Questions and Replies

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07 April 2017 - NW897

Profile picture: Groenewald, Mr HB

Groenewald, Mr HB to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa has any debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more; if so, (a) what (i) are the details of these debts, (ii) are the reasons for non-payment in each case, (b) on what date will each debt be settled and (c) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms are in place to ensure that payments are made on time?


Yes, the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa has debt that has remained unpaid for 30 days or more.

a) (i) Debt outstanding for more than 60 days see link below:

a) (ii) 95% of debt is owed to Transnet. Discussions are ongoing between PRASA and Transnet to resolve the debt. 4% of debt is owed to other suppliers; some invoices have disputes that are in the process of clearing, whilst others have not have been paid due to cash constraints.

b) Debt is settled twice a month.

c) (i) Invoices are signed off by end user as confirmation that services were rendered

   (ii) Invoices are loaded on system

  (iii) Payments are made twice a month on invoices 30 days and older dependant on cash flow constraints, small suppliers is prioritised. Age analyses are scrutinised by CFO’s for reasons of non-payment.

07 April 2017 - NW588

Profile picture: Dudley, Ms C

Dudley, Ms C to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)Whether the Minister has been informed of the fact that delays in the issuing of approval of applications made in terms of Article 17 of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, 1993, by the SA Central Authority is delaying adoption of adoptable children into screened and approved intercountry adoptive families, leaving children in institutionalised care for many months longer than necessary, thereby depriving children of their constitutional right to family care and compromising their well-being and development; (2) whether she is aware that most intercountry placements are of children with disabilities or special needs; (3) whether she has been informed that in the specific case of one 6-year old child with disabilities the refusal by her department to issue Article 17 approval has meant that the child was kept unnecessarily in institutionalised care for over three years since the court terminated the rights of the biological parents to consent to the adoption; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether her department’s refusal to accept orders made by a court regarding adoptability and termination of the rights of biological parents, or consents properly given in court by biological parents will be investigated and urgently corrected and those responsible for delays held accountable?


(1) There are no delays in issuing Article 17 of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, 1993, by the SA Central Authority, for placing adoptable children with screened and approved intercountry prospective adoptive families except in cases where there are issues that needs further intervention.

(2) Intercountry placements are for all children including those with disabilities or special needs.

(3) The Department as the Central Authority did not refuse to issue Article 17 approval on a six year old child with disabilities. It is ensuring that all avenues in placing the child nationally are explored and exhausted before intercountry adoption is considered as this is in the best interest of the child to be placed locally.

(4) The department did not refuse to accept orders by a court regarding adoptability and termination of biological parents, or consents properly given in court by biological parents. The department is obliged to ensure that the subsidiarity principle is adhered to and reserves the right to question any decision of any party in the context for the fulfilment and the realization of children’s rights.

07 April 2017 - NW757

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What plans are in place to upgrade train stations in each province, (b)(i) why have some stations been abandoned and left to dilapidate and (ii) what plans are there to upgrade these stations and (c)(i) how have passengers who previously caught trains at train stations that are no longer in use been accommodated and (ii) since when have these arrangements been in place in respect of each station?


a) The upgrading and improvement of Railway stations which are used for the delivery of both Commuter and Long Distance Rail services is ongoing and occurs annually through a National Station Improvement Programme (NSIP) and National Station Upgrade Programme (NSUP). Table 1 below reflects the number of completed projects since April 2012 to March 2016.

Table 1


It is anticipated that for the 2016/2017 financial year a total of forty three (43) station improvements (NSIP) and fifteen (15) station upgrades projects (NSUP) will be completed. For the 2017/2018 financial year a total of forty five (45) station improvement projects (NSIP) and fifteen (15) station upgrade projects (NSUP) are earmarked for completion. The table below outlines a project name list for stations prioritised for the 2017/2018 financial year per region.

National Station Improvement Programme (NSIP)

Gauteng South Region

Gauteng North Region

Western Cape Region

Kwazulu Natal Region

Eastern Cape Region

1.Dunnottar station

8) Akasiaboom Station

20) Du Toit

27) Winkelspruit Station

34) Arnoldton Station

2. Servaas Station

9) Silverton Station Drainage & Fencing

21) Fisantekraal

28) Charlottedale Station

35) De Mist Station

3. Selpark Station

10) Gezina Station

22) Gouda

29) Ottawa Station

36) Mdantsane Station

4. Noupoort Station

11) Soshanguve Station

23) Vlottenburg

30) Compensation Station

37) Mount Ruth Station

5. Union Station

12) Kopanong Station

24) Esplanade

31) Frazer Station

38) East London Station - Fire Infrastructure Refurbishment drainage and paving in Depot Yard

6. Betlhehem Station

13) De Wildt Station

25) Stellenbosch

32) Phoenix Station

39) Port Elizabeth Station – Fire Infrastructure Refurbishment

7. Grasmere Station

14) Komatipoort Station

26) Paarl

33) Shallcross Station

40) Sydenham Station


15) Kaapmuiden Station


41) Port Elizabeth Station


16) Nelspruit Station


42) East London Station


17) Akasiaboom Station


43) Perseverance Station


18) Pienaarspoort


44) Sterkstroom Station


19) Mamelodi Gardens


45) Cradock Station

National Station Upgrade Programme (NSUP)

Gauteng South Region

Gauteng North Region

Western Cape Region

Kwazulu Natal Region

1. Florida Station

9) Akasiaboom Overhead Station

10) Cape Town Station Upgrade Phase 6

15) DBN Station Fire Compliance - (Phase 2)

2. Jeppe Station


11)Cape Town Station Phase 1 Forecourt & Amenities


3. Bloemfontein Station


12)Mbekweni Station Upgrade


4. Germiston Station -Shosholoza Meyl Office


13) Mutual Station


5. Park Station – (4) projects


14)Woltemade Station


(b) (i) Some stations have been closed due to operational requirements of rationalisation of stations in close proximity to each other, low passenger numbers and safety considerations.

(ii) Not applicable, see (i) above

(c) (i) Passenger are referred to an existing of upgraded stations, closer to them.

07 April 2017 - NW758

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)What are the statistics in respect of each airport for luggage and baggage that has (a) gone missing, (b) been damaged and (c) experienced missing items, after flights have landed from their destination in the past three financial years; (2) what (a) investigations have been undertaken in this regard, (b) was the outcome in each instance, (c) new (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms have been put in place to prevent these incidences from reoccurring and (d) have been the cost to Airports Company South Africa in each specified financial year in this regard; (3) what (a) suspensions, (b) changes, (c) disciplinary action or (d) any other similar actions have taken place in this regard at each airport in each financial year?


Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA)

1. In terms of the IATA baggage policy, the airline is accountable and responsible for the passenger’s baggage. According to the IATA codes, delayed, damaged and/ stolen bags are recorded by either the airline or its handling company on behalf of the passenger which is handled as a claim.

2. See above answer to question (1).

3. When an airport official and/or staff is involved or positively implicated in pilferage, their access permit cards are blacklisted by ACSA and the matter is reported to SAPS.

07 April 2017 - NW737

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)With reference to economic activities that are taking place at various toll plaza gates, such as selling food stuff, (a) on whose authority are the specified activities taking place, (b) under what legislation, (c) since what date did the commercial activities commence and (d) how is this monitored and controlled; (2) (a) what is the total number of persons who have been charged and arrested for illegal commercial activities that are conducted at toll plazas in each province and (b) what is being done to stop the illegal commercial activities at toll plazas?



a) No one. Neither the Department of Transport nor the South African National Roads Agency Limited gave authority for such activities on the Road reserves.

b) Not applicable, as above (a).

c) Neither the Department of Transport nor the South African National Roads Agency Limited has the details on the dates as there was never any authority given.

(d Not applicable, see (a) (b) (c) above.


(a) Neither the Department of Transport nor the South African National Roads Agency Limited has the details about anyone charged.

(b) Any illegal activity with National network is enforced in terms of the National Road Traffic Act, SANRAL Act, and Criminal Procedure Act, to mention but three.

07 April 2017 - NW630

Profile picture: Davis, Mr GR

Davis, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Basic Education

By what date will the results of the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality IV Project be made publicly available?


According to the layest information received by the Department of Basic Education, the results of the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) IV Project will be made publicly available by the SACMEQ Coordinating Centre by the end of the second term of the 2017 academic year.

07 April 2017 - NW847

Profile picture: Brauteseth, Mr TJ

Brauteseth, Mr TJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What are the names of each (a) candidate that was shortlisted to fill the vacancy of the director-general in her department and (b) member of the panel that interviewed the specified persons; (2) (a) what professional qualifications does the successful candidate (name furnished) have, (b) did the specified person meet the requirement to possess an NQF level 8 qualification as advertised, (c) what is the person’s experience in the water sector and (d) how many years of relevant experience does the person possess? NW912E


Requesting the Honorable Member to refer to the response provided to NA 583.


07 April 2017 - NW582

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(a) What is the total amount owed by her department to all relevant contractors as at 28 February 2017 and (b) in each case, (i) what is the name of the contractor, (ii) what amount is outstanding and (iii) on what date will the amounts be paid?


Kindly refer to the presentation provided to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation on 03 March 2017 by the Department of Water and Sanitation for details of supplier invoices and the reasons for non-payment.


07 April 2017 - NW341

Profile picture: Dudley, Ms C

Dudley, Ms C to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)Whether she has been informed that two frail care facilities in the Eastern Cape could close by 31 December 2017 due to the provincial department of Social Development not accepting Life Healthcare Group tender; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 2) in light of the fact that Life Healthcare Group have been providing suitable services, would she request that the department negotiate to requote at a reduced price; if not, why not; if so, (3) (a) to whom should the next of kin and family members of the disabled persons, some of whom have been in a ward of state and have been at Life Healthcare Group for 20 years, who have not received any official advice about the closures address their concerns of pending hardship and tragedy, (b) are there suitable alternative residences secured for those who will have to move and (c) will they be closer so that family can visit; (4) will the department (a) advise where resident patients are to be transferred before they are moved so that concerned family can check them out, (b) guarantee that facilities meet satisfactory (i) health and hygiene and (ii) other standards and (c) provide satisfactory transport to move resident patients?


(1) The Department is not aware of closing down of any Frail Care Centre.

All movements that relate to what has just befallen our country in Gauteng has been temporarily suspended more particularly in frail care centers and mental health institutions. The Department advised MECs not to continue with this up until an amicable solution is found. While other Departments address issues of financial challenges, the Department of Social Development does its best to provide care and support.

The Department however is aware that the contract between Eastern Cape Frail Care (Pty) Limited and the Department of Social Development, Eastern Cape has come to an end on 31 December 2016. It was agreed that the service provider continues rendering the service on a month-to-month interim arrangement until 31 March 2017.

The Eastern Cape Provincial Office of the Department advertised a call for proposals on 19 October 2016 in accordance with the National NPO Financing Guidelines and closed the advert on 21 November 2016. Six NPOs responded to the call and none qualified. The Department then re-advertised for new proposals on 23 January 2017 which closed on 17 February 2017. Only one NPO responded to this call, the same NPO which was disqualified in the previous evaluation process. The Department has re-advertised and called for proposals for the third time in the local media to ensure transparency and fairness in the process.

(2) The protection of the rights of Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities is paramount in the Department’s approach to handle the situation. The Department is currently working on a contingency plan. Prescripts of the Policy on Financial Awards, PFMA and National Treasury Regulations will be adhered to. If there is a need to negotiate with the current service provider, viz. Eastern Cape Frail Care (Pty) Limited, the Department will do so.

(3)(a) The Department has an obligation under section 16 of the Older Persons Act 13 of 2006 to inform the residents and families within 30 days of a proposed transfer or discharge. On 14 November 2016 a meeting was held with service offices, requesting them to visit the next of kin of all residents, to notify and prepare them for the possible transfer of residents as prescribed in Section 16 of the Older Persons Act, 2006. On 16 November 2016, the service offices started visiting families. 128 families were visited in the Nelson Mandela Metro; of which 87 families signed the notifications for relocations of residents to suitable alternative facilities, 30 families refused to sign the notifications, 3 families indicated that they wanted to take the beneficiaries home, 8 families were untraceable and 21 beneficiaries had been abandoned with no family. 1 family was visited in the O.R Tambo Metro, and the family signed the notification. 10 families were visited in the Sarah Baartman Metro, all of whom signed the notification. 8 families were visited in the Buffalo City Metro, all of whom signed the notification. The Department is still tracing families in the Chris Hani and Amathole Districts. On 18 November 2016, the social workers notified the residents of the centres regarding possible relocation. On 1 December 2016 and 4 December 2016, the Department also conducted group sessions with families at Uitenhage and Ibhayi building respectively to clarify concerns of the families, and to inform them that the Department would continue to provide the services to the beneficiaries. The Department of Health conducted Health Assessment to all beneficiaries in preparation for the possible re-location.

(b) Alternate accommodation is not necessary for now as the same service provider is still continuing with rendering the service. Once suitable NPOs have been identified to take over the service, accommodation will be provided by the NPOs.

(c & d) The Department does not have a plan to move beneficiaries far from their homes. The Department would like families to continue visiting their older persons in residential facilities. This promotes the rights of older persons to keep contact with their families.

(4) (a) Yes, next of kin will be advised of the transfer before residents are moved. The Older Persons Act, 2006 further mandates that Older Persons must be prepared accordingly, i.e. psychologically and as the need determines.

(b)(i) Yes, The Department will choose only those NPOs which meet the Norms and Standards of the Older Persons Act, 2006 and relevant pieces of Legislative Frameworks that impact on older persons who reside in residential care facilities, e.g. National Health Act, 2004, National Environmental Management Act, 1998 etc. to relocate beneficiaries.

(ii) Furthermore NPOs must be registered as residential facilities in terms of the Older Persons Act No 13 of 2006.

(c) Yes, proper arrangements to transport residents will be conducted in consultation with the Department of Health.

06 April 2017 - NW742

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

What policies and protocols on national assets and national heritage do SA National Parks and provincial authorities have in place in respect of donating or selling wild animals?


The South African National Parks (SANParks) has several policies and standard operating procedures in place with respect to the donation and selling of wildlife. Of primary importance is SANParks’ Policy on Wildlife Management as well as SANParks’ Policy on Resource Use which provides the contextual framework for the management of wildlife within national parks, including the donation and selling thereof. SANParks’ Policy on the Sale of White Rhino and SANParks’ Policy on Donation of Wildlife and Wildlife Products provide more details for the donation and sale of white rhino and other wildlife species from national parks. Further to donation and sale of wildlife, several SANParks’ Standard Operating Procedures are in place to guide the implementation of these policies.

Provincial Conservation Authorities have established their own game donation, loan policies and/or protocols that they are implementing.


06 April 2017 - NW179

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)With reference to the reply of the Minister of Finance to question 2220 on 30 November 2016, what is the detailed breakdown of each amount (a) paid to each of the specified contractors to date and (b) budgeted for each of the specified contractors for the (i) 2015-16, (ii) 2016-17, (iii) 2017-18 and (iv) 2018-19 financial years; (2) how much of the SA Social Security Agency’s total budget for the (a) 2015-16, (b) 2016-17, (c) 2017-18 and (d) 2018-19 financial years has been allocated to preparing for the agency’s internal capacity to administer the payment of social grants? NW190E


1. The amount referred to as payment contractors in the reply to question 2220 actually refers to:

(a) The budget for expenditure incurred towards the contractor for disbursement of grant monies (Cash handling Fees). Expenditure to date (end February 2017) for 2017/18 is R 1,889,541,996

(b) The budgeted amounts for the disbursement of grant monies is as follows:






Budgeted Amount





2. Following approval by the National Treasury for the South African Social

Security Agency to retain its cash surplus the Agency will utilise the cash surplus for the purpose of funding internal capacity for the takeover of the administration of the payment of social grants. The table below shows the budgeted amounts from the retained cash surplus and not necessarily from the baseline.












06 April 2017 - NW468

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether her department procured any services from and/or made any payments to (a) Mr Mzwanele Manyi, (b) the Progressive Professionals Forum, (c) the Decolonisation Fund and/or (d) the Black Business Council; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what (i) services were procured, (ii) was the total cost, (iii) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (iv) was the total amount paid, (v) was the purpose of the payments and (vi) is the detailed breakdown of such payments in each case?


The Department’s response is as indicated below:

Service Providers

(i) Services Procured

(ii) The total cost

(iii) The detailed breakdown of such costs

(iv) The total amount paid

(v) The purpose of the payments

(vi) The detailed breakdown of such payments in each case

(a) Mr. Mzwanele Manyi

No services procured




Nothing procured


(b) The Progressive Professionals Forum

No services procured




Nothing procured


(c) The Decolonisation Fund

No services procured




Nothing procured


(d)The Black Business Council

No services procured




Nothing procured


06 April 2017 - NW748

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

With reference to her Department’s presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs on 23 October 2015 that lion hunting had generated R125 million in 2012, R122 million in 2013 and contributed to job creation, (a) how does her Department calculate the amounts, (b) can the specified amounts be verified, (c) what is the total amount of income generated that goes to Government coffers, (d) how does the public benefit; and (e) can she provide concrete and comprehensive examples of sustainable job creation?


(a) The Department multiplies the number of lion hunts by the average price for a lion.

(b) Yes. The number of hunts are derived from professional hunting registers that have to be completed by the professional hunter subsequent to each hunt, and submitted to the relevant provincial conservation authority. The average price for a lion is obtained from the Professional Hunters Association of South Africa that updates this information on an annual basis. The Department consolidates reports from provincial conservation departments relating to trophy hunting on an annual basis.

(c) This will vary between provinces. Provincial conservation departments determine whether a species fee is charged for a lion hunt based on their legal requirements and provincial treasury approval processes.

(d) Public benefits include income tax paid by beneficiaries in the sector; the creation of hunting opportunities for members of the public interested in hunting lion; job opportunities in rural areas where lion hunting takes place; value-added multipliers in terms of associated industries (taxidermy, fire-arms and ammunition, accommodation and tourism opportunities to name a few) that creates economic opportunities; and the use of the income generated through hunting to manage the habitat and area where lion occur, addressing one of the main threats to lions, namely habitat loss.

(e) The Department does not have information relating to the job creation due to lion hunting. It does, however, have information relating to the jobs created by the lion captive breeding industry, and since the majority of lions hunted in South Africa originate from captive breeding facilities, the information is relevant. Based on a study commissioned by the Department and conducted by the University of Free State in 2009, it was concluded that a total of 379 full time job opportunities (direct (225), indirect (49) and induced (105)) are created by the captive lion breeding industry. A recent study conducted by Tourism Research in Economic Environs and Society of the North-West University, regarding the economic significance of the private lion industry in South Africa; found that the lion farmers that participated in the study employ 369 people. The study concluded that an average farmer sustain 4 employees in the economy, and the extrapolated (number of farms 297) total number of 1 680 jobs are sustained in the economy due to lion breeding. This is mainly in rural provinces such as Free State and North West Provinces.


06 April 2017 - NW942

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)Whether there is any position of (a) chief executive officer, (b) chief financial officer and/or (c) chief operating officer that is currently vacant in each entity reporting to him; if so, (i) how long has each specified position been vacant and (ii) what is the reason for each vacancy;








Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)

The Chief Executive Officer post does not exist

The Chief Financial Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Operating Officer post does not exist

Not applicable

Not applicable

Companies Tribunal (CT)

The Chief Executive Officer post does not exist

The Chief Financial Officer post does not exist

The Chief Operating Officer post does not exist

Not applicable

Not applicable

Export Credit Insurance Corporation (ECIC)

The Chief Executive Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Financial Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Operating Officer post is currently not vacant

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Consumer Commission (NCC)

The Chief Executive Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Financial Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Operating Officer post is currently not vacant

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Consumer Tribunal (NCT)

The Chief Executive Officer post does not exist

The Chief Financial Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Operating Officer post is currently not vacant

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Credit Regulator (NCR)

The Chief Executive Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Financial Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Operating Officer post is currently vacant

The position has been vacant for 1 year 9 months

The vacancy is due to funding constraints

National Empowerment Fund (NEF)

The Chief Executive Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Financial Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Operating Officer post does not exist

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Gambling Board (NGB)

The Chief Executive Officer post is currently vacant

The Chief Financial Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Operating Officer post does not exist

The position has been vacant since April 2014

The Entity is currently under Administration.

National Lotteries Commission (NLC)

The Chief Executive Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Financial Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Operating Officer post is currently not vacant

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA)

The Chief Executive Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Financial Officer post is currently vacant

The Chief Operating Officer post is currently not vacant

The post was vacated from 31 March 2017

The incumbent resigned

National Regulator For Compulsory Specifications (NRCS)

The Chief Executive Officer post is currently vacant

The Chief Financial Officer post is currently vacant

The Chief Operating Officer post is currently vacant

CEO – 5 Months

CFO – 3 Months

COO – Post created but never filled

CEO – Resignation

CFO – Resignation

COO – Never filled

South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)

The Chief Executive Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Financial Officer post is currently not vacant

The Chief Operating Officer post does not exist

Not applicable

Not applicable

South African National Accreditation System (SANAS)




Not applicable

Not applicable

(2) have the vacancies been advertised; if so, (a) were interviews done and (b) on what date will the vacancies be filled;





Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Companies Tribunal (CT)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Export Credit Insurance Corporation (ECIC)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Consumer Commission (NCC)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Consumer Tribunal (NCT)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Credit Regulator (NCR)

The vacancy has not been advertised

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Empowerment Fund (NEF)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Gambling Board (NGB)

The vacany has been advertised

The interviews are not yet done

After proclamation of the National Gambling Amendment Act

National Lotteries Commission (NLC)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA)

The vacancy has been advertised

Interviews are planned to take place in May 2017

The vacancy is expected to be filled by August 2017

National Regulator For Compulsory Specifications (NRCS)

CEO - post adverstised

CFO - Post advertised

COO - post not advertised

CEO – Interviews are not yet done

CFO – Interviews were done

Relevant processes to address the vacancies are underway

South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

South African National Accreditation System (SANAS)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

(3) (a) what is the total number of persons who are currently employed in the specified positions in an acting capacity, (b) for what period has each person been acting in each position and (c) has any of the specified persons applied for the positions?





Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Companies Tribunal (CT)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Export Credit Insurance Corporation (ECIC)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Consumer Commission (NCC)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Consumer Tribunal (NCT)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Credit Regulator (NCR)

No one is acting in the position

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Empowerment Fund (NEF)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Gambling Board (NGB)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Lotteries Commission (NLC)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA)

The process to appoint an acting Chief Financial Officer is underway, the previous incumbent ‘s last day of employment was on 31 March 2017

Not applicable

Not applicable

National Regulator For Compulsory Specifications (NRCS)

2 people (CEO and CFO)

CEO – 5 Months

CFO – 3 Months

Recruitment process not yet finalised

South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

South African National Accreditation System (SANAS)

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable


06 April 2017 - NW747

Profile picture: Purdon, Mr RK

Purdon, Mr RK to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether she will provide comprehensive details regarding all inter-departmental co-operation between the (a) Department of Environmental Affairs, (b) Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, (c) Department of Tourism; and (d) Department of International Relations and Cooperation on (i) (aa) initiatives, (bb) legislative measures and/or (cc) any other relevant measures to address the welfare of captive wild animals in South Africa and (ii) the scheduled or proposed timelines in relation to these initiatives, legislation and measures to address welfare matters.


The biodiversity mandate of the Minister of Environmental Affairs, as far as it relates to the conservation, protection and sustainable use of wildlife species, whether in the wild or in captivity, is vested mainly in the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004) (NEMBA), which currently does not include any enabling provision relating to welfare.

The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (AFF) has a mandate to address welfare in respect of any animal, whether it is a wild animal or a domestic animal, in terms of the Animals Protection Act, 1962 (Act No. 71 of 1962) (APA) and the Performing Animals Protection Act, 1935 (Act No. 24 of 1935) (PAPA).

(a) and (b)

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheires (DAFF) is in the process of reviewing the welfare legislation, and has further also developed measures for the breeding and keeping of lion in captivity. The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has been participating in the afore-mentioned processes, and will continue to do so during the formal public participation processes.

(c) and (d)

Since the mandate to regulate welfare matters currently rests with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheires, that Minister would be in a better position to provide details on collaboration with other departments on initiatives, legislation and measures to address welfare matters. The Departments do interact with each other on matters of mutual interests.

i) (aa) The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheires would be in a better position to provide details on welfare initiatives.

(bb) I have proposed the inclusion of a provision in NEMBA, relating to the well-being of faunal biological resources. This provision would facilitate the development of regulations that would address the well-being of a wild animal in respect of which a restricted activity (such as keeping, breeding, conveying, etc.) is carried out. This proposed provision has been included in the National Environmental Management Laws Amendment Bill (NEMLA Bill), which will be tabled in Parliament in April/May 2017.

(cc) The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheires would be in a better position to provide details on any other relevant measures to address the welfare of captive wild animals in South Africa.

ii) The NEMLA Bill was approved by Cabinet in March 2017 and will be tabled in Parliament in April 2017.


06 April 2017 - NW754

Profile picture: Topham , Mr B

Topham , Mr B to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) What is the total number of orphaned rhinos that were sent to orphanages in (i) 2015 and (ii) 2016, (b) to which orphanages were they sent and (c) where are the facilities located?



(i) In 2015 a total of nine rhinos (8 white and 1 black) were sent to rhino orphanages outside the Kruger National Park. Six of the white rhino calves and 1 black rhino calf are currently still alive.

(ii) In 2016 a total of 21 white rhino orphans were rescued in 2016 of which 19 are still alive.

(b) The rhino orphans are currently kept at rhino holding facilities in the Kruger National Park and an external rhino rehabilitation centre.

(c) We cannot share locations of these rhino holding facilities for security reasons.


06 April 2017 - NW510

Profile picture: Volmink, Mr HC

Volmink, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

What is the total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid by her department for more than 30 days, in each case specifying (a) the name of the company and/or supplier, (b) the amount(s) outstanding, (c) the reason for non-payment and (d) the envisaged date on which the amounts will be paid?


As at the 31 March 2017, the National Department of Human Settlements had no outstanding supplier invoices which remained unpaid for more than 30 days.

06 April 2017 - NW711

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Did (a) her department or (b) any entity reporting to her participate in the Dialogue with the President: Unpacking of the SONA 2017 on Radical Economic Transformation Implementation event hosted at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, on 25 February 2017; if so, what amount was spent in each case; (2) did (a) her department or (b) any entity reporting to her participate in the auction of the (i) souvenirs or (ii) personal belongings of the President of the Republic, Mr Jacob G Zuma; if so, (aa) which items were purchased and (bb) at what cost, in each case?


(1) No, neither my Department nor any Entities reporting to me participated in the Dialogue with the President: Unpacking of the SONA 2017 on Radical Economic Transformation Implementation event hosted at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, on 25 February 2017.

(2) No, neither my Department nor any Entities reporting to me participated in the auction of the souvenirs, personal belongings of the President of the Republic Jacob G Zuma.


06 April 2017 - NW37

Profile picture: Cassim, Mr Y

Cassim, Mr Y to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)(a) What is the name of the service provider who won the bid for tender 40/15/BT of the SA Social Security Agency, (b) on what date was the contract for the specified tender singed with the specified service provider, (c) what is the total cost of the tender, (d) over what period will the tender run, (e) how many bids for the tender were received, (f) what were the highest and lowest bids received and (g) what deliverables is the service provider expected to provide; (2) Whether the service provider signed a service level agreement with SASSA; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) What actions did research through door-to-door services as part of the Integrated Community Registration Programme of the SASSA entail; (4) Will she provide Mr Y Cassim with a detailed explanation of the specified actions? NW40E


1. (a) Azande Consulting CC

(b) The service contract was signed on 22 July 2016

(c) R392 725 988

(d) The contract will run for three (3) years with effect from 1 July 2016

(e) The tender received 23 bid proposals

(f) The highest bid received was R4 304 354 475.00

The lowest bid received was R 20 734 680.60. However, this bidder did not meet the minimum required score for the functionality score and was therefore not considered.

(g) The Service Provider must develop a detailed implementation plan for the project and:

  • Consolidate monthly reports from the household door-to-door surveys within the identified wards;
  • Co-ordinate and provide logistical support on ICROP services as and when required by SASSA to do so;
  • Electronic data capturing system for recording questionnaires with an E-business solution for reporting purposes and the system must be compatible with SASSA systems; and
  • Provide a training plan and report for all the recruited youth workers.

2. Yes, the Service Level Agreement was signed after extensive consultation with different parties.

3. The Service Provider must conduct door-to-door surveys in all the identified wards and use following methods such as:

  • Application of the SASSA customer satisfaction survey
  • Print and distribute questionnaires for customer satisfaction survey to selected households in different wards
  • Action research through door-to-door services to identify the potential beneficiaries and supporting them to access SASSA services
  • Design and implement the detailed door-to-door project plan
  • Recruit and appoint youth workers from the locality where the research is taking place as a mechanism to create job opportunities
  • Train, manage and remunerate youth workers to administer the surveys
  • Design and implement the training and development programme
  • Capture, consolidate and analyze the collected surveys and household profiling reports and
  • Develop capacity in the youth workers in areas such as interpersonal, interviewing, communication and administration skills

The benefits of this programme should not be under-estimated. In addition to taking services to communities, to ensure that all citizens who qualify for social grants actually are able to access services and receive the grants to which they are entitled, the project has also provided invaluable information on local communities through the profiling and door-to-door research. This enables the social development sector, and not only SASSA to provide services that are required. In addition, benefits of the programme are with the co-ordination of government services, in that other Departments are also included when ICROP services are brought to local communities. This includes services such as Home Affairs, for the provision of identity documents, social workers for services related to foster child grants and other social ills, South African Police Services for the commissioning of affidavits; Department of Health for medical assessments for social grant applications and other NGO’s active in the community being served, to ensure that their services are made known to community members.

Other benefits include the creation of job opportunities for unemployed youth from the areas being served and the transfer of skills, which will assist these young people to compete for employment after the conclusion of this contract.

4. The above details provide an overview of the specified actions required in terms of this contract. Additional detail which may be provided to the Honourable Member on request includes the list of wards already provided with ICROP services; details of the achievements realized during these engagements; as well as confirmation of the youth workers contracted.

06 April 2017 - NW39

Profile picture: Cassim, Mr Y

Cassim, Mr Y to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)(a) What is the name of the service provider that won the bid for the SA Social Service Agency’s (SASSA) tender 41/15/CM, (b) on what date was the contract for the specified tender signed with the specified service provider, (c) what is the total cost of the tender, (d) over what period will the tender run, (e) how many bids were received, (f) what were the (i) highest and (ii) lowest bids received and (g) what deliverables is the service provider expected to provide; (2) whether the service provider signed a service level agreement with the SASSA; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW42E


(1) (a) Tsalena Media.

(b) 06 June 2016.

(c) The total cost is R 44 404 385.10 inclusive of value added tax (vat).

(d) The contract period is for twelve (12) months.

(e) The agency received eleven (11) bids.

(f) (i) The highest bid received was R47 675 511.36 vat inclusive.

(ii) The lowest bid received was R 44 404 385.10 vat inclusive the lowest bidder met the minimum required score for functionality criteria.

(g) The service provider is expected to provide the following deliverables, media planning and bulk buying, develop a measurement and reporting tool; a brand communication strategy as well as events management strategy

(2) Yes, the service provider signed a service level agreement with SASSA.

06 April 2017 - NW426

Profile picture: Malatsi, Mr MS

Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

(1)What (a) are the names of each company that is currently in litigation with her department over contractual disputes for their work on her department’s projects, (b) are the details of each project affected by the litigation, (c) is the total number of houses to be built in each case and (d) is the status of each of the specified projects in each province as at 28 February 2017; (2) what is the total amount in rand that her department spent on (a) legal firms and (b) legal fees in (i) litigation and (ii) settling disputes out of court between 1 January 2014 and 28 February 2017?


(1) (a) As at 31 March 2017, the National Department of Human Settlements was not in any legal contractual disputes or litigation processes with any company for their work on departmental projects.

(b), (c) & (d) Fall away.

(2) None.

06 April 2017 - NW743

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether the South African National Parks (SANParks) is considering to take full control of the provincial reserves which share unfenced boundaries with the Kruger National Park (KNP), including Letaba Ranch Game Reserve, Manyeleti Nature Reserve and Makuya Nature Reserve; if not, (a) has SANParks found the specified reserves to be managed effectively and (b) will she provide Mr T Z Hadebe with copies of the annual management reports of the reserves?


As part of Government’s sustainable development agenda, the Department of Environmental Affairs is facilitating a programme of expansion and management effectiveness of the protected areas estate. This programme focuses on inter alia, consolidating conservation priority areas, looking at economies of scale, and minimising duplication and overlaps in conservation management. The National Environmental Management Protected Areas Act makes provision for SANParks to manage all existing national parks and any other kind of protected area as assigned by the Minister. From time to time, opportunities exist for land consolidation through contractual agreements with neighbouring land owners and land managers, with clear guidelines for incorporation of conservation land. The KNP is one such case in which the feasibility of land consolidation is being explored at the technical level prior to any potential stakeholder engagement. As such, no official decision has yet been taken for consolidation pending the outcome of the feasibility process.

(a) and (b)

SANParks is not the current management authority of the 3 Nature Reserves; and as such, provision of the required information of annual management reports can be provided by the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET).


06 April 2017 - NW560

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

With reference to the latest available statistics, (a) what is the total number of state-run drug rehabilitation centres, (b) how many of the specified centres are operational, (c) where are the centres located, (d) how many persons can be accommodated at each centre and (e) how many patients are currently in state-run drug rehabilitation centres?


a) The total number of state run rehabilitation centres is 7 (Seven)

b) All the 7 (seven specified centres are operational

c) The centres are located as follows:


Name of Treatment Centre

(b) Location

d) Persons Accommodated

Eastern Cape

Ernest Malgas

Port Elizabeth



Dr Fabian & Florence Reibero



KwaZulu Natal

Newlands Park centre

New Land West



Madadeni Rehabilitation Centre

Madadeni Township



Swartfontein Treatment Centre

White River


North West

Witrand Substance Rehabilitation Centre



Western Cape

De Novo Treatment Centre



e) Provinces have been requested to provide statistics on number of patients that are currently in state run drug rehabilitation centres.

06 April 2017 - NW687

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Did (a) her Department or (b) any entity reporting to her participate in the Dialogue with the President: Unpacking of the SONA 2017 on Radical Economic Transformation Implementation event hosted at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, on 25 February 2017; if so, what amount was spent in each case; and (2) did (a) her Department or (b) any entity reporting to her participate in the auction of the (i) souvenirs or (ii) personal belongings of the President of the Republic, Mr Jacob G Zuma; if so, (aa) which items were purchased and (bb) at what cost, in each case?


1. (a) No.

    b) No.

2. (a) No

     (i) No.

     (ii) No.

(aa) No items purchased.

(bb) Not applicable.

(b) No

    (iii) No.

     (iv) No.

(aa) No items purchased.

(bb) Not applicable.


06 April 2017 - NW31

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER

Wilson, Ms ER to ask the Minister of Social Development

With reference to her replies to (a) question 1657 on 19 September 2016 and (b) oral question 107 on 31 August 2016, (i) what are the (aa) names and (bb) professional designations of each member serving on the Ministerial Advisory Committee established to plan the way forward for the takeover of the paying out of social grants by the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA), (ii) what role does the work stream leaders play in the specified committee, (iii) what is the role of the specified committee with regard to the takeover of grant distribution by SASSA and (iv) who is (aa) accountable for and (bb) leading the processes of the specified committee?


The function of the Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) was to review a broad number of elements relating to the payment systems for social security benefits distribution or payments, taking into account the accessibility of services; payment infrastructure requirements - the current level of South Africa’s infrastructure development and affordability; legislative and general regulatory environment; cost to state and to beneficiaries; and the macroeconomic environment.

The Ministerial Advisory Committee concluded its work in December 2014.

The workstream leaders were appointed in 2016 to facilitate the implementation of the recommendation of the Ministerial Advisory Committee.

(i) List of Ministerial Advisory Committee Members

(aa) (bb)


Qualification (s)

Mr. Themba Langa


Mr. Mark Davids

National Higher Diploma: Electrical Engineering

Mr. Sipho Majombozi

B Ed

Mr. Tim Masela


Mr. Patrick Monyeki


Mr. Sizwe Shezi

MA in Social Policy

Dr. Makhozi Khoza

PHD Administration

Ms. Tankiso Parkies

Honours in Sociology

Prof Ann Skelton

PHD Degree in law restorative and child justice

Mr. Sanjiv Mital

Engineering Degree Information Technology / Management Degree

Mr. Barend Petersen

Honours B Compt

Mr. Tim Sukazi

LLM in Commercial Law

Mr. Andile Nyhonyha


(ii) The workstream leaders appointed so far are:-

Mr Tim Sukazi: Legislative and Policy Requirements Management.

Ms Tankiso Pakkies: Benefits and Local Economic Development and

Mr Patrick Monyeki: Business information, Banking Services and Project Management

Over and above the workstream services, SASSA has a database of accredited service providers e.g. Actuaries, Risk and Security management etc. whose services will be utilized in the course on concluding this work.

(iii) Mr Sukazi will lead the process that review regulatory requirements including the SASSA act to obtain understanding of the legal operating environment.

Ms Mpolokeng Tankiso Parkies is responsible for identifying the benefits and Local Economic initiatives to be implemented with the delivery of the Social Security Assistance.

Mr Patrick Monyeki is responsible to develop system requirements to meet the recommended insourcing payment model while reviewing both the current CPS and SASSA systems for enhancement and systems integration.

(iv) (aa) work stream lead(s) accounts for the services rendered by companies they lead,

(bb) the work stream lead(s) lead their individual companies.

06 April 2017 - NW752

Profile picture: Van Dalen, Mr P

Van Dalen, Mr P to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Can she provide a detailed list of comprehensive details of how the R67 million, which was raised from the sale of ivory stockpiles in 2008, has been spent?


A total of R67 617.677 was raised through the sale of the elephant ivory stockpile in 2008. R7 774.745 was transferred to KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife, Mpumalanga and North West provinces, as income from their ivory which was part of the sale. The South African National Parks have, thus far, spent a total of R48 963.210 on 21 different projects. These projects focused on aspects of elephant conservation and protection, elephant management, community conservation matters, and elephant related research and monitoring, as is stipulated in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora conditions of the ivory sale.


06 April 2017 - NW739

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Has a report of the Committee of Inquiry tasked with, inter alia, investigating the feasibility of South Africa tabling a proposal for an option to trade in rhino horn at the 17th Conference of Parties of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora in 2016 been made publicly available; if not, why not; if so, (2) has the report been published on her Department’s website; if not, where can the public access it; if so, can a copy of the report be made available to Ms J Edwards?


(1) Yes.

(2) The summary report has been published on the Department’s website. The following link can be used to access the report:


06 April 2017 - NW641

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Ms J Edwards (DA) to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1) Whether she is aware of the dire situation at the Shongweni Landfill that has become a health hazard due to the unbearable stench; if so, (a) what were the findings of the Green Scorpions, following their inspection at the end of 2016, that were reported to her Department which issued a notice on 02 February 2017 to suspend or revoke the waste management license, (b) by what date must EnviroServ respond to this notice and (c) will her Department foot the hospital bill for the sick children and family members; (2) will the specified site be closed and be moved to an area where the negative impact on people’s health will be much less; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; and (3) (a) what is the long-term vision for this site given its proximity to people, (b) why was the problem not shared with the monitoring committee when she became aware of it and (c) will limestone be used to nullify the sulphur?


(1) I am aware the of the complaints related to the Shongweni landfill site, and the health related aspects have been brought to my attention.

(a) The Green Scorpions findings relate to breaches in terms of the conditions of the Waste Management Licence. These findings were reported to the Chemicals and Waste Management that subsequently decided, on 02 February 2017, to issue a notice of intention to suspend and/or revoke the Waste Management Licence.

(b) EnviroServ provided an initial response to this notice of intention on 09 February 2017. Further representations have been received from Enviroserv, as well as representatives of the community and members of the community. In line with the requirements of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, EnviroServ had a final opportunity to make representations to the officials at Chemical and Waste Management on/before 27 March 2017.

(c) EnviroServ will be held accountable for any health related impacts that the community are experiencing as a result of the impacts from this site. As honourable Member should know, the process of determining negative impact caused by such, do take particular procedures prescribed by law and regulator.

(2) The decision whether or not to close and rehabilitate the site will be made by the Department as part of the decision making process related to whether or not to suspend and/or revoke the Waste Management Licence after evaluation of the representations made.

(3) (a) The Department envisions all landfill sites, not just Shongweni, operating in a manner that does not pose a risk or a nuisance to any of the people that reside in the vicinity of landfills or impact negatively on the environment.

(b) The matter was raised and dicussed with community members, and all the members of the Enviornmental Monitoring Commitee are aware of the matter. Several meetings have been held in this regard.

(c) Lime on its own will not resolve the issue. A combination of treatment and physical construction interventions will be required to resolve the problem.


06 April 2017 - NW403

Profile picture: Jooste, Ms K

Jooste, Ms K to ask the Minister of Social Development

What has been the compliance rate of non-profit organisations with the Non-Profit Organisation Act, Act 71 of 1997, (a) in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13, (iii) 2013-14, (iv) 2014-15 and (v) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016?



  1. 30.7%
  2. 31.7%
  3. 21.6%
  4. 22.2%
  5. 24.6%

(b) 14.3%

Upon realization that NPO noncompliance rate has been incremental over the past years, the department has employed the following intervention approaches:

  • Introduced a text message system to communicate efficiently to the NPOs and constantly reminding them of the outstanding reports and compliance status
  • Conducted NPO Roadshows to over 200 local municipalities in the past two financial years (2014/2015 and 2015/2016). This initiate has enabled us to go to different communities and assist NPOs in submitting the required reports.
  • The department has intensified its capacity building programme, training over 3000 organisations per annum on compliance.
  • In all Ministerial and outreach programmes of the department, all NPO services have been and continue to be visible as part of mitigating the noncompliance status.
  • At the center of the exorbitant noncompliance rate is the legislation (Non-Profit Organisation Act, Act 71 of 1997) governing the NPO sector. The department’s position is that the legislation needs to be subjected to a thorough review process, taking into consideration the current and evolving country dynamics. The department is therefore in its final phase of the mentioned review assessment, and it is envisaged that the final amended legislation should be able to eliminate the structural challenges which contribute to the increasing NPO noncompliance.

The impact of the above stated interventions, will go a long way in reducing high noncompliance statistics. It is the same reason why the department has institutionalized the mention programmes, to sustain the NPO compliance campaign in the next coming years.


06 April 2017 - NW886

Profile picture: Hill-Lewis, Mr GG

Hill-Lewis, Mr GG to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)With reference to his reply to question 473 on 15 March 2017, (a) who requested the payments, (b) was there a contract in place, (c) what are the details of the services that the Black Business Council (BBC) delivered and (d) what (i) competitive and (ii) open processes were followed in awarding the BBC the specified amount; (2) whether the BBC has been audited by (a) his department and/or (b) the Auditor-General; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


1. With reference to his reply to question 473 on 15 March 2017,

a) Who requested the payments?

In the recent past organised business was fragmented in South Africa and the Department of Trade and Industry was crucial in the facilitation of the merger of the business structures to form Business Unity South Africa (BUSA). The formation was critical to government because it created a platform for government to engage unified business. The Department further committed to fund the BUSA during their establishment period.

Following the split in BUSA in 2011, the Department deemed it necessary to continue the support of organised business in the form of the Black Business Council (BBC) as it was a new formation that carried the interests of its membership that had a direct interest linked to the economic transformation mandate of the Department.

The BBC approached the Department to present areas of collaboration and to request funding for specific projects that relate to the Black Economic Empowerment and the Black Industrialist Programme. Before any considerations for funding were made, the department requested the BBC to present a business plan detailing projects and costing.

The Department assessed the business plan and once satisfied commenced a process of obtaining an approval from National Treasury

in accordance with paragraph 6.3.1 of the Treasury Regulations.

The National Treasury approved the creation of a transfer payment budget line for the BBC within Budget Vote 36 of the Department. It also important to highlight that a transfer payment is defined as an un-requited transaction that differs from the procurement of goods and services and is appropriated separately as per the Appropriations Act.

b) Was there a contract in place?

Following the approval of the transfer payment budget line by National Treasury, the Department entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the BBC.

c) What are the details of the services that the Black Business Council (BBC) delivered? And

The MoA with BBC details the areas of collaboration in respect to the implementation of the Black Industrialists programme. According to the agreement, Projects consist of the Policy Advocacy, Regulatory Framework development, the Resource Centre and the Customer Relations Management component.

Furthermore, the BBC is required to provide reports based on approved yearly project plans. The BBC is further required to provide Audited Financial Statements.

d) What (i) competitive and (ii) open processes were followed in awarding the BBC the specified amount?

The payment to the BBC is an un-requited transaction that differs from the procurement of goods and services. As such, no procurement process is required.

2) Whether the BBC has been audited by (a) his department and/or (b) the Auditor-General; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

(a) & (b) The department does not perform a separate audit for the transfer payment to the BBC as it is included as part of the annual statutory audit by the Auditor General. Furthermore, in exercising oversight over the transfer payment, an MoA is in place.


05 April 2017 - NW30

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER

Wilson, Ms ER to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)With reference to her replies to (a) question 1657 on 19 September 2016 and (b) oral question 107 on 31 August 2016, (i) how many work stream leaders have been appointed to ensure the effective takeover of the payment of social grants by the SA Social Security Agency, (ii) what is each of the specified leaders’ (aa) name and (bb) qualifications, (iii) under which portfolio will each of the work stream leaders fall, (iv) what is each leaders’ salary and (v) from which budget(s) will the salaries be paid; (2) Whether the positions for the work stream leaders were advertised; if not, why not; if so, who (a) interviewed and (b) appointed each of the leaders?



(i) The Ministerial Advisory Committee recommended the establishment of 6 workstreams. To date, three (3) work streams leaders have been appointed to ensure the effective takeover of the payment of social grants by the SA Social Security Agency,

(ii) (aa) & (bb) Mr Tim Sukazi, Mr Patrick Monyeki and Ms Tangkiso Pakkies.

Mr Tim Sukazi qualifications are: B. Proc, LLB and LLM (Commercial Law).

Mr Patrick Monyeki qualifications are: BSC, Higher Education Diploma, BSC Honours and MBA.

Ms Tangkiso Pakkies qualifications are: Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours in Sociology), and Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management.

Ms Dumisile Ndlovu: Human Resource management (Internal SASSA official responsible for Corporate Services)

Communication and change management team is supported by Mr Sgwili Gumede and the internal SASSA staff.

(iii) Mr Tim Sukazi: Legislative and Policy Requirements Management. Ms Tangkiso Pakkies: Benefits and Local Economic Development. Mr Patrick Monyeki: Business information, Banking Services and Project Management.

(iv) SASSA procured the services of these work stream leads through their companies therefor the agency has no knowledge what their respective companies are paying them:

  • Patrick Monyeki (Rangewave) = R 35 879 645.01
  • Tim Sukazi (Tim Sukazi inc)= R7 620 227.40
  • Tangkiso Parkies = R4 381 726.00

The budget(s) for services rendered by the work stream has been sourced from the retained surplus budget;

2. (a) and (b) The services required were not advertised. The services were procured through a supply chain management deviation in terms of Section 16 (A) of the Treasury Regulations. The nature of the service and deliverables required dictated a need for retainment of collective knowledge and institutional memory of the key members from the Ministerial Advisory Committee discharged in December 2014.

05 April 2017 - NW27

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether she has found that her department’s delay in the issuing of Article 17 of The Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, 1993, adoptions and/or insistence on exhausting all national placement options irrespective of the best interest of the child are contributing to the decline of intercountry adoptions (a) to and (b) from South Africa; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details?


a) The department as the Central Authority on intercountry adoption, does not delay in issuing Article 17 for prospective adoptive parents who have been matched with children from foreign countries to be adopted by South Africans

b) The department as the Central Authority on intercountry adoption ensures that all avenues in placing the child nationally are exhausted before intercountry adoption can be considered taking into consideration the best interest of the child.

05 April 2017 - NW159

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)(a) How many Regional Executive Managers of the SA Social Security Agency have VIP protection services, (b) on what grounds are the protection services necessary, (c) on what dates were risk analyses on each of the specified managers completed and (d) to whom were the specified reports submitted; (2) whether any of the managers received death threats; if so, will she furnish Mr M Bagraim with copies of the police reports filed in this regard; (3) (a) what amount does it cost to employ the services of the protection services and (b) from which budget(s) are the protection services paid; (4) whether the specified protection services are contracted on a permanent basis in each case; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW45E


1.(a) One (1) Regional Executive Manager

(b) She received threats by staff who are mostly subjected to disciplinary hearings for fraud and agents responsible for defrauding the systems, including what appears to be kingpins.

(c) 3 June 2014 and 17 June 2014

(d) Former Chief Executive Officer Dr Virginia Petersen

2. Yes, the Regional Executive Manager (REM) of KZN and Darius Nysschens (Manager in KZN) did receive death threats.

The report cannot be made available as it will put the lives of the affected officials and their families at risk.

3. (a) R118 333.04 per month inclusive of four protectors and two cars.

(b) SASSA security budget

4. The services provider is contracted on ad-hoc basis and will end when the threat to the REM and the manager has ceased

05 April 2017 - NW25

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)Whether there are any outstanding requests made to the central authority of her department for intercountry adoptions of available children in terms of Article 17 of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, 1993; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what is the total number of the outstanding requests, (b) from which child protection agency was each application received, (c) what is the age of each affected child, (d) on what date was each request submitted and (e) does any affected child have special needs; (2) (a) what is the turnaround time for the issuing and/or refusal of an Article 17 application and (b) are written reasons furnished to the relevant party in each case of issuing and/or refusal; (3) whether her department has a policy in place for the issuing and/or refusal of Article 17 applications; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the full details of the specified policy, (b) which official(s) developed the policy and (c) when was the policy developed?


1. Yes.

(a) Currently there is one (1) outstanding case.

(b) Wandisa Adoption Agency

(c) The child is 4 years 6 months old

(d) The request was submitted on 04 July 2016

(e) Yes, the child has special needs

(2) (a) 7 - 14 days

(b) Yes. Written and telephonic reasons are furnished to the relevant party in each case.

(3) No.The issuing of Article 17 by the Central Authority is regulated by The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (28 May 1993), Children’s Act 38 of 2005 Regulations In terms of the Children’s Act and Intercountry Adoption Guidelines.

05 April 2017 - NW224

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What are the names of the external moderators of the 2016 National Senior Certificate examinations for (a) English First Additional Language, (b) IsiNdebele First Additional Language, (c) isiZulu First Additional Language, (d) Setswana First Additional Language, (e) Siswati First Additional Language, (f) isiXhosa First Additional Language, (g) Xitsonga First Additional Language, (h) Tshivenda First Additional Language, (i) Sepedi First Additional Language and (j) Sesotho First Additional Language?


Umalusi Council is a statutory body that is formed in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework Act No 67 of 2008 and the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act No 58 of 2001 and has jurisdiction over external moderators, therefore the question has been referred to Umalusi and the response will be forwarded as soon as it is received.

05 April 2017 - NW928

Profile picture: Mackay, Mr G

Mackay, Mr G to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)Whether there is any position of (a) chief executive officer, (b) chief financial officer and/or (c) chief operating officer that is currently vacant in each entity reporting to him; if so, (i) how long has each specified position been vacant and (ii) what is the reason for each vacancy; (2) have the vacancies been advertised; if so, (a) were interviews done and (b) on what date will the vacancies be filled; (3) (a) what is the total number of persons who are currently employed in the specified positions in an acting capacity, (b) for what period has each person been acting in each position and (c) has any of the specified persons applied for the positions?


(1.1) Vacant Positions       

  1. Chief Executive Officer
  2. Chief Financial Officer

(1.2) Vacant from

(a) Chief Executive Officer - 01/06/2016

(b) Chief financial Officer - 14/05/2016

(1.3) Reasons

(a) Chief Executive Officer, End of Contract

(b) Chief Financial Officer, Resignation

(2.1) Date of advert



Date Advertised

Closing date


Chief Executive Officer

Advert: 15/05/2016

Re-advertised: 20/02/2017




Chief Financial Officer

Advert: 14/02/2016

Re-advertised: 15/01/2017



(3.1) Acting CEO’s and duration

(a) Ms Linda Nkhumishe (01 June 2016 to 30 August 2016)

(b) Mr Cecil Khosa (01 September 2016 to 30 November 2016)

(01 December 2016 to 31 January 2017)

(c) Mr Xolile Mbonambi (01 February 2017 to date)

(3.1.2) Acting CFO’s and duration

(a) Mr Sibusiso Mandlazi (01 March 2017 to 31 March 2017)

(14 December 2016 to 31 January 2017)

(31 June 2016 to 31 July 2016)

(21 April 2016 to 20 June 2016)

(b) Ms Busisiwe Mahlungulu (11 October 2016 to 30 November 2016)

(C) Mr Xolile Mbonambi applied for CEO post and Mr Sibusiso Mandlazi, applied for the CFO position.

Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

05 April 2017 - NW86

Profile picture: Jooste, Ms K

Jooste, Ms K to ask the Minister of Social Development

Is she aware of schools requesting child grant beneficiaries to purchase stationery and uniforms at the beginning of the school year; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, has she found that the child grant is sufficient to cover these costs?


No, the Department of Social Development is not aware of schools that request child grant beneficiaries to purchase stationary and uniforms at the beginning of the school year. The Child Support Grant (CSG) is one of many social protection instruments aimed at supporting children. The Department of Basic Education provides schooling and related learner support materials to support the educational needs of children. Where needed, SASSA also provides support to learners with school uniform needs through Social Relief of Distress.

05 April 2017 - NW29

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER

Wilson, Ms ER to ask the Social Development

(a) What was the total amount that was spent on (i) local and (ii) international travel by her department in the 2015-16 financial year and (b) what is the breakdown of each trip undertaken in terms of (i) when the trip took place, (ii) the total number of persons who were part of the delegation, (iii) the cost of flights, (iv) the cost of accommodation, including which hotels were used, (v) the total subsistence and travel allowance approved for each member of each delegation on each trip, and (vi) the cost of special vehicles and/or chauffeur driven transport?


a) What was the total amount that was spent on:

(i) Total amount for local travel in the 2015-16 financial year - R105,410,016.10

(ii) Total amount for international travel by her department in the 2015-16 financial year – R16,142,714.50

(b) what is the breakdown of each trip undertaken in terms of

(i) when the trip took place – information provided in the attached document

(ii) the total number of persons who were part of the delegation – information provided in the attached document

(iii) the cost of flights – information provided in the attached document

(iv) the cost of accommodation, including which hotels were used – information provided in the attached document

(v) the total subsistence and travel allowance approved for each member of each delegation on each trip– information provided in the attached document

(vi) the cost of special vehicles and/or chauffeur driven transport – information provided in the attached document



05 April 2017 - NW246

Profile picture: Sonti, Ms NP

Sonti, Ms NP to ask the Minister of Social Development

(a) What executive action will she take to ensure that the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) does not continue with the illegal contract of Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) for the distribution of social grants and (b) by what date will SASSA be ready to take over the distribution of social grants from CPS?


a) The Minster will ensure SASSA follows appropriate process to contract CPS for the interim period.

  1. The workstreams had recommended that SASSA do not extend:
  2. an invalid contract
  3. but negotiate new terms
  4. that will favour an agreement and increase its grip on grant payments.

b) Government is reevaluating its approach to the insourcing of payment services within SASSA. An approach has been developed by the workstreams to ensure that management are all clear about their roles in taking over the distribution of social grants...

05 April 2017 - NW782

Profile picture: Ross, Mr DC

Ross, Mr DC to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Why is the maintenance budget of the Limpopo Department of Education low in comparison to the specified department overall infrastructure budget?


It is accepted that the maintenance budget does appear very low, however, the following has to be taken into account when the information is evaluated:

  1. Due to the current state of the infrastructure at the schools in the Province of Limpopo, the maintenance work planned at the schools becomes capital expenditure when buildings need to be demolished and rebuilt, as such, the expenditure is not reflected as maintenance in terms of reporting;
  2. The repairs to Storm Damaged Classrooms (R 250 million for current programme of 45 schools) should be classified under unplanned maintenance and have been indicated as repairs and renovations; and
  3. Repairs and renovations form a substantial portion of the Departmental budget (R 300 million).

05 April 2017 - NW530

Profile picture: Terblanche, Ms JF

Terblanche, Ms JF to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)(a) (i) How many times and (ii) for which period(s) has the electricity supply to the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) office in Potchefstroom in the Tlokwe Local Municipality been cut (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016 and (b) what was the reason for the electricity cuts in each case; (2) whether any officials have been held to account for any late payments of the specified office’s electricity bills; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether any steps have been taken to prevent any future electricity cuts to the specified office; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether any electricity supply cuts occurred at any other SASSA offices in the North West in the specified period; if so, what are the relevant details in each case? NW587E


1.(a) (i) the electricity supply was cut off once to SASSA Tlokwe Local Office.

(ii) during the month of February 2017.

(aa) the electricity supply was never cut for the period 2013/2014, 2014/2015 and 2015/2016

(bb) 14 February 2017

(b) The Department of Public Works (DPW) used to be responsible for the payment of this account at this office until April 2016. SASSA and the DPW signed an agreement whereby SASSA was to take over payment of the electricity account and to settle all outstanding electricity amounts with the municipality. SASSA made a payment agreement with the municipality to settle all outstanding electricity amounts for the periods December 2016 to January 2017. Due to non-payment the electricity was cut on the 14 February 2017.

2. No, SASSA official has been held accountable, this matter is still under investigation.

3. Yes, measures had been put in place to ensure that there is a clear oversight of monitoring the payments of all water and electricity accounts at SASSA offices in the province. A desktop monitoring tool has been developed which shall be presented for implementation to management. This is to ensure that the line unit responsible must monitor the payments of these accounts.

In an effort to prevent future electricity cuts to the SASSA offices, the municipality made a commitments that will also email the invoices instead of using only the post office. on a monthly basis to dedicated officials of SASSA. The names of the officials and their contact’s details were already forwarded to the municipality

4. The electricity was cut off on the 27 January 2017 at Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Office by the new landlord for non-payment of the outstanding electricity bills for the past three financial years. The previous landlord who passed away was not submitting invoices regularly despite the fact that SASSA was making follow ups on a monthly basis.

SASSA was also ensuring that confirmation of services received was prepared and submitted to our Supply Chain Management Unit for receipting into the system to ensure that funds are reserved for payment processing as to and when the invoices are submitted.

The landlord suggested that SASSA did not paid their electricity account, it emerged that the new landlord could not balance his books (reconcile) in relation to electricity payments. Meetings were held between the landlord and SASSA. And the officials presented proof of payments. The landlord reconnected electricity

05 April 2017 - NW643

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With respect to children who are affected by the choices their parents make by illegally immigrating to South Africa, what are the rights of children or minors whose parents have moved to South Africa illegally to join the working class, in light of the fact that the specified children are now prevented from (a) writing matric, (b) opening bank accounts and (c) contributing to the economy?


The following legislative framework is applicable:

  • The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (hereinafter, "the Constitution").
  • The South African Schools Act, 84 of 1996 (hereinafter, "SASA").
  • The Admission Policy for Ordinary Public Schools (hereinafter, "the Admission Policy"), which was published in terms of section 3(4) of the National Education Policy Act, 27 of 1996 (hereinafter, "the NEPA").
  • The Immigration Act, 13 of 2002.
  • The Refugees Act, 130 of 1998.


The Constitution

Chapter 2 of the Constitution guarantees certain fundamental rights for everyone in the Country. One of them is the right to a basic education, and various pieces of legislation strengthen this right.

The South African Schools Act (SASA)

The SASA defines a learner as any person receiving education or who is obliged to receive education in terms of the SASA. The definition of a parent in terms of the SASA includes the biological or adoptive parent or legal guardian of a learner or the person legally entitled to the custody of a learner, as well as the person who undertakes to fulfil the obligations of the above-mentioned persons towards the learner’s school education.

The SASA also obliges every parent of a child of a prescribed age to ensure that such a child goes to school – section 3(1). Most significantly, the SASA makes it compulsory for any public school to admit learners and to serve their education requirements without unfairly discriminating against them in any way.

The SASA does not distinguish between citizens of the Republic and foreign nationals.

Admission Policy

Although the SASA makes no distinction between citizens and non-citizens, the Admission Policy does make provision for learners who are not citizens of the Republic and whose parents are in possession of a permit for temporary or permanent residence issued by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). It also provides that persons classified as illegal aliens must, when they apply for school admission for their children or for themselves, show evidence that they have applied to the DHA to legalise their stay in the country.

This means that, when applying for admission to a public school, the parents of a non-citizen learner must present the documents stipulated in paragraphs 14 to 18 of the Admission Policy, as well as the documentation stipulated in paragraphs 19 to 21.

The Immigration Act

Learners (school-going children) who intend to study in the Republic for longer than three months must apply for a study permit. A study permit is issued on certain conditions, as stipulated in the Immigration Act.

The Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) issues a study permit only if he or she is satisfied that the proposed institution of learning 

  • Has been approved and is in good standing with the Director-General of the DHA;
  • Certifies that it has received guarantees to its satisfaction that such foreigner’s tuition fees will be paid;
  • Received the prescribed guarantees that such foreigner will have sufficient means to support himself or herself while in the Republic;
  • In the case of a minor, provides the name of the person in South Africa who is, or has accepted to act as, such minor’s guardian while in the Republic;
  • Undertakes to provide prescribed periodic certification that such foreigner is satisfactorily performing his/her curriculum of study; and
  • Undertakes to notify the Director-General when such foreigner has completed his/her studies or is no longer performing them satisfactorily.

The Refugees Act

The Refugees Act provides for the manner in which asylum seekers should be received in the Republic and regulates applications for, and the recognition of, refugee status in the Republic.

Refugee status is granted to a person who, owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted by reason of his or her race, gender, tribe, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social group, is outside the country of his or her nationality and is unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country, or, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his or her former habitual residence is unable or, owing to such fear, unwilling to return to it.

Before a foreign national is formally recognised as falling within any of these categories, he or she is treated as an asylum seeker and is allowed to enter the Republic and to stay here temporarily, pending the outcome of the application to be accorded refugee status. Such an applicant receives an asylum seeker permit from a refugee reception officer, and this allows the applicant to stay in the Republic, pending the determination of his or her refugee status.

Once refugee status has been granted, an asylum seeker is a recognised refugee and, as is the case with permanent residents, a refugee is entitled to apply for an identity document and enjoys most of the rights of citizens, such as education and health care services. A person's refugee status remains valid until it ceases in terms of the provisions of the Refugees Act.

a) In terms of writing the matric examination, the Council of Education Ministers (CEM), has taken a decision that foreign learners that have been in the system, but do not have the appropriate documentation to register for the NSC examination, should be allowed to register provisionally, and on condition that they will not receive their results, until the appropriate documentation is provided.

b) Children are not allowed to open bank accounts and may only do so when they reach the age of majority (18)

c) Most children in general do not contribute to the economy as they only start working once they finish their school career.

05 April 2017 - NW38

Profile picture: Cassim, Mr Y

Cassim, Mr Y to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)(1) (a) What is the name of the service provider that won the bid for the SA Social Service Agency’s (SASSA) tender 38/15/BT, (b) on what date was the contract for the specified tender signed with the specified service provider, (c) what is the total cost of the tender, (d) over what period will the tender run, (e) how many bids were received, (f) what were the (i) highest and (ii) lowest bids received and (g) what deliverables is the service provider expected to provide; (2) whether the service provider signed a service level agreement with SASSA; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW41E


1. (a) The successful service provider that won the bid is Selizwe Leadership Academy (Pty) Ltd.

(b) The contract was signed with Selizwe Leadership Academy on the 1 July 2016.

(c) The total cost of the tender is R 2 271 200.00 inclusive of value added tax (vat).

(d) The contract period is for eight (8) months.

(e) The Agency received nine (9) bids.

(f) (i) The highest bid received was R23 252 960.36 vat inclusive.

(ii) Lowest bid received is R 1 226 897.85 vat inclusive. The lowest bidder did not meet the minimum required score for functionality criteria.

(g) (i) There are guidelines across several government departments that guide the development of public facilities such standards for disability access in the Department of Health, standards for physical access to facilities in the Department of Public Works, the standards for occupational safety in the Department of Labour etc. The service provider is to obtain a comprehensive list of these guidelines that they will use as a guide to assess extent to which facilities used as service points comply. (This is evidence based evaluation).

The service provider is expected to provide a detailed assessment on the models of service point development in local areas in each district, in each of the 9 Regions.

(ii) Assess how service points are resourced, and its resource impact on service delivery at local offices and on the citizens targeted for

the service.

(iii) Develop a set of standards that will be used to monitor services rendered at service points.

(iv) Develop a dashboard for the measurement of the standards.

2. Yes. The service provider signed a service level agreement with SASSA.

05 April 2017 - NW781

Profile picture: Ross, Mr DC

Ross, Mr DC to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With regard to the presentation by her department to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on 21 February 2017, titled Oversight and Monitoring: School Readiness 201, what is the reason for the underspending of 2016 infrastructure maintenance budgets by (a) the Eastern Cape, (b) the Free State, (c) Mpumalanga and (d) the North West provincial Departments of Education?


(a); (b); (c) and (d)

The above mentioned provinces experienced delays in allocation of projects and procurement processes for implementation in the current financial year’s programme. It should, however, be noted that expenditure on maintenance has improved significantly subsequent to the said presentation.

05 April 2017 - NW592

Profile picture: McLoughlin, Mr AR

McLoughlin, Mr AR to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether Eskom’s management has put any plans in place to approach National Treasury for financial assistance in the foreseeable future; if so, (a) what is the estimated amount involved and (b) for what specific purpose will the financial assistance be required?


As at the date of this response there are no plans for Eskom to request additional financial support from National Treasury

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Mr. Mogokare Richard Seleke Ms. Lynne Brown, MP

Director-General Minister of Public Enterprises

Date: Date:

05 April 2017 - NW26

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)Whether she is aware of any interference in the adoption process by employees in her department who have initiated direct contact with the child’s (a) biological parent(s) and/or (b) extended birth family members after an accredited adoption social service provider with delegated powers in terms of sections 251 and 259 of the Children’s Act, Act 38 of 2005, as amended, has proposed an adoptive family to best meet the child’s interest in terms of Article 17 of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, 1993; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) in how many cases has such contact been initiated, (ii) what is the intention of the employees of department in initiating such contact and (iii) to what extent does her department’s policy of reunification influence such decision-making; (2) whether she is aware of any instances where her department’s employees refused to accept the legal validity and status of (a) court orders terminating the rights of biological parents, (b) court orders confirming the adoptability of children and/or (c) the consent of biological parents that the court has verified as having been properly given before it; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details?


1. (a) Yes,

(b) Yes

(i) 1 case

(ii) The officials are guided by national and International legislation in the execution of their duties. If and when is required officials will take longer to ensure compliance in all instances.

(iii) The Department complies with the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 and The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption with regard to children and families taking into account the Subsidiarity principle. According to The Hague Convention each State should take, as a matter of priority, appropriate measures to enable the child to remain in the care of his or her family of origin.

2. (a) No, the department’s employees did not refuse to accept the legal validity and status of a court orders terminating the rights of biological parents. The officials followed the guidelines and are obliged to ensure that the subsidiarity principle is adhered to. The department reserves the right to question any decision of any party in the context for the fulfillment and the realization of all Children’s rights.

(b) The department remains committed to the implementation of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.

(c) The department remains committed to the implementation of The Hague Convention on Intercountry adoption, including the protection of the rights of all parties concerned including those of biological parents.

05 April 2017 - NW501

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Did the Chief Executive Officer of Umalusi sign a performance agreement (a) in each of the past seven financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) did the specified person receive a performance bonus for the 2015-16 financial year; if not, why not; if so, what was the rand amount received?


1. The Chief Executive Officer of Umalusi signed a performance agreement as follows for the years in question:










(a) Signed performance agreement









(b) The Performance agreement for 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017, has the following Key Result Areas (KRAs) with a weighting of 80%:



1.Provide strategic direction and leadership

  • Umalusi’s strategic direction and priorities identified and proactively pursued.

2. Oversee continued development and improvement of a comprehensive quality assurance programme for the general and further education sector

  • Conceptual leadership in respect of the quality assurance mandate of Umalusi provided.
  • Policy development directed.

3. Assume accountability for the overall performance of the organisation; and ensure effective and efficient governance.

  • Plans directed and performance monitored and reported on.
  • Corporate governance ensured.
  • Financial status and resources utilisation and development directed and accounted for.

4. Maintain and enhance the position and profile of Umalusi nationally and internationally

  • Relationships and networks in education and quality assurance are developed and maintained locally and internationally
  • Umalusi’s positions are promoted through effective communication and PR strategies.

The Performance agreement has the following Core Management Criteria with a weighting of 20%:



1. Strategic capabilities and leadership

Provides a vision, sets the direction for the organisation and inspires others to deliver on the organisational mandate.

2. Financial Management

Ensures that the organisation complies with the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and ensures the achievement of strategic organisational objectives.

3. Change management

Initiates, supports and champions organisational transformation and change in order to successfully implement new initiatives and deliver on service delivery commitments.

4. Problem solving and analysis

Systematically identifies, analyses and resolves existing and anticipated problems in order to reach optimum solutions in a timely manner.

5. People management and empowerment

Manages and encourages people, optimizes their outputs and effectively manages relationships in order to achieve organisational goals.

2. The Chief Executive Officer of Umalusi did receive a performance bonus for the 2015/2016 financial year. The bonus has been paid out in the 2016/2017 financial year. It will also reflect in the Annual Report.

The amount is R173 662.45

05 April 2017 - NW605

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)With regard to the funding by the Government of the 2017 university fee increase of 8% for missing middle students who do not qualify for National Student Financial Aid Scheme, (a) what is the total number of students who (i) have been funded to date and (ii) are still expected to be allocated funding, (b) what procedure did students follow to apply for the funding and (c) what is the total amount of the specified funding that has been paid out to universities where the students have been accepted; (2) whether the entity that was managing the applications for State funding is a private contractor; if not, why not; if so, (a) was a tender advertised for the contract, (b) what were the costs of the contract and (c) for what period was the contract undertaken?


(1) (a) (i) and (ii).The total number of students that will be funded is not yet quantified. Universities are still processing and verifying applicants’ information. Universities will be expected to verify the number of qualifying students and claims before submission to the Department on 31 July 2017.

(b) The Department after consultation with the Finance Executives Forum task team appointed by Universities South Africa (USAf), as well as university Registrars and Finance Executives, developed a process roadmap for the identification and verification of the “missing middle” student cohort that would qualify for funding, provided they applied. The Department and universities reached an agreement on the eligibility criteria, a framework to identify missing middle students and principles for a verification and appeals process. The Department submitted an agreed-upon application and consent form to all universities on 15 December 2016 for implementation. Grant applicants have to submit their forms to their respective universities.

(c) A total of R2.460 billion has been set aside in the 2017/18 financial year to fund the estimated increase in university fees of up to 8% for all students from families with a combined annual household income below R600 000. This covers the increase for National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) qualifying students, as well as an estimated number of “missing middle” students that are expected to apply for the grant. The funds were reprioritised from the National Skills Fund. To assist universities with cash flows until 31 March 2017, upfront payments to universities amounting to R1.045 billion were transferred in three equal amounts between February 2017 and March 2017. The balance of the allocation will be paid to universities once the process of verifying the “missing middle” students who have applied for the grant at each university, and quantifying the exact amount required to cover those students who qualify for the grant, has been finalised and officially communicated to the Department. The fee adjustment must be shown as a separate credit entry on the financial statement of each eligible student after completion of this process. The final amounts claimed will be subject to an audit as part of the 2017 annual reporting and Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS) auditing process.

(2) (a) No tender was advertised by the Department, as each university is responsible for the appointment of their own service providers to manage the process of verifying applicants at their institution, and submitting their claim to the Department.

(b) Not applicable.

(c) Not applicable.











05 April 2017 - NW499

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) How many official international trips did the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Umalusi undertake (i) in each of the past seven financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2016 to date and (b) what was the (i) destination, (ii) purpose, (iii) cost of flights, (iv) cost of accommodation, (v) names of hotels in which the CEO stayed at and (vi) subsistence costs in each case?


International trips include any travel outside of South African borders. The international trips undertaken by the CEO of Umalusi are linked to Umalusi’s membership of the following three organisations:

  • Southern Africa Association for Educational Assessment (SAAEA) – in which the CEO serves as an Executive Committee member.
  • Association for Educational Assessment in Africa (AEAA).
  • International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA).

The number of international trips by the Chief Executive Officer of Umalusi for the past seven financial years are as follows:









Number of official international trips








For the current financial year (2016/2017), the following international trips were undertaken:

1. 16 – 20 May 2016 – SAAEA

Southern Africa Association for Educational Assessment

(i) destination

Lusaka, Zambia

(ii) purpose

Attending the SAAEA Conference representing Umalusi.

(iii) cost of flights

R 7,563

(iv) cost of accommodation

R 12 190

(v) names of hotels in which the CEO stayed at

Taj Pamodzi Hotel

(vi) subsistence costs in each case

R4 614

2. 25 – 29 July2016 – AEAA

Association for Educational Assessment in Africa

(i) destination

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

(ii) purpose

Attending the AEAA Conference representing Umalusi.

(iii) cost of flights

R 8,039

(iv) cost of accommodation


(v) names of hotels in which the CEO stayed at

Elephant Hills Resort

(vi) subsistence costs in each case

R 3 066

3. 10 – 23 September 2016 – Benchmark Trip

Netherlands and UK.

(i) destination

Netherlands and UK.

(ii) purpose

Benchmarking exercise with Cito, Netherlands; Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual), England; Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted), England; Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), England & Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)

(iii) cost of flights

R 77,288

(iv) cost of accommodation

R 89 810

(v) names of hotels in which the CEO stayed at

Global Accommodation CC

(vi) subsistence costs in each case

R30 351

4. 10 – 13 March 2017 – SAAEA EXCO

Southern Africa Association for Educational Assessment

(i) destination


(ii) purpose

Executive Committee meeting of SAAEA

(iii) cost of flights

R 77,288

(iv) cost of accommodation

Paid by SAAEA

(v) names of hotels in which the CEO stayed at

Paid by SAAEA

(vi) subsistence costs in each case

R 3 066

05 April 2017 - NW617

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What (a) progress has been made in the investigation into the misappropriation of funds at the Nelson Mandela School of Science and Technology and (b) temporary (i) assistance and/or (ii) funding has her department provided to ensure that the specified school is able to cater to pupils while the investigation is still ongoing?


a) An investigation was instituted by the Risk Management Section of the Eastern Cape Department of Education. A report was tabled to both the Senior Management of the Department and the Portfolio Committee. The Labour Relations Section of the Eastern Cape Department of Education appointed an independent tribunal to craft charges and adjudicate on the matter. This process is underway. However, the following interim measures have been put in place to restore normality at the school, while the investigation is underway:

b) (i). An Administrator, Dr Ray Mkhatshwa, has been appointed and has made good progress in restoring normality at the school. An extension to his term of office was approved to June 2017, pending the finalisation of the investigation.

The School Governing Body that was removed by the school principal has been reinstated and trained to work with the Administrator.

(ii). Funds for National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) to the value of R110, 000.00 have already been deposited, in 2017, to the school’s account and feeding is running smoothly.

10% cash allowance is scheduled to be transferred into the school account in May 2017, once the budget for 2017/18 budget becomes accessible.

Other Norms and Standards for Funding allocations will be transferred to the school account once the school has submitted accountability reports.