Questions and Replies
18 September 2018 - NW2567
Mkhaliphi, Ms HO to ask the Minister of Home Affairs
(1)(a) What is the total number of (i) deputy directors-general and (ii) chief directors that are employed in (aa) an acting and (bb) a permanent capacity in his department and (b) what is the total number of women in each case; (2) (a) what is the total number of (i) chief executive officers and (ii) directors of each entity reporting to him and (b) what is the total number of women in each case?
Department of Home Affairs
(1)(a)(i) Total number of Deputy Director-Generals employed in:
(1)(a)(i)(aa) An acting capacity: 3, of which 1 is a woman; and
(1)(a)(i)(bb) A permanent capacity: 4, of which 1 is a woman.
(1)(a)(ii) Total number of Chief Directors employed in:
(1)(a)(ii)(aa) An acting capacity: 3, of which 3 are woman; and
(1)(a)(ii)(bb) A permanent capacity: 28, of which 5 are woman.
(2)(a)(i)(b) Total number of Chief Executive Officers: 1 x Director-General (1 male, in an acting capacity); and
(2)(a)(ii)(b) Total number of Directors reporting to Minister: 0.
Electoral Commission
(1)(a)(i) 3 Deputy Chief Electoral Officers (equivalent of Deputy Director-General)
(1)(a)(i)(aa) None
(1)(a)(i)(bb) 3
(1)(b) 2
(1)(a)(ii) 16 Senior Managers (Equivalent of Chief Director)
(1)(a)(ii)(aa) 2
(1)(a)(ii)(bb) 14
(1)(b) 6
(2)(a)(i) 1 Chief Electoral Officer (Equivalent of Chief Executive Officer)
(2)(b)(i) None
(2)(a)(ii) 4 Commissioners (Equivalent of Board of Directors)
(2)(b)(ii) 1
Government Printing Works
(1)(a)(i) 4 Deputy Director-Generals (DDG)
(1)(a)(ii) 6 Chief Directors
(1)(a)(aa) 2
(1)(a)(bb) 8 (2 DDGs and 6 Chief Directors)
(1)(b) 6 (3 DDGs and 3 Chief Directors)
(2)(a)(i) 1
(2)(a)(ii) 0
(2)(b) 1
18 September 2018 - NW2533
Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs
(1)Is the Waste Bureau focusing on the mine site off-the-road (OTR) processing; if not, why is there a shredding machine located at the site of the Mogalakwena open-pit platinum mine; (2) is this to quickly boost the number of OTR tyres processed as reported to the Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs; if so, (a) what amount was generated at each site from waste tyres and the processing of OTR tyres, given that the Mogalakwena Implats minesite is a privately owned operation and (b) to whom is the processed OTR material from these two machines supplied?
1. The Waste Bureau intends to focus on mine site OTR pre-processing hence the purchase of shredding equipment. The shredding equipment at Mogalakwena mine was procured by the Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa (REDISA) and the Waste Bureau simply enabled continuation of the processing that began as a REDISA pilot project.
2. The shredding equipment at Mogalakwena mine was already in place and it made sense to continue with the preprocessing.
(a) 3 791 tons from Mogalakwena mine have been processed.
(b) The OTR shred is currently being consumed by pyrolysis plants.
17 September 2018 - NW2365
Botes, Mr A to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation
In light of the fact that one of the intentions of the meeting of Ministers of Sport in the BRICS was to host the Sport Council and finalise the BRICS Sport Charter that will allow the rotation of the BRICS games every four years, (a) what lessons were learnt from the BRICS Sport Council and (b) in what manner will the lessons contribute towards the imperatives of the National Development Plan's 2030 imperatives of (i) equal opportunity, (ii) inclusion and (iii) redress as well as outcome 14 on social cohesion and nation-building?
South Africa did not host the BRICS Sport Council of Ministers due to the unavailability of other BRIC Sport Ministers to attend this meeting. However, it’s envisaged that the formation of the BRICS Sport Council of Ministers will assist in providing guidance on how the games should be run going forward. Ministers of Sport from the BRICS Nations responsible for Sport will be able to deliberate and agree on a number of areas pertaining to the games as it was operating in a vacuum since inception in 2016 in Goa, India. The BRICS Sport Charter and the MOU regarding the establishment of this Commission has been drafted and it’s to be deliberated during the BRICS Council of Sport Ministers meeting on the date to be determined by the Minister.
(a) The BRICS Games strengthens the relationship between the BRICS Countries
(b) The games contribute in the following:
(i) equal opportunity,
During the apartheid regime, black South African athletes were not provided/afforded an opportunity to participate in International sporting events to showcase their talents. Thus, the BRICS Games are seen as vehicle to address those disparities to afford our South African athletes an opportunity to compete with the rest of the world.
(ii) inclusion and
Our outcome 14 on social cohesion and nation building indicates that athletes should be afforded an opportunity to compete with the world despite their gender, race and class. Consequently, the BRICS Games seeks to find that balance in sport through the inclusion of every athlete determine to showcase his or her talent.
(iii) redress as well as outcome 14 on social cohesion and nation-building
Outcome 14 emphasized the importance of redress in sport. Redress is essential in sport as it seeks to address the imbalance of the past thereby building a society where opportunities are not defined by race, gender, class or religion.
17 September 2018 - NW2582
Khawula, Mr M to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency
(1)(a) What is the total number of (i) deputy directors-general and (ii) chief directors that are employed in (aa) an acting and (bb) a permanent capacity in her Office and (b) what is the total number of women in each case; (2) (a) what is the total number of (i) chief executive officers and (ii) directors of each entity reporting to her and (b) what is the total number of women in each case?
1. (a)(i) There are two Deputy Directors – General (DDGs) in the Department.
(ii)There are six Chief Directors in the Department and two Chief Directors in the Ministry whose employment contracts are linked to the term of office of the Minister.
(aa) The two DDGs and six Chief Directors are all employed on permanent basis. One of the DDG is currently the Acting Director General.
(b) Two DDGs are women and six Chief Directors are women. Out of eight Chief Directors; two are currently on suspension. There is one Acting Chief Director in the position of the suspended Chief Director: Cooperate Management; and no one acting in the position of Chief Director: Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach. Subsequently; there no capacity in the Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach Unit particularly the coordination of dialogues which are facilitated by the office of the Minister.
2. There are no entities reporting to the Minister in the Presidency responsible for Women. The level of human resources head is Deputy Director and if there is a need he reports to the Minister.
Approved by the Minister on
17 September 2018 - NW2299
Cassim, Mr Y to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
(1)What is the name of the contactor who currently has the contract for refuse removal in the Kempton Park area within the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality; (2) (a) on what date was the specified contract first awarded, (b) what is the monetary value of the contract, (c) how many persons tendered for the contract and (d) who from the municipality signed the contract?
(1) The refuse collection services in Kempton Park Area are provided by the City (council employees using council owned vehicles). The services in this regard are rendered in-house thus there is no private contractor and/or service provider rendering refuse collection services on behalf of the City of Ekurhuleni.
(2) Responses to questions raised under (2) are non-existent as the services referred to are rendered in-house and have not been out-sourced.
17 September 2018 - NW2514
Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunication and Postal Services
Whether the 35277 track and trace number of the SA Post Office is still operational; if not, what is the position in this regard, if so, what are the details of the (a) number of track and trace requests received in each month since 1 March 2018 and (b)(i) performance standards required and (ii) actual performance achieved in terms of the time taken to (aa) process a query, (bb) respond to a query and (cc) resolve a query?
I have been informed by SAPO as follows:
1. Yes, with the exception of Vodacom numbers that have not been working since June 2018. Vodacom service was suspended due to non- payment.
(a) CFG Track and Trace- 35277 |
Period |
Number of Requests |
Mar-18 |
11962 |
Apr-18 |
10735 |
May-18 |
5962 |
Jun-18 |
3760 |
Jul-18 |
4232 |
Aug-18 |
5413 |
(b)(i) A Customer sends an SMS with the parcel” tracking number” to the 35277 track and trace number the short code. A response displaying where the parcel is situated is sent back to the customer’s cell phone in less than a minute.
(ii)(aa)(bb)(cc) are of no relevance since the customer receives feedback from the 35277 number in less than a minute.
Approved/ not approved
Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP
Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
17 September 2018 - NW2357
Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation
What numbers of desalination plants are currently (a) in operation, (b) being built and (c) being planned to be built in the country?
The number of desalination plants in the country is as follows:
(a) There are 6 in operation;
(b) There is a total of four (4) being built and
(c) There is a total of nineteen (19) under various stages of planning
17 September 2018 - NW2059
Mulder, Dr PW to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation
Whether all members of the senior management service (SMS) in her department had declared their interests for the past year as required by the Public Service Regulations; if not, (a) why not, (b) what number of the specified members did not declare their interests and (c) what are the (i) names and (ii) ranks of the specified noncompliant members of the SMS; 2) whether noncompliant SMS members have been charged; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 3) what number (a) of employees in her department at each post level are currently suspended on full salary and (b) of the specified employees at each post level have been suspended for the specified number of days (details furnished); 4) what is the total amount of cost attached to the days of service lost as a result of the suspensions in each specified case?
1. Yes all members of the senior management service (SMS) declared their financial interests for the past year.
- (a) Not applicable.
- (b) Not applicable.
- (c) (i) Not applicable.
- (c) (ii) Not applicable.
2) No SMS Member charged. All Complied
3) (a) None. No Employee is suspended
3) (b) Not Applicable. No employee has been suspended.
4) Not Applicable. No employee has been suspended.
17 September 2018 - NW2444
Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration
What is the (a) name of each investing company that has invested on land owned by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her and (b)(i) nature, (ii) value and (iii) length of each investment?
The Department of Public Service and Administration and its entities do not owned land
17 September 2018 - NW2321
Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation
(1) (a) What number of labour disputes are currently being faced by (i) her department and (ii) the entities reporting to her, (b) what is the cause of each dispute, (c) what is the nature of each dispute and (d) on what date was each dispute (i) reported and (ii) resolved; (2) (a)(i) what number of employees have been dismissed by her department in the past five years and (ii) for what reason was each employee dismissed and (b)(i)what number of the specified employees were paid severance packages and (ii)what was the monetary value of each severance package? NW2498E
(1) (a) What number of labour disputes are currently being faced by
(i) her department
The Department does not have dispute currently and not facing any disputes.
(ii) the entities reporting to her
South African Institute for Drug - Free Sport (SAIDS) does not have currently and not facing any disputes
Boxing South Africa (BSA) has five disputes
(b) what is the cause of each dispute
- Termination of service following outcomes of disciplinary process on ground of misconduct. (4)
- Dispute lodged by dismissed employee alleging non-payment of acting allowance at a time when employee was still in BSA employ. (1)
(c) what is the nature of each dispute
- Disputed outcome of disciplinary process and allegations of unfair dismissal was logged. (4)
- Allegations of unfair labour practice. (1)
(d) on what date was each dispute
(i) reported
four cases were reported in 2015
one case was reported in 2016
(ii) resolved
Five cases not resolved
(2) (a)(i) what number of employees have been dismissed by her department in the past five years
5 employees were dismissed by the Department in the past five years.
(ii) for what reason was each employee dismissed
three on abscondment
one on fraud, corruption and misrepresentation
one on Theft
(b)(i)what number of the specified employees were paid severance packages
(ii)what was the monetary value of each severance package?
17 September 2018 - NW1096
Hlonyana, Ms NKF to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
What (a) number of consulting firms or companies are currently contracted by (i) her department and (ii) the entities reporting to her and (b)(i) is the name of each consultant, (ii) are the relevant details of the service provided in each case and (iii) is the (aa) start date, (bb) time period, (cc) monetary value in Rands of each contract and (dd) name and position of each individual who signed off on each contract?
1. (a)(i) The National Department of Human Settlements has seventeen (17) companies that are currently contracted; the details are provided as follows:
Nr |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
b(ii) Services Provided |
(iii) (aa) Start date of the Contract |
(iii) (bb) Time Period |
(iii) (cc) Monetary value in Rands of each Contract |
(iii) (dd) Name and Position of each individual signed off on contract? (The responsibility manager in DHS) |
1 |
Urban Dynamics |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
06/02/2018 |
91 Weeks |
R82e oo8.00 |
Mr J Wallis Chief Director |
2 |
Urban Dynamics |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
08/05/2017 |
133 Weeks |
R183 540.00 |
Mr J Wallis Chief Director |
3 |
Hygiene Excellence |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
04/09/2015 |
3 years |
R1 595 050.00 |
Mr D Moodley Director |
4 |
Urbanstrat Consulting |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
12/12/2017 |
3 Months |
R274 329.60 |
Mr H Van Rensburg Deputy Director |
5 |
Human Science Research Council |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
27/10/2017 |
19 Months |
R997 472.00 |
Mr A Matshego Acting Chief Director |
6 |
Nyeleti Consulting |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
06/02/2018 |
120 Weeks |
R595 333.08 |
Mr J Wallis Chief Director |
Nr |
(b)(i) Names of each consuItant/ Suppliers |
b(ii) Services Provided |
(iii) (aa) Start date of the Contract |
(iii) (bb) Time Period |
(iii) (cc) Monetary value in Rands of each Contract |
(iii) (dd) Name and Position of each individual signed off on contract† (The reeponsibility manager in DHS) |
7 |
Nyeleti Consulting |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
06/02/2018 |
121 Weeks |
R595 333.08 |
Mr J Wallis Chief Director |
8 |
KMSD Engineering |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
08/02/2018 |
121 Weeks |
R2 117 550.00 |
Mr J Wallis Chief Director |
9 |
KMSD Engineering |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
08/02/2018 |
121 Weeks |
R2 117 550.00 |
Mr J Wallis chief Director |
10 |
KMSD Engineering |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
06/02/2018 |
121 Weeks |
R1 812 486.00 |
Mr J Wallis chief Director |
11 |
MIH Projects |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
08/02/2018 |
121 Weeks |
R1 203 000.00 |
Mr J Wallis chief Director |
12 |
Aseda Consulting Engineers |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
06/02/2018 |
121 Weeks |
R19 570 72.20 |
Mr J Wallis chief Director |
13 |
Aseda Consulting Engineers |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
08/02/2018 |
121 Weeks |
R198 9311.40 |
Mr J Wallis chief Director |
14 |
Blackhead Consulting |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
08/02/2018 |
121 Weeks |
R1 081609.98 |
Mr J Wallis chief Director |
15 |
Blackhead Consulting |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
08/02/2018 |
121 Weeks |
R2 784 055.02 |
Mr J Wallis chief Director |
16 |
Blackhead Co11nsulting |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
08/02/2018 |
121 Weeks |
R1 265 142.00 |
Mr J Wallis chief Director |
17 |
Aurecon SA |
Advisory Consulting Fees |
06/02/2018 |
121 Weeks |
R1 998 958.00 |
Mr J Wallis chief Director |
(a)(ii) Entities
2. Housing Development Agency has fourteen (14) companies that are currently contracted; the details are provided as follows:
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consuItant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Startdate |
(b)(iii)(bb) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
1 |
Tshisevhe Gwina Ratshimbilani INC |
Appointment of a Service Provider to Develop a Procurement Strategy |
2017/07/28 |
18 Months |
R984 127.40 |
Mcezi Mnisi Executive: Strategic Support |
2 |
Mkhwanazi Investments |
Appointment of a Transaction Advisor for the Project Structuring and Financial Modelling of the proposed Mega Catalytic Human Settlement Project commonly known as Frakenwald Estate for a period of three months |
2017/06/07 |
3 Months |
R 1 881 000.00 |
Lucien Rakgoale Regional Manager: Region B |
3 |
Iliso Consortium |
Appointment of Transaction Advisors (Part 2) for the Financial and Socio Economic due Diligence for the Preferred 21 National priority Human Settlements Catalytic |
2017/08/04 |
12 Months |
R 2,930,687.00 |
Pascal Moloi Chief Executive Officer |
4 |
Musa Group Consortium |
R4, 106,400.00 |
5 |
Indigo Kulani Group (Pty) Ltd |
R 2,807,829.84 |
6 |
Crede Capital Partners |
R2, 935,000.00 |
7 |
Safiri (Pty) Ltd |
R2, 792,352.00 |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consuItant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(bb) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
7 |
Projects (Phase 1) |
Lefatshe Infrastructure Services (Pty) Ltd |
R 2,875,672.80 |
9 |
Iliso Consortium |
Appointment of Transaction Advisors (Part 2) for the Financial and Socio Economic due Diligence for the Preferred 21 National priority Human Settlements Catalytic Projects (Phase 2) |
2017/12/12 |
12 Months |
R 11, 080, 800 |
Pascal Moloi Chief Executive Officer |
10 |
Musa Group Consortium |
R7,200,000.00 |
11 |
Indigo Kulani Group (Pty) Ltd |
R5, 962,500.00 |
12 |
Crede Capital Partners |
R5,130,000.00 |
13 |
Safiri (Pty) Ltd |
R7,000,000.00 |
14 |
Lefatshe Infrastructure Services (Pty) Ltd |
R 8 580,000.00 |
2. National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency has three (3) companies that are currently contracted; the details are provided as follows:
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consuItant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(b b) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
1 |
Praxis |
IT Support Services |
30 October 2014 |
36 months |
R1,911,479.04 |
Viwe Gqwetha MD |
2 |
Emergance Growth |
HR Consulting Services |
1 November 2016 |
24 months |
R1,026,000.00 |
Viwe Gqwetha MD |
3 |
Employee Wellness Services |
1 January 2017 |
24 months |
R203,808.00 |
Viwe Gqwetha MD |
3. Rural Housing Loan Fund has two (2) companies that are currently contracted; the details are provided as follows:
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consuItant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(bb ) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual |
who signed off the contract |
1 |
Trex Technologies (Pty) Ltd |
IT Support |
1 April 2017 |
12 Months |
R133,800.00 |
Jabulani Fakazi Chief Executive Officer |
2 |
Orca Services |
Internal Audit |
1 April 2015 |
36 |
R1,367,396.00 |
Jabulani Fakazi |
Months |
Chief |
Executive |
Officer — per |
delegation by |
Board of |
Directors on |
awarding |
contracts |
4. The Estate Agency Affairs Board, for the current financial year 2017/2018 has one (1) company that is currently contracted; the details are provided as follows:
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(bb) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
1 |
Blazing Solutions CC |
Migration of the organisational structure |
30 April 2018 |
5 months |
R455,789.85 |
Acting CEO Mr Nikita Sigaba |
5. National Housing Finance Corporation has forty-nine (49) companies that are currently contracted; the details are provided as follows:
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(b b)Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
1 |
Servest |
Office Flowers |
1996 |
On-going |
R40 615.92 |
CEOSamson Moraba |
2 |
Internet Solutions (Pty) Ltd |
Infrastructure PP |
09/11/2009 |
On-going |
R387 834.36 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
3 |
Aquazania (Pty) Ltd (Aquacoolers (Pty) Ltd |
Mineral Water |
02/o4/is9g |
o»-going |
R22 772.64 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
4 |
Boardroom Coffee & Tea Company (Pty) Ltd |
Filter coffee |
23/08/2001 |
On-going |
R10 374.00 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
5 |
Thomson Reuters SA |
Live investment information |
31/04/2002 |
On-going |
R276 0615.23 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
6 |
Raydian/ Laserfix |
Desktop Printers |
01/05/2004 |
On-going |
R52 176.37 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
7 |
Gestetner (Pty) Ltd/Ricoh |
Network Printers |
22/11/2005 |
On-going |
R119 771.20 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
g |
Sun Cleaning Services Cc/Ukweza |
Cleaning services |
01/06/2001 |
On-going |
R301 914.72 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
9 |
lBMSouth Africa (Pty) Ltd |
Disaster recovery |
02/03/2009 |
31/05/20 18 |
R600 037.94 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
10 |
World Check |
Background credit checks |
R9 185.51 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
11 |
Sage |
Payroll |
11/01/2012 |
On-going |
R161 928.15 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
12 |
Astech / |
Retail System |
01/07/2014 |
On-going |
R436 978.73 |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(b b)Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
Liptech: |
Mr Samson Moraba |
13 |
Kyocera |
CoSec Network Printer |
06/01/2016 |
31/05/20 18 |
R191 802.57 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
14 |
Internal Audit |
05/10/2016 |
01/08/2 018 |
R633 156.00 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
15 |
Universal Healthcare |
Employee Wellness Programme |
01/11/2016 |
31/12/2 018 |
R117 343.15 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
16 |
Citynet |
Property Management |
01/12/2016 |
31/12/2 018 |
Paid through body corporate |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
17 |
Nkonki |
ExternalAudit |
01/01/2018 |
31/12/2 020 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
18 |
Vodacom |
Cellphone and 3G |
R282076.79 |
Treasury Transversal contract |
19 |
Iron Mountain |
Offsite Archive |
R42 139.49 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
20 |
Docufile / Metrofile |
Offsite Archive |
R21O84.47 |
21 |
Skynet |
Courier services |
R19 652.91 |
22 |
Aramex |
Courier services |
R19 855.54 |
23 |
Hardware and software |
R810 407.52 |
24 |
Datacentrix |
Hardware and software |
01/05/2004 |
On- going |
R234 031.46 |
25 |
COS Caseware |
Financial reporting |
R159 954.81 |
26 |
EP Fire |
Fire extinguisher service |
01/10/2000 |
On- going |
R321.90 |
27 |
JHl/Vukile/Ge mgrow |
Property Lease agreement |
01/11/2017 |
31/10/2 019 |
R3 116 842.9 7 |
28 |
Initial Rentokil |
Hygiene sprays |
01/05/2004 |
On- going |
R47 835.30 |
29 |
Ke concepts |
Software |
10/05/2002 |
On- going |
R448 167.15 |
30 |
Symantec |
Antivirus licence and |
19/10/2004 |
On- going |
R15O74.98 |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(b b) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
maintenance |
31 |
Centracom |
Telephone system |
01/04/2018 |
31/03/2 020 |
R141 185.62 |
CEO Mr Samson Moraba |
32 |
Jasons Flowers |
Fresh Flowers |
R42 750.00 (per annum) |
33 |
Bowman Gilfillan |
Legal consultancy |
R212 178.19 |
34 |
Werksman |
Legal consultancy |
R867 196.74 |
35 |
Norton Rose |
Legal consultancy |
R17 100.00 |
36 |
Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs Inc. |
Legal consultancy |
R543 165.62 |
37 |
Winded/Light stone |
Deeds search |
R11033.97 |
38 |
Transunion |
01/06/2008 |
on-going R4 377.40 |
39 |
21° Century |
Salary Survey |
R125 457.00 |
40 |
Deloitte |
Tip off Anonymous |
R11012.40 |
41 |
Insurance |
01/04/2016 |
on- going |
R856 856.73 |
42 |
Connekt Business Group |
Domain licence |
R3 653.70 |
43 |
Corporate Traveller |
Travel Management |
R326 266.66 |
44 |
Deneys Reitz Inc |
Legal consultancy |
R74 489.72 |
45 |
Floral D’light |
Flower/fruit baskets |
R7 698.00 |
46 |
Global Credit Rating |
Company rating |
R254 505.00 |
47 |
Masenya Attorneys |
Legal consultancy |
R33 750.00 |
48 |
Matchworks |
Temp Recruitment |
R123 272.76 |
49 |
Security services |
08/09/2008 |
on- going |
R115 227.53 |
6. Social Housing Regulatory Authority has twenty two (22) companies that are currently contracted; the details are provided as follows:
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(bb) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
1 |
Cleaning Africa Services |
Appointment of a Service Provider to Undertake office Cleaning Services for the SHRA for a Period of Three (3) Years |
03/05/2016 |
3 Years |
R470,813.13 |
Dewalt Koekemoer (Sector Development and Transformation Executive) |
2 |
Deloitte and Touche |
Appointment of service provider for the management and co-ordination of a 24 hour fraud hotline service for the Social Housing Regulatory Authority |
11/07/2017 |
3 Years |
R 108,876.00 |
Nyameko Mbengo (Acting Corporate Services Manager) |
3 |
SkyNet South Africa |
Invitation to Participate on Transversal Contract Supply and Delivery of Continuous Parcel Courier and Freight Services to the State |
15/01/2017 |
2 Years |
R 200,000.00 |
Nyameko Mbengo (Acting Corporate Services Manager) |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(bb) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
4 |
Mmela Investment Holdings, Los Pepes Investments, PR Powerhouse, City Youth Media, Mikateko Media, Flow Communications , TKO Promotions, Sadmon Projects and Consulting, Dlamin Weil Communications , HKLM Exchange, Litha Communications (Pty) Ltd, Garona Communications and Projects CC and Leratadima Outdoor (Pty) Ltd |
Appointment of a Panel of Suitably Experienced Marketing Communications, Multi-Media, Public Relations and Event Management Firm/s for a Period of Three 3) Years |
22/11/2016 |
3 Years |
Panel |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
5 |
Konica Minolta |
Invitation to Participate on Transversal Contract RT3- 2015: Supply Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Office Equipment and Labour Saving Devices to the State for the Period 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2018 |
01/04/2017 |
3 Years |
R 750,000.00 |
Nyameko Mbengo (Acting Corporate Services Manager) |
6 |
Bantsho Management and Marketing Strategies |
Appointment of Service Providers to Drive Culture Transformation within the SHRA |
01/06/2017 |
12 Months |
R 1,605,132.00 |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(bb) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
7 |
Alcari 126 cc |
Appointment of a service provider to develop a recommendation report on SHRA's implementation of community residential unit regulation |
16/10/2017 |
S Months |
R 821 256,00 |
Alice Puoane (Corporate Services Manager) |
8 |
Alcari Consulting 126 cc, Palmer Development Group (Pty) Ltd t/a PDG Ubunye House, P Dudla Development CC, Nemai Consulting, Kayamandi Development Services (Pty) Ltd, Infraplan Consulting (Pty) Ltd, Creative Consulting and Developments CC, Alison Wilson Social housing Consultants, Genesis Analytics (Pty) Ltd and Urban- Econ Development (Pty) Ltd |
Appointment of a panel of research and public policy consultants for a three (3) year period |
1/12/2017 |
3 yearsG54: G6l |
Panel |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
9 |
Basadi Integrated Development Specialist |
Appointment of a Social Facilitator for a Social Housing project in Johannesburg |
9/2/2018 |
6 Months |
R435512.00 |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
10 |
Mlangenibila (Pty)Ltd, Salamax 1842 (Pty) Ltd t/a Motif Capital Partners, The Growth Circle, |
Appointment of a Panel of Experts to Undertake the Assessment of Accreditation Applications for a Period of Three |
22/11/2016 |
3 Years |
Panel |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(bb) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
Learning Strategies, SAB&T Chartered Accountants, Alcari 126 CC, Insite Settlements Network, Kuhle Solutions and Development Services and Tuscan Blue Consultants |
(3)Years |
11 |
AMPM Auditors and Accountants, VMQ Property Services, Andisa Chartered Accountants SA (Pty) Ltd, Boikano Accontants Inc, Rev2Light Services, Kuhle Solutions and Development Services, Alcari 126 CC, Vuka Business Consultants CC and Ntiyiso Consulting CC, |
Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers to Undertake Tenancy Audits in Social Housing Institutions |
01/04/2017 |
3 years |
Panel |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
12 |
CGF Research Insitute |
Appointment of a Service Provider to Evaluate the Performance of the Council and Members for 3 ’ successive years commencing with 201617 financial year |
01/03/2017 |
3Years |
R34O010.00 |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(bb) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
13 |
Lekwa Consulting Engineers |
Appointment of Two (2) Programme Managers Specialising in the Built Environment to Oversee the Implementation of the National Social Housing Investment Programme for a Period of Three Years |
01/04/2017 |
3 years |
R4,744,800.00 |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
14 |
VMQ Property Services, Alcari 126 CC, Eloshiba Capital (Pty) Ltd, Tornado Financial Services (Pty) Ltd, Learning Strategies (Pty) Ltd, Alcari 126 CC, Tout A Fait CC t/a Housing Matters, Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Rebel Group Advisory Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd |
Appointment of a panel of organisational due diligence, Project Technical Feasibility and Project Financial viability assessors to assess project application for the Restructuring Capital Grant (RCG) |
01/04/2017 |
3 Years |
R 29 295 per project for assessment of QSA & QSB (inclusive of VAT and disbursements). R 15 624 per project for assessment QSC( inclusive of VAT and disbursements) |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
15 |
ftse Martin Projects, Bergstan South Africa, Phunga Consulting Engineers, Tout A Fait CC t/a Housing Matters, LDM Facilities Management and Tswella Engineers Projects |
Appointment of a panel of service providers to undertake building conditions audit for the SHRA for a period of three (3) years |
28/02/2018 |
3 years |
Panel |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(bb) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
16 |
Alcari 126 CC |
Appointment of a panel of preferred service provider for the Social Housing Sector Development Programme |
30/03/2017 |
3 Years |
Panel |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
17 |
College of People and Magement Development, Dedosa Consulting CC, Gestion Engeneering and Project Consultant (Pty) Ltd, Gibb (Pty) Ltd, Indlela Growth Strategies (Pty) Ltd, Joselyne Davids and Associates (Pty) Ltd, Tahiri Trading (Pty) Ltd, Learning Strategies (Pty) Ltd,VukaAfrica Consulting Engineers, Tic and Mend (Pty) Ltd and E’tsho Civils (Pty) Ltd |
Appointment of a panel of preferred service provider for the Social Housing Sector Development Programme |
01/04/2017 |
3 Years |
Panel |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
18 |
Ernst & Young Incorporate |
Appointment of a Service provider to perform External Audit Services for the SHRA |
04/05/2015 |
5 Years |
R3 970 277.00 |
Sindisiwe Ngxongo (Acting Chief Executive Officer) |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(bb) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
19 |
Outsourced Risk and Compliance Assessment |
Appointment of a Service Provider to undertake Internal Audit Services for the SHRA |
13/10/2015 |
5 Years |
R1 750 204.95 |
Sindisiwe Ngxongo (Acting Chief Executive Officer) |
20 |
Galix Networking (Pty) Ltd |
Appointment of an accredited service provider to supply Mimecast MA2 with large file send for a period of thirty six (36)months to the SHRA |
03/28/2018 |
3 Years |
R473 475.47 |
Alice Puoane (Corporate Service Manager) |
21 |
nVisionlT (Pty) Ltd |
The appointment of an ICT vendor to provide a technology enabled solution for the workflow needs of the SHRA |
29/03/2018 |
3 Years |
R8 068 094.44 |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
22 |
Tahiri Trading (Pty) Ltd |
Appointment of a consultant to assess the existing sector development tools and provide new ones |
20/03/2018 |
9 Months |
R 1,052,800.00 |
Rory Gallocher (Chief Executive Officer) |
6. Community Schemes Ombud Services has thirty four (34) companies that are currently contracted; the details are provided as follows:
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Name of company |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(aa) Start date |
(b)(iii)(bb) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
1 |
Lease Agreement for Head Office and Gauteng Office |
01-Jan-15 |
2 Years |
R123,420 per month escalating at 8.5% per annum plus parking at R12 750,00 per month escalating at 8,5% per annum. |
Mr Themba Mthethwa (Chief Ombud) |
2 |
OS Holdings (Pty) Ltd |
SLA: Commissioning and implementation of the ERP System |
31-Mar-15 |
5 Years |
R4 431, 881.00 |
Mr Themba Mthethwa (Chief Ombud) |
3 |
Pfamoni (Pty) Ltd |
SLA: Provision of ICT Infrastructure acquisition, installation and maintenance. |
31-Mar-15 |
3 Years |
R13 000,000.00 |
Mr Themba Mthethwa (Chief Ombud) |
4 |
Aquasky (Pty) Ltd |
LEASE: Rental of Office Space for KZN Offices |
31-Mar-15 |
5 Years |
Y1 R67 574.92, Y2 R72 980.92, Y3 R78 819.40, Y4 R85 124.96; Y5 R 91 934.96, inclusive of rental and parking |
Mr Themba Mthethwa (Chief Ombud) |
5 |
LEASE: Rental of Office Space for Cape Town Offices |
01-Sep-15 |
5 Years |
Y1 R31 683.40; Y2 R34 218.07; Y3 R36 95S.S1;Y4 R39 911.95; Y5 R43 104.91, with no parking charges. |
Mr Themba Mthethwa (Chief Ombud) |
6 |
Provision of travelling and accommodation booking services |
01-Feb-16 |
Month to Month |
R500 000,00 |
Mr Themba Mthethwa (Chief Ombud) |
7 |
Vox Telecommu nications (Pty) Ltd |
Provision of telecommunicati on services to CSOS |
01-Sep-16 |
Month to Month |
R144 697.44 (Once -Off), R6, 059.67 per month |
Mr Themba Mthethwa (Chief Ombud) |
8 |
Maphuti |
Provision of |
01-Jun-17 |
R5000 per day, |
Adv. Seeng Letele |
Lamola |
Adjudication |
adjudication |
(Acting Chief Ombud) |
Services |
order - R500 |
for 1-5 pages, |
R1000 for 6 to |
10 pages and |
R1500 for 11 |
pages and |
above |
9 |
Trevor Bailey |
Provision of |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, |
Adv. Seeng Letele |
Adjudication |
adjudication |
(Acting Chief Ombud) |
Services |
order - R500 |
for 1-5 pages, |
R1000 for 6 to |
10 pages and |
R1500 for 11 |
pages and |
above |
10 |
Sipho |
Provision of |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, |
Adv. Seeng Letele |
Dlamini |
Adjudication |
adjudication |
(Acting Chief Ombud) |
Services |
order - R500 |
for 1-5 pages, |
R1000 for 6 to |
10 pages and |
R1S00 for 11 |
pages and |
above |
11 |
Geraldine |
Provision of |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, |
Adv. Seeng Letele |
Dunn |
Adjudication |
adjudication |
(Acting Chief Ombud) |
Services |
order - R500 |
for 1-5 pages, |
R1000 for 6 to |
10 pages and |
R1500 for 11 |
pages and |
above |
12 |
Mohamed |
Provision of |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, |
Adv. Seeng Letele |
Iqbal |
Adjudication |
adjudication |
(Acting Chief Ombud) |
lshmail |
Services |
order - R500 |
for 1-5 pages, |
R1000 for 6 to |
10 pages and |
R1500 for 11 |
pages and |
above |
13 |
Mbazima |
Provision of |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, |
Adv. Seeng Letele |
Albert |
Adjudication |
adjudication |
(Acting Chief Ombud) |
Mavodze |
Services |
order - R500 |
for 1-5 pages, |
R1000 for 6 to |
10 pages and |
R1500 for 11 |
pages and |
above |
14 |
Dombolo Makgamo Masilela |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and R1500 for 11 pages and above |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
15 |
Paul |
Provision of |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, |
Adv. Seeng Letele |
Samuels |
Adjudication |
adjudication |
(Acting Chief Ombud) |
Services |
order - R500 |
for 1-5 pages, |
R1000 for 6 to |
10 pages and |
R1500 for 11 |
pages and |
above |
16 |
Khosi |
Provision of |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R4000 per day, |
Adv. Seeng Letele |
Mabaso |
Adjudication |
Radjudication |
(Acting Chief Ombud) |
Services |
order - R500 |
for 1-5 pages, |
R1000 for 6 to |
10 pages and |
R1500 for 11 |
pages and |
above |
17 |
Derick |
Provision of |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R4000 per day, |
Adv. Seeng Letele |
Block |
Adjudication |
Radjudication |
(Acting Chief Ombud) |
Services |
order - R500 |
for 1-5 pages, |
R1000 for 6 to |
10 pages and |
R1500 for 11 |
pages and |
above |
18 |
Lousie Van |
Provision of |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R4000 per day, |
Adv. Seeng Letele |
Wyk |
Adjudication |
adjudication |
(Acting Chief Ombud) |
Services |
order - R500 |
for 1-5 pages, |
R1000 for 6 to |
10 pages and |
R1500 for 11 |
pages and |
above |
19 |
Gerhard De Kock |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R4000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and R1500 for 11 pages and above |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
20 |
Andries Du Toit |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
R1000 for 6 to |
10 pages and R1500 for 11 pages and above |
21 |
Grant Gunston |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and |
R1500 for 11 pages and above |
22 |
Hannchen Louw |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and |
R1500 for 11 pages and above |
23 |
Kamlesh Kerr |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
R1S00 for 11 pages and above |
24 |
Nomonde Keswe |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and R1500 for 11 pages and above |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
25 |
Thabisile Dlamini |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
01-Jun-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and R1500 for 11 pages and above |
26 |
Phelekeza (Pty) Ltd |
Provision of Competency Assessment |
01-Aug-17 |
1 Year |
R7, 265,00 per session |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
27 |
Mzikayise Ntanzi |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
07-Aug-17 |
3 Years |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
28 |
Thembelani E Nxumalo |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
07-Aug-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and R1500 for 11 pages and above |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
29 |
Sungaree Pather |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
07-Aug-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and R1500 for 11 pages and above |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
30 |
Terence Gerald Louis Talbot |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
07-Aug-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and R1500 for 11 pages and above |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
31 |
Barbara Shingler |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
07-Aug-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and R1S00 for 11 pages and above |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
32 |
Mlungisi Hoeworth Sabela |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
07-Aug-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and R1500 for 11 pages and above |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
33 |
Survarna Pillay |
Provision of Adjudication Services |
07-Aug-17 |
3 Years |
R5000 per day, adjudication order - R500 for 1-5 pages, R1000 for 6 to 10 pages and R1500 for 11 pages and above |
Adv. Seeng Letele (Acting Chief Ombud) |
34 |
Nexia SAB |
Provision of |
01-Feb-18 |
5 months |
Limited to |
Adv. Seeng Letele |
& T |
Internal Audit |
R500,00.00 |
(Acting Chief Ombud) |
Chartered |
Services |
Accountant |
Inc |
8. National Housing Builders Registration Council has seventy-three (73) companies that are currently contracted; the details are provided as follows:
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(a a) Start date |
(b)(iii)(b b) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
1 |
Nexus Forensic |
Legislative |
1-May- |
2 years |
R1,500.000. |
Chief Executive |
Services (Pty) Ltd |
Review |
17 |
00 |
Officer |
(Housing |
Consumers |
Mziwonke Dlabantu |
Protection |
Measures |
Act) |
2 |
lthemba Governance and Statutory Solutions |
Secretariat and Corporate Governanc e Services |
19-Mar- 18 |
3 months |
R269, 100.00 |
Chief Executive Officer Mziwonke Dlabantu |
3 |
Whizants (Pty) Ltd |
Job Evaluation services |
19-Mar- 18 |
12 months |
R246,240.00 |
Chief Executive Officer Mziwonke Dlabantu |
4 |
Build Aid Publishing |
Developme |
01-Jun- |
8 months |
Acting Chief |
(Pty) Ltd |
nt of |
17 |
R2,743,955. |
Executive Officer |
simplified |
75 |
Thandiwe Ngqobe |
home |
builder's |
manual |
5 |
Sankofa Insurance |
Short term |
1-Dec-16 |
3 years |
R3,365,829. |
Executive Chairman |
insurance |
00 |
brokering |
Abbey Chikane |
and claims |
manageme |
nt |
Mem Consulting (Pty) |
Structural |
15-Jan- |
6 months |
R3S,796.00 |
Chief Executive |
Ltd |
assessment |
18 |
Officer |
services at |
Mziwonke Dlabantu |
erf 871 |
Heuwelsig |
Estate, |
Centurion |
7 |
Sgs-Matrolab (Pty) Ltd |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each |
(b)(ii) |
(b)(iii)(a |
(b)(iii)(b |
(b)(iii)(cc) |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name |
consultant/ Suppliers |
Details of |
a) Start |
b) Time |
Monetary |
and Position of each |
Service |
date |
period |
Value |
individual who |
Provided |
signed off the |
contract |
8 |
Labco Southern Africa |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
(Pty) Ltd |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
9 |
Contralab (Pty) Ltd |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
10 |
Earthinv Lab And |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
Geotechnical Lab |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
Consulting (Pty) Ltd |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
11 |
Geo CiviLab |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
12 |
Mabuya Lab (Pty) Ltd |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
13 |
Outeniqua Lab CC |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
14 |
Sim Lab (Pty) Ltd |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
15 |
Soilco Material |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
Investigators |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of |
(b)(iii)(a a) Start |
(b)(iii)(b b) Time |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each |
Service |
date |
period |
Value |
individual who |
Provided |
signed oW the |
contract |
16 |
Soillab (Pty) Ltd |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
17 |
Tosca Lab (Pty) Ltd |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
18 |
Roadlab Laboratories |
Soil and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
(Pty) Ltd |
materials |
17 |
quotation |
Executive Officer |
testing |
basis as and |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is |
required |
19 |
Rossouws Lesie |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Acting Chief |
Incorporated t/a |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Executive Officer |
Rossouws |
on a fixed |
Thitinti Moshoeu, |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
20 |
Wessels & van Zyl |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Acting Chief |
Incorporated |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Executive Officer |
on a fixed |
Thitinti Moshoeu |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
21 |
Diale Mogashoa Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved by the |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
22 |
Padi Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved b? the NHBRC |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each |
(b)(ii) |
(b)(iii)(a |
(b)(iii)(b |
(b)(iii)(cc) |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name |
consultant/ Suppliers |
Details of |
a) Start |
b) Time |
Monetary |
and Position of each |
Service |
date |
period |
Value |
individual who |
Provided |
signed off the |
contract |
23 |
Mojela Hlazo Practice |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
24 |
Makhubela Attorneys |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
25 |
Pather & Pather |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Attorneys |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
26 |
Z &Z Ngogodu |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Attorneys |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
27 |
Seanego Attorneys |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
28 |
Maponya Incorporated |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
29 |
Nchupetsang Attorneys |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved by the |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnvani |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each |
(b)(ii) |
(b)(iii)(a |
(b)(iii)(b |
(b)(iii)(cc) |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name |
consultant/ Suppliers |
Details of |
a) Start |
b) Time |
Monetary |
and Position of each |
Service |
date |
period |
Value |
individual who |
Provided |
signed off the |
contract |
30 |
Dlamini Attorneys |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
31 |
Mketsu Associates |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Incorporated |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
32 |
Prince Mudau & |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Associates |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
33 |
NT Mchunu t/a |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Mchunu Attorneys |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
34 |
Enderstein vd Merwe |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Incorporated |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
35 |
Matabane |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Incorporated |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
36 |
BM Kolisi Incorporated |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
Officer |
on a fixed |
Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved |
by the |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(a a) Start date |
(b)(iii)(b b) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the |
contract |
37 |
Manong Attorneys Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved by the NHBRC |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
38 |
C Ngubane & Associates Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved by the |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
39 |
Gildechuys Ivtatatji |
Pane1 of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
Incorporated |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
on a fixed |
Tariff of Fees as approved |
by the |
40 |
Poswa Incorporated |
Paoe1 of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
by the NHBRC |
41 |
Steven Maluleke Attorneys |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved by the |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
42 |
Norton Rose Fu11brigt›t (SA) |
Paoe1 of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
as approved by the |
43 |
IvtotNe Jooo›a Sabdia Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
Tariff of Fees |
as approved by the |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(a a) Start date |
(b)(iii)(b b) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
44 |
Robert Charles Attorneys |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved by the |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
45 |
Werkmans Attorneys |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- is |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved |
Acting Chief EKecutive Officer Xoliswa Daku |
by the |
46 |
MMM Incorporated t/a DM5 |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- i5 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved by the |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
47 |
Thipa Denenga Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved by the |
Chief Executive Officer Abbey Chikane |
48 |
ODBB Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- lS |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved by the |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Shafeeq Abrahams |
49 |
ODBB Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
on a fixed |
Tariff of |
Fees as |
approved by |
the NHBRC |
50 |
SDV Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
Fees as |
approved by |
the NHBRC |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each |
(b)(ii) |
(b)(iii)(a |
(b)(iii)(b |
(b)(iii)(cc) |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name |
consultant/ Suppliers |
Details of |
a) Start |
b) Time |
Monetary |
and Position of each |
Service |
date |
period |
Value |
individual who |
Provided |
signed off the |
contract |
51 |
Siya Cokile Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved by the NHBRC |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
52 |
Lulama Prince & Associates |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of |
Fees as |
approved by |
the NHBRC |
53 |
Brian Blignaught |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
Attorneys |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
on a fixed |
Tariff of |
Fees as |
approved by |
the NHBRC |
54 |
Raphela Attorneys |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
Attorneys |
15 |
paid based |
on a fixed |
Tariff of |
Fees as |
approved by |
the NHBRC |
55 |
Hughes Madondo Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
on a fixed |
Tariff of |
Fees as |
approved by |
the NHBRC |
56 |
Rajaruthnam & Associates |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
Tariff of |
Fees as |
approved by |
the NHBRC |
57 |
Maphoso Mokoena Attorneys Incorporated |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based |
Chief Executive Officer Mongezi Mnyani |
on a fixed |
Tariff of |
Fees as |
approved by |
the NHBRC |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each |
(b)(ii) |
(b)(iii)(a |
(b)(iii)(b |
(b)(iii)(cc) |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name |
consultant/ Suppliers |
Details of |
a) Start |
b) Time |
Monetary |
and Position of each |
Service |
date |
period |
Value |
individual who |
Provided |
signed off the |
contract |
58 |
Majang & Associates |
Panel of Attorneys |
01-Oct- 15 |
3 years |
Attorneys paid based on a fixed Tariff of Fees as approved by the NHBRC |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
59 |
Mahapa Maswanganyi |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3,years |
Attorneys |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Shafeeq Abrahams |
Makhubela Joint |
Aflomeys |
15 |
paid based |
Venture |
on a fixed |
Tariff of |
Fees as |
approved by |
the NHBRC |
60 |
Rooth & Wessels |
Panel of |
01-Oct- |
3 years |
Attorneys |
Executive Chairman |
Attorneys |
Aflomeys |
15 |
paid based on a fixed |
Abbey Chikane |
Tariff of |
Fees as |
approved by |
the NHBRC |
61 |
Geosure (Pty) Ltd |
Soil and materials testing |
15-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
On a quotation basis as and when the service is required |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
62 |
Sgs-lvfatrolab (I'ty) Ltd |
Soil aod materials testing |
IS-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
On a quotation basis as and |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the service is required |
63 |
Labco Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd |
Soil aod materials testing |
15-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
On a quotation basis as and |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the service is |
required |
64 |
Contralab (I'ty) Ltd |
Soil aod materials testing |
15-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
On a quotation basis as and |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the service is required |
65 |
Eactbinv Lab And Geotechnical Lab Consu1ting (Pty) Ltd |
Soil aod otaterials testing |
15-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
On a quotation basis as and |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the service is |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each |
(b)(ii) |
(b)(iii)(a |
(b)(iii)(b |
(b)(iii)(cc) |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name |
consultant/ Suppliers |
Details of |
a) Start |
b) Time |
Monetary |
and Position of each |
Service |
date |
period |
Value |
individual who |
Provided |
signed off the |
contract |
required |
66 |
Geo CiviLab |
Soil and materials testing |
15-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
On a quotation basis as and |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the service is required |
67 |
Mabuya Lab (Pty) Ltd |
Soil and materials testing |
15-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
On a quotation basis as and when the service is required |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
68 |
Outeniqua Lab CC |
Soil aod materials testing |
IN-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
On a quotation basis as and |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the service is required |
69 |
SizoLab(Ry)Ltd |
Soi1aod otaterials testing |
IS-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
Ona quotation basis as and when the service is |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
required |
70 |
Soilco Material Investigators |
Sot1 and materials testing |
15-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
On a quotation basis as and when the service is |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
required |
71 |
Soillab (Pty) Ltd |
Soil and materials testing |
15-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
On a quotation basis as and |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the service is required |
72 |
Tosca Lab (I'ty) Ltd |
Soi1 artd materials testing |
15-Aug- 17 |
3 years |
On a quotation basis as and when the service is required |
Acting Chief Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
(a)(ii) |
(b)(i) Names of each consultant/ Suppliers |
(b)(ii) Details of Service Provided |
(b)(iii)(a a) Start date |
(b)(iii)(b b) Time period |
(b)(iii)(cc) Monetary Value |
(b)(iii)(bb)(dd) Name and Position of each individual who signed off the contract |
73 |
Roadtab Laboratories |
Soi1 and |
15-Aug- |
3 years |
On a |
Acting Chief |
(Pty) Ltd |
materials testing |
17 |
quotation basis as and |
Executive Officer Thitinti Moshoeu |
when the |
service is required |
DATE: / ’» i6 ”
Approved/not approved
17 September 2018 - NW1952
Hlonyana, Ms NKF to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
Whether her department at any stage promised housing to residents of the Steenvilla Housing Project in Steenberg, Cape Town, who face eviction as at 1 June 2018; if not, what is the pos‘ition in this regard; if so; (2) Did the specified residents receive the housing; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
1. No, the Department of Human Settlements has not at any stage promised housing to residents facing eviction as at 1 June 2018 at Steenvilla Housing Project in Steenberg, Cape Town.
However, the Minister of Human Settlements requested the Western Cape MEC responsible for Human Settlements to investigate and assist the affected residents of Steenvilla Housing Project, in possible measures to ensure that where possible and required alternative measures for accommodation.
Due to the huge housing backlog in the Western Cape, it was agreed that qualifying “ families facing eviction will be assisted in phases, with the most vulnerable group prioritised namely the elderly and disabled and thereafter assist those that meet the qualification criteria for subsidised housing. Currently, 37 evictees have been identified for assistance.
2. Refer to number 1 above.
Recommended/not recommended
17 September 2018 - NW2475
Paulsen, Mr N M to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation
What are the pollution levels of each river in South Africa in the 2017-18 financial year?
A total of 440 water monitoring sites in the nine (9) water management areas were monitored for chemical monitoring programme in 2017/18 financial year. Salinity levels for rivers were regarded as good to very good indicating moderate to less pollution in 80% of the coverage in the nine (9) water management areas.
17 September 2018 - NW2302
Gqada, Ms T to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
(1)What is the total number of Ekurhuleni Metro Police officers who (a) brought and (b) won their cases for promotion at the Johannesburg Labour Court in the past three financial years; (2) (a) what is the total number of (i) the specified promotions that are still to be implemented by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality and (ii) days that the municipality has in order to implement each promotion and (b) what are the reasons for the delay?
1. There are no Labour Court judgements relating to promotions in the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department that have been issued by the Johannesburg Labour Court or any other Court that has jurisdiction to deal with matters of this nature.
2. Consequently, the City of Ekurhuleni has not received any order coming from the courts directing it to promote any employee in the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department.
17 September 2018 - NW2007
Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
With reference to each domestic trip that was undertaken by board members and senior management of the (a) Housing Development Agency and (b) Community Schemes Ombud Service in each year between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2017. what are the relevant details in each case of the (i)(aa) name of each hotel and (bb) cost of accommodation of each hotel stay, (ii) cost of shuttle service used and (iii) total amount of traveling allowance for each member of the travelling delegation?
See the link for reply:
17 September 2018 - NW1367
Hlonyana, Ms NKF to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
What is the average total monetary cost of building an RDP house in each Province?
The average cost of constructing a fully subsidised house differs in each Province. The details of the average of constructing a house as provided by Provinces are as follows:
Construction costs of RDP House | |||
Province | Average Cost Urban Rural Disable | |||
1. Eastern Cape |
N/A R 170 000.00 |
R 190 000.00 |
N/A |
2. Free State |
N/A R 136 164.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
3. Gauteng |
R116 000.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
4. KwaZulu Natal |
R 172 853.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
R 228 914.00 |
5. Limpopo |
R 92 600.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
6. Mpumalanga |
R 125 000.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
WA |
7. Northern Cape |
R 123 829.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
8. North West |
R 113 539.38 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
e. Western Cape |
R 164 856.00 (Simplex) R 183 856.00 (Duplex) |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
2. It must be noted that the construction cost is separate from the cost of land as well as provision of water and sanitation. These costs per uniVhouse can be broken down as follows:
- Raw Land- R6 000
- Water and Sanitation- R7 673
3. The National Department provides the Provinces with a sector adopted subsidy quantum guideline which allocates R168 852 per house as follows:
- Top Structure- R116 867
- Service cost- R 45 985
- Raw Land- R 6 000
The main reasons for the variances includes amongst others the following:
- The housing programme(s) implemented by a Province
In most cases implementation of Rural Housing Programme cost less than that of Social Housing Programme such as Community Residential Programme.
- Bulk Provision
In urban areas, bulk has to be provided before top structure can be constructed and the costs of that bulk are included in the total cost of the construction.
- Environmental impact
The environmental conditions of coastal areas differs significantly to those of inland Provinces and this pushes the costs of constructing houses for mainly coastal areas with prolonged rainy seasons.
- Acquisition of building material
In certain Provinces, building material has to be acquired in Metropolitan areas such as Gauteng and the cost of transport has a cost bearing in the acquisition of building material.
- Labour costs
For rural areas, the cost of labour is less as compared to urban areas and construction costs end up belng lesser as a result.
See attached link for Annexure A and B:
Approved/Not approved
17 September 2018 - NW2568
Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation
(1)(a) What is the total number of (i) deputy directors-general and (ii) chief directors that are employed in (aa) an acting and (bb) a permanent capacity in her department and (b) what is the total number of women in each case; (2) (a) what is the total number of (i) chief executive officers and (ii) directors of each entity reporting to her and (b) what is the total number of women in each case?
(1) (a) (i) DDGs: There are two (2) Acting Deputy Directors-General (DDGs) currently.
(ii) CDs: There are two (2) Acting Chief Directors at this stage.
(bb) DDGs: There are sixteen (16) DDGs employed on a permanent capacity.
CDs: There are fifty five (55) Chief Directors employed on a permanent capacity.
(b) DDGs: Five (5) of the 16 DDGs are women.
CDs: Twenty eight (28) of the Chief Directors are women.
(2) (a) and (b) The African Renaissance and International Cooperation Fund (ARF) does not have a chief executive officer or directors as per the Honourable Member’s question. ARF is not essentially an entity as contemplated in Schedule 3A and 3C of Public Finance Managment Act of 1999. It is a Fund that International Relations and Cooperation oversees. ARF has an Advisory Committee comprising of officials from the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) and the National Treasury.
17 September 2018 - NW2006
Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
With reference to each domestic trip that was undertaken by board members and senior management of the (a) National Home Builders Registration Council and (b) Rural Housing Loan Fund in each year between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2017, what are the relevant details in each case of the (i)(aa) name of each hotel and (bb) cost of accommodation of each hotel stay, (ii) cost of shuttle service used and (iii) total amount of traveling allowance for each member of the travelling delegation?
(a) National Home Builders Registration Council
The NHBRC indicated that it does not have information for the period 1 January 2017 to November 2015 mainly due to Rennies Travel Management which was used in the past not being able to provide the entity with the required information. Information between December 2015 and 31 December 2017 has been provided and is as follows: See the link below:
DATE: ” g .
17 September 2018 - NW2358
Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation
(a) What number of water treatment plants does the Government own, (b) where is each plant located, (c) what number of the specified water treatment plants is operational and (d) what is each water treatment plant’s daily capacity?
a) The number of water treatment plants owned by Government is a total of 1137 inclusive of boreholes. Refer to Annexure A.
b) Refer to Annexure A.
c) The number of water treatment plants that are operational is a total of 1084 and 53 are not operational. Refer to Annexure A.
d) Refer to Annexure A.
17 September 2018 - NW2300
Cassim, Mr Y to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
1. With regard to the mega housing project in Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, situated in Birchleigh North Extension 4, portion of portion 63 and portion of remaining extent of portion 39 of the farm Witfontein 15-IR to be known as Birchleigh North Ext 4 township, (a) what number of units are to be built and (b) on what date is the specified project set to (i) commence and (ii) be completed; (2) what number of (a) schools, (b) clinics and (c) parks are earmarked for the development
(1) (a) Approximately 7195 units are earmarked for the Birchleigh Ext 4 Project, and the project is not ready to commence with construction at this stage. Information towards implementation will be communicated in due course.
(i) Professional Service Providers have been appointed to start with Detailed Designs which will be completed in June 2019. Construction will only commence in July 2019.
(ii) Three thousand units will be completed in 2021 and the rest in 2023.
(2) The following land uses have been earmarked for the Birchleigh Ext 4 project:
- 5 School Sites;
- 1 Medical centre; and
- 5 Open spaces (2 Parks).
17 September 2018 - NW2301
Gqada, Ms T to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
(1)Whether the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality has conducted an audit of all armoury of the Metro Police Department that has gone missing; if not, why not; if so, (a) what armoury has gone missing and (b) in which year was it reported missing; 2. will he furnish Ms T Gqada with a copy of the armoury audit report?
(1) A comprehensive audit assessment of all Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department’s firearms is currently being conducted by the directorate responsible for priority crime investigations. The firearms audit assessment findings and the report thereof are expected to be presented to the Council during September 2018.
(2) Once the audit is completed, a copy of the firearms audit report will be made available.
17 September 2018 - NW1400
Hlonyana, Ms NKF to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
What is the number of houses that needs to be built in each province to eradicate the housing backlog and enable each South African in the country to live in formal housing?
According to information derlved from Statistics South Africa's 2016 Community Survey, which is the latest official national data available, the estimated national housing backlog is estimated at 2.1 million. On the other hand, a total of 3.9 million people have registered their need for housing on the National Housing Needs Register (NHNR). It must however be noted that the numbers registered on the NHNR are being processed on an on-going basis to determine qualification for government's subsidised opportunities. So this is work in progress and not actual demand/need. Although significant inroads have been made to reduce the backlog, it remains relatively the same over years due to increasing demand that outstrips supply. The provincial breakdown of the backlog/need is illustrated in the table below.
Province |
Informal dwellings (dwellings In informal settlements & backyards) |
National Housing Needs Register |
Eastern Cape |
130 885 |
1 185 502 |
Free State |
13Z 448 |
4B3 |
Gauteng |
878 246 |
1 932 346 |
KwaZulu Natal |
245 167 |
20 695 |
Limpopo |
77 371 |
20 525 |
Mpumalanga |
135 039 |
104 577 |
Northern Cape |
45 246 |
188 807 |
North West |
229 544 |
25 881 |
Western Cape |
320 022 |
208 803 |
5A Total |
2 193 8b8 |
3 090 709 |
What is the cost in Rand for each province to eradicate the backlog?
As explained in question (a) above, the assessment of individuals who have registered on the NHNR to determine if they do qualify for state housing subsidy is an ongoing process. Therefore some of the individuals may not be eligible to receive a state housing subsidy. Those who do qualify, may require different housing programme interventions, depending on their need and locality. If all the individuals on the NHNR qualify for the Individual Housing Subsidy (BNG house), about R622 billion will be required to provide land, serviced site and top structure at the current housing subsidy of R168 852.00.
Province National Housing Needs Register |
Cost to eradicate the backlog (see above explanation) |
Eastern Cape 1 185 502 |
R200 174 383 704 |
Free State 483 |
R81 555 51G |
Gauteng 1 932 346 |
R326 280 486 792 |
KwaZulu Natal 20 695 |
R3 494 392 14£ |
Limpopo 20 525 |
R3 465 687 30€ |
Mpumalanga 104 577 |
R17 658 035 604 |
Northern Cape 188 897 |
R31 895 636 244 |
North West 25 881 |
R4 370 058 612 |
Western Cape 208 803 |
R35 256 804 15£ |
SA Total 3 980 708 |
R622 877 040 08£ |
DATE: il } g‘
Recommended/not res6mmended
Approved ot ap ved
17 September 2018 - NW2194
Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Whether his department is at all involved in the building of the sewage plant at Rooigrond in North West; if so, in what capacity; (2) with reference to the specified sewage plant, (a) who is the implementation agent, (b) who is/are the project manager(s) and (c) who is the contractor; (3) (a) on what date did the project commence, (b) what was the initial tender amount and (c) to whom was the tender awarded; 4) (a) what is the expected date for the completion of the project and (b) how much do the project costs amount hitherto (5) whether he will make a statement about the matter?
1 a) The Department is not involved at all in the building of the sewage plant at Rooigrond in the North West. The project is Funded by the Department of Local Government and Human Settlements in the povince through the Provincial Infrastructure Grant (PIG).
2. a) Sedibeng Water Board is the implementing agent.
b) King and Associates Consultant is the Project Management and Consulting Company
c) The contractor is CMS Water Engineering.
3. a) The project commenced on 23 October 2017.
b) The initial tender amount was R47,394,567.00.
c) The tender was awarded to CMS Water Engineering.
4. a) The expected date for the completion of the project is 27 September 2018.
b) The project costs amount to R36 789 380 as at 22 August 2018.
5. No
The project is to provide the bulk water and sanitation services to the existing 1000 households at Rooigrond and to make provision for servicing an additional 2000 low cost houses to be built in future. The overall progress on site is 61 % (As of end July 2018). Total number of local people employed in the project is 19 (14 youth with 13 male and 1 female; 5 adults with 4 males and 1 female).
17 September 2018 - NW2356
Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation
Which municipalities in each province are presently the top 10 water consumers?
The municipalities that are presently the top 10 water consumers in each province are listed per table below. In most of the cases there is a direct relation between demand and the population served by a particular municipality. Refer to Annexure A for the top 10 water consumers in each province.
17 September 2018 - NW2656
Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation
Whether the Government has an official position on the (a) alleged maltreatment of a certain person (name furnished), (b) deployment of the armed forces to Kasumbalesa and Kinshasa, who used violence to oppress peaceful supporters of the specified person, (c) use of controversial electronic voting machines despite domestic and international opposition, (d) credibility of voters’ rolls with particular reference to allegations of significant numbers of duplicates and/or (e) continued detention of political prisoners in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?
a) During President Ramaphosa’s visit to the DRC, President Kabila briefed the President about the matter of Mr Katumbi during which the government of the DRC explained their national legal requirements that prevented Mr Katumbi from registering in the national elections.
b) It should be noted that the deployment of the members of the DRC armed forces within the sovereign territory of the DRC remains a decision of the government of DRC. In this regard, South Africa, however, echoes the Statement of the UNSC of 17 August 2018 that underlined the importance of the entire Congolese political class and the institutions responsible for organizing elections to remain committed to ensure the success of the rest of the electoral process, leading to a peaceful transfer of power, in accordance with the Congolese constitution.
Further, South Africa also continues to encourage all Congolese stakeholders to create all the necessary conditions to ensure an environment conducive to the peaceful and inclusive conduct of political activities to ensure that the elections take place with the requisite conditions of transparency, credibility and inclusivity.
c) In terms of the concerns regarding the utilisation of electronic voting machines, it should be noted that the Independent National Electoral Commission of the DRC (CENI) gave a presentation on the preparations for the elections and the utilisation of the electronic voting machines to the SADC Double Troika Summit that took place in April 2018. The presentation was noted.
In addition, I wish to refer the Honourable Member to the Joint Communique issued by the Presidency on 10 August 2018 on the President’s Working Visit to the DRC, it states:
“The two Heads of State noted that the political and security situation is calm throughout the national territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and took note of the significant progress made in the ongoing electoral process in the country, with regard to the commitments made in accordance with the electoral calendar published on 5 November 2017 by the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) and providing for the organization of presidential, legislative and provincial elections at the end this year.
The two Heads of State noted, among other things, the continued financing of the electoral process by the Congolese Government, which has just completed the stage of submitting candidatures for the presidential, legislative and provincial elections, in compliance with the constitutional rules and national laws of the Democratic Republic of Congo”.
e) The matter of the detention of any individual was not discussed during the meeting.
17 September 2018 - NW2708
Dlamini, Mr MM to ask the Minister of Energy
What are the details of the country’s fuel reserves as at 1 September 2018?
As at 01 September 2018, the Strategic Fuel Fund (SFF) terminal in Saldanha Bay was in possession of approximately 10.3 million barrels of crude oil whose legal title is a subject of a legal dispute between CEF (SOC) Ltd and three entities – Vitol SA, Glencore, and Talaveras.
17 September 2018 - NW2198
Madisha, Mr WM to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
Whether she has received the report by the Auditor-General regarding the investigation she commissioned into the R80 million investment made by the Community Scheme Ombud Services with VBS Mutual Bank, if not, what is the position in this regards, if so, what (a) are the relevant details of the report and (b) further action has she instituted after receipt of the report?
Upon the matter being drawn to my attention, I directed a letter to the Auditor General to conduct an investigation into the matter of the CSOS investments of its surpluses into financial institutions. The Auditor-General confirmed that it would undertake a regulatory audit as part of the annual audit of the CSOS. The report is still outstanding and once presented will be scrutinised for required steps to be taken should it be found that persons had acted unlawfully, illegally and/or there was fraud, mismanagement, corruption or otherwise.
In addition I have directed that the Director-General taken necessary steps to have a forensic audit carried out as well as consult and ensure that the SIU and/or Hawks are directed to investigate the matter of the CSOS investment of surplus funds in financial institutions.
As and when required I will provide reports to Parliament on the details and progress related to this matter.
Recommended/not recommended
Approved/not approved
17 September 2018 - NW2513
Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
(1) Whether the (a)[email protected] and (b) [email protected] email addresses are still functional; if not, in each case, why not; if so, (2) What are the details of the (a) number of emails received by each email address in each month from 1 March 2018 to date, (b) number of SA Post Office employees assigned to process emails received in each case and (c)(i) performance standard required and (ii) actual performance achieved for each of the email addresses in terms of time taken to (aa) read an email, (bb) respond to an email and (cc) resolve a query? NW2800E
I have been informed by the Post Office as follows:
(1)(a) The email addresses [email protected] and (b) [email protected] are still functional.
(2) The number of emails received from 1 March 2018 were as follows:
(a) (i) March 9721
(ii) April 5318
(iii) May 4794
(iv) June 6534
(v) July 3114
(vi) August 24440
(b) (i) Seven employees were assigned to process emails received in March, April, May and June 2018, two for distributing and five for responses.
(ii) July emails came through during the strike period. As a result, the inbox could not be cleared due to lack of access to the office or system.
(iii) A total of 24 440 emails came through at the height of the strike and only 10 000 were distributed resulting in a backlog of an estimated 14 440 emails as at August 2018.
(c) (i) System generated auto responses within 24 hours and agent to provide acknowledgement within 48 hours. Final outcome to be given within seven working days.
(ii)The actual performance for email addresses [email protected] and [email protected] has not been in accordance with standards in relation to (aa) time taken to read an email (bb) respond to an email enquiry and (cc) resolve a query, due to Operational backlogs at Mail Centres; the recent strike and the rise of E-commerce items at Johannesburg International Mail Centre (JIMC). A comprehensive review of the both the Customer Relation Management Programme as well as the Customer Care Centre is being undertaken.
Submitted for approval by
17 September 2018 - NW1079
Hlonyana, Ms NKF to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
(a) What are the reasons that the tender that was initially awarded by her department to a certain local company to build 1050 Reconstruction and Development Programme houses in Vogelfontein in the Free State was cancelled and awarded to a certain Chinese company ,(b) who authorised the cancellation,(c) on what basis was the contract cancelled ,(d) what was the value of the initial contract awarded to the local company,(e) what procedures were followed by her department in awarding the contract to the Chinese company and (f) who authorised the awarding of the contract to the Chinese company?
a) The Free State Department of Human Settlements has indicated that their Department has not appointed a Company, called Emendo Incorporated to build 1 050 RDP houses in Vogelfontein.
b) N/A
c) N/A
d) N/A
e) The Free State Department of Human Settlements indicated that they appointed the contractor through the Departmental Database that was established in terms of the prescripts of the Public Finance Management Act No.‹ 1 of 1999, and the project was approved for implementation by MEC in terms of the provisions of the Housing Act No. 107 of 1997 (section 7(3)(a).
f) The project was approved and allocated by the MEC for Human Settlements in Province in terms of section 7(3)(a) of the Housing Act of No 107 of 1997.
17 September 2018 - NW2501
Ntombela, Mr MLD to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration
What progress has been recorded to date in the development of a framework that will inform the management of lifestyle audits in the Public Service?
The Development of a framework on lifestyle audits on public service employees is at a consultative stage with sector departments and constitutional institutions such as the Public Service Commission. The consultations will also be extended to relevant stakeholders including labour. These consultations will assist us to produce a sustainable framework on the lifestyle audits, which is consistent with the Bill of Rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.
The lifestyle audits will further strengthen existing measures, which include declarations by the public service employees, the financial intelligence centres act, amongst others, the aim is to protect public service against any ills.
17 September 2018 - NW2193
Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration
(1) With reference to her reply to question 2187 on 18 June 2018, what criteria is followed by her department to determine which public servants can be offered early retirement packages; (2) what number of (a) black, (b) white, (c) coloured and (d) Indian employees in the Public Service comply with the stated criteria; (3) with reference to the number of service years in the Public Service, which is the (a) shortest, (b) average and (c) longest service period to be rendered by public servants in order to qualify for the specified retirement packages; (4) whether she will make a statement on the matter?
Details on voluntary early retirement packages have not been concluded yet, consultations in this regard with relevant stakeholders is a work in progress, this consultation will also be extended to labour, once all process have been finalised, a communique will be issued
17 September 2018 - NW2524
Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation
(1)Whether her department received any requests from any African state to provide training to its presidential VIP protection units in each of the past five financial years and since 1 April 2018; if so, (a) which States submitted requests for assistance, (b) which department(s) provided training, (c) what number of persons were trained, (d) what was the duration of the training and (e) what total costs did the department(s) incur in terms of (i) flights, (ii) accommodation, (iii) food and (iv) transport for each training period; (2) whether the States that requested training contributed to the costs incurred; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
(1) (a) Yes, requests were received from the Central African Republic and the Republic of Liberia.
(b) The training for the Central African Republic is provided by the South African Police Service (SAPS). The request from the Republic of Liberia is still being considered, therefore, no further details are available with respect to this request.
(c) A Thirty-two (32) member team from the Central African Republic will be receiving training.
(d) The training for the Central African Republic team will be conducted for six (6) weeks.
(e) The total cost projected for training a team from the Central African Republic is R 1 765 800.00.
(i) The projected costs for flights is R 1 080 000.00.
(ii) The projected cost for accommodation is R 267 840.00. This amount includes projected cost for food.
(iii) Transport costs will be covered by SAPS.
(2) The Central African Republic will not make a contribution towards this training.
17 September 2018 - NW1872
Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation
1. What (a) is the total number of incidents of racism that were reported to the human resources department/office in: (i) Her department; (ii) The entities reporting to her in (aa) 2016 and (bb) 2017 What (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) Was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigations in each case? (NW2032E)
1. The Department of Sport and Recreation has (a) Zero cases of racism incidents reported to its HR Offices….. (i) Her department has zero cases of racism reported and (ii) the entities reporting to her also do not have any such cases that were reported, in the year 2016 and 2017:
No investigation was instituted, as there were not cases of racism reported.
17 September 2018 - NW2364
Abrahams, Ms BL to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation
In light of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between her department and the Department of Basic Education to rekindle school sport in all the schools in the country, what (a) are the key features of the MOU and (b) measures has she and the Minister of Basic Education put in place to (i) monitor and (ii) evaluate its implementation?
a) The key features of the MoU include among other thing:
- Demarcation of roles: Updated to reflect the assignment of role players from Level 1-6.
- Roles and Responsibilities: A complete overall of roles and responsibilities reflecting:
- SGB’s powers need to be revised (Requires amendment to Schools Act)
- School Committees should be run by teachers (Requires amendment to School Sport Structures policy)
- Basic Education and Provinces must include School Sport as the strategic output.
- SRSA and Provinces facilitate the establishment of School Sport structures, while DBE initiates the process.
- DBE to provide basic sport infrastructure, SRSA to facilitate the provision of infrastructure through Sports Trust, National Lottery, MIG etc.
- Teacher Unions & SGBs Associations to included in the ex JNTT and ex JPTT
- Sport Code Committees to have a representation in the School Sport Coordinating Committees
- Federations to ensure that School Sport has an associate membership in their structure.
- Establishment of School Sport Coordinating Committee and its composition, Committee to be chaired by SRSA and DBE.
- Provision of infrastructure and resource: The provision of using MIG to build some of the School Sport infrastructure
- National School Sport Championships: (The three cycle is being highly contested, especially the break)
- Discussions are underway to review model of cyclic championships
- Sporting Codes reduction: The policy on prioritization on codes is being considered and once finalized it will be implemented.
- Funding: DBE should take full responsibility of funding levels 1-3 whilst SRSA take care of levels 4-6.
- Communication protocol: Across all levels DBE and SRSA officials should communicate their planned activities.
b) Measures that the Minister of Basic Education has put in place to:
(i) Monitor: Joint National Task Teams and Joint Provincial Task Teams are set up to bring both departments together and monitor progress made in implementing the programme and develop plans to address the challenges. Regular interactions for planning also take place between officials in DBE and SRSA.
(ii) Evaluate implementation: The DBE has various platforms of interacting with stakeholders on sports. However through the provincial departments of education, regular interactions are being held. SRSA gets these regular interactions and briefing from the DBE.
17 September 2018 - NW1653
Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
1. (a) What number of cases relating to the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, Act 12 of 2004, as amended, have been referred to the (i) SA Police Service (SAPS) and (ii) Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) by (aa) her department and, (bb) each entity reporting to her for further investigation since the Act was assented to and (b) what number of the specified cases have (i) been investigated by SAPS and DPCI, (ii) been followed up by the respective accounting officers and (iii) resulted in a conviction in each specified financial year since 2004?
1(a) |
(i) (ii) |
None. None |
(aa) |
(i) |
None |
b) (i) None
(ii) None
(iii) None.
However, the National Department of Human Settlements has, over the past three (3) years dealt and/ or conducted investigations into fraudulent payment transactions where some empIoyees/ officials were implicated. There were fi:ve (5) fraudulent payment transactions, with the vaIue/ amounts of between R197 400.00 and R815 326.27.
The five (5) cases implicated the same employees/ officials which were reported to the South African Police Service and registered under the following case reference numbers:
(a) Sunnyside CAS 645/09/2014; and
(b) Sunny.side PEAS 538/09/2015
The cases are still with the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).
Name of Entity (bb) |
(a) Number of cases referred |
b (i) Number of cases investigated by SAPS & DPCI |
b (ii) Number of cases being followed up by Accounting Officers |
b (ui) Number of cases which resulted in conviction and year |
a(i) SAPS |
a(ii) DPCI |
National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) |
2 cases (222 housing project and fraudulent house settlement claims) |
1 case out of 222 housing project and fraudulent settlement claims |
1 case of Fraudulent house settlement claims |
1 case of Fraudulent house settlement claims |
1 case of Fraudulent house settlement claims led to a conviction in February 2018 |
Community Scheme Ombud Service (CSOS) |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
2 cases |
No convictions or action as yet as the 2 cases are still under special audit. |
Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB) |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
National Urban Reconstruction Housing Agency (NURCHA) |
3 cases (Attempted fraud by an employee, attempted internet fraud by unknown persons and a case fraud by supplier) |
Not applicable |
1 investigated by SAPS and 1 still under investigation by SAPS of a supplier |
Not applicable |
1 conviction of an employee in 2016 |
Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA) |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC) |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Housing Development Agency (HDA) |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Rural Housing Loan Fund tRHLF) |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicabJe |
DATE: ( +•( OF I / -*/8
Approved/not approved
17 September 2018 - NW2361
Gardee, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration
What (a) number of government employees on (i) national and (ii) provincial level on the PERSAL system are over the age of 60 years and (b) is the breakdown of the specified government employees in terms of (i) age, (ii) department and (iii) salary level?
The National Treasury is a custodian of PERSAL System, as such, in a better position to provide the figures
17 September 2018 - NW2349
Xalisa, Mr Z R to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Whether any municipalities in the country have any agreements and/or contracts with a certain company (name furnished); if so, (a) what is the monetary value of each agreement and/or contract, (b) what services does the specified company offer in each case and (c) for what time period has the company been offering services in each case?
The information requested by the Honourable Member is not readily available in the Department. However, the Department has sent letters to all the Provincial Departments responsible for Local Government to engage municipalities to obtain the relevant information. The information will be submitted to the Honourable Member as soon as it is available.
17 September 2018 - NW2324
Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration
(1)(a) What number of labour disputes are currently being faced by (i) her department and (ii) the entities reporting to her, (b) what is the cause of each dispute, (c) what is the nature of each dispute and (d) on what date was each dispute (i) reported and (ii) resolved;
Audited information in this regard will be submitted to parliament through annual reports, which will be tabled in parliament during this month of September 2018 as required by the parliamentary prescripts.
17 September 2018 - NW1004
Hlonyana, Ms NKF to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
What is the total amount that her department has spent on purchasing land for human settlement in each pFOVince from 1 January 1994 to the latest date for which information is available?
1997/98 |
1998/99 |
1999/00 |
2000/01 |
2001/02 |
2002/03 |
FREE STATE | ||||||
R |
R 19 293.00 |
R 298 340.00 |
R 5 650.00 |
R 3 918 505.86 |
R 5 766 509.61 |
NORTH WEST | ||||||
R 880 100.00 |
R 19 253.00 |
R 298 340.00 |
R 5650.00 |
R 3918 505.86 |
R 5 766 503.61 |
2003/04 |
2004/05 |
2005/06 |
2006/07 |
2007/08 |
2008/09 |
R 870400.00 |
R 33589652.38 |
R 24 022 802.00 |
R 54 711 610.00 |
R 8449 803.13 |
R 24 152.14 |
R 9677 000.00 |
R 5413 878.70 |
R 793 726.65 |
R 1231 437.25 |
R 1 569 282.57 |
R 212 580.00 |
R 80763.57 |
R 132 490 000.00 |
R 45 000 000.00 |
R 75068 356.43 |
R 1 647 000.00 |
R 143 419 404.46 |
R 24816528.65 |
R 55 943 047.25 |
R 10 019 085.70 |
R 45 236732,14 |
R 87343 520.00 |
R 314 912 935.54 |
2009/10 |
2010/11 |
2O11/12 |
2012/13 |
2013/14 |
2014/15 |
2OI5/16 |
R 8287 716.67 |
R 70011 257.65 |
R 105 144 644.12 |
R 208635.42 |
R 7 724566.42 |
R 2 179 760.74 |
R 23 958533.16 |
R 38 104 776.80 |
R 8 355 600.00 |
R 300 000.00 |
R 832 000.00 |
R 20 000 000.00 |
R 15 000 000.00 |
R 1 170 100.00 |
R 107804 335.00 |
R 56780000.00 |
R 239 762 000.00 |
R 77 274526.BS |
R 88 877990.00 |
R 368830301.27 |
R 7 969 117.S1 |
R 94081493.06 |
R 44 638 377.00 |
R 44 664916.84 |
R 108711 104.19 |
R 57 000 000.00 |
R 94 060 000.00 |
R 55 730 000.00 |
R 13 064 000.00 |
R 33 783304.41 |
R 85 000 000.00 |
R 31729 348.37 |
R 112 19B 275.00 |
R 7 042 00.00 |
2009-2013 | 2014-2019 | Total Amount spent |
Total Extent |
Eastern Cape |
3 500 000.00 | 21 500 000.00 | 25 000 000.00 | 26.857 | ||
Free State |
60257 000.00 |
145 900223.00 |
206 157 223.00 |
1095.5502 |
Gauteng |
18 750 000.00 |
915 660 000.00 |
934 410 000.00 |
1091.4073 |
KwaZulu Natal |
0.00 |
136 028750.00 |
136 028 750.00 |
928.5064 |
Limpopo |
65 400 000.00 |
158 810 000.00 |
224 210 000.00 |
179.8132 |
Mpumalanga |
0.00 |
53 320 000.00 |
53 320 000.00 |
685.6764 |
North West |
118 732 000.00 |
106 400 000.00 |
225 132 000.00 |
1087.1333 |
Northern Cape |
0.00 |
148 900 000.00 |
148 900 000.00 |
404.4045 |
Western Cape |
7 230 000.00 |
0.00 |
7 230 000.00 |
703.0483 |
273 869 000.00 |
1 686 518 973.00 |
1 960 387 973.00 |
6202.3966 |
Recommended/not recommended
Approved/Not approved
17 September 2018 - NW1485
Purdon, Mr RK to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation
Whether, with reference to the reply of the President, Mr C. Ramaphosa, to the debate on the state of the Nation Address on 22 February 2018 to implement lifestyle audits, (a) she, (b) senior management services members in her department and/or (c) any of the heads of entities reporting to her have undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years; if not, have any plans been put in place to perform such audits; if so, in each case, what are the details of the (i) date of the lifestyle audit, (ii) name of the person undergoing the audit, (iii) name of the auditing firm conducting the audit and (iv) outcome of the audit? (2) Whether she will furnish Mr. RK Purdok with copies of the lifestyle audit reports?
Minister Xasa fully supports the call by President Ramaphosa, for the public service to institute a lifestyle audit mechanism to monitor the lifestyles of personnel in the public service, especially the members of SMS and other senior people in the service of the public, including personnel at the leadership of state entities.
To this end, the Minister has noted the question from the Honourable Purdon (MPL), in relation to lifestyle audits. However, to date, the Minister has not found cause to institute any audits on the lifestyles of any personnel in the Ministry and neither is there cause to institute any such audits on the heads of entities, at this stage.
17 September 2018 - NW2512
Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
(1) Whether the SA Post Office (SAPO) has put a formal communications policy in place; if so, (2) are SAPO employees instructed not to engage with the media; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) have any SAPO employees been (a) threatened with dismissal and/or (b) dismissed for engaging with the media since the communications policy was introduced; if so, what are the details of the (i) name of the employee, (ii) nature of disciplinary action taken and (iii) date on which disciplinary action was taken? NW2799E
I have been informed by SAPO as follows:
(1) The Post Office has a Communications Policy that standardizes the processes for its internal organizational communications as well as its public corporate communications, including media relations. In addition, the Post Office has a dedicated Communications Business Unit. The policy has been updated to include guidelines and requirements for posts on social media, and the updated version is currently in the approval process.
(2) Structurally, the Communications Business Unit is the custodian of the media affairs function of the Post Office and in terms of the communications policy, individual employees’ media engagements are mandated to be channeled via this Business Unit.
In terms of the policy, only senior management, the Communication section and employees delegated by the Communication section may communicate with the media.
(3)(a) No SAPO employees have been threatened with dismissal for engaging with the media since the communication policy was introduced
(b) No SAPO employees were dismissed for engaging with the media since the policy was introduced.
(i)(ii)(iii) Not applicable
Approved/ not approved
Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP
Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
17 September 2018 - NW2483
van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency
(1)What is the total number of international trips that (a) she and (b) her department’s officials undertook since she took office on 26 February 2018; (2) what was the total costs of each international trip in terms of the airline used, class of travel, travel and subsistence budget and any other related cost; (3) what are the names and other relevant details of members of staff in her Office and other departmental officials who undertook each international trip; (4) what (a) was the purpose of each international trip, (b) were the expertise of the officials attending the international meetings or conferences, (c) value did the officials add to the conferences and (d) were the outcomes of each international trip undertaken; (5) will she provide Ms L L van der Merwe with a detailed report of each conference attended overseas? NW2634E
a) The total number of international trips that were undertaken since the Minister took office on 26 February 2018 was five and the Minster attended one.
Refer to table below for response on bullet 2 & 3
No |
Date |
Destination |
Purpose of trip |
Officials |
Air Travel |
Accommodation (all officials) |
Travel and Subsistence |
Name |
Unit |
Class |
Cost |
1 |
12 – 23 March 2018 |
New York |
62nd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW62) |
Minister BO Dlamini – (10-19 Mar 2018) |
Ministry |
Business |
R91 351 |
R1 138 445 |
R30 475 |
Thokozani Dlamini - (10-19 Mar 2018) |
Adult family member as per the Ministerial Handbook Chapter 6, 3.1 |
Business |
R91 351 |
R27 712 |
Ms WR Tshabalala |
DDG: Social Transformation & Economic Empowerment |
Business |
R153 359 |
R22 075 |
Ms A Griessel |
DDG: Policy, Stakeholder Coordination & Knowledge Management |
Business |
R153 359 |
R22 075 |
L Oliphant |
Ministry – Stakeholder |
Business |
R70 381 |
R22 075 |
Ms M Mefolo - (10-19 Mar 2018) |
Ministry – Parliamentary Liaison Officer |
Business |
R118 799 |
R22 075 |
Ms E Maluleke |
CD: Governance Transformation, Justice & Security |
Business |
R153 359 |
R22 075 |
Ms T Khosa |
Dir: International Relations |
Business |
R153 359 |
R22 075 |
2 |
3 – 4 May 2018 |
Mauritius |
Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Women’s Economic Empowerment Preparatory Workshop |
Mr P Maponyane |
Assistant Director: Economic Empowerment & Participation |
Economy |
R13 788 |
R8 400 |
RR2 726 |
Ms N Shitlhango |
Senior Admin Officer: International Relations |
Economy |
R13 788 |
R2 726 |
3 |
7 – 9 May 2018 |
Addis Ababa |
3rd Specialised Technical Committee (STC) on Women Empowerment |
Ms XV Mathobela |
CD: Office of the Director-General |
Economy |
R32 839 |
R31 000 |
R4 427 |
Mr B Thompson |
Assistant Director: Strategic Management |
Economy |
R32 839 |
R3 830 |
4 |
10 – 11 May 2018 |
Addis Ababa |
3rd Specialised Technical Committee (STC) on Women Empowerment - Minister’s Meeting |
Ms E Maluleke |
CD: Governance Transformation, Justice & Security |
Economy |
R32 425 |
R15 500 |
R2 947 |
5 |
27 – 28 June 2018 |
Kenya |
UN Regional Consultation on the Progress to Localize Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) |
Ms A Griessel |
DDG: Policy, Stakeholder Coordination & Knowledge Management |
Economy |
R68 345 |
R0 |
Ms ER Mailula |
Senior Admin Officer: Office of the DDG – Social Transformation & Economic Empowerment |
Economy |
R10 974 |
R4 303 |
Refer to table for response on bullet 4
No |
Date |
Destination |
A - Purpose of trip |
Official |
B - Expertise of official |
C – Value add of official |
D – Outcome of trip |
12 – 23 March 2018
New York
62nd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW62)
Minister BO Dlamini |
Executive Authority |
Provided strategic direction and leadership at the conference |
A CSW report has been compiled and shared with relevant stakeholders, and currently being shared with all relevant government clusters
Thokozani Dlamini |
Adult family member as per the Ministerial Handbook Chapter 6, 3.1 |
Adult family member as per the Ministerial Handbook Chapter 6, 3.1 |
Ms WR Tshabalala |
Strategist in gender issues and policy matters |
Provided strategic and technical support to the Minister, Deputy Ministers and MECs who attended Supervised officials on the work programme, and managed content development led the SA negotiation team |
Ms A Griessel |
Policy developer, analyst and M& E expertise |
Provision of technical and content support to the Minister and part of the negotiation team |
L Oliphant |
Media expertise |
Served as media liaison officer in collaboration with GCIS and DIRCO |
Ms M Mefolo |
Secretarial expertise |
Ministerial Aid |
D – Outcome of trip |
Ms E Maluleke |
Gender expert and strategist on mainstreaming |
Provided technical support on content development including side events and participated during negotiations |
A CSW report has been compiled and shared with relevant stakeholders, and currently being shared with all relevant government clusters
Ms T Khosa |
International relations expertise |
Provided International relations expertise and liaison with Embassy |
2 |
3 – 4 May 2018 |
Mauritius |
Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Women’s Economic Empowerment Preparatory Workshop |
Mr P Maponyane |
An economist |
Provided technical support on economic analysis regarding opportunities within the IORA region for women |
Ms N Shitlhango |
Support staff |
Provided administrative support to the assistant director |
3 |
7 – 9 May 2018 |
Addis Ababa |
3rd Specialised Technical Committee (STC) on Women Empowerment |
Ms XV Mathobela |
Ensure the issues negotiated upon and agreed upon find expression in the strategic plan(s) of the department |
A strategic officer responsible for strategic planning in the department |
Mr B Thompson |
Strategic Planning Officer |
An officer responsible for strategic planning in the department |
4 |
10 – 11 May 2018 |
Addis Ababa |
3rd Specialised Technical Committee (STC) on Women Empowerment - Minister’s Meeting |
Ms E Maluleke |
Gender expert and strategist on mainstreaming |
Provided technical support on content development including side events and participated during negotiations |
A CSW/62 report has been compiled and shared with relevant stakeholders, and currently being shared with all relevant government clusters
5 |
27 – 28 June 2018 |
Kenya |
UN Regional Consultation on the Progress to Localize Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) |
Ms A Griessel |
Policy developer, analyst and M& E expertise |
Provision of technical and content support to the Minister and part of the negotiation team |
Ms ER Mailula |
Support staff |
Provided administrative support to the Deputy Director General |
Apart from the CSW/62 session there are international resolutions agreed upon on all sessions attended and negotiated upon, and are found on the web site of each conference/session.
Approved by the Minister on
17 September 2018 - NW2510
Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
Whether the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) experienced any delays in certifying the results of students who completed the General Education and Training Certificate: Adult Basic Education and Training currently known as Community Education and Training (CET) qualification (a) in the (i) 2016 and (ii) 2017 academic years and (b) since 1 January 2018; if so, in each case, what (aa) number of students were affected, (bb) were the reasons for the delays and (cc) number of the specified cases were resolved?
I have been informed by the SITA as follows:
(a) i) Yes
ii) Yes
(b) Data not available
aa) 2016: 30 533
2017: 43 235
2018: Data not available
bb) The system has recently been taken over from the Department of Basic Education in 2013 and is still being developed for full functionality to include ability to track delayed certification. SITA has recently embarked on a process to improve and strengthen the CET system functionality.
cc) The capability of the system is now being enhanced to improve reporting on subsequently resolved cases. Hence data on subsequent resolutions is currently unavailable.
Approved/ not approved
Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP
Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
17 September 2018 - NW1853
Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
What is the total number of houses that were given to recipients in each Municipality in 2017?
During the 2017/18 Financial Year, a total of 135 981 housing opportunities (made up of 49 935 serviced sites and 86 046 houses/units) were delivered through the Human Settlement Development Grant (HSDG) by the nine provincial departments in conjunction with their respective municipalities.
Of the total number of housing opportunities, 86 046 were new houses that were built across the various national housing programmes, including 3 041 social, rental, hostel and institutional subsidy units which are not given to beneficiaries but remain government (municipal) or institutional rental housing stock.
In addition, the Finance-Linked Individual Subsidy Programme (FLISP) achieved an output of 1 964 beneficiaries who received subsidies and were able to obtain mortgage loans for their houses.
In summary, 81 041 houses were built and allocated to qualifying beneficiaries or recipients. Please see link for Annexure A for a detailed breakdown of housing allocation in each province.
Recommended/not recommended
ANNEXURE A (PQ 1853): Houses Built for Approved Beneficiaries in 2017/18
See the link for Annexure A:
17 September 2018 - NW2595
Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
(1) (a) What is the total number of (i) deputy directors-general and (ii) chief directors that are employed in (aa) an acting and (bb) a permanent capacity in his department and (b) what is the total number of women in each case; (2) (a) what is the total number of (i) chief executive officers and (ii) directors of each entity reporting to him and (b) what is the total number of women in each case? NW2886E
I have been advised by the Department as follows:
1. The information provided is as per the staff establishment of the Department on 31 August 2018:
(a)(i) six (6)
(aa) two (2)
(bb) four (4)
(a)(ii) twenty nine (29)
(aa) two (2)
(bb) twenty seven (27)
(b)(i) four (4)
(aa) two (2)
(bb) two (2)
(b)(ii) twelve (12)
(aa) one (1)_
(bb) eleven (11)
(2) (a)(i) There are seven (7) Chief Executive Officers in the entities and none of them are women.
(ii) Number of directors of each entity |
(b) Total number of women |
Entity |
Non-executive directors |
Executive directors |
9 |
3 |
4 non-executive directors and 1 executive director |
6 |
3 |
3 non-executive directors and 0 executive director |
6 |
2 |
2 non-executive directors and 0 executive director |
5 |
2 |
2 non-executive directors and 0 executive director |
7 |
2 |
4 non-executive directors and 0 executive director |
10 |
2 |
4 non-executive directors and 1 executive director (CFO resigned) |
9 |
1 |
5 non-executive directors and 0 executive director |
Approved/ not approved
Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP
Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
14 September 2018 - NW2362
Gardee, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Finance
What amount has the State spent on private security services in the past three financial years with regard to (a) national level, (b) provincial level and (c) state-owned entities?
Security Services ________________________________
R0’00 |
2015/16 |
2016/17 |
2017/18 |
National Department |
821 465 |
842 129 |
986 303 |
Provincial |
3 981 127 |
4 437 223 |
5 087 146 |
State Owned Entities |
1 272 116 |
1 430 840 |
1 573 610 |
Total |
6 074 709 |
6 710 193 |
- these are general government unity not state owned operations
- 20% of this data is imputed
The table above shows the distribution of spending on private security services for the national and provincial spheres. Also included are state-owned entities, excluding the public corporations and other off-budget entities. On average national departments spent R0.9 billion over the last three years growing at an average of 9.6% per year, while provinces spent an average of R4.5 billion growing at 13% per year, and the public entities spent on average R1.4 billion growing at an average of 11.2% per year.
Total spent was R6.1 billion in 2015/16 rising to R7.65 billion in 2017/18. This is about 0.5% of total consolidated government spending.
14 September 2018 - NW2717
Mokgalapa, Mr S to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation
Whether the Government has a policy on the conditions and/or circumstances under which South Africa is willing to engage with perceived dictatorial leaders in Africa and beyond; if so, (a) do such leaders have to meet any requirements in order to enjoy the support of the Government and (b) did the Government take the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) refusal to permit Mr Moise Katumbi, an opposition party candidate, entry into the country into consideration while planning the President’s trip to the DRC, given that it posed an alleged fundamental threat to democratic processes in the DRC?
(a) At the heart of South Africa’s foreign policy since 1994 is the promotion of democracy, rule of law, good governance and observance of human rights. South Africa therefore conducts her bilateral relations with the countries on the Continent and beyond desiring to achieve these objectives.
(b) The Working Visit of the President to the DRC was part of his courtesy visit to the region since he assumed office. The purpose of such visits is to consult on bilateral cooperation and issues of common interest. The matter of Mr Katumbi was part of bilateral discussions during which the Government of the DRC explained their national legal requirements that prevented Mr Katumbi from registering in the national elections. The explanation was noted.
14 September 2018 - NW2464
Mokoena, Mr L to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture”
Does the government owe any artists for work that they have done; if so, in each case, (a) to whom is the money owed, (b) what is owed and (c) since what date was the money owed? NW2716E
The department owes some artists for the work done as detailed below:-
Artist / Beneficiary (a) |
Amount Owed (b) |
Reason for Owing (c) |
Keller Man Music |
R2,000,000.00 |
Keller Man Music applied to the Department to cover the shortfall of an international tour celebrating the life and legacy of President Mandela. This tour was part of highlighting and celebrating the centenary of President Mandela. The Department agreed to support the tour. As a normal practise that a company will provide a narrative and financial report before a transfer is processed. |
Boss Lady Trading |
R150,000.00 |
At the time the beneficiary was approved the company compliancy documentation such as entity forms had expired and this required that a resubmission to National Treasury of the company documents. |
Ms Keketso Semoko |
R220,000.00 |
The Department was charged with the responsibility to host the cultural programme of both the Chinese State visit and the BRICS Summit. The initial productions contracted had limitations in the planned showcasing of South African diverse cultures. As a result the Chine state visit performances were cancelled and focus was placed on the BRICS performances. This arrangement meant that new arts practitioners, service providers and new script designed to ensure the showcasing of South African diverse cultures. As a consequence some contracts of artists had to be renegotiated accordingly and this affected almost all preforming contracts of artists and payment schedules. |
Mr Gregory Maqoma |
R120,000.00 |
Vuyani Dance company |
R377,000.00 |
Ms Motlapula Makhate |
R30,000.00 |
Ms Lebo Mashile |
R50,000.00 |
Ms Mmabato Mogomotsi |
R35,000.00 |
Mr Volley Ntshabeleng |
R45,000.00 |
Ms Sibongile Notjila |
R20,000.00 |
14 September 2018 - NW2680
Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation
(a) What (i) number of bilateral agreements with other governments is the Government engaged in, (ii) are the names of the partner countries in each agreement and (iii) is the purpose of each agreement and (b) on what date was each agreement signed?
(a) & (b) Since 1994 the Government of the Republic of South Africa has signed 2029 bilateral agreements with other governments.
The names of the partner countries, purpose of the agreements and the dates that the agreements were signed are reflected in the texts of the agreements. This information is accessible on the DIRCO website,
14 September 2018 - NW2363
Gardee, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Finance
What is the total amount that the Government spent on (a) cleaning and (b) gardening services (i) nationally, (ii) provincially and (iii) in the state-owned entities in the 2017-18 financial year?
Cleaning and gardening services
Cleaning Services |
Gardening Services |
R0’00 |
2017/18 |
2017/18 |
National Department Provincial State Owned Entities |
153 333 767 050 661 179 |
32 276 215 651 175 349 |
Total |
1 581 762 |
423 277 |
- This include minor assets like shovels, mops etc.
- These are general government units not state owned
- 20% of this data is imputed
The table above shows the distribution of 2017/18 spending on cleaning and garden services for the national and provincial spheres. Also included are state-owned entities, excluding the public corporations and other off-budget entities. National departments spent R153.5 million on cleaning and R32.3 million on garden services, while provinces spent R767 million and R215.6 million, and the public entities R661.2 million and R175.3 million on these services respectively.
Total spent was R1.6 billion on cleaning and R423.3 million on garden services, which is about 0.1% and 0.03% of total consolidated government spending respectively.