Question NW790 to the Minister in the Presidency
10 April 2017 - NW790
Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister in the Presidency
(1)Whether her office has engaged with the (a) Department of Basic Education, (b) Department of Health, (c) Department of Social Development, (d) Office of The Presidency and (e) National Treasury to roll out its Sanitary Dignity Campaign to provide sanitary towels to vulnerable and poor girls; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) (a) why has it taken so long to start engaging the specified departments and (b) what is the (i) envisaged timeline for and (ii) full relevant details of the specified campaign?
1. The National Task Team led by the Department of Women which includes most of the departments mentioned in (1) above as well as other key departments has been established following the Presidency directive. Further to this a National Task Team chaired by the Director General of the Department of Women was also established.
2. The National Task Team is working on a Policy Framework with the intention of tabling a draft around June 2017.
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