undergoing refurbishment


ERF 2015 Rosebank

1613 square meters

Nedlac Office

07 May 2018 - NW638

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) what (i) number and (ii) percentage of (aa) black, (bb) white (cc) coloured and (dd) Indian employees are employed in (aaa) the Public Service, (bbb) all state –owned enterprises in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, and (ccc) semi-state institutions and (b) has she found that provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, have been met?


The information on the employment percentages in the public services should ideally be sourced from the Department of Public Service and Administration. Public service employees are employed in terms of the public service act which does not reside within the department of Labour’s remit.

18 April 2018 - NW719

Profile picture: Mokgalapa, Mr S

Mokgalapa, Mr S to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)          Whether her department has a sexual harassment and assault policy in place; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will her department have such a policy in place; if so, (i) how are reports investigated and (ii) what are the details of the consequence management and sanctions stipulated by the policy; (2) (a) what is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment and assault that have been reported in her department (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) what number of cases were (i) opened and concluded, (ii) withdrawn and (iii) remain open based on the incidents and (c) what sanctions were issued for each person who was found to have been guilty?


1. The Department has a sexual harassment policy.

(b)(i) Investigating officers are appointed to investigate allegations of misconduct. Reports are submitted to the delegated authority.

(b)(ii) On the basis of the investigation report the official will be charged and subjected to a disciplinary hearing. Sanctions that can be issued are written warning, a final written warning, Suspension without pay ranging from one (1) to three (3) months, demotion and dismissal.

2. 3 cases

(a)(i) 2016/17 – 1 case, 2015/16 – 2 cases, and 2014/15 – 0 cases.

(ii) Nil.

(b)(i) 2 cases

(ii) one case

(iii) none

(c) Final written warning and two months’ suspension

17 April 2018 - NW119

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Labour

With regard to her department’s offices vacating the Boulevard Building in Tzaneen, (a) for what time period during the rental period from 2000 to 2017 did the specified building not meet the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 181 of 1993, (b) why did they move to the municipality’s old traffic building which does not represent a conducive working environment (details furnished) and (c) by which date will the working conditions of the staff be improved for them to be able to provide services to the citizens?


a) The building started not to be compliant during 2009 when the landlord started renovations in a building; attempts by the Department of Labour to the Department of Public Works to acquire alternative accommodation were not successful

b) Due to the service rendered by the Department and the clients the Department serves, the Department did not want to break the services to the community. This was solely for the purpose of business continuity.

c) The infrastructure is being attended to however a suitable building has been identified by the Department of Public Works and will be available in April 2018.

17 April 2018 - NW575

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) Why does the Government include the jobs created under the Expanded Public Works Programme in the number of jobs it has created while still paying a poverty wage, (b) is it her position that it is acceptable that the Government employs persons at R 11 an hour and (c) is the R 11 an hour rate in line with the Government's position of a living wage?


a) The Expanded Public Works Programme is a programme that falls under the Department of Public Works’ remit therefore I would not be qualified to respond to this question.

b) Same as Above

c) Same as Above.

17 April 2018 - NW360

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Labour

What is the total amount that was (i) budgeted for and (ii) spent on her private office (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2017 and (b) what was the (i) remuneration, (ii) salary level, (iii) job title, (iv) qualification and (v) job description of each employee appointed in her private office in each of the specified periods?





Goods & Services


Budget R’000

Expenditure R’000

Budget R’000

Expenditure R’000





9 400

7 734

9 542

8 262


14 066

9 209

18 395

10 941


15 971

10 327

16 217

9 613



22 659

9 638

8 494

5 444



(b) The Ministerial Handbook provides guidelines on the appointment of the staff in the Private Office. It equally provides the recommended salary levels of each post. The salary levels are adjusted on an annual basis as prescribed in the Public Service Regulations.

The Office of the Minister has a staff complement of Nine (09) officials in line with the Ministerial Handbook. In line with the Protection of Personal Information Act (PoPi) and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, I am unable to provide the members with such confidential information in the manner it is requested.

I however draw the honourable members to the department’s Annual Report wherein the organogram of the department provides the information required. Should it be insufficient, the department will make the personal files of the officials available for further scrutiny by the Auditor General as prescribed by the Act.

17 April 2018 - NW325

Profile picture: Cassim, Mr Y

Cassim, Mr Y to ask the Minister of Labour

What amount did (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her spend on the promotion or celebration of the Year of O R Tambo on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel, (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations since 1 January 2017?


What amount did (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her spent on the promotion or celebration of the Year of O R Tambo on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations since 1 January 2017? NW347E

Entity Name

(b)(i) Africa News Network 7 Channel

(b)(ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation

(aa) television channels

(bb) radio stations

(iii) national commercial radio stations

(iv)(aa) community television

(iv)(bb) community radio stations

























































17 April 2018 - NW739

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)Whether affirmative action is a policy exception of her department regarding the principle of equality in terms of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996; if not, (2) whether the programme of affirmative action is an integral policy indicator of the principle of equality that will never be abolished; if not, in what manner and on what legal principle the programme is a permanent aspect of South African society; if so, (a) in terms of which criteria and which time line will the programme be concluded, (b) what are the legal grounds on which her department depends and (c) what measures will she institute to oppose certain negative aspects of affirmative action (details furnished); (3) whether she considers the creation of more posts based on economic growth more important than the replacement of blacks with whites in existing posts; if not, whether the replacement of whites by blacks addresses the unemployment problem in all existing posts; if so, what measures can the Government institute to accellerate economic growth; (4) whether this is an objective of affirmative action given the fact that in many cases in both the Public Service and the private sector whites are instructed to train black workers to take over their posts; if not, what is the postion in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW816E]


1. In South Africa, though, not only did gender limit opportunities, but so too did

race. Aligning itself with our Constitution, which guarantees non-discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, political opinion and religious beliefs, amongst other things, employment equity’s overarching aim is to ensure equal opportunity for all, and, in so doing, ensuring that the discriminatory approach and practices of the past aren’t continued or repeated in future. These ideals of non-discrimination and equal opportunity are encapsulated in the Employment Equity Act, No. 55 of 1998, and as further amended in the Employment Equity Amendment Act, No. 47 of 2013.

Affirmative action falls under the Employment Equity Act but, unlike employment equity which takes the long-term view, affirmative action can be described as a short-term labour policy which is aimed at redressing the inequalities of the past and, in so doing, achieving a transformed workplace which is representative of the greater South African population. In short, the Employment Equity Act provides a framework for implementing affirmative action.

(2)      Equality will always be an integral policy indicator with affirmative action being one of the key ingredients for its achievement, especially with the Equality Principle entrenched in our Constitution. Every policy is subject to periodic

Review, so is the Affirmative Action

(3)      None of the above

(4)      None of the above


17 April 2018 - NW576

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Labour

Has her department engaged the Minister of Health and the Minister of Social Development about establishing a minimum wage for community care givers and community health workers?


Government was represented in all the engagements towards establishing the modalities of a national minimum wage and this by extension included all departments.

The intended coverage of the National Minimum Wage of R20 per hour is intended for all workers in South Africa with the exception of Farm, Forestry, Domestic and Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) workers.

If Community health workers/ community caregivers are not under the EPWP programme, then they are covered.


17 April 2018 - NW578

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether the proposed 1 Million jobs to be created over the next three years will include jobs in the Expanded Public Works Programme?


The call by the President to create 1 million jobs in three years will involve multi-faceted government strategies covering a range of initiatives such as, sector-specific interventions in sectors like agriculture, forestry, clothing, tourism and aquaculture as key growth sectors and programmes such as the recent Youth Employment Services.

The full time equivalent jobs to be created under the Expanded Public Works Programme and other initiatives across other Departments may very well be part of the equation.


14 December 2017 - NW3907

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether, with reference to the Minister of Mineral Resources’ reply to question 3396 on 14 November 2017, her department is aware of any salary scales used by the mining sector when it classifies paygrades; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details of the (a) salary band for each category and (b) number of persons employed as (i) permanent employees and (ii) outsourced contractors in the (aa) platinum group metals and (bb) gold sectors in each of the specified salary scales for each financial year since 1 April 2006?


Pay grades in the mining sector are by and large the function of Collective bargaining processes either at sectoral level or enterprise level. As such the detailed information is in the public domain and these can either be accessed through the trade unions, the mining sector employer bodies and mining enterprises.


14 December 2017 - NW3876

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Labour

With reference to call centre agents who are employed in the country, (a) what number of persons are employed as call centre agents in each (i) city and (ii) province and (b) what is the name of each company at which each specified person is employed?


Call centres are registered with the Department of Trade and Industry.

14 December 2017 - NW3871

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether her department intends to adjust the entry threshold for the payment of the skills development levy annually in accordance with the annual general salary increase rate; if not, (a) why, given the fact that small business owners have to pay higher increases and, therefore, salaries each year and (b) what are the legal grounds for justifying the stated policy position; if so, (i) what are the relevant details in this regard and (ii) what is the full exposition of the details of the proposed entry threshold increase?


Skills development is no longer under the Minister of Labour’s remit, but that of the Department of Higher Education and Training.

12 December 2017 - NW3623

Profile picture: Rawula, Mr T

Rawula, Mr T to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any entity reporting to her own land; if so, in each case, (i) where is each plot of land located, (ii) what is the size of each specified plot and (iii) what is each plot currently being used for?


a) The Department does not own any land.

b) However the following entities do own land;



(ii) SIZE



1. Corner Southspansberg & Hamilton street, Arcadia, Pretoria.

2. ERF 252 Phalo street, Bisho

1. 10584 square meters

2. 801 square meters

1. Compensation Fund Head Office

2. The land is leased to Public works in order to build offices.


1. ERF 895 Phalo Avenue, Bisho

2. ERF 43 Corners Garden road & Post office street, Thohoyandou

3. ERF 834, 20 Trevenna Street, Pretoria

1. 826 square meters

2. 1200 square meters

3. 2519 square meters

1. Undergoing refurbishment

2. Undergoing refurbishment

3. Undergoing refurbishment




(ii) SIZE



4. ERF 3384, 94 WF Nkomo Street, Pretoria

4. 8454 square meters

4. Undergoing refurbishment


ERF 2015 Rosebank

1613 square meters

Nedlac Office

04 December 2017 - NW3176

Profile picture: Rawula, Mr T

Rawula, Mr T to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) What are the details including the ranks of service providers and/or contractors from which (a) her department and (b) the entities reporting to her procured services in the past five years; (2) what (a) service was provided by each service provider and/or contractor and (b) amount was each service provider and/or contractor paid; (3) (a) how many of these service providers are black-owned entities, (b) what contract was each of the black-owned service providers awarded and (c) how much was each black-owned service provider paid?


1. (a) All our service providers are listed on the National Treasury Data-Base, their details and rank.

(b) The details and rank of all service providers that provided services to the department are enlisted in the National Treasury data base.

2. (a) All Services that are provided by our service providers are operational in nature.

(b) Amounts paid to each service provider vary depending on the size and nature of services they provide.

3. (a) Substantial number of suppliers are Black Empowered and those who aren’t; empowerment becomes one of the conditionalities for being awarded the contract.

(b) The amounts paid to each black owned service provider is determined by the value of each contract.


04 December 2017 - NW3748

Profile picture: Rawula, Mr T

Rawula, Mr T to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether (a) her department and/or (b) entities reporting to her procured services from a Travel with Flair (PTY) Ltd; if so, (i) what services were procured in each case and (ii) what is the total amount that was paid to the specified company in each case; (2) Whether the specified company provided services related to international travel to (a) her department and/or (b) entities reporting to her; if so, (i) what is the name of each person who travelled, (ii) what was the travel route and (iii) what is the total amount that was paid for each person?



Minister’s Response:

1. The Department procured travel related services through Travel with Flair (PTY) Ltd). These included, but not limited to;

 (i) Air Travel domestic and International

(ii) Air Travel Insurance

(iii) Car Hire

(iv) Accommodation

(v) Foreign exchange

(vi) Airport Connection Services

These are done within the well-defined treasury prescripts and within the confines of the current austerity measures.

2. The Department always opts for the most cost effective travel routes without compromising the need for officials’ state of readiness to participate and contribute meaningfully in the conferences, meetings for which the travel was intended.

All personal and officials that undertake travel are chosen on the strength of their capabilities and value addition.

Notwithstanding that the question is by and large open-ended in terms of defining the period for which the information is required, all officials who travel, do so within the limits of the budget.

04 December 2017 - NW3336

Profile picture: Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV

Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV to ask the Ms Ms N V Mente (EFF) to ask the Minister of Labour

a) Since 1 January 2012, what number of labour inspections has the department conducted in the (i) mining and (ii) manufacturing sector, (b) at which (i) mine and (ii) manufacturing plant did each inspection take place and (c) what number of the mines and manufacturing plants were not labour compliant in each case?


Minister’s response:

The Department conducted inspections in each of the following sectors as follows;

Mining: 1190 Inspections were conducted in the sector for the period in question. The total of 77 were found to be non-compliant

Manufacturing: 32 Inspections were conducted in the sector for the period in question.

The Honourable Member is referred to the Annual Reports of the Department of Labour for further information.

04 December 2017 - NW3454

Profile picture: Rawula, Mr T

Rawula, Mr T to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)      How many officials and/or employees in her department were granted permission to have businesses and/or do business dealings in the past three financial years? (2) are any of the officials and/or employees that have permission to have businesses and/or do business dealings doing business with the Government; if so, (a) what was the purpose of each business transaction, (b) when did each business transaction occur and (c) what was the value of each business transaction?




No officials applied

Approved/Not Approved



Not approved







2. None were approved


04 December 2017 - NW3577

Profile picture: Majola, Mr TR

Majola, Mr TR to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) What is the total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her for more than (aa) 30 days, (bb) 60 days, (cc) 90 days and (dd) 120 days and (b) what is the total amount outstanding in each case?


Compensation Fund has only one outstanding invoice to the value of R76 402, 80

CCMA has two outstanding invoices to the value of R75 019.61

16 November 2017 - NW3316

Profile picture: Rawula, Mr T

Rawula, Mr T to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) Whether the (a) chief executive officer and (b) chief financial officer of entities reporting to her are employed on a permanent basis; if not, (2) whether the specified officers are employed on a fixed term contract; if so, (a) what are the names of each of the officers and (b) when (i) was each officer employed and (ii) will each officer’s contract end?


1. Minister of Labour to respond:

As the Department of Labour we have two CEO’s, two Commissioners and two Executive Directors.


(a) Chief Executive Officers, Commissioner’s and Executive Directors.

(b) Chief Financial Officer employment status


Permanent (Commissioner)



Permanent (Commissioner)



Fixed term contract (Executive Director)



Fixed term contract (CEO)



Fixed term contract (CEO)



Fixed term contract (Executive Director)


  • *SEE is not listed as a public entity, operates as a trading entity within the Department of Labour2. 

2. Minister of Labour to respond:


(a) Names of each Officer

(b)(i) When was Officer employed?

(b)(ii) When will each Officer’s contract end?


Mr. Vuyo Mafata(Commissioner)

Mr. Abraham J Modiba(CFO)

01 April 2016

16 September 2013




Mr. Teboho Maruping(Commissioner)

Ms Fezeka Puzi(CFO)

01 December 2016

01 April 2016




Mr Madoda P Vilakazi(EX Director)

Mr Mfanufikile Daza(CFO)

01 April 2016

15 December 2014

31 March 2021



Mr Mothunye Mothiba(CEO)

Dr Sibusiso Sabela(CFO)

01 April 2016

01 August 2017

31 March 2020



Mr. Silumko Nondwangu(CEO)

Mr. Spheni Ngcongo(CFO)

31 August 2017

15 December 2015

31 August 2018



Mr. Cameron Morajane(Director)

Ms Phetsile Magagula(CFO)

01 April 2016

03 April 2017

31 March 2021


  • * SEE is not listed as a public entity, operates as a trading entity within the Department of Labour

16 November 2017 - NW3337

Profile picture: Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV

Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether labour brokers are registered with the Government; if so, what number of (a) labour brokers are registered with the Government, (b) government departments nationally and provincially make use of labour brokers and (c) persons are currently employed by the Government through labour brokers?


The term labour broker does not exist in our current legislation. What we have is Temporary Employment Services and or Private Employment Agencies (PEAs/TES) that are registered with the Department of Labour in terms of Section 24(1) of the Skills Development Act, 1998 as Amended as part of our transitional process.

(a) A total of 492 private employment agencies/temporary employment services were registered with the Department of Labour as at 30 September 2017.

(b) Currently we do not have data as that will only become possible once PEAs/TES regulations are finalized and gazetted. The Department

of Labour will as soon as the regulations are finalised, keep records

on who uses PEAs/TES and statistics of people employed, placed or assisted across all sectors by these agencies.

(c) Covered above.

16 November 2017 - NW3335

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr P

Mhlongo, Mr P to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) What is the total number of persons who are employed in call centres as call centre agents in each (i) province and (ii) city and (b) what is the name of the company in each province and city where the agents are employed?


(a) The Department of Labour does not use call centre agents services

 (i) Not applicable

(ii) Not applicable

(b) none

23 October 2017 - NW2917

Profile picture: Meshoe, Rev KR

Meshoe, Rev KR to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether the Government has any plans to reduce damage caused by frequent strikes, which according to her department are harming the economy and the labour force and in view of her department’s latest report on industrial action in which it is stated that the labour economy lost approximately R161 million through work stoppages in 2016, which represents an increase from R116 million in 2015; if not, why not; if so, what plans? (


1. In terms of section 23 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, every worker has the right to strike. The right to strike is regulated by the Labour Relations Act which sets out the procedures for orderly strike action as well as limitations on the right to strike. Therefore any steps taken by Government in relation to strike action must be cognisant of the constitutional and legal framework surrounding strikes.

2. In February 2017, after lengthy engagement in the National Economic Development and Labour Advisory Council (NEDLAC), Government, organised business, organised labour and the community constituency signed an agreement on labour market stability and wage inequality. One of the elements of the agreement is an Accord on Collective Bargaining and Industrial Action in which all social partners commit to taking steps to prevent violence, intimidation and damage to property and to improve the capacity of the social partners and other agencies to resolve disputes peacefully and expeditiously.

3. Another outcome of the NEDLAC engagements has been a number of proposed amendments to the Labour Relations Act. One of these amendments is a provision for advisory arbitration to endeavour to resolve strikes or lockouts that are intractable or may cause a local or national crisis. Once the amendments to the Labour Relations Act are promulgated, Government together with the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) will implement them to contribute to greater labour market stability.

4. Already the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration is implementing a CCMA-specific dispute and strike prevention programme and is already bearing the desired results.