Questions and Replies

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26 April 2022 - NW547

Profile picture: Mthenjane, Mr DF

Mthenjane, Mr DF to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

What has he found to be the difference between the spaza support programme run by the Small Enterprise Development Agency and the Small Enterprise Finance Agency, as compared to the spaza programme run by other private provincial organisations that have higher incentives than her department’s programme, which has a low uptake across the Republic?”


The Spaza Shop Support Programme as implemented by the Small Business Development Portfolio (the Department of Small Business Development [DSBD], the Small Enterprise Development Agency [Seda] and the Small Enterprise Finance Agency [sefa]) is linked to a broader process of value chain development within the retail space. This includes the concurrent linking up of beneficiaries with wholesalers, bulk buying arrangements done through Spaza Support Associations, access to SMME products at wholesalers by Spaza Shops through localisation efforts of the DSBD and its entities as well as the formalisation and strengthening of the spaza shops by working with municipalities and the banking sector.

The responsibility to implement the Spaza Shop Support Programme lies with the entities, while the DSBD co-designed the Programme with the entities it continues to monitor and review the programme to increase uptake. Anecdotal evidence gathered by the entities responsible for implementing the programme has indicated that the major difference between the DSBD programme and the programmes implemented by provincial departments centers on the following issue:

  • The funding structure employed by the provinces vs that employed by the DSBD: DSBD employs a blended finance model that incorporates an equal split between grant and loan funding whereas the provincial model is entirely grant funding.

Finally, the DSBD has facilitated the participation of relevant public sector and private sector role players in the development of spaza shops by providing access to the tools developed by these role players.



26 April 2022 - NW950

Profile picture: Abrahams, Ms ALA

Abrahams, Ms ALA to ask the Minister of Social Development

By what date will she provide replies to questions (a) 486, (b) 487 and (c) 488 published on 25 February 2022?


The honourable member is informed that question 486 was responded to and tabled on 04 April 2022 and questions 487 and 488 on 14 March 2022.


26 April 2022 - NW1085

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether her department will provide statistics on the total number of children who have survived abandonment annually since 2010; if not, why not; if so, what total number of such children (a) have been (i) reunited with family and (ii) adopted, (b) are still in institutions, temporary safe care and/or temporary foster care and in need of permanent family care and (c) are being added to the system annually?


(a) (i) The total number of children reunited with families is 565 with annual breakdown from the following provinces:





















(ii) There are 893 abandoned children that have been adopted.

These numbers are from the adoption register database with the following breakdown:


Number of adopted children

1 Apr 2010 to 31 Mar 2011


1 Apr 2011 to 31 Mar 2012


1 Apr 2012 to 31 Mar 2013


1 Apr 2013 to 31 Mar 2014


1 Apr 2014 to 31 Mar 2015


1 Apr 2015 to 31 Mar 2016


1 Apr 2016 to 31 Mar 2017


1 Apr 2017 to 31 Mar 2018


1 Apr 2018 to 31 Mar 2019


1 Apr 2019 to 31 Mar 2020


1 Apr 2020 to 31 Mar 2021




(b) The total number of children in Institutional care is 3 279 with provincial breakdown as follows:



Eastern Cape


Western Cape

1 594

KwaZulu Natal

1 129

Free State












Since 2010 there were 1 530 children in temporary safe care.

There is no provision of temporary foster care in the Children’s Act, 2005 (Act No 38 of 2005) only short term in accordance with section 159 and long-term placement in terms of section 186.

Since 2010 there are 507 adoptable children who survived abandonment and are in need of permanent family care. These figure is from the Register on Adoptable Children and Prospective Adoptive Parents (RACAP).

(c) The number of reported cases of abandoned children are added to the National Child Protection Register annually, with the following breakdown:


Number of abandoned children added on the CPR system

1 Apr 2010 to 31 Mar 2011


1 Apr 2011 to 31 Mar 2012


1 Apr 2012 to 31 Mar 2013


1 Apr 2013 to 31 Mar 2014


1 Apr 2014 to 31 Mar 2015


1 Apr 2015 to 31 Mar 2016


1 Apr 2016 to 31 Mar 2017


1 Apr 2017 to 31 Mar 2018


1 Apr 2018 to 31 Mar 2019


1 Apr 2019 to 31 Mar 2020


1 Apr 2020 to 31 Mar 2021




26 April 2022 - NW1051

Profile picture: Mathulelwa, Ms B

Mathulelwa, Ms B to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

What are the reasons for her failure to attend and account at meetings of the Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development in terms of her constitutional responsibility as set out in section 92(2) of the Constitution, 1996?


The Minister’s inability to attend some meetings of the Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development is primarily because the scheduled time for this Portfolio Committee is on Wednesdays at 09:30, which clashes with the Cabinet Committee Meetings or Cabinet Meetings which commence on Wednesdays at 08:30 until later in the day. HE President Ramaphosa, has directed that Ministers must prioritise Cabinet work, while at the same time impressed upon the Leader of Government Business in Parliament, HE Deputy President Mabuza to engage Parliament to endeavour to strike a balance between work of Parliament and Cabinet in so far as it relates to Ministers. It has also been resolved that Deputy Ministers need to attend the Portfolio Committee meetings where Ministers are expected to be in Cabinet.

The Minister will endeavour to avail herself to balance her accountability between Cabinet and Parliament as practical as possible.




25 April 2022 - NW1133

Profile picture: Mabika, Mr M

Mabika, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether she has been informed of the application to build a high school between Hlokohloko and Hlazane Primary Schools in the Umkhanyakude District Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal that was made by the community over a decade ago, because learners from the two primary schools still have to walk for over 10km to the nearby Vukani Bantwana and Esiphondweni High schools without any form of scholar transport; if not, will she intervene to solve the problem; if so, what are the relevant details?


The question falls within the purview of the Member of the Executive Council (MEC) for KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province. Attached please find response from KZN. 

25 April 2022 - NW1321

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)(a) What total number of officials in her department at the senior management level of (i) director, (ii) chief director and (iii) deputy director-general are on suspension, (b) how long has each specified official been on (i) paid and (ii) unpaid suspension and (c) what are the reasons for their suspension in each case; (2) whether each official is undergoing disciplinary hearings; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, on what date is it envisaged that each disciplinary hearing will be finalised?


A senior manager at the level of Chief Director is currently on precautionary suspension in the department. The official has been on suspension for a period of 212 days for allegations in relation to attack and assault of a fellow colleague. Disciplinary processes relating to this matter are at an advanced stage.

25 April 2022 - NW587

Profile picture: Jacobs, Mr F

Jacobs, Mr F to ask the Minister of Social Development

How (a) will the underpayment of provisional tax, including its penalty, be managed better regarding the Social Relief of Distress grant of R350,00 and (b) has its mismanagement further influenced possibilities for an increase by the National Treasury?


The matter in question relates to the competence of the Ministry of Finance and the Honourable Member is advised the question to the relevant Executive Authority.

25 April 2022 - NW955

Profile picture: Gondwe, Dr M

Gondwe, Dr M to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)What measures and/or interventions has her department put in place to ensure that appointments within the Public Service are based purely on merit and competency; (2) Whether the specified measures and/or interventions apply to the appointments of senior managers within the Public Service; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) & (2) The Public Service Act, 1994 and Public Service Regulations, 2016 requires that persons who are appointed in the Public Service must be fit and proper and further indicates that any person who is appointed must meet the inherent requirement of the job. In the making of any appointment in terms of section 9 of the Public Service Act, 1994, in the public service- (a) all persons who applied and qualify for the appointment concerned shall be considered; and (b) the evaluation of persons shall be based on training, skills, competence, knowledge and the need to redress, in accordance with the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act 55 of 1998), the imbalances of the past to achieve a public service broadly representative of the South African people, including representation according to race, gender and disability.

These legislative prescripts apply to all appointments in the Public Service which must be open, transparent and fair to all of those who apply. The intention is to seek the best person for the post within the context of the regulatory framework.

25 April 2022 - NW1320

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)Whether there is currently and/or has ever been research conducted by a certain company (name furnished) for the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what process was followed to appoint the specified company; (2) whether there were any terms of reference from SASSA in respect of the research undertaken by the company; if not, why not; if so, (a) will she furnish Ms B S Masango with a copy and (b)(i) how and (ii) by whom were the terms of reference approved?


1. SASSA and DSD officials have sat on and advised the steering committees which guides some of the work of FinMark Trust (FMT). FMT is a non-profit organisation (NPO) focused on making financial markets work for the poor in Southern Africa (SA). The NPO is financed from donor funding and conducts research work that the country as a whole, including SASSA, can benefit from. Some of the research they conduct include the following:

  • (i) FMT conducts an annual Finscope consumer survey in SA funded by the Banking and Insurance sectors, National Treasury, South African Reserve Bank and the Financial Sector Regulatory Authority. The results from the survey form part of the financial inclusion dialogue in SA and are presented to key stakeholders. The presentations to SASSA have happened regularly over the years at no cost to SASSA. FMT also publishes the results from these surveys on their website to make their results accessible.
  • (ii) FMT/United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) approached SASSA in 2018/2019 to conduct research on the SA Grant population to understand the need for digitisation of recipient payments, their requirements of financial literacy/education and to assess support for grant recipients to improve their capacity for livelihoods. The support was offered to SASSA at no cost and approved by the then Acting CEO. The scope of work was approved by, National Treasury, and Department of Social Development. Attached is the letter of support for the project which the then Acting CEO signed as well as the concept note for the projects which was formulated by both FMT and UNDP.

In 2020, SASSA approached the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for capacity building support on various areas including, improving customer experience and cost through improved digitisation, strategic communication, cyber security, data architecture, project management and gender integration (letter attached). After agreeing on the scope of work, the Gates Foundation using its own procurement processes secured the services of FMT to support SASSA in the aforementioned areas.


(a) Scope of work done is available and provided for in the attached documents.

(b i) The Memorandum of understanding (MoU) underscores the scope of work

ii) The MoU was signed by the current Chief Executive Officer of SASSA

25 April 2022 - NW1291

Profile picture: Abrahams, Ms ALA

Abrahams, Ms ALA to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)Whether, in light of the fact that her department utilised 2% of the Presidential Early Childhood Development Stimulus Relief Fund for administration fees, what (a) was the total amount from which the administration fees were deducted and (b) was the total amount of the administration fees in Rands; (2) whether second and third administration fees were charged in 2021 and 2022 respectively; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) was the value in Rands of the second and third administration fees, (b) is the breakdown of how the administration fees were utilised, (c) are the names of the service providers who were paid with the administration fees and (d) are the amount(s) paid to the specified service providers?


1. The amount was used for administration costs which may include administration fees, staff costs, travel costs required for administration of the grant by Provincial Departments of Social Development.

a) The total budget allocation for the Presidential ECD Stimulus Relief Fund was R496,250 for the 2020/21 financial year;

b) Of the total budget above, an amount of R6,409 million was budgeted for a once-off administration cost.

c) No, administration costs were charged as a once-off (refer to b). Of the budgeted administration costs, an amount of R1,282 million was spent as per the breakdown below:




Northern Cape

R 283 920-00

Advertising and Marketing

Western Cape

R 998 380-00

Service Providers staff cost and travel costs for site visits across the Province conducting second level verification of ECD facilities and practitioners


R1 282 300-00




Service Provider


Northern Cape

NCRF (National Community Radio Forum) Northern Cape

R283 920-00

Western Cape

Foundation for Community Work

R 998 380



R1 282 300

25 April 2022 - NW406

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

What contract management measures are in place in his department to ensure that contract periods and/or durations do not end before a new service provider is appointed?


In improving contract management at DCS, contract management at Department of Correctional Services, contract owners or End Users are reminded in writing twelve (12) months ahead and within six months another follow up is made in advance to ensure that contract periods or durations do not end before a new service provider is appointed.

In addition, this contract register also assist to indicate if the service provided is still required and what are the implications going forward.

The department also issued a directive that no extension of contract will be entered into as part of improving contract management and reducing irregular processes.


25 April 2022 - NW970

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What number of due diligence checks that were undertaken on behalf of the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) for recruitment purposes in the past 12 months have (a) been returned to the DPWI due to insufficient information, (b) not complied with the requirements of her department in terms of (i) structure, (ii) format and (iii) information and (c) been processed and finalised?


Section 3(7) of the Public Service Act, 1994 gives powers to Executive Authorities for purposes of recruitment. The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) however supports the Minister for the Public Service and Administration (MPSA) in the processing of Cabinet Memoranda for purposes of appointments of Directors-General and Deputy-Directors-General at National government. Insight is therefore only limited to the processing of such Cabinet Memoranda.

(a) & (b)(i)(ii)(ii) According to available records, the DPWI submitted six (6) Cabinet Memoranda, five (5) of which were referred back for additional information and to seek clarity pertaining to the adherence to the recruitment regulatory and legislative framework.

(c) Three (3) Cabinet Memoranda were tabled following clarity being sought from the DPSA. A total of three (3) Cabinet Memoranda are still receiving attention by the DPWI in order to clarify matters raised after, the DPSA provided guidance on how to properly apply the regulatory framework.

25 April 2022 - NW1236

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What steps will be taken by her department to speed up the filling of vacancies in the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training?




What steps will be taken by her department to speed up the filling of vacancies in the Council for Quality Assurance and Further Education and Training?

a) Umalusi has a total staff establishment of one hundred and thirty-eight (138) approved positions on the structure.

b) Of the one hundred, and thirty-eight (138) approved positions, one hundred and thirty (130) positions are filled.

c) The organisation currently has eight (8) vacancies, and seven (7) vacancies are in the process of being filled. One (1) vacancy will be filled after completing the infrastructure renovations later during the current financial year.

d) Due to the ever-increasing pressures in delivering a national mandate, there is a need to expand the Umalusi staff establishment. The organisation intends to submit a request to the Council during the current financial year to create additional posts, but the approval and filling of these posts will be considered within the limited budget allocation.

25 April 2022 - NW1322

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether there was an investigation into the cause of the irregular expenditure of approximately R12 million relating to the appointment of a company for communications and marketing; if not, why not, if so, what was the outcome?


According to available records, the Department of Social Development has not incurred any irregular expenditure relating to the appointment of a service provider/company for communications and marketing. I will appreciate it if the Honourable Member can furnish me with further details on the matter, including the financial year so I can provide the relevant information.

25 April 2022 - NW1426

Profile picture: Opperman, Ms G

Opperman, Ms G to ask the Minister of Social Development

What has he found to be the financial impact on (a) unmarried and (b) unemployed fathers for DNA testing to determine that they are the biological father?


There is currently no research findings on this matter and I would not want to speculate. However, it is important for the Honourable Member to note that Section 21(1)(b) of the Children’s Act (Act No.38 of 2005) provides, that an unmarried father of a child, regardless of whether he has lived or is living with the mother of the child, acquires full parental rights and responsibilities over the child if he –

(i) consents to be identified or successfully applies to in terms of section 26 to be identified as the child’s father or pays damages in terms of customary law;

(ii) contributes or has attempted in good faith to contribute to the child’s upbringing for a reasonable period; and

(iii) contributes or has attempted in good faith to contribute towards expenses in connection with the maintenance of the child for a reasonable period’.

Furthermore, the Act confirms in Section 36 a presumption in respect of a child born out of wedlock (parties who were not married to each other). The presumption is that the person whom had sexual intercourse with the mother at any time when that child could have been conceived will be presumed to be the biological father of the child in the absence of evidence to the contrary which raises reasonable doubt. The Act also states that as paternity is determined on a balance of probabilities, the man is not entitled to demand scientific proof and that in relevant instances, the court has the inherent power as upper guardian of all minor children to order such tests if it is in the best interests of the child.

25 April 2022 - NW714

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Mr M

Hlengwa, Mr M to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

In the light of the fact that she planned to use her participation in the High Level Segment of the 49th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, to launch South Africa’s campaign for membership of the Human Rights Council for the period 2023 – 2025, what are the (a) full details of and motivation for the campaign and (b) envisioned benefits for South Africa?


A reply to the above question should be understood in the proper context of, inter alia: our Constitution, our broad foreign policy objectives, and the values, principles and norms that guide South Africa’s relations with the world and engagement in the multilateral system, in this case, in the field of human rights in the UN Human Rights Council (HRC).

South Africa’s foreign policy and engagement with the world is guided by the supreme law of our land, the Constitution. Our Constitution states that the Bill of Rights is a “cornerstone of democracy in South Africa” and affirms the democratic values of human dignity, equality and freedom (section7(1) of the Constitution). Further, the Constitution places an obligation on the state to “respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights in the Bill of Rights.” (section 7(2) of the Constitution). It is important to note that the obligation on the state to “respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights in the Bill of Rights” is stated without limitation; that is, the obligation is not only limited to the actions, decisions and policies of the South African government in the domestic setting, but that this obligation rests on the South African government even when it acts beyond its territorial boundaries in the field of foreign policy.

One of the fundamental commitments we made, as the people of South Africa, when we adopted the Constitution as the supreme law of our land is that we shall “build a united and democratic South Africa able to take its rightful place as a sovereign [and responsible] state in the family of nations” (preamble to our Constitution). What that commitment means, is that, inter alia: (a) South Africa shall no longer be a pariah and rogue state in the eyes of the international community; (b) South Africa shall be a cooperative member of the family of nations and shall be willing to be bound by and respect the rule of international law; (c) South Africa will play a constructive role in international politics and will put its shoulder to the wheel and help develop the kind of norms, standards and values at the multilateral level (in this case, in the field of human rights) that will foster respect for human dignity, promotion of human rights, and ending racial discrimination and all forms of intolerance; and (d) South Africa shall no longer use its sovereignty to violate international law (international human rights law, international humanitarian law, and the international law of protection).

South Africa’s aspiration for membership of the HRC is inspired by the above considerations and strategic objectives. Our desire to go back into the HRC is also informed by our national interest as articulated in important policy frameworks of our government, including the National Development Plan (NDP), specifically, chapter 7 (“positioning South Africa in the world.”) as well as the commitments contained in the African Agenda 2063 (the Africa we want). South Africa is an important so-called middle power. We don’t use economic dominance of military might to pursue our national interests. We depend on the institutions of global governance to do this.. Hence the importance of our role in the Council.

The field of human rights is a highly contested area at the multilateral level, in this case, in the HRC. For instance, there are some countries that argue that the only human rights that matter, and therefore worthy of protection, are the so-called civil and political rights (eg freedom of speech, the press, right to vote, etc.); and that other rights, known as economic, social and cultural rights (eg right to adequate housing, right to nutrition, right to a clean environment, right to development, etc.) cannot be given the same treatment since these rights are said to be ‘non-justiciable.’ These socio-economic rights are justiciable in the South African Constitution and South Africa is in the forefront of working towards the elimination of the false dichotomy between ‘development’ and democracy.

The HRC is an important multilateral arena where South Africa can “take its rightful place as a sovereign [and responsible] state” and pursue its foreign policy objectives and promote its values. This is where South Africa can play a constructive and meaningful role and promote international cooperation and multilateralism in the field of human rights. The HRC will provide a platform for South Africa to participate in the development of norms and standards in the field of human rights that will foster the promotion, protection and practical realisation/enjoyment of all human rights by all people across the world. Given our commitment to multilateralism, our presence in the HRC will provide space to push for the transformation of the global system of governance from the power-based system to a rules-based system and to enhance the efforts to create a just and equitable global order. Thus, the HRC constitutes an important terrain within which to pursue South Africa’s national interests and to influence the future direction of the global system of governance.

In summary, the main aim of South Africa’s campaign for election into the HRC is to achieve the following foreign policy goals: (a) to pursue our national interest; (b) to promote our values, (c) to contribute to the development of a rules-based system of interstate relations (multilateralism); and (d) to help create a global environment that is conducive to peace, development, respect for the rule of international law, advancement of human rights and freedoms, and the development of Africa.

In the HRC, South Africa will focus on thematic areas that resonate with our priorities such as (a) advancement, promotion, protection and practical enjoyment of human rights (including the rights of women, children and persons with disabilities); (b) elimination of gender based violence; (c) addressing socio-economic inequalities, (d) combating racism and racial discrimination; and (e) protection of the rights of migrants, refugees, children, and other persons of concern as well promoting access to the right of everyone to the highest standards of physical and mental health, including access to medicines and vaccines.

South Africa’s tenure in the Human Rights Council (2023-2025) will also focus on the full and effective implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action as a component of global efforts towards the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. To this end, South Africa will continue to (a) take a lead on the implementation and follow-up to the programme of activities of the Decade of People of African Descent (2015-2024); (b) support the activities and programmes of the newly established Forum on People of African Descent; and (c) ensure that the aims, objectives and mandate of the DDPA are realised. South Africa will also play a key role in the processes to start negotiations on the Declaration on the rights of people of African descent.

The HRC is set to be “reviewed” during the period 2021-2026. Although the fullest terms of this “review” have not yet been defined, it is anticipated – based on the views of other countries, particularly the western countries – that the latter countries will push for far-reaching changes to the mandate of the HRC and seek to eliminate some of the items that are currently on the agenda of the Council. For instance, the US has already nailed its colours to the mast by publicly indicating that Washington will seek to eliminate the item (item number 7) on the agenda of the Council that deals with the question of Palestine and other occupied Arab territories as well as the question of racism (item number 9). As far as South Africa is concerned, the “review” of the HRC should aim to preserve the mandate of the Council and keep intact the items dealing with the question of Palestine and racism and other forms of intolerance. It would be important therefore that South Africa is present in the Council to fight for these objectives. The anti-racism agenda is an important flagship programme for South Africa given the responsibility we have in this regard following the outcomes of the 2001 Durban World Conference Against Racism. Any attempts by other countries to delete this important agenda from the agenda of an important institution such as the HRC should be resisted. At the time when racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance are raising their ugly heads, all efforts should be made to ensure that the international community is focused and committed to joining the fight to rid the world of these scourges. South Africa needs to be in the Council to champion this fight.

25 April 2022 - NW783

Profile picture: Nodada, Mr BB

Nodada, Mr BB to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What number of (a) learners and (b) teachers (i) were injured and (ii) have died of unnatural causes on school premises in the (aa) 2017, (bb) 2018, (cc) 2019, (dd) 2020 and (ee) 2021 academic years?


The information has been sourced from provincial education departments (PEDs) and will be provided once received from the PEDs.

25 April 2022 - NW423

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether her department intends to deploy any naval support to the coast of Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, in order to support efforts by the SA National Defence Force in combating insurgents linked to the Islamist State; if not, what steps are being taken by her department to interdict seaborne supplies to the insurgents; if so, what are the relevant details regarding the deployment?


Attached find here: Reply

25 April 2022 - NW898

Profile picture: Msimang, Prof CT

Msimang, Prof CT to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

In view of section 31BB of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), Act 107 of 1998, which empowers him to designate persons as environmental mineral resource inspectors to monitor compliance of NEMA, as of 1 March 2022, what (a) total number of environmental mineral resource inspectors are currently employed by his department, (b) is the total breakdown of the inspectors in each province, (c) specific factors are taken into consideration to determine the number of environmental mineral resource inspectors required in each province and (d) prescribed standards are in place to ensure that the monitoring and compliance functions fulfilled by the environmental mineral resource inspectors give effect to NEMA?


(a) Total number of environmental inspectors is 94

(b) The breakdown in respect of Environmental Mineral Resource (EMRIs) in each province is as follows:

No. Seq




Head Office












Northern Cape



Free State



KwaZulu Natal






Western Cape



Eastern Cape


(c) A number of dynamics are taken into consideration when Inspectors are assigned with the functions and responsibilities, which may amongst others include the Inspectors capacity (skills and experience) required to perform functions relating to the dynamics of such a province’. The environmental challenges and dynamics of a particular Region/Province would also form the basis of the capacity required to deal with such.

(d) All the EMRIs have undergone the necessary training by an assigned Institution with more focus on the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998). The training largely revolves around the functions they need to perform as per the relevant legislation, primarily being NEMA. All the Performance standards set for the inspectors in this regard revolve around NEMA. The adherence to the standards in this regard are duly monitored by their managers and supervisors who are graded as Grade 1 EMRIs.


25 April 2022 - NW1109

Profile picture: Gondwe, Dr M

Gondwe, Dr M to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)What is the progress of each investigation and/or disciplinary hearing for public servants who fraudulently applied for the R350 Social Relief of Distress grant; (2) Whether any of the public servants who are currently being investigated and/or facing a disciplinary hearing have offered to pay back the money that they have received; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) What will be the consequences for those public servants who are found to have unlawfully applied for and/or received the R350 grant?


1. The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) received files of 154 public servants who are alleged to have fraudulently applied for the R350 grant from the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) on 11 March 2022. The DPSA has requested SASSA to assist with the drafting of charges before engaging the affected departments. The Fusion Centre met on the 25th March 2022, where the DPSA put the matter on the agenda for discussion. The meeting resolved that the DPSA should continue with the distribution of these files to the affected departments without the draft charges. Once the files are distributed, the DPSA will continue monitoring progress in the disciplinary proceedings as discipline management is a decentralised function.

2. The DPSA has not received any information regarding public servants who are currently being investigated and/or facing a disciplinary hearing. The DPSA believes that all public funds that accrue wrongly to anyone should be recovered.

3. The DPSA views these as serious allegations and anticipates that the affected departments will be calling for the maximum allowable sanction allowable in the disciplinary code. However, the DPSA cannot pre-empt the outcome of disciplinary hearings as each case is dealt on its merit.

25 April 2022 - NW191

Profile picture: Lorimer, Mr JR

Lorimer, Mr JR to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(a) What number of supplier invoices currently remain unpaid by (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him for more than (aa) 30 days, (bb) 60 days, (cc) 90 days and (dd) 120 days, (b) what is the total amount outstanding in each case and (c) by what date is it envisaged that the outstanding amounts will be settled?


a) For the period ending 31 January 2022, the analysis for the unpaid invoices of more than 30 days was as follows:

  1. (aa) >30 days
  1. (bb) >60 days

(i)(cc) > 90 days

(i)(dd)>120 days and above

No.of invoices

Total Value

No.of invoices

Total Value

No.of Invoices

Total Value

No.of Invoices

Total Value

3 205

R15 193 370.14


R3 474 541.90


R3 014 842.40

2 507

R4 770 030.52

( c) It is envisaged that by the end of March 2022 the above-mentioned outstanding invoices would be paid.


25 April 2022 - NW27

Profile picture: Msimang, Prof CT

Msimang, Prof CT to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

Given that in January 2022, there were alarming reports that five offenders attacked correctional services officials at the Mthatha Correctional Centre in the Eastern Cape, what is the latest progress on the internal investigations into the matter; (2) Whether any official reports have been submitted to him and/or his department; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what action will he take to increase security measures at the specified correctional centre.


  1. A security incident was reported, the investigation has been completed and submitted to the delegated authority. The recommendations of the report were approved and are currently in implementation. Furthermore, a criminal case has been reported to the Police (SAPS case number 155/1/2022)
  2. Yes, a report was submitted. The centre has been stabilized and the 9four perpetrators identified in the incident have been subjected to disciplinary processes as prescribed. In addition, the offenders have been reclassified as high risk and transferred to an appropriate facility. The Emergency Support Team (EST) has been deployed to augment security in the Management Area. In addition, the Management Area is implementing an action plan to eliminate contrabands from entering the centre.





To maintain a secure and safe environment that is conducive to the rehabilitation of inmates and the attendance of remand detainees in court processes.

Working with Intelligence Agencies

  • Collaborate with Intelligence agencies i.e., Secret Security Agency (SSA), South African Police Services (SAPS), Crime Intelligence, South African National Defence Force Intelligence;
  • Information sharing and actions to be taken on High Risk offenders, officials, members of the community and illegal activities taking place inside and outside correctional facilities.

Vetting and Screening of all Officials

  • All Officials to undergo vetting / screening

Profiling of Gang members

  • Photos are taken of all the tattoos on the offenders’ body. (Upper and Lower body);
  • Record all additions and changes to profiled tattoos with regular intervals/ as soon as it becomes known;
  • Utilisation of community profiling information;
  • Previous history of offences;
  • Maintenance of Electronics Record Systems for easy reference;
  • Track and trace including monitoring of re-offending patterns.

Management of Security Information

  • Identify gang members and high risk inmates upon admission. All warrants (J7) and relevant documents are screened upon admission;
  • All cases of intimidation/threats must be registered with the Head of Correctional Centre (HCC);
  • HCC must liaise with Area Commissioner and external law enforcement agencies such as the SAPS and SSA in cases of intimidation and threats;
  • Identified high risk inmates (syndicates/organised crime and high risk awaiting trials) should be transferred to Correctional Centres away from their power base.

Establishment of Security Committees

  • Committees have been established in order to effectively manage security activities in centres such as searching, segregation of offenders, discipline, etc. Hold monthly meetings to analyse incidents, security breaches and compliance to security protocol.

To facilitate the combatting approach to prevent ,reduce and eradicate disruptive groups (e.g. gangs) on the Management of Correctional Centres;

Interventions to discourage Gangsterism

  • Offenders that divulge security information leading to positive results are rewarded in line with Special Remission policy;
  • Disciplinary actions are taken against gang members and Staff for involvement in gang activities;
  • Criminal activities reported to law enforcement agencies;
  • Develop an Information gathering and processing capacity in order to implement a “Virtual Analytics environment “ linking collectors, exploiters , analysts, and stakeholders electronically , to improve its responsive to and the management of gangs.

Development and Implementation of an Information Management


To enable inter-sectorial co-operation (i.e. government and civil society) to promote Correctional Centre and Community safety

Establish Inter-Sectorial forums to promote Correctional Centre and community safety

  • Regular meetings between Head of Centres and Law Enforcement Agencies
  • DCS Management and officials participate in the following structures:
  • Provincial Joint Operational And Intelligence Structure (PROVJOINTS), National Joint Operational And Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS), National Intelligence Coordinating Committee (NICOC), Anti-Gang Unit (AGU), Community Forums, Special Operations, etc.
  • Educate learners at Schools and Community members about the danger of engaging in Gang activities
  • Educate and train officials on how to infiltrate gang operations

To address the potential negative effects of incarceration;

Interventions to discourage Gangsterism:

• Inmates that divulge security information leading to positive results are rewarded in line with Special Remission policy;

• Disciplinary actions are taken against gang members and Staff for involvement in gang activities;

• Criminal activities reported to law enforcement agencies;


Development and Implementation of an Information Management System

  • Develop Information gathering and processing capacity in order to implement a “Virtual Analytics Environment “ linking collectors, exploiters , analysts, and stakeholders electronically , to improve responsiveness to the management of gangs .

To address the potential negative effects of incarceration;

Effective orientation of inmates on admission and during incarceration;

  • An orientation/ Information manual is availed to all offenders upon admission and during Case Management Committee processes (CMC);
  • Orientate all Remand Detainees on admission;
  • All inmates are informed of Unit rules upon admission and continuously thereafter;
  • All inmates are sensitised to the threats of Gangsterism on a continuous basis;
  • Implementation of Integrated Inmates Management System (IIMS).

To develop and build knowledge about Gangs and effective response in Gang Management to inform, review and monitor / improve strategies

Ongoing Research to improve knowledge on Gangs and other disruptive inmates groups and creating safer correctional centers

  • Department is currently in negotiation with Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) to sign an MoU to assist with research on various topics of which gangsterism is included.

Mitigation of gang activities

  • The process of training officials on basic intelligence and information gathering is underway;
  • Ensure separation of inmates involved in gang activities from the rest of inmate population, vulnerable inmates, first time offenders and offenders with further charges.


25 April 2022 - NW1002

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

With reference to his reply to question 3 on 2 March 2022 that he occasionally approves the temporary recruitment of specialists by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), specifically persons with suitable qualifications and experience, in terms of section 38 of the NPA Act, Act 32 of 1998, (a) who are the persons with whom agreements in terms of section 38 of the NPA Act are currently in place and (b) what are the details of the specific cases in which the aforesaid persons have been engaged to perform duties and functions for the NPA?


a)  The details of the persons with whom the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has entered into agreements in terms of section 38 of the NPA Act are as follows:

1. Adv. Z Matebese, SC has been appointed to prosecute in the matter of State versus R Mkhwebane, which is a perjury case against the Public Protector opened as per Hillbrow CAS 536/08/2019. The perjury charges are based on the adverse factual findings by the Constitutional Court relating to the honesty and integrity of the Public Protector as per Public Protector v South African Reserve Bank (CCT 107/2018) 2019 (6) SA 253 (CC). At the heart of the allegations against the accused, is the false statements she made regarding the purpose of the meeting she had with Presidency on 7 June 2017, and the discussions she had with the Presidency regarding the remedial action in her final report in respect of an investigation into loan funds made available by the South African Reserve Bank to an entity called Bankorp Ltd, which was later taken over by Absa Bank Ltd. The matter is of a high-profile nature and involved an important Chapter 9 institution.

2. Adv. Nazir Cassim, SC, Adv. Sandra Freese and Av Thabile Ngubeni have been appointed in respect of a High Court Case in Bloemfontein re State versus N Mokhesi and 15 Others (Case Number 45/2021). The accused, during pre-trial proceedings, gave the State notice of their intention to file certain motion applications on various issues, including but not limited to inter alia that the evidence before the Zondo Commission be excluded in the criminal trial, as well as an application pertaining to the applicability of sections 27 and 34 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004, and allegations in respect of the infringement of various rights of the accused. The accused referred to allegations of impropriety on the part of the State and National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), including Senior State Advocate De Nysschen and the investigation team. The aforementioned counsel had dealt with similar applications for the State. They were appointed to provide services for the duration of the criminal proceedings under the aforesaid case number and any other related matters and appeal processes that may arise out of the criminal proceedings against the accused.

3. Adv. Izak Pansegrouw has been appointed in respect of a High Court Case in Johannesburg regarding the State v Sylla Moussa. The case emanates from the former DSO where advocates James De Villiers and Pansegrouw were seized with the matter. Both have since resigned. The accused is a Guinean national who, during June 2006, was charged with sixteen (16) counts of fraud, alternatively, three (3) counts of theft and three (3) counts of money laundering in terms of the provisions of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA), Act 121 of 1998.

The prosecution of Mr Sylla Moussa is the second longest outstanding matter on the High Court roll in Johannesburg. The matter has been dragging for more than twelve (12) years due to various and incessant interlocutory applications brought by the accused. The Judge President of Gauteng, Honourable Justice Mlambo has already on numerous occasions expressed his concern and displeasure with the apparent problems finalising the matter. He has already allocated a specific Judge to case manage the matter.

This is a very complex fraud matter and voluminous in nature. The preamble of the indictment reflects the following: The accused was in control of two (2) accounts held by corporate entities with ABSA bank. The said accounts were labeled “credit accounts” and bore no-risk status, which meant that the accused could immediately make withdrawals against cheque deposits made into the account. Electronic transfers can only be made from such an account if sufficient funds exist in that account, even if only by way of cheque deposits. The accused allegedly conducted “cross fire fraud” which is described in the preamble to the indictment as follows:

a) No value cheques or cheques of insufficient value (“facilitation cheques”) would be deposited into the beneficiary bank account at ABSA and drawn against the drawer’s account at ABSA.

b) The lack of funds in the drawer’s account to support the amount depicted as per face value of the facilitation cheques, resulted in an artificial credit being created in the beneficiary bank account.

c) The drawing and deposit of the facilitation cheques would be recorded as debit and credit entries respectively. The balances and credits recorded on the respective bank statements of the beneficiary and drawer bank account would therefore not be representative of the genuine or underlying funds created by such transactions, but would be artificial and designed to mislead Absa into accepting that the accused or the corporate entities were conducting bona fide transactions or were involved in genuine and bona fide arm’s length business transactions while they were not.

4. Adv. Wim Trengove, SC, Adv. Andrew Breitenbach, SC,Adv Hephzibah Rajah and Adv. Ncumisa Mayosi were appointed in respect of STATE VERSUS JACOB G ZUMA AND THALES SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD (CASE NUMBER CCD 30/2018) in the KZN High Court. The accused (Mr. JG Zuma) had on the first day of the criminal trial on 17 May 2021, given the State formal notice of his intention to file a special plea in terms of section 106(1)(h) of the CPA and section 35(3) of the Constitution, Act 108 of 1996, wherein he would seek a recusal of the lead prosecutor, Adv. Billy Downer, SC. In the light of the accused attack under oath against Adv. Downer personally, the latter had to file an answer on behalf of the State under oath. Counsel were required to settle such an answer and to argue the matter before the criminal court, as Adv. Downer would be disqualified from doing so himself. A substantial part of these allegations in the accused affidavit were strikingly similar to the allegations which Zuma made in his permanent stay application previously before court. The full court had either found the allegations to be without foundation or struck out the scandalous and vexatious allegations, including those against Adv. Downer personally, in the permanent stay ruling handed down on 11 October 2019. The counsel previously engaged, namely: Adv. Wim Trengove, SC, Adv. Andrew Breitenbach, SC, Adv. Hephzibah Rajah and Adv. Ncumisa Mayosi, had all worked on the preparation, drafting and arguing of the permanent stay application against Mr Zuma. They accordingly had an in-depth knowledge of the history of this matter and the relevant arguments he advanced in his special plea.

5. Adv. C.J Mouton SC, Adv. G Wolmarans and Adv. Chuma Mcoseli were appointed in respect of THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS GRAHAMSTOWN VERSUS TIMOTHY OMOTOSO & OTHERS in the Eastern Cape High Court.

The accused in the aforementioned matter stands before Court on the following charges:

a) COUNT 1

Managing an enterprise conducted though a pattern of racketeering activity (contravention of section 2 (1) (f) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 as amended)

b) COUNT 2

Participating in the conduct of an enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity (contravening section 2(1)(e) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 as amended)

c) COUNT 3, 5, 9, 14, 16, 20, 23, 26, 30, 33, 35, 38, 41, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 54, 56, 57, 60 and 62

Trafficking in persons for sexual purposes (contravening section 71 (1) of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007 as amended).

Alternatively, Involvement in Trafficking in persons for sexual purposes (contravening section 71(2) of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007 as amended).

4) COUNT 4, 7, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 32, 37, 40, 43, 44, 52, 53 and 59

Rape (contravening section 3 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007 as amended)

5) COUNT 6, 10, 13, 17, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 36, 47, 50, 55, 58, 61 and 63

Sexual assault (contravening section 5(1) of Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007 as amended)

On 28 April 2021, the Defence filed an application in the Eastern Cape High Court for an order to declare a “mistrial” in the matter. When the Defence brought the said application, it became apparent that the allegations levelled against the prosecution team were quite serious and it became impossible for the State’s advocates seized with the criminal prosecution to continue dealing with the application in Court. In the circumstances, an application was made to the Honourable Minister of Justice and Correctional Services to approve the appointment of Adv. C.J Mouton SC, Adv. G Wolmarans and Adv. Chuma Mcoseli in terms of section 38(1) of the NPA Act 32 of 1998, since a determination had already been made that the matter should be opposed. The aforesaid section 38 Counsels have thus been appointed on behalf of the State to appear and argue the “mistrial” application.


The accused in the aforesaid matter are being prosecuted on a charge of arson, two (2) counts of murder and two (2) counts of attempted murder. Adv. Glenn Gregory Turner is prosecuting the matter. Adv. Turner has been on contract as a Senior State Advocate stationed at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Grahamstown. He was a member of the NPA for approximately 40 years. When his contract with the NPA expired on 30 June 2021, Adv. Turner requested his supervisor to complete the aforesaid matter, which at that stage was partly heard, in order to avoid inconvenience and costs.


Adv. Greef was a Senior State Advocate attached to the Organised Crime Component, Durban. The aforesaid officer retired from the NPA with effect from 1 April 2021. She however declared to her supervisor willingness to return to complete the aforesaid matter without remuneration. The trial has been proceeding since April 2019, and the matter could not be finalised by the time Adv. Greef retired due to Covid-19 crisis.

The DPP held a view that it is in the interest of justice and expedient for Adv. Greef to continue prosecuting the matter, as she has been involved in the matter since its inception, and was au fair with all the challenges involved in the matter. The appointment of another prosecutor to continue with the matter would have potentially delayed the matter further, and involved unwarranted costs to the NPA.

  1. The table below provides details of specific cases the aforementioned persons have been engaged to perform duties and functions for the NPA:

Name of Supplier

Business Unit

Description of Service

Ministerial Approval date


Adv. Nazeer Ahmed Cassim, SC


Estina Dairy Farm

19 May 2020

R3 000/h

Adv. Isak Zirk Pansegrouw

DPP Gauteng South

State v Sylla Moussa

21 May 2020

R1 800/h

Adv. Wendy Greeff


State v Xolani Zungu and 3 others

31 Mar 2021


Adv. Zinzile Zandisile Matebese, SC


State v Busisiwe Mkhwebane

13 Apr 2021

R2 350/h

Adv. Glenn Gregory Turner

DPP Grahamstown

State v Clifford Bishop and 2 others

06 Sep 2021


Adv. Andrew M Breitenbach, SC


State v J Zuma and Thales South Africa

24 May 2021

R3 600/h

Adv. Ncumisa Mayosi


State v J Zuma and Thales South Africa

24 May 2021

R1 900/h

Adv. Hephzibah Rajah


State v J Zuma and Thales South Africa

24 May 2021


Adv. Wim Trengove


State v J Zuma and Thales South Africa

24 May 2021

R4 800/h

Adv. Christiaan Johannes Mouton, SC

DDPP Port Elizabeth

State v Timothy Omotoso and others

31 May 2021

R3 200/h

Adv. Chuma Emily Mcoseli

DDPP Port Elizabeth

State v Timothy Omotoso and others

31 May 2021


Adv. G Wolmarans

DDPP Port Elizabeth

State v Timothy Omotoso and others

31 May 2021

R2 200/h

Adv. Nazeer Ahmed Cassim, SC

DPP Bloemfontein

State v N Mokhesi and 15 others (Asbestos)

17 December 2021


Adv. Sandra Freese

DPP Bloemfontein

State v N Mokhesi and 15 others (Asbestos)

17 December 2021


Adv. Thabile Ngubeni

DPP Bloemfontein

State v N Mokhesi and 15 others (Asbestos)

17 December 2021


25 April 2022 - NW924

Profile picture: Denner, Ms H

Denner, Ms H to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

With regard to the Government’s efforts to curb and eradicate gender-based violence in our society, what total number of (a) sexual offences courts have been fully established and are functioning throughout the Republic and (b) magistrates have been dedicated to such courts; (2) what total number of (a) cases have been brought before the dedicated courts and (b) the specified cases (i) have resulted in successful convictions and/or (ii) are still pending; (3) what (a) total number of offenders who have been found guilty were sentenced to imprisonment and (b) were the (i) minimum and (ii) maximum sentences handed down by the dedicated courts?


(1)(a) From August 2013 up to 7 February 2020, the Department upgraded 106 courts into sexual offences courts in line with the MATTSO[1] Sexual Offences Courts (SOC) Model. Pursuant to the promulgation of section 55A of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007) (the Act), these courts are now referred to as the MATTSO courts.

On 7 February 2020, section 55A of the Act was promulgated into law to introduce the statutory sexual offences courts that must be established and resourced in line with the Regulations relating to Sexual Offences Courts. The Department is in the process of converting the MATTSO courts into the section 55A sexual offences courts. However, this does mean that the MATTSO courts ceased to function, as section 55A (5) of the Act empowers the MATTSO courts and the rest of the courts for the regional divisions to deal with sexual offences matters, even though they are not established as the sexual offences courts yet.

On 30 March 2022, the Minister received a letter of concurrence from the Acting Chief Justice to designate courts where the section 55A sexual offences courts must be established. With this progress at hand, it is therefore anticipated that the first batch of these courts will be released in the next financial year (2022/23).

(b) As indicated in paragraph (1)(a) above, at present only the MATTSO courts are prioritising the adjudication sexual offences matters until the establishment of the section 55A sexual offences courts. The Department is unable to provide the exact number of magistrates dedicated to the MATTSO courts, as the allocation of such presiding magistrates falls under the purview of the administrative functions of the head of each regional division (referred to as the Regional Court President). In seeking to formalise the execution of this judicial function per regional division, section 55A (7) of the Act requires the head of each regional division to issue directives with the purpose of ensuring that sexual offences matters receive priority at each sexual offences court. It is therefore expected that the Regional Court Presidents will issue these directives upon the establishment of the section 55A sexual offences courts planned for the 2022/23 financial year.

(2) During the period 1 April 2021 to 28 February 2022, the 106 MATTSO courts registered the following cases according to the following metrics:

Reply to Question (2)(a)

Reply to Question (2)(b)(ii)


No. of MATTSO Courts

Total No. of new cases registered

Total No. Pending cases

Eastern Cape




Free State




















Northern Cape




North West




Western Cape






2 722

4 986

(2)(b)(i) During the period 1 April 2021 to 28 February 2022, the NPA reported cases of sexual offences finalised with conviction as follows:


Total No of cases finalised with a verdict

Total No of Cases finalised with a Conviction

Percentage of Conviction

All provinces

4 040

3 008


Courts attached to the 55 TCCs

1 190



3. The Department is currently not collecting statistics according to the types of sentence imposed on convicted sex offenders, and this includes sentences imposed in terms of the minimum sentencing legislation referred to as the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1997 (Act 105 of 1997). However, the correction of this matter is already receiving attention. In January 2022, the Department established a Task Team constituted by statisticians, gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF) specialists and the system developers drawn from DoJ&CD, NPA, Legal Aid South Africa, the Integrated Justice System (IJS) and the judiciary to address gaps in the current data metrics of the Integrated Case Management System (ICMS): Criminal and to align this data repository to the new changes introduced by the recent 3 GBV Amendment Acts of 2021. The upgrading of the ICMS: Criminal will unfold in a phase-in approach which gives priority to the inclusion of the additional data metrics on sentencing, as part of Phase 1. The latter Phase is expected to be finalised in 2022/23 financial year.

While the Department’s ICMS upgrade is in progress, the NPA is collecting statistics on the imprisonment sentences imposed on convicted sex offenders, but in a limited scale. During the period 1 April 2021 to 28 February 2022, the NPA reported that the 55 Thuthuzela Care Centres (TCCs) recorded the following breakdown of sentences imposed exclusively on convicted rape offenders:


Type of Sentence



Life imprisonment



20-25 years imprisonment



10-19 years imprisonment


Please note that these statistics do not give the complete performance of all courts in the country, as it is limited only to those courts that are linked to the 55 TCCs.

  1. Ministerial Advisory Task Team on the Adjudication of Sexual Offences Matters

25 April 2022 - NW1023

Profile picture: Ngcobo, Mr SL

Ngcobo, Mr SL to ask the Deputy President

Whether, as the Patron of the Moral Regeneration Movement, he has any plans to intervene in instances of violence and substance abuse in our schools in order to restore values and morals among our youth; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Moral Regeneration Movement notes the incidents of violence and substance abuse in schools which involves, amongst others, sexual abuse, allegations of racism, bullying, drugs and alcohol abuse amongst learners. The apex of these being murders amongst learners.

The Moral Regeneration Movement continues to intervene to address these ills in our schools and communities. The Moral Regeneration Movement has engaged and encouraged public, private, religious, Traditional and Inter-Faith Leaders, civil society formations, and other stakeholders to partner in adopting prioritised school project. It has further engaged and partnered with the Department of Basic Education in incorporating the Moral Regeneration Movement’s Charter of Positive Values, and other moral renewal programmes as part of the curriculum.

In this regard, the Moral Regeneration Movement is committed to:

  • Develop programmes which are inclusive of ethical, and values driven leadership in schools and communities
  • Promoting school safety in partnership with Department of Basic Education and South African Police Service.
  • Empowering community leaders and structures to address social issues facing school and communities, in particular, to eradicate racism and xenophobia in schools and communities.

In promoting the Charter of Positive Values and the Bill of Rights in places of learning, workplaces and communities, the Moral Regeneration Movement view morals as societal, and transcend community confines, hence it has developed a programme to promote ethical leadership across society. This programme has footprints in workplaces and institutions of higher learning to:

  • Develop ethical and values driven leadership in institutions of higher learning and communities
  • Have each university to adopt the charter of positive values
  • Develop and nurture ethical leadership in student leaders
  • Address social ills facing institutions of higher learning
  • Create platforms for ongoing conversation on the values and ethics that student leaders should aspire towards.

The Ethical Leadership Project further seeks to support leaders, educators and communities to set up mechanisms, and systems that will promote ethical leadership, re-instate discipline in our schools, and foster a sense of accountability towards a moral and ethical society for the common good, and to address the abuse children in our schools in order to restore values and morals among the youth.

- END -

25 April 2022 - NW773

Profile picture: Opperman, Ms G

Opperman, Ms G to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What total number of girls between the ages of 9 and 18 years have been sexually assaulted at schools in the past five years and (b) in which area and/or province has this been most prevalent?


The Department of Basic Education does not keep statistical information on sexual assault nationally. This information resides with Provincial Education Departments. However, as the Department is building the South African Schools Administration and Management System, this element is accommodated in the plans. It is advised that the Honourable Member obtains the information directly from provinces.

25 April 2022 - NW610

Profile picture: Mokgotho, Ms SM

Mokgotho, Ms SM to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

By what date will the Reconstruction and Development Programme houses in ward 6 in Mamusa Local Municipality that were started in 2015, but left incomplete be completed?


According to the response received from the Provincial Department of Human Settlements, It is anticipated that the houses will be concluded by 31 December 2022. However, it must be mentioned that since the inception of the project, two contractors have been appointed, one in 2015 and the second one in 2017, both abandoned the project. The project currently has the following milestones:

  • 121 Foundations,
  • 79 Wall plates and
  • 10 Completed units

The Department has since allocated its internal Inspectors, NHBRC, and the Planning Unit through the assistance and appointment of a Quantity Surveyor to further ascertain the milestones on the ground and determine the costs before the appointment of another contractor.

25 April 2022 - NW1184

Profile picture: Tito, Ms LF

Tito, Ms LF to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)       What are the reasons that her department is planning to close the Mhlangazane Primary School in Ward 9 in the Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality; (2) whether her department has consulted the community on the decision; if not, why not; if so, what are the views of the community on the closure of the school?


1. Mhlanagazane Primary School had only 83 learners by the end of 2021.

  • It is classified as a small and non-viable school in terms of the Government Notice No. 37081 on minimum uniform norms and standards for public school infrastructure.
  • It is planned to be merged with Phumelele Primary School for quality teaching and learning and maximum use of resources to the benefit of all learners. The merger and closure will be as per sections 12A and 33 of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996, as amended.

(2)       whether her department has consulted the community on the decision; if not, why not; if so, what are the views of the community on the closure of the school?           


         Mhlanagazane consultations:

There were a number of consultations that were done for the closure of Mhlangazane Primary and its merger with Phumelele Primary. There were consultations on the following dates:

11 June 2019; 19 June 2019; 9 September 2019; and 7th June 2021 (Parents meetings).

  • Views of the community

The Chief of Esandleni and some members of the community mentioned that the school is the only Government structure available in the area and on those grounds, they wanted the school not to be closed or merged with Phumelele Primary.

Other members of the community who are in support of the closure and merger of Mhlangazane with Phumelele Primary schools have since removed their children and registered them at Phumelele.

As it stands, there is no likelihood that learner enrolment at Mhlangazane Primary will increase. Under such circumstances, the school will forever have the challenge of not receiving effective teaching and learning.

25 April 2022 - NW1087

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)Noting that many children’s homes have announced that they have matched children to adoptive parents, but that they are waiting for her department to confirm the placements before the specified children can go to their new homes, what (a) are the full, relevant details of the total number of placements that her department is currently processing and (b) is the reason for the backlog; (2) whether her department has any action plan to speed-up the placement issue; if not, why not; if so, what is the (a) timeline and (b) action plan for the resolution of the specified issue?


It is important for the Honourable Member to note that adoption is regulated in terms of the Children’s Act (Act No. 38 of 2005), which outlines which processes must be followed to protect the best interest of the child. The Department has to follow all the regulations to comply with the provision of the Act.

1. (a) It should be noted that there is no backlog for adoption applications. The total number of adoption cases that the department is currently processing is 41, with provincial breakdown as follows:


Number of applications being processed currently

Eastern Cape






Northern Cape








Western Cape






(b) Not applicable as there is no backlog

2. (a) Refer to (b)

(b) Refer to (b)

25 April 2022 - NW1009

Profile picture: Steenhuisen, Mr JH

Steenhuisen, Mr JH to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(1) What is the (a) volume in barrels, (b) average cost in Dollars per barrel and (c) value of the Republic’s strategic fuel reserve currently; (2) (a) how often was a rotation of the strategic fuel reserve undertaken (i) in the (aa) 2019-20 and (bb) 2020-21 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2021 and (b) what was the reason for each rotation that was undertaken in each case; (3) to what extent will the Republic’s strategic fuel reserve shield South Africans from the predicted fuel crises caused by the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine? NW1257E


(1)(a) Whilst there are 10 million barrels of crude oil in the terminal, only 8.7 million barrels are accounted as inventory and the balance is working stock.

(b) The cost per barrel is as per prevailing market rate. Each grade of Crude oil is priced differently at a premium or discount of Brent Crude Oil as prevailing in the market. As at the 4th of April Brent Crude Oil was trading at $104/bbl.

(c) As at the 28th of March 2022 the cost value of the strategic reserves in tank was R 1 750 764 252. This is what would be reflected on the annual financial statement in terms of the accounting rules.

(2) There has not been any rotation of strategic reserves during the abovementioned periods.

(3) As per the joint statement issued by the National Treasury and the Department of Minerals and Energy, the Strategic stock will be utilised to provide a R 6 Billion cover for revenue lost in the reduction of the general fuel levy for two months. This will effectively “reduce the general fuel levy for Petrol from R3.85 per litre to R2.35 per litre and reduce the general fuel levy for diesel from R3.70 per litre to R2.20 per litre”

22 April 2022 - NW1024

Profile picture: Msimang, Prof CT

Msimang, Prof CT to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether her department has recorded any negative economic consequences to the farming economy and produce due to farm attacks in which farmers and farm workers have been murdered; if not, why not; if so, what are the full relevant details with specific reference to the areas of concern?


Statistical information collected and disseminated by the Department is an aggregate of “all” farms in the sector. As a result, the production information collected, does not look at individual farming units in a particular area. A study has to be conducted, and a statistical model which comprises variables that can withstand scrutiny has to be developed. This will inform the “economic consequences that farm attacks in which farmers and farmworkers have been murdered have to the farming economy and produce”.

Without such a detailed study, the Department’s response to the question would be highly speculative.

22 April 2022 - NW1173

Profile picture: Mathulelwa, Ms B

Mathulelwa, Ms B to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether she and/or her department intends to assist the Msunduzi Local Municipality to take action against a ward councillor who, without any court order, demolished residents’ homes in Ward 17 in the Msunduzi Local Municipality, KwaZuluNatal, on 7 March 2022; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the steps she will take in this regard?


This is a legal matter between the council and the councilor concerned, hence as a department we will await the council to report any actions taken by the council and the MEC responsible for local government in the province. We will forward the report to the honourable member as soon as it is received.

The Department, through the Municipal Structures Act, established Code of Conduct  for councilors to deal with matters such as this.

22 April 2022 - NW1208

Profile picture: Montwedi, Mr Mk

Montwedi, Mr Mk to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether, with regard to farmers who find it difficult to do artificial insemination due to the costs of semen, her department intends to establish semen banks in all districts so that farmers can get semen at a low cost; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


No, there are no intentions of developing semen banks in Districts.

South Africa possesses superior animal genetic materials that is sought after all over the world. These animals were developed by objective breeding over a significant number of years. Artificial insemination was never prioritised as an instrument to improve livestock fertility due to huge capital requirements to establish bull-testing centres for semen collection and distribution. However, the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development has over the years collaborated with Provincial Departments of Agriculture to implement animal improvement programmes that involve donation of animals to improve reproduction of animals in the hands of emerging and developing livestock farmers.

22 April 2022 - NW821

Profile picture: Shelembe, Mr ML

Shelembe, Mr ML to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) whether she has been informed of 822 unemployed men and women in the Reserve Force and Military Veterans who honoured the call that was made by the President of the Republic; Mr M C Ramaphose, to report for work at the Umzimvubu Military Base to assist during the July 2021 riots in areas of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng buy have not been paid yet (details furnished); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what steps will she take to resolve the problem; (2) Whether she will consider to initiate and investigation into the matter and respond accordingly; if not, why not, if so, on what date is the outcome expected?


Attached find here: Reply

22 April 2022 - NW1263

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Mr M

Hlengwa, Mr M to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

In light of the fact that the Republic has, for the second time, on 24 March 2022, chosen to abstain when the United Nations called for a vote on the situation in Ukraine (details furnished), at what point, such as the number of civilian casualties reached and type of weapons used, will the Republic consider re-evaluating the impact of the call for dialogue, mediation and diplomacy, which after more than a month into the conflict, has had little or no impact in stemming the humanitarian crisis that the Republic claims to be very concerned about?


South Africa is not indifferent to the unfolding situation in Ukraine. South Africa has expressed deep concern about the continuing conflict, the loss of lives and the deteriorating humanitarian situation and consequently urged for the cessation of hostilities.

South Africa remains steadfast in its view that dialogue, mediation and diplomacy is the only path to de-escalate and ultimately resolve the current conflict. In this regard, we reiterate our call for the Good Offices of the United Nations to mediate in pursuit of finding a sustainable solution and for us as member states to facilitate an enabling environment for dialogue.

In its engagement on the matter of Ukraine, South Africa has maintained that international law needs to be respected and adhered to by all countries equally and that no country should be able to violate international law with impunity.

South Africa has always opposed violations of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of member states, in keeping with the UN Charter. We have also decried the humanitarian disaster that has resulted from the ongoing use of force in Ukraine, and called for the urgent opening of humanitarian corridors and the provision of aid to the civilian population which, as usual, bears the brunt of the suffering when violent confrontation breaks out.

South Africa has also maintained that as we focus on the conflict in Ukraine, there also needs to be consistency in the manner in which we approach the rule of law and respect for the UN Charter as we address situations of conflict across the globe. International law needs to be respected and adhered to by all countries equally.

We need to reflect that despite the slew of resolutions that condemn the Russian Federation in the global community and in the UN, the conflict has escalated. In our engagements with some of the supporters of these resolutions, we have indicated that while we have some of the same goals, such as an agreement to an immediate ceasefire, the opening of humanitarian corridors and mediated negotiations towards a lasting peace, we have different strategies. Perhaps, if the strategies proposed by South Africa and other non-aligned countries were followed, the conflict may have de-escalated.


22 April 2022 - NW713

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Mr M

Hlengwa, Mr M to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation:

In light of the fact that 8 March is the day for the celebration of International Women’s Day, what (a) is the total breakdown of female staff members in her department and (b)(i) is the total number of female ambassadors currently representing South Africa across the globe and (ii) does this number represent as a percentage of the total number of ambassadors; (2) Whether there are any current programmes focussed on promoting equality in the workplace; if not, why not; if so, what are the further, relevant details? NW852E


1 (a) The Department has a total number of 1978 staff members, and 1123 are women. The number of 1123 female staff members represent 56% of the staff in the Department.

(b) (i) & (ii) There are 39 female Ambassadors in total representing South Africa across the globe. In terms of percentage, the 39 female Ambassadors represent 34% of the total number of Heads of Mission (Ambassadors). South Africa has a total number of 115 Missions, and 91 Heads of Mission posts are filled. The process of filling the vacant posts of Heads of Mission is currently underway. The nominated Heads of Mission designates are in training. The nominations will assist in improving the representation of women.

2. Yes, the Department has a Gender Policy, appropriate guidelines and the institutional framework for gender equality and women empowerment trajectory. Through this policy we are required to:

a) Create an enabling policy environment translate commitments into concrete action;

b) Ensure that gender consideration are effectively integrated into all aspects of departmental policies, activities and programmes; and,

c) Establish an appropriate institutional framework and mechanism for the advancement of gender equality. It also includes the integration of Gender perspectives on the programmes offers by our diplomatic Academy. Guided, by the principles of Employment Equity (Act, No. 55 of 1998) the department strive to achieve equity in the workplace by promoting equal opportunities and fair treatment through elimination of unfair discrimination.

22 April 2022 - NW1084

Profile picture: Groenewald, Mr IM

Groenewald, Mr IM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)Whether, in light of the fact that on 19 December 2017, the Gauteng North High Court placed the Municipal Councillors Pension Fund (MCPF) under curatorship as a result of irregular financial conduct by the MCPF board, the SA Local Government Association  (SALGA) took any disciplinary and/or other steps against its representatives who represented SALGA on the board of the MCPF; if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether she will make a statement on the matter?


(1) According to information received from the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), SALGA has no corresponce or record implicating its representatives on the Board of Trustees of the Municipal Councillor Pension Fund (the MCPF) in misconduct and consequently has not instituted any disciplinary proceedings or taken other steps against its representatives on the board of the MCPF.

(2) Not applicable.

All further queries regarding pension fund must be referred to Minister of Finance.


1. On 25 March 2022 the Department received Parliamentary Question 1084 from Mr IM Groenewald (FF Plus) asking the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (1) whether, in light of the fact that on 19 December 2017, the Gauteng North High Court placed the Municipal Councillors Pension Fund (MCPF) under curatorship as a result of irregular financial conduct by the MCPF board, the SA Local Government Association (SALGA) took any disciplinary and/or other steps against its representatives who represented SALGA on the board of the MCPF; if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details, and (2) whether she will make a statement on the matter?

2. The Pretoria High Court granted an application brought by the Registrar of Pension Funds on 19 December 2017 in terms of section 5(1) of the Financial Institutions Act, 2001 (Protection of Funds), for the appointment of curators to the Municipal Councillors Pension Fund (the MCPF). The court appointed Mr Juanito Martin Damons and Ms Sophie Thabang Kekana as the joint curators of the MCPF.

3. The application was brought pursuant to an inspection report as well as reports by the section 26(2) board to the Registrar, which revealed several serious irregularities pertaining to poor investment decisions and lack of governance in the fund. The curatorship is intended to stabilise the management and operations of the fund and to protect the interests of its members.

4. The Board of Trustees of the MCPF (the BoT) and the curators are accountable to the Registrar of the Pension Funds acting with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance.

5. According to information received from the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), SALGA has no correspondence or record implicating its two (2) representatives on the BoT of the Municipal Councillor Pension Fund in misconduct and consequently has not instituted any disciplinary proceedings or taken other steps against its representatives on the board of the MCPF. In light of this developments, the question whether the Minister will make a statement on the matter is not applicable.

22 April 2022 - NW650

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What are the further relevant details of the (a) red meat and (b)(i) small and (ii) large livestock exported from the Republic to the rest of the world in the past 10 years, including the tonnage and Rand value in exports to each country?


South Africa (SA) has been exporting red meat from the Republic to the rest of the world for a number of years. Over the past 10 years, there has been a steady growth and increased average value of red meat exports in SA since the International Animal Health Organisation (OIE) declared the country free of Food-and-Mouth (FMD) disease in 2014. The declaration has given the country access to a number of export markets like Kuwait, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Jordan from 2015 onwards. For the first time in history, SA became a net exporter of beef in 2016 by 1,7%. The estimated value of red meat exports showed an increase of 0,5%, from R 3 095 million in 2020 to R 3 110 million in 2021.

(b)(i),(ii) Both small and large livestock has been exported to the international markets over previous years. The total number of small livestock exported was 102 337 in 2021, a significant decrease of 22,7% as compared to 135 579 of the previous year. The estimated value during 2021 decreased severely by 34,8%, from R 293 314 to R 191 184. This was due to the COVID-19 trade restrictions to other countries. The total number of large livestock exported was 47 829 in 2021, a significant increase of 30,4% as compared to 36 676 in 2020. The estimated value in 2021 increased by 11,7%, from R 315 680 to R 352 770. In 2020, SA ranked 15th position globally as beef exporter, which shows that the industry has a potential to grow exports to high-value markets. However, an effective red meat traceability system is required to improve South Africa’s credibility in the OIE and exports market.

Table 1 below depicts the red meat exported in terms of Small and Large livestock in the previous ten (10) years. Information and analysis is not available for the years 2010 to 2014 but the statistics for the subsequent years are representative.


Total Red Meat Exported

b (i) Small livestock

b (ii) Large livestock


Total in Kilograms

Rand value

Numbers exported

Rand value

Numbers exported

Rand value


50 014 922

R2 355 280 908

42 102

R56 324

201 454

R247 444


50 673 733

R2 692 713 067

47 576

R57 454

41 677

R295 806


43 667 944

R2 445 641 937

54 476

R71 462

51 983

R278 275


41 004 154

R2 242 353 196

84 395

R84 347

29 758

R357 166


35 004 979

R2 083 566 320

87 663

R178 032

22 955

R272 070


48 272 941

R3 094 832 625

132 579

R293 314

36 676

R315 680


44 680 026

R3 110 255 763

102 437

R191 184

47 829

R352 770

The latter part of the question enquires about the countries which have received our exports. The major export destinations of red meat originating from SA during 2021 were Kuwait, UAE, Mozambique, Jordan and Lesotho, accounted for 13,2%, 12,2%, 9,8%, 8,3% and 4,6% respectively. During 2021, SA has exported 44 680 tons of the total quantity of red meat, a decrease of 7,4% as compared to 48 273 tons in 2020.

Table 2 below depicts total red meat exports per Country of destination.

Major Red Meat Export Countries of Destination

Information for the Years 2015 - 2021


Total Tonnage

Rand value


32 334 100

R902 453 503,00


44 925 609

R1 911 825 982,00


22 002 200

R1 607 211 645,00


27 182 910

R2 218 335 633,00

United Arab Emirates

22 729 620

R1 774 132 627,00

22 April 2022 - NW638

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) whether (a) her department and/or (b) the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) are still providing a house to a certain person (name and details furnished); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the reason for the provision as the specified person has officially retired and announced his retirement long before he left the service SANDF; (2) whether security services and SANDF guards are still provided for the benefit of the specified person; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (3) whether the person is paying a market-related rental amount and for security service; if not, why not; if so, (a) how is the newly appointed Chief of the SANDF accommodated and (b) what are the (i) leasing terms and (ii) costs related to any temporary and/or permanent arrangement?


Attached find here: Reply

22 April 2022 - NW1195

Profile picture: Ceza, Mr K

Ceza, Mr K to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Following the delimitation of wards before the 2021 local government elections by the Municipal Demarcation Board, (a) what considerations and/or criteria were used in ensuring spatial development of affected wards and (b) which standards were used to determine and delimitate Ward 28 of the Steve Tshwete Local Municipality which has more than 800 registered voters?


The below responses are based on information provided by the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB):

a) The Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB) delimit wards in accordance with the criteria provided in schedule 1 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act. The following guidelines and principles, emanating from the above-mentioned criteria, are applied by the MDB:

(i) Keep the total number of registered voters per ward, as close as possible to the norm (average number of registered voters per ward), within the minimum and maximum allowed; 

(ii) Avoid splitting obvious communities / groupings of villages / suburbs, traditional areas, etcetera, if at all possible;

(iii) Take physical characteristics into account, such as adequate road networks, and physical barriers such as a freeways, rivers, mountains, etcetera; 

(iv) Keep the existing number of wards and boundaries the same, if possible; 

(v) Use voting districts as building blocks and ensure that wards are contiguous; and

(vi) Avoid splitting voting districts, and cluster voting districts together to make up wards.

b) Ward 28 was delimited with the assistance of planning officials from the Steve Tshwete Local Municipality during the technical consultation session in September 2019. The draft ward comprised of the following voting districts:






LD Moetanalo Secondary School



Tent at Ward 28



Olifant River Lodge



 Uitkyk Sports Ground (Tent)





The minimum, average and maximum norm allowed for the municipality, as follows:




Minimum Norm


Average Norm


Maximum Norm



There were no objections lodged against ward 28 during the objection phase, and the MDB therafter resolved to confirm the ward and published its final determination in the Gazette.

22 April 2022 - NW519

Profile picture: Spies, Ms ERJ

Spies, Ms ERJ to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What is the (a) make, (b) model (c) year of manufacture, (d) price and (e) purchase date of each vehicle purchase for used by (i) her and (ii) the Deputy Minister since 29 May 2019?REPLY:(a –c) (i) No vehicle was purchased for myself during the said period(a –c) (ii) Deputy Minister


(a –c) (i) No vehicle was purchased for myself during the said period
(a –c) (ii) Deputy Minister





Year of Manufacture



R 756510 ( seven hundred and fifty six thousand five hundred and ten rand only)

Purchase Date

08 September 2021

22 April 2022 - NW1229

Profile picture: Ceza, Mr K

Ceza, Mr K to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

What action has been taken by her department to compel provinces and municipalities who are sitting on section 106 reports to submit such reports?


The Department engages with provinces and municipalities through correspondences and meetings to ensure that they submit such copies of investigation reports conducted in line with Section 106 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, 2000. The Department continues to collaborate with law enforcement agencies and provinces through the recently established Local Government Anti-Corruption Forum (LGACF) to ensure the implementation of recommendations emanating from such investigation reports.  Amongst others, the formation of the LGACF is vital for the purpose of fostering collaboration amongst the stakeholders at the local government level in order to effectively prevent corruption and coordinate efforts amongst all the key stakeholders including law enforcement agencies.

Further, if the Honourable Member is aware of such a report/s which have not been shared with the Department or law enforcement agencies, the Honourable Member is requested to provide more details so that officials from the Department can follow up on the matter.  

22 April 2022 - NW1068

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

what are the (a) detailed cost breakdown to determine the total cost for bread that is delivered to military bases of the SA National Defence Force and (b) reasons that the bakeries are charging R20 for a loaf of bread while it is available from commercial and small, medium and micro enterprises bakeries for R10 to R12 for each load of bread?


Attached find here: Reply

22 April 2022 - NW1214

Profile picture: Groenewald, Mr IM

Groenewald, Mr IM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)Whether, in light of the fact that in terms of section 73 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, Act 117 of 1998, municipalities must establish ward committees within 120 days after a local government election, any municipalities failed to comply with the specified provision; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) which municipalities failed to comply and (b) what are the reasons for their non-compliance; (2) whether the specified municipalities that failed to comply, rectified it after the 120 day-provision to date; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether she will make a statement on the matter?


1. (a) In terms of Section 73 (1A) (a) of the Local Government Municipal Structures Amendment Act, if a metropolitan or local council is unable to establish a ward committee or ward committees in accordance with subsection (1), the speaker must, prior to the expiry of the 120 days after the elections, in writing and on good cause shown, request the MEC, responsible for local government in the province concerned, for an extension. Municipalities that could not meet the deadline have been guided to request extensions from their respective MECs to ensure compliance. The following municipalities did not meet the deadline:






Nelson Mandela Bay



Chris Hani

Sakhisizwe LM



Alfred Nzo

Umzimbuvu LM



Sundays River Valley LM



Sara Baartman

Kou - Kamma LM



Kouga LM



Ndlambe LM



Makana LM



Dr Beyer's Naude LM



Blue Crane LM




Mangaung Metro




Tokologo LM



Thabo Mofutsanyana

Mantsopa LM



Maluti A Phofung LM



Setsoto LM




Kopanong LM



Mohokare LM




City of Johannesburg



City of Tshwane



West Rand District

Merafong LM





Umvoti LM




Gert Sibande

Lekwa LM




Frances Baard

Dikgatlong LM



Phokwane LM



ZF Mgcawu

Kai Garib LM



Tsantsabane LM



Pixley ka Seme

Thembelihle LM



Kareeberg LM



Renosterberg LM



Siyathemba LM




Dr Kenneth Kaunda

Maquassi Hills LM




Moretele LM



Moses Kotane LM




Cape Winelands

Witzenberg LM




Oudtshoorn LM






(b) The reasons for non-compliance or not being able to meet the 120 days deadlines by certain municipalities were due to the late constitution of some municipal councils, especially in hung municipalities, non-adopted public participation and ward committee establishment policies, disputes lodged by communities as well as human resource changes experienced in the Offices of the Speaker.

(2) Yes, some municipalities failed to comply requested extensions and were granted such by their respective MECs. These municipalities are proceeding with the establishment of ward committees.

22 April 2022 - NW637

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) What (a) is the total number of houses leased by (i) her department and (ii) the SA National Defence Force for their employees and (b) total amount was (i) paid directly to service provider and/or landlords for leasing houses for the Brigadier-General to Generals rank group and (ii) transferred to the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure for leasing the houses for the specified rank group; (2) What is the (a) monthly rental amount, (b) lease period and (c) total cost for providing security and guards for each specified house?


Attached find here: Reply

22 April 2022 - NW1125

Profile picture: Weber, Ms AMM

Weber, Ms AMM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)    What are the reasons that the (a) report of the forensic audit into the affairs of Dipaleseng Local Municipality that was commissioned by the former Member of the Executive Council in Mpumalanga has not been tabled in the specified local municipality (details furnished) and (b) recommendations were not implemented; (2) How was the (a) Chief Financial Officer (CFO), (b) the Municipal Manager and (c) others in director positions allowed to renegotiate salary increases that were way above their salary scale as stipulated in the local government upper limits; (3) Whether, given that the specified employees caused an unnecessary and unjustifiable expense for the municipality, she will ensure that monies paid in excess of the stipulated salaries as detailed in the section 106 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000, report must be recovered from the former employees; if not, why not; if so, by what date; (4) Whether she will ensure that allegations of financial misconduct levelled at the former CFO (name furnished) by a certain company (name furnished) will be investigated further; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) What measures will she put in place to strengthen the oversight roles in local municipalities across the Republic?


The response below was provided by the Mpumalanga province:

 (1) (a) The report was tabled before the municipal Council on 10 February 2022.

(b) The municipal Council discussed the report and developed an action plan on how they will implement the recommendations.  

(2) The matter of the salary increases and other matters were some of the reasons why the provincial department instituted an investigations in terms of section 106 (1)(b) of the Municipal Systems Act 2000 at the municipality. The report has indicated that there were clear breaches of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 and regulations on the appointment and conditions of employment of Senior Managers. The recommendations have been made that all monies paid unlawfully as a result of the illegal salary increases must be paid back to the municipality and that disciplinary action must be taken against all those implicated.

 (3) As indicated above, the investigation conducted has revealed that there were clear breaches of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 and regulations on the appointment and conditions of employment of Senior Managers.  The recommendations have been made that all monies paid unlawfully as a result of the illegal salary increases must be paid back to the municipality and that  disciplinary action must be taken against all those implicated. The monies will be recovered and the municipality has started the process of recovering such monies.

 (4) The recommendations of the investigation report are clear on what actions need to be taken on each of the findings in the report. Some matters will be dealt with by the municipality, whilst those with criminality will be handed over to law enforcement agencies for further action. The matter of the former CFO and the company implicated is one of those which will be investigated further by the law enforcement agencies.

(5) Workshops have been conducted in all provinces targeting relevant officials in municipalities on the regulations on the appointment and conditions of employment of Senior Managers. The Local Government Anti-Corruption Forum will also assist in terms of strengthening oversight on corruption related matters. Working with MECs for COGTA in the provinces we will ensure that there is compliance to the regulations.

22 April 2022 - NW790

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What (a) are the reasons that the upgrade of the new heartwater vaccine has taken five years long to achieve and (b) period longer must farmers wait for the vaccine; (2) what number of new vaccines have been (a) developed and (b) put on the market by Onderstepoort Biological Products in the past decade?


(1)(a) The new heartwater agent was developed by the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) as a proof of concept for further development by OBP into a vaccine following further development of industrial scale manufacturing processes, quality control tests, and validation of clinical efficacy in target animal species. The candidate vaccine failed initial quality control tests necessitating 2 years of further research work to improve the quality of the candidate vaccine seed material. The laboratory scale process developed by the ARC had to be scaled up into an industrial scale, and this was done in 1 and half years. The production process had to be validated, followed by manufacturing of pilot batches that are required to conduct clinical trials in targeted animal species. The candidate vaccine has just undergone 1 and half years of clinical trials to establish the efficacy of the agent as vaccine. Preliminary analysis of the data is not encouraging that the candidate vaccine in its current form is adequately sufficient for registration as vaccine for use to protect animals against the heartwater disease. Further process development and revalidation of the clinical efficacy of the candidate vaccine are required before it can be considered for submission to Act 36 for evaluation as vaccine.

b) Currently, it is impossible to set the timeline within which the product will be available commercially given its observed inadequacy to protect animals from the heartwater diseases in its current form.

(2) Below are details on the number of new vaccines developed and put on the market by the Onderstepoort Biological Products:





Products introduced



Pastuerella cattle


Pulpy kidney vaccine


B. phemeral


RVF Clone 13














22 April 2022 - NW1058

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Given the criticism of the slow pace of land reform in the Republic, what concrete plans does her department have to fast-track the redistribution of land to African citizens who constitute the majority in the Republic?


In order to fast-track land reform in South Africa, the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development has focussed on the development of new legislation and policies.

The following policy frameworks and legislation have recently been approved:

  • Beneficiary Selection and Land Allocation Policy;
  • Land Donation Policy;
  • Blended Funding Model;
  • Labour Tenants Implementation Plan and
  • Backlog Reduction Strategy for Restitution.

The following policy frameworks and bills are under development and targeted to be finalized in the 2022/2023 financial year,:

  • Communal Land Tenure Policy and Bill;
  • Land Redistribution Policy and Bill; and
  • The Department is also focusing on institutional arrangement through the Land and Agrarian Reform Agency (LARA).

22 April 2022 - NW569

Profile picture: Montwedi, Mr Mk

Montwedi, Mr Mk to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

(a) What are the reasons that no rental fee is collected on some farms leased by her department and (b) how has the failure to collect rentals affected her department financially?


a) Despite the efforts of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) to collect rent in terms of lease contracts concluded in line with the State Land Lease and Disposal Policy; including providing discounts and farmer support programmes, the rental collection still remains very low. DALRRD is currently reviewing its policies and processes to ensure that a credible lease management system is in place. The reasons that no rental fee is collected on some farms leased by DALRRD include the following:

  • Some farms are not productive and unable to generate the necessary revenue to meet farm operational costs and lease rental;
  • Poor infrastructure to support agricultural activities;
  • Deliberate refusal by farmers to pay lease rental including those that received the necessary development support;
  • Some of the farms are abandoned or vandalized by the lessees and neighbouring communities; and
  • Sub-letting of properties by farmers and they don’t pay lease rental.

b) The failure by DALRRD to collect rentals resulted in an increase in the historical debt and the portfolio not generating the desired revenue.

22 April 2022 - NW1033

Profile picture: Montwedi, Mr Mk

Montwedi, Mr Mk to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

(a) How has the upsurge of locust swarms that have invaded parts of the Republic affect the agricultural sector and (b) what total amount would be required to deal with the spread?


a) The upsurge of locust swarms that have invaded parts of the Republic of South Africa have destroyed some of the grazing land. The grazing land that was destroyed in some farms in the Eastern Cape are (Stytlerville, Willowmore, Jansenville, Klipplaat, Aberdeen and Rietbron) and farms in Northern Cape are (Kenhardt and Marydale). As a result, the farmers indicated that they have to buy the feed for animals in those areas because locusts destroyed the vegetation. Some of the maize plantation farms were affected in Britstown in Northern Cape and Aberdeen in Eastern Cape.

b) The estimated amount which would be required to deal with the spread per year is R218 million and the breakdown is as follows:

  • R136 million for procurement of pesticide;
  • R30 million for payment of ground control contractors;
  • R35 million for payment of aerial spraying contractors to support ground team on inaccessible areas;
  • R15 million for procurement of additional spray pumps; and
  • R2 million for procurement of personal protective equipment.