Questions and Replies

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14 April 2015 - NW711

Profile picture: Atkinson, Mr P

Atkinson, Mr P to ask the Minister of Health:

Does his department have any plans in place to convert the Lenasia South Community Centre into a 24-hour hospital; if not, are there any other plans in place for a 24-hour health facility in Lenasia; if so, when is such conversion set to take place?



There are plans to upgrade the Lenasia South Community Health Centre into a 250 bedded district hospital. These plans are still in the design phase.

In the mean time there are plans to have seventy six (76) step down beds activated in the Community Health Center and a 24 hour casualty and an emergency service.

The project for the step down beds is at an advanced stage and it is planned that the patients will be admitted by 01 June 2015.

Minor renovations are currently underway in the casualty and emergency area.

It is envisaged that provision of 24 hour emergency services will thus commence on 01 October 2015.


14 April 2015 - NW617

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Health:

Whether he has a plan to address the quality of dental care offered to the poor; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?



1. The Department is currently providing school primary preventive oral health programmes to Quintile 1 and 2 schools in collaboration with the Department of Basic Education, as part of the Integrated School Health Programme (ISHP). The services consist of:

a. Dental screening;
b. Oral health education;
c. Tooth brushing sessions;
d. Tooth fissure sealant applications; and
e. Basic treatment services.

2. The Department has purchased Mobile Dental Clinics, equipped with dental equipment and instruments, for the NHI pilot districts, to provide oral health services to children at schools and areas that are difficult to reach. This serves to improve access to services to communities that are poor.

3. The Department conducts quarterly visits to facilities in districts and provinces to assess the quality of oral health services that are used by the poor. Reports with recommendations are then sent to relevant provinces to take remedial action where necessary. Such exercises help to improve quality of oral health services.

4. The Ideal Clinic initiative aims to include and improve oral health services at Primary Health Care Level by ensuring availability of appropriate infrastructure, equipment and human resources to render quality oral health services.

5. Placement of Community Service Dentists in rural areas and also to areas where there were no oral health services have increased and therefore the access to oral services has increased to poor communities.


12 April 2015 - NW714

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Ms D Kohler (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works:

(1) Of all the different properties leased to his department, (a) which top ten (i) companies and/or (ii) persons lease the specified properties to his department and (b) where are each of the specified properties situated; (2) for each of the specified properties, (a) which department(s) is currently occupying the properties, (b) what is the rental price per square meter and (c) what is the total size of each property?


The Minister of Public Works

(1) (a) (i) and (ii) below is a list of the top 10 landlords that the Department of Public Works is leasing property from. The landlords are classified as being in the top 10 in terms of cost to the Department and the number of properties leased (see Annexure A).

The landlords are as follows:

    1. Delta Property Fund
    2. Redefine Properties Limited
    3. Rebosis Property Fund Limited
    4. Encha Properties Trust (PTY) Ltd.
    5. JHI Properties (PTY) Ltd.
    6. Tacora Investments (PTY) Ltd.
    7. Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs Inc.
    8. Summermania Seven (PTY) Ltd.
    9. Mergence Africa Property Investments
    10. Premium Properties Ltd.

(1) (b) Please refer to the attached Annexure (B).

(2) (a), (b) and (c) Please refer to the attached Annexure (A and B).

09 April 2015 - NW945

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) How many learners in each province are current repeating (a) Grade 9, (b) Grade 10 and (c) Grade 11; (2) what remedial assistance has her department developed to assist learners who with progress to (a) Grade 10, (b) Grade 11 and (c) Grade 12 without having met the promotion requirements? NW1103


1. (a) (b) (c) The sector is currently finalizing the data for the repeating learners with will be available by April 2015. For the 2015 academic year, provinces are are expecting to submit by the end of October 2015, according to Government Gazette 29757. However, the sector is able to provide the requested data for 2012 and 2013.



Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11


17 675

33 931

33 267


18 019

20 063

11 616


23 133

45 120

22 942


5 858

9 286

8 022


50 514

61 641

38 903


16 076

26 310

19 776


4 518

6 017

4 220


11 054

17 548

9 325


14 832

12 587

6 944

Source: EMIS 2013



Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11


18 675

36 264

31 191

Attached please find here: 2013 REPEATING LEARNERS continued

02 April 2015 - NW1122

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of State Security

(a) What amount did (i) his department and (ii) state entities reporting to him spend on each newspaper subscription in each month (aa) in the (aaa) 2011-12, (bbb) 2012-13 and (ccc) 2013-1 4 financial years and (bbb) during the period 1 April 2014 up to the latest specified date for which information is available and (b) how many copies of each newspaper were ordered on each day of the week (i) in each specified financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2014 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?


(a) The State Security Agency (SSA) spent the following amounts on newspapers:

Attached please find here: Financial Year Amount

27 March 2015 - NW898

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of State Security:

What amount was spent by (a) his department and (b) state entities reporting to him on (i) tickets and (ii) sponsorships on The New Age Breakfast Briefings for the last three financial years?


(a) None
(b) None
(i) None
(ii) None

24 March 2015 - NW478

Profile picture: Singh, Mr N

Singh, Mr N to ask the Minister of Transport:

With reference to her reply to oral question 261 on 31 October 2014, can she (a) provide an update regarding the intended date for the completion of discussions and consultations with provinces in respect of the standardisation of motor vehicle licensing fees and (b) advise as lo when she will make a statement on this matter?


a) The Department through its Inter-Provincial Policies and Procedures (IPPP) forum has developed a proposed "Fees Model" together with Provinces. There still needs to be discussions with the National Treasury on the proposed Model.

The Provinces submitted the model to their Provincial Treasuries to conduct an assessment of the financial implications. The Provinces whose fees were higher in a particular category of motor vehicles were supposed to decrease their fees or to perhaps not increase those fees for a certain period. So that other Provinces whose fees were lesser will be able to stabilize/catch up with Provinces whose fees were higher.

This has a huge financial implication on the own revenue generated by the Provinces and Local Authorities, therefore it is critical that the National Treasury should give guidance on the proposed model.

b) Once National Treasury has agreed and given its approval and the IPPP has reviewed the response, a statement will be made

24 March 2015 - NW414

Profile picture: Mubu, Mr KS

Mubu, Mr KS to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What gauge will be used on the Moloto Rail Corridor Development Initiative and (b) how will this be integrated into the existing rail system?


(a) The Department of Transport has, as pail of a Public Private Partnership initiative -Treasury Approval 1 process, concluded a feasibility study on the Moloto Rail Development Corridor in October 2014. The operational due diligence has identified two possible gauge variations being Standard and Cape gauge. The optimized rail option has recommended Cape Gauge as the preferred gauge to be used for the Moloto Rail Corridor.

(b) The Cape Gauge technology will integrate seamlessly with the existing rail system, which will be able Po distribute 84% of passengers to within walking distance of their destinations in Tshwane.

24 March 2015 - NW576

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport:

National AssemblyQuestion Number: 576Mu C H K Hunsinger (DAJ to ask the Minister of Transport: Are official forms being (i) photocopied and (ii) supplied to the public at various licensing offices; if so, why, (b) since when have such forms been supplied to the public, (c) what has been the cost of photocopying these forms and (d) what are the costs of photocopying these forms for each province? NW656EReply (a) i. The National Road Traffic Act (NRTA) forms as published in the schedule of forms (volume 1) are the only forms approved for use at DLTC's, vehicle testing stations and registering authorities. Published forms should not be copied for use at the Registering Authorities and all other vehicle and licencing centres in South Africa.ii. Yes, when a member of public visits our various licensing offices they are provided with only the approved and published forms as per the NRTA and there should not be any copies provided to the public.(b) Since the implementation relating to road traffic management.(c) Department of Transport is not aware of any photocopying of the forms and the costs related thereto.(d) Falls away


(a) i. The National Road Traffic Act (NRTA) forms as published in the schedule of forms (volume 1) are the only forms approved for use at DLTC's, vehicle testing stations and registering authorities. Published forms should not be copied for use at the Registering Authorities and all other vehicle and licencing centres in South Africa.

ii. Yes, when a member of public visits our various licensing offices they are provided with only the approved and published forms as per the NRTA and there should not be any copies provided to the public.

(b) Since the implementation relating to road traffic management.

(c) Department of Transport is not aware of any photocopying of the forms and the costs related thereto.

(d) Falls away

24 March 2015 - NW413

Profile picture: Mubu, Mr KS

Mubu, Mr KS to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) With reference to the S'hamba Sonke Dedicated Road Maintenance Fund, (a) what is the total allocations for each year over the proposed three-year period for which the fund is intended to run, (b) what are the (i) names of the (aa) implementing authorities and (bb) subcontractors of these authorities and (c) what is the total number of jobs which are expected to be created; (2) whether the funding to the provinces is in addition to the funds annually budgeted for out of the provinces' equitable share; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (3) whether her department has put in place (a) criteria for accessing and prioritising these funds and (b) any monetary mechanisms to ensure effective spending; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (4) whether she has been informed of any province which has appropriated funds from the conditional grants of the S'hamba Sonke Dedicated Road Maintenance Fund outside their intended purposes; if not, (i) what is the position in this regard; if so, (ii) what are the relevant details in each case?


(1) (a) The S'hamba Sonke Program is funded through the Provincial Road Maintenance Grant (PRMG). The 201 5 Division of Revenue Bill allocates the PRMG fund amounting to R9.952 billion, R10.291 billion and R10.807 billion for the 2015/16, 2016117 and 201718 financial years respectively (the current MTEF).

(b) (i) (aa) All nine provinces are the Receiving Officers (RO) of the grant and therefore Implementing Authorities of the grant.

(bb) In the case of Limpopo, the Roads Agency Limpopo is sub-contracted to execute some of the capital works implementation whereas SANRAL also assists willing provinces through a Service Level Agreement (SLA).

(c) There are approximately 223 295, 234 460 and 246 183 work opportunities to be created for the 2015/16, 2016/19 and 2017/18 financial years respectively (the current MTEF).

(ii) Although no funding from the conditional grants of the S'hamba Sonke Dedicated Programme has been misappropriated there has been deviations which have been approved within the conditions set out in the Grant framework. When the Infrastructure Grant to Provinces was reconfigured to the PRMG.

24 March 2015 - NW754

Profile picture: Masango, Mr SJ

Masango, Mr SJ to ask the Minister of Transport:

On what date was (a) the current Director of the SA Civil Authority appointed, (b) National Assembly notified of such an appointment and (c) from what dale was the position filled in an acting capacity?


(a) The information is surely available on the annual reports but, Ms Poppy Khoza was appointed as the Director of Civil Aviation by the Minister of Transport with effect from 1 December 2013.

(b) Cabinet approved the appointment of Ms Khoza at its cabinet meeting of 20 November 2013.

(c) Ms Poppy Khoza was appointed by the Minister of Transport as the Acting Director from Z November 2012 until 30 October 2013,

(d) Mr Gawie Bestbier was appointed as Acting Director of Civil Aviation from 31 October 2013 up to 30 November 2013.


24 March 2015 - NW573

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Mr M S F de Freitas (DA) to ask the Minister of Transport:

What revenue has been collected from foreign vehicles using the e-toll roads at border posts, through (a) the Cross Border Agency revenue has been collected from foreign vehicles using the e-toll roads at border posts, through (a) the Cross Border Agency, (b) any other agency or (c) the sale of e-toil Day Pass tags in each month since the inception of e-tolls? NW653EReply (a) (b)SANRAL is not currently collecting any revenue through any 3rd party agency at the border posts. As indicated previously, foreign vehicles have the same obligation to pay toll as any other vehicle using the GFlP roads. Currently 14 741 foreign vehicles are registered on the SANRAL toll system.(c) Not applicable


(a) (b)
SANRAL is not currently collecting any revenue through any 3rd party agency at the border posts. As indicated previously, foreign vehicles have the same obligation to pay toll as any other vehicle using the GFlP roads. Currently 14 741 foreign vehicles are registered on the SANRAL toll system.

(c) Not applicable

24 March 2015 - NW434

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1) With reference to his reply to question 2663 on 9 December 2014, what are the names and relevant details of each of the 164 specific and individual projects the national skills fund supported in the 2013-14 financial year; (2) what was the (a) budget and (b) amount spent in each case; (3) in each specified case, (a) what (i) detailed predetermined set of objectives were the applications judged against and (ii) individual targets were (aa) set and (bb) met for each project and (b)(i) what are the details of the (aa) expenditure monitored and (bb) surpluses returned in each specified case and (ii) how was overspending dealt with; (4) were the projects audited; if so, in each specified case for each of the 164 specific and individual projects what (a) were the findings of the audit, (b) were the recommendations and (c) actions has he taken in this regard? NATIONAL ASSEMBLYFOR WRITTEN REPLYQUESTION 434DATE OF PUBLICATION OF INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: 27/02/2015 (INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER 04 OF 2015) Prof B Bozzoli (DA) to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training:(1) With reference to his reply to question 2663 on 9 December 2014, what are the names and relevant details of each of the 164 specific and individual projects the national skills fund supported in the 2013-14 financial year;(2) what was the (a) budget and (b) amount spent in each case;(3) in each specified case, (a) what (i) detailed predetermined set of objectives were the applications judged against and (ii) individual targets were (aa) set and (bb) met for each project and (b)(i) what are the details of the (aa) expenditure monitored and (bb) surpluses returned in each specified case and (ii) how was overspending dealt with;(4) were the projects audited; if so, in each specified case for each of the 164 specific and individual projects what (a) were the findings of the audit, (b) were the recommendations and (c) actions has he taken in this regard? NW510EREPLY:(1) and (2) The attached list comprises of the names, relevant details, budget and amount spent on each of the 164 projects supported by the National Skills Fund in the 2013/14 financial year.(3) and (4) Please refer to my response to question 2663


(1) and (2) The attached list comprises of the names, relevant details, budget and amount spent on each of the 164 projects supported by the National Skills Fund in the 2013/14 financial year.

(3) and (4) Please refer to my response to question 2663

23 March 2015 - NW739

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of State Security:

1 Whether his department is conducting an investigation into the leak of the so-called spy cables involving the State Security Agency; if not, why not; if so, (a) who is responsible for conducting the investigation, (b) what is the (i) purpose and (ii) scope of the investigation and (c) what is the duration of the investigation; (2) Whether he will make the (a) findings and/or (b) recommendations of the investigation public; if not, why not; if so, when?


(1) Yes

(a) A multi-disciplinary barn lead by the Director-General of the State Security Agency.

(b) A full investigation has been launched into the purported leakage, its veracity and verification will be handled in terms of the protocols governing the management of classified information

(c) An investigation is currently underway and the Joint Standing Committee an intelligence (JSCI) has been briefed.

(2) The findings of the Investigation will be made available to the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence (JSCI). The SSA will do all in its power to expedite the investigation and to identify and act against those responsible for this serious act of security breach against the Agency and the Republic of South Africa.

23 March 2015 - NW863

Profile picture: McLoughlin, Mr AR

McLoughlin, Mr AR to ask the Minister of State Security:

(1) Whether his department or the entities reporting to him provides any type of sponsorships; if not, what is his department's position in this regard; if so, (a) what are the details of each sponsorship, (b) what is the value of each sponsorship, (c) when were each of these sponsorship deals undertaken and (d) when will each of the sponsorship deals end; (2) Whether his department or any of the entities reporting to him intends to enter into any type of sponsorship deal or contract in the (a) 2015-16 and (b) 2016-17 financial years; if not, why not,; if so, (i) with whom will each sponsorship deal or contract be made, (ii) what will the terms of each of the sponsorship deals or contracts be, (iii) when will each of the sponsorship deals or contracts (aa) commence and (bb) end and (iv) what is the value of each of the sponsorship deals or contracts?


(1) No, due to the nature of our mandate
(a) Not Applicable
(b) Not Applicable
(c) Not Applicable

(d) Not Applicable

(2) No due to the nature of our mandate
(a) Not Applicable
i. Not Applicable
ii. Not Applicable
iii. Not Applicable
iv. Not Applicable
v. Not Applicable

23 March 2015 - NW572

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Mr M S F de Freitas (DA) to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) Which provinces have computerised learner licensing systems, (b) what processes are in place to ensure that such systems are of a high standard, (c) what (i) amount has been spent for each licencing station in each province on these Systems are inception on the (aa) initial phase and (bb) maintenance and (ii) are the tender specifications in each province and (d) when were such systems implemented?


a) The Province of KwaZulu Natal is using a Pro License computerised learners licence system in all their Driving License Testing Centres: Western Cape and Eastern Cape each have 3 Computerized Learners License Test, Limpopo, North West, Northern Cape, Mpumalanga and Free State have two sites per province. Gauteng has about 20 sites that uses eNaTIS computerized Learners License Test and all this are currently pilots sites.

b) The system was designed in terms of the current K53 Motor Vehicle Driving License Manuals. She system randomly select questions from a pool of 1 500 questions that an applicant for a learners license must answer. The sequence of the question and their answers are not similar in a particular test.

c) (i) (aa) The setting up cost is R 900 00 per site.

(bb) A year's maintenance is included in the initial setting up costs listed above

(ii) The Computerised Learners License Test is a module within the eNaTIS system d) The roll out of the system started around 2011/2012 financial years to date

The roll out of the system around 2011/12 financial year to date.

23 March 2015 - NW759

Profile picture: Mubu, Mr KS

Mubu, Mr KS to ask the Minister of Transport:

(a) How many persons have graduated from the SA Taxi Counal Driver Training Academy since its inception, (b) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms exist to monitor improvement in driving by these graduates and (c) what has been the costs to her department in this regard to date?


(a) How many persons have graduated from the SATaxi Council Driver Training Academy since its inception.

A total number of 238 driven have been trained since the inception of the SA Taxi Council Driver Training Academy.

The breakdown is as follows:




1. 2013/14

Free State (Main Campus)


2. 2014/15

Limpopo (Satellite Campus)


3. 2014/15

KwaZulu Natal (Satellite Campus)





(b) What (i) process, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms exist to monitor improvement in driving by these graduates and,

The South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) has established a Call Centre for the commuters to call in and report any reckless driving or if it is suspected that a driver could be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If a call is received suggesting any of the above, the call centre staff will notify the nearest law enforcement agency for action to be taken.

Drivers are also trained on the aspects of customer care as part of improving the image of the industry in the face of the general public. A number of calls have been received from commuters expressing their appreciation in the manner in which taxi driven have improved in dealing with the commuters and the respect shown to them.

(c) What has been the cost to her department in this regard to date?

A once off payment of R5.5 million was made during the launch in the 2011/12 financial year.

23 March 2015 - NW753

Profile picture: Masango, Mr SJ

Masango, Mr SJ to ask the Mr S J Masango (DA) to ask the Minister of Transport:

(a) How many claims has the Road Accident Fund paid in the last three financial years where the amount paid exceeds the amount initially offered in settlement and (b) in each case, what were the (i) reasons for such increased settlements, (ii) initial amounts offered, (iii) amounts paid out and (iv) times which lapsed between (aa) the claim application date and (bb) the claim payment date?


(a) In order to approve efficiencies the Road Accident Fund (RAF) has implemented a process in terms of which the different components making up a claim can now be settled independently (part-settlement), e.g. a claim for past loss of earnings can now be settled whilst the claim for future loss of earnings may require further investigation, and, or assessment, resulting in a future settlement date of the aforementioned component of the claim. This process of part-settlement of the different components of the claim means that little value can be gained from comparing an initial offer (which may relate to only a specific component of the claim) with the final settlement amount (which may exclude the earlier settled component), because like-for-like amounts would not be compared. For this reason the RAF is unable to respond to the specific query.

(b) Due to the number of claims involved, the part-settlement process alluded to above, and the timing of the capturing of certain part-settlements on the RAF's claim system, it is impractical to respond to the remainder of the question, except for providing the below response to part (i) of the question as it relates to possible reasons (other than part-settlement) for the variance between an initial offered settlement and a final settlement amount.

(i) It is not uncommon for an initial offer amount on a component of the claim to be less than the eventual settlement amount. Some of the more common reasons for this include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. The RAF may have applied a percentage apportionment, based on the RAF's assessment of the claimant's contributory negligence, which apportionment served to reduce the amount of the initial offer. This apportionment may later have been reduced, or abandoned, following negotiation or receipt of new evidence:

b. Claimants are entitled to, and frequently do, amend their claims, either by increasing the amount already claimed under a specific component of the claim or by claiming a new amount under a new component. Such amendments are typically the result of the submission of new documentary evidence pertaining to a specific component of the claim; medico-legal reports; Serious Injury Assessment Reports; and, or. actuarial reports that are submitted after the initial offer, or that may be updated after the initial offer. The RAF assesses such additional submissions and may update the initial offer where indicated; and

c. The outcome of litigation, as regards the fault aspect (apportionment) and, or, the quantum of the claim could result in the apportionment being reduced or the quantum being increased, either of which may impact the final settlement amount.

It bears noting that in many instances the RAF settles claims for more than what was originally claimed.

23 March 2015 - NW750

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport:

(a) What are the statistics for all motor vehicle accidents in each month by category, where seat belts were used for (i) drivers and (ii) passengers in the (aa) 2011-12, (bb) 2012-13 and (cc) 2013-14 financial years and (b) what is her department doing to educate South Africans on the benefits of using seat belts?


(a)The Department is currently working with Statistics South Africa to collate data for all motor vehicle accidents occurred in (aa) 2012-12. (bb) 2012-13 and (cc) 2013- 2014. The data processing will commence once the data capturing is completed.

(b)There are various Road Safety initiatives that focused on seatbelt usage.

23 March 2015 - NW434

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training:

(1) With reference to his reply to question 2663 on 9 December 2014, what are the names and relevant details of each of the 164 specific and individual projects the national skills fund supported in the 2013-14 financial year; (2) what was the (a) budget and (b) amount spent in each case; (3) in each specified case, (a) what (i) detailed predetermined set of objectives were the applications judged against and (ii) individual targets were (aa) set and (bb) met for each project and (b)(i) what are the details of the (aa) expenditure monitored and (bb) surpluses returned in each specified case and (ii) how was overspending dealt with; (4) were the projects audited; if so, in each specified case for each of the 164 specific and individual projects what (a) were the findings of the audit, (b) were the recommendations and (c) actions has he taken in this regard?


Attached please fine here: Reply

23 March 2015 - NW757

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport:

How many summons have been filed against the SA Civil Aviation Authority (SACCAA) in the (i) 2011- 2012, (ii) 2012-2013 and (iii) 2013-2014 financial years, (b) what is the nature of each summons, (c) what are the details of the summons against the SACCA Certification Department and (e) at what stage is each of these summonses?


No summons has been filed against the SA Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) for (i) 2011/2012; (ii) 2012/2013; and (iii) 201312014 financial years. (b) NIA, (c) no summons were received against the SACAA Certification Department and (e) N/A

23 March 2015 - NW756

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport:

Based on information available by Al A1 Jazeera in the spy Cable: Decoded, have any investigation been undertaken with regard to the theft of pilot exams for the SA Civil Aviation Authority, if so, (a) when did such investigations (i) commence and (ii) end. (b) who conducted these investigations, (c) what were the findings and results of these investigations and (d)(i) what charges were brought and (ii) against whom were such charges brought?


Yes there were investigations conducted. (a) The investigations (i) commenced early in 2007 (ii) investigations ended on 24m October 2008. (b) Investigations were conducted by Ernst & Young. (c) Findings and results - Two employees of SACAA were involved in selling examination papers and answers (d) (i) As a result of the investigation, SACAA instituted disciplinary actions against these two employees "Examination Officers" who were charged with misconduct in that they "overrode IT systems, thereby breaching established examination processes" and failed to secure their logon details which allowed unauthorised access to the examination system. (ii) The names of the two employees are Mr Alec Mnisi and Ms Nancy Mashamaite.

19 March 2015 - NW536

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of State Security:

Whether any employees in his department have been on suspension with full salary since I January 2014; if so, (a) how many employees and (b) what is the total cost thereof?


No members of the State Security Agency (SSA) have been placed on suspension since 1 January 2014. There is however six members who were placed on suspension prior to the date above and whose disciplinary processes have commenced.

The cost implications for the period 1 January 2014 to date are R6, 984,614.00

19 March 2015 - NW530

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Mr S & Motau (DA) to ask the Minister of Women in The Presidency:

Whether any employees in her office have been on suspension with full salary since 1 January 2014; if so, (a) how many employees and (b) what IS the total cost thereof?


Minister in the Presidency responsible for Women only took office in the current administration.

(a) Not applicable
(b) Not applicable

17 March 2015 - NW412

Profile picture: Mubu, Mr KS

Mubu, Mr KS to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) a) How many new appointments were made at the Railway Safety Regulator In the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed;


A) (i) 2011/12 financial year – 23
(i) 2012/13 financial year - 25

(i) 2013/14 financial year – 2

B) FOR YEAR: 2011/12 (23 Appointments Made





Deon Bouwer

Safety Inspector


Adam Wahl

Safety Inspector


Simon Hubiner

Safety Inspector


CheyI Walters

Executive Assistant


Kgagelo Masipa

Manager Permit


Matselanane Makwela

Safety Inspector


Nonhlanhla Ndima

Safety Inspector


Lungelo Nzuza

Administrator: Analysis


Molepa Seabela

Safety Inspector


Thamsanqa Tom

Safety Inspector


Freddie Kgomari

Chief Executive Officer


Nkululeko Poya

HR Practitioner


Benedicta Damba

Officer Administrator


Pumla Ntsonkota

Senior Researcher


Mabila Mathebula

Senior Manager: Strategic Planning


Lubabalo Molefe

Senior Manager: Communications


Sibongiseni Henna

ICT Manager


Sithambiso Mbolekwana

General Manager


Stompie Xulu

General Manager: Corporate Affairs


Thanduxolo Fumbata

Safety Inspector


Vuyo Sijeku

Administrator: Safety Standards


Mandla Basani

Senior Manager: ICT


Nkululeko Mflatela

Legal Advisor

Please find here: FOR YEAR: 2012/13 (25 Appointments Made)

17 March 2015 - NW571

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Mr. M S F de Freites (DA) to ask the Minister of Transport:

How many (i) ships and (ii) skippers have been licensed in each month in (aa) 2012, (bb) 2013 and (cc) 2014 and (b) in each case what (i) was the length of the Iicen9e and (ii) are the reasons for this’NW651E


(I) & (II)



Ship Surveys

Skippers License







































Ship Surveys

Skippers License
















9/ 3























Ship Surveys

Skippers Lience






























(i) what was the length of the license

Local General Safety Certificate - 12 Months

small Vessel Skippers Certificate of Competence - no expiry date

(ii) what are the reasons for this As per Regulations

Small Vessel Skippers license - there are no provisions in our Merchant Shipping (National Small Vessel Safety) Regulations, 2007 as to the expiry dates of these certificates.

17 March 2015 - NW409

Profile picture: Masango, Mr SJ

Masango, Mr SJ to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) (a) How many new appointments were made at the Airports Company South Africa in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed; (2) were (a) the positions advertised in the press and (b) standard recruitment processes followed; if not, why not, in each case; if so, (i) how many applications were received for each advertised position, (ii) what was the highest qualification for the persons who were appointed and (iii) what level of remuneration will be paid to the persons who were appointed; (3) whether vacant posts were also advertised internally; if not, why not; if so. (a) how many positions were filled internally and (b) what are the names of the incumbents; (4) (a) how many staff members are currently in an acting capacity and (b) in each case, (i) in what positions are tey acting and (ii) for what reason?


(1) (a) How many new appointments were made at the Airports Company South Africa in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed;

(a) The Airports Company South Africa appointed various people in different positions during the period under review.

(i) Appointments 2011 -12 were, 375
(ii) Appointments 2012 -13 were, 379
(iii) Appointments 2013 -14 were, 413

Detail of appointments per financial year, per position and employee is attached for reference as requested.

(2) were (a) the positions advertised in the press and (b) standard recruitment processes followed; if not, why not, in each case; if so, (i) how many applications were received for each advertised position, (ii) what was the highest qualification for the persons who were appointed and (iii) what level of remuneration will be paid to the persons who were appointed;

(a) The Company resourcing is approached in line with the approved policy, regulating recruitment, selection and appointments. (b) A copy of the policy is included for reference. Recruitment for positions that are vacant and should be filled is done according to policy requirements.

(3) whether vacant posts were also advertised internally; if not, why not; if so, (a) how many positions were filled internally and (b) what are the names of the incumbents:

In line with the policy as attached, all vacant positions that should be filled are advertised internally. The promotions for each year are reflected below:

(b) (i) Promotions 2011 -12 were, 22
(ii) Promotions 2012 -13 were, 108
(iii) Promotions 2013 -14 were, 158

The detail about each promotion is included in the attached sheet for each year under review.

(4) (a) how many staff members are currently in an acting capacity and (b) in each case, (i) in what positions are they acting and (ii) for what reason? NW485E

The Company approaches absence from people in supervisory and management positions, by requiring a person to Act in such capacity during periods of absence. This allows for business continuity and does expose individuals to gain experience in a different role as well.

The record of people acting during the period mainly December 2014- January 2015, which accumulated to 144 instances, is attached for reference.

17 March 2015 - NW410

Profile picture: Masango, Mr SJ

Masango, Mr SJ to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) (a) How many new appointments were made at the Air Traffic and Navigation Services in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed; (2) were (a) the positions advertised in the press and (b) standard recruitment processes followed; if not, why not, in each case; if so, (i) how many applications were received for each advertised position, (ii) what was the highest qualification for the persons who were appointed and (iii) what level of remuneration will be paid to the persons who were appointed; (3) whether vacant posts were also advertised internally; if not, why not; if so, (a) how many positions were filled internally and (b) what are the names of the incumbents; (4) (a) how many staff members are currently in an acting capacity and (b) in each case, (i) in what positions are they acting and (ii) for what reason?


Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS)

(1) (a) How many new appointments were made at the Air Traffic and Navigation Services in the (i) 2011-12 - 137(6 Professionally qualified; 120 Skilled Technical Workers and Junior Managers; 11 Semi-skilled and Discretionary Decision positions)
(ii) 2012-13 - 107(10 Professionally qualified; 81 Skilled Technical Workers and Junior Managers; 6 Semi-skilled Technical Workers and 10 Unskilled and Defined Decision Making positions)
(iii) 2013-14 - 146(4 Professionally qualified, 128 Skilled Technical Workers and Junior Managers; 12 Semi-skilled Technical Workers and 2 Unskilled and Defined Decision Making Positions

(2) (a) the positions advertised in the press -Yes, depending on the position ATNS does use the press if the position requires this recruitment method. Not all positions are advertised via the press.

(b) Yes, all positions are filled as per recruitment process and policy.

(i) Average 10 (again this is very subjective, as it largely depends on the level and qualification of the position).

(ii) what was the highest qualification for the persons who were appointed - As per minimum requirements of each advertised position. Again this varies from entry to top levels in the Company.

(iii) ATNS benchmarks all our remuneration against the South African market. Ail remuneration offered is in line with the market benchmark based on the grade of the position.

(3) Yes