Questions and Replies

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14 July 2015 - NW2488

Profile picture: Stander, Ms T

Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What is her department doing to enforce the applicable legislation relating to water pollution; (2) what are the details of each of the water pollution cases her department is involved in with regard to (a) the area, (b) a description of the situation, (c) the environmental impact and (d) the method of intervention?


(1) My Department through the Enforcement Unit among other units ensures that all pollution cases reported are investigated and rectification measures are taken where non-compliance is detected.

In instances whereby pollution of a water resource is precisely detected to be occurring or might be occurring, my Department institutes administrative enforcement action prescript in Sections 19 and 20 of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998) (NWA) with the objective of ensuring prevention and remedying effects of pollution and control of emergency incident.

My Department may lay criminal or civil charges against responsible person for unlawfully and intentionally or negligently committing any act or omission which pollutes or likely to pollute a water resource.

My Department also actively participates in the Inter-Departmental Enforcement Task Team comprising of the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) and Department of Minerals Resources (DMR) to ensure intensified collective approach against polluters.

(2) Further details cannot be furnished as it may prejudice the outcome of some administrative action and criminal prosecution taken by the Department, which is sub judice according to the National Prosecution Authority.


14 July 2015 - NW2496

Profile picture: Masango, Mr SJ

Masango, Mr SJ to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to the Learner Transport Policy that was tabled in and approved by Cabinet, (a) on what date was the policy approved, (b) what criteria were used to approve the specified policy and (c) in each case, what (i) detailed plans, (ii) timelines, (iii) milestones and (iv) budgets were approved to implement the specified policy in each province?


  1. The Policy was approved by Cabinet on the 27 May 2015
  2. The policy provides a framework in support of other public transport legislation through which learner transport must be provided
  3. (i) (ii) (iii) Detailed implementation plans with timelines, milestones are developed by the provinces.(iv) budgets for implementation are allocated by provinces

14 July 2015 - NW1849

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

How many public servants have successfully completed (a) Module 1 and (b) all the further modules of the Compulsory Induction Programme for public servants since its inception?


(1) (a)(b) 10 087 public servants have successfully completed Module of the Compulsory Induction Programme and 3 685 public servants have completed all further Modules of the Compulsory Induction Programme.

14 July 2015 - NW2179

Profile picture: Balindlela, Ms ZB

Balindlela, Ms ZB to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Is her department currently involved in a work exchange and/or employment agreement with the Republic of Cuba; if so, (a) what number of Cuban nationals (i) are currently employed and (ii) are due to be employed by her department, (b) what specific work roles are envisaged for the Cuban nationals, (c) what are the specific skill sets of each of the Cuban nationals (i) currently employed and (ii) due to be employed, (d) what are the details of the process followed to ensure that the same skill set was or is not available in the country and amongst South African citizens and (e) what is the total cost of the (i) employment or (ii) prospective employment of such Cuban nationals?


Yes, my Department is currently involved in a work employment agreement, deriving from a bilateral agreement that was reached between the Cuban and the South African Government. This agreement is part of the portfolio of cooperative agreements between the two countries. The agreement was signed on 9 September 2013 and its objective is to foster a technical development on water issues between the two countries.

(a) A total of 35 Cuban Engineers are (i) currently contracted with my Department for a period of two years, with a possibility of an extension to three years. (ii) Only one agreement has been concluded

(b) The Cuban secondment programme is meant to assist the Department of Water and Sanitation in the following mutually agreed areas:

  • Hydraulic, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in the functional areas of the National Water Resources Infrastructure (NWRI) Operations Unit of the Department,
  • The Geohydrological and Engineering Services in rural and other disadvantaged areas where such services are inadequate in areas of Regional Functions,
  • The operations and maintenance of bulk raw water supply infrastructure,
  • The capacity building through training and support of local staff,
  • Augmenting project management capacity.


(c) The majority of the current employed 35 Cuban Specialists are qualified in Hydraulic Engineering, a field which is not offered in South Africa, and it emerged that this qualification is a specialty branch of Civil Engineering which focuses only on water engineering. Their field of specialization is therefore of great value to the Department in the field of Operations and maintenance. The rest of the Specialists are qualified in the fields of Mechanical, Civil, Electrical and hydro geological Engineering, and they are also adding value to the different functions within my Department.

(d) My Department proceeds to recruit local specialist to fill permanent positions as it was the case with the 13 Electrical and Mechanical engineering posts recently advertised. The Learning Academy also proceeds with the facilitation of developing local engineering skills at entry level. The table below indicates the number of posts in the Engineering field that were advertised but not filled during the 2013/2014 financial year:



No of posts advertised per Region/ Branch

Reasons for not filling the posts

NWRI - Northern Operations


A very small number of applications were received per post, in some instances no applications were received per post.

The applicants did not meet the minimum criteria of the posts.

Applicants are only registered as Candidates and not Technicians or Professionals

Head-hunting for suitable candidates also did not yield any results, as individuals are requesting higher remuneration packages that cannot be offered by the Public Service.

NWRI - Southern Operations



Branch: NWRI - Head Office



Branch: Policy and Regulation



KZN Region



Free State Region



Eastern Cape Region



Gauteng Region



Limpopo Region



Mpumalanga Region



Northern Cape Region



Western Cape Region






(e)(i) The total cost of contracting is an all-inclusive package of R532 278 per Cuban Specialist per annum.


14 July 2015 - NW2498

Profile picture: Masango, Mr SJ

Masango, Mr SJ to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) Who has been appointed as the service provider to co-ordinate the implementation and roll out of the road safety programs as outlined in the 365- day Road Safety Program aligned with the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety global campaign for a period of 24 months, (b) when was the service provider officially appointed, (c) what are the (i) milestones and (ii) deadlines with regard to the programme and (d) what (i) progress, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms exist to ensure the service provider delivers on its obligations?


(a)  The Department has not as yet appointed any service provider to co-ordinate the implementation of the 365- days Road Safety Programs. Tender evaluations were conducted and the successful bidder’s pricing was above the allocated budget for the project, therefore no appointment was made. The co-ordination of all the 365- days Road Safety Programs is currently being done internally by the Department , Provincial Departments of Transport, Transport Entities and some of its major role-players.

(b)   (b),(c) and (d), falls away.

14 July 2015 - NW2237

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether (a) her department and (b) any entities reporting to her has paid out the remainder of any employee's contract before the contractually stipulated date of termination of the contract since the2008-09 financial year up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if so, (i) what amount has (aa) her department and (bb) entities reporting to her spent on each such payout, (ii) to whom were these payouts made and (iii) what were the reasons for the early termination of the contracts in each specified case?



(a) Yes


(i) R580 597,82

(ii) Ms MP Mbengashe, Chief Director

(iii) The parties agreed to terminate the contract.


(b) No


(i) N/A

(ii) N/A

(iii) N/A

South African Weather Service

(b) No


(i) N/A

(ii) N/A

(iii) N/A

South African National Parks

(b) No


(i) N/A

(ii) N/A

(iii) N/A

South African National Biodiversity Institute

(b) No


(i) N/A

(ii) N/A

(iii) N/A


14 July 2015 - NW2244

Profile picture: Balindlela, Ms ZB

Balindlela, Ms ZB to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether (a) her department and (b) any entities reporting to her has paid out the remainder of any employee's contract before the contractually stipulated date of termination of the contract since the 2008-09 financial year up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if so, (i) what amount has (aa) her department and (bb) entities reporting to her spent on each such payout, (ii) to whom were these payouts made and (iii) what were the reasons for the early termination of the contracts in each specified case?



(a) The Department of Water and Sanitation had two employees whose contracts were paid out before the contractually stipulated date of termination amounting to R2 274 513.50 for the 2008-09 financial year.

(a)(ii) Payouts were made to NJ Ngele amounting to R2 251 602.00 and OO Ayaya amounting to R22 911.59.

(a)(iii) The reasons for the early terminations were: NJ Ngele - The employer paid the employee 24 months of the employee's salary as per settlement agreement; OO Ayaya - The employer discharged the employee from the Public Service. An amount of R22 911.59 in terms of leave discounting was paid to the employee.

(b) None of the entities reporting to me has paid out remainder of any employee’s contract for the 2008-09 financial year.


14 July 2015 - NW2532

Profile picture: Maimane, Mr MA

Maimane, Mr MA to ask the Minister of Police

(1)Did (a) he or (b) any official from his department authorise the use of the Presidential Protection Unit for the transportation of any (a) delegates, (b) diplomats or (c) Heads of State during the African Union Summit in Johannesburg between 10 and 15 June 2015; if so, which delegates, diplomats or Heads of State made use of the unit for this purpose; (2) if the unit was utilised for the purpose of transporting any such delegates, diplomats or Heads of State, (a) on what dates and (b) to and from which locations did the unit transport the specified individuals; (3) on whose authority was the Presidential Protection Unit employed to carry out the transportation of delegates, diplomats or Heads of State during the African Union Summit?


1. Neither the Minister of Police (b) nor any officer from his Department authorized the use of Presidential Protection Service for the transportation of Head of State/Government and former Heads of States/Government during the African Union Summit in Johannesburg between 10 and 15 June 2015.

2. Presidential Protection Service was utilized for the purpose of transporting Heads of State/Government and Former Heads of State/Government (a) from the 10th to the 16th of June 2015 (b) from airports namely WAFB, ORTIA and Lanseria to Head Quarter Hotels and taken to Sandton ICC for the African Union Conference and back to the airports for departure.

3. Presidential Protection Service was authorized by NATJOINTS with a request from DIRCO to carry out the protection of VIP’s during the African Union Summit.

14 July 2015 - NW2480

Profile picture: McLoughlin, Mr AR

McLoughlin, Mr AR to ask the Minister of Police

What are the reasons for the refusal of a certain official (details furnished) to see a delegation of public representatives from a certain political party (name furnished) who wanted to conduct an oversight visit in accordance with the principles of the Constitution of South Africa, 1996?


Numerous possible appointment dates were discussed between the Station Management and Mr Mike Waters who is the Member of Parliament. The dates of 2015-04-19, 2015-05-25 and 2015-06-01 were not suitable for both the Member of Parliament and the Station Management. The date that was agreed upon was later found to be not suitable for the Station Management as many of the senior officers could not be available. The Cluster Commander of Tembisa under which Kempton Park resort, Major General Nick Sithole, will contact Mr Mike Waters, MP, to discuss a suitable date that will suit both the Station Management and him (Mr Mike Waters).

14 July 2015 - NW2338

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)With reference to the N11 road between Ladysmith and Fort Mistake in Kwazulu-Natal, (a) are there any plans to (i) rebuild and (ii) undertake major maintenance to the specified section of the road; if not; why not; if so, (aa) what are the relevant details of the work to be undertaken, (bb) when will the specified work begin, (cc) when will such work be completed, (dd) what is the budgeted cost of the specified work and (ee) when will the tender be advertised; (2) what provision has been made for general workers to be recruited from communities who live within 10km from the specified road; if no provision has been made, why not?


  1. (i) (ii) The project consists of two phases: Rehabilitation of the N11 from Nkunzi River Bridge to One tree Hill which includes the sections between Sunset Rest and Fort Mistake. This phase of the project is 14,3 km long and was completed in April 2015. The total cost of the works were R255,5 million (rounded) including VAT and CPA.

The second phase between Ladysmith and Nkuzi River Bridge is in the design phase. The honourable member has unfortunately confused the locations of the project limits.

(aa) The first phase of the project that includes Sunset Rest and Fort Mistake consisted of, inter alia, the rehabilitation of the pavement and widening the cross section to 13,4 m. Your question NW2712E also makes reference to this portion of the road.

(bb)  As stated above, the first phase is complete. Construction of phase 2 will commence subsequent to the completion of the design and all relevant legislative permissions have been obtained; It is intended that this Contract commence around November 2015.

(cc) It is envisaged that the construction period will be between 18 and 24 months.

(dd)  The cost of construction is estimated at R850m.

(ee) The advertisement date will be determined once the design and legislative requirements have been finalised.

(2) SANRAL is committed to community development and allows for use of local labour on all its projects. The general labour will be recruited from the local communities.

14 July 2015 - NW2420

Profile picture: Balindlela, Ms ZB

Balindlela, Ms ZB to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What amount did (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in (i) Sowetan and (ii) Daily Sun in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?


Requesting the Honourable Member to refer to the response in NA 1128 published on 26 March 2015.


14 July 2015 - NW2367

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether the cyanobacteria is present in the (a) Hartebeespoort Dam, (b) Vaal Dam, (c) Spitskop Dam, (d) Barberspan, (e) Koppies Dam and (f) Chrissiesmeer; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether she can provide the results of each of the water tests done at each of the specified dams since 1 January 2011; if not, why not; if so, what are the results in each case; (3) whether she has taken any steps to resolve the problem of the presence of cyanobacteria in the specified dams; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) what danger does the bacteria cyanobacteria pose to standing water bodies?


  1. The Department does not currently monitor Barberspan or Chrissiesmeer for cyanobacteria, as they do not form part of the National Eutrophication Monitoring Programme (focused on dams). Both Barberspan and Chrissiesmeer are viewed as wetlands and will form part of the National Wetlands Monitoring Programme, which is currently being designed and will be implemented in 2016. For the other dams, the most recently available cyanobacterial counts are listed in the table below:


Cyanobacterial count (cells/ml)

(including Anabeana, Arthrospira, Cylindrospermopsis, Lyngbya, Merismopedia, Microcystis and Oscillatoria


22 342


33 524


7 851


Not available

2. Results can be provided for all the dams since 2011 as requested, except Barberspan and Chrissiesmeer. The data information can be viewed on the Directorate’s website -

3. Addressing cyanobacteria in dams requires a multidisciplinary approach with its foundation in catchment management.  Nutrient loading resulting from run-off in catchment where the dam is located, is the main reason for cyanobacterial blooms.

This loading takes place as a result of, inter alia, overloaded and / or dysfunctional waste water treatment works and agricultural run-off. DWS addresses this through collaboration with and guidance to local authorities, whom is responsible for operating these waste water treatment works.  The Green Drop project is an example of this, where the efficient operation of wastewater treatment works by municipalities is audited and scored.  Based on the outcome of this evaluation, guidance is provided by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) to municipalities to assist them with adhering to the license conditions of the waste water treatment works. 

The DWS has also recently acquired the services of Cuban engineers to assist local municipalities with the improved operation of their waste water treatment works.

The Department developed a set of guidelines for eutrophication management, including best agricultural practices which, if implemented by farmers, will reduce the nutrient loading resulting from agricultural run-off.

A specific project on the Hartbeespoort Dam to address the water quality remediation, which includes the treatment of cyanobacterial blooms, is the Metsi a Me project.  This is a multidisciplinary project which addresses the remediation of dam specific water quality.

There is currently no similar scale projects on the other dams mentioned in the question, as these dams’ issues are addressed on a catchment base.

(4)    Cyanobacteria, when present in high numbers in the water column, and under conducive environmental conditions, can release a toxin, microcystin, which could pose a health risk if untreated water is consumed by humans and animals.  In addition, when the algal blooms die off and decompose, it can result in unpleasant smells, impacting on recreational users.                                        


14 July 2015 - NW2500

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

When were the Transit Administration Agencies (TAA) established in respect of each of the integrated public transport system and (b) what (i) mechanism, (ii) processes and (iii) procedures exists to monitor the TAA’s


(a) When were the Transit Administration Agencies (TAA) established in respect of each of the integrated public transport system

The term Transit Administration Agency is the specific term used by Nelson Mandela Bay from 2007 in developing the institutional structure for overseeing Integrated Public Transport Networks in the City. Currently, this City is still studying the future feasibility of having a completely standalone Municipal Entity such as the Transit Administration Agency overseeing the IPTN. In the meantime Nelson Mandela Bay, along with other cities such as Polokwane, Tshwane, Mbombela, Rustenburg, George, etc., are currently planning and implementing IPTNS through specialist project teams that either fall under Transport Departments or Infrastructure and Engineering Services Departments.

The City of Johannesburg in 2013 established a Scheduled Services Unit to oversee Rea Vaya and IPTN operations, planning and regulation. This unit falls within the Municipality’s Transport department.

Cape Town in 2012 launched Transport for Cape Town as their specialized Transport Department that also deals with all IPTN matters.

EThekwini has set up a long standing Transport Authority which has assumed full responsibility for IPTN matters amongst other transport matters.

(b) What (i) mechanism, (ii) processes and (iii) procedures exists to monitor the TAA’s

(i) The mechanism to monitor IPTN implementation teams is through the National Department of Transport as the custodian of the 2007 Public Transport Strategy and the 2009 National Land Transport Act. The NDoT is also the Transferring Officer in terms of the Public Transport Network Grant that funds IPTNS through the Division of Revenue Act as a municipal conditional grant.

(ii) The processes are based on the Division of Revenue Act and the related Public Transport Network Grant Framework.

(iii) The procedures include monthly financial reports, quarterly reports, annual reports, quarterly bilateral meetings between municipal teams and NDoT, technical support and guidelines etc.

14 July 2015 - NW2495

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What has been the economic impact of the e-toll system on the Gauteng province since its introduction, (b) how was this impact measured and (c) how was the impact on traffic congestion on roads in Gauteng measured and ascertained?


(a) I am informed that the overall economic impact was positive. As a result of the additional road capacity, delays on the road network were substantially decreased, and traffic growth of more than 20% in many instances could be accommodated. Improvements in travel speeds/reduced congestion was also confirmed by independent studies (refer to reports from Congestion survey by Tom Tom). Furthermore, the development that took place in the immediate vicinity of upgraded interchanges such as Lynnwood, Atterbury, Garsfontein, John Vorster, Allandale, etc reflects the positive impact the road improvement project had on Gauteng. As was demonstrated in various economic studies, the project renders a high return on investment and a B:C ratio of 8 to 1. The Panel to investigate the social and economic impact of the GFIP made amongst others the following conclusions (the full report is available from the Gauteng Province):

The impact of the GFIP in the GCR economy;

Reduced Travel time benefits:

  • 45 000 hours at morning peak
  • Average speed increase of 64 km/hr (without GFIP) to 100 km/hr (with GFIP)
  • Average speed increase on secondary routes from 40km/hr to 48 km/hr

Reduced vehicle operating costs (5% to 20% depending on route and distance)

  • Reduced fuel consumption
  • Reduced maintenance costs

Improved logistics efficiencies

Improved travel conditions

  • Enhanced safety
  • Rapid response emergency services and prevention of secondary accidents (1 400 / month)

(b)Sees (a) above

(c) SANRAL has various counting stations on the freeway network as well as parallel routes to the freeway network that counts traffic on an ongoing basis. The graphs below provides an indication, based on the situation in 2014, what the impact of the GFIP on traffic speeds on both the freeways and supporting road network was with and without the toll roads as well as before and after the tolling of the freeways commenced.

As can be seen from the graphs below, the conditions on the freeways and alternative roads are substantially better than what it would have been if the GFIP was not implemented, even after toll collection commenced.

Freeways & Alternatives Routes. See Annexure A

14 July 2015 - NW2549

Profile picture: Dudley, Ms C

Dudley, Ms C to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)With reference to her reply to question 1600 on 19 May 2015, whether she will provide relevant information regarding a certain case (details furnished) between certain persons (names and details furnished); (2) will she provide clarity regarding the arrangement with Prodiba which the article (details furnished) suggest are on a month by month agreement, specifically with respect to (a) the decryption keys and (b) any intention to license the decryption keys given the uncertainty around Prodiba; (3) how does her department intend dealing with companies interested in legally licensing the decryption keys from her department as the owner of such decryption keys in order to provide effective software solutions for the country’s businesses; (4) who would the prospective licensed users contact to discuss the criteria and process?


  1. The Department does not have any relations with Prodiba and as such, any access of department property by Prodiba is illegal. You are therefore referred to the recent North Gauteng high Court order of the 22 April 2015, Case No. 34273/12 and the latest constitutional court judgment of the 27 May 2015.
  2. The Court order stated in (1) above refers, there is no month to month contract agreement between the Department and Prodiba, Note that as from the 5th May 2015, the Driving License Card Account (DLCA), a trading entity under the Department of Transport took over all services that were previously provided by Prodiba.
  3. The Department does not intend to, in the short to medium term, commercialize the use of the decryption key, especially given the provision of the POPI Act.
  4. Given the response in (3) above, there is therefore no contact persons in this regard

14 July 2015 - NW2416

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Police

What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising in (i) Sowetan and (ii) Daily Sun in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?


The Government (GCIS) hereby confirms that the figures for advertising are as follows:

2013-2014 Daily Sun R196 286.35

Sowetan R271 732.44


2014-2015 Daily Sun R567 824.25

Sowetan R810 499.40

14 July 2015 - NW2361

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)Whether any Gauteng municipalities owe money to the SA National Roads Agency Limited for e-tolls; if so, (a) which municipalities and (b) what amount do they owe; (2) how many municipality vehicles are registered with an e-tag in respect of each municipality in Gauteng?


There are municipalities with outstanding invoices. However, since it is an outstanding invoice, it may still be in process to be paid by the particular municipality and payment thereof is awaited.


(2) municipality vehicles are registered with an e-tag in respect of each municipality in Gauteng

(a) List of Municipalities

(b) Amount Owed


City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality



Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

R1796445 & R41938.38 (two accounts)

no information found on System using search criteria as described

Sedibeng District Municipality



Emfuleni Local Municipality


No cars registered with an e-tag

Lesedi Local Municipality



Midvaal Local Municipality



As the honourable member is aware the new etoll dispensation makes provision for all debtors to qualify for a 60% discount. Thus all the above amounts will be reduced by 60%.

14 July 2015 - NW1304

Profile picture: Balindlela, Ms ZB

Balindlela, Ms ZB to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What steps is her department taking to prevent raw sewerage flowing from Kwa-Thatha through Phaphamani into the Belmont Valley in Makana Municipality?


Requesting that the Honorable Member to refer to the response to NA 1305.


13 July 2015 - NW912

Profile picture: Redelinghuys, Mr MH

Redelinghuys, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

What amount was spent by (a) his department and (b) state entities reporting to him on (i) tickets and (ii) sponsorships on The New Age Breakfast Briefings for the last three financial years?


(a) (b) The department and Entities has not spent any money to

(i) Tickets –The New Age Breakfast Briefings for the last three financial years by all the entities reporting to the Minister of Mineral Resources.

(ii) Sponsorships – There were no sponsorships made available for The New Age Breakfast Briefings in the last three years by all the department and entities reporting to the Minister of Mineral Resources.





Approved/Not Approved

Adv N.A Ramatlhodi

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2015

13 July 2015 - NW1857

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) How many invoices of creditors and suppliers to the SA Post Office have remained unpaid for more than (i) 30 days, (ii) 60 days, (iii) 90 days or longer as at 13 May 2015.








+ 30


+ 60


+ 90


+ 120

Total Unpaid Suppliers


1 804.00



1 742.00

Amongst outstanding R000.




(b) In each case, what is the (i) name of the company/supplier concerned, (ii) amount outstanding per company/supplier and (iii) reason for non-payment?   

SAPO RESPONSE:   Reason the company is having turnaround challenges (cash flow) it is trying to overcome with its turnaround strategy implementation.

13 July 2015 - NW1873

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Since 1 January 2015, has his department installed generators at any of (a) its offices or (b) the offices of the entities reporting to him as a result of load shedding; if so, what is the total cost of the (i) installation and (ii) running of these generators?


I have been advised by the Department and Entities as follows:-


The Department has not installed generators in its offices; it is currently renting offices that have generators installed by the landlord.

  1. Not applicable
  2. No costs



Zadna has not installed generators in its offices; it is currently renting offices that have generators installed by the landlord.

  1. Not applicable
  2. No costs


No, the building had an already existing generator from occupation of the building.

(ii) January 2015

  • Petrol: R 2 000
  • Service: R0

February 2015

  • Petrol: R2 000
  • Service: R 3 311.70


March 2015:

  • Petrol: R0
  • Service:R0

April 2015:

  • Petrol: R 2 000
  • Service: R0

May 2015:

  • Petrol: R0
  • Service: R0

June 2015:  

  • Petrol: R2000
  • Service: R0

Total cost to date: R 11 311.70


SAPO has not installed any generators as of January 1, 2015.

Broadband Infraco (BBI)

Broadband Infraco has not had to installed any generators or expand on its existing fleet of mobile generators as a result of load shedding since 1 January 2015.


SENTECH has not installed any generator at any of its offices since January 2015 due to load shedding.

SENTECH already has generators installed as part of its normal operations of ensuring that its offices have standby power.

SENTECH has standby generator capability at most of its infrastructure sites to protect services against normal power disruptions to ensure services continuity. The Eskom load shedding situation does impact sites without back-up power and increase operating costs due to increased standby plant running hours and associated maintenance and fuel costs.

Most of SENTECH sites have Stand by Generators (STG’s) already installed. From January 2015, a new STG was installed at Kroonstad as a replacement due to the failure of the existing one. SENTECH is also installing STG’s at its three Greenfield stations at Harrismith, Holy Cross and Ngqeleni. The installations at these three sites form part of SENTECH’s normal installation on all new transmitter sites to ensure continuous service during power outages.

The installation cost per site is as follows:

Harrismith STG: R535 244. 25

Holy Cross STG: R445 553. 00

Ngeleni STG: R437 759. 50

Kroonstad STG: R267 133. 75

Total R1 685 690. 50

Towards the end of the previous financial year and during severe load shedding periods, SENTECH reviewed energy expenditure and determined that SENTECH plants were running 30% more than normal, meaning that operating costs will increase accordingly. The following amount has been spent on fuel for generating standby energy.

Monthly Cost

Jan-2015 668 917

Feb-2015 1 085 850

Mar-2015 535 739

Apr-2015 1 120 166

May-2015 759 142

Jun-2015 300 651

Total 4 470 465


USAASA has a generator provided by the landlord in 2010.  No other generator has been purchased since January 2015. The running of this generator is R31, 661.10 annually.


SITA has installed a rented generator for the SITA Centurion Data Centre, commissioned in January 2015.

The table below reflects the costs associated with preparing the site prior to installation of the generator as well as monthly costs for the rental of the generator installed at SITA’s National Key point (NKP) Centurion Data Centre:



(ii) Running Cost from January 2015 to June 2015

(i) Cost of installation


2200 kVA Diesel Generator rental for per month

R 1 624 500

(R 270 750 x 6 months)



Cable Laying which was done as the first step


R 4 224 156


Electrical control panels for generators which was installed to connect the new generator to the SITA existing grid


R 1 026 000


Alarm systems to enable early warning via SMS messaging


R 273 600


Project Management Fee to manage the above


R 927 070


Diesel fuel (One fill at deliver)


R 95 760



R 1 624 500

R 6 546 586

13 July 2015 - NW2087

Profile picture: Luzipo, Mr S

Luzipo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Whether the (a) Chief Executive Officer and the (b) Chief Financial Officer of the Council for Geoscience have resigned; if so, (i) what are the reasons in each case and (ii) what steps has he taken in each case?


(a) Yes, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has resigned.

(b) No, the Chief Financial Officer has not resigned.

(i) The Chief Executive Officer indicated that the time had come for him to move on to other interests.

(ii) An Acting CEO, Mr Simon Sikhosana has been appointed until a new CEO is appointed and assumes office.




Approved/not approved

Adv N.A. Ramatlhodi

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-………………/………………/2015

13 July 2015 - NW2538

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether in respect of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, Act 16 of 2013 and the regulations that came into effect on 1 July 2015, he had taken into account the finding of the Constitutional Court, CCT 117/14 regarding the review outcomes of Judicial Tribunals used as a tool by Premiers and provincial Members of the Executive Council of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning to regulate planning and developmental matters within municipalities as well as to help process the estimated 1,5 million or title deeds not yet issued to beneficiaries of the Reconstruction and Development Programme housing; if not, why not; if so, what is his department planning to do with the difficulties that have arisen with the judgment?


Yes. The Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act No 16 of 2013) and its regulations have taken due consideration of the Constitutional Court Judgment, CCT 117/13, and confirms the municipality as a decision making authority of first instance.    

The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, through its various deeds registries, assists in the process of registering title in respect of RDP housing by expediting the registration of RDP Housing related deeds. This is done upon request to the  Registrar of Deeds by the relevant sphere of government which is the registered owner of the land in respect of which a township register has been opened.

13 July 2015 - NW2414

Profile picture: Mokgalapa, Mr S

Mokgalapa, Mr S to ask the Minister of State Security

What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising in (i) Sowetan and (ii) Daily Sun in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?


  1. The State Security Agency (SSA) has spent the following amounts on advertising in the Sowetan and The Daily Sun:


Financial Year


The Daily Sun


R 5 315.71








13 July 2015 - NW2401

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

With regards to the tender for the construction of a dedicated cruise liner terminal at the Cape Town harbour (a) what are the reasons for the delay in awarding this tender and (b) when will the specified tender be awarded?


(a) Transnet SOC Ltd (“Transnet”) strictly adheres to the set procurement procedures for good governance. The delay was due to the first RFP (“Request for a Proposal”) being declared a non-award as a result the bidders not achieving the minimum threshold as per the request. The second RFP closed on 5 February 2015 and Corporate Governance processes had to be adhered to and the preferred bidder was only approved on 28 May 2015.

(b) Transnet informed the preferred bidder of its appointment on 4 June 2015. The process of negotiating a suitable Terminal Operator Agreement with the preferred bidder and Transnet is currently underway. As announced on 1 July 2015, V&A Waterfront (Pty) Ltd was awarded the preferred bidder status.


13 July 2015 - NW1399

Profile picture: Van Dalen, Mr P

Van Dalen, Mr P to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(a) What number of (i) financial, (ii) forensic and/or (iii) other investigations that were commissioned by his department have been completed since 1 April 2013 and (b) in each case, what are the relevant details on the (i) investigation including a synopsis of the facts and findings of each case, (ii) persons or third parties responsible for each investigation, (iii) total cost to date of each investigation and (iv) appropriate steps taken against officials and third parties implicated of wrongdoing in the findings of the investigations?



A (i) Financial investigations = 1 case

(ii) Forensic investigations = 0

(iii) Other investigations =18 cases









Unauthorized use of GG vehicle

Employee subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing

Employment Relations Management (ERM)


Employee was charged with misconduct and was suspended for one month without pay and recovery of 132 Kilometres travelled (R425.00)


Perform remunerative work outside Public Service without permission from Director General as required by Public Service Act

Employee subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing



The employee was found guilty and dismissed. The employee lodge an appeal against the sanction. The appeal Authority Committee reduced the sanction of dismissal to three month suspension without pay.

05.03 2013

Absenteeism and reporting to work under the influence of liquor.

  1. Employee was referred to rehabilitation centre.

2. Employee relapsed and continue to absent himself from work. The employee was subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing



The employee was found guilty and dismissed. Employee lodged an appeal and it was upheld


Issuing of fraudulent blasting certificate

Employee was subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing



The employee was dismissed and the matter was referred to the HAWKS



Employee referred to rehabilitation centre


R6 456.44



Poor performance

Employee was subjected to disciplinary



Employee found not guilty. Case closed










Misuse of state property

Employee was subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing



Employee was dismissed. Employee appealed against the sanction. Sanction was reduced to one month suspension without pay.


Failure to honour an appointment with a client

Employee was found guilty of misconduct and informal process disciplinary instituted.



Verbal warning


Dereliction of duties

Employee was subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing



Employee was found not guilty


Non-compliance with Risk and Safety standard procedures

Employee was subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing



One month suspension without pay and written warning. Employee appealed and the sanction was upheld.


Non-compliance with Risk and Safety standard procedures

Employee was subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing



Employee was found not guilty


Non-compliance with Risk and Safety standard procedures

Employee was subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing



Employee was found not guilty


Dereliction of duties and absenteeism

Insufficient evidence to charge the employee. Case closed



Case closed due to insufficient evidence to charge the employee


Disclosure of confidential information

Employee was subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing



Employees was suspended for one month without pay











Negligence: appointment of employee on a wrong level

Informal disciplinary hearing instituted against the employee



Written Warning


Negligence: appointment of employee on a wrong level

Informal disciplinary hearing instituted against the employee



Written Warning


Unauthorised use of GG vehicle

Employee subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing



One month suspension without pay and a written warning


Failure to disclose private business

Insufficient evidence to charge employees with misconduct. Case closed



Case closed


Employee forged signatures of her supervisors when claiming S&T claims

Employee was subjected to a formal disciplinary hearing



Employee dismissed from work. The case has been referred to Legal Service and Security Risk to process legal claims to recover R475 120.79 and institute criminal case process against Ms Snyer.



R39 140. 58




Approved/not approved

Adv N.A. Ramatlhodi

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-………………/………………/2015

13 July 2015 - NW2424

Profile picture: Gqada, Ms T

Gqada, Ms T to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising in (i) Sowetan and (ii) Daily Sun in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?


(a),(b)(i),(ii),(aa),(bb),(cc) Please refer to the table below.


(a)(i),(ii),(aa),(bb),(cc) Department of Rural Development and Land Reform

(b)(i),(ii)(aa),(bb),(cc) Ingonyama Trust Board

  1. Sowetan
  1. Daily Sun
  1. Sowetan
  1. Daily Sun


123 747.66


239 947.12



1 544 549.69


164 625.57



200 950.30


253 528.70


Total R1 869 247. 65


Total R658 101.39

Falls away

13 July 2015 - NW1722

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Whether the Government was acting proactively and responsively to stop the actual and prospective haemorrhaging of mining jobs in our country by engaging all parties and exploring all possible solutions; if not, why not; if so, what are the (a) relevant details and (b) outcomes thereof?


  1. Yes, The Department has set up a Task Team under the auspices of the Mining Industry Growth Development and Employment Task Team (MIGDETT) that is tasked with saving of jobs in the mining industry.

(a) The department has been constantly engaging mining companies that have announced shedding of jobs to report on intended mine closure and to ensure companies follow the MPRDA processes (in terms of section 52) and implement the Social and Labour Plan (on downscaling) and engage proactively the department of Labour.

(b)  The stakeholders has met and developed terms of reference which were approved by MIGDETT principals. These are currently implemented.




Approved/not approved

Adv N.A. Ramatlhodi

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-………………/………………/2015

13 July 2015 - NW2428

Profile picture: Lorimer, Mr JR

Lorimer, Mr JR to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising in (i) Sowetan and (ii) Daily Sun in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?


  1. DMR

(aa) 2012-2013

(bb) 2013-2014

(cc) 2014-2015

  1. Sowetan



R27 453,60

(ii) Daily Sun



R32 491.37

R31 824.00

(b) Entities

(aa) 2012 - 2013

(bb) 2013 - 2014

(cc) 2014 - 2015

  1. Sowetan

Council for Geoscience

R 0.00

R 0.00

R 0.00

Mine Health and Safety Council

R 0.00

R 0.00

R 0.00


R 0.00

R 0.00

R 0.00

State Diamond Trader

R 0.00

R 0.00

R 0.00

South African Diamond and Precious Metal Regulator

R 0.00

R 0.00

R 0.00

  1. Daily Sun

Council for Geoscience

R 0.00

R 0.00

R 0.00

Mine Health and Safety Council

R 0.00

R 0.00

R 0.00


R 0.00

R 0.00

R 0.00

State Diamond Trader

R 0.00

R 0.00

R 0.00

South African Diamond and Precious Metal Regulator

R 0.00

R 0.00

R 0.00

All the entities reporting to the Minister never advertised in either the Sowetan or Daily Sun.

Adv N.A Ramatlhodi

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2015

13 July 2015 - NW2365

Profile picture: Stander, Ms T

Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)When will his department publish a National Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Report for the mining sector; (2) how many staff members of his department were responsible for assessing compliance with environmental management plans or programmes in each region in the (a) 2013-14 and (b) 2014-15 financial years; (3) how many staff members of his department were responsible for enforcement action for failure to comply with environmental management plans or programmes in each region in the (a) 2013-14 and (b) 2014-15 financial years? NW2729E


(1) The mining sector report will be included in the report published annually by the Department of Environmental Affairs.

(2) (a) 71

(b) 106

(3) (a) 71

(b) 115




Approved/not approved

Adv N.A Ramatlhodi

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2015

13 July 2015 - NW1170

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(a) How many sick leave days were taken by employees of his department in the 2013-14 financial year and (b) what was the total cost thereof in rand?


(a) 7069 sick leave days taken in 2013 / 2014 financial year; and

(b) R9 619 213 was the total cost




Adv N.A Ramatlhodi

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2015

13 July 2015 - NW2430

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

How much did (a) her department and (b) state entities reporting to it spend on advertising in (i) The Sowetan and (ii) The Daily Sun in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?



(a) (i) Sowetan

(aa) None

(bb) None

(cc) None

(ii) Daily Sun

(aa) None

(bb) R 298 771.20

(cc) None




(b)(i) Sowetan

(aa) R 1 597 103.52

(bb) R 3 288 342.91

(cc) R 678 508.12

(ii) Daily Sun

(aa) None

(bb) None

(cc) None


(b)(i) Sowetan

(aa) None

(bb) None

(cc) None

(ii) Daily Sun

(aa) None

(bb) None

(cc) None


(b)(i) Sowetan

(aa) None

(bb) R 114 000.00

(cc) R 758 456.48

(ii) Daily Sun

(aa) None

(bb) None

(cc) None


(b)(i) Sowetan

(aa) None

(bb) None

(cc) None

(ii) Daily Sun

(aa) None

(bb) None

(cc) None


(b)(i) Sowetan

(aa) None

(bb) None

(cc) None

(ii) Daily Sun

(aa) None

(bb) None

(cc) None


(b)(i) Sowetan

(aa) R 1 470 000.00

(bb) R 1 180 000.00

(cc) R 1 050 000.00

(ii) Daily Sun

(aa) R 540 000.00

(bb) R 100 000.00

(cc) R 150 000.00


13 July 2015 - NW1583

Profile picture: Esterhuizen, Mr JA

Esterhuizen, Mr JA to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

What are the full details regarding the reasons why voices of communities affected by mining are still not being heard at negotiations and excluded from discussions or representation on the draft framework for sustainable mining?


As part of the Framework Agreement for a Sustainable Mining Industry and the Special Presidential Package (SPP) initiative, the communities at municipalities and provincial levels are being consulted during the implementation phase.





Approved/not approved

Adv N.A. Ramatlhodi

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-………………/………………/2015

13 July 2015 - NW2366

Profile picture: Steyn, Ms A

Steyn, Ms A to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) With reference to his reply to question 463 on 13 April 2015, have the workers on (a) Magwa and (b) Majola tea plantations in the Eastern Cape been paid as at the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, why not; if so, are all payments up to date; (2) has any further funding been provided to (a) Magwa and (b) Majola tea plantations; if so, (i) how much funding has been provided to each specified plantation and (ii) by whom; (3) (a) what is his department’s long-term plan in relation to the two specified tea plantations and (b) what steps does he intend taking to get them functioning again?


  1. With reference to his reply to question 463 on 13 April 2015, have the workers on (a) Magwa and (b) Majola tea plantations in the Eastern Cape been paid as at the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, why not; if so, are all payments up to date;
  • Yes the monies for the worker payments for 2015/16 have been paid to the respective estates.

2. has any further funding been provided to (a) Magwa and (b) Majola tea plantations; if so, (i) how much funding has been provided to each specified plantation and (ii) by whom;

  • No further funding additional to that paid over for wages is available, However, a request for additional funding to value of R 66 mil for the revitalisation of the two estates has been prepared and submitted to treasury. A response is awaited.

3.(a) what is his department’s long-term plan in relation to the two specified tea plantations and (b) what steps does he intend taking to get them functioning again?             

  • Yes, long term plans have been developed and includes, amongst others, institutional reforms, market oriented production and support from private stakeholders and labour. Diversification to alternative enterprises is part of the proposed steps.            
  • A submission for the funding of the long term development plan has been submitted to Treasury for potential funding

13 July 2015 - NW1886

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Since 1 January 2015, has his department installed generators at any of (a) its offices or (b) the offices of the entities reporting to him as a result of load shedding; if so, what is the total cost of the (i) installation and (ii) running of these generators?


(a) (b) No.

(i) N/A

(ii) N/A





Approved/not approved

Adv N.A. Ramatlhodi

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-………………/………………/2015

13 July 2015 - NW2533

Profile picture: Majola, Mr TR

Majola, Mr TR to ask the Minister of State Security

Did his department begin informal investigations into five non-governmental organizations who have taken the Government to court on several occasions if so; (a) which five organizations (b) when will the investigation be completed and (c) to whom will the report of the investigation be submitted?



10 July 2015 - NW2348

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to the presentation made to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on 2 June 2015 (a) what are the full details of each of the mobile schools, (b) how many learners are enrolled in each of the specified schools, (c) on what dates were each of the specified mobile schools established, (d) how many teachers are employed in each mobile school, (e) what is the reason for the establishment of the mobile schools and (f) for how long will the specified schools remain mobile schools?



(a) See attached spread sheet

(b) See attached spread sheet

(c) See attached spread sheet

(d) See attached spread sheet

(e) Schools build of prefabricated modular structures are constructed when schools are urgently required to avoid/ reduce overcrowding of existing schools or to avoid a situation where the Department will not be able to accommodate learners at all, especially at the beginning of an academic year.

(f) Many of these schools are in excellent to fair conditions and there is no reason to replace these particular schools at this stage. There is no fixed date by when these schools will be replaced as the replacement is determined by the condition of the structures. The planned dates for the replacement of those specific schools that require replacement are indicated on the attached spread sheet.

The responses from three provinces are still outstanding and these will be provided as soon as they are received.

10 July 2015 - NW806

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the President of the Republic

(1)Whether, as the Commander-in-Chief of the defence force, and in respect of the role the Government plays in continental peace efforts, the security forces are in a state of readiness as a fully trained and equipped force to respond to unforeseen and unconventional attacks both from within and outside the Republic; (2) whether the Government has or intends to have bilateral agreements with other tried and tested countries on unconventional warfare in order to train our personnel?


  1. Yes, all South African National Defence Force (SANDF) forces deployed internally and externally are mission ready in terms of both training and equipment.
  2. 2.Yes, the SANDF has Memoranda of Understanding (MOU’s) with other armed forces in the African continent and beyond in line with the policies of our government and our continental and international obligations. Military training opportunities are exchanged between these friendly forces on continuous basis.

09 July 2015 - NW2442

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) For each province, (a) how many provincial education departments have developed district-based support teams to support the implementation of the Education White Paper 6 of July 2001, (b) are the specified teams fully functional in accordance with the Framework for the Establishment of District-based Support Teams and (c) how many (i) staff members and (ii) principals at schools for learners with special educational needs are assisting the district-based support teams; (2) which provinces supply her department with comprehensive records of all schools for learners with special educational needs; (3) for each province, (a) how many schools have provided the relevant district offices with the relevant progression and promotion schedules and (b) what measures are in place from district level to ensure that learners at the specified schools are benefitting educationally; (4) for each province, how many of the district-based support teams liaise with other government departments such as (a) Health and (b) Social Development to provide support to schools for learners with special educational needs through the services of health professionals?


(1)(a) All nine provinces have developed District-Based Support Teams (DBSTs) to support the implementation of Education White Paper 6 of July 2001 as has been reported in the Progress Report on the Implementation of Education White Paper 6 of May 2015.

(b) A survey conducted on the functionality of District-Based Support Teams has shown that all 81 Districts in the country have functional District-Based Support Teams. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) is currently in the process of collecting detailed information on the constitution of each District-Based Support Teams so as to ensure that there is transversal representation.

(c) In the absence of norms for representation of (i) teachers and (i) principals of special schools on the DBSTs, no statistics can be provided. However. District offices involve expert teachers and lead principals of special schools in capacity building programmes of the DBST on an ad hoc basis.

(2) All nine provinces submit comprehensive data on special schools to the DBE on an annual basis through the Annual Special School Survey which is completed in September of each year.

(3) The Directorate: Education Management and Governance monitors that:

(a) all schools submit progression and promotion schedules to the district offices; and

(b) The Inclusive Education Units ensure, with the support of the Curriculum Units, that learners, who are repeating and have been progressed without meeting the grade requirements, are supported through the School-Based Support Teams. The DBE is currently in the process of finalising guidelines to support schools and teachers to provide effective support to these learners who have additional support needs, in line with the Policy on Screening, Identification. Assessment and Support (SIAS) of 2014.

(4) All District-Based Support Teams liaise with:

(a) the Department of Health through the Integrated School Health Programme as well as with;

(b) the regional offices of the Department of Social Development. The DBE is currently collaborating with the Department of Health to align the services of health professionals appointed respectively by the Departments of Basic Education and Health so as to make optimal use of these scarce services.

The Policy on Screening. Identification. Assessment and Support (SIAS) outlines the roles and responsibilities of these three government departments in this regard.

09 July 2015 - NW2445

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) With reference to the purchase of school furniture for 845 schools in the Eastern Cape in the 2014-1 5 financial year, (a) which schools benefitted from this purchase, (b) did all 845 schools receive the school furniture, (c) how many desks were delivered to each school and (d) what is the number of furniture delivered to (i) primary schools and (ii) secondary schools; (2) does her department intend to provide the other schools in the Eastern Cape with desks where there is a shortage; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2812E


(1) (a) See annexure A
(b) The 845 schools are the schools which will be provided with furniture in the 2015 /16 financial year. Deliveries to these schools will commence in July 2015.

(c) As indicated above, deliveries to these schools will commence when the schools reopen in July 2015.

(d) 138 201 desks are to be delivered (i) 75 330 are primary school desks, (ii) 62 871 are secondary schools desks.

(2) The deliveries to the Eastern Cape by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) are a special intervention by the Department and future interventions will only be considered as and when the need arises and based on the funding resources available to the Department of Basic Education for such an intervention.

09 July 2015 - NW2444

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) With regard to (a) public and (b) private schools, how many (i) primary schools and (ii) secondary schools are there in each province; (2) what is the total number of (a) primary and (b) secondary schools to be built as part of the Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Institute Programme in each province?



09 July 2015 - NW2443

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) In respect of each province, does her department maintain a database of all educators who are employed at schools for learners with special educational needs together with their relevant qualifications: if not. (a) why not and (b) which provinces do maintain such a database; (2) how many (a) qualified, (b) unqualified and (c) underqualified educators are employed for each (i) grade and (ii) subject at schools for learners with special educational needs in each province; (3) in respect of each province, what measures have been put in place to ensure that the specified (a) unqualified and (b) underqualified educators at the specified schools attain the required qualifications; (4) in respect of each province, does her department have measures in place to ensure quality learning by learners taught by (a) unqualified or (b) underqualified educators at the specified schools; (5) whether target dates have been set by her department by which all educators employed by provincial departments at schools for learners with special educational needs must be qualified; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Attached find here: Reply

08 July 2015 - NW2408

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister in The Presidency Women:

What amount did (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in (i) Sowetan and (ii) Daily Sun in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years? NW2774E


Not applicable.

07 July 2015 - NW2133

Profile picture: Walters, Mr TC

Walters, Mr TC to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to his statement in his Budget Vote Debate No 39, Rural Development and Land Reform, Appropriation Bill on 8 May 2015, (a) which (i) organisations and/or (ii) stakeholders advised against the proposed policy titled Strengthening the Relative Rights of People Working the Land, the so-called 50/50 proposal, during his consultation sessions, (b) on what basis was this advice not taken and (c) if he can provide copies of all such submissions; (2) (a) which (i) organisations and/or (ii) stakeholders supported the 50/50 proposal and (b) can he provide copies of all such submissions?


(1)(a),(i),(ii) Agri South Africa, BASA/Agbiz, Sugar Association of South Africa, amongst others objected to the implementation of the 50/50 policy raising issues of co management, common visioning, and skills amongst communities and further stated that the policy should not be mandatory or binding but voluntary.

(b) All submissions are being considered in current consultations and alternative options to improve the policy are under discussion.

(c) Please refer to Annexure A for the AFASA submission.

(2)(a),(i),(ii) AFASA stated they will support the policy on condition that a farm has a turnover of R50 million. NGOs working on land also support the policy but did not provide written submissions.

(b) Please refer to Annexure B. All parties and stakeholders who are participating in consultations have embraced the principle of strengthening the rights of people who have contributed to the growth of the farming sector realising also the need of creating stability in the sector. Stakeholders went further to put options and suggestions on how to make the proposal workable. Consultations are still on going and there are many areas of convergence. It has been agreed with all stakeholders to select a few pilot sites for learning purposes and if the proposal does not work, it will be reviewed. Stakeholders are from organised agriculture, commodity organisations and NGOs.

07 July 2015 - NW2135

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to his statement in his Budget Vote Debate No 39, Rural Development and Land Reform, Appropriation Bill on 8 May 2015, regarding the 50/50 proposal, (a) can he provide the accredited (i) research and/or (ii) impact studies used by his department in determining the impact of the 50/50 proposal on (aa) food security, (bb) jobs and employment, (cc) land values and (dd) the financial sector and (b) what is the full academic reference in each case?


(a)(i),(ii),(aa),(bb),(cc),(dd) No research was conducted; however the selection of few pilot sites is intended to establish the feasibility of the implementation of the policy based on the problems and challenges of tenure insecurity of people working the land. The pilots will be carefully selected using the set criteria and the participation of stakeholders. The sites will be monitored in order to draw lessons for further improvements or changes to the policy.

07 July 2015 - NW2390

Profile picture: Stubbe, Mr DJ

Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)      (a) How many operations have been conducted by the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) and (b) in which (i) cities and (ii) areas in each province have such operations been conducted since the inception of Operation Fiela; (2) how many suspects have been (a) arrested and (b) released by the SANDF (i) on bail or (ii) due to no charges being pressed as a result of this operation; (3) in the case of suspects still under detention, in each case, where is the SANDF detaining such suspects; (4) how many cases brought by the SANDF (a) are currently pending before court or (b) have resulted in convictions as a result of the operation; (5) how many (a) illegal firearms, (b) weapons and (c) illegal narcotics have been confiscated by the SANDF as a result of the operation?


The question should be directed to the Minister of Police