Questions and Replies

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21 August 2017 - NW1806

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Which entities reporting to him (a) have a board in place and (b) do not have a board in place, (i) of those that have a board, (aa) when was each individual board member appointed and (bb) when is the term for each board lapsing and (ii) how many (aa) board members are there in each board and (bb) of those board members of each entity are female; (2) with reference to entities that do not have boards in place, (a) who is responsible for appointing the board and (b) when will a board be appointed?


1. (a) The Ingonyama Trust Board and Deeds Registration Branch with [ Deeds Registries Regulations Board and Sectional Titles Regulation Board ].

 (b) Falls away,

(i),(aa) Ingonyama Trust Board a board in place comprising of 9 members. The term of office of the Board is 4 years. Of these 9 members of the Board 3 are female.

The board members are as follows with their designations and appointment dates.




Hon Mr Justice S J Ngwenya

Chairperson – Royal nominee

01 July 2016

Ms J T J Bhengu

Vice Chairperson

01 July 2016

Adv W E R Raubenheimer


01 July 2016

Mr B L Shabalala


01 July 2016

Inkosi T W Mavundla


01 July 2016

Inkosi Z T Gumede


01 July 2016

Inkosi P R Bele


01 July 2016

Inkosi S E Shabalala


01 July 2016

Dr M S Mbatha


01 July 2016

(i),(aa), (bb) Members of the Deeds Registries Regulation Board and Sectional Titles Regulation Board were appointed with effect from 08 March 2017 to 31 December 2019.

(ii), (bb) There are five (5) members for the Deeds Registries Regulation Board. For every member of the board appointed there is an alternate member appointed. There are Two (2) female who are members and One (1) female who is an alternate member.

There are Nine (9) members for the Sectional Titles Regulation Board. For every member of the board appointed there is an alternate member appointed. There are Four (4) female who are members of the board.

(2) Falls away.

21 August 2017 - NW1069

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

How many hectares of land are currently (a) owned and/or (b) controlled by (i) traditional councils or (ii) communal property associations?


(a),(b) (i) The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform does not have information relating to Traditional Councils.

(ii) Please refer to the table below.

Table 1: Land transferred to CPAs




Eastern Cape


188 504.5102

Free State


62 914.6750



11 900.8264

Kwazulu Natal


458 738.6090



241 991.6990



327 108.1962

Northern Cape


369 659.8675

North West


692 234.1796

Western Cape


30 240.9646



2 383 293.5275

21 August 2017 - NW2206

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education

How many learners in Gauteng have still not been allocated a place at a school as of the latest date for which information is available?


All learners have been placed for the 2017 academic year.

21 August 2017 - NW1616

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Energy

(1)Whether, with reference to the answer given to question 1148 on 29 April 2016, any solar energy systems were installed in accordance with the Solar Water Heating programme in the financial years (a) 2015-16 and (b) 2016-17; if not, why not; if so, how many; (2) whether any systems were purchased; if so, (a) how many and (b) where are they being stored; (3) (a) what does it cost to store the acquired systems and (b) when will the installation be done; (4) whether she will make a declaration about the matter? NW1821E


1) (a) and (b) No, as indicated in question 1148, the procurement process on the installations had not yet begun. The delay in the installation process is premised on the need to finalize the necessary controls and systems to mitigate the occurrence of the problems experienced in the previous rollout model. The systems include (i) a GPS verification and tracking system, that will enable the recording (photographic and locational) of each installed system, (ii) the signing of the municipal framework agreement, to ensure that there is buy-in by the municipality, (iii) the identification of the Designated Installation Area (DIA) within the municipality, which is sized according to the number of systems to be installed within the municipality, (iv) the identification of the installers from the DIA (v) the registration for accredited training of the installers identified from the DIA and (vi) the social facilitation to ensure that the beneficiary community has been exposed to the operational requirements of solar water heater systems, and to align community expectations through the Social Facilitation platform.

2) Yes

(a) 59 396 units were purchased as at 03 April 2017.

(b) The units are safely kept at various locations secured by the manufacturers. This is in accordance with the Supply Agreement that each manufacturer has signed, in terms of which the manufacturer assumes full responsibility of the systems until they have been installed.

3) (a) For the first 3 months the manufacturer keeps the systems under storage at no additional cost. After the 3 months, the storage costs average R2 per system per day.

(b) The installation programmes at Tlokwe/Ventersdorp (North West), Sol Plaatje (Northern Cape), Bitou (Western Cape) have been initiated insofar as (1) (i),(ii),(iii),(vi). The identification of the installers for purposes of training is expected to be completed by July 2017.

4) The Solar Water Heating programme is one of the key programmes of the Department of Energy in the context of the Energy Mix objective of the energy plan. Therefore the Minister, from time to time, will make pronouncements as part of the implementation process.

21 August 2017 - NW1173

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With regard to her reply to question 208 on 24 February 2017, what was the outcome of the joint assessment undertaken by her department and the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality?


The joint assessment initiated by both Ekurhuleni and Rand Water revealed that Rand Water did not disturb the storm water infrastructure whilst laying the new pipeline. It should be noted that the joint assessment undertaken did not include my Department but was undertaken by Rand Water and the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.

Furthermore, requesting the Honourable Member to refer the question to the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, who is in a better position to respond to issues relating to the plans going forward by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng.


17 August 2017 - NW2128

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(a) What is the reason for the closure of her department’s offices in Sterkspruit and (b) by what date will these offices reopen?


a) The reason cited by the Department of Labour for the closure of office, is: “The structure poses danger to the person occupying the building”. For your ease of reference, the notice from Department of Labour is appended herewith.

b) The Department is in no position to confirm the anticipated date of the office re-opening as this is a process wholly dependent on the Department of Public Works as the implementing agent.

As a contingency measure, the department is currently running from a Mobile Truck and also utilizing the Mpilisweni Hospital as a secondary office, especially relating to birth and death registration.

17 August 2017 - NW1417

Profile picture: Dreyer, Ms AM

Dreyer, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

What amount has her department spent on (a) travel, (b) accommodation and (c) subsistence costs for (i) her, (ii) her deputy and (iii) the respective spokespersons and media liaison officer(s) in the (aa) 2014-15, (bb) 2015-16 and (cc) 2016-17 financial years?”



The Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) spent R0.00 for (a) travel, (b) accommodation and (c) subsistence costs for the (i) Minister, (ii) Deputy Minister and (iii) the spokesperson in the (bb) 2014-15 financial year.

For the 2014-15 financial year, DSBD did not have a vote and all expenditure relating to the 2014-15 period was incurred under the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) vote.


The Department spent R2 427 204.75 for (a) travel, (b) accommodation and (c) subsistence costs for the (i) Minister, (ii) Deputy Minister and (iii) the spokesperson in the (bb) 2015-16 financial year.



  1. Travel


  1. Accommodation


  1. Subsistence costs (R)





1 007 264,93

204 850,46

45 314.30

1 257 429,69


Deputy Minister

724 333,73

177 966,07

119 231.23

1 021 531,03


Cornelius Monama

92 590,82

21 421,47

34 231.74

148 244,03


The Department spent R1 439 399.73 for (a) travel, (b) accommodation and (c) subsistence costs for the (i) Minister, (ii) Deputy Minister and (iii) the spokesperson in the (cc) 2016-17 financial year.



  1. Travel


  1. Accommodation


  1. Subsistence costs (R)





553 220,06

114 732,96

44 074.64

712 027,67


Deputy Minister

436 963,22

166 090,93

46 479.53

649 533,68


Cornelius Monama

45 227,57

4 582,40

28 028.41

77 838,38

17 August 2017 - NW2203

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Transport

What (a) are the reasons for withholding the payout of the Rural Roads Asset Management Systems (RRAMS) grant from the Road Traffic Management Corporation in the past three financial years, (b) is being done to ensure that the RRAMS grant is paid out and (c) are the relevant amounts for each financial year?


(a), (b), and (c) The Road Traffic Management Corporation does not receive Rural Roads Asset Management Systems (RRAMS) grant.

17 August 2017 - NW1923

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether he attended an international investor road show in April 2017 to interact with international financial institutions, international investors and ratings agencies in the United States of America (USA); if not, why not; if so, (2) (a) did (i) he, (ii) his Deputy Minister and (iii) each additional person who accompanied him on the trip travel in business or economy class and (b) what (i) are the names of each hotel(s) in which each person stayed and (ii) was the (aa) total cost and (bb) detailed breakdown of these costs in each case; (3) what was the total cost of the international investor roadshow to the USA?


1. Yes the Minister attended an international investor road show in April 2017.

(2)(a)(i) The Minister travelled economy class in the United States of America (USA).

(2)(a)(ii) The Deputy Minister travelled economy class in the USA.

(2)(a)(iii) Additional persons who accompanied Minister travelled economy class in the USA.




  • Intercontinental Barclay
  • Boston Harbor Hotel
  • Ritz-Carlton
  • Crown Plaza JFK
  • Grand Hyatt

R491 544*

R358 984

R77 753

R36 400

R13 620

R4 797

* This figure is inclusive of amounts paid for accommodation and venues hired for meetings.

(3) R978 463.70







Recommended/Not Recommended

S Mngomezulu

Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services


17 August 2017 - NW1654

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Ms N W Mazzone (DA) to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises:

Whether a certain person (name and details furnished) signed any contracts during the two weeks in which the specified person was appointed; if so, what (a) contracts were signed and (b) board decision were made during this time that has an impact on the specified entity’s business practices?


No contracts were signed by Mr Molefe during the period that he was back in office.


Not applicable


No Board meetings were held in the period that Mr Molefe was back in the office.

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Mr. Mogokare Richard Seleke Ms. Lynne Brown, MP

Director-General Minister of Public Enterprises

Date: Date:

17 August 2017 - NW2025

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(a) What (i) programmes, (ii) bursaries and (iii) scholarships is each state owned entity involved in to develop and provide careers for the youth in our country and (b) for each state owned entity reporting to her, what (i) amount was allocated for each type of support and (ii) number of youth has been brought through the system in the (aa) 2014-15, (bb) 2015-16 and (cc) 2016-17 financial years?








Bursaries for B.Sc. Mine Engineering and Geology








R 640 101



R 600 000



R 519 870





4 Students



4 Students



5 Students





Maths and Science enrichment programme



Engineering related (Electronic, Mechanical, Industrial, Software, computer & Mechatronics)






2014/15 - Maths & Science = R2.7m; Bursaries = R 5.2m

2015/16 - Maths & Science = R2.7m; Bursaries = R 8.6m

2016/17 - Maths & Science = R3.4m; Bursaries = R 9.8m




2014/15 Programmes (400 learners); Bursaries (52)



2015/16 Programmes (455 learners); Bursaries (82)



2016/17 Programmes (455 learners); Bursaries (85)


  1. Eskom has Learnerships / Apprenticeship Programmes in the areas of Electrical; Mechanical (HVAC, Welding, Fitters, Fitter and Turners) and Electrical Light current.
  2. Eskom Full Bursaries for Universities and University of Technologies, the split of the bursaries is 70% and 30% Non Technical.

       3. Eskom Scholarship programmes are Dr HJ Van der Bijl and Dr RL Strackzacher, for Technical and Non Technical studies. These scholarships are awarded to the dependents of Eskom Employees only.

(b)(i) The table below presents the amount allocated for Learnerships / Apprenticeship Programmes and number of youth that has been brought through the system in the financial years  2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17

(b)(i)Learnership/ Apprenticeship

(aa) FY2014/15

(bb) FY2015/16

(cc) FY2016/17

(i) Amount allocated




(ii) Number of youth has been brought through the system




(b)(ii) The table below presents the amount allocated for Full Bursaries and number of youth that has been brought through the system in the financial years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17

(b)(ii) Eskom Bursaries

(aa) FY2014/15

(bb) FY2015/16

(cc) FY2016/17

(i) Amount allocated




(ii) Number of youth has been brought through the system




(b)(iii) The table below presents the amount allocated for Scholarship and number of youth that has been brought through the system in the financial years  2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17

(b)(iii) scholarships

(aa) FY2014/15

(bb) FY2015/16

(cc) FY2016/17

(i) Amount allocated



[1]Scholarship phased out

(ii) Number of youth has been brought through the system




In 2015/16 Eskom took a decision to run one Bursary scheme for all beneficiaries, as a result Scholarships which were only awarded to dependents of Eskom employees were not awarded from 2016/17, and onwards.




SAFCOL has the following programmes, bursaries and scholarships in place to develop and provide careers for the youth in South Africa:




  • internships in various divisions of SAFCOL
  • learnerships in forestry and processing
  • apprenticeships (boiler maker, electrician, fitter, diesel mechanic, millwright)



  • Bursaries in the following fields of study: forestry, wood science, engineering, finance, human resource management, construction, architecture, applied mathematics, marketing, tourism, business studies, human settlements and plant science.



  • None


The tables below set out the amounts allocated by SAFCOL to the aforesaid types of support and the number of youths that have been brought through the system, for the 2014/15; 2015/16 and 2016/17 financial years:



Amounts Allocated:




R1 615 000



R1 068 000



R2 145 919



R 488 011





R 995 000



R1 724 420



R1 233 099



R1 561 189





R 620 000



R2 057 600



R 67 821



R1 029 663




Number of Youth Brought through the System



41 Graduates



40 Learners



20 Learners



11 Bursars




30 Graduates



56 Learners



10 Learners



20 Bursars




27 Graduates



60 Learners



15 Learners



37 Bursars




(a) What (i) programmes, (ii) bursaries and (iii) scholarships is each state owned entity involved in to develop and provide careers for the youth in our country

(aa) 2014/15

 Cadets and Apprenticeships

(bb) 2015/16

Cadets and Apprenticeships

(cc) 2016/17

Cadets and Apprenticeships

(b) for each state owned entity reporting to her, what (i) amount was allocated for each type of support and,


R3 000 000.00


R5 724 480.00

Cadets: R3.5m

 R3 500 000.00


R6 224 480.00

Cadets: R4m

R4 000 000.00


R6 724 480.00

(ii) the number of youth has been brought through the system in the(aa) 2014-15, (bb) 2015-16 and (cc) 2016-17 financial years?          

11 x Mechanics

1 x Avionic

17 Mechanics

1 x Mechanic

4 x Avionics

61 Cadets were trained since 2014 of which 31 are now Junior First Officers



Youth category and programme definition







R Value




R Value




R Value


Apprentice: A work-based learning under the supervision and guidance of a skilled, qualified artisan with an employer







Technician Learner: An individual who is participating in a practical technical learnership (P1, P2), work-integrated learning in order to obtain qualification.







Engineer Bursars: An individual who is registered for a four-year B Eng. / Bsc Eng. degree to which a full time bursary has been awarded







Protection Officer: an individual participating in a structured learning program to gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the workplace leading to acquiring credits that lead to a security qualification registered on the NQF.







Young Professionals in Training (non-technical): A Transnet structured programme to develop young graudates in non-technical fields by providing them with workplace experience and skills.







Technician in Training: An individual who has successfully completed a National Diploma in Engineering studies at a University of Technology, undergoing an eighteen month structured development programme







Engineer in Training: An individual who has successfully completed an Engineering Degree at a University, undergoing a two-year structured development programme







Trainee Accountant: An individual who has successfully completed an Accounting Degree at a University, undergoing a three-year Chartered Accountant programme.







Marine Cadets: An individual who is participating in a practical learnership in the Marine field.







Learnerships: A structured learning process for gaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the workplace leading to a qualification registered on the NQF














Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Mr. Mogokare Richard Seleke Ms. Lynne Brown, MP

Director-General Minister of Public Enterprises

Date: Date:

17 August 2017 - NW2156

Profile picture: Cassim, Mr Y

Cassim, Mr Y to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)What is the (a) optimal and (b) actual number of air traffic control officers at each airport? (2) how many airplanes (a) land in, (b) depart from and (c) travel over our airspace daily?


Air Traffic and Navigation Services SOC Limited (ATNS)
























Bram Fisher (Bloemfontein)








Cape Town








East London








Grand Central
















































King Shaka (Durban)
















OR Tambo (Johannesburg)








Port Elizabeth






































































(2) (a) Average Arrivals – 850 daily

(b) Average Departures – 841 daily

(c) Average traffic utilising airspace – 3086 daily

17 August 2017 - NW2198

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Mr CH

Hunsinger, Mr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)With reference to the reply to question 404 on 1 March 2016, what are the outcomes of the specified investigation; (2) whether any measures have been put in place to prevent a recurrence of such crashes in the future; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)

(1), (2) An investigation to determine the probable cause of an accident involving a Namibian aircraft, with the registration marks V5-NRS, is still on-going. In the meantime, the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) has released an interim statement detailing progress achieved thus far. The interim statement, which is also available on the SACAA website (, was also shared with the State of Registry and Operator, which is Namibia.

Thus far, the following facts have been established, and form part of the interim statement:

  • the pilot was properly qualified to conduct the flight;
  • the approach procedure was not flown as indicated by the approach plate;
  • no flight plan was completed before the flight;
  • the control tower at Eros Airport was not properly manned during the take-off;
  • during the time of the accident, the radar at the Cape Town International Airport was unserviceable; and
  • weather conditions at the time of the accident was bad.

Aircraft investigations vary in complexity, and this particular one is still on-going and investigators are interrogating other aspects of this accident which may have safety implications. No interim safety recommendations have been issued. The completion of an investigation is marked by the release of a final accident report, which may also contain safety recommendations aimed at improving levels of safety and avoiding a recurrence of causal factors.


17 August 2017 - NW2129

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether, with reference to the reply to question 1446 on 21 June 2017, she will table the copies of letters of formal renunciation of citizenship in reply to this question; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Minister will not table copies of letters of formal renunciation of citizenship as there is no provision in legislation that compel the South African citizen to do so; furthermore, there is no reason to do so as South Africa permits dual citizenship.

17 August 2017 - NW2202

Profile picture: Jooste, Ms K

Jooste, Ms K to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What are the reasons for withholding the Rural Roads Asset Management Systems (RRAMS) grant from municipalities over the past three financial years, (b) which municipalities have been affected in this regard, (c) what steps has his department taken to ensure that the RRAMS grant is paid out to each specified municipality and (d) what are the financial amounts (i) for each municipality (ii) in each specified financial year?


a) As per Division of Revenue Act (DoRA), there are different responsibilities given to the Receiving Officer (RO), District Municipalities, as well as the Transferring Officer (TO), Department of Transport. Non-compliance to DoRA condition(s) gives the TO the right to withhold allocation of the grant.

b) Affected municipalities were Umkhanyakude and OR Tambo District Municipalities during the 2016/17 financial year.

c) The Department has engaged the affected municipalities, through intervention meetings to discuss the identified challenges and assist them to comply.

d) Withholding took place during the 2016/17 financial year and amounts were R 2.773 million and R 2.516 million for OR Tambo and Umkhanyakude District Municipalities respectively.

17 August 2017 - NW2201

Profile picture: Jooste, Ms K

Jooste, Ms K to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) How (i) does the Integrated National Transport Plan differ from the National Transport Master Plan and (ii) are the two integrated and (b) have all entities reporting to him been incorporated into the Integrated National Transport Plan?


(a) (i) The Integrated National Transport Plan and the National Transport Master Plan are one and the same Plan. It is defined as the National Transport Master Plan 2050 (NATMAP).

(ii) Yes, It is one Integrated Plan across modes and spheres of Government.

(b) The Plan which was approved by Cabinet in 2016 incorporates inputs from the Department of Transport, Transport Public Entities, Provinces, Municipalities, other sector departments and the general South African public. The Plan seeks to reinforce the vision that transport is the heartbeat of the economy and the fabric of our country’s socio-economic development. It is aligned with key policy, legislation and planning frameworks recently developed. The NATMAP 2050, therefore, aims to achieve:

An integrated, smart and efficient transport system supporting a thriving economy that promotes sustainable economic growth, supports a healthier life style, provides safe and accessible mobility options, socially includes all communities and preserves the environment.

17 August 2017 - NW1766

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Does (a) she, (b) her Deputy Minister or (c) any of the heads of entities or bodies reporting to her make use of security services paid for by the State for (i) him/herself, (ii) his/her immediate family members or (iii) any of their staff members; in each case (aa) what are the reasons for it, (bb) from which department or entity’s budget is the security services being paid, and (cc) what are the relevant details?



(a) The Minister does make use of security services paid for by the State.

   (i) The Minister uses the security services for herself in the form of Close and Static protection services provided for by the South African Police Services.

  (ii) None of her immediate family members make use of security services paid for by the State.

  (iii) None of the Minister’s staff members make use of security services paid for by the State.

(aa) The reason for the Minister to make use of this form of security services is mainly because it is a standard requirement provided for in terms of the Ministerial handbook.

(bb) Services are paid from both the budget of the Department of Public Enterprises in the form of equipment including cars, as well as from the budget of the South African Police Services in the form of salaries for SAPS members providing security for the Minister.

(cc) The Ministerial handbook prescribes that Ministers and their Deputies be provided with Close Protection services and Static Protection Services on a 24 hours basis. This service is only provided for by the South African Police Services members. The Department provides cell-phones, cars and office space for SAPS members, the department also pays hotel accommodation for these members as and when required.

(b) The Deputy Minister does make use of security services paid for by the State.

 (i) The Deputy Minister uses the security services for herself in the form of Close and Static protection services provided for by the South African Police Services.

 (ii) None of his immediate family members make use of security services paid for by the State.

(iii) None of the Deputy Minister’s staff members make use of security services paid for by the State.

(aa) The reason for the Deputy Minister to make use of this form of security services is mainly because it is a standard requirement provided for in terms of the Ministerial handbook.

(bb) Services are paid from both the budget of the Department of Public Enterprises in the form of equipment including cars, as well as from the budget of the South African Police Services in the form of salaries for SAPS members providing security for the Minister.

(cc) The Ministerial handbook prescribes that Ministers and their Deputies be provided with Close Protection services and Static Protection Services on a 24 hours basis. This service is only provided for by the South African Police Services members. The Department provides cell-phones, cars and office space for SAPS members, the department also pays hotel accommodation for these members as and when required.





No security services provided



No security services provided



No security services provided



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable





Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable





No security services provided



No security services provided



No security services provided



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable




Security services are provided for the Eskom Group Chief Executive and Chairperson of the Board of Directors are paid for by Eskom.


Security services extended to immediate family members of the Eskom Group Chief Executive and Chairperson of the Board of Directors are indirectly paid for by Eskom by virtue of the Chairman and the GCE benefits. The state does not cover any costs.


Selected security services for the Eskom staff members who are eligible, and these are paid for by Eskom.


Eskom ensures the safety and security of the Group Chief Executive and Chairperson of the

Board of Directors against security threats and risk(s), to which he/she may be exposed to as

a result of their employment with Eskom by providing Residential Protection as well as Personal Protection, the provision of these services are in accordance with the prescripts of the Executive Protection Policy.


Eskom indirectly extends residential security services to the immediate families of the Group Chief Executive and Chairperson of the Board of Directors by virtue of the benefits enjoyed by the GCE or Chairman. The provision of this service is in accordance with the prescripts of the Executive Protection Policy.


Eskom ensures the safety and security of the Senior General Managers and Exco members against security threats and risk(s) to which he/she may be exposed to as a result of their employment with Eskom. This is done by providing Residential Protection for both categories of staff and Personal Protection for Exco members only. The provision of these services is in accordance with the prescripts of the Executive Protection Policy.


Residential protection security service is provided for in the Executive’s budget, while Personal Protection security service is provided for centrally in Eskom’s Group Security Division budget.


Table 1 : Details of Protection Services Provided for By Eskom

Type of protection

Chairperson & Group Chief Executive (GCE)

Immediate Family

Staff Members

Residential Protection

Standard- Alarms, CCTV and armed security responses team

Non Standard- house guarding when away on business

Immediate family members of the Eskom GCE and Chairperson are covered indirectly through the GCE/ Chairman

For Exco members, and Senior General Managers only

Standard- Alarms, CCTV and armed security responses team

Non Standard- house guarding when away on business

Personal Protection, while on Eskom business

Rendered by nine protection officers employed and paid for from Eskom’s Group Security division budget pool.

None provided

For Exco, Senior General Managers and other staff when they are threatened due to work they do within Eskom


(c) In terms of the Transnet internal policy on the protection of Group Executives and other employees perceived to be at risk at the time, are assigned a Transnet Driver/Protector.

  1. The Cost Centre of each employee under protection carries the cost of such protection.
  2. Consistent with the risk profile of the individual at risk.
  3. Consistent with the risk profile of employees at risk.

(aa) The primary reason for offering protection to Transnet employees is to protect them against perceived threats as per the findings of the internal personal threat and risk assessment conducted. Such threats are as a result of individual employees’ nature of work at Transnet.

(bb) As far as Transnet is aware protection services for their employees comes from the employees budgeted cost centre and are not paying for the Ministery’s personnel.

(cc) Individual security details remain confidential due to past and present threats identified and cannot be disclosed.

SAX SOC LIMITED (Outstanding)




No security services provided



No security services provided



No security services provided



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable

The heads of SAX, staff or their immediate family members have not used any security services during the said period for their own benefit.  

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Mr. Mogokare Richard Seleke Ms. Lynne Brown, MP

Director-General Minister of Public Enterprises

Date: Date:

17 August 2017 - NW1965

Profile picture: Chance, Mr R

Chance, Mr R to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

(1) With reference to the correspondence from Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA) (details furnished), what is the basis of SEFA’s allegation that Gauteng Province Industrial Parks Association (GAPIPA)/Orlando West Industrial Property Association (OWIPA) instructed its (a) members and (b) tenants to boycott the payment of rentals at the industrial parks it owns; (2) with reference to her reply to question 314 on 20 April 2017 and the ongoing negotiations with regard to the ownership of industrial parks between the SEFA and GAPIPA/OWIPA, (a) what amount has SEFA allocated for a service provider to empower GAPIPA/OWIPA executives, members and tenants with skills on (i) property management and (ii) ownership and (b) for what period will this service be contracted for; (3) will she furnish Mr R W T Chance with statements of accounts for each of the SEFA-owned or SEFA-managed Gauteng industrial parks for the past 12 months, indicating the collective rentals payment history of tenants in each park; if not, why not; if so, by what date?”


1.(a) & (b) Members of GAPIPA/OWIPA are part of the tenants of the Industrial Parks. All GAPIPA tenants lease agreements expired more than 5 years ago and there has been resistance to renew and enter into new lease agreements. As a result, SEFA is currently only collecting on average only 20% of rentals from GAPIPA tenanted properties.

At a meeting with SEFA management, GAPIPA agreed to enter into lease agreement subject to the agreement by SEFA management to sell and transfer the properties to tenants.

In an attempt to resolve the dispute, the board of SEFA approved a framework to sell the properties to the tenants at fair value with an option for SEFA to fund the sale transactions using an Instalment Sales Agreement. However, the tenants refused the offer to buy the properties at fair value and demanded a free transfer.

2. No budget has been set aside and budgeted and no service providers have been appointed. It is one of the considerations being made provided the budget allows and that GAPIPA/OWIPA Executives agree to this proposed intervention including the terms of the proposed sale.

3. Due to Landlord and tenant confidentiality agreements, SEFA is not in a position to provide the requested information. SEFA recommends that Honorable Mr Chance to engage directly with the tenants for such information.

17 August 2017 - NW1081

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

On what date a certain company (name furnished) was appointed as investment manager for the Transnet Second Defined Benefit Fund (TSDBF); (2) (a) what amount the specified company was paid for services rendered, since it was appointed as investment manager for the TSDBF and the Transport Pension Fund and (b) how the specified amount was determined; (3) Why a company, admitting it previously donated money to a political grouping (name furnished), was placed at the helm of managing the income of pensioners; (4) In view of the fact that the company’s advisory business was transferred to a certain company (name furnished), what company is currently the real investment manager for the TSDBF and other pension funds for which the company was appointed? NW1213A


1. On 01 August 2014 in respect of Investment Agreement 1A and on 01 October 2015 in respect of Investment Agreement 1B.

(2)(a) The investment manager was paid R 12.8 million or 17 basis points as per the Investment Agreements with the TSDBF. The investment manager was not appointed by the Transport Pension Fund.

(b) The specified amount was determined as per Investment agreements with TSDBF.

(3) The investment manager was appointed following a due tender process and approval by the TSDBF Board of Trustees.

(4) The relevant TSDBF assets is managed by Old Mutual and Colorfield

Asset Managers.

Mogokare Richard Seleke Lynne Brown, MP

Director-General Minister of Public Enterprises

Date: Date:

17 August 2017 - NW2199

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Mr CH

Hunsinger, Mr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to the reply to question 163 on 8 March 2016, which (a) (i) private sector representatives and (ii) non-governmental organisations (NGOs) were invited and (b) of the specified (i) representatives and (ii) NGOs attended?


(a)(i) Private sector representatives




Cochrane steel

Digital technologies

Jampu business

Afro fleet


Driver info bureau



Tshelihle FC

AG Consultants

TT Projects



Driving Schools Association

Imbuba yenbokodo

Alcohol breathalyser



O B Broadcast

(a) (ii) non-governmental organisations

Stars of life

Autism SA


Childrens forum


Siyathuthuka FM


East Coast Radio


Town shop news

Gagasi fm



Kwa-Zulu Natal Bus Council





b) The number of those representatives referred to in (a) (i) All Private sector companies and (ii) Non-governmental orgarnisation that were invited sent representative.

17 August 2017 - NW2115

Profile picture: Shivambu, Mr F

Shivambu, Mr F to ask the Minister of Finance

Whether the National Treasury conducted (a) any feasibility study in terms of the cost benefit impact of state-owned assets that have been sold and (b) the cost-benefit analysis for state-owned assets that the National Treasury plans to sell?


a) No. In September 2014, Cabinet approved a support package to be provided to Eskom. Amongst other elements, the support package included an allocation of R23 billion to Eskom which was to be funded through the sale of non-strategic assets. The main purpose of the allocation was to ensure Eskom’s sustainability, energy security and ultimately to ensure economic growth. At the time, Eskom’s financial health was in a precarious position and the company was also experiencing operational challenges. Therefore, government’s inability to make the allocation would have, amongst other things limited the utilities ability to borrow money, compromised the entity’s going concern assumption, increased the risk of load shedding etc. All of which would have had dire consequences for the utility and the economy as a whole. Moreover, at that time Eskom’s inability to provide reliable supply of electricity was identified as one of the reasons for the slump in economic growth.

b) As part of the Presidential review committee (PRC) recommendations, the National Treasury was tasked with developing a framework for disposal of non-core assets which will amongst other things set out the criteria for state ownership and disposal as well as the benefits and costs thereof. This criteria is currently being developed and once finalised will be taken through the necessary approval processes and shared with relevant parties.

17 August 2017 - NW2063

Profile picture: Mbatha, Mr MS

Mbatha, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Whether (a) his department and/or (b) any entities reporting to him are funding, including by way of discretionary funding, any institution of research and development (i) domestically and/or (ii) internationally; if so, (aa)(aaa) what are the names of the specified institutions and (bbb) what are their functions, (bb) from what date has his department or any entity reporting to him been funding them and (cc) what amount has his department contributed towards such funding?


The Economic Development Department, Competition Tribunal and ITAC are not funding any institution of research and development either domestically or internationally. Below are details of Competition Commission and IDC funding for institutions of research development.

Competition Commission

Beneficiary Institution


Period of funding


University of Fort Hare

Establishment of the University programs on Competition Law and Economics

April 2017 (valid for one year)

R1 000 000.00

University of Stellenbosch

Establishment of the University programs on Competition Law and Economics

March 2017 valid for one year

R2 000 000.00

University of Johannesburg

Establishment of the University programs on Competition Law and Economics

March 2017 valid for one year

R1 000 000.00

Gordon Institute of Business Science

Establishment of the University programs on Competition Law and Economics

March 2017 valid for one year

R850 000.00


Beneficiary institutions


Period of funding

IDC Grants over the past 5 years

Global Reporting Initiative

An international community of practice for sustainability reporting, Global Reporting Initiative is a pioneer in the development sustainability reporting over the last two decades.

1-year contract

Euro 14 000 x 1 year

SADC DFI Network & Association of African DFIs

Development of DFIs thus contributing to member countries economic development

Over the past 5 years

$176 684 x 5 years

Association of African Development Finance Institutions (AADFI)

Providing financial support to the Research unit of the Association.

Over the past 5 years

Euro 5000

Regional Industrial Development Strategy (RIDS)

Vutha’s Mlilo Fund Impact Assessment

July 2014- December 2014

R 445 450.00 x 1 year

Mining Towns Revitalization (Special/Spatial Intervention Programme funds)

Conducting Economic Activities and Opportunity Assessment Around the declining mining towns in order to improve socio-economic conditions of mining regions for six municipal districts around South Africa.

August 2014 – July 2015

R 2 154 480.00 x 1 year

World Economic Forum -Regional Partnership

In line with its mandate to expand its investment into the Rest of Africa, the Regional Partnership enables the IDC to strengthen its catalytic role in the continent. It gives the IDC the opportunity to engage with the business communities, key representatives of government and various financial institutions on issues that pertains to the development of the continent.


CHF 300,000.00 x 3 years

University of Johannesburg’s Automation and Control Research Centre in the School of Electrical Engineering

Automation and Control Research


R1 million x 1 year

Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA)

MISTRA is an independent research institute that takes a long-term view on the strategic challenges facing South Africa, with the aim of deepening debates in issues such as economic, governance, history, culture and natural sciences. MISTRA collaborates with policy-makers and practitioners to ensure implementation of the recommendation emanating from its research findings. It was established in 2010 and has completed numerous comprehensive research projects, including commissioned research projects for a range of clients in the private sector and also released several publications.

Nov 2015  (Only)

R500 000.00

Beneficiary research institutions (undertaking specific research project/s after being selected through open bid process)


Total amount approved

Year approved

Total disbursements to date

University of KwaZulu-Natal

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




Bureau of Food and Agriculture Policy

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




National Agricultural Marketing Council

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




South African Poultry Association

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




Blue Karoo Trust

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




Urban-Econ Development Economists

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




Nkwele Agribusiness Planning and Investment (Pty) Ltd

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




Agricultural Research Council

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




Optimal Agricultural Business Systems Development

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




Optimal Agricultural Business Systems Development

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




Urban-Econ Development Economists

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




Luhlaza Integrated Sustainable Solutions

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)




Urban-Econ Development Economists

Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund: Research Grant Component (managed by IDC Research & Information department on behalf of EDD)





17 August 2017 - NW2207

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

When will SA citizens who have been legally naturalised be able to apply for and receive their ID smart cards?


The Department continues to rollout the issuance of smart ID Cards in a phased- in approach. The process of expanding the Live Capture footprint and the verification process of the records for naturalised citizens are ongoing as are the system upgrades which will make provision for this category of applicants. Upon determination of adequate footprint and system status readiness, the Minister will make an announcement which will give naturalised citizens the opportunity to apply for Smart ID Cards.

15 August 2017 - NW1455

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With regard to her reply to question 783 on 11 April 2017, what was the specific reason for the underspending in (a) the Eastern Cape of R47 776 717.16, (b) the Free State of R291 294 846, (c) KwaZulu-Natal of R97 551 404, (d) Limpopo of R86 082 002, (e) Mpumalanga of R81 404 186, (f) the Northern Cape of R27 198 095 and (g) the North West of R53 433 807 as part of the Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative (ASIDI); for each, specify (i) the number of projects affected and (ii) whether or not the projects were completed in the 2016-17 financial year; (2) what amount was (a) allocated to and (b) spent by the Western Cape as part of ASIDI in the 2015-16 financial year?


1. The process of merging, closing and rationalisation of small and unviable schools, led to major delays, which delayed the allocation of projects to implementing agents and contractors, which in effect led to lower spending. Non-performing contractors and Implementing Agents (IAs) also had a negative effect on performance and expenditure. The process of terminating and replacing contractors and IAs is lengthy and as such, the projects that are stopped do not generate any expenditure during that process. The process of replacing the service providers has been concluded. Finally, in some parts of the country, inclement weather severely affected work at sites.

2. The Western Cape was allocated R 274 804 000 in 2015-16 financial year. Expenditure for the 2015-16 financial year was R 329 098 000.

14 August 2017 - NW1824

Profile picture: Dlamini, Mr MM

Dlamini, Mr MM to ask the Minister of Energy

Why does her department still intend to pursue the nuclear energy option, in view of the findings contained in the 2016 report of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, which indicates an increased annual cost of R90 billion compared to the cost of renewable energy (details furnished)?


Pursuing the nuclear energy option is a declared intention of Government guided by the Nuclear Energy Policy of 2008 and Integrated Resource Plan 2010-2030 (IRP 2010-2030). This option exists to ensure that key that key objectives of the National Development plan 2010-2030, especially on socio-economic development and job creation, are achieved. Since 2010, the IRP 2010-2030 has guided procurement of other technology options, some of which are already generating electricity to the national grid. The Department is currently in the process of updating the IRP and has consulted the stakeholders.

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is one of the stakeholders who have decided to make comments on the IRP base-case and assumptions, as requested by the Department in November 2016. The Department is engaging on various other inputs (including CSIR’s) made towards the finalisation of the in line with declared targets of the last quarter of the financial year 2017/18.

I believe the Department has recognised the importance of costs in this exercise and I believe it is important to afford us the room to engage and address all inputs we have received to date towards completing the task at hand.


14 August 2017 - NW1244

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether any new employment positions were created in the Office of the Director-General of her department since 1 April 2016; if so, (a) why, (b) which positions were created, (c) who was appointed to each position and (d) what are the terms of their employment; (2) whether she intends to create any new employment positions in the specified Office in the next six months; if so, (a) why and (b) what are the further relevant details; (3) whether any vacant, newly created and/or intended employment positions have been advertised; if so, (a) which employment positions, (b) when was the position advertised and (c) what are the minimum requirements for each position?


1. There are no new positions created in the office of the Director-General since 01 April 2016.

2. There are no intentions of creating any new employment positions in the office of the Director-General in the next six months. The preliminary finding from the structure review process has indicated the reduction in the number of employment positions in the office of the Director-General. This preliminary finding is supported by the business process mapping.

3. No newly created employment positions were advertised.


14 August 2017 - NW1721

Profile picture: Jooste, Ms K

Jooste, Ms K to ask the Minister of Health

Whether any staff of (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him were awarded any contracts or agreements to conduct business with any state entity in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years; if so, what are the (aa)(aaa) names and (bbb) professional designations of the staff members and (bb)(aaa) details of the contract(s) and/or agreement(s) awarded and (bbb) amounts in each case?


(a) No.

(b) No.


14 August 2017 - NW1264

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Health

What are the details of all members of staff of the Ladysmith Provincial Hospital in KwaZulu-Natal who were (a) dismissed or (b) disciplined during the period 1 January 2016 to 30 April 2017?


The Table in Annexure 1 provides the details in this regard, as provided by the KwaZulu Natal Provincial Department of Health.


14 August 2017 - NW1447

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)When did Rand Water (a) start with maintenance work on their G28 concrete pipeline and (b) inform the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality about the pending work; (2) whether she will furnish Mr M Waters with a copy of the letter to this effect; if not, why not; if so, by what date?


(1)(a) Rand Water conducted a conditional assessment on the G28 and the entire network from the 8 to the 14 May 2017.

(1)(b) Yes, Rand Water did inform Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality of the condition assessment to be carried out at G28 pipeline.

(2) Refer to Annexure A for the copy of the email that informed Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality of the condition assessment to be carried out at G28 pipeline.


14 August 2017 - NW1664

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With reference to her reply to question 909 on 24 April 2017, (a) what is the total number of service level agreements that have been finalised with municipalities that are in arrears with the various water boards, (b) what are the names of the municipalities and (c) what is the total amount owed by each municipality as at 31 March 2017?


(a) There are a total of 47 service level agreements that have been finalised with municipalities that are in arrears with various water boards.

(b) Refer to Annexure A for the names of municipalities.

(c) Refer to Annexure A for the total amount owed by each municipality as at 31 March 2017.


14 August 2017 - NW2005

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether an interdepartmental forum will be established to enhance and entrench the consultative process in respect of the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Act, Act 1 of 2017; if not, why not; if so, (a) who will lead the forum, (b) who will participate in the forum and (c) what will the functions of the forum be; (2) Whether any forum has been established in the interim to enhance and entrench the consultative process in respect of the specified Act; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what statutory grounds and (b) what are the further relevant details in this regard?


1. Yes, an Inter-Departmental Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Committee is in the process of being set up. In addition, we plan to have a separate and dedicated consultative structure to facilitate engagements with accountable institutions in the private sector.

(a) The Committee will be chaired by Director-General of the National Treasury or his representative.

(b) The Committee will (initially) consist of representatives of National Treasury, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, the Department of Home Affairs, the State Security Agency, the South African Police Service, the National Prosecuting Authority, the South African Reserve Bank, the Financial Services Board and the Financial Intelligence Centre. The first meeting will also consider inviting other relevant departments or agencies for future meetings.

(c) The functions of the Committee are:

i) to co-ordinate South Africa’s response to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), including preparing for the Mutual Evaluation and the National Risk Assessment to facilitate compliance with international obligations;

ii) to inform discussions on potential changes to the country’s measurers against money laundering and terror financing, including changes to laws, regulations and other measurers;

iii) to assist in the allocation and prioritization of resources by competent authorities to combat money laundering and terror financing;

iv) to harmonise and align approaches to financial investigations, prosecutions, convictions and asset forfeitures in money laundering and terrorist financing matters;

v) to assess the effectiveness of anti-money laundering and combating of financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) policies and practices and whether the key objectives of the South African institutional framework against these phenomena are being met in practice;

vi) to assess progress made in South Africa with implementing the AML/CFT legal framework against the benchmark of the international standards and making recommendations for improvement; and

vii) assist in preparing the relevant departments and agencies for regular country assessments, peer reviews to measure South Africa’s compliance with international standards on combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

2. No interim forum has been established outside of the normal National Treasury internal processes, in collaboration with the Financial Intelligence Centre, and other financial sector regulators, to process the feedback emanating from the public comments in order to, among other things, give effect to the establishment of the Inter-Departmental AML/CFT Committee.

(a) As I stated previously, in PQ 1634 [NW1840E], dated 9 June 2017, I want to point out again that we will be putting in place more effective consultation mechanisms, and that we do not need legislation to do so.

(b) More details relating to the establishment and operations of the Inter-Departmental AML/CFT Committee will be made available after the public consultation processes have been finalised, together with the publication of the final set of provisions of the Financial Intelligence Amendment Act, 2015 on 2 October 2017.

14 August 2017 - NW2224

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)Whether (a) his department and/or (b) any other subsidiary entity reporting to him sponsored the events of (i) a certain organisation (name furnished) and/or (ii) a certain conference (name and details furnished); if so, what (aa) was the total cost and (bb) were the reasons for this in each case; (2) whether any staff members of (a) his department and/or (b) any other subsidiary entity reporting to him attended any events linked to the specified conference; if so, what (i) costs were incurred and (ii) are the relevant details?NW2456E


Response from the Department

1. (a) (i) (ii) (aa) (bb)

Neither the department nor its entities made any sponsorship towards the events as mentioned.

2. (a) (i) (ii)

No staff members from the department or its entities attended any events linked to the specified conferences.

3. (a) (i) (ii) (aa) (bb)

Neither the department nor its entities made any sponsorship towards the events as mentioned.

4. (a) (i) (ii)

No staff members from the department or its entities attended any events linked to the specified conferences.

14 August 2017 - NW1120

Profile picture: Brauteseth, Mr TJ

Brauteseth, Mr TJ to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to her reply to question 913 on 11 April 2017, which qualifications are held by the Chief Financial Officer, stating the (a) name of the qualification, (b) name of the institution conferring the qualification and (c) date each qualification was obtained?


SACE Response

The qualifications held by our CFO are as follows:

Name of Qualification


Date obtained

National Certificate in State Accounts



National Diploma in State Accounts and Finance



UMALUSI Response

The qualifications held by the newly appointed CFO are as follows:

Name of Qualification


Date obtained

Baccalaureus Commercii (B.Comm) – Accounting Science

University of Pretoria (UP)


B.Comm (Honores) – Accounting Science

University of Pretoria (UP)


Certificate in Accounting Science (CTA)

University of Pretoria (UP)


Chartered Accountant – CA(SA)

South African Institute of

Chartered Accountants ( SAICA)


14 August 2017 - NW1579

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

(a) What has he found to be the stumbling blocks in addressing land reform in the country, as the relevant legislation does not seem to bring about satisfactory progress in this regard and (b) what steps does his department intend to take to bring about more land reform, as it is one of the issues that needs to be addressed through the process of radical economic transformation?


(a) Our biggest challenge remains the answer to the question – Who owns South Africa? We have just concluded Phase Two: Land Audit in terms of land ownership by race, gender and nationality but still face further challenges as a result of the absence of information in respect of institutions, such as trusts, private and public organisations and companies, as well as sectional title holdings. The source of this enduring challenge is incoherent institutional transformation, both within and external to the DRDLR, for example:

  • the absence of a dynamic, interactive relationship between the National Geomatics Management Services (NGMS) and the Deeds Registration system even though the former feeds into the latter; and,
  • we have projectised the land claims process. This was a strategic error, which did not take into account fiscal constraints, complexities associated with verification/validation of claims, court challenges and internal capacity constraints.

A further challenge relates to water rights being allocated to individuals, not to the land. When an individual sells the land, he/she leaves with the water rights. Furthermore, subdivisions and changes of land use are happening at a rapid pace. An audit needs to be conducted in respect of both these issues, because they impact negatively on land reform farms. Although regulated by laws, compliance with and enforcement of such legislation needs to be strengthened

(b) The steps the Department is proposing, aligned with radical economic transformation, includes transforming the Land Claims Commission into a Chapter 9 Institution and the NGMS, Deeds Registries and Office of the Valuer-General will be listed as Schedule 2 entities in terms of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999.

DRDLR is also implementing the following measures in its efforts to enhance land reform:

  • Introduction of the Regulation of Agricultural Landholdings Bill to Parliament which aims to obtain and access agricultural land as well as to incentivise “national economy responsibility” from farm-land owners, agro-business and primary agriculture magnates and their links to secondary, tertiary international business dimensions and partners. The Land Commission provided for in the Regulation of Agricultural Land Bill, will enforce disclosure of ownership of land and landed property.
  • The Agri-Parks programme which aims at transforming the rural economy. It seeks to improve production by small holder farmers, access to markets, finance and research and engagement in the whole agriculture value chain. It is designed to promote cooperative efforts between government, private sector, and rural communities.
  • The 1 Household 1 Hectare Programme and 1 Household 2 Dairy Cows Programme is intended to improve production and food security at household level to contribute to the increase in the number of small holder farmers.
  • Strenghtening of relative rights of people working the land (50/50) seeks to secure the land rights and residential tenure of the farm-dweller/worker; empower people working the land to acquire majority equity-holdings in farming enterprises and bring about economic transformation of the agricultural sector. It enables farm workers/farm dwellers to sell labour-power across the fence, without fear of eviction; strengthen farmworkers’ bargaining power in advancing worker rights and improving his/her conditions of living; and, address socio-economic livelihood challenges faced by farm dwellers/workers and labour tenants. It will further address land hunger, extreme land concentration, associated poverty and inequity by fostering asset and enterprise equity that introduce fundamental changes to land relations and factors of production.

14 August 2017 - NW2031

Profile picture: Jooste, Ms K

Jooste, Ms K to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to his reply to question 534 on 8 May 2017, what was the financial cost associated with treating children who were admitted to hospital due to severe acute malnutrition in each of the specified financial years?


The estimated average financial cost per case (based on modelled estimates) of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) with complications is R65,826. The median length of in-patient days for SAM cases with Severe Acute Malnutrition is 30 days (7 days - stabilisation phase and 23 days - rehabilitation phase). The composition of the unit costs includes foodstuffs, medicines and hospital overheads.

Based on this estimated cost, the approximate costs of inpatient care for all children with SAM for the last four financial years are shown in the table below:

Financial years

SAM inpatient admissions

Approximate Costs














14 August 2017 - NW1092

Profile picture: Jooste, Ms K

Jooste, Ms K to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to his reply to question 1282 on 26 May 2015, has the forensic report been completed; if not, why not; if so, (a) who has seen the report and (b) what steps have emanated from it?


Forensic Investigation was commissioned by the Department of Roads and Public Works in the 2015/16 Financial Year. The report has since been forwarded by GOBODO to the HoD of the Department of Roads and Public Works. This Department was informed that the GOBODO Report was forwarded to the Special Investigations Unit for review and recommendations.


14 August 2017 - NW1106

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) amount was spent by his department on e-government services in the 2016-17 financial year and (b) is the projected expenditure for the 2017-18 financial year?


(a) The amount spent by the National Department of Health on eGovernment related services during 2016- 17 financial year is R 67,749,994

(b) The projected expenditure on e-Government related services for the 2017-18 financial year is R120,808,930.98


14 August 2017 - NW1259

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to his reply to question 6 on 13 March 2017, where he stated that his department undertakes annual assessments of health care professionals against possible infections through occupational health units located within health facilities and provide N95 masks to all health care professionals in infection areas, what is the total number of (a) entry and exit interviews conducted with healthcare professionals in (i) 2013 (ii) 2014 (iii) 2015 and (iv) 2016 in each hospital in South Africa and (b) N95 masks issued per healthcare professional, in each hospital for the period 2014 to 2017?



14 August 2017 - NW1856

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to ward 6 in the Koukamma Local Municipality, what are the reasons of the Eastern Cape provincial department for taking 16 years to verify the authentic beneficiaries of the Thornham claim; (2) (a) who are the beneficiaries of the Thornham Trust, (b) on what date was the last meeting of the board with the trustees, (c) are there any government employees who are (i) beneficiaries and/or (ii) board members of Thornham Trust, (d) what is the role of Government in the Thornham Trust, (e) why are residents of Thornham stopped from developing residential and/or business properties on the land and (f) who serves on the current board of (i) trustees and/or (ii) interim committee?


1. On 02 September 2002, the then Department of Land Affairs (DLA) appointed Mr J Benade as a Commissioner for designation of Farms No. 466 and 467 and Portion 1 of Farm No. 469 known as Thornham and currently registered in favour of HW Botha and others. On 29 November 2002 and 7 November 2003, Mr Benade advertised in a Jeffrey’s Bay newspaper (“Our Times”) calling for people who claimed to have an associated land right to make a submission to him in accordance with section 6(1) the Land Titles Adjustment Act, 1993 (Act No. 111 of 1993). In accordance with the above-mentioned section of the Act, the adverts gave a period of two months for people to register their claims.

On 23 July 2004 Mr Benade provided a written statement to the DLA as to whom the property should be registered. The statement declared that the property should be registered in the name of the Thornham Communal Property Association [CPA]. The CPA members would be comprised of those people Mr Benade had verified as landowners. The Thornham CPA was therefore registered on 13 November 2002 (Registration Number CPA/ 00/0487/A). Paragraph 6.1 of the CPA constitution limits the membership primarily to the descendants of the Cunningham and Thorn Families.

On 18 November 2004, Mr Benade passed away. The Department at the time assumed that the late Mr Benade had completed his responsibilities to the Department and claimants as he has made his transfer recommendations to the State Attorney.

In 2006, Mr Dennis Botha of the Thornham Property Owners Association approached the Department with an appeal against the allocation of a title deed to the Thornham Communal Property Association. Mr Botha claimed that the CPA formulation process was flawed and that CPA membership and ownership of the identified property was thus disputed. The Thornham Property Association is represented by Bennett Attorneys and Mr Bennett requested that an alternative Commissioner be appointed in terms of section 3(4) of the Land Titles Adjustment Act, 1993 which provides that another Title Adjustment Commissioner may be appointed if a Commissioner is unable to perform his/her duties.

The challenge in the Thornham case is that the formal function of the appointed Commissioner was already completed in November 2004 with transfer instructions being made to the State Attorney. Mr Bennett was advised that section 3(4) of the Land Titles Adjustment Act does not apply in this case because the Bennett appeal was submitted in September 2006 almost two years after the allocation of the land was done. The two month comment period as provided for in terms of in section 6(1) and advertised in 2002 and 2003 had long expired.

The Department was required to submit proof of this process to support the argument that Mr Bennett’s appeal is late but unfortunately the Department was unable to find any proof of advertisement in terms of section 7(1) of the Act which calls for the Commissioner to advertise his findings for comment by the larger community and the Commissioner had passed on. This meant that in terms of the Act, an alternative Commissioner would have to be appointed but the findings of the first Commissioner would have to be set aside.

The Thornham Property Association through Mr Bennett, filed papers on 13 December 2007 with the Grahamstown High Court seeking the reversal of the findings of the Title Adjustment Commissioner ie the late Mr Benade. The Department was cited as the second respondent and the papers were served to the State Attorney in Port Elizabeth. The Department did not oppose the application because the CPA had informed the Department of its decision not to oppose the application due to their dissatisfaction with the number of people who were left out of the process and those who were identified as beneficiaries.

The Court issued an order for the Land Title Adjustment process conducted and concluded by the late Mr Benade to be set aside; secondly, that another process to determine beneficiaries be opened afresh; and thirdly the Department should pay the costs. The Department facilitated the appointment of a new Commissioner and it was approved by the Minister on 9 June 2010. The Commissioner (Commissioner Bacela) began to work with the community thereafter and was required, in terms of the contract, to complete her work in two years. During her contract period there was a period when the Commissioner could not discharge her duties due to the fact that she was also appointed as an Acting Judge of the High Court. This contributed immensely to the delay in the finalisation of the facilitation process.

During 2016 the Department engaged the Commissioner on the progress of her work and found it unsatisfactory. The Department decided to terminate the contract with Commissioner Bacela. The Department is in the process of drafting Terms of Reference for the appointment of a new Commissioner.

2. (a) There is no registered Trust in Thornham; Trust beneficiaries of Thornham must still be determined once a Commissioner is appointed.

(b) Falls away; see (2)(a) above.

(c) (i),(ii) Falls away.

(d) Falls away.

(e) The Department is not aware of these allegations.

(f) (i) Falls away.

(ii) The Department is not aware of an interim committee.


14 August 2017 - NW1054

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether her department has suspended any water use licences since 1 January 2008; if so, what is the (a) name of the company and/or (b) nature of its business in each case; (2) whether any suspensions have been appealed; if so, what is the status of the appeal in each case?


1. Yes, my Department has suspended one Water Use License during the period, April 2010 for Aganang Beef Trust, which was for agricultural water use: Irrigation.

(2) No appeal has been received by my Department thus far.


14 August 2017 - NW1665

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What is the (a) nature, (b) cost, (c) location and (d) commencement date of each (i) Accelerated Community Infrastructure project and (ii) Water and Sanitation Implementation Committee project currently under construction.


(i) In the 2017/18 financial year, the Accelerated Community Infrastructure Programme (ACIP) will implement 3 projects in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. Refer to the table below for the nature, cost, location and commencement date of each project.

Project Name

(a) Project Nature

(b) Project cost

(c) Location

(d) Commencement date

Manguzi WWTW

Refurbishment of a Waste Water Treatment Work (WWTW)

R 9,710,000

Umhlabuyalingana Local Municipality (LM) under uMkhanyakude District

October 2017

Hluhluwe WWTW

Refurbishment of WWTW


The Big Five False Bay LM under uMkhanyakude DM

October 2017

Ingwavuma WWTW

Refurbishment of WWTW


Jozini LM under uMkhanyakude DM

January 2017 (Under Construction)





(ii) There is no programme within my Department’s Branch: National Water Resources Infrastructure implemented as “Water and Sanitation Implementation Committee Projects”.


14 August 2017 - NW2051

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Health

Is the newly built hospital in De Aar, Northern Cape, that was unveiled on 29 July 2016, operational; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will it be operational; if so, what services are currently being rendered at the hospital?



14 August 2017 - NW1327

Profile picture: Schmidt, Adv H

Schmidt, Adv H to ask the Minister of Basic EducationQuestion

What progress has her department made with the investigation into the death of Siphamandla Choma, a learner at the Manyano Primary School in Mhluzi, following an alleged assault by his school principal?


The principal of Manyano Primary School, Mr Mseteka KJ was suspended from the school pending an investigation by the Mpumalanga Department of Education. The Principal was subsequently charged and following a disciplinary hearing, he was found guilty and dismissed.

14 August 2017 - NW1601

Profile picture: Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV

Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(a) What percentage of her department’s budget was allocated towards drought relief in the current financial year and (b) what amount was allocated for the Western Cape?


(a) My Department does not have a budget allocation for drought relief in the 2017/18 financial year.

(b) There is no amount allocated for Western Cape towards drought relief in the 2017/18 financial year.



14 August 2017 - NW1718

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether any staff of (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her were awarded any contracts or agreements to conduct business with any state entity in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years; if so, what are the (aa)(aaa) names and (bbb) professional designations of the staff members and (bb)(aaa) details of the contract(s) and/or agreement(s) awarded and (bbb) amounts in each case?


(a) There were no employees from the Department of energy and (b) and entities reporting to the Department of Energy who were awarded any contracts or agreements to conduct any business with the state or any state entity in the (i) 2014-15; (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years. (aa) (aaa)Not applicable and (bbb) Not applicable and (bb) (aaa) Not applicable and (bbb) not applicable.


14 August 2017 - NW2264

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With reference to his reply to question 2008 on 5 July 2017, what are the full details of the consultations held between him and the Minister of Mineral Resources, Mr M J Zwane, on the amended codes in relation to the mining sector?


The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) and the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) conducted consultations at a Ministerial and Senior Government Official Level regarding the development of a Transformation Charter under Section 100 (2) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act of 2002 (MPRDA).

Minister Davies and Minister Zwane had engagements to discuss the process and alignment of the Reviewed Mining Charter to the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 as Amended by Act 46 of 2013 (B-BBEE Act).

Furthermore, the dti provided guidance and clarity in understanding the methodologies and dynamics of the B-BBEE Legislation.

In light of the above consultations, the end result of the consultative process led to the DMR issuing the Reviewed Mining Charter under Section 100 (2) of the MRPDA.

14 August 2017 - NW1070

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

(a) How many registered communal property associations (CPA) exist in areas (i) administered, (ii) controlled and/or (iii) governed by traditional councils in each (aa) province and/or (bb) district and (b) what is the name of each (i) CPA and/or (ii) trust, respectively?


(a)(i),(ii),(iii)(aa),(bb),(b)(i),(ii) The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s Communal Property Institutions (CPI) Directorate only maintains a database of CPAs according to provinces. The database does not contain information on specific location of a CPA, or whether they are located within areas governed and controlled by traditional councils. The Department has registered 1513 CPAs to date. Details are submitted with National Assembly, Question 1068 and are also published in the Annual Report on CPAs tabled in Parliament annually.

14 August 2017 - NW1668

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether any action has been taken against her department’s chief financial officer for incurring over R 2 billion in irregular expenditure in the 2015-16 financial year; if not, (a) why not and (b) will action be taken; if so, what are the relevant details?


(a) No, the irregular expenditure that was incurred during the 2015-16 financial year was not incurred by the Chief Financial Officer.

(b) The irregular expenditure was in respect of Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant (RBIG) and my Department is currently in the process of disciplinary action against the Implementing Agent (IAs) who failed to follow proper Supply Chain Management (SCM) procedures. Furthermore, I am in the process of engaging Water Boards and Municipalities in order to take the necessary corrective action to prevent such further occurrences.

My Department is also in the process of disciplinary action against relevant managers for irregular expenditure of R240 million for goods and services.


14 August 2017 - NW1146

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)(a) How many employment positions does the Office of her department’s Director-General currently have, (b)(i) how many of the specified positions are currently vacant and (ii) why, (c) how many of the specified positions have appointed persons on an acting basis and (d) what are the names of each person employed in the specified office; (2) Whether any positions in the specified office were declared redundant since 1 April 2016; if so, why and (b) which positions were affected; (3) Whether she will furnish Mr L J Basson with copies of the specified office’s detailed organogram?


(1)(a) The Office of Director-General currently has a total of forty four (44) employment positions.

(1)(b) A total of twenty one (21) positions are currently vacant within the office of the Director-General. Refer to the table below.


(1)(b)(i) Title of the vacant post

(1)(b)(ii) Reason why post still vacant


Director: Office of the DG

Post was advertised and put on hold until the DG was appointed


Head: Strategy & Operations

Advertised closed 25/11/2016


CD: Support Services

Advertised closed 17/06/2016


Assistant Director : Ministerial Enquiries

Advertised in June 2017


Language Practitioner

Advertised in June 2017


Deputy Director CPT

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


Water and Sanitation Advisory Service

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


ASD: Administration

Advertised closed 25/11/2016


Office Manager

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


Personal Assistant

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


Head : Water Sector Partnerships IGC and Corporate Communication

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


Office Manager

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


Personal Assistant

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


Personal Assistant

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


ASD: Office of the DG (secretary)

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


Driver /Messenger

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts



Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


Director : Policy & Stakeholder Management

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


Deputy Director : Stakeholder Liaison and Parliamentary Co-Ordination

Advertised closed 25/11/2016


Parliamentary Officer

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts


ASD : Fosad Cluster and Policy Co-Ordination

Not regarded as priority post as a result of budget cuts

(1)(c) A total of two (2) positions have appointed persons on an acting capacity.

(1)(d) Refer to Annexure A for the names and positions of each person employed in the office of the Director-General.

(2) All positions in the office of Director-General are still relevant, no positions were declared redundant since 1 April 2016.

(3) Refer to Annexure A for a detailed organogram for the office of Director-General.


14 August 2017 - NW1609

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

(a) What amount of money has the government spent in buying land for land reform purposes since 1994 and (b) which programme of land reform has been the most expensive?


a) R 33 billion.

b) Land Restitution.