Questions and Replies

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05 May 2016 - NW1114

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)What newspapers have been printed and distributed by (a) her department and (b) any of its entities (i) in the (aa) 2014-15, and (bb) 2015-16 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2016; (2) In respect of each specified case, (a) what is the total number of copies that were printed, (b) what were the costs involved, (c) what was the (i) objective for each newspaper respectively and (ii) how was the objective measured in each case and (d) what has been the result in each case?



From the DOT side we did not print any newspapers in the said period.

Cross-Border Road Transport Agency

  1. The (b) C-BRTA does not print or distribute newspapers however, we do print and distribute newsletters. (i) in 2014-15 and (bb) 2015-16 financial years: The Voice, and Transcending Borders. No newsletters have been printed since 1 April 2016.
  2. (a) The total number of copies per publication are as follows:


Number of copies


Total in 2014/15

The Voice


One edition per quarter


Transcending Borders


One edition per quarter



Number of copies


Total in 2015/16

The Voice


Only one edition printed


Transcending Borders




(b) In the 2014-15 financial year, the C-BRTA spent R165 988. 26 on creative design and printing for both publications The Voice and Transcending Borders;

In the 2015-16 financial year, the C-BRTA spent R9 017.40 one edition of The Voice and nothing was spent on Transcending Borders; and

No newsletters have been printed in the current financial year.

(c) (i) Objectives of each newsletter:

  • The Voice – is the C-BRTA’s staff newsletters the objective of which is to inform, educate and inspire C-BRTA; and
  • Transcending Borders – is an external newsletter which seeks to inform, update and educate the C-BRTA clients (cross-border operators) on matters relevant to the industry.

 (ii) For The Voice – the objective is measured in two ways: 1) on the back page readers are requested to give feedback or make contributions to the publication, and 2) crossword competitions / puzzles for staff to resolve, are published; and

For Transcending Borders – there is no system of measuring the success of the objective.

(d) For The Voice – the results have been positive in most cases; and

For Transcending Borders – no formal feedback has been received or solicited.

Road Accident Fund (RAF)

(1) (b) RAF has not printed and distributed any newspapers (i) in the (aa) 2014-15 financial year and (ii) since April 2016;

(2) (a) No copies were printed, (b) no costs involved, (c) (i) no objective (ii) no objective to measure (d) no results to measure in each case

Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA)

(1) (b) RTIA has not printed and distributed any newspapers (i) in the (aa) 2014-15 financial year and (ii) since April 2016;

(2) (a) No copies were printed, (b) no costs involved, (c) (i) no objective (ii) no objective to measure (d) no results to measure in each case

Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC)

(1) (b) RTMC has not printed and distributed any newspapers (i) in the (aa) 2014-15 financial year and (ii) since April 2016;

(2) (a) No copies were printed, (b) no costs involved, (c) (i) no objective (ii) no objective to measure (d) no results to measure in each case

South African National Roads Agency Limited

  1. (a) Please refer to Annexure 1

(b) Please refer to Annexure 1.

(i)(aa) Please refer to Annexure 1.

(bb) Please refer to Annexure 1.

(ii) SANRAL did not print and/or distribute newspapers since 1 April 2016

2. (a) refer to Annexure 1

(b) refer to Annexure 1

(c) (i) In 2014 we commissioned extensive research – both qualitative and quantitative – on SANRAL as a brand. The results showed that in general there is little awareness of road authorities and the roads they manage. According to the research results show that there is low awareness and limited understanding of the importance of road infrastructure and the role of SANRAL in the delivery of this backbone of the economy of South Africa. Research respondents preferred the following media channels in order of preference: television; newspaper; radio; mobile phone; e-mail and website. Our use of own media addresses these preferred forms as our newsletters are inserted in newspapers, is used on our digital platforms, and used to inform our other forms of communication on the broadcast medium. Our general objective through our publications was to inform and to famliiarise the public with SANRAL’s mandate and the extensive work it delivers. Specifically in regards this time period, refer to Annexure 1

(ii) SANRAL Publications are part of its “owned media” strategy. The latter is one element in the ESOP media mix – Earned media, shared media, Owned media and Paid media. Though we still invest in earned media (through public relations), shared media (though social media networks) and paid media (through advertising), we are putting more efforts in developing owned media because of the advantages it offers, namely, cost efficiency, longevity, versatility/mobility of content and editorial control.

This approach is informed by the National Communication Strategy Framework (2014-2019), which encourages the production of high volume communication platforms – such as Vuk’uzenzele – to achieve greater reach and impact.

The SANRAL publications are inserted in national, regional, local and community publications specific to audiences being targeted. In 2014/15, we produced publications with a total print run of 10 204 449 which were inserted in 233 publications which have a combined readership of 83 796 000.

In 2015/16, we produced publications with a total print run of 17 500 000 which were inserted in 252 publications which have a combined readership of 114 500 000

(d) SANRAL publishes its own media so that the members of the public are better informed of SANRAL’s mandate. This then aids the public to understand that SANRAL as an entity is more than just GFIP or tolls. The newsletters speak to all aspects of SANRAL’s activities including road safety, community development, environment, job creation, education, and the myriad aspects of road infrastructure maintenance, improvement and development. Perceptions about SANRAL as a brand and an understanding of what we do on a daily basis have improved from our interaction with member of the public who have commented positively on our newsletters. This we have gauged through the interactions we have on social media with those who have been exposed to or content.

Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA)

  1. The were no newspapers printed and distributed by (a) N/A (b) the Air Company South Africa SOC Limited, in the (aa) 2014-15, and (bb) 2015-16 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2016;
  1. In respect of each specified case, (a) N/A, (b) N/A, (c) (i)N/A and (ii) N/A and (d) N/A.

Air Traffic and Navigation Services SOC Limited (ATNS)

  1. The were no newspapers printed and distributed by (a) N/A (b) the Air Traffic and Navigation Services SOC Limited, in the (aa) 2014-15, and (bb) 2015-16 financial year and (ii) since 1 April 2016;
  2. In respect of each specified case, (a) N/A, (b) N/A, (c) (i) N/A and (ii) N/A and (d) N/A.

South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)

  1. The were no newspapers printed and distributed by (a) N/A (b) the South African Civil Aviation Authority, in the (aa) 2014-15, and (bb) 2015-16 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2016;
  2. In respect of each specified case, (a) N/A, (b) N/A, (c) (i)N/A and (ii) N/A and (d) N/A.

Ports Regulator (PRSA)

  1. The Ports Regulator has never printed any newspapers for the (aa) 2014-15, (bb) 2015-16 and for the period since 01 April 2016.
  2. Not applicable.

South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA)

  1. SAMSA has not printed nor distributed any newspapers.
  2. There is nothing applicable in this case

Railway Safety Regulator (RSR)

The Railway Safety Regulator did not print or distribute any newspapers during 2014-15 and 2015-2016. RSR was complying with the Treasury note issued in 2014-2015 instructing organisations not to purchase newspapers.

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA)

  1. PRASA does not print and/or distribute newspapers. However, in respect of the above financial years, (i)(aa)(bb) and (ii) PRASA engaged the services of a company called KGP Media Investments (Pty) Limited (“KGP Media”) to publish on its behalf a commuter newspaper called Hambanathi and Kwela Express.
  1. In terms of the agreement between PRASA and KGP Media, KGP Media was obliged to produce “5 pages worth of exposure every month” produced biweekly and “12 insertions compatible for web and mobile broadcast”. Therefore KGP Media was obliged to produce

       (a) 24 publications in respect of the 2014/2015 financial year and 24 publications in respect of the 2015/2016 financial year

        (b) 2014/2015 – R6,370,362.12 and 2015/2016 – R6,370,772.58

        (c) (i) The objective was to disseminate updates on rail and public transport and to cover news that are informative and educational to empower the commuting public.

(ii) When the Public Protector found that the agreement between PRASA and KGP Media was concluded without following procurement procedures of PRASA, this agreement was terminated with effect from 10 March 2016

      (d) See response in (c).

05 May 2016 - NW944

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Public Works

Has (a) he and/or (b) his Deputy Minister ever (i) met with any (aa) member, (bb) employee and/or (cc) close associate of the Gupta family and/or (ii) attended any meeting with the specified persons (aa) at the Gupta’s Saxonwold Estate in Johannesburg or (bb) anywhere else since taking office; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified case, (aaa) what are the names of the persons who were present at each meeting, (bbb)(aaaa) when and (bbbb) where did each such meeting take place and (ccc) what was the purpose of each specified meeting?


The Minister of Public Works

(a) and (b) (i) (aa), (bb) and (cc) and (ii) (aa) and (bb)


(aaa), (bbb) (aaaa), (bbbb) and (ccc) Fall away

05 May 2016 - NW906

Profile picture: Dlamini, Mr MM

Dlamini, Mr MM to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) Has he earned any additional income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, since his appointment as Minister; if so, (a) when, (b) how much did he earn, (c) from which businesses and (d) for what work; (2) whether his (a) spouse, (b) children and (c) close family earned income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, through his appointment as Minister; if so, in respect of each case, (i) when, (ii) how much did each earn, (iii) from which businesses and (iv) for what work?


The Minister of Public Works

(1) No.

(a), (b), (c) and (d) Fall away.

(2) (a), (b) and (c) No.

(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) Not applicable.

05 May 2016 - NW997

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

How (a) many learners were on each province’s transport schemes in the (i) (aa) 2014 and (bb) 2015 school years and (ii) since 1 January 2016, (b) much was the cost to each province in each specified year, (c) many routes were there in each province, (d) many of these routes were operational for the full year, except 2016 and (e) many service providers did they have in each province?


(i)(aa) (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 2015/16 information


(a) No. of Learners in learner transport scheme

(b) Budget for 2015/16 FY

© No. of routes

(e)No of service providers

(d)no of routes in operation




R 432 000 000.00






R 40 000 000.00






R 461 000 000.00

2 007





R 168 430 000.00






R 141 103 000.00






R 441 622 000.00






R 118 280 000.00






R 264 466 000.00






R 319 830 000.00






R 2 386 731 000

4 979



(iI)(bb) (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)

2014/15 learner transport


No. of Learners in learner transport scheme

Budget for 2014/15 FY

No. of routes

No of service providers

no of routes in operation






R 330 088 925






R 32 759 559.49






R 338 349 000.00






R 168 430 000.00






R 152 995 000.00






R 455 000 000.00






R 107 573 000





31 228

R 240 444 000.00





52 565

R 242 593 000.00






R 2 068 232 484

6 556



05 May 2016 - NW1121

Profile picture: Majola, Mr F

Majola, Mr F to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)With reference to her reply to question 484 on 8 March 2016, (a) what processes, (b) procedures and (c) mechanisms exist to ensure that each tenant has a legal, up-to-date and signed lease in each instance; (2) (a) how many tenants do not have a signed lease agreement, (b) why is this the case in each specified case, (c) what is being done to change this and (d) by what date will each tenant have a lease agreement


1. (a) PRASA CRES has four (4) Regional offices which are responsible for the management of their respective property portfolios including residential stock. Each region has dedicated Leasing Consultants that sign up tenants in line with the organisation Leasing Policy.

(b) Leasing procedure requires compliance with the following;

  • Applicant completes an application form and provides the following documents:
    • Copy of identity document of an applicant
    • Copy of identity document of spouse (if married)
    • Foreign Nationals should have valid permits to reside in the RSA
    • Copy of Ante-Nuptial Contract if married by ANC
    • Copy of Divorce order & Settlement order - if divorced
    • Copy of current Utility or telephone bill
    • Copy of salary advice
    • Copies of 3 Month’s bank accounts
  • Credit assessment is performed
  • Affordability Test (income and expenditure analyses) performed
  • Family size assessment (Right house for number of occupants)
  • PRASA CRES Management final approval of application.

(c) Leasing Consultants conduct on a periodic basis a reconciliation exercise to ensure that house occupants are the tenants that have agreements with PRASA.

2. (a) A total of 193 residential occupants have no lease agreements across all four (4) regional


(b) Various reasons have been provided in table 1 below for each case per region.

(c)(d) Outstanding Lease Agreements will be concluded at different phases as provided in the

Table 1 below;

Table 1






Western Cape


43 De Maas Road Vasco

Illegal occupation.

The tenant with the lease agreement is not the current occupant.

New lease agreement will be signed with the occupant by the 30th June 2016.


75 Mcgregor Street Maitland

Illegal occupation.

The tenant with the lease agreement is not the current occupant.

New lease agreement will be signed with the occupant by the 30th June 2016.


81 Nyasa Road Retreat:

Illegal occupation.

Illegal occupant, The tenant with the lease agreement is not the current occupant.

New lease agreement will be signed with the occupant by the 30th June 2016.


11 Nyasa Road Retreat:

Illegal occupation.

The tenant with the lease agreement is not the current occupant.

New lease agreement will be signed with the occupant by the 30th June 2016.


12 Vlottenburg Station

Illegal occupation.

When this house became vacant due to the previous tenant absconding, the house was illegally occupied by the current occupants.

New lease agreement will be signed with the occupant by the 30th June 2016.

Gauteng South


New Canada ( 5)

Illegal occupation.

Occupants refused to signed new leases with then Intersite when the assets where transferred from Transnet and they continue not to cooperate with the officials of PRASA, the cases were then taken to housing tribunal and the case is seating with PRASA legal team currently.

Legal team to conclude the process.

Evictions cannot take place without a court order to those tenants with files that have been handed over to legal.

The slow process of securing court orders to evict non-paying tenants’ results in premises being occupied without renewed leases especially in the case of paying tenants.

Most of the leases have a provision that in case there is no renewal of the lease, it is assumed to have been renewed on month-to-month basis.


Bekezela (110)

Illegal occupation.

An eviction order has been obtained and will be enforced soon.


Tshepo House (58)

Illegal occupation.

All cases are with lawyers


KwaZulu Natal




Legal Matters (5)

  • House no 10 Patterson Street
  • House no 09 Moodie Str
  • House no 05, Brad Street
  • House no 02 Station Road
  • House No 10 Station Road Kelso

Legal Matters (5)

Tenants that are handed over to the attorneys are mainly due to them being in arrears.

The legal matters are being addressed by attorneys.

The region has engaged with the other tenants with the intention to resolve all outstanding issues and get the leases signed accordingly.

It is the intention to finalize the process and have the lease agreements signed by no later than 30th September 2016.


Arrears (4)

  • House 6 Station Road, Umbongwithini
  • House no 03 Patterson Street
  • House No 01. Station Road
  • House no. 02 Station Road

Areas (4)

Tenants have not been handed over due to the fact that we try to negotiate and reach an acceptable settlement plan with the tenant prior to handing the matter over to the attorney.


Query ( 5)

  • House no. 6 Old Main Rd, Park Rynie
  • House no. 122 Vausedale Road
  • House 126 Vausedale Road
  • House no 08 Patterson Street
  • Scottburgh Station

Query ( 5)

Tenants there is a dispute with regards to the amendments he made to the lease. The matter has been referred to Legal in order to reach a compromise and finalize the lease. The other 2 tenants have disputes in terms of the structural repairs required on their properties. It is our intention to effect the repairs in the 2016/2017 financial year


Gauteng North


  • House No 39, Station House, Bloemhoff Station

The occupant of this property is an ex Transnet employee who is in occupation of the property for a very long time, the residential properties at Bloemhof Station falls within the properties which were taken over by PRASA from Transnet as part of the Legal Succession Act, when the property was taken over we found this tenant in occupation, we have signed leases with all occupants of the other houses at this station, however the occupant of House no. 39 is not co-operating to sign the lease.

Occupant has engaged with this tenant to get the agreement signed and has indicated to the tenant that should the lease not be signed in due course, we will have to give her notice. Lease Agreement is currently being negotiated with the tenant.

30th June 2016.

05 May 2016 - NW624

Profile picture: Dlamini, Mr MM

Dlamini, Mr MM to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) What amount has his department spent on maintenance of the homestead of the President, Mr Jacob G Zuma, in Nkandla in the (a) 2012-13, (b) 2013-14 and (c) 2014-15 financial years; (2) does his department have employees posted at the homestead of the President in Nkandla on a full- or part-time basis; if so, for what reason?


The Minister of Public Works

(1) The Department of Public Works (DPW) did not spend any money on maintenance of the homestead of Mr JG Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa, during the (a) 2012-2013, (b) 2013-14, and (c) 2014-15 financial years;

(2) There are four general workers (employed on a contract for three years) at the President’s homestead at Nkandla. Their main duties are to maintain the gardens at the State Domestic Facilities adjacent to the President’s homestead. These are facilities that are used mainly the South African Police Services (SAPS).


05 May 2016 - NW560

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With reference to each district in Mpumalanga, (a) which criteria are used to allocate budgets for early childhood development (ECD) centres and/or classrooms at schools, (b) how many schools have ECD centres and/or classrooms on their premises and (c) how many of the specified schools acknowledge the ECD practitioners as part of their staff establishment (Finance/Infrastructure/EMIS) (2) (a) how many schools in Mpumalanga who have ECD centres and/or classrooms utilise premises outside their boundaries due to the lack of classrooms that can fulfil the needs of ECD and (b) what are the relevant details in each case (EMIS/Infrastructure) (3) (a) how many training institutions in each district in Mpumalanga provide training courses for ECD practitioners and (b) what are the further relevant details in this regard?


1. (a) Budget is centrally controlled. There is allocation for LTSM for schools and compensation to pay stipends to practitioners

(b) 1075

(c) None

(2) (a) Gert Sibande- 33, Bushbuckridge- 0, Ehlanzeni- 4- Nkangala-20

(b) Gert Sibande- Community based centres have ECD facilities available. School has no learner space to accommodate Grade R

Ehlanzeni –Community based centres have ECD facilities available. School has no learner space to accommodate Grade R

Bohlabela- No community based centre is linked to school.

Nkangala- School has no learner space to accommodate Grade R and community based centres have ECD facilities available

3. Ehlanzeni District: Ehlanzeni TVET College- Early Childhood Education Development National Qualification Framework- Level 4 and 5

Gert Sibande District- Gert Sibande TVET College- Early Childhood Education Development National Qualification Framework- Level 4 and 5

Nkangala District- Nkangala TVET College- Early Childhood Education Development National Qualification Framework- Level 4 and 5


05 May 2016 - NW1163

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)(a) Who is chairing the task team looking into (i) the provision of a new model for the funding of the missing middle and (ii) the revamping of the model currently being used by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for funding poor students, (b) what are the terms of reference of the specified task team, (c) who is on the reference group for the specified task team, (d) what are the time lines for the (i) completion of the report of the specified task team and (ii) implementation of its recommendations and (e) which private sector bodies are involved in the specified process; (2) does he intend to replace the NSFAS with a new organisation as a result of the work of the specified task team; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1 (a) (i–iii) Mr Sizwe Nxasana is the Chairperson of the Ministerial Task Team.

(b) The terms of reference of the task team is as follows:

The Ministerial Task Team shall determine and advise on alternative financing and operating models for funding poor and “missing middle” students, having regard to:

  • the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa;
  • all relevant higher and basic education legislation;
  • all relevant public policy, legislation and regulations;
  • all findings and recommendations of the various Presidential and Ministerial Task Teams; and
  • all relevant educational policies, reports and guidelines.

In developing the proposals, the Ministerial Task Team must address the following issues:

  • Whether or not the existing NSFAS Act, structure and mandate is still suitable to address the funding and other forms of support to poor and “missing middle” students;
  • Raise sufficient funding from the public sector, private sector and other sources to offer a complete solution to fund poor and “missing middle” students at universities, and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges;
  • The feasibility of granting fully subsidised loans to poor students and loans with progressive reducing subsidies as household income increases for the “missing middle” students;
  • The funding of occupations in high demand;
  • Develop proposals which contribute towards the improvement of the success and graduation rates for poor and “missing middle” students and reduce drop-out rates; and
  • Create an efficient and robust model with appropriate internal controls to minimise leakage, fraud and risk in the granting and disbursement of bursaries and loans to deserving students whilst improving collection of the loan portion granted to students.

(c) The reference group will include but is not limited to high level membership from:

  • Department of Higher Education and Training;
  • Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation;
  • National Treasury;
  • Department of Trade and Industry;
  • Universities South Africa;
  • Universities Council Chairs Forum-South Africa;
  • Council on Higher Education;
  • National Credit Regulator;
  • South African Union of Students and other student formations;
  • A representative from the Sector Education and Training Authorities; and
  • National Student Financial Aid Scheme.

(d) (i) The Ministerial Task Team must present its final recommendations and blueprint to the Minister of Higher Education by 30 September 2016.

(ii) It is envisaged that the model will be piloted at universities which will be agreed upon with Universities South Africa and the Department by January 2017, and to be fully implemented in 2018.

(e) Mr Nxasana is being assisted by the Banking Association of South Africa.

2. The Terms of Reference as indicated above stipulates that the Ministerial Task Team must advise on any possible changes to the NSFAS Act and rules, and present its final recommendations and blueprint to the Minister of Higher Education and Training by 30 September 2016 for consideration.

The Department as part of its mandate has included the review of the NSFAS Act in the 2017/18 financial year.












05 May 2016 - NW999

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Public Works

With reference to his comments made at the Construction Industry Development Board’s National Stakeholder Forum held on 29 March 2016, that some of the officials in his department allegedly require bribes before they will make payments, how many of the specified officials have been (a) arrested, (b) charged and (c) forced to return any bribe money to the respective companies which they extorted money from in each province in the (i) 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14, (iii) 2014-15 and (iv) 2015-16 financial years?


The Minister of Public Works

(a), (b) and (c) One official was arrested and charged with corruption (solicitation of a bribe to release payment). A sting operation was carried out by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations  (The Hawks) in terms of Section 252 (a) of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977).

(i)-(iv) The above-mentioned incident took place at the Department of Public Works’ Pretoria Regional Office during the 2014-2015 financial year.

05 May 2016 - NW1164

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(a) Who is chairing the committee, group and/or task team which is exploring the question of alleged fraud in the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and the universities which receive NSFAS funding, (b)(i) what are the terms of reference of the specified group and (ii) who are the members of its reference group, if one exists, (c) what are the time lines for the (i) completion of the report of this group and (ii) the implementation of its recommendations and (d) which universities are being enquired into by this group?


(a) The Department appointed Nexus Forensic Services (NFS) on 23 September 2015 to conduct an investigation into allegations of fraud and corruption in the allocation of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) at ten identified public universities, and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges.

(b) (i) To conduct a comprehensive audit for the 2012, 2013 and 2014 academic years to determine the extent of misrepresentation and fraud committed by students who qualified and have received financial aid, including parents and guardians, employees of public universities and TVET colleges, NSFAS and individuals who have manipulated financial aid processes to defraud NSFAS. The audit must include:

  • Applicants and family members/guardians who have knowingly provided false information on their applications for financial aid;
  • Applicants who have intentionally misrepresented their family income by purposefully providing false information on the certification of affidavits in terms of Section 9 of the Justice of Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act 16 of 1963 and Regulations under the Act;
  • The validity of affidavits submitted and signed in terms of Section 5, 6 and 7 of the Justice of Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act 16 of 1963 and applicable Regulations;
  • The allegations of persons who impersonate Commissioners of Oath in order to certify falsified documentation to defraud NSFAS for personal gain;
  • Applicants who have purposefully altered documentation used in the validation of the financial aid application and approval process that resulted in the receipt of financial aid;
  • Service providers who collude with students to defraud the NSFAS;
  • Staff at financial aid offices at universities, TVET colleges and NSFAS who deliberately do not comply with NSFAS and donor guidelines on eligibility and academic criteria to defraud the NSFAS;
  • Nepotism and conflict of interests in the allocation of NSFAS financial aid at financial aid offices at public universities and TVET colleges;
  • The identification of the shortcomings and weaknesses in the NSFAS loan and bursary system, including the current NSFAS guidelines and rules applicable to public universities and TVET colleges, with clear recommendations to address fraud risks identified;
  • The investigation must be concluded within 12 months. The Department may decide to extend the investigation based on the extent of the allegations of fraud and corruption at a particular institution; and
  • The service provider will be required to attend monthly meetings and present progress reports to the Director-General or his delegate. At the conclusion of the 12 month period, the service provider will provide a comprehensive report covering all the allegations, findings and recommendations to the Director-General in an accessible format.

(b) (ii) This is a forensic investigation and therefore a reference group is not required.

(c) The investigation must be concluded within 12 months from the date of appointment. At the conclusion of the 12 month period, the service provider will provide a comprehensive report covering all the allegations, findings and recommendations to the Director-General.

(d) The Department identified 10 institutions covering a range of provinces and institutional types for the initial investigation, and may decide to extend the investigation based on the extent of the allegations of fraud and corruption at a particular institution. The initial identified institutions are:

  • Tshwane University of Technology;
  • Durban University of Technology;
  • University of Limpopo;
  • North-West University;
  • University of the Witwatersrand;
  • University of Zululand;
  • Majuba TVET College;
  • King Hintsa TVET College;
  • Ehlanzeni TVET College; and
  • Buffalo City TVET College.












04 May 2016 - NW1037

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

With reference to the impending grain imports as a result of the current drought in the country, and assurances by her department given in the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises that all ports were ready to receive the grain imports, (a) what is (i) her department and (ii) Transnet doing to ensure that each port is ready for the massive expected influx of grain imports, (b) how many ships carrying grain are expected to dock at each of the ports, (c) which ports will be used and (d) what is the capacity of each port to accommodate the (i) ships and (ii) grain.


(1) (a) Transnet has formed a working group represented by Transnet National Ports Authority (“TNPA”), Transnet Port Terminals (“TPT”) and Transnet Freight Rail (“TFR”) in ensuring that any challenges that may ensue are addressed by all affected operating divisions to ensure an efficient, effective and consistent safe operation. The import programme is coordinated by Grain South Africa’s Logistics and Planning Committee (SACOTA) and comprises of representatives from all the ports, railways, traders, silo owners and millers.

(b) The total number will be driven by the commercial agreements between the shippping lines and the cargo owners. In terms of berth availability, vessels will be allocated berths according to vessels length, parcel size, draft, method of handling and safety considerations.

(c) The ports that have the capacity to handle grain are listed as follows :

  • Port of Durban,
  • Port of Cape Town,
  • Port of East London, and
  • Port of Port Elizabeth

(d) (i) Ships



East London

2 Berths (T & S berth)

Port Elizabeth

4 Berths (Berth 8,9,10,11)

Cape Town

3 Berths (Multi-Purpose Terminal)


3 Berths (Fruit Purpose Terminal


3 Berths (Island View, Maydon Wharf, Maydon Wharf)

(ii) Grain



East London


Port Elizabeth


Cape Town


Durban (Agriport, SABT)







04 May 2016 - NW692

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

(1)With regard to the building of Breaking New Ground houses in uMncube zone in Umthambeka Section ward 11, Tembisa, Gauteng, (a) how many houses are to be built, (b) who are the beneficiaries, (c) on what date did the project start and (d) who is the project manager; (2) (a) what is/are the name(s) of the contractor(s), (b) how many local residents are employed and (c) what are their names; (3) (a) what are the reasons that (i) the project has been stopped and (ii) that the people working on the project have not been paid, (b) when is it anticipated that the project will start again and (c) when can the beneficiaries of the houses expect the completion of the project?


(1) (a) The project in uMncube zone in Umthambeka Section Ward 11, Tembisa, Gauteng entails the construction of 118 houses.

(b) The identified beneficiaries of the project are the residents of Umncube Section in Tembisa.

(c) The Provincial Department of Human Settlements appointed the contractor in November 2013, however construction could not commence due to a delay occasioned by the contractor not furnishing the required performance guarantee and agreement on the subsidy quantum of R63 366.00, which the contractor requested to be increased. The subsidy increase was only approved in the 2015/16 financial year. The contract for construction was signed in August 2015 with a date of completion being the 28th February 2016. The site was handed over the 13th August 2015 to the contractor.

(d) The Honourable member would be aware of Parliament’s convention which prohibits any public representatives, be it Members of the Executive or Honourable Members, from publishing names of people/contractors or companies when asking or responding to parliamentary questions. Accordingly, I will not able to provide names of people on the housing list as requested. But, I can confirm that the project manager is an employee of the Gauteng Provincial Department of Human Settlements.

(2) (a) The Honourable member would be aware of Parliament’s convention which prohibits any public representatives, be it Members of the Executive or Honourable Members, from publishing names of people/contractors or companies when asking or responding to parliamentary questions. Accordingly, I will not able to provide the names of people/contractors or companies as requested.

(b) A total of 24 employees were employed from local residents.


(c) The names of the beneficiaries will be made available subject to the relevant rules of privacy and confidentiality being adhered as is required in such disclosure, which requires approval from the households concerned and reasons for such request.

(3) (a) (i) The appointed contractor was deemed not to, by the Provincial Department in terms of its evaluation, have the functional and financial capacity to complete the project. The contractor committed to a construction programme which was not adhered to. In January 2016, progress on site was 19 Foundations and 9 wall-plates. The contract expired on the 28th February 2016. The contract was not extended to continue into the new financial year.

(ii) The Contractor was paid on the 07th March 2016 for 19 foundations and 4 wall-plates. The Province still has an outstanding claim, which is in the process of being evaluated for payment for 5 wall-plates.

(b) The balance of the project will be funded for completion in the 2016/17 financial year.

(c) The projected completion date for the project 31 March 2017.

04 May 2016 - NW625

Profile picture: Mokause, Ms MO

Mokause, Ms MO to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

In view of a certain person’s (name and details furnished) house that was demolished by the Kwadukuza Municipality in order for the specified municipality to build a community hall, whereupon the specified person was evicted, without explanation, from a house that was allocated by her department to the said person, whom is now left homeless, (a) why is the specified municipality abolishing houses without providing alternative accommodation when so many persons do not have decent houses and (b) when will her department allocate a new house to the specified person?


I am particularly concerned about this matter. I would encourage the Honourable member to provide me with any information that will assist in resolving this matter. As public representatives, our first instinct should be the eagerness to assist in situations such as these. In essence, we need to find a way to assist the complainant to register for a BNG house.

Be that as it may, I have been advised that the case referred to by the Honourable member relates to the Etete Area, in Ward 7 in KwaDukuza. The Municipality has confirmed that the only structure it demolished in 2006 was an abandoned house on the land that the municipality acquired from the Palm Lakes Estate. The house was built with mud and was unoccupied for years. The house was a den of criminal activity and the community demanded both the municipality and SAPS to act against people who were using the dilapidated house for various criminal acts.  The property was on land owned by the municipality.

Further, eighteen (18) months after the demolition had been completed, the complainant claimed that the land the house was built on belonged to the complainant’s father. The complainant was informed that the land in question was never owned by the complainant’s late father but was owned by the owners/developers of Palm Lakes Estates, which the municipality acquired for housing and social facilities.

The complainant has not, according to the records of the Municipality, applied for the subsidised housing in the area called Etete, in which the municipality over the years has been working to eradicate informal settlements with funding from the Department of Human Settlements.  The municipality is currently working on the implementation of the last phase of the project, which is known as Phase 4. It appears that the same complainant is not part of the beneficiaries registered for this project.

04 May 2016 - NW1036

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

(1)(a) How many Breaking New Ground houses are to be built in the uMmncube Zone in Ward 11 of the Umthambeka Section, Johannesburg, (b) who are the beneficiaries of the specified project, (c) when did the project start and (d) when is it expected to be completed; (2) (a) who are the (i) project managers and (ii) main contractors involved in the building of the specified houses and (b) how many local residents are employed in the specified project; (3) (a) why has the specified project been stopped and (b) when is the specified project expected to start again; (4) whether all contractors providing any services to the project have received all of their payments up to the latest specified payment date; if not, in each case, why not?


(1) (a) The size of the project is 118 Breaking New Ground houses.

(b) The beneficiaries are the residents of Umncube Section in Umthambeka.

(c) The project commenced on 13 August 2015 when the site was handed over to the Contractor. (d) The expected date for the completion of the project is 31 March 2017.

(2) (a) (i) & (ii) The Honourable member would be aware of Parliament’s convention which prohibits any public representatives, be it Members of the Executive or Honourable Members, from publishing names of people/contractors or companies when asking or responding to parliamentary questions. Accordingly, I will not able to provide names of people on the housing list as requested.

(b) There are 24 employees employed from the local residents.

(3) (a) The Contractor did not have the functional and financial capacity to complete the project and subsequently did not adhere to the agreed construction programme. By January 2016, only 19 foundations and 9 wall plates were constructed. The original contract provided for the completion of the project by 28 February 2016. However, due the Contractor’s inability to complete the project, the contract was not renewed and a new Contractor will be appointed to finalise the construction of the houses.

(b) It is anticipated that a new contractor will be appointed early in the financial year after which the project will commence.

(4) The Contractor has been paid on 7 March 2016 for the completion of 19 foundations and 4 wall plates. The Gauteng Department of Human Settlements received an additional claim from the Contractor for the payment of the outstanding 5 wall plates. The Department confirmed that the payment is in progress and will be finalised in due course.


04 May 2016 - NW921

Profile picture: Shaik Emam, Mr AM

Shaik Emam, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What alternative measures to avert price-fixing will he put in place, in view of the exorbitant prices for motor vehicles in the country, allegedly due to the monopoly held by a few individuals around the globe who control such prices and in view of the depreciation of new motor vehicles as soon as they leave the showroom floor with a further loss of value two years after the purchase date?


The Competition authorities are mandated, in terms of the Competition Act, to investigate and prosecute allegations of cartel conduct, including price fixing. The authorities currently do not have in their possession information or evidence giving rise to a reasonable suspicion that the retail prices of motor vehicles in South Africa are as a result of price fixing or collusive conduct of car manufacturers or any other participants in the market for finished motor vehicles. Should the Competition Commission receive any such material, information or evidence, it may commence an investigation in terms of section 49B(2) of the Competition Act. The Competition Commission is currently investigating collusive conduct in relation to car parts. The prices of car parts contribute to the ultimate price of the finished product.


04 May 2016 - NW878

Profile picture: Madisha, Mr WM

Madisha, Mr WM to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

(1)Whether, in view of the great historical significance of Sharpeville, her department has implemented any plans to transform the human settlements in the area in a manner and to an extent to express in an appropriate manner the lasting appreciation of South Africans to what had happened there on 21 March 1960; if not, why not; if so, in which way has human settlements in Sharpeville been uplifted and rewarded for helping to overthrow Apartheid; (2) whether she will make a statement on the necessity to accord Sharpeville and the human settlements of its surrounding area the attention and gratitude it deserves


(1) Since 1994, the Gauteng Department of Human Settlements has made substantial progress to better the lives of the residents of Sharpeville and surrounding areas. It has provided 4 582 BNG houses to the beneficiaries and the details of the housing projects completed are provided below:

  • Tshepiso : 1 144 houses
  • Tshepiso North Extension 1: 278 houses
  • Tshepiso South Extension 1: 254 houses
  • Tshepiso North Extension 3: 1 432 houses
  • Tshepiso North Extension 4: 976 houses
  • Boipatong : 498 houses

In addition, the Provincial Department is planning for the following projects in the surrounding areas of Sharpeville that will deliver in total 10 629 BNG and Social Housing units:

  • Tshepiso North Extension 4: 1 149 houses
  • Leeuwkuil : 2 980 houses
  • Vereeniging Old Hospital : 1 500 Social Housing units
  • Vaal River City : 5 000 houses

(2) It is not necessary given the projects that have been completed and those that are still being planned for in Sharpeville and surrounding areas. Save to say, this government is committed to ensure that the lives of our people are improved and their dignity restored through the provision of sustainable human settlements.



04 May 2016 - NW595

Profile picture: Sithole, Mr KP

Sithole, Mr KP to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

What progress has her department made with regard to the installation of clean running water, electricity and toilets at the Benoni Hostel?


The Benoni Hostel (Wattville Hostel) is situated in the Gauteng Province and falls within the jurisdiction of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM), which owns and administers the hostel complex. The Municipality has indicated that the hostel residents are currently being provided with clean water, electricity connections as well as sanitation services.

The Provincial Department has initiated a project to redevelop the hostel. The projected output and outcome is intended to yield seven hundred and twenty six (726) redeveloped family units, which will encompass six (6) different typologies. The Province has appointed a service provider to finalise all planning work and the project is envisaged to go out on tender during July 2016 for the installation of services for the 1st phase of the project.

04 May 2016 - NW602

Profile picture: Lekota, Mr M

Lekota, Mr M to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

(1)Whether her department undertook an analysis of statistics of private home ownership in the period 1 January 1996 up to the latest date for which information is available with a view of determining whether transformation of home ownership was occurring at a pace commensurate with the present demographic representation of South Africa’s diverse population; if not, why not; if so, how many homes, in each value bracket, were owned by the different groups; (2) whether her department was pursuing any policy to ensure that black home ownership, in particular, was surging ahead of the rest of the population to ensure that equity is obtained in respect of home ownership across all groups?


(1) According to the latest the 2011 census 2011 conducted by Statistics South Africa, 4.9 million Black people owned fully paid homes as compared to just over 500,000 Whites, 415, 940 Coloured, 119,457 Indians/Asians. During the time when the census was undertaken, South African population consisted of 79% Africans, 8.9% Whites, 8.9% Coloured and 2.5% Asians and 0.5% other. These findings serve to prove that the majority population (Africans) in the country were the highest home owners, followed by Whites, Coloured then Indians/Asians. Therefore the pace of transformation already commensurate with demographic representation of the South Africa's diverse population.

According to the General Household Survey of 2014 of Statistics South Africa, the Population Group of Households Heads at that time was 53,686,358. Of this, Black/African household constituted 80%, followed by 8.9% of Coloureds, 8.5% Whites, and 2.5% Indians/Asians. In terms of the private property ownership, South Africans owned 35,929,172 properties. These properties constituted those owned but not yet paid off to the banks/ financial institutions, owned but not yet paid off to the private lender, and owned and fully paid off. From these properties, Blacks/ Africans owned 85% followed by Coloureds with 7.3%, Whites with 5.6% and Indians/ Asians with 2.1%. These are indications that property ownership in overall is taking place at a rate that is proportionate to the demographics of the population.

However, when considering different market values of properties, Blacks/ Africans, owned 92% of properties with the value up to R500, 000 and 66.2% of properties with the value above R500, 000. Coloureds owned 6.2% of properties with the value up to R500, 000 and 12% of properties with the value above R500, 000. Whites owned 1.1% of properties with the value up to R500, 000 and 17.3% of properties with the value above R500, 000. Indians/ Asians owned 0.7% of properties with the value up to R500, 000 and 4.6% of properties with the value above R500, 000.

Moreover, government's effort contributed immensely in ensuring that the poor South Africans are also registered in the property register of the country. According to the General Household Survey of 2014 of Statistics South Africa, state subsidised dwelling constituted 9,265,544 properties of which 8,357,475 belonged to Blacks/Africans, followed by 863,529 owned by Coloureds, 30,865 owed by Whites, and 13,675 properties owned by Indians/ Asians.

(2) The above information does indicate that the effort of government ranging from the normalisation of the lending environment together with increasing access to housing finance, the transfer of government old stock to the needy South Africans and the provision of the fully subsidised housing units to the poorest of South Africans, immensely improved access to housing assets. In an attempt to strengthen housing finance for the gap market, Finance Linked Individual Subsidy has been adjusted to accommodate the newly introduced Government Employee Housing Scheme, which gives an opportunity for public servants who have enrolled for housing needs to make application for subsidies, and expand the application of the programme beyond mortgage finance.

The Business Day Article dated 24 April 2016 titled “The truth about blacks and home ownership” addresses the question that the Honourable member is asking. Written independently of government, the article argues that providing housing and land ownership to black South Africans within the new democracy has been a huge success story. Indeed, we are on the right track and we will continue to make the lives of previously disadvantaged better. I am proud of the 4.3 million houses and opportunities delivered since 1994, benefiting over 20 million households.

04 May 2016 - NW1039

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1)With reference to her reply to question 855 on 13 April 2015, does the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) choir still exist; if so, (a) is it paid for by the SABC and (b) how much was budgeted for the specified choir in the (i) 2015-16 and (ii) 2016-17 financial years; (2) does the choir still sing songs about the SABC Chief Operations Officer, Mr Hlaudi Motsoeneng, during staff meetings if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the words of the songs that the choir sings?


I have not responded to question 855 on 13 April 2015 as no such question was not posed to me as it does not fall within the scope of the Department of Public Enterprises.

04 May 2016 - NW441

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

(1)Whether the national and provincial departments responsible for advancing the goals and objectives of her department have consistently used their budget allocations fully for the period 1 March 2012 to 28 February 2016, to attain predetermined and costed targets; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether any disciplinary action was taken against any officials for not meeting the specified targets and not utilising the approved allocation; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether the present model of providing free houses is sustainable over the coming decade; if not, how is the model going to be amended or altered; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) The National Department of Human Settlements has over a period of three (3) years ending 2014/15 spent approximately 96% of the grant allocation of R50,288 billion with 79% spent in 2015/16 financial year and as at 29 February 2016 (unaudited figure), the latter has to date yielded 114 536 housing opportunities.

The information requested by the Honourable member is contained in the table below:

Financial Periods





Serviced Sites

45 698

48 193

49 345

36 956


115 079

105 936

94 566

77 580


160 777

154 129

143 911

114 536


Total Available funds

15 886 226

17 028 326

17 374 021

18 581 067


15 142 431

16 500 648

16 972 848

14 703 012

% Exp.





As at 29 February 2016 (unaudited figure)

The National Department of Human Settlements has over a period of three (3) years ending 2014/15 spent approximately 96% of the grant allocation of R50,288 billion with 79% spent in 2015/16 financial year and as at 28 February 2016, the latter has to date yielded 114 536 housing opportunities.

(2) It is important to note that the National Department of Human Settlements transfers the Human Settlements Development Grant (HSDG) to provinces who in turn use the grant to develop sites and houses. The National Department uses Division of Revenue Act (DORA) provisions to redirect funding from underperforming to performing provinces. In addition, the department assist underperforming provinces by putting remedial actions on challenges that hamper or affect the meeting of goals and objectives of provinces. Therefore, the national Department does not have authority in terms of the Public Service Act, 1994 to discipline official in another sphere of government.

In terms of the National Department meeting its targets and objectives, the Department uses the performance appraisal system as a tool to monitor the performance of officials.

(3) Honourable member, it not possible to indicate what the details of any policy revisions and/or proposals for amendments will be at this stage. My Department is currently in the consultation phase of the development of the new Human Settlements White Paper process. In this process, we are revisiting all the core fundamental principles of the current policy including the sustainability of the Housing Subsidy Scheme in its current form. Once approved by MINMEC, the draft document will be submitted to Cabinet for approval to publish the Paper for broader public comments.

04 May 2016 - NW867

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1) Whether Eskom previously (a) purchased software from or (b) licensed software with Microsoft; if so, (i) what was the purpose of the purchasing of the software, (ii) whether it was taken into use, (iii) when it was taken into use, (iv) whether it is still being used and (v) what are the further relevant particulars; (2)(a) which purchase process was used for the previous software and (b) whether this complied with all the legal requirements; if so, what are the further relevant particulars?


(1) (a) Eskom purchased software from Microsoft through a contract which followed Eskom’s commercial process.

(b) Yes, all purchased software is licensed.

(b) (i) The purpose of purchasing Microsoft software was based on the following factors:

  • To meet Eskom business requirements
  • Mitigate desktop risk on Office and Operating Systems.
  • To implement a best of suite strategy to lower the operational cost in terms of license expense
  • Support resource cost across Desktop, Messaging, Security
  • Ensure the Management and Windows Server Towers.

(b) (ii) Yes, the software is being used by the entire Organisation.

(b) (iii) A contract was entered into between Eskom and Microsoft in July 2010 prior to this Eskom purchased products including Microsoft software from third party suppliers.

(b) (iv) Yes, Eskom only maintains Microsoft Software that is in current use.

(b) (v) Eskom’s current contract with Microsoft is due to expire on 29 May 2016. A commercial process is currently underway for the renewal of the support and maintenance of the current contract. It must be noted that the bulk of this renewal is to maintain the current investment and ensure adequate maintenance and support.

(2) (a) Eskom’s commercial process which forms part of Eskom’s Procurement and Supply Chain Management Policy and Procedure was followed. The commercial process that was followed is in alignment with Eskom’s Procurement and Supply Chain Management Policy and Procedure and Public Finance Management Act.

(b) Yes, Eskom’s process followed regarding the Microsoft transaction satisfied all prescribed legal requirements. The details are that the commercial process which is provided for in Eskom’s supply chain policies is aligned to the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA).

03 May 2016 - NW1154

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)With reference to his replies to questions 616, 723 and 724 on 17 March 2016 (details furnished), can he, after consultation with Ms Astrid Ludin, Mr Rory Voller, Mr Flip Dwinger, Mr Douglas Mokaba, Mr Asogaren Chetty and Ms Lana Van Zyl of the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (CIPRO) and/or the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC), (a) confirm that the (i) Registrar of Companies (ROC), as was normal practice in 2001, in compliance with prescribed procedure, transmitted certain information (details furnished) to the SA Revenue Services (SARS) for the collection of taxes on behalf of the State and (ii) application for incorporation of SA Apartheid Museum was by way of a Special Power of Attorney secured through the legal services of certain persons (names and details furnished), (b) he secure from the ROC the mandatory CM5 Name Reservation Form which should, in terms of the information required, inform the general public of, inter alia, the persons who desired one of six names for the incorporation of SA Apartheid Museum, as the information in the specified form will also verify that the applicants, whomsoever they may be, have on a particular date, under the prescribed procedure, paid the mandatory fee in respect of the specified form and (c) provide the entire inception file, including the specified CM5 form that preceded the incorporation of SA Apartheid Museum as per the statutory declarations received from the applicants, whoever they may be, and which thereafter, along with Unique Company Registration Number 2001/019108/08 was transmitted to SARS; (2) can he, in view of the fact that the National Lotteries Board (NLB) and/or National Lotteries Commission (NLC) has not provided any explanation whatsoever for The South African Apartheid Museum at Freedom Park when the questions raised clearly relate to SA Apartheid Museum, and specifically after consultation with Ms Tintswalo Nkuna and Mr Vuyisa Gwam of the Compliance Division of the NLB and/or NLC and Mr Tsietsi Maselwa, attorney for the NLB and/or NLC, (a) confirm having investigated whether the grant-in-aid intended for SA Apartheid Museum and Mr Christopher Till may have been fraudulently diverted to another company for the unlawful benefit of persons within and/or outside of the NLB and/or NLC and (b) indicate, through Chairman Alfred Nevhutanda, Attorney Tsietsi Maselwa and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, (mindful of SCA Case Number 788/10), where the NLB and/or NLC, bound by its own procedural limitations, found legal authorisation to abide by anything other than the statutory declaration submitted by Mr Christopher Till, on behalf of his organisation which he clearly stated is incorporated under the name SA Apartheid Museum; (3) can he (a) after consultation with Profesor Dorcas Jafta, Ms Thoko Mkhwanazi-Xaluva, Nkuna, Ludin, Ms Thabang Mampane, Gwam, Nevhuthanda, Mr Jeffrey Du Preez and Meselwa, confirm that the rules and regulations of the NLB and/or NLC apply to both Black and White applicants seeking funding from the NLB and/or NLC and whether according to the specified organisations Mr Richard Moloko and Mr Reuel Khoza can, under the rules and regulations, lawfully be condoned as independent referees of SA Apartheid Museum, (b) after consultation with the GGB, confirm that in terms of the provisions of the National Gambling Act, Act 7 of 2004, the joint owners of the Gold Reef City Casino license, like other casino licence holders, (i) are entitled to the profits earned from the structure promised in support of the application for the Gold Reef City Casino Licence, (ii) are responsible for the financial costs of erecting and sustaining their income generating structure and (iii) bearing in mind that Gold Reef Resorts Limited is, at the relevant times, the holding company for, among other entities, Gold Reef City Casino, as verified by the 2001-2002 Annual Report of Gold Reef Resorts Limited which confirms that Gold Reef City Casino contracted the Section 21 Company SA Apartheid Museum to manage the edifice they named The Apartheid Museum and given that it has a legal right to generate its own income and (c) can he together with the NGB and GGB confirm that, in terms of the provisions of the National Gambling Act, Act 7 of 2004, both Mr Reuel Khoza and Mr Richard Moloko, were legally required to have known this and ought to never have allowed Mr Christopher Till to submit an application for public funding to the National Lotteries Board; (4) can he, (a) specifically after consultation with Messrs Booysen, Lalumbe and Mafojane please provide the certificate to operate which was issued to Gold Reef City Casino when they initiated SA Apartheid Museum, to operate the edifice which they named The Apartheid Museum and (b) in view of the fact that whenever prima facie evidence of wrongdoing, irregularity and/or unlawful conduct arises and where a criminal investigation may follow, all the natural persons associated herein have legal rights which they may be entitled to exercise, provide the assurance that each and every official mentioned, along with others who may be affected, has been given a full appreciation of all that may affect them in their obligations to abide by the provisions of the law, including their obligations to Parliament; (5) can he, in the light of these follow-up questions, and, after having consulted with officials directly involved in these matters, clearly indicate all parts of his earlier reply which he will want corrected and/or expunged from the specified reply? NW1290E


(1) According to the response received from the CIPC:

(a)(i) CIPRO did not have a procedure to transmit information to SARS but CIPC have done that since 2014.

(ii) The Special Power of Attorney and the certification of incorporation are attached for your further perusal.

(b) The CIPC does not have the CM 5 form in its records.

(c) The CM3 and Special Power of Attorney and Certification of Incorporation are attached hereto and marked as “Annex A, B and C respectively.

(2) According to the response received from the NLC:

The NLC can confirm that applications received, processed and adjudicated by the NLC all are from the SA Apartheid Museum.

(a) There has been no investigation by the Compliance Division on the SA Apartheid Museum or on the fraudulent diversion of funds.

(b) Yes, the application received was from the SA Apartheid Museum. All supporting information bears such name.

(3) (a) According to the response received from the NLC, yes.

(b)(i), (ii), (iii) and (c) The GGB is an independent entity which does not account to the dti as the national department. Therefore it is recommended that the Honourable Member source information directly from the Gauteng Gambling Board.

(4) (a) and (b) The GGB is an independent entity which does not account to the dti as the national department. Therefore it is recommended that the Honourable Member source information directly from the Gauteng Gambling Board.

(5) According to the information received from the CIPC, the CIPC indicated that the CM5 was included in its attachments in the previous response. When responding to the follow-up question and upon request of the CM5, it indicated that it does not have it in its records.

According to the information received from the NLC, there was no correction and/or an indication to expunge the original information provided. However, after receipt of its response and the telephonic conversation requesting further information with regard to question 1153(5)(b)(i), it confirmed that there was no adjudication which took place in 2008 for SA Apartheid Museum.

According to the information received from the NGB, the GGB is an independent entity and it is not in a position to respond on its behalf. It recommends that the Honourable Member source information directly from the Gauteng Gambling Board.

(5) According to the information received from the CIPC, the CIPC indicated that the CM5 was included in its attachments in the previous response. When responding to the follow-up question and upon request of the CM5, it indicated that it does not have it in its records.

According to the information received from the NLC, there was no correction and/or an indication to expunge the original information provided. However, after receipt of its response and the telephonic conversation requesting further information with regard to question 1153(5)(b)(i), it confirmed that there was no adjudication which took place in 2008 for SA Apartheid Museum.

According to the information received from the NGB, the GGB is an independent entity and it is not in a position to respond on its behalf. It recommends that the Honourable Member source information directly from the Gauteng Gambling Board.

03 May 2016 - NW1095

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)In light of various accidents involving ministerial security convoys, are government security details for Ministers (a) exempt from the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996 Regulations and (b) ever (i) stopped and (ii) fined for road traffic act transgressions since 9 May 2009; if so, (2) (a) does the relevant department pay the fines involved and (b) has there been a national directive issued to all enforcement departments responsible for fine collections to ignore traffic fines via camera or any other means for vehicles belonging to the State; (3) what was the total amount of traffic fines that were issued to each Ministry in the (a) 2013-14, (b) 2014-15 and (c) 2015-16 financial years


1. (a), Currently in terms of section 58 of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996) more in particular subsection (3) it provides amongst others that a traffic officer or a person appointed in terms of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995), who drives a vehicle in the carrying out of his or her duties or any person issued with the necessary authorisation and driving a vehicle may disregard the directions of a road traffic sign which is displayed in the prescribed manner. Section 60 of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 provides further that, notwithstanding the provisions of section 59, such may exceed the applicable general speed limit.

(b) (i) and (ii) No, they are not stopped whilst travelling with their lights on and therefore no fines are issued.

(2) (a) If a fine has been issued the relevant department pays the fines involved.

(b) No, a directive has been issued to disregard any offences committed by the Unit or any motor vehicle belonging to the state.

(3) The information requested is not available.

03 May 2016 - NW877

Profile picture: Madisha, Mr WM


1. Whether his department is continuously monitoring increases in the price of basic foodstuff in the period 1 March 2015 to 31 March 216 and is therefore implementing special measures to keep the price of maize meal, for example, at an affordable level so that people did not starve during the approaching winter; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 2. Whether he will make a statement on food security in the country over the next nine months; if not, why not? NW1000E


1. The NAMC monitors food prices at retail level and releases regular authoritative reports. The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries established the Food Price Monitoring Committee (FPMC) at the NAMC to track and report on food price trends in South Africa and also to provide explanations on the observed trends and advise the department on any possible action that could be taken when national and household food security is threatened. The FPMC was established after the high food price episode of 2000/01 season. The functions of the FPMC were assumed by the NAMC after the FPMC completed its work in August 2004. The NAMC issues four quarterly Food Price Monitoring Reports annually and, since 2005, also publishes an annual Food Cost Review, which documents the margins between farm prices and retail prices of the major food products, among other topics. In 2015, the NAMC began releasing a quarterly Farm-to-Retail Price Spread (FTRPS) publication, which seeks to provide more insight into the factors driving commodity and food price margins. This publication, the Food Basket Price Monthly Report, is a result of recent discussions with industry, and the need to keep watch on the movements of food prices on a more regular basis than the current quarterly Food Price Monitor.

Part 2 of question 1; basic foodstuffs are Zero Rated food items in relation to VAT and thus is the mechanism used to protect the poor.

2. The Minister will make statements on food security in the country at various formal occasions such as the 20-16/2017 budget vote speech and at the yearly commemoration of World Food Day on the 16th October of each year as declared by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation to heighten awareness on food insecurity.

DAFF has established the Interdepartmental Food Insecurity Drought Task Team to address challenges that are posed by the current drought situation in the country.

03 May 2016 - NW1153

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)With reference to his replies to questions 616, 723 and 724 on 17 March 2016 (details furnished), can he, after consultation with the first Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the second CEO Mr Mokhobo and the third CEO Mr Jacques Booysen, as well as attorney Mr Edward Lalumbe and Mr Prince Mafojane, Chairman of the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB), (a) provide a copy of a letter, written by Mr Sello Loate and addressed to Mr Dan Mzizi and Mr Richard Moloko, dated 31 October 2000, in which Mr Loate, the technical monitor on behalf of the GGB, in the specified letter states that “these secret developments pose a potential risk to Akani, in the sense that Freedom Park is on a tight schedule” and (b) acknowledge that the specified letter is important, as it points to the fact that the National Gambling Board (NGB) provided him with incorrect information when it said that The Apartheid Museum was the Gold Reef City Casino project at the time of the application for the Gold Reef City Casino licence and also proves that three years after 1997 the GGB was only aware of Freedom Park, as the project promised by the Gold Reef City Casino; (2) can he, after consultation with the specified persons of the GGB, (a) confirm that the casino licence was awarded to the two applicants on 22 April 1998 on the condition that within a period of three years the joint owners of the Gold Reef City Casino licence must complete the Freedom Park project as promised, (b) confirm that Abraham and Solomon Krok were the principal shareholders of the promoters and that they were present at the public hearing for the Gold Reef City Casino licence on 18 November 1997 and that, under the mandatory provisions of the National Gambling Act, Act 7 of 2004, referred to as Black Economic Empowerment, the Chairperson Mr Reuel Khoza, placed Abraham and Solomon Krok centre stage as white persons who had over 40 years grown their wealth in the pharmaceuticals industry and (c) provide the further relevant details of the direct and/or indirect investment of Abraham and Solomon Krok; (3) (a) can he, in consultation with the NGB, the GGB and the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (CIPRO) and/or the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) provide the company registration numbers for Tacasa Investment (Pty) Ltd and Casino Austria International Holding GmbH, together with the names of the directors at the inception of the specified two companies and (b) can he explain why he sought answers from CIPRO and/or CIPC when the questions raised by Mr B H Holomisa specifically asked for incorporation and other documents in the possession of the NLB and/or National Lotteries Commission (NLC); (4) (a) can he, specifically after consultation with Professor Dorcas Jafta and Ms Thoko Mkhwanazi-Xaluva, the past and current Chairpersons of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Distribution Agency of the NLB and/or NLC and Ms Thabang Charlotte Mampane, the CEO of the specified distribution agency, as well as Mr Jeffrey Du Preez, the Chief Operations Officer of the NLB and/or NLC, confirm that the (i) statutory declaration of Mr Christopher Till, used in support of the application for funding submitted in November 2004, records the name of the applicant as SA Apartheid Museum under the Unique Company Registration Number 2001/019108/08 and (ii) specified person in his statutory declaration, in keeping with the rules and regulations set out by the NLB and/or NLC, stated the name of the bank account for the payment of the grant-in-aid as SA Apartheid Museum and (b) can he, after a reading of the evidence given under oath by Professor Dorcas Jafta and Tebogo Maitse on behalf of the NLB in Case No 788/10 in the Supreme Court of Appeal, explain why the R1,580,000 grant-in-aid was paid to The South African Apartheid Museum at Freedom Park, even though Mr Christopher Till of SA Apartheid Museum, under the imposed statutory obligation, provided no such information in his application for funding; (5) can he, specifically after consultation with the NLB and/or NLC finance department and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, the appointed auditors for the NLB and/or NLC, (a) provide conclusive proof that SA Apartheid Museum and Mr Christopher Till in fact received the three tranches totalling R1,580,000 after the adjudication of the application for funding in 2008, (b) confirm that the (i) specified allocation is first listed in the 2006 Annual Financial Statements of the NLB, under the name SA Apartheid Museum and, after further consultation with the Auditor-General, explain how the grant-in-aid of R1,580,000 to SA Apartheid Museum is accounted for in the 2006 Annual Financial Statements when the application for funding, according to him, was not adjudicated until 2008, two years later and (ii) specified person in fact provided Annual Financial Statements for SA Apartheid Museum, prior to the adjudication of the specified person’s application in 2008 and (c) can he furnish the project number allocated to the specified application by the specified person for SA Apartheid Museum in November 2004?NW1289E


(1) and (2) The GGB is an independent entity which does not account to the dti as the national department. Therefore it is recommended that the Honourable Member source information directly from the Gauteng Gambling Board.

(3) (a) According to the response received from the CIPC, these two company names are not registered on the CIPC’s database.

(b) Information regarding incorporation of companies is best sourced from the CIPC.

(4) According to the response received from the NLC:

(a)(i) The Section 21 Company Registration Number is given as 2001/019108/08.

(ii) The bank account named in the application was SA Apartheid Museum.

(b) In light of the above naturally, any allocated funding will be paid into the account of the applicant/beneficiary as per the application form.

(5) According to the information received from the NLC:

(a) Three Payments were made to the SA Apartheid Museum as follows –

Tranche Amount

1. R600,000.00

2. R585,000.00

3. R400,000.00

All payments are disclosed in the NLC Annual Reports which can be located on our website:

(b)(i) SA Apartheid Museum applied for grant funding during 2004 and tranches were paid as indicated above. In 2008 the NLC migrated information from Grant Management System (GMS) 1 to GMS 2. When the migration was done, certain information was corrupted in that applications adjudicated in 2004, 2005, and 2006 gave an impression that they were adjudicated in 2008 whereas there was no such adjudication of SA Apartheid Museum in 2008.

(ii) The Annual Financial Statements of the SA Apartheid Museum for financial years 2001, 2002 and 2003 were submitted with the original application on 24 November 2004.

(c) The project number for the application received by the NLC of the SA Apartheid Museum on 24 November 2004 is 18052.

03 May 2016 - NW1152

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)With reference to his replies to questions 616, 723 and 724 on 17 March 2016 (details furnished), can he (a) explain why he sought answers from the National Gambling Board (NGB) when the specified questions specifically asked for a response from the provincial authority, the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB), (b) provide the (i) name of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the GGB, who had resigned in December 1997, after which Mr Mokhobo of Gobodo Incorporated took up the position of Acting CEO of the GGB between 1 January 1998 and 14 April 1998 and (ii) names of all the directors of Gobodo Incorporated at the time when the firm secured the contract to conduct probity checks on the aspiring applicants for casino licences and (c) confirm, in consultation with the specified CEO and/or the GGB, if Mr Bongani Biyela did in fact work for the GGB; (2) can he, after consultation with certain persons (names and details furnished), (a) provide the (i) name of the company, (ii) registration number of the specified company and (iii) names of the directors of the specified company who, together with Akani Egoli (Pty) Ltd, appear on the records of the GGB at the public hearings held on 18 November 1997, convened for the purposes of hearing the application for the Gold Reef City Casino licence and (b) confirm whether (i) the names of all the directors of Akani Egoli (Pty) Ltd have been included in his initial reply which was sourced from the NGB, (ii) Mr Reuel Khoza or any of the other directors of Akani Egoli (Pty) Ltd held directorships in both of the joint successful applicants of the Gold Reef City Casino licence, (iii) the original bid application signed off by a certain person (name and details furnished) in June 1997, at the time of the application provided an undertaking that the joint applicants would erect a structure known as Freedom Park, (iv) the joint applicants for the Gold Reef City Casino Licence, following Mr Reuel Khoza's statutory declarations in the Bid Application in June 1997, five months later, at the public hearing on 18 November 1997, presented Freedom Park as their project for the public good and (v) the joint applicants for the Gold Reef City Casino licence at the public hearing on 18 November 1997 introduced a certain French woman (name furnished) who used a slide presentation to present her concept of Freedom Park to the GGB?NW1288E



  1. and (2) The GGB is an independent entity which does not account to the dti as the national department. Therefore it is recommended that the Honourable Member source information directly from the Gauteng Gambling Board.


03 May 2016 - NW1007

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether his department issued citizenship to any members of a certain family (name furnished) residing in South Africa in accordance with the provisions of the SA Citizenship Act, Act 88 of 1995; if so, (a) on what date was citizenship granted in each case and (b) what conditions of the Act were met in order for the citizenship to be granted in each case?


Yes, citizenship was granted to 4 members of the Gupta family residing in South Africa as follows:

Gupta V, Date of birth (d.o.b) 14 July 1986

  1. application approved 24 November 2015
  2. section 5(1) of the SA Citizenship Act, 1995 (Act No 88 of 1995)

Gupta K, d.o.b 19 August 2015

  1. application approved on 03 March 2016
  2. section 5(4)(minors) of the SA Citizenship Act, 1995 (Act No. 88 of 1995)

Gupta A, d.o.b 30 December 1945

  1. application approved on 27 July 2015
  2. section 5(9) (exceptional circumstances) of the SA Citizenship Act, 1995 (Act No. 88 of 1995)

Gupta S, d.o.b 10 May 1970

  1. application approved on 27 July 2015
  2. section 5(9) (exceptional circumstances) of the SA Citizenship Act, 1995 (Act No. 88 of 1995)

03 May 2016 - NW976

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)(a) Why are the (i) Cape Town and (ii) Port Elizabeth refugee offices showing new applications received when they are not officially mandated to do so, (b) what is the total backlog of rejected refugee status appeals in the country and (c) what are the plans to address this situation, given that only 12% of the appeals for the 2015-16 financial year have been processed so far; (2) what are the main unfounded reasons given by Zimbabwean nationals when applying for asylum; (3) (a) has the demand for refugee identification documents been consistent each year during the past five financial years, (b) has supply always been around half of those requested in each financial year and (c) what is the related backlog in this regard


(1)(a)(i-ii) The new asylum applicants relate to family joining. In the main there are two categories of those joining the files of existing asylum seekers, namely: new-born babies and also dependents who were declared by the principal applicant when applying before the closure of the office and they have now made the move to South Africa to join their principal applicants under section 3(c) of the Refugees Act.

(1)(b) The number of backlog cases as reported to the UNHCR in 2015 is 144 233. At the time 80 315 cases were active on the system. Since the July 2015 report shared with UNHCR, the Department is undergoing a process to properly audit and undertake a project to deal with this backlog. The outcome of the audit, on completion, will confirm the appeal backlog.

(1)(c) The Department, working with the UNHCR, has put together a planning team that is developing a project plan for the appeal backlog. Such planning is being conducted in parallel with the file auditing process mentioned above to inform the plan.

(2) Most unfounded claims relate to the political climate in Zimbabwe. Most applicants with this type of decision cite persecution on the grounds of political affiliation and perceived failure by the government to deal with such persecution and harassment of political opponents.

(3)(a) The overall number of applications for refugee identification documents has been consistent throughout the indicated period. However, during the 2012/2013 and 2013/14 financial years, a backlog began to build up because of limited capacity and was eventually cleared in late 2014/15.

(3)(b) As indicated above, capacity challenges affected the percentage of applications being processed within the stipulated time frames. However, such challenges do not mean that the other 50% of applicants do not receive their identity documents. Instead, it means that they receive their documents but outside the stipulated turnaround time.

(3)(c) Currently there is no backlog in the processing of both refugee identity documents and travel documents.

03 May 2016 - NW1081

Profile picture: Paulsen, Mr N M

Paulsen, Mr N M to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

(a) Has any of his senior officials met with certain persons (names furnished) during the period 1 January 2009 up to 31 December 2015 and (b) has any of the entities reporting to him awarded any contracts to Sahara Holdings, Comair, Oakbay Investments, Islandsite Investments, Afripalm Horizons Stakes, The New Age Media, JIC Mining Services and Vusizwe Media in the specified period; if so, what (i) are the relevant details and (ii) is the amount of each specified contract?



(a) The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has effected payments to the following suppliers according to available BAS reports:


Service description

Payment date


Vusizwe Media PTY LYD

Advert of Minister’s response to questions published in Thinker Magazine


R 69 365.80


Coverage of the Minister’s Budget Vote Speech


R309 277.44


Attendance of business briefing by 5 Delegates


R    3 961.50


Hosting of The New Age SABC2 Business Briefing where the Minister and Deputy Minister were the keynote speakers:250 delegates


R 178 267.50


Awareness campaign for World Food Day


R647 054.88


Awareness campaign for World Food Day


R647 054.88


Awareness campaign for World Food Day


R647 054.88

Vusizwe Media

Advert in The Thinker Magazine


R39 888.60


Minister’s Media Briefing on Morning Live (SABC 2) ON Female Farmer Entrepreneur Awards and Abor Week via the New Age


R 842 886.36


Booking for Business Briefing


R 9 950.00


Booking for Business Briefing


R 26 315.79


  1. No senior official of Onderstepoort Biological Products has met with the Atul, Ajay or Rajesh Gupta and Duduzane Zuma between 2009 and 2015
  2. Onderstepoort Biological Product has never awarded any contracts to Sahara Holdings, Comair, Oakbay Investments, Islandsite Investments, Afripalm Horizons Stakes, The New Age Media, JIC Mining Services and Vusizwe Media in the specified period


  1. No senior official of the PPECB ever met with Atul, Ajay or Rajesh Gupta and Duduzane Zuma between 2009 and 2015
  2. PPECB has not awarded any contracts to to Sahara Holdings, Comair, Oakbay Investments, Islandsite Investments, Afripalm Horizons Stakes, The New Age Media, JIC Mining Services and Vusizwe Media in the specified period


  1. No senior official of the ARC ever met with Atul, Ajay or Rajesh Gupta and Duduzane Zuma between 2009 and 2015
  2. The ARC has never awarded any contracts to Sahara Holdings, Comair, Oakbay Investments, Islandsite Investments, Afripalm Horizons Stakes, The New Age Media, JIC Mining Services and Vusizwe Media in the specified period


  1. No one at Ncera Farms met with the said persons
  2. Ncera Farms did not award any contracts to Sahara Holdings, Comair, Oakbay Investments, Islandsite Investments, Afripalm Horizons Stakes, The New Age Media, JIC Mining Services and Vusizwe Media


  1. No senior official of the NAMC ever met with Atul, Ajay or Rajesh Gupta and Duduzane Zuma between 2009 and 2015
  2. The NAMC has never awarded any contracts to Sahara Holdings, Comair, Oakbay Investments, Islandsite Investments, Afripalm Horizons Stakes, The New Age Media, JIC Mining Services and Vusizwe Media in the specified period


  1. No senior official of the MLRF ever met with Atul, Ajay or Rajesh Gupta and Duduzane Zuma between 2009 and 2015
  2. The MLRF has never awarded any contracts to Sahara Holdings, Comair, Oakbay Investments, Islandsite Investments, Afripalm Horizons Stakes, The New Age Media, JIC Mining Services and Vusizwe Media in the specified period

01 May 2016 - NW1219

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Mr M

Hlengwa, Mr M to ask the Minister of Health

Whether he has considered rolling out pre-exposure prophylaxis and test-and-treat to other people who are vulnerable in getting HIV other than sex workers, if not; why not, if so, what are the relevant details?


I have made an announcement of the roll-out of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and Test and Treat during my Budget Speech.


29 April 2016 - NW1148

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether any tenders were advertised for the installation of solar energy systems in the 2015-16 financial year; if so, (a) when did the tenders close, (b) how many companies submitted tenders, (c) to which companies were the tenders awarded in each case and (d) how far the specified companies have progressed to date with the installation of solar energy systems; 2) whether any of the specified tenders set out had the intention of having the Department of Labour train unemployed persons in the installation of solar energy systems; if not, why not; if so, how many of the specified tenders contained this information and intention; 3) whether the specified tenders with specifications for training unemployed persons were awarded; if not, why not; if so, whether the solar energy systems are now being installed; 4) whether she will make a statement on the matter? NW1286E


  1. No.
  2. No, because the training element is earmarked on the installation phase of the solar water heating programme and those have not yet been put under procurement processes.
  3. No, because the training element on solar water heating programme is part of the installation process, which has not yet commenced.
  4. The Solar Water Heating programme is one of the key programmes of the Department of Energy in the context of Energy Mix and therefore the Minister, from time to time, will make pronouncements as part of the implementation process.

29 April 2016 - NW1071

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)(a) What amount did her department provide to each teachers’ union in South Africa in (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11, (iii) 2011-12, (iv) 2012-13, (v) 2013-14, (vi) 2014-15 and (vii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) for what purpose were the specified amounts provided to each union in each of the specified financial years; (2) did each union account fully to her department for the annual expenditure of the specified amounts; if not, why not; if so (a) what are the relevant details, and (b) where can this information be obtained? NW1204E and (b) where can this information be obtained?


(1) (a) What amount did her department provide to each teachers’ union in South Africa in (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11, (iii) 2011-12, (iv) 2012-13, (v) 2013-14, (vi) 2014-15 and (vii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) for what purpose were the specified amounts provided to each union in each of the specified financial years;

1. (a) (i) 2009/10 no amounts were allocated by the Department of Basic Education (DBE).

1. (a) (ii) 2010/11 no amounts were allocated as the Teacher Collaboration only started in 2011/12

1. (a) (iii) 2011/12 a total of R36 800 000.00 was allocated to teacher unions for Curriculum Assessments Policy Statements (CAPS) orientation in Kwa Zulu-Natal (KZN) and Mpumalanga and was utilised as follows:



1. (a) (iii)2011/12

1. (b) For what purpose?


R 6 700 000

CAPS orientation in KZN and Mpumalanga


R 6 200 000

CAPS orientation in KZN and Mpumalanga


R 20 300 000

CAPS orientation in KZN and Mpumalanga


R 2 500 000

CAPS orientation in KZN and Mpumalanga


R 1 100 000

CAPS orientation in KZN and Mpumalanga

1 (a) (iv) 2012/13 a total of R70 000 000.00 was allocated to Teacher Union Collaboration (TUC) implementation in various teacher development activities and was utilised as follows:



1. (a) (iv)2012/13

1. (b) For what purpose?


R 10 000 000

Teacher Development (CAPS)


Improving Reading and Writing in Foundation Phase (FP)


R 12 000 000

Under qualified Teacher Training (Content Knowledge, Assessments and Lesson preparation)


Teacher Development (CAPS)


School Management Team (SMT) Training (School Management)


Improving Reading and Writing in Foundation Phase


R 33 343 330

SMT Curriculum Management Programme


District Based Professional Development Programme


R 11 897 500

Teacher Development (CAPS)


R 2 759 170

Financial Management


Teacher Development (CAPS)


Design and Development of Outcomes Based Learning


Project Management


Teaching English Second Language

1. (a) (v) There was no funding allocation in 2013/14.

1. (a) (vi) 2014/15 R19 500 000.00 was allocated for TUC implementation in various teacher development activities and was utilised as follows:



1. (a) (vi)2014/15

1. (b) For what purpose?


R 2 329 000

Further Education and Training (FET) Mathematics and Science


Curriculum Differentiation in Special Schools


Hand writing for Foundation Phase


CAPS for FET Phase


Promoting thinking skills in intermediate and Senior Phase Learners


Foundation Phase Mathematics Assessment


R 3 415 000

Assessment for Learning


R 8 580 000

Foundation Phase Resource Development


Teacher Development through Communities of Practice and instructional leadership


R 3 552 000

Curriculum Management for Principals


R 1 623 500

Screening Identification Assessment System (SIAS) and curriculum Differentiation

1. (a) (vii) 2015/16 R38 000 000.00 was allocated for TUC implementation in various teacher development activities and was utilised as follows:



1. (a) (vii)2015/16

1. (b) For what purpose?


R 5 000 000

Capacitating teachers at schools for the Deaf


Barriers to Handwriting FP


Inclusion in Assessment Strategies


Barriers to Reading


Developing a Maths Rich Classroom


Inclusion in FET Maths and Science


Barriers – Identifying Types


Inclusion in Fist Additional Language (FAL)


Second language teacher to second language learners


R 6 000 000

Assessment for Learning


Using learner’s responses to inform the teaching of Mathematics in Grades 1,3 and 6


R 18 000 000

Foundation Phase Resource Development


Intermediate Phase Resource Development


R 6 000 000

Financial management for Principals


R 2 950 000

SIAS orientation

(2) Did each union account fully to her department for the annual expenditure of the specified amounts; if not, why not; if so (a) what are the relevant details, and (b) where can this information be obtained?

2. (a) All Teacher Unions accounted to the DBE by submitting all relevant documents to substantiate their invoices and (b) all supporting documents are with the DBE.

29 April 2016 - NW1128

Profile picture: Selfe, Mr J

Selfe, Mr J to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(a) What are the reasons for the current shortages of (i) food and (ii) stationery in the Leeuwkop Medium C Correctional Facility in Gauteng and (b) why have horticulture courses been put on hold?


a) (i) (ii) There is no shortage of food and stationery in the Leeuwkop Medium C Correctional Facility in Gauteng.

b) The Service Provider was not quality assured and therefore cannot provide training.

28 April 2016 - NW1172

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)(a) How many new companies have invested in the (i) Vulindlela Heights, (ii) Queenindustria, (iii) Isithebe, (iv) Botshabelo, (v) Babelegi and (vi) Seshego industrial parks since 1 April 2015, (b) how many new jobs were created at each of the specified industrial parks and (c) what incentives have been offered to each (i) municipality and (ii) provincial government in each of the specified industrial parks;


1 c) and d) the dti is not providing any incentives specific for the Industrial Parks.

(2) The Industrial Parks are owned and operated by Agencies that fall under the provincial government. These Agencies manage the industrial parks including the collection of revenue, the provision of services and maintenance of the parks. Each Industrial Park has its own management structure. The table below provides details of the respective agencies and the human resources for the management of the Industrial Park. (See Annexure “A”)

Annexure “A”




Managed By:

Organisational structure


Vulindlela Industrial Heights

King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality

Eastern Cape

Eastern Cape Development Corporation (ECDC)

Head Properties


Personal assistant

Senior Manager Facilities

Senior Manager Property Investment and Development

Senior Manager Property Management.

Manger rentals and collections


Chris Hani Development Agency

Eastern Cape

Chris Hani Development Agency

Executive Manager Operations

Project administrator

Chief Investment Officer

Business Development manager

Project Manager

Social Facilitator

Finance and Admin Manger


Ithala Bank


Ithala Bank

Ithala CEO

Properties Executive

Divisional Manager -Property Management

Divisional Manager -Facilities Management

Divisional Manager - Asset Management.


Free State Development Corporation (FDC)

Free State

Free State Development Corporation (FDC)


Executive Director – Core Operations

Properties and Facilities Manager

District Property Manager


North West Development Agency (NWDA)

North West

North West Development Corporation (NWDC)

Area Manager

Admin Officer

3 X Tenant Coordinators

1x Maintenance Supervisor

2x Handymen

2x Assistant Handymen

2x Gardeners

1x Refreshment officer


Limpopo Development maintenance Agency (LEDA)


Limpopo Economic Development Agency

Executive Manager Industrialization

Head: Land &Property Development

Regional Manager

Facilities Manager


Leasing Officer

Rental Controller

Office Admin

28 April 2016 - NW960

Profile picture: Whitfield, Mr AG

Whitfield, Mr AG to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether his department (a) has provided or (b) has plans to provide any support to the canola oil production project in Alexandria in the Eastern Cape; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


No, the Department of Rural Development is not involved in the Canola oil production project in Alexandria in the Eastern Cape.

(a) and (b) falls away.

28 April 2016 - NW752

Profile picture: McLoughlin, Mr AR

McLoughlin, Mr AR to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)With reference to her department’s Third Quarter Expenditure Report for the 2015-16 financial year, what capital assets were purchased from the R5,9 billion that was spent from her department’s operational budget between 1 April 2015 and 31 December 2015, in each case detailing (a) how much each item cost, (b) the (i) nature and (ii) location of each item and (c) the purpose of the specified acquisitions; 2) with reference to her department’s underspending of R3,275 billion with regard to Transfers and Subsidies and Operational Expenditure by the end of the third quarter of the 2015-16 financial year, what are the full details of the plans that have been put in place to ensure that her department achieves its targets by the end of the 2015-16 financial year without resorting to fiscal dumping; (3) (a) how many employees are (i) employed by her department and (ii) compensated through transfers from her department and (b) how much is spent on the compensation of employees at each different (i) salary scale and (ii) level of employment; (4) how does she reconcile the apparent contradiction between the statement in the report that read respectively that the slow spending is expected to be resolved as the implementation of projects gets accelerated towards the end of the financial year and that it is projected that the department will underspend towards the end of the financial year on the second to last page of the report; (5) (a) how did her department fund the 419.7% overspend on the Water Trading Entity: Operations and Maintenance budget line and (b) what was the reason for such a high overspend?


(1) As at 31 December 2015, an amount of R47.864 million was spent on the adjusted allocation of R132.717 million for capital assets in the normal voted funds (operational budget) of the Department. The details of each item cost, and the location thereof are outlined in Annexure A.

  • Machinery and Equipment: These assets which can be used continuously or repeatedly in production for at least one year. Examples of Machinery and Equipment are water laboratory equipment, construction and maintenance equipment, auto visual equipment, photographic equipment, office furniture, computer hardware, printing equipment, etc
  • Software and Intangible Assets are the identifiable non-monetary asset without any physical substance. Examples of intangible fixed assets are computer software and miscellaneous other intangible fixed assets. To qualify as a fixed asset, the item must be intended for use in production for more than one year and its use must be restricted to the units that have established ownership rights over it or to units licensed by the owner. (The units that have established ownership rights refer to the entity that created the software for example “Microsoft” and units licensed by the owner refers to the unit buying a license to use or the right to use the software, but will not be able to change the software).

(2) Refer below for full details of the plans that have been put in place to ensure that the department achieves its targets by the end of the 2015-16 financial year without resorting to fiscal dumping. This will assist to expedite service delivery and improve expenditure. Over and above this, the following actions were to be taken;

  • Reallocation of budget within projects for improved level of expenditure between the slow and fast moving projects;
  • Dedicated efforts to collect outstanding invoices from all suppliers (Including municipalities) for work completed;
  • Drive and expedite the recruitment and selection processes for the recently advertised positions;
  • Improve working relations between line functions, finance and municipalities to improve supply chain management processes;
  • Perform an internal expenditure review and provide more realistic cash flow projections and practical measures (recovery plans) to put in place to ensure adherence to the cash flow projections (At project level, for all programmes).

(3) As at 31 December 2015, an amount of R1.021 billion was spent on the adjusted allocation of R1.428 billion for Compensation of Employees, refer to Annexure B.

(4) The Water Trading Entity spent the allocated funds in line with Treasury Regulations and Departmental Policy regarding the Budget.

(5) The Department’s operation and maintenance expenditure is reflected under operational clusters in the third quarter report. According to the report, there is no overspending reflected therein. The Audited financial statement for the 2014/15 financial year as reflected on the comprehensive income does not show any over expenditure on operation and maintenance.


Annexure A

The details of each item cost, and the location thereof are outlined in the table below:




Adjusted Budget


31 Dec 15




Adjusted Budget


31 Dec 15



Adjusted Budget


31 Dec 15















































































40, 370















































Grand Total










Annexure B

The details for Compensation of Employees are outlined in the table below:

Classification Item


Adjusted Budget


31 Dec 15




























Grand Total





The funds allocated to the department for each salary scale and) level of employment are as follows:

Salary Level

Number of officials

Original Budget per Salary Level




















































28 April 2016 - NW467

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

With reference to the recent international trip undertaken by her deputy minister, (a) when did the trip take place, (b) to which country or countries did she travel, (c) what were the reasons for undertaking this trip and (d) how much did the trip cost? NW521E


Deputy Minister recently undertook official international travel as follows:

a) From the 14th to the 20th of February 2016.

b) To the United States of America (New York).

c) Deputy Minister was invited to participate as a Speaker/ Panellist at the 19th Wallstreet Project Economic Summit, and to attend special B2B networking sessions co-hosted by the African Economic Expansion Network and its affiliates. The Wall Street Project was established to secure equal opportunity for minority employees, consumers, and entrepreneurs. The project’s mission is to promote inclusion, opportunity and economic growth by encouraging public and private industries to:

  • Provide more business opportunities for minority and women-owned companies on Wall Street and throughout the financial services industry
  • Encourage more minorities to participate in corporate boards
  • Allocate more capital to minority companies
  • Promote intra-trade relationships among diverse businesses

The areas of focus of this summit were found to be relevant to the Department of Small Business Development’s objective of facilitating radical economic transformation through increased participation of small businesses and cooperatives in the mainstream economy.

Deputy Minister also met with the US Small Business Administration, which is responsible for providing support to SMME’s in the US for purposes of benchmarking. Further meetings were attended with various American corporates to explore opportunities of them investing in South African previously disadvantaged communities and enterprises.

d) The department has not received final invoices yet but the budgeted amount was R479 769.46 for all officials who travelled.

26 April 2016 - NW648

Profile picture: Mulaudzi, Adv TE

Mulaudzi, Adv TE to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

With reference to the Tshakuma Fruit Market, which has been operating without running water, sanitation and sheltered stalls for more than 15 years while providing opportunities to more than 100 small vendors in order to provide for their families, what is she doing to help the vendors at the specified market to trade in a conducive environment?


The department has been engaging with Makhado Municipality Local Economic Development (LED) Office regarding putting plans together to initiate improvements to put proper sheltered stalls and related infrastructure for Tshakhuma Fruit Market vendors. The Shared Economic Infrastructure Facility (SEIF) has been identified as an appropriate instrument to be used to support this project. SEIF is an incentive for infrastructure support for informal traders, it covers the funding of common infrastructure that is either new, upgrading or maintenance and shared by a number of businesses. To date the department has assisted the LED Office to package the application which is expected to be presented to the SEIF Adjudication Committee seating scheduled to take place on 29 March 2016.


26 April 2016 - NW1069

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Police

How many (a) cases of vehicle accidents have been (i) reported and/or (ii) recorded against members of the VIP Protection Services resultant from speeding (aa) in the (aaa) 2009-10, (bbb) 2010-11, (ccc) 2011-12, (ddd) 2012-13, (eee) 2013-14 and (fff) 2014-15 and (ggg) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016 up to the latest specified date for which information is available, (b) of the specified cases have resulted in a sanction and/or penalty against service members in each of the specified financial years and period (c) sanctions and/or penalties in each category were issued in each of the specified financial years and period?


Kindly take note that the statistic which is reported relates to all types of incidents/accidents which have an element of speeding.

The summarised answers in terms of each sub-category of the question raised are as follows:

Sub-Category of a question relating (aaa) 2009-10


a) Cases of vehicle accidents reported and/or recorded


b) Sanctions Imposed/disciplinary steps taken


c) Types of Sanctions/Penalties issued



Sub-Category of a question relating (bbb) 2010-11


a) Cases of vehicle accidents reported and/or recorded


b) Sanctions Imposed/disciplinary steps taken


c) Types of Sanctions/Penalties issued

01 Dismissal

01 No Steps taken

Sub-Category of a question relating (ccc) 2011-12


a) Cases of vehicle accidents reported and/or recorded


b) Sanctions Imposed/disciplinary steps taken


c) Types of Sanctions/Penalties issued



Sub-Category of a question relating (ddd) 2012-13


a) Cases of vehicle accidents reported and/or recorded


b) Sanctions Imposed/disciplinary steps taken


c) Types of Sanctions/Penalties issued

02FinalWritten Warning


Sub-Category of a question relating (eee) 2013-14


a) Cases of vehicle accidents reported and/or recorded


b) Sanctions Imposed/disciplinary steps taken


c) Types of Sanctions/Penalties issued

01 Written warning and R200 fine


Sub-Category of a question relating (fff) 2014-15


a) Cases of vehicle accidents reported and/or recorded


b) Sanctions Imposed/disciplinary steps taken


c) Types of Sanctions/Penalties issued

01 Case Withdrawn

01Dismissal suspended for 6 months

01 Written Warning

01 No Steps


Sub-Category of a question relating (ggg) 2015-2016 to date


a) Cases of vehicle accidents reported and/or recorded


b) Sanctions Imposed/disciplinary steps taken


c) Types of Sanctions/Penalties issued



Sub-Category of a question relating 2016 to date


a) Cases of vehicle accidents reported and/or recorded


b) Sanctions Imposed/disciplinary steps taken


c) Types of Sanctions/Penalties issued


26 April 2016 - NW1105

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

(1)With reference to his reply to question 693 on 1 April 2016 and the link to a certain advert selling a semi-automatic firearms (details furnished), (a) what action is his department taking against the specified person (name furnished), (b) who is the investigating officer and (c) what progress has been made in this case; (2) what immediate steps are being taken to stop the selling of firearms from the specified person’s private residential home?


(1)(a) The South African Police Service has registered an enquiry investigation into the purported advertisement.

(1)(b) Particulars of the investigating officer are witheld to enable investigation without fear or favour.

(1)(c) The enquiry is still under investigation.

(2) Steps will be informed by the ensuing enquiry once all necessassy information has been obtained.

26 April 2016 - NW1008

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

How many Chinese nationals have been granted (a) permanent residence, (b) work and (c) business visas and (d) South African citizenship (i) in (aa) 2012, (bb) 2013, (cc) 2014 and (dd) 2015 and (ii) and since 1 January 2016?


Chinese nationals that have been granted:

(a) Permanent residence:

(i)(aa) 2012 = 19

(i)(bb) 2013 = 538

(i)(cc) 2014 = 1341

(i)(dd) 2015 = 542

(ii) Since 1 January 2016 = 127

(b) Work Visas:

(i)(aa) 2012 = 592

(i)(bb) 2013 = 1016

(i)(cc) 2014 = 909

(i)(dd) 2015 = 485

(ii) Since 1 January 2016 = 9

(c) Business Visas:

(i)(aa) 2012 = 109

(i)(bb) 2013 = 321

(i)(cc) 2014 = 328

(i)(dd) 2015 = 18

(ii) Since 1 January 2016 = 127

(d) South African citizenship:

(i)(aa) 2012 = 4

(i)(bb) 2013 = 16

(i)(cc) 2014 = 6

(i)(dd) 2015 = 5

(ii) Since 1 January 2016 = 1

26 April 2016 - NW1006

Profile picture: Breytenbach, Adv G

Breytenbach, Adv G to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(a) Where were the interviews held of the Independent Electoral Commission’s vacancy selection panel and (b) what were the costs associated with conducting the specified interviews in terms of (i) travel, (ii)(aa) accommodation and (bb) catering costs, (iii) remuneration of any persons and (iv) any other specified costs?


(a-b) The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has indicated that it is the Constitutional Court who arranged and conducted the interviews and incurred costs in this regard.

26 April 2016 - NW1017

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Tourism

(1)(a) What number of Social Responsibility Implementation (SRI) projects are still in their construction phase and (b) what is the (i) name and (ii) cost of each specified project; (2) (a) what number of SRI projects have not been completed due to problems experienced and (b) what is the (i) name and (ii) cost of each specified project; (3) whether any legal processes have been launched in terms of the projects which have not been completed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (4) which SRI projects have been successfully completed in the (a) 2014-15 and (b) 2015-16 financial years? NW1149E


1(a) Twenty three (23) projects are still in their construction phase.


(1b) (i) Project name

1(b) (ii)

Project budget (cost)




Mbashe, Coffee Bay, Mvezo N Mandela – Phase 3


King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality


Mthonsi Lodge


Nkonkobe Local Municipality


Steve Biko Heritage


Buffalo City Local Municipality


Aliwal Spa Project - Phase 3

R 7,930,080

Makana Local Municipality


Qatywa Eco-Tourism Development


Mbashe Local Municipality


Cradock Four Garden of Remembrance – Phase 2


Inxuba Yethemba Local Municipality



Accommodation Facilities at Metsi Matso Dam - Phase 3


Thabo Mofutsanyane District Municipality


Sentinel Peak Car Park Access


Maluti a Phofung Local Municipality


Witsieshoek Mountain Hotel Project


Maluti a Phofung Local Municipality


Building a Guest House in Qwa Qwa


Maluti a Phofung Local Municipality



Alexandra Mandela Yard Project


City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality


Komjekejeke Heritage Site Project


Metsweding District Municipality



Muzi Pan

R 9,405,000

Jozini Local Municipality


Lilani Hot springs


Umvoti Local Municipality



Khalanga Guest Lodge - Phase 2


Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality


Mahlathi Village Tourism


Greater Giyani Local Municipality


Mukumbani Waterfalls -Phase 3


Thulamela Local Municipality


Muyexe Tourism Project


Greater Giyani Local Municipality


Ngove Cultural Village - Phase 2


Greater Giyani Local Municipality


Tisane Cultural Village


Makhudutamaga Local Municipality



Middelburg Information Centre -

Phase 2

R 905,158

Steve Tshwete Local Municipality


Barberton Tourism and Biodiversity Corridor


Umjindi Local Municipality



Caravan Park Kai Garib Project

R 6,474,163

!Kai! Garib Local Municipality



Manyane Lodge Project


Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality

2 (a) Six (6) projects have not been completed due to problems experienced

2(b)(i) and (ii) Projects that experienced problems.


2b(i) Name of project

2(b)(ii) Cost




Western Tembuland


Emalahleni Local Municipality


Upgrading of Kiwane Campsite - Phase 3

R 9,500,000

Buffalo City Local Municipality


Upgrading of Kiwane Campsite - Phase 2

R 9, 500,000

Buffalo City Local Municipality



Barolong Ba Seleka

R 3,372,500

Mangaung Local Municipality



Sekhukhune Cultural Village – Phase 2

R 7,600,000

Fetakgomo Local Municipality


Bohlabela Cultural Village - Phase 2

R 9,500,000

Bushbuckridge Municipality

(3) Legal process and details per project:


(3) Name of project

(3) Relevant Details




Western Tembuland

  • Yes, a notice of breach of contract has been issued to the implementer.
  • Disciplinary action has been taken against the official for the dereliction of duty.
  • The department is now pursuing the option of cancellation of the contract and appointing another service provider to complete the project.

Emalahleni Local Municipality


Upgrading of Kiwane Campsite - Phase 3

Case opened with SAPS – being investigated for possible misuse of State funds

Buffalo City Local Municipality


Upgrading of Kiwane Campsite -Phase 2

Case opened with SAPS – being investigated for possible misuse of State funds

Buffalo City Local Municipality



Barolong Ba Seleka


  • No, the project is one of those ceded from the then Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism to the Department of Tourism following the split of the two departments in 2010.
  • The challenges were immediately identified, however the contract with the implementer had expired and the whereabouts of the implementer are unknown.
  • The department is looking into various options whether to complete the project or not.

Mangaung Local Municipality



Sekhukhune Cultural Village - Phase 2

Case opened with SAPS – being investigated for possible misuse of State funds

Fetakgomo Local Municipality



Bohlabela Cultural Village -Phase 2

Case opened with SAPS – being investigated for possible misuse of State funds

Bushbuckridge Municipality

(4) (a) Projects that were successfully implemented in 2014/2015.


4(a) 2014/15 Completed projects




Manqondo Tourism

King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality


Wonkumuntu Tourism

King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality


IP OR Tambo Heritage

Mbizana Local Municipality



Muzi Pan

Jozini Local Municipality



eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality



Mukumbani Waterfall

Thulamela Local Municipality



Black Water Fly Fishing

Maluti a Phofung Local Municipality


Establishment of Central Communication Centre

Maluti a Phofung Local Municipality

4 (b) Projects that were successfully completed in 2015/2016


(4) (b) 2015/16 Completed projects




IP OR Tambo Heritage Route

Mbizana Local Municipality


Bongolo Dam

Lukanji Local Municipality


Ndlambe Tourism Infrastructure

Ndlambe Local Municipality


Grahamstown Caravan Park

Makana Local Municipality


Maluti Hiking and Horse Trail

Matatiele Municipality



Establishment of Central Communication Centre

Maluti a Phofung Local Municipality



Mpumalanga Gateway

eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality



Frances Baard Park

Sol Plaatjie Local Municipality



False Bay Ecology Project

City of Cape Town Metro


Donkey Tracking Route - Phase 3

Cederberg Local Municipality


Tourism Development for Atlantis - Phase 2

City of Cape Town Metro

26 April 2016 - NW1084

Profile picture: Shivambu, Mr F

Shivambu, Mr F to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Has any of his senior officials met with certain persons during the period 1 January 2009 up to 31 December 2015, (b) have Sahara Holdings, Comair, Oakbay Investments, Islandsite Investments, Afripalm Horizons Stakes, The New Age Media, JIC Mining Services and Vusizwe Media participated in any of his department’s investment schemes and (c) has any of the entities reporting to him awarded any contracts to the specified companies in the specified period; if so, what (i) are the relevant details and (ii) is the amount of each specified contract?


Some officials have on occasion participated in meetings where the highlighted individuals have been present, including business related events, conferences and business delgations. For example, during a State Visit to India, officials met with Mr Ajay Gupta as part of the engagement with business. On another occasion, officials engaged with Messrs Ajay and Atul Gupta during the BRICS Summit in March 2013. On a different occasion, an offical interacted with Mr Atul Gupta at an ICT Steering Committee tasked to deal with the ICT Policy review under the Department of Communications and Postal Services. All of these interactions were conducted as part of the dti’s stakeholder engagement process on core area work.

the dti Marketing team have interacted with The New Age (TNA) officials for media buying purposes like any other print media house.

The advertising team procured advertising space based on advertising plans for various campaigns.

The companies cited above have not participated in any of the dti investment schemes.

Response from the Entities

No Entities apart from the NEF have interacted with the Guptas, as Ms Philisiwe Mthethwa served on the Board of Afripalm Resources with Mr Atul Gupta and resigned from this board in 2010.

26 April 2016 - NW1103

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) What is the total number of (a) domestic and (b) international trips that a certain person took in the 2015-16 financial year; (2) what were the costs incurred in terms of (a) airfare, (b) hotel accommodation, (c) car rental and (d) subsistence in each specified case; (3) (a) what (i) class of travel and (ii) star hotel was used by the specified person in each case, (b) what was the purpose of each specified trip and (c) what was the length of stay in each specified case?NW1235E


Official in questiom







Ms Philisiwe Mthethwa

Seven (07)

Three (03)


R52 954.18


R99 576.72


R25 544. 13


R89 637.54


R4 772.10






R49 938.91

(3) (a) what (i) class of travel and (ii) star hotel was used by the specified person in each case, (b) what was the purpose of each specified trip and (c) what was the length of stay in each specified case?NW1235E

Official in questiom





Ms Philisiwe Mthethwa

Business Class

It varies based on affordability and availability at the time


  • National Budget Vote
  • Addressing Africa Investor conference on co-investment opportunities in partnership with NEF funded black industrialists.
  • Addressing stakeholders and the media at the launch of the Paardevlei hospital, built by NEF-funded company, BusaMed
  • Attended UCT MCom Development Finance Forum: Presidential Forum on development finance with the theme Empowering Africans: Role of Development Finance
  • Meeting with officials from Department of Rural and Land Reforms;
  • Meeting with officials from Department of Labour
  • Meeting with Hon. Minister Davies, Hon. Deputy Minister Masina, DG October;
  • Attended Parliamentary Briefing on the NEF's 2nd Quarter financial and non-financial report;
  • Stakeholder meeting with MEC for Health in KZN Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo to discuss assistance by the NEF to black people who are awarded hospital licenses by the department. This was as a result of a worrying trend identified by the NEF whereby the department of Health awards licences to black people who end up selling the licenses to white owned companies because they do not have capital to commercialise such licences.

The outcome of this meeting was that the NEF supported a broad based group in further participating in a commercial hospital enterprise and the parties agreed to do more work on the issue of awarding of licenses.

  • Attended the State of the Nation address and meetings with various stakeholders to discuss NEF projects
  • Attended the National Budget Vote, meeting Minister Gugile Nkwinti to present the NEF’s portfolio of Rural and Community Development projects, requesting intervention of the Department in some of the projects; discuss collaboration between the Department and the NEF Rural and Community Development Fund in the implementation of projects, discuss NEF involvement in Department’s 50/50 project.

The meeting resulted in the NEF and the Department collaborating in supporting rural community development around the country. The NEF also assisted in conducting due diligence investigations and structuring of land acquisition projects by the department

  • Meeting with Minister Mildred Oliphant to discuss the large-scale retrenchments facing the country as a result of prevalent economic conditions: Discuss NEF proposed interventions to reduce the impact of retrenchments and to assist people who will be affected with funding and non-financial support for small business opportunities; Discuss potential involvement of the Department and its agencies (e.g. the UIF in supporting such SME’s)

The meeting resulted in further engagements between NEF, the Department and UIF for the benefit of unemployed and retrenched people in the country.

  • Attended Parliamentary Briefing on the NEF's 3rd quarter financial and non-financial report.


  • At the invitation of the South African Government participated in the Outward Mission and business forum “Invest in Senegal” in June 2015, where the CEO delivered presentations to highlight some of South Africa’s milestones for industrial, infrastructure and manufacturing projects.
  • The Senegalese Government hosted the business forum as part of efforts to strengthen bilateral economic relations and to promote Intra-African trade and economic integration between the two countries. The forum also provided a platform for the presentation of flagship projects that are aimed at attracting South African investors and SADC countries into the Senegalese market, which could potentially present prospects for export-oriented NEF investees. The CEO of the NEF was also invited specifically because of her proficiency in the French language. The conference was attended by several Senegalese Cabinet Ministers and well over 250 participants comprising Senegalese entrepreneurs

3) (b) (ii) Deauville, France

  • Following the request by the organisers of the Women’s Forum Global Meeting 2015, which took place in October 2015 in Deauville, France, Ms Mthethwa successfully mobilized the participation of women leaders from across South Africa's private sector in order to chart a path for global inclusive growth and for building the future with women’s vision, together with counterparts from different parts of the world. Ms Mthethwa subsequently led a team of South African businesswomen to the conference, which brings together leaders from all over the world from business, government, academia and from across civil society in order to mainstream gender across all spheres of human endeavour, and to propel women’s participation in the business world.
  • While in Deauville the CEO addressed, as a key note speaker, a business luncheon hosted by the South African Ambassador to France on the sidelines of the conference targeting key economic players from different sectors among the participating countries and companies for the purpose of mobilizing potential partners for the NEF’s black industrialist projects and for South Africa’s broader national economic interests.
  • Following engagements with the leadership of the organizing body, the CEO succeeded in securing agreement for South Africa to host a conference for one of the annual meetings of the WOMEN’S FORUM in 2017, a milestone which is expected to have important multiplier benefits for the domestic economy.

3) (b) (iii) Paris, France

  • The CEO met with officials of Areva in order to resuscitate the Junior Manager Development Programme (JMDP). In partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris (CCIP) and Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the NEF ensured successful implementation of the Programme between 2010 and 2011, which saw 96 South African Junior Managers from different sectors of the economy, completing six-week experiential training with leading companies in France.
  • This began with a 2-week training seminar at a CCIP associated business school in Paris. The aim was to reinforce managerial skills, negotiation strategy, team building, and dynamics, as well as to facilitate the managers’ integration into their host companies by providing them with tools to understand the French and European business and cultural context. This was then followed up by a 4-week internship at French host companies, which were identified specific to the sector from which the participant had been selected in South Africa.

The sectors prioritized for skills development were government, energy, infrastructure, finance, information and communication technology, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), aerospace and agro processing. Following this important milestone, the NEF is keen to reintroduce the programme and the discussions with Areva were for that purpose.

3) (b) (iv) ) Paris, France

  • The CEO’s engagement in France was also with Axonia Partners, the number 1 adviser worldwide in terms of the number of African private equity funds raised. They also advise top General Partners from the US and Europe in their fundraising endeavours, and the engagement with Axonia was in pursuit of the mobilization of investments to commercialise the NEF’s portfolio of strategic industrial projects valued at R27 billion with an employment-creation potential of 80 000 jobs.

14 Business days

10 Business days

26 April 2016 - NW1129

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

What is the average police response time to (a) Alpha, (b) Bravo and (c) Charlie complaints (i) nationally, (ii) in each province respectively, and in the (iii) City of Tshwane Metropolitan, (iv) Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan, and (v) City of Johannesburg Metropolitan (aa) in the (aaa) 2011-12, (bbb) 2012-13, (ccc) 2013-14, (ddd) 2014-15 and (eee) 2015-16 financial years respectively and (bb) since 1 April 2016?


(a) The avarage Police Response Time for Alpha complaints is 19:05.

(b) The avarage Police Response Time for Bravo complaints is 24:33.

(c) The avarage Police Response Time for Charlie complaints is 21:45.

(i) to (v) The Police Response Time for National, the respective Provinces and requested Metropolitan areas is attached, marked as Annexure “A”.

(aa) The Police Response Time in respect of the (aaa) 2011/2012, (bbb) 2012/2013, (ccc) 2013/2014 and (ddd) 2014/2015 financial years is attached, marked as Annexure “A”. The Police Response Time for the (eee) 2015/2016 financial year is currently being verified and extracted to the Efficiency Index System and will be published in the Annual Performance Report.

(bb) The Police Response Time since 1 April 2016 is not available.

26 April 2016 - NW1009

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

How many nationals from the African continent have been granted (a) permanent residence, (b) work and (c) business visas and (d) South African citizenship (i) in (aa) 2012, (bb) 2013, (cc) 2014 and (dd) 2015 and (ii) since 1 January 2016?


Nationals from the African continent that have been granted:

(a) Permanent residence:

(i)(aa) 2012 = 209

(i)(bb) 2013 = 5984

(i)(cc) 2014 = 13594

(i)(dd) 2015 = 3565

(ii) Since 1 January 2016 = 398

(b) Work Visas:

(i)(aa) 2012 = 684

(i)(bb) 2013 = 616

(i)(cc) 2014 = 419

(i)(dd) 2015 = 1707

(ii) Since 1 January 2016 = 393

(c) Business Visas:

(i)(aa) 2012 = 474

(i)(bb) 2013 = 839

(i)((cc) 2014 = 1203

(i)(dd) 2015 = 51

(ii) Since 1 January 2016 = 2

(d) South African citizenship

(i)(aa) 2012 = 397

(i)(bb) 2013 = 846

(i)(cc) 2014 = 526

(i)(dd) 2015 = 570

(ii) Since 1 January 2016 = 129


26 April 2016 - NW1000

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Police

How many VIPs (a) in total and (b) by detailed breakdown of their designations, in terms of visiting Presidents, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, spouses or identified dignitaries, were protected by the SA Police Services VIP Protection Services (i) in the (aa) 2011-12, (bb) 2012-13, (cc) 2013-14, (dd) 2014-15 and (ee) 2015-16 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2016?


(a) Total number protected according to the RIMAS System is 589.

(b) Presidents, First Ladies, Ministers, Deputy Ministers and identified dignitaries.

(i)(aa) 2011-12

143 Foreign Dignitaries including Heads of State

(i)(bb) 2012-13

232 Foreign Dignitaries including Heads of State

(i)(cc) 2013-2014

81 Foreign Dignitaries including Heads of State

(i)(dd) 2014-15

56 Foreign Dignitaries including Heads of State

(i)(ee) 2015-16

76 Foreign Dignitaries including Heads of State

(ii) Since 1 April 2016

1 Foreign Dignitary excluding Heads of State

The total number of identified dignitaries recorded above does not include Foreign Ministers, Deputy Ministers, identified dignitaries and Heads of State who attended Major and Special Events in the country.

26 April 2016 - NW1187

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Tourism

Whether he travelled with the President, Mr Jacob G Zuma, and other Ministers to Dubai in March 2016 to promote South Africa as a tourism destination; if not, what are the reasons for not joining the delegation which reportedly travelled to Dubai to promote South Africa as a tourism destination; if so, (a) for how many days was he in Dubai, (b) what are the details of the official business conducted in Dubai and (c) what were the outcomes of the specified trip?


The Minister did not form part of the President’s delegation to Dubai in March 2016.

(a) N/A

(b) N/A

(c) N/A

26 April 2016 - NW918

Profile picture: Mkhaliphi, Ms HO

Mkhaliphi, Ms HO to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Has he earned any additional income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, since his appointment as Minister; if so, (a) when, (b) how much did he earn, (c) from which businesses and (d) for what work; (2) whether his (a) spouse, (b) children and (c) close family earned income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, through his appointment as Minister; if so, in respect of each case, (i) when, (ii) how much did each earn, (iii) from which businesses and (iv) for what work?


(1-2) No.