Questions and Replies

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24 May 2016 - NW1366

Profile picture: McLoughlin, Mr AR

McLoughlin, Mr AR to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether her department acquired any (a) hardware and/or (b) software information technology equipment in the (i) 2014-15 and (ii) 2015-16 financial years; if not, why not; if so, what are the full details in each case in terms of (aa) what were the tender requirements, (bb) where were the relevant tender advertisements placed, (cc) who were the members of each bid adjudication committee, (dd)(aaa) where and (bbb) when did each of the specified bid adjudication committees sit, (ee)(aaa) how many tender applications were received for each advertised tender and (bbb) from whom, (ff) who was the successful bidder in each case and (gg) on what basis was each tender awarded to the specified successful bidder?


Refer to the table below for the summary of the acquired hardware and software for the periods in question:


(i) 2014-15 financial years

(ii) 2015-16 financial year

(a) Hardware

My Department awarded three (3) tenders for the acquisition of hardware

My Department awarded three (3) tenders for the acquisition of hardware

(b) Software

No tenders were awarded for acquisition of software

My Department awarded four (4) tenders for the acquisition of software

The specific details for the tenders awarded for the acquisition of hardware and software during the period in question is detailed in Annexure A.


24 May 2016 - NW850

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether she has taken any steps to address the challenge in the Amathole region in the Eastern Cape Province, since being notified that teachers at Seymour High School are not teaching learners since schools open in January 2016; if not, why not; if so; which steps has she taken?


The National Department of Basic Education contacted the Eastern Cape Education Department to seek clarity on the matter as we could not find a Seymour High School in the Amathole region on the national database. The Eastern Cape Department indicated that there is no Seymour High School in the Amathole but Seymour Primary School, located in the Fort Beaufort district. The province and the district were not aware of any disruptions at Seymour Primary School – a school that had been visited by district officials at the beginning of the year to assess readiness for the 2016 academic year. The principal of Seymour Primary School has also sent in a written response indicating that the school has operated normally since the opening of schools on 11 January 2016, and no disruptions have been experienced at the school. The response from Seymour Primary School attached (Annexure A)

24 May 2016 - NW1280

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

With reference to the Armaments Corporation of South Africa’s tender ETEL/2016/12 published on 22 April 2016, for the lease of a VIP-configured inter-continental aircraft for the SA Air Force, (a) what (i) are the specifications to be met by the specified aircraft, (ii) amount has been budgeted for the leasing of the specified aircraft and (iii) is the timeline for the delivery of the specified aircraft and (b) how long will the specified aircraft be leased for?


(a) (i) See the attached specifications.

(ii) There is a budget allocated for the 2016/17 financial year.

(iii)The initial date was end of May 2016 but the tender adjudication process is underway and can alter the delivery date.

(b) It has recently been determined that the Aircraft will be leased for a period of 12 Months.


24 May 2016 - NW373

Profile picture: Groenewald, Mr HB

Groenewald, Mr HB to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) With reference to President Jacob G Zuma’s undertaking in his State of the Nation Address delivered on 12 February 2015, that the Government will set aside 30% of appropriate categories of state procurement for purchasing from Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs), co-operatives, as well as township and rural enterprises, what percentage of the total procurement of (a) her department and (b) every entity reporting to her went to (i) SMMEs and (ii) co-operatives from 1 April 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?


1. The Department of Labour’s spent on SMMEs for 2015/16 accounted for 59.2% of the total procurement spent.

2. When taking all its entities into account, 29.6% accounted for SMMEs procurement.

3. Cooperatives accounted for negligible share and the Labour Activation Programme is focusing on Enterprise Development Programme with a special focus on Cooperatives.

24 May 2016 - NW1238

Profile picture: Whitfield, Mr AG

Whitfield, Mr AG to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Whether the Marselle Waste Transfer Site in the Ndlambe Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape complies with every relevant provision of the National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998, as amended; if not, (a) why has the specified site not been closed down and (b) what waste management plans has her Department put in place to ensure compliance with the specified Act; and, what are the relevant details; and (2) whether the Green Scorpions have been asked to investigate the specified site; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. (a) First of all we need to remind the Honourable member that the mandate of managing landfill sites belongs to municipalities. This response relates only to our support work that we do. The Marselle waste disposal facility was identified to be licensed for closure because it is nearing its capacity. After rehabilitation one of the options for its alternative use was that the site be used as a transfer station. The site was licensed for closure on 16 March 2015. The license holder is required to commence the closure and rehabilitation activities under the supervision of a registered engineer and an Environmental Control Officer (ECO) within a period of three years from the date of issue.

(b) The site was inspected for compliance with the licence conditions on 10 June 2015, which is a routine monitoring function of the Provincial Department, and concerns were raised with the licence holder. Thereafter, concerns from local residents’ associations were received by the Department, and a meeting between the Ndlambe Local Municipality and the Chairpersons from Kenton-on-Sea Ratepayers Association (KOSRA) and Natures Landing Homeowners Association was convened on 14 September 2015 to try and address non-compliance issues associated with the site. It transpired that the Municipality has put aside a budget to appoint a service provider that will commence with the closure activities, but is overwhelmed with the quantities of waste still going to the site to enable the closure. The Department committed to assist the municipality to source funds for a project that will help with diverting waste away from going to landfill, and the project was approved and allocated a budget of R2, 026 million for the 2016/17 financial year. The project will employ a total of 46 people to assist with access control and security services at the landfill site, cleaning illegal dumps, door-to-door awareness campaigns in hotspot communities, promoting a culture of separation at source and recovery of materials.

2. The Department received this complaint in an e-mail sent to the office of the Chief Director: Regulatory Services on 08 February 2012. An inspection was conducted on 17 February 2012 at Marselle/Boesmansriviermond disposal site, and a meeting was held between the officials from the Department of Environmental Affairs, Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT) and Ndlambe Municipality. On 23 February 2012, Ndlambe Municipality submitted a letter to the Department where they clearly indicated that there is currently no budget to render a 24-hour access control/security; however, staff members had been instructed not to start fires on site. Measures were also put in place as from
20 February 2012 to extend the working hours of the municipal employees to monitor the situation and ensure that fires were not lit.

It was also highlighted to the Department that, due to limited space for waste disposal, the Kenton-on-Sea garden waste site was closed, and more pressure was placed on Marselle disposal site as the garden waste was then brought to this site. The interim plan for the Municipality was to negotiate with the Kenton-on-Sea Ratepayers Association as they were keen to make available a chipper and ask garden services to drop off their garden refuse at a point where it could be chipped. This was to open up space for domestic refuse in the area that was to be used for garden refuse.

Since the matter focused on general waste management activities which fall within the mandate of the provincial sphere of government, the matter was then referred to the provincial DEDEAT on 29t February 2012.

Subsequently, the site was inspected for compliance with its licence conditions on 10 June 2015 by the DEDEAT as part of their routine monitoring function as indicated in question 1(b) above. Accordingly, the events following this inspection are outlined above.


24 May 2016 - NW1485

Profile picture: Maimane, Mr MA

Maimane, Mr MA to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(a) How many flights have been made in military helicopters between the President’s private residence in Nkandla and Durban in KwaZulu-Natal, between 1 February 2015 and 17 May 2016 and (b) what was the total cost of each specified flight?


The information required relates to the movement of the President and for security reasons, the response to this question can only be presented to closed session of the Joint Standing Committee on Defence.

24 May 2016 - NW1435

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) (a) on what date did her department conducted an inspection of the Chloorkop Primary School in Kempton Park, Gauteng, through the inspection and enforcement services in line with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993, as amended, (b) what were the findings of the specified inspections and (c) how often is her department compelled by law to inspect work environments in line with (i) the specified Act and (ii) any other legislation; (2) (a) when will her department conduct such an inspection at the specified school, given the structural damage to the school’s buildings (details furnished) and (b) when will such a report be made public?


1 (a) No inspection conducted at Chloorkop Primary School in Kempton Park, Gauteng.

   (b) Due to the fact that there was no inspection conducted, there are no findings.

   (c) There is no stipulation in the Occupational Heath and Safety Act regarding the frequency of inspections for any workplace and there is no other legislation.

(2) (a) Inspection will be conducted at end of May 2016.

(b) inspection reports are not made public in terms of Section 36 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act as amended.

24 May 2016 - NW1049

Profile picture: McLoughlin, Mr AR

McLoughlin, Mr AR to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) What are the reasons for pulling the SA Broadcasting Corporation Channel 404 programme, On the Record with Vuyo Mvoko, off the air on the evening of Thursday, 17 March 2016; (2) whether any complaints were received about the content of the specified programme; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether disciplinary proceedings have been instituted against a certain person (name furnished); if so, (a) on what basis and (b) what are the further relevant details?


(1) The SABC is reviewing a number of Current Affairs shows as it prepares for the election programmes. Mvoko is one of the SABC’s experienced anchors that the Corporation would like to use for programmes that will look into election stories, i.e, political debates. The SABC is yet to decide on the relevant time slots for various shows.

(2) No, the SABC has not received a complaint about the content of the specified programme.

(3) No. Mvoko was not disciplined for his work as an Anchor for On the Record programme. (He did, however, get a formal corrective measure notice for communicating internal communication on social media without permission).









24 May 2016 - NW1367

Profile picture: McLoughlin, Mr AR

McLoughlin, Mr AR to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether her department incurred any irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure as determined by the Auditor-General in the (a) 2014-15 and (b) 2015-16 financial years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, (i) why was the specified expenditure incurred, (ii) who was the recipient and (iii) what tender processes were followed; (2) Whether her department has attempted to recover any of the specified expenditures in any of the specified financial years; if not, (a) why not and (b) what steps will be taken to recover the specified expenditures; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(1)(a) Yes, my Department has incurred irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditures as determined by the Auditor-General in the 2014-15 financial year.

(1)(b) The findings have not yet been determined by Auditor-General since the audit for the financial year 2015/16 has not been finalised.

(1)(b)(i) The irregular expenditure was incurred for various reasons as disclosed on the financial report for the year end 2014/15 which was made public and is available on my departmental website.

(1)(b)(ii) Recipients are various service providers who provided service to my Department. In terms of the National Treasury instruction on the treatment of irregular expenditure, my Department is bound to pay for the service when the obligation has been made by my Department officials on behalf of the Department. After the payment has been made the Department has to investigate how the transgression was done and take appropriate disciplinary actions as directed by the PFMA.

(1)(b)(iii) Refer to the list below for the tender processes followed that led to the transgressions committed:

  • Procurement of IT services not following the SITA Act;
  • Procurement of goods and services deliberately split into parts or items of smaller value merely to avoid complying with the requirements of the SCM policy and legislation;
  • The final decision on the acceptance of quotations not done by a properly delegated official or committee;
  • Goods or services of a transaction value of more than R2 000 procured without inviting at least three written price quotations from prospective suppliers and the deviation not approved by delegated person;
  • Deviations from competitive bidding and not test the market by procuring goods and services from none approved sole supplier;
  • Correct Supply Chain Management (SCM) processes and procedures not adhered to.
  • Payment may only be made in terms of a valid contract to a duly authorised payee.
  • Incorrect authorisation of transactions (delegations not complied with);
  • Expenditure exceeding original excess of the approved contract or quoted amount or no contract in place;
  • Lowest quotation not selected and no motivation provided;
  • Contracts awarded without original tax clearance certificates or tax clearance certificates expired;
  • The method of procurement is inconsistent with those prescribed in terms of PN 8 of 2007/2008. Goods or services of a transaction value of R10 000 to R500 000 were procured without inviting at least three written price quotations from prospective suppliers and the deviation was not approved by delegated person; and
  • Goods and services were rendered by the supplier and paid for without a valid written signed contract.

(2)(a) My Department is investigating the matter to determine whether the transgressions were in the interest of the State or not.

(2)(b) The appropriate actions will be taken upon completion of the investigation.


24 May 2016 - NW1205

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

What was the purpose of her attendance at the 2016 World Communication Forum in Davos, Switzerland, from 7 to 10 March 2016, (b) what are the (i) names and (ii) positions of the persons who accompanied her and (c) what was the (i) total cost and (ii) breakdown of the costs of the specified trip? NW1345E


Minister was invited to participate in this forum as a World Communication Forum Davos Committee Co-Chair elected for the period of 2015/16. She was also requested to speak within the larger theme announced for the opening panel: "Country Reputation - who's in charge of Communications, Identity and Trust?".

Minister was also invited to be one of the officials handing over the C4F Gala Awards to the winners. The category given to Minister to confer was on “communications of the future” – in recognition of the most creative and effective communication campaign. Minister had an opportunity to meet representatives from BRICS countries, where they’ve agreed to establish the BRICS Communications Forum which will focus on defining the communication strategy of BRICS.

(b) Mr Donald Liphoko: Acting Director-General Government Communications and Information Systems

Ms Mashudu Ralutanda: PA & Ministerial Support Staff

Mr Michael Currin: Chief Director: Provincial & Local Liaison, GCIS

Nthambeleni Gabara: Ministerial News and Media Service

(c) (i) The total amount is still in the process of being audited and will subsequently be made available.

(ii) The breakdown is also not available as it still needs to be audited.









24 May 2016 - NW683

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)(a) Which set-top box providers have been involved in the production of set top boxes (STBs) to the (i) Northern Cape and (ii) Free State up until 29 February 2016, (b) how many STBs has each company provided in each case? and (c) what amount has each company been paid up until the specified date for services rendered; (2) whether all of the STBs produced by the specified companies are Direct-to-Home STBs; if not, how many of the STBs produced are Digital Terrestrial Television STBs?


(1) (a) Universal Service and Aceess Agency of South Africa (USAASA), has informed me that it has appointed three companies (BUA Africa, CZ Electronics and Leratadima) to produce and supply set-top boxes to the South African Post Offices accross the country, including the Northern Cape and the Free State.

(b) USAASA informed me that the companies provided STBs as follows:

(i) Northern Cape: BUA Africa provided 3,506 STBs; CZ Electronics provided 27,000 STBs; and Leratadima provided 150 STBs.

(ii) Free State: BUA Africa provided 1,400 STBs; CZ Electronics provided 16,000 STBs; and Leratadima provided 00 STBs.

(c) USAASA further informed me that BUA Africa did not receive any payments as their invoices came in late. Leratadima and CZ Electronics were paid R680,934.34 and R35,841,674.00 respectively.

(2)  According to the Agency, not all produced STBs are Digital Terrestrial Television: 3,506 are DTH STBs and 27,150 are DTT STBs.









24 May 2016 - NW1422

Profile picture: Figg, Mr MJ

Figg, Mr MJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What (a) progress has been made to date on the Nooitgedacht Low Level Scheme in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality in the Eastern Cape, (b) amount has been spent to date and (c) is the expected date of completion of the specified scheme?


(a) Phase 1 for the installation of the ±45 km pipe work and associated works was completed at a cost of R570 million. Phase 2 commenced in December 2014.

(b) Phase 2 expenditure for the 2014/15 Municipal financial year was R59.6 million. It is anticipated that the expenditure for 2015/16 (30 June 2016) will be R82 million. A further R40 million has been budgeted for the completion of Phase 2 during the 2016/17 financial year.

(c) Phase 2 is scheduled for completion by March 2017 with Phase 3 in December 2018.


24 May 2016 - NW1101

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Eduction

(1)How many learners fell pregnant in respect of each (a) province and (b) district in (i) primary and (ii) secondary schools in the 2015 school year; (2) (a) at which schools where the specified learners registered, (b) in what grades were the specified learners when they fell pregnant and (c) how many of the specified learners returned to complete their school year after their pregnancies?


(1)(a)(b)(i)(ii) The 2015 data on learner pregnancy is not ready for use as yet.

(2)(a)(b)(c) The 2015 data on learner pregnancy is not ready for use as yet.

24 May 2016 - NW1399

Profile picture: Stander, Ms T

Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her are running developmental programmes for (i) small businesses and Yes (ii) co-operatives; Yes if not, why not, if so, in each case (aa) what are the relevant details, (bb) what amount has been budgeted and (cc) how many jobs will be created through the specified development programmes in the 2016-17 financial year?


(a)(i)(ii) Yes, Productivity South Africa does run developmental programmes for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs), and Cooperatives.

(aa) The entity has developed action learning solutions to assist SMMEs and Cooperatives aimed at equipping them with the right skills, knowledge and attitudes to implement systems and procedures to improve productivity, profitability, growth and employment creation within these sectors.

The details of the program are as follows:

  1. PHASE 1: Business Start-up Workshop (BSUW)

The objective of this phase is to cultivate productive behaviour and distribute productivity competencies among emerging entrepreneurs, including SMMEs and co-operatives. They are enabled to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of productivity and its measurement.
  • Define entrepreneurship and the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of business compliance.
  • Identify sources of start-up capital.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the business plan guide/ template as a tool during implementation of action plans to establish a business.

    2. PHASE 2: Business Performance Improvement Workshop (BPIW)

The objective of this phase is to apply an action learning solution to assist SMMEs and co-operatives to implement systems and procedures that will result in:

  • Wastage elimination
  • Increased sales
  • Reduced operational costs through speed and quality improvement
  • Maximised profits
  • An early warning system (EWS) to proactively detect distress.
  1. PHASE 3: After-care and Coaching

The third phase of the programme assist delegates with practical assignments relevant to their own businesses in the form of coaching aftercare services. The practical implementation of the programme content facilitates the achievement of the following objectives:

  • The assumption of entrepreneurial behaviour
  • The ability to calculate basic productivity measurements
  • The ability to establish and maintain critical business practices, such as cash-flow management, budgeting and inventory control
  • Practical measurement of current productivity levels and setting of achievable improvement targets
  • The ability to undertake practical productivity improvement projects based on set targets
  • The ability to realise tangible financial savings from productivity improvement projects and improving profitability and growth.

The coaching component is applied throughout the programme as practical improvement projects are presented. Productivity advisors align activities according to the requirements of the group/cluster. The programme is concluded with a comprehensive stakeholder close-out report and entrepreneurs who complete their portfolio of evidence receive certification.

(bb) An amount of R6 277 116.00 has been budgeted for the 2016/17 financial year for this program.

(cc) A total 1 200 SMMEs and 4 300 Cooperatives will be assisted.


24 May 2016 - NW685

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) How many set-top boxes (STBs) were installed countrywide by 29 February 2016, (b) which service providers were contracted to install the specified STBs, and (c) what amount has each service provider been paid to date for the installation of STBs in each case?


(a) The Universal Service and Access Agency for South Africa, which is the entity charged with the responsibility of managing the production and installation of set top boxes, informed me that 823 STBs were installed country wide as at 29 February 2016.

(b) The companies USAASA contracted to install the specified STBs are: Amigen Investments, Duramics Trading & Projects, Ketelelo Trading, Krosworx, KST Consortium, Lamec, Maziya Construction, Silverwell Business Enterprise and Ellies Industries.

(c) USAASA further informed me that Amigen Investments was paid R15,400.00; Duramics Trading & Projects was paid R 3,850.00; Ketelelo Trading was paid R15,950.00; Krosworx was paid R14,300.00; KST Consortium was paid R2,750.00; Lamec was paid R18,150.00; Maziya Construction was paid R12,650.00; Silverwell Business Enterprise was paid R24,200.00; and Ellies Industries has not redeemed any vouchers at SAPO.









24 May 2016 - NW1162

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether any audits of infrastructure shortcomings and needs have been conducted at Lingcom Primary School in Graaff-Reinet in the Eastern Cape; if not, why not; if so, (a) when were such audits conducted and (b) what were the findings in each case; (2) whether any infrastructural parts of the school are considered to be unsafe; if not, why not; if so, (3) whether any plans have been put in place to effect infrastructural (a) repairs and/or (b) improvements at the specified school; if not, (i) why not and (ii) when is it expected that the specified plans will be put in place; if so, (aa) what are the full details of the infrastructural aspects that will be addressed, (bb) what amount will the planned work cost and (cc) what are the details of the time line covering the period from commencement to the completion of the planned infrastructural upgrades; (4) whether any budget allocations have been made to cover the envisaged costs of infrastructural repairs and/or improvements; if not, how will the specified repairs and/or improvements be funded; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. (a) Lingcom Primary School in Graaff-Reinet in the Eastern Cape has 683 learners and was assessed on the 03 July 2015. (b) The assessments conducted indicate that the school has access to basic services (water, sanitation and power supply), however it is entirely constructed from inappropriate materials (asbestos) and there is a need to replace the structures built out of inappropriate materials.

​2. The DBE considers all schools built out of inappropriate material (mud, asbestos, metal and wood) as unsafe, this is in line with the Regulations Relating to Minimum Uniform Norms and Standards that were promulgated in November 2013.

3. (a)(b)(i)(ii) The condition assessment undertaken was meant to ascertain what the infrastructural needs of the school and developed a scope of works for the required interventions. The school has been placed on the new and replacement category programme by the Eastern Cape Department of Education which entails replacing all buildings built out inappropriate material for the implementation during the 2016/17 and 2017/18 financial year.

(bb) The estimated cost of replacing the structures built out of inappropriate materials at is R27 million. This amount includes professional fees and contigiencies as at the date that the school was assessed and this is subject to escalation on the construction materials.

(cc) The project is currently at advanced planning stagess and is scheduled to go through

procurement and is anticipated to commence on site towards the end of 2016 and completion is anticipated to be 18 months after commencement on site.

4. The school has been prioritised in the Provincial infrastructure programme that is funded through the Education Infrastructure Grant (EIG) and the project will be funded fully to bring the school line with the requirements of the Norms and Standards.

24 May 2016 - NW1456

Profile picture: Mulder, Dr PW


(1) Why he and his department are making use of a certain private firm of attorneys (name furnished) in a certain court case (details furnished) instead of the services of the State Attorney; (2) What have the legal costs of the (a) attorneys and (b) advocates in the specified court case amounted to for him and his department to date? (NW1607E)


1. The Department appointed Cheadle; Thompson & Haysom attorneys since they previously dealt with similar language related cases initiated by the said Lourens and were therefore familiar and more knowledgeable regarding the issues at hand. Furthermore, the said attorneys had assisted the Department in drafting the Use of Official Languages Act in 2012 and their appointment was thus necessary to ensure continuity and effectiveness in addressing the language related issues.

2. The legal costs of the (a) attorneys amount to R726 186.70 and (b) R694 925.69 for advocates to date.

24 May 2016 - NW1355

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

How many SA Police Service officers have been trained in basic first aid in the (a) 2011-12, (b) 2012-13, (c) 2013-14, (d) 2014-15 and (e) 2015-16 financial years?





















24 May 2016 - NW1151

Profile picture: Mncwango, Mr MA

Mncwango, Mr MA to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

With regard to the soldiers deployed in KwaZulu-Natal game parks (details furnished), what amount has been spent by her department in the past 10 years for the protection of rhinos in all the game parks, including uniforms, food, training, housing, transport, health, vehicles and weaponry?


Soldiers of the SANDF are not deployed in in the KZN game parks per se but are responsible for border safeguarding operations. Amongst other, along the KZN-Mozambican borders therefore there is no financial implications related to the above mentioned question, only OP CORONA budget is spent for border safeguarding.

24 May 2016 - NW684

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) Which companies have been providing the antennae for the set-top box roll-out in the (i) Northern Cape and (ii) Free State up until 29 February 2016 (b) how many antennae has each specified company provided to date? and (c) what amount has each specified company been paid to date?


(a) The Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA), which is the entity charged with the responsibility of managing the procurement of set-top boxes, informed me that Ellies Industries, Temic Manufacturing and QEC Pty Ltd are the three companies appointed to provide DTT antennas in the Northern Cape and Free State as at 29 February 2016.

(b) The entity has informed me that Ellies Industries provided 15,680 DTH Antennas, Temic Manufacturing provided 9,640 DTT Antennas, and QEC Pty Ltd provided 3,100 DTT antennas.

(c) USAASA informed me that an amount of R8,834,200.00 was paid to Ellies Industries. QEC and Temic Manufacturing were paid R17,770.32 and R27,018.00 respectively.









24 May 2016 - NW1426

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) (a) On what date did her department last conducted an inspection of the Sebenza Police Station, Gauteng, through the inspection and enforcement services in line with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993, as amended (b) what were the findings of the specified inspection and (c) how often is her department compelled by law to inspect work environments in line with (i) the specified Act and (ii) any other legislation; (2) (a) when will her department conduct such an inspection at the specified police station and (b) when will such a report be made public


1. (a) There has been no inspection at Sebenza police Station.

    (b) Based on point 9a) above, there were no findings.

   (c) There is no stipulation in the Occupational Health and Safety Act regarding frequency of inspections for any workplace and there is no other legislation.

(2) (a) Inspection will be conducted on 24 May 2016.

(b) Inspection reports are not made public in terms of Section 36 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act as amended.

24 May 2016 - NW1339

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What is the detailed breakdown of the costs that will be incurred by her Department to host the 17th Conference of Parties (17th CoP) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna in Johannesburg, Gauteng from 24 September 2016 to 05 October 2016?


Costs relating to the hosting of the 17th Conference of Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) in Johannesburg, Gauteng from 24 September 2016 to 05 October 2016 include:

  • Host Country Agreement with the CITES Secretariat (translation, interpretation, documentation, report writing, travel of CITES Staff) = USD647 234 .
  • Costs associated with logistical arrangements associated with the CoP, including venue, professional conference organiser, technical requirements (voting system, microphone and audiovisual systems) opening and closing ceremonies = R34 280 547.
  • Costs associated with communication, community empowerment and participation and legacy programme = R31 188 808.


24 May 2016 - NW1329

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

With reference to her reply to question 1041 on 25 April 2016, what is the detailed breakdown of all decisions taken by the SA Broadcasting Corporation Chief Operations Officer, Mr Hlaudi Motsoeneng, since he returned to work in December 2015?


Mr Motsoeneng in his capacity as Chief Operating Officer is responsible for all operational issues within the Corporation, thus decisions taken by him will be in line with fulfilling operational requirements.









24 May 2016 - NW1096

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

How many online registrations by educators were received by the SA Council for Educators in each (a) province and (b) district in the (i) 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14 and (iii) 2014-15 financial years?


According to the South African Council for Educators (SACE) Annual Performance Plan, educators were registered as follows, both on-and off-line:

2013/14: 25 315

2014/15: 26 000

2015/16: 20 000 educators were targeted for registration.

The online system is being piloted from April to June 2016. Data will then be available.


24 May 2016 - NW1072

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)How many progressed learners (a) were in Grade 12 in each province as at 15 March 2015 and (b) are in Grade 12 in each province as at 15 March 2016; (2) how many of the progressed learners in Grade 12 as at 15 March 2015 (a) wrote and (b) passed the 2015 National Senior Certificate examinations in each province; (3) what support is being offered to the progressed learners in Grade 12 in each province as at 15 March 2016?



Question 1

Question 2

Question 3: Curriculum support for progressed learners as at 15 March 2016

Eastern Cape

 (a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015:


(b) Number of progressed learners as at 15 March 2016:


(a)  Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015 who wrote:


(b) Number of progressed learners who passed the 2015 NSC:


(a) Extra lessons are conducted by schools over the weekends.

(b) Morning and afternoon classes are conducted by schools.

(c) Common tests which were set by districts were written by all learners in term 1.

(d) Use of Telematic Centres for 7 Key subjects in 77 centres in the province.

Free State

(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015:


(b) Number of progressed learners as at 15 March 2016:


(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015 who wrote the 2015 NSC:


(b) Number of progressed learners who passed the 2015 NSC:


(a) Curriculum support in the form of morning, afternoon and weekend classes.

(b) Vacation classes for extra curriculum support in the form of:

  • Autumn,
  • Winter,
  • Spring, and
  • Special Camps for progressed.

(c) Support material to supplement textbooks, e.g. Study guides, DBE’s Mind the Gap and the DBE Siyavula workbooks.

(d) CDs containing past exam papers and memoranda.

(e) IBP broadcast lessons and copies of DVDs and CDs

(f) Special Maths program.

(g) Performance of the learners is regularly tracked via the Provincial Standardised exam and/or tests.


(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015:

4 798

(b) Number of progressed learners as at 15 March 2016:

The Department is not able to provide the requested information, as registration is still being captured.

(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015 who wrote:


(b) Number of progressed learners who passed the 2015 NSC:


(a) All progressed learners are participating in the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE)’s Secondary School Improvement Programme (SSIP) which provides supplementary tuition in 10 subjects every week.

b) In addition to this, a winter school residential camp programme especially for progressed learners will be run during the June school holiday. There will be similar support offered in September.
c) Progressed learners’ attendance and progress in the SSIP are being separately monitored and reported on weekly so that school principals can take action where needed.


(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015:

10 720

(b) Number of progressed learners as at 15 March 2016:


(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015 who wrote:

10 070

(b) Number of progressed learners who passed the 2015 NSC:


(a) Progressed learners in grade 12 are provided with subject glossaries like other learners.

(b) Special camps are arranged for progressed learners.

(c) A special Maths program is rolled-out for progressed learners in grade 12 in partnership with HeyMath and HeyScience.

(d) Progressed learners in grade 12 are provided with copies of English FAL resources.

(e) Copies of past exam papers with memoranda.

(f) Learners who achieve levels 1& 2 are provided with the DBE copies of Mind the Gap Study Guides.  These study guides assisted progressed learners in the past to move from level 1&2 to level 3 and above. 

(g) Exposed to regular writing and assessment to improve their reading speedy, retention memory and analytical skills. 

(h) They are provided with copies of abridged work schedules so as to focus on the essential and examinable content.

(i) Special sessions are arranged for the progressed learners that offer Mathematics.

(j) Exposed to live Memo Discussions and Marking to understand how to overcome typical mistakes made by learners during the exams.

(k) As part of ‘the last push’ strategy, camps are arranged for progressed learners to consolidate their learning.

(l) Provided with past papers and memoranda, revision packs and copies of the exam timetable timely.

(m) Provided with psycho-social support and motivations.


(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015:


(b) Number of progressed learners as at 15 March 2016:


(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015 who wrote:


(b) Number of progressed learners who passed the 2015 NSC:


(a) Instructed school to provide internal and specialized support to all progressed learners.

(b) Directed curriculum at the Districts to provide specialized programmes that are aimed to support progressed learners.

(c) Province has planned to acquire and provide learner support materials in the form of study guides in selected subjects.

(d) Plans are in an advanced stage to provide radio lessons to all grade 12 learners including progressed learners using all community radio stations located in all the Five Districts of the Province.

(e) Saturday lessons in selected circuits where there is a high concentration of progressed learners have been planned.

(f) Encouraged schools to run Winter Enrichment classes, focusing on identified topics as outlined from the Diagnostic reports.


(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015:


(b) Number of progressed learners as at 15 March 2016:

11 160

(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015 who wrote:


(b) Number of progressed learners who passed the 2015 NSC:


(a) The District Based Support Teams (DBSTs) work with School Based Support Teams (SBSTs) in ensuring that progressed learners are supported.

(b) Extra lessons are provided to progressed learners on challenging content.

(c) Winter and Spring Vacation Classes will accomodate progressed learners.

(d) Remedial support programs are implemented by schools in support of progressed learners.

Northern Cape

(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015:


(b) Number of progressed learners as at 15 March 2016:


(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015 who wrote:


(b) Number of progressed learners who passed the 2015 NSC:


(a) Learners get tuition at their respective schools

(b) Some attend classes at Dinaledi schools

(c) The Department provides material to learners where they cannot attend classes due to distance and transport. These comprise course materials which are used during interventions such as the Winter and Spring schools throughout the year. The material are compiled from the Mind the Gap study series. The materials, including previous examinations question papers, are used throughout the year.

(d) The Dinaledi schools’ is a NYDA & ETDP SETA project where matriculants get Face to Face tuition. There are 2 such schools in the Northern Cape and the Department joined forces with them so that these modulate (progressed learners) also attend face to face classes.

(e)Some progressed learners attend classes at their previous schools.

North West

(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015:


(b) Number of progressed learners as at 15 March 2016:6654

(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015 who wrote:


(b) Number of progressed learners who passed the 2015 NSC: 2122

(a) Designated camps for progressed candidates are held during Autumn school holidays.

(b) Progressed learners attend the winter and spring camps for underperforming schools

(c) Progressed learners are part of LAIP (Learner Attainment Improvement Plan, known at DBE as NSLA – National Strategy for Learner Attainment.

Western Cape

(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015:


(b) Number of progressed learners as at 15 March 2016:


(a) Number of Progressed learners as at 15 March 2015 who wrote:


(b) Number of progressed learners who passed the 2015 NSC:


(a) Graded, consolidated exercises for learners at risk provided as downloadable resources.

(b) Subject specific tutoring conducted after school and on Saturdays.

(c) Provision of LTSM support.

(d) Provision of Tips for Success booklet.

(e) Provision of NCS 2015 and March 2016 question papers & Memos.

(f) Each learner will receive Revision Countdown (2 exam papers & memos in 7 subjects).

(g) Standardized SBA tasks.

(h) Provision of Mind the Gap books.

(i) Provision of Siyavula Mathematics and Physical Sciences textbooks.

24 May 2016 - NW426

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)How many sign language teachers are currently appropriately trained to teach sign language in the (a) foundation, (b) intermediate, (c) senior and (d) Further Education and Training phases of the education system; (2) (a) what are the names of schools that cater for learners with hearing impairments and (b) how many of the appropriately trained teachers are deployed to teach at the specified schools in each province; (3) (a) how many full service schools are catering for learners with hearing impairments, (b) what are the names of the schools and (c) how many appropriately trained teachers are deployed at each of the specified schools in each province; (4) what steps are being taken to bridge the gap caused by shortages for appropriately trained sign language teachers?


1. (a), (b), (c) and (d). The table below shows the number of appropriately trained sign language teachers at Foundation, Intermediate, Senior and Further Education and Training Phases in each province.


  1. Foundation Phase
  1. Intermediate Phase

(c)Senior Phase

(d)Further Education and Training Phase


Eastern Cape






Free State
























No school catering for FET


North West






Northern Cape






Western Cape






Source: Provincial reporting

2. (a) and (b). The table below shows the names of schools that cater for learners with hearing impairments; and the number of appropriately trained teachers in specified schools in each province.


(a) School

(b) Number of Teachers

Eastern Cape




St Thomas



Reubin Birin








Free State

Bartimea Special School



Thiboloha Special School

11 (2 specialist teachers teaching sign language as a subject.






9 (7)





Katlehong School for the Deaf



MC Kharbai






St Vincent









Fulton School for the Deaf

2 (4) assistants in brackets.


KwaThintwa School for the Deaf



VN Naik School for the Deaf



Durban School for the Deaf



KwaVulindlebe School for the Deaf



Indaleni School for the Deaf



Vuleka School for the Deaf



St Martin de Porres



Bumbisizwe Special School



Inkanyezi Special School



Inkanyiso Special School









































Northern Cape






Western Cape


De la Bat

80% 0f teachers in the schools completed SASL linguistic training university level


Nuwe Hoop


Dominican Wittebome


Mary Kihn


Noluthando School


Source: Provincial reporting

(3) (a)(b)(c). The table below shows the number and names full service schools catering for learners with hearing impairments; and the number of appropriately trained teachers deployed at each school. Only the Free State and Mpumalanga have Full Service Schools that cater for learners with hearing impairments.

  1. Number of Schools; And (b) Names of schools
  1. Number of appropriately trained teachers

Free State

Botle ba Thuto P/S

  • No teachers appropriately trained
  • Teachers and parents of learners who are identified with hearing impairments were provided with strategies on how to support these learners

Jagersfontein I/S


Mofulatshepe P/S


Oranjekrag I/S


Zama P/S


Christiaan de Wet I/S (Ordinary School)


Gelukwaarts IF/S


Hermana P/S


Jim Fouche P/S


Mabela P/S


Maboloka P/S


Pontsheng P/S


Dieketseng P/S


Hlaboloha P/S




Winburg C/S


Kweetsa P/S


Letsibolo P/s


Malebaleba P/S


Ntuthuzelo P/S


Refihletse P/S


Reseamohetse P/S


Thoriso P/S


Chris van Niekerk I/S


JJ Kubheka P/S


Ntshwephepa P/S


Poelamo P/S


Sentrale Volkskool P/S


Theha Setjhaba P/S


Lesoana P/S


Letlotlo P/S


Mafube P/S


Leifo Iziko I/S


Mphatlalatsane P/S


Masaleng P/S


Pulamadiboho P/S


Qhubeka P/S


Sekgothadi P/S


Theboho P/s





Bukihosibetfu Full Service School




Source: Provincial reporting

(4) The following are the steps taken to bridge the gap caused by shortages for appropriately trained sign language teachers in each province.

Eastern Cape

The Eastern Cape Department of Education has entered into a partnership with the Education and Training Sector Education and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) to train all educators in four Schools for the Deaf. The EDTP SETA has in turn, contracted University of Witwatersrand (WITS) to train educators in two workshops of five days per year in 2014 and 2015. The partnership with Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) continues in the 2016/17 until all educators in these schools are qualified to teach Sign Language.

Free State

Teachers at Bartimea and Thiboloha Special Schools for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing were trained on the South African Sign Language (SASL) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) at Home Language level. Teachers were also trained on sign language as a means of communication.


  • Continuous SASL competency training takes place.
  • Currently all teachers teaching SASL as a subject have NQF Level 5.
  • All SASL teachers have deaf class assistants to compliment the language skill and to adopt the team teaching approach;
  • Collaboration with Wits Centre for Deaf Studies to assist with Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) for SASL, focusing on prose and poetry.


The Inclusive Education Directorate has arranged with ETDP SETA to fund SASL training and the up-skilling of teachers from the above-mentioned schools. ETDP SETA has secured the services of the Wits Language School to undertake the training, assessment and certification of teachers. In the current training cohort, there are six (6) District officials and fifty seven (57) teachers receiving training in SASL. The training programme which extends over 15 days commenced in December 2015 and will continue in March-April 2016.


  • There is ongoing orientation of stakeholders on the approved SASL CAPS which includes, Curriculum Implementers (CIs), School Management Teams (SMTs), Deaf Teacher Assistants and educators;
  • The Education department of Mpumalanga is providing training of teachers, Language Subject Advisors and Deaf teacher assistants on SASL;
  • 45 teachers have to date been trained on NQF Level 4 and 5;
  • 60 Foundation Phase Language Subject Advisors and Inclusive Education officials have been trained on the basics of SASL; and
  • For the financial year 2015/16, 60 teachers will be trained on NQF Level 4 and 5 by the University of Free State. The training will take place from 25 February to 12 March 2016.


All teachers teaching learners with hearing impairments have been trained on basic SASL and further advanced training at the University (Advanced Diploma) level is planned for the future.

Western Cape

18 educators are being trained on SASL through the ETDPSETA by the University of Witwatersrand. Of the number given eight (8) are doing the advance level. In 2014 to 2015; thirty four (34) educators and officials were trained on SASL. The training on SASL will continue annually for all the educators.

24 May 2016 - NW1455

Profile picture: Mulder, Dr PW

Mulder, Dr PW to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

(1)(a).How many translators are currently in service to his department, (b) in which languages do the specified translators perform translation work and (c) what is the average annual remuneration of (i) a translator and (ii) the sum total of all the translators in his department; (2) whether he has taken any steps or plans to take steps with regard to building capacity of translation services in his department; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


  1. (a). There is currently a total of fifteen (15) translators in service to the department,
  2. (b) these in house translators perform translation work in all the official languages including French and Portuguese,
  3. (c) (i) the annual remuneration of translators are according to their levels which are level eight (8) with notches ranging from 91,404 to 107,670 and level nine (9) with notches ranging from 311, 784 – 376, 626 per annum, (ii) the sum total of all the translators in the department is fifteen (15).

(2). Yes, steps have been taken in the department with regards to building of capacity of translation services. Translators attended on-going development training in areas such as basic copy editing, proof reading and advancement in foreign languages. In addition, there are a number of translators who have registered with various institutions of higher learning through the DAC bursary scheme for the long term formal programs such as studies in applied linguistics.

24 May 2016 - NW1048

Profile picture: McLoughlin, Mr AR

McLoughlin, Mr AR to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) How many (a) performance, (b) retention, (c) share-bound or (d) any other bonuses were paid out by each of the entities reporting to her to (i) board members and (ii) members of the Executive of the SABC board (aa) in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016; (2)  what was the total remuneration package, including bonuses, paid out by each of the entities reporting to her to each (a) board member and (b) member of the Executive of the SABC board respectively in the specified financial years and period?


Brand South Africa

(1) N/A

(2) N/A


(1) N/A

(2) ICASA has in the specified financial years, paid council members a total of R9,680,828.00


Film and Publications Board

(1) N/A

(2)(a) FPB Board members do not receive an annual remuneration package, they are remunerated at an hourly rate for time worked as per time claimed.

Therefore, FPB paid a total of R1,077,768.68 in 2014/15, and a total of R1,176,685.64 in 2015/16.


(1) N/A

(2)(a) Due to the absence of senior executives at the MDDA, the Board Chair and Board Members played a critical role in supporting management. The failure of previous management to build internal human development programmes and succession plans put pressure on the current Board to drive the rebuilding, reconfiguration and re-engineering of the organisation.

Therefore, MDDA paid a total of R510,000.00 in 2015/16 and a total of R233,000.00 in 2014/15



(a),(b)&(c) N/A

(d)(ii) (aaa) R638 000 excluding tax (3 Executive Board members)

(bbb) The 2015/16 financials are currently being audit and the information is therefore not yet available.

(2) (a) 2014/15: R3,74m excluding tax (12 non-executive Board members).

2015/16: The 2015/16 financials are currently being audit and the information is therefore not yet available.

(b) 2014/15: R11,6m total cost to company. (4 executive Board members, some were in acting capacity).

2015/16: The 2015/16 financials are currently being audit and the information is therefore not yet available.








24 May 2016 - NW1331

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether, with reference to the responses provided by all other entities reporting to her in her reply to question 1042 on 25 April 2016, she can provide the statutory grounds upon which the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) relied on when it declared SABC matters as confidential with regard to the requested detailed breakdown of costs associated with disciplinary processes at the SABC; if not, (a) why not and (b) what steps will she take to ensure that Members of Parliament are able to exercise their constitutional responsibility to hold her and the entities reporting to be accountable in terms of section 55.2 of the Constitution of South Africa, 1996; if so, what are the details of the statutory grounds that the SABC relies on?


We have reconsidered this matter seriously and are of the view that a detailed breakdown of costs per individual employee compromises the contractual obligation that the SABC has with the employees on the matter of confidentiality regarding remuneration.








24 May 2016 - NW1337

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What amounts were budgeted for Inclusive Education in the (a) 2013-14, (b) 2014-15 and (c) 2015-16 financial years?


The budget for Special Schools (Inclusive Education) is as follows

(a) 2013 to 2014 - R5 172 011 000

(b) 2014 to 2015 - R5 713 272 000

(c) 2015 to 2016 - R6 308 093 000


2013-15 – Annual financial Statement

2015-16 – In Year Monitoring Report (March 2016)

24 May 2016 - NW1289

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Communications

What is the status of the legal action taken by etv against the Broadcast Digital Migration policy adopted by Cabinet in March 2015? NW1437E


In the matter between Etv v Minister of Communications the North Gauteng High Court found in favour of the Minister. Etv appealed to the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) and the matter was heard on 09 May 2016. The SCA reserved judgement. We will hear from the SCA for a day allocated to note judgment.









24 May 2016 - NW1457

Profile picture: Mulder, Dr PW

Mulder, Dr PW to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

(1) Whether his department has a database of all available translators in each of the national departments, national bodies and national entities; if not why not; if so, (2) how many translators are able to perform translation work in each national department, national body and national entity respectively? (3) Whether he has taken steps or is planning to take steps with regard to the building of capacity in respect of translation services in national departments, national bodies and national entities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


In relation to the question of translators in other departments, I am unable to provide answers since these departments are not accountable to me. The honourable Member must feel free to ask each of the departments of government and their respective entities.

24 May 2016 - NW1237

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the MINISTER OF ARTS AND CULTURE

(1) Whether the National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) has regional offices in each province; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) Whether the NFVF has any relationships and/or liaisons with international film companies currently filming in South Africa; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) Whether there are any policies governing the specified liaisons between the NFVF and international film companies; if not, why not; if so, will he furnish (a) Dr G A Grootboom and/or (b) the Portfolio Committee on Arts and Culture with copies of the specified policies?


1. The NFVF currently does not have any regional offices. The main reason is budgetary – the NFVF Act allows for a 25% cap on administration expenditure and the setting up of regional offices would cause NFVF to vastly exceed this cap and reduce funds available to offer as grants.

2. The NFVF does not enter into agreements with individual international companies. However, the NFVF has agreements with official international state entities. South Africa has signed 8 international co-production treaties with the governments of Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Germany, France, Australia and New Zealand. We are currently in negotiation with Brazil, Algeria, Kenya and Netherlands to sign treaties with these countries.

Co-production treaties are signed in order for government entities (such as NFVF) in both countries to facilitate and encourage production and cultural exchange between the respective countries. These co-production treaties are administered by the NFVF.

3. The co-production treaties that has been signed with the 8 above-mentioned countries govern the relationship between South Africa and the respective countries. Please find attached copies of the 8 treaties signed between the government of South Africa and the government of the respective countries.

24 May 2016 - NW1278

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

With reference to her reply to question 395 on 15 March 2016, (a) how many burglaries from the Military Police Service facilities were reported at either (i) the Military Police Service station and/or (ii) the SA Police Service in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years and (b) what was the (i) nature of the stolen goods in each case and (ii) monetary worth of such losses as determined by the SA National Defence Force?


(a) Burglary cases reported

   (i) Military Police Service Stations – Three cases of burglary were reported.

(aa) 2012-13: One case of burglary at haba Tshwane Military Police Area Office (MPAO) and one burglary at Daquar MPAO.

(bb) 2013-14: No burglary was reported.

(cc) 2014- 15: One case of burglary at Bloemfontein MPAO

(b) Nature of stolen goods is TV, two edge cutters.

TV (Thaba Tshwane) R6,000.00

2x edge cutters (Daquar) R5,000.00

Forced entry (Bloemfontein – nothing stolen)

There were no cases reported to the South African Police Service

24 May 2016 - NW1044

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether (a) she and (b) her department and/or any entities reporting to her (i) entered into any agreements with and (ii) received any sponsorships and/or services from (aa) Sahara Holdings, (bb) Oakbay Investments, (cc) The New Age Media, (dd) Vusizwe Media, (ee) Mabengela, (ff) Islandsite Investments 255, (gg) Afripalm Horizons Stakes, (hh) Dunrose Investments and/or (ii) JIC Mining Services since 1 May 2014; if so, what are the (aaa) relevant details and (bbb) costs involved in each specified case?


Department of Communications:

(a) The Minister and (b) the Department have not (i) entered into any agreements with and (ii) received any sponsorships and/or services from (aa) Sahara Holdings, (bb) Oakbay Investments, (cc) The New Age Media, (dd) Vusizwe Media, (ee) Mabengela, (ff) Islandsite Investments 255, (gg) Afripalm Horizons Stakes, (hh) Dunrose Investments and/or (ii) JIC Mining Services since 1 May 2014.

Government Communication and Information System (GCIS):

(b)(i) GCIS has not entered into any agreements with (aa) Sahara Holdings, (bb) Oakbay Investments, (dd) Vusizwe Media, (ee) Mabengela, (ff) Islandsite Investments 255, (gg) Afripalm Horizons Stakes, (hh) Dunrose Investments and/or (ii) JIC Mining Services since 1 May 2014.

The the Department has however transacted with (cc) The New Age Media to procure advertising. (aaa) Payments made from the budget appropriated to Government Communication and information System (GCIS) to The New Age Media are detailed in the table (bbb) below:




Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)

Database registration

R 14 945.40


Profiling Campaign

R 720 990.72



R 301 195.75


Recruitment Phase 3

R 57 078.43


SONA 2014

R 100 137.60


SONA 2015

R 101 888.64

Total Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)


R 1 296 236.54




Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)

SONA 2016

R 145 555.20


Voter Education

R 81 874.80

Total Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)


R227 430.00

South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC):

(b) (i) Yes

(ii) Yes

(cc) Yes

(aaa) 1. New Age newspaper subscription.

2. The SABC and The New Age (TNA) have an agreement that the SABC will cover live all the TNA Business Breakfasts. This agreement is for a period of three years. The agreement stipulates that the TNA will arrange and organise the Business Breakfasts by providing the venue (as well as catering) and secure the participants. The SABC in turn broadcasts the event. The advantage for the SABC is the acquisition of content.

(bbb) 1. R 733,930.

2. Nil

Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA):

The Authority has not (i) entered into any agreements with and did not (ii) receive any sponsorships and/or services from (aa) Sahara Holdings, (bb) Oakbay Investments, (cc) The New Age Media, (dd) Vusizwe Media, (ee) Mabengela, (ff) Islandsite Investments 255, (gg) Afripalm Horizons Stakes, (hh) Dunrose Investments and/or (ii) JIC Mining Services since 1 May 2014.

Film and Publications Board (FPB):

The Film and Publication Board bought a table for The New Age business breakfast in the 2014/15 financial year for an amount of R 14 261.40.

Brand South Africa (BSA):

Brand South Africa has not (i) entered into any agreements with and did not (ii) receive any sponsorships and/or services from (aa) Sahara Holdings, (bb) Oakbay Investments, (cc) The New Age Media, (dd) Vusizwe Media, (ee) Mabengela, (ff) Islandsite Investments 255, (gg) Afripalm Horizons Stakes, (hh) Dunrose Investments and/or (ii) JIC Mining Services since 1 May 2014.

Media Diversity and Development Agency (MDDA):

MDDA has not (i) entered into any agreements with and did not (ii) receive any sponsorships and/or services from (aa) Sahara Holdings, (bb) Oakbay Investments, (cc) The New Age Media, (dd) Vusizwe Media, (ee) Mabengela, (ff) Islandsite Investments 255, (gg) Afripalm Horizons Stakes, (hh) Dunrose Investments and/or (ii) JIC Mining Services since 1 May 2014.












24 May 2016 - NW1347

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Communications

What is the detailed breakdown of all funds spent from the Media Development and Diversity Agency’s (a) print and (b) broadcast contributions for the (i) 2014-15 and (ii) 2015-16 financial years?


(a) The detailed breakdown of all funds spent from the Media Development and Diversity Agency’s print contributions is as follows:

(i) 2014-15 financial year

Langa Media = R350,000.00 (Small Commercial)

Phetoho News = R 350,000.00 (Small Commercial)

Kuruman Chronicle = R350,000.00 (Small Commercial)

Mamre News = R 498,000.00 (Community)

Ledig Sun = R 479,000.00 (Community)

(ii) 2015-16 financial year

Metro News = R436,800.00

Inhloso yesizwe = R430,200.00

Elitsha News = R 776,800.00

Nhlalala News = R696,000.00

The Youth Voice = R821,700.00

Trust for Community Outreach and Education (TCOE) - Community News = R663,244.00

Qhawes Entertainment Group (Youth Mate News) = R606,950.00

ULwazi School Newspaper = R850,000.00

Loxion News = R750,000.00

Arise and Shine (Tsoga O Phatsime) = R619,251.00

Dizindaba News = R888,200.00

Ngoho News = R811,120.00

Ezakwazulu News = R746,000.00

Khanyisa News = R1,081,248.00

Puisano News = R680,880.00

Eastern Cape Women Magazine = R807,000.00

Inqubo Yabantu Abancinci = R530,242.00

SMME News = R793,500.00

Xplore Magazine = R1,232,600.00

Nkomazi Observer = R603,800.00

Mmaiseng News = R626,600.00

Religious News = R615,600.00

De Horison News = R615,299.28

Children Resource Centre (Strengthening) = R760, 594. 04

(b) The detailed breakdown of all funds spent from the Media Development and Diversity Agency’s broadcast contributions is as follows:

(i) 2014-15 financial year

Icora FM = R1,17m

Skhukhune Community Radio = R1,6m

Kumkani FM = R1,6m

(ii) 2015-16 financial year

Mafikeng Community Radio = R1,904,206.42

Madibogo CR = R1, 910,877.74

Katleng CR = R1, 562,368.54

Umgungundlovu CR = R1,714,172.20

Maruleng Community Radio = R1,706,511.74

Nqubeko Community Radio NPC = R1,440.678.40

MP East Community Radio = R1,674,640.42

Isajonisi Youth Radio = R1,688.720.22

Radio Riverside = R512,200.00

Bagaka FM = R1,494,720.80

Inkonjane FM = R805,200.00

Greater Giyani CR = R755,200.00

Mohodi FM = R581,200.00

Lekoa CR = R1,427,222.46

Radio KC = R861,638.32

Cape Town CTV = R1,772,500.00

Poort on Mams FM (Presidential Project) = R2,160,600.00

Elgin FM = R1,846,632.00

VUT FM = R951,900.00

Ngqushwa FM = R2,199,911.00

Mogale FM = R1,736,687.36

Ermelo CR = R1,872,155.98

Hope FM = R1,676,984.99

Gold FM = R2,295,986.26

Ikhuthani FM = R1,932,773.40

Makhado FM = R563,200.00

eKhephini CR = R825,200.00








24 May 2016 - NW1256

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture,

Whether he has undertaken any international trips on government business to (a) the French Republic and/or the (b) the Republic of Senegal in the 2015-16 financial year; if so, (i) where did he go in each case and (ii) what was the reason for each specified trip? NW1404E


I did not undertake an international trip on government business to either the French Republic and/ or the Republic of Senegal in the 2015 -16 financial years.

24 May 2016 - NW1299

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether any member of the Industrial Development Corporation’s executive team has ever (a) met with any (i) member, (ii) employee and/or (iii) close associate of the Gupta family and/or (b) attended any meeting with the specified family (i) at the Gupta’s Saxonwold estate or (ii) anywhere else since taking office; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified case, (aa) what are the names of the persons who were present at each meeting, (bb)(aaa) when and (bbb) where did each specified meeting take place and (cc) what was the purpose of each specified meeting?


I have been furnished with a statement by the CEO of the Industrial Development Corporation, Mr Geoffrey Qhena, on the matters covered by the question.

The statement follows:

“It is common knowledge that the IDC has provided financial assistance to Oakbay Resources & Energy Limited. In the period leading up to the finalisation of negotiations regarding the transaction and in the normal course of business, Mr Ufikile Khumalo (who was at the time the Divisional Executive responsible for Mining and Beneficiation) and Mr Abel Malinga (the current Divisional Executive responsible for Mining & Metals Industries) held several meetings with officials, executives and shareholders of Oakbay Resources & Energy including Mr Atul Gupta and Mr Jagdish Parekh. All meetings with officials, executives and shareholders of Oakbay Resources took place at the offices of the IDC. None of these meetings took place at the Gupta’s Saxonwold Estate.

In addition to the meetings referred to above and during the course of the last year, the current Divisional Executive for Mining and Metals Industries, Mr Abel Malinga met twice with the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Oakbay Resources, Ms Ronica Ragavan, to finalise the terms for restructuring Oakbay Resources’ existing facilities with the IDC. The second meeting discussed a possible early redemption of IDC facilities by Oakbay Resources. The meeting to discuss the restructuring of Oakbay Resources facilities took place at the IDC whilst the discussion on possible early redemption of IDC facilities by Oakbay Resources took place at the client’s offices at 144 Katherine Street, Sandton.”

MG Qhena, 11 May 2016


24 May 2016 - NW1236

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture



Year & Festival

(a) Number of trips by officials of the department

(c) Number of artists accompanying officials on the specific trips

(b) Estimated costs – actual costs are being collected from financial records and will be supplied as soon as available

(d) How did film producers benefit from the specific trips


FISAHARA Film Festival in Tindouf in Algeria

  • 1 trip
  • 3 artists
  • Estimated costs R600 000 -

Actual costs being obtained

The work of SA film producers was showcased


FISAHARA Film Festival in Tindouf in Algeria

  • 1 trip
  • 4 artists
  • Estimated costs R650 000

Actual costs being obtained

  • The work of SA film producers was showcased


FISAHARA Film Festival in Tindouf in Algeria

Cannes Film Festival in France

  • 1 trip
  • 1 trip
  • 11 artists


  • Estimated costs R800 000
  • Actual costs being obtained
  • Estimated costs was R814 180.00.

Actual costs being obtained

  • The work of SA film producers was showcased
  • The work of SA film producers was showcased.

Signing film coproduction treaties allow SA film producers to access partnerships, access co-financing, to coproduce, and access distribution, exhibition and marketing opportunities.


FISAHARA Film Festival in Tindouf in Algeria

  • 1 trip
  • 2 artist
  • Estimated costs R400 000 -

Actual costs being obtained

  • The work of SA film producers was showcased

2 FISAHARA Film Festival in Tindouf in Algeria 015/16

  • 1 trip
  • 1 artist
  • Estimated costs R400 000 -

Actual costs being obtained

  • The work of SA film producers was showcased

24 May 2016 - NW804

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) What was the purpose of her attendance at the International Development Corporation meeting on Gender and Media in Geneva, Switzerland from 7 to 10 December 2015, (b) what are the (i) names and (ii) positions of the persons who accompanied her and (c) what was the (i) total cost and (ii) breakdown of the costs of the specified trip?


(a) The Honourable Member will remember that the main aim of the framework on Gender and Media International Cooperation is to support the implementation of the “Women and the Media follow-up” for section J of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Women and the Media. Now, the Minister was invited by UNESCO to share ideas and experience with the world on how the South African government is making strides in terms of promoting and championing gender equality in all forms of the media; how we as government we are encouraging women to take advantage of the revolution in communications technology in order to make their voice to be heard across the country.

The Minister was invited to make opening and closing statements at this global forum as well as chairing two sessions, however, Mr Johannes Rantete attended the global assembly on behalf of Minister Faith Muthambi. The South African delegation led by Mr Rantete used the platform to urge the international community to put gender equality and women’s empowerment in the media at the heart of all discussions and agreements. Again, the Geneva Framework on Gender and Media International Development Cooperation resonates with the contemporary agenda:

  • Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5: Achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls,
  • SDG 16, target 10: Concerning measures to promote public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms,
  • SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

A series of stories about this event were published on the government online news agency: as well as on social networks.

(b) (i) Mr Johannes Rantete (attended in place of Minister);

Mr Mishack Molakeng; and

Mr Nthambeleni Gabara.

(ii) Acting Director-General: GCIS;

Media Liaison Officer: Ministry of Communications

Assistant Director: SA News

(c) (i) The total amount is still in the process of being audited and will subsequently be made available.

(ii) The breakdown is also not available as it still needs to be audited.










24 May 2016 - NW802

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)  Whether the Acting Director-General of her department signed a performance contract with her; if not, why not; if so (a) when and (b) what are the key deliverables listed in the specified performance contract; (2) whether all senior managers in her department signed performance contracts with the Acting Director-General, if not, (a) which senior managers did not sign, (b) for what reasons and (c) when will they sign them; if so, on what date did each senior manager sign a performance contract?


1. No, the Acting Director General did not sign a Performance Agreement for the 2015/16 financial year.

2. Not all Senior Managers submitted Performance Agreements.

    (a) Ms R Fisher, Ms P Pillay, Mr MJ Rantete and Mr F Nieman.

    (b) These SMS members occupied their posts during the course of the year.

   (c) The officials have signed 2016/17 Performance Agreements in line with the 15 April 2016 deadline.









24 May 2016 - NW1301

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Economic Development

With regard to the proposed merger of the soft-drink bottling operations of certain companies, did he share documents supplied to him by the Competition Commission with his expert witness, before the specified expert witness had signed confidentiality agreements; if not, what is the position in this regards; if so , why?


I am advised that the government expert witness signed the requisite confidentiality agreement supplied to him by government lawyers prior to gaining access to confidential information.


24 May 2016 - NW1350

Profile picture: Lotriet, Prof  A

Lotriet, Prof A to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether a certain person (name furnished) who holds two positions at the Media Development and Diversity Agency (details furnished) receives two salaries for holding the specified positions; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


There are no MDDA staff members who receive more than one salary. The MDDA has 4 x staff members who occupy permanent positions and have been appointed in acting positions according to the Human Resources Acting in a Higher Position policy. These positions are in the process of being filled. These employees receive an acting allowance for temporarily acting in higher positions.








24 May 2016 - NW1192

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether the Executive Mayor of the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality, Mr Danny Jordaan, (a) instructed or (b) gave cause for an instruction to be issued that a certain billboards (details furnished) be removed; if not, from whom did this instruction originate; if so, on what legal provision did this instruction rely;


According to Nelson Mandela Bay Metro, the institution has not yet established who gave the instruction for the billboards to be removed and it is still investigating the matter.

24 May 2016 - NW1189

Profile picture: Bhanga, Mr BM

Bhanga, Mr BM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(a) What is the total number of water leakages that were (i) reported and (ii) fixed in each metropolitan municipality since 1 July 2015, (b) how many litres of water were lost due to the specified leakages in each case and (c) what was each metropolitan municipality’s average response time to fix the specified water leakages?


According to the information received from the Metropolitan Municipalities,

(a) The total number of leakages that were (i) reported and (ii) fixed since 1 July 2015 are indicated below:

Buffalo City: leakages reported 1 928 and fixed 1 928;

City of Cape Town: leakages reported 27 500 and fixed 27 500;

City of Johannesburg: leakages reported 22 431 and fixed 22 408;

City of Tshwane: leakages reported 61 000 and fixed 56 000;

Ekurhuleni: leakages reported 31 857 and fixed 31 850;

eThekwini: leakages reported 104 960 and fixed 103 176;

Manguang: leakages reported 16 976 and fixed 13 442;

Nelson Mandela Bay: leakages reported 8 014 and fixed 8 014.

(b) The litres of water that were lost due to leakages since 1 July 2015:

Buffalo City: not measured;

City of Cape Town: 2 978 Million Litres;

City of Johannesburg: 11 531 Million Litres;

City of Tshwane: 64 000 Million Litres;

Ekurhuleni: 41 880 Million Litres;

eThekwini: 279 Million Litres per Day; (approximately 2,511 million)

Manguang: 3,658 Million Litres per Day; (approximately 32,922 million)

Nelson Mandela Bay: 34 000 Million Litres.

(c) The average response time to fix the leakages are:

Buffalo City: 3 hours;

City of Cape Town: less than 24 hours;

City of Johannesburg: 32 hours;

City of Tshwane: 48 hours;

Ekurhuleni: 47 hours;

eThekwini: 1 to 2 working days;

Manguang: 3 working days;

Nelson Mandela Bay: 4 hours.

24 May 2016 - NW1352

Profile picture: Lotriet, Prof  A

Lotriet, Prof A to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the Media Development and Diversity Agency has ever conducted any social impact evaluation assessment studies since its founding in 2004; if not, why not; if so, (a) when was such a study conducted, (b) how was the assessment done, (c) how many people were involved, (d) what were the outcomes in each such case and (e) how were successes measured in each such case?


The MDDA has never conducted any Social Impact Evaluation study since 2004. A Social Impact Study was proposed during 2014, but, due to the Board not quorating, commissioning of the study was delayed pending adjudication and appointment of a service provider to conduct the study.

(a) The study has just been commissioned and the service provider is expected to start working as soon as the contracting processes have been completed.

(b) The assessment will be done through perusing all MDDA previous records, including visiting and investigating all projects that have been MDDA beneficiaries since 2004, and through engaging all relevant stakeholders including government.

(c) With regard to how many people were involved, this question will be answered as soon as the Impact Study has been completed.

(d) With regard to the outcomes in each such case, this question will be answered as soon as the Impact Study has been completed.

(e) With regard to how successes were measured in each such case, this question will be answered as soon as the Impact Study has been completed.








24 May 2016 - NW1279

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) Whether, with reference to her reply to question 4116 on 8 December 2015, she has finalised the appointment of Regular Force Military Judges yet; if not, (a) when will the vetting process for the specified judges be finalised and (b) by when will the specified judges be appointed; if so, what are the relevant details;


  1. Vetting has been completed. Judges will be appointed before the end of May 2016.
  2. The Military Discipline Bill has recently received pre-certification from the State Law Advisers and this marks the way for the introduction of the Bill into Parliament. The Bill once passed will go a long way towards strengthening the military justice system.

24 May 2016 - NW1353

Profile picture: Mackay, Mr G

Mackay, Mr G to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) What are the names of the 50 projects that the Media Development and Diversity Agency is monitoring through site visits, (b) who is responsible for the monitoring of the specified project sites, (c) what is the budget allocation for the specified monitoring and (d) how much of the budget was spent on the monitoring of the specified project sites?


(a) The names of projects monitored through site visits include the following:

1. Kanyamazane CR

2. Nkomazi Minute

3. Rainbow News

4. Radio BBR

5. Umgungundlovu FM

6. Township Times

7. Upstart

8. Rainbow News

9. Eden FM

10. Greater Giyane CR

11. Kumkani CR

12. Bay FM

13. Cape Town TV

14. Incubo yabantu Abancinci

15. Kouga CR

16. Radio Zibonele

17. Rhodes Music voice of Tembisa

18. Youth Media Movement

19. Hope FM

20. Greater Alex Today

21. KZN Capital

22. Vibe CR

23. Africa Ignite

24. Tubatse CR

25. Makhado CR

26. Mokopane CR

27. Highway Radio

28. WWMP

29. Rise & Shine Disability Newspaper

30. Gulova

31. Khanya College

32. iLitha Publication

33. My future High School Magazine

34. Bush Radio

35. Hope Community Radio

36. Seipone sa Sechaba

37. Nhluvuko News

38. Omolemo Trust Revival FM

39. Radio Teemaneng

40. Phethoho News

41. Phalaborwa FM

42. LA FM

43. Haraambe Youth Network

44. Malamulele FM

45. Mohodi Community Radio

46. Aganang FM

47. Moletjie Community Radio

48. Moutse Community Radio

49. Zebedelal FM

50. Village FM

51. Mmabatho community Radio

52. Radio NFM

53. Radio Namakwaland

54. Kasie Konnexion

55. Koepel Stereo

56. NCRF Mpumalanga

57. Free State News

58. Radio Unique

59. Thetha FM

60. Witbank FM

61. Kasie FM

62. Bushbuckridge News

63. Children Resource Centre

64. Inhloso YesiZwe News

65. Kuruman Chronicle

66. LA FM

67. Ledig Sun

68. Mash FM

69. Metro News

70. Nongoma CR

71. Phetoho News

72. TCOE

73. Eldos FM

74. Satyagraha

75. Inanda FM

76. Ezakwa Zulu

(b) The Project Officers are responsible for monitoring project sites.

(c) The budget allocation for monitoring and evaluation activities was R310,000.00.

(d) The amount spent on monitoring of projects was R320,471.00








24 May 2016 - NW1300

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What (a) political and (b) commercial considerations led the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to strike a restructuring deal with a certain company at a reduced interest rate of prime plus 2% given that the specified company defaulted on its first R250 billion loan to the IDC?


I have been furnished with a statement by the CEO of the Industrial Development Corporation, Mr Geoffrey Qhena, on the matters covered by the question.

The statement by the IDC follows:

“(A) There were no political considerations associated with the restructure;

(B) The restructuring was done purely on commercial terms as set out below;

(C) Point of correction – the amount is R250 million and not R250 billion.

The original R250 million loan is expected to be fully repaid, as R137,5 million has already being received to date and R112,5 million is outstanding as at 30 April 2016. The next instalment of R37,5 million is payable by end of June 2016, with intention of the full capital being repaid by 31 March 2018.

The interest of R257 million being from 14 April 2010 to 31 May 2014 (the date on which the amount converted was determined) was converted into shares when the entity was listed (at a 10% discount to the listing price).

The additional interest (after conversion) of prime plus 2% will be repaid as a lump sum on 31 March 2018.

The risk profile of the company at the time of our initial investment compared to the risk profile of the company at the time of restructuring differed materially. At the time of the acquisition, the mine was under care and maintenance and the company was not generating any revenue which needed to be brought back into production.  The turnaround strategy of the company was based on an improvement in operational efficiencies and productivity. The IDC initially viewed the asset as a pure uranium play (the gold potential was not considered at the time due to level of accuracy of the information) compared to the time of restructuring, there was a demonstrable open cast gold reserve with a proven operational record. At the time of the acquisition, the “perceived” risks were higher, hence the equity type return of 10% Real After Tax Internal Rate of Return (RATIRR).

Our pricing mechanism always takes into account both the level of risk and developmental impact and the repayment profile mirrors the anticipated cash flow generation of the asset/project.

At the time of the restructuring, IDC demanded that the company part settle R100 million of the original facility before the restructuring of the facility. In addition the main shareholder had injected an additional R293 million and the company was generating positive cash flows from the gold production concomitant with now a demonstrable operational track record from the gold production. Moreover, the IDC facility was reduced by R100 million and the balance of the original capital continued to be secured by the assets of the company, giving the IDC a security cover of more than one times – hence the prime plus two percent post the restructuring. It is not the first time that the IDC has done a restructuring of this nature where a debt facility is converted into equity. Ordinarily both the interest and capital is converted into equity. The difference in this instance is that only the interest portion was converted retaining the capital for it to still be repaid thus putting us in a better position.”

MG Qhena, 23 May 2016


24 May 2016 - NW1361

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) With reference to her reply to question 855 on 13 April 2015, does the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) choir still exist; if so, (a) is it paid for by the SABC and (b) how much was budgeted for the specified choir in the (i) 2015-16 and (ii) 2016-17 financial years; (2) does the choir still sing songs about the SABC Chief Operations Officer, Mr Hlaudi Motsoeneng, during staff meetings; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the words of the songs that the choir sings?


(1) Yes the Choir still exists.

(a) Yes it is funded by the SABC.

(b)(i) R3 745 Million.

(b)(ii) R3 780 Million.

(2) SABC Choir does not sing songs about the said person during staff meetings.

Only one verse was sung in a single staff meeting with the lyrics “Hlaudi Motsoeneng reya o leboha”(“Hlaudi Motsoeneng we thank you”) . This verse was spontaneous and was not composed by the subject of the verse nor was it composed under his direction/ and or influence.