Questions and Replies

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10 April 2017 - NW602

Profile picture: Steyn, Ms A

Steyn, Ms A to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries QUESTION

(a) Since his reply to question 2366 on 8 November 2016, what is the total number of boreholes has his department (i) drilled and/or installed, (ii) refurbished and/or (iii) equipped, (b) what was the cost, (c) from which departmental (sub) programme was the expenditure funded, (d) to which companies were contracts related to the specified borehole activities awarded and (e) what is the location of the specified boreholes?


  1. The total number of boreholes.
  2. The department drilled 120 boreholes
  3. A total of 175 boreholes have been refurbished to date
  4. A total of 204 boreholes have been equipped by the department
  5. The overall cost of boreholes was R 51 448 769.00
  6. The cost was funded through Comprehensive Agriculture Support Programme (CASP), Prevention Mitigation Disaster Risk (PMDR) and Drought Scheme
  7. The companies who were awarded the borehole activities are listed below.







North West



R 2 916 177.00


Trading and Projects




R 1 410 103.00

Intellicomp (Pty) Ltd



Drought scheme

R 19 800 000.00

Free State


PMDR (31)

Drought scheme (4)

R 7 666 000.00

PMDR (31)– Iceburg Trading and Quality Commercial Trading

Etsho Engineers & Rekgonne Community Projects



Drought scheme

R 2 400 000.00

Dynamic Integrated Geohydro Environment CC



Drought scheme

R 17 266 592.20



R 51 448 769.00

  1. The location of the boreholes is illustrated in the spreadsheet with GPS coordinates and/or names of the farms/areas.

10 April 2017 - NW945

Profile picture: Mbabama, Ms TM

Mbabama, Ms TM to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)Whether there is any position of (a) chief executive officer, (b) chief financial officer and/or (c) chief operating officer that is currently vacant in each entity reporting to her; if so, (i) how long has each specified position been vacant and (ii) what is the reason for each vacancy; (2) have the vacancies been advertised; if so, (a) were interviews done and (b) on what date will the vacancies be filled; (3) (a) what is the total number of persons who are currently employed in the specified positions in an acting capacity, (b) for what period has each person been acting in each position and (c) has any of the specified persons applied for the positions?


Not applicable.


Approved by the Minister on


10 April 2017 - NW908

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the SA Maritime Safety Authority has any debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more; if so, (a) what (i) are the details of the debts, (ii) are the reasons for non-payment in each case, (b) on what date will each debt be settled and (c) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made on time?


a) (i) and (a) (ii)



Supplier Name

Amount Over 30 Days





1. WorldSport South Africa

R 2 053 332

The amount was the subject of a dispute with the supplier. The supplier has since agreed to

payments in 6 monthly instalments following the resolution of a dispute.




2. PNN Ship Suppliers and Logistics

R 1 752 276

Supplier payment is effected upon receiving funding from the Department of Fisheries and Forestry. This occurs at quarterly intervals upon which all outstanding supplier invoices are cleared. The next payment run will occur in April/May 2017.




3. Lloyd's Register EMEA

R 965 000

Supplier payment is done bi-annually. The next payment will be made in June 2017.




4. Microsoft Ireland Operations

R 239 812

Supplier payment is effected upon receiving funding from the Department of Fisheries and Forestry. This occurs at quarterly intervals upon which all outstanding supplier invoices are cleared. The next payment run will occur in April/May 2017.

Supplier Name

Amount Over 30 Days


5. Only Orange Electrical CC

R 307 865

Supplier payment is effected upon receiving funding from the Department of Fisheries and Forestry. This occurs at quarterly intervals upon which all outstanding supplier invoices are cleared. The next payment run will occur in April/May 2017.




6. Viking Life Saving Equipment

R 160 616

Supplier payment is effected upon receiving funding from the Department of Fisheries and Forestry. This occurs at quarterly intervals upon which all outstanding supplier invoices are cleared. The next payment run will occur in April/May 2017.


R 5 478 901


b) All the invoices will be settled in the current financial year (2017/18). A mentioned above, the main reason for the bulk of the long outstanding invoices is SAMSAs cash flow situation which resulted in delays in supplier payments with some of the suppliers, particularly the major suppliers, agreeing on structured payment plans. The financial situation is improving which will lead to most, if not all, suppliers over 30 days old being brought up to date.

c) A supplier reconciliation is performed for each supplier. Any invoice that is identified as long outstanding, the reasons thereof are obtained from the employee who placed an order with the supplier. In addition, suppliers would often contact finance staff when their invoices miss the payment date. The finance staff would follow up on the reasons and resolve the matter.

10 April 2017 - NW794

Profile picture: Walters, Mr TC

Walters, Mr TC to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to the forensic investigation into tender number 5/2/2/1 RDLR-0052(2015/2016) relating to the acquisition and further procedures on the Nirwanda farm in De Doorns, (a) what were the terms of reference for the specified investigation, (b) who oversaw the investigation from his department, (c) who coordinated with the service provider, (d) to whom was the service provider supposed to report and (e) who, from his department, decided that the specified investigation should be conducted; (2) Were the terms of reference of the investigation ever changed; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. (a) The Terms of Reference of the investigation were as follows :

  • Establish whether the acquisition processes, various agreements and spending were done in accordance with the applicable legislative and policy requirements;
  • Determine the nature of the agreements entered into between the DRDLR and the Nirwanda PLAS Project and determine whether the DRDLR officials performed their duties in accordance with the agreements and prevailing legislative and policy requirements;
  • Establish whether the spending on the Nirwanda PLAS Project was in line with the DRDLR’s objectives and mandate, prevailing policy and legislative frameworks, as well as the concluded agreements, if any;
  • Establish whether the DRDLR spending was in line with industry standards and determine whether the DRDLR received value for money;
  • Determine the legal relationship the DRDLR has with the Nirwanda PLAS Project;
  • Determine whether the Nirwanda PLAS Project’s business practices, from the date of DRDLR’s acquisition were in line with industry standards, prevailing legislation pertaining to the relevant legal entities and the DRDLR, including, but not limited to, the Companies Act, and in the best interests of the DRDLR and the beneficiaries;
  • Verify and establish the current status of the Nirwanda PLAS Project, as well as the interests of the DRDLR and/or beneficiaries in the existing entities, if any;
  • Determine whether the appointment of the Strategic Partner(s)/Mentor(s) and management were done in accordance with the applicable legislative and policy requirements, and determine whether the Strategic Partner(s)/ Mentor(s) performed according to their agreement;
  • Determine whether the Strategic Partner(s)/Mentor(s), beneficiaries and/or Nirwanda PLAS Project received any other benefits, payments and/or grants from the DRDLR;
  • Establish whether the acquisition, agreements and spending of those benefits, payments and/or grants were in accordance with the applicable legislative and policy requirements;
  • Establish whether the Strategic Partner(s)/Mentor(s), beneficiaries and/or Nirwanda PLAS Project received any other benefits, payments and/or grants from other institutions, which impacted/influenced the beneficiaries and/or DRDLR and to establish whether the acquisition, agreements and spending of those benefits, payments and/or grants were in accordance with the applicable legislative requirements;
  • Establish whether the officials involved, executed their duties in terms of the prevailing legislation and policy requirements and whether they were involved in any irregularities or received any undue rewards or benefits;
  • Create the flow of money to determine for what, by/for whom, where, when and how it was disbursed/spent, from the point of transfer to the final payments;
  • Create the flow of produce to determine for what, by/for whom, where, when and how it was disbursed, from the point of receipt to the final payments;
  • Create a flow diagram of all the institutions/individuals involved, including shareholders and recipients;
  • Identify suspicious or questionable transactions and accounts and perform further analysis as agreed with the DRDLR and the SAPS/Hawks;
  • Perform a criminal forensic investigation for the SAPS/Hawks in terms of the SAPS/Hawks investigation Plan;
  • The Service Provider(s) must also investigate any other related problems and irregularities identified during the course of investigation, including, but not limited to, theft, fraud and corruption;
    • The investigation must cover the work performed at DRDLR, Government Institutions, Service Provider(s) and Sub-contractors involved, and relevant industry specialists must be consulted to provide value for money and cost estimation reports;
    • The period to be covered by the investigation must be from 2009 to date;
    • If there are indications that the allegations identified may result in disciplinary, criminal or civil action, this must immediately be reported to the Project Manager during the course of the investigation, in order to consider the necessary action;
    • The appointed Service Provider(s) must liaise with other Government Departments (including Provincial Government) and agencies (agencies involved in/with the combating, eradication and prevention of fraud and corruption) where necessary and with the DRDLR’s consent, institute the relevant and necessary actions; and
    • NB: The Service Provider(s) must perform investigations for the DRDLR, which must be finalised within four (4) months from the date of the receipt of the order and for the SAPS/Hawks which must be finalised within two (2) months from the date of the receipt of the order, six (6) months in total.

1 (b) Ms Karen De La Rouviere, the Chief Audit Executive and Head of Internal Audit initially oversaw the investigation and later handed over to Mr Eugene Southgate the Deputy Director General: Corporate Support Services.

1 (c) The two Acting Directors: Forensic Investigations, Mr N Nondzube and Ms K Govender, were the internal project managers coordinating the work of the appointed service provider.

1 (d) The service provider reported to the Director Forensic Investigations and the Deputy-Director General Corporate Support Services, Mr Eugene Southgate.

1(e) The Minister instructed the Department to conduct an investigation into the project.

2. No changes were made to the terms of reference.

10 April 2017 - NW904

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the Ports Regulator of South Africa has any debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more; if so, (a) what (i) are the details of these debts, (ii) are the reasons for non-payment in each case, (b) on what date will each debt be settled and (c) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made on time?



The Ports Regulator does not have any debts that have remained unpaid for a period longer than 30 days. The Ports Regulator has a turnaround time of 7 days to pay the invoice, this was further confirmed by the Auditor General in the 2015/16 financial year regularity audit which indicated an average of 8 days for the payment of invoices.

(a) Not applicable as there are no debts unpaid.

(b) Not applicable as there are no debts unpaid.

(c) (I, ii and iii) The Ports Regulator has a system of recording each invoice immediately upon receipt to ensure each tracking, the invoice is then submitted to the respective department for approval before being sent back to finance for payment, the finance section does follow ups if the invoice is not received back from respective department to ensure timeous payment. The invoice after being received back from other departments is then compiled form payment which takes about two days. All these stages are recorded.

10 April 2017 - NW900

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the Air Traffic and Navigation Services has any debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more; if so, (a) what (i) are the details of these debts, (ii) are the reasons for non-payment in each case, (b) on what date will each debt be settled and (c) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made on time?


ATNS has no debt that remained unpaid for more than 30 days. Therefore (a) to (c) with subsections are not applicable.

10 April 2017 - NW906

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the Airports Company South Africa has any debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more; if so, (a) what (i) are the details of these debts, (ii) are the reasons for non-payment in each case, (b) on what date will each debt be settled and (c) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made on time?


Airports Company South Africa has no debt unpaid for 30 days or more relating to its borrowing programme.

The company also has an accounts payable policy to make payments to suppliers and service providers within 30 days of date of invoice or accrual of debt. Payment occurs on the matching of the original purchase order with the goods / services receipt note and the supplier invoice or recognition of the debt. (a) (i) (ii) It is inevitable that some invoices from suppliers will remain unpaid if differences are identified between the purchase order, goods / services receipt note and the invoice or if disputes are lodged. The company’s accounts payable system reflect that less than 0.8% of monthly ‘debts’ remain unpaid after 30 days based on such circumstances (every month the accumulated unpaid ‘debts’ are less than 0.8% of the monthly ‘debts’). (b) each outstanding ‘debt’ is settled immediately on the resolution of the conditions that gave rise to the non-payment. (c) (i) (ii) (iii) The company utilises an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tool with procurement and accounts payable modules linked to a cash management system that enables the recognition of ‘debts’ when goods / services are delivered as per the International Framework for Reporting Standards (IFRS) to ensure continuous service delivery through payments to suppliers.

10 April 2017 - NW905

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the SA Aviation Authority has any debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more; if so, (a) what (i) are the details of these debts, (ii) are the reasons for non-payment in each case, (b) on what date will each debt be settled and (c) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made on time?


The South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) endeavors to comply with section 38(1)(f) of the Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulation 8.2.3 and National Treasury SCM Instruction No 5 of 2016/17 to settle all contractual obligations and pay all debt owing within the prescribed or agreed period, which in this case is thirty (30) days.

a) (i), and (ii) The SACAA is not aware of any valid and authorised debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more.

b) Debt is settled within 30 days of a valid and approved invoice being presented to the SACAA’s Finance Department and if all the required supporting documents are submitted.

c) (i), (ii), and (iii) The payment process is governed by a policy on accounts payable that have been approved by the SACAA Board. Payments are done weekly by the SACAA’s Finance Department and a creditor’s age analysis is prepared and reviewed monthly.


10 April 2017 - NW790

Profile picture: Stander, Ms T

Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)Whether her office has engaged with the (a) Department of Basic Education, (b) Department of Health, (c) Department of Social Development, (d) Office of The Presidency and (e) National Treasury to roll out its Sanitary Dignity Campaign to provide sanitary towels to vulnerable and poor girls; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) (a) why has it taken so long to start engaging the specified departments and (b) what is the (i) envisaged timeline for and (ii) full relevant details of the specified campaign?


1. The National Task Team led by the Department of Women which includes most of the departments mentioned in (1) above as well as other key departments has been established following the Presidency directive. Further to this a National Task Team chaired by the Director General of the Department of Women was also established.

2. The National Task Team is working on a Policy Framework with the intention of tabling a draft around June 2017.


Approved by the Minister on


07 April 2017 - NW758

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)What are the statistics in respect of each airport for luggage and baggage that has (a) gone missing, (b) been damaged and (c) experienced missing items, after flights have landed from their destination in the past three financial years; (2) what (a) investigations have been undertaken in this regard, (b) was the outcome in each instance, (c) new (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms have been put in place to prevent these incidences from reoccurring and (d) have been the cost to Airports Company South Africa in each specified financial year in this regard; (3) what (a) suspensions, (b) changes, (c) disciplinary action or (d) any other similar actions have taken place in this regard at each airport in each financial year?


Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA)

1. In terms of the IATA baggage policy, the airline is accountable and responsible for the passenger’s baggage. According to the IATA codes, delayed, damaged and/ stolen bags are recorded by either the airline or its handling company on behalf of the passenger which is handled as a claim.

2. See above answer to question (1).

3. When an airport official and/or staff is involved or positively implicated in pilferage, their access permit cards are blacklisted by ACSA and the matter is reported to SAPS.

07 April 2017 - NW824

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With regard to the presentation by her department to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on 14 March 2017, entitled Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign from 2008 to 2016/17, why was an independent service provider appointed to investigate the exact amount of irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure related to the campaign; (2) was a tender issued to appoint the service provider; if not, (a) why not, (b) on what basis was the selected service provider chosen, (c) what were the terms of reference for the investigation and (d) what were the findings and recommendations?


1. The independent was appointed to investigate the alleged fraud and corruption in the Kha Ri Gude programme for the 2014/15 and 2015/16 financial years.

2. (a) There was no tender issued to appoint the service provider because the threshold allowed the Department to source the service through the quotation process. Quotations were sourced from the audit companies registered on Central Supplier Database;

(b) The selection process was based on the 80/20 point system whereby 80 points were for price and 20 points for B-BBEE because quotations were only sourced from the audit firms.

(c) The Terms of Reference required:

  • The appointed service provider to investigate the alleged fraud and corruption in the Kha Ri Gude programme for 2014/15 and 2015/16 financial years;
  • During the 2015\16 financial year audit, the auditors found that there was registration of deceased learners before the start of the campaign resulting in the overpayment of stipends to educators, supervisors, coordinators and the project management company on account of fraudulent claims and the educators having less than 18 learners. This resulted in alleged fictitious payments made to educators.

(d) The findings and recommendations were as follows:


  • Payment made to individuals with invalid, non-existent ID numbers
  • Overpayment of stipend
  • Anomalous data


  • The Department must recover the money lost with immediate effect and a clear recovery plan must be formulated and implemented. (Recovery has already started. At 31 March 2017 an amount of R474 737 had already been recovered and the recovery continues).

07 April 2017 - NW760

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What is the total number of investigations that the Rail Safety Regulator has undertaken in each province in the past three financial years, (b) what is the nature of each investigation, (c) what did each investigation cost, (d) what are the outcomes of each investigation, (e) what lessons have been learnt from each investigation and (f) what is being done to prevent a repeat of irregular incidents in future?


(a) & (b)

Number of Investigations Conducted






Collision between trains










Level crossing Collisions





People Struck By Trains





Platform Train Interface Occurrences





Averted Collisions





Runaways Trains





Train High Tension Fires










Signal Passed At Danger
















Collision between trains










Level crossing Collisions





People Struck By Trains





Platform Train Interface Occurrences










North West






Collision between trains










Level crossing Collisions





People Struck By Trains





Platform Train Interface Occurrences










Western Cape






Collision between trains










Level crossing Collisions





People Struck By Trains





Platform Train Interface Occurrences










Free State






Collision between trains










Level crossing Collisions





People Struck By Trains





Platform Train Interface Occurrences










Eastern Cape






Collision between trains










Level crossing Collisions





People Struck By Trains





Platform Train Interface Occurrences










Limpopo Province






Collision between trains










Level crossing Collisions





People Struck By Trains





Platform Train Interface Occurrences










Northern Cape






Collision between trains










Level crossing Collisions





People Struck By Trains





Platform Train Interface Occurrences
















Collision between trains










Level crossing Collisions





People Struck By Trains





Platform Train Interface Occurrences










KwaZulu Natal






Collision between trains










Level crossing Collisions





People Struck By Trains





Platform Train Interface Occurrences










(c) The cost of each investigation:

Cost per Independent BOI





PE Station Derailment

R 831 184,27


Lebaleng rear-end Collision


R 514 026,00


Denver rear-end Collision


R 1 814110,73


Kaalfontein derailment


R 520 880,00


Lower Adamson and Gaika derailments


R 724 600,00


Blaney head-on Collision


R 358 188,00


Booysens rear-end collision


R 580 764,00


Booysens rear-end collision


R 140 402,00

Kimberley derailment (AFRO 4000)


R 361 500,00


R 831 184,27

R 4 512 568,73

R 501 902,00

The costs for RSR internal investigations includes operational costs only. These are conducted by the RSR inspectorate. The table below show the total costs for internal investigation for the last three (3) financial years.

Operational Costs for RSR Internal Investigations

Financial Year





R 169 681,73

R 344 180,00

R 388 420,00

(d) The outcome of each investigation

See attached Excel Spreadsheet



Lessons Learnt

Collision between trains

  • We need collision avoidance systems installed in trains
  • Invest in maintenance of infrastructure and rolling stock


  • We need more wayside monitoring equipment
  • Invest in maintenance of infrastructure and rolling stock

Level crossing Collisions

  • We need enforcement at level crossings
  • We need to upgrade protection at level crossings
  • We need to redesign some level crossings

People Struck By Trains

  • Protection of the railway reserves
  • Awareness to the public
  • Enforcement

Platform Train Interface Occurrences

  • Upgrade of stations
  • Introduction of new trains
  • Security at stations
  • Public Announcements at stations (Improved and audible communication)

Averted Collisions

  • Re-Training of employees
  • Fitness for Duty Declaration when reporting for Duty
  • Manage overtime

Runaways Trains

Adherence to procedures

Train High Tension Fires

Maintenance of rolling stock



Signal Passed At Danger

Adherence to procedures

(f) The Railway Safety Regulator has adopted a strategic approach to enhance its oversight role, by conducting research on driver behaviour at level crossings (human factors), new technologies and have developed regulations that will support safe railway operations.

07 April 2017 - NW761

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What is the total number of investigations that the Civil Aviation Authority has undertaken in each province in the past three financial years, (b) what is the nature of each investigation, (c) what did each investigation cost, (d) what are the outcomes of each investigation, (e) what lessons have been learnt from each investigation and (f) what is being done to prevent a repeat of irregular incidents in future?


South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)

Below is the South African Civil Aviation Authority’s response to questions (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f).

a) The table below provides details on the total number of investigation conducted over the past three financial years by the South African Civil Aviation Authority’s Accident and Incident Investigation Division. In line with international standards, and as prescribed in Annex 13 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), aircraft accidents are classified into two categories, i.e. as either an Accident or Serious Incident.


Year of Occurrence (Financial Year)


Serious Incidents










2016 - Feb 2017




NOTE: The 2016/2017 financial year statistics excludes March 2017 occurrences, which will be tallied only at the end of March 2017.


Financial Year













































  • GP Gauteng Province
  • NW North West Province
  • LP Limpopo Province
  • FS Free State Province
  • EC Eastern Cape Province
  • WC Western Cape Province
  • MP Mpumalanga Province
  • NC Northern Cape Province
  • KZN KwaZulu-Natal Province
  • O/B Borders of South Africa.

b) The nature of aircraft accident and incident investigations differ depending on the occurrence. Investigation are conducted in line with requirements outlined in Annex 13 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This means:

  1. in instances where an aircraft sustains minor damages and there are no reported injuries, the investigation will commence immediately but will be conducted off site, meaning that the Investigator in Charge and his or her team of Investigators do not need to go to the crash site in order to conduct the investigation; and
  2. In instances where the aircraft sustains major damages and there are reported injuries or a fatality or fatalities, the investigating would commence immediately and on site.

c) The table below outlines the total annual costs, over a three financial year period, of activities associated with aircraft accident and incident investigations.


Financial Year




Total Cost

R 16 919 937.45

R 18 378 990.80

R 17 736 577.23

d) The outcome of investigations revealed the following as main probable cause(s) and contributing factors for the accident or serious incident:


Occurrence Causals

Contributing factor(s)

Human Error

  • Poor technique/airmanship
  • Failure to maintain flying speed/stall
  • Loss of directional control
  • Disregard of standard operating procedures
  • Disorientation

Aircraft Technical

(mechanical failure of a component)

  • Fuel starvation/Exhaustion
  • Metal fatigue/fracture
  • Engine failure
  • Mechanical failure
  • Loss of power
  • Combustion malfunction

Aircraft Operations

  • Unsuccessful forced landing
  • Sling load operation
  • Missed approach
  • Wake turbulence

e) The primary lessons learned from each investigations is that we are then able to determined what caused the accident or serious incident and what are the other factors that contributed to the accident.

f) The SACAA has formed partnerships with the industry aimed at developing and implementing measures that prevent a repeat of similar incidents. The following has thus far been implemented:

  1. Safety recommendations emanating from the investigation reports are issued to affected aircraft operators and organisations that maintain the aircraft to implement measures to prevent future accident.
  2. Safety awareness notices are issued where there’s a trend of similar incidents even if there’s different types of aircraft involved, e.g. collusion with wires due to low flying.
  3. The Safety Management Systems (SMS) was introduced and has been and continue to be implemented by operators. This allows operators to manage their safety risk based on incidents they experience in their organisation.
  4. The SACAA continuously hosts round-table discussions with the industry on aviation safety.
  5. The SACAA introduced the Annual Safety Seminar and uses it to share safety information with the industry. Local and global trends relating to the causes and contributing factors of accidents and incidents are shared with the industry.
  6. Once finalized, accident and serious incidents investigation reports are made public and available through the SACAA website (


07 April 2017 - NW630

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Basic Education

By what date will the results of the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality IV Project be made publicly available?


According to the layest information received by the Department of Basic Education, the results of the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) IV Project will be made publicly available by the SACMEQ Coordinating Centre by the end of the second term of the 2017 academic year.

07 April 2017 - NW847

Profile picture: Brauteseth, Mr TJ

Brauteseth, Mr TJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What are the names of each (a) candidate that was shortlisted to fill the vacancy of the director-general in her department and (b) member of the panel that interviewed the specified persons; (2) (a) what professional qualifications does the successful candidate (name furnished) have, (b) did the specified person meet the requirement to possess an NQF level 8 qualification as advertised, (c) what is the person’s experience in the water sector and (d) how many years of relevant experience does the person possess? NW912E


Requesting the Honorable Member to refer to the response provided to NA 583.


07 April 2017 - NW777

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether her department has an established annual deadline for the delivery of textbooks to schools; if not, why not; if so, what is the annual deadline; (2) what measures are in place to ensure accountability for any late delivery of textbooks to schools by provincial departments?


1.  Yes, the Department has set the deadline for provinces to ensure that all the necessary Learning and Teaching Support Material (LTSM) is delivered to schools. The deadline is end of October annually. Between November of the same year and January of the following, provinces, districts and schools are conducting mop-up processes to accommodate the learner migration and late registration phenomena.

2. The Department has monitoring and oversight systems in place to ensure that provinces deliver all necessary LTSM to schools on time. These systems include reports to the Council of Education Ministers (CEM) meetings, Head of Education Committee Meetings (HEDCOM), Teacher Development and Curriculum Meetings as well as quarterly LTSM forum meetings. These meetings are platforms where provinces are held accountable, where applicable, and assisted where there are challenges.

07 April 2017 - NW737

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)With reference to economic activities that are taking place at various toll plaza gates, such as selling food stuff, (a) on whose authority are the specified activities taking place, (b) under what legislation, (c) since what date did the commercial activities commence and (d) how is this monitored and controlled; (2) (a) what is the total number of persons who have been charged and arrested for illegal commercial activities that are conducted at toll plazas in each province and (b) what is being done to stop the illegal commercial activities at toll plazas?



a) No one. Neither the Department of Transport nor the South African National Roads Agency Limited gave authority for such activities on the Road reserves.

b) Not applicable, as above (a).

c) Neither the Department of Transport nor the South African National Roads Agency Limited has the details on the dates as there was never any authority given.

(d Not applicable, see (a) (b) (c) above.


(a) Neither the Department of Transport nor the South African National Roads Agency Limited has the details about anyone charged.

(b) Any illegal activity with National network is enforced in terms of the National Road Traffic Act, SANRAL Act, and Criminal Procedure Act, to mention but three.

07 April 2017 - NW907

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency has any debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more; if so, (a) what (i) are the details of these debts, (ii) are the reasons for non-payment in each case, (b) on what date will each debt be settled and (c) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made on time?


The Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (C-BRTA) pays its debt timeously, at an average of 14 days per creditor. There are however, isolated instances where service providers are not paid within 30 days of receipt of invoices for a variety of reasons, for instance, where the service has not been satisfactory and warrants engagement with the service providers, or where errors have been picked up from the supplier invoices or where the price charged is not in line with what was contracted or quoted. As at end of February 2017, the following creditors’ balances were not paid and been over 30 days:

(a) i


(a) ii


Service provider

Invoice number

Invoice dates

Reason for non-payment

Settlement date

Eris Property


(Parking rental)


Disputed as the invoiced service was never ordered or rendered to the Agency. Service provider to provide credit note.

Subsequently settled in March 2017 by means of credit note received from the Supplier

Madijo Trading Enterprises

INV 2549

(Supply of Uniform)


Disputed as the ordered goods were not delivered as per the specifications. Goods returned to service provider.

Once engagements with the service provider for a credit note are concluded

Orange Fox Security Services




Disputed as there is no proof that the ordered items were delivered.

Once engagements with the service provider for a credit note are concluded

Mdluli Office Automation (Seartec)

Various invoice numbers backdated by supplier between periods June 2016-January 2017.


Various invoice dates. Backdated between June 2016- January 2017. Invoices sent by supplier on 27 January 2017 and 30 January 2017

The service provider did not invoice the Agency and had internal backlog and were undergoing internal restructuring. Invoices were subsequently received in January 2017 and backdated.

Partially settled in March 2017.

Disputed amounts will be settled once engagements with the service provider have been concluded.

Sipho Mano

Inv. 20278

Inv. 20277

Inv. 20258

(Catering and events)




Disputed as the service provider invoiced above the quotation and approved purchase order amounts.

Supplier to credit the overcharged amount or amount to be written off in June 2017.

(b) i


(b) ii


Service provider

Invoice number

Invoice dates

Reason for non-payment

Settlement date

Atlantis Corporate Travel




Invoice was disputed due to overcharging by service provider. Invoice in excess of the purchase order and the initial quotation. The purchase order amount was paid.

The service provider could also not produce any supporting documents to prove or explain the variance.

Ongoing engagements with the service provider for a credit note and efforts are being put in place to resolve this matter by the end of May 2017.

Atlantis Corporate Travel




Invoice was disputed due to overcharging by service provider. Invoice in excess of the purchase order and the initial quotation.

The purchase order amount was paid.

The service provider could also not produce any supporting documents to proof or explain the variance.


Duma Travel




Invoice was disputed as the service was not rendered and the service provider could also not produce any supporting documents to prove that the service was rendered.


Duma Travel




Invoice was disputed as the service was not rendered and the service provider could also not produce any supporting documents to prove that the service was rendered.


Duma Travel




Invoice was disputed as the service was not rendered and the service provider could also not produce any supporting documents to prove that the service was rendered.


Duma Travel




Invoice was disputed as the service was not rendered and the service provider could also not produce any supporting documents to prove that the service was rendered.


(c) (i) (ii) (iii) Mechanisms and processes are already firmly in place to ensure suppliers are paid on time. There is a dedicated unit within the Finance division that handles payments to suppliers. All invoices received are recorded and stamped reflecting the date of receipt. Invoices are upon receipt, matched with the relevant supporting documentation and submitted to relevant officials to validate delivery of goods or services. Disputes are clearly communicated to the service providers to ensure that such disputes are resolved on time.

The Agency has a duty to ensure payments are not irregular, are not fraudulent and are for the services ordered and rendered. No interest or fruitless expenditure has therefore been charged to the Agency as a result of supplier payment delays in the last two financial years.

07 April 2017 - NW899

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the Road Accident Fund has any debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more; if so, (a) what (i) are the details of these debts, (ii) are the reasons for non-payment in each case, (b) on what date will each debt be settled and (c) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made on time?


On 28 February 2017 the Road Accident Fund (RAF) presented its financial position and cash constraints to the Portfolio Committee on Transport (PCoT). This presentation was linked to the debts as posed in this Parliamentary Question and included reference to the RAF’s 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16 Annual Financial Statements previously presented to PCoT inclusive of the same financial reality.

The RAF has debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more, defined for purposes of this reply as money the RAF is required to pay immediately and excludes borrowings. To avoid doubt, the RAF has no borrowings;

(a)(i) debts older than 30 days (Claims Creditors as at 4 April 2017 and Trade Creditors as at 28 February 2017) comprise of a total of 14 555 individual debts with a combined value of R 5.5 billion, which are debts processed for payment but have not yet been paid. In respect of Claims Creditors (payments due in relation to claims made under the Road Accident Fund Act, No. 56 of 1996) (Act), the details of the debts are set out in the table below:

Claim Creditor Category

Number of Claims Creditors

Value in Rand

Payment Date

Claimant creditors - capital

5 198

R 3 960 543 951

Less than 180 days from date of payment request as per the RAF’s Cash Management Plan

Claimant creditors - cost

3 792

R 748 282 177


Writ creditors (capital and / or costs)

1 858

R 783 182 863


Supplier creditors


R 2 465 110


Undertaking creditors


R 3 100 830


RAF attorneys, actuaries and other claim operations service providers

3 147

R 60 009 169


Details of debts due to Trade Creditors are captured in the table below:


Number of Trade Creditors

Number of Transactions

Value in Rand

Payment Date

Trade Creditors



R  6 147 178

Dependent on reconciling of items

(ii) the reason for non-payment in respect of each Claims Creditor is the lack of cash to make payment when due as a result of the mismatch between the funding the RAF receives via the Road Accident Fund Fuel Levy (approximately R2.8 billion per month) and the payments the RAF is required to make to Claims Creditors in terms of the Act (approximately R3 billion per month), and the reasons for non-payment in respect of each Trade Creditor is due to engagements in the ordinary course of business with the suppliers of goods and services on items being queried for any number of reasons – also known as reconciling items.

(b) the RAF implemented a Cash Management Plan based on the RAF’s actuarially determined Funding Model, to determine the number of days necessary to effect payment on the basis of the monthly Road Accident Fund Fuel Levy income forecast and the monthly claim settlement patterns and related service level agreements (these calculations are refreshed when circumstances change materially, or at a minimum once a year). The key objective of the Cash Management Plan is to ensure the maximum number of payments to all categories of Claim Creditors and Trade Creditors, within the available cash constraints, noting that there is insufficient cash to settle all debts which are due for payment at any point in time. Currently the maximum payment days the RAF endeavors to honor are 180 days from when the debt was processed for payment. However, the exact date of settlement of the outstanding debts in respect of each of the Claims Creditors is unknown as the payment date is dependent on the category of debt as defined in the Cash Management Plan and the available cash to make payment (which is in turn dependent on the fluctuating monthly Road Accident Fund Fuel Levy income and the ad hoc recovery of diesel rebates, which reduce the Road Accident Fund Fuel Levy income), number of claims settled, number of judgments, number of writs, and operational interruptions as a result of bank account attachments. The exact date of settlement of the outstanding debts in respect of each Trade Creditor is unknown because of the dependency on the reconciling of items.

(c) noting the challenges relating to cash constraints and the reconciling of items, the following mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made: (i) manual and automated payment processes, and daily, weekly and monthly reporting mechanisms, (ii) the RAF Accounts Payable Policy and Standard Operating Procedure, and (iii) the Cash Management Plan.

07 April 2017 - NW632

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 2592 on 1 December 2016, (a) she and/or (b) her department directed each provincial department of education to implement principal competency testing; if not, why not; if so, (i) on what date was the directive issued and (ii) which provinces have complied with the directive?


(a) (b) The Director-General of the Department of Basic Education, Mr HM Mweli, has directed each Provincial Department of Education to implement principal competency testing in writing (i) on 27 January 2016.

(ii) Provinces have not complied with the directive because the matter has not been finalised at the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC). It is important for the matter to be concluded by the Council as it affects the basic conditions of employment of educators.

The Western Cape has a functional competency testing system for appointment of principals but it is not mandatory yet. School Governing Bodies are still given an option to utilise the system if they so wish.

07 April 2017 - NW588

Profile picture: Dudley, Ms C

Dudley, Ms C to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)Whether the Minister has been informed of the fact that delays in the issuing of approval of applications made in terms of Article 17 of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, 1993, by the SA Central Authority is delaying adoption of adoptable children into screened and approved intercountry adoptive families, leaving children in institutionalised care for many months longer than necessary, thereby depriving children of their constitutional right to family care and compromising their well-being and development; (2) whether she is aware that most intercountry placements are of children with disabilities or special needs; (3) whether she has been informed that in the specific case of one 6-year old child with disabilities the refusal by her department to issue Article 17 approval has meant that the child was kept unnecessarily in institutionalised care for over three years since the court terminated the rights of the biological parents to consent to the adoption; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether her department’s refusal to accept orders made by a court regarding adoptability and termination of the rights of biological parents, or consents properly given in court by biological parents will be investigated and urgently corrected and those responsible for delays held accountable?


(1) There are no delays in issuing Article 17 of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, 1993, by the SA Central Authority, for placing adoptable children with screened and approved intercountry prospective adoptive families except in cases where there are issues that needs further intervention.

(2) Intercountry placements are for all children including those with disabilities or special needs.

(3) The Department as the Central Authority did not refuse to issue Article 17 approval on a six year old child with disabilities. It is ensuring that all avenues in placing the child nationally are explored and exhausted before intercountry adoption is considered as this is in the best interest of the child to be placed locally.

(4) The department did not refuse to accept orders by a court regarding adoptability and termination of biological parents, or consents properly given in court by biological parents. The department is obliged to ensure that the subsidiarity principle is adhered to and reserves the right to question any decision of any party in the context for the fulfilment and the realization of children’s rights.

07 April 2017 - NW897

Profile picture: Groenewald, Mr HB

Groenewald, Mr HB to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa has any debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more; if so, (a) what (i) are the details of these debts, (ii) are the reasons for non-payment in each case, (b) on what date will each debt be settled and (c) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made on time?


Yes, the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa has debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more.

a) (i) Debt outstanding for more than 60 days see link below:

a) (ii) 95% of debt is owed to Transnet. Discussions are ongoing between PRASA and Transnet to resolve the debt. 4% of debt is owed to other suppliers; some invoices have disputes that are in the process of clearing, whilst others have not have been paid due to cash constraints.

b) Debt is settled twice a month.

c) (i) Invoices are signed off by end user as confirmation that services were rendered

   (ii) Invoices are loaded on system

  (iii) Payments are made twice a month on invoices 30 days and older dependant on cash flow constraints, small suppliers is prioritised. Age analyses are scrutinised by CFO’s for reasons of non-payment.

07 April 2017 - NW759

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)(a) When was the asset register of (i) her department and (ii) each of the entities that reports to her last updated, (b) how often are the asset registers updated, (c) which assets are unaccounted for in the past three financial years and (d) what was the values of each of the assets; (2) what (a) are the reasons for these unaccounted assets, (b) is being done to identify the asset, (c) were the opening balances of the asset registers for each of the past three financial years, (d) procedures, processes and mechanisms exist to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the asset registers of (i) her department and (ii) the entities reporting to her?




(1)(a)(i) The asset register of the Department of Transport is updated as and when asset transactions occur.

(1)(b) The asset registers of the Department of Transport are updated daily.

(1)(c) & Assets that were unaccounted for in the last three financial years and the values of these

(1)(d) assets are as follows for the Department of Transport, relating to the Electronic National Traffic Information System (eNaTIS):



Year unaccounted for

eNaTIS Software




eNaTIS Hardware




eNaTIS Hardware




(2)(a) The reasons why these assets were unaccounted for were because of uncertainty that existed regarding the ownership of the assets in terms of the Modified Cash Standard and the ongoing litigation between the Department and the eNaTIS service provider.

(2)(b) The eNaTIS assets were disclosed in the financial statements for the year ended on 31 March 2016. Currently the Road Traffic Management Corporation and the Department are verifying the assets as per the Constitutional Court judgment of 9 November 2016 that the

(2)(c) Opening balances of asset registers of the Department of Transport for the past three financial years:


Tangible assets

Intangible assets

Immovable assets

Minor assets
















(2)(d) The Department has a reliable asset management function.

Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA)

  1. (a) Airports Company South Africa (ACSA)’s asset register is updated as and when asset transactions occur, (b) asset transactions occur on a continued basis and thus the asset register is continuously updated, (c) no assets are unaccounted for, (d) ACSA has no unaccounted assets.
  2. ACSA has no unaccounted assets and has the appropriate procedures and processes in place to maintain the integrity and accuracy of asset registers.

Air Traffic and Navigation Services SOC Limited (ATNS)

(1) (a) ATNS’s fixed asset register is updated on a monthly basis with acquisitions and disposals. Useful life extensions are reviewed on an annual basis and updated prior to financial year end being 31 March annually.

(b) ATNS’s fixed asset register is updated on a monthly basis

(c) There are no assets that are not accounted for

(d) There are no assets that are not accounted for and thus this is not applicable

(2) (a) There are no assets that are not accounted for

(b) The annual fixed assets verification process identifies assets that are obsolete; idle; not barcoded; transferred without approval. Maintenance expenses, computer consumable expenses and small office equipment expenses are scrutinized on a monthly basis to ensure that all assets are correctly accounted for.

(c) The opening balances for the past three financial years are as follows:

  • 2016/17 R 651 720 948 – Carrying amount
  • 2015/16 R 616 658 761 – Carrying amount
  • 2014/15 R 706 011 872 – Carrying amount

(d) The integrity and accuracy of the fixed assets is ensured through the following processes:

  • Annual useful life review of assets
  • Annual impairment test of assets
  • Annual verification to ensure that assets are adequately barcoded and accounted for

Ensuring that the acquisitions and accounting of assets comply with the latest
International Financial Reporting Standards; Public Finance Management Act
and Generally Accepted Accounting Practices.

South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)

The undermentioned is the South African Civil Aviation Authority’s response to the following questions: (1) (a) (i) N/A, (ii), (b), (c), (d); and (2) (a), (b), (c), (d) (i) and (ii).

The South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) Asset Register is updated on a monthly basis as and when assets are bought and sold. The Asset Register is also reconciled to the general ledger on a monthly basis. The SACAA Asset Register is updated on a monthly basis. All SACAA assets have been reconciled. The values of each of the asset categories is as per the table below as at the end of February 2017. The asset categories are Property, Plant, Equipment, and Intangible Assets.

Cross-Border Road Transport Agency

(1) (a) (ii) CBRTA updates assets register

(b) monthly as more assets are acquired and/or depreciated in line with the Agency’s Fixed Assets policy. There is a bi-annual (twice a year) asset verification exercise that is conducted in line with the current policy on Non-Current Assets (Fixed Assets).

(c) There are no assets that are unaccounted for, and the assets are accounted for in line with applicable GRAP statements, be it on acquisition and / or impairment.

(d) Not applicable.

(2) (a) Not applicable

(b) The bi-annual asset verification exercise is conducted in line with the current policy on Non-Current Assets (Fixed Assets) with the primary aim of ensuring amongst others, that the assets are accounted for and properly recorded.

(c) The audited opening balances per the C-BRTA statement of financial position (Property, Plant and Equipment) were as shown below:

April 2014 R7, 971, 345

April 2015 R9, 535, 112

April 2016 R8, 491, 941

(d) The asset register and the Agency’s balance sheets have been subjected to the audit processes by the Auditor General (SA), and no material findings have been reported. Internal audits have also been performed by the internal auditor on the assets as part of financial discipline review and there were no material findings noted in the last three financial years

Road Accident Fund

(1) (a)(ii) The Fixed Asset Register of the RAF was last updated on 6 October 2016 following the RAF’s bi-annual asset verification process. The next major update will happen on 5 April 2017 after the final asset verification process.

(b) the Fixed Asset Register is updated on a continuous basis for asset movements or additions in terms of the RAF’s approved Fixed Asset Management Policy. The updates are performed by specific individuals in accordance with the principle of segregation of duties. Major updates take place bi-annually as a result of the RAF’s bi-annual asset verification process.

(c) the assets which are unaccounted for in the past three financial years are reflected in the attached spreadsheet and

(d) the values of each of the assets are reflected in the attached spreadsheets;

(2) (a) the reasons for these unaccounted assets are largely due to the fading or removal of identifying barcodes due to normal wear and tear; the theft of assets in which instance the RAF considers claims against its insurers where this is possible and, or financially viable having regard to the excess payable in respect of the particular claim; and where the RAF was prevented from documenting assets which were removed during attachment processes executed by the Sheriff of the court,

(b) the RAF is doing the following to identify the assets:

  • Asset verifications are performed bi-annually to ensure assets on the Fixed Asset Register are verified.
  • Assets reported as unverified during the verification are flagged and the following procedures are performed:
  • The Facilities Management Department and the Information Communication Technology Departments attempt to verify the asset on the floor. If the asset cannot be verified all information on the accounting system and the Fixed Asset Register, including manual records are utilised in an effort to identify the original purchaser in an attempt to pinpoint the cost centre owner in order to enquire from the cost centre owner as to the location of the asset. If the location of the asset cannot be identified using manual records, transfer documentation for the movement of assets to other regions as a result of asset transfer or employee secondment are also reviewed.

Only after these processes have been completed are the assets approved for write off by the RAF’s Asset Disposal Committee. All submissions motivating for asset disposal are presented to the committee to be reviewed before they are approved for de-recognition on the Fixed Asset Register. The Asset Disposal Committee commenced its duties in July 2016.

(c) the opening balance of the Fixed Asset Register (opening book values) for the

2014-15 financial year was R 268 169 000,

2015-16 financial year was R 281 807 000, and

2016-17 financial year was R 227 245 000,

(d)(ii) the following procedures, processes and mechanisms exist to ensure the integrity of the RAF Fixed Asset Register:

  • The RAF’s Fixed Asset Management Policy
  • The RAF’s Fixed Asset Management Standard Operating Procedure
  • Management Directives have been issued where necessary
  • Audits are performed by the Internal Audit Department
  • Audits are performed by the Auditor General (no material findings have been raised)
  • A bi-annual verification exercise is performed in September and March of each year
  • The RAF has implemented the segregation of asset management functions for recording and maintaining the Fixed Asset Register
  • Clearly defined roles are in place for the Facilities Management and Information Communication Technology Departments.
  • Dedicated resources are employed to ensure Fixed Assets are recorded accurately and completely.
  • A Reconciliation of the Fixed Asset Register to Financial Records is performed on a monthly basis.

Road Traffic Management Corporation

(1) (a) (ii) RTMC updates assets register on a

(b) Monthly basis with all assets procured and the relevant depreciation is also run.

(c) There are no unaccounted assets

(d) Not applicable

(2) (a) Not applicable

(b) Not applicable

(c) opening balance: 2013/14 – R20,372,747

2014/15 – R26,338,596

2015/16 – R26,416,188

(d) procedures, processes and mechanisms exist to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the asset registers

  • Regular physical asset verification spot checks.
  • Monthly reconciliation of GL to FAR
  • Receiving of all assets that are procured is done by Asset unit and the assets are barcoded immediately
  • Asset movement forms are used to allocate assets to an end user
  • Room inventory lists are posted for each area listing all the assets in the area.
  • Assets under the control of a centralised unit with an asset controller appointed within each business unit for day to day controlling.

Road Traffic Infringement Agency

(1) (a)(ii) RTIA – during the month of March 2017

(b) On a monthly basis and as and when there are new transactions that are required to be added to the asset register.

(c) There are no unaccounted assets

(d) Not applicable

(2) (b)(a) N/A

(b) Asset count twice a year

(c) 2016 = R 9 923 359

2015 = R 4 209 735

2014 = R 643 257

(d) Approved asset policy

Bi-annual physical verification of assets

Assets are subjected to annual audit both internally and externally

A regular review and monitoring of asset movement and changes

All assets are insured.

Asset management function in place.

Monthly recording of the accounting records

Quarterly reporting to MANCO

EXCO and Audit Committee

Internal control around purchase maintenance recording and disposal of assets in place.

South African National Roads Agency Limited

1. (a)(ii) SANRAL

(b) SANRAL’s asset register is updated whenever a new asset is acquired or old/redundant assets are written off for various reasons, including technological obsolescence.

(c) There are no assets which are not unaccounted

(d) Not applicable

2. (a) and (b) No unaccounted assets exists.

(c) The opening balances for the past three financial years are:

2014/15 R303 747 772 000

2015/16 R308 819 013 000

2016/17 R315 293 979 000

(d) (ii) The integrity and accuracy of the asset register is ensured through monthly reconciliation of the asset register to SANRAL’s general ledger. Furthermore, asset verification is performed twice a year to ensure that assets physical exists.

South Africa Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA)

(a) SAMSA fixed asset register gets updated every time there is movement, eg acquisition, disposal, loss through destruction etc, of assets. The fixed asset register was last updated on 24 March 2017;

1 (b) The Fixed Asset Register gets updated immediately when there is a movement in fixed assets as well as monthly and annually as part of month end and annual reporting process;

1(c) Assets totaling R124, 660.86 were unaccounted for in the past three years by the entity;

1(d) The following is a list of assets that were unaccounted for:




1.ACER TMP 255 Laptop



2.ACER TMP 255 Laptop



3. Trueline Bird Wattmeter



4. Trueline Bird Wattmeter



5.ARG Electric Design Tool/Tester

0203 000 333


6. HP Probook 6360b Laptop

0201 000 671


7. CANON Scan Front 300/300P



8. CANON Digital Camera

0303 000 120






2(a) Most of the assets were stolen and the Fixed Asset Register was not updated on time. Some could not be located during fixed asset verification but were never removed from the Fixed Asset Register.

2(b) Since the beginning of the 2016/17 financial year, a process has been implemented where fixed assets are verified quarterly. The reasons for missing assets are investigated and, if valid, eg stolen asset without a possibility of recovery, the Fixed Asset Register is updated.

2(c) Fixed Asset Register opening balances:


31 March 2016 (R’000)

31 March 2015(R’000)

31 March 2014 (R’000)

Opening Balance




2(d) Procedures and processes for fixed asset management have been improved to ensure completeness and accuracy of fixed assets. This includes ensuring assets are adequately safeguarded and regular verification of fixed assets is conducted - variances are investigated to understand the root cause and ensuring a repetition in the future.

Ports Regulator of South Africa (PRSA)

  1. (a) (ii) the asset register of the Ports Regulator was last updated in August 2016 when computer equipment was purchased. (b) The asset register is updated every time there’s a purchase and/or disposal including changes in location for all assets. (c) All assets of the Ports Regulator are accounted for in the assets register. This is also confirmed by Auditor General from their last audit. (d) Not applicable.
  2. There were no assets that belong to the Ports Regulator which were not accounted for in the asset register. (a) Not applicable, (b) Not applicable, (c) Not applicable, (d) Not applicable.

Passenger Rail of Agency of South Africa (PRASA)

  1. (a) PRASA’ s asset register is updated and audited on an annual basis.
  2. Asset register is updated when an asset becomes ready for use, when an asset is damaged (Part of Asset Departments’ function on a daily basis).
  3. There are no known assets unaccounted for in the past three financial years.
  4. See response (c) there are no known unaccounted assets.

2. (a) There are no unaccounted assets.

(b) Regular asset verification, at least twice a year.

(c) Audited balances over past 3 years

2015/16 Financial Year……………R32, 8 billion

2014/15 Financial Year……………R29, 7 billion

2013/14 Financial Year……………R26, 4 billion

(d) Frequent physical verification of assets, monthly reconciliations

Railway Safety Regulator (RSR)


(a)(ii) Asset Register of RSR was last updated in March 2017.

  1. Asset Register of RSR is updated every time there are changes in assets. This includes acquisition, movements, disposals and asset verification results.
  2. There were no unaccounted assets in the past three years.
  3. Please see response in (c).

(2)Please see response in (1)(c).

  1. Asset verification is conducted twice a year in line with the Asset Management Policy
  2. The opening balances of the asset register for each of the past three years were:

Asset category




Property, Plant and Equipment

R6 014 828

R6 744 003

R2 585 413

Intangible assets

R11 539 932

R2 901 167

R190 399


R17 554 760

R9 645 170

R2 775 812

These are the carrying amounts at the beginning of each financial year.

(d)(ii) The Asset Management Policy of the RSR governs how assets should be managed. This includes the recording, assets verifications and the disposals processes.

07 April 2017 - NW582

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(a) What is the total amount owed by her department to all relevant contractors as at 28 February 2017 and (b) in each case, (i) what is the name of the contractor, (ii) what amount is outstanding and (iii) on what date will the amounts be paid?


Kindly refer to the presentation provided to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation on 03 March 2017 by the Department of Water and Sanitation for details of supplier invoices and the reasons for non-payment.


07 April 2017 - NW846

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(a) What is the (i) total amount that her department owes to each contractor as at 28 February 2017, (ii) name of each contractor and (iii) outstanding amount and (b) by what date will the outstanding amounts be paid to the respective contractors?


Kindly refer to the presentation provided to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation on 03 March 2017 by the Department of Water and Sanitation for details of supplier invoices and the reasons for non-payment.




07 April 2017 - NW902

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the Road Traffic Management Corporation has any debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more; if so, (a) what (i) are the details of these debts, (ii) are the reasons for non-payment in each case, (b) on what date will each debt be settled and (c) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made on time?


a) (i) are the details of these debts,

Service provider / Invoice holder

Invoice number

Invoice dates

Reason for non-payment

Settlement date

Putco Mafani Consulting



This matter has been referred to the Legal unit as there is a contractual disagreement.

Once agreement is reached

Nexus Travel

INV082193 to INV0920319

29-01-2016 to 15-09-2016

There was dispute on charges for accommodation and conference fees

RTMC has agreed on a settlement of R151 005.74 which was PAID in March. The balance of R557 990.74 will be reversed.

The RTMC has two debts over 30 days:

  • Putco Mafani Consulting – R20 000
  • Nexus Travel - R728 996.46

(ii) what are the reasons for non-payment in each case,

  • Nexus Travel – Nexus overcharged RTMC on the accommodation and conference fees and we have agreed on a settlement of R151 005.74 which was PAID in March. The balance of R557 990.74 will be reversed.
  • Putco Mafani Consulting – This matter has been referred to the Legal unit as there is a contractual disagreement.

b) Nexus Travel has been paid already during the last week of March and Putco Mafani Consulting will depend on the outcome of the advice from Legal unit.

c) (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made on time?

The Corporation pays creditors on a weekly basis and has no history of long overdue debts. The preliminary creditors’ age analysis for March 2017, indicates that only 0.03% of creditors were over 30 days; and it was only two suppliers.

When invoices are received, they are recorded in a register for follow up, sent to programme managers for sign off and paid promptly. Where there is a delay, Logistics Management follows up with programme managers.

07 April 2017 - NW341

Profile picture: Dudley, Ms C

Dudley, Ms C to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)Whether she has been informed that two frail care facilities in the Eastern Cape could close by 31 December 2017 due to the provincial department of Social Development not accepting Life Healthcare Group tender; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 2) in light of the fact that Life Healthcare Group have been providing suitable services, would she request that the department negotiate to requote at a reduced price; if not, why not; if so, (3) (a) to whom should the next of kin and family members of the disabled persons, some of whom have been in a ward of state and have been at Life Healthcare Group for 20 years, who have not received any official advice about the closures address their concerns of pending hardship and tragedy, (b) are there suitable alternative residences secured for those who will have to move and (c) will they be closer so that family can visit; (4) will the department (a) advise where resident patients are to be transferred before they are moved so that concerned family can check them out, (b) guarantee that facilities meet satisfactory (i) health and hygiene and (ii) other standards and (c) provide satisfactory transport to move resident patients?


(1) The Department is not aware of closing down of any Frail Care Centre.

All movements that relate to what has just befallen our country in Gauteng has been temporarily suspended more particularly in frail care centers and mental health institutions. The Department advised MECs not to continue with this up until an amicable solution is found. While other Departments address issues of financial challenges, the Department of Social Development does its best to provide care and support.

The Department however is aware that the contract between Eastern Cape Frail Care (Pty) Limited and the Department of Social Development, Eastern Cape has come to an end on 31 December 2016. It was agreed that the service provider continues rendering the service on a month-to-month interim arrangement until 31 March 2017.

The Eastern Cape Provincial Office of the Department advertised a call for proposals on 19 October 2016 in accordance with the National NPO Financing Guidelines and closed the advert on 21 November 2016. Six NPOs responded to the call and none qualified. The Department then re-advertised for new proposals on 23 January 2017 which closed on 17 February 2017. Only one NPO responded to this call, the same NPO which was disqualified in the previous evaluation process. The Department has re-advertised and called for proposals for the third time in the local media to ensure transparency and fairness in the process.

(2) The protection of the rights of Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities is paramount in the Department’s approach to handle the situation. The Department is currently working on a contingency plan. Prescripts of the Policy on Financial Awards, PFMA and National Treasury Regulations will be adhered to. If there is a need to negotiate with the current service provider, viz. Eastern Cape Frail Care (Pty) Limited, the Department will do so.

(3)(a) The Department has an obligation under section 16 of the Older Persons Act 13 of 2006 to inform the residents and families within 30 days of a proposed transfer or discharge. On 14 November 2016 a meeting was held with service offices, requesting them to visit the next of kin of all residents, to notify and prepare them for the possible transfer of residents as prescribed in Section 16 of the Older Persons Act, 2006. On 16 November 2016, the service offices started visiting families. 128 families were visited in the Nelson Mandela Metro; of which 87 families signed the notifications for relocations of residents to suitable alternative facilities, 30 families refused to sign the notifications, 3 families indicated that they wanted to take the beneficiaries home, 8 families were untraceable and 21 beneficiaries had been abandoned with no family. 1 family was visited in the O.R Tambo Metro, and the family signed the notification. 10 families were visited in the Sarah Baartman Metro, all of whom signed the notification. 8 families were visited in the Buffalo City Metro, all of whom signed the notification. The Department is still tracing families in the Chris Hani and Amathole Districts. On 18 November 2016, the social workers notified the residents of the centres regarding possible relocation. On 1 December 2016 and 4 December 2016, the Department also conducted group sessions with families at Uitenhage and Ibhayi building respectively to clarify concerns of the families, and to inform them that the Department would continue to provide the services to the beneficiaries. The Department of Health conducted Health Assessment to all beneficiaries in preparation for the possible re-location.

(b) Alternate accommodation is not necessary for now as the same service provider is still continuing with rendering the service. Once suitable NPOs have been identified to take over the service, accommodation will be provided by the NPOs.

(c & d) The Department does not have a plan to move beneficiaries far from their homes. The Department would like families to continue visiting their older persons in residential facilities. This promotes the rights of older persons to keep contact with their families.

(4) (a) Yes, next of kin will be advised of the transfer before residents are moved. The Older Persons Act, 2006 further mandates that Older Persons must be prepared accordingly, i.e. psychologically and as the need determines.

(b)(i) Yes, The Department will choose only those NPOs which meet the Norms and Standards of the Older Persons Act, 2006 and relevant pieces of Legislative Frameworks that impact on older persons who reside in residential care facilities, e.g. National Health Act, 2004, National Environmental Management Act, 1998 etc. to relocate beneficiaries.

(ii) Furthermore NPOs must be registered as residential facilities in terms of the Older Persons Act No 13 of 2006.

(c) Yes, proper arrangements to transport residents will be conducted in consultation with the Department of Health.

07 April 2017 - NW822

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What amount did each provincial education department spend directly on each child attending a (a) primary school and (b) high school in the relevant province in the 2016 academic year?


The following table reflects the spending, per-learner, with regard to the school allocation. The spending, per-learner, is the same for both primary and secondary school learners.


2016 School allocations per-learner


Per learner allocation to no fee learners

Per learner allocation to fee paying learners in Quintile 4

Per learner allocation to fee paying learners in Quintile 5


R 1 177

R 590

R 204


R 1 177

R 590

R 240


R 1 177

R 590

R 590


R 955

R 522

R 179


R 1 102

R 590

R 204


R 1 010

R 503

R 173


R 1 125

R 698

R 326


R 1 177

R 605

R 204


R 1 144

R 573

R 198


07 April 2017 - NW879

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What (a) measures have been instituted by her department to ensure that annual pupil registrations for schools proceed smoothly in each province, (b) planning methods are used to mitigate the disruptiveness of annual pupil registrations and (c) measures are being taken to address late pupil registrations as a key source of disruption?


a) The Department has instituted measures to ensure that the annual registrations for schools proceed smoothly in each province by holding scheduled meetings with all provincial co-ordinators who are at director level and responsible for admissions on a regular basis. They analyse the admissions processes in order to review and amend such processes to ensure that annual registration proceed efficiently from year to year. Provincial admissions co-ordinators share best practice as a way of bringing uniformity in the sector while taking into consideration provincial differences.

b) The following methods have been put in place for Provincial Departments to implement:

(i) Review Regulation/Circular;

(ii) Determine the admission period with a comprehensive management plan (timeframes) mapping out:

  • Application Period – distribution of admission forms, when parents return forms, information on documentation needed;
  • Management of registration – clear criteria for waiting lists and process to rank applications using feeder schools and residential information as examples, depending on provincial Regulation;
  • The period to inform parents on the status of their children’s application;
  • Period of placement of learners with information on period to lodge appeals, where to find support if a learner is not placed with contact details of provincial and district officials responsible admissions; and
  • Clear strategies on admission of non-citizens.

(iii) Establish admission teams at provincial and district level;

(iv) Mediate admission Circular to schools;

(v) Ratify admission policies of schools;

(vi) Conduct advocacy campaigns to inform parents about early registration and provide all the necessary information about admission processes;

(vii) Place all admission information on the provincial website;

(viii) Monitor admission processes in schools and intervene where there is non-compliance with policy;

(iX) Identify hotspots and develop strategies to address them;

(x) Create a rapid response team to handle grievances and appeals;

(xi) Resolve/ mediate appeals within the shortest period possible;

(xii) Compile report and update figures monthly for the DBE is attention as per the requirement of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education; and

(xiii) Make requisition for additional resources (classrooms, teachers).

The most recent inter-provincial meetings on admissions took place on 6 and 7 December 2016, 7 March 2017 and 29 March 2017. Follow-up meetings focusing on progress reporting in terms of planned admissions activities are scheduled quarterly on the following dates:

  1. 7 May 2017;
  2. 6 August 2017; and
  3. 28 November 2017.

c) Late registrations are centralised in districts as a measure to address disruptions caused by late registrations. This is also meant to prevent parents from disrupting teaching and learning by moving from school to school seeking placement for their children. Districts establish admission teams which collect admission information on available spaces in schools so as to direct learners seeking admission late to such schools accordingly. Letters are issued by disticts directors to schools with spaces available to ease the challenges of late registration.

07 April 2017 - NW757

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What plans are in place to upgrade train stations in each province, (b)(i) why have some stations been abandoned and left to dilapidate and (ii) what plans are there to upgrade these stations and (c)(i) how have passengers who previously caught trains at train stations that are no longer in use been accommodated and (ii) since when have these arrangements been in place in respect of each station?


a) The upgrading and improvement of Railway stations which are used for the delivery of both Commuter and Long Distance Rail services is ongoing and occurs annually through a National Station Improvement Programme (NSIP) and National Station Upgrade Programme (NSUP). Table 1 below reflects the number of completed projects since April 2012 to March 2016.

Table 1


It is anticipated that for the 2016/2017 financial year a total of forty three (43) station improvements (NSIP) and fifteen (15) station upgrades projects (NSUP) will be completed. For the 2017/2018 financial year a total of forty five (45) station improvement projects (NSIP) and fifteen (15) station upgrade projects (NSUP) are earmarked for completion. The table below outlines a project name list for stations prioritised for the 2017/2018 financial year per region.

National Station Improvement Programme (NSIP)

Gauteng South Region

Gauteng North Region

Western Cape Region

Kwazulu Natal Region

Eastern Cape Region

1.Dunnottar station

8) Akasiaboom Station

20) Du Toit

27) Winkelspruit Station

34) Arnoldton Station

2. Servaas Station

9) Silverton Station Drainage & Fencing

21) Fisantekraal

28) Charlottedale Station

35) De Mist Station

3. Selpark Station

10) Gezina Station

22) Gouda

29) Ottawa Station

36) Mdantsane Station

4. Noupoort Station

11) Soshanguve Station

23) Vlottenburg

30) Compensation Station

37) Mount Ruth Station

5. Union Station

12) Kopanong Station

24) Esplanade

31) Frazer Station

38) East London Station - Fire Infrastructure Refurbishment drainage and paving in Depot Yard

6. Betlhehem Station

13) De Wildt Station

25) Stellenbosch

32) Phoenix Station

39) Port Elizabeth Station – Fire Infrastructure Refurbishment

7. Grasmere Station

14) Komatipoort Station

26) Paarl

33) Shallcross Station

40) Sydenham Station


15) Kaapmuiden Station


41) Port Elizabeth Station


16) Nelspruit Station


42) East London Station


17) Akasiaboom Station


43) Perseverance Station


18) Pienaarspoort


44) Sterkstroom Station


19) Mamelodi Gardens


45) Cradock Station

National Station Upgrade Programme (NSUP)

Gauteng South Region

Gauteng North Region

Western Cape Region

Kwazulu Natal Region

1. Florida Station

9) Akasiaboom Overhead Station

10) Cape Town Station Upgrade Phase 6

15) DBN Station Fire Compliance - (Phase 2)

2. Jeppe Station


11)Cape Town Station Phase 1 Forecourt & Amenities


3. Bloemfontein Station


12)Mbekweni Station Upgrade


4. Germiston Station -Shosholoza Meyl Office


13) Mutual Station


5. Park Station – (4) projects


14)Woltemade Station


(b) (i) Some stations have been closed due to operational requirements of rationalisation of stations in close proximity to each other, low passenger numbers and safety considerations.

(ii) Not applicable, see (i) above

(c) (i) Passenger are referred to an existing of upgraded stations, closer to them.

07 April 2017 - NW633

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) What was the calculated impact of the inclusion of the marks of progressed pupils on the overall results of the 2016 National Senior Certificate examinations, (b) how was the specified impact calculated and (c) was the impact calculated before or after the mark standardisation process?


a) The impact of the progressed learners on the overall results of the 2016 National Senior Certificate examination, is 3.7%.

b) The overall pass rate with the progressed learners included is 72.5% and the overall pass rate with the progressed learners excluded is 76.2%. The difference between these two figures is 3.7%

c) The impact was calculated after the standardisation process.

07 April 2017 - NW561

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

Does she still intend to conduct a baseline survey on substance abuse in the country; if not, why not; if so, what are the (a) relevant details of the process that will be followed and (b) further relevant details in this regard?



 (a) The Department is planning to conduct the baseline survey on substance abuse in the country.

 (b) The Department has prioritized the survey as it plays a crucial role especially for the importance of provision of the updated data on the nature, extent and patterns of substance abuse. The project will commence during 2017/2018 financial year.

07 April 2017 - NW695

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1) Did (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him participate in the Dialogue with the President: Unpacking of the SONA 2017 on Radical Economic Transformation Implementation event hosted at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, on 25 February 2017; if so, what amount was spent in each case; (2) did (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him participate in the auction of the (i) souvenirs or (ii) personal belongings of the President of the Republic, Mr Jacob G Zuma; if so, (aa) which items were purchased and (bb) at what cost, in each case?


1.Did (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him participate in the Dialogue with the President: Unpacking of the SONA 2017 on Radical Economic Transformation Implementation event hosted at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, on 25 February 2017; if so, what amount was spent in each case;


2. did (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him participate in the auction of the (i) souvenirs or (ii) personal belongings of the President of the Republic, Mr Jacob G Zuma; if so, (aa) which items were purchased and (bb) at what cost, in each case?





  1. Department of Mineral Resources



  1. No
  2. No

(aa) None

(bb) Not applicable

  1. Entities



  1. No
  2. No

(aa) None

(bb) Not applicable




  1. No
  2. No

(aa) None

(bb) Not applicable



  1. No
  2. No

(aa) None

(bb) Not applicable



  1. No
  2. No

(aa) None

(bb) Not applicable



  1. No
  2. No

(aa) None

(bb) Not applicable


07 April 2017 - NW892

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to the boards of companies that fall under the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa, (a) how do the various boards co-ordinate with each other, (b) what (i) processes and/or (ii) procedures are followed, (c) who constitutes the coordinating body and (d) what criteria is used to select each member onto the coordinating body?


a) The Board had resolved to request the Chairpersons of the respective Subsidiary Boards to attend and submit their reports to the Governance and Performance Committee of the Main Board, which is comprised of the PRASA Board Chairperson and the Chairpersons of the Board Committees. PRASA has two Subsidiaries, namely: Autopax (Bus service) and Intersite (Property Development).

b) (i) They engaged through the Governance and Performance Committee of the Board.

(ii) Subsidiary Board Chairpersons submit reports to and attend the Governance and Performance Committee of the Board.

c) Governance and Performance Committee of the Board – which is made up of the Board Chairperson and the Chairperson of the Board Committees.

d) The Board had resolved to request the Chairpersons of the respective Subsidiary Boards to attend and submit their reports to the Governance and Performance Committee of the Main Board.

07 April 2017 - NW808

Profile picture: Mulaudzi, Adv TE

Mulaudzi, Adv TE to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) How many tenders has the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa awarded to a certain company (name furnished) in the period 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2016 and (b) what was the value of the tenders in each case?


a) The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa has not awarded any tender to the certain company between 01 January 2013 to 31 December 2016

b) See response (a)

06 April 2017 - NW39

Profile picture: Cassim, Mr Y

Cassim, Mr Y to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)(a) What is the name of the service provider that won the bid for the SA Social Service Agency’s (SASSA) tender 41/15/CM, (b) on what date was the contract for the specified tender signed with the specified service provider, (c) what is the total cost of the tender, (d) over what period will the tender run, (e) how many bids were received, (f) what were the (i) highest and (ii) lowest bids received and (g) what deliverables is the service provider expected to provide; (2) whether the service provider signed a service level agreement with the SASSA; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW42E


(1) (a) Tsalena Media.

(b) 06 June 2016.

(c) The total cost is R 44 404 385.10 inclusive of value added tax (vat).

(d) The contract period is for twelve (12) months.

(e) The agency received eleven (11) bids.

(f) (i) The highest bid received was R47 675 511.36 vat inclusive.

(ii) The lowest bid received was R 44 404 385.10 vat inclusive the lowest bidder met the minimum required score for functionality criteria.

(g) The service provider is expected to provide the following deliverables, media planning and bulk buying, develop a measurement and reporting tool; a brand communication strategy as well as events management strategy

(2) Yes, the service provider signed a service level agreement with SASSA.

06 April 2017 - NW31

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER

Wilson, Ms ER to ask the Minister of Social Development

With reference to her replies to (a) question 1657 on 19 September 2016 and (b) oral question 107 on 31 August 2016, (i) what are the (aa) names and (bb) professional designations of each member serving on the Ministerial Advisory Committee established to plan the way forward for the takeover of the paying out of social grants by the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA), (ii) what role does the work stream leaders play in the specified committee, (iii) what is the role of the specified committee with regard to the takeover of grant distribution by SASSA and (iv) who is (aa) accountable for and (bb) leading the processes of the specified committee?


The function of the Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) was to review a broad number of elements relating to the payment systems for social security benefits distribution or payments, taking into account the accessibility of services; payment infrastructure requirements - the current level of South Africa’s infrastructure development and affordability; legislative and general regulatory environment; cost to state and to beneficiaries; and the macroeconomic environment.

The Ministerial Advisory Committee concluded its work in December 2014.

The workstream leaders were appointed in 2016 to facilitate the implementation of the recommendation of the Ministerial Advisory Committee.

(i) List of Ministerial Advisory Committee Members

(aa) (bb)


Qualification (s)

Mr. Themba Langa


Mr. Mark Davids

National Higher Diploma: Electrical Engineering

Mr. Sipho Majombozi

B Ed

Mr. Tim Masela


Mr. Patrick Monyeki


Mr. Sizwe Shezi

MA in Social Policy

Dr. Makhozi Khoza

PHD Administration

Ms. Tankiso Parkies

Honours in Sociology

Prof Ann Skelton

PHD Degree in law restorative and child justice

Mr. Sanjiv Mital

Engineering Degree Information Technology / Management Degree

Mr. Barend Petersen

Honours B Compt

Mr. Tim Sukazi

LLM in Commercial Law

Mr. Andile Nyhonyha


(ii) The workstream leaders appointed so far are:-

Mr Tim Sukazi: Legislative and Policy Requirements Management.

Ms Tankiso Pakkies: Benefits and Local Economic Development and

Mr Patrick Monyeki: Business information, Banking Services and Project Management

Over and above the workstream services, SASSA has a database of accredited service providers e.g. Actuaries, Risk and Security management etc. whose services will be utilized in the course on concluding this work.

(iii) Mr Sukazi will lead the process that review regulatory requirements including the SASSA act to obtain understanding of the legal operating environment.

Ms Mpolokeng Tankiso Parkies is responsible for identifying the benefits and Local Economic initiatives to be implemented with the delivery of the Social Security Assistance.

Mr Patrick Monyeki is responsible to develop system requirements to meet the recommended insourcing payment model while reviewing both the current CPS and SASSA systems for enhancement and systems integration.

(iv) (aa) work stream lead(s) accounts for the services rendered by companies they lead,

(bb) the work stream lead(s) lead their individual companies.

06 April 2017 - NW711

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Did (a) her department or (b) any entity reporting to her participate in the Dialogue with the President: Unpacking of the SONA 2017 on Radical Economic Transformation Implementation event hosted at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, on 25 February 2017; if so, what amount was spent in each case; (2) did (a) her department or (b) any entity reporting to her participate in the auction of the (i) souvenirs or (ii) personal belongings of the President of the Republic, Mr Jacob G Zuma; if so, (aa) which items were purchased and (bb) at what cost, in each case?


(1) No, neither my Department nor any Entities reporting to me participated in the Dialogue with the President: Unpacking of the SONA 2017 on Radical Economic Transformation Implementation event hosted at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, on 25 February 2017.

(2) No, neither my Department nor any Entities reporting to me participated in the auction of the souvenirs, personal belongings of the President of the Republic Jacob G Zuma.


06 April 2017 - NW752

Profile picture: Van Dalen, Mr P

Van Dalen, Mr P to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Can she provide a detailed list of comprehensive details of how the R67 million, which was raised from the sale of ivory stockpiles in 2008, has been spent?


A total of R67 617.677 was raised through the sale of the elephant ivory stockpile in 2008. R7 774.745 was transferred to KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife, Mpumalanga and North West provinces, as income from their ivory which was part of the sale. The South African National Parks have, thus far, spent a total of R48 963.210 on 21 different projects. These projects focused on aspects of elephant conservation and protection, elephant management, community conservation matters, and elephant related research and monitoring, as is stipulated in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora conditions of the ivory sale.


06 April 2017 - NW510

Profile picture: Volmink, Mr HC

Volmink, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

What is the total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid by her department for more than 30 days, in each case specifying (a) the name of the company and/or supplier, (b) the amount(s) outstanding, (c) the reason for non-payment and (d) the envisaged date on which the amounts will be paid?


As at the 31 March 2017, the National Department of Human Settlements had no outstanding supplier invoices which remained unpaid for more than 30 days.

06 April 2017 - NW742

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What policies and protocols on national assets and national heritage do SA National Parks and provincial authorities have in place in respect of donating or selling wild animals?


The South African National Parks (SANParks) has several policies and standard operating procedures in place with respect to the donation and selling of wildlife. Of primary importance is SANParks’ Policy on Wildlife Management as well as SANParks’ Policy on Resource Use which provides the contextual framework for the management of wildlife within national parks, including the donation and selling thereof. SANParks’ Policy on the Sale of White Rhino and SANParks’ Policy on Donation of Wildlife and Wildlife Products provide more details for the donation and sale of white rhino and other wildlife species from national parks. Further to donation and sale of wildlife, several SANParks’ Standard Operating Procedures are in place to guide the implementation of these policies.

Provincial Conservation Authorities have established their own game donation, loan policies and/or protocols that they are implementing.


06 April 2017 - NW743

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether the South African National Parks (SANParks) is considering to take full control of the provincial reserves which share unfenced boundaries with the Kruger National Park (KNP), including Letaba Ranch Game Reserve, Manyeleti Nature Reserve and Makuya Nature Reserve; if not, (a) has SANParks found the specified reserves to be managed effectively and (b) will she provide Mr T Z Hadebe with copies of the annual management reports of the reserves?


As part of Government’s sustainable development agenda, the Department of Environmental Affairs is facilitating a programme of expansion and management effectiveness of the protected areas estate. This programme focuses on inter alia, consolidating conservation priority areas, looking at economies of scale, and minimising duplication and overlaps in conservation management. The National Environmental Management Protected Areas Act makes provision for SANParks to manage all existing national parks and any other kind of protected area as assigned by the Minister. From time to time, opportunities exist for land consolidation through contractual agreements with neighbouring land owners and land managers, with clear guidelines for incorporation of conservation land. The KNP is one such case in which the feasibility of land consolidation is being explored at the technical level prior to any potential stakeholder engagement. As such, no official decision has yet been taken for consolidation pending the outcome of the feasibility process.

(a) and (b)

SANParks is not the current management authority of the 3 Nature Reserves; and as such, provision of the required information of annual management reports can be provided by the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET).


06 April 2017 - NW754

Profile picture: Topham , Mr B

Topham , Mr B to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) What is the total number of orphaned rhinos that were sent to orphanages in (i) 2015 and (ii) 2016, (b) to which orphanages were they sent and (c) where are the facilities located?



(i) In 2015 a total of nine rhinos (8 white and 1 black) were sent to rhino orphanages outside the Kruger National Park. Six of the white rhino calves and 1 black rhino calf are currently still alive.

(ii) In 2016 a total of 21 white rhino orphans were rescued in 2016 of which 19 are still alive.

(b) The rhino orphans are currently kept at rhino holding facilities in the Kruger National Park and an external rhino rehabilitation centre.

(c) We cannot share locations of these rhino holding facilities for security reasons.


06 April 2017 - NW468

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether her department procured any services from and/or made any payments to (a) Mr Mzwanele Manyi, (b) the Progressive Professionals Forum, (c) the Decolonisation Fund and/or (d) the Black Business Council; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what (i) services were procured, (ii) was the total cost, (iii) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (iv) was the total amount paid, (v) was the purpose of the payments and (vi) is the detailed breakdown of such payments in each case?


The Department’s response is as indicated below:

Service Providers

(i) Services Procured

(ii) The total cost

(iii) The detailed breakdown of such costs

(iv) The total amount paid

(v) The purpose of the payments

(vi) The detailed breakdown of such payments in each case

(a) Mr. Mzwanele Manyi

No services procured




Nothing procured


(b) The Progressive Professionals Forum

No services procured




Nothing procured


(c) The Decolonisation Fund

No services procured




Nothing procured


(d)The Black Business Council

No services procured




Nothing procured


06 April 2017 - NW560

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

With reference to the latest available statistics, (a) what is the total number of state-run drug rehabilitation centres, (b) how many of the specified centres are operational, (c) where are the centres located, (d) how many persons can be accommodated at each centre and (e) how many patients are currently in state-run drug rehabilitation centres?


a) The total number of state run rehabilitation centres is 7 (Seven)

b) All the 7 (seven specified centres are operational

c) The centres are located as follows:


Name of Treatment Centre

(b) Location

d) Persons Accommodated

Eastern Cape

Ernest Malgas

Port Elizabeth



Dr Fabian & Florence Reibero



KwaZulu Natal

Newlands Park centre

New Land West



Madadeni Rehabilitation Centre

Madadeni Township



Swartfontein Treatment Centre

White River


North West

Witrand Substance Rehabilitation Centre



Western Cape

De Novo Treatment Centre



e) Provinces have been requested to provide statistics on number of patients that are currently in state run drug rehabilitation centres.

06 April 2017 - NW641

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Ms J Edwards (DA) to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1) Whether she is aware of the dire situation at the Shongweni Landfill that has become a health hazard due to the unbearable stench; if so, (a) what were the findings of the Green Scorpions, following their inspection at the end of 2016, that were reported to her Department which issued a notice on 02 February 2017 to suspend or revoke the waste management license, (b) by what date must EnviroServ respond to this notice and (c) will her Department foot the hospital bill for the sick children and family members; (2) will the specified site be closed and be moved to an area where the negative impact on people’s health will be much less; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; and (3) (a) what is the long-term vision for this site given its proximity to people, (b) why was the problem not shared with the monitoring committee when she became aware of it and (c) will limestone be used to nullify the sulphur?


(1) I am aware the of the complaints related to the Shongweni landfill site, and the health related aspects have been brought to my attention.

(a) The Green Scorpions findings relate to breaches in terms of the conditions of the Waste Management Licence. These findings were reported to the Chemicals and Waste Management that subsequently decided, on 02 February 2017, to issue a notice of intention to suspend and/or revoke the Waste Management Licence.

(b) EnviroServ provided an initial response to this notice of intention on 09 February 2017. Further representations have been received from Enviroserv, as well as representatives of the community and members of the community. In line with the requirements of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, EnviroServ had a final opportunity to make representations to the officials at Chemical and Waste Management on/before 27 March 2017.

(c) EnviroServ will be held accountable for any health related impacts that the community are experiencing as a result of the impacts from this site. As honourable Member should know, the process of determining negative impact caused by such, do take particular procedures prescribed by law and regulator.

(2) The decision whether or not to close and rehabilitate the site will be made by the Department as part of the decision making process related to whether or not to suspend and/or revoke the Waste Management Licence after evaluation of the representations made.

(3) (a) The Department envisions all landfill sites, not just Shongweni, operating in a manner that does not pose a risk or a nuisance to any of the people that reside in the vicinity of landfills or impact negatively on the environment.

(b) The matter was raised and dicussed with community members, and all the members of the Enviornmental Monitoring Commitee are aware of the matter. Several meetings have been held in this regard.

(c) Lime on its own will not resolve the issue. A combination of treatment and physical construction interventions will be required to resolve the problem.


06 April 2017 - NW739

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Has a report of the Committee of Inquiry tasked with, inter alia, investigating the feasibility of South Africa tabling a proposal for an option to trade in rhino horn at the 17th Conference of Parties of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora in 2016 been made publicly available; if not, why not; if so, (2) has the report been published on her Department’s website; if not, where can the public access it; if so, can a copy of the report be made available to Ms J Edwards?


(1) Yes.

(2) The summary report has been published on the Department’s website. The following link can be used to access the report:


06 April 2017 - NW179

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)With reference to the reply of the Minister of Finance to question 2220 on 30 November 2016, what is the detailed breakdown of each amount (a) paid to each of the specified contractors to date and (b) budgeted for each of the specified contractors for the (i) 2015-16, (ii) 2016-17, (iii) 2017-18 and (iv) 2018-19 financial years; (2) how much of the SA Social Security Agency’s total budget for the (a) 2015-16, (b) 2016-17, (c) 2017-18 and (d) 2018-19 financial years has been allocated to preparing for the agency’s internal capacity to administer the payment of social grants? NW190E


1. The amount referred to as payment contractors in the reply to question 2220 actually refers to:

(a) The budget for expenditure incurred towards the contractor for disbursement of grant monies (Cash handling Fees). Expenditure to date (end February 2017) for 2017/18 is R 1,889,541,996

(b) The budgeted amounts for the disbursement of grant monies is as follows:






Budgeted Amount





2. Following approval by the National Treasury for the South African Social

Security Agency to retain its cash surplus the Agency will utilise the cash surplus for the purpose of funding internal capacity for the takeover of the administration of the payment of social grants. The table below shows the budgeted amounts from the retained cash surplus and not necessarily from the baseline.












06 April 2017 - NW687

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Did (a) her Department or (b) any entity reporting to her participate in the Dialogue with the President: Unpacking of the SONA 2017 on Radical Economic Transformation Implementation event hosted at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, on 25 February 2017; if so, what amount was spent in each case; and (2) did (a) her Department or (b) any entity reporting to her participate in the auction of the (i) souvenirs or (ii) personal belongings of the President of the Republic, Mr Jacob G Zuma; if so, (aa) which items were purchased and (bb) at what cost, in each case?


1. (a) No.

    b) No.

2. (a) No

     (i) No.

     (ii) No.

(aa) No items purchased.

(bb) Not applicable.

(b) No

    (iii) No.

     (iv) No.

(aa) No items purchased.

(bb) Not applicable.


06 April 2017 - NW403

Profile picture: Jooste, Ms K

Jooste, Ms K to ask the Minister of Social Development

What has been the compliance rate of non-profit organisations with the Non-Profit Organisation Act, Act 71 of 1997, (a) in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13, (iii) 2013-14, (iv) 2014-15 and (v) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016?



  1. 30.7%
  2. 31.7%
  3. 21.6%
  4. 22.2%
  5. 24.6%

(b) 14.3%

Upon realization that NPO noncompliance rate has been incremental over the past years, the department has employed the following intervention approaches:

  • Introduced a text message system to communicate efficiently to the NPOs and constantly reminding them of the outstanding reports and compliance status
  • Conducted NPO Roadshows to over 200 local municipalities in the past two financial years (2014/2015 and 2015/2016). This initiate has enabled us to go to different communities and assist NPOs in submitting the required reports.
  • The department has intensified its capacity building programme, training over 3000 organisations per annum on compliance.
  • In all Ministerial and outreach programmes of the department, all NPO services have been and continue to be visible as part of mitigating the noncompliance status.
  • At the center of the exorbitant noncompliance rate is the legislation (Non-Profit Organisation Act, Act 71 of 1997) governing the NPO sector. The department’s position is that the legislation needs to be subjected to a thorough review process, taking into consideration the current and evolving country dynamics. The department is therefore in its final phase of the mentioned review assessment, and it is envisaged that the final amended legislation should be able to eliminate the structural challenges which contribute to the increasing NPO noncompliance.

The impact of the above stated interventions, will go a long way in reducing high noncompliance statistics. It is the same reason why the department has institutionalized the mention programmes, to sustain the NPO compliance campaign in the next coming years.