Questions and Replies

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05 July 2016 - NW1024

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether her department’s investigation into alleged corruption regarding the training of youth in the Rubbytad CC project has been concluded; if not, why not; if so, (a) what were the outcomes of the specified investigation, (b) how many of her department’s officials were involved in alleged corrupt activities, (c) how many of the specified officials have been (i) suspended and/or (ii)criminally charged, (d) what amount is involved in the alleged corruption and (e) what measures have been put in place to prevent a repetition in the future; (2) (a) what is the total amount owed to a certain company (name furnished), if any, (b) when will the outstanding amount be settled, (c) what amount has been spent on the specified project up to the latest specified date for which information is available and (d) what is the total number of youth that (i) were trained and (ii) are currently working on the project?


(1)(a) Yes, my Department investigated the mismanagement of the project at Dr. Moroka Municipality into which Rubbytad CC was appointed as the service provider. The investigation found that there was no project governance. Investigation also revealed that one official received a sum of money from Rubbytad CC.

(1)(b) Falls away.

(1)(c) One official was suspended in the alleged corrupt activities.

(1)(d) The amount involved in the alleged corruption was Ten Thousand Rands (R 10 000.00).

(1)(e) My Department has developed a project management Framework to prevent repetition in the future.

(2)(a) Rubbytad is contracted to National Youth Skills Development Programme. Therefore, any outstanding amounts have to be established by this entity.

(2)(b) Falls away.

(2)(c) This information cannot be determined since the project was halted due to lack and unavailability of funds.

(2)(d)(i)A total of 500 Youth were enrolled (in excess of the 300 originally agreed on). Additional information cannot be disclosed as the matter is currently sub-judice.

(2)(d)(ii) Falls away.


05 July 2016 - NW1438

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

With reference to the reply of the Minister of Social Development to question 61 on 13 March 2015 (a) when will the SA Social Security Agency Office in Tembisa in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality be upgraded and (b) what are the envisaged costs of the upgrading?


Upon receipt of this question, we requested the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality to provide information on this matter and are still awaiting. We will therefore submit to the Honourable Member as soon as the information becomes available.

05 July 2016 - NW1276

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)Whether, with reference to the recent water crisis in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality in the Eastern Cape, any scheduled, planned and/or required maintenance on (a) the Umzonyana water treatment plant, (b) the specified plant’s intake pipes and (c) source reservoirs was carried out in the (i) 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14, (iii) 2014-15 and (iv) 2015-16 financial years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case in each specified financial year; (2) whether the specified municipality has considered replacing the unreliable siphon system currently in place at the specified plant with a gravity feed system; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the proposals; (3) whether any progress has been made with the implementation of the specified proposals; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the specified progress made to date; (4) whether any reservoirs were allowed to run dry before anyone realised that there was a problem at the specified plant; if so, (a) why and (b) how did this occur?


Upon receipt of this question, we requested the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality to provide information on this matter and are still awaiting. We will therefore submit to the Honourable Member as soon as the information becomes available.

04 July 2016 - NW1396

Profile picture: Topham , Mr B

Topham , Mr B to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

Whether (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her are running development programmes for (i) small businesses and (ii) co-operatives; if not, why not; if so, in each case, (aa) what are the relevant details, (bb) what amount has been budgeted and (cc) how many jobs will be created through the specified development programmes in the 2016-17 financial year?


(a) (i) (aa) The development programmes for small businesses are developed and implemented by the Provinces.

(bb) The Department does not necessarily have a line item specifically for small businesses. However, we support small businesses when procuring goods and services. Accordingly, in my reply to question 370, I indicated that for the period 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016, the total percentage spent by the National Department of Human Settlements for procurement from Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs) was 32%.

(cc) We are unable to quantify jobs that will be created or saved through our support for small businesses at this stage.

(ii) (aa) The Department is promoting and supporting the establishment of Cooperatives within the human settlements delivery chain. To this end, the Department (through People’s Housing Process Directorate) has partnered with the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) and the following has been achieved:

  • Approximately 65 different Cooperatives have been established in six (6) Provinces, namely KZN, Gauteng, Free State, North West, Western Cape and the Eastern Cape
  • Housing or human settlements Cooperatives serves as a catalyst for the establishment of other Cooperatives. The housing Cooperatives ranges from Construction Cooperatives, brick-making, window/door frame making Cooperatives, carpentry, plumbing, transport, electricity, painting etc.
  • Other livelihood Cooperatives formed will focus on agriculture, sewing, catering, poultry, shoe-making etc.
  • Most of these Cooperatives are led by Women and Youth and there is one Cooperative established in the Free State led by Disabled people
  • A Military Veterans Cooperative called Matrosov was also established in the Eastern Cape for the Chatty 491 project in Port Elizabeth
  • Delivered pre-formation and Cooperatives workshops in the six (6) Provinces
  • Assessed the state of readiness for the Cooperatives Incentive Scheme (CIS) registration application for registered Cooperatives in KZN and Free State. The main objective of the CIS registration is to enable the Cooperatives to access grant funding from the DSBD as part of the start-up capital
  • In partnership with DSBD, delivered CIS workshop to the registered Cooperatives in the Free State who have now applied for the CIS Grant from DSBD
  • Through the partnership with DSBD, a project will be identified as a pilot under the new Cooperatives Incubator Programme led by DSBD
  • The Department will be sourcing Training and Skills development initiatives for the registered Cooperatives through NHBRC, SEDA and other similar institutions

(bb) We do not have a line item on cooperatives but we support them because they are crucial for the development of sustainable human settlements.

(cc) The information is being collated and will be verified once obtained. However, in respect of the Vulindela PHP Project, in Pietermaritzburg, jobs were created and skills developed as follows:

  • Two-thousand and three hundred (2 300) full-time employment opportunities created for previously unemployed community members.
  • Thirteen (13) community owned Cooperatives created and one hundred and thirty (130) community members exist
  • There is on site skills transfer during the construction programme
  • Thirty-five (35) members from the various Cooperatives were trained on different construction management portfolios facilitated by the Provincial Capacity Building Directorate. This course was undertaken during August/September 2013 over twelve (12) days and they received NQF Level 2 certificate. The graduates comprised of fourteen (14) Females and twenty-one (21) Males of which 9 were the Youth.

(b) Human settlements public entities

1. National Housing Finance Corporation

(i&ii)(aa) In line with the NHFC Annual Performance Plan for 2016/17 and through its financing and leveraging activities for residential developments, the entity budgeted towards the financing of women, and emerging black entrepreneurs.

(i&ii)(bb) R376 million.

(i&ii)(cc) It is anticipated that the amount disbursed will facilitate an estimated 4 184 jobs.

2. Rural Housing Loan fund

(i&ii)(aa) As part of its efforts to expand the reach of its lending programme to small business owners, the Rural Housing Loan Fund engages with co-operatives and the Co-Operative Banks Development Agency, with a view to lending to these organisations. Currently a few of these are under consideration for loans, while some are already borrowing from the entity. There is however a restriction on the amount that co-operative banks may borrow - their borrowing should not be more than 15% of their total assets. This means, for example, if the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA) has a loan in place, RHLF is usually unable to provide funds until that loan is repaid. This limits it to ensure the security of the members’ deposits. However, the downside of the restriction is that it limits the growth of financial cooperatives.

(i&ii)(bb) As this forms part of RHLF’s core business, no separate budget is set aside for this.

(i&ii)(cc) The number of jobs that will be created are dependent upon the success of the new lenders. This is dependent upon their target market, their marketing strategy and general economic conditions. Due to the vast number of variables over which RHLF has no control, RHLF considers it imprudent to guess the number of jobs that may be created.

3. Social Housing Regulatory Authority

(i&ii)(aa) The SHRA has an institutional investment grant programme assisting potential and accredited Social Housing Institutions and Co-operatives in terms of the Capacitation Programme of the SHRA.  The grant programme makes provisions for dedicated assistance, skills development and transfer as well as training related to the successful implementation and management of social housing.

A separate programme will be developed to assist potential new SHI’s and Co-operatives interested in social housing to receive the required assistance, training, knowledge and skills to become accredited while the SHRA is also working on a programme to deal with the improvement of the accreditation status of conditionally accredited institutions to become fully accredited.

(i&ii)(bb) A national training programme at a cost of approximately R1 million has been developed on areas of governance, property and tenant management, property development and financial management and training workshops for SHI’s and Co-operatives are scheduled on a national basis in July and August 2016 such that these institutions may receive appropriate training and skills to be able to become accredited and develop and manage social housing projects/estates.

Since proper business planning is a key component for successful business the grant programme will during this financial year also provide dedicated on-site assistance to SHI’s and Co-operatives to development their strategic and business plans such that sustainable delivery agents may be facilitated for the social housing programme.  Current business plans have been assessed in terms of the accreditation process to ensure that the assistance to respective institutions would be appropriate to their specific needs and requirements.  In this regard this programme provides for such assistance to in excess of 50 institutions on a national basis with a total cost of approximately R5 million.

(i&ii)(cc) The number of jobs to be created as a result of these initiatives have not been determined although it is intended to undertake research on the creation of job opportunities such that these may be appropriately measured going forward.  This also relates to job opportunities for women and youth and developing specific programmes for these to ensure that the results to be achieved are defined and then provide for proper measurement, monitoring and evaluation going forward.

4 Estate Agency Affairs Board

(i&ii)(aa) The One Learner One Estate Agency Youth Brigade Development Programme seeks to recruit unemployed Matric and Graduates and place them with Estate Agencies. They will complete the NQF Level 4 qualification training over a 12 months period. This will consist of 30% class-room activities and 70% on the job training. On completion of the 12 months training they will become qualified Estate Agents. The learners need to complete the NQF Level 5 in Real Estate at the employ of an Estate Agency. On completed of the NQF Level 5 qualification they will then be Principal where they can then own their own Real Estate Agency. This will enable them to sell and rent properties on behalf of a third party where they can earn commission on the successful completion of the transaction. The Estate Agency Affairs Board will assist these Estate Agents to nurture their Real Estate Agencies to grow and be a success.

(i&ii)(bb) Funding from the SSETA is R110 million over a period of 3 years.

(i&ii)(cc) It is estimated that 12 000 jobs will be created in the 2016/17 financial period.

5. National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency

(i&ii)(aa) The National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency assists small businesses and co-operatives through the lending services offered by the Subsidy Housing and Affordable Housing Programme.

(i&ii)(bb) The budgeted loan amount for the Subsidy Housing Programme is R158 million. The budgeted loan amount for the Affordable Housing Programme for emerging contractors is R91.5 million.

(i&ii)(cc) The projected number of jobs to be created through the Subsidy Housing Programme is 2 456. The projected number of jobs to be created through the Affordable Housing Programme for emerging contractors is 744.

6. National Home Builders Registration Council

(i&ii)(aa) The NHBRC is currently finalising its Social Transformation strategy. This strategy will be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year.

7. Housing Development Agency

(i&ii)(aa) The Housing Development Agency (HDA) is currently not running any development programmes. However, the HDA contributes towards the development of business through the reservation and allocation of 30% of our housing infrastructure development to local business and labour. The HDA does this through projects and initiatives which the HDA is managing on behalf of the provinces/municipalities.

8. Community Schemes Ombud Services

(i&ii)(aa) The Community Schemes Ombud Service (CSOS) does not run development programmes for small business and co-operatives. The CSOS is still new and not fully operational. Currently there are budget constraints. The development programmes will be considered as soon as the CSOS becomes financially viable and sustainable.

04 July 2016 - NW577

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

1. What was the gross annual salary of (a) the municipal manager, (b) the chief financial officer and (c) each of the other managers (i) directly reporting to the municipal managers and/or (ii) appointed directly by Council of each (i) metropolitan, (ii) local and (iii) district municipality in the 2014-2015 financial year? 2. in each case, (a) what was the performance bonus paid to each of the specified officials in the specified financial year and (b) what other perks and/or benefits accrue to them? NW883E


Information from Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga is outstanding and provinces were requested to submit the information. The information will be made available to the Honourable Member once available.

According to information received from the Provincial departments responsible for local government the following municipalities paid, the annual gross salaries, performances bonuses and perks and/or benefits to senior staff members during the year 2014/15 financial year .

Find here: Metropolitan Municipalities

30 June 2016 - NW580

Profile picture: Rabotapi, Mr MW

Rabotapi, Mr MW to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 440 on 17 March 2015, his department has received the outstanding information from the metropolitan municipalities; if not, why not; if so, when will the information be made available as requested?


Yes, the Department received the outstanding information from the metropolitan municipalities. These are reflected below.


Hon BH Bhanga (DA) to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs:

  1. For each metropolitan municipality, ( a ) what are the details of each forensic investigation that has been commissioned since 1 June 2011 and ( b ) what were the reasons for the commissioning of each investigation;
  2. Whether he can indicate if each forensic investigation is ( a ) complete or (b ) still ongoing;
  3. ( a ) has the report of each completed investigation been made public; if not, ( a ) why not and ( b ) when will the specified reports be made public; if so, ( i ) when was each report released and ( ii ) was each report tabled in Parliament;
  4. for each incomplete investigation, when will it be completed;
  5. What action has been undertaken by the Government in terms of the recommendations made in each forensic report?

It is important to highlight that most of the forensic reports were commissioned by metropolitan municipalities as a way of intensifying the fight against corruption and related offences in local government. The information below was received from the eight (8) metropolitan municipalities:

(1) The table below illustrates the response as per municipality:

Metropolitan Municipality

Response to 1 (a)

Response to 1 (b)

Buffalo City

Two (2) forensic investigations have been commissioned since 1 June 2011.

The investigations were prompted by allegations of tender irregularities regarding the awarding of two tenders.

City of Johannesburg

A total of 127 forensic investigations have been commissioned since 1 June 2011.

The investigations were initiated as a result of allegations of fraud, corruption, theft and other irregularities reported through the fraud hotline wherein members of the public and staff members are encouraged to report.

City of Tshwane

A total of 1056 forensic cases were registered between 2011 and 2015 financial years.

The City of Tshwane receives various verbal and/or written allegations of crimes/offences from a number of sources. The reporting tools include KPMG hotline, anonymous informants, management requests, provincial anti-corruption hotline, Office of the Public Protector, and the Presidential hotline.


A total of 215 forensic investigations have been commissioned by the Municipality.

Forensic cases are investigated following allegations of possible fraud and corruption received through the municipality’s fraud hotline, the provincial and national hotlines, and allegations raised by management and the public.


1 (one) forensic investigation has been commissioned. The MEC for CoGTA KZN commissioned an investigation into allegations of maladministration, fraud and corruption alleged to have occurred at the municipality.

The MEC for CoGTA in KZN had reason to believe that maladministration, fraud and corruption had occurred at eThekwini Metro, which lead to the investigation being commissioned.

Nelson Mandela Bay

A total of 96 alleged fraud and corruption cases were received by the municipality, since 1 June 2011. The cases varied in complexity and magnitude.

The allegations reported related to fraud and corruption (which by nature could be criminal) and alleged mismanagement of public funds.

(2) The table below illustrates the response as per municipality:

Metropolitan Municipality

Response to (a)

Response to (b)

Buffalo City

Council took a resolution in 2014 to rescind its original resolution to investigate the two contracts due to procedural defects in the taking of the decision. This affected the validity of the investigation by the service provider as well as its findings.

Council has authorised MPAC to conduct an investigation regarding the irregular expenditure for the procurement of services arising from the defects in the original resolution(s). The investigation by Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) on irregular expenditure is ongoing.

City of Johannesburg

A total of 127 forensic investigations were closed.

28 are still ongoing.

City of Tshwane

A total of 636 forensic cases were finalised.

420 are still in progress.


A total of 215 forensic investigations were conducted.

Some of the investigations for 2014/15 are still on-going.


One forensic investigation was conducted and completed.


Nelson Mandela Bay

A total of 57 of the reported forensic cases had been investigated and completed, i.e. 20 reports were issued and 37 cases closed.

39 Outstanding.

(3) The table below illustrates the response as per municipality:

Metropolitan Municipality

Response 3 ( a ) ( b ) ( i ) ( ii )

Buffalo City

The investigations by MPAC were not completed as no report was tabled in Council, since Council took a decision to rescind its original resolution to investigate the aforesaid contracts due to procedural defects in the taking of the decision. As a result, the report was not tabled in Council and not made public.

City of Johannesburg

The outcomes of the investigations are communicated to senior management (including the City Manager) who will then implement appropriate actions. In addition, the outcomes of the investigations are also communicated to the Group Audit Committee, MPAC and the Auditor -General. The reports were not tabled in Parliament.

City of Tshwane

Reports are tabled at various Council structures.


The investigation reports are released to all relevant parties following the finalisation of the investigations. This finalisation process is then followed by the process of implementing recommendations. Reports are also tabled before the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC), where necessary. The reports were not tabled in Parliament.


The forensic report was tabled in council and was made public in March 2014. The reports were not tabled Parliament.

Nelson Mandela Bay

Forensic reports are submitted by the NMBM’s Internal Audit Unit to the Accounting Officer and Legal Services. Reports are then tabled at various Council Structures i.e. Audit Committee meetings, Municipal Public Accounts Committee meetings and thereafter the resolutions of MPAC are tabled at Council meetings. The reports were not tabled in Parliament.

(4) & (5) The table below illustrates the response as per municipality:

Metropolitan Municipality

Response to (4)

Response to (5)

Buffalo City

For the reasons that Council rescinded its original resolution in 2014 to investigate the aforesaid contracts due to procedural defects, the investigation was therefore discontinued.

On this matter no action was taken arising from the investigation as Council rescinded its original decision.

City of Johannesburg

The completion time for investigations is difficult to predict due to the nature of each case under investigation. However, efforts are put in place to ensure timely completion.

The recommendations emanating from forensic reports are implemented through disciplinary processes, civil recovery, and criminal actions.

City of Tshwane

Same as above.

The recommendations emanating from forensic reports are implemented through disciplinary processes, civil recovery, and criminal actions. Disciplinary cases were finalised on 17 cases.


Same as above.

The recommended actions have been taken by management and this includes improving the control environment as well as corrective measures instituted against the implicated officials.


Not applicable. The investigation at eThekwini Metro has been completed.

The recommendations emanating from the forensic report have been partially implemented. Further, some of the allegations are still being investigated by law enforcement agencies.

Nelson Mandela Bay

The completion time for investigations is difficult to predict due to the nature of each case under investigation. However, efforts are put in place to ensure timely completion. The NMBM has requested the Provincial Treasury to assist the NMBM with forensic matters in order to complete investigations.

Forensic reports are tabled at various Council Structures i.e. Audit Committee meetings, MPAC meetings, and thereafter the resolutions of MPAC are tabled at Council meetings. Action by the NMBM is implemented in accordance with these resolutions.

The City of Cape Town and Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality indicated that they are not in a position to accede to my request to release details regarding forensic investigations. The City of Cape Town indicated that releasing information relating to forensic investigations would compromise future investigations, and the implementation of recommendations contained in such reports.

30 June 2016 - NW591

Profile picture: Mokgalapa, Mr S

Mokgalapa, Mr S to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 4259 on 21 December 2015, his department has received the outstanding information from the metropolitan municipalities, if not, why not, if so, when will the information be made available as requested?


With reference to the question of 21 December 2015 a request was made to all Metropolitan Municipalities to provide the relevant information as per the question. Most Metropolitan Municipalities responded to the request and those outstanding committed to provide the information when it is available.

The original question 4259 was and the following Metropolitan Municipalities replied:

(1) What amount of capital budget of each metropolitan municipality was spent on refurbishing infrastructure in the (a) 2013-14 and (b) 2014-15 financial years;

(2) (a) what are the details of each project and (b) how much was spent on each project;

(3) whether any capital funds were used to pay salaries; if so, (a) why and (b) how much?

The information was provided by the respective Metropolitan Municipality:











(what are the details of each project)


(how much was spent on each project)


(any capital funds used to pay salaries, why)


(any capital funds used to pay salaries, how much)

Buffalo City



Refurbishing water infrastructure: the budget was spent on pipe replacement and water meter replacement programmes

R13.3m and R36.7m respectively

No capital funds were used to pay salaries

Nelson Mandela Bay


City of Tshwane



Schedule attached

Schedule attached

No capital funds were used to pay salaries

City of Joburg

R99 770m

R166 400m

Schedule attached

Schedule attached

No capital funds were used to pay salaries


R963 719 157

R899 975 194

Schedule attached

Schedule attached

Yes, to reimburse employees cost of project managers directly involved in the capital projects as per GRAP standard

In 2013/14 financial year, a total amount of R33,403,241.00 was paid out for salaries of project managers; and

In 2014/15 financial year, a total amount of R69, 186,120.00 was paid out for salaries of project managers.


R257 348 123

R353 300 397

Schedule attached

Schedule attached

No capital funds were used to pay salaries

City of Cape Town

R229 949 091

R208 541 123

Schedule attached

Schedule attached

No capital funds were used to pay salaries




Schedule attached

Schedule attached

No capital funds were used to pay salaries



  1. In the City of Tshwane the following amounts were allocated:
    1. In 2013/14 financial year, the total amount of R24 Million was allocated for refurbishment; and
    2. In 2014/16financial year, the total amount of R18 Million was allocated for refurbishment
  1. (a) what are the details of each project and (b) how much was spent on each project;




132 KV network infrastructure for the primary substation.

R15 million.


Rooiwal power station.

R9 million.


132 KV network infrastructure for the primary substation.

R10 million.


Rooiwal power station.

R8 million.

  1. All capital funds were never used for salaries.
    1. Not applicable.
    2. Not applicable.


1. In the City of Tshwane the following amounts were allocated:

          (a) In 2013-14 financial year, the total amounted of R99 770 million was allocated.

          (b) In 2014-15 financial year, the total amount of R166 400 million was allocated.

2.Please refer attached Annexure A, for the list of projects.

3. All capital funds were never used for salaries.

     (a) Not applicable.

     (b) Not applicable.


1. In Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality the following amounts were allocated:

   (a) In 2013-14 financial year, the total amounted of R963, 719,157.00 was allocated.

    (b) In 2014-15 financial year, the total amount of R899, 975,194.00 was allocated.

2. Please refer attached Annexure B, for the list of projects.

3. Yes, capital funds were used to pay salaries.

     (a) To reimburse employees cost of project managers directly involved in the capital projects as per GRAP standard.

      (b) In 2013/14 financial year, a total amount of R33,403,241.00 was paid out for salaries of project managers; and

In 2014/14 financial year, a total amount of R69, 186,120.00 was paid out for salaries of project managers.


1. a. R 257 348 123.30

   b. R 353 300 397.35

2. a. 2013/14




1 048 695.00


62 262 452.02


6 188 589.89


68 451 041.91




11 811 479.10


13 035 016.49


24 846 495.59




31 995 893.97


20 642 497.61


7 697 928.72


5 000 000.00


26 644 402.88


28 520 434.98


18 704 897.64


139 206 055.80




1 791 728.10


104 481.00


13 183 628.49


197 293.20


349 490.40


1 149 234.40


1 444 567.80


1 303 171.26


5 059 245.35


261 690.00


24 844 530.00




257 348 123.30

b. 2014/15




9 644 600.99


56 705 381.94


315 228.00


157 445.00


4 799 899.44


56 305.00


71 678 860.37




2 675 439.00


28 771 174.45


19 253 625.53


8 618 373.09


18 023 394.03




25 761 468.53


397 465.70


103 500 940.33






49 887 101.69


1 367 285.00


3 782 296.88


19 781 572.21


14 963 976.94


4 678 798.55


3 295 819.10


23 528 182.73


12 973 895.00


2 302 071.00


3 999 999.88


140 560 998.98




3 408 929.33


1 045 476.29


5 845 657.41


273 499.88


738 133.88


396 829.65


902 734.00


902 866.38


435 745.00


575 275.88


365 360.46


21 262 346.46


1 406 743.05


37 559 597.67




353 300 397.35

3. No Capital Funds were used to pay salaries.

30 June 2016 - NW923

Profile picture: Maimane, Mr MA

Maimane, Mr MA to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

Has (a) he and/or (b) his Deputy Minister ever (i) met with any (aa) member, (bb) employee and/or (cc) close associate of the Gupta family and/or (ii) attended any meeting with the specified persons (aa) at the Gupta’s Saxonwold Estate in Johannesburg or (bb) anywhere else since taking office; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified case, (aaa) what are the names of the persons who were present at each meeting, (bbb)(aaaa) when and (bbbb) where did each such meeting take place and (ccc) what was the purpose of each specified meeting?


(a) Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries met with any;

(i)     (aa) No

       (bb) No

        (cc) No

(ii)   Attended any meeting with the specified persons:

      (aa) No

      (bb) No

(aaa) Names of the people present at each meeting:

(bbb)(aaaa) Not applicable

(bbbb) Not applicable

(ccc) What was the purpose of each specified meeting:

Reply: Not applicable

(b) Deputy Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries met with any;

     (i)(aa) No

      (bb) No

       (cc) No

(ii)    Attended any meeting with the specified persons:

       (aa) No

       (bb) No

   (aaa) Names of the people present at each meeting:

   (bbb)(aaaa) Not applicable

   (bbbb) Not applicable

(ccc) What was the purpose of each specified meeting:

       Reply: Not applicable

30 June 2016 - NW1559

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

(a) What amount did (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in the 2015-16 financial year and (b) how much has (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her budgeted for advertising in the 2016-17 financial year?"


(a) In the 2015/16 financial year –

(i) the Department of Science and Technology spent R5 902 582 on advertising; and

(ii) the entities reporting to the Minister of Science and Technology spent the following on advertising:


Amount (R)

Academy of Science of South Africa



Human Sciences Research Council

202 776,56


National Research Foundation

3 053 648,00


South African National Space Agency

1 649 695,00


Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

7 350 000,00


Technology Innovation Agency

410 286,26


(b) For the 2016/17 financial year –

(i) the Department of Science and Technology has budgeted R6 500 000,00 for advertising;

(ii) the entities reporting to the Minister of Science and Technology have budgeted the following for advertising:


Amount (R)

Academy of Science of South Africa



Human Sciences Research Council

230 000,00


National Research Foundation

1 833 839,00


South African National Space Agency

1 924 756,00


Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

6 360 000,00


Technology Innovation Agency

464 998,06


30 June 2016 - NW587

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 4256 on 21 December 2015, his department has received the outstanding information, if not, why not, if so, when will this information be made available as requested?


With reference to the question of 21 December 2015 a request was made to all Metropolitan Municipalities to provide the relevant information as per the question. Most Metropolitan Municipalities responded to the request and those outstanding committed to provide the information when it is available.

The original question 4256 was and the following Metropolitan Municipalities replied:

Whether each metropolitan municipality has taken any steps to enable citizens to become physically fit by (a) providing outdoor gym equipment, (b) initiating fitness programmes and/or (c) any other initiatives; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

The information was provided by the respective Metropolitan Municipality:





Buffalo City




Nelson Mandela Bay

In the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality we have installed Outdoor Equipment on the Beachfront as part of the Beach Development Upgrade by the Mandela Development Agency. The city is benefitting from the project by Sport and Recreation South Africa to deliver Outdoor Gym Equipment in certain municipalities. Outdoor Gym Equipment has been delivered in Motherwell and 2 more will be constructed in Zwide and Kwanobuhle in 2016. A MoU has been signed with the Minister of Sport’s Office for the delivery of the outdoor gyms.

The Sport and Recreation Directorate in partnership with a sport NGO, United Through Sport, has arranged the following programmes to promote active and healthy lifestyles:

  • Community Walks in Colchester, Helenvale, New Brighton, Walmer and Mqolomba Park in Kwanobuhle;
  • School holiday programmes with young people took place during the July school break at the following venues: Lilian Ngoyi Sport Centre, George Botha Sport Centre, Rosedale and Motherwell.

Activities on stage included:

  • Skipping challenge for participants aged 40+
  • Hoola-Hoop challenge for participants aged 40+
  • Soccer Ball tapping challenge for participants aged 10-
  • Soccer Ball heading challenge for participants aged 10-
  • Push-ups ladies challenge
  • Spot prizes for youngest and oldest participants

The Sport and Recreation Directorate has entered into a 3 year partnership agreement with EP Athletics to deliver a number of road races as part of the Nelson Mandela Legacy Project. The races are as follow:

  • 27/30 km Human Rights Run in commemoration of the Uitenhage Langa Massacre;
  • Freedom Run 10/5 km in Motherwell;
  • DIVA Run 10 km race for women only, in celebration of Women’s Month;
  • Gelvandale Run 15 km;
  • SA Half Marathon (2016/17) July month in celebration of Mandela Month – this event is sanctioned by Athletics South Africa and has been given Championship Status;
  • The Directorate has approved a budget of R1,380 000 for the implementation of this project.

The Sport and Recreation Directorate has entered into a 3 year Partnership with Iconage Holdings/Move-it, moving matters to implement its Get Ahead Sports Programme / GASP in 5 Primary Schools in Gelvandale / Helenvale. The programme is promoting Physical Education and Sport Development in three sporting codes, e.g. Football, Cricket and Tennis. The budget approved for this project is R400 000. The programme does not only focus on developing skills in these sport disciplines, but on life skills and improving their cognitive development.

City of Tshwane

Yes, The City of Tshwane has taken steps to enable the citizens to become physically fit by providing outdoor gym equipment in 4 of its 7 Regions. These gyms are installed through the City’s 2-Parks-Per-Ward Programme. The outdoor gyms have also been possible through the City’s partnership with the National Department of Sports, enabling 2 outdoor gyms in the City’s Regions to be installed, with one of the outdoor gyms being officially introduced by the Minister. Plans are afoot to install another outdoor gym in Region 7 (Ekangala), which should be completed late in the calendar year or early next year.

Yes, The City of Tshwane hosts events in partnership with the National and Provincial Departments of Sports to galvanize the public to keep fit and lead a healthy life style.

In the current financial year, the program is being rolled out across all the City’s Regions with events being hosted quarterly. Going forward, the City hopes to host such events more frequently in all the parks and/or open spaces easily accessible to the public.   

City of Joburg

The City of Johannesburg has been providing outdoor gym equipment since 2011/12 financial year.

The City has initiated 20 more fitness programmes since 2011/12 financial year.

The installation of green gyms is aligned to yearly capex allocation and is budget for. The City strikes a balance between greening, pathways, gym equipment etc. when designing a park with the allocated budget yearly.


The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality has allocated an amount of R8 million for the installation of outdoor gym equipment to 60 public parks and open spaces in the current financial year (2015/16). This also includes gym equipment for disabled persons to selected parks.

The installation of the gym equipment will commence after the December recess (starting 15 January 2016) and will be completed by end of April 2016.

We also have an Aerobics programme running in 8 facilities throughout the metro, every Saturday morning. To date we have had 132 sessions were on average we have 100 participants per session.


The Municipality has established a Regional Park in Thaba Nchu which includes outdoor gym equipment.

Furthermore, a Memorandum of Understanding has been concluded between the Municipality and SARSA – Sports and Recreation South Africa in terms of which the National Department will provide outdoor gym equipment to a park in Botshabelo. This agreement will unfold and be implemented early in 2016.

All the Parks that the Municipality develops are multi facility parks which includes infrastructure such as netball courts, basketball courts, chess playing facilities, morabaraba facilities, skate board facilities, tennis courts and/or 5-a-side soccer fields.

The Municipality is also in the process of appointing a service provider to supply and install outdoor gym equipment to the Municipality for a period of 3 years. Prominent parks and facilities within the Municipality will then be provided with this equipment which will ultimately contribute to a more healthy community.

City of Cape Town



The Parks Department has undertaken and started to roll out Outdoor Gyms in many of the 103 wards throughout the City.

The Department sees fitness and wellness as an important component of all citizens’ wellbeing R1.199 million

The department has undertaken to erect 1 outdoor gym in each ward.R1.287 million

The City is planning to rollout 10 new sites per year.

29 June 2016 - NW1587

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Tourism

With reference to the tourism signage that will be erected on major roads, which he referred to in the opening remarks of his budget speech on 3 May 2016, (a) what criteria will be adopted to determine how road signage will be (i) chosen and (ii) implemented, (b) which (i) departments and (ii) committees will participate in this process and (c) what are the envisaged (i) commencement and (ii) final completion dates of this programme?


I would like to make the Honorable Member aware that in my speech I referred to the enhancement of signage and information at iconic national heritage sites rather than tourism signage on major roads.

However, with respect to signage on major roads, we have obtained the following information from the department of transport:

(a)(i) In terms of the National Road Traffic Act, N0. 93 of 1996 and its Regulations, various provincial and municipal authorities deicide on the erection of road traffic signs and tourism signage. The South African Road Traffic Signs Manual (SARTSM) and Southern African Development Community Road Traffic Signs Manual (SADCRTSM) also require that signage for tourism attractions be signed from the nearest numbered route and implemented.

South African Road Traffic Signs Manual (SARTSM) Volume 2, Chapter 4 gives guidance on Tourism Signage as well as the required committee structures which need to be put in place for the approval process. Part of the approval process is a site inspection to determine the safety of the access to the facility.

(ii) Once signs are approved by the committee structures they have to be manufactured according to the standards set by the SABS and erected at the approved sites.

(b)(i) – (ii) The processing of applications for tourism signs will be carried out by a Regional Tourism Liaison Committee (RTLC). Membership of the RTLC must include representatives of the Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO), the relevant road/provincial and/ or local authority for the region and the Local Tourism Organisation in the region.

With regard to the completion dates, I will refer to the completion of the iconic national heritage sites as follows:

(c) (i) (ii)

The committee structures as per SARTSM, Volume 2, Chapter 4 do not exist in all provinces or district municipalities. In the absence of such committees the relevant road authorities make the decision. Thus it is difficult to assign dates to the process as the functions of these committees as per SARTSM are ongoing since tourism facilities are continuously created/generated/produced.

However, in terms of the Department’s programme for tourism interpretative signage (which is not road signage) within the iconic national heritage sites, the date of commencement will be July 2016 for two iconic national heritage sites, and October 2016 for the next two iconic national heritage sites, with the final completion date envisaged for the end of December 2016 (as planned in the Department’s Annual Performance Plan for 2016/2017). This will be done through a Memorandum of Agreement with the management authorities of the sites. It is the management authorities who will be finally responsible for the implementation.

The management authority for the Nelson Mandela Capture Site, is the Apartheid Museum who manage the site on behalf of the Umgeni Municipality in KZN. The South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) is the management authority for the Mandela Stature (Union Buildings) and Victor Verster (Western Cape) and for Freedom Park (Gauteng) the management authority is the Freedom Park Trust.

29 June 2016 - NW1476

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether any staff members of his department’s immigration services unit are owed any outstanding overtime salary payments; if so, (a) how many staff members are affected, (b) what is the total amount of outstanding overtime salary payments owed to the specified staff members, (c) for how long have the specified payments been outstanding and (d) what are the causes of the delays in making the specified payments?


(a) Based on our records as at 20 May 2016 there are 110 staff members from Immigration Services affected.

(b) The total amount is R658 012.69.

(c) The period outstanding varies from April 2015 to March 2016 for seven (7) staff members (costs incurred monthly). For seventy six (76) staff members, the costs were incurred in November 2015. For one (1) staff member, the costs were incurred in December 2015. For four (4) staff members costs were incurred between January and March 2016. For twenty two (22) of the staff members, the costs were incurred in March 2016. In view of this, the periods during which the payments have been outstanding vary.

(d) The causes for the delay in making the specified payments include: delayed submission of overtime claims for payment, and delayed authorisation for the payment of overtime claims.

27 June 2016 - NW1215

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Why is there still a court order in place for breaching of the uMfolozi River in KwaZulu-Natal when the river hits a certain level, given that iSimangaliso Wetland Park removed the historical dredge spoil to encourage the natural drainage of the specified river?


The removal of the dredge spoil will take years to complete. The current beach channel is frequently blocks, as the sand dune alongside it, collapses into it.

An interim court order was issued on 15 October 2015. This interim court order will remain in force until the court decides the matter has been finalised. A court date has been set for 19-20 May 2016.It should be noted that the interim court order stipulates, that breaching is permitted when the level of at Cotcane Farm reaches 1.2m above sea level.



23 June 2016 - NW564

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether any gold reserves are held by the Bank of England on behalf of South Africa; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, why; (2) (a) how many gold bars are held by the Bank of England on behalf of South Africa and (b) what is the value in rand of (i) each gold bar held and (ii) all gold bars held; (3) whether the gold reserves held by the Bank of England are (a) physically inspected and (b) audited by the South African Reserve Bank; if not, in each specified case, why not; if so, in each specified case, what are the relevant details; (4) whether any costs are incurred as a result of storing the gold bars in the Bank of England; if so, what is the (a) total cost and (b) breakdown of such costs?


(1) The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) regularly publishes on a monthly basis information on the official gold and foreign exchange reserves it holds. In line with international practices, the SARB holds a large percentage of South Africa’s gold reserves in vaults of official sector institutions at offshore bullion centres, including the Bank of England, while a smaller amount is held locally. It is operationally efficient to store gold at offshore bullion centres should the need arise to conduct gold transactions.

(2) (a) The latest “Information notice on the official gold and foreign exchange reserves of the SARB as at the 29 February 2016”, indicates that the value of the official gold reserves as at 29 February 2016 was US$4,96 billion, which is approximately 4 million fine ounces.

(b) The value in Rand terms, using US dollar/Rand exchange rate of ZAR15.17 (as at 9 March 2016) and the value of the official gold reserves as at 29 February, is approximately R75 billion.

(3) The SARB performs regular reconciliations on reports based on gold held at various local and international locations. Senior SARB officials conduct due diligence visits to inspect gold reserves held offshore on a regular basis. The last due diligence visit was conducted during 2015.The executive of the SARB is informed of the findings of the due diligence visit. As these report backs contain confidential information, they are not made publicly available.

(4) Storing gold at secure locations around the world usually attracts storage costs, however, these costs are miniscule in comparison to the value of the gold being stored. When transacting with gold trading counterparties, one would also incur transaction and transportation costs.

23 June 2016 - NW1628

Profile picture: Chance, Mr R

Chance, Mr R to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

(1)(a) How will her department be involved in the joint fund established by the Government and the private sector to support small business, as announced by the President, Mr Jacob G Zuma, on 9 May 2016, (b) how will the mandate of the specified fund differ from that of the Small Enterprise Finance Agency Ltd (SOC) and (c) by what date will the specified fund be fully operational;


(a) The joint private and public sector fund established by the private sector and Government under the auspices of National Treasury is a fund that is aimed at accelerating the scale-up of high-potential SMEs for jobs and growth. This fund will only address one part of the mandate which we call growth-focused support. The details of how the different departments will be involved in the establishment and operationalization of the fund are still being discussed by the parties.

(b) As mentioned in the President’s statement the focus of the fund is to provide “venture” capital-type funding and mentoring to the target groups, especially black entrepreneurs, Sefa does not provide venture capital funding but provides financial support through loans.

(c) The date of operationalizing the fund has not been finalised as the parties are still dealing with the details of setting up the fund and therefore it is envisaged that the dates will be announced once all systems are in place.

(2) whether her department will have an oversight function over the specified fund; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1798E

The parties are still in discussions regarding the operationalisation of the fund and as this fund’s mandate falls squarely on the Department of Small Business Development’s mandate the department will play a role in the fund.

22 June 2016 - NW1574

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)(a) What are the details of the conditions of service attached to appointment as a Commissioner of the Public Service Commission and (b) how is the salary package of a Public Service Commissioner structured; (2) what (a) medical aid, (b) housing assistance and (c) pension benefits are persons who are appointed as Commisioners entitled to; (3) whether any benefits extend beyond the term of service of a Public Service Commissioner; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether any recommendations have been made or measures have been put in place to have extended benefits implemented; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) (a) The conditions of service attached to appointment as a Commissioner of the Public Service Commission are determined by the President of the Republic and include provisions of Chapter 10 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (section 196), the Public Service Commission Act, 1997 and the conditions of service applicable to members of senior management service (SMS level) in the public service.

The President, acting in terms of section 6(1) of the Public Service Commission Act, determines the annual salaries and conditions of appointment of Commissioners. The conditions of appointment, (Including remuneration and other conditions of service) of a commissioner of the Public Service Commission are linked with the ‘comparable positions at the SMS level in the public service’.

Despite the linking of the salary dispensation of Commissioners with the SMS, the salary progression measures (notch increases) applicable to the SMS were not extended to Commissioners.

The condition of appointment determined by the President with effect from 1 April 2015, provides for the following inclusive flexible remuneration packages:


Package with effect from 1 April 2015


R1 267 806

Deputy Chairperson

R1 656 618


R1 706 694

(b) The package of a Commissioner of the Public Service Commission is structured as follows (i) basic salary, (ii) State’s contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund (GEPF) and (iii) a flexible portion.

The basic salary consists of 70% of the inclusive flexible remuneration package. The State’s contribution to the GEPF is calculated on the basic salary, Commissioners may structure their flexible portion into the following items:

   (i) Motor car allowance – to a maximum of 25% of the total package per annum

   (ii) 13th cheque – equal to one-twelfth of the basic salary, to be structuredd as a once-off non-pensionable bonus

   (iii) Medical Assistance – Contribution to a medical aid scheme

   (iv) Housing Allowance – An amount as decided by the member.

   (v) Non-pensionalbe cash allowance – Any remaining amount of the flexible portion.

(2) (a) The medical aid benefit forms part of the inclusive remuneration package.

(b) The housing allowance forms part of the inclusive remuneration package.

(c) The State’s contribution to the GEPF forms part of the inclusive remuneration package.

(3) No benefits extend beyond the term of service of a Public Service Commissioner, since the conditions of appointment (Including remuneration and other conditions of service) applicable to Members of the Public Service Commission, which are determined by the President does not provide for extension of benefits beyond the term of office of a Commissioner.

(4) Falls away, since there are no benefits extended beyond the term of serve of a Commissiner of the Public Service Commission.

20 June 2016 - NW1624

Profile picture: Atkinson, Mr P

Atkinson, Mr P to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(1)What (a) was the initial loan amount given to Oakbay Resources and Energy by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to fund the purchase of the Shiva uranium mine, (b) amount of the specified loan plus accrued interest was paid back to the IDC before the remainder of the loan was converted into equity and (c) were the reasons for the IDC registering a (i) mortgage bond to the value of R250 million and (ii) general bond to the value of R 250 million over the specified mine’s assets; (2) was any further consideration given to the specified mine for the specified bonds; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether any steps have been taken by the IDC to protect its interest in its investment(s) in the specified mine, such as acquiring a director for the board; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) (a) what was the final amount converted to equity of the loan given by the IDC to Oakbay Resources and Energy to purchase the Shiva mine, (b) how did the IDC determine the value for the shareholding percentage of the converted equity and (c) what residual amount remains owing to the IDC after the specified loan was converted to equity; (5) whether the IDC granted any other loans to (a) Oakbay Resources and Energy, (b) any other Oakbay Investments entity and/or (c) any other company linked to the Gupta family; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?NW1794E


I have been furnished with a reply by the CEO of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), Mr Geoffrey Qhena, on the matters covered by the question. The reply follows:


The IDC has been requested to respond to a question asked in parliament by Mr P G Atkinson (DA). Set out below is IDC’s response to the question.


(a) What was the initial loan amount given to Oakbay Resources and Energy by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to fund the purchase of the Shiva uranium mine?


The initial loan amount given to Oakbay Resources and Energy was R250 million.

(b) What amount of the specified loan plus accrued interest was paid back to the IDC before the remainder of the loan was converted into equity and;


None of the capital amount (R250 million) was converted to equity.

To date a total of R137.5 million of capital repayments have been received in line with the settlement agreement concluded during 2014 and the remaining balance is R112.5 million with the next capital instalment of R37,5 million due in June 2016.

The return (based on 10% RATIRR) of circa R257 million at the time of signing the restructuring agreement was converted into shares on listing date at share price of R9. This represented a 10% discount on the IPO listed share price.

After the restructuring in addition to the shares (referred to above) an interest of prime +2% is levied and will be repaid on 31 March 2018 as a lump sum.

(c) What were the reasons for the IDC registering a (i) mortgage bond to the value of R250 million and (ii) general bond to the value of R 250 million over the specified mine’s assets;


The bonds were registered to secure the IDC loan to the company.


Was any further consideration given to the specified mine for the specified bonds; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


The following security packaged was taken:

  • Mortgage bond
  • General Notarial Bond including debtors
  • Cession and pledges of shares


Whether any steps have been taken by the IDC to protect its interest in its investment(s) in the specified mine, such as acquiring a director for the board; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


The above mentioned (2) security package protects the IDC’s interest in Oakbay Resources and Energy. No board seats were taken as the security package was considered adequate to secure IDC’s interest.


(a) what was the final amount converted to equity of the loan given by the IDC to Oakbay Resources and Energy to purchase the Shiva mine,


None of the capital amount (R250 million) was converted to equity. The return of R257 million was converted into equity as explained in the answer to question 1(b).

(b) How did the IDC determine the value for the shareholding percentage of the converted equity and


Oakbay was listed at R10 a share with market capitalisation of R8 billion. The value was supported by the Mineral Asset Valuation of uranium and gold resources and property, plant and equipment in the balance sheet. The Mineral Asset Valuation was done by an independent firm, in terms of SAMVAL Code.

The Competent Persons Report (CPR) valuation, compiled by Mineral Corporation valued the mineral resource in excess of R6 billion, and PPE valued the other assets such as plant and equipment at R2 billion bringing the total to R8 billion. The Corporate Advisor and Sponsor (SASFIN Capital) supported the R10 per share listing price.

(c) What residual amount remains owing to the IDC after the specified loan was converted to equity;


Since the equity was not converted the whole capital of R250 million remained as the residual amount.


Whether the IDC granted any other loans to (a) Oakbay Resources and Energy,


No other loans were granted to Oakbay Resources and Energy.

(b) any other Oakbay Investments entity and/or (c) any other company linked to the Gupta family; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


No other loans were granted to any other Oakbay Investments entity and/or (c) any other company linked to the Gupta family.


20 June 2016 - NW645

Profile picture: Mkhaliphi, Ms HO


(1) Whether, with reference to the preservation of the manuscripts in Timbuktu, Mali, which was one of the key pillars of former President Thabo Mbeki’s African Renaissance agenda, and the apparent lack of commitment from the Government to preserve the specified ancient manuscripts and leading to them being endangered, why has her department ignored the specified project since 2009; (2) is this an indication of a weakening resolve for the African Renaissance within the current administration; if not, what has the Government done to show its commitment to the rejuvenation of Africa? NW760E


1. I will not agree with the assertion that South Africa has ignored the preservation of the manuscripts in Timbuktu, Mali. Following the January 2012 political and security instability in northern Mali which resulted in the Ahmed Baba Institute Library being occupied by islamists/terrorist, causing huge damage to the building, most of the manuscripts were rescued and relocated to a safe place in Bamako, Mali. South Africa under the leadership of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation and the Department of Arts and Culture continues to support the Preservation of the Timbuktu Manuscript in Mali. For example, in 2015, the African Rennaisance and International Cooperation Fund granted an amount of R10 million towards this project.

Further, South Africa has seconded an expert from the Department of Arts and Culture to Bamako, Mali, to assist with the preservation of the manuscripts and assess the conditions underwhich they are stored. Currently, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation and the Department of Arts and Culture are working on renewing the Memorandum of Understanding that regulates this matter following the lapse of the initial one. As soon as this process is completed, the project to refurbish the damaged building will continue, subject to security situation.

2. There is absolutely no truth that the fourth Administration has no resolve to pursue the African Renaissance. For the past seven years, this Administration has played a leading role in pursuance of African renewal through several continental programmes such as the Presidential Infrastructure Championing Initiative (PICI), African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises (ACIRC), ongoing implementation of NEPAD, contribution to peacemaking and peacekeeping on the Continent, etc.

The adoption of the vision of the AU Agenda 2063 and its first 10 Year Implimentation Plan, is now the cornerstone of the African Renaissance.


20 June 2016 - NW1348

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) How many staff members have left the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) since the previous Chief Executive Officer, Mr Lumko Mtimde, left the MDDA in June 2014;(2) (a) how many MDDA staff members have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014, (b) what are the (i) names of the staff members investigated and (ii) reasons in each case, (c) by whom were the staff members investigated, (d) how many were found guilty and (e) what were the charges in each case; (3) whether any of the disciplinary investigations against any of the specified staff members were carried out without following proper procedures which resulted in their resignations before processes could be completed; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether she will make all supporting documents of the specified investigations available; if not, why not; if so, by when; (5) what type of information disseminated by a MDDA staff member will result in disciplinary investigations given that the MDDA is a public entity and must be open and transparent?


(1) The staff members who have left the MDDA since the previous Chief Executive Officer, Mr Lumko Mtimde, totals 11.

(2) (a) No MDDA staff members have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(b) (i) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(ii) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(c) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(d) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(e) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(3) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(4) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(5) Any information that might bring the Agency into disrepute, which is disseminated by a MDDA staff member will result in disciplinary investigations given that the MDDA is a public entity and must be open and transparent.









20 June 2016 - NW1388

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her are running development programmes for (i) small businesses and (ii) co-operatives; if not, why not; if so, in each case, (aa) what are the relevant details, (bb) what amount has been budgeted and (cc) how many jobs will be created through the specified development programmes in the 2016-17 financial year?


a. The DOD currently runs the Defence Transformative Enterprise Development (DEFTED) Program through CSIR.

aa. the aim of the project is to address the defence industry transformation challenges through the development of Defence Black Industrialists. The DEFTED program will support the defence sector black industrialists and entrepreneurs with technical Human Capital Development (HCD), Technology Development (TD) and Enterprise Development (ED).

bb. For the FY2016/17 the budgeted amount is Rm50.4.

cc. A total of thirty (30) jobs have been created during the period under consideration.

20 June 2016 - NW1626

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation owes any (a) actors and/or (b) musicians any royalties; if so, what is (i) the name of each person owed, (ii) the amount owed to each specified person and (iii) by when will the outstanding royalties be paid in each case?


The payment of royalties to individual artists are managed by the collecting agencies/societies SAMRO, SAMPRA, AIRCO, IMPRA, RISA, CAPASSO. Therefore, the SABC does not pay Royalties to individual artists but to collecting Societies.








20 June 2016 - NW1263

Profile picture: Balindlela, Ms ZB

Balindlela, Ms ZB to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With reference to the Concept Document on the Introduction of the Three Stream Model in the Basic Education Sector dated 11 April 2016, which refers to a target of 60% learners having access to vocational education, (a) how will this be split between (i) technical vocational and (ii) technical occupational and (b) on what basis was this target determined; (2) how much will it cost to equip 14 592 schools with workshops and trained teachers or artisans to implement the specified curriculum by 2030; (3) (a) will the (i) technical vocational and (ii) technical occupational streams be made available to (aa) learners with disabilities and (bb) learners without disabilities and (b) at what age will provision be made for learners to enter these streams in each case; (4) with reference to the statement in the specified document of amendments that will be required to be made to the South African Schools Act, Act 84 of 1996, as amended and the Admissions Policy to allow for learners to obtain workplace skills experience in business and industry, when is this draft legislation expected (a) to be finalised and (b) to come before the National Assembly in the form of a Bill?


(1) (a) (i) and (ii) The split of the target of 60% learners between the technical vocational stream and the technical occupational stream has not yet be determined and will only be done after conducting of audits and rigorous financial planning.

(b) The target of 60% learners enrolled in technical vocational education is based on best international practice.

(2) The costing of the expansion of the number of schools that offer technical vocational and technical occupational programmes has not yet been determined given that the number of schools will be realised progressively over the coming years. The Department of Basic Education recognises that the cost of technical vocational education is high and that implementation will go hand in hand with a reengineering of the whole institutional landscape within the basic education sector. The number of targeted schools will be further refined once the audit of existing schools of skill has been completed and projections for expansion made, based on determination of exact resource requirements. The audit questionnaire is currently being finalised.

(3) (a) (i) and (ii) (aa) and (bb) Yes, both the Technical Vocational and the Technical Occupational stream will be made available to learners with and without disabilities

(b) Learners will be able to enter the technical vocational stream at the age of 15 and the technical occupational stream at the age of 14.

(4) (a) The draft Vocational Occupational qualification will only be finalised and the Learning Programmes piloted in 2017, for introduction in 2018. No amendments to legislation will be proposed before 2018 at the earliest.

20 June 2016 - NW1490

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

What is the anticipated loss in revenue for the SA Broadcasting Corporation as a result of its decision to ban (a) alcohol, (b) fast-food and (c) children-targeted advertisements?


The existing ASA Code already imposes specific limitations on advertising and sponsorship to which children will be exposed. In terms of alcohol and fast food, the quantification for alcohol was done some years ago and because of the "vagueness" of the fast food proposal, the potential impact on the SABC could not be quantified.









20 June 2016 - NW1255

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

With reference to his reply to question 3567 on 20 October 2015, has he received the requested information yet; if not, why not; if so, by when will the specified information be communicated?


The following information was provided by uMgungundlovu District Municipality:

1.An amount of R6 million was diverted in 2013 and R4 million was diverted in 2015. There are two reasons for the diversion. (1) The Municipality could not implement the project as a result of the delay in the approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (2) The Municipality entered into a strategic partnership with Umgeni Water in terms of which R84 million was secured for the same project. Furthermore, the Municipality has set aside an additional R4 million for the same project for the additional reticulation pipeline.

2. It is the Mkhambathini Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) in Camperdown. This project is championed by Umgeni Water from their approved CAPEX.

3. The Municipal Manager, in partnership with KZN Cogta Officials, informed by the virement procedures as espoused in the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2013.

4. At the Executive Committee meeting held on 08 September 2015.

5. It must be mentioned that the grant funding in question is part of the Corridor Development Fund for Local Economic Development projects and not part of the Municipal Infrastructure Grant. The Mandela Marathon is designed to promote local economic development goals and thus in line with the strategic objectives of the Corridor Development Fund. As such, no regulations relating to conditional grants were violated nor disregarded in this instance.                  

20 June 2016 - NW926

Profile picture: Steenhuisen, Mr JH

Steenhuisen, Mr JH to ask the Minister of Communications

Has (a) she and/or (b) her Deputy Minister ever (i) met with any (aa) member, (bb) employee and/or (cc) close associate of the Gupta family and/or (ii) attended any meeting with the specified persons (aa) at the Gupta’s Saxonwold Estate in Johannesburg or (bb) anywhere else since taking office; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified case, (aaa) what are the names of the persons who were present at each meeting, (bbb)(aaaa) when and (bbbb) where did each such meeting take place and (ccc) what was the purpose of each specified meeting?


Minister of Communications has not met any member, employee and close associate of the Gupta family and/or attended any meeting with the specified persons.


Minister of Communications has no position on the matter as she has not met the specified persons.












20 June 2016 - NW1477

Profile picture: Selfe, Mr J


(1) Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any of South Africa’s (i) embassies and/or (ii) high commissions have placed any restrictions on (aa) the places where observers are sent to and (bb) the number of observers that are sent for election observer missions; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


1. South Africa has placed no restrictions on the places where observers are sent and the number of observers. It has to be noted that as a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), South Africa deploys observers to SADC Member States as part of SADC Election Observation Missions (SEOMs) in line with the Revised SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections adopted in July 2015. The revised Principles and Guidelines make provision for the SADC Secretariat to determine the number of observers to be deployed to each Member State holding elections. The number of observers required is determined by the political context, geographical size and financial considerations.

As Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation and during 2014-2015, South Africa led SEOMs to Botswana (October 2014), Mozambique (October 2014), Namibia (November 2014), Mauritius (December 2014), Zambia (January 2015), and Lesotho (February 2015).


20 June 2016 - NW629

Profile picture: Mkhaliphi, Ms HO

Mkhaliphi, Ms HO to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

1. What (a) is the current state of bilateral relations with Rwanda after Rwanda brazenly sought and assassinated Rwanda’s opponents in South Africa and, 2. (b) has her department done to ensure that Rwanda does not use South Africa as a killing ground of its opponents?


1. South Africa and Rwanda enjoy good political, economic and social co-operation, as evidenced by the existence of over 20 bilateral Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding.

2. It will be recalled that, following the third assassination attempt on a Rwandan refugee in March 2014, the Department of International Relations and Co-operation declared four diplomats serving at the Rwandan High Commission to be persona non grata. The South African government through its security agencies is still following up on the matter as we view of this in a serious light.


20 June 2016 - NW1346

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)  Whether the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) has ever used any broadcasting funds to support the small commercial print media; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) who authorised the usage of the specified funds to support small commercial print media and (b) will she make the relevant documents reflecting the relevant information available; (2)  whether the MDDA reflected the usage of broadcasting funds to support small commercial print media in its annual financial statements for any relevant financial year; if not, why not; if so, in which financial years; (3) whether the MDDA has ever reported in Parliament any usage of broadcasting funds to support small commercial print media; if not, (a) why not and (b) who took the decision not to include the specified usage in its reports to Parliament; if so, in which documents were such usage(s) reported?


(1) No.

(2) As stated above the MDDA has not used any Broadcast funds to support the small commercial media.

(3) As stated above the MDDA has not used any Broadcast funds to support the small commercial media.









20 June 2016 - NW1489

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Why did she not publish a draft version of the revised editorial policy of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) for public comment prior to the approval of the specified policy by the SABC Board, as was promised by a certain official (name and details furnished) on 11 February 2014 (details furnished)?


The revised SABC editorial policy has been approved by the SABC Board and is currently being implemented. Public consultation has taken place, wherein stakeholder engagements were held with more than 30 organisations and interest groups from across the country and were followed by 17 public hearings, where each province hosted at least one. Almost 2,000 people attended these hearings. The public consultations were advertised on SABC platforms and in selected print media. The SABC received 216 written submissions from individuals and organisations.

In this regard, the Board has, as per the Broadcasting Act, ensured that there is public participation in the development of the SABC’s editorial policy.









20 June 2016 - NW1625

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

What are the relevant details of the processes followed by the SA Broadcasting Corporation in deciding to air 90% local content on its radio stations?


ICASA sets the minimum local content quota that the SABC needs to meet, but it does not prohibit the SABC from exceeding that quota. The SABC in its effort to address the outcry by local artists that most of the royalties paid to artists leave the country, as less local content is played on SABC platforms, a decision was therefore taken by the SABC that local content quotas will be increased.








20 June 2016 - NW1260

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether, with reference to a grievance lodged by one of her employees (name and details furnished), her department will redress the grievance in a court of law as recommended by the Public Service Commission (PSC); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) did she inform the specified employee of her decision regarding the PSC’s recommendations as prescribed in Rule G.2 of the Grievance Rule 2003; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) did she furnish the PSC with (a) a copy of the letter in which her department communicated the outcome of the investigation to the specified employee and (b) feedback on the decision taken by her regarding the PSC’s recommendations; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


1. No, the Department will not approach the court to redress the matter as recommended by the Public Service Commission(PSC).

The reasons are as follows:

In Khumalo, the Member of the Executive Council (MEC) for Education in KwaZulu Natal (KZN), approached the court to nullify the promotion of two officials as she believed that there was underhandedness in their appointment. The Court dismissed the application. In casu, the MEC argued that the one candidate did not meet the requirement while the other’s Protected Promotion was illegal.

It is important to note that facts of the Khumalo case and Mr Mithileni’s grievance are not similar. In Khumalo, Mr Krish Ritchie, was given a Protected Promotion after the Department failed to shortlist and appoint him in a position of Chief Personnel Officer. Consequently, the Department (KZN – Education) decided to give him a Protected Appointment to redress their omission.

In the case of Mr Mithileni, both candidates met the requirements, were both shortlisted, interviewed and one was recommended for appointment. Mr Mithileni was the second best candidate. Therefore, the facts in Khumalo’s case and those in Mr Mithileni’s grievance are totally unrelated and do not speak to the same questions of law.

2. Yes, Mr Mithileni was informed about the Minister’s decision regarding the PSC’s recommendations as prescribed in Rule G.2 of the Grievance Procedure of 2003. The letter was received and signed for by Mr Mithileni himself.

3. Yes, the Minister furnished the PSC with:

(a) a copy of the letter in which the Department communicated the outcome of the investigation to Mr Mithileni. The letter to the PSC was sent to the Office of the Public Service Commission on13 April 2016 with attention.

(b) The Minister also furnished the Public Service Commission with feedback on the decision taken by her regarding the PSC’s recommendations.

20 June 2016 - NW1503

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether her department was approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether her department provided any form of funding to any political party (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(1) (a)(i) N/A (DoC did not exist)

(ii) N/A (DoC did not exist)

(iii) No

(b) No

(2) No, the Department’s limited funds are geared towards its operations and strategic projects.









20 June 2016 - NW1262

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With reference to the Concept Document on the Introduction of the Three Stream Model in the Basic Education Sector dated 11 April 2016, (a) how did her department arrive at a learner retention target of 90% and (b) what plans are in place to assist the 10% of learners who are not retained in the system; (2) how many learners have been registered since 1 January 2016 in the (a) academic stream that currently caters for the majority of learners from Grade R to 12 and is embodied in the National Curriculum Statement of 2011 and (b) technical vocational stream through the introduction of the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) for Technical Schools; (3) when will the (a) vocational occupational stream be introduced through the development of the General Certificate of Education: Skills and Vocational and (b) General Certificate of Education as a school leaving certificate at the end of Grade 9 be introduced; (4) with reference to the specified paper rightly acknowledging that the move to vocational occupational education should not signal a return to an apartheid education system which side-lined learners from disadvantaged backgrounds into inferior educational tracks, what is her department doing to ensure that all learners are given a fair chance to excel in any of the three streams mooted in the specified paper?


(1) (a) The target has been set in response to the outcome stated in the National Development Plan with regard to learner retention so as to bring South Africa in line with international retention rates such as those of the United Kingdom and Japan; and

(b) The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has established an inter-departmental task team with the Department of Higher Education and Training to develop strategies for alignment and articulation of qualifications and more effective transition to post-school education and training and the world of work.

(2) (a) The audited learner enrolment numbers for 2016 are not yet available. In 2014 12 117 015 learners were enrolled in the public ordinary schools following the National Curriculum Statement Grade R to 12.

(b)The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) for Technical Schools has only been implemented in Gr 10 since January 2016. The enrolment of learners in Grade 10 is as follows:

Table 1 below shows the number of learners in ordinary public and independent schools, by province in 2015. It further shows that enrolment is generally high in the foundation phase and decline as learners move higher grades within the schooling system.

Table 1: Number of learners in ordinary schools, by province, in 2015


Pre-Grade R

Grade R

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

Eastern Cape

4 299

119 443

180 501

174 206

166 094

161 692

140 353

131 731

136 336

105 495

127 865

121 577

117 698

110 549

Free State

1 713

38 151

66 770

61 303

58 165

59 797

49 866

44 658

45 055

44 484

46 552

53 869

35 947

30 013


8 949

99 845

213 448

197 773

188 132

179 621

164 068

150 950

146 964

147 832

144 579

168 878

140 453

111 128


4 721

192 894

270 085

241 504

231 644

221 815

203 037

184 302

183 102

202 037

200 442

235 429

220 831

162 352


1 862

106 597

148 418

141 710

133 965

129 950

111 945

102 366

103 896

98 500

122 022

169 794

133 475

106 032


1 124

62 573

102 840

92 730

87 175

84 444

74 866

67 522

69 734

75 612

72 275

84 591

73 862

52 742

North West


51 701

78 142

73 441

67 653

68 289

59 854

54 798

51 034

57 309

51 572

61 547

43 359

30 193

Northern Cape


19 487

29 385

25 929

24 564

25 241

22 115

20 535

20 481

20 853

18 751

18 085

14 894

11 066

Western Cape

4 509

67 005

99 662

99 681

93 891

87 192

82 529

78 235

73 186

66 428

63 471

59 784

56 422

52 962


28 479

757 696

1 189 251

1 108 277

1 051 283

1 018 041

908 633

835 097

829 788

818 550

847 529

973 554

836 941

667 037

Source: 2015 SNAP survey

Note: please note that the 2016 data is not yet available.

Table 2 below indicates enrolment in technical subjects in the FET phase. It shows that, about 10 334 Grade 12 learners were taking Civil Technology , in 2015, while 6 422 were enrolling for Electrical Technology and 7 295 for Mechanical Technology.

Table 2: Number of learners in undertaking technical subjects, by subject and province, in 2015



Civil Technology

Electrical Technology

Mechanical Technology

Eastern Cape



Grade 10


1 140

1 182


Grade 11

1 500

1 076

1 050


Grade 12




Free State



Grade 10


1 098

1 373


Grade 11





Grade 12







Grade 10


2 419

3 200


Grade 11

3 064

1 765

2 538


Grade 12

2 240

1 252

1 950




Grade 10


2 904

2 735


Grade 11

2 161

2 522

2 234


Grade 12

1 852

1 771

1 875




Grade 10


1 843



Grade 11

1 245

1 525



Grade 12







Grade 10





Grade 11





Grade 12




North West



Grade 10


1 396

1 244


Grade 11

1 043




Grade 12




Northern Cape



Grade 10





Grade 11





Grade 12




Western Cape



Grade 10





Grade 11

2 602




Grade 12

2 490




Grade 10


11 134

10 882


Grade 11

13 524

9 524

10 101


Grade 12

10 334

6 422

7 295

Source: 2015 LURITS

(3) (a) The DBE envisages that Year 1 of the General Certificate of Education: Skills and Vocational will be introduced in 2018.

(b) The date envisaged for the introduction of the General Certificate of Education as a school leaving certificate has not yet been set by the DBE.

(4) All programmes of the DBE are directed towards improving the quality of curriculum delivery in all schools. Some of the strategies that are aimed towards strengthening inclusive quality education for all are the following:

  • Rigorous monitoring of all aspects of delivery through the National Strategy on Learner Attainment, including monitoring of curriculum coverage as outlined in the Evidence Based Reporting System;
  • Monitoring of School-based Assessment across all provinces, districts and schools;
  • Programme for the institutionalisation of curriculum differentiation;
  • Introduction of the Strategy for Supporting English Across the Curriculum;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the Policy on Accommodation in Assessment;
  • Implementation of the Framework for Remediation and Support; and
  • Introduction of the Turn Around Strategy for Special Needs Education Schools.

20 June 2016 - NW1385

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her are running development programmes for (i) small businesses and (ii) co-operatives; if not, why not; if so, in each case, (aa) what are the relevant details, (bb) what amount has been budgeted and (cc) how many jobs will be created through the specified development programmes in the 2016-17 financial year?


(a)(i)(ii) No, the Department of Basic Education is not running development programmes for small businesses or cooperatives due to financial constraints.

South African Council for Educators (SACE)

(b)(i)(ii) SACE does not have development programmes for small businesses and co-operatives in its plan due to financial constraints.


(b)(i)(ii) Umalusi is not running any developmental programmes for small businesses and co-operatives. Umalusi’s mandate is to develop and maintain the sub-framework of qualifications for the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications and to quality assure these qualifications. There is no room for development programmes.



20 June 2016 - NW1344

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)(a) What is the name of the CEO of the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) Chief Executive Officers that ever paid any amount of money into an MDDA staff member’s account to pay service providers; (a), (b) who approved the transfer of such monies to staff members’ accounts, (c) which service provider(s) was paid and (d) which supply chain procedures were followed in each specified instance; (2) whether the MDDA’s previous acting CEO, (name furnished) ever (a) authorised and/or (b) made payments into the MDDA’s current acting CEO’s, (name furnished), staff account to pay a service provider; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) (a) Duduzile Nchoba was the Acting CEO of the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) who paid money into an MDDA staff member’s account to pay service providers.

(b) Duduzile Nchoba and Talifhani Khubana (Acting CFO) approved the transfer of such monies to staff members’ accounts.

(c) The University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg) was the service provider(s) paid.

(d) The following supply chain procedures were followed in line with the following regulations relating to emergency situations:

  • Treasury Regulation 16A64
  • The National Treasury Practice Note No 8 of 2007/2008, paragraph 3.4.3

Supporting documents are available on site for inspection.

(2) (a) The MDDA’s previous acting CEO, (name furnished) authorised the payment.

(b) The details of payments made into the MDDA’s acting CEO’s, (name furnished), staff account to pay a service provider relate to the re-imbursement of printing costs incurred on behalf of MDDA by the said employee. MDDA had been requested to present hard copies of the SBP in Parliament and did not have the internal capacity to print these over-night and therefore acquired the services of a third party, that is, University of Witwatersrand.









20 June 2016 - NW1633

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

(1)Whether a certain person (name and details furnished), who attended the SA Police Service (SAPS) training college in Gauteng from approximately 27 March 2015 to December 2015, is in any way related to a certain person (name and details furnished); if so, what are the relevant details of their relationship; (2) what charges were laid against a certain person in respect of certain cases (name and details furnished) and (b) what is the current status of each case; (3) whether any charges laid against a certain person (name furnished) have been withdrawn; if so, (a) on what date were charges withdrawn in each case, (b) who withdrew the charges and (c) what were the reasons for withdrawing the charges; (4) whether the specified person has a criminal record; if so, (a) what are the full relevant details, (b) which other charges were laid against the specified person and (c) what is the current status of each case; (5) what criteria were used to assess the specified person’s suitability to become (a) a SAPS trainee and subsequently (b) a member of the SAPS?


1. Yes. He is the son of the person whose name and details were furnished.

(2)(a) Assault common (Park Road CAS 978/01/2011), Domestic Violence related, and malicious damage to property (Park Road CAS 528/05/2010).

(2)(b) Both case dockets were withdrawn and filed.

(3) Yes.

(3)(a) The charge for Park Road CAS 528/05/2010 was withdrawn on 11 May 2010 and the charge for Park Road CAS 978/01/2011 was withdrawn on 30 March 2015.

(3)(b) Park Road CAS 528/05/2010 was withdrawn by the Public Prosecutor and Park Road CAS 978/01/2011 was withdrawn by the complainant.

(3)(c) Park Road CAS 528/05/2010 was finalised in court by way of alternative dispute resolution and in the case of Park Road CAS 978/01/2011 the complainant indicated that she did not want to continue with the case as she was relocating to Cape Town. She indicated that the case was going to take too much of her time.

(4) No.

(4)(a) Not applicable.

(4)(b) Not applicable.

(5)(a) The person was subjected to psychometric testing, physical assessment, interview, medical evaluation, fingerprints and met all the requirements for enlistment as a Police Trainee.

(5)(b) The person is on a two year contract in terms of the Memorandum of Agreement and will only be permanently appointed as a member of the South African Police Service on successful completion of the prescribed training.

20 June 2016 - NW1554

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Police

(a) What amount did (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising in the 2015-16 financial year and (b) how much has (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him budgeted for advertising in the 2016-17 financial year?


(a)(i) The South African Police Service spent R39,821 million for advertising in the 2015-16 financial year. Advertising include amongst others, advertisements for filling of vacant positions, publishing of tenders, marketing on television and radio as well as promotional items.

(ii) PSIRA, CSP and IPID to respond.

(b)(i) The South African Police Service budgeted to spend R29,813 million for advertising in the 2016-17 financial year.

(ii) PSIRA, CSP and IPID to respond.

17 June 2016 - NW1602

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether any technologies have been installed in all vehicles owned by (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her to ensure that drivers are not intoxicated; if not, (i) why not and (ii) what steps are being taken to install such technologies; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?



(a) The Department’s vehicles are not installed with technologies to detect intoxicated drivers.

   (i) The transport vehicle drivers by the VIP Protectors and the need to install such technology in these vehicles have not been raised by the respective Offices.

   (ii) Should the need be identified by the Offices of the Minister and Deputy Minister, the necessary procurement and installation will be processed.

Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA)

(b)(i) and (ii) Such technology has never been installed in ACSA-owned vehicles and there are no plans to do so.

Air Traffic and Navigation Services SOC Limited (ATNS)

(b) ATNS has not fitted any technologies to its fleet of vehicles to alert intoxication.
(b)(i) ATNS internal controls and procedures have proven sufficient to prevent intoxication in the work place, which includes driving.
(b)(ii) ATNS does not intend to fit any technologies to ensure that drivers are not intoxicated whilst driving. ATNS internal controls and procedures to prevent intoxication in the work place, are working satisfactorily;

South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL)

(b) The 8 vehicles owned by SANRAL are all installed with real-time vehicle tracking and monitoring technologies to remotely monitor safety and security of our drivers, driver behavior and vehicle movement. The real-time vehicle tracking and monitoring system used do however not monitor if drivers are intoxicated at this stage.

(i) Currently no SANS certified vehicle inter-lock technologies are available in South Africa.

(ii) SANRAL are in frequent discussions with our vehicle tracking and monitoring system supplier to follow-up on progress made with certification of vehicle inter-lock technologies.

Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (CBRTA)

(b) No technologies have been installed in the two (2) vehicles that are owned by the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency.

(i) Intoxication and/or drunkenness on duty is prohibited and dealt with in line with the Agency’s Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Code, which all employees have copies of and sign-off on. To this end, there are no reported case of intoxicate within the Agency.

(ii) The Agency is not taking any steps to install such technologies, as the control measure currently in place is working effectively.

Road Accident Fund (RAF)

(b) The Road Accident Fund (RAF) has implemented a fleet management solution which will result in the RAF not owning any vehicles, except for two trailers. Transfer of ownership of the last three motor vehicles registered in the name of the RAF is being arranged.

The fleet management solution does not provide for technologies to ensure that drivers are not intoxicated;

(i) the RAF does not experience challenges related to intoxicated staff driving fleet vehicles, therefore the cost associated with providing for technologies to ensure that drivers are not intoxicated would not be justified, more especially since such funding could be more appropriately channeled to one of the numerous RAF road safety initiatives targeting specific road user groupings

(ii) no steps are being taken to install such technologies

Road Traffic Management Corporations (RTMC)

(b)The RTMC has not installed such technologies in its vehicles.

(i) There is no policy that directs the RTMC to install such technologies in its vehicles.

(ii) N/A

Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA)

(b) There are no technologies installed for this purpose in RTIA vehicles. (b) The RTIA acquired the bulk of its fleet in 2015. Fleet management processes and policies are being aligned to ensure that appropriate control technologies are installed

(i) N/A and

(ii) Installation of technologies to track driver behaviour is being investigated and will be implemented in phases in the financial years 2016/17 and 2017/18.

South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA)

(a) Tracking systems have been installed in the vehicles.

(b) We ensure when we issue the vehicle that drivers are not intoxicated. Guidelines for official vehicle usage are in place.

Ports Regulator of South Africa (PRSA)

(b) The Ports Regulator has not installed any technologies to the vehicle fleet to ensure that drivers are not intoxicated.

(i) The reason is that there is only one car which is used during business hours and for short trips. Also employees are always reminded of the policy governing the use of company vehicles which prohibits driving under the influence. The organization also has a substance abuse policy which prohibits the use of alcohol at work as well as being drunk on duty.

(ii) There are no steps being taken yet to install such technologies.

Railway Safety Regulator( RSR)

The RSR vehicles have been installed with tracking devices that monitor driver behaviour and confirms location. In addition to this, those using company vehicles have to undergo mandatory testing as per RSR’s vehicle policy.

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA)

(b) PRASA vehicles do not have technology to detect intoxication – the technology installed in vehicles is for tracking vehicle movement – empIoyees are tested for alcohol in the depots,

PRASA is currently preparing to go out on a bid for new technology for its vehicles and the issue of technology to detect whether drivers are intoxicated will be considered

17 June 2016 - NW1365

Profile picture: Filtane, Mr ML

Filtane, Mr ML to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether, with regard to the allocation of the Malangskraal farm in Bedford in the Nxuba Municipality in the Eastern Cape to the deserving beneficiaries, he is aware of the challenges regarding some members of the National Rural Youth Service Corps programme that are allegedly affecting the conclusion of the specified allocation processes; if so, what (a) steps have been taken to resolve the challenges, (b) progress has been made thus far and (c) time frame has been attached to the specified steps; (2) whether he will lodge an investigation into the allocation process of the Malangskraal farm to the deserving beneficiaries in order to confirm the authenticity of the alleged challenges and find a solution thereto; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. Yes.

(a),(b),(c) The Department visited the Bedford area to assess the situation and it was resolved that the Office of the Surveyor General would visit the farm with the allocated beneficiaries to identify the allocated portions. The surveyor visited the farm on the 8-10 June 2016.

2. No. The allocation to NARYSEC beneficiaries was processed through the relevant approval committees and they were confirmed as deserving beneficiaries based on their training in agricultural activities amongst other things.


17 June 2016 - NW1584

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether all land claims lodged in Limpopo during the first round have been settled to date; if not, (a) how many are (i) under dispute in the Land Claims Court (LCC), (ii) under arbitration and/or mediation and (iii) awaiting a (aa) hearing and/or (bb) judgement in the LCC, (b) what are the timeframes in each specified case and (c) how many of the specified land claims are still outstanding; (2) (a) how many sale agreements have been concluded to date, (b) on which dates were the specified agreements concluded, (c) how many of the specified agreements are awaiting payment and (d) what is the total amount of payments made for agreements that were concluded to date?


1. (a) No, 1537 land claims lodged not later than 31 December 1998 are outstanding;

      (i) 35

      (ii) None

      (iii) (aa) 5

           (bb) 1

(b) Timeframes are determined by the Courts.

(c) 5

2. (a) 774

(b) The sale agreements were entered into on different dates. To determine the exact date of the signing of the sale agreement will deviate the Commission from its core mandate of settlement of claims.

(c) In all land acquisition agreements, a deposit of the purchase price is paid within 30 days of signature. The balance thereof is paid within 10 days after registration of transfer. 3 agreements currently awaiting payment of the balance pending registration of transfer.

(d) R3 885 127 082.16

17 June 2016 - NW1588

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Tourism

Whether any progress has been made regarding a decision to erect a tourism signage on the N3 directing motorists to the Howick Falls in KwaZulu-Natal; if not, (a) what steps has he taken to expedite such a decision and (b) when does he envisage that a final decision will be taken, in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Department of Tourism had a meeting with the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs and the Umngeni Local Municipality’s Town Planning and Signage Unit on 17 May 2016 to discuss and resolve the matter on directional signage in Howick.

(a) According to the Department of Transport, the Howick Falls form part of the Midlands Meander which has many attractions. This makes it difficult to sign every attraction. The South African Road Traffic Signs Manual (SARTSM) and Southern African Development Community Road Traffic Signs Manual (SADCRTSM) also require that attractions be signed from the nearest numbered route. The nearest numbered route from the Howick Falls is the R103. Thus according to the manual the Howick Falls should be signed from the R103 and not the N3.

In addition, the Department of Tourism has noted correspondence between SANRAL and the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs dated

30 May 2016 where SANRAL advised that the application must be made with the Provincial Department of Transport.

The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs has committed to lodging a new application with the Provincial Department of Transport for the installation of directional signage. Both local and provincial governments have cited budgetary constraints.

(b) The Department of Tourism has taken a decision to make funding available and to work with the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs to ensure that directional signage is erected from the nearest numbered route R103 to Howick Falls and Nelson Mandela Capture Site, within the current financial year.

17 June 2016 - NW1604

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) On which date was the ICT Policy Review White Paper delivered to Cabinet, (b) what are the full details of the processes that the specified paper has gone through since being delivered to Cabinet and (c) when is the specified paper expected to be tabled before Cabinet for approval; (2) Whether any private sector stakeholders are in discussions with Cabinet’s communications committee to amend the specified paper before it is tabled for approval; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so (a) what are the names of the private sector stakeholders; (b) what matters have been discussed in each case and (c) what was the outcome of each such discussion to date?


1. (a) The National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper was tabled before the ESEID Cabinet Committee on 09 March 2016.

(b) The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services was directed to further consult with key stakeholder Departments, which was done.

(c) It is envisaged that the National Integrated ICT Policy White

Paper will be finalised within next few months.

2. (a) The Department is not aware of any private sector stakeholders being in discussions with Cabinet’s Communications Committee to amend the specified paper before it is tabled for approval.

(b) Not applicable (see 2(a).

(c) Not applicable (see 2(a).

17 June 2016 - NW1473

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)What was the impact on the value of assets under the management of each of the portfolios of the clients of the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) due to the so-called 9/12 events that started with the removal of the former Minister of Finance, Mr Nhlanhla M Nene (details furnished); (2) whether the PIC has since recovered any losses incurred as a result of the specified events; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


According to the Public Investment Corporation (PIC):

1. The total decrease in Asset under Management (AuM) over the period 08 December 2015 to 12 December 2015 amounted to R99, 107,867,476.76.

Table 1 below provides detailed information as per Client.


Table 1: Assets under Management per Client:


Start date

End date

End Market Value (Rands)

Change in Rands

Change in Percentage



1 578 842 958 575,68




1 533 030 433 903,16

-45 812 524 672,52




1 492 840 656 310,47

-40 189 777 592,69




1 492 952 420 399,11

111 764 088,64




1 492 954 477 051,57

2 056 652,46



Start date

End date

End Market Value (Rands)

Change in Rands

Change in Percentage



118 539 328 931,11




113 622 850 706,82

-4 916 478 224,29




110 538 549 728,88

-3 084 300 977,94




110 553 868 800,92

15 319 072,04




110 555 818 779,42

1 949 978,50



Start date

End date

End Market Value (Rands)

Change in Rands

Change in Percentage



34 722 690 994,32




32 550 500 181,82

-2 172 190 812,50




31 615 296 174,48

-935 204 007,34




31 627 883 140,02

12 586 965,54




31 628 048 616,55

165 476,53



Start date

End date

End Market Value (Rands)

Change in Rands

Change in Percentage



16 943 272 754,78




16 271 781 984,86

-671 490 769,92




15 809 698 426,57

-462 083 558,29




15 811 843 053,26

2 144 626,69




15 812 007 764,12

164 710,86



Start date

End date

End Market Value (Rands)

Change in Rands

Change in Percentage



14 106 965 858,19




13 361 805 139,24

-745 160 718,95




13 055 814 127,87

-305 991 011,37




13 059 366 371,64

3 552 243,77




13 059 853 104,81

486 733,17



Start date

End date

End Market Value (Rands)

Change in Rands

Change in Percentage



1 791 426 488 177,86




1 737 191 207 615,39

-54 235 280 562,47




1 692 157 213 606,73

-45 033 994 008,66




1 692 309 150 164,43

151 936 557,70




1 692 318 620 701,10

9 470 536,67


2. The PIC’s Portfolios have since recovered from the December 2015 decline.

17 June 2016 - NW1606

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) Which (i) metropolitan areas, (ii) cities and (iii) towns had Wi-Fi networks installed in the past five years, (b) what were the criteria for choosing the specified sites, (c) how much funding was given to each of the specified sites, (d) what is the (i) expected coverage area and (ii) population reach of each of the specified sites, (e)(i) which of the specified sites are live and (ii) when were they switched on and (f)(i) which of the specified sites are not live and (ii) when will they go live?


The Department has advised me as follows:

(a) (i) (ii) & (iii) In the 2015/16 financial year, the Department funded expansion of Wi-Fi networks in the following Metropolitan Municipality areas:

  • City of Tshwane
  • City of Johannesburg
  • City of Mangaung
  • Ekhuruleni
  • City of Cape Town
  • Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

The District Municipality of Dr Kenneth Kaunda in the North West used its own resources to deploy WiFi during 2015/16.

(b) The criteria was readiness to implement and focus on areas which were underserved or having high concentration of population.

(c) The Department made available R40m that was distributed amongst the 6 Metropolitan municipalities based on their proposals on the extent of the expansion of their WiFi programmes:



Nelson Mandela Bay

R 6m

City of Tshwane

R 8.9m

City of JoBurg

R 7.8m

City of Cape Town

R 4.6m


R 7.4 m


R 5.3m


R 40m

(d) (i) and (ii) Expected areas of coverage and population reach are:


Areas to be covered

Average of population reach(users)

Nelson Mandela Bay

Zwide, Kwanobuhle, Korter, Kwamagxaki, Motherwell, Kwazakhele

25 000

City of Tshwane

Mabopane, Saulsville, Winterveldt

90 000

City of JoBurg

Alexandra, Dieplsoot, Tshepisong, Ivory Park, Doornkop, Orlando East, Dhlamini, Lawley, Protea South, etc

45 000

City of Cape Town

Athlone, Goodwood, Khayelitsha, Gugulethu, Harare, Crossroads

39 000


Areas to be covered

Average of population reach(users)


Alberton, Benoni, Daveton, Springs Katlehong, Voslorus, Tembisa, Tsakane, Nigel

45 000


Bloemfontein, Thaba Nchu, Bosthabelo


(e)(i) - (ii) The following Metros have live sites and have been live since the dates shown alongside:

  • Tshwane – March 2016
  • Ekhuruleni – April 2016
  • Nelson Mandela – April 2016
  • Cape town (80% sites live) – Sites switched on since March 2016 and all expected to be live by 30 June 2016

(f)(i) The following areas have not switched on their sites:

  • City of Johannesburg
  • Mangaung

(ii) The expected timeline for switch on is by the end of July 2016

17 June 2016 - NW1608

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What was on the agenda of the inter-governmental discussions between South Africa and the People’s Republic of China held in Durban on 14 May 2016, (b) what programme of action and/or collaboration was adopted between the specified governments and (c) what is the timeframe for the implementation of the programmes?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(a) The following items were on the agenda of the of the inter-governmental discussions between South Africa and the People’s Republic of China held in Durban on 14 May2016

  • E-Government & Smart City
  • Internet Information Infrastructure
  • E-Commerce & Electronic Manufacturing
  • Cyber Security

(b) The two Parties agreed on the following:

  • The need for regular exchange between the two countries,
  • The promotion of collaboration, investment within the sector
  • Building on the partnership cooperation which was entered into by the China Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable and the South African Joint Stock Limited Group, Mustek Limited Group.
  • Proposal that the Internet Roundtable should take place annually.
  • Proposal that the South Africa ICT sector be invited to the World Internet Conference, which China hosts on annual basis.
  • Agreement on the need for officials of the two countries to strengthen cooperation, and build programmes which can be incorporated into multilateral forums such as the G20 and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

(c) The Plan of Action (2015) is a five year plan commencing in 2015 to 2020.

17 June 2016 - NW1589

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Tourism

What is the cost of a road signage that directs motorists to tourist attractions on a national road?


Payment for the provision of tourist attraction signs is normally dependent on the policy of the relevant road, be it national, provincial or local authority. The road authority will, however, provide the necessary tourism signs for emergency services such as police stations or government hospitals. All other tourism signs for attractions or services are normally paid for by the owner/operator of the facility.

Factors taken into account in calculating the fee are as follows:

  • text size on signs is dependent on the speed of the road thus a sign on a national road and a sign on a municipal road will differ in cost;
  • the size of the sign determines the materials used and thus the manufacturing cost;
  • the size of the sign will determine the number of poles needed to support the sign;
  • a road signage team has to go out to erect the sign;
  • should a sign be damaged it would need fixing or replacing (the lifespan of a sign is from 7 to 10 years).


Various roads are managed by various authorities. National roads are managed for the DoT by SANRAL; Provincial roads are managed in each province by that province and municipal roads are managed by the municipalities in which they occur. Thus you will find that within the borders of a certain province there will be national, provincial and municipal roads. Each of these authorities will have policies and/or legislation governing how roads are managed by the particular authority.

Tourism signs in the SA and SADC Road Traffic Signs Manuals are brown signs. As Police Stations and Government Hospitals are signed on brown signs they form part of what is called Tourism signs in the manual.

Whoever submits the request for the signage will be responsible for the cost of implementing the signage.

There is no average as the size of the sign dictates the cost. A large sign will cost more than a small sign. The road authority cannot put signs up which are not legible at the speed travelled on the road and small signs are not legible at 120 km/h.

SABS determines only the quality of the material to be used for the manufacture of the sign. The SA and SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual stipulate the type of material to be used. If the wrong material or inferior quality of material is used the sign will become illegible more quickly and have to be replaced more often and this will eventually increase the cost of the signage.

Most signs will require at least two poles. Sometimes the sign can be attached to an existing sign structure and then the cost of poles would not be relevant. Sometimes the sign might be large enough to warrant three poles in this case it might influence the cost.

17 June 2016 - NW1607

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) How much money was allocated for the installation of wi-fi networks in (i) metropolitan areas, (ii) cities and (iii) towns and (b) from which programme(s) was the money sourced; 2) Whether the Wi-Fi sites in each of the specified sites will become assets of the respective municipalities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 3) (a) who will maintain the specified sites, (b) how were service providers to install and run the specified sites chosen and (c) what provisions are in place to protect the data privacy of users of the specified sites; 4) What is the fate of the 112 emergency number programme now that its funding has been diverted to the installation of Wi-Fi networks in the specified sites?


The Department has advised me as follows:

(1)(a)(i)(ii)& (iii) The Department made available R40m from its budget, which was distributed amongst the 6 Metropolitan municipalities based on their proposals on the extent of the expansion of their WiFi programmes:



Nelson Mandela Bay

R 6m

City of Tshwane

R 8.9m

City of JoBurg

R 7.8m

City of Cape Town

R 4.6m


R 7.4 m


R 5.3m


R 40m

(b) The Wi-Fi project funding was reprioritised from 112 emergency number programme

(2) The Department is not rolling out and building Wi-Fi sites for the Metros. The Department provided funding to supplement Metro Wi-Fi Projects and the sites will become assets of the respective Metros.

(3)(a) The Municipalities are responsible for the maintenance of the sites

(b) The Service Providers were sourced and procured by the Metros guided by their procurement processes

(c) All Metros have data privacy plans in place to address privacy and data security risks when deploying the Wi-Fi network solutions

(4) The 112 emergency number programme from DTPS is currently on hold. Should funding be made available, the Department would need to ensure that there is sufficient funding for the entire life of the project.

The Department and DoH in partnership, are exploring various funding mechanism to set up the 112 emergency service.

15 June 2016 - NW1500

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

(1)     Whether his department was approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether his department provided any form of funding to any political party (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


    1.   No

     2.  None

15 June 2016 - NW1524

Profile picture: Brauteseth, Mr TJ

Brauteseth, Mr TJ to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

(1)Whether her department was approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) in the 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years (b) since 1 April 2016; If so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) Whether her department provided any form of funding to any political party (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so what are the relevant details in each case?"


(1) a The Department of Science and Technology has not been approached by any political party for any form of funding.

(i) Nil

(ii) Nil

(iii) Nil

(b) N/A

(2) a The Department of Science and Technology has nt provided any form of funding to any political party.

(i) Nil

(ii) Nil

(iii) Nil

(b) N/A

15 June 2016 - NW903

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Has she earned any additional income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, since her appointment as Minister; if so, (a) when, (b) how much did she earn, (c) from which businesses and (d) for what work; (2) whether her (a) spouse, (b) children and (c) close family earned income from businesses, in particular businesses doing work for the Government, through her appointment as Minister; if so, in respect of each case, (i) when, (ii) how much did each earn, (iii) from which businesses and (iv) for what work?


1. No

    (a)(b) (c) Not applicable

2. (a) (b) (c) No