Questions and Replies

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08 September 2015 - NW3035

Profile picture: Terblanche, Ms JF

Terblanche, Ms JF to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What action is her department taking to ensure entrepreneurial (a) skills development and (b) opportunities for learners who leave school and don’t further their education at tertiary institutions?


(a) Entrepreneurship is included in the National Curriculum Statement. The subject Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) is compulsory and is taught in the Senior Phase (Grade 7 – 9). EMS provides foundational skills and knowledge on entrepreneurship. The main topics taught in EMS are the Economy, Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship. These are integrated to assist learners to become economically and financially literate by the end of Grade 9 in the Senior Phase. EMS is a practical subject that:

  • Equips learners with entrepreneurial knowledge and real-life skills for personal development and the development of the community;
  • Deals with the efficient and effective use of different types of private, public and/or collective resources to satisfy people’s needs and wants;
  • Introduces learners to the purpose, characteristics, context and functions of formal and informal businesses;
  • Encourages learners to reflect critically on the impact of resource exploitation on the environment and on people; and
  • Promotes sustainable development practices through teaching learners how to effectively manage scarce resources in order to maximise profit through entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and activities.

EMS also provides foundational knowledge and skills for the following subjects in the Further Education and Training (FET) Band Grades 10 to 12: Accounting; Business Studies; Economics; Hospitality Studies; Consumer Studies; Civil Technology; Electrical Technology; Mechanical Technology; Engineering Graphics and Design; and Mathematical Literacy. A key objective in Technology subjects (Grades 10 -12) is to provide entrepreneurial opportunities for learners.

(b) Learners who do not further their education through tertiary institutions have the opportunity to enrol at Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges (TVET Colleges), apply to participate in Apprenticeships, or enter the world of work, including setting up their own business.

08 September 2015 - NW3009

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

Whether the Government is taking steps to ensure that more resources are being ploughed into the uptake of sign language training, considering that more than a million South Africans are afflicted with deafness and that, as a result of more persons learning sign language and being able to communicate in sign language, it would make it possible for deaf persons to have wider engagement in society and broader opportunities; if not, why not; if so, what are the (a) relevant details and (b) outcomes thereof?


(a). Yes, my department, as part of the broad programme of government to build a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous country, we are taking steps to ensure that more resources are being ploughed into the uptake of sign language training, by promoting, and creating conditions for the development of South African Sign Language (SASL) through funding and training projects that focus on the development and use of SASL.The department is also awarding language bursaries to Universities which are offering the training of the South African Sign Language as one of their courses.

(b). By funding training projects and awarding language bursaries we create a pool of professional sign language interpreters. Through sign language interpreters, communities are able to communicate with deaf people at a societal level.

08 September 2015 - NW3076

Profile picture: Rabotapi, Mr MW

Rabotapi, Mr MW to ask the MINISTER OF ARTS AND CULTURE:

(a). How does (i) his department and (ii) entities reporting to him define red tape and (b). What (i) specific interventions and or (ii) systems have been implemented to (aa) identify and (bb) reduce red tape in (aaa) his department and (bbb) entities reporting to him? NW3617E REPLY: Guidelines for Reducing Municipal Red Tape, 2012 define red tape as rules, regulations, and / or bureaucratic procedures and processes which are excessively complex and which impose unnecessary delay(s), inaction and / or costs which exceed their benefits, and / or is no longer effective in achieving the purpose for which they were originally created. Red tape results in undesirable economic, business and / or social impacts or outcomes as a result of negatively impacting on productivity. Red tape involves excessive, or unevenly enforced, regulation or rigid conformity to formal rules that is considered redundant or bureaucratic and hinders or prevents effective action or decision-making. Government recognizes the need to review its policy and regulatory environment that continue to hinder the development, growth and competitiveness of small businesses. Government has requested all spheres to institutionalise the guidelines aimed at reducing red tape at local government level. Government sets-aside 30% of appropriate categories of State procurement for purchasing from SMMEs, cooperatives as well as township and rural enterprises. It’s proposed that the design of a National Red Tape Reduction Programme, with coordinated implementation by the Presidency’s Office, will be informed by lessons learnt from recent and current national red tape initiatives designed to accelerate national competitiveness & economic growth by setting targets to reduce the total costs of government imposed regulations on business. Other Specific interventions by Government Enacted Policies, Regulations and Legislation i. e. (the 30 days payment policy). Establishment of the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation located in the Presidency The National Development Plan –vision 2030 Institutionalizing of Performance management System across all spheres of government Development of Risk assessment strategies by all departments and entities Establishment of Fraud and Corruption fighting mechanisms and many more


Guidelines for Reducing Municipal Red Tape, 2012 define red tape as rules, regulations, and / or bureaucratic procedures and processes which are excessively complex and which impose unnecessary delay(s), inaction and / or costs which exceed their benefits, and / or is no longer effective in achieving the purpose for which they were originally created. Red tape results in undesirable economic, business and / or social impacts or outcomes as a result of negatively impacting on productivity. Red tape involves excessive, or unevenly enforced, regulation or rigid conformity to formal rules that is considered redundant or bureaucratic and hinders or prevents effective action or decision-making.

Government recognizes the need to review its policy and regulatory environment that continue to hinder the development, growth and competitiveness of small businesses. Government has requested all spheres to institutionalise the guidelines aimed at reducing red tape at local government level.

Government sets-aside 30% of appropriate categories of State procurement for purchasing from SMMEs, cooperatives as well as township and rural enterprises.

It’s proposed that the design of a National Red Tape Reduction Programme, with coordinated implementation by the Presidency’s Office, will be informed by lessons learnt from recent and current national red tape initiatives designed to accelerate national competitiveness & economic growth by setting targets to reduce the total costs of government imposed regulations on business.

Other Specific interventions by Government

  • Enacted Policies, Regulations and Legislation i. e. (the 30 days payment policy).
  • Establishment of the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation located in the Presidency
  • The National Development Plan –vision 2030
  • Institutionalizing of Performance management System across all spheres of government
  • Development of Risk assessment strategies by all departments and entities
  • Establishment of Fraud and Corruption fighting mechanisms and many more

08 September 2015 - NW2960

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What system protocols have been determined to ensure open access integration and data integrity with the national broadband network as envisaged in SA Connect, (b) how were the specified protocols determined, (c) which (i) state entities, (ii) private sector companies or (iii) individuals, were involved in drawing up the specified protocols and (d) who is responsible for ensuring the adherence, effective implementation and ongoing operation of the specified protocols?


(a) The Department is undertaking work on Open Access within the broader scope of the National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper. The white paper policy will determine, amongst other things, the appropriate policy and regulatory remedies for the management and regulation of the open access framework. Should the white paper process determine that there is a need to publish open access regulations, the system protocols will be outlined as part of the functional specification that is defined to implement the regulations.

(b) The protocols have not been defined yet but would be defined as part of the work related to the implementation of the open access regulation.

(c) See response above

(d) Oversight over the development and implementation of the functional specifications would fall within the ambit of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA)

08 September 2015 - NW2731

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Why are four ministerial priorities not mentioned when comparing the 2012-16 Strategic Plan to the 2015-19 Strategic Plan?


The Ministerial priorities that have been promulgated in the DOD Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020 are related to Milestone 1 of the SA Defence Review 2014. It is emphasised that the priorities as reflected in the Strategic Plan for the fiscal years 2011/12 – 2015/16 are embedded in the following priorities which are as follows:

Strategic Leadership.

Defence Funding Model.

Organisational Renewal.

Human Resources Renewal.

Capability Renewal

Defence Industry.

Defence Commitments.

Prior to the promulgation of these latest Ministerial priorities, an assessment was made of all previous Ministerial priorities and their implementation progress. After such an assessment a determination was made that all the priorities that were not exhaustively implemented, be incorporated under the 2015 -2020 MOD&MV high level priorities.

No Ministerial priorities were dropped, but were however incorporated under the high level Ministerial priorities. The DOD will, at its presentation of the Defence Review Implementation Plan to Parliament, make this point visible.

08 September 2015 - NW2792

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Whether the Government has developed or was developing a policy and funding plan to allow the country’s rural population to have access to biodigesters in order to create biogas for domestic cooking and electricity purposes as is happening in India and/or to stimulate large-scale production of purified biogas for fuel as in China; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details of the biogas initiatives in the country that are led by the Government and (b) how extensive is the roll-out of the specified initiatives in the country’s rural population?


(aWhat are the relevant details of the biogas initiatives in the country that are led by the Government?

The Department and the ARC completed a pilot phase of the Biodigester project in the Thabo Mofutsanyane District (Free State province) that started in June 2012 and just concluded in June 2015 as part of the mitigation and adaptation to climate variability and change in the Thabo Mofutsanyane District (Free State Province). This project was rolled-out in Thabo Mofutsanyane District with a number of beneficiaries, mainly community livestock farmers who received training and had the biodigesters equipment purchased for them. 

The ultimate goal of the project was to enhance agricultural productivity by promoting the adoption of an integrated crop-livestock system that effectively mitigates, adapts to and reduces vulnerabilities to climate change. It is also aimed at introducing and encouraging agricultural practices in rural communities that have the potential of mitigating climate change and adapting to adverse effects of climate change and the use of biogas for domestic cooking and electricity purposes.

About 13 biogas digesters for generation of bio-gas for cooking and/lighting from livestock manure were installed and they are operational. The farmer training was conducted and provided an opportunity to promote renewable energies and inform farmers on the possibility of self-energy generation. Capacity building and job creation was achieved through training of the local youth on biogas digester installation. Relevant weather and climate information was distributed to farmers during the planning and implementation of their agricultural activities via sms. The findings of this pilot project will assist with the climate change adaptation and mitigation measures (in the form of strategies and/or polices) for the country.

(b) How extensive is the roll-out of the specified initiatives in the country’s rural population?

This pilot project is currently been rolled out to three Provinces namely: Eastern Cape, North West and Limpopo targeting ten (10) small scale farmers per Province from the financial year 2015/16 to 2017/18. The project aims at raising awareness of climate change among different stakeholders in the agricultural community. It will promote the integrated crop-livestock production system. The beneficiaries in these provinces, mainly livestock farmers will be trained and have biodegesters purchased for them and installed. 

Biogas could be used to generate a large portion of the peaking power required and thereby effect very large cost savings for the country. More funding and resources are however, needed to roll it out at a larger scale.

08 September 2015 - NW2853

Profile picture: Bhanga, Mr BM

Bhanga, Mr BM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 2143 on 27 July 2015, a forensic investigation was not commissioned, despite the Makhado Municipal Council having resolved to conduct the specified investigation on the matter as indicated in his reply to question 338 on 12 March 2015, if not, how does he reconcile his reply to question 2143 on 27 July 2015 with the fact that the investigation was not commissioned; if so, (a) who took the decision not to commission the forensic investigation, (b) what date was the decision taken not to commission the investigation and (c) on what grounds was the decision taken not to commission the investigation?


The Department is currently conducting further consultations with the province to establish why a forensic investigation was not commissioned as per the Council resolution. A reply on the matter will be provided once the information is available from the province.

08 September 2015 - NW2790

Profile picture: Madisha, Mr WM

Madisha, Mr WM to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Whether he has requested or will be requesting a seminar or bosberaad with departmental officials and private sector experts to understand the implications of the report of the International Labour Organisation released in February 2015, entitled Farm Workers’ Living and Working Conditions in South Africa: key trends, emergent issues and underlying and structural problems, and in particular to address the point that outdated assumptions and oversimplifications continue to fuel unhealthy polarisation in the perceptions and views of key players in agriculture; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) when will he make a statement regarding the failure of the Government as highlighted in the specified report?


Although I am fully aware of the ILO study on farm workers living and working conditions in South Africa, the report that was issued in February 2015 was just a draft for input by affected stakeholders. The ILO final report on farm workers living and working conditions in South Africa was only finalized and published on 21 July 2015.

I am arranging a briefing from the International Labour Organisation on the findings of the study. Consequently, I will interact with Ministers of Labour and Rural Development and Land Reform to have an integrated approach to the recommendations of the report. We will then consult with relevant stakeholders in the agriculture sector to discuss and develop a sector action plan to address challenges addressed in the report.

08 September 2015 - NW2977

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(a) how many technical and vocational education and training colleges are registered in each district in Mpumalanga, (b) what are the names of the specified colleges and (c) how students are enrolled in each specified college; (2) what is the annual student registration fee in each specified college; (3) how many of the specified colleges have increased their registration fees; (4) (a) how many students at these colleges are not receiving their National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) subsidies, (b) what are the reasons for this and (c) how many students have (i) been forced to suspend their studies or (ii) not attended classes due to non-payment of NSFAS subsidies?


  1. – (3) There are three Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges in Mpumalanga. The table below provides further details to questions 1 (b) to 3:
  1. TVET college
  1. Student enrolment
  1. Annual Student Registration Fees
  1. Increment on Registration Fees
  1. Ehlanzeni TVET college

8 043


Not applicable

  1. Gert Sibande TVET college

9 123


Not applicable

  1. Nkangala TVET college

11 603


Not applicable


28 769

  1. The table below responds to questions 4 (a) and (c):

TVET college

Number of students awarded NSFAS allowances

  1. Number of students not receiving NSFAS allowances

b) Reasons for students not receiving NSFAS

  1. Number of students

(i) forced to suspend their studies

(ii) not attended classes due to non-payment of NSFAS subsidies

  1. Ehlanzeni TVET college

3 330


Students providing incorrect bank accounts



  1. Gert Sibande TVET college

2 798


Lost Identity Documents and incorrect bank accounts



  1. Nkangala TVET college

2 290

1 236

Students not submitting claims to finance timeously.




8 418

1 792






Compiler/Contact persons:










08 September 2015 - NW2655

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Has he signed a performance agreement with the director-general of his department; if not, what are the reasons for this; if so, when was the performance agreement signed?


Yes ,the Director –General signed on 01 April to March 2015.


08 September 2015 - NW3128

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)(a) When was the Child Online Protection (COP) programme developed and (b) who developed the specified programme; (2) (a) what public participation process was held, (b) with whom was the specified process held, (c) on what date(s) and (d) where was the specified process held; (3) Whether the COP programme was published for public comment; if not, why not; if so, (a) when was it published, (b) where was it published and (c) how many responses were received; (4) (a) in which provinces was the COP programme launched, (b) who is responsible for implementing the COP programme in the specified provinces and (c) how is it being (i) implemented and (ii) monitored; (5) What is the plan for implementing the COP programme in other provinces?


(1)(a) In 2010

(1)(b) It emanates from a resolution of the International Telecommunications Union that was taken in 2009 and the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) responded as a Member State of the ITU by developing the Child Online Protection Programme that was developed in 2010.

(2)(a) Consultation workshops took place in all provinces on the Children Strategy which included the Online Protection Programme.

(2)(b) Children’s Rights Organisations; Children’s Organisations that work in the ICT Sector; State-Owned Companies, Department of Basic Education, Department of Social Development, National Prosecuting Authority, South African Police Service, the former Ministry for Women, Children and People with Disabilities; and International Bodies such as Unicef and the ITU.

(2)(c) During the financial years 2010/2011 and 2011/12.

(2)(d) Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN), Free State Province, North West Province, Gauteng, Northern Cape Province and the Eastern Cape Province.

(3) No, but an advertisement ran on national television and radio. Further, a Webpage was set up for the programme;

(4)(a) On 19 August 2015 in KZN as part of the launch of the Children and ICT Strategy;

(4)(b) The DTPS and Non-Profit Organisations namely; Resources Aimed at Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect; Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention; Childline South Africa, Disabled Children’s Action Group (DICAG); and the Film and Publication Board.


(4)(b)(i) Through School-based Awareness Workshops and in this regard we have conducted (5) five workshops in the Eastern Cape, KZN, Western Cape, and North West Province.

(4)(b)(ii) Evaluation workshops are conducted with the schools where the programme is implemented and in this regard we have done one evaluation workshop in KZN this year.

08 September 2015 - NW2816

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(a) Which contractors have been appointed by her department for the 2015-16 financial year and (b) what (i) services are provided by each specified contractor and (ii) are the related costs of each contract?














1 Mil










Transfer of Facility Management functions from the Department of Public Works to the Department of Defence

R 32 392 866.00


Tectura Architects

Professional consultant services for the Refurbishment and Upgrading of the 1st floor at 1 Military Hospital

R 40 536 138.24



   a.   Project Management services




   b.   Architectural services




   c.   Mechanical Engineering services




   d.   Electrical Engineering services




   e.   Civil Engineering services




   f.   Structural Engineering services




   g.   Quantity Surveying services











Cutting of tree

R 2 900.00


Alu Solutions Glass & Aluminum

Replace rotten wooden door at 5 Bisley Close

R 4 750.00


Alu Solutions Glass & Aluminum

Replace old door at 22 Bisley Close

R 4 750.00


IZA Business Enterprise

Repair plugs lights, CBI breakers at 258 Bisley Close

R 4 820.00


Jacobs Roller Door

Install garage door at 258 Bisley Close

R 4 490.00


184 Alderberry Trading CC

Installation of cupboards at 85 Lagoon Drive

R 489 744.00


E Ramsamy T/A Bobby's Construction

Upgrading at 19 Anchetil

R 446 260.00


Kwa-Zulu Industrial Contractors CC

Renovation upgrade at 5 Parsons Rd

R 267 900.00


Kwa-Zulu Industrial Contractors CC

Renovation and repair at 55 Doble Rd

R 296 400.00














Laundry services

R 11 959.00


Steiner Hygiene


R 15 552.00


Chubb Security

Security services

R 12 597.00


The courier and Freight Group

Courier services

R 4 271.00


Konica Minolta

Photocopy Machine

R 59 979.00


Vuka Uvuthulule Trading

General Building - Geyser

R 23 060.00



General Building - Electrical

R 9 840.00















Prekko Trd CC

Replace damage slabs with new slabs

R 2 021.98


Prekko Trd CC

Construction of partitioning 7.3x2.8 including door and aluminum frame

R 14 400.00


Mamello Trading

Constructing and installing of wooden counter at building 576 as per scope of work

R 8 000.00


F. Esterhuizen

Paint of x3 Theaters at 3 Mil Hospital as per scope of work

R 53 000.00


Servilline 58 CC

Completing of project Tempe Church Project 20/2014, waterproofing repair of gutters

R 29 684.00


Zulu Portia Trading

Laundry services for Log section

R 19 965.00


F. Esterhuizen

Upgrading of building 155, DOD Mobilization Centre, Project no 49/2015 Tender 14/2015















Kurhula Events Management

Rendering catering services at DW Fmn, Works Training School, Attridgeville

R 4 092 449.67


Tradeworx 177 (PTY) Ltd T/A Sizani Gardens

Rendering garden services at DW Fmn, Works Training School, Attridgeville

R 1 723 439.00


Coltrane Mpho Supplies

Painting of walls and window frames at DW Fmn, Works Training School

R 279 864.00


Coltrane Mpho Supplies

Removal, Install and paint of walls & passages at DW Fmn, Works Training School

R 452 672.00


Dose Construction

Ready mix for recreational centre 

R 145 000.00





DW Fmn HQ Unit








Khanyoz Trading and Projects

Rendering garden services at DW Fmn HQ Unit

R 498 018.94


LLH Properties

Installation of paving for DW Fmn HQ

R 998 375.00


Sanqa Trading

Tree felling at DW Fmn HQ Unit

R 12 000.00


Tshwane South College

Technical Training for artisans

R 32 278 697.08


AB Logistics

Vehicle Hire

R 56 941.64


G - Fleet

Vehicle Hire

R 4 442 471.62













AK - RV Trading

Refurbishment of 7 Koos van Zyl str, General Kemp Hill

R 198 726.85


Dose Construction

Installation of kitchen cupboards, 3 Magazine str, Salvokop, Pretoria

R 240 000.00


ML Nkosi Electrical CC

Installation of windows, 3 Magazine str, Salvokop, Pretoria

R 242 000.00


Mashva Group

Upgrading of Personnel Service School, Officers Mess

R 285 900.00


Amper Sand Investments (Wilcote Midrand)

Renovations and repair of Edwin Swales Residential Area - Air Force Base Waterkloof

R 1 130 037.74


Thebanane Trading

Procurement and installation of burglar bars for RWU GP

R 160 000.00


AK ARV Trading PTY Ltd

Installation of Kitchen cupboards at Chaplain's residence

R 94 860.00


Stanleb Construction Projects

Installation of tiles at PS School officers accommodation

R 197 000.00


Jackson & Clifford Trading PTY

Tiling of floor using carpet tiles at PS School officers mess

R 225 010.00



Carpet Supplies & Décor Centre

Fitting of carpets at Chaplain General's house

R 27 489.00


Rosa IT Solutions

Replace old windows  - project no 1

R 29 950.00


Jackson & Clifford Trading PTY

Installation of carpets at PS School officers Mess

R 29 500.00










Planet (PTY) Ltd

Partitioning of offices & conference room

R 98 500.00













Munathi Construction

Installation of palisade fencing and gates at building 99

R 28 500.00











Armscor (DDSI)

Logistics Policy Development: 4yr contract






08 September 2015 - NW2648

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether any performance requirements are prescribed to persons who receive social grants such as dependant children that are compelled to attend school and unemployed parents are compelled to look for work,; if not, why not, in the light of the unsustainability of social grants in the long term; if so, what are the relevant details?


Both education and social security are constitutional rights. Section 27(1)(c) of the constitution provides that everyone has the right to have access to social security, including, if they are unable to support themselves and their dependants, appropriate social assistance. The South African Schools Act and accompanying regulations make schooling compulsory for all children, while the Social Assistance Act and regulations emphasizes the parental responsibilities of caregivers while making social work services available to those caregivers who are struggling. At present this seems to be working well with over 96% of social grant beneficiaries in school. The current legislation is developmental in nature; however the department is continuously reviewing it with the view of improving and giving better expression to the rights afforded to all in the Constitution. Well researched inputs that promote development without compromising the values of society, expressed in our constitution, are always welcomed.

From a fiscal stance the National Treasury does not seem to be worried about sustainability of the social grants, and they have publicly pronounced on this: “From a fiscal point of view, there is nothing unsustainable about the financing of the current system of social grants”.

( The department agrees with this view and has not seen any evidence suggesting any need to be alarmed. Furthermore, social grants remain one of government’s largest poverty alleviation programmes that also make a large impact on inequality. Both poverty and inequality is unsustainable in the long term.

08 September 2015 - NW3027

Profile picture: Wana, Ms T

Wana, Ms T to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to information and communication technology (ICT), how many schools in each province (a) have been connected, (b) through which service provider were the schools connected, (c) what amount was budgeted by her department for ICT connection for the (i) 2013-14 and (ii) 2014-15 financial years and (d) how were these amounts spent in each specified period?



The Department of Telecommunication and Postal Services (DTPS) is the custodian of schools’ connectivity and not the Department of Basic Education (DBE). However, considering the interest the DBE has in the matter, as a beneficiary like any other public institution, the DBE is working closely with the DTPS on this matter and the collaboration has been strengthened. For example, in implementing Government Gazette No. 3718 of 4 June, 2014, on the Universal Services and Access Obligation (USAO), the two Departments have been working closely with the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) to ensure that the four Network Operators (as per the Gazette), Vodacom, MTN, Cell C and Neotel, fulfill their mandate in terms of schools’ connectivity.

2. How many schools in each province (a) have been connected, (b) through which service provider were the schools connected,

During 2014-15 financial year 1840 schools, including 1650 schools that were connected through the 2010 FIFA World Cup legacy project, were connected. The following is the breakdown per Province:

(a) 2010 FIFA World Cup school connectivity legacy project, for which Telkom was the Service Provider:






Eastern Cape





Free State

























Northern Cape





North West





Western Cape










(b)  The Universal Services and Access Obligation (USAO) – for which Vodacom was the service provider

  • 61 schools in KwaZulu-Natal;
  • 53 schools in Eastern Cape;
  • 40 schools in Free State; and
  • 6 schools in the Northern Cape.

Total: 150 schools

(c) Corporate Social Investment (Corporate Social Investment) initiatives

  • 10 Schools in Eastern Cape through CSI (Vodacom);
  • 10 Schools in Mpumalanga through CSI (Vodacom); and
  • 20 Schools including 4 in Western Cape, 3 Eastern Cape, 5 KwaZulu-Natal, 2 Limpopo, 3 Mpumalanga, 1 North West by State Information Technology Agency (SITA) as Corporate Social Investment contribution(CSI);

Total: 40 schools

During the current financial year (2015-16), thus far, 327 schools have been connected by Vodacom as part of its USAO. The following is the breakdown per province:

  • 10 schools in KwaZulu-Natal;
  • 103 schools in the Eastern Cape;
  • 48 schools in the Free State; and
  • 16 Schools in the Northern Cape.


Total: 177 schools

3. What amount was budgeted by her department for ICT connection for the (i) 2013-14 and (ii) 2014-15 financial years and (d) how were these amounts spent in each specified period?

As indicated above, the DTPS is the custodian of schools’ connectivity as public Institutions. Therefore the DTPS in charge of any related budget. As a beneficiary, the DBE supports the DTPS in realising schools’ connectivity projects. With regard to projects referred to in this submission, while the cost of the current USAO rollout is undertaken by respective Network Operators, as an obligation for their license, the 2010 FIFA World Cup was funded by the 2010 FIFA World Cup Legacy Fund which was managed by the DTPS.

08 September 2015 - NW3109

Profile picture: Bhanga, Mr BM

Bhanga, Mr BM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)With regard to the awarding of the tender for the development of Portions 87, 148, 149 and the remainder of Portion 1 of the farm Rietfontein 61 IR, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and in view of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Report Gaut: 002/13-14/E0153 (details furnished), on what basis can the applicant crudely ignore a request for a risk management plan from a provincial department; (2) why did the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development insist on such a risk management plan?


This question should be re-directed to the Ministry of Rural Development and Land Affairs, which is the competent authority to respond.

08 September 2015 - NW3052

Profile picture: Steenhuisen, Mr JH

Steenhuisen, Mr JH to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(a) How does (i) her office and (ii) entities reporting to her define red tape and (b) what (i) specific interventions and/or (ii) systems have been implemented to (aa) identify and (bb) reduce red tape in (aaa) her office and (bbb) the entities reporting to her?


Not applicable.




Approved by the Minister on


08 September 2015 - NW3154

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)What (a) projects, (b) legal cases and (c) investigations of complaints is the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) currently pursuing; (2) How many (a)(i) full-time and (ii) part-time positions does the CGE currently have filled and (b) vacancies does the CGE have; (3) What (a) long-term projects is the CGE currently undertaking and (b) is each project’s projected date of completion; (4) Has the CGE conducted an audit of all national legislation pertaining to (a) women and (b) the promotion of gender equality with the goal of (i) streamlining these various pieces of legislation and (ii) preventing overlap and/or gaps in legislation; if not, does the CGE intend to conduct the specified audit?


The Commission for Gender Equality is a Chapter 9 institution which reports to parliament. The questions should therefore be directed to the CGE.


Approved by the Minister on


08 September 2015 - NW2657

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

(1) With regard to the science, technology, engineering and mathematics intervention outlined in the revised strategic focus document of her department which states that, 2 000 women in each year are to be inducted and trained in the specified fields, what (a) funding sources have been identified for this intervention and (b) projected funding figures have been detailed for the (i) current and (ii) any other financial years already planned for; (2) What plans are in place to ensure that the women who receive their qualifications through this intervention are eventually employed afterwards?


  1. The department’s Annual Performance Plan of 2015/16 indicates that, in this financial year, the Department will develop intervention plans for girls’ and young women’s access to STEM fields, and that from 2016/17, the target is to enable 2000 girls and young women to access STEM fields per year.

      (a) Funding sources for this intervention will be the private sector, NSFAS and various partners.

      (b) There are no projected funding figures as the project depends on sponsorships from the private sector, and partners.   

    2.  As we are aware that these students are sponsored mainly by the private sector, getting employment is guaranteed by the sponsor.


Approved by the Minister on


08 September 2015 - NW2654

Profile picture: Khawula, Ms MS

Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1) In light of the strategic plan of her Ministry that was presented in July 2014, which included ensuring that 60% of women occupy senior management positions, producing four quarterly reports and running four anti-corruption initiatives during the year, has she achieved all the specified targets; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) (a) what is the rationale for running four anti-corruption initiatives in her Ministry and (b) could this suggest that corruption in her Ministry is so rampant to an extent that four anti-corruption units should be established?


  1. According to the revised Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan of the department the target of women who occupy senior management positions was set at 50%. As at 31st March 2015, the actual performance against this target was 85.8%.
  2. (a) In terms of a 2003 Cabinet decision, all departments are required to have minimum anti-corruption capacity (MACC) requirements in place. It is therefore a government policy and not any suggestion of a rampant corruption in the department.


Approved by the Minister on


08 September 2015 - NW3015

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether, with regard to the awarding of the tender for the development of Portions 87, 148, 149 and the remainder of Portion 1 of the farm Rietfontein 61 IR, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and in view of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Report Gaut: 002/13-14/E0153 (details furnished), the specified plan include provisions to prevent that chemicals used by the demolished hospital contaminate the ground water and the surrounding soil; if not, (a) why not and (b) how will her department ensure that the ecological and social systems are not contaminated?


The National Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has no record of an application for environmental authorisation for the abovementioned project. The application was lodged with the provincial department of environmental affairs, the Gauteng Department of Rural Development (GDARD), for which the MEC is the competent authority in terms of S24C of NEMA. Please contact the GDARD for a response.


08 September 2015 - NW2796

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Mr M

Hlengwa, Mr M to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

With reference to his reply to question 660 on 31 March 2015, what ( a ) is the status on the investigation done by Deloitte and Touche and (b ) was the outcome of the investigation by the specified company; (2) whether he intends to make the report available; if so, when will he make the report available to the public; (3) whether the report exposed the names of the ( a ) persons and ( b ) service providers involved; if so, (4) whether he intends to provide the list of ( a ) names and ( b ) service providers mentioned in the specified report?


The response below was provided by the Provincial Treasury in Kwazulu Natal:

  1. The investigation being conducted by Deloitte and Touche within the Umkhanyukude District Municipality is at various stages:
  • Some of the allegations are already the subject of disciplinary enquiries within the municipality (with the assistance of Deloitte);
  • Some of the allegations have been referred to the Province’s Anti-Corruption Task Team in order for a criminal case to be opened.


2. The Department is in consultation with the Province to determine whether or not the report is at a stage where it could be made available to the public;

3. The names of the people and the service providers implicated are covered in the report;

4. Depending on the outcome of the consultations with the Province, the names of the people and service providers implicated could be made available.

08 September 2015 - NW2429

Profile picture: Jooste, Ms K

Jooste, Ms K to ask the Minister of Social Development

What amount did (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in (i) Sowetan and (ii) Daily Sun in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?


The Department and its entities advertise in different media groups. The member is referred to the annual reports of the aforementioned financial years.

08 September 2015 - NW2732

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What are the latest details of all service level agreements and memoranda of understanding signed by her department?


Department of Defence

The following are in place:

Service Level Agreement between the DOD and Armscor concerning the services to be rendered by Armscor to the DOD.

Memorandum of Understanding between DOD and CSIR (DPSS) concerning the services to be rendered by CSIR.

Service Level Agreement between SITA and DOD concerning services to be rendered by SITA

08 September 2015 - NW2882

Profile picture: Maimane, Mr MA

Maimane, Mr MA to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)What targeted interventions has his department (a) already put in place and (b) have planned for the long term to increase access to internet connectivity for citizens in (i) underdeveloped communities and (ii) rural areas in the short to medium term; (2) does his department have plans in place to subsidise (a) internet connectivity, (b) the roll-out of broadband infrastructure and (c) mobile data providers’ prices in order to ensure increased access to those technologies for citizens in (i) underdeveloped communities and (ii) rural areas?


(1)(a) Intervention put in place are SA Connect a programme of government to connect 100% of the country to the internet.

(b)(i) Planned interventions are Broadband Infrastructure rollout, E-strategy, internet strategy and USAASA interventions, ICT Policy review

(ii) Broadband rollout to 8 district municipalities including associated digital opportunity programmes.

(2)(a) Yes. Through USAASA, there will be an initiative to subsidise schools, public access points and people in underserved areas.

(b) Yes, in areas where it is not economically viable for operators.

(c)(i-ii) No. The Department does not have plans to subsidise mobile data providers’ prices. The department will pursue policy interventions for the reduction of voice and data costs.

08 September 2015 - NW3043

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With reference to public ordinary schools, how many Grade R teachers are (a) required and (b) employed by (i) provincial education departments and (ii) school governing bodies in each (aa) province and (bb) district; (2) how many of the specified teachers are qualified at (a) NQF level 4 and (b) NQF level 6 in each (i) province and (ii) district?


  1. With reference to public ordinary schools, how many Grade R teachers are (a) required and (b) employed by (i) provincial education departments and (ii) school governing bodies in each (aa) province and (bb) district;
  1. (a) Grade R is currently not fully funded as part of the mainstream basic education system. Therefore, provisioning for Grade R in public schools is based on assessment of available resources including classroom space and other required resources, and thus mainly supply rather than demand-driven. Therefore, it would be difficult to determine the demand, that is, learners enrolled against teachers required.

(b) Currently, Grade R teachers are either fully employed by the state and thus in state paid posts, or employed by the School Governing Body (SGB) with their salaries subsidised by the state in the form of a stipend. Only the Limpopo and North West provinces have appointed Grade R teachers in fully-funded state posts. The following table shows information supplied by provinces on appointment by province. Information by district could not be obtained.


(b) (i) (aa) Employed by the province

(b) (ii) (aa) Employed by the SGB



4 765



1 270



2 710



6 486


1 080




2 065





1 323




1 767


2 403

19 799

Source: Information supplied by provincial education departments

(2) How many of the specified teachers are qualified at (a) NQF level 4 and (b) NQF level 6 in each (i) province and (ii) district?

The following table indicates the number of teachers qualified at (a) NQF Level 6 in each province. The information for districts is not available.


  1. (i) Level 4
  1. (ii) NQF 6 & above


3 907







1 165


4 800

1 103



1 080









1 323





11 545

5 429

Source: Information supplied by provincial education departments

08 September 2015 - NW3085

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1) Whether the municipal manager of Maruleng Local Municipality in Limpopo was suspended at a special council meeting held on 5 August 2015; if so, (a) on what grounds was the municipal manager suspended and (b) was the council meeting legally constituted in terms of the requisite notice of the council meeting having been provided and the agenda circulated; if not, what was the purpose of the council meeting; (2) (a) how many special council meetings have been held by the Maruleng Local Municipality since 1 January 2015 and (b) for each meeting, (i) what was the purpose of the meeting and (ii) what notice was given of the meeting; (3) was an agenda circulated for each specified meeting; if not, why not?


The response below is based on information received from the Maruleng Local Municipality:

(1) Yes, the municipal manager of Maruleng Local Municipality in Limpopo was suspended at a special council meeting held on 5 August 2015.

(a) Misconduct
(b) Yes, the Council meeting was legally constituted.
(2) (a) Five (5) special council meetings have been held by the Maruleng Local Municipality since 1 January 2015.

(b) (i)
• 25 January 2015: The acting allowance for the Chief Traffic Officer, the acting allowance for the Director: Corporate Services, the suspension of employees and the informal settlement upgrading by Housing Development.

• 9 February 2015: Approval of adjustment budget.

• 29 May 2015: 2015/16 budget approval.

• 23 July 2015: Notice of suspension of the municipal manager.

• 5 August 2015: Suspension of the municipal manager.

(ii) Invitations were issued.

(3) Yes, the agenda for each specified meeting was circulated

08 September 2015 - NW3021

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

With regard to the awarding of the tender for the development of Portions 87, 148, 149 and the remainder of Portion 1 of the farm Rietfontein 61 IR, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and in view of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Report Gaut: 002/13-14/E0153 (details furnished), what are the differences between the two sets of regulations; (2) whether the specified application is indeed exempted from the 2010 NEMA EIA Regulations?


The National Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has no record of an application for environmental authorisation for the abovementioned project. The application was lodged with the provincial department of environmental affairs, the Gauteng Department of Rural Development (GDARD), for which the MEC is the competent authority in terms of S24C of NEMA. Please contact the GDARD for a response.


08 September 2015 - NW2974

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(I) In respect of each province, what number of (a)(i) male and (ii) female learners wrote (aa) mathematics, (bb) physical science and (cc) life science in the National Senior Certificate final examination and (b) each sex passed each specified subject with (i) more than 30%, (ii) more than 40% and (iii) more than 50% from the end of 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; (2) in respect of each province, what percentage of (a) male and (b) female learners (i) repeated Grade 10 and (i i)dropped out of school after Grade 9 from 20 I 0 up to the latest specified date for which information is available? NW3479E


(I) The response to no. I (a) (i) (i i) (aa) (bb) (cc) (b) (i) (i i) (iii) is attached on the excel spreadsheet as an annexure.

(2) In respect of each province, what percentage of (a) male and (b) female learners (i) repeated Grade 10

Attached find here: Table 1: Percentage of learners repeating Grade 10 in ordinary schools, by province, 2010-2014

08 September 2015 - NW2668

Profile picture: Stubbe, Mr DJ

Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Minister of Public Works:

Does his department have sufficient capacity to maintain a rolling schedule of proactive and regular inspections to ensure that problems with facilities in its portfolio are detected and addressed on time? STRY PUBLIC WORKS REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Public Works l Central Government Offices l 256 Madiba Street l Pretoria l Contact: +27 (0)12 406 2034 l +27 (0)12 406 1224 Private Bag X9155 l CAPE TOWN, 8001 l RSA 4th Floor Parliament Building l 120 Plain Street l CAPE TOWN l Tel: +27 21 468 6900 Fax: +27 21 462 4592 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY WRITTEN REPLY QUESTION NUMBER: 2668 [NW3099E] INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: No. 26 of 2015 DATE OF PUBLICATION: 31 JULY 2015 DATE OF REPLY: 08 SEPTEMBER 2015 Mr D J Stubbe (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works: Does his department have sufficient capacity to maintain a rolling schedule of proactive and regular inspections to ensure that problems with facilities in its portfolio are detected and addressed on time? NW3099E _________________________________________________________________ REPLY: The Minister of Public Works The State’s immovable asset portfolio consists of 99 249 buildings and other immovable assets nationally. It is not possible to inspect all the buildings on a regular basis with the current capacity of people, processes and systems. This has led to the Department’s current approach of prioritising the inspections of occupied buildings only. Currently, the Department has 33 Officials in all eleven regions that are responsible for inspections of all properties, owned and leased. In addition, the Department employs lease Portfolio Managers in the 11 regional offices, ranging from a minimum of 5 per region to 12 per region, who are also required to regularly inspect buildings which form part of their portfolio. In the 2014/15 financial year, 2 668 building inspections were conducted and 681 inspections have been conducted in quarter one of the current year 2015/16. As part of the Turnaround Plan Phase 2 - Efficiency Enhancement - the business processes, systems and Departmental structure are being updated as part of the revision of the operating model. In the revised PMTE Business Processes, which are currently in draft, and upon National Treasury’s approval of funds, this responsibility will rest with area based portfolio managers, thus increasing visibility and access to buildings nationwide. The roll out of Building Management Systems in 11 State-owned buildings over the MTEF period will also contribute largely to the better monitoring and management of State-owned facilities. The Department also plans to re-open numerous Facilities Management Workshops nationally in order to ensure rapid responses to maintenance requirements. The above mentioned initiatives along with various other planned interventions by the PMTE will ensure that the State’s immovable asset portfolio is well maintained and suitable for occupation. ____________________________________________________________________


The Minister of Public Works

The State’s immovable asset portfolio consists of 99 249 buildings and other immovable assets nationally. It is not possible to inspect all the buildings on a regular basis with the current capacity of people, processes and systems. This has led to the Department’s current approach of prioritising the inspections of occupied buildings only.

Currently, the Department has 33 Officials in all eleven regions that are responsible for inspections of all properties, owned and leased. In addition, the Department employs lease Portfolio Managers in the 11 regional offices, ranging from a minimum of 5 per region to 12 per region, who are also required to regularly inspect buildings which form part of their portfolio.

In the 2014/15 financial year, 2 668 building inspections were conducted and 681 inspections have been conducted in quarter one of the current year 2015/16.

As part of the Turnaround Plan Phase 2 - Efficiency Enhancement - the business processes, systems and Departmental structure are being updated as part of the revision of the operating model. In the revised PMTE Business Processes, which are currently in draft, and upon National Treasury’s approval of funds, this responsibility will rest with area based portfolio managers, thus increasing visibility and access to buildings nationwide.

The roll out of Building Management Systems in 11 State-owned buildings over the MTEF period will also contribute largely to the better monitoring and management of State-owned facilities.

The Department also plans to re-open numerous Facilities Management Workshops nationally in order to ensure rapid responses to maintenance requirements.

The above mentioned initiatives along with various other planned interventions by the PMTE will ensure that the State’s immovable asset portfolio is well maintained and suitable for occupation.



08 September 2015 - NW3045

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)With reference to a recent United Nations Office of Internal Oversight report (details furnished) on sexual offences committed by peacekeepers, which identified members of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) as amongst major offending military forces, (a) what action has been taken in this regard and (b) what metrics have been employed to measure the success of interventions; (2) what is the number of reported sexual offences committed by members of the SANDF whilst on peacekeeping missions; (3) whether any members of the SANDF have faced disciplinary action for sexual offences committed whilst on peacekeeping missions; if so, (a) how many and (b) what was the outcome of said action in each case?


Question 1(a). The Operations Support Legal Satellite Office (OSL) receives all incidents reported to the United Nations (UN) that involves allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct against members of the SANDF. Upon receipt the OSL deploys a team to investigate such allegations and where prima facie evidence of a commission of an offence is disclosed, the necessary disciplinary action is instituted.

Question 1(b). This OSL provides monthly feedback to the UN on all pending sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) cases. It should be noted that the recent UN report highlights the fact that South Africa is the only country to do so.

Question 2. Number of reported cases: 14. All the allegations lodged at the UN were investigated. Out of the 14 reported matters in only two cases the evidence disclosed prima facie evidence. These matters were finalised and the rest of the matters were reported closed due to no prima facie evidence.

Question 3(a). Members that faced disciplinary action: 2

Question 3(b). In both cases the members were convicted by a military court

Question 4. The submissions for assignment of Regular Force members and Reserve Force members as Senior Military Judges and Military Judges in terms of Section 14 of the Military Discipline Supplementary Measures Act, Act 16 of 1999, is with the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans for consideration.

Question 5. The number of outstanding cases within the military justice system is 1 588 cases.

08 September 2015 - NW2948

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)What is her department’s position on ISO 17025 accreditation for air quality seeing that it is the internationally recognised tool for quality assured measurements; (2) what is her department currently doing to obtain the specified accreditation; (3) when can the specified accreditation be achieved; (4) is the specified tool being used at a municipal level; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) The South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) is a tool to support quality assurance of ambient monitoring stations in South Africa. The department has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SANAS with the view to ensuring that emission monitoring measurements from all point sources and all ambient monitoring stations in the country are accredited in terms of ISO 17025.

The accreditation process entails the development of accreditation procedures such as guidelines, assessment protocols, as well as the capability of technical staff responsible for running the monitoring stations and associated equipment. The department’s officials are members of the Ambient and Emissions Monitoring SANAS Technical Committee (STC), a body that provides technical advice to the SANAS Chief Executive Officer on various matters regarding ambient and emission monitoring accreditation.

(2) The department has submitted an application to SANAS for ISO 17025 accreditation for its three Air Quality Monitoring Stations located in the Waterberg-Bojanala Priority Area and is currently awaiting the completion of the assessment of these stations by SANAS.

In the meantime, the South African Weather Service (SAWS) is in the processes of applying for SANAS accreditation for the monitoring stations in other Priority Areas (Vaal Triangle and Highveld) which it (SAWS) is managing on behalf of the department.

(3) It is envisaged that accreditation will be granted for all the stations in Waterberg, Highveld and Vaal Triangle networks by the end of 2015/16 financial year.

(4) With respect to other ambient monitoring networks nationwide, the department is providing technical support towards improved station and data management to all government-owned networks with the view to getting these networks to ultimately achieve SANAS accreditation into the future. To this end the department is working on the development of quality assurance (QA) systems to assist these government networks. These QA systems will form part of the Norms and Standards for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring and the standards are under development in the department.

Currently the City of Cape Town is ISO 17025 accredited for Sulphur Dioxide (SO2). There is a lack of expertise and resources at municipal level; hence the management of these stations is always outsourced to service providers. Furthermore, there are only few municipalities managing their stations in-house. The department is currently conducting a comprehensive Ambient Air Quality Monitoring course across all provinces (currently five provinces have been trained and those are; the Gauteng Province; the KwaZulu-Natal Province; the Northwest Province; the Northern Cape Province and the Free State Province).


08 September 2015 - NW3135

Profile picture: Whitfield, Mr AG

Whitfield, Mr AG to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

With reference to the Algoa Bay Aquaculture Development Zone (ABADZ), (a) has his department (i) conducted a cost-benefit analysis regarding the potential impact on tourism and (ii) identified other suitable locations for the ABADZ given the numerous concerns and objections lodged and (b) when will his department make the decision on the site for the ABADZ?


(a) & (b) The question should be routed to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) for a response.


08 September 2015 - NW3161

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)What are the relevant details of the challenges encountered in using the Enhanced Movement Control System at the various ports of entry; (2) what is being done to train immigration officials and managers on how to (a) use and (b) implement the new specified system?


(1) A significant challenge is that the Enhance Movement Control System (EMCS) is not integrated with other systems of the Department of Home Affairs. Every system has its own user- information, identifiers and business rules and as such provides data according to defined parameters. A single view of the traveler will only be possible once there is full system integration with EMCS. This requirement is identified within our Modernisation Programme being managed over a five-year strategic framework.

(2)(a) During and after implementation of the EMCS at a Port of Entry, officials from the Department’s Learning Academy as well as specialists on the EMCS system from our Port Control unit at Head Office are present to provide training and support to all users.

(2)(b) During the EMCS installation, technical teams are available to assist with implementation and support on the system. Prior to sign-off, on-site testing of the system is undertaken with immigration officials present to ensure it is operating efficiently and that information is successfully transferred between the port and the main server. In instances where there is a change of Legislation or within our Departmental Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s), the Learning Academy renders support with follow-up training on the system.

08 September 2015 - NW2999

Profile picture: Matlhoko, Mr AM

Matlhoko, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

With regard to the National Treasury's capital expenditure report on infrastructure that amounts to R19, 1 billion or 30.6% of the main capital budget of R62,5 billion which is a clear indication that roads are not being build, water taps are running dry and infrastructure is unattended, (a) what is the current infrastructure backlog in municipalities, in particular with regard to the infrastructure of (i) roads and (ii) water and sanitation and (b) what amount of the budget is made available for infrastructure backlogs for municipalities in the 2015-16 financial year?


(a) (i) According to Stats SA, in 2011 condition data was only available for 64% of the metropolitan roads network, and 80% of paved roads and 12% of gravel metropolitan roads were in a fairly good condition. Outside of the metropolitan areas, the Department of Transport indicates that road condition data is only available for approximately 4% of the municipal roads. In 2014 the South African National Roads Agency estimated the extent of the municipal roads network to be approximately 250 000 km. It estimated that R32 billion would be required to rehabilitate paved municipal roads and to re-gravel municipal roads. The cost of paving all the unpaved municipal roads is not known.

(ii) According to research carried out by the Department of Water and Sanitation, of the 1622 water supply schemes under municipal management, 9% are dysfunctional and 48% require urgent refurbishment and improved maintenance. According to the DWS 2013 Strategic Overview of the Water Sector in SA, 64% of Municipal Waste Water Treatment Works required urgent refurbishment and improved maintenance. The Department of Water and Sanitation has estimated the required national intervention cost of the backlog of municipal water infrastructure, excluding the metropolitan municipalities, to be R79 billion. The Department of Water and Sanitation has estimated the value of the backlog of sanitation infrastructure, excluding the metropolitan municipalities, to be in the order of R50 billion. Both include backlogs of a capital nature and backlogs of maintenance.

(b) The total Municipal Infrastructure Grant allocation for 2015/16 is R15 billion. This is for capital and refurbishment projects only. Municipalities are expected to fund maintenance from their own revenue and their equitable share allocation.

08 September 2015 - NW3017

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)With regard to the awarding of the tender for the development of Portions 87, 148, 149 and the remainder of Portion 1 of the farm Rietfontein 61 IR, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and in view of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Report Gaut: 002/13-14/E0153 (details furnished), what is (a) meant by significant fish and wildlife habitat and (b) the anticipated negative impact on the specified habitats, in each case; and (2) what steps will her department take to ensure that mitigation measures are included in the plan?


(1) and (2) The National Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has no record of an application for environmental authorisation for the abovementioned project. The application was lodged with the provincial department of environmental affairs, the Gauteng Department of Rural Development (GDARD), for which the MEC is the competent authority in terms of S24C of NEMA. Please contact the GDARD for a response.


08 September 2015 - NW2966

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)      Has his department had any interactions with the information and communication technology companies about employee retrenchments; if not, does he intend to initiate any interactions; if so, 2) (a) what was the purpose of the specified interactions, (b)with whom were the specified interactions held, (c) what was the (i) format and (ii) objective of the specified interactions, (d) what (i) agreements or (ii) understandings were reached and (e) what are the further relevant details of the specified (i) agreements or (ii) understandings of the specified interactions?



  1. The Department has not as yet specifically interacted with the ICT Companies about employee retrenchments. The Department intends to hold consultations during the 3rd and 4th quarters to address the issues affecting employment in the sector.
  2. The Department will communicate the format and objectives of the interactions once held. Outcomes will also be communicated.

08 September 2015 - NW3055

Profile picture: McGluwa, Mr JJ

McGluwa, Mr JJ to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(a) How does (i) her department and (ii) entities reporting to her define red tape and (b) what (i) specific interventions and/or (ii) systems have been implemented to (aa) identify and (bb) reduce red tape in (aaa) her department and (bbb) the entities reporting to her?


1.a, (i) (ii) Red tape refers to the hindrance caused to service delivery by bureaucratic processes within Government.

(b) (i)(II) An example of an intervention to mitigate effect of red tape is: Payment to SMMEs within 30 days as required by the Presidency and the department of Small Business Development. The DOD has a fast track process (to counter) red tape and to make sure that the SMMEs are paid within 30 days after invoicing. This is done with an understanding of the impact on the SMMEs if payments are delayed.

08 September 2015 - NW3042

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)(a) What investigations have been completed by the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit (NEEDU) since its formation in 2009 and (b) for each investigation, when (i) did she receive and/or (ii) does she expect the relevant report; (2) (a) when did she make each specified report public and (b) why were other reports not made public; (3) what are the details of investigations currently being conducted or planned by NEEDU, including the time frames; (4) (a) why was the contract of a certain person (name furnished) not renewed and (b) who is currently leading NEEDU; (5) whether she intends to have NEEDU established as a statutory entity; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Question 1

  • The 2012 NEEDU Report on Foundation Phase (Grades 1-3) was submitted to the Ministry in May 2013 and was launched in May 2013;
  • The 2013 NEEDU Report (similar to the 2013 Report) on Intermediate Phase (Grades 4-6) was submitted to the Ministry in November 2013 and was released in May 2014; and
  • The 2014 NEEDU Report on Further Education and Training Phase (Grades 10-12) is being finalised by NEEDU.

Question 2

Section 7(1) (g) of the Regulations for the Establishment of the Office of Standards and Compliance for Basic Education (OSCBE), currently known as NEEDU, provides that NEEDU must “prepare and submit to the Minister reports on the state of the education system.” These Regulations, which must still be approved by the Council of Education Ministers (CEM) before they are finalised, do not obligate the Minister to publish NEEDU reports.

As contemplated in Section 7(1) (g) of the OSCBE Regulations, NEEDU prepares its annual reports and presents them to the Minister. The Minister publishes these reports at her discretion. The Minister published the first two NEEDU reports, as noted in Response 1 above. NEEDU is currently finalising its third annual report (the 2014 Report) and it will be submitted to the Minister on completion.

Question 3

The following is the NEEDU plan:




School Phase













Rural monograde







Rural multigrade

Multi-grade FP/ IP






Urban / rural

FET (G10-12)






Urban / rural

Senior (G7-9)






Urban and rural

Follow up






Urban and rural







Urban and rural



[FP = Foundation Phase; IP = Intermediate Phase; FET = Further Education and Training; SNE = Special Needs Education (incl. special and full service schools]

Question 4

Dr Taylor, the third Chief Executive Officer (CEO), left when his contract expired because of his desire to join his former employer, the JET Services. He had not resigned from the JET Services but was seconded to NEEDU.

Dr. Sibusiso Sithole, who has been the Chief Operational Officer and Deputy CEO since 2010, is currently the acting CEO. He is supported by the staff that was appointed in NEEDU since 2009, who played a vital role in assisting the former CEOs.

Question 5

The Minister supports the independence of NEEDU without any reservation, as follows:

  • On 14 April 2014, the Minister wrote to the former Minister of Public Service and Administration, Minister Sisulu, MP, and the former Minister of Finance, Minister Gordhan, MP, requesting their written consent on the corporate form and funding requirements of the proposed government component so that OSCBE could be legally established in keeping with the requirements of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 103 of 1994 as amended by Act 20 of 2007).
  • On 14 April 2014, the Minister also approved that the relevant Government Notice containing Regulations for the establishment, governance and functions of the OSCBE be published, once consent has been obtained from the Ministers of Finance and the Public Service and Administration.
  • Ministers Sisulu and Gordhan had not responded to the Minister’s request by the time they were deployed to other portfolios after the General Elections in 2014. With the change of political leadership in the Departments of Public Service and Administration and Finance, on 23 July 2014, the Minister again wrote to the new Ministers of Public Service and Administration and Finance, Ministers Chabane, MP and Nene, MP, respectively requesting their support in the establishment of an independent NEEDU.
  • Following the Minister’s correspondence with the Ministers of Finance and the Public Service and Administration, certain developments have transpired. These are as follows:
      • Consultations with the National Treasury and the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) to establish NEEDU as an independent government component, under the title of Office of Standards and Compliance for Basic Education (OSCBE);
      • The formulation of the relevant documents with the support of the DPSA and the preparation of a business case with the support of the National Treasury;
      • The preparation of the Regulations for the establishment of the OSCBE for consideration and approval by the Minister;
      • The approval of the Regulations for the establishment of the OSCBE after close examination and scrutiny by the Chief State Law Advisor, who finally declared that “the draft Regulations are consistent with section 11 of the National Education Policy Act, 1996 (Act No. 27 of 1996)” in May 2015; and
      • The approval of the Regulations for the establishment of the OSCBE by the Minister in May 2015, after they were endorsed by the Chief State Law Advisor.
  • What remains to be done includes the following activities:
      • Approving the Regulations for the establishment of the OSCBE [by the CEM];
      • Declaring the establishment of the OSCBE through the promulgation of the Regulations (via the Government Notice) [by the Minister];
      • Submitting the updated business case and promulgated Regulations and Government Notice to the DPSA [by NEEDU];
      • Arranging a meeting of the Interdepartmental Assessment Committee to make recommendations on the organisational form for the OSCBE—with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) (NEEDU) participating as a member in the Committee and making a presentation to the members [by DPSA];
      • Preparing a submission to inform the Minister for Public Service and Administration and the Minister of Finance of the Committee's recommendation and to obtain the concurrence of the said Ministers for the establishment of the OSCBE as a government component [by DPSA]; and
      • Preparing (following concurrence from said Ministers) a Presidential Proclamation to list the OSCBE in Schedule 3 of the Public Service Act, so as to establish the OSCBE as a government component [by DPSA]. NW3582E

08 September 2015 - NW3136

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)(a) How many inspections has the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) conducted at the SA Flying Training Academy in (i) 2010, (ii) 2011, (iii) 2012, (iv) 2013 and (v) 2014, (b) what were the findings of those inspections and (c) who signed off on those findings; (2) in cases where problems were identified by the CAA, (a) what recommendations were made to remedy the problems, (b) what records are there that the problems were indeed remedied, (c) who signed off on the reports of the problems and (d) what remedial action was taken?


South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)

  1. (a)The South African Civil Aviation Authority conducted inspections at the SA Flying Training Academy in terms of two Air Operating Certificates (AOC) namely the Flight Operations Part 141 (Aviation Training Organisation) as well as the Aviation Maintenance Organisation (AMO) that maintains the fleet of the Part 141 Operations. The audits were conducted in (i) 2010 (ii) 2011 (iii) 2012 (iv) 2013 and (v) 2014. (b) listed below are a summary of the findings per year. (c) All Audit findings are signed off by an Airworthiness Review panel prior to any approval being granted.  

   (i) In 2010 the following audits were carried out:

  In the Flight Operations Part 141 unit - one (1) audit was conducted with no findings.

In the Airworthiness General Aircraft (AMO) unit - a total of six (6) audits were conducted which included a Surveillance audit; Amendment audit and Renewal audits, (b) a total of 27 findings were identified which comprised a lack of documentation, shortage of personnel and tools. Two (2) follow up inspections were called for by the Review board.

(ii) In 2011 the following audits were carried out:

In the Flight Operations Part 141 unit – one audit was conducted with no findings.

In the Airworthiness General Aircraft (AMO) unit - a total of 17 audits and inspections were conducted including Surveillance audits; Amendment audits, Renewal audits and Aircraft Inspections, (b) a total of 34 findings were identified. The type of findings included lack of documentation, shortage of personnel and tools as well as not closing previous audit findings. On Aircraft inspections it was found that defects were not being logged or repaired.

(iii) In 2012 the following audits were carried out:

In the Flight Operations Part 141 unit – two (2) audits were conducted and two (2) findings relating to lack of management and quality control.

In the Airworthiness General Aircraft unit - a total of seven (7) audits were conducted including Surveillance audits; Amendment audits, Renewal audits and Aircraft Inspections, (b) a total of 15 findings were identified. The type of findings identified included a lack of documentation and publications, shortage of personnel and tools as well as not closing previous audit findings. On Aircraft inspections it was found that defects were not being logged or repaired. Maintenance was not recorded correctly.

(iv)  In 2013 the following audits were carried out:

In the Flight Operations Part 141 unit - a total of 2 audits were conducted and seven (7) findings were identified including lack of management, documentation, publication and quality control.

In the Airworthiness General Aircraft unit – a total of six (6) audits including Surveillance audits, Amendment audits, Renewal audits and Aircraft Inspections, (b) a total of 21 findings were identified including lack of documentation, shortage of personnel and tools as well as not closing previous audit findings. On Aircraft inspections it was found that defects were not being logged or repaired. Maintenance was not recorded correctly.

(v) In 2014 The following audits were carried out:

In the Flight Operations Part 141 unit - a total of 1 audit was and 0 findings were recorded.

In the Airworthiness General Aircraft unit – a total of five (5) audits were conducted including Surveillance audits; Amendment audits, Renewal audits and Aircraft Inspections audits, (b) a total of 22 findings were identified including a lack of documentation and publications, shortage of personnel and tools as well as not closing previous audit findings. On Aircraft inspections it was found that defects were not being logged or repaired. Maintenance was not recorded correctly and a serious finding of an incorrect engine fitted to an aircraft. These can also be linked to Quality and Management control.

in cases where problems were identified by the CAA, (a) what recommendations were made to remedy the problems, (b) what records are there that the problems were indeed remedied, (c) who signed off on the reports of the problems and (d) what remedial action was taken?

(2) In cases where problems were identified by the SACAA, (a) the SACAA does not make recommendations but the following process ensues after an audit where findings are identified: the Civil Aviation Regulations requires that the operator submits a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) that outlines how and when the operator will close the identified findings. Should the SACAA be satisfied that the CAP addresses all deficiencies, they allow the operator to continue with closing the findings. If the findings are major the SACAA will schedule an ad hoc inspection to verify if the findings are closed however if the findings are regarded as minor then the SACAA will verify if they were addressed in their following annual audit. In the case of the Flight Operations Part 141 operations SAFTA didn’t present with any major findings and therefore no further action was taken. In 2010 when the AMO started up the lack of personnel was identified and follow up audits were conducted to ensure that the maintenance could be conducted on the SAFTA fleet. Throughout its existence, the same personnel shortage was noted and after each of these remedial plans were put into place to employ or contract more personnel. These contracts unfortunately didn’t last very long and the AMO suffered from a high staff turnover. In one particular case the QA manager was replaced three times in a period of 6 months. Currently they have only one certifying engineer left. In January 2015 a combined Flight Operations and Airworthiness in-depth surveillance was conducted at the facility. Seven (7) major findings and nine (9) findings were identified, which include process control and maintenance records, management responsibility and quality control, publications and documentation availability and utilisation, lack of defect rectification on aircraft. As with every audit a corrective action plan was submitted by the client to the SACAA. This action plan was found to be satisfactory in addressing identified findings.

In July 2015 surveillance was conducted on SAFTA following numerous Mandatory Occurrence Reports (MOR). During this surveillance 11 major findings and 2 findings were identified in the AMO of the SAFTA operations. These findings were similar in nature to those of the January audit but it was clear that the situation had deteriorated. As a remedial action a recommendation has been made to the enforcement department of the SACAA to suspend the operations of the AMO.

SAFTA’s Part 141 (Flight School) operations attracted 5 minor findings that will be addressed by the Instructors at the school. For the continued operations of the school, SAFTA will have to use an alternative and accredited AMO as there is no compelling evidence to close down the school.

(b) Records relating to these inspections are kept at the SACAA records management department.

(c) The reports are signed off firstly by the inspectors conducting the inspection or audit and thereafter the decision is verified by a Review Board or panel.

(d) In general the findings were similar in nature from all the inspections conducted, as required by the Promotion of Justice Act (Act 3 of 2000); approval holder was granted an opportunity to remedy the non-compliances discovered during our inspections. And this was indeed the case, however we have taken cognisance that the situation is deteriorating and we have now embarked on a much more comprehensive enforcement action against the AMO since our last inspection.

08 September 2015 - NW3110

Profile picture: Bhanga, Mr BM

Bhanga, Mr BM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether all municipal managers implemented section 81 of the National Credit Act, Act 34 of 2005, regarding loan deductions from salaries of municipal employees; if not, which municipalities did not comply? NW3651E


The information requested by the Honourable Member is not readily available in the Department. The Department has, however, engaged the Provincial Department responsible for Local Government to solicit the relevant information from municipalities. The information will be submitted to the Honourable Member as soon as it is received.

08 September 2015 - NW3086

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

With regards to the inaction of the Municipal Manager in response to an internal audit report of the Madibeng Local Municipality, dated September 2014, in which the Municipal Manager is informed (on page 12 – 13) that a cheque requisition form for an amount of R2 217 469.35 was not signed by the person who requested it, not approved by the Director, Chief Financial Officer or the Municipal Manager, will he investigate this matter; if not; why not; if so, ( a ) when and ( b ) what are the relevant details; (2) What services were rendered to the municipality by Maximum Profit Recovery (Pty) Ltd to justify the payment of R2 217 469.35?


The response below was provided by the municipality:

1. The Madibeng Local Municipality has appointed an external investigator to investigate the issues raised on the internal audit report. The investigation will also cover the payment made to Maximum Profit Recovery (Pty) Ltd. The investigation is expected to be finalised by the end of September 2015.

2. Maximum Profit Recovery (PTY) Ltd was appointed to render Value Added Tax (VAT) recovery service at a commission rate of 15% of the amount recovered from the South African Revenue Services (SARS). The outcome of the investigation will determine whether or not it was justifiable for the municipality to pay Maximum Profit Recovery (Pty) Ltd.

08 September 2015 - NW2620

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)Whether the (a) Director: Promotion of Access to Information, (b) Deputy Director: Promotion of Access to Information Nodal Point, (c) Deputy Director: Promotion of Access to Information Policy and Support, (d) Assistant Director: Promotion of Access to Information Nodal Point, (e) Assistant Director: Promotion of Access to Information Nodal Point, (f) Chief Administration Clerk: Promotion of Access to Information Policy and Support and (g) Chief Administration Clerk: Promotion of Access to Information Nodal Point have been appointed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) in respect of each specified position, (a) what is the (i) name and (ii) qualifications of the person who was appointed and (b) how many persons were (i) shortlisted and (ii) interviewed for each position?


The information requested is depicted in the Table:



Advertisement Closing Date

Number of Members Shortlisted

Number of Members Interviewed









Director Promotion of Access to Information

11 July 2014


9 invited or interviews

5 Interviews held on 8 July 2015

4 Interviews to be held on 14 August 2015


Deputy Direction Promotion of Access to Information Nodal Point

19 June 2014


8 Interviewed

2 Declined

1 Did not attend

Awaiting vetting status to appoint recommended candidate.


Deputy Direction Promotion of Access to Information Policy and Support

19 June 2014


6 Interviewed

1 Declined

1 Did not attend

Awaiting vetting status to appoint recommended candidate.


Assistant Director Promotion of Access to Information Nodal Point

19 June 2014


9 Interviewed

4 Declined

Awaiting vetting status to appoint recommended candidate.


Assistant Director Promotion of Access to Information Nodal Point

19 June 2014


3 Interviewed

1 Did not attend

Awaiting vetting status to appoint recommended candidate.


Chief Administration Clerk Promotion of Access to Information Nodal Point

19 June 2014


4 Interviewed

1 Declined

Awaiting vetting status to appoint recommended candidate.


Chief Administration Clerk Promotion of Access to Information Policy and Support

19 June 2014


3 Interviewed

2 Declined

Mr F. Davhana was appointed and assumed duty on 6 July 2015. Mr Davhana has a BCom in Business Management meeting the criteria for the advertised post which required a Diploma/Certificate/NQF Level 4/5 (Supply Chain Management and Financial Management).

08 September 2015 - NW2992

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What (a) steps has her department taken to resolve disputes between members of a certain formation (name furnished) and (b) impact have the specified disputes had on the verification of the members of the specified formation?


(a) All formations have their constitution which does accommodate dispute resolutions amongst their members. The Department is in the moment, finalising the dispute resolution mechanisms for those who want to appeal after they have been rejected by the department to enrol in the database. Processes are already in place.

(b) Individuals are expected to present themselves to the Department for inclusion in the National Military Veterans Database and the dispute will be between the Department and the individual.

08 September 2015 - NW2842

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Public Works:

(1) With reference to his reply to question 2353 on 28 July 2015, what are the names of the lessors for each of the 17 leased properties listed on Annexure A to the reply; (2) is a certain company (name furnished) registered as a value-added tax (VAT) vendor; if not, why has his department entered into lease agreement/s with the specified company; if so, what is the VAT registration number for the specified company; (3) for what purpose does the SA Police Service (SAPS) use the 80 square metres of Fourieskraal farm; (4) what are the correct (a) street addresses and/or (b) directions to (i) the Devana Farm Trust at Durban Road and (ii) Ezakheni Park homes as there are no known streets named Durban Road or Vlak Plaats in the Emnambithi/Ladysmith municipality; (5) is the SAPS still in occupation of 43 Murchison Street; if so, (a) was the lease renewed and what (b)(i) process was followed to renew the lease and (ii) are the details of the new lease? NW3315E MINISTRY PUBLIC WORKS REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Public Works l Central Government Offices l 256 Madiba Street l Pretoria l Contact: +27 (0)12 406 2034 l +27 (0)12 406 1224 Private Bag X9155 l CAPE TOWN, 8001 l RSA 4th Floor Parliament Building l 120 Plain Street l CAPE TOWN l Tel: +27 21 468 6900 Fax: +27 21 462 4592 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY WRITTEN REPLY QUESTION NUMBER:2842 [NW3315E] INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER:No. 28 of 2015 DATE OF PUBLICATION:07 AUGUST 2015 DATE OF REPLY:08 SEPTEMBER 2015 Mr R A Lees (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works: (1) With reference to his reply to question 2353 on 28 July 2015, what are the names of the lessors for each of the 17 leased properties listed on Annexure A to the reply; (2) is a certain company (name furnished) registered as a value-added tax (VAT) vendor; if not, why has his department entered into lease agreement/s with the specified company; if so, what is the VAT registration number for the specified company; (3) for what purpose does the SA Police Service (SAPS) use the 80 square metres of Fourieskraal farm; (4) what are the correct (a) street addresses and/or (b) directions to (i) the Devana Farm Trust at Durban Road and (ii) Ezakheni Park homes as there are no known streets named Durban Road or Vlak Plaats in the Emnambithi/Ladysmith municipality; (5) is the SAPS still in occupation of 43 Murchison Street; if so, (a) was the lease renewed and what (b)(i) process was followed to renew the lease and (ii) are the details of the new lease? NW3315E _________________________________________________________________ REPLY: The Minister of Public Works (1) The names of the lessors for each of the 17 leased properties are listed in the table below LESSOR NAME NAME OF BUILDING / PROPERTY LESSOR TELEPHONE 1. SAROSMA TRUST REPRESENTED BY DEDEKIND REAL ESTATE HERON HOUSE, 131 MURCHISON STREET (036) 637 2297 2. L.KIRSTEN 104 LEICESTER STREET (036) 631 2414 3. EMNAMBITHI LADYSMITH MUNICIPALITY WAGON HILL RIFLE RANGE UNSURVEYED PORTION OF ERF 1 (036)637 2231 4. JANORA TRADING (PTY) LTD 33 KEATE STREET (036) 637 2287 5. BILLYGREEN INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD LADYKEATE BLDG 35-37 KEATE STREET (036) 637 2989 6. EMNAMBITHI LADYSMITH MUNICIPALITY DRIEFONTEIN THUSONG CENTRE (036) 637 2231 7. THE ROSCO FAMILY TRUST 73 MURCHISON STREET (036) 637 2989 8. KZN PROV GOV-WORKS OLD RTI SITE (033) 355 5468 9. JANORA TRADING (PTY) LTD DEVANA FARM TRUST, OLD DURBAN ROAD- R103 NEXT TO TESTING GROUNDS (036) 637 2287 10. JANORA TRADING (PTY) LTD 388,6 square metre space at 35 BUCKINGHAM STREET (036) 637 2287 11. JANORA TRADING (PTY) LTD 500 square metre space at 35 BUCKINGHAM STREET (036) 637 2287 12. JANORA TRADING (PTY) LTD 24 BUCKINGHAM STREET (036) 637 2287 13. INDUSTRIAL LEASES (PTY) LTD 43 MURCHISON STREET (031) 941 8132 14. ETERNA TRUST LADYSMITH CC 284 MURCHISON STREET (036) 637 2297 15. JAZZ SPIRIT 140 PTY LTD 284 MURCHISON STREET (036) 631 3211 16. NATAL PARKHOMES VLAK PLAATS - PARKHOMES DISTRIBUTED TO THE FOLLOWING AREARS; GROENVLEI, WASBANK, CHARLESTOWN, ELANDSLAAGTE, VAN REENEN AND BESTES (031) 701 4221 17 PEPWORTH BODY (PTY) LTD (50) PT: FOURIESKRAAL FARM (083) 620 0032 (2) No, the company is not a VAT vendor in terms of the regulations of the South African Revenue Service (SARS). It must be noted that SARS regulations stipulate that a company does not need to be registered for VAT if its annual turnover is below R1 million. The value of the Department’s lease with the said vendor is below R1 million. In addition, upon lease renewal, all landlords are required to submit their recent Tax Clearance Certificates, which indicate the VAT registration status of their companies. The Department often engages such companies, particularly because in many small towns, there is a shortage of suitable accommodation for Government departments. Also, by engaging small companies the Department contributes to their development. (3)The 80 square metres in Fourieskraal farm is used for the purpose of accommodating a South African Police Service (SAPS) Communication Tower. (4)(a), b) and (i) Devana Farm is located alongside the Old Durban Road, which is a small dirt road leading off the R103 into the leased land which is used by SAPS as a garage. (Directions: from the N3 Highway from Durban, take exit at R103 Bergville/Colenso off ramp. Turn right very shortly thereafter onto the R103 – “Durban / Colenso”. Keep on this road until you join up with a larger road, Pass the Ladysmith testing grounds on the right the Garage is immediately next to the Ladysmith testing ground.) (ii) The park homes are mobile units that can be moved, as per the client’s requirements. The park homes are leased from Natal Parkhomes and were were originally located in Vlakplaats, which is an area within the Ladysmith District. The mobile units used by SAPS were first placed at Ezakheni Police Station and were later relocated to other locations within the Ladysmith District, including the following areas: GROENVLEI, WASBANK, CHARLESTOWN, ELANDSLAAGTE, VAN REENEN AND BESTES. (5) (a) SAPS is still in occupation of 43 Murchison Street and the lease is currently running on a month to month basis. (b) (i) The lease has been identified for renewal within the prescripts of the 2nd National Treasury Dispensation on leases, which was recently granted to the Department in March 2015. (ii) Internal processes dictate that once a Special Dispensation is received from National Treasury, an internal circular on the application of the Dispensation is to be drafted, approved and communicated to all departmental officials who will utilise the dispensation prior to the Dispensation being utilised. The above lease expired before the issuing of the internal circular and in the interest of compliance and to ensure that the client department’s daily operations are not disrupted and was then renewed on a month to month basis, for a period not exceeding 12 months as an interim measure. The internal circular on the application of the Dispensation from National treasury has since been approved and the process to renew the lease based on the Dispensation has begun, thus there are no details on the new lease as yet. _________________________________________________________________


The Minister of Public Works

(1) The names of the lessors for each of the 17 leased properties are listed in the table below








(036) 637 2297




(036) 631 2414




(036)637 2231




(036) 637 2287




(036) 637 2989




(036) 637 2231




(036) 637 2989




(033) 355 5468




(036) 637 2287



388,6 square metre space at 35 BUCKINGHAM STREET

(036) 637 2287



500 square metre space at 35 BUCKINGHAM STREET

(036) 637 2287




(036) 637 2287




(031) 941 8132




(036) 637 2297




(036) 631 3211




(031) 701 4221




(083) 620 0032

(2) No, the company is not a VAT vendor in terms of the regulations of the South African Revenue Service (SARS). It must be noted that SARS regulations stipulate that a company does not need to be registered for VAT if its annual turnover is below R1 million. The value of the Department’s lease with the said vendor is below R1 million. In addition, upon lease renewal, all landlords are required to submit their recent Tax Clearance Certificates, which indicate the VAT registration status of their companies.

The Department often engages such companies, particularly because in many small towns, there is a shortage of suitable accommodation for Government departments. Also, by engaging small companies the Department contributes to their development.

(3) The 80 square metres in Fourieskraal farm is used for the purpose of accommodating a South African Police Service (SAPS) Communication Tower.

(4) (a), b) and (i) Devana Farm is located alongside the Old Durban Road, which is a small dirt road leading off the R103 into the leased land which is used by SAPS as a garage. (Directions: from the N3 Highway from Durban, take exit at R103 Bergville/Colenso off ramp. Turn right very shortly thereafter onto the R103 – “Durban / Colenso”. Keep on this road until you join up with a larger road, Pass the Ladysmith testing grounds on the right the Garage is immediately next to the Ladysmith testing ground.)

(ii) The park homes are mobile units that can be moved, as per the client’s requirements. The park homes are leased from Natal Parkhomes and were were originally located in Vlakplaats, which is an area within the Ladysmith District. The mobile units used by SAPS were first placed at Ezakheni Police Station and were later relocated to other locations within the Ladysmith District, including the following areas: GROENVLEI, WASBANK, CHARLESTOWN, ELANDSLAAGTE, VAN REENEN AND BESTES.

(5) (a) SAPS is still in occupation of 43 Murchison Street and the lease is currently running on a month to month basis.

(b) (i) The lease has been identified for renewal within the prescripts of the 2nd National Treasury Dispensation on leases, which was recently granted to the Department in March 2015.

(ii) Internal processes dictate that once a Special Dispensation is received from National Treasury, an internal circular on the application of the Dispensation is to be drafted, approved and communicated to all departmental officials who will utilise the dispensation prior to the Dispensation being utilised.

The above lease expired before the issuing of the internal circular and in the interest of compliance and to ensure that the client department’s daily operations are not disrupted and was then renewed on a month to month basis, for a period not exceeding 12 months as an interim measure.

The internal circular on the application of the Dispensation from National treasury has since been approved and the process to renew the lease based on the Dispensation has begun, thus there are no details on the new lease as yet.


08 September 2015 - NW3000

Profile picture: Matlhoko, Mr AM

Matlhoko, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1) Whether, with regard to the appointment of a certain company (name furnished) by the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality, the project management unit for which the specified company is hired is an internal municipality unit; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) (a) for what project and (b) at what value was the specified company appointed?


COGTA has engaged with the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality (NMMDM) in order to obtain answers to these questions. The municipality has responded as follows:

  1. The Project Management Unit (PMU) is an internal unit of the municipality. It has been established under the Technical Services Section within the municipality, as provided for in the PMU Guidelines developed by the Department of Cooperative Governance.

The appointment of the company was prompted by a critical shortage of technical staff in the municipality. This included a shortage of planning, engineering and project management expertise. This had resulted in the municipality failing to spend its allocated MIG and other funds for projects within specified timeframes.

Currently, the company has suspended its support to the municipality due to non-payment of outstanding invoices by the municipality.

(2)(a) The company was appointed by the municipality for a period of three years with effect from 2 September 2013, ending on 31 August 2016, to provide technical support to the PMU unit. The company was appointed to carry out the following tasks as contained in the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the appointment:

• Provision of quality technical support and advice over the Project Life Cycle, which includes inception, planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting and close-out on the infrastructure programme in the municipality

• The development of contract briefs for submission to the Professional Service Providers appointed by the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality (NMMDM).

• In respect of each project, scrutinize, approve and verify the accuracy and correctness of all practical and final completion certificates and recommend approval by the Senior Manager of the PMU

• Verification of all technical and financial aspects of the Infrastructure Programme

• Preparation of all required documentation for submission to the departments responsible for conditional grants and any other required reporting.

(2)(b)The contract amount over this period is R21,6 million from the municipality’s Equitable Share budget. Given that the NMMDM receives approximately R300 million per annum from the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG), the municipality is within the 5% allowance for PMU costs in the MIG framework.

08 September 2015 - NW3019

Profile picture: Stander, Ms T

Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

With regard to the awarding of the tender for the development of Portions 87, 148, 149 and the remainder of Portion 1 of the farm Rietfontein 61 IR, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, and in view of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Report Gaut: 002/13-14/E0153 (details furnished), what steps will her department take to ensure that no water pollution takes place?


The National Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has no record of an application for environmental authorisation for the abovementioned project. The application was lodged with the provincial department of environmental affairs, the Gauteng Department of Rural Development (GDARD), for which the MEC is the competent authority in terms of S24C of NEMA. Please contact the GDARD for a response.


08 September 2015 - NW3057

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) How does her Department define red tape and (b) what (i) specific interventions and/or (ii) systems have been implemented to (aa) identify and (bb) reduce red tape in (aaa) her Department and (bbb) the entities reporting to her?


(a) Red tape is considered to be an excessive regulation or rigid conformity to formal rules that are considered redundant or bureaucratic and hinders or prevent decision-making.

(b) (i) (aa) (aaa) The Department is always mindful of the impact of unnecessary bureaucracy on the economy and the service delivery to the public. The Department, on a continuous basis, reconsider processes and make them more efficient and effective in its day to day operations. The socio-economic impact assessments that government needs to conduct as part of the process when new policies and legislation are developed will also ensure that unnecessary red tape is avoided.

(bb) (aaa) The Department developed norms and standards to replace the requirement to apply for licenses for certain activities. It also develops other environmental management instruments that will have the effect that the environmental impact assessment process is shortened, be more cost effective, that fewer studies would be required and that decision-making would be based on better and standardised information. The setting of minimum information requirements for certain applications will ensure that the applicant will know up-front what information the competent authority will need to make a decision, and it would be the same whether the competent authority is the national Department or provincial Department. The thresholds for activities listed under the National Environmental Management Act, 1998, are periodically reconsidered as information on their impacts on the environment becomes known.

(bbb) The Department believes that the entities also have their own systems for addressing any red tapes that might be there.

(ii) (aa) (aaa) The Department is currently reviewing its business processes to ensure that the processes are effective and that delays are avoided or minimized. The reviewing and mapping processes identify bottlenecks, which can then be eliminated. Existing mapped processes are monitored and improved.

(bb) (aaa) The Department introduced electronic systems, such as National Environmental Authorisation System, Livelink Opentext and Waste information system; and it is busy developing an electronic licensing system called Integrated Permit Management System that will be rolled out in the near future. The Department is also developing a screening tool that would upfront identify the feasibility of a particular project for which an environmental authorization is applied.

(bbb) South African Weather Service implemented the National Air Quality Information System Phase I.


08 September 2015 - NW2340

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)(a) How (i) effective is her department’s communication and marketing strategy and (ii) is this measured objectively and (b) why have targets in respect of the specified strategy been amended from the previous year; (2) what (a) challenges have been experienced in respect of implementing the specified strategy and (b) has her department’s performance been with respect to implementing the specified strategy from 1 April 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; (3) what (a) human resources have been allocated to each provincial office for implementing the strategy, (b) systems and processes are implemented at each provincial office, (c) are the office hours of each provincial office, (d) materials and information are accessible from each provincial office and (e) are the qualifications of the staff members employed to implement the strategy; (4) whether any further training and development is being provided by her department with regard to the strategy; if so, what are the related costs; (5) (a) what are the current financial implications for each provincial office toward the implementation of the strategy, (b) why has Provincial Offices: Its Capacity and Accessibility not been listed as a key performance indicator and (c) how is the increase from R4 481 million to R8 780 million on communication being applied?


  1. (1) (a) How (i)

The communications strategy is being rolled out and making some impact in so far as sharing information primarily through direct engagements using roadshows, stakeholder briefings with Military Veterans Associations including SANMVA the umbrella body as well as use of means such as media the website and publications. The fact that there is no national footprint and limitation of the communications structure limits capacity to reach the desired impact.

  1. Yes
  1. Targets were not amended. According to the Annual Performance Plan targets per Quarter, it is only the implementation and monitoring of the strategy.

(2)(a) The Department is currently the Department has a challenge with the organisational structure. This has limited the implementation of the Communication Strategy.

(2)(b) The Department is currently finalising its Q1 Performance review which will include amongst others, the implementation of the communication strategy. Furthermore, the Department is also running a communication campaign through GCIS. This communication campaign is focused at promoting the progress made by the Department thus far.


(a) The current approved structure does not have communications staff members in provinces ,

(b) The current mode of communication with the provinces is through emails and telephones. The ICT is currently preparing for an intranet that will serve as a platform for internal communications at national and provincial level to assist in quicker relay of information to military veterans. The website capacity is also being beefed up.

(c) 07:30 – 16:30 pm are the official working hours though the officials go an extra mile and works on many occasions overtime and on weekends to cover and profile the departmental events.

(d) In the absence of physical structure of offices in provinces information is disseminated through Head Office.

(e) Not applicable

4. There is training and development planned for management and provincial coordinators to assist in the communication and marketing strategy implementation. The dates for training through a course with the School of Governance (former PALAMA) are between the 29th of July and the middle of August 2015. The current costs are R27 000

5.(a) Currently there is None.

(b) DMV is in a process of revisiting and reviewing the key performance indicators that will include that.

(c) The increase has been based on the DMV Annual Performance Plan as well as supporting key deliverables of the Department and the corporate communications programmes and activities. These include media engagements, advertorials, stakeholder engagements, use of own publications and media, branding and marketing as well as internal communications programmes. The budget is being reviewed to ensure that advertorials and other means such as social media are utilised more.

08 September 2015 - NW3020

Profile picture: Stander, Ms T

Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)With regard to the awarding of the tender for the development of Portions 87, 148, 149 and the remainder of Portion 1 of the farm Rietfontein 61 IR, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and in view of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Report Gaut: 002/13-14/E0153 (details furnished), how detrimental the use of formaldehyde will be to the (a) ecological, and (b) hydrology systems for the study area; (2) whether it will have an impact downstream on the (a) ecological and (b) hydrology systems; if so, how far from the study area will the impact be felt in each case?


(1) and (2) The National Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has no record of an application for environmental authorisation for the abovementioned project. The application was lodged with the provincial department of environmental affairs, the Gauteng Department of Rural Development (GDARD), for which the MEC is the competent authority in terms of S24C of NEMA. Please contact the GDARD for a response.


08 September 2015 - NW2411

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What amount did (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in (i) Sowetan and (ii) Daily Sun in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?


Department of Defence

(i) Sowetan

(aa) R67.921.20

(bb) R 98.280.00

(cc) R 171.536.00

(ii) Daily Sun

(aa) R 00

(bb) R 00

(cc) R 98.280.00