Questions and Replies

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12 August 2015 - NW2755

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Transport

With regard to her reply to question 2495 on 14 July 2015, what (a) empirical evidence was used by her department to come to the conclusions stated in the reply, more specifically that (i) the overall economic impact was positive, (ii) delays on the road network has decreased, (iii) traffic growth of more than 20% in many instances could be accommodated and (iv) the development that took place in the immediate vicinity of upgraded interchanges such as Lynnwood, Atterbury, Garsfontein, John Vorster, Allandale, etcetera reflects the positive impact the road improvement project had on Gauteng and (b) economic studies is her department referring to in the specified reply when she indicates that the project renders a high return on investment and a B:C ratio of 8 to 1?


(a) The information used in the formulation of the response to question 2495 on 14 July 2015, included the following

(i) The positive overall economic impact was assessed from:

  1. The information from the toll gantries and SANRAL’s Comprehensive Traffic Observation (CTO) stations located on the freeways and interchange approach roads measuring the alternative road network.
  2. The data recorded at the toll gantries
  3. The original traffic and transport planning studies regarding the travel time savings and how it is linked to economic spin offs (economic reports)

(ii) The measurement of travel time and hence delays for the entire network are obtained from traffic studies which includes a traffic model that was developed and used for this purpose. The original model was calibrated to the 2006 conditions and the current situation has been validated against the traffic data obtained from the GFIP traffic monitoring systems as well as independent data from TomTom. The reduction in the delays on the roads considers all time periods and takes into account the reduction in the duration of the morning and afternoon peak periods where higher traffic volumes are moving through the road network in a shorter time period.

(iii) Traffic volumes and speeds on national and other roads are continually recorded through SANRAL’s Comprehensive Traffic Observations (CTO) programme, which has been in operation since the early 1990s. These consist of physical counting stations installed in the road surface. In addition, in 2006 when the traffic models mentioned above were developed a comprehensive exercise of additional traffic surveys were undertaken at interchanges in the GFIP network. The comparison of the 2006 and 2014 traffic data provided the evidence that there were many instances where traffic increases of more than 20% could be accommodated. At specific locations, i.e. the Malibongwe, William Nicol and Rivonia Interchanges increases in traffic volumes during the morning peak hour were 32%, 25% and 38% respectively. On the freeways, the highest increase in traffic has been on the Albertina Sisulu (R21) freeway, but also in the peak direction on the highly trafficked section of the N1 and N12.

(iv)  Arial photographs pre and post the upgrades of these interchanges reflects the development that has taken place in the immediate vicinity of upgraded interchanges. It should be noted that development rights are dependent on adequate road capacity on the freeways and through interchanges being available to accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed developments. In the past, many of these developments could not take place due to the lack of capacity available at these interchanges

(b) There are two economic studies:

(i) Studies performed by the Business School of the University of Cape Town and ARUP

(ii) A study performed by economist Roelof Botha

12 August 2015 - NW2591

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 1956 on 24 June 2015, she can indicate on which page of the annual report and financial statements the specific requested information is contained; if not, (a) when will she provide the information as requested in the original question and (b) why did she indicate that this information is in the annual report and financial statements; if so, what are the relevant details?


  1. & (b) The Honourable Member is referred to Table 18 on Page 51 of SASSA’s

Annual Report 2014/15 Financial Year.


12 August 2015 - NW2750

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

What steps is her department taking to ensure that law-abiding road users are not inconvenienced by the many errors and wrong invoices sent to them regard to their e-toll bills?


The facts show differently. The system correctly captures more than 99% of the number plates & transactions. SANRAL accepts that no system is flawless. However, there are customer service options available to users through customer service centres, call centre, and the web to make e-toll enquiries. Also, the honourable member would appreciate that these so called errors and invoices would be minimized if the honourable member would join me in encouraging road users to register their details on the toll system.

12 August 2015 - NW2754

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Transport

What (a) are the (i) estimated and (ii) actual costs incurred by the Government in respect of drunken driving and (b) has been the economic impact of drunken driving in each (i) province and (ii) local authority for the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?


The Road Accident Fund (RAF) is funded by a levy on fuel sold, which serves as an indirect tax used to fund the payment of compensation and to rehabilitate qualifying persons injured in road crashes. The fuel levy is also used to pay for the loss of support and funeral costs of those qualifying dependents that lost breadwinners in road crashes.

Although drunken driving has an impact on the incidence of road crashes and therefore on the cost of providing compensation, rehabilitation, support and funeral cover; the RAF does not currently maintain information or statistics (a)(i) of the estimated cost, and (ii) actual cost incurred by the RAF as a result of drunken driving and (b) does not have information or statistics of the economic cost of drunken driving in each (i) province and (ii) local authority for the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years.

11 August 2015 - NW2275

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)What action is taken by her department when labour inspectors find that an employee does not have a valid work permit; (2) are employees who are found to not have valid work permits removed from the work place?


  1. When Labour inspectors find that an employee does not have a valid work permit, the matter will be reported to Home Affairs who has jurisdiction over such matters.
  2. The Department of Labour does not have a legal mandate or powers to remove such employees from the workplace but will refer the matter to Home Affairs to take further action.

11 August 2015 - NW2564

Profile picture: Majola, Mr TR

Majola, Mr TR to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether, with reference to her reply to oral question 146 on 10 June 2015, she will make available all the studies referred to in her reply; if not, why not; if so, when?


The studies will be used to inform government’s decision process for procurement of the Nuclear New Build Programme.

11 August 2015 - NW2739

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Basic Education

1) (a) When was the Cool Air Secondary School in KwaZulu-Natal built, (b) how many students are currently attending the school, (c) how many teachers are employed at the school and (d) how many teaching days were lost in the 2014 academic year due to teacher sick leave: (2) (a) what amount was spent on infrastructure maintenance in 2014. (b)(i) what budget has been allocated for infrastructure maintenance in the in the academic year and (ii) what hill this be spent on and (c) are any major upgrades planned for the school in the next three years? (2) (a) what amount was spent on infrastructure maintenance in 2014. (b)(i) what budget has been allocated for infrastructure maintenance in the in the academic year and (ii) what hill this be spent on and (c) are any major upgrades planned for the school in the next three years?


The response below was received from the KwaZulu-Natal Education Department,

1. (a) The school was handed over to the community in September 1983.

(b) The current enrolment at the school is 1050.

(c) A total o£ 34 educators are employed at the school.

(d) This information is not readily available to the Department of Basic Education. The information has been requested from the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education. Once the in Formation has been received, it will be Forwarded accordingly.

2. (a) The school spent is R92 124.01 on infrastructure maintenance in 2014.

(b) (i) An amount of R62 729.16 has been allocated for maintenance from the Norms and Standards allocation to the school.

(ii) The allocation will be utilized to conduct day to day maintenance of the school.

(c) The school is prioritized for maintenance related works. which includes electrification and roofing works (including gutters. downpipes and ceiling boards) in the current financial year.

11 August 2015 - NW2685

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Whether (a) he, (b) his Deputy Minister and (c) any officials in his department travelled to China in the 2014-15 financial year; if so, what was the (i) purpose of each specified visit and (ii)(aa) total cost and (bb) breakdown of such costs of each specified visit?


(a) and (c) Yes. (i) The purpose of the visit was to lead an MPSA delegation to Beijing, China to attend the 2014 Global City Information Forum (GCIF) from 2 to 6 November 2014, (ii)(aa)(bb) auditing process has not been completed, the costs will covered in the 2014-2015 Audited Financial Statements of the Annual Report for the Department of Public Service and Administration to Parliament.

(b) No

11 August 2015 - NW2565

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Economic Development

With regard to the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC), what are the names of each of the companies registered to import fuel?


ITAC does not have a list of registration of companies to import fuel. ITAC issues import permits for the importation of fuels of tariff heading chapters 27.08 to 27.15.


11 August 2015 - NW2273

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) Do all labour inspectors have access to the necessary equipment to conduct their inspections properly and (b) what is her department doing to adequately capacitate the labour inspectors who do not have access to the necessary equipment?


(a) Yes

(b) The Department makes provision for the procurement of the necessary or required equipment.

11 August 2015 - NW2774

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether, in view of the state of affairs in many public enterprises, the Government intends to introduce legislation that will require that all managers holding posts or seeking appointments to management positions in public enterprises must have a recognised MBA qualification and for those persons who have the relevant qualification to have attended a required number of annual refresher MBA courses to keep abreast of the latest developments; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Department is in the process of developing the Government Shareholder Management (GSM) Bill, the Regulations of which will incorporate the current tools and frameworks of the Department and provide a guideline for the recruitment and appointment of Chief Executives.

While it is appreciated that recognized qualifications both generic and specific can be set as a broad guide, the qualification requirements will be informed by the role to be performed by the potential candidate of each State Owned Company (SOC). As a result; the legislation will not include MBA as the only qualifying criteria for potential appointment for a senior management position.

11 August 2015 - NW1393

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What number of (i) financial, (ii) forensic and/or (iii) other investigations that were commissioned by his department have been completed since 1 April 2013 and (b) in each case, what are the relevant details on the (i) investigation including a synopsis of the facts and findings of each case, (ii) persons or third parties responsible for each investigation, (iii) total cost to date of each investigation and (iv) appropriate steps taken against officials and third parties implicated of wrongdoing in the findings of the investigations?


The investigation reports are not made public and they remain confidential between the employee and the employer in terms of the disciplinary code.

(a)  (i) One.
(ii) Five.
(iii) Three.

(b) Financial:

Facts / Findings

Parties responsible

Total cost

Steps taken

Misuse of state vehicle

Employee & Employer

Cost not determined


Forensic: All forensic audits have been referred to the Accountant General.

Other Investigations:

Facts / Findings

Parties responsible

Total cost

Steps taken

Abuse of leave

Employee vs employer

Cost is not yet determined

Draft in progress

Alleged Assault

Employee vs employer

No cost

Disciplinary hearing in progress

Alleged corruption related to leave forms

Employee vs employer

No Cost

Investigation in progress


11 August 2015 - NW2596

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

(1)How many (a) vehicles does the detective division at the Edenvale Police Station currently have and (b) of the specified vehicles are currently in working condition; (2) how many (a) detectives are there at the Edenvale Police Station and (b) dockets is each detective currently investigating; (3) whether the detectives at the Edenvale Police Station will receive additional vehicles; if not, how are the detectives expected to investigate cases without enough vehicles; if so, (a) how many additional vehicles will the detectives at Edenvale Police Station receive and (b) when?


(1)(a) The Detective division at Edenvale Police Station currently has 11 vehicles.

(1)(b) Nine (9) vehicles are currently in working condition.

(2)(a) There are 27 detectives at the Edenvale Police Station.

(2)(b) Each detective is currently investigating ± 80 dockets.

(3) Yes, the Edenvale Detective Service will receive additional vehicles for the 2015/2016 financial year.

(3)(a) 2 vehicles are planned for the Edenvale Detective Service.

(3)(b) Within the 2015/2016 financial year.

Signed by Lt Gen V Moonoo


Date: 27 July 2015

Reply to question 2596 recommended




Date: 28 July 2015

Reply to question 2596 recommended





Date: 29 July 2015

Reply to question 2596 approved/not approved




11 August 2015 - NW2672

Profile picture: Mackay, Mr G

Mackay, Mr G to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)With reference to the audit report completed for and on behalf of the Central Energy Fund (CEF) by Ms. Joubert, the chief auditor for CEF, relating to the Lesedi Biogas Project, has the specified report been made available to the Auditor-General; (2) (a) who was the accounting officer instructed by the CEF to ensure that the Lesedi Biogas matter was reported to the appropriate bodies, (b) what documents were sent to the (i) Auditor-General, (ii) Department of Public Service and Administration and (iii) Public Service Commission; (3) why has the CEF failed to take the necessary steps in terms of section 86 of the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999; (4) with reference to the two executives implicated in the Lesedi Biogas matter who are leaving the CEF, were post termination hearings held as stated in the Labour Relations Act, Act 66 of 1995; if not, why not? NW3103E


  1. Yes.
  2. The CEF Management reported the matter to the National Prosecuting Authority, case number: CAS 65/3/2012. CEF made several follow-ups and the NPA assured CEF that the matter was under investigation and had also been referred to the Specialised Commercial Crime Unit. All the necessary project documents were made available to the (i) AG for the full audit. No documents were sent to (ii) DPSA and the (iii) Public Service Commission as the staff members implicated for possible wrong-doing had left the employ of CEF.
  3. This has been done. The CEF Management reported the matter to the National Prosecuting Authority, case number: CAS 65/3/2012. CEF made several follow-ups and the NPA assured CEF that the matter was under investigation and had also been referred to the Specialised Commercial Crime Unit.
  4. No. The implicated executive had resigned from their employment with CEF. This was a voluntary resignation and was not related to this matter. At the time when the matter was investigated by our Auditors, the implicated employees had already resigned. As indicated above, charges were laid, the matter was referred to the Special Crimes Unit/ National Prosecuting Authority.

11 August 2015 - NW2567

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 1968 on 19 June 2015, the Independent Power Producer Office is accountable to her department; if so, when will she answer question 1968 as originally submitted?


The IPP Office is funded by fees collected from prospective bidders.

11 August 2015 - NW2274

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) What proposals for the revision of planning models for the inspection of valid work permits have been completed by her department, (b) how do these propose to protect vulnerable workers and (c)(i) when and (ii) where will it be published? NW2634E


  1. The Department of Labour does not have a planning model for the inspection of valid work permits as this is a legislative responsibility of the Department of the Home Affairs and South African Police.
  2. In its normal work aligned with granting of work permits the Department of Labour mere conducts inspections at work places to determine compliance with prescribed conditions of employment. Furthermore the Department notifies the Department of Home Affairs should it discover employees without valid work permits.
  3. (i) N/A and (ii) N/A

11 August 2015 - NW2597

Profile picture: Majola, Mr TR

Majola, Mr TR to ask the Minister of Police

(1)What is the name of the officer who is currently under investigation for three alleged cases of police brutality (details furnished), (b) what are the reasons for not placing the specified officer on special leave and (c) who is conducting the specified investigation; (2) whether the SA Police Service has taken any measures to ensure that the specified police officer will not try to (a) influence the investigation and/or (b) intimidate witnesses while on duty?


  1. Constable DM Mapatlare.

(1)(b) The member was served with a notice of contemplated suspension/transfer. He submitted a representation in reply to this notice. The Provincial Commissioner is presently considering the member’s representation and will make a decision with regards to the suspension/transfer.

(1)(c) Capt Bakker from Provincial Legal Services.

(2)(a) Yes. The member was served with a notice of contemplated suspension/transfer.

(2)(b) Yes. The member was served with a notice of contemplated suspension/transfer.

11 August 2015 - NW1489

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

(a) What number of (i) financial, (ii) forensic and/or (iii) other investigations that were commissioned by his department have been completed since 1 April 2013 and (b) in each case, what are the relevant details on the (i) investigation including a synopsis of the facts and findings of each case, (ii) persons or third parties responsible for each investigation, (iii) total cost to date of each investigation and (iv) appropriate steps taken against officials and third parties implicated of wrongdoing in the findings of the investigations?


(a)(i) Nil

(a)(ii) Three (3) – Detailed forensic accounting investigations

(a)(iii) Nil

(b)(i) Durban-Central CAS 2001/08/2005: Fraud and/or Theft against the principal member of Durban Bay Trust Company Limited. Durban Bay Trust Company Limited offered services dealing with participation bonds, loans and investments, as well as the administration of deceased estates. It was alleged that during the period 1996 to 2005 the accused and /or associated entities accepted capital from members of the public to invest, inter alia, on the stock exchange and property. They also operated a trust dealing with estates; and trust monies were used to repay investors.

PARK ROAD CAS 476/06/2003: The accused together with other accomplices operated an investments scheme in the Vaal Triangle from about the mid 1990’s to approximately June 2002. The accused started a cash loan business in the Vaal Triangle which was later expanded to six cash loan outlets in the Vaal Triangle. The accused acquired a close corporation during 1998, through which the accused’s family elicited deposits from the public to finance the cash loan enterprises. The investors were promised a return of 10% interest per month on their investments. The operation of the accused and the family came to the attention of the Department of Trade and Industry during 1999. The accused also acquired another company during 2001 in which shares were issued without complying with legal requirements.

KABEGA PARK CAS 277/05/2004: The accused conducted a fraudulent pyramid scheme. The evidence disclosed that the funds obtained from investors were primarily deposited in the bank account of a company. The accused also channeled some of the funds through an account in the name of his father-in-law.

(b)(ii) Durban-Central CAS 2001/08/2005: LMD Africa Forensics (Pty) Ltd.

PARK ROAD CAS 476/06/2003: Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo Audit Advisory Forensics

KABEGA PARK CAS 277/05/2004: Deloitte & Touche Registered Auditors, Risk Advisory and Legal

(b)(iii) Durban-Central CAS 2001/08/2005: R432 313.31

PARK ROAD CAS 476/06/2003: R357 033.75

KABEGA PARK CAS 277/05/2004: R282 282.24

(b)(iv) Durban-Central CAS 2001/08/2005: Accused was sentenced to 5

years imprisonment

PARK ROAD CAS 476/06/2003: Accused was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment, suspended in full for 5 years and 36 months correctional supervision.

KABEGA PARK CAS 277/05/2004: The accused was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.

11 August 2015 - NW2742

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

Does the Chief Financial Officer of the Unemployment Insurance Fund have a turnaround strategy for the Compensation Fund and (b) what does the plan entail?



  1. Yes. We have put together a plan that aims to address the basic bottlenecks in service delivery and sound financial management. It entails focusing on improving the financial administration, improving the levels of customer service in the Fund, addressing human resource constraints in the Fund.
  2. This is to be achieved by addressing the system deficiencies that prevent performance of basic financial management functions, improving access to benefits for clients though a number of initiatives which include easing the process of access to chronic medication, filling the critical vacancies required in the adjudication of claims and addressing all systems problems that contribute to slow rate of processing claims.


11 August 2015 - NW2436

Profile picture: Van Dalen, Mr P

Van Dalen, Mr P to ask the Minister of Energy

What amount did (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in (i) Sowetan and (ii) Daily Sun in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?


The Department spent the following on (i) Sowetan (aa) 2012 – 2013 R43 299.77

(bb) 2013 - 2014 R433 319.35 (cc) 2014 – 2015 R145 230.82. The Department spent the following on (ii) Daily Sun in (aa) 2012 – 2013 R61 221. 42, bb) 2013 - 2014 No advert made, (cc) 2014 – 2015 R163 257.12)

11 August 2015 - NW2629

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 2395 on 6 July 2015, the requested information is now available; if not, (a) why not and (b) when will the information become available; if so, what are the relevant details of the requested information?


Yes, the requested information is now available. Please see the reply to Question in Parliament number 2395.

11 August 2015 - NW2588

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)Whether the Public Service Commission (PSC) has completed its report into the appointment of General Manager Fraud Compliance for the SA Social Security Agency; if so, (a) when was the report completed and (b) when was it sent to the Minister of Social Development; (2) whether the PSC received a legal opinion from the Department of Social Development to address the issues that were raised in the report; if so, (a) when was such a legal opinion received and (b) what was the PSC’s response in this regard; (3) what are the findings of the report; (4) can he provide a full and complete copy of the report?


  1. The Public Service Commission submitted a draft report on the investigation into the appointment of the General Manager Fraud Compliance at the SA Social Security to the Minister of Social Development on 12 September 2013 for comments.

(2)(a) The Public Service Commission received a legal opinion on the draft report on the 14 October 2014

(2)(b) The Public Service Commission withdrew its draft report after consideration of the comments received from the Department of Social Development. The decision to withdraw the report was based on the fact that the Public Service Commission’s jurisdiction does not extend to public entities.

3.  The Public Service Commission did not issue a final report.

4.  There is no full and complete report by the Public Service Commission on the matter.

11 August 2015 - NW2599

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With regard to Terenure Extension 79 Portion 270 of the Farm Zuurfontein 33-IR in Gauteng, (a) when did her department sell the land, (b) what was the selling price and (c) to whom was the land sold; (2) given that all the government schools in the area are overcrowded, what was the justification for selling the land; (3) considering that a 1000 housing units are to be built on the specified piece of land, has her department conducted any study as to where all the children living there will attend school; if not, why not; if so, which schools will be accommodating these children? NW2974E



1. (a) (b) (c) (2) Information received from Gauteng Department of Education indicates that the piece of land referred to has not been sold.

2.  The Gauteng Department of Education is aware of the application for township establishment and has objected to the proposal as there is a need for educational sites in the area. Studies done in this area has shown that there is a need for this site, for the construction of a school in the future.

11 August 2015 - NW2573

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Energy

Is her department considering to source electricity from energy ships and power barges run by the company Karpower; if not, why not; if so, when can the citizens expect to have these ships producing electricity on our shores?


Yes, we have issued a Request for Information in relation to any initiative to relieve the grid constraints, including through power barges. The Request for Information results have been collated and the procurement process will follow within the next 2 months.

11 August 2015 - NW2571

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1)       Has her department made any progress in developing alternative and innovative funding arrangements, in light of the National Energy Regulator of South Africa’s recent decision to dismiss Eskom’s latest tariff increase application; (2) what has she done to reduce Eskom’s dependence on funding from the fiscus since her appointment on 26 May 2014; (3) will she, in light of the restructuring and partial privatisation of Denel in 2002 that led the specified company experiencing a highly successful turnaround whilst remaining 100% state-owned, consider implementing a similar model for the urgent turnaround needed at Eskom; if not, what is her position with regard to the (a) privatisation and/or (b) partial privatisation of Eskom as a means of attracting private capital into the state-owned company; if so, will she concede that the privatisation or partial privatisation of Eskom is a reasonable capital-raising exercise as a way out of the company’s financial plights? NW2945E


(1) Eskom will continue executing the funding plan as approved and where there is a gap as a result of the NERSA decision, bridging finance will be sought.

(2) Eskom continues to drive cost containment programmes to drive efficiencies and is reviewing the Eskom business model to optimally manage the operations.

(3)(a) Privatisation of Eskom in any form is not an option which is being considered as it is not aligned with current Government policy direction.

(3)(b) Options of raising capital in a more sustainable manner (other than full or partial privatisation of Eskom Company) are being evaluated and will be tabled for consideration by the relevant stakeholders of Eskom.


11 August 2015 - NW2758

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

1.Does his Department own the vessels (a) Susan Kruger; (b) The Dias and (c) Sikhululekile; if not (i) what is the (aa) name and (bb) registration number of the company that owns each specified vessel and (ii) which vessels transport staff and tourists to Robben Island; 2. Does his Department contract with private vessel owners to transport staff and tourists to Robben Island; if so, what are the names of the private vessel owners?


  1. The then, Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, which was split into two separate departments in 2002, owned the vessels, Susan Kruger and The Dias. The Robben Island Museum owns the vessel Sikhululekile.

(i)(aa) the vessels are owned by Government, (bb) the registration numbers of the companies are not required because the vessels are owned by Government, and (ii) all three vessels transport staff and tourist when operational.

   2. The Robben Island Museum does contract with private vessel owners to transport staff and tourists to Robben Island, namely:- Heritage Charters; Nauticat Charters; Southern Right Charters; Silver Buckle Trade 21 CC; Ferry Charters (Schooner Cruisers Pty Ltd); Waterfront Expeditions and Thembekile Maritime Services.


11 August 2015 - NW2584

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

With reference to the new visa regulations, which according to reports from various tourism bodies have adversely affected both the tourism and hospitality industries, has she taken steps to engage with the Minister of Home Affairs in order to mitigate the risk of job losses in either of the specified industries; if so, what steps?


I suggest the Honourable member to direct this questions to Minister of Home Affairs or Minister of Tourism.


11 August 2015 - NW2718

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) Whether she has determined the staff complement required for the efficient operation of (a) public ordinary schools and (b) special needs school hostels; if not, when will such a determination be completed; if so, what is her determination in each case: (2) whether posts required to operate a school hostel must be provided and funded by the relevant provincial department of education; if not, (a) why not and (b) how will these posts be funded; if so, what posts are currently being provided and funded; (3) whether posts at school hostels are differently graded according to responsibility or skill level; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether district officials are required to monitor conditions at school hostels; if not, why not; if so, what are the requirements of such monitoring?


(1) Whether she has determined the staff complement required for the efficient operation of (a) public ordinary schools and (b) special needs school hostels; if not, when will such a determination be completed; if so, what is her determination in each case;

(1) (a) Norms and Standards for provisioning of school-based educators posts and support staff (administrative and grounds) are determined nationally in terms of the Post Provisioning Norms (PPN) and the policy on provisioning of support staff to schools. Both policies provides for the determination of post allocation based. mainly, on the number of learners. Therefore, allocation of posts based on the norms and standards will ensure that each school has the adequate number of posts for both educators and non-educators to enable it to operate efficiently.

(b) There is currently no national determination on the norms for staffing of special schools hostels. Each Provincial Education Department (PED) determines the norms and standards with regards to staffing. There is a process to develop comprehensive national norms and standards for the resourcing of special and full service schools. The provisioning for both professional and non-professional support staff is pan of the process.

(2) Whether posts required to operate a school hostel must be provided and funded by the relevant provincial department of education; if not, (a) why not and (b) how will these posts be funded; if so, what posts are currently being provided and funded;

(a) Where norms and standards are determined, such posts must be funded by the PED in line with the provincial norms and standards. information has been requested from all PEDs and a full response will be provided once the information is received.

(3) Whether posts at school hostels are differently graded according to responsibility or skill level; if not, why not; if so, what arc the relevant details;

(3) As indicated above, the norms and standards for provisioning of personnel in hostels is determined at provincial level. information on provision and post levels has been requested from PEDs and will be provided as soon as it is received.

(4) Whether district officials are required to monitor conditions at school hostels; if not, why not; if so, what are the requirements of such monitoring?

(4) Yes, District Officials are required to monitor conditions at school hostels as part of their monitoring of schools.

School hostels are monitored in line with the Department of Basic Education Guidelines for the provision of boarding facilities in public ordinary schools and Provincial Education Department Hostel Policies for Public Ordinary Schools.

11 August 2015 - NW1830

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)How many persons are employed as (a) provincial office officials, (b)(i) district or (ii) circuit officials working in (aa) an administrative position or (bb) a psycho-social or special needs support position, (c) educators in schools and (d) support staff in schools in each provincial education department; (2) whether any guideline exists for the ratio of learners to (a)(i) provincial and/or (ii) district employees and (b) psycho-social or special needs support staff; if not, (aa) why not and (bb) what guideline does she utilise to determine whether provincial education budgets for compensation of employees are being allocated efficiently; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2050E


  1. How many persons are employed as (a) provincial office officials, (b)(i) district or (ii) circuit officials working in (aa) an administrative position or (bb) a psycho-social or special needs support position, (c) educators in schools and (d) support staff in schools in each provincial education department.



(a) Provincial Office (staff)

(b) (i) District Office (staff)

(b) (ii) (aa) Administrative posts at District

(b) (ii) (bb) Psycho-social/ special needs posts at schools

(c) Educators at schools

(d) Support staff at schools




1 041

1 723


52 155

2 130

57 677




1 408

17 728

16 275

3 374

54 226

4 966

97 977



2 822



87 876

13 087

104 972






30 818

7 147

39 514



3 532



53 950

5 648

63 980



1 444



21 403

4 838

28 517






30 058

5 122

36 614






24 260

2 986

29 744


6 583

28 824

18 160

4 758

354 746

45 924

458 995

NOTE: All figures indicated as received from Provincial Education Departments’(PED).

2. (a)(i) No, there is no guideline for the ratio of learners to provincial employees.

(ii) No, there is no guideline for the ratio of learners to district employees.

(b) Yes, there is a guideline for the ratio of learners to psycho-social or special needs support staff.

(aa) Different norms apply for determining staffing at various levels. Staffing at provincial and district level is determined in terms of conventional methods of determining organisational structures and post establishments which consider the nature and magnitude of the work using work study and job evaluation. These are not based on the number of learners. In addition, the Department has developed the Policy on Organisation, Roles and Responsibilities of Districts (GG No. 36324) which provides for norms to take into account the extent of support the schools require based on distances travelled and poverty ranking.

The Department is currently developing comprehensive norms and standards for resourcing of full service and special schools, which will include provisioning of professional and other support staff to schools. The existing norms on provisioning of professional support staff to schools that are based on learner numbers or ratios provide only for the provisioning of a therapist and senior posts at schools.

(bb) The ‘Technical Guidelines (including the Guidelines for Costing and Budgeting for Compensation of Employees) for the Preparation of Expenditure Estimates for the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF)’ annually published by the National Treasury are used to guide the allocation of budgets for compensation of employees.

11 August 2015 - NW2680

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)How many public service employees have completed official training programmes on the procedures, regulations and legislation regarding the management of discipline and incapacity issues in the workplace either through the (a) National School of Government (NSG) or (b) any of the former government schools in the (i) 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14 and (iii) 2014-15 financial years; (2) were any of the specified training programmes accredited by the SA Qualifications Authority (SAQA); if so, (a) what are the (i) names and (ii) registration numbers of these qualifications or modules on the national qualification framework and (b) how many public service employees were successfully credited through the (i) NSG and/or (ii) any former government schools for completion of the programmes by the SAQA; (3) has he found that his department is adequately meeting the training needs regarding the management of discipline and incapacity issues within the public service; if not, what are his plans and targets in this regard?


(1) The number of public service employees completed officials training programmes on the procedures, regulations and legislation regarding the management of discipline and incapacity issues in the workplace in (i) 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14 financial years were included in the Annual Report of the Public Administration Leadership Academy and the National School of Government tabled in Parliament (iii) the auditing process on the 2014-2015 figures has not been completed, this figures will be included in the National School of Government 2014-2015 Annual Report to Parliament.

(2) The National School of Government is in contacts with the South African Qualifications Authority, Quality Council for Trades and Occupations, Department of Public Service and Administration, and the Public Service Sector Education and Training Assurer for accreditation of its training programmes, a list of accredited training programme will be released once this process is completed.

(3) The Department of Public Service and Administration has developed a pool of expert to assist departments in relation to management of discipline, review of the policies to improve capacity of public servants to meet the requirements of the National Development Plan are at an advance stage, when completed, public servants will be required to undergo through these training programmes.


11 August 2015 - NW2575

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)With reference to the three executives (Nosiviwe Nokwe-Macamo, Lindiwe Mthimunye-Bakoro and Andrew Diepenaar) at PetroSA who were recently placed on forced leave pending an investigation into their performance, what are the detailed reasons for suspending each of the three executives; (2) Has the investigation into the specified three executives been concluded; if not, why not; if so, what are the detailed results of the investigations? NW2950E


  1. PetroSA will declare a substantial loss of approximately R15 billion for the financial year ending 31 March 2015.

In discharging its fiduciary duty, the Board of Directors of PetroSA resolved to conduct an investigation into the causes of the substantial loss and PetroSA's poor performance as well as the role played by PetroSA's executive team including the Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO), the Group Chief Financial Officer (GCFO) and the Vice President – Upstream in relation thereto. The Board of Directors formed the prima facie view that PetroSA's poor financial performance was, at least in part, attributable to the three executives given their role, duties and responsibilities as employees of PetroSA.

2. The investigation is currently still in progress. It was envisaged that the investigation would be completed within a period of approximately two months. At this stage, it is anticipated that the investigation will be completed towards the end of August. In light of the fact that the investigation is still underway, no results are available.

11 August 2015 - NW2627

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 2393 on 6 July 2015, all the requested information is now available; if not, (a) why not and (b) when will the information become available; if so, what are the details of the information so requested?


Question 2393 has been replied to and the requested information was provided.

11 August 2015 - NW2566

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Energy

With reference to her reply to question 1612 on 26 May 2015, what were the reasons for not referring the draft Integrated Resource Plan 2013 to Cabinet?


The policy adjustment process is not yet completed.

11 August 2015 - NW2633

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the SA National Roads Agency (SANRAL) in any stage has applied for the certification or exemption from certification of the e-toll system and related technology in terms of the Trade Metrology Act, Act 77 of 1973, and/or the later Legal Metrology Act, Act 9 of 2014, and other supporting legislation applicable to certification; if not, why not; if yes, what are the applicable details? NW3008A The GFIP e-toll system comprises a number of components, only certain of which are regulated by the legislation referred to. In the case of the camera equipment installed on the GFIP system, this equipment complies with the technical requirements of SANS 1795, Part 5 on data capturing and recording devices for road traffic law enforcement. With regard to other equipment used and in the absence of specific technical regulations, this matter is being handled by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) in terms of the legal Metrology Act of 1973. The CEO of the NRCS will set requirements and conditions for use of the equipment in terms of section 22 of the Legal Metrology Act. It must further be noted that SANRAL has a classification system in place for the motor vehicles and a representation procedure for users who wish to query the classification of a motor vehicle for a specific transaction. In the event that there is any dispute regarding the classification of the vehicle and having regard to the representation procedure already applied by SANRAL, the actual size of the vehicle (length, width and height) may be verified by having regard to the specifications as provided by the vehicle manufacturer.


The GFIP e-toll system comprises a number of components, only certain of which are regulated by the legislation referred to. In the case of the camera equipment installed on the GFIP system, this equipment complies with the technical requirements of SANS 1795, Part 5 on data capturing and recording devices for road traffic law enforcement.

With regard to other equipment used and in the absence of specific technical regulations, this matter is being handled by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) in terms of the legal Metrology Act of 1973.

The CEO of the NRCS will set requirements and conditions for use of the equipment in terms of section 22 of the Legal Metrology Act.

It must further be noted that SANRAL has a classification system in place for the motor vehicles and a representation procedure for users who wish to query the classification of a motor vehicle for a specific transaction. In the event that there is any dispute regarding the classification of the vehicle and having regard to the representation procedure already applied by SANRAL, the actual size of the vehicle (length, width and height) may be verified by having regard to the specifications as provided by the vehicle manufacturer.

11 August 2015 - NW2535

Profile picture: Lekota, Mr M

Lekota, Mr M to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether her department, in pursuing a nuclear energy build programme, had (a) carefully factored in the Government’s policy position as captured in the Integrated Resource Plan and the National Development Plan (NDP), particularly the caution of the NDP for Government to evaluate the potentially prohibitive capital costs of nuclear energy as this required a level of investment unprecedented in the country, (b) worked out plans A, B and C to comfortably meet cost overruns of 50%, 75% and 100% in an increasingly costlier capital market following a possible down grading by rating agencies and (c) requested the Portfolio Committee on Energy to conduct public hearings with a view to reporting to Parliament the inputs received from experts and the public and the recommendations that the Portfolio Committee on Energy was therefore making to Parliament; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(a)  The Department of Energy has carefully factored in the relevant government policies in preparation for rollout of the nuclear new build including the requirements of the National Development Plan(NDP) and Integrated Resource Plan 2010-2030 (IRP 2010-2030).

(b) The IRP2010-2030 provides a schedule to start commission the nuclear power plants from 2023 to 2030. The Department of Energy has identified a government State Owned Entity as an Implementing Agent for the nuclear new build programme. The Implementing Agent will work out specific detailed implementation plans to rollout the programme.

(c) South Africa has signed the Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs) with Nuclear Vendor countries (USA, South Korea, China, France and Russia). The Department of Energy has tabled these IGAs to Parliament for deliberations and ratification. The Department awaits feedback from the Portfolio Energy Committee on this matter.

11 August 2015 - NW2568

Profile picture: Mackay, Mr G

Mackay, Mr G to ask the Minister of Energy

With reference to her reply to question 2074 on 9 June 2015, what are the relevant details of the proper financial provisions made with reference to the nuclear build programme?


The Nuclear New Build Programme Funding requirement is being discussed within National Treasury.

11 August 2015 - NW2744

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)Why did she transfer a certain person (details furnished) from the Compensation Fund without first instituting disciplinary proceedings against the specified person; (2) will disciplinary proceedings still be initiated against the specified person; if not, why not?



  1. At this point transfer is the best solution
  2. No, reason being no misconduct has been established.

11 August 2015 - NW2576

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)Has PetroSA been in discussions with the company James Street Capital Partners; if so, what were the nature of these discussions; (2) were any agreements signed between the two companies; if so, what are the relevant details of each of these agreements; (3) are there still any ongoing discussions taking place between PetroSA and the specified company; if so, what are the relevant details of these discussions; (4) did the specified company withdraw a business proposal to solve one of the business problems within PetroSA; if not, what is the status of this business proposal by the specified company; if so, (a) what are the relevant details of this proposal and (b) why was the business proposal withdrawn? NW2951E


  1. During the first half of 2015, PetroSA representatives had exploratory discussions with James Street Capital Partners (JSCP). In these exploratory discussions JSCP expressed an interest in partnering with PetroSA in the trading function of the business. In the three meetings held with JSCP representatives, PetroSA outlined the workings of its procurement policy and procedures, and the requirement to always adhere to these. The discussions with JSCP never materialised into any agreements.
  2. No agreements were concluded with JSCP.
  3. There are no ongoing discussions with JSCP.
  4. PetroSA policies require the National Oil Company to perform a due-diligence probe on the company that is presenting a proposal. The policies also stipulate that such potential partners need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. In the case of JSCP, their proposal could not be progressed as the process of verification was never finalised.

11 August 2015 - NW2272

Profile picture: Ollis, Mr IM

Ollis, Mr IM to ask the Minister of labour

How many (a) individual claims were lodged with the Compensation Fund and(b) claims were settled through payments to (i) workers and/or (ii) their medical service provider(s) in the (aa) 2010-11, (bb) 2011-12, (cc) 2012-13, (dd) 2013-14, and (ee) 2013-15 financial years?



Claims Processed between 2010 and 2015



Claims Registered

No of Medical Payments

No of claims Paid


215 493

868 284

329 091


141 437

824 924

205 150


196 509

934 834

325 981


310 710

1 817 383

304 234

11 August 2015 - NW2636

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Whether, given the fact that the Public Service already broadly reflects the national demographics of the country, he will consider scrapping affirmative action in the Public Service; if not, (a) why not and (b) which constitutional provisions are still forcing the Government to enforce affirmative action, when the requirement that the Public Service should broadly reflect the national demographics has already been achieved; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Minister for Public Service and Administration (MPSA) is not a custodian of the Employment Equity Act, (Act 55 of 1998). Compliance with the Employment Equity Act, Act 55 of 1998 (EEA) falls under the purview of the Minister of Labour who receives periodic compliance reports from all employers in the country, including state organs, much of the information requested in this question concerns compliance with the EEA. Therefore, the Minister of Labour is in a better position to reply to this question.

11 August 2015 - NW2572

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Will she provide a copy of the book entitled Defence Technology Made Easy, which was launched by Denel as part of the group’s celebrations of South Africa’s 20 years of democracy; if not, why not; if so, when?


Yes, Denel will distribute copies of said book to the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises, at the tabling of its Annual Report 2014/15.

11 August 2015 - NW2604

Profile picture: Van Dalen, Mr P

Van Dalen, Mr P to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)(a) What are the names of each of the proposed sites where the new nuclear power plants will be built and (b) where are each of these sites located; (2) whether any environmental impact assessments have been done at each of these sites; if not, why not; if so, (a) when and (b) what were the detailed findings of these assessments; (3) in respect of each of the proposed sites, are there currently transmission lines in place to connect the power generated from the nuclear power station to the national power grid? NW2979E


  1. (a) and (b) Thyspunt in the Eastern Cape

Dunefontein in the Western Cape

Bantamsklip in the Western Cape

Brazil in Northern Cape

Schulpfontein in the Western Cape

KwaZulu-Natal the names of sites and locations yet to be identified investigated in detail

2. (a) The Environmental Impact Assessment has been done for Thyspunt, Dunefontein and Batamsklip

(b) The detailed findings of the assessments of these sites are public available on Eskom Nuclear's 1 EIA website.

The Brazil and Schulpfontein sites were scoped out during scoping phase

The EIA has not started in potential sites in KwaZulu-Natal as these still have to be confirmed

3. The transmission to the grid is contained in the EIA report.


11 August 2015 - NW2342

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to her reply to question 1192 on 18 May 2015, (a) why could she not provide the details required in paragraphs (1) and (2) of the question, given that her department provides the majority of the funding for the National Education Collaboration Trust and (b) what are the relevant details as requested?


The responses below are for previously asked question 1192 from 1 – 2 and were sourced from the National Education Collaboration Framework (NECT).

  1. (a)

The NECT is a Trust founded on the basis of the Trust Law. It is a public benefit organisation with the primary objective to improve the quality of schooling and systems for monitoring and supporting schools. The NECT is guided by the Education Collaboration Framework (ECF) which is a blueprint for partnership between government and other social partners which aims to:

  • influence and support the implementation of government’s education reform;
  • increase the effectiveness, value for money and sustainability of private sector social investment in education; and
  • improve educational outcomes.

The names of the trustees are provided below in line with the stakeholder categories:

Business (Business Leadership South Africa): Sizwe Nxasana (Chairman), Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of FirstRand Limited; Mark Lamberti, CEO of Imperial Holding; and Futhi Mtoba, TeachSA

Government: Minister AM Motshekga, MP and Acting Director-General, Mr SG Padayachee

Unions: Nkosana Dolopi, South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) Deputy Secretary-General and Basil Manuel, NAPTOSA President

Civil Society: Prof Brian Figaji

Chief Executive Officer: Godwin Khosa

The following managers are officials comprising the NECT:

The CEO, two (2) Education Specialists, the Chief Finance Officer (CFO), the Office Manager, two secondees, four trainees and three administrators.


The NECT is governed by the Trust Deed and its various committee charters. The NECT has procurement policies as well as staff manuals that govern the conduct and the operations of the NECT.

EXCO Members: Sizwe Nxasana (chairperson), Mark Lamberti, Futhi Mtoba, Nkosana Dolopi, Minister AM Motshekga, MP; Acting Director-General, Mr SG Padayachee

Audit and Risk Committee: Sizwe Nxasana, Mark Lamberti, Futhi Mtoba (Chairperson), Nkosana Dolopi, Minister AM Motshekga, MP

  1. (c) (i) (ii)

See attached Excel spreadsheet Annexure A on meetings held.

2(a) (i) (ii) (iii)

The terms of reference of the NECT are set out in the Education Collaboration Framework (ECF) which draws from Chapter 9 of the National Development Plan (NDP) and the Education Action Plan 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2019. The ECF was drafted out of consultations involving over 100 role-players in education from a cross-section of education stakeholders. It was launched by the then Deputy President, Mr Motlanthe, at the Presidential Guesthouse on 16 July 2013. The plans and targets for 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 are set out in the Interim Integrated Report published in December 2014, that can be downloaded from

11 August 2015 - NW2670

Profile picture: Mackay, Mr G

Mackay, Mr G to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)With reference to her reply to question 1821 on 9 June 2015, what (a) were the relevant details of the undertaking between the Central Energy Fund (CEF) and Lesedi Biogas and (b) amount of funding was given to Lesedi Biogas; (2) was the funding to the Lesedi Biogas project stopped due to actual or suspected fraud; if so, (a) when did the CEF become aware of the suspected or actual fraud and (b) when did the funding to this project cease; (3) what (a) steps did the CEF take to recover the funds given to Lesedi Biogas and (b) amount was (i) recovered and (ii) lost; (4) why was the Lesedi Biogas matter only reported to the National Prosecuting Authority in March 2012? NW3101E


  1. (a) the undertaking was to further development the project,

(b) the amount spent was R2.2million.

2. (a) No, funding was stopped because the project did not achieve certain required conditions.

(b) funding ceased during May 2009.

3. The matter was reported to the Commercial Crimes Unit for Investigation.

4. The CEF internal investigation commenced towards end of 2010 and was finalized in 2011. The matter was immediately reported to the National Prosecuting Authority after being considered internally.

11 August 2015 - NW2276

Profile picture: Ollis, Mr IM

Ollis, Mr IM to ask the Minister of Labour

How many (a) individual claims were lodged with the Compensation Fund and (b) claims were settled through payments to (i) workers or (ii) their medical service provider(s) in the (aa) 2005-06, (bb) 2006-07, (cc) 2007-08, (dd) 2008-09 and (e) 2009-10 financial years?


Claims Processed between 2005 and 2010


Claims Registered

No of Medical Payments

No of claims Paid


230 030

721 011

54 730


213 246

886 577

331 672


209 830

777 320

335 345


203 711

815 045

327 647


200 560

781 249

340 159


11 August 2015 - NW2355

Profile picture: Volmink, Mr HC

Volmink, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Health

(1)For each provincial department of health, (a) who signs off on the (i) tenders and (ii) payments for medication and (b)(i) which pharmaceutical companies are used and (ii) why; (2) with regard to the current medicine shortages, what (a) are the details of each case where the shortages are due to procurement issues and (b) went wrong in each case; (3) whether any of the medicine shortages were due or in part due to acquiring medicines that were not affordable; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) how does his department ensure that the acquisition of medicines is financially viable?


(1) (a) (i) The following provinces do not have provincial contracts:

  • Free State, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Northern Cape and North West.

Officials in provinces who sign off on provincial tenders are:

  • Eastern Cape: Depot Manager and Director: Supply Chain Management.
  • KwaZulu-Natal: Head of Department.
  • Gauteng: Chairperson of the Provincial Bid Adjudication Committee.
  • Western Cape: Officials according to financial delegations.

(ii) Provincial officials who sign off on the payments for medication are:


  • Eastern Cape: Director: Finance at the depot.
  • Free State: CEO, Depot Manager, Head of Pharmaceutical Services and Finance Manager, according to financial delegations.
  • Gauteng: Director: Finance at the medical supplies depot.
  • KwaZulu-Natal: Assistant Manager: Pharmaceutical supply depot.
  • Limpopo: Senior Manager: Pharmaceutical Services and Financial Manager.
  • Mpumalanga: Chief Financial Officer.
  • Northern Cape: Director: Financial Services, Depot Manager, Deputy Director: Finance, Administrative Officers and Clerks according to financial delegations.
  • North West: Head of Department, Chief Financial Officer and Director: Supply Chain Management.
  • Western Cape: Assistant Director as Head of Finance Division at the depot.

(b) (i) The list of pharmaceutical companies is attached as Annexure A.


(ii) The companies are contracted using a competitive bidding process. Provinces purchase medicines from these contracted suppliers unless there is a breach of contract.

(2) (a) & (b) Medicine shortage is never a permanent problem. It changes almost everyday. Please supply the list of medicines which you believe we are short of and we will provide you with a reason.

(3) No. Medicines procured on tender are either approved essential medicines or formulary items reviewed by Provincial Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committees. The approval of an essential medicine includes a systematic evaluation of affordability which involves application of various pharmaco-economic tools.

(4) In the tendering process a competitive bidding process is used. Prior to advertisement of tender, provinces submit estimates and sign off on the estimated expenditure. In addition, price negotiations are entered into before a tender is finalised.


11 August 2015 - NW2677

Profile picture: Van Dalen, Mr P

Van Dalen, Mr P to ask the Minister of Energy

With reference to the (a) Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of SA (PetroSA), (b) Petroleum Agency South Africa (PASA), (c) Strategic Fuel Fund Association (SSF) and (d) African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation (AEMFC), (i) what are the (aa) names, (bb) qualifications and (cc) salaries of each of the board members at each of these entities and (ii) how long has each of the board members been on the board of each of the entities?



(a) Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa SOC Ltd (PetroSA)

Board Status


Appointment Date

Term Ends

Qualifications and Experience

Remunerated. Yes/No

Fee per meeting

Mr O Tobias





Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R22 136.12

Ms J May-Ntwane




Cert In Public Relations

Dip Human Resource Management

BA Hons (Anthropology)

Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R22 136.12

Mr W Steenkamp



Cert. Management

MBA (Still Studying)

Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R22 136.12

Mr W Ngubane



B Compt

Dip Acc


Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R22 136.12

Mr M Mkhize




BSc (Chem Eng)

B Com


Cert. Legislative Drafting



Mr S Mokuena



BSc Electrical Engineering.


GCC Mines and Works

Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R22 136.12

Mr. S Mthethwa (CEF Chief Executive Officer)



B Com. (Acc)

B Compt. (Hons)

H Dip in Acc




Ms N Nokwe (Chie Executive Officer)


Linked to her term of Office


MSc Petrochemical Engineering

Certificate in Int Mgmt.



Ms L Bakoro

(Chief Financial Officer)


Linked to term of Office as CFO

B Com,

Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting,

Post Graduate Diploma in Tax Law. M Com,




(b) Petroleum Agency (PASA)

Board Status


Appointment Date

Term Ends

Qualifications and Experience

Remunerated. Yes/No

Fee per Meeting

Mr P Fusi (Chair)

01/07/2015. Second term


BSc Chemical Engineering,


Not remunerated in his personal capacity


Ms T Ramuedzisi (DOE)


Until Further Notice

BSc Computer Science and Mathematics,

BSc (Hons) Computer Science,





Ms R Nkambule (DMR)


Until Further Notice

Information not received.



Ms J Luthuli

01/03/2015. Second Term



B Compt (Hons)


Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R14 757.22

Mr Nengovhela

17/12/2014. First term


B Admin. Post grad Diploma-Labour Relations. B Com (Honours). Management Advanced Program. LLM Labour Law. Int. Executive Development Program.

Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R14 757.22

(c) SFF

Current Board Status


Appointment Date

Term Ends

Qualifications and Experience

Remunerated. Yes/No

Fee per Meeting

Dr S Mthembi-Mahanyele (Chairperson)


Until Further Notice

Senior Teachers Diploma,

BA – Ed,

Honorary Doctorate (PhD) (Honorius Causa)

Post Grad Dip in Economic Principles,

Post Grad Dip in Financial Economics.

MSc Public Policy and Management

Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R22 136.12

Mr. E Cloete

(DOE representative)

21/8/2013 First Term



H Dip Education

Cert Economics and Public Finance



Mr. L Mulaudzi

(DOE representative)

1/9/2012. First Term


N Dip. Public Management and Administration,

Executive National Security Program,

Programme in Housing Policy Development



Ms R. Van Wyk

1/12/2012 (Appointed to BARC 01/03/2011. Appointed Interim BARC Chair 01/08/2011. Reappointed BARC Chair 01/03/2012. Appointed Director 01/12/2012)




Dip. Advanced Banking

Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R14 757.22

Amb. B. Gila (Chief Executive Officer)


Until Further Notice (linked to term of office)

Advocate of the High Court

Former Ambassador to Venezuela.



Mr K Vilakazi




B Compt (Hons) / CTA



Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R14 757.22

Mr S Gounden



Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting - Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting & Taxation,


Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R14 757.22

(d) African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation (AEMFC)

Current Board Status


Appointment Date

Term Ends

Qualifications and Experience

Remunerated. Yes/No Subcommittee

Fee per meeting

Mr A Mngomezulu

07/12/2011 (Appointed as Director 12/07/2007. Reappointed in 2010 for one year. Appointed Interim Chair 22/09/2011. Reappointed 07/12/2011)

Until Further Notice

BSc Honours Geology.

Grad Dip Engineering,

Mining Economics



Mr S Madondo

(Chief Executive)


(linked to his term of office as CEO)

BSc Applied Maths,

BSc. (Hons) Mathematical Statistics, MBA



Dr. Z Rustomjee

01/12/2012 (Appointed 12/07/2007. Reappointed 30/03/2010. Reappointed 12/07/2011. Term ended 12/07/2012)



PhD Economics,

MPhil Development Economics,

MSc. Industrial Engineering,

BSc.(Hons)Chemical Engineering,



Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R14 757.22

Ms B Mdyesha (Executive)


(linked to term of office as CFO)

BSc Statistics

Post Grad Diploma in Accounting

B Com. (Hons)




Mr. S Mthethwa

(CEF Chief Executive Officer)



B Com. (Acc)

B Compt. (Hons)

H Dip in Acc




Mr J Lekgetha



B Com. (Acc)


H Dip in Tax Law

Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R14 757.22

Ms P Rammutla



B Com (Acc)

B Com (Hons)


Yes. Earnings reflected in Audited Annual Financial Statements.

R14 757.22

11 August 2015 - NW2621

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1205 on 11 September 2014, the existing backlogs for water in each of the 23 district municipalities were confirmed by March 2015; if not, (a) why not and (b) when will this process be completed; if so, what is the current backlog information for each of the specified municipalities; (2) with reference to his reply to question 1533 on 18 May 2015, when will the process of updating information for water, sanitation, electricity and waste management be completed; (3) whether the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro has been added to the 23 municipalities to be prioritised because of their significant backlogs; if so, what are the relevant details?


1.  The Department of Water and Sanitation has completed the process of compiling the information on water backlogs in respect of each of the 23 priority District Municipalities. The number of priority District Municipalities has since increased to 27. The information is attached as Annexure A.

2. Sanitation, electricity and waste management information for the 23 Priority District Municipalities will be completed by end September 2015.

3. Nelson Mandela Bay Metro has not been added to the 23 priority District Municipalities.

11 August 2015 - NW2628

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

(1)Whether any member of the SA Police Service (SAPS) in each province has been linked to suppliers used by the SAPS for building contracts (a) in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13, (iii) 2013-14 and (iv) 2014-15 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2015; if so, in each specified case, what are the names and ranks of the specified SAPS members; (2) (a) whether the prescribed tender process was followed by the SAPS in awarding each specified contract and (b) what was the value of each specified contract; (3) in each of the specified cases, (a) which building contracts exceeded their budgets and (b) by how much?


  1. According to information available at the Division: SCM there are no SAPS members linked to any supplier used by the SAPS for building contracts in the mentioned periods. However, on 14 August 2012 during a Police Portfolio Committee Meeting at Parliament (Building Police Stations: SAPS progress report: SAPS Quarterly Performance 2012), Ms Kohler Barnard stated “a Special Investigating Unit (SIU) investigation revealed that 115 SAPS members linked to suppliers for building contracts came to R50 Million …..” (See attached PCOP Minutes - Page 8). Neither this information nor any subsequent progress thereafter has ever been reported to the Division: SCM.
  2. Unknown as this is linked to (1) above.
  3. Unknown as this is linked to (1) above.

Original signed MAJOR GENERAL



Date: 27 July 2015

Reply to Question 2628 recommended/not recommended





Reply to Question 2628 recommended/not recommended





Reply to Question 2628 approved/not approved




11 August 2015 - NW2570

Profile picture: Mackay, Mr G

Mackay, Mr G to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 635 on 13 March 2015, her department has decided on the number of (a) high and (b) low pressure solar water heaters to be installed in the 2015-16 financial year; if so, what is the total number of each type of solar water heater to be installed?

