Questions and Replies

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13 March 2017 - NW347

Profile picture: Walters, Mr TC


What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and date on which each vehicle was purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) his deputy (aa) in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016? REPLY: (i) Minister (bb) As follows: (a)BMW (Pretoria) (b)5 SERIES (c)R740 299.99 (d)23 August 2016 (aaa)None. (bbb)None. (ii) Deputy Minister (aaa)As follows: Pretoria Cape Town (a) Mercedes Benz BMW (b) ML400 X5 (c) R962 793.20 R887 168.34 (d) 15 July 2014 31 July 2014 (bbb)None. (bb)None.


(i) Minister

(bb) As follows:

(a) BMW (Pretoria)

(b) 5 SERIES

(c) R740 299.99

(d) 23 August 2016

(aaa) None.

(bbb) None.

(ii) Deputy Minister

(aaa) As follows:



Cape Town


Mercedes Benz






R962 793.20

R887 168.34


15 July 2014

31 July 2014

(bbb) None.

(bb) None.

13 March 2017 - NW146

Profile picture: James, Dr WG

James, Dr WG to ask the Minister of Health

How many (a) directors-general, (b) deputy directors-general, (c) chief directors and (d) directors were employed in each provincial department of health of (i) Mpumalanga, (ii) North West, (iii) Northern Cape and (iv) Western Cape at the end of each of the past 10 financial years?


The attached table reflects the information as obtained from the Provinces.



13 March 2017 - NW183

Profile picture: Schmidt, Adv H

Schmidt, Adv H to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1) How many mining companies do not have sufficient resources for rehabilitation activities? (2) What steps are being taken to ensure that mining companies comply with the statutory requirements for rehabilitation activities? (3) What steps will his department take against mining companies that do not comply with the law?


1.   130

2.   The Department issues Pre-compliance Notice in terms of section 31 of NEMA following review of report and outcome of the compliance inspections

3.   The Department will issue compliance Notice as part of administrative enforcement. However, if non-compliance persist, criminal enforcement will be persued.

Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

13 March 2017 - NW363

Profile picture: Terblanche, Ms JF

Terblanche, Ms JF to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and (d) date on which each vehicle was purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) his deputy (aa) in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016?


i. Minister Office

(aaa) 2014/15 Fin Year

(bbb) 2015-16 Fin year

(bb) since 1 April 2016

  (a) N/A


(a) Mercedes Benz E400

  (b) N/A

(b) N/A

(b) 2017 model

  (c) N/A

(c) N/A

(c) R1,2 mil

  (d) N/A

(d) N/A

(d)February 2017

ii. Deputy Minister Office

(aaa) 2014/15 Fin Year

(bbb) 2015-16 Fin year

(bb) since 1 April 2016

(a) N/A

(a) N/A

(a) Porsche Cayanne GTS

(b) N/A

(b) N/A

(b) 2017 model

(c) N/A

(c N/A

(c) R1,3 mil

(d) N/A

(d) N/A

(d) November 2016

Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

13 March 2017 - NW20

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the The Minister of Small Business Development

1)Whether her department has made an assessment on regulatory measures on (a) national, (b) provincial and (c) local government levels’ regulatory environment that might impact negatively on small, medium and micro-sized enterprises and cooperatives; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the (i) names and (ii) details of all (aa) legislation and (bb) regulations assessed to date; (2)whether her department has made an assessment to determine if the lack of gaining access to and procedures towards the (a) Small Enterprise Development Agency and (b) Small Enterprise Finance Agency by potential entrepreneurs are a contributing factor to the low success rate of small, medium and micro-sized enterprises to create sustainable jobs; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what were the outcomes of each assessment conducted in each case?”


1.1. The DSBD is conducting the national study on the regulatory and legislative protocols impeding small, micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) and Co-operatives as one of the target for the 2016/17 financial year. The research will combine analysis of the existing laws, which should point to the potential for unintended consequences, with evidence on SME experience of implementation. For this reason, the approach to the studies has four main elements

(i) To identify practical and viable ways to reduce the administrative burden of legislation and regulations on SMMEs and Co-operatives;

(ii) An engagement strategy including the relevant departments and agencies to implement the preferred option.

(iii) An evaluation of remedial options, including at least one option that would not require changes to the law or regulation; and

(iv) Analysis of the existing laws and regulations themselves in order to identify the likely costs, benefits and risks for small enterprises and other stakeholders;

1.2 The Department intends to commence with the Provincial study to assess regulations affecting SMMEs and Co-operatives within the 2017/18 financial year.

1.3 The Department as part of the Local government Red Tape Reduction Programme has been conducting an assessment on the implementation of the National Red Tape Reduction Guidelines; this is currently being conducted in four municipalities in the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal. The assessment was based on the critical red tape issues as listed on the National Red Tape Guidelines including, but not limited to:

      1. Lengthy and inefficient supply chain management processes (which ultimately affects the 30-day payment system to SMMEs and Co-operatives and non-compliance with section 38 (1) (f) of the MFMA as aligned to the PFMA and Treasury Regulations 8.2.3);
      2. An assessment of existing municipal by-laws and which are relevant to SMMEs and Co-operatives. The municipalities need to review by-laws every five year period as per Municipal Systems Act (MSA) (No. 32 of 2000); and
      3. Assessment of business registrations and permits in order to identify red tape issues in relation to starting the business and also the compliance with all the requirements as set out within the Business Act No. 71 of 1992 and as amended No. 186 of 1993.

1.4 The department of Trade and Industry working with the National Small Business Council has in its work during 2008 to 2010 been more involved in regulatory environment related work. This was upon the 2007 Cabinet’s approval of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) Framework followed by guidelines for RIA, a tool used to analyze objectives of regulatory proposals and respective unintended consequences. Initially this focused on national and provincial regulatory regime. Regulatory and administrative bureaucracy /red tape areas that received attention in this period and pertinent to the small business sector have been; business registration, access to finance and access to markets. In the municipal ordinances and by-laws focus has been on trading licenses and business registration as well as street trading and trading hours. No recent studies have been done by the Department of Small Business Development, however, stakeholder engagements as recently held in the current process of the review of the Small Business Act have elicited input on regulatory impact areas that still need to be addressed.

2. The Department has not made an assessment of the possible impact that the lack of access to SEDA and SEFA by potential entrepreneurs may have on the success rate of small, medium and micro-sized enterprises to create sustainable jobs.

2.1 The DSBD has however conducted and concluded the 2014 Annual Review of SMMEs and Cooperatives in South Africa which assess the constraints and enablers for SMME and Cooperatives growth sector-wide and not just specifically on the role of SEDA and SEFA.

2.2 The 2014 Annual SMME Review which the Department is yet to publish shows that:

      1. South Africa boasts a wide range of public and private sector small business support institutions, presently estimated at around 214 in total, providing a variety of support services.
      2. While the comprehensiveness of the range of support services is generally acknowledged, these services tend to be fragmented or unintegrated and the quality of some of the services, particularly business advisory services, is continuously being questioned.
      3. The 2008-2014 period was characterised by considerably difficult external economic conditions, with generally subdued overall growth performance, high lending rates, falling business and consumer confidence resulting in slowing demand and weakened capacity utilisation in the private sector. These tough trading conditions undoubtedly have impacted the business prospects and performance of SMMEs.
      4. There has been an increase in the number of SMMEs and Cooperatives from 512 518 in 2007 to 1 155 854 in 2013, an overall growth rate of 14.4%.
      5. Bankruptcies, liquidations and insolvencies increased during the economic downturn from 2314 in 2007, to 4763 in 2008, 6078 in 2009; but have since dropped to 3189 in Q1 or 2013.
      6. Lack of skilled staff are the main challenges faced by all SMMEs, followed by lack of finance and burdensome regulations.

2.3 The Department’s application for its ‘Integrated Strategy for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development’ to be included in the National Evaluation Programme has been approved by DPME. The evaluation of the Integrated Strategy will enable the Department to assess the impact of the interventions outlined in the Strategy as well as the impact of the Institutions, (particularly SEDA) that were to implement these interventions and programmes.

2.4 The Department together with SEDA and SEFA has also embarked on the 2016 Annual Review of Small Business and Cooperatives in South Africa and may also use this study to focus on the accessibility and procedures of SEDA and SEFA by potential entrepreneurs to determine if this is a contributing factor to the low success rate of small, medium and micro-sized enterprises to create sustainable jobs.

2.(a) There is extensive literature on factors resulting in the low success rate of small enterprises. Seda continues to contribute to research work in this regard, especially through its annual contribution to the research focus on South Africa in the GEM report (Seda is one of the main funders). Findings in this report cite access to non-financial and financial business development support as well as access to markets as the key critical success factors for small businesses. The recommendations from these periodic reviews highlight the need for coordinated support and utilising other means toward better access to support, such as; co-location among development support agencies to increase their geographical coverage and pool resources for office presence in as many needy parts within a district municipality jurisdiction. Provision of infrastructure resources in municipality infrastructure plans as part of their Local Economic Development plans and exploring possibilities for partnership with the private sector as part of their Enterprise Support Initiatives to accommodate development support agencies.

SEDA currently proactively identifies partners to pool resources in order to expand its co-location points. As at the end of June 2016, SEDA has established a network of 55 branches, and 35 co-location points. In 2017, SEDA will conduct a study to identify underserviced areas in order to plan for new access points and support modalities. In 2016, SEDA has done a study on the township SMME environment as is currently piloting a model of how to assist rural & township enterprises in Hartwater (PhokwaneMunicipality), Phillipi, KwaNobuhle (Uitenhage) and Oakney (Matlosana municipality). SEDA is also looking for funding for cadet programmes in order to increase human resource capacity trained to service more clients.

2.(b) During the 2015/16 financial year, the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA) commissioned a study through an external market research organisation to:

      1. Review the products and services offered by the SEFA to determine whether they are aligned to the mandates of the DSBD and the sefa;
      2. Review the sefa products with respect to their effectiveness, efficiency and relevance, ensuring that they are aligned to the mandates of the DSBD and the SEFA;

A 360-degree approach was adopted to conduct the review which comprised of the following:

      1. Desktop research - This included an extensive literature review as well as an examination of relevant documents to assist in providing context to the review process;
      2. Interviews with SEFA’s key stakeholders were undertaken; and
      3. Surveys with beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the SEFA products and services were conducted to solicit their views. (Beneficiaries are described as 'Approved SMMEs and Cooperatives'. These are SMMEs and Cooperatives that were successful in their applications for funding from SEFA. The non-beneficiaries are those that were not successful in their applications for funding from SEFA.

The review focused on determining the extent to which the products and services are relevant (appropriate) and whether they are provided effectively and efficiently (i.e., whether or not the products have improved the sustainability and growth of the target beneficiaries).

The study results concluded that SEFA is reaching its target market and that its reach is extending well into rural, semi-urban and urban areas. Furthermore, the study found that SEFA products and services broadly address the needs of small businesses in a way that is consistent with policies and priorities of the government.

Seventy-three percent (73%) of the SMMEs and Co-operatives indicated that SEFA funding interventions enabled them to achieve their long-term objectives of profitability, growth, job creation and sustainability.

      1. Change in turnover – 87% of SMMEs and Co-operative Enterprises indicated that SEFA funding enabled a positive percentage change in their turnovers
      2. Change in employees – 92% of SMMEs and Co-operative Enterprises indicated that SEFA funding enabled a positive change in the number of employees
      3. Benefits derived from sefa funding - 94% of SMMEs indicated that overall, SEFA funding was beneficial to their businesses.

The table below indicates the audited results of SEFA funding intervention.

Financial Year






Loan Financing Approved





R3,6 billion

Loan Financing Disbursed

R198 m

R822 m

R1,294 b


R3,4 billion

Enterprises Funded

28 362

46 407

68 724

54 833

193 320

Jobs Facilitated

9 853

46 402

60 169

75 670

202 876

13 March 2017 - NW259

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) Whether a certain official (name and details furnished) has engaged any private consortiums, individuals or companies regarding a tender, bid or proposal to distribute social grants through the SA Post Office on behalf of the SA Social Security Agency; if not, why not; if so, what (a) are the names of the private consortiums, individuals or companies that were approached and (b) was the nature of each of the specified engagements; (2) Have any agreements, joint ventures or proposals been concluded as a result of the specified engagements; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

1. (a) – (b) SAPO submitted its Request for Information (RFI) to SASSA on 10 February 2017.

2. No contracts have been entered into.

13 March 2017 - NW261

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) Has the Kidds Beach postal agency in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality in the Eastern Cape been closed down; if so, (a) when was the specified agency closed down, (b) why was it closed down and (c) what alternatives have been arranged to meet the postal requirements of those residing in specified areas (details furnished); (2) Whether any amounts are outstanding and payable to the specified agency; if so, (a) what amount is outstanding and payable to the agency and (b) what is the detailed (i) breakdown and (ii) age analysis of the specified amount


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

1.  (a) The Kidds Beach Postal Agency is not yet closed down. It is scheduled to close at the end of April 2017.

(b) The Agency has terminated the agreement with SAPO for personal reasons.

(c) As of May 2017, residents of Kidds Beach and surrounding areas will conduct their postal business at Greenfields Post Office, which is just 25 km away. Private boxes will remain at the Agency building and clients will continue to receive mail from their boxes. The company is still pursuing alternative measures with prospective agents to provide services in the area.

2.  (a) The transaction viable amounts for December 2016 and January 2017 are outstanding but have been captured in the system for February 2017 payments. The capturing of these payments is dependent on the date of submission of claims by the Agent.

(b) In terms of the agreement with the current agent, the Post Office cannot divulge any confidential information to any third party without the agent’s express consent.

13 March 2017 - NW257

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) Is the South African Post Office (SAPO) a registered point for issuing the documents of the Department of Home Affairs; if so, (a) how many post offices currently issue (i) identification documents and (ii) passports and (b) what is the (i) name and (ii) location of each post office. (2) Does the SAPO possess the biometric information and communication technology systems necessary for the issuing of identification documents and passports; if so, (a) how many post offices possess the specified systems and (b) what is the (i) name and (ii) location of each post office?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

SAPO is not a registered point for issuing documents for the Department of Home Affairs.

13 March 2017 - NW283

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) (a) What is the (i) number and (ii) the value of the shares that the Government holds as a shareholder in Telkom as at 31 January 2017, (b) how many directors is Government required to appoint to Telkom’s Board in terms of its shareholding, (c) who are the Government’s appointees to Telkom’s Board and (d) when were they appointed; (2) Are there any plans to (a) change the specified directors or (b) appoint new directors to the Telkom Board; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details?


I have been informed by Telkom as follows:

1. (a)(i) 207 038 058 Shares

(ii) R15 244 212 210.54 as on 31 January 2017 (Government shareholdings have not changed since the previous reporting period- September 2016)

(b) Government is not required to appoint any directors to the Telkom Board.

(c) Telkom does not have any government appointees on their current Board.

(d) No appointments

(2) (a) It is the prerogative of the Board on the recommendations of the Nominations Committee subject to Shareholder approval.

(b) It is the prerogative of the Board on the recommendations of the Nominations Committee subject to Shareholder approval.

13 March 2017 - NW15

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

With reference to President Jacob G Zuma’s undertaking in his State of the Nation Address delivered on 12 February 2015, that the Government will set aside 30% of appropriate categories of state procurement for purchasing from Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs), co-operatives, as well as township and rural enterprises, what percentage of the total procurement of (a) her department and (b) every entity reporting to her went to (i) SMMEs and (ii) co-operatives from 1 April 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?”


For purposes of the response, the payments to SMMEs and co-operatives cannot be separated as these are recorded together.

Information below covers the period from 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016.

(a) The Department of Small Business Development (DSBD)

The total procurement on goods and services in respect of the 30% set aside target is as follows:



LOGIS transactions

BAS transactions



(i) and (ii)

SMME’s and Cooperatives

R11 715 235.01






R18 450.00




Total procurement






In addition the R3.5 million spent on capital assets was procured through the SMME’s.

(b) Entities reporting to the DSBD

The Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA)

The Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) total procurement on goods and services in respect of the 30% set aside target is as follows:





(i) and (ii)

SMME’s and Co-operatives







Total procurement



The Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA)

The R 126,016,582 total procurement on goods and services in respect of the 30% set aside target is as follows:





(i) and (ii)

SMME’s and Co- operatives

R 88, 211,607.40




R 37, 804,974.60


Total procurement

R 126,016,582


13 March 2017 - NW375

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services:

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and (d) date on which each vehicle was purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) his deputy (aa) in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016?


I have been informed by the Department as follows:-



  a) MAKE

    b) MODEL

    c) PRICE


Audi Q7

 Q7 3.0 TDI

 681 841.98

  2014/15 FY


 Grand Cherokee 3.6 Overland

 626 661.00

  2014/15 FY

(aaa) 2014-15

The vehicles bought as per the table above.

(bbb) 2015-16

No vehicles were purchased for the Minister in this financial year.

(bb) Since 1 April 2016

No vehicles were purchased for the Minister in this financial year.








438 152,16

2014/15 FY


Grand Cherokee 3.0 LTD

637 114,00

2014/15 FY

(aaa) 2014-15

The vehicles bought as per the table above.

(bbb) 2015-16

No vehicles were purchased for the Deputy Minister in this financial year.

(bb) Since 1 April 2016

No vehicles were purchased for the Deputy Minister in this financial year.

13 March 2017 - NW309

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1) Has her Department put any measures in place for monitoring, regulation and enforcement in the traditional healers industry with a view to ensure that the traditional healers are not in possession of endangered fauna and flora species; if not, (a) why not and (b) what is her Department doing to ensure that the traditional healers industry complies with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species regulations; if so, (2) has her Department visited the Faraday Taxi Rank in Johannesburg; if so, (a) which endangered species were seen on the market and (b) were any individuals (i) penalised or (ii) arrested?


1.  The Department of Environmental Affairs has put various measures in place for monitoring, regulating and enforcement in the traditional healers industry as further expanded upon below:

The Department of Environmental Affairs has promulgated the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004(Act 10 of 2004) (NEMBA), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) regulations, as well as the Threatened and Protected Species (TOPS) regulations. In terms of Section 57(1) of NEMBA, a person may not carry out a restricted activity involving a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species without a permit issued in terms of Chapter 7 of NEMBA. Therefore, a permit would be required each time a traditional healer carry out a restricted activities. Restricted activity is defined in NEMBA, and includes, but not limited to; possession, transporting selling, buying, damaging, and cutting of a specimen of listed threatened or protected species. Carrying out of any restricted activity involving a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species without a permit is an offence which is punishable by either a fine not exceeding R10 million or an imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years, or both such a fine and imprisonment. Monitoring of compliance and enforcement of the above legislations is conducted by Environmental Management Inspectors (EMIs)

(a). Not applicable.

(b). The Minister has, in terms of the provisions of the National Environmental Management Act of 1998 (NEMA), appointed officials within the Department of Environmental Affairs and duly designated them as Environmental Management Inspectors (EMIs). The EMIs are part of the National Environmental Management Inspectorate. The EMIs (also known as the “green scorpions”) are mandated to monitor compliance with environmental legislation and to take enforcement action in cases where non-compliance with environmental legislation has been detected. It should be noted that there are also green scorpions at the provincial environmental and conservation departments.

In 2014, the National Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Strategy (NECES) was developed for the Inspectorate. In line with the strategic objectives of the NECES, specific sectors are prioritised for compliance and enforcement activities; and during the 2016/17 financial year, the “Traditional healers”, “Muti traders” and “Muti Collectors” industry was a focus area for compliance promotion and awareness initiatives as a precursor to more targeted compliance monitoring and enforcement planned for the 2017/18 financial year.

The project thus far has focused on compliance promotion and awareness campaigns for the “Traditional Healers”, “Muti-Traders” and “Muti-Collectors” operating at the “muti-markets” in order to assist them to come into compliance with national environmental legislations, such as the National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act, Act 10 of 2004, (NEMBA), with regard to buying and selling species listed on the Threatened or Protected Species List at the “muti-markets”.

On 19 January 2017, the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), together with Gauteng Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD), hosted the first biodiversity compliance awareness workshop in Johannesburg, Gauteng Province. The main purpose of the workshop was to bring together all traditional healers and “muti-traders” operating at the Faraday and Mai Mai markets. Further events in other provinces and additional meetings are planned for the latter part of the financial year, ahead of the more targeted compliance and enforcement work that will take place as part of this project in the 2017/18 financial year.

(2) Yes, the Environmental Management Inspectors (Green Scorpions) from the Department of Environmental Affairs and Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development have visited Faraday Muti Market situated at the Faraday Taxi Rank in Johannesburg.

(b) The reason for this particular visit was not to conduct inspections and identify endangered species yet. The purpose for the attendance at the market was to meet with the management of the Muti Markets with regard to the compliance promotion and awareness campaign being conducted by the Department. This type of campaign is critical to ensure that those working at the market are aware of the legal requirements for trade, as well as what trade is permitted. It was also to ensure that the trade that is conducted at the market is sustainable, as well as also to assist in enabling the trade at these markets to continue in line with what is legally permitted. The effectiveness and ultimate success of our monitoring and enforcement activities are strengthened if they are preceded by these types of campaigns.

(b) (i) No individuals were penalised.

(ii) No individuals were arrested.

It must be noted that there will be further compliance and enforcement work that will be carried out to ensure that there is no trade in endangered species in line with the NECES and that appropriate penalties and arrests will be made should any infractions be found.


13 March 2017 - NW270

Profile picture: Schmidt, Adv H

Schmidt, Adv H to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1) Whether mining permits have been issued for mining activities on the (a) Wintersveld 417 KS, (b) Jagdlust 418 KS and (c) Zeekoeigat 421 KS farms located next to the R37 road between Burgersfort and Polokwane in Limpopo; if not, in each case, is he aware of the illegal mining activities taking place on each of the specified farms; if so, (i) to whom were mining rights issued and (ii) for which minerals respectively; (2) what steps will he take in line with the court order handed down by the Gauteng High Court in case 46483/206 to ensure that (a) he and (b) his department act in accordance with the responsibilities of the State being the custodian of all mineral resources on behalf of the people of South Africa to prevent illegal mining on the specified farms?


1.   (a)(b)(c)All mining permits (processing of dumps) that were issued over these properties have lapsed, however, two mining rights have been granted and issued respectively.

(i)(ii) Samancor Chrome – granted for Chrome

Lebowa Platinum Mines (Bokoni Platinum Mines) – Issued for All minerals on different reef/seam

2.   The Department is working with law enforcement agencies and have also opened cases at the local police station. According to the latest developments, a lot of machineries were confiscated / impounded on site. The Department will continue to work with law enforcement agencies hoping that the perpetrators will be successfully prosecuted. The Department has served notices to most perpetrators as part of administrative enforcement but furthermore opened cases as part of criminal enforcement.

Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

13 March 2017 - NW260

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) What is the frequency of physical mail deliveries to the Serenitas Retirement Village situated at 51 General Hertzog Drive, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein; (2) Whether (a) he and/or (b) SAPO is aware of the dumping of three bags of mail on the pavement of the neighbouring Gracia’s Retirement Village on 9 January 2017; if so, what steps have been taken (i) against the person responsible for the dumping of the specified bags and (ii) to ensure that mail (aa) is not dumped again and (bb) is delivered reliably and regularly to the residents residing at the specified address?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

1. Mail is delivered at the Serenitas Retirement Village every second day.

2. The so-called “dumped mail” seen at the gate of Gracia’a Retirement Village on 09 January 2017, was for delivery at the Serenitas Retirement Village. When the volume for delivery in an area is too much for the postman to carry, excess mail is prepared and placed in an excess mail bag called dump bag. The bag is then transported by vehicle to a convenient spot, in this case, Gracia’s Retirement Village, where the postman will collect and deliver further. No dumping of mail took place.

13 March 2017 - NW17

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

(1)Whether she has found that the current co-operative business model used by her department has been successful in the creation of jobs; if so, how many jobs were created by cooperatives using the specified model in the 2015-16 financial year; if not, (2) Whether her department is working on a model that will work in the South African context; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?”


1.The current model involving the Cooperatives Incentive Scheme (CIS) that provide grant funding to the cooperatives without being integrated closely with non-financial support or post investment support has had mixed results on the development of cooperatives in South Africa. 

  1.1 On the one hand, it contributed to the sustainability of jobs through the provision of financial support coupled with training that have been provided to   cooperatives. Thus, via the CIS 246cooperatives were supported resulting in the Department creating and sustaining 1542 jobs to the tune of R75 million.

  1.2 Using various non-financial support instruments, the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) supported a total of 118 cooperatives resulting in   6239 jobs sustained.

  1.3 In addition, the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA), which applies a cooperatives value-chain model, has supported cooperatives in all sectors   of the economy including sub-sectors such as waste recycling, greenhouse and poultry farming that play critical roles in restructuring local economies,     creating jobs, and increasing disposable income available to communities.

  1.4 Furthermore, SEFA developed financing package programmes in partnership with municipalities and/or other strategic partners to support     cooperatives. Such partnerships were entered into with the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality (Waste Recycling Project) worth R35.1 million which   created 63 jobs (target 320 jobs), Chris Hani District Cooperative Development Centre - Greenhouses project (broiler production) worth R9.5 million which   is expected to create 127 jobs and Super-Grand–Poultry Farming project for R20 million – which created 12 Jobs.

  1.5 On the other hand, the CIS model provides grant funding for certain business transactions particularly involving cooperatives in the rural and township   settings whereby the challenges for development are proving to be difficult has had limited success. Most of the beneficiaries find it hard to sustain their   cooperatives given that their entrepreneurial skills are low and they rely on hand to mouth operations to sustain themselves and find it difficult to engage   in self-income generating activities, which requires medium to long term horizon to achieve incomes that could also sustain them.

  1.6 Thus, for success to be achieved the new Integrated development model must involve both financial and non-financial support deployed to work   closely together on each transaction to ensure success.


2. In providing impetus to the development and promotion of Cooperatives in South Africa, the Department of Small Business Development (Department) is formulating and piloting various cooperative models by kick-starting the process with the task of reviewing the Integrated Strategy on the Development and Promotion of Cooperatives adopted by Cabinet in 2012, whose output will be the final adoption of the two models that proved to be effective in developing cooperatives in the country. The one-stop-shop model involving the Cooperatives Development Agency (CDA) will be utilised to bring about this integrated support involving pairing non-financial with financial support to effect cooperatives development. This will be coupled with the provision of demand-side support measures (i.e. public and private procurement opportunities) and for cooperatives products and services and developing cooperatives networks in the form of shared services, user cooperatives, secondary cooperatives whose raison detre is to provide various support services aimed at enhancing the sustainability of primary cooperatives. In other words, the model will aim to address the following considerations, namely, ‘what works’, ‘for whom it works’, ‘why it works’, ‘how it works’ with the view to replicate and ensure cooperatives sustainability. Where the programme and projects of the model are found not to be working to optimally benefit the beneficiary cooperatives, adjustments will be made accordingly. The model(s) adopted will be designed to enable them to be open to contextually respond to relevant prototypes that are responsive to the nuanced needs of the various sectorial beneficiary cooperatives.

  2.1 The first cooperatives model that the Department is piloting contains four strategic pillars that will be utilised to promote and develop cooperatives in   the country’s economy. The first and second pillars involve the provision, on a massive scale, of non-financial and financial support services to   cooperatives, which will be implemented through the CDA in partnership with national government departments, provincial governments and district   municipalities. While various support programmes will be utilised to support cooperatives financially, cooperatives will also be encouraged to develop their   own financial systems, through the formation of cooperative banks, as envisaged in the Co-operative Banks Act, No. 40 of 2007.The CDA is one of the   institutions that will beestablished under the Cooperatives Amendment Act, No 6 of 2013 and operate under the direct supervision of the Minister of Small   Business Development.

  2.2 The third strategic pillar involves ‘creating demand for cooperatives’ products and services through leveraging the 30% public sector procurement   opportunities designated by government to benefit cooperatives and small enterprises. Transversal agreements will be entered into between the   Department and various national governmentdepartments, provincial governments and municipalities with the purpose to leverage opportunities from these   entities. The Department will also leverage private sector procurement opportunities arising from B-BBEE legislation and regulations.

  2.3 The fourth strategic pillar involves improving the sustainability of cooperatives through the formation of enterprise networks and provision of business   infrastructure support. The Enterprise Networks Programme (ENP) aims to promote the vertical and horizontal integration of cooperatives, resulting in the   creation of shared services platforms, user cooperatives and secondary sector cooperatives that are designed to support the growth of primary   cooperatives. The ENP will also be implemented through the envisaged CDA. Incubation support and after care will also play a meaningful role in   enhancing the sustainability of cooperatives.

  2.4 The fifth and last pillar aims at increasing the supply of financial support services to cooperatives. As with the other pillars, this pillar will be   implemented through the CDA. This strategy posits an integrated approach that provides adequate and relevant support and delivery mechanisms that   cover the entire collective entrepreneurship and cooperatives life cycle from pre-formation; survivalist; micro, small to medium; growth and expansion; and   turnaround of ailing cooperatives.

  2.5 In a nutshell, all support programmes for cooperatives throughout the economy will be increased and streamlined under a single, identifiable, one-  stop-shop (CDA) dedicated to cooperatives development. It is the aim of this model to ensure the establishment of a CDA that will have provincial and   district branches to aid in the implementation of the one-stop shop model. The one-stop shop model ensures an integrated and seamless support to all   the targeted cooperatives which increases the probability of success and sustainability of the entities.


3. The core thrust of this model underpinned by the integrated strategic approach will be the provision of support across the entire value chain of support services covering the entire spectrum from pre-  formation support, non-financial support (i.e. technical and management training, business development support, market intelligence, access to   technology, etc.), financial and post-investment support (i.e. mentorship or hand-holding, shared services support platforms, incubation and access to   market support, etc.). In addition, the model also posits the provision of the following support, namely, the on-going profiling of cooperatives, communication outreach, improving access information, conduct research, strengthening the monitoring and evaluation of impact of support services.


4. The second co-operative model entails developing new generation cooperatives. In the past, the focus was to solely support the development of traditional cooperatives, a shift in emphasis will now be to develop new generation cooperatives. A New Generation Co-operative (NGC) is a relatively new type of cooperative used primarily in the value-added processing of agricultural commodities. The NGC is not a specific legal structure. Rather, the term New Generation Cooperative is used to describe how a firm operates. It primarily describes the relationship between the firm and its members and how the firm is financed. Unlike traditional cooperatives, in which start-up expenses are minimal and growth is financed through members' retained earnings, permanent equity to fund NGC start-up and growth is financed through the sale of delivery rights. These delivery rights represent a member's right to deliver a specific amount of commodities to the cooperative. Members benefit in proportion to their use, and nearly all NGCs are democratically controlled through one member/one vote.


5. There are six primary characteristics of New Generation Cooperatives:

  5.1 Defined membership. Frequently, NGCs are referred to as closed cooperatives. The number of members in an NGC depends upon the proposed   capacity of the cooperative's operations. One of the key features of the NGC is its ability to control supply or access to the cooperative's operations. In   other types of cooperatives, members can enter and exit as they please, and cooperatives operating without marketing contracts with their members have   no way to guarantee a specific operating capacity at any one time. By limiting membership to those members who purchase the right to supply the   cooperative, the NGC is able to ensure a steady supply of the agricultural inputs required for running operations at the most efficient level possible. In an   NGC, the membership is generally not permanently closed. If the cooperative decides to expand production, for example, it could seek equity from   producers outside the initial membership.

  5.2 Delivery rights: a right and an obligation to deliver. Once members contribute equity towards the NGC, they receive the right and obligation to   deliver a specific quantity of the commodity each year. This means if producers have purchased the right to deliver 5,000 bushels of corn each year, they   must deliver 5,000 bushels-no more, no less. If they cannot deliver that amount or if the commodity does not meet the quality standards set forth in the   marketing agreement, the cooperative may have the right to buy the commodity on the producers' behalf and charge for the difference in price.

  5.3 Upfront equity required from producers. Adding value to agricultural commodities can be capital-intensive. Before lending money to a project,   banks and other lending institutions will require producers to raise part of the project cost. Often, this means producers must raise 50 percent or more of   the total project cost. If the project is estimated to cost R1million, for example, producers will need to raise R500,000 or more. Although it may be   possible to find private investors to reach the required equity level, producers are often the sole source of equity. As a way to tie members' use to the total   project equity required, the total amount to be raised is broken into smaller units. These units are tied to the amount of product required to be delivered.   A market feasibility study will help determine the most economically efficient size for the processing facility. Once you know the amount of commodities   the plant will require each year, you should then determine how to allocate this total amount into shares. For example, if the most efficient size plant   requires one million bushels of soybeans a year, you should divide one million into a specific number of shares. To determine the specific number of   shares, you should set minimum and maximum amounts of delivery rights to be purchased. To determine this, you need to balance two issues: how   many producers do you want involved in the business and what is financially viable for you and other producers to commit. For example: assume on the   R1 million project above, producers need to raise R500 000. If one million bushels a year are required to run the plant at the most efficient level, you could   divide the number of bushels into a minimum delivery right purchase of 5,000 bushels and a maximum of 50,000 bushels. Thus, the cooperative could h   have as many as 200 members or as few as 20 members.

  5.4 Delivery rights are transferable and may fluctuate in value. The delivery right is similar to a share of corporate stock because it represents a   firm's permanent equity. As with a share of corporate stock, the value of your delivery right will depend on your firm's profitability. If an NGC is successful   and provides value for its members, the delivery right may appreciate in value. If the NGC does not provide value to its members, the value of the delivery   right may decrease. Unlike stock in a public corporation, however, the delivery right has a very limited resale or trading market. To comply with antitrust   laws, tax, and registration law, NGC constitutions limit transfer to other producers and usually require the board of directors to approve any transfer.

  5.5 Marketing agreement entered into between member and cooperative. Upon purchasing delivery rights, members are required to sign a   marketing contract outlining the duties of both the members and the cooperative toward each other with respect to the delivery, quality, and quantity of   producers' commodities. These contracts are usually evergreen contracts, meaning they are for specified periods of time (from one to five years). They are   renewed automatically unless either party gives notice to the other within a window of time specified in the marketing agreement. The market agreement   often specifies the high quality standards required of members' commodities, especially in cooperatives producing consumer-level goods. The marketing   agreement outlines the specific quality required to be delivered, how quality will be measured, and the producer's rights and obligations if the quality   standard is not met.

  5.6 Members and their NGC share three primary legal relationships: Members must purchase a share of common stock or other membership   share to enable them to vote in all decisions set forth in the constitution. Members also purchase delivery rights, which are both a right and an obligation   to deliver. The delivery rights are evidenced by legal documentation and are usually transferable upon approval from the board of directors. Finally,   members must sign a marketing agreement when purchasing delivery rights and voting stock. The marketing agreement defines the rights and obligations   of both the member and cooperative toward each other with respect to the delivery of commodities from the member to the cooperative.

  5.7 As a result, members must pay money to the cooperative for both the voting stock (usually very minimal) and the delivery rights (amount varies on   project size, minimum and maximum purchase requirements, and the specific amount of commodity to be delivered by the member). Members are   required to deliver the specified quality and quantity of commodities at pre-specified intervals for the length of the marketing agreement (which is usually,   through evergreen contracts, perpetual in nature). The cooperative, in turn, is required to pay members a pre-specified price for the commodities delivered   (usually a formula price based on spot market prices at a specified exchange, with additions or subtractions based on quality). The cooperative also is   required to return any profits to members on a pre-specified schedule determined by the board of directors. Depending on operating cash requirements,   the timeline for returning profits could be immediately. Due to securities law issues, cooperatives are not actively involved in the transfer of delivery rights.   The cooperative usually requires approval from the board of directors before any transfer is complete, and sometimes an outside broker handles the   actual transfer of delivery rights.


6. The new generation cooperatives deal with all those risk areas that rendered the traditional cooperatives vulnerable, weak and unsustainable. These involved providing a closed market through membership ensuring members operate within the ambit of the cooperatives and cannot easily transfer its trading rights to other entity. By allowing equity ownership structure new generation cooperative can easily raise external capital which was not easy for the traditional cooperative whose democratic ownership structure made it possible to attract foreign equity owners in the traditional cooperatives. Sustainability of primary agricultural cooperatives will be guaranteed with the promotion of the utilisation of the new generation cooperative model.


7. The core beneficiaries of the two models are poor households, youth, women and men. The two models are to focus on developing cooperatives in rural and township areas in critical sectors such as agriculture, construction, retail/consumer cooperatives, Cooperatives Financial Institution (CFI), Arts and Craft, Textile, and Informal Sectors of the economy. This does not mean other sectors are excluded, it only means that these will be given priority

The new models, which among others, place a considerable emphasis on community development,are envisaged to be rolled-out effectively during the 2017/18 financial year. The envisaged outcome with respect to the implementation of the models will be an increase in the number and sustainability of cooperatives, which will, in return, contribute to employment creation and poverty reduction thus assist government to move closer to fulfilling the socio-economic goals set out in the National Development Plan.

13 March 2017 - NW282

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) (a) Which company was appointed to provide physical security services to his department in terms of bid DTPS/01/2016/17A, (b) on what date was the specified appointment made and (c) what is the (i) duration and (ii) cost of the contract; (2) (a) what are the material terms of the successful bid, (b) how many firms submitted bids and (c) what bid evaluation and adjudication process was followed to determine the winning bidder; (3) what were the specific grounds for not awarding the tender to a certain company (name furnished)?


I have been advised by the Department follows:-

(1) (a) The Department appointed Fidelity Security Group (Pty) Ltd.

(b) The service provider was appointed on 28 October 2016.The contract started on 1 December 2016.

(c) (i)The duration of the contract is two years.

(ii)The contract cost is R11 817 326.44 (VAT inclusive)

(2) (a) The material terms of the successful bid was that the service provider met all the requirement of the department regarding evaluation criteria stipulated in the bid documentation. The following were material terms for the successful bidder:

  • Experience in providing physical security services,
  • Proof of registration with Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA),
  • Financial capability and
  • Detailed Project Execution Plan.

(b) On the closing date, 70 bids were received by the Department.

(c) Normal government Supply Chain Management (SCM) bid evaluation and adjudication processes were followed.

(3) Imvula Quality Protection (Africa) (Pty) Ltd did not score the highest in the bid evaluation and adjudication processes.

13 March 2017 - NW258

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What is the total number of (a) casual and (b) contract workers who have been employed by the South African Post Office (SAPO) since 1 January 2017?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

(1) (a) During the period 1 January to date no casuals were appointed within SAPO. All casuals were converted to permanent part- time or full time employees by September 2016.

(b) Two fixed contractors were appointed since 1 January 2017. One fixed term contractor was appointed with effect from 3 January 2017 for a fixed term of 9 months within the Travel Office and another fixed term contractor was appointed with effect from 1 February 2017 for a period of 18 months to assist with the National Address roll out project.

13 March 2017 - NW18

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Rural Development and LandReform

Whether any state-owned land was transferred to the Amathombeni Traditional Authority in the Thembisile Hani Local Municipality in Mpumalanga; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?



No; The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform and the Commission on Restitution and Land Rights have no record of any land transferred to the said Authority.

13 March 2017 - NW294

Profile picture: Purdon, Mr RK

Purdon, Mr RK to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1) Whether (a) her department and (b) the SA National Parks (SANParks) have found that surrounding local communities have been influenced by and are participating in the illegal trade in wildlife and poaching in and around the Kruger National Park; if not, what are the relevant details; if so, what plans have been put in place by (i) her department and (ii) SANParks to regulate the illegal trade in wildlife and poaching in the surrounding communities; (2) whether SANParks has put a strategic plan in place to work with other government departments to combat poaching both inside and outside of the Kruger National Park; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) Yes, (a) (b) (i) and (ii) the department has found that some members of the local communities have been influenced to participate in the illegal trade in wildlife and poaching in and around the Kruger National Park. There have been instances where some of the community members are used by syndicates to pouch and support those pouchers.

Clarity needs to be given that the approach by the department and the South African National Parks is to combat, root out and stop both illegal trade and poaching, and therefore not to regulate such. Our mandate is to ensure that legal trade is well regulated hence the numerous regulations including Threatened or Protected Species Regulations (TOPS) of 2007, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Regulations of 2010, associated norms and standards, and such complemented by the permitting system adjudicated according to provincial ordinances. The Integrated Rhino Management Approach, being implemented for an example, provides a focused prioritisation of law enforcement, community engagement, biological management, and responsive legislation as its tenants. The implementation of the environmental monitors programme provides an effective interface with the local community. This complemented by the implantation of the People and Parks Programme contributes in the fight against illegal trade and poaching.

Additional Information

  1. Department of Environmental Affairs
  • The National Biodiversity Economy Strategy:

The National Biodiversity Economy Strategy is a 14 year strategy which is aimed at addressing developmental and growth constrains of the Biodiversity Economy in South Africa, focusing on the Bioprospecting/biotrade and wildlife subsectors, in particular. The National Biodiversity Economy Strategy serves as a suitable strategic tool to achieve this anticipated sustainable advancement for these subsectors. The strategy also recognises the significance of sustainability of these sectors through ensuring that the ecological infrastructure is safeguarded, as well as that various stakeholders play significant roles, especially the rural communities in and around areas with high biological resources, and the protected areas being one of these. The vision of the National Biodiversity Economy Strategy is to optimise economic benefits from the sustainable use of the country’s biodiversity, and provide an enabling environment for communities and entrepreneurs to participate in the biodiversity economy while contributing to poverty alleviation, sustainable development and conservation of the country’s rich biodiversity and ecosystem services. To address the issue on the illegal trade of wildlife and poaching, which also came to light during the development of the National Biodiversity Economy Strategy, the department identified and adopted principles that will ensure the sustainable growth of the sector, these include, inter alia, ensure fair and equitable beneficiation; identify incentive driven compliance to regulation and ensure ethical practices.

In light of the above, the strategy also identified a few Transformative Enabling Interventions to speak to these efforts of ensuring sustainable growth of these two subsectors and these include:

  • Streamlining the Regulatory Environment: To address a range of regulatory gaps, overly complicated permitting requirements, inefficiencies and capacity constraints that limit the sector, as well as create a legislative enabling environment for business, and build confidence in the regulatory system.
  • Enhancing Education, Skills and Capacity: To promote Small Micro and Medium Enterprises, to ensure that communities understand the economic value of the wildlife around them and that the young generation understands the value of protecting and sustainably utilising the wildlife.
  • An economic transformation initiative: Provides an environment where the sector comprises of different players, where rural communities, women, youth and people with disability are also able to engage in economic activities that make a difference in their lives and communities.
  • Advocacy for the Wildlife sector: To address the negative perceptions in the wildlife sector which will enable the growth and increased participation in the sector. Furthermore, advocacy for sustainable utilisation of genetic and biological resources which is essential to support the growth of local and international markets, and to encourage participation of communities in these markets.
  • The department is implementing the Great Limpopo Trans-frontier Conservation Area (GLTFCA): Integrated Livelihood Diversification Strategy.

The aim is that such a strategy would serve to:

  • develop a collective vision and integrated approach to enhancing livelihood options in the project area;
  • agree on a set of strategic priorities as well as management nodes for priority attention in the first iteration of implementing the strategy (that is from 2016 to 2030);
  • identify appropriate, viable and strategic livelihood initiatives that could be applied to the GLTFCA area, including where existing initiatives are working and can be scaled and shared to a wider audience;
  • identify and address prevailing constraints to the success of livelihood initiatives; and
  • ensure that current and future threats and risks from climate change and other anthropogenic activities (such as land uses) have been considered when identifying livelihood interventions for resilience.

This will be achieved by:

  • providing a mechanism or platform to support networking between actors across the GLTFCA;
  • agreeing on a common approach to monitoring and research that will support improved data-driven management, comparative analysis and enhanced impact;
  • supporting good cooperative governance through coordinating existing strategies, priorities, investments and efforts to achieve synergies, avoid duplication and identify gaps;
  • empowering communities to actively participate in resource management decisions;
  • supporting the sharing of lessons learnt across the groups and regions, including shared information management;
  • defining responsibilities to ensure that all actors are working towards their competitive advantage while also ensuring that activities are being delivered at each scale (household, community, regional levels) and time horizon (short term, medium term and long term);
  • providing inputs to support proactive fundraising that is designed to demonstrate to investors and donors how their interests can be achieved by supporting our defined priorities; and
  • promoting a regular review cycle to ensure plans are adjusted to changing contexts and new learnings.

The timeframe for the strategy is 15 years - from 2016 to 2030.

The Great Limpopo Trans-frontier Park (GLTP) and its implementing agencies in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe namely; Administracao Nation das Areas de Conservacao (ANAC), the South African National Parks and the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA) are mandated through the treaty to support the livelihoods of communities in the GLTFCA. They, through the protected areas, also have a vested interest to share benefits and create value for the local communities in conservation and associated activities. The parks (both public and private) also have a responsibility to communities to (i) mitigate negative impacts and (ii) deliver effective corporate social investment. This, notwithstanding the formal mandate for socio-economic development outside protected areas, falls under government. Civil society organisations, private sector partnerships and donors are able to support this official mandate through augmenting the resources and capacities of government. As much as possible, decision-making should be devolved to community level to ensure greatest likelihood of success and the skills and assets owned by communities themselves are recognised and strengthened. The view is that if all of these players work together on a joint and agreed upon plan, the likelihood of achieving sustainable and meaningful impacts is significantly enhanced. While elements of this strategy are framed from the perspective of the conservation authorities, we recognise that no one party on its own will be able to drive this process without the buy-in and support of others. It is proposed that the GLTFCA stakeholders and the protected areas authorities play an important role in catalysing and sustaining momentum around the establishment of such partnerships. By identifying all the existing ‘engines’ of delivery and agreeing on how they can be positioned relative to one another under the infrastructure of a shared strategy, we believe our vision can achieve a lift off.

  • The department continues to implement the resolutions of the People and Parks Conferences we have hosted recently which are the culmination of the discussions in the commissions by communities, officials and interested stakeholders. One of the focuses to this is that communities are put in the centre of our efforts to combat wildlife crime, thereby ensuring that a sense of ownership is instilled in order for them to protect and value their natural heritage. Recently the department embarked on a lab activity where details of activities were determined regarding which would be executed/implemented with the view to ensuring that the communities see value in wildlife. Through these, projects earmarked to elevate the value of biodiversity are are being packaged and implemented across the sector.
  • Recently the department had embarked on a Rhino Lab process which entails a stream focusing on community empowerment to prevent them from getting involved in illegal trade in wildlife and poaching. The department has also developed a 14 year National Biodiversity Economy Strategy (NBES) which will serve as a suitable strategic tool to achieve the anticipated sustainable advancement for the wildlife and bioprospecting/biotrade industries of South Africa.

To ensure successful implementation of the National Biodiversity Economy Strategy, the department recently co-hosted with the Department of Tourism a Biodiversity Delivery Lab which took place from 11 April to 13 May 2016, primarily to develop an implementation plan for the National Biodiversity Economy Strategy. The Biodiversity Economy Delivery Lab adopted the Big Fast Results (BFR) methodology which is a similar approach adopted for the country’s Operation Phakisa for Oceans Economy. The Lab brought together a team of government, industry, academics and civil society to work in an iterative manner to develop detailed implementation plans that can fast track delivery for solving complex problems/issues and unlock our biodiversity economy.

The Department of Environmental Affairs hosted two work streams in the Biodiversity Delivery Lab namely, the Wildlife, and Bioprospecting. Overall, the Lab aspirations were centred on transformation, sector sustainability and economic growth. In the process, the respective work streams were able to prioritise issues that would move the respective sectors forward within the next three years. Consequently, initiatives addressing each of the prioritised issues were developed and further unpacked in a “3-feet plan (a detailed, line by line implementation plan with assigned owners and timelines) consisting of the budget and legislative requirements to implement the identified initiatives. The initiatives developed during the Lab processes were presented through syndications with relevant Heads of National and Provincial Government Departments and Entities. This saw the adoption of the initiatives by the mentioned stakeholders and also the Heads of Department of provincial departments. The Biodiversity Economy Strategy focuses on supporting community entities that manages or own land suitable for wildlife, such as Communal Property Associations (CPAs), Traditional Authorities and Community Trusts, this work is done in partnership with other departments such as the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform and the Land Claims Commission as well as the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries where applicable.

  • In addition, the department relies on and supports all Security Clusters partners operating in these communities.
  1. South African National Parks
  • Community park forums intended to improve interaction between the South African National Parks and the surrounding communities and other stakeholders adjacent to national parks. These involve regular engagements around issues related to combating wildlife crime, land claims, beneficiation and other relevant matters.
  • Implementation of awareness campaigns, environmental education programmes, social legacy projects around the national parks.
  • Socio-economic projects designed to ensure that communities adjacent to the national parks benefit directly from the South African National Parks conservation efforts and get them involved in protection of South Africa’s biodiversity assets.

(2) Yes, the South African National Parks works with other government departments to combat poaching both inside and outside the Kruger National Park. The South African National Parks is part of the environmental cooperative governance mechanism of Government that seeks to foster cooperation and harmonisation of approaches. The Kruger National Park in particular, is the hub of anti-poaching operations aimed at combating, particularly rhino poaching. This cooperative approach involves the Security Cluster in the South African Police Service, the South African National Defence Force, as well as the Department of Home Affairs, the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the South African Revenue Services. The same lessons learnt from the implementation of this anti- rhino poaching approaches are beneficial to other wildlife species crime combating.

Additional Information

In 2014 the South African National Parks developed a National Rhino Management Strategy that places emphasis on cooperation with other government departments in respect to combating wildlife crime both inside and outside the Kruger National Park. At the core of the strategy is also the intention to relocate rhinos from high risk areas in the Kruger National Park to other low risk areas inside the park and other parks to combact poaching and to ensure continued growth of the rhino population. The aim is to stimulate growth in large protected areas while creating new rhino strongholds to offset the effects of poaching and smultaneously improving the population size.

In addition, the formal cooperation with all relevant government departments and other role-players/stakeholders is guided by the National Joint Structures and implemented from a Mission Area Joint Operations Centre. Joint planning and execution is the norm and plans are tailored to align with the national strategy that addresses four focus areas namely:

  • joint anti-poaching law enforcement operations,
  • biological management of the rhino population,
  • the creation of long term sustainable economic and other alternatives, and
  • the constant exploration of game changers such as technology appropriate solutions and the collapsing crime networks.


13 March 2017 - NW256

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What is the detailed breakdown of South African Post Offices (SAPO) currently operational in each province? (b) Whether each specified post office is situated in (i) an urban or (ii) rural area and (c) How many of the specified post offices are equipped to issue motor vehicle licenses?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:






Grand Total

Eastern Cape





Free State










KwaZulu Natal















Northern Cape




North West





Northern Cape





Western Cape





Grand Total

1 488



2 202



Branch Mines



Branch Total

Mobile Rural

Mobile Total

RPOA Rural


RPOA Total

Grand Total

Eastern Cape











Free State





















KwaZulu Natal

































Northern Cape






North West











Northern Cape




















Grand Total




1 488






2 202



Sum of MVL systems Installed

Eastern Cape


Free State




KwaZulu Natal






North West


Grand Total



13 March 2017 - NW04

Profile picture: Lekota, Mr M

Lekota, Mr M to ask the Minister of Health

(1) Are all Government hospitals, including rural hospitals, equipped with the necessary functioning and lifesaving equipment in emergency sections such as casualty, maternity, intensive care unit, neonatal units, trauma or theatre; if not, why not; 2) will his department provide a list of (a) all Government hospitals and (b) the number of functioning (i) blood gas machines, (ii) partograms, (iii) paediatric ventilators, (iv) neonatal central lines, (v) hard trauma collars and (vi) anesthetic machines with a capnogram, allocated to each hospital; if not, why not; if so, in each case what are the relevant details?


(1) All hospitals inclusive of rural hospitals are equipped with necessary functioning and life saving equipments in emergency sections.

(2) (a) & (b) An explanation of the equipment provided at all levels of care is elaborated below in (i) - (vi) -

(i) Blood gas machines in district hospitals are available in theatres and also provided National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS), which is on site for trauma cases, and in the higher level of care from regional hospitals is available in trauma units, theatres and intensive care units;

(ii) Partograms are available in all antenatal care units in maternity as from district hospitals to the higher level of care;

(iii) Paediatric ventilators are available to all regional hospitals where paediatric services are provided and higher level of care as this forms part of specialised care. CPAPs are available in district hospitals with high care units;

(iv) Neonatal central lines are available in Neonatal Intensive Care units as from regional hospitals to the higher level of care;

(v) Hard trauma collars are available from Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and also in trauma units in all hospitals;

(vi) Anaesthetic machine with capnogram are available in all theatres in all hospitals.


13 March 2017 - NW275

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Is her Department aware that the traditional medicine market adjacent to the Faraday Taxi Rank in Johannesburg is selling animal remains that require specific permits to trade and sell; if not, (a) why not and (b) on what date will her Department conduct an investigation into this matter; if so, why has her Department allowed this illegal activity to be conducted?


The Department is aware that the muti traders operating next to Faraday Taxi Rank are selling various anaimal remains and that there have been reports that some of these activities are illegal.

a) Not applicable.

(b) These types of markets are typically monitored and investigated by officials from the provincial conservation departments, both in terms of the requirements set out in provincial and national legislation. However, a decision was made at the beginning of 2016 that muti trade should be elevated to a national priority; and through MINTECH Working Group IV, the project should initially focus on compliance promotion and awareness campaigns for the “Traditional Healers”, “Muti-Traders” and “Muti-Collectors” operating at the “muti-markets” ahead of targeted compliance and enforcement activities.

The Environmental Management Inspectors (Green Scorpions) from the Department of Environmental Affairs and Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development have visited Faraday Muti Market situated in Faraday Taxi Rank in Johannesburg. The reason of this particular visit was not to conduct inspections and identify endangered species yet. The purpose for the attendance at the market was to meet with the management of the Muti Markets with regard to the compliance promotion and awareness campaign being conducted by the Department. This type of campaign is critical to ensure that those working at the market are aware of the legal requirements for trade, as well as what trade is permitted. The effectiveness and ultimate success of our monitoring and enforcement activities are strengthened if they are preceded by these types of campaigns.

On 19 January 2017, the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), together with Gauteng Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD), hosted the first biodiversity compliance awareness workshop in Johannesburg, Gauteng Province. The main purpose of the workshop was to bring together all traditional healers and “muti-traders” operating at the Faraday and Mai Mai markets. Further events in other provinces and additional meetings are planned for the latter part of the financial year, ahead of the more targeted compliance and enforcement work that will take place as part of this project in the 2017/18 financial year.


13 March 2017 - NW284

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What are the full details of (a) the status of the legal challenge against his department by a certain official (name and details furnished) and (b) any other legal actions taken by his department against (i) former and (ii) current members of staff?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

  1. Mr. Buthelezi lodged a dispute of unfair dismissal with the General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council and the arbitration is ongoing.
  2. (i)The Department has taken action against Mr. Buthelezi in order to recover unauthorised expenditure incurred by the Department. The Department’s decision to recover the legal costs incurred in the labour court case between Mr Wisani Ngobeni, (a former employee of the Department) and the Department is under review.

(ii) No other legal action is being taken against current employees.

10 March 2017 - NW192

Profile picture: Topham , Mr B

Topham , Mr B to ask the Minister of Tourism

(1) Whether, with reference to the National Tourism Strategy, any progress has been made in identifying municipal and other government-owned resorts and properties that are not being optimally used or under-utilised; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) What are the relevant details of the specified projects for each of the past three financial years?


  1. The audit that the Department conducted in partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) provided a baseline of municipal and provincially owned tourism assets. This report was made available to all provinces for project and budget planning purposes.
  2. The Department of Tourism has not support any project based on the outcomes of the report as yet. However, province would in a better position to share further detailed information regarding their respective tourism assets.

10 March 2017 - NW429

Profile picture: Gqada, Ms T

Gqada, Ms T to ask the Minister of Energy

What amount did Eskom pay annually for diesel from (a) long term or fixed contractors and (b) short or medium term noncontractors (i) in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14, (cc) 2014-15 and (dd) 2015-16 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2016?


The Department received the question, reviewed its contents against its mandate and has determined that the most appropriate respondent should be the Department of Public Enterprises.

10 March 2017 - NW376

Profile picture: Rabotapi, Mr MW

Rabotapi, Mr MW to ask the Minister of Tourism

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and (d) date on which each vehicle was purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) his deputy (aa) in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016


1.  Minister

No vehicles were purchased for the Minister during 2014/15 and 2015/2016 Financial Years

2.  Deputy- Minister





(c ) Price



Financial Year

(aaa) 2014-2015

Audi Q7 TDI


Mercedes Benz

(Cape Town)



R878 701.47

R762 443.19

17 January 2015

19 February 2015


(bbb) 2015-2016





(bb) Since

1 April 2016





10 March 2017 - NW247

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr P

Mhlongo, Mr P to ask the Minister of Police

(a) What is the danger allowance rate for police and (b) when was the last time it was reviewed and increased?


A.   The Danger Allowance Dispensation was terminated in 2001 in the South African Police Service (SAPS) with the conclusion of Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council (SSSBC) Agreement 4 of 2001.

Agreement 4/2001, introduced a Service Allowance,taking into consideration the unique situation of the SAPS with regard to the affordability of the danger allowance and other allowances. The Agreement was a consolidation of the Danger Allowance, Special Danger Allowance and Standby Allowance into one amount of R400,00.

B.   The amount has never been reviewed since 2001, and it is currently on the agenda of the SSSBC, for review.

10 March 2017 - NW353

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Energy

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and (d) date on which each vehicle was purchased for use by (i) her and (ii) her deputy (aa) in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016?


(i).   The Minister

No new vehicles were purchased in (aaa) 2014-15; (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016

  1. Not applicable
  2. Not applicable
  3. Not applicable
  4. Not applicable (

(ii).   The Deputy Minister

No new vehicles were purchased in (aaa) 2014-15; (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016

  1. Not applicable
  2. Not applicable
  3. Not applicable
  4. Not applicable

10 March 2017 - NW277

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether, with reference to his replies to questions 1727 and 1728 on 9 September 2016, there were any outstanding land claims for Mala Mala at the time that payments were made and land handed over to the specified beneficiaries; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the full relevant details; (2) whether any of the beneficiaries were not verified at the time that payments were made and land handed over to the beneficiaries; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, who are they collectively; (3) what is the detailed reason for the upwards valuation per hectare of the purchase price in the Mala Mala claim?


1.   With reference to question 1727, the paymentmade was for Kruger National Park not for Malamala.

With reference to question 1728, the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights (CRLR) received 24 land claims lodged by individuals/ communities against the properties belonging toSabie Sand Game Resrve. Malamala Game Reserve is within Sabie Sand Game Reserve.

The claimants have lodged claims in the area against 21 properties, consisting of 63 portions, measuring 65 000 hectares. The CRLR has by now managed to partially restore 6 properties, consisting of 9 portions, measuring 13 184 hectares, which properties used to belong to MalaMala Game Reserve.

2.  In terms of the Restitution process, verification which entails compiling a list of originally dispossessed individuals and their households,was completed before the approval and handover. A Communal Property Association was set up and is called Nwandlamhari Communal Property Association.

3.   The agreed (average market related) price per hectare was done after an extensive analysis of comparable sales by three valuation experts who were representing all the three parties involved in the court case; namely, the Minister through the Commission, Landowners and Claimants.

The court had also concluded that the compensation which the State will have to pay in the event of expropriation will be at least a ballpark figure of R791, 289, 492 in respect of the land and the improvement thereon. This amount did not include any amount for actual financial loss which the the landowners were likely to claim, and if considered, the eventual compensation would be in excess of R1 billion rand.

The upwards valuation per hectare of the purchase price in the MalaMala land claim was justified taking into account that valuation was first commissioned in 2007, and settlement only happened during 2012/2013 financial year. The final offer was also guided by the provisions of Section 25 of the Constitution.


10 March 2017 - NW242

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

In light of recent revelations about his alleged corrupt involvement in pressuring his departmental officials to hand over the Bekendvlei Farm in Limpopo which was bought for R97 million, to certain persons (names and details furnished), (a) does he intend to resign in order to allow for investigation into this matter to go ahead without his interference and (b) has he done an audit of all farms handed over through the Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy and Recapitalisation and Development Programme to verify that there was no corruption in the manner in which the specified farms were handed over?



  1. No, I do not intend to resign. I have referred the matter to the Office of the Public Protector for investigation as the complainant. I have also requested that a lifestyle audit be conducted on me, from 1994 when I became a public representative as Speaker of the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature (1994 – 1999); as MEC: Housing, Local Government and Traditional Affairs (1999 – 2004); as MEC: Agriculture (2004 to 2009); and, as Minister for Rural Development and Land Reform (2009 to date).
  2. Yes. In the 2011/12 financial year, I requested the President to issue a Proclamation (R23 of 2012) to authorise the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to investigate allegations of theft, fraud, corruption and maladministration in relation to the Land Reform Programme of the Department. These investigations are currently ongoing. As a result of these investigations, several farms have been seized by the Asset Forfeiture Unit; and,29 (1 Eastern Cape, 2 Free State and 26 KwaZulu Natal) of these were handed back to the Department during November 2016. Some of these matters are currently before the Courts.

As a result of the magnitude of the allegations of maladministration, financial mismanagement and/or fraud and corruption in certain PLAS and Recap farms, the then head of the SIU, Advocate Soni, requested the Department to conduct scoping exercises with a view to narrowing down forensic and related investigations for effective results. I,then, initiated several internal scoping and external forensic investigations, including Bekendvlei, into alleged irregularities in relation to the PLAS and Recap Farms. The Department is currently implementing the recommendations of the completed reports, in this regard.

10 March 2017 - NW245

Profile picture: Dlamini, Mr MM

Dlamini, Mr MM to ask the Minister of Energy

(1) (a) What amount does Eskom pay Independent Power Producers (IPPs) compared to coal production for electricity production and (b) what is the Eskom retail price compared to the price Eskom pays to IPPs and coal; (2) (a) for how long are contracts signed with each IPP, (b) what is Eskom BBEEE policy for Independent Power Producers and (c) are all IPPs BBEEE compliant? (2) (a) for how long are contracts signed with each IPP, (b) what is Eskom BBEEE policy for Independent Power Producers and (c) are all IPPs BBEEE compliant?



The average price payable under the Renewable Energy (RE) IPP Programme, covering the production coming only from the RE projects signed in 2011, ending 30 September 2016 was 218 c/kWh, whereas for the RE projects announced in 2015, the production cost averages 62 c/kWh.

Eskom aggregate cost of coal produced electricity in 2016 is s 44.1 c/kWh. Kindly note that in order to make a like for like comparison, the Eskom marginal cost of production of coal generated power (determined by Medupi and Kusile) is not known as yet, but is believed to be in excess of 100 c/kWh.


The average Eskom winter tariff is 105.1 c / kWh and the summer tariff is 73.5 c / kWh. The average annual Eskom tariff is 81.4 c / kWh, and it will escalate according to the tariff increase application to be submitted to NERSA (Eskom has applied for further tariff increases in the period from 2016 onwards and it is not as yet clear where this will end). In order to compare Eskom’s production costs to the production costs under the coal IPP Programme, the two coal IPPs will sell the electricity at 80,955 c/kWh and 79,71c/kWh respectively, without any tariff increases (the only escalation will be for inflation) for the next 30 years. We expect Eskom’s aggregate tariff to increase even higher than for IPPs within the next 3 years.


Renewable Energy IPP contracts have a term of 20 years.


The B-BBEE policy as promulgated under the BBEEE Act applies to IPPs as well.


All IPPs are BBEEE compliant.

10 March 2017 - NW163

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Police

Are there any investigations of corruption that are currently being undertaken by the (a) SA Police Service or (b) any other law enforcement agency at technical and vocational education and training colleges; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(a)(b) There were no cases reported to the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation on corruption allegations at any of the educational institutions in question.

10 March 2017 - NW386

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)What is the total amount of full-time equivalents students (FTE’s) who studied through the public technical and vocational education and training (TVET) Colleges during the (a) 2014, (b) 2015 and (c) 2016 academic years; (2) what was the total amount paid out to all TVET colleges by his department in each of the specified academic years as (a) contributions via the Personnel Salary System, (b) other subsidies toward staff costs, (c) contributions towards capital expenditure and (d) any other transfers in support of the operating costs of each TVET college?


1.  Relating to Ministerial approved programmes, i.e. National Certificate (Vocational) and Report 191 excluding occupational programmes, the number of students are as follows:

Financial Year

  1. 2014/15
  1. 2015/16

2016/17 (Original)

(c) 2016/17 (Revised)

Target Headcount

650 000

660 000

755 000

664 748

Actual Headcount

670 455

664 748

To be confirmed

To be confirmed

Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE’s)

325 507

322 737

368 888

322 737

Funded FTE’s

235 714

233 708

238 744

233 708

Unfunded FTE’s

89 793

89 029

130 144

89 029

2.  TVET Fiscus budget allocations:

Funding Classification








  1. Compensation of Employees

2 540 505

4 943 262

5 168 971

  1. Other subsidies towards staff costs

1 796 776

Shifted to compensation of employees due to migration on 1 April 2015

  1. Capital Expenditure




  1. Transfers and Subsidies

1 399 051

1 140 945

1 274 848

Total Budget Allocation

5 736 332

6 179 574

6 443 819

The total fiscus funded budget for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges for 2014/15 was R5.7 billion increasing to R6.4 billion in 2016/17. The budget caters for the salary costs and operational costs relating to the TVET Colleges. Based on the National Norms and Standards for funding TVET Colleges (NNSF-TVET), the budgets should be applied to the following economic categories:



Compensation of employees


Non-personnel Non-Capital


Capital infrastructure maintenance (repairs and maintenance)




Compensation of Employees:

In 2014/15, subsidies towards staff costs were made to TVET colleges for salary costs of employees who were appointed and paid by the College Council as a Conditional Grant via the Provincial Education Departments. These employees were offering Ministerial approved programmes. From 1 April 2015, these employees were migrated to the Department as part of the function shift processes and the Provincial Conditional Grant was discontinued.

Capital Expenditure:

Since the last recapitalisation of TVET Colleges in 2009, no additional funding was allocated by the National Treasury to supplement capital expenditure at TVET colleges.

Transfers and Subsidies:

These funds are directly transferred to TVET colleges in three payments each year. These funds are mainly used to cater for operational costs such as water, electricity, services, learner and teaching materials, protective clothing, etc. in order to deliver effective and efficient teaching and learning.











10 March 2017 - NW248

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr P

Mhlongo, Mr P to ask the Minister of Police

(a) What is the total number of police stations or satellite police stations that were opened since 1994 to date in (i) Limpopo, (ii) North-West, (iii) Gauteng and (iv) Mpumalanga provinces, (b) how many were subsequently closed and (c) what are the reasons for closure in each case?


(a),(i) to (iv); (b) and (c)

The table below reflects the total number of police stations or satellite police stations that were opened since 1994, to date, in (i) Limpopo, (ii) Gauteng, (iii) Mpumalanga and (iv) North West provinces, (b) and the number of police stations that were subsequently closed and the reasons for their closure:




YEAR OPENED (since 1994 to date)












































































Orange Farms






Ivory Park










The Community didnot want it anymore












Poor facilities












Investigation underway to re-open it


Katlehong North




































Mamelodi East
















Closed due to Sector Policing being implemented






Closed due to the new TsakanePolice Station which is 1 km away from the Satellite






Operational daily from 08:00 to 16:00


Vaal Marina






Tembisa South







Morula Sun



Insufficient personnel - Sector Policing









Braam Fischer















Insufficient Personnel - Sector Policing






Burned down by community















Cosmo City









Personnel Shortage (Security of SAPS members)




YEAR OPENED (since 1994 to date)
















































Post 1994


Burned down during public protests




Post 1994


Burned down during public protests




Post 1994


Building dilapidated




Post 1994


Burned down during public protests




Post 1994


Burned down during public protests




Post 1994


New Police Station constructed (Pienaar)




Post 1994


New Police Station constructed (Pienaar)




Post 1994


Insufficient Workload




Post 1994


Burned down during public protests




Post 1994


Insufficient workload




Post 1994


New Police Station in Planning Phase




Post 1994


Upgraded to a Fully Fledged Police Station




Post 1994


Burned down during public protests




Post 1994


Police Station under construction




Post 1994


Police Station under construction




YEAR OPENED (since 1994 to date)



North West






North West






North West






North West





Satellite upgraded to Police Station

North West






North West






North West






North West






North West






North West






North West


Freedom Park




North West






North West


Waterfall Mall




North West

Sun City





North West






North West






North West






North West






North West



Being built, not opened yet



North West



Being built, not opened yet



North West



Being built, not opened yet



North West



Being built, not opened yet



North West



Being built, not opened yet




10 March 2017 - NW166

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Police

Does the SA Police Service have a mandate to initiate lifestyle audits on citizens of the country; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what legislation is applicable in this process, (b) what requisite legislation needs to be in place before such an instruction is given, (c) which person and/or department is responsible for (i) approving the lifestyle audit and (ii) investigating the lifestyle audit and (d) what procedural steps has his department taken to implement a lifestyle audit?



A.  The Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (Act No. 121 of 1998) provides for asset forfeiture in respect of the proceeds of crime or instrumentalities of crime. The Service may conduct investigations where a person has allegedly benefited from crime. The outcome of such investigations must be reported to the Asset Forfeiture Unit of the National Prosecuting Authority to facilitate the forfeiture of assets.

B.  Section 23 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004 (Act No. 12 of 2004) provides that the National Director of Public Prosecutions (“NDPP”), may apply to a judge for an investigative direction in respect of a person who maintains a standard of living which is not proportionate to his or her past or present income or assets.  If the application is authorised, the NDPP may question the suspect or any other person to produce evidence or to answer questions.  

C.  (i)    See above.

     (ii)   Not applicable.

D.   Not applicable.

10 March 2017 - NW12

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

What are the full relevant details of the R15 billion spent by government departments to support small, micro and medium enterprises and co-operatives in the 2015-16 financial year, as indicated by her department’s Director-General in a presentation to the SME Policy Colloquium at Esselen Park on 27 October 2016, in terms of (a) what amount each of the departments spent and (b) what kind of support each department provided in each case?”


The table below provides the amounts as budgeted for, for the different programmes in the different department in the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.

Spending in terms of the budgeted allocation for the current financial year will only be available after the financial year.

The table below also provides information in terms of the kind or type of support each department will provide with regard to the budgeted amounts.


Incentives/Initiative/Public Entity

Briefly explain Purpose/Possible Duplication within Government




Total MTEF







Loans to emerging contractors

Affordable housing development

345 000

360 000

390 000

1 095 000


Loans to emerging contractors

Infrastructure development

180 000

180 000

270 000

630 000


Incremental loans to retail intermediaries and CBO's for housing development in rural areas

Rural housing financing and development

225 000

277 000

305 400

807 400


Black Business Supplier Development Programme

Is a cost sharing grant offered to small black-owned enterprises to help them in improving the competitiveness and sustainability

245 000

256 750

270 953

772 703


Cooperatives Incentive Scheme

Is a cost sharing grant offered to cooperatives to help them in improving the competitiveness and sustainability

75 000

78 750

83 318

237 068


Industrial Development Corporation: Craft customised Sector Programme

Establishment of a Sector Coordinating Body, Enterprise Development Programme, Establishment of Craft Hubs, Market Access and Research and Development

10 000

10 000

10 000

30 000


National Informal Business Upliftment Scheme

To create a conductive business environment for informal businesses and provide adequate skills and infrastructure

95 698

99 406

103 138

298 242


Enterprise Incubation Programme

To provide funding for incubators that can generate revenue through the provision of services and initiatives that can be self-sustainable

46 274

49 665

54 737

150 676


Small Enterprise Development Agency

Provides non-financial support through advice, consultancy, training, and monitoring, and assisting SMMEs with technology through the technology programme.

633 814

743 132

786 233

2 163 179


Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa (IDC)

Implementation of small scale mining projects

27 434

28 805

30 476

86 715


Marginal Mines

This entails providing subsidies to marginal mines to pump extraneous water from underground mine openings; and researching, developing and implementing strategic solutions for mine water management.

5 275

5 555

5 877

16 707


Tourism Incentive Programme

To assist SMMEs to participate in local and international trade exhibitions, thus creating direct linkages with international tourism companies.

188 931

188 002

198 777

575 710


Technology Innovation Agency

To support the development and commercialisation of new products from SME through the technology station and technology platform programmes

382 364

396 732

420 322

1 199 418


Rural Enterprise and Industrial Development

The creation of an enabling institutional environment for sustainable rural development,

390 628

417 478

449 986

1 258 092


Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme

Provides post settlement support to targeted beneficiaries of land reform and redistribution

1 565 090

1 678 413

1 769 821

5 013 324


Cooperatives and Rural Enterprise Development

Facilitates and supports the development of businesses to ensure the transformation of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries products

120 334

73 119

74 880

268 333


Agro-processing and Marketing

Develops and implements support programmes to promote market access and value addition for agriculture, forestry and fisheries products

55 921

63 425

66 662

186 008


Small Enterprise Finance Agency

Focuses on developing SMMEs by providing access to finance.

213 124

223 780

236 759

673 663

Total Spending on SMMEs


4 804 887

5 130 012

5 527 339

15 462 238

10 March 2017 - NW438

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

Whether, with reference to the costs of R41 775, 42 that were incurred by the Agricultural Sector Education and Training Authority (AgriSETA) for the rental of a vehicle on behalf of its board chairperson for the period 18 to 22 October 2016, AgriSETA incurred similar costs in support of board member’s travel and accommodation in the past three financial years; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


The Agricultural Sector Education and Training Authority (AgriSETA) did not incur similar costs in support of board members’ travel and accommodation in the past three financial years.












10 March 2017 - NW175

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

Whether CAS 61/12/2015 lodged at the Richards Bay Police Station on or around the first week of December 2015 has been forwarded to the National Prosecuting Authority for prosecution; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will the specified case be forwarded for prosecution; if so, what are the relevant details of all charges laid in the case?


Richards Bay CAS 61/12/2015 was sent to court on 2 November 2016 for decision.

The docket was returned to the investigating officer on 14 December 2016 with follow-up directives and a submission date of on or before 24 February 2017. The charge sheet will only be drafted by the Prosecutor once a decision on the charges to be laid is finalised.

10 March 2017 - NW10

Profile picture: Chance, Mr R

Chance, Mr R to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

(1) (a) How many (i) primary and (ii) secondary co-operatives have been funded by (aa) her department and (bb) the Department of Trade and Industry under the Co-operative Incentive Scheme since the establishment of the specified scheme and (b) what is the (i) total amount of grant money spent on the specified co-operatives by each department and (ii) detailed breakdown of the specified spending in each (aa) province and (bb) each relevant financial year to date; (2) whether any of the specified co-operatives are still operating; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details for each province?”


(1)(a)(i)(aa) Primaryco-operatives have been funded by the Department of Small Business Development








Small Business Development



R 56 103 695


R 64 965 564

Small Business Development



R 84 423 016


R 75 000 000

Small Business Development



R52 891 797.54


R 47 214 253.97

Total A


R 193 418 508.54


R 187 179 817.97

Table 1 – CIS under DSBD

Breakdown of funded primary cooperatives under DSBD

Link for Table 2.1 below depicts DSBD CIS programme data for the 2014/15 Financial Year

RNW10-170310Table2 1

Link for Table 2.2 below depicts DSBD CIS programme data for the 2015/16 Financial Year (Primary Co-operatives)

RNW10-170310Table2 2

Link for Table 2.3 below depicts DSBD CIS programme data for the period April 2016 to date

RNW10-170310Table2 3

(1)(a)(ii)(aa) Secondary co-operatives have been funded by the Department of Small Business Development

There was only one secondary co-operative supported, information is provided in the table below:

Table 3



No. of Approved Projects

Approved Amount

% Per Province

Total Supported









(1)(a)(i)(bb) Primaryco-operatives have been funded by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti)

Table 4 below depicts thedti CIS programme data for primary co-operatives:








Trade and Industry



R 14 634 075


R 9 330 000

Trade and Industry



R 47 345 447


R 34 523 371

Trade and Industry



R 55 228 903


R 44 170 626

Trade and Industry



R 47 824 520


R 52 555 674

Trade and Industry



R 85 323 599


R 64 979 000

Trade and Industry



R 62 331 729


R 75 479 830

Total (B)


R 312 688 273


R 281 038 501

(1)(a)(ii)(bb) Secondary co-operatives have been funded by the Department of Trade and Industry

No secondary co-operatives were funded by the Department of Trade and Industry

Table 5: Grand Total


Number of approved projects

Value approved

Estimated no. of jobs supported


Small Business Development


R 193 418 508


R 187 179 818

Trade and Industry


R 312 688 273


R 281 038 501

Grand Total


R 506 106 782

13 931

R 468 218 319

2. Specified co-operatives still operating

Not all the funded projects have been visited after implementation of the interventions. Post investment support is done on a sampling basis.

Link to Table 5 below depicts CIS post investment verification for the financial years 2013/14 and 2014/15


NB: There are still 165 fully paid projects that are in the process of being monitored.

It should be noted that the function of monitoring was done by the monitoring and evaluation Chief Directorate under the dti when the CIS Unit was still part of the department. Therefore, due to capacity constraints, only one hundred and eighteen projects were visited post disbursement and plans are afoot to remedy the situation into the future.

The CIS Unit and Seda are currently piloting a working relationship whereby all new applications will be received through Seda branches and as well as conducting post disbursements visits to all funded cooperatives. The CIS unit has not been able to fully perform this function after being migrated from the dti to the DSBD. Post investment support was conducted through a chief directorate unit focusing on Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) while the CIS Unit was still at the dti. the dti was able to publish two M & E reports for financial years 2013/14 and 2014/15. Since migration no full M& E has been conducted to date.

10 March 2017 - NW378

Profile picture: Rabotapi, Mr MW

Rabotapi, Mr MW to ask the Minister of Transport

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and (d) date on which each vehicle was purchased for use by (i) her and (ii) her deputy (aa) in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016?



Inherited from Minister Ben Martins




(a) Make



(b) Model



(c ) Price

R 789 924.00

R1 084 312.37

(d) Date of purchase







(a) Make



(b) Model


535i Gran Turismo

(c ) Price

R 790 000.00

R789 634.50

(d) Date of purchase



(aa) (aaa) 2014-15

The vehicles mentioned in (i) and (ii) above, were used by the Principals during this period.

(aa) (bbb) 2015-16

The vehicles mentioned in (i) and (ii) above, were used by the Principals during this period.

(bb) since 1 April 2016

The vehicles mentioned in (i) and (ii) above, were used by the Principals during this period.

10 March 2017 - NW201

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

(a) How many raids did the SA Police Service conduct at a certain address (details furnished) (i) in 2015, (ii) in 2016 and (iii) since 1 January 2017, (b) what was confiscated in each raid and (c) how many persons were arrested in each raid?


(a) (i)(ii)(iii) There were no raids conducted at a certain address (details furnished) in 2015, 2016 and since 1 January 2017.

(b) (c) Not Applicable

10 March 2017 - NW357

Profile picture: Van Dalen, Mr P

Van Dalen, Mr P to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and (d) date on which each vehicle was purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) his deputy (aa) in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016?


The response is tabulated below.

Member of Parliament

  1. Make

(b) Model

(c) Price

(d) Date

Financial Year

(i) Minister

Not applicable

(aaa) 2014/15



Audi Q7

R680 878.04

29 September 2015

(bbb) 2015/16


Not applicable

(bb) Since 1 April 2016

(ii) Deputy Minister

Not applicable

(aaa) 2014/15




R727 770.02

7 March 2016

(bbb) 2015/16


Not applicable

(bb) Since 1 April 2016











09 March 2017 - NW267

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)With reference to his reply to question 2649 on 5 December 2016, what specific steps are being taken to address the existing backlog of appeals received by the Refugee Appeals Board; (2) will the Refugee Appeal Authority, as proposed in the Refugees Amendment Bill [B12-2016], be better equipped to address the specified backlog; (3) (a) for how long has the specified Board been improperly constituted and (b) what impact has this had on the existing backlog of appeals?


1.   The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has undertaken two backlog projects in 2001 and 2006 with a view of reducing the backlog. While these projects were able to resolve most outstanding claims, they were not able to prevent the re-occurrence of the backlog. The problem is complex and as a result of many interlinked causes.

To address the existing backlog of appeal hearings it is necessary to contextualize the backlog: -

  • In terms of section 13 of the Refugee Act (No 130 of 1998), the Refugee Appeal Board (RAB) must consist of a Chairperson and at least two other members. In the past members of the RAB would hear matters individually for each appeal.
  • As explained under question 2649 (b) in the Harerimana v Chairperson of the RAB and others the honourable Judge Dennis Davis ordered RAB to sit as a quorum of 50 percent of members plus one of the members for each appeal hearing or at least two members.
  • Apart from the capacity constraints the subsequent dilemma is if only two members sit to hear an appeal and they disagree they cannot come to a decision. As a consequence, RAB was advised to sit as a quorum consisting of the three members (at this point the Chairperson and two members) which will then be properly constituted. The main rationale appears to be that sitting as a quorum of three facilitates the process of decision-making.
  • As at the end of January 2017, RAB consisted of one member based in Cape Town and an acting Chairperson based in Pretoria. This chronic incapacity was as a result, of the end of contract of the previous RAB Chairperson as well as the resignation of three RAB members around the same time in middle 2016.
  • The DHA has about 90 Refugee Status Determination Offices (RSDO’s) based at the five Refugee Reception Offices on average these RSDO’s may hear and determine between four and seven applications per day. If the applicant is rejected as unfounded by the RSDO, he or she has a right to appeal to the RAB within 30 days. Most applicants for asylum are rejected as “unfounded” and almost all such rejections are appealed against. This further strains the backlog.

In order to address the immediate challenges of the incapacity, the Minister of Home Affairs appointed a new Chairperson for RAB on 07 February 2017. As a matter of urgency, RAB re-started appeal hearings on 20 February 2017 on the basis that it is now properly constituted. All three current members are conducting these appeal hearings sitting as a quorum.

There is also an imminent appointment of two additional members by the Minister of Home Affairs. These two members are going through the internal interview and vetting processes. The Minister will in this regard also make the appointment after the conclusion of these internal processes. (It must be noted that there is challenges in attracting qualified legal refugee experts to a mandate with such a high backlog and low salary band). As soon as the interview and vetting process is completed, it is planned that the members be based at the Durban and Musina Refugee Reception Centres, respectively. It is also planned, that the Chairperson and another member, as may be required, will travel to these centres to hold appeal hearings as an interim measure in anticipation of the adoption of the new amendments in particular related to the quorum requirements.

According to RAB statistics there are 1287 judicial review cases that were served on RAB to date. This is another capacity constraint.

Year -

No of cases

2013 to 2014


2014 to 2015


2015 to 2016


2016 to 2017

262 (to date)

The reasons for the high number of reviews are the following, firstly, the decisions taken by RAB as an individual member after the Harerimana case was decided in November 2011. At the time, the previous Chairperson of RAB failed to apply the judgement and continued with hearings as individual members in some instances. Secondly, reviews are submitted in order for RAB to provide a hearing date. These reviews are mainly to compel the extension of the asylum seekers permit and to order RAB to provide a hearing date.

In this regard, RAB has undertaken an open dialogue with legal representatives of the appellants to prioritise certain cases. These cases include legal challenges to demand a hearing date and cases where a single member in contravention of the quorum requirements took decisions. This process is ongoing and intended to reduce the number of legal proceedings against RAB. RAB also intends to approach organisations such as Lawyers for Human Rights, Wits Law Clinic, UCT Law Clinic and other interested representatives to open this dialogue. (It should be noted, that at this stage there are very few of these reviews based on the merits of the case.)

During July 2015, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and representatives of South Africa had a high-level bilateral meeting in Geneva. The parties had agreed to develop a backlog project to address the outstanding RAB appeal cases. The project has not taken off due to the incapacity constraints listed above and financial constraints on both sides. The project was to run for three years ending in 2019.

RAB is continuing the dialogue with the UNHCR under the above agreement. RAB has approached the UNHCR and reopened discussion about the backlog project and its implementation. In this regard, the UNHCR was also approached to assist RAB with the development and financing of a comprehensive case management system. This system will be central to the management of any backlog project and will streamline the management of individual cases. The system will also provide a means to undertake a proactive approach to avoid a re-occurring backlog. The discussion is ongoing but promising.

At this stage, RAB is conducting hearings on an average of five to ten cases per day dependent on the complexity of cases. It has an estimated backlog of 258 232 cases with 92 535 active and 165 697 inactive cases. The institutional incapacity in this regard is evident and multifaceted. The institutional incapacity cannot be a problem that the DHA can alleviate on its own. Therefore, we are in discussion with all interested parties. This is in its infant stage.

2.   Yes, as discussed above the legislative amendments will play a key role in alleviating the current incapacity and thus assist in management of the backlog. Although the legislative changes is important there is more to be done in order to address the specified backlog and to manage the caseload proactively. For example, another key requirement in proactive management of the backlog is a case management system (discussed above). This will strengthen resource management and can pinpoint how to address institutional incapacity.

3.  (a) Since May 2016, no decision was taken by RAB members due to the resignation of three members and the end of contract of the previous Chairperson. It is unclear in how many appeal hearings RAB was improperly constituted.

3.  (b) The impact is not measurable at this point, however, as a result of the improperly constituted RAB hearings this has opened the RAB decisions to judicial review and these reviews are likely to be successful if submitted to a High Court. As mentioned above the total number of reviews on hand is 1287 cases. A percentage of this number is reviews based on the lack of a quorum. This percentage will have a marginal effect on the backlog, compared with the total backlog, if these matters are referred back to RAB.

09 March 2017 - NO03

None to ask the None

MINISTRY: PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL ASSEMBLY QUESTION FOR ORAL REPLY DATE:8 MARCH 2017 QUESTION NO.: 3 MS R M M LESOMA (ANC) TO ASK THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION: Whether his department has developed a monitoring instrument to assess the (a) implementation of and (b) compliance with the Protected Disclosures Act, Act 26 of 2000?NO357E REPLY No. The Minister for Public Service and Administration is not vested with legislative authority to oversee the implementation of the Protected Disclosures Act, Act 26 of 2000 (PDA). The powers to oversee the implementation of this piece of legislation are vested with the Minister responsible for the administration of Justice. The ambit of application of this Act goes beyond the functions and powers of the Minister for Public Service and Administration. However, we have embraced the intrinsic principle of reporting emanating from PDA and have infused this as an ethical value for employees in the Public Service. In terms of the Code of Conduct, which is an integral part of the Public Service Regulations, 2016, reporting of acts of corruption, fraud, nepotism and maladministration is an ethical duty for all employees in the Public Service. END


No. The Minister for Public Service and Administration is not vested with legislative authority to oversee the implementation of the Protected Disclosures Act, Act 26 of 2000 (PDA). The powers to oversee the implementation of this piece of legislation are vested with the Minister responsible for the administration of Justice. The ambit of application of this Act goes beyond the functions and powers of the Minister for Public Service and Administration. However, we have embraced the intrinsic principle of reporting emanating from PDA and have infused this as an ethical value for employees in the Public Service. In terms of the Code of Conduct, which is an integral part of the Public Service Regulations, 2016, reporting of acts of corruption, fraud, nepotism and maladministration is an ethical duty for all employees in the Public Service.


09 March 2017 - NW276

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

(a) What is the detailed breakdown of each step followed in the processing of a land claim, from when a land claim is lodged up to the finalisation of the claim when the property is handed over or a payment is made to the beneficiary, (b) what are the minimum requirements that have to be met so that a land claim can be considered valid and (c) why are claims that do not meet the specified minimum requirements thrown out?


1.  Processes of the Commission

The restitution process is carried out in 6 steps or phases as follows:

2.  Lodgement and Registration of a claim

The lodgment of land claims is the first step in the restitution process. The Commission is required to assist the claimants in the lodgement of the claims. The current deadline to lodge claims is 31 December 1998.

On 27 March 2014 the National Council of Provinces passed the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill.

A claim may be lodged by (1) a person that was dispossessed, (2) the direct descendants of the person (where such person is deceased), (3) an estate, or (4) a community.

The qualification criteria for claims are that a person, direct descendant of a person, estate, or community must have:

  1. Been dispossessed;
  2. Of a right in land;
  3. After 19 June 1913;
  4. As a result of past racially discriminatory laws or practices;
  5. Has lodged a claim before the cut-off date for lodgement of claims;
  6. Was not, at the time of dispossession, paid compensation or any other consideration that is just and equitable (as determined in terms of section 25 (3) of the Constitution.
  7. Screening and Categorisation

Once a claim is lodged it is screened to determine whether all the information required to lodge a claim was submitted, the type of the claim, the location of the claimed land, etc.

3.  Research / Investigation

In terms of the current Rules Regulating Procedure in the Commission, research takes place in two phases.

The first phase involves a determination of whether a claim is not excluded by the requirements of restitution. Where a claim is not excluded, it is accepted for further investigation and details of the claim are published in the Government Gazette. Where a claim is excluded, the Commission may reject that claim if it is frivolous and vexatious. Claims that are frivolous or vexatious are claims that do not have substance, or which are patently bogus.

The second phase involves a more thorough research that determines whether the claim meets the requirements for restitution. Claims that meet the requirements will proceed to the next stage. Where it is discovered at this stage that the claim does not meet the requirements, the claim will be de-gazetted (i.e. the publication of the details of the claims will be withdrawn).

4.  Negotiations

All parties to a claim (including current owner of claimed land, claimant and other right holder on the claimed land) are convened and discussions held about how a claim will be settled. This will involve provision of all information to the affected parties; and the claimant being required to indicate the form of restitution (i.e. restoration of land, alternative land, or financial compensation, or a combination of the above). Where the claimant choses financial compensation, the current owner of the claimed land ceases to become an interested party. Where the claimant has opted for the restoration of the land discussions will be held for the acquisition of the land by the State (on the basis of a valuation).

5.  Settlement or Referral to Court

Where no agreement can be reached on settlement the claim is referred to the Land Claims Court. If there is an agreement, the settlement is referred to the Minister.

6.  Implementation

If an award is made by the Minister (on the basis of the agreement that was reached) or Court (through an order) the award or order is implemented by the acquisition of the land and its transfer to the claimant or payment of financial compensation where the award is for payment of financial compensation. Development assistance is provided where land is awarded.

  1. The qualification criteria for claims are that a person, direct descendant of a person, estate, or community must have:
  • Been dispossessed;
  • Of a right in land;
  • After 19 June 1913;
  • As a result of past racially discriminatory laws or practices;
  • Has lodged a claim before the cut-off date for lodgement of claims;

Was not, at the time of dispossession, paid compensation or any other consideration that is just and equitable (as determined in terms of section 25 (3) of the Constitution.

7.  The claim is become invalid if those not meet the requirement of the restitution act.Where a claim is excluded, the Commission may reject that claim if it is frivolous and vexatious. Claims that are frivolous or vexatious are claims that do not have substance, or which are patently bogus.

09 March 2017 - NW265

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D


(1) With regard to the total cost of pending cases involving employees in (a) national and (b) provincial departments, what are the amounts budgeted for such expenditure in each department in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15, (iii) 2015-16 and (iv) 2016-17 financial years; (2) did any of the specified departments spend more than the allocated budgets during the specified periods on any case; if so, what (a) are the relevant details in each case, (b) amounts were overspent and (c) was the reason in each case?


Budgets for pending cases, involving employees, is the responsibility of individual national and provincial Accounting Officers. The Ministry for Public Service and Administration thus does not have detailed information on such budgets.


09 March 2017 - NW268

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

How many foreign nationals have died whilst in his department’s custody at (a) the Lindela Repatriation Centre and (b) any other holding area in each of the last 10 calendar years?


(a) The requested statistics of the number of people who died whilst in custody at Lindela is as follows:-

2007 – 10

2008 - 5

2009 - 1

2010 - 3

2011 - 3

2012 - 4

2013 - 2

2014 - 6

2015 - 7

2016 – 6

All these deaths occurred after the deportees were referred by the clinic at Lindela to the Leratong hospital in Krugersdorp. Only one person actually died within the facility in 2016 shortly after arrival at the facility. The person did not show visible signs of illness.

(b) The police cells at the South African Police Services (SAPS) are utilised for the detention of suspected or confirmed illegal immigrants, pending their direct deportation to their countries of origin or transferred to the Lindela Holding Facility. The SAPS statistics for any deaths in detention are not available to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

Prior to the proclamation of the “Determination of Places of Detention of Illegal Foreigners pending deportation” in Government Gazette No.534 in terms of s34 (1) of the Immigration Act 13 of 2002 on 22 June 2015, illegal immigrants were also held in correctional facilities. The statistics of the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) for the period prior to the declaration are not available to the DHA.

09 March 2017 - NW209

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1)      What (a) are the reasons that the interdict obtained by Transnet in order to remove illegal squatters from its land in Elandsfontein has been ignored and (b) action is Transnet taking in order to get the interdict enforced; (2) has Transnet read the corrective measures given by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department to correct this illegal occupation; if so, what are the corrective measures; (3) what strategy does Transnet have in place to prevent additional invasions of other land they own in the Elandsfontein area?


(1)  (a) The final interdict could not be enforced and Transnet was required to proceed with the institution of an eviction application in accordance with the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from Unlawful Occupation of Land Act (“PIE Act”).

      (b) Transnet has applied for a court date and are currently waiting for same.

(2) Transnet has read the corrective measures given by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police department; Corrective measures were for Transnet to:

  • Write an email to EMM to discuss the land issues
  • Obtain a court interdict
  • Fence off the premises and organise their own security until the property is fenced off.

(3) Transnet has an Informal Settlements Strategy that has been approved through internal structures to deal with informal settlements that are on Transnet land including cases similar to Elandsfontein


Siyabonga Gama

Group Chief Executive:

Transnet SOC Ltd


09 March 2017 - NW367

Profile picture: Stander, Ms T

Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and (d) date on which each vehicle was purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) his deputy (aa) in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016?


(i) Late Minister Chabane.

  1. Make: Volkswagen
  2. Model: Touareg 3.0
  3. Price: R 755 720.82
  4. Purchased date: 25 July 2014

aa) None

aaa) 2014-15 Financial Year

bbb) None

bb) None

NB: Subsequently written off due to accident.

(i) Minister Ramatlhodi.

a) Make: Ford

b) Model: Everest 3.2D LTD 4X4 6At

c) Price: 714 500.40

d) Purchased date: 18 April 2016

aa) None

aaa) None

bbb) None

bb) 2016-17 Financial Year

(ii) Deputy Minister Dlodlo.

  1. Make: Audi
  2. Model: Audi A8 3.0 TDI QuatrroTip-tronic
  3. Price: 750 000.00
  4. Purchased order date: 02 June 2016

aa) None

aaa) None

bbb) None

bb) 2016-17 Financial Year

(ii) Deputy Minister Dlodlo.

  1. Make: Audi
  2. Model: Audi A7 Sportback3.0 TDI Tip-tronic
  3. Price: 735 700.00
  4. Purchased order date: 20 June 2016

aa) None

aaa) None

bbb) None

bb) 2016-17 Financial Year


08 March 2017 - NW200

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

With reference to the final report prepared by a certain person (name furnished) into the collapse of African Bank, entitled African Bank Limited: Investigation in terms of s69A of the Banks Act, 94 of 1990, which has been referred to the National Director of Public Prosecutions and his reply to question 1700 on 30 August 2016, what is the name of the prosecutor assigned to the matter; 2) whether the (a) perusal of the specified report has been finalised and/or (b) final report has been referred for further investigation; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the full details in each case?


1. The matter was assigned to a Senior State Advocate within the Special Commercial Crime Unit who was tasked with the review of the report.

2. (a) Yes,

  (b) The National Prosecuting Authority is currently preparing its own report based on the findings of the curator. It is this report which will indicate what the next course of action should be. It is not possible to say at this stage whether or not the matter will be referred for further investigation as that will be dependent on the recommendations to be made in the said report. The finalisation of the said report took extraordinarily long because the report of the curator is quite voluminous. However, the indications are that the report is reaching its final stages, and will be concluded within a short space of time.