Question NW714 to the Ms D Kohler (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works:

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12 April 2015 - NW714

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Ms D Kohler (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works:

(1) Of all the different properties leased to his department, (a) which top ten (i) companies and/or (ii) persons lease the specified properties to his department and (b) where are each of the specified properties situated; (2) for each of the specified properties, (a) which department(s) is currently occupying the properties, (b) what is the rental price per square meter and (c) what is the total size of each property?


The Minister of Public Works

(1) (a) (i) and (ii) below is a list of the top 10 landlords that the Department of Public Works is leasing property from. The landlords are classified as being in the top 10 in terms of cost to the Department and the number of properties leased (see Annexure A).

The landlords are as follows:

    1. Delta Property Fund
    2. Redefine Properties Limited
    3. Rebosis Property Fund Limited
    4. Encha Properties Trust (PTY) Ltd.
    5. JHI Properties (PTY) Ltd.
    6. Tacora Investments (PTY) Ltd.
    7. Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs Inc.
    8. Summermania Seven (PTY) Ltd.
    9. Mergence Africa Property Investments
    10. Premium Properties Ltd.

(1) (b) Please refer to the attached Annexure (B).

(2) (a), (b) and (c) Please refer to the attached Annexure (A and B).

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