Questions and Replies

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29 June 2018 - NW1751

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

With regard to the policy on the Minimum Norms and Standards for Student Housing at Public Universities published in the Government Gazette Notice: R.897 on 29 September 2015, did any council of a public university (a) fail to submit approved plans and strategies for the phasing in of the minimum norms and standards in terms of its existing stock to her department by June 2016 as per section 12(a), and (b) fail to report the level of compliance with student housing minimum norms and standards in the annual report of the specified university as per section 11(c)?


a) Only the University of Johannesburg submitted an approved plan and strategy for the phasing in of the minimum norms and standards by June 2016. The Department is developing a process to monitor compliance as part of its implementation of the new Macro Infrastructure Framework (MIF). Universities will be required to upload relevant policy documents, plans and reports on the MIF.

b) 14 Universities reported on their level of compliance with the norms and standards on student housing and 11 universities reported on their student housing target achievements but did not specify their compliance to the norms and standards on student housing. The University of South Africa was not required to report on student housing as it is a distance education institution.

29 June 2018 - NW1799

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)What is the status of the ambient air quality in the South Durban eThekwini Municipality area? (2) has there been any recent health impact study undertaken by her department in the area; if not, why not; if so, what were the findings thereof; (3) what (a) are the details of the strategy that has been put in place to (i) address the findings of the specified study and (ii) improve the air quality in the area and (b) is the role played by the licensing authority in addressing the cumulative impact of air pollution in the area; (4) whether she will provide Mr T Z Hadebe with the (a) minutes of the Air Quality Officers forum, (b) air quality management plan and (c) allocated budget for air quality management; and (5) whether her department is considering an intervention on account of health risks posed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?



Ambient air quality has been monitored at 14 stations in the EThekwini Municipality for 12 years to date. A range of pollutants are measured. Two stations, Southern Works and Wentworth are located in the South Durban Basin. Since 2008, particulate matter concentrations at these stations have come down and are now in compliance with South Africa national ambient air quality standards. Ganges ambient monitoring station, which falls outside the basin, is however in non-compliance with particulate matter ambient standards, and this is mostly due to the vehicle emissions from the busy Southern Freeway close to this station.

In terms of sulphur dioxide, the three stations in the basin, namely, Settlers, Southern Works and Wentworth have also reported significant decreases in the sulphur dioxide annually over the years. The reduction in pollution seen in most stations since 2008 to 2010 over eThekwini are as a result of regulatory interventions such as the Scheduled Trade Permitting system and Atmospheric Emission Licensing programs implemented by the city, to target industrial emissions within the South Durban Basin.

(2) Health studies require special scarce skills and are relatively expensive to undertake. In the recent years, the Department of Environmental Affairs has spent over 8 Million Rands on health studies. Unfortunately, for financial reasons, the department has to prioritise study areas to focus on at a given time. To date, the Department has completed a health study in the Vaal Triangle Priority area. The department is currently conducting a health study in the Highveld Priority Area (HPA). In addition to being costly, these studies also takes time to complete. The current HPA health study will only be completed in late 2019, and only after then can the Department consider other priority areas. In the meantime, provinces and municipalities are encouraged to conduct local health studies.

A South Durban Health study was conducted in 2007 to determine the health status of the Durban South residents with specific focus on respiratory diseases and to determine an association between these diseases and environmental pollution. The study also assessed the range of ambient air pollutants to determine the potential risk they pose on the health of the Durban South community. The study revealed that moderate ambient concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitric oxide (NO) sulphur dioxide (SO2) and PM10 were strongly and significantly associated with decrements in lung function among children with persistent asthma and/or polymorphism associated with the ability to respond to oxidative stress. Children attending school in the south of Durban as compared to the north, were significantly associated with the increased risk of persistent asthma and for marked airways hyper reactivity. For adults, residing in the south was significantly associated with hayfever and marginal associated with chronic bronchitis, wheeze, shortness of breath and hypertension.

In addition, a joint Health study was completed in the early 2000’s. This study included National, Provincial, and the Local sphere of government as well as academia, industry and international partners. The primary intervention post the study was to reduce the levels of SO2 in the area as this pollutant is a known trigger for asthma. Significant reductions for this pollutant have been achieved. The eThekwini Municipalities AQMP which has a five year life span has included a further Health study in the financial year 20/21. This will need to include multiple stakeholders as the municipality could not fund a study of this nature in isolation.

(3)(a) Since the study, a number of interventions have been deployed at national, provincial and municipal level. Below are just a few.

  • A tightening of controls on large industrial emitters with specific reference to SO2, Benzene, NOx and PM.
  • The Department of Environments Affairs developed Minimum Emission Standards to control industrial emissions. The notice in this regard was published in 2010 and finalised in 2013. There were no previous standards in this regard and this promulgation and this allows for far tighter regulation of industries. Regulatory air quality management including the assessment of all new developments by means of Specialist Studies together with the Licensing of all Listed Activities as defined in NEM; AQA (39 of 2004) have resulted in an improvement in the air quality in the area.
  • Enforcement inspections are being conducted to ensure compliance with the legislation and that conditions of the atmospheric emission licenses are adhered to.
  • Continuous monitoring of criteria pollutants to determine if the national ambient air standards are not exceeded. Since then there has been some improvements as shown below:

(b) is the role played by the licensing authority in addressing the cumulative impact of air pollution in the area:

  • The licensing authority continue to monitor the industry to ensure that they adhere to conditions of the atmospheric emissions licenses.
  • Cumulative impacts are generally considered during the approval of new developments. This is often approached by the introduction of specialist studies conducted during the EIA process

(4) The minutes of the AQO forum can be obtained from the Provincial Air Quality Officer at the provincial department responsible for environmental affairs.

(5) The intervention for addressing air pollution and therefore reducing the health risks posed are stipulated in the eThekwini Metro’s air quality management plan (AQMP). According to the said AQMP, the eThekwini Municipality Health Study is planned for 20/21. The National Department will support this process.


29 June 2018 - NW1961

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(a) What is the status of her department’s court application to take the Public Protector’s report on maladministration at the Tshwane South Technical and Vocational Education and Training College on review and (b) on what date is the case expected to be finalised?


a) The Department has filed its supplementary affidavit, and the Office of the Public Protector is yet to file its answering affidavit. The attorneys for the Public Protector intend filing a condonation application for the late filing of its answering affidavit, where after the Office of the State Attorney will set the matter down for hearing.

b) As the Clerk of the Court determines the court dates, the Department is unable to indicate when the case will be finalised.

29 June 2018 - NW2111

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(a) What is the level of medical stock in the pharmacy at 1 Military Hospital, (b) why has this very important indicator been removed by her department and (c) what is the direct impact of the medical stock level on soldiers and military veterans?


(1)(a) What is the level of medical stock in the pharmacy at 1 Military Hospital,

Pharmaceuticals and medical consumables for emergencies and life-threatening situations are fully stocked and available at 1 Military Hospital. The medical stock levels at the 1 Military Hospital pharmacy stands at 75%. The stock levels should improve to 85% by the first week in July when more deliveries of stock are expected. Some challenges are experienced with the suppliers of pharmaceuticals at a national level.

(b) Why has this very important indicator been removed by her department and

The performance indicator that refers to the stock levels of pharmaceuticals and medical consumables has not been removed by the department. A decision was made to register the performance indicator as classified as stock levels are regarded as sensitive strategic information.

(c) What is the direct impact of the medical stock level on soldiers and military veterans?

The impact of medical stock levels is minimised by alternative arrangements such as the buying-out of medication that is not available in the SA Military Health Service. There is thus no direct impact on soldiers and military veterans, except the increased cost to the Department of Defence of the buy-out from private pharmacies.

29 June 2018 - NW2135

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to the statistics generated during the Easter period in 2018, (a) what road campaigns took place (i) leading up to, (ii) during and (iii) after the specified period, (b) what were the objectives of each campaign in each province, (c) were the objectives met, (d) how was this measured, (e) where did each campaign take place, (f) to whom were the campaigns targeted and (g) what amount was spent on each campaign in each province?


a) (i)      The following campaigns were undertaken leading up to Easter :

Driver workshops – road safety education workshop was conducted among drivers of major bus companies that were scheduled to transport people to different places of pilgrimageThe emphasis of the workshop was on fatigue management, pre-trip inspections, safe vehicles, impaired driving as well as reckless driving. Drivers were exposed to public transport accident scene that took place during the 2017 Easter Period. The Department of Health and the Road Accident Fund provided information on issues related to health fitness and wellbeing.


Road Awareness at institutions - road safety awareness activities were undertaken at churches, Taxi Ranks, Schools, places of entertainment, as well as filling stations along the major routes.  The purpose of the awareness activities was to increase knowledge and skills among travellers in relation to vehicle safety, overloading of passengers and goods, as well as substance abuse. Road safety officials were deployed at various transport public hubs which were known to be congested during Easter period as a result of travellers to raise awareness about safety on the roads.

Pedestrian Awareness - heightened pedestrian awareness activities were undertaken in areas, which are identified as hazardous locations. The focuses of the pedestrian activity were primarily on visibility, the safe crossing of roads, impaired walking as well as jay-walking.

 Youth road safety - Young people are largest group involved in reckless and negligent driving due to their attitudes towards safe road usage.  Road safety education campaigns were undertaken leading up to Easter at institutions of higher learning and the focus was on impaired walking and driving, dangerous walking and pedestrian visibility.


The activities were supported by a strong media campaign that included interviews and social media activations.

 (ii)     The following campaigns were undertaken during the Easter period:

  • Intensified law enforcement operations by national, provincial and local traffic authorities took place during the Easter period focussing inter alia on speed management, drunken driving, reckless and negligent driving, overloading, vehicle roadworthiness and cross-border operations.
  • Road safety education activities were staged on all routes that were identified.
  • Radio and television interviews were conducted on local, regional and national stations throughout the period to sustain the messages on safe Easter travel. Social media interactions were also intensified to reach young travellers.

(iii)   The following campaigns were undertaken after the Easter period:

Media interactions continued after the Easter period on all the platforms including TV and road interviews and social media platforms. The campaigns continued over the Worker’s day (May 1)  long weekend.

(b)     The objectives of the campaigns were to reduce fatalities on the identified hazardous routes and improve road user behaviour.

(c)       There was a reduction in crashes on identified hazardous routes however new hazardous routes emerged in other areas. The number of passenger fatalities were reduced although pedestrian fatalities increased suggesting that more work is still required.

(d)    This was measured by analyzing crashes and fatalities and comparing the outcome to the similar period in the previous years.

(e)    The campaigns took place at churches, institutions of higher learning, taxi ranks, halfway station along major routes, premises of major bus operators, on the roads in the form of roadblocks and on various media platforms.

(f)     The campaigns were targeted at drivers of public transport vehicles, passengers, pedestrians, the youth and faith-based organisations.

(g)   The campaigns were undertaken with approved operational budgets of provincial departments and municipalities.


29 June 2018 - NW705

Profile picture: Stander, Ms T

Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether her department has a sexual harassment and assault policy in place; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will her department have such a policy in place; if so, (i) how are reports investigated and (ii) what are the details of the consequence management and sanctions stipulated by the policy; (2) (a) what is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment and assault that have been reported in her department (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) what number of cases were (i) opened and concluded, (ii) withdrawn and (iii) remain open based on the incidents and (c) what sanctions were issued for each person who was found to have been guilty?


  1. (a) Yes, the Department of Basic Education has a sexual harassment and assault policy in place.

(b) (i) The policy has been in place since 2014. The policy stipulates the procedure which should be followed in the reporting and investigation of allegations of sexual harassment in the Department. Clauses 19.1 to 19.3 of the policy provide a detailed procedure that must be followed in the investigation of alleged reports of sexual harassment. The procedure includes both formal and informal investigation. The formal procedure involves the following:

  • The sexual harassment complaint must be reported to the Director-General or the Sexual Harassment Advisor in writing and the statement must include:

(i) The name of the respondent;

(ii) Date when the incident occurred;

(iii) Where it occurred; and

(iv) Details of how the actual sexual harassment occurred.

(ii) In the event where the grievance procedure has been finalised, and management is of the view that there is a prima facie case against the respondent, disciplinary steps must be instituted as per the provisions of the Disciplinary Code and Procedure in the Public Service (PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2003 read with Chapter 7 of SMS Handbook).

The sanctions provided in clause 19.4 of the policy include, should the respondent be found guilty of the offence: a) Counselling, b) Verbal warning, c) Final written warning, d) suspension/fine, e) demotion or f) dismissal.

If the Director-General is the perpetrator, the Executive Authority becomes the authority that appoints the Sexual Harassment Advisor and makes decisions on the case. Once the Sexual Harassment Advisor has been appointed, all terms and procedures set out in the policy for subsequent action shall apply without exception, read with the necessary changes.

A complainant of sexual harassment has the right to press separate criminal charges and/or civil claims against the respondent if they so wish. The legal rights of the complainant are in no way limited by the DBE policy.

2. (a) (i) Financial years 2014/15 to 2016/17: No incidents of sexual harassment and assault reported.

(ii) Since April 2017: No incidents of sexual harassment and assault reported.

(b)(i) Not applicable. No cases reported.

(ii) Not applicable. No cases reported.

(iii) Not applicable. No cases reported.

(c) Not applicable. No cases reported.

29 June 2018 - NW2084

Profile picture: Ngwenya, Ms W

Ngwenya, Ms W to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)With regard to the N2 Wild Coast Toll Road being constructed by the SA National Roads Agency, on what envisaged date will the (a) seven largest bridges be completed and (b) construction of the actual road itself begin; (2) whether any contracts have been signed for the construction of the specified road; if not, on what date(s) will the contracts be signed; (3) what obstacles has he found remain to the commencement of the construction of the road; (4) (a) on what date will the specified road be completed and (b) which section of the road will be completed (i) first and (ii) last?


1. (a) The planned completion date of the seven largest bridges across the rivers are summarised in table below.

River name

Approx. Completion Date


August 2022


March 2022


November 2021


June 2022


June 2022


November 2021


May 2022

b. The planned N2 Wild Coast Road (N2WCR) extends from East London via Mthatha, Port St Johns and Lusikisiki to the Mtanvuna River on the border between the Eastern Cape and Kwa Zulu Natal.

i. The construction of brownfields portions of the N2WCR between East London and Mthatha and between Mthatha and Port St Johns began in 2011.

ii. Within the greenfields portion of the N2WCR between Port St Johns and Port Edward via Lusikisiki construction of Haul roads within the proclaimed road reserve to access the Msikaba and Mtentu bridge sites began in November 2016.

iii. The construction of the first of several greenfield road projects is planned to start approximately in April 2019.

2. To date the following contracts have been signed for the following N2 Wild Coast Road Projects:

Ref #

District Municipality

Local Municipality

Project Description

Project Number

Type of Work




Buffalo City Metro

Buffalo City Metro

N2 – Gonubie I/C to Brakfontein I/C






OR Tambo District Municipality

King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality

N2 – Sitebe Komkulu to Viedgesville






OR Tambo District Municipality

King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality/ Nyandeni Municipality

R61 – Mthatha to Ngqeleni (Dualling)






OR Tambo District Municipality

Port St Johns Local Municipality

R61 – TOMBO Intersection (Dual Carriageway)






OR Tambo District Municipality

Ngquza Hill Local Municipality

R61 – Ntafufu River to Lusikisiki


Special Maintenance






N2 - Toleni to Ibika


Special Maintenance




OR Tambo

King Sabata Dalindyebo

N2 – Tetyana to Sitebe Komkulu






OR Tambo


R61 - Ngqeleni to Libode






OR Tambo


R61 - Misty Mount to Mafini






OR Tambo

Port St Johns

R61 - Majola Tea to Tombo






OR Tambo

Ingquza Hill

N2WCR - Construction Haul Road to Msikaba bridge site south


Construction haul road & relocations




OR Tambo

Ingquza Hill

N2WCR - Construction Haul Road to Msikaba bridge site north


Construction haul road & relocations




OR Tambo District Municipality

Ingquza Hill

N2WCR - Construction Haul Road to Mtentu bridge site south


Construction haul road & relocations




Alfred Nzo District Municipality/OR Tambo District Municipality

Mbizana Local Municipality/Ingquza Hill Local Municipality

N2 - Mtentu Bridge


New Bridge




Alfred Nzo District Municipality

Mbizana Local Municipality

N2WCR - Construction Haul Road to Mtentu bridge site north


Construction haul road & relocations



3. After agreeing the final funding model with National Treasury in 2017, none.

4. (a) As seen from above table the first brownfields portions on the N2 was completed in 2013. The greenfield portion of the N2 Wild Coast Road between Port Edward and the Mtanvuna River is expected to be finished and open to traffic by late 2022/early 2023.

(b) (i) Within the greenfield portion the sub-sections of Lingeni to Msikaba and Msikaba to Mtentu are expected to be finished first.

(ii) Within the greenfield portion the sub-sections between Ndwalane and Ntafufu, which includes the Mzimvubu river bridge is expected to be finished last.


29 June 2018 - NW1972

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

On what date (a) was a certain report (details furnished) given to her, and (b) will the report be made public?


a) The report was received on 09 April 2018.

b) The report will be released as soon as the process of developing a policy response to key policy messages as contained in the report has been finalised. Such requires consultation with affected sector departments, provincial conservation authorities and relevant stakeholders. However, there is a special publication on the African Biodiversity and Conservation Journal (open access) titled “Contributions to the National Status Report on Biological Invasions in South Africa” consisting of various scientific papers that informed the development of the status report.


29 June 2018 - NW144

Profile picture: Xalisa, Mr Z R

Xalisa, Mr Z R to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)What are the (a) details and (b) levels of service providers and/or contractors from which (a) his department and (b) the entities reporting to him procured services in the past five financial years; (2) what (a) service was provided by each service provider and/or contractor and (b) amount was each service provider and/or contractor paid; (3) (a) what is the total number of service providers that are black-owned entities, (b) what contract was each of the black-owned entities awarded and (c) what amount was each black-owned entity paid? NW151E


Since the Department of Traditional Affairs started transacting on its own at the beginning of 2014/15 financial year, the following are the tables depicting the types of services enlisted and the amounts paid to the appointed service providers:

See link belo for 2015/16 FY; 2016/17; 2017/18

ENTITY: Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL Rights Commission).

The Honourable Member is requested to note that information from the CRL Rights Commission is not readily available, but the Department will provide the Honourable Member with the information as soon as it becomes available.

29 June 2018 - NW1800

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What (a) number of air quality monitoring stations (i) exist in Ethekwini Municipality and (ii) are fully operational, (b) steps have been taken to date to ensure the full functionality of all the stations and (c) plans are in place going forward to address the functionality of all the stations?


(a) (i) EThekwini Municipality has a total number of:

  • fourteen (14) continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations;
  • ten (10) non-continuous “bubbler SO2” stations; and
  • six (6) Dust Fallout Monitors.

(ii) The non-continuous and dust fallout network are working optimally. However, the continuous monitoring network is ageing and requiring more attention from both an Operational and Capital perspective.

(b) Of the fourteen (14) continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations, nine (9) are fully operational, one (1) has an electricity supply problem at the moment whilst four (4) stations have problems with the NOx analysers. A service provider has recently been appointed to repair, service and calibration of these analysers. In addition, a service provider was awarded the contract to upgrade the Data Acquisition System and ensure that the stations are communicating reporting information online. Capital Funding has been made available in the 2018/2019 financial year to commence the replacement process.

The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has initiated a project of establishing the new South African National Air Quality Indicator (NAQI) stations across the country. In this program, four (4) stations from eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality located at City Hall, Ganges, Settlers and Southern Works were identified as suitable stations to be utilised for the reporting of the NAQI. DEA has appointed a service provider to assist with implementation of this project over a period of five (5) years of which the four (4) stations listed above form part of this project. Some of the activities to be undertaken by the service is to carry out activities relating to this project which include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Installation and commissioning of new PM10, PM2.5 and SO2 instruments;
  • The assessment of the NAQI stations;
  • Development of an Air Quality Monitoring Plan;
  • NAQI stations data management and reporting; and
  • Capacity building for handover to network owners.

(c) The Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) was approved by council during May 2018 together with a Capital and Operational Budget over a five (5) year period commencing on 01 July 2018. This includes a five year capital recommendation to refurbish the entire network over the period of the AQMP.


29 June 2018 - NW2015

Profile picture: Mokgalapa, Mr S


1) What are the details of the (a) number of accidents that vehicles owned by his department were involved (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018, (b) cost for repairs in each case and (c)(i) number of and (ii) reasons for vehicles being written off in each case; 2) Whether all vehicles owned by his department have tracking devices installed?


Details of vehicle accidents/incidents owned by the Department over the three financial years are as follows:

  • 2015/16 - Four (4), three incidents involved chips/cracks on windscreens, and the 4th vehicle was written off. Total cost of repairs in 2015/16 amounted to R20 876.13
  • 2016/17 - 2 (Two) - one vehicle was involved in a pile-up accident, and the other one involved a windscreen replacement. No vehicle was written off. Total cost of repairs for 2016/17 amounted to R36 534.03
  • 2017/18 - 3 (Three) - one vehicle had bumper repair, and the second vehicle a fog light and bottom bumper grill had to be repaired. The third incident involved repair of rear light glass. No vehicle was written off. Total cost of repairs for 2017/18 amounted to R12 918.00
  • Since 1 April 2018 - No accidents have occurred.

Details on tracking devices are not made publicly available.


29 June 2018 - NW1801

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a)Will she undertake an investigation into the neglect of Clivia plants by Customs officials at the OR Tambo International Airport due to their large value, (b) what immediate steps can be taken to ensure that (i) clearance procedures for these Clivia plants can be expedited and (ii) due diligence is practiced when these plants are being held in Customs to ensure their wellbeing, (c) can she give any assurance to breeders attending the International Conference of Clivia Breeders taking place in South Africa in September 2018, that their Clivia plants will be treated with the necessary care in Customs and (d) what recourse do plant breeders have when an entire consignment is lost due to neglect at Customs?


a) Environmental Management Inspectors (EMIs) of the Department of Environmental Affairs investigates non-compliance with Regulations under the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act and the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act such as the Threatened or Protected Species Regulations (ToPS) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The department has not been informed of the neglect of Clivia plants by Customs officials at OR Tambo International Airport. Please note that only one Clivia species, namely Clivia mirabilis or "Oorlogskloof" Bush Lily is listed on ToPS as protected. If the plants which were neglected by Customs at OR Tambo International have been identified as Clivia mirabilis then the departmental EMIs can investigate what has transpired and why the plants were neglected.

b) As indicated above, the Department of Environmental Affairs is responsible for the regulation of restricted activities relating to species listed under, among others, ToPS and CITES. The South African Revenue Service (SARS) Customs and Excise is the only body which can clear goods being imported into the country. You will thus need to request SARS Customs and Excise to assist with (i) clearance procedures for these Clivia plants and to ensure that (ii) due diligence is practised to ensure their well-being when these plants are being held in the Customs area.

c) It is not possible for the department to give any assurance to breeders attending the International Conference of Clivia Breeders taking place in South Africa in September 2018, that their Clivia plants will be treated with the necessary care by Customs. This request needs to be made to SARS Customs and the Department of Finance.

d) Similarly, the question would need to be referred to SARS Customs and the Department of Finance in relation to any recourse that plant breeders may have if an entire consignment is lost due to neglect at Customs.


29 June 2018 - NW2110

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(a) How is the loss of scarce skills being addressed at 1 Military Hospital, (b) why is the appointment of medical doctors delayed while the hospital is experiencing a high vacancy rate, (c) has the occupational specific dispensation been implemented fully at the hospital and (d) how does SA Military Health Services plan to minimise outsourcing the ostensibly expensive medical services that can cause a significant over-expenditure at the expense of other medical services?


(1)(a) How is the loss of scarce skills being addressed at 1 Military Hospital,

The loss of scarce skills has decreased dramatically over the past three years. In the past 24 months, 24 medical doctors have been appointed, three of these being specialists. However, the total number of health care practitioner (HCP) posts available for all the hospitals (specifically with regard to medical doctors, specialised nurses, technicians in the laboratory, radiology and technologists to undertake the repair and maintenance of equipment) will be reviewed to ensure that the SA Military Health Service takes full advantage of the results of the refurbishment and medical equipment procurement.

(b) Why is the appointment of medical doctors delayed while the hospital is experiencing a high vacancy rate,

As stated in the response to the first part of the question, the personnel acquisition process has improved dramatically and no delays are currently experienced in the appointment of HCPs. Hence the appointment of 24 health care practitioners in the past 24 months.

(c) Has the occupational-specific dispensation been implemented fully at the hospital, and

The occupational-specific dispensation has been implemented fully with respect to medical doctors. Some challenges are being experienced in the application of the occupational-specific dispensation with regard to nursing personnel.

(d) How does the SA Military Health Service plan to minimise outsourcing the ostensibly expensive medical services that can cause a significant over-expenditure at the expense of other medical services?

The SA Military Health Service has put management interventions and measures in place to minimise the cost of outsourcing whilst awaiting the completion of the refurbishment project. The management interventions include the case management (or concept of “managed health care”) of all patients who are outsourced in order to control and manage the level of care and ‘hospital stay’ as ‘hospital stays’ are a major cost driver. The managed health care concept furthermore ensures that each patient receives the level of health interventions and care as approved. In the event that any additional health interventions or care is required, further approval within the managed health care concept takes place.

Further management interventions include negotiated and preferred agreed tariffs with particular health providers. Also, in cases where particular specialist interventions are required that could be performed at the military hospitals, the specialist is encouraged to perform the procedure in the military hospital. As the sustainment of stock levels for pharmaceuticals and medical consumables is also critical in minimising cost, the matter has been registered as a standing agenda point on the weekly SA Military Health Service Command Council meetings.

29 June 2018 - NW1929

Profile picture: Ntlangwini, Ms EN

Ntlangwini, Ms EN to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What (a) is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment that were reported to the human resources offices of entities reporting to him in (i) 2016 and (ii) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) Was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case?


I am informed that the Economic Development Department and its entities: the IDC, ITAC, Competition Commission and Competition Tribunal, do not have sexual harassment cases reported during the 2016 and 2017 financial years.


29 June 2018 - NW1902

Profile picture: Mulder, Dr CP

Mulder, Dr CP to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)      Whether all members of the senior management service (SMS) in his department had declared their interests for the past year as required by the Public Service Regulations; if not, (a) why not, (b) how many of the specified members did not declare their interests and (c) what are the (i) names and (ii) ranks of the specified noncompliant members of the SMS; (2) Whether non-compliant SMS members have been charged; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) What number (a) of employees in his department at each post level are currently suspended on full salary and (b) of the specified employees at each post level have been suspended for the specified number of days (details furnished); (4) What is the total amount of costs attached to the days of service lost as a result of the suspensions in each specified case?


(1)– (2) All senior management service (SMS) members have declared their interests.

(3) – (4) Nil

Approved/ not approved


Dr SC Cwele, MP



29 June 2018 - NW1915

Profile picture: Mulaudzi, Adv TE

Mulaudzi, Adv TE to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

What (a) is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment that were reported to the human resources offices of entities reporting to him in (i) 2016 and (ii) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case?


Department of Justice and Constitutional Development

1. (a) The total number of incidents of sexual harassment that have been reported in the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, are as follows:

(i) In each of the past two financial years:

(aa) 2016/17                   :       Two (2) cases were reported; and

(bb) 2017/18                   :       Three (3) cases were reported.

(b) The details of each incident that took place are as follows:

(i) Regarding the two (2) cases reported in 2016/17: In one case, the incident involved negative sexual comments and in the second case, the incident involved gestures deemed as unwanted sexual advances.

(ii) Regarding the three (3) cases reported in 2017/2018: In one case, the incident involved negative sexual description of a female colleague, in the second case, the incident involved gestures deemed as unwanted sexual advances and the last case involved statements deemed sexually negative to a colleague.

2. Regarding the investigation and outcomes of each incident, I have been informed as follows:

(a) Regarding the two (2) cases which were reported in 2016/17 financial year, the two (2) cases were investigated and disciplinary hearings were conducted. In the one case, the employee was found guilty and a sanction of suspension without pay was imposed. In the other case, the matter was withdrawn by the Department as there was insufficient evidence.

(b) Regarding the three cases which were reported in 2017/18 financial year, the three (3) cases were investigated. Two cases were withdrawn, with a bilateral settlement relating to one case; the second matter was withdrawn by the Department as there was insufficient evidence and the last case is still pending finalization (not concluded).

(ii) The entities have reported as follows:

A. Legal Aid South Africa:

1. (a) Total number of sexual harassment incidents reported at Legal Aid SA is as follows:

(aa) 2016: zero (0) incidents reported to Human Resources (HR); and

(bb) 2017: one (1) incident reported to HR.

(b) The details regarding the one (1) incident reported in 2017/18 are that the incident involved gestures deemed as unwanted sexual advances.

(2) Regarding the investigation and outcomes of each incident, I have been informed as follows:

Regarding the one case which was reported in 2017/18 financial year, the grievance was thoroughly investigated. The outcome of the investigation confirmed the complaint and that there were sufficient grounds for a formal disciplinary hearing. The employee was afforded an opportunity to make representations as to why he should not be suspended, pending a disciplinary hearing. In response, the employee resigned with immediate effect from the employment of Legal Aid SA. This matter was thus closed internally.

B. National Prosecuting Authority:

1. (aa) 2016: One (1) incident of sexual harassment was reported. However, in paragraph (2) below, the NPA reported on an outcome made in 2016 of an incident that occured in a prior year (2014).

(bb) 2017: One (1) incident was reported.

2. In October 2016, an official from the Office for Witness Protection (OWP) was dismissed for sexual harassment.  While the incident took place in 2014 and was investigated and the disciplinary hearing commenced in 2015,  the appeal process was finalised in September 2016. 

Additional information for 2016:

Allegations of sexual harassment against a prosecutor were reported to Employee Relations in June 2016. The allegations were investigated and it was found that the prosecutor had a case to answer. Formal disciplinary action was recommended, however the NPA did not proceed with formal disciplinary action as the complainant formally withdrew the allegation of sexual harassment against the prosecutor on 7 October 2016. The NPA was informed by her attorney that the allegation has been formally withdrawn and a copy of the formal withdrawal of the allegation was sent to the NPA. The NPA responded to the complainant’s attorney on 14 October 2016 that in light of the formal withdrawal of the allegation against the prosecutor, the NPA will not proceed with disciplinary action against the official. 



The incident of sexual harassment in the Director of Public Prosecutions: Free State region was reported to Labour Relations in October 2017. The matter was investigated and it was found that a District Court Prosecutor made himself guilty of sexual harassment. The complainant reported the matter, however did not want to participate as a witness in a disciplinary hearing. Due to the fact that the complainant was unwilling to testify in the disciplinary hearing, progressive disciplinary action was taken against the offending official. He was served with a Final Written Warning on 31 January 2018. He appealed the Final Written Warning. The Appeal Authority dismissed the appeal  and the matter was finalised on 23 February 2018. 


C. Special Investigating Unit:

No incidents of sexual harassment were reported in the SIU in 2016 and 2017.


Office of the Chief Justice

1. (a) No incidents of Sexual Harassment were reported to the Human Resource office of the (i) Office of the Chief Justice, (ii) (aa) in 2016 and (bb) 2017.   

2. Not applicable.


Department of Correctional Services

3. (a) (i) (ii) (aa) (bb)





Total number of cases reported



Total  number of cases concluded







(1) (b)





Free State & Northern Cape

Sexual Harassment

(2016/2017) Nil

Eastern Cape (EC)

Sexual Harrassment East London Maximum

Alleged perpertrator sent a nude picture of an elderly couple by cell-phone to the Area Commissioner during working hours.

Matter was investigated and the decision on 2016-11-14 was to charge the official with sexual harassment. The hearing was concluded on 2016.12.15 and he was sanctioned to suspension without pay for one month.


Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN)

Sexual Harassment


Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern West (LMN)

Sexual Harassment


Two female officials alleged that the “ perpetrator” touched them inappropriately. One complainant withdrew the matter in 2017. The case was reported on 12 September 2016 and after two disciplinary sittings case was withdrawn on 28 April 2017. The other allegation was investigated and alleged perpetrator was acquitted in 2017. 


Sexual Harassment


Western Cape

Sexual Harassment

Southern Cape

An allegation of sexual harassment against an offender was reported. The investigation did not recommended a disciplinary hearing.







Sexual Harassment

The alleged perpetrator touched the private parts of an offender. The matter was investigated and the official was formally charge with misconduct. Disciplinary hearing is to follow


Sexual Harassment



Sexual Harassment

Durban Westville

Medium A


Area Commissioner`s Office

The complainant submitted a statement withdrawing the matter formlly without prejudice. The matter was then regarded a finalized in April 2018


Complainant made an allegation of unwelcome verbal advances against the perpetrator in January 2018. Final written warning was recommended but alleged perpetrator refused to accept the sanction. The official will undergo a discipline hearing in June 2018 


Sexual Harassment

The official (Social worker ) alleged that the alleged perpetrator touched her inappropriately. The matter has not been concluded yet. Mediation has nont been finalized. 




Sexual Harassment




Sexual Harassment


Drakenstein, Goodwood, South Cape

Three from Drakenstein. Breakdown as follows:

One- unwelcome touch and two unwelcome remarks.


Goodwood: one unwelcome remarks, touch and lies about sexual life of the complainant.


4. Yes, all the incidents were investigated. Outcomes/ sanctions are depicted in the table below:







Corrective Counselling



Final Written Warning



Suspension Without Salary










3 (pending)

Carried over to 2017

3 (pending)

2 disciplinary hearing and 1 mediation to be concluded

29 June 2018 - NW1999

Profile picture: Robinson, Ms D

Robinson, Ms D to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Whether her Department conducted any water quality tests of any water bodies in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (a) in each of the past five financial years and (b) since 01 April 2018; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of the findings in each case; (2) Will she furnish Mrs D Robinson with copies of each report?


1. (a) and (b)

The Parliamentary question should be answered by the Department of Water and Sanitation as it does not fall within the mandate of Environmental Affairs.

2. The Parliamentary question should be answered by the Department of Water and Sanitation as it does not fall within the mandate of Environmental Affairs.


29 June 2018 - NW1906

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether all members of the Senior Management Services (SMS) in the department had declared their interests for the past year as required by the Public Service Regulations; if not, (a) why not, (b) how many of the specified members did not declare their interests and (c) what are the (i) names and (ii) ranks of the specified non-compliant members of the SMS; 2) Whether non-compliant SMS members have been charged; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 3) What number (a) of employees in his department at each post level are currently suspended on full salary and (b) of the specified employees at each post level have been suspended for the specific number of days (details furnished; and 4) What is the total amount of cost attached to the days of service lost as a result of the suspensions in each specified case?


1) I am informed that the department had a total of thirty-six (36) SMS members for the 2017/18 financial year.

Of these 36, 28 SMS members submitted by 30 April 2018 – the DPSA due date. The DPSA granted an extension for the 8 non-compliant SMS members to submit. On 31 May 2018, 7 of the 8 SMS members submitted. The 1 outstanding SMS member who has not submitted is on suspension since 9 March 2018. Of the 7 who subsequently submitted by 31 May 2018, official non-compliance letters were sent to =6 of them to provide reasons. A letter was not sent to the seventh official as the department is aware of her maternity leave.

Names (i) and ranks (ii) of the affected 8 SMS members are listed below:



RANK (ii)

Letter Sent


Mr MP Kepadisa




Ms MK Kopeledi

Chief Director



Ms W Mapira

Chief Director



Mr LL Maqekoane

Chief Director

On suspension


Ms S Shoba


Maternity leave


Dr KM Sikhitha

Chief Director



Ms T Van Meelis

Chief Director



Mr B Zondo



2) I am further advised that non-compliant SMS members have not been charged as yet and a submission/ report is currently being prepared by the Human Resource section to the Head of Department, with reasons from affected officials and recommendations from the Ethics Officer (EOs). The HOD must assess reasons provided, make a final decision, implement sanctions/corrective measures and to report back to the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) by 30 August 2018.

3&4) Regarding officials suspended on full salary, one (1) official is currently suspended on full salary. Details of the suspension are indicated below








Precautionary Suspension (Full pay)

R 198 733.36



29 June 2018 - NW2055

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)Whether he has found, in light of the rule that a registered motor vehicle owner may appoint an agent to administer and pay road traffic fines and also formally granted such powers in terms of the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996, the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offenses Act (AARTO), Act 46 of 1998, and the Electronic National Administration Traffic Information System (eNatis), that external road traffic service providers acting on behalf of local governments can also depend on such law prescripts to forward fines and relevant notices to the owners instead of these legally appointed agents; if not, (3) whether he will create legal certainty so that motor vehicle owners can rely on their legally appointed agents to do the necessary administration and payments with regard to road traffic fines; if so, (4) whether he will act against service providers who are constantly in breach in this regard; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. The provisions of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 or the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act, 1998, do not give any local government the authority for external service providers to forward fines and notices on their behalf.

(3) The National Road Traffic Act, 1996 provides for the appointment of a proxy that must deal with the affairs of the motor vehicle owner particularly in a case where the owner is not a natural person.

(4) There is no need for an action against service providers since there seem to be no transgression of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996.

29 June 2018 - NW2011

Profile picture: Purdon, Mr RK

Purdon, Mr RK to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)What are the details of the (a) number of accidents that vehicles owned by her department were involved (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018, (b) cost for repairs in each case and (c)(i) number of and (ii) reasons for vehicles being written off in each case; (2) whether all vehicles owned by her department have tracking devices installed?


1. (a)

Vehicles owned by the Department

Vehicle registration

Number of accidents vehicles were involved in the last 3 financial years and 1 April 2018 to date





1 April 2018 to date

Toyota Corolla






  1. (b)

Vehicles owned by the Department

Vehicle registration

Cost for repairs in each case





1 April 2018 to date

Toyota Corolla





R 9 614.07

1(c) (i) and (ii)
No vehicle was written off.

2. Yes, vehicles owned by the Department have tracking devices.

29 June 2018 - NW1918

Profile picture: Tshwaku, Mr M

Tshwaku, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)What (a) is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment that were reported to the human resources offices of (i) her department and (ii) entities reporting to her in (aa) 2016 and (bb) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case?


1. (a) (i) (aa) There were no sexual harassment incidents reported to the Human Resource office of the Department of Basic Education in 2016.

(a)(i) (bb) There were no sexual harassment incidents reported to the Human Resource office of the Department of Basic Education in 2017.

(a)(ii) (aa) There were no sexual harassment incidents reported to the Human Resource office of the Department of Basic Education by entities in 2016.

(a) (ii) (bb) There were no sexual harassment incidents reported to the Human Resource office of the Department of Basic Education by entities in 2017.

(b) Not applicable

2. Not applicable


29 June 2018 - NW1792

Profile picture: Purdon, Mr RK

Purdon, Mr RK to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1) (a) What number of black rhino have been translocated to the Republic of Chad (i) in each of the five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018 and (b) to which parks or facilities were they. (2) whether the government of Chad purchased the rhino; if so, what amount was paid for the rhino; if not, were they a donation from the Government of South Africa; if so, (3) whether the Government paid for the transportation costs; if so, what amount was paid to translocate the rhino?


(1) (a)

(i) No rhinos were translocated by South Africa to the Republic of Chad in the past five financial years.

(ii) Six black rhinos were translocated on 03 May 2018.


To the Zakouma National Park in the Republic of Chad.

(2) The six black rhinos were part of the Custodianship Programme with the Republic of Chad for the purpose of reintroducing black rhinos in the Republic of Chad following the loss of their native subspecies 46 years ago. Secondly, the reintroduction of six black rhinos in the Republic of Chad is also aimed at growing the continental meta-population of black rhinos and to contribute to the conservation of black rhinos on the African continent. This is in line with the African Range States African Rhino Conservation Plan aimed at re-establishing rhino populations in former range states.

The Custodianship Agreement was part of the other two Co-operative Agreements, namely:

  • Memorandum of Understanding on Biodiversity Conservation and Management; and
  • Memorandum of Understanding on the Reintroduction of Black Rhinoceros in the Republic of Chad.

Key to the Custodian Agreement are the following arrangements:

  • South Africa will continue to own the black rhino while their offspring will be owned by the Republic of Chad.
  • Chad (in case of a dire need for re-introduction of black rhinos to South Africa in the future) will make available the progeny/offspring of the black rhinos, either to supplement or re-establish South Africa’s black rhino population.

(3) The Government of the Republic of Chad paid for the transportation costs in line with the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Governments of South Africa and Chad.


29 June 2018 - NW2112

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What is the current status of the intensive care unit at 2 Military Hospital?


The Intensive Care Unit at 2 Military Hospital is at present functional and the admission of patients has been re-established.

29 June 2018 - NW2108

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

As part of the required sea hours, what number of days did each vessel of her department spend (a) in False Bay and (b) beyond False Bay in the (i) 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14, (iii) 2014-15, (iv) 2015-16 and (v) 2016-17 financial years?


  1. The response to this question contains classified information and can only be disclosed in a closed session of the Joint Standing Committee on Defence.

29 June 2018 - NW1603

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)With regard to how her Department measures the targets from the Waste Management Bureau, (a) how are the units of measurement for the specified targets determined, and (b) what formula is used to calculate the diversion rate; (2) (a) how did her Department determine pay scales for the Waste Management Bureau employees, and (b) against what did her Department benchmark the pay scales; and (3) whether she will furnish Ms J Steenkamp with copies of the detailed (a) salary scales of the appointed staff of the waste bureau and (b) amounts that are paid to advisers and consultants?


1. (a) and (b) The formula used for the diversion rate is informed by the estimated waste tyres arising, taking into account the availability of financial resources.

Indicator title

Percentage increase in waste diverted from landfill

Short definition

Measure the amount/increase in waste which has been diverted (i.e. waste re-used, recycled and recovered)


To reduce the amount of waste going to landfill sites and protect the environment by ensuring that set targets on management of waste, as per approved industry waste management plans, are achieved and that the intended objectives are realized

Source/collection of data

Monthly operational reports from WB operations

Method of calculation

[(Waste tonnages re-used, recycled and used for energy recovery)/waste arising per annum)*100]

Waste tonnages re-used, recycled and used for energy recovery = waste tyres pyrolysed, crumbed and TDF

Waste arising = total tonnages of tyres introduced into the market

Q1: March&April&May

Q2: June&July&August

Q3: September&October&November

Q4: December&January&February

Type of indicator


Calculation type


Reporting cycle

Annually (linked to the Year Plan, i.e. Dec – Nov)

New indicator


Desired performance

Achieve planned targets

Indicator responsibility

DDG: Chemicals and Waste Management

2. (a) The Waste Bureau salaries were determined based on a market research study, in comparison to the pay scales of the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) public entities (iSimangaliso, SANParks, SANBI and SA Weather Service).

(b) The pay scales were benchmarked against all DEA public entities based on the inputs from market research study.

3. (a) Pay scales are attached.

(b) Advisors and Consultants are paid in accordance with the Department of Public Service’s approved rates.


29 June 2018 - NW2005

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)With reference to the statement in his speech on the Budget Vote of his department on 15 May 2018 that only 7% of the country’s municipalities are considered to be functioning well, which (a) municipalities constitute the 7% of well-functioning municipalities and (b) criteria did the specified municipalities fulfil, which other municipalities did not, in order to be considered well-functioning; (2) whether his department has put any measures in place to encourage other municipalities to fulfil the criteria that the well-functioning municipalities have met; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1(a) The following list of municipalities constitute the 7% well performing municipalities:


Audit opinion










Joe Gqabi

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings




Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

King Cetshwayo District



Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings




Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings




Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Ehlanzeni District



Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

ZF Mgcawu District


ZF Mgcawu District

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Breede Valley


Cape Winelands

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Cape Agulhas



Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Cape Winelands District


Cape Winelands

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings



Cape Winelands

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings




Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings




Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings



Cape Winelands

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Mossel Bay



Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings




Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings



West Coast

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings




Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

West Coast District


West Coast

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings



Cape Winelands

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

Unqualified with no findings

All of these municipalities obtained an unqualified audit report with no findings for at least the past 4 years.

(b) Over the past few years it has become clear that there could be three root causes for distress in local government:

(i) A municipality that finds itself in distress due to failures in governance, financial management and administration (i.e. The institutional performance context), and

(ii) A municipality that finds itself in distress because it spatially and socio-economically was and always will be a financially non-viable entity (i.e. the socio-economic context);

(iii) A municipality that finds itself in distress as a result of systemic issues around powers and functions, fast growth in urbanization with expansion of capital infrastructure to fulfil increasing demand and an inability to grow operational revenue concurrent to ensure sufficient maintenance and operation of the infrastructure.

The manifestation of these root causes is however complex and often difficult to pinpoint. Distress could be a result of all three root causes or a combination of any two.

Whilst the above list focuses on sound financial management practices, it happened that a municipality such as Langeberg, for example, finds itself in the well-performing list with regard to financial management practices (audit outcomes), but simultaneously reflected on the distressed list of 87 because the Municipal Infrastructure Agent identified it as part of the 55 municipalities that are struggling to spend its Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG).

2) Yes, the Department has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Treasury. Municipalities will be monitored continually and receive joint support from the National Treasury in the form of:

(i) Financial Recovery Plans - the Municipal Financial Recovery Service (MFRS) was established in 2007 as a Directorate in the National Treasury within the Office of the Accountant- General, Chief Directorate MFMA implementation in line with section 157 of the MFMA. In terms of section 158, the functions of the unit include:

  • Preparation of financial recovery plans;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the recovery plan;
  • Assisting municipalities to identify the causes of and potential solutions to the financial problems;
  • Information is collected on municipal financial problems and on best practices in resolving such problems.

Assistance is based on requests received from the municipality or the province and provided in a collaborative and coordinated way with other national or provincial departments. In order to support municipalities with financial recovery, National and Provincial Treasuries use the Financial Management Capability Maturity Model (FMCMM)

(ii) The Financial Management Capability Maturity model (FMCMM) is a tool (comprising 21 modules) to drive improvements in the financial, institutional and capacity disciplines in municipalities. The objective is to ensure that support is directed to areas most in need, with changes resulting in progressive maturity assessment improvements.

The project involves NT working in conjunction with Provincial Treasuries to promote actions to support, monitor and report on FM issues in specific municipalities. Actual reviews/ reassessments will be conducted through the Provincial Treasuries, who will ensure the preparation and implementation of action plans to address remaining areas of weakness. (FMCMM support is included in the MFIP Technical Advisors activities.) Assistance, where required and requested, will be provided by NT in the re-assessment process to support the development of appropriate action plans and to monitor progress within established timelines.

(iii) DCoG has identified a strategic intervention aimed at enhancing the municipal revenue management and debt collection system in local government. The intervention comprises the following stages:

  • Implementation planning and conducting an “As Is’’ assessment
  • Development of an improvement plan (municipal-specific simplified revenue plan)
  • Implementation of the municipal-specific simplified revenue plan

(iv) The Department of Cooperative Governance’s Provincial coordinators will provide support in the form of coordination of the technical task teams that work with municipalities to address the challenges identified.

29 June 2018 - NW998

Profile picture: Stubbe, Mr DJ

Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Minister in the Presidency

How much land does (a) her Office and (b) the entities reporting to her (i) own, (ii) have exclusive rights to and/or (iii) lease from the State to (aa) use and/or (bb) occupy?


The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation is still investigating the matter.






as amended



Dr NC Dlamini-Zuma

Minister in the Presidency: Planning Monitoring and Evaluation




29 June 2018 - NW1083

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr P

Mhlongo, Mr P to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)With reference to her reply to question 579 on 10 April 2018, (a) what were the (i) findings and (ii) recommendations of the investigations of the Management Renewal Services and Military Psychological Institute, (b) on what date were the entities appointed, (c) who did they report to and (d) when did they finish their investigation; (2) what (a) has been finalised in the organisational diagnosis, (b) recommendations will the department be implementing and (c) are the time frames in each case?


(1) (a) The findings and recommendations of the investigation by Military Psychological Institute (MPI) were as follows:

(i) Findings. More than 90% of the members at Internal Audit Division were interviewed by Industrial Psychologists of MPI and consultants of the South African Air Force’s Directorate Management and Renewal Service (DM&RS) Renewal Services and the findings were confirmed by more than 75% of members interviewed. The results of the quantitative data supported the findings of qualitative data. The Weisbord Six Box Model was used as a departure point in the psychologists’ approach to the Organisational Diagnosis (OD). The model focused on six dimensions in an organisation and provided key information on the dimensions that might impact on an organisation’s effective functioning. Information obtained from individual interviews and focus groups was thematically analysed and integrated in order to identify main themes according to the model used. The positive aspects within each dimension were also addressed in congruent with developmental aspects. The main themes of the findings were as follows:

  1. Strategy and Purpose. Members of the Division were found to be clear on what internal audit entails, however, in most cases, there were no clear written job descriptions and performance appraisal documents.
  2. Structure. Insufficient structure and lack of clearly defined command channels leads to role ambiguity and confusion in the work place.
  3. Rewards and recognition. Absence of formal reward and recognition system made members feel unappreciated.
  4. Helping mechanisms. The lack of formalised and clearly communicated policies and procedures create confusion within the Division.
  5. Relationships. Management of differences and conflict was identified as a concern. Some of the relationship challenges related to centralised decision making process, lack of communication and post-conflict relationship management.
  6. Leadership. Members of the Division were aggrieved by the leadership style adopted by top management.
  7. External environment. Long process of audit reports finalisation, recruitment process and support from higher headquarters was were found to be a concern.

(ii) Recommendations. The following recommendations were made:

  1. It was recommended that the CAE works with an executive coach of senior status.
  2. A strategic planning session needs to be conducted, followed by the implementation of a supportive organisational structure and culture.
  3. The CAE should operate in a more strategic and functional capacity and focus on intern development, project output and quality control.
  4. Staffing of critical positions to avoid staff burnout.
  5. The appointment of Divisional Chief of Staff to act as a link between the Divisional Head and staff members.
  6. All members (including the CAE and her management team) should be given the opportunity to see a clinical psychologist to debrief.

(b) The entities’ intervention was requested on 14 November 2016.

(c) The entities reported to Major General M. Sitshongaye, Chief Director HR Strategic Direction and Policy.

(d) The organisational diagnosis was conducted over the period 23 November to 05 December 2016.

(2) (a) The entire OD has been finalised.

(b) The Department has implemented some of the recommendations of the OD and is in the process of processing others.

(c) The timeframes for the implementation of the OD recommendations is continuous. Other recommendations have been implemented, while others are in progress.

29 June 2018 - NW2086

Profile picture: Ngwenya, Ms W

Ngwenya, Ms W to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)Whether any other high-speed rail systems other than the extensions to the Gautrain and the Moloto Rail Corridor are envisaged for the country over the next 30 years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, for which routes are the high-speed rail systems envisaged; (2) are any such new high or higher speed train routes envisaged between Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether any such systems are envisaged for the Western Cape or the City of Cape Town; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. In terms of the National Transport Master Plan (NATMAP) 2050 approved by Cabinet in October 2016, there are proposed high speed rail passenger systems for the following routes :

a) Johannesburg-Durban ; and

b) Pretoria –Polokwane.

2. The proposed high speed rail between Gauteng and Kwazulu Natal is a recommendation of NATMAP 2050 and nothing in a form of pre-feasibility study or commitment from any authority has been done.

3. There is no recommendations of high speed rail in Western Cape or City of Cape Town.

29 June 2018 - NW1601

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)What are the reasons for the drastic decline in performance with regard to the Waste Tyre Diversion target vs performance for the 2016-17 financial year; (2) whether the Waste Bureau target to divert 50% of all tyres from landfills in the 2018-19 financial year includes off-the-road (OTR) tyres; if not, (a) how does the Waste Bureau plan to commence with OTR tyre collections, and (b) what is the time-line in this regard; if so, how will the specified target be incorporated into the industry once the plan is approved; (3) whether, in light of the fact that the Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa could not reach the target of diverting 50% of all tyres from landfills with a budget of R520 million, she has found that the Waste Bureau can achieve the specified target with the available budget of R320 million; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details of how the Waste Bureau will reach the target; and (4) what is the Waste Bureau’s current options to enable collections and recycling of OTR tyres nationally?


1. According to reports received from REDISA, the 2016 volumes were impacted by shortage of depot storage space and slow uptake in demand. The figures also excluded the OTR tyres, and the reporting in the late 2016/17 excluded waste tyre exportation; and when we include the figures for export, the performance exceeds the target.

2. Yes, OTR tyres are included in the target.

(a) Refer to a response in 2 above.

(b) The OTR tyre collections is already taking place, although at the slow pace. The new equipment for pre-processing of OTR tyres has been procured and is expected to be delivered in a month or two. This, together with Waste Bureau actions, will improve waste tyre processing capacity in the near future; and will also enable the organisation to improve OTR collections and processing capacity.

3. The budget will not be sufficient and, in this regard, National Treasury is being engaged.

4. The collection and recycling of OTR is currently taking place, but at a small scale. When the new equipment arrives (referred to in 2b above), then the Waste Bureau will be able to increase the OTR collection and pre-processing rate. The current initiatives by the Waste Bureau to increase the processing capacity (including going out on tender) will lead to an improved OTR recycling rate.


29 June 2018 - NW1927

Profile picture: Paulsen, Mr N M

Paulsen, Mr N M to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) What (a) is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment that were reported to the human resources offices of entities reporting to him in (i) 2016 and (ii) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case?


(1) a) There were no cases of sexual harassment reported in the past three years. However, there is one case of assault which has been reported and is still pending.

(ii) There were no cases of sexual harassment opened since 2017

(b) (i) There were no cases opened and concluded

(ii) There were no cases that were withdrawn

(iii) There are no cases which remains open

(c) There were no sanctions issued

(b) The Department does have a Sexual Harassment Policy. Cases of assault are dealt with in terms of the PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2003 (Disciplinary Code and Procedures). Allegations of sexual harassment are reported through the Sexual Harassment Adviser who with consent of the victim assists in bringing allegations to finality. The perpetrators of sexual harassment are subjected to formal disciplinary proceedings should grounds for misconduct be established after an investigation. An appropriate sanction for such an offence is dismissal as contained in paragraph 4 of PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2003.

2) Not applicable.

29 June 2018 - NW362

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(a) What is the total amount that was (i) budgeted for and (ii) spent on his private office (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2017 and (b) what was the (i) remuneration, (ii) salary level, (iii) job title, (iv) qualification and (v) job description of each employee appointed in his private office in each of the specified periods?


R million
















(i) Remuneration – (R6, 395,682 PA)

(ii) Salary levels of staff in the Private Office of the Minister:

1 X Chief of Staff L14

1 X Private Secretary L13

1 X Spokesperson L13

1 X Cabinet and Parliamentary Officer L13

1 X DD: Cabinet Support L12

1 X ASD: Admin Secretary L9

1 X Ministerial Aid Cape Town L7

1 X Registry Clerk L5

1 X Snr Messenger / Driver Pretoria L5

(iii) Job Titles of staff in the Private Office of the Minister:

1 X Chief of Staff

1 X Private Secretary

1 X Spokesperson

1 X Cabinet and Admin Secretary

1 X Parliamentary Officer

1 X DD: Cabinet Support

1 X ASD: Admin Secretary

1 X Registry Clerk

1 X Snr Messenger / Driver Pretoria


(iv) Qualifications of staff in the Private Office of the Minister:




NQF Level

Chief of Staff L14 (Remuneration P/A is R1,127 334)

TP Mhlongo

B Com: Commerce

Honours: Psychology


ASD: Admin Secretary L9 (Remuneration P/A is R334 545 PA)

Machogo D

Advance Diploma Certificate: Public Administration



Post-Graduate Diploma


Private Secretary L13

(Remuneration P/A is R991 500 PA)

M Mbele

Bachelor of Admin: International Relations

Bachelor of Arts Honours: Journalism

Master of Arts: Political Science



Deputy Director: Cabinet Support L12 (Remuneration P/A is R814 884 PA)


D Mokgohloa


BA: Youth Development



MPhil: Youth Development


Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson L13 (Remuneration P/A is R948174 PA)

M Mtshali

Post Graduate Diploma: Management


Deputy Director: Admin Support L12 (Remuneration P/A is R877 866 PA

B Ngobeni

Bachelor of Arts: Social Work


Parliamentary Officer/Cabinet L13 (Remuneration P/A is R948174 PA)


N Nqaba

BA Honours: Development Studies

Master of Arts: Development Studies




B Admin: Sport Science


Snr Messenger / Driver (Pretoria) L5 (Remuneration P/A is R169 647 PA)

W Zwane

 Senior Certificate(Gr 12)


Secretary L6 (Remuneration is R183 558 PA)

N More

Senior Certificate(Gr 12)


(v) Job Description of each employee appointed in the Private Office of the Minister:

The Job Descriptions indicating the job functions and duties are attached.






as amended



Dr NC Dlamini-Zuma

Minister in the Presidency: Planning Monitoring and Evaluation






29 June 2018 - NW2113

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(a) What steps has the Surgeon-General taken to address the long delays in procurement of needed medical equipment for military hospitals and (b) what are the reasons that the procurement of a computed tomography scanner at 2 Military Hospital took eight months?


(1)(a) What steps has the Surgeon General taken to address the long delays in procurement of needed medical equipment for military hospitals and

The SA Military Health Service is not a single role player in the tender-procurement process and is largely dependent on the placing of authorised procurement on external entities. The SA Military Health Services has streamlined internal logistics processes and aligned these processes to respond speedily to concerns from the Central Procurement Services Centre. Furthermore additional funding from National Treasury are being utilised to procure medical equipment. Monitoring of these processes are addressed in the weekly Command Council of the SA Military Health Service.

(b) what are the reasons that the procurement of a computed tomography scanner at 2 Military Hospital took eight months?

The procurement of the computerised tomography (CT) scanner took place in 2009. The delay was not linked to the initial procurement process, but to the procurement process in the repair of the CT scanner. The procurement process for repair was above the SAMHS delegation and was therefore referred to the Central Procurement Service Centre. The Central Procurement Service Centre referred the initial procurement request back with questions regarding the preferred supplier. This resulted in a delay of the repair of the equipment.

29 June 2018 - NW1938

Profile picture: Ketabahle, Ms V

Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)What (a) is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment that were reported to the human resources offices of (i) his department and (ii) entities reporting to him in (aa) 2016 and (bb) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) Was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case?


I have been informed by the Department and Entities as follows:


(1) None


(1) None


(1) None


(1) None


(1) None


(1) None


(1) One in 2017 who was charged and dismissed.


  1. Three in 2016, who were all found not guilty.
  2. Four in 2017, two were found not guilty and two were dismissed.

Approved/ not approved


Dr SC Cwele, MP



28 June 2018 - NW1809

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) Whether (a) his spouse and/or (b) an adult family member accompanied him on any official international trip (i) in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) is the name of the person(s), (bb) was the (aaa) purpose and (bbb) destination of the trip and (cc) was the (aaa) total cost and (bbb) detailed breakdown of the costs of the accompanying person(s) to his department; (2) whether each of the specified trips were approved by the President in terms of the provisions of Section 1, Annexure A of the Ministerial Handbook; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1968E



28 June 2018 - NW1991

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

(1) What (a) are the details of the charges contained in and (b) is the current status of the investigation into each specified docket (details furnished);(2) whether any suspects have been (a) questioned and/or {b) arrested; if not, in each case, why not; if so, {i) what are the relevant details in each case and {Ii) are any suspects out on bail;(3) what is the name of each investigating officer that was assigned to investigate the charges in each case;(4) whether any forensic evidence has been concluded and/or presented to the investigating officer(s);(5) what {a) is the envisaged date for the finalisation of each specified case and (b) are the details of the outcome of each finalised case? (2) whether any suspects have been (a) questioned and/or {b) arrested; if not, in each case, why not; if so, {i) what are the relevant details in each case and {Ii) are any suspects out on bail; (3) what is the name of each investigating officer that was assigned to investigate the charges in each case; (4) whether any forensic evidence has been concluded and/or presented to the investigating officer(s); (5) what {a) is the envisaged date for the finalisation of each specified case and (b) are the details of the outcome of each finalised case?


(1)(a)(b)(2)(a)(b)(i)(ii)(3)(4) and (5)(a)(b).
The details of the cases, which are investigated by the Division: Detective Service, are reflected in the annexure.

The details of the cases, which are investigated by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI), are reflected in the table below.

Find table here:

28 June 2018 - NW1702

Profile picture: Tshwaku, Mr M

Tshwaku, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)(a) What total amount of land owned by her department and the entities reporting to her in each province is (i) vacant and (ii) unused or has no purpose and (b) what is the (i) location and (ii) size of each specified plot of land; (2) (a) how much of the land owned by her department and the entities reporting to her has been leased out for private use and (b) what is the (i) Rand value of each lease and (ii)(aa) location and (bb) size of each piece of land? NW1853E









There is no vacant land

There is no unused land

Not applicable

Not applicable










Not applicable




Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Land owned by Umalusi includes 2 properties utilised as administrative office buildings in Gauteng.

Private use is defined as leased out to an individual person or company. Rand values provided by Umalusi in response to part 2 of the question is for the financial year ending 31 March 2018.







Not leased for private use













(b) N/A



SACE owns no land that has been leased out for private use

(i) N/A











2 (a) Leased out for private use

(b)(i) Rand value

(ii) (aa) location

(ii) (bb) size

1. GCS

R21,711.11 per month

Portion 1 of Erf 2 Persequor, 41 General van Reyneveld, Persequor Technopark, Pretoria

160.15 m2 of 5,879m2

2. DD

R30,517.88 per month

Portion 1 of Erf 2 Persequor, 41 General van Reyneveld, Persequor Technopark, Pretoria

275.22 m2 of 5,879m2

3. S

R21,252.75 per month

Portion 1 of Erf 2 Persequor, 41 General van Reyneveld, Persequor Technopark, Pretoria

169.50m2 of 5,879m2

4. S&N

R48,969.03 per month

Portion 1 of Erf 2 Persequor, 41 General van Reyneveld, Persequor Technopark, Pretoria

380 m2 of 5,879m2


R122,450.77 per month


984,87 m2 of 5,879m2

Umalusi will occupy the rest of the property (administrative office buildings) as soon as the renovations is completed.

28 June 2018 - NW1316

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With reference to her reply to question 3599 on 21 November 2017, (a) what (i) total number of schools have been built annually in Gauteng since 2014 and (ii) number of the specified schools in each specified year were (aa) primary schools and high schools, (bb) single-medium schools and English-medium schools and (cc) dual-medium schools and parrallel-medium schools, (b) what is the main language of instruction in each case and (c)(i) what number of the schools are in use and (ii) for what reasons have the remaining schools fallen into disuse; (2) whether she is still unable to provide the requested information; if so, (a) why and (b) by what date will she provide the requested information?


1. (a),(i) & (ii), (aa), (bb) & (cc), (b) and (c), (i) & (ii)

See the attached Annexure for the list of schools built since 2014/15 Financial Year, the Main Language of Instruction and other relevant details of schools. All the schools in Annexure A are in use.

2. See one (1) above.

28 June 2018 - NW1174

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Mr M Waters (DA) to ask Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with regard to the reply to question 288 on 16 March 2017, the provincial department has provided her with the information; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


No, the provincial Department has not furnished the Minister with the details, despite numerous attempts to request the information. The Honourable Member is requested to kindly submit the request directly to the province and the South African Police Services.

28 June 2018 - NW1410

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether her department has taken measures to ensure that all school educators and other personnel who may come into contact with children have been vetted with reference to the National Register for Sex Offenders; if not, why not; if so, what it entails; (2) whether she will make a statement on the matter? (Translation): (1) Of haar departement maatreëls getref het om te verseker dat alle skoolopvoeders en ander personeel wat moontlik met kinders in kontak kom aan die hand van die Nasionale Register vir Seksoortreders gekeur is; so nie, waarom nie; so ja, wat dit behels; (2) of sy ‘n verklaring oor die aangeleentheid sal doen?


1. The Department is currently in discussion with the South African Council of Educators (SACE) with the aim of working together to ensure that SACE can access the two Registers to vet recruited educators so that those who have been listed on these Registers are barred from registering as educators.

2. No further statement on the matter is necessary at this stage.

28 June 2018 - NW1876

Profile picture: Paulsen, Mr N M

Paulsen, Mr N M to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) What (a) is the total number of incidents of racism that were reported to the human resources offices in (i) his department and (ii) entities reporting to him in (aa) 2016 and (bb) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) Was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case? NW2036E


(1) What (a) is the total number of incidents of racism that were reported to the human resources offices in (i) his department and (ii) entities reporting to him in (aa) 2016 and (bb) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place;

There were no incidents of racism which were reported to the human resources officers in department and entities reporting to the Minister in 2016 and 2017

(2) Was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case?

Not applicable.

28 June 2018 - NW1624

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

What is the current policy and position of his department concerning the enlistment of former long-serving reservists into full-time employment in the SA Police Service?


The Reservist system of the South African Police Service is regulated by National Instruction 3 of 2014. In terms of the Reservist dispensation, members of the community volunteer to assist the SAPS in the fight against without any expectation of being permanently employed and without any payment unless called up for special dutie$. Reservists are not automatically employed or absorbed into the SAPS. Permanent employment as new police officers or support I clerical staff in the South African Police Service is 1;1overned by legislative I regulatory I framework/ prescripts. Reservist must comply with necessary enlistment I appointment criteria to be employed permanently.

: 2018-05-30

Reply to question 1624 recommended

: 2018-05-30

Reply to question 1624 approved

: 2018-06-27

28 June 2018 - NW1213

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Has there been any findings by the Auditor-General (AG) in the past three financial years questioning the qualifications of any officials employed by his department in each case indicating (a) which official was implicated and (b) what (i) recommendations were made, (ii) internal processes were followed in the appointment of each official and (iii) steps were taken by his department after recommendations were made by the AG?


Has there been any findings by the Auditor-General (AG) in the past three financial years questioning the qualifications of any officials employed by his department:


(a) Which Official was implicated?

It was Ms N.B. Parker, Director Financial Management, in the Branch: Fisheries Management, during the 2016/17 financial year.

(b) (i) What recommendations were made?

Management should ensure the following

  • Section responsible for appointment must ensure that job descriptions are established for each post to be advertised.
  • Job descriptions must be reviewed and approved by a senior official before a post is advertised.
  • Filling of posts must be properly planned to ensure that advertising requirements are complied with.
  • Section responsible for appointments must ensure advertisement for the posts are drafted in a manner that complies with the applicable requirements.
  • Before making recommendation to executive authority, the selection committee must satisfy itself that employees meet inherent job requirements.

Management must implement controls over record keeping and safe guarding of the entity information to ensure that that complete, relevant and accurate information is accessible and available in a timely manner to support financial and performance reporting. Furthermore when inspecting qualification of the recommended employee, the Auditor-General noted that they related to the Bachelor of Arts (education) and the Masters in BA was not finance related.

(b)(ii) What internal processes were followed in the appointment of each official?

The recruitment process was conducted in terms of the Public Service Act, 1994, (Chapter IV), the Public Service Regulations, 2001, (Chapter 1, Part VII) as well as all other applicable legislation.

The vacant post of Director: Financial Management (Salary Level 13) was advertised on 10 January 2016, Ref. no. 10/2016/ST in the media (Sunday Times and City Press) with a closing date of 25 January 2016.

The advertisement was in line with the Job Description that had been designed for the post of Director: Financial Management and was approved by the CFO as the senior official under which the post reported. The advert was also in line with the applicable requirements as set out by the DPSA for Senior Management positions.

A total number of 62 applications were received, of which 21 were recommended candidates, 13 possible and 28 non-recommended candidates, respectively.

A pre-selection was done on 11 February 2016 by the Selection Committee Members, through scrutinising each of the applications received, with due consideration to the core functions and requirements of the post as indicated in the advertisement.

The interviews of short-listed candidates were conducted on 16, 17 and 18 February 2016.

The Selection Committee Members consisted of:-





Mr. J. Hlatshwayo

Chief Financial Officer


Ms. S. Ndudane

Deputy Director-General Fisheries Management


Ms. S. Middleton

CD. Fisheries Operations Support


Ms S. Melane, Director: Integrated Human Resources Management rendered a secretariat and advisory services to the Selection Committee.

Competency assessment and personnel suitability checks were duly conducted prior to approval of the appointment by the delegated authority (Acting Director General, Mr KCM Mannya) on 26/04/2016.

(b) (iii) What steps were taken by his department after recommendations were made by the AG? 

DAFF does not agree with the audit finding and internal control deficiencies as all the recruitment processes for the post of Dir. Financial Management were conducted in terms of the Public Service Act, 1994, (Chapter IV), the Public Service Regulations, 2001, (Chapter 1, Part VII) as well as all other applicable legislation and all the supporting documents were furnished to the Auditors during the auditing period.

The Job Description and advert, articulating all the inherent job requirements, were duly approved by the CFO and the Acting Director-General at the time.

DAFF does not agree with the recommendation as there is no basis for findings and recommendations as Ms. Parker’s application was scrutinised against the applicable requirements and she met all the said requirements as per the advertisement by the Selection Committee.

In ensuring that the matter is finally laid to rest, the Department has instituted a thorough investigation into the appointment of Ms N.B. Parker.

28 June 2018 - NW1867

Profile picture: Tshwaku, Mr M

Tshwaku, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)What (a) is the total number of incidents of racism that were reported to the human resources offices in (i) her department and (ii) entities reporting to her in (aa) 2016 and (bb) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case



1. (a) (i) The are no incidences of racism reported to the Human Resources Offices in the Department of Basic Education

(aa) Not Applicable

(bb) Not Applicable

2. Not Applicable


(ii) Umalusi Response:

(aa) (bb) No incidents of racism were reported to the human resources office at Umalusi in 2016 and 2017

1.(b) and (2) Not applicable – No incidents reported to investigate.


(1) (ii)

(aa) For the academic year 2016, a total of 3 cases of racism were reported to SACE under case numbers: 225/2016/-KZN, 365/2016-FS and 563/2016-WC

(2) 225/2016-KZN Allegations of racism at Phoenix Technical high school. Allegations of racism. An Indian educator using racial slurs towards black children. An investigation to take place in July 2018

365/2016-FS Allegations of racism at Valhalla primary school. It was alleged that a white educator in the school used racial slurs towards a black learner by threatening to slap him until he was white and even Google would not be able to find him.

The matter was resolved between the accused educator, the parents and the DBE has also intervened. An advisory letter was sent to the accused educator on the basis thereof.

563/2016-WC Allegations of Racism at Gansbaai Academia. A colored educator referred to black learners as “Kaffirs” in a school Whatsapp group. An investigation was conducted and a disciplinary hearing to proceed in July 2018.

(bb) For the academic year 2017 a total of 6 cases of racism were reported to SACE under case numbers: 122/2017-WC, 227/2017-GP, 256/2017-WC, 287/2017-GP, 288/2018-GP and 507-2017-NW.

(2) 122/2017-WC Allegations of racism at Schoonspruit Secondary school. It is alleged that a white educator in the school referred to colored learners as belonging to a “hotnot city”, “vullis” “kleurlinge wat nie fisiese wetenskap kan doen nie.” The educator was given a Final written warning by the WCED and a R3000.00 fine pursuant to a guilty plea by him. SACE forwarded an advisory letter to the educator and cautioned him against such conduct.

227/2017/GP Allegations of racism at Eldorado Park Primary school and surrounding schools in Klipspruit West. The matter was attended to by the Human Rights commission and resolved. No actual complaint was levelled against any specific teacher save to say they black teachers were discriminating against colored learners and vice versa. Parents wanted a colored principals in theirs schools around Eldorado Park.

256/2017-WC Allegations of racism at Dysseldorp Secondary school. It was alleged that an educator at the school referred to colored learners as “Kaapse Kakste Goed” and as “Bobbejane”.We are in the process of tracing the educator as he was dismissed by the WCED. Learners involved are still available. Our investigation continues.

287/2017-GP Allegations of racism at Sandtonview primary school. It was alleged that a black educator made racial remarks towards a colored educator at the school by telling him that “the school was not a colored school and that he should not come with colored mentality in the school” an investigation was conducted, resulting in disciplinary hearing. The educator was found not guilty by the disciplinary tribunal.

288/2017-GP Allegations of racism at Cosmo City West Primary school. It was alleged that a black educator referred to her colored colleague as a “Bushman or Bushie” An investigation was conducted resulting in disciplinary proceedings. The educator pleaded guilty and was given a sanction as follows:

(A striking off from the roll of educators and which striking off was suspended for a period of five years on condition that she does not make herself guilty of misconduct during the period of suspension. She was further given a fine of R10 000.00 payable to SACE over a period of 10 Months)

507/2017-NW- It was alleged that an educator at Laerskool Unie in Klerksdorp was discriminating against black educators in the school and calling them by the “K” word. An investigation was conducted, resulting in disciplinary proceedings. A disciplinary hearing was conducted against the educator and we await the outcome of the disciplinary hearing.

28 June 2018 - NW1755

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

With regard to the reply to question 1863 on 5 September 2017, in which it was stated that the number of police officers permanently deployed to the Sedgefield Satellite Police Station in the Western Cape amounted to 13 police officers in the 2016-17 financial year, (a) what is the latest date on which an audit was done of the actual number of police officers permanently deployed to the specified satellite police station, (b) has he found the information provided by his department to be true, as contradictory information has been cited by the residents of Sedgefield, and (c) what is the reason for the dramatic difference in deployment between the 2015-16 and 2016-17 financial years?


(a) The latest date, on which an audit was done of the actual number of police officers, which are permanently deployed to the Sedgefield Satellite Police Station, was on 1 June 2018.

(b) Yes, the information, which was provided by the South African Police Service (SAPS), is true.

(c) Deployments were previously done, on an ad hoc basis, from the Sedgefield Police Station. Currently, 13 SAPS members are deployed to Sedgefield Satellite Police Station.

Reply to question 1755 recommended

Date: 2018-06-19

Reply to question 1755 approved/not approved

Date: 2018-06-27

28 June 2018 - NW1811

Profile picture: Bucwa, Ms H

Bucwa, Ms H to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether (a) her spouse and/or (b) an adult family member accompanied her on any official international trip (i) in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) is the name of the person(s), (bb) was the (aaa) purpose and (bbb) destination of the trip and (cc) was the (aaa) total cost and (bbb) detailed breakdown of the costs of the accompanying person(s) to her department; (2) whether each of the specified trips were approved by the President in terms of the provisions of Section 1, Annexure A of the Ministerial Handbook; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. (a) Not Applicable.

(b) Kabelo Motshekga (Son)

(i) Not Applicable.

(ii) Not Applicable.

(aa) Kabelo Motshekga (Son)

(bb) (aaa) Global Education Symposium

(bbb) From Paris to Los Angels and Los Angels to Johannesburg via JFK. From Paris to LA the cost was R47 578 and from LA to Johannesburg the cost was R11 970.

2. The trip was approved by means of President’s Act No. 381 of 2015, and another Minister was appointed to Act in her absence.

28 June 2018 - NW1308

Profile picture: Tshwaku, Mr M

Tshwaku, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Why has her department done nothing to assist the family of Lulutho Sino Khayalethu Mbambo, a pupil at Adelaide Gymnasium in the Eastern Cape, who suffered a head injury while training with his school rugby team on 27 May 2014, and has been bedridden ever since; (2) who must take responsibility for caring for individuals who suffer debilitating injuries as a result of participating in school sports at schools specialising in sports?


1. The Department is not aware of the case in question and has requested the Provincial Education Department (PED) to provide further information and details. A comprehensive response will be provided when the response is received from the PED.

2. The Regulations for Safety Measures at Public Schools published under government notice 1040 in government gazette 22754 of 12 October 2001 and amended by; GNR1128 in government gazette 29376 of 10 November 2006 with reference to 8A paragraph 2 state that a public school must take measures to ensure the safety of learners during any school activity and these measures include, among others, injuries.

28 June 2018 - NW1135

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Police

(1) Whether the Directorate for Priority Crimes Investigation (Hawks) received a report from Dr Steve Booysen regarding alleged offences under the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, Act 12 of 2004, by Mr Markus Jooste (details furnished); If not, what is the position In this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the (a) SA Police Service and/or (b) Hawks are conducting Investigations into the scandal surrounding accounting irregularities at the specif1ed company; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case? NW1229E


(a) On 301h January 2018 the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation received a report in terms of Section 34 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Ac~ Act 12 of 2004. The report was submitted by Mr Steve Francois Booysen, the Chairperson of the Audit Committee of Steinhoff. The report allege that Markus Jooste is guilty of the offence of-

• being a party to the falsification of accounting records of a company;

• with the fraudulent purpose, knowingly providing false or misleading information In circumstances In which the law required him to provide information of give notice to another person which was not dales or misleading;

• knowingly being a party to an act or omission by the company calculated to defraud creditors or employees of the company, or holders of the company's securities, or with another fraudulent purpose; or

• being party to the preparation, approval, dissemination or publication of a prospectus or a written statement contemplated in the Companies Act, that contains an " untrue statement" as defined and described in the Companies Act.

(2) The following three case dockets are investigated by DPCI relating to the allegations against Steinhoff International Holdings NV and/or Its subsidiaries:

• Stellenbosch CAS 226/12/2017 (Fail to report knowledge/suspicion of offence in terms of Corrupt Activities Act I theft I fraud I Extortion I Forgery I Uttering);
• Stellenbosch CAS 347112/2017 (Fraud); and

• Sandlan CAS 371/1212017 (Fraud)

Reply to question 1135 recommended

Date: 02/05/2018

Reply to question 1135 approved

Date: 27/06/2018

28 June 2018 - NW1516

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Police

(a) What Is the current status of the Investigation Into CAS 129/5/2018 opened at the Nelspruit Police Station and (b) by what date does the SA Police Service expect to (i) make arrests and (ii) finalise the docket for prosecution?


In response to the above question as posed by Mr D America (DA):

(a) The case docket Is currently still under Investigation at IPID Mpumalanga Office;

{b) The SAPS ls not investigating the allegations as these resort under Sec 28(1){f) of the lPID Act, Act 01 of 2011 for IPID investigation;

(i) There is currently no decision on arrests and the case docket will be presented to the NPA for a decision on prosecution or not, after the investigation has been concluded. The decision of the NPA will direct how any person, should appear In court whether through arrest or summons;

(ii) The investigation is envisaged to be completed and the case docket prepared for the NPA decision by the end of June 2018.

Approved by:

DATE: 19/06/2016

Reply to question 1516 approved

Date: 27/06/2018

28 June 2018 - NW1633

Profile picture: Dreyer, Ms AM

Dreyer, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Police

What is the progress with regard to case number 22910612017 reported at the Elsburg Police Station?.


Elsburg CAS 229/06/2017 Is being investigation by the independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), Gauteng province In terms of section 2B(1)(a) of the IPID Act relating to death In police custody.

!PID made recommendation to the SAPS and referred the docket to the DPP for a decision.
On 25 January 2018, the SAPS Issued a Final Written Warning to both the members Involved.

The docket has been forwarded to the DPP and was returned on 3 May 2018 with queries. IPID is addressing the queries and will submit the docket to the OPP for decision on or before 15 June 2018.

Approved by

; 04/06/2018

Reply to question 1633 approved

