Question NW1633 to the Minister of Police

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20 June 2016 - NW1633

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

(1)Whether a certain person (name and details furnished), who attended the SA Police Service (SAPS) training college in Gauteng from approximately 27 March 2015 to December 2015, is in any way related to a certain person (name and details furnished); if so, what are the relevant details of their relationship; (2) what charges were laid against a certain person in respect of certain cases (name and details furnished) and (b) what is the current status of each case; (3) whether any charges laid against a certain person (name furnished) have been withdrawn; if so, (a) on what date were charges withdrawn in each case, (b) who withdrew the charges and (c) what were the reasons for withdrawing the charges; (4) whether the specified person has a criminal record; if so, (a) what are the full relevant details, (b) which other charges were laid against the specified person and (c) what is the current status of each case; (5) what criteria were used to assess the specified person’s suitability to become (a) a SAPS trainee and subsequently (b) a member of the SAPS?


1. Yes. He is the son of the person whose name and details were furnished.

(2)(a) Assault common (Park Road CAS 978/01/2011), Domestic Violence related, and malicious damage to property (Park Road CAS 528/05/2010).

(2)(b) Both case dockets were withdrawn and filed.

(3) Yes.

(3)(a) The charge for Park Road CAS 528/05/2010 was withdrawn on 11 May 2010 and the charge for Park Road CAS 978/01/2011 was withdrawn on 30 March 2015.

(3)(b) Park Road CAS 528/05/2010 was withdrawn by the Public Prosecutor and Park Road CAS 978/01/2011 was withdrawn by the complainant.

(3)(c) Park Road CAS 528/05/2010 was finalised in court by way of alternative dispute resolution and in the case of Park Road CAS 978/01/2011 the complainant indicated that she did not want to continue with the case as she was relocating to Cape Town. She indicated that the case was going to take too much of her time.

(4) No.

(4)(a) Not applicable.

(4)(b) Not applicable.

(5)(a) The person was subjected to psychometric testing, physical assessment, interview, medical evaluation, fingerprints and met all the requirements for enlistment as a Police Trainee.

(5)(b) The person is on a two year contract in terms of the Memorandum of Agreement and will only be permanently appointed as a member of the South African Police Service on successful completion of the prescribed training.

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