Questions and Replies

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13 December 2016 - NW2632

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)What is the legal provision she relies on for the existence and application of the TRH 11 which deals with the dimensional and mass limitations and other requirements for abnormal load vehicles; (2) which prescriptions determine the maximum dimensions of the loads which may be carried by vehicles for which principle approvals have been issued; (3) on what legal provisions does she rely to require operators of abnormal vehicles to subject their vehicles to the provincial authorities to be sequenced; (4) on what legal provisions do the provincial authorities rely for their authorisation to determine the maximum masses which such vehicles may convey in the process of sequencing; (5) on what legal provisions do authorities rely when laying down standard permit conditions when they issue exemption permits?


(1) The Minister empowered in terms of section 81(1) of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996) to grant exemptions to motor vehicle due to their designs that do not comply with the provisions of the Act. The “TRH11 Dimensional and Mass Limitations and Other Requirements for Abnormal Load Vehicles” and “TRH11 Administrative Guidelines for Granting of Exemption Permits for the Conveyance of Abnormal Loads” TRH 11 are guidelines document which are used in assisting me in making the decision.

(2) Paragraph 2.2.2 of the TRH11 “Dimensional and Mass Limitations and Other Requirements for Abnormal Load Vehicles” clearly outlines the maximum allowable dimensions under permit of the load which may be carried by the vehicle for which principle approval have been issued.

(3) In terms Section 81 (2) of the Act the MEC may, after the applicant has paid the fees or charges referred to in section 7 (3) and subject to such conditions as he or she may determine, authorise in writing, either generally or specifically, the conveyance in a safe manner on a public road of passengers or any load otherwise than in accordance with this Act. Therefore, the MEC’s are empowered to prescribe any processes for the better management of these vehicles.

(4) As highlighted in paragraph 1 above and in accordance with Section 81(2) of the Act the MECs may use TRH11 and any other conditions in considering any applications.

(5) They may take into consideration the provisions of the TRH11 Administrative Guidelines for Granting of Exemption Permits for the Conveyance of Abnormal Loads in determining permit conditions..

13 December 2016 - NW2712

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to her reply to question 2404 on 21 November 2016, what (a) are the timelines for the update of the K53 Manual, (b) were the budget allocations for the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (c)(i) amount was spent in each specified financial year and (ii) was the purpose for the spending in each case?


(a) The K53 revisions is currently being tabled at the Inter Provincial Policies and Procedures (IPPP) working group where after it will be tabled at the Traffic Legislation Technical Committee. Once approved by the Committee it will then be submitted to the Minister for endorsement to start with the consultations process. I am not at this stage able to provide definitive timelines as this would depend on how long the consultation processes take. It will probably take 18 months to conclude the entire consultative process.

(b) There were no special budget allocations for the K53 revision process.

(i) (ii) and (iii) Falls away.

(c) Falls away.

13 December 2016 - NW2655

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether her department is experiencing any challenges with the transfer of water from the Tugela River to the Vaal River via the Drakensberg scheme; if so, what are the relevant details in this regard; (2) are the pumps on the transfer route working at full capacity; if not, (a) why not, (b) how long has each of the specified pumps not been working at full capacity, (c) what are the consequences and (d) how much will it cost to repair each of the specified pumps; (3) (a) what is the capacity of each of the pumps and (b) how many litres of water were transferred via the specified route from the Sterkfontein Dam to the Vaal Dam in each month of the (i) 2015 and (ii) 2016 calendar years to date?


(1) My Department released the total volume of water from Sterkfontein dam to the Vaal dam as per the operating rule developed by the National Water Resource Planning unit. The initial release in the 2015/2016 hydrological year of 320.48 million cubic meters was completed between October 2015 and January 2016. The second release is underway peaking at 70 cubic meters per second to ensure the planned volume of 203 million cubic meters to be transferred by end December 2016. To date the release is occurring according to plan.

(2)(a) The transfer of water from the Woodstock to Sterkfontein dam occurred 80% according to plan. This was due to mechanical and electrical failures experienced at some of the pump-sets at Drieland Kilburn pump stations. These two pump-stations are working in series to lift water at a maximum flow-rate of 20m3/s (should there be adequate run-off in the river leading into the Woodstock dam).

(2)(b) At Driel pump-station, there are two sections of which section 1 has 2 out of 3 pump-sets functional and at section 2, there are 4 out of 5 pump-sets available. The mechanical fault at Driel 1 was attended to by a previously appointed contractor but failed after commissioning. This particular pump-set has been problematic for more than a year, but contractual matters are being attended to. The electrical motor at Driel 2 is out of service for the past 3 weeks and repair is imminent as procurement is being finalized.

At Kilburn section 1, 4 out of 4 pump-sets are in operation. At Kilburn section 2, we have 3 out of 4 pump-sets in operation. The motor of one pump-set is in for repairs at a contractor after it became dysfunctional in March 2016. The lengthy repairing period was caused due to a contractual dispute with the contractor which has been resolved and it is expected to have this pump back in operation shortly.

(2)(c) If the equipment is not available, the filling of Sterkfontein Dam will be delayed.

(2)(d) The cost for the repair work is R5m for Driel and R1.5m for Kilburn.

(3)(a) At Driel section 1 there are 3 pumps with a transfer capacity of 1m3/s each. At Driel section 2 there are 3 pumps with a transfer capacity of 2.6m3/s each and 2 pumps with a capacity of 4m3/s each. At Kilburn section 1 there are 4 pump-sets of 3.3m3/s each and at section 2 there are 4 pump-sets of 4m3/s each.

(3)(b)(i) The first transfer took place in 2015 from October to January 2016 for which the total of 320.48 million cubic meters was transferred.

(3)(b)(ii) To date about 85 million cubic meters was transferred since 7 November 2016 of the planned 203 million cubic meters.


13 December 2016 - NW2562

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether she is aware of the findings of the report concerning the performance and expense review of the country’s water provisions cycle undertaken by the National Treasury (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, (2) Whether the findings of the report have led to any new programmes or measures by her department; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) Whether, in accordance with the review, she has reached the conclusion that approximately 60% of municipal water infrastructure needs to be renewed; if not, why not; if so, (a) what the estimated cost will be to renovate the infrastructure and (b) over what period of time the infrastructure will have to be replaced or renovated; (4) Whether any steps (a) have been taken or (b) will be taken in this regard to obtain the required funds for the renovation of the infrastructure; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) Yes, I am aware of the findings that are presented in the National Treasury Expenditure and Performance Review (EPR). Please note that the key purpose of the review is to understand the financial implications of water services delivery, not to reflect specifically on sector performance and propose solutions. The Review has also developed an expenditure performance Costing Model that will facilitate regular discussions with National Treasury on the relationship between government expenditure and performance. The model measures (and predicts) performance against current (and future) levels of financial expenditure. The Review confirms what my Department already knows with regards to the current constraints to performance within the water (services) value chain. In fact, my Department provided the consultant with this insight during the initial data and information collection phase, prior to the publication of the Review, but was never given the opportunity to comment on any of the draft versions. The Final Review has not been circulated within my Department for comment.

(2) The findings contained in the Review have not led to any new programme or measures being implemented. My Department, as sector leader and as part of its mandated responsibility, continues to monitor sector performance and intervenes when appropriate, and has recently developed a Regulatory No Drop System in support of Water Conservation and Demand Management, and is finalising a comprehensive and detailed Water Sector Investment Framework, which forms part of an overarching National Water and Sanitation Master Plan.

My Department is also implementing Municipal Water Master Plans within 27 Priority District Municipalities in support of the Water Services Development Planning process, which will ultimately emanate in a pipeline of projects, to address the water services delivery problems that might exist.

(3) Yes, I am aware of the current state of infrastructure in the water sector, and specifically the state of asset management, and associated problems with infrastructure operation and management within municipalities. My Department is busy finalising a detailed municipal investment requirements analysis, which is part of the sector Investment Framework, to confirm the actual extent of the problem, financially, within municipalities. The Investment Framework will be completed in 2017, and my Department will, in due course, make recommendations over what period of time the infrastructure should be replaced, refurbished or extended, while taking into account the current economic environment in the country. The 59% quoted in the Review is based on a preliminary Departmental estimate of infrastructure renewal. Other studies have also based renewal on accumulated depreciation which is only a financial provision for the renewal of infrastructure. This implies that there is shortfall in funding.

(4) Due to this identified shortfall, my Department has engaged with National Treasury and COGTA to establish a new refurbishment fund. The required funds to support the investment requirements have not yet been secured from National Treasury. This will only happen once the Investment Framework has been finalised and the findings and recommendations have been presented and discussed internally within my Department, and once other lead sector departments, who are involved with municipal water services delivery, have had the opportunity to make their inputs. The funding is critical to ensure that the pipeline of projects emanating from the Water Services Master Plans are implemented.


13 December 2016 - NW2707

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether her department was involved in the Gautrain development dispute between Murray and Roberts, Bombela Concession Company and the Gauteng Provincial Government; if not, why not; if so, (a) how was her department involved and (b) what are the implications of this dispute for her department?


(a) The Department of Transport was not a party to the dispute between the Bombela Concession Company and the Gautrain Agency

(b) There is no implications for the Department of Transport

13 December 2016 - NW2656

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(a) What is the working status of the pumps delivering water from the Heyshope Dam in the Usutu catchment to the Vaal River upstream of Grootdraai Dam, (b) what was the capacity transferred in each month in the (i) 2015 and (ii) 2016 calendar years, (c) how many of the pumps worked during the specified period and (d) what amount was spent on the pumps during the period?


(a) At Heyshope pump-station there are 4 pump-sets of which 2 pump-sets are currently functional and in operation. At Geelhoutboom pump-station there are also 4 pump-sets of which 2 are in operation. These two pump-stations are operating in series together with long sections of gravitational transfers.

At Heyshope refurbishment of the booster motor at pump-set 1 is underway and procurement for the mechanical motor and control valve refurbishment is in progress. At Geelhoutboom line 1 the motor refurbishment is being completed and it is anticipated that it will be back in operation by January 2017. The other pump-set is awaiting the replacement of bearings which is in progress and should be back in operation by December 2016.

(b)(i) The volume of water transferred in 2015 was 27, 9 million cubic meters

(b)(ii) The volume of water transferred in 2016 is 43, 7 million cubic meters.

(c) In 2015 Heyshope had 3 out of 4 pump-sets in operation and 2 out of 4 in 2016. At Geelhoutboom 1 out of 4 was operational in 2015 and this improved to 2 out of 4 in 2016.

(d) Since the rectification work is not completed as yet, a final figure is not available as yet. However to date R97.7million was spent at these two pump-stations.


13 December 2016 - NW2704

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

What are the reasons for not instituting disciplinary action against a certain person (name and details furnished), for contravening the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, as amended, after the specified person was provided with legal opinion by certain attorneys (names furnished);\ (2) are there any other recommendations in this regard that his department has acted on; if so, (a) what are the recommendations and (b) in respect of each recommendation, what are the (i) timelines and (ii) deadlines; (3) are there (a) processes and (b) mechanisms in place to ensure recommendations are executed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) (a) which recommendations have not been acted on and (b) what are the reasons?


1. I am informed that the furthermore, as the investigations are still underway and in putting the interest of the company first, the Board decided not to put Mr Maseko on suspension, but imposed stringent conditions during this period at work

2. (a)The Board has adopted the findings and recommendations of the Report to conduct further investigations on some of the allegations with a view to institute disciplinary proceedings. Where recommended, the Board is in the process of reporting any criminal acitivity to the South African Police Service. In addition, certain implicated individuals have been placed on suspension pending the said further investigation.

(b) (i) and (ii): The timelines and deadlines for the period of suspension and finalisation of the further investigations is 3 February 2017.

3. (a) and (b): Yes, there are processes and mechanisms in place to ensure recommendations are executed. Furthermore investigations into the recommendations are underway; the process of reporting criminal activity to the South African Police Services is underway and suspension of certain individuals, where warranted, has been executed. The Board has further delegated to some of its members some of the actions to be taken to ensure the execution of the findings and recommendations, subject to due process, and as per applicable legal prescripts.

4. (a) and (b): All recommendations have been adopted by the board save for one part regarding the City Lodge contract of 2007 to discipline the then Tender Board and Executives. The reason being that due to the passage of time, most of the individuals mentioned are no longer in the employ of the company and further, that the reversal of that contract would not be in the interest of the Company, nor will it make commercial sense to do so.

13 December 2016 - NW2706

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)With reference to her reply to question 2159 on 1 November 2016, what (a) criteria were used to approve (i) salaries and (ii) bonuses, (b) procedures exist to verify that the specified criteria were (i) used and (ii) followed in the (aa) 2013-14, (bb) 2014-15 and (cc) 2015-16 financial years;


Road Accident Fund (RAF)

1.(a)(i) The RAF uses market research and benchmarking by reputable remuneration consultancy firms as well as guidelines issued by National Treasury to determine inflationary annual salary adjustments as criteria for the approval of salaries and salary increases respectively.

(ii) The RAF uses performance against specified performance indicators agreed in the respective annual performance contracts, which indicators are linked to the performance targets set in the Annual Performance Plan, as criteria to approve bonuses.

(b)(i)(ii)The Remuneration and Reward Policy and its associated procedure, which inter alia provides for benchmarking of salaries and auditing of the annual salary adjustments by the Internal Audit Department, and the Performance Management and Development Policy and its associated procedure, which inter alia provides for quarterly performance assessment of the CEO’s performance by the Chairperson of the Board. The annual performance assessment scores to be tabled at the REMCO and the Board; and the auditing of results by the Internal Audit Department, or Auditor-General where the Board so elects, exist to verify that the specified criteria were (i) used and (ii) followed in the (aa) 2013-14, (bb) 2014-15 and (cc) 2015-16 financial years.

Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA)

1.(a)(i) The Registrar of the RTIA’s salary is determined in terms of DPSA framework and it is on salary level 16 (DG level).

(ii) The Registrar’s bonus is determined in terms of the approved performance management framework, where a performance bonus is based on a certain percentage obtained and it is approved by the Board.

(b)(i) The criteria and procedure used is outlined in the Agency’s Performance Management Framework.

(ii) The criteria and procedure used is outlined in the Agency’s Performance Management Framework

(aa) 2013/2014: As approved by the Board in its assessment in terms of the Performance Assessment criteria.

(bb) 2014/2015: As approved by the Board in its assessment in terms of the Performance Assessment criteria.

(cc) 2015/2016: As approved by the Board in its assessment in terms of the Performance Assessment criteria.

Passenger Rail Agency South Africa (PRASA)

1.(a)(i) Salaries are offered to employees at the time of their appointment to the organization according to their job level and the approved scales as per PRASA policies.

(ii) PRASA does not pay bonuses at the moment, but should the time come where bonuses have to be paid this will be guided by the relevant Human Capital Management Policies on Performance Management as well as Remuneration and Benefits.

(b)(i)(ii) This is guided by job evaluation and profiling as well as approved scales as per PRASA policies all the time.

PRASA does not pay any bonuses at the moment.

Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC)

1.(a)(i) The salary increase and the bonuses of the CEO of the Road Traffic Management Corporation are based on the contract of employment and organizational performance.

(ii) Performance bonus is only payable if the organization achieves the minimum of 75% of overall performance. Performance assessment is conducted by the Board and the amount payable is based on the performance achieved. Performance information is audited by the Auditor General.

(b)(i)(ii) (aa) 2013/14

There was no performance bonus paid to the CEO relating to 2013/14 financial year. This was due to the fact that the CEO’s contract of employment commenced in January 2014 which was three months before end of financial year. The organization had also under performed.

(bb) 2014/15

The Board report that The performance bonus paid was based on organizational performance achieved of 83%. A performance assessment was conducted by the Board and the amount paid was based on the performance achieved.

(cc) 2015/16

I am informed The CEO’s salary was adjusted during 2015/16 based on the following:

  • Organizational growth occasioned by the decision of the Shareholders Committee to transfer the management of the e-NaTIS system from TASIMA to RTMC.
  • Organizational performance achieved during 2014/15

The performance bonus relating to 2015/16 financial year was based on organizational performance achieved at 92%. The performance assessment was conducted by the Board and the performance information was audited by the Auditor General.

South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACCA)

1.(a)(i)(ii) The SACAA has Board approved remuneration and perfomance management policies which provide overall guidance of annual salary increases and bonuses. The Director Civil Aviation (DCA)’s salary and bonus was approved by the board in line with the remuneration and perfomance management policies.

The salary increase approved by the board was in line with the guidelines published by the National Treasury. The SACAA salaries including the DCA’s are benchmarked on a regular basis and the pay scales are approved by the board.

(b)(i)(ii) The percentage in respect of salary increases and the total amount payable in respect of Bonuses including the DCA’s are approved by the board and audited by the Internal Audit before implementation annually.

(aa) The DCA was appointed on 1 December 2013 and the salary was determined and approved by the Minister.

(bb) 2014/2015 salary increase was approved by the board and paid in accordance with the policy and national treasury guidelines. The bonus was also paid in accordance with the entity’s remuneration and perfomance management policies and was subjected to Internal Audit processes.

(cc) 2015/2016 salary increase was paid in accordance with the policy and national treasury guidelines. The bonus was paid in accordance with the entity’s remuneration and perfomance management policies and was subjected to Internal Audit processes.

Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (C-BRTA)

(1)(a)(i) In terms of the Cross-Border Road Transport Act, Act no. 4 of 1998, the CEO salary is determined by the Minister of Transport in consultation with Minister of Finance.

(ii) As per the terms and conditions of the employment contract, the salary package is structured as 80% fixed salary and 20% variable portion. The 20% is paid as a performance bonus on achievement of agreed target as stipulated in the performance agreement contract.

(b)(i) The Minister’s written approval is used as an input document to load the salary into the payroll system and this is reviewed at the executive level. The calculation of the performance bonus is based on the final performance assessment and the calculation is reviewed by Executive: Human Resources and the Chief Financial Officer before the payment is processed.

(ii) (aa) (bb) Yes criteria was followed for 2013/14 and 2014/15.

(cc) For 2015/16 not applicable as the performance bonus is not yet finalized for payment.

South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA)


Criteria for approval of salary increases








*CPI+ was used as CEO had not received annual salary increases for 2 successive years (since 2011).


Criteria for approval of bonuses




  • Organizational performance
  • Employment contract which stipulated that up to 20% bonus will be payable based on organizational performance








Recommendation made by Exco, REMCO and approval by Board of Directors

Recommendation made by Exco, REMCO and approval by Board of Directors

Recommendation made by Exco, REMCO and approval by Board of Directors








*There was no Board of Directors appointed at the time. As a result the decision was taken by Executive Committee (EXCO)

*There was no Board of Directors appointed at the time. As a result the decision was taken by Executive Committee (EXCO)

*There was no Board of Directors appointed at the time. As a result the decision was taken by Executive Committee (EXCO)

* The Board of Directors was subsequently appointed but members resigned/did not form a

quorum before it could ratify the decision.

(1)b(i) What procedures (for bonus) exist to verify that the specified criteria were used?







Recommendation made by Exco, REMCO and approval by Board of Directors

No bonus was paid out

No bonus was paid out

(ii) What procedures (for bonus) exist to verify that the specified criteria were followed?







*There was no Board of Directors appointed at the time. As a result the decision was taken by Executive Committee (EXCO)

No bonus was paid out.

No bonus was paid out.

*The Board of Directors was subsequently appointed but members resigned/did not form a

quorum before it could ratify the decision.

Railway Safety Regulator (RSR)

(1)(a)(i) The organization submits for approval an inflationary increase percentage, based on the benchmarked rate each year and these increases are payable at the start of each financial year in April each year.

(ii) Performance Appraisal for the CEO will be assessed by all the Chairpersons of the Board Committees chaired by the Board Chairperson and organizational performance and key performance areas to arrive at a score which will determine the eligibility for a performance.

(b)(i) Performance contracts are entered into, which include Strategic performance objectives/Key Results Areas, weightings, Key Performance Indicators, Targets, Rating Descriptors, Source of Evidence, Observations and Score Ratings.

(ii)(aa) (bb) (cc) A five point rating scale is used for the Strategic Performance Objectives which determines that an individual who has reached a Level 4 rating (80%- 85%) becomes eligible for a performance bonus incentive. The appraisal indicates that the employee has achieved all the performance aspects of the job and the performance is significantly higher than the expected performance standard.

Ports Regulator South Africa (PRSA)

1(a)(i) The starting salary was approved by Minister of Transport in consultation with cabinet, as the

CEO is appointed by the Minister of Transport in terms of the National Ports Act (12 of 2005) section 34, and thereafter increases were approved by the Regulator (board) as the same percentage annual salary increase as pertains to the staff as a whole.

(ii) The CEO performance is appraised by the Human Resources/ Remuneration Committee of the

Regulator (Board) in terms of an approved performance agreement, and the performance assessment and score is signed off by the Chairperson. If the overall score is above a minimum threshold of 3.1 out of a maximum of 5, a bonus is payable in terms of the Ports Regulator Short Term Incentive Policy which sets out the bonus calculation.

(b)(i) The CFO checks the performance bonus calculation and it is captured on the payroll and the

CFO and CEO approves every pay-run before payment as the CEO is the accounting officer as per the Ports Act. This is verifiable from signed pay-run records. The pay-runs and performance system, calculations and records are subsequently audited by internal audit and external audit by the Auditor General.

(ii) No internal or external auditor findings on CEO salary or bonus were incurred in each of the

listed years indicating that the specified criteria were followed in these financial years; (note

that the overall audit outcome in each year is specified in brackets.)

(aa) 2013-14, (unqualified audit)

(bb) 2014-15 (clean audit) and,

(cc) 2015-16 (clean audit)

Airports Company South Africa (ACSA)

(1)(a) criteria were used to approve

(i) salaries and

  • Projected inflation i.e. based on CPI as determined by stats SA (CPI refers to the Annual Percentage Change in the Consumer Price Index excluding interest rates on mortgage bonds);
  • External remuneration market analysis (Executive Remuneration Survey and Comparison Ratio Report);
  • Supporting variables such as capability and performance; and
  • Company financial affordability.

(ii) bonuses,

  • The incentive remuneration policy and scheme rules of the company, a matter falling inside the discretion of the Board of Directors.’ - The CEO performance contract and assessment rating as concluded by relevant members of the Board of Directors;
  • The Company’s key performance framework score card approved by the Board of Directors;
  • The On-target bonus percentage which is 50% of the CEO’s annual salary.

(b) procedures exist to verify that the specified criteria were

(i) used and (ii) followed in the (aa) 2013-14, (bb) 2014-15 and (cc) 2015-16 financial years;

  • An internal audit is conducted on an annual basis prior to the payment of incentive remuneration to ensure compliance with company policy and scheme rules;
  • The remuneration increase and bonus payment schedule is signed-off by relevant authorized company officials

Air Transport Navigation Systems (ATNS)

1(a) The criteria within the Company’s Performance Management and Short Term Incentive Policies were used to determine the eligible rate.

The application of the criteria is audited by an External Auditing Company, every financial year.

South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL)

1(a) criteria were used to approve

(i) salaries

  • The Board uses comprehensive Market Surveys to determine the appropriate level for each pay grade, with a minimum and maximum per grade. The grade and adjustments includes consideration for inflation (including medical aid inflation), scarce skills, qualification and experience. Individual pay adjustments are based on performance or merit ratings.

(ii) bonuses

The current SANRAL Short Term Incentive (STI) policy, was introduced and approved by the SANRAL Board in 2012, after the pilot in 2011. This policy specifically abandoned the subjective discretionary bonus regime used since 1998. The policy takes the following principles into account:

a. The organisation as a whole has to perform above a specified minimum in terms of the Annual Performance Plan, in order to be eligible.

b. An individual has to score at least a 3 (5 point scale) merit rating to be eligible for a bonus

c. Four tiers of measurable performance was identified: Organisation, Region, Cluster and individual.

d. Each region and cluster has to perform above a specified level, per their identified measurable criteria, in order for that region or cluster to qualify for a score in that tier. The criteria is directly linked to the SANRAL strategic objectives.

e. Each grade participates in various weighting on the tiers depending on their opportunity to influence the tier.

This formula and all the supporting documentation or proof to determine the scores for each performance rating is reviewed in detail by Internal Audit before the payment is made. Once payment is made, this is checked against the calculated values for errors. The Auditor General then reviews during their normal annual audit the same process. On every tier, each performance criteria has to comply with the principles of “SMART” criteria, which leaves little room for subjectivity.

Individual performance contracts, which also includes performance criteria, signed annually between each individual and his/her line manager and submitted to HR for recordkeeping. This process is also audited by the AG in great detail. An individual will receive a merit rating, annually, which is then used as follows:

a. Adjust annual salary (also formula based), effective from 1 March each year.

b. Included in the formula to determine STI bonus, which is paid after the Annual Financial Statements and Performance information is signed off by the AG, normally in September.

(b) procedures exist to verify that the specified criteria were (i) used and (ii) followed in the (aa) 2013-14, (bb) 2014-15 and (cc) 2015-16 financial years;

The processes are audited internally and externally by the AG.

12 December 2016 - NW2305

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether any (a) internal and/or (b) external forensic reports pertaining to (i) her department and/or (ii) each entity reporting to her were completed from 1 January 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what is the (aa) name, (bb) subject matter and (cc) date of conclusion of each of the specified forensic reports?


It must be noted internal or external forensic investigations within the State-Owned Companies that report to me mainly relate to operational matters and therefore where relevant, may fall within the ambit of the Board and/or Executives of the SOC.

In this regard, it is crucial to note that the Honourable Member’s request has to be considered against provisions of Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (PAIA). The Act has specific provisions that regulate disclosure of the nature of information requested hence the Honourable Member is implored to consider submitting specific PAIA application(s) with relevant authorities to access the information required.

With regard to my Department, I am aware of the following investigations that have been concluded:



Lodged with

Date reported



IT forensic investigation allegations of a possible fraudulent email


29 August 2014

Investigation concluded in October 2014.


Allegations of maladministration, fraud and corruption

Auditor General

12 Feb 2015

Investigation concluded in August 2015.


Allegations of maladministration, fraud and corruption

Public Service Commission

23 Feb 2015

Investigation concluded in August 2015.


Allegation related to recruitment processes:

  • Junior Technician in IT Unit
  • DD:IM

DPE Whistle Blowing Box

23 Oct 2015

The investigation was concluded in November 2015.


Allegations of possible irregular expenditure – Photo-copiers

Acting Director-General

March 2015

Investigation concluded in August 2015


Allegations of irregularities with regards to bursary awards

Acting Director-General

March 2015

Investigation concluded in August 2015


Allegations of possible irregular expenditure - Korwe

Acting Director-General

March 2015

Investigation concluded in August 2015


Allegations of irregularities with regard to petty cash replenishment

Acting Director-General

March 2015

Investigation concluded in August 2015


12 December 2016 - NW2419

Profile picture: Malatsi, Mr MS

Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1)(a) What was the total value in rand of Old Mutual's sponsorship for Athletics South Africa's (ASA) licence numbers for races in the past three financial years, (b) for what period was each of the sponsorships allocated and (c) what is the name of each board member and/or official of ASA that secured the sponsorships; (2) whether the specified board members and/or officials of ASA were awarded (a) commissions and/or (b) any other incentives for securing the sponsorships; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) what amount in commission and/or other incentives did each of the board members and/or officials receive in each of the specified financial years and (ii) what are the further relevant details in this regard?


1. (a) What was the total value in rand of Old Mutual's sponsorship for Athletics South Africa's (ASA) licence numbers for races in the past three financial years,

R5,000,000.00 – as from 2016

b) for what period was each of the sponsorships allocated and

2016 and 2017

(c) what is the name of each board member and/or official of ASA that secured the sponsorships;

Mr Aleck Skhosana and James Moloi

(2) whether the specified board members and/or officials of ASA were awarded

(a) Commissions and/or

No commission were awarded

(b) any other incentives for securing the sponsorships; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so,

No other incentives to be awarded and no future prospects of incentives or commission to be awarded

(i) what amount in commission and/or other incentives did each of the board members and/or officials receive in each of the specified financial years and


(ii)What are the further relevant details in this regard?


12 December 2016 - NW2662

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Police

How many (a) persons did the SA Police Service arrest for the illegal poaching of abalone in the Overstrand Local Municipality in the Western Cape (i) in the (aa) 2014-15 and (bb) 2015-16 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2016 and (b) of the specified persons were successfully prosecuted?


(a) Arrests

(b) Successful prosecutions

(found guilty)

(i)(aa) 2014-15

(i)(bb) 2015-16

(iii) 1 April 2016 to 31 Oct 2016

(i)(aa) 2014-15

(i)(bb) 2015-16

(iii) 1 April 2016 to 31 Oct 2016







12 December 2016 - NW2549

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Police

What amount has been allocated by the SA Police Service for the construction of (a) permanent and (b) satellite police stations in Gauteng for the 2016-17 financial year?


(a) No funds have been allocated for the construction of permanent new police stations in Gauteng for the current financial year. However, parkhomes have been placed at four police stations namely Ennerdale, Garankuwa, Boschkop and Hercules to alleviate the accommodation challenges in the province.

(b) None.

12 December 2016 - NW2107

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

1. What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations (aaa) in the 2015 -16 financial year and (bbb) since 1 April 2016? Question Numbers 2107 from Mr. E.J. Marais (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations (aaa) in the 2015 -16 financial year and (bbb) since 1 April 2016? NW2418E REPLY The department spent as follows for advertising: -16Since 1 April 2016 Africa News Network 7 Channel R0.00 R0.00 SA Broadcasting Corporation Television channel R1 569 408.15 R0.00 Radio channel R0.00 R0.00 National Commercial Radio Stations R0.00 R0.00 Community Television R0.00 R0.00 Radio StationsR60 310.00 R0.00


The department spent as follows for advertising:

  1. -16 Since 1 April 2016

Africa News Network 7 Channel R0.00 R0.00

SA Broadcasting Corporation

  • Television channel R1 569 408.15 R0.00
  • Radio channel R0.00 R0.00

National Commercial Radio Stations R0.00 R0.00


  • Television R0.00 R0.00
  • Radio Stations R60 310.00 R0.00

12 December 2016 - NW2687

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with reference to her (a) reply to question 1742 on 21 November 2016 and (b) department’s presentation regarding the Jobs for Cash report during the meeting of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on 23 November 2016, a certain service provider (name furnished) participated in the extended forensic investigations into teacher misconduct after the specified report was released; if not, why not; if so, what are the full relevant details?


(a)(b) Deloitte was contracted to serve as a member of the Ministerial Task Team (MTT) and to work alongside the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DoJ) to investigate all the cases reported to the Department and through the media for the duration of the first phase of the MTT.

Deloitte was not contracted to work on the second phase of the forensic investigation, the services of the forensic team from the DoJ have been rendered pro bono, except for the payment of the subsistence and travelling allowances as and when required. It made a sound financial sense to use the human resources drawn from a Government Department such as the DOJ to complete the work rather than to enter into a new financially binding contract with a service provider for another six (6) months.

12 December 2016 - NW2420

Profile picture: Malatsi, Mr MS

Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

What amount was paid out in reimbursements for the (a) cell phone, (b) data and (c) travel claims of Mr Esethu Hasane (i) ) in the (aa) 2014 -15 and (bb) 2015-16 financial years and (ii) since 01 April 2016?


The department has not paid out any reimbursements for Mr. Esethu Hasane for the:

  1. Cell phone and (b) Data, for the financial years:
  2. (aa) 2014-15

(bb) 2015-16, and

(ii) since 01 April 2016 to date.

(c) The travel claims for Mr. Esethu Hasane for the:

(aa) 2014-15 Financial year

Date of Reimbursement

Purpose of the claim


28 August 2014

Parliamentary session


28 August 2014

Parliamentary session


28 August 2014

Budget Vote


19 March 2015

Commonwealth 2022 Bid Lodgement-London





(bb) 2015-16 Financial year

Date of Reimbursement

Purpose of the claim


25 September 2015

Rugby world Cup 2023 Briefing Sessions & meetings


25 September 2015

Official kilometers travelled for the month of August 2015


19 November 2015

Official kilometers travelled for the month of September 2015


07 December 2015

Official kilometers travelled for the month of October 2015


07 December 2015

Rugby World Cup Semi-Finals- London


17 March 2016

Official kilometers travelled for the month of November 2015


17 March 2016

Official kilometers travelled for the month of December 2015





(ii) Since 01 April 2016 to date

Date of Reimbursement

Purpose of the claim


19 May 2016

Official kilometers travelled for the month of April 2016


19 May 2015

Rural Sport Development Programme-Umtata


19 May 2015

Official kilometers travelled for the month of March 2016


17 June 2016

Rural Sport Development Programme-Umtata


17 June 2016

Official kilometers travelled for the month of May 2016


19 September 2016

Accompany Minister to Rio Olympics 2016


22 September 2016

Accompany Minister to Rio Paralympics 2016


27 October 2016

Official kilometers travelled for the month of July 2016


27 October 2016

Official kilometers travelled for the month of September 2016


27 October 2016

Official kilometers travelled for the month of August 2016





09 December 2016 - NW2640

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of State Security

Whether , with reference to this reply to oral question 259 on 16 November 2016, he has found that the high level of violence on our campuses is directly attributable to the alleged involvement of the specified non-profit organisations (NPOs) and political parties; if not, what this the position in this regard; if so, what are the (a) names of the (i) non-profit organisations and (ii) political parties and (b) full details of all funds allegedly being offered to students by the specified NPOs and political parties; (2) Whether the involvement of the NPOs and political parties is a matter of national security; is so, in each case, (a) why and (b) what plans has the Government put in place to deal with this matter of national security?


1. The question posed by the Honourable Member was answered during the Oral Questions session on 16 November 2016.

For the record, herewith reply provided:

Yes, government through its law enforcement agencies of the security cluster knows the context and the actors involved.

Government has positioned education as one of its apex priorities, and the issues raised by students are genuine and deserves the support of all of us.

However, in the right to protest, just like any other right, has obligations; it is not unfettered.

Section 36 of our Constitution provides for limitation of rights.

We thereof must condemn the violence and wonton destruction of property that we have witnessed as it is setting back the country and is impacting negatively on our planning trajectory and will be felt by many generations to come.

(a) The genuine struggle of students has been hijacked by certain NGOs who come under the guise of “humanitarian support” while they are wolves in sheep skin. In addition, certain political parties here have become opportunists and used this noble struggle for their narrow political agendas.

(b) Students have been offered various forms of “humanitarian support” in the form of funds, refreshments, logistic and legal assistance amongst other things, exploiting genuine struggles

The security services of this country have stabilised the situation in institutions of higher learning. Lectures were completed and exams are underway in some institutions. The criminal justice system is also processing those students who were arrested.

Education is a societal matter. Whatever difficulty and challenges that we are confronted with, we must know that these are not insurmountable. As the Freedom Charter taught, we must be in a position to sit down and resolve these through peaceful negotiations.

2. As per the doctrine of intelligence tradecraft, operational matters and plans are not discussed.

09 December 2016 - NW2133

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to Project DC23/KZ232/321, who is currently residing in the houses on the farms commonly referred to as the Charnaud Farms in the Emnambithi-Ladysmith Local Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal; (2) have any members of the (a) Sewpersad, (b) Armmarchand, (c) Roshen and/or (d) Nersha families benefitted in any way from the specified project; if so, what are the relevant details in each case with regard to benefits in (i) kind and/or (ii) cash; (3) what (a) has been the total cost of the specified project to his department and (b) is the detailed breakdown of the specified cost?


(1) Currently there are two families of Labor Tenants that are using the farm houses namely, Mtshali and Mabaso)

(2)(a),(b),(c) Since the farm was returned to the state no members of the Sewpersad, Armmarchand, Roshen and/or Nersha families have benefited in any way.Prior to the farm being forfeited to the state, it was occupied by the Sewpersad, Armmarchand, Roshen and Nersha families. They benefited to the extent of occupation only. The Department is not aware of any financial benefits from operating the farm and does not have access to their financial statements.

(i), (ii) Falls away.

(3) (a) Total cost to the Department was R36 999 732.82

(b) - Purchase price for Land – R27 244 556.00

- Total Livestock costs- R 6 136 400.00

- Agricultural implements- R 574 500.00

- Developmental costs- R 2 500 000.00

- Conveyancing costs - R 100 451.00

- AFU costs- R 443 825.82

09 December 2016 - NW2695

Profile picture: Figg, Mr MJ

Figg, Mr MJ to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

What is the total amount of the outstanding loan repayments due to the National Treasury which prompted the National Treasury to withdraw all funding for a certain scheme Micro Agricultural Financial Institutions (MAFISA) and (b) by what date will the outstanding loans be repaid?


The Micro Agricultural Financial Institutions of South Africa (MAFISA) is a scheme that provides loans to smallholder farmers in the agriculture sector. The loans are provided through intermediaries and not directly by the department. To get the loan, the applicant must meet a set of requirements. The applications for funding are handled by intermediaries and not by DAFF. The intermediaries report to the Department on a monthly basis.

From the inception of MAFISA to date a total of R 408 million has been loaned out to smallholder farmers. Of this amount a total of R187 million has been repaid. The amount repaid account for 45.8% of the total disbursements (repayments are linked to the farming activity e.g. cattle farmers take a longer time to repay whereas cash crop farmers repay in a short period depending on the income cycle).

(b) The repayment timeframe of the loans differs according to the commodity financed. With the effect of drought some clients need extended time to fully settle their loans and this has an impact on repayments. The Department has been involved in discussions with intermediaries on how to handle the situation so that the smallholder farmers can continue to produce on their farms despite the effect of drought.

MAFISA funds are not supposed to be repaid to National Treasury within a given timeframe; they revolve for purposes of continuously granting loans to smallholder farmers. The recalling of MAFISA funds was not because DAFF failed to repay funds to National Treasury. The reason was that the introduction of the Wholesale Finance Facility (WFF) led National Treasury to conclude that it is better to phase out MAFISA and therefore recalled MAFISA funds. Practically the target market of the WFF is not the same target market served by MAFISA.

09 December 2016 - NW2667

Profile picture: Van Dalen, Mr P

Van Dalen, Mr P to ask the Minister of Energy

With reference to her reply to question 2179 on 11 November 2016, why did the Strategic Fuel Fund indicate on page 51 of its 2015-16 annual report that an amount of R2,1 billion was transferred to the Equalisation Fund, which the specified fund’s 2015- 16 annual report confirms?


The Strategic Fuel Fund compiles its Annual Financial Statement in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that prescribes that an entity must account for transactions not only on a cash basis but also on an accrual basis.

Therefore the Transfer in question is an accrued expense as a result of the application of the provisions of Section 3(A)(c) of the CEF Act applicable to the sale of Strategic Stock and that was yet to be transferred to the Equalisation Fund.

09 December 2016 - NW2132

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether, with reference to Project DC23/KZ232/321, any (a) staff members of his department’s Ladysmith office in KwaZulu-Natal and/or (b) senior members of his department faced any disciplinary processes for allegedly entering into fraudulent land deals which relate to land commonly referred to as the Charnaud Farms in the Emnambithi-Ladysmith Local Municipality were suspended; if not, in each case, why not; if so, (i) for how long was each of the specified persons suspended and (ii) what is the total amount of remuneration that each of the specified persons received while on suspension; (2) whether any legal practitioners were implicated in any way in the alleged fraudulent transfer of assets; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (3) (a) what is/are the name(s) of the current legal owners of the specified farms, (b) what happened to the movable assets of the specified farms, including livestock, farm equipment and household furniture and appliances during the alleged fraudulent land deals and (c) who is in control of the specified movable assets; (4) whether all of the specified movable assets that were originally purchased are accounted for; if not, why not; if so, where can the specified movable assets be inspected; (5) whether any revenue from the sale of the specified movable assets has been received; if not, why not; if so, to whom has the specified income been paid?


1. (a) Yes. Two staff members were suspended.

         (i) One staff member was suspended for 29 months and the other for 33 months.

         (ii) Cost of remuneration was R1 342 291.59 and R1 026 838.97 respectively.

(b) No, since none were implicated.

2. The matter of legal practitioners who could be implicated was referred to the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and HAWKS for further investigation.

3. (a) The Department is the current legal owner of the farms.

(b) Some of the cattle have been sold in order to keep operations going on the farm (purchase of cattle feed, licks, vaccine, fixing of tractor, maintenance of fences, paying wages and burning of firebreaks). Apart from the cattle, movable assets such as farm equipment, household furniture and appliances were accounted for and the assets are still on the farm except for one vehicle that was taken for repairs by the previous caretaker and has not been returned to the farm.

(c) Currently, there are two families of labour tenants occupying the farm houses, namely Mtshali and Mabaso families, who are also in control of the movable assets.

4. Yes, on 27 May 2013, when the farm was handed over from the curator to the Department, all movable assets were accounted for and are still on the farm except for one vehicle that was taken for repairs by the previous caretaker and has not been returned to the farm. The latest inspection was done on 24 August 2016 and all assets were accounted for. The Department will institute legal action against the caretaker for the vehicle since negotiations for the return of the vehicle have failed. The assets are available for inspection on the farm.

5. No movable assets were sold except for cattle to continue operations on the farm. The amount received was R443 825.82 paid over to the curator.

09 December 2016 - NW2571

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

To whom does the land in Ward 30 Ten Rooms informal settlement in Madibeng Local Municipality belong; (2) has his department engaged the landowners to make the land available as public land so that the specified municipality can provide services?


1. The Land in Ward 30 Ten Rooms informal settlement situated on P52 and P88 of the farm Rietfontein 485JQ, jurisdiction Madibeng Local Municipality, belongs to the Department of Public Works (DPW).

2. No. The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform does not deal with land administered by the Department of Public Works, nor was it approached for assistance in this matter.

09 December 2016 - NW2668

Profile picture: Mackay, Mr G

Mackay, Mr G to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)(a) Who were the buyers of the Strategic Fuel Fund’s sale of 10 million barrels of crude oil, (b) what portion of the specified number of barrels did each buyer buy and (c) what amount did each buyer pay; (2) have all payments in respect of the specified sale been made to date; if not, why not; if so, by what date was each payment made; (3) whether her department reserves the right to reverse the sale if found to have been illegally transacted; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


  1. The information is provided in the table below:



(US$ )


Volume sold (bbls)

Volume sold (bbls)




3 000 000

$90 224 970


3 000 000


$78 606 000


2 000 000

2 000 000

$112 000 000



$280 000 000

2. Yes all the payments for the products sold have been made.


Payment receipt date


04 March 2016


11 March 2016


25 February 2016

3. The contract review currently underway will assist in determining the options for SFF.

09 December 2016 - NW2665

Profile picture: Van Dalen, Mr P

Van Dalen, Mr P to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether the National Energy Regulator of South Africa will furnish Mr P van Dalen with copies of Eskom’s week on week energy availability factor, demand and energy reports since 1 January 2016; if not, why not; if so, by what date?


Honourable van Dalen is requested to direct the question to the Minister of Public Enterprises as the information requested belongs to Eskom which reports to the Minister of Public Enterprises.

09 December 2016 - NW2651

Profile picture: Selfe, Mr J

Selfe, Mr J to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(1)Whether he is aware of the incident that allegedly took place on 1 April 2016 at the Barberton Maximum Security Prison in Mpumalanga, where one inmate, with prison registration number (details furnished), allegedly assaulted a Mozambican citizen, with prison registration number (details furnished), with a razor blade inside the prison kitchen; if not, why not; if so, (2) has any investigation been undertaken in this regard; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will an investigation be launched; if so, what are the (i) full relevant details and (ii) outcomes of the specified investigation; (3) what interventions and/or support services is his department rendering to (a) assist the victim, (b) prevent the occurrence of similar incidents in the future and (c) appropriately deal with the alleged perpetrator?


(1) Yes, Management is aware of the incident that took place on 01 April 2016 between inmates (perpetrator details furnished) and (victim details furnished)

(2) Yes, a departmental investigation was instituted.

(2)(a) N/A

(2)(b) The Investigation was concluded on 28 April 2016.

(2)(i) The nature of injury according to medical register G336 entry (2016/04/01) ref (50/16) inmate (victim details furnished) suffered deep laceration on his forehead to the nose.

(2)(ii) It was evident that inmate (perpetrator details furnished) has committed a disciplinary infringement as stated by Correctional Services Act, Act 111 of 1998, as amended and Section 23(1)(h) by committing an assault on a fellow inmate. The investigation recommendation was that disciplinary action be taken against the perpetrator.

(3)(a) The victim was taken to maximum correctional centre hospital for medical treatment and he was assisted to open a criminal case against the perpetrator.

(3)(b) The perpetrator is currently undergoing psychiatric sessions for unacceptable behaviour. Further interventions will follow after the recommendations by the Psychologist and the Case Officers. The search for unauthorized items has also been intensified, supervisors are promoting the maintenance of security awareness at centre level and Management functionaries must inculcate security awareness in all officials by means of a scheduled programme (daily/weekly/monthly) in order to ensure that every official realizes the importance of his/her role in ensuring the safe custody of prisoners. Lastly, identified tendencies/frequencies must be approached in a spirit of participative management.

(3)(c) The Case Management Committee degraded the privileges of the perpetrator from B category to C category with applicable restrictions of amenities.

08 December 2016 - NW2623

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether a certain person (name furnished), stationed at the Youngsfield Military Base in Wetton, Cape Town, has taken regular sick leave; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of sick leave taken by the specified person for each of the past three financial years in terms of the (a) duration, (b) nature of the illness, (c)(i) sick certificates issued and (ii) name of medical practitioner(s) who issued the certificates and (d) sick leave cycles?


Details as to the member’s medical condition cannot be disclosed as it would be a violation of doctor and patient privilege.

08 December 2016 - NW2628

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What is the detailed breakdown of his department’s budget for universities in terms of the size of each component of the (a) block grants, (b) earmarked grants and (c) any other relevant grant awarded (i) in each of the past 10 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2016?


In terms of a detailed breakdown of the Department’s budget for universities in terms of the size of each component of the (a) block grants, (b) earmarked grants and (c) any other relevant grant awarded (i) in each of the past 10 financial years, please refer to the 2015 Public Report on the State Budgets for Universities (Annexure A). As seen in the report, the state budget for universities, including allocation for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) increased from R9.878 billion in 2004/05 to R30.338 billion in 2015/16.

(ii) For the financial year starting 1 April 2016, the following table reflects the updated budget from National Treasury for 2016/17 as per the updated Ministerial Statement issued in July 2016 (Annexure B). As seen in the table below, the block grant increased from R19.561 billion in 2014/15 to R25.3 billion in 2017/18, earmarked grants increased from R4.589 billion in 2014/15 to R6.241 billion in 2017/18, and grants to institutions such as NSFAS increased from R3.914 billion in 2014/15 to R7.551 billion in 2017/18.

see the link for the table:











08 December 2016 - NW2363

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) What amount in advertising revenue did each small community print media project which is supported by the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) generate (a) in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13, (iii) 2013-14, (iv) 2014-15 and (v) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; (2) Whether the MDDA has put any succession plans in place to assist small community print media projects in mitigating instabilities affecting the delivery of planned targets; if not, why not; if so, what are the full relevant details?


1. (a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) The MDDA publishes advertising revenue generated by each small community print media project which is supported by the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) via the Milele Group and the Government Communication Information System (GCIS) in its annual report. These are available on request. The MDDA does not have direct access to detailed advertising income until it receives annual reports from media buyers and the GCIS. To provide a comprehensive breakdown per community print project requires a survey in order to give justice in responding to this question as we do not have readily available information within the specified time.

(b) Information on advertising revenue generated by each small community print media project which is supported by the MDDA via the Milele Group and the GCIS is consolidated on an annual basis for publication in the MDDA annual report. The MDDA does not have direct access to detailed advertising income until it receives annual report from media buyers and the GCIS. To provide a comprehensive breakdown on advertising revenue generated per community print project since 1 April 2016 requires a survey in order to give justice in responding to this question as we do not have readily available information within the specified time.

2. (a) Yes, the MDDA has succession plans in place to assist small community print media projects in mitigating instabilities affecting the delivery of planned targets, via established partnerships to capacitate the print sector on content development. These partnerships include arrangements with Soul City, AIP, SAASTA and SEDA, ongoing engagement with the Big4, ongoing engagement with the GCIS on media buying and planned engagement with SALGA and all state organs on media buying.








08 December 2016 - NW2379

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)Whether, in light of the amount paid for services consumed in the 2015-16 financial year, as well as the suspended contract and the acknowledged inability of the SA Military Hospitals to meet primary health care needs (details furnished), the goal or objective of providing health and wellness services to military veterans was achieved in the specified year under review by merely stating the number of military veterans allowed to access services that they did not access; (2) why does her department link the increased expenditure in this subprogramme to the increased number of persons insured or assured to access services when neither was possible nor the reported expenditure is linked to the needs of the 14 666 military veterans?


1) The Annual Performance Plan of the DMV for 2015/16, which was adopted by Parliament, set the target of providing 8000 military veterans with access to health care. As of 31st March 2016, 8 264 military veterans were authorised to access health care services adding to a total accumulative number of 14 666 as from the 2013/14 financial year to the 2015/16 financial year. This is the indicator the department reports on in the Annual Report and is aligned with Section 5 (1)(i) of the Military Veterans Act, Act 18 of 2011, which of speaks to “access to health care.” As part of its strategic planning processes the department is discussing other indicators which can be used to measure access to health care.

2): The expenditure incurred is for military veterans who have received the healthcare services.

08 December 2016 - NW2492

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)With reference to the summary report which indicates that her department is still busy with investigations of irregular expenditure that occurred in 2015-16 financial year, (a) how far have the specified investigations gone and (b) by what date can a report on the specified investigations be expected; (2) what steps has she taken with regard to her department’s disregard of the recommendations of the Auditor-General and concerns of the Portfolio Committee on Defence; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what steps is her department taking to ensure that there is no poor performance with regard to rendering services to the destitute military veterans whilst the officials of the department receive performance bonuses; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) does her department have a policy to hold officials personally responsible for delinquency or dereliction of duties; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) how does her department justify the approval of bonuses while there are outstanding performance contracts?


(1) with reference to the summary report which indicates that her department is still busy with investigations of irregular expenditure that occurred in 2015-16 financial year, (a) how far have the specified investigations gone and (b) by what date can a report on the specified investigations be expected;


(1)(a) The Financial Misconduct Committee of DMV is busy considering each of the incidents. They will be reported to the Accounting Officer for action.

(1)(b) Scopa has given the Department till the middle of January to report on the investigations and consequent management actions taken. The Accounting Officer is aiming to complete these actions by the 15 January 2017.

(2) what steps has she taken with regard to her department’s disregard of the recommendations of the Auditor-General and concerns of the Portfolio Committee on Defence; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


(2) I am not aware of what issues the Honourable Member is referring to. However the Portfolio Committee has developed a dashboard of issues for the department to report on and the department is following this plan.

Question (3)

What steps is her department taking to ensure that there is no poor performance with regard to rendering services to the destitute military veterans whilst the officials of the department receive performance bonuses; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

Response: I have ensured that a full complement of DDGs, a new CFO and an acting DG have been appointed. They have entered into performance agreements to which they are being held responsible.

The department is in the process of reviewing the organisational structure to address capacity issues. In addition to that the department has developed its service delivery model to enhance service delivery.

(4) does her department have a policy to hold officials personally responsible for delinquency or dereliction of duties; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


(4) The Department utilises the Public Service Prescripts; Public Service Act, SMS Handbook and Public Service Regulations to hold officials accountable. Regarding Finance and Supply Chain Management the PFMA and National Treasury Regulations are utilised.

(5) how does her department justify the approval of bonuses while there are outstanding performance contracts?

Response: The level 1-12 employees were paid performance bonuses after being assessed by their respective managers and supervisors. The department did not award performance bonuses for SMS Members. By direction of the then Acting Director-General employees were instructed to submit their Performance Agreements. All except one SMS member have submitted Performance Agreement by 1 December 2016.


08 December 2016 - NW2538

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

What have been the monthly (a) viewership and (b) advertising revenue figures for each television station of the SA Broadcasting Corporation since 1 July 2016?


(a) The SABC monitors television audiences in terms of monthly audience share.

(b) Advertising revenues are presented excluding Agency Commission, Credit Notes, and Compensation. The revenues received by the organisation fluctuate according to seasonality and available spend by advertisers.







08 December 2016 - NW2539

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

What (a) was the purpose of her attendance at the NexTV CEO Africa 2016 Summit in Mauritius on 29 and 30 September 2016, (b) are the (i) names and (ii) positions of persons who accompanied her and (c) was the (i) total cost and (ii) detailed breakdown of such costs of the specified trip?


(a) NexTV CEO Africa 2016, was an exclusive event that brought together the Anglophone and Francophone markets of Sub Saharan Africa to discuss strategic ventures, regulatory issues and will be a fantastic accelerator for business and for lobby in the broadcasting industry going forward. Minister Faith Muthambi was invited to participate and give a keynote address at the opening session of the two-day summit, where she addressed delegates on the digital television revolution in Africa.

(b) (i) & (ii)

  • Ms Basani Baloyi: Chief of Staff;
  • Mr Sandile Nene: Special Advisor to the Minister; and
  • Mr Nthambeleni Gabara: Assistant Director: GCIS SANews Unit.

(c) (i) R 184 420.44

    (ii) Accommodation: R44 949.50

        Flights: R 121 459.66

        Travel allowance: R18 011.28








08 December 2016 - NW2558

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)With reference to the 2015-16 report of the Auditor-General in respect of her department, which indicates that morale is low among employees, what has she found to be the cause and what is she and senior officials doing to improve the morale; (2) given the reported lack of relevant expertise on skills in the specified report, does her department have a policy regarding the recruitment of senior managers; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) does her department have a fair and transparent recruitment policy that prevents patronage and allows capable candidates to be appointed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) (a) by what date will existing vacancies be filled and (b) what is the cause of the delay in the appointment of a permanent director-general?



Question (1):

The department is busy with an employee satisfaction survey in order to identify issues affecting morale amongst employees. The department is also conducting a skills audit to ensure that employees are placed appropriately according to their skills. These will be reported once they are completed.

The newly appointed Acting Director-General has begun a process of interacting with employees to inform them key developments in the department engage in team building and improve morale.

Question (2) Given the reported lack of relevant expertise on skills in the specified report, does her department have a policy regarding the recruitment of senior managers; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


The Department has a Recruitment Policy and it is implemented in line with Public Service Commission requirements for Public Service Recruitment practices.

Question (3) Does her department have a fair and transparent recruitment policy that prevents patronage and allows capable candidates to be appointed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details


All appointments within the department are done through the Public Service Regulations, Part VII. Procedures for Appointment, Promotions and Termination of Service. Our recruitment policy is transparent and fair.

Question (4): (a) By what date will existing vacancies be filled and (b) what is the cause of the delay in the appointment of permanent director-general


(a) The department is in a process of filling all the posts and priority is being given to the two service delivery branches – Socio-Economic Support and Empowerment and Stakeholder Management. It is hoped this will be completed by the end of the financial year.

(b) The interview and evaluation processes for the appointment of the Director-General was completed. However, due to administrative challenges between DPSA and DMV the process was stalled. It is hoped that this post will be permanently filled soon.

08 December 2016 - NW2540

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) How many (i) international and (ii) domestic trips were undertaken by each (aa) senior manager and (bb) board member of each entity reporting to her in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (b) in each case, what (i) class of travel was used and (ii) is the detailed breakdown of costs incurred?


  1. Brand South Africa



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



15 business

20 economy

29 business 7 economy

R 1 023 666

R 210 257

Board Members





R 585 067

R 465 491



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



12 business

14 economy

17 business

36 economy

R 787 680

R 354 074

Board Members







2. Film and Publication Board



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



7 business

All domestic

R1 394 568

R602 755

Board Members



4 business

All domestic


R99 885



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



8 business

1 economy

All domestic

R1 533 248

R644 238

Board Members



6 business

All domestic


R123 396

3. Independent Communications Authority of South Africa



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



13 business

5 economy

59 economy

R 637 984

R 399 444

Board Members



29 business

40 economy

R 806 054

R 254 697



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



20 business

15 economy

100 economy

R 764 140

R 536 455

Board Members



14 business

26 economy

R 617 475

R 203 923

4. Media Development and Diversity Agency



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers







Board Members







*These numbers are subject to verification



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers







Board Members







*These numbers are subject to verification

5. South African Broadcasting Association



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



Business X 15 Economy X 20

Business X 29 Economy X 7



Board Members









International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers




Business x 60 Economy x 119



Board Members




Business x 32 Economy x 1










08 December 2016 - NW2537

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

What were the monthly (a) listenership and (b) advertising revenue figures for each SA Broadcasting Corporation radio station since 12 May 2016?


(a) Radio audiences are measured quarterly and not monthly. There was a significant change in radio audience research methodology during the period in question (from previous SAARF RAMS to BRC RAM) and the findings are thus not comparable. The following graphic was derived from the first BRC RAM research released in August 2016.


(b) Advertising revenues are presented excluding Agency Commission, Credit Notes, and Compensation. The revenues received by the organisation fluctuate according to available spend by advertisers.








08 December 2016 - NW2613

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Board approved the alleged (a) R10 000 payments made to SABC employees and (b) R50 000 payments made to 185 music legends by the former Chief Operating Officer, Mr Hlaudi Motsoeneng; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) from which budget(s) were the specified payments made, (ii) what criteria were used to determine who the 185 music legends are and (iii) were the payments tax deductible?


This matter forms part of the enquiry therefore the SABC cannot at this stage respond to this question.









08 December 2016 - NW2368

Profile picture: Steenhuisen, Mr JH

Steenhuisen, Mr JH to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) provided any form of (a) funding, (b) assistance, (c) sponsorships and/or (d) assets to the Cultural and Creative Industries Federation of South Africa (CCIFSA) since the establishment of the specified federation in 2014; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, (i) what was the value of the funding, assistance, sponsorships and/or assets provided to the CCIFSA, (ii) for what purposes and (iii) has the SABC satisfied itself that the specified purposes were met; (2) Whether the CCIFSA submitted a copy of its constitution to her; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date and (b) what are the further relevant details in this regard; (3) Whether the CCIFSA submitted annual financial statements for the (a) 2014-15 and (b) 2015-16 financial years; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, on what date(s) were the specified annual financial statements submitted to her?NW2703E


The SABC has not provided any funding assistance and sponsorships to the above-mentioned entity.








08 December 2016 - NW2617

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)(a) Why do the security cameras at the (i) duty room of the Logistics/Procurement Division and (ii) soccer field of the Youngsfield Military Base in Wetton, Cape Town, remain dysfunctional, (b) (i) which company supplied the cameras and (ii) is there any warranty or guarantee on the faulty cameras, (c) what was the total cost of procuring the cameras and (d) what are the specifications of the cameras; (2) what are the reasons that no security cameras have been installed at the armoury which is considered a high risk; (3) after the findings of the assessment were reached, what are the details of the recommendations regarding the installation of security cameras after the assessment was concluded?


Due to the security implications of this question, a response can only be provided in a closed session of the Joint Standing Committee on Defence.

08 December 2016 - NW2491

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)What steps has she taken to (a) monitor and (b) correct (i) the tangible capital asset register (ii) irregular expenditure (iii) organogram and (iv) reported failures as indicated by the Auditor-General in respect of the corporate services branch of her department; (2) has she called the Deputy Director-General to account for the poor performance in the corporate services; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) is there a policy regarding consequences for poor performance; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) has the irregular expenditure indicated in the 2015-16 report of the Auditor-General been reported to the National Treasury, if so, what action has been taken regarding the individuals responsible for the specified expenditure?


(1) What steps has she taken to (a) monitor and (b) correct (i) the tangible capital asset register (ii) irregular expenditure (iii) organogram and (iv) reported failures as indicated by the Auditor-General in respect of the corporate services branch of her department;


(i) Assets Management:

(a) Monitoring: A permanent assets management unit has been approved by the Executive Committee. This unit will ensure that all assets of the department are fully accounted for all the times.

(b) Correction: During 2015/16 Financial Year, the assets register was reconstructed and reconciled with annual financial statement. The remaining item is the finalisation of the verification process which is currently at 80% completion.

(ii) Irregular expenditure:

(a) Monitoring: The registers have been compiled for each of the years and these are reconciled to the annual financial statements.

(b) Correction: The Irregular and Fruitless and Wasteful expenditure dates back to 2013/2014 financial year. The Financial Misconduct Panel has been formed and approved by the Accounting Officer. The Panel has been tasked to expedite the investigations. The timeline given by Executive Authority is 15 January 2017.

(iii) Organogram

(a) Monitoring: The organogram is closely monitored by HR with continuous engagements with branches concerned.

(b) Correction: The ideal organogram has been developed by the Department and continuous engagements with DPSA are in place.

(iv) Reported failures by AGSA

General failures as noticed by AGSA are as follows:

  • Percentage of staff attending training
  • Lack of consequence management to staff without Performance Agreements.
  • Vacancy Rate on funded posts
  • Non adherence to 30 days payment rule

(a) Monitoring: All of the above are presented at monthly management meetings. Where gaps may exist, action plans are put in place to correct such.

(b) Correction: The skills audit will be completed by the end of quarter four. All SMS performance agreements except for one, are in place. With the current funded structure where posts favours administration, a rebalancing exercise is being undertaken by the Department to address capacitation of Service delivery branches. This is being done whilst a consultative process is in place with DPSA. The issue of 30days payment rule is being addressed by re-looking and changing the invoice handling exercise.

08 December 2016 - NW2664

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

With reference to remarks made by the Group Chief Executive of Corporate Affairs of the SA Broadcasting Corporation, Mr Hlaudi Motsoeneng, at The New Age Business Briefing on 27 October 2016, that he allegedly met a certain person (name furnished) at an unknown hotel, (a) what are the names of each person who attended the specified meeting, (b)(i) on what date and (ii) where did the meeting take place, (c) what was the purpose of the meeting and (d) what were the decisions at the meeting?


This matter is a subject of an on-going legal case and therefore sub-judice. Thus, the SABC cannot at this stage respond to the question.








08 December 2016 - NW2371

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)Whether, with reference to the findings of the Auditor-General in respect of the Annual Report of her department for the 2015-16 financial year, (a) there are claims that are being made and linked to the reported tender contract dispute on health and wellness services that was awarded to a certain company (name furnished), which is currently in court, as reported by her department; if so, what is the status of the commitment made by a certain person (details furnished) regarding the resolution of the dispute; (2) whether a risk assessment was done in relation to the specified court case with regard to the potential financial and human costs?


Response (1):

Dates for the hearing of court cases are set by the judiciary. The department is finalizing its papers in this matter and hopes that a court date will be set for early 2017.

(2) Whether a risk assessment was done in relation to the specified court case with regard to the potential financial and human costs? NW2707E

Response (2): The merits of the case where looked into and the human and financial costs were taken into consideration by the before the matter was referred to Court.

08 December 2016 - NW2472

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)Whether (a) the Chief Executive Officer, (b) each executive and (c) each board member of the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSETA) submitted reports for each international trip they undertook (i) in the 2015 calendar year and (ii) since 1 January 2016; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, on what date; (2) whether he will make the specified reports available to Ms T E Baker; if not, why not; if so, by what date; (3) whether any staff members of the CATHSETA were formally appointed to act in the positions of the persons who travelled internationally; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are (a) the names of each staff member who was appointed in an acting position in the specified period and (b) further relevant details in this regard?


1. The Board was dissolved and the SETA was placed under Administration. In 2015, the Administrator undertook one trip and a report was submitted.

2. Yes, the report is available on request.

3. No staff member was appointed to act in the position of the Administrator whilst he was travelling.












08 December 2016 - NW2614

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether the former Chief Operating Officer of the SA Broadcasting Corporation received any form of bonus for concluding the contract with a certain company (name and details furnished); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what amount did the specified person receive, (b) what are the terms of payment of the bonus, (c) what criteria were used to determine the extent of the bonus, (d) who approved the specified bonus and (e) from which budget(s) was the bonus paid; (2) Whether any actors have received any remuneration generated from the airing of the specified channel; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The disclosure of employee remuneration is against employee regulation. Any payments made in the current financial year will be disclosed in the 2016/17 Annual Report.







08 December 2016 - NW2320

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)Whether, in respect of the Auditor-General’s 2015-2016 Annual Financial Report and with specific reference to her department, and in view of the general perception that public servants find it easy to be involved in fruitless litigation cases mainly because the State funds the cases and not the individuals behind them, there is a policy regulating the management of the litigious matters of her department; if so, who is responsible for litigation processes within her department; (2) how does her department account for the amount of R205 million regarding potential liability; (3) how many court cases is her department involved in; (4) whether her department conducts a risk profiling of the cases in order to assess their chances of success; (5) whether a cost-benefit analysis is done when cases are allowed to go to court; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Question 1: Whether, in respect of the AG’s 2015-2016 Annual Financial Report and with specific reference to her department, and in view of the general perception that public servants find it easy to be involved in fruitless litigation cases mainly because the State funds the cases and not the individuals behind them, there is a policy regulating the management of litigious matters of her department; if so, who is responsible for litigation processes within the department?

Answer 1:

Yes, the department has a “Policy on the Management and Administration of Civil Claims (Including Legal Representation and Legal Opinion) in the Department of Military Veterans”. The Director Legal Services is responsible for litigation processes within the department.

Question 2: How does her department account for the amount of R205 million regarding potential liability?

Answer 2: It is reported as a contingent liability in Note 16.1 to the 2015/16 Annual Financial Statements.

Question 3: How many court cases is the DMV involved in?

Answer 3: The DMV is involved in eight court cases; Of the eight cases, two relate to labour relations and six are contract related.

Question 4: Whether the department does conduct a risk profiling of the cases to assess chances of success?

Answer 4: Legal Services does determine the merits of each case and also attempts to mediate a matter in order to resolve it amicably without having to resort to litigation. This is done in conjunction with the State Attorney, where applicable.

Question 5: Whether there is a cost benefit analysis done when cases are allowed to go to Court, if so, what are the relevant details, if not, why not?

Answer 5: Yes a cost benefit analysis is done for all cases involving the department. The cost benefit analysis is also addressed in the mediation process where the department attempts to settle matters amicably without resorting to court. When a letter of demand is received the process starts to resolve the matters without court processes. Where summons was issued and parties have entered into a settlement agreement, the settlement agreement is then made an Order of Court. It is only in exceptional cases where matters are referred to Court for a decision.

08 December 2016 - NW2362

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether there are any limits on the number of times that funding is allocated to a small community print media project through the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) how many times can funding be allocated to one small community print media project, (b) what are the further relevant details in this regard and (c) how are the specified projects which receive funding more than once monitored; (2) Whether the MDDA has allocated more funding to small community print media projects than what the applicants requested (a) in the past five financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) why and (ii) what (aa) are the names of the small community print media projects, (bb) amounts were (aaa) requested and (bbb) allocated and (iii) motivation was provided for the variance in each case?


1. There is no limit on the number of times funding is allocated to a small community print media project through the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA). Funding is allocated after a detailed assessment has been conducted on the basic needs of the applicant and a situational analysis by the MDDA. Consideration is taken based on available budget in each financial year.

 a) There is no limit on the number of times funding is allocated to a small community print media project through the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA). The current funding cycle is allocated to cover a period of 12 months, however the grant agreement is signed to cover 18 months in order to allow ample time for reporting, capacity building and compliance.

 b) Details are covered in the grant in aid agreement and a sample of an existing agreement can be made available on request. Funding is allocated in tranches to ensure compliance and monitoring.

 c) Projects that are recommended for additional support must have demonstrated good management practices and have complied with the previous grant agreement. Monitoring is an ongoing process taking place in various forms, including desktop and telephonic assessment, validation of reported information and site visits.


a) Yes, the MDDA has in instances in the past five financial years allocated more funding to small community print media projects than what the applicants requested.

b) Yes, the MDDA has in instances since 1 April 2016 allocated more funding to small community print media projects than what the applicants requested.

  (i) The MDDA Board considers and approves additional support to that requested by the project based on an in depth assessment of the needs of the applicants, and taking consideration amongst others the socio economic challenges of the applicant.


(aa) For Q1 and Q2 of 2016/2017, the MDDA did not allocate more funding to the small community print media projects than what the applicants requested. However, the Board approved increases to the recommended budgets submitted by the project team in the following cases: Seipone News, Ikhwezi News, Seipone Times, Glimpse Magazine, Disability Magazine, Amandla Magazine, and Lekunutu News. The Board approved these increased amounts based on needs assessment during adjudication.

(bb) The amounts (aaa) requested and (bbb) allocated and (iii) motivation for the variance in each case are provided in the table below.


Project Name

District Municipality


Amount Requested


Amount Approved


Board Motivation for the variance in each case


Small Commercial


Seipone News

Capricorn District


R1 306 000

R 663 400

  • Include stipends for 2 journalists

Small Commercial


Ikhwezi News

OR Tambo District Municipality

Eastern Cape

R645 695.04

R 557 312

  • Include stipends for 2 journalists

Small Commercial (New)

Seipone Times

Thabo Mofutsanyane District

Free State

R818 000

R 659 600

  • Include stipends for 2 journalists

Small Commercial (New)

Glimpse Magazine

Ngaka Modiri Molema District


R1 307 340.01

R 414 176

  • Include stipends for 2 journalists

Community Print (Strengthening)

Rise & Shine Disability Magazine

Buffalo City

Eastern Cape

R758 430

R 427 700

  • Include stipends for 2 journalists

Community Print (Strengthening)

Amandla Magazine

City of Cape Town

Western Cape

R1 495 000

R 547 000

  • Include Social Media Platform @ R12,000 requested
  • include Reading Groups/Amandla Forum (the project to choose to implement any) @ R120,000

Community Print (New)

Lekunutu News

Waterberg District


R1 056 600

R 467,561.64

  • Include stipends for 2 journalists

Small Commercial Print (New


Dr Ruth Mompati District

North West

R778 6000

R536 600

  • Approved as recommended

Small Commercial Newspaper


KZN Community Newspaper

City of Ethekwini

Kwazulu Natal

R 1 582 620

R 843 000

  • Approved as recommended

Community Print


Malatsi Media

City of Tshwane


R 2 000 000

R 700 000

  • Approved as recommended

Small Commercial Newspaper (Strengthening)

Winelands Echo

Cape Winelands District

Western Cape

R1 219 524.74

R 723 696

  • Approved as recommended

Small Commercial Newspaper (Strengthening)

Nthavela News

Capricorn District


R1 169 300

R 765 600

  • Approved as recommended








08 December 2016 - NW2380

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)With regard to the Military Veterans Health Practitioner’s Association (MVPHA), which was contracted by her department to deliver health and wellness services under a contract that was declared as irregular in the Auditor-General’s report for the 2013-14 financial year, (a) who is the MVPHA and (b) why was the specified company’s contract allowed to continue until the end of the 2014-15 financial year, despite the finding of illegality against it; (2) what is her department’s position with regard to the perception of double standards on how it deals with perceived or actual irregular service provider contracts, given the dispute on the current service provider contract that is currently in court; (3) whether she has found that there are personal relationships between the owners or managers of the company and current senior managers of (a) her department and/or (b) her Ministry; if so, (i) what is the nature of the relationship and (ii) has this been disclosed in any way; (4) (a) what amount was paid to the MVHPA and (b) when was the last payment made to them; (5) whether she has found that there are military veterans who might have died as a result of lack of access to health care services; if not, what has been done to investigate whether the lack of access to health care contributes to the deaths of military veterans; if so, how many military veterans have died as a result of lack of access to health care services?


(1) (a) MVHPA is the Military Veterans Health Professional Association, a network of service providers which provided military veterans with access to primary healthcare services prior 2014.

(b) The Department of Military Veterans signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Military Veterans Health Professional Association (MVHPA) on the 23rd May 2013. This was followed by a partnership between DMV, South African Military Health Services (SAMHS) and MVHPA on a program to conduct healthcare assessment for all qualifying military veterans in order to obtain their disease profile as well as provision of related treatment and referral for appropriate level of healthcare. An agreement existed between MVHPA and SAMHS but no Service Level Agreement was in place to formalize the arrangement between DMV and MVHPA and hence the finding by the Auditor-General that the relationship was illegal, which rendered all payment transactions made to MVHPA irregular.

However the service still had to be rendered until another service provider was appointed.

Question (2)

What is her department’s position with regard to the perception of double standards on how it deals with perceived or actual irregular service provider contracts, given the dispute on the current service provider contract that is currently in court;

Response (2): The question refers to matter that is currently in court and is consequently sub judice. In terms of Rule 89 of the National Assembly, “No member may reflect upon the merits of any matter on which a judicial decision in a court of law is pending.”

Question (3)

whether she has found that there are personal relationships between theowners or managers of the company and current senior managers of (a) her department and/or (b) her Ministry; if so, (i) what is the nature of the relationship and (ii) has this been disclosed in any way;

Response (3):

No personal relationships have been disclosed and the department is not aware of any. The department is awaiting the outcome of a Public Service Commission investigation into this matter.

Question (4)

(a) what amount was paid to the MVHPA and (b) when was the last payment made to them;

Response (4):

(a) Total amount paid is R14 883 532.00. (b) The last payment was made on 17 October 2014.

Question (5)

whether she has found that there are military veterans who might have died as a result of lack of access to health care services; if not, what has been done to investigate whether the lack of access to health care contributes to the deaths of military veterans; if so, how many military veterans have died as a result of lack of access to health care services? NW2711E

Response (5):

The Department entered into an MoU with SAMHS to afford military veterans access to health care. The department is not aware of any cases where Military Veterans have died as a result of lack of access to health care services. If the honourable member knows of such cases he is encouraged to report them to the Minister.

08 December 2016 - NW2444

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(a) What is the total number of grants that were paid out by the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority in the 2015-16 financial year, (b) which institution was each grant awarded to, (c) how many students completed the training courses offered and (d) what qualification did each of the specified students receive?


At the end of 2014/15, the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA) had an over commitment of R292 million and an operational deficit of R174 million. There were also serious problems regarding non-compliance with the Skills Development Act in the awarding of Discretionary Grants. As part of the administration process, policies and standard operating procedures were developed to govern the awarding of Discretionary Grant funding. As a result, SASSETA only began to implement most of its Discretionary Grant awards in the last two quarters of 2015/16, and as a result most of the learners will only complete their courses in 2016/17.

a) 47 Grants were awarded.

b) The following institutions were awarded grants:

  • Mopani South East TVET College
  • Department of Defence in partnership with the Tshwane South TVET College
  • Department of Defence in partnership with the Northlink TVET College
  • Department of Correctional Services
  • Umfolozi TVET College
  • Department of Justice and Constitutional Development
  • National Prosecuting Authority
  • Umgungundlovu District Municipality
  • Independent Police Investigative Directorate
  • Majuba TVET College
  • NPA with Kalideen Management Services (Pty) Ltd as the accredited training provider
  • Empower Training Services with Enforce as the accredited training provider
  • Servest Security (Pty) Ltd
  • NPA with Ramazwi Security Services and Training Agency (Pty) Ltd as the accredited training provider
  • EEL Protection Services
  • Nomaduku Security Services
  • Vuco Security and Umgungundlovu Municipality
  • OR Tambo District Municipality with PE Traffic College as the accredited training provider
  • Department of Justice and Constitutional Development with in house accredited Justice College as the accredited training provider
  • Fidelity Security
  • Popo Protection Services
  • Department of Correctional Services in partnership with North West University
  • Mapheto Business Enterprise
  • Department of Correctional Services in partnership with North West University
  • NPA in partnership with University of Pretoria.
  • Romula Security
  • Department of Correctional Services with Lesedi Guarding & Training Services as the accredited training provider
  • Sharks Protection
  • Department of Justice in partnership with University of Pretoria
  • Security for U
  • SAPS in partnership with University of Pretoria
  • Department of Home Affairs
  • Various Accredited Institutions of Higher Learning
  • Various Public Tertiary Institutions
  • University of Pretoria
  • National School of Government
  • University of Witwatersrand
  • University of Witwatersrand
  • Various TVETS and at SAPS, DOJ and Home Affairs

c) 1 589 Learners completed their training programmes.

d) The following qualifications were received:

  • 1 year NQF
  • 3 year NATED Levels to N1 - 3
  • 1 year Learnership NQF Level 4
  • Service Certificates
  • University WIL Service Certificate
  • National Certificate Road Traffic Law Enforcement
  • University Certificate as a module in post graduate diploma
  • Firearm certification in terms of the Firearm Control Act
  • Degrees and Diplomas
  • National School of Governance Certification
  • University Certification in Defence and Security Management
  • Diploma in Nursing
  • Postgraduate Diploma











08 December 2016 - NW2372

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)With reference to the alleged legal dispute between the Department of Military Veterans and ZEAL (details furnished), and the march of the military veterans to her department on 6 April 2016 demanding health care (details furnished), how does she reconcile the return by her department of R234m to the National Treasury with the current reported expenditure of R67 million by end of the 2015-16 financial year under this sub programme;



The matter is sub judice and therefore no further comment is possible at present in terms of Rule 89 of the National Assembly which says, “No member may reflect upon the merits of any matter on which a judicial decision in a court of law is pending.”

(2) whether a certain person (name furnished) or any official of her department involved in the alleged irregular contract has been called to any disciplinary enquiry given the devastating consequences of the dispute; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


The Public Service Commission is busy with an investigation into this contract and the processes followed in awarding it. DMV is awaiting the outcome of the investigation.

(3) whether she has found that corruption might be the real reason behind the dispute and these serious allegations levelled against a certain person (details furnished); if so,


DMV is awaiting the outcome of the Public Service Commission investigation and will act on its recommendations.

(4) has her department investigated these serious allegations of corruption; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


DMV is awaiting the outcome of the Public Service Commission investigation and will act on its recommendations.

(5) whether her department provided protection for the whistle-blower in this matter as provided for in the Protected Disclosures Act, Act 26 of 2000; if so, (a) what steps has her department taken to ensure that the whistle-blower is not targeted and (b) what are her department’s plans to fight corruption? NW2708E

Response (5)

The investigation into the Zeal contract arises from internal processes of the department and steps I took as the Executive Authority in October 2015, after the matter was brought to my attention, to request the Public Service Commission to begin an investigation.

The Public Protector has confirmed in writing that an official of the DMV lodged a complaint to their office on 3 June 2016. As this disclosure was made long after I asked the Public Service Commission to investigate the matter, I am taking advice as to whether this can be considered a protected disclosure in terms of the Protected Disclosure Act of 2000.

07 December 2016 - NW2634

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the President of the Republic

Whether, with reference to reported allegations (details furnished), he is aware of any bribe money paid by the Russians in relation to the procurement of nuclear generating capacity for the Republic of South Africa?


The Procurement of the Nuclear New Build Programme (NNBP) has not yet started and the Request for Proposals has yet not been issued. Various organs of state involved in the Programme are currently doing preparatory work related to the procurement process, including the development of a governance and management framework for the Programme with the different roles and responsibilities being articulated.

Government is not aware of any bribe and/or money that has been paid by any prospective bidder(s) for the Nuclear New Build Programme. Government is committed to a fair and transparent procurement process for the NNBP and will act against anyone who compromises the integrity of the process by acting unlawfully or improperly. The Nuclear New Build Programme is central to the country’s long term energy plans in order to reduce greenhouse emissions, ensure security of electricity, and contribute to economic development and job creation.

07 December 2016 - NW2669

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether, with reference to her reply to question 1099 on 8 July 2016, she has received the outstanding information from the SA Council of Educators (SACE); if not, why not; if so, by what date will the information be communicated; (2) how many (a) cases of teacher misconduct were reported to SACE in each province in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13, (iii) 2013-14, (iv) 2014-15 and (v) 2015-16 financial years and (b) of the specified cases related to (i) fraudulent qualifications, (ii) sexual misconduct and (iii) physical assault?


1. The information has been requested from the South African Council of Educators (SACE) and regular follow-up on this has been done with them. To date, we have not received this information from the SACE.

2. The SACE has provided the DBE with the following information:

The total number of educators struck-off the roll during (aa) 2011-12, (bb) 2012-13, (cc) 2013-14, (dd) 2014-15 and (ee) 2015-16 is as follows:


Educators struck off indefinitely: 31

Educators struck off but may re-apply after a certain period: 01


Educators struck off indefinitely: 27

Educators struck off but may re-apply after a certain period: 01


Educators struck off indefinitely: 03

Educators struck off but may re-apply after a certain period: 06


Educators struck off indefinitely: 10

Educators struck off but may re-apply after a certain period: 18


Educators struck off indefinitely: 25

Educators struck off but may re-apply after a certain period: 05

The information received from SACE does not give a provincial breakdown of cases, nor does it indicate the nature of the cases that have been struck-off the roll.




















07 December 2016 - NW2588

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the President of the Republic

(1)With reference to his replies to questions 2137 and 2138 on 11 November 2016, on which date did he reprimand the Minister of Mineral Resources, Mr M J Zwane; (2) Whether the specified Minister received a letter of reprimand; if not, (a) why not and (b) what form did the reprimand take; if so, (i) when was the specified letter sent to the Minister and (ii) why was the letter not tabled in Parliament; (3) Whether he will table the letter in Parliament; if not, why not; if so, by which date? NW3001E


The reprimand was in the form of a letter to the Minister of Mineral Resources dated 23 September 2016. The Minister apologised for his statement.