Questions and Replies

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26 May 2015 - NW1463

Profile picture: Walters, Mr TC

Walters, Mr TC to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) How many invoices from private contractors to her department currently remain unpaid for longer than 30 days and (b) in each case, what (i) are the details of the (aa) contractor and (bb) services provided and (ii) what is the (aa) date of the invoice and (bb) reason why the invoice was not paid within 30 days? NW1676E(a) One invoice from a private contractor was unpaid for longer than 30 days, please refer to the attached list as Annexure A.(b) (i) (aa) Mediro Belay Management Services.(bb) The Department bought computer hardware systems and Laptops.(ii) (aa) 17 March 201 5.(bb) The invoice was not paid within 30 days because there were discrepancies on the invoice regarding the delivered items.Find here: Annexure


(a) One invoice from a private contractor was unpaid for longer than 30 days, please refer to the attached list as Annexure A.

(b) (i) (aa) Mediro Belay Management Services.

(bb) The Department bought computer hardware systems and Laptops.

(ii) (aa) 17 March 201 5.

(bb) The invoice was not paid within 30 days because there were discrepancies on the invoice regarding the delivered items.

Find here: Annexure

26 May 2015 - NW1746

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) How many immediate on-the-spot payments were made to road accident victims, via the Road Accident Fund's On the Road Campaign in each province in the (i) 201 1-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case (i) to whom were the payments made, (ii) what amount did each person get paid, (iii) who administered the payouts and (iv) who made the decision on what amount should be paid out?NW1964EReplyThe Road Accident Fund (RAF) (a) did not make any immediate on-the-spot payments to road accident victims, via the Road Accident Fund's On the Road Campaign in any of the provinces in (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) (i) no such payments were made to any person, (ii) no amount was paid to any person, (iii) no payouts were administered because none were made, and (iv) no decisions on what amount should be paid were taken as no such payments were made.


The Road Accident Fund (RAF) (a) did not make any immediate on-the-spot payments to road accident victims, via the Road Accident Fund's On the Road Campaign in any of the provinces in (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) (i) no such payments were made to any person, (ii) no amount was paid to any person, (iii) no payouts were administered because none were made, and (iv) no decisions on what amount should be paid were taken as no such payments were made.

26 May 2015 - NW1130

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What amount did (i) his department and (ii) state entities reporting to him spend on each newspaper subscription in each month (aa) in the (aaa) 2011-12, (bbb) 2012-13 and (ccc) 2013-14 financial years and (bb) during the period 1 April 2014 up to the latest specified date for which information is available and; (b) how many copies of each newspaper were ordered on each day of the week (i) in each specified financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2014 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?


Attached find here: (a) (i) The Department

26 May 2015 - NW1748

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport:

(a) Which (i) properties and (ii) buildings does the Road Accident Fund own and (b) in each case, (i) when were the (aa) properties and (bb) buildings acquired and (ii) what (aa) was the total purchase cost and (bb) were the total associated costs?


(a) The Road Accident Fund (RAF) does not own (title deeds registered in the name of the RAF) any properties (erven). Note that ownership of improvements (such as buildings) on properties is associated with the ownership of the property, and therefore the RAF does not own any buildings. The RAF has purchased the property on which its Menlyn office is situated, but the transfer of ownership has not yet occurred.

26 May 2015 - NW1743

Profile picture: Masango, Mr SJ

Masango, Mr SJ to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) With regard to the R1.1 billion allocated to the Moloto Corridor, what amount is allocated to (a) the upgrade of the R573 and (b) the Moloto railway project; (2) will both projects start simultaneously; if not, when will the (a) upgrade of the R573 and (b) railway project (i) start and (ii) be completed in each case; (3) has an environmental impact assessment been conducted with respect to the railway project? NW1961E


(1) (a) The full amount of R1.1 billion has been allocated over the next three years towards the upgrading of the R 573.

(b) No funding has been provided for the Moloto Rail Development Corridor.

(2) The upgrade of the R573 will commence before the railway project.

(a) (I) The upgrade of the R 573 will commence in the 2015/16 financial year.
(ii) The upgrade is planned to be concluded by 2017/18.

(b) (i) The Rail Project is a registered Public Private Partnership initiative that is currently in Treasury Approval 1 stage.

(ii) Should funding be approved, two years to finalise the detailed design and five years for the construction of the rail project.

(3) An Environmental due diligence has been undertaken as part of the Treasury Approval 1 feasibility process and no environmental fatal flaws has been found related to the railway project. A detailed Environmental Impact Assessment will be commissioned following Treasury Approval 1. approval, by National Treasury.

26 May 2015 - NW1744

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport:

What is the status of driving licence tenders? Question Number: 1744 Mr M S F de Freitas (DA) to ask the Minister of Transport:What is the status of driving licence tenders? NW1962EQuestion Answer:The Department does not have any driving licence tenders.


The Department does not have any driving licence tenders.

25 May 2015 - NW1626

Profile picture: Bhanga, Mr BM

Bhanga, Mr BM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1) What (a) is the entire budget and (b) amount was spent thus far on the renovation of the palaces of Mpumalanga's (i) King Makhosoke II and (ii) King Mabhoko; (2) what is the budget for the building of four new Traditional Council offices; (3) what (a) benefits did the royal households of Mpumalanga receive from the Government in the 2014-15 financial year and (b) is the rand values of these benefits? NW 1843E


(1) (a) The entire budget for the refurbishment was R 2 million.

(1) (b) An amount of R 2 million was spent on the renovations.

(i) For King MakhosokeII an amount of R 1 million was spent.

(ii) For King Mabhoko Ill an amount of R 1 million was spent.

(2) The budget for the construction of the Traditional Council offices was R10 million.

(3) The Honourable Member is requested to note that the Department does not provide any benefits to the royal households. The Provincial government budgets for administrative grants for traditional councils/king's council as well as funding for cultural events.

25 May 2015 - NW1672

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Ms N I Tarabella Marches1 (DA) to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs:

(1) With reference to his replies to question 939 on 14 April 2015 and question 953 on 14 April 2015, how does he reconcile the requirements of section 24 and 25 of the Municipal Demarcation Act, Act 27 of 1998, with his conclusion that the lkwezi Local Municipality should be merged with the Baviaans and Camdeboo municipalities?


(1) The response to question 953 clearly states that the request that was made to the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB) was done after consultation with the Eastern Cape Province.

Subsequent to receiving the request from the Minister, it is the prerogative of the MDB to apply the provisions of sections 24 and 25 of the Municipal Demarcation Act when determining or redetermining municipal boundaries.

The final assessment and decision on any determination or redetermination of municipal boundaries rests with the MDB, and neither the Ministry nor the Department has any legislative authority to make any decision in this regard.

20 May 2015 - NW1673

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) What (a) educator training centers exist in each (i) province and (ii) district, (b) are the details of all training courses offered at each specified centre, including the (i) target market, (ii) duration and (iii) frequency of each specified course and (c) are the details, including qualifications, of the trainers or facilitators employed or contracted at each training center to conduct courses; (2) Whether the operation of all training centers resides under the provincial departments of education. (3) (a) Which (i) training centers and (ii) training programmes are accredited by the South African Council for Educators (SACE) and (b)(i) why are some training centers and programmes not accredited by SACE and (ii) what does she intend to do to rectify this situation; (4) How does she ensure that training programmes offered by each training center are appropriate, based on departmental priorities and the specific needs of educators served by the center; (5) (a) How does she ensure that each educator (i) attends the requisite amount of hours of training aimed at professional development, (ii) attends appropriate training, based on what the educator teaches and what the educator's development needs are, (b) how does she measure the effectiveness of each training intervention and (c) what action is taken when it is determined that any training intervention is (i) entirely or largely ineffective, or (ii) particularly effective, in improving learner outcomes?


Attached find here: REPLIES

20 May 2015 - NW1603

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) Whether, with reference to her reply to question 309 on 4 March 2014. All teacher vacancies in Eastern Cape schools have been filled as she envisaged they would be by the end of the first school quarter; if not, (a) why not and (b) as at the start of the second quarter in respect of each district. how many vacancies existed at the level of (i) principal. (ii) deputy principal, (iii) head of department and (iv) post level I teachers; (2) in respect of each district since 4 February 2015. how many (a) vacancies have been filled through the utilisation of (i) teachers previously in excess of the establishment. (ii) Funza Lushaka bursars, (iii) temporary teachers. (iv) new graduates who were not Funza Lushaka bursars and/or (v) other sources: (3) (a) what are the relevant details of the shortage of(i) Afrikaans teachers and (ii) SeSotho teachers. identified for each educator level in respect of each district and (b) what measures are implemented to address the identified shortages; (4) (a) how many Funza Lushaka bursars assigned to the Eastern Cape in 2014 were not placed in 2014. (b) why were the specified bursars not placed and (c) whether these bursars are now free of their contractual obligations: (5) (a) how many (i) Funza Lushaka bursars have been assigned to the Eastern Cape in 2015, including any allocation rolled over from 2014 and (ii) have been placed in substantive posts and (b) what strategy exists to ensure the placement of the entire allocation? NW1820E


Find here: Reply

20 May 2015 - NW1553

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Basic Education

( 1 ) What number of Grade 11 learners in each district (a) progressed to Grade 12 in terms of the fail-once-per-phase policy at the end of the (i) 2013 and (ii) 2014 academic years and (b) who progressed to Grade 12 failed (i) 2 subjects. (ii) 3 subjects, (iii) 4 subjects. (iv) 5 subjects and (v) more than 5 subjects at the end of the (aa) 2013 and (bb) 2014 academic years: (2) what number of Grade 11 learners in each district who progressed to Grade 12 at the end of the 2013 academic year passed the National Senior Certificate examinations (a) at the end of2014 (3) whether any province arranged (a) Easter camps and/or (b) other targeted interventions aimed specifically at learners who have been progressed to Grade 12: if so. (i) which (aa) provinces and/or (bb) districts. (ii) what is the nature of the interventions that (aa) have taken and (bb) will still take place. (iii) what is the cost of each intervention which has been planned and (iv) how will the impact of such interventions be measured: (4) (a) what total number of submissions were received in response to the call for written submissions from stakeholder bodies and members of the public on the Draft Amendment Regulations Pertaining to the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12. published in the Government Gazette 38225 on 19 November 2014. (b) from whom have the submissions emanated. (c) what portion of the submissions made reference to promotion requirements and (d)(i) what steps will she take with respect to these submissions and (ii) when will she lake these steps? NW1764E


Find here Response

19 May 2015 - NW1703

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Transport

(1) What is the revenue that was generated in each month by the e-tolling system since the day it was switched on until the latest specified date for which information is available; (2) what is the monthly revenue required to run the e-tolling system at a profit; (3) what are the respective monthly expenses that have to be paid by the monthly revenue from the day the e-tolling system was switched on until the latest specified date for which information is available; (4) how many e-tags were registered in each month since the day the system was switched on until the latest specified date for which information is available; (5) how many e-tags were deregistered in each month since the day the system was switched on until the latest specified date for which information is available? NW1924E AssemblyQuestion Number: 1703Adv A de W Alberts (FF Plus) to ask the Minister of Transport:(1) What is the revenue that was generated in each month by the e-tolling system since the day it was switched on until the latest specified date for which information is available;(2) what is the monthly revenue required to run the e-tolling system at a profit;(3) what are the respective monthly expenses that have to be paid by the monthly revenue from the day the e-tolling system was switched on until the latest specified date for which information is available;(4) how many e-tags were registered in each month since the day the system was switched on until the latest specified date for which information is available;(5) how many e-tags were deregistered in each month since the day the system was switched on until the latest specified date for which information is available? NW1924EREPLY: (1) The following graphs indicate the actual cash received (1) as well as the expected I forecasted revenue (2) per month.Attached find here: GFIP Toll Receipts Actual vs Forecast Rmillion


(1) The following graphs indicate the actual cash received (1) as well as the expected I forecasted revenue (2) per month.

Attached find here: GFIP Toll Receipts Actual vs Forecast Rmillion

19 May 2015 - NW1600

Profile picture: Dudley, Ms C

Dudley, Ms C to ask the Minister of Transport

(1) What arrangement does her department have with certain companies (names furnished) with regard to the decryption key for the barcode on driving licences; (2) do the specified companies own the decryption keys; if not, who owns the keys; (3) can other entities acquire a similar arrangement as the specified companies and get access to the decryption key; if so, what are the relevant details? W1816E


(1) To our knowledge, there is no agreement(s) which the Department has with any Security Company regarding the decryption key for the barcode on driving licences;

(2) The decryption keys are the property of the state under Department of Transport.

(3) So far as we are aware, the Department of Transport does not have any arrangements security companies

18 May 2015 - NW1675

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to the Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Development Initiative school building project in Lephalale, (a) when was the Sedibeng School for Children with Special Educational Needs projected to be completed, (b) what are the reasons for delaying the opening, (c) when will this school open for learners, (d) what was the contract value for this project and (e) who was the contractor of the project?


a) The completion of Sedibeng School for Children with Special Education Needs was planned for I0 December 2014. However, practical completion was achieved on 10 December 2011. The school was ready for occupation for the new school year.
b) The completion of a new school always brings a surge of interest and on post construction the school advised that enrolment was likely to increase. The Principal, on advice of the Circuit Manager. was unwilling to move into the Sedibeng School for Children with Special Education Needs with what he considered to be insufficient furniture. in anticipation of the increased enrolment. This necessitated the generation of a variation order to procure additional furniture and other sundry items for the hostels.

Furniture had been procured and delivered according to the enrolment figures at project inception. In light of this. the Department decided to provide the additional furniture and sundry items as per the school's request. The expected delivery of the additional furniture and the items requested is expected to be concluded by the end of May 2015.

c) The school is ready for learners. As soon as the additional furniture and sundry items requested are delivered, the principal can take occupation.

d) The contract value was R39.487 092.00.
e) The contractor appointed was Marnolda Building and Civil Contractors.

18 May 2015 - NW1676

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) How many (a) departmental employees and (b) family members of departmental employees received tender awards and/or contracts from the province or municipality during the period that the Limpopo Department of Education was placed under section 100(1)(b) administration from December 2011 until 2015; (2) (a) how many of these employees were (i) teachers and (ii) principals and (b) in each case, (i) under which supplier name did these employees do business with the state, (ii) what was the amount of each tender award and/or contract and (iii) what actions were taken against these employees?


The Limpopo Education Department has been requested to provide information, once this is received it will be provided.

15 May 2015 - NW1606

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) Whether she is aware of a report of the assault on two learners by a teacher at a secondary school in Tembisa on the East Rand, which went viral on social media in the week of 13 to 17 April 2015: if so. (2) what (a) are the details of' the assault. (b) action was taken by (i) officials of the Gauteng provincial department of education and (ii) other organs of state subsequent to the assault and (c) is the current status of the assault allegation? NWIS23E


(1) Whether she is aware of a report of the assault on two learners by a teacher at a secondary school in Tembisa on the East Rand. which went viral on social media in the week of 13 to 17 .April 2015; if so,

(1) (a) Yes. the Gauteng Department of' Education is aware of the report.

(2) what (a) are the details of' the assault. (b) action was taken by (i) officials of the Gauteng provincial department of education and (ii) other organs of state subsequent to the assault and (c) is the current status of the assault allegation?

(2) (a) An educator assaulted the learner and used vulgar language against the learner.

(b)(i) The educator has been placed on precautionary transfer, pending the disciplinary proceedings: and

(ii) It is currently not clear whether other organs of state have taken any action against the educator.

(c) Yes. the investigation has been completed and the educator will be served with charges regarding the alleged assault and the use of vulgar language

08 May 2015 - NW1450

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Women

(a) How many invoices from private contractors to her department currently remains unpaid for longer than 30 day and (b) in each case, what (i) are the details of the (aa) contractor and (bb) services provided and (ii) what is the (aa) date of the invoice and (bb) reason why the invoice was not paid within 30 days? NW1663E


(a) The department does not have any invoices from private contractors currently unpaid for longer than 30 days.

(b) Not applicable.


Approved by the Minister on
Date: 6/05/2015

08 May 2015 - NW1151

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Women

(a) How many sick leave days were taken by employees of her department in 2013-14 financial year and (b) what was the total cost thereof in rands ? NW1351E


Refer to the Department’s Annual Report.

Approved by the Minister on
Date: 6/05/2015

08 May 2015 - NW1380

Profile picture: Steenhuisen, Mr JH

Steenhuisen, Mr JH to ask the Minister in The Presidency: Women

(a) What number of (i) financial, (ii) forensic and/or (iii) other investigations that were commissioned by her department have been completed since 1 April 2013 and (b) in each case, what are the relevant details on the (i) investigation including a synopsis of the facts and findings of each case, (ii) persons or third parties responsible for each investigation, (iii) total cast to date of each investigation and (iv) appropriate steps taken against officials and third parties implicated of wrongdoing in the findings of the investigations? NW1592E


(a) Not applicable

Approved by the Minister on
Date: 2015/05/06

08 May 2015 - NW1081

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Women

What amount did (a) her department and (b) entities reporting to her spend on advertising in the New Age newspaper in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years? NW1246E


(a) The department spent the following amounts on advertising in The New Age newspaper:

(i) Not applicable
(ii) Not applicable
(iii) 2013-14 – no expenditure incurred.


Approved by the Minister on
Date: 6/05/2015

08 May 2015 - NW1116

Profile picture: McGluwa, Mr JJ

McGluwa, Mr JJ to ask the Minister in the Presidency: Women

(a) What amount did (i) her department and (ii) state entities reporting to her spend on each newspaper subscription in each month (aa) in the (aaa) 2011-12, (bbb) 2012-13 and (ccc) 2013-14 financial year and (bb) during the period 1 April 2014 up to the latest specified date for which information is available and (b) how many copies of each newspaper were ordered on each day of the week (i) in each specified financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2014 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?


(a) (i) Not applicable
(ii) Not applicable

(aaa) Not applicable
(bbb) Not applicable

(bb) Not applicable

(b) Not applicable

(i) Not applicable
(ii) Not applicable


Approved by the Minister on
Date: 6/05/2015

04 May 2015 - NW1414

Profile picture: McLoughlin, Mr AR

McLoughlin, Mr AR to ask the Mr A R McLoughlin (DA) to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency:

Does her department have a Regulatory Burden Reduction strategy in place; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the strategy? NW1627E


No, the department does not administer legislation that has a regulatory obligation and therefore, it has not developed a strategy to reduce a regulatory burden.

Approved by the Minister on
Date: 24/04/2015

14 April 2015 - NW977

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Health

(a) How many government hospitals in, (i) Namaqualand and (ii) Kleinzee were closed in the past five financial years, and in each case, what is the (aa) name, (bb) location and (cc) reason for the closure of each specified hospital?


(i) In Namakwa there are 2 district hospitals; Dr van Niekerk Hosp in Springbok and Abraham Esau Hosp in Calvinia. No public hospital was closed in the Namakwa District during the past 10 or more years.

(ii) Kleinzee Hospital is a private facility owned by De Beers Mining Company and was closed due to the down scaling of the mining activities in Kleinzee.

(aa) - (bb) The Department has no record of any Government Hospitals that have closed in Namaqualand nor in Kleinzee.

(cc) The only Hospital in Namakwa or in Kleinzee that closed in the past 5 years is the Private Hospital which is still owned by De Beers. In this regard there is an engagement process for the facility to be donated to the Northern Cape Department of Health.

The facility was closed due to De Beers scaling down their operations and moving their staff to other business units across SA and Southern Africa.

14 April 2015 - NW617

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Health:

Whether he has a plan to address the quality of dental care offered to the poor; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?



1. The Department is currently providing school primary preventive oral health programmes to Quintile 1 and 2 schools in collaboration with the Department of Basic Education, as part of the Integrated School Health Programme (ISHP). The services consist of:

a. Dental screening;
b. Oral health education;
c. Tooth brushing sessions;
d. Tooth fissure sealant applications; and
e. Basic treatment services.

2. The Department has purchased Mobile Dental Clinics, equipped with dental equipment and instruments, for the NHI pilot districts, to provide oral health services to children at schools and areas that are difficult to reach. This serves to improve access to services to communities that are poor.

3. The Department conducts quarterly visits to facilities in districts and provinces to assess the quality of oral health services that are used by the poor. Reports with recommendations are then sent to relevant provinces to take remedial action where necessary. Such exercises help to improve quality of oral health services.

4. The Ideal Clinic initiative aims to include and improve oral health services at Primary Health Care Level by ensuring availability of appropriate infrastructure, equipment and human resources to render quality oral health services.

5. Placement of Community Service Dentists in rural areas and also to areas where there were no oral health services have increased and therefore the access to oral services has increased to poor communities.


14 April 2015 - NW711

Profile picture: Atkinson, Mr P

Atkinson, Mr P to ask the Minister of Health:

Does his department have any plans in place to convert the Lenasia South Community Centre into a 24-hour hospital; if not, are there any other plans in place for a 24-hour health facility in Lenasia; if so, when is such conversion set to take place?



There are plans to upgrade the Lenasia South Community Health Centre into a 250 bedded district hospital. These plans are still in the design phase.

In the mean time there are plans to have seventy six (76) step down beds activated in the Community Health Center and a 24 hour casualty and an emergency service.

The project for the step down beds is at an advanced stage and it is planned that the patients will be admitted by 01 June 2015.

Minor renovations are currently underway in the casualty and emergency area.

It is envisaged that provision of 24 hour emergency services will thus commence on 01 October 2015.


12 April 2015 - NW714

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Ms D Kohler (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works:

(1) Of all the different properties leased to his department, (a) which top ten (i) companies and/or (ii) persons lease the specified properties to his department and (b) where are each of the specified properties situated; (2) for each of the specified properties, (a) which department(s) is currently occupying the properties, (b) what is the rental price per square meter and (c) what is the total size of each property?


The Minister of Public Works

(1) (a) (i) and (ii) below is a list of the top 10 landlords that the Department of Public Works is leasing property from. The landlords are classified as being in the top 10 in terms of cost to the Department and the number of properties leased (see Annexure A).

The landlords are as follows:

    1. Delta Property Fund
    2. Redefine Properties Limited
    3. Rebosis Property Fund Limited
    4. Encha Properties Trust (PTY) Ltd.
    5. JHI Properties (PTY) Ltd.
    6. Tacora Investments (PTY) Ltd.
    7. Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs Inc.
    8. Summermania Seven (PTY) Ltd.
    9. Mergence Africa Property Investments
    10. Premium Properties Ltd.

(1) (b) Please refer to the attached Annexure (B).

(2) (a), (b) and (c) Please refer to the attached Annexure (A and B).

09 April 2015 - NW945

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) How many learners in each province are current repeating (a) Grade 9, (b) Grade 10 and (c) Grade 11; (2) what remedial assistance has her department developed to assist learners who with progress to (a) Grade 10, (b) Grade 11 and (c) Grade 12 without having met the promotion requirements? NW1103


1. (a) (b) (c) The sector is currently finalizing the data for the repeating learners with will be available by April 2015. For the 2015 academic year, provinces are are expecting to submit by the end of October 2015, according to Government Gazette 29757. However, the sector is able to provide the requested data for 2012 and 2013.



Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11


17 675

33 931

33 267


18 019

20 063

11 616


23 133

45 120

22 942


5 858

9 286

8 022


50 514

61 641

38 903


16 076

26 310

19 776


4 518

6 017

4 220


11 054

17 548

9 325


14 832

12 587

6 944

Source: EMIS 2013



Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11


18 675

36 264

31 191

Attached please find here: 2013 REPEATING LEARNERS continued

02 April 2015 - NW1122

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of State Security

(a) What amount did (i) his department and (ii) state entities reporting to him spend on each newspaper subscription in each month (aa) in the (aaa) 2011-12, (bbb) 2012-13 and (ccc) 2013-1 4 financial years and (bbb) during the period 1 April 2014 up to the latest specified date for which information is available and (b) how many copies of each newspaper were ordered on each day of the week (i) in each specified financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2014 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?


(a) The State Security Agency (SSA) spent the following amounts on newspapers:

Attached please find here: Financial Year Amount

27 March 2015 - NW898

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of State Security:

What amount was spent by (a) his department and (b) state entities reporting to him on (i) tickets and (ii) sponsorships on The New Age Breakfast Briefings for the last three financial years?


(a) None
(b) None
(i) None
(ii) None

24 March 2015 - NW576

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport:

National AssemblyQuestion Number: 576Mu C H K Hunsinger (DAJ to ask the Minister of Transport: Are official forms being (i) photocopied and (ii) supplied to the public at various licensing offices; if so, why, (b) since when have such forms been supplied to the public, (c) what has been the cost of photocopying these forms and (d) what are the costs of photocopying these forms for each province? NW656EReply (a) i. The National Road Traffic Act (NRTA) forms as published in the schedule of forms (volume 1) are the only forms approved for use at DLTC's, vehicle testing stations and registering authorities. Published forms should not be copied for use at the Registering Authorities and all other vehicle and licencing centres in South Africa.ii. Yes, when a member of public visits our various licensing offices they are provided with only the approved and published forms as per the NRTA and there should not be any copies provided to the public.(b) Since the implementation relating to road traffic management.(c) Department of Transport is not aware of any photocopying of the forms and the costs related thereto.(d) Falls away


(a) i. The National Road Traffic Act (NRTA) forms as published in the schedule of forms (volume 1) are the only forms approved for use at DLTC's, vehicle testing stations and registering authorities. Published forms should not be copied for use at the Registering Authorities and all other vehicle and licencing centres in South Africa.

ii. Yes, when a member of public visits our various licensing offices they are provided with only the approved and published forms as per the NRTA and there should not be any copies provided to the public.

(b) Since the implementation relating to road traffic management.

(c) Department of Transport is not aware of any photocopying of the forms and the costs related thereto.

(d) Falls away

24 March 2015 - NW754

Profile picture: Masango, Mr SJ

Masango, Mr SJ to ask the Minister of Transport:

On what date was (a) the current Director of the SA Civil Authority appointed, (b) National Assembly notified of such an appointment and (c) from what dale was the position filled in an acting capacity?


(a) The information is surely available on the annual reports but, Ms Poppy Khoza was appointed as the Director of Civil Aviation by the Minister of Transport with effect from 1 December 2013.

(b) Cabinet approved the appointment of Ms Khoza at its cabinet meeting of 20 November 2013.

(c) Ms Poppy Khoza was appointed by the Minister of Transport as the Acting Director from Z November 2012 until 30 October 2013,

(d) Mr Gawie Bestbier was appointed as Acting Director of Civil Aviation from 31 October 2013 up to 30 November 2013.


24 March 2015 - NW414

Profile picture: Mubu, Mr KS

Mubu, Mr KS to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What gauge will be used on the Moloto Rail Corridor Development Initiative and (b) how will this be integrated into the existing rail system?


(a) The Department of Transport has, as pail of a Public Private Partnership initiative -Treasury Approval 1 process, concluded a feasibility study on the Moloto Rail Development Corridor in October 2014. The operational due diligence has identified two possible gauge variations being Standard and Cape gauge. The optimized rail option has recommended Cape Gauge as the preferred gauge to be used for the Moloto Rail Corridor.

(b) The Cape Gauge technology will integrate seamlessly with the existing rail system, which will be able Po distribute 84% of passengers to within walking distance of their destinations in Tshwane.

24 March 2015 - NW573

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Mr M S F de Freitas (DA) to ask the Minister of Transport:

What revenue has been collected from foreign vehicles using the e-toll roads at border posts, through (a) the Cross Border Agency revenue has been collected from foreign vehicles using the e-toll roads at border posts, through (a) the Cross Border Agency, (b) any other agency or (c) the sale of e-toil Day Pass tags in each month since the inception of e-tolls? NW653EReply (a) (b)SANRAL is not currently collecting any revenue through any 3rd party agency at the border posts. As indicated previously, foreign vehicles have the same obligation to pay toll as any other vehicle using the GFlP roads. Currently 14 741 foreign vehicles are registered on the SANRAL toll system.(c) Not applicable


(a) (b)
SANRAL is not currently collecting any revenue through any 3rd party agency at the border posts. As indicated previously, foreign vehicles have the same obligation to pay toll as any other vehicle using the GFlP roads. Currently 14 741 foreign vehicles are registered on the SANRAL toll system.

(c) Not applicable

24 March 2015 - NW413

Profile picture: Mubu, Mr KS

Mubu, Mr KS to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) With reference to the S'hamba Sonke Dedicated Road Maintenance Fund, (a) what is the total allocations for each year over the proposed three-year period for which the fund is intended to run, (b) what are the (i) names of the (aa) implementing authorities and (bb) subcontractors of these authorities and (c) what is the total number of jobs which are expected to be created; (2) whether the funding to the provinces is in addition to the funds annually budgeted for out of the provinces' equitable share; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (3) whether her department has put in place (a) criteria for accessing and prioritising these funds and (b) any monetary mechanisms to ensure effective spending; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (4) whether she has been informed of any province which has appropriated funds from the conditional grants of the S'hamba Sonke Dedicated Road Maintenance Fund outside their intended purposes; if not, (i) what is the position in this regard; if so, (ii) what are the relevant details in each case?


(1) (a) The S'hamba Sonke Program is funded through the Provincial Road Maintenance Grant (PRMG). The 201 5 Division of Revenue Bill allocates the PRMG fund amounting to R9.952 billion, R10.291 billion and R10.807 billion for the 2015/16, 2016117 and 201718 financial years respectively (the current MTEF).

(b) (i) (aa) All nine provinces are the Receiving Officers (RO) of the grant and therefore Implementing Authorities of the grant.

(bb) In the case of Limpopo, the Roads Agency Limpopo is sub-contracted to execute some of the capital works implementation whereas SANRAL also assists willing provinces through a Service Level Agreement (SLA).

(c) There are approximately 223 295, 234 460 and 246 183 work opportunities to be created for the 2015/16, 2016/19 and 2017/18 financial years respectively (the current MTEF).

(ii) Although no funding from the conditional grants of the S'hamba Sonke Dedicated Programme has been misappropriated there has been deviations which have been approved within the conditions set out in the Grant framework. When the Infrastructure Grant to Provinces was reconfigured to the PRMG.

24 March 2015 - NW478

Profile picture: Singh, Mr N

Singh, Mr N to ask the Minister of Transport:

With reference to her reply to oral question 261 on 31 October 2014, can she (a) provide an update regarding the intended date for the completion of discussions and consultations with provinces in respect of the standardisation of motor vehicle licensing fees and (b) advise as lo when she will make a statement on this matter?


a) The Department through its Inter-Provincial Policies and Procedures (IPPP) forum has developed a proposed "Fees Model" together with Provinces. There still needs to be discussions with the National Treasury on the proposed Model.

The Provinces submitted the model to their Provincial Treasuries to conduct an assessment of the financial implications. The Provinces whose fees were higher in a particular category of motor vehicles were supposed to decrease their fees or to perhaps not increase those fees for a certain period. So that other Provinces whose fees were lesser will be able to stabilize/catch up with Provinces whose fees were higher.

This has a huge financial implication on the own revenue generated by the Provinces and Local Authorities, therefore it is critical that the National Treasury should give guidance on the proposed model.

b) Once National Treasury has agreed and given its approval and the IPPP has reviewed the response, a statement will be made

24 March 2015 - NW434

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1) With reference to his reply to question 2663 on 9 December 2014, what are the names and relevant details of each of the 164 specific and individual projects the national skills fund supported in the 2013-14 financial year; (2) what was the (a) budget and (b) amount spent in each case; (3) in each specified case, (a) what (i) detailed predetermined set of objectives were the applications judged against and (ii) individual targets were (aa) set and (bb) met for each project and (b)(i) what are the details of the (aa) expenditure monitored and (bb) surpluses returned in each specified case and (ii) how was overspending dealt with; (4) were the projects audited; if so, in each specified case for each of the 164 specific and individual projects what (a) were the findings of the audit, (b) were the recommendations and (c) actions has he taken in this regard? NATIONAL ASSEMBLYFOR WRITTEN REPLYQUESTION 434DATE OF PUBLICATION OF INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: 27/02/2015 (INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER 04 OF 2015) Prof B Bozzoli (DA) to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training:(1) With reference to his reply to question 2663 on 9 December 2014, what are the names and relevant details of each of the 164 specific and individual projects the national skills fund supported in the 2013-14 financial year;(2) what was the (a) budget and (b) amount spent in each case;(3) in each specified case, (a) what (i) detailed predetermined set of objectives were the applications judged against and (ii) individual targets were (aa) set and (bb) met for each project and (b)(i) what are the details of the (aa) expenditure monitored and (bb) surpluses returned in each specified case and (ii) how was overspending dealt with;(4) were the projects audited; if so, in each specified case for each of the 164 specific and individual projects what (a) were the findings of the audit, (b) were the recommendations and (c) actions has he taken in this regard? NW510EREPLY:(1) and (2) The attached list comprises of the names, relevant details, budget and amount spent on each of the 164 projects supported by the National Skills Fund in the 2013/14 financial year.(3) and (4) Please refer to my response to question 2663


(1) and (2) The attached list comprises of the names, relevant details, budget and amount spent on each of the 164 projects supported by the National Skills Fund in the 2013/14 financial year.

(3) and (4) Please refer to my response to question 2663

23 March 2015 - NW756

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport:

Based on information available by Al A1 Jazeera in the spy Cable: Decoded, have any investigation been undertaken with regard to the theft of pilot exams for the SA Civil Aviation Authority, if so, (a) when did such investigations (i) commence and (ii) end. (b) who conducted these investigations, (c) what were the findings and results of these investigations and (d)(i) what charges were brought and (ii) against whom were such charges brought?


Yes there were investigations conducted. (a) The investigations (i) commenced early in 2007 (ii) investigations ended on 24m October 2008. (b) Investigations were conducted by Ernst & Young. (c) Findings and results - Two employees of SACAA were involved in selling examination papers and answers (d) (i) As a result of the investigation, SACAA instituted disciplinary actions against these two employees "Examination Officers" who were charged with misconduct in that they "overrode IT systems, thereby breaching established examination processes" and failed to secure their logon details which allowed unauthorised access to the examination system. (ii) The names of the two employees are Mr Alec Mnisi and Ms Nancy Mashamaite.

23 March 2015 - NW572

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Mr M S F de Freitas (DA) to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) Which provinces have computerised learner licensing systems, (b) what processes are in place to ensure that such systems are of a high standard, (c) what (i) amount has been spent for each licencing station in each province on these Systems are inception on the (aa) initial phase and (bb) maintenance and (ii) are the tender specifications in each province and (d) when were such systems implemented?


a) The Province of KwaZulu Natal is using a Pro License computerised learners licence system in all their Driving License Testing Centres: Western Cape and Eastern Cape each have 3 Computerized Learners License Test, Limpopo, North West, Northern Cape, Mpumalanga and Free State have two sites per province. Gauteng has about 20 sites that uses eNaTIS computerized Learners License Test and all this are currently pilots sites.

b) The system was designed in terms of the current K53 Motor Vehicle Driving License Manuals. She system randomly select questions from a pool of 1 500 questions that an applicant for a learners license must answer. The sequence of the question and their answers are not similar in a particular test.

c) (i) (aa) The setting up cost is R 900 00 per site.

(bb) A year's maintenance is included in the initial setting up costs listed above

(ii) The Computerised Learners License Test is a module within the eNaTIS system d) The roll out of the system started around 2011/2012 financial years to date

The roll out of the system around 2011/12 financial year to date.

23 March 2015 - NW757

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport:

How many summons have been filed against the SA Civil Aviation Authority (SACCAA) in the (i) 2011- 2012, (ii) 2012-2013 and (iii) 2013-2014 financial years, (b) what is the nature of each summons, (c) what are the details of the summons against the SACCA Certification Department and (e) at what stage is each of these summonses?


No summons has been filed against the SA Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) for (i) 2011/2012; (ii) 2012/2013; and (iii) 201312014 financial years. (b) NIA, (c) no summons were received against the SACAA Certification Department and (e) N/A

23 March 2015 - NW863

Profile picture: McLoughlin, Mr AR

McLoughlin, Mr AR to ask the Minister of State Security:

(1) Whether his department or the entities reporting to him provides any type of sponsorships; if not, what is his department's position in this regard; if so, (a) what are the details of each sponsorship, (b) what is the value of each sponsorship, (c) when were each of these sponsorship deals undertaken and (d) when will each of the sponsorship deals end; (2) Whether his department or any of the entities reporting to him intends to enter into any type of sponsorship deal or contract in the (a) 2015-16 and (b) 2016-17 financial years; if not, why not,; if so, (i) with whom will each sponsorship deal or contract be made, (ii) what will the terms of each of the sponsorship deals or contracts be, (iii) when will each of the sponsorship deals or contracts (aa) commence and (bb) end and (iv) what is the value of each of the sponsorship deals or contracts?


(1) No, due to the nature of our mandate
(a) Not Applicable
(b) Not Applicable
(c) Not Applicable

(d) Not Applicable

(2) No due to the nature of our mandate
(a) Not Applicable
i. Not Applicable
ii. Not Applicable
iii. Not Applicable
iv. Not Applicable
v. Not Applicable

23 March 2015 - NW739

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of State Security:

1 Whether his department is conducting an investigation into the leak of the so-called spy cables involving the State Security Agency; if not, why not; if so, (a) who is responsible for conducting the investigation, (b) what is the (i) purpose and (ii) scope of the investigation and (c) what is the duration of the investigation; (2) Whether he will make the (a) findings and/or (b) recommendations of the investigation public; if not, why not; if so, when?


(1) Yes

(a) A multi-disciplinary barn lead by the Director-General of the State Security Agency.

(b) A full investigation has been launched into the purported leakage, its veracity and verification will be handled in terms of the protocols governing the management of classified information

(c) An investigation is currently underway and the Joint Standing Committee an intelligence (JSCI) has been briefed.

(2) The findings of the Investigation will be made available to the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence (JSCI). The SSA will do all in its power to expedite the investigation and to identify and act against those responsible for this serious act of security breach against the Agency and the Republic of South Africa.