Questions and Replies

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14 December 2017 - NW3907

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether, with reference to the Minister of Mineral Resources’ reply to question 3396 on 14 November 2017, her department is aware of any salary scales used by the mining sector when it classifies paygrades; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details of the (a) salary band for each category and (b) number of persons employed as (i) permanent employees and (ii) outsourced contractors in the (aa) platinum group metals and (bb) gold sectors in each of the specified salary scales for each financial year since 1 April 2006?


Pay grades in the mining sector are by and large the function of Collective bargaining processes either at sectoral level or enterprise level. As such the detailed information is in the public domain and these can either be accessed through the trade unions, the mining sector employer bodies and mining enterprises.


14 December 2017 - NW2906

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What is the detailed (a) breakdown of and (b) valuation for current and non-current assets and investments held by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her according to (aa) listed assets (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held and (bb) unlisted investments (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held by each of the entities, in each case breaking the current assets and investments down by 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months and beyond 12 months?


Refer to the table below for the detailed breakdown for the branch CFO: Main Account in my Department also refer to Annexure A for the detailed Breakdown from Construction Unit.

Main Account as at 31 August:


0-3 months

3-6 months

6-12 months

12 months

(a)(aa)(aaa) Breakdown of listed assets directly held






Breakdown of listed assets indirectly held





(b) Valuation for current and non-current assets



Current assets

Non-Current Assets

(b)(bb)(aaa) Unlisted investments directly held





(b)(bb)(bbb) Unlisted investments indirectly held





Refer to Annexure B for the detailed breakdown for the Entities reporting to me.


14 December 2017 - NW3753

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr P

Mhlongo, Mr P to ask the Minister of Police

(1)Whether (a) his department and/or (b) entities reporting to him procured services from a certain company (name furnished); if so, (i) what services were procured in each case and (ii) what is the total amount that was paid to the specified company in each case; (2) whether the specified company provided services related to international travel to (a) his department and/or (b) entities reporting to him; if so, (i) what is the name of each person who travelled, (ii) what was the travel route and (iii) what is the total amount that was paid for each person?


(1)(a) Yes, the South African Police Service (SAPS), procured services from Travel With Flair, since 2001.

(1)(b) For the entities, reporting to the Minister of Police, to respond.

(1)(i)(ii) For the period, since 2001 up to November 2017, the following amounts were paid to the company:

  • Air charter service: R8 211 370,31.
  • Leases: motor vehicles: R1 476 536,81.
  • Laundry services: R10 315,46.
  • Domestic accommodation: R97 612 196,21.
  • Domestic car rental: R2 919,40.
  • Domestic air transport and accommodation: R437 423,58.
  • Domestic air transport: R30 992 464,62.
  • Domestic railway transport: R6 664,44.
  • Domestic road transport: R2 350 251,39.
  • Foreign accommodation: R22 797 095,54.
  • Foreign incidental cost-medical insurance: R115 327,42.
  • Foreign air transport: R100 239 651,94.
  • Foreign road transport: R101 458,00.
  • Venues and facilities: R253 605,12.

(2)(a) Yes, international travel expenditures were also procured from the company.

(2)(i)(ii) and (iii)

Due to the number of employees that travelled abroad, during the lengthy period of time, for which information is requested, (4 225 foreign air tickets) and taking into account the various transactions and the documents which are to be analysed, it will be extremely time consuming and will place an unreasonable burden on the resources of the SAPS to obtain the information in these categories, as requested. The information requested is not readily available in the financial accounting structure (Standard Chart of Accounts) of the SAPS and can therefore, not be extracted electronically.

14 December 2017 - NW3954

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Police

What (a) are the full details of crimes that were linked to the firearms handed in during the period of the two previous firearm amnesties and (b) number of firearms were handed in each province during each of the amnesties?


This question requires consultation with various role players, including all station commanders. It is, therefore, requested that extension is granted to reply to this question. An extension period of five working days is requested, to gather and consolidate the correct information.



14 December 2017 - NW3949

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

(1)What are the names of the Majors-General in the SA Police Service who failed to attain security clearance; (2) whether the specified Majors-General will be dismissed from their positions; if not, why not; if so, by what date?


(1) and (2) There are two Major-Generals whose files were closed in 2016, without issuing the clearance certificates. Their files were closed because they had not submitted all the required documentation.

These Major-Generals are now required to re-apply, in terms of the new directive by the National Commissioner. The directive instructs all Generals and Brigadiers to submit their applications before the end of December 2017. Their names cannot yet be disclosed, considering that, together with all members of senior management, they have been afforded the opportunity to re-apply within the stipulated time frames.

In the interim, members of the Senior Management Service (SMS), are being dealt with in terms of Section 70 and 71 of the South African Police Service Act, which require them to take an oath of secrecy.

Furthermore, consistent with the requirements of the Minimum Information Security Standards (MISS) policy, the respective supervisors must, at the end of every financial year, furnish a certificate regarding the security conduct of persons who do not yet possess security clearance certificates.

The MISS policy states, amongst others, that “the screening authority will merely make a recommendation regarding the security competence of the person concerned, to the head of the requesting institution, and this should in no way be seen as a final testimonial, as far as the utilisation of the person is concerned”. The relevant legislation and the MISS do not provide for the dismissal of persons who fail to obtain security clearance certificates.

Taking the above into account, it is clear that each case will have to be considered on its own merit.

14 December 2017 - NW3920

Profile picture: Hugo, Mr RT

Hugo, Mr RT to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

(a) By which date will the (i) agri-park project in the Central Karoo start and (ii) agri-hub be built and (b) what support is given to the mayor of Central Karoo as champion of the project; (2) what number of agri-parks are operational in the Western Cape; (3) what number of small farmers have benefited from the specified projects thus far?


1. (a) (i) The Agri-Park initiative was started in 2015 with the development of a district wide Agri-Parks business plan that was signed off by the District Municipality in 2016.

(ii) The Agri-hub construction will start in the 2018/19 financial year; the fencing project is already approved and is at planning stage. A mechanisation centre is also planned for the 2018/19 financial year. The focus in the district has been on the establishment of the Farmer Production Support Unit (FPSUs) in Beaufort West and in Prince Albert.

  • The Beaufort West FPSU is being established on erf 394 in Beaufort West, which has a grazing capacity of 36 Ha/LSU1. It is envisaged that 600 ewes and 20 rams will be housed on this farm.
  • The Prince Albert FPSU (Erf 783 in Prince Albert Municipality) will focus on the production of dried fruit and the facility has been fenced by the RID branch.
  • Remainder of Portion 4 of Farm No. 137, Wolve Kraal in Prince Albert Registration Division, owned by Prince Albert Local Municipality is earmarked for an apricot plantation to supply the FPSU. An Environmental Impact Assessment of the property is currently underway.
  • 33 Narysec Youth are currently at various TVET colleges undergoing mixed farming, animal production, project management, agri-sales and services and marketing learnerships. A further 45 were recruited during 2017 and will be starting their college training in January 2018. These youth will receive accredited training at NQF levels 3 and 4 and after the completion of these learnerships will find themselves placed in the FPSU sites and Agri-hub.

(b) The support to the mayor is provided through the District Joint Operations Centre (DJOC), chaired by the District Municipal Manager. The DJOC meets monthly in the District. Several meetings with the mayor have taken place to apprise him of the progress as well as any issues and challenges that may exist.

2. An Agri-park is a conglomeration of various interventions at the level of an FPSU and the Agri-hub level; the table below shows the work that has commenced in terms of the Agri-Park.

Agri-Park (FPSU/Agri-hub intervention)


Enterprise Development

Haarlem FPSU

Planning & design

  • Establishing the Marketing Cooperative
  • In the process of Acquiring a Delivery Truck

Suurbraak FPSU

Planning & design

  • Not yet started

Hermanus FPSU

Planning & design

  • The Fisherfolk - 4 Cooperatives, supported with fishing equipment

Ebenaeser FPSU

Planning & design

  • Ebeneaser FPSU- provision of a truck and production Inputs

Saron FPSU

Planning & design

  • 1hh 1ha project approved and will be implemented soon.

Ceres Agri0hub

  • Upgrade of Roads
  • Witzenberg Bulk Electrical Upgrade
  • Yabantu Abattoir has been acquired and has started operating

Beaufort West FPSU

Planning & design

  • Animal Improvement Scheme

Prince Albert FPSU

  • Fencing of the site
  • Not yet started

3. 492 small holder farmers will be benefiting from the projects in the province in the current financial year.

14 December 2017 - NW3163

Profile picture: Ndlozi, Dr MQ

Ndlozi, Dr MQ to ask the Minister of State Security

1. What are the details including the ranks of service providers and/or contractors from which (a) his department and (b) the entities reporting to him procured services in the past five years; 2. What (a) service was provided by each service provider and/or contractor and (b) amount was each service provider and/or contractor paid; 3.(a) how many of these service providers are black-owned entities, (b) what contract was each of the black-owned service providers awarded and (c) how much was each black-owned service provider paid?


Such information relating to service providers and/or contractors of the State Security Agency (SSA) forms part of the broader operational framework of the SSA and therefore remains classified and privileged. Information about service providers and/or contractors is a matter that falls in the ambit of national security and therefore excluded from public disclosure. It should however be observed that the SSA is held accountable on such matters by the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence (JSCI).

14 December 2017 - NW3854

Profile picture: Stander, Ms T

Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister of Police

What is the total number of (a) incidents of (i) ukuthwala, (ii) forced marriages (iii) child marriages and (iv) female gender mutilation that were reported to SA Police Service stations in each province (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2017, (b) cases that were opened in each case, (c) the specified cases that were prosecuted and (d) the specified cases that remains pending?


The information that is required, is not readily available and has to be requested from the provinces. Each case must be verified before the information can be submitted. A request is hereby made for an extension, in order for the correct information to be provided.

14 December 2017 - NW2818

Profile picture: Steyn, Ms A

Steyn, Ms A to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

What are the full relevant details of each agri-park established to date in terms of (a) the names of each specified park, (b) the amount of funding spent on each park to date, (c) the amount budgeted for each park for the 2017-2020 medium term expenditure framework, (d) the details of any directions of how this funding should be spent and (e) how the parks are being managed, funded and kept operational; (2) whether he will furnish Ms A Steyn with copies of each economic viability study conducted on each park; if not, why not; if so, by what date; (3) whether each of the parks’ directorships have been appointed; if so, (a) did each directorship receive an authorisation letter from him and (b) what is the name of each director of each park?


1. (a),(b),(c) Please refer to Annexures A-C.

(d) Agri-Parks funding is directed to production and physical infrastructure, and aligned to the development plans developed by each district.

(e) The Agri-Parks are currently being managed by the Provincial Offices of the DRDLR working closely with District Municipalities, whose Mayors have been appointed by the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform as Political Champions.

(2) No, since all the viability study documents are accessible on the departmental website (

(3) No.

(a),(b) Falls away.


14 December 2017 - NW3626

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether (a) his department and/or (b) any entity reporting to him own land; if so, in each case, (i) where is each plot of land located, (ii) what is the size of each specified plot and (iii) what is each plot currently being used for?


(a) (b) Yes

(a) (i),(ii),(iii) Refer to Annexure A.

(b) (i),(ii),(iii) The Ingonyama Trust Board (ITB) administers land held in trust for the communities/clans listed in the schedule of the Ingonyama Trust Act 1997 as amended. A copy of the schedule of the communities/clans is attached as Annexure B together with the land holding register as Annexure C.

The land in question is communally owned and the sizes vary depending on the use and the time acquired. The Trust land measures approximately three million hectares in extent. Uses include public facilities, grazing land, residential, commercial, mining and both subsistence and commercial agriculture. It should be noted that the bulk of the land still has to be surveyed and formalized. This would require multimillion rand investment. The source of such funding will need to be agreed to with all relevant role players.

14 December 2017 - NW3245

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

(a) What is the total number of members of the SA Police Service who retired in terms of (i) section 45(3) and/or (ii) section 45(4) of the SA Police Service Act, Act 68 of 1995, in each of the past five financial years and (b) in each case, what is the (i) name, (ii) rank, (iii) date of retirement (iv) date of early retirement and (v) reasons given?


(a)(i) Section 45(3)

Financial Year

Total number of members











(a)(ii) Section 45(4)

Financial Year

Total number of members











(b)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v) Section 45(3)

Financial Year



Annexure A


Annexure B


Annexure C


Annexure D


Annexure E

(b)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v) Section 45(4)

Financial Year



Annexure F


Annexure G


Annexure H


Annexure I

14 December 2017 - NW3053

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr P

Mhlongo, Mr P to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to the media statement released by the SA Police Service on 10 October 2017 regarding the alleged sponsorship of his trip to Dubai, wherein it is stated that his family was responsible for the trip from the family financial resources, of which the details are completely confidential and protected in accordance with the Members Code of Ethics, what are the relevant sections in the Members Code of Ethics which were referred to in the statement?


The Minister relies on the entirety of the Code of Ethics read together with the Act

14 December 2017 - NW3944

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

With reference to his reply to question 3229 on 13 November 2017, what (a) number of nominations were received for appointment to the SA Post Office Board, (b) are the names of each individual, (c) are the reasons for not appointing each individual and (d) skills requirements are being sought for each Board position?


(a) 338 (three hundred and thirty eight) nominations were received.

(b) and (c) responses are attached as Annexure A.

(d) The skills requirements for the three positions were as follows:

  1. Position 1 - Banking business;
  2. Position 2 - Logistics and operations; and
  3. Position 3 - ICT/e-Commerce or Governance and Compliance or Postal Service and Postal Service Management.

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


14 December 2017 - NW3900

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Tourism

Whether, in line with the National Tourism Sector Strategy which makes provision for partnerships with municipalities to convert underutilised resorts into budget resorts, any such programs have been implemented; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Tourism is a concurrent function. Although the Department conducted an audit which provided a baseline of municipal and provincially owned tourism assets, the decision to convert these underutilised resorts into budget resorts must be taken by the responsible owning entities. This audit report, produced in partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), was made available to all provinces for their project and budget planning purposes of their tourism assets. The Department remains committed to providing support to Provincial and Municipal projects from a planning and investment packaging perspective in cases where municipalities have decided to pursue the budget resort approach.

The member is kindly referred to the responses by myself and my predecessor the past two years on the issue of municipal and provincially owned tourism assets.

As per previous responses the Department of Tourism cannot pursue the Budget Resort Concept independently but only in agreement and partnership with the owners of the tourism asset e.g. municipalities and /or Provinces.

Question Number



Questions Paper:

Publication date and number

Date of Reply

Question asked by


Written -NA

7/11/2014 –no 25


Mr J Vos (DA)




6/03/2015 – no 5


Mr J Vos (DA)


Written NA

29/05/2015 - no 17


MR J Vos (DA)




29/05/2015 – no 17


Mr J Vos (DA)



Transferred from written to oral-NA

1/11/2016 - no 34

14/10/2016 - no 30


Mr J Vos (DA)




17/02/2017 - no 2


Mr BR Topham (DA)




30/05/2017- no 19


Mr J Vos (DA)




7/08/2017 - no 25


MR TM Mbabama (DA)

14 December 2017 - NW3871

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether her department intends to adjust the entry threshold for the payment of the skills development levy annually in accordance with the annual general salary increase rate; if not, (a) why, given the fact that small business owners have to pay higher increases and, therefore, salaries each year and (b) what are the legal grounds for justifying the stated policy position; if so, (i) what are the relevant details in this regard and (ii) what is the full exposition of the details of the proposed entry threshold increase?


Skills development is no longer under the Minister of Labour’s remit, but that of the Department of Higher Education and Training.

14 December 2017 - NW2953

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Police

(1)How many (a) kilometres of security border fences and (b) static observation posts at border crossings were (i) erected and/or (ii) repaired in terms of the National Rural Safety Strategy (aa) in each of the past five financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2017 in each province; (2) what is the total number of SA Police Service members who are currently stationed at each static border crossing observation post?


(1)(a)(b)(i)(ii)(aa)(bb) The South African Police Service (SAPS), does not erect or repair security border fences or static observation posts. This is the responsibility of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF).

2. Border crossing observation posts are monitored and manned by members of the SANDF.

14 December 2017 - NW3956

Profile picture: Bara, Mr M R

Bara, Mr M R to ask the Minister of Police

How long will it take to (a) process, (b) test and (c) check the system for links of a single firearm handed in during the proposed Firearm Amnesty period in 2018?


(a)(b) and (c) The test firing will occur at station level, within one week of receiving the firearm, whereafter the fired specifimens will be submitted to the Forensic Science Laboratory. The loading and comparison searching on the Intergrated Ballistic Identification System and other testing, will occur within 30 days from receipt of the fired specimens.

14 December 2017 - NW3261

Profile picture: Hill-Lewis, Mr GG

Hill-Lewis, Mr GG to ask the Minister of Police

Did he meet with any (a) members and/or (b) close associates of a certain family (name furnished) in Dubai on or around 27 December 2016; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(a) and (b) no

14 December 2017 - NW3971

Profile picture: Brauteseth, Mr TJ

Brauteseth, Mr TJ to ask the Minister of Tourism

(a) By what date (i) will a business plan for the Royal Khalanga Accommodation Lodge in Limpopo be tabled before the Portfolio Committee on Tourism, (ii) will her department submit a full report with regard to the costs, projected income, and viability of the resort to the specified Committee and (b) what role is envisaged for the (i) Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality and (ii) Mopane District Municipality in relation to the resort?


The Department is not responsible for the operation of a project post-handover and therefore does not have information related to the business plan, costs, projected income of the resort and role of the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality and Mopane District Municipality. This question will need to be referred to the Project Owning Entity.

14 December 2017 - NW4002

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

(1)What amounts of abalone were confiscated from alleged poachers during the period 1 January 2012 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; (2) for each specified year, (a) what number of alleged poachers were (i) arrested and (ii) successfully prosecuted and (b) in what jurisdiction did each prosecution occur; (3) (a) what number of court cases against alleged abalone poachers are currently pending and (b) what is the estimated amount of abalone involved in each specified case; (4) what amount of the confiscated abalone was (a) destroyed, (b) sold and (c) sold at auction in each specified year?


  1. Amount of confiscated Abalone is 463 796.04 Kg
  2. (a) (i) Arrests are as follows:
  • In year 2012 the number of poachers arrested were 251. In that, 210 were arrested within the Western Cape jurisdiction and 41 were arrested within the Eastern Cape Jurisdiction.
  • In year 2013 the number of poachers arrested were 325. In that, 289 were arrested within the Western Cape jurisdiction and 36 were arrested within the Eastern Cape Jurisdiction.
  • In year 2014 the number of poachers arrested were 80. In that, 56 were arrested within the Western Cape jurisdiction and 24 were in the Eastern Cape Jurisdiction.
  • In year 2015 the number of poachers arrested were 198. In that, 151 were arrested in the Western Cape jurisdiction, 45 were arrested within the Eastern Cape Jurisdiction and 2 arrested within Northern Cape.
  • In year 2016 the number of poachers arrested were 318. In that, 288 were arrested in the Western Cape jurisdiction and 30 were arrested within the Eastern Cape Jurisdiction
  • In year 2017 the number of poachers arrested were 125. In that, 113 were arrested in the Western Cape jurisdiction and 12 were arrested within the Eastern Cape Jurisdiction

  (ii) The Department of Justice (through the National Prosecuting Authority) is the mandated Department for prosecution of criminal Offences. Therefore the Department of Justice is the competent Authority in terms of reporting on criminal prosecutions. However we are aware that more than 133 Abalone Cases had been completed since year 2012.

(b) In terms of prosecutorial Jurisdiction, Prosecutions occurred predominantly in Eastern Cape and Western Cape. However, the Department of Justice, as we mentioned above, is the mandated authority to prosecute criminal cases and to report on prosecutions.

3(a) Approximately 452 cases are still pending and

(b) The total confiscated abalone for the pending cases is estimated to be approximately 38 631.00 Kilograms. 

4(a) Confiscated Abalone destroyed

2012 – 1981.07kg (Unfit dried)

2013 – 4488.48kg (Unfit dried)

2014 – 10 748.97kg (Unfit dried)

2015 – 7 687.27kg (Unfit dried)

2016 – 9 299.02kg (Unfit dried)

2017 – 2 987.80kg (Unfit dried)

(b) It was only sold at auctions.

(c) Confiscated Abalone sold at auctions.

2012 – 5 821.07kg (dried)

2013 – 7 675.95kg (dried)

2014 – 18 230.17kg (dried)

2015 – 21 043.04kg (dried)

2016 – 16 664.28kg (dried)

2017 – 10 016.20kg (dried)

14 December 2017 - NW3969

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Mr J Vos (DA) to ask the Minister of Tourism

(a) What (i) total amount in income has the Royal Khalanga Accommodation Lodge in Limpopo generated in each financial year since its inception, (ii) amount of any grant or subsidy from all spheres of government was included in the said income in each specified financial year and (iii) was the total income and expenditure statement in each specified financial year and (b) was the result represented as a profit or loss in each case?


The Department is not responsible for the operation of a project post-handover and therefore does not collect data on income or expenditure post-handover. This question will need to be referred to the Project Owning Entity who is the Valoyi Traditional Authority Trust.

14 December 2017 - NW2720

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With reference to her reply to question 581 on 3 May 2017, (a) what is the current amount owed by her department to the 15 water boards and (b) in each case, (i) what is the name of the water board owed, (ii) what amount is outstanding and (iii) on what date will the amounts be paid?


a) My Department is currently owing R47 803 754.46 to three (3) Water Boards as at 13 December 2017 as per the table below:

(b)(i) Name of Water Board

(b)(ii) Amount

(b)(iii) Expected date of payment

Sedibeng Water Board

R 29 930 475.82

20 December 2017

Rand Water Board

R 11 842 268.80

20 December 2017

Bloem Water Board

R 6 031 009.84

20 December 2017


R 47 803 754.46



14 December 2017 - NW3948

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

(1)What is the current status of the investigation into charges of corruption and defeating the ends of justice against a certain person (name and details furnished); (2) whether the specified person is currently on suspension; if not, (a) why not and (b) what is the person’s current employment status within the SA Police Service; if so, what amount was paid to the person for (i) salary, (ii) bonuses and (iii) other benefits (aa) in each of the financial years covering the person’s suspension and (bb) since 1 April 2017?


1. There is currently no investigation pending against the said official. The official terminated his services, on 2015-10-15.

(2)(a)(b)(i)(ii)(iii)(aa) and (bb)

The said official is currently not on suspension, as he has terminated his service. However, it must be mentioned that on 2015-10-14, the said official was served with a notice of contemplated suspension/transfer, but the official choose to resign the following day.

14 December 2017 - NW3681

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What number of health professionals were reported to the Health Professions Council of South Africa (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) what are the details of each health professional’s designation, (c) what breach was the health professional reported for in each case, (d) what was the outcome of each completed case, (e) what number of health professionals were suspended and (f) what number of memberships were terminated?


The response is as follows, according to the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA):

(a) (i) The number of health professionals reported to the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) in each of the past three financial years is as follows:

  • 2014/2015: 1 756
  • 2015/2016: 1 795
  • 2016/2017: 1 163

(ii) The number of health professional reported to the HPCSA for the period 01 April 2017 – to date is 94.

b) Details of each health professional’s designation: 4133 = Medical practitioners and Dentists

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case

02 = abortion

02 = no evidence of unprofessional conduct

405 = incorrect accounts

11 = withdrawn


114 = due to time constraints the outcome in respect of the 114 matters could not be established.


237= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


31=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


02 =Deferred for consultation


10 = Cancelled

05 =Advertising

01 Withdrawn


04 = due to time constraints the outcome in respect of the 04 matters.

14 = Assault

01 cancelled


01 no evidence


04=ombudsman mediation


07 = due to time constraints the outcome in respect of the 07 matters could not be established.


01 =Withdrawn

166 - Bad communication



41= due to time constraints the outcome in respect of the 41matters could not be established.


94= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


15 =no evidence of unprofessional conduct


05= Cancelled

03 = Breach of contract

01= due to time constraints the outcomein respect of the 01 matter could not be established.


02= mediated upon by the Ombudsman




89= due to time constraints the outcome in respect of the 89matters could not be established.


16= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


19=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


01=Referred for inquiry


09= Cancelled




629= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


82= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


305=no evidence of unprofessional conduct




06 =duplicate


01=Deferred for consultation


47= Cancelled

12=Consulting rooms



01 =no evidence of unprofessional conduct


09= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= Cancelled

55 =Practising without registration



32= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


02= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


13=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


01= guilty


04= Cancelled

16=Contraventions of the medicine and substance related Act 101 of 1965



07= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


02= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


03=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


01= Cancelled


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


02=no evidence of unprofessional conduct

02=Criminal convictions



01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

23=Racial Discrimination



10= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


07= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


03=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


02= Cancelled


03= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


03=no evidence of unprofessional conduct

36=Exposing patient to danger



22 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


02 = Mediated upon by the Ombudsman


06 = No evidence of unprofessional conduct


04 cancelled




121= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


234= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


42=no evidence of unprofessional conduct




01=Deferred for consultation


17= Cancelled




57= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


11= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01=referred for inquiry


15 =no evidence of unprofessional conduct


04= Cancelled

26=Withholding information



09= Due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


10= Mediated upon by the Ombudsman


04=No evidence of unprofessional conduct




01= Cancelled

519=Insufficient care/treatment



260= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


74= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


137=no evidence of unprofessional conduct




19= Cancelled

04=Itinerary practice

02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


02= mediated upon by the Ombudsman



03=Lost samples

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01 =no evidence of unprofessional conduct

49=Operation without consent



23= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


10= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


10=no evidence of unprofessional conduct



48=Over service



12= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


27= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


04=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


01= Cancelled

17=Unethical prescription



09= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01= Cancelled

181=Refuse assistant



81= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


60= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01=referred for inquiry


25=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


09= Cancelled




98= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


183= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


46 =no evidence of unprofessional conduct


03= duplicated


01= found guilty


15= Cancelled

41=Reputation of colleague

19= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


04= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


18=no evidence of unprofessional conduct

17= Contravening the specialist rules



12= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


02= Cancelled




23= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


07= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


13=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


03= Cancelled

21=Section 51

17= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01= Duplicated =Deferred for consultation


02= Cancelled

05=practising outside scope of practice

04= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01=no evidence of unprofessional conduct

08= Supersession

05= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman




01= Cancelled

03=Trade medicine



02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

37=Unacceptable relationship



19= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


04= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


05 =no evidence of unprofessional conduct




01=referred for inquiry


03= Cancelled

92=Unprofessional conduct



48= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


13= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


21=no evidence of unprofessional conduct




07= Cancelled




13= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


05= Cancelled

67=Unsatisfactory dentures



61= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


03=no evidence of unprofessional conduct

b) Details of each health professional’s designation: 25=Dental therapists and oral hygiene

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case

02 =Advertising

02 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in terms of the matter.


01 = Assault

01 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01 - Bad communication

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


05= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

01=Exposing patient to danger

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.


02= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


05= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

01=Insufficient care/treatment

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01=Refuse assistant

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01=practicing outside scope of practice

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01= Failure to refer to Specialist

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

02=unsatisfied dentures

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


01= Cancelled

b) Details of each health professional’s designation: 15=Dietetics

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case

01= bad communication

01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman

01 =breach of contract

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01= incompetence

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01=Expose patient to danger

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

05 fees

02= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


03=no evidence of unprofessional conduct

01= fraud

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01=Insufficient treatment

01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman

01 =Over-service

01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman

01 = reports

01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman

01=Section 51

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01=unprofessional conduct

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

b) Details of each health professional’s designation: 72=Emergency Care

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case


01=ombudsman mediation


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01 =Advertising

01 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

02 = Assault

02 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


01 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.


11 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

04=Contraventions of the medicine and substance related Act 101 of 1965

04 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

01=Control medicine

01 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.


03 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

05=Exposing patient to danger

05= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.


02 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

02=Withholding information

02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

14=Insufficient care/treatment

12= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


02 = cancelled

03=Refuse assistant

03= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


01 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

04=Reputation of colleague

04= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

10=Contravening the specialist rules

10= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


03 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

01=Unacceptable relationship

01 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01=Unprofessional conduct

01 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

b) Details of each health professional’s designation: 01=Environmental health

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case

01=Unregistered practitioner

01=due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

b) Details of each health professional’s designation: 02 =Medical Technology

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case

01=insufficient care treatment

01 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.


01 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

b) Details of each health professional’s designation: 59=Medical orthotics and prosthetics and Occupational therapists

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case

14=incorrect accounts

05= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


08= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01= Withdrawn


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

03=Bad communication

03= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


09= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


01= Cancelled

01=Consulting rooms

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01=Practicing without registration

01 =withdrawn




06= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


07= mediated upon by the Ombudsman




03= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


01= Cancelled

05=Insufficient care treatment

05= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


02= Cancelled

01=Unprofessional conduct

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

(b) Details of each health professional’s designation:84=Optometrist and Dispensing Opticians

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case

06=incorrect accounts

04= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


02= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman

02=Bad communication

02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01=Breach of contract

01 = withdrawn.


13 = due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


11= mediated upon by the Ombudsman

04=Practicing without registration



03= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

01 = Contravention of medicine and substance related Act 101 of 1965

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

02=Expose patient to danger

02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.


09= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


04=referred to Ombudsman




02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

07=Insufficient care treatment

06= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


01= cancelled

01=Operation without consent

01=referred to Ombudsman

02=Over servicing

01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

01=Unethical prescription

01 due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

03=Refuse assistant

01 due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.


02= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

03=Practicing out of scope

03= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

01=Unacceptable relationship

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

04=Unprofessional conduct

04= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matters.

01=Employing an unregistered person

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established in respect of the matter.

(b) Details of each professional’s designation: 77=Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Biokinetics

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case

17=Incorrect accounts

01= withdrawn


07= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


09= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

02=Bad communication

01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01= Cancelled

01=Breach of contract

01= Cancelled


09=due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

05=Practicing without registration

04= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.



01= Racial discrimination

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


04= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


07= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01= Cancelled


05= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


02= mediated upon by the Ombudsman

05=Insufficient care treatment

02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

03= mediated upon by the Ombudsman

01=Operation without consent

01= withdrawn


04= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


02= mediated upon by the Ombudsman

01=Refuse assistant

01 -due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01 = referred to ombudsman

01=Reputation of colleagues

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.




01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

01=Unacceptable relationship

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

02=Unprofessional conduct

02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

(b) Details of each health professional’s designation:280= Psychologist

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case

08=Incorrect accounts

03= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


04= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


01= withdrawn


02= No evidence of unprofessional conduct

09=Bad communication

06= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


03= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


03= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


13= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


02= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01= Cancelled

11=Practicing without registration

07= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


02=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


01= Cancelled

01=Racial discrimination

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= Cancelled

05=Expose patient to danger

05= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


09= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


06= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

01=Impeding a patient

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

03=Withholding information

02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01=no evidence of unprofessional conduct

10=Insufficient care treatment

01= withdrawn


06= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


02 =no evidence of unprofessional conduct


01= Cancelled

10=providing treatment without consent

09= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= Cancelled

5= Refuse assistant

02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


03= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


07= withdrawn


97= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


08= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


17 =no evidence of unprofessional conduct


01= guilty


02= Cancelled

01=Reputation of colleagues

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

07=Rule Spec contravening

06= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


07= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

01=Section 51

01= Cancelled


02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

05=Unacceptable relationship



03= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01=no evidence of unprofessional conduct

18=Unprofessional conduct

15= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01=no evidence of unprofessional conduct


02= Cancelled


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= Cancelled

b) Details of each health professional’s designation: 39=Radiography and Clinical Technology

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case

04=Incorrect accounts

03= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01=no evidence of unprofessional conduct

01=breach of contract

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

02=Practicing without registration

01= guilty


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

01=Racial discrimination

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

01=Expose patient to danger

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


03= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


04= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

01=Insufficient care treatment

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

02=providing treatment without consent

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01=referred to ombudsman

05Refuse assistant

05 due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

01=Reputation of colleagues

01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

01=Unacceptable relationship

01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman

10=Unprofessional conduct

10= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

(b) Details of each health professional’s designation:24=Speech, Language and Hearing

(c) breach of health professional reported in each case

(d) the outcome of each completed case

02=Incorrect accounts

02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


03= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


04= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


03= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

01=Withholding information


01=Insufficient care treatment

01= Cancelled

01Refuse assistant

01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= mediated upon by the Ombudsman

02=Unprofessional conduct

02= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.


01= due to time constraints the outcome could not be established.

(e) The following represent the number of health professional that were suspended from the register of practicing health professionals as a result of unprofessional conduct: –

2014/15 FY

2015/2016 FY

2016/17 FY

01 April 2017 to 31 October 2017

73 health professionals suspended

28 health professionals suspended

10 health professionals suspended

03 health professionals suspended

(f) The following represent the number of health professionals that were removed from the register of practicing health professionals (membership terminated) as a result of unprofessional conduct: –

2014/15 FY

2015/2016 FY

2016/17 FY

01 April 2017 to 31 October 2017

04 health professionals removed

09 health professionals removed

03 health professionals removed

02 health professionals removed


14 December 2017 - NW4003

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

(1)What amounts of abalone were confiscated from alleged poachers during the period 1 January 2012 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; (2) for each specified year, (a) what number of alleged poachers were (i) arrested and (ii) successfully prosecuted and (b) in what jurisdiction did each prosecution occur; (3) (a) what number of court cases against alleged abalone poachers are currently pending and (b) what is the estimated amount of abalone involved in each specified case; (4) what amount of the confiscated abalone was (a) destroyed, (b) sold and (c) sold at auction in each specified year?


(1)(a) dates

2012 – 11 June 2012 and 23 October 2012

2013 – 22 March 2013; 24 May 2013; 06 September 2013; 30 October 2013

2014 – 24 March 2014; 09 May 2014; 06 June 2014; 01 August 2014; 17 September 2014; 03 November 2014; 19 December 2014

2015 – 04 August 2015; 11 August 2015; 19 October 2015; 17 December 2015

2016 – 18 May 2016; 08 June 2016; 20 July 2016; 28 September 2016; 28 October 2016; 01 December 2016

(b) venues

All abalone auctions were held in the Foretrust Building, 6th floor, OCFO Boardroom

c) means of advertising for all sales and/or auctions of abalone seized from poachers and/or other sources

Only South African Companies with a valid fish processing establishment permit issued per calendar year by the Department are eligible to participate in abalone auctions

(2) 2012:

11 June 2012; Walker Bay; R 4 166 990.42; 1761.09kg

23 October 2012; Walker Bay; R 4 126 412.46; 4059.98kg


22 March 2013; Combined Abalone; R 3 283 272.13; 1993.99kg

24 May 2013; Walker Bay; R 1 081 981.00; 1189.22kg

06 September 2013; Walker Bay; R 1 361 710.03; 1791kg

30 October 2013; SPP Canning; R 1 085 166.12; 1377.70kg

30 October 2013; Walker Bay; R 1 033 599.10; 1324.04kg


24 March 2014; Combined Abalone; R 1 110 898.33; 2210.82kg

09 May 2014; Komicx Products; R 636 268.50; 1305.09kg

09 May 2014; Walker Bay; R 906 312.00; 1598.25kg

06 June 2014; Walker Bay; R 1 084 170.64; 2287.15kg

01 August 2014; SPP Canning; R 1 753 488.68; 2584.26kg

17 September 2014; Combined Abalone; R 799 350.00; 2220.40kg

03 November 2014; Combined Abalone; R 332 145.00; 1161.58kg

03 November 2014; Komicx Products; R 336 790.30; 1057.91kg

03 November 2014; Walker Bay; R 529 344.00; 502.77kg

03 November 2014; Walker Bay; R 623 082.00; 772.61kg

19 December 2014; SPP Canning; R 1 305 150.00; 2529.33kg


04 August 2015; Komicx Products; R 2 350 864.80; 2379.27kg

11 August 2015; SPP Canning; R 10 020 964.50; 7470.47kg

19 October 2015; HIK Abalone; R 2 608 280.00; 1735.57kg

19 October 2015; Ocean Star Fishing; R 3 747 014.30; 2326.76kg

17 December 2015; Walker Bay; R 4 940 100.00; 4591.94kg

17 December 2015; Walker Bay; R 3 607 770.00; 2539.03kg


18 May 2016; Walker Bay; R 4 685 680; 2788.11kg

08 June 2016; SPP Canning; R 4 926 900; 2780.93kg

20 July 2016; Shamode Trading; R 4 915 760; 3071.11kg

28 September 2016; Shamode Trading; R 4 145 680; 3450.20kg

28 October 2016; Ocean Star Fishing; R 4 948 700; 2311.60kg

01 December 2016; Shamode Trading; R 3 870 784.92; 2262.33kg


27 March 2017; Shamode Trading; R 5 897 313.49; 3433.01kg

06 July 2017; Combined Abalone; R 6 440253.30; 3027.50kg

30 November 2017; Shamode Trading; R 7 759 934.31; 3555.69kg

(3) All companies invited to the abalone auctions from 2012 to 2017 have all got the valid Fishing Processing establishment permit for the particular year. This is for the species: abalone. This information is obtained from our MRM section database for the particular years in question.

14 December 2017 - NW3958

Profile picture: Bara, Mr M R

Bara, Mr M R to ask the Minister of Police

In view of the recent closure of the laboratory in KwaZulu-Natal due to flooding for the fourth time, what arrangements has he made regarding the transportation of all the firearms to be handed in during the proposed Firearm Amnesty period in 2018 to alternative laboratories in the country?


The flooding occured in the Chemistry and Biology Sections, in the KwaZulu-Natal Forensic Science Laboratory and did not affect the Ballistic Section, which is a separate facility. Therefore, no impact was experienced, due to the flooding of the Ballistic Section (including the Integrated Ballistic Identification System). The Ballistic Section will, therefore, be able to receive and process all test specimens or firearms during the proposed Firearm Amnesty.

14 December 2017 - NW3943

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) With reference to his reply to question 3371 on 13 November 2017, (a) on what (2) Was a request for proposal/request for tender issued; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details


I have been informed by SA Post Office as follows:

(1)(a) The contract was signed in 2003 for a period of two (2) years with effect from 17 May 2004. Thereafter the contract was extended via a Limited Bidding Process on yearly basis until 31 March 2014.

(1)(b) The original contract value and total payments made to Intimate Data from 2004-2006 was R3 695 000. The payments made to Intimate Date from September 2007- October 2014 was R28 205 675.66.

(2) Request for Bid – RFP No. 29/PDD/12/13/LN was advertised on 3 November 2013 using the Sunday Times, City Press, Rapport and Government Tender Bulletin. The closing date was extended from 6 December to 13 December 2013.

Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


14 December 2017 - NW3978

Profile picture: Brauteseth, Mr TJ

Brauteseth, Mr TJ to ask the Minister of Health

Whether, with regard to his reply to question 2540 on 22 September 2017, the total number of ambulances operated by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality include the ambulances purchased recently; if not, what is the total number of ambulances operated by the (a) municipality and (b) province?



(a) 150

(b) 45


14 December 2017 - NW3433

Profile picture: Ntlangwini, Ms EN

Ntlangwini, Ms EN to ask the Minister of Health

(1)(a) What number of the professional nurses from Tshilidzini Hospital who went for a year-long post basic course in 2010 and 2011 has been reviewed by the hospital resulting in their upgraded salaries and (b) on what date was the review process finalised; (2) (a) what number of the specified nurses (i) qualified and (ii) did not qualify for a salary upgrade and (b) what are the reasons that some of the specified nurses did not qualify for an upgrade?


(1) (a) The following table reflects the details in this regard:



Year of Study

Year of Completion


Mulaudzi MV




Tshimomola MI




Mudau BT




Mulelu MV



Advance Midwifery

Mugivhi DJ


Did not pass


(b) Following the OSD Directive for Nurses, the nurses were translated using the "Grandfather clause" into Nurse speciality. These translations were done as follows:

(i) Mulaudzi MV, Persal: 80313663

Translation to OSD 01/07/2007, Nurse Speciality without certificate,

Date of certificate: 01/02/2012

Accelerated Grading with effect from 01/04/2007

(ii) Tshimomola MI, Persal: 80327834

Translation to OSD 01/07/2007, Nurse Speciality without certificate,

Date of certificate: 21/02/2012

Not yet Qualify for Accelerated Grading due to rating of 3.

(iii) Mudau BT, Persal 80316166

Translation to OSD 01/07/2007, Nurse Speciality without certificate,

Date of certificate: 21/02/2012

Due for Grading 01/04/2007.

(iv) Mulelu MV, Persal 80319114

Translation to OSD 01/07/2007, Nurse Speciality without certificate,

Date of certificate: 2014

Not yet Qualify for Accelerated Grading

(v) Mugivhi DJ

Translation to OSD 01/07/2007, Professional Nurse General Graded to Professional Nurse G2 in April 2010.

(2) (a) (i) Four (4) nurses were translated as per the OSD Directive to nurse Speciality except for Mugivhi DJ who was translated to Professional Nurse - General.

In terms of the PMDS, two nurses viz, Mulaudzi MV and Mudau BT qualified for Accelerated Grading in the current financial year. The submission is currently being considered due to departmental financial constraints.

(ii) The following did not qualify for a salary upgrade:

  • Tshimomola MI;
  • Mulelu MV; and
  • Mugivhi DJ.

(b) The reasons are as follows:

  • Mulelu MV - Date of certificate 2014 and therefore not qualify yet for accelerated grading;
  • Tshimomola MI - Did not qualify for Accelerated grading due to a rating of 3;
  • Mugivhi DJ was graded from Professional Nurse General to Professional Nurse Grade 2 on 01/04/2010.



14 December 2017 - NW3876

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Labour

With reference to call centre agents who are employed in the country, (a) what number of persons are employed as call centre agents in each (i) city and (ii) province and (b) what is the name of each company at which each specified person is employed?


Call centres are registered with the Department of Trade and Industry.

14 December 2017 - NW3951

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Police

(1)Does the SA Police Service (SAPS) currently employ a certain person (name and details furnished); if not, on what date did the specified person resign; if so, (a) in what (i) division and (ii) rank and (b) what is his current job description; (2) with reference to the internal disciplinary report on the actions of a certain person (name furnished) in crime intelligence, what is the total number of relatives of the specified person who are still working in (a) crime intelligence or in (b) any division of the SAPS and (c) what is the (i) rank and (ii) position of each person?


1. The alleged employment of the relatives of Lieutenant General Richard Mdluli, in the South African Police Service (SAPS), is the subject of both criminal and internal disciplinary proceedings and as such, the matter is sub judice.

2. The alleged employment of the relatives of Lieutenant General Richard Mdluli, in the SAPS, is the subject of both criminal and internal disciplinary proceedings and as such, the matter is sub judice.

14 December 2017 - NW4005

Profile picture: Mbabama, Ms TM

Mbabama, Ms TM to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether the Gwatyu Communal Property Association (CPA) has been established since his undertaking to set up a ministerial task team to look into the establishment of the CPA in 2016; if not, (a) why not, (b) by what date will the CPA be established and (c) what action will he take against the task team for failure to fulfil its mandate; if so, what are the relevant details?


No. The CPA has not been registered yet.

a) There are overlapping land rights between former lessees, occupiers and invaders; hence it has not yet been agreed as to who will be allocated the land in Gwatyu.

b) The date will be communicated once the land rights enquiry is concluded and it is finalised as to who will be allocated the land in Gwatyu.

c) Minister will consider the final report given the challenges faced in terms of the land rights issues and follow the necessary processes.

14 December 2017 - NW3207

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Police

(1)What is the reason why the sheriff recently seized computer equipment at the Tzaneen Police Station; (2) (a) what other equipment and/or furniture was seized at the specified police station and (b) what steps have been taken to retreive the items; (3) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


1. Joubert and May Attorneys, from Tzaneen, obtained a warrant of execution for an outstanding taxed legal cost, in a civil matter that was supposed to be paid by the State Attorney, in Pretoria. The company’s consultant attorney was not registered on the State Attorney’s database for payments, causing a delay in payment. The warrant of execution was served to the Station Commander, in Tzaneen, on 7 September 2017. The Sheriff at Tzaneen, on instruction of the attorney, removed seven computers from the Tzaneen Police Station, on 9 October 2017. After liaison with the instructing attorney and the State Attorney, it was agreed that the outstanding legal cost will be paid directly to his account, by the SAPS. On 10 October 2017, the instructing attorney addressed a letter to the Sheriff, indicating that the computers can be returned to the Tzaneen Police Station. The seven computers were returned on 11 October 2017. The payment of R33 956,72, was made on 12 October 2017 and was deposited, on 18 October 2017.

(2)(a) No other equipment was seized, only the seven computers were removed.

(2)(b) Not applicable.

3. For the Minister to decide, whether a statement will be made.

14 December 2017 - NW3912

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Police

(1)With reference to the Minister of Transport’s reply to question 3426 on 10 November 2017, (a) what number of dockets were opened for (i) road and/or traffic infringements and (ii) driving under the influence in each province in the (aa) 2014-15, (bb) 2015-16 and (cc) 2016-17 festive season periods and (b) what number of the dockets resulted in convictions; (2) what number of blood-alcohol samples were (a) taken and (b) analysed in each province in each of the specified festive season periods?


(1)(a)(i) The number of charges registered for road and/or traffic infringements, is as follows:


Culpable Homicide

Driving offence in terms of the National Road Traffic Act (Category A)














Eastern Cape




2 122

2 163

2 231

Free State




1 179

1 114

1 072





6 206

6 873

6 196





2 580

2 834

2 653





2 375

2 610

2 432





1 493

1 508

1 558

North West




1 214

1 228

1 169

Northern Cape







Western Cape




2 370

2 323

2 272


2 894

3 203

3 201

20 110

21 262

20 158

(1)(a)(ii) The number of charges for driving under the influence, is as follows:








Eastern Cape

2 161

1 770

1 852

Free State





5 684

8 433

6 659


3 061

3 028

3 586


1 072

1 350

1 174



1 358

1 582

North West




Northern Cape




Western Cape

3 265

2 669

3 019


17 419

20 331

19 739

(1)(b) The number of charges that resulted in convictions, is as follows:


Culpable Homicide

Driving offence in terms of the National Road Traffic Act (Category A)














Eastern Cape







Free State



































North West







Northern Cape







Western Cape











1 350

1 250



Driving under influence








Eastern Cape




Free State




















North West




Northern Cape




Western Cape





2 743

2 750

2 047

(2)(a) The number of blood-alcohol samples taken, is as follows:








Eastern Cape

2 161

1 770

1 852

Free State





5 684

8 433

6 659


3 061

3 028

3 586


1 072

1 350

1 174



1 358

1 582

North West




Northern Cape




Western Cape

3 265

2 669

3 019


17 419

20 331

19 739

(2)(b) All blood-alcohol samples taken were analysed.

14 December 2017 - NW3895

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

(a) What number of SA Police Service officers were deployed outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa in each of the past three financial years and (b) what was the (i) reason for and (ii) period of deployment in each case?


Division: Operational Response Services

(a) In the 2014/2015 financial year, a total of 164 members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) were deployed outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa.

In the 2015/2016 financial year, a total of two members of the SAPS were deployed outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa.

In the 2016/2017 financial year, a total of 62 members of the SAPS were deployed outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa.

(b) (i) The reason for the deployments were in support of the following:

  • The United Nations/African Union Hybrid Peacekeeping Mission, in Darfur (UNAMID).
  • The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission, in South Sudan (UNMISS).
  • The African Union Mission, in Somalia (AMISOM).
  • The Southern African Development Community Stabilisation Intervention Mission, in the Kingdom of Lesotho (SOMILES).
  • The United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO), in New York.

(ii) In 2014/2015, the periods of deployment were as follows:

  • One member in UNAMID (final year of a two year secondment).
  • One member in AMISOM (first year of a three year secondment).
  • One member in UNDPKO (first year of a three year secondment).
      • 140 members in SOMILES (for a period of six months).
      • 21 members in UNMISS (for a period of 18 months).

In 2015/2016, the periods of deployment were as follows:

  • One member in UNDPKO (second year of a three year secondment).
  • One member in AMISOM (second year of a three year secondment).

In 2016/2017, the periods of deployment were as follows:

  • 36 members in UNAMID (for a period of 18 months).
  • One member in AMISOM (third year of a three year secondment).
  • Two members in UNDPKO (third year of a three year secondment and the first year of a three year secondment).
  • 23 members in UNMISS (for a period of 18 months).

Division: Crime Intelligence

(a) In the 2014/2015 financial year, a total of 24 members of the SAPS were deployed outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa.

In the 2015/2016 financial year, a total of 24 members of the SAPS were deployed outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa.

In the 2016/2017 financial year, a total of 19 members of the SAPS were deployed outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa.

(b)(i) INTERPOL SAPS Liaison Officers are placed in strategic locations at South African Missions abroad, mainly for the following reasons:

  • Coordination of all organised crime and crime intelligence related information, emanating from foreign law enforcement agencies and the promotion of mutual assistance, between the agencies concerned.
  • Cooperation with law enforcement agencies, in order to combat international organised crime and to coordinate and support official visits of SAPS personnel, to such countries.
  • Attend to police activities in countries where accredited, to participate in all forums where the presence of the SAPS is required and negotiate training possibilities in the fields, as identified and requested by the Human Resource Development.
  • Assist with the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (SARPCCO), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union (AU) initiatives, including planning and participation in cross-border operations and cross-border law enforcement meetings.

(ii) SAPS Liaison Officers are placed as continental coordinators for a minimum term of four and six years. The terms of duty for officers, placed at an international organisation, may be extended, if required.

14 December 2017 - NW4004

Profile picture: Mbabama, Ms TM

Mbabama, Ms TM to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

What is the total number of farms that make up the Gwatyu Farms situated in the Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape; (2) whether land claims have been lodged for any of the specified farms; if so, (a) what number of land claims have been (i) received and (ii) finalised, (b) what number of title deeds of the finalised claims have been handed over and (c) what are the reasons that the outstanding land claims have not been finalised?


1. 58 Farms

2. Yes

(a) (i) Four land claims lodged.

  • Claims lodged by R. Qengqeleka and N. Bhangazile on behalf of Bolotwa Community
  • N. Bhangazile lodged a claim on behalf of Qineni which is part of Bolotwa.
  • Papiyana Family claim
  • Gwatyu Community lodged by Chief Gungubele

(ii) None have been finalised

(b) None

(c) Bolotwa Community claim research report has been approved; currently mapping exercise is in progress.

Papiyana Family claim has been researched.

Gwatyu Community on the research stage.


14 December 2017 - NW4019

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

(1)What number of persons were (a) arrested and (b) convicted (i) in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017 for the (aa) murder of an intimate partner, (bb) attempted murder of an intimate partner, (cc) murder of the child of an intimate partner or (dd) attempted murder of the child of an intimate partner; (2) what number of the arrested persons were (a) male and (b) female in each specified case?


(1) and (2) The information that is required, is not readily available, as each case must be verified before the information can be submitted. A request is hereby made for an extension, in order for the correct information to be provided.

14 December 2017 - NW3970

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Tourism

Whether there is a reliable water supply to the Royal Khalanga Accommodation Lodge in Limpopo; if not, by what date will a reliable water source be put in place; if so, what are the relevant details?


In 2014, three (3) boreholes were drilled within the lodge site and none of these yielded positive results. Subsequent to this attempt, a borehole was drilled some 3km away from the site, and that borehole which yielded water. The water from this borehole was tested and declared fit for human consumption. The borehole was equipped and a pipeline connected to supply water to the lodge. The same borehole also supplied water to the local Cultural Village. The supply of water from the borehole was sufficient to complete the work required for the project and for operations once the project was handed over by the Department to the Owning Entity, the Valoyi Traditional Authority Trust, in May 2016.

14 December 2017 - NW3628

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr P

Mhlongo, Mr P to ask the Minister of Police

Whether (a) his department and/or (b) any entity reporting to him own land; if so, in each case, (i) where is each plot of land located, (ii) what is the size of each specified plot and (iii) what is each plot currently being used for?


(a) There are three pieces of land, purchased by the South African Police Service (SAPS) and registered in the name of the National Government of the Republic of South Africa, as tabulated below:



(i) Location of Land

(ii) Size

(iii) Comments



Remainder of Erf 479 Reigerpark Extension 1 Township Registration Division I.R. Gauteng.

1 000 Hectares.

Title Deed registered on 2016-09-30.

Land purchased for the Construction of the Reigerpark Police Station.

Western Cape

Makhaza/ Khayelitsha

Erf 75 169 Portion of Erf 59 037 Khayelitsha, Western Cape.

10 229 Hectares.

Title Deed registered on 2017-08-22.

Land purchased for the Construction of the Makhaza Police Station.

Northern Cape


Erf 494 Riemvasmaak (an unregistered portion of Erf 369 Riemvasmaak) Sending, Northern Cape.

1 000 Hectares.

Title Deed registered on 2016-12-01.

Land purchased for the Construction of the Riemvasmaak Police Station.

(b) For reply by the other entities who report to the Minister of Police.

14 December 2017 - NW3952

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Police

(1)What is the current state of the investigation into charges of alleged fraud against a certain official (name and details furnished); (2) whether the specified person is currently on suspension; if not, (a) why not and (b) what is the specified person’s current employment status within the SA Police Service; if so, what is the total amount that was paid to the specified person in terms of (i) salary, (ii) bonuses and (iii) other benefits in (aa) each of the financial years covering the suspension and (bb) since 1 April 2017 to the latest date available?


1. The alleged fraud, involves funds from the Secret Services Account and therefore, this matter can only be discussed in the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence (JSCI).

(2)(a)(b)(i)(ii)(iii)(aa)(bb) As above.

14 December 2017 - NW3959

Profile picture: Brauteseth, Mr TJ

Brauteseth, Mr TJ to ask the Minister of Police

(1)What is the (a) name and (b) rank of the SA Police Service member who applied for a warrant to search the office(s) of a certain legal firm (name and details furnished), in a search operation that was carried out on 9 November 2017 and led by a certain official (name furnished); (2) what is the (a) name of the presiding officer who authorised the specified warrant and (b) in which court was the specified warrant issued; (3) what are the reasons that were given as motivation in the application for the specified warrant; (4) will he furnish Mr T J Brauteseth with a copy of the (a) application and (b) specified warrant?


(1)(a)(b)(2)(a)(b)(3) and (4)

No search warrant was applied for and no search was conducted at the office of the legal firm. On 7 November 2017, an investigation was conducted and a statement was obtained. At no stage was a search conducted. It was merely an investigative duty and the purpose thereof, was to obtain a statement.

14 December 2017 - NW3462

Profile picture: Khawula, Ms MS

Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)How many officials and/or employees in her department were granted permission to have businesses and/or do business dealings in the past three financial years; (2) are any of the officials and/or employees that have permission to have businesses and/or do business dealings doing business with the Government; if so, (a) what was the purpose of each business transaction, (b) when did each business transaction occur and (c) what was the value of each business transaction?


(1) A total of 67 officials and/or employees in my Department have been granted permission to have businesses.

(2) No officials and/or employees have permission to do business with Government.


14 December 2017 - NW1560

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to a report submitted to him in 2016 after a fact-finding visit to the Laphumilanga Trust (IT 1372/2007), (a) what recommendations were made by the report, (b) by what date will the recommendations be implemented, (c) by what date will the report be made available to the public and (d) why has no feedback been provided to the beneficiaries of the trust to date; (2) whether, with reference to the four trustees of the specified trust (names furnished), who have been serving on the trust since its establishment in 2008, any action will be taken in terms of section 5.1 and section 5.7.6 of the specified trust’s deed against any of the four trustees for serving as trustees in contravention of the specified trust’s own deed; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (3) whether any steps will be taken by his department to revive the specified trust’s project; if not, why not; if so, (a) by what date will the new board of trustees be established and (b) what are the further relevant details in this regard?



1. The Department is not in possession of the report referred to.

(a),(b),(c) Falls away.

2. There are six trustees whose names appear on the Letter of Authority. One of them, Cornelius Johannes Vlok, has since died. The remaining five are still active. The Trust has not had an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for quite some time, hence the intervention by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform to ensure that the project is resuscitated and necessary processes followed.

3. Yes.

(a) The AGM to appoint new trustees was held on 25 November 2017. The following members were appointed:

1. John Busakwe as Chairperson

2. Hamilton Vuso as Vice Chairperson

3. Hester Pullen as Secretary

4. Elthia Kievits as Assistant Secretary

5. Mary Ngene as Treasurer

(b) Membership verification has been done and the verification report was discussed at the meeting of 25 November 2017.

13 December 2017 - NW3985

Profile picture: Figg, Mr MJ

Figg, Mr MJ to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) With reference to the construction of a braai facility, WCS: 052477, as indicated in his department’s presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Works on 14 November 2017, (a) what are the full relevant details of the (i) description of the facility and (ii) breakdown of the scope of work completed, (b) what is the purpose of the facility and (c)(i) where and (ii) at what Ministerial residence is it located; (2) are there other similar facilities that have been built for other Ministerial residences; if so, what are the relevant details of the (a) costs and (b) date of completion in each case?


1. With reference to the construction of a braai facility, WCS: 052477, as indicated in the Portfolio Committee on Public Works on 14 November 2017:

a) What are the full relevant details of the:

Answer: The facility at the 3 residences is an external braai entertainment facility, (ii) The scope of works entailed the construction of enclosed braai facilities with roof covering.

b) What is the purpose of the facility:

Answer: To provide an external braai entertainment facility.

c) (i) where:

Answer: Cape Town

(ii) at what Ministerial residence is it located:

Answer: Groote Schuur Estate and Oranjezicht

2. Are there other similar facilities that have been built for other Ministerial residences:

Answer: see attach Annexure “A” for ease of reference.


13 December 2017 - NW3934

Profile picture: Steyn, Ms A

Steyn, Ms A to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

(1)      With reference to his reply to question 2696 on 2 October 2017, (a) what is the name of the person who requested the inquiry, (b) on what date was the request made, (c) what progress has the committee of inquiry made to date and (d) what is the expected date of finalisation of the committee of inquiry; (2) whether he has found that the registration of the Black Boerboel has caused any reputational damage to South African boerboel breeders; if so, what (a) are the relevant details and (b) steps will he take to protect the image of the breeders?


1. (a) The department cannot disclose the names of persons/complainants in line with confidentiality provision (section 19) of the Animal Improvement Act, 1998.

(b) The first complaint was received was received late in 2016. Several other complaints were subsequently received from a range of interested parties.

(c) Section 22 of the Animal Improvement, 1998 provides for the Minister to exercise his discretion in terms of appointing a Committee to investigate the complaint. The Minister is still in the process of considering whether to appoint such a Committee. If a decision is made to appoint such a Committee, the Minister will notify the South African Boerboel Breeders and other complainants as contemplated in Section 22 (2) of the Act.

(d) The Animal Improvement Act does not provide for specific deadlines for the Committee to conclude its work, however, to achieve a fair administrative process, the Minister will request the Committee, if appointed, to conclude its work within ninety (90) days.

2. The department has not undertaken a comprehensive process to factually confirm or deny any reputational damage suffered by the South African Boerboel Breeders as a result of the black Boerboels being sold and even exported from South Africa. To achieve this, the Department will, early in 2018, initiate a consultative process with the relevant industry role players.

13 December 2017 - NW4027

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

(1)Whether the proceeds from the sale and/or auction of abalone (a) in each of the past five calendar years and (b) since 1 January 2017 have been specifically allocated to protect the fishing industry; if not, (i) why not and (ii) what was done with the proceeds; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the sales and/or auctions are audited by an accredited auditor; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) (a) The proceeds from sale of abalone went back to the Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF).

(b) (i) and (ii) The proceeds in all cases were utilised to fund the MLRF initiatives which included Research, Compliance, Aquaculture and Resource Management, all which embodies the overarching managing of resources as mandated within the context of the MLRA policies.

(2) All proceeds were audited by the Auditor General (AG) and included and reported within context of Annual Report.

13 December 2017 - NW3986

Profile picture: Cassim, Mr Y

Cassim, Mr Y to ask the Minister of Public Works

(a) What is the total number of fire pools that have been built by his department (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017 and (b) in each case (i) what was the cost of construction, (ii) on what date was each pool completed, (iii) who was the building contractor and (iv) what is the location of each pool?


a) No fire pools have been built during the past three financial years (FY 2014/15, FY2015/16 & FY 2016/17).

(i) & ii) Not applicable.

b) i) – iv) Not applicable.


13 December 2017 - NW3935

Profile picture: Steyn, Ms A

Steyn, Ms A to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

With reference to his reply to question 3494 on 16 November 2017, (a) who is managing the Pre and Post Lab facilitation process, (b) has this process been done through a tender process and (c) which programme did the budget for the Phakisa development come from?


a) Who is managing the Pre and Post Lab facilitation process?

(a) There are several steps to the Pre and Post Lab process of Operation Phakisa. The appointed service provider to facilitate the Pre Lab and facilitation support during the actual Lab was done by the Government Technical Advisory Centre (GTAC).

The overall running of the Lab, facilitation of the work streams at the Lab, the finalisation of the report and development of the proposed institutional arrangements for this Phakisa was done by Deloitte Consulting (PTY) LTD.

All other Lab activities are jointly managed between an appointed team of project managers and champions between the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR).

b) has this process been done through a tender process, and?

The appointment of Deloitte Consulting (PTY) LTD followed a tender process. However the appointment of the GTAC was done through an MOU with DAFF.

This arrangement with GTAC was sort for their understanding and training in the Operation Phakisa methodology, as well as their understanding of government systems. Their appointment and the circumstances there of was discussed and approved by National Treasury.

c) which programme did the budget for the Phakisa development come from

The budget of Operation Phakisa was jointly funded by DAFF and DRDLR, and was sourced through several programmes including the budget of the Agricultural Policy Action Plan (APAP) under DAFF.

Careful consideration was made not to undermine the implementation of existing projects.

13 December 2017 - NW3946

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Ms D van der Walt (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works

With reference to the reply of the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform to question 3504 on 20 November 2017, what is the current status of the transaction to transfer the Towoomba agricultural land to the Bela-Bela Local Municipality in Limpopo?


The National Department of Public Works does not have records of the request from the Bela-Bela Local Municipality for the transfer of Portion 1 of Farm Roodekuil 498 KR. Although the property is vested under the National Department of Public Works, the property has always been utilised by the Limpopo Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.


13 December 2017 - NW3884

Profile picture: Steyn, Ms A

Steyn, Ms A to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

Whether his department recently bought Range Rovers; if so, (a) what was the (i) total cost and (ii) purpose of purchasing the vehicles and (b) who will be using the vehicles?


The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has not purchased any Range Rovers.