Questions and Replies

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05 June 2017 - NW733

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)Whether there is any position of deputy-director general in any national department that is currently vacant; if so (a) how long has each position been vacant and (b) what is the reason for each vacancy; (2) Whether each vacant position was advertised; if so, (a) were interviews done and (b) when will each vacant position be filled; (3) (a) What is the total amount of persons that are currently employed in each position of deputy director-general, (b) for what period has there been persons acting in each position of the deputy director-general and (c) have any of the specified persons applied for the position of deputy director-general in which they are acting; (4) Which contracts of deputy director-general will expire in the (a) 2017-18, (b) 2018-19 and (c) 2019-20 financial years?


1. According to information from PERSAL, as at 28 February 2017, there are 61 Deputy - Directors General (DDG) posts that are currently vacant across National Departments (Annexure 1).

(a) Information from PERSAL indicates that the median time these posts have been vacant for is 19 months.

(b) Details with regards to the reasons for each vacancy can be obtained from the respective departments.

2. Advertising, interviewing and filling of posts within departments remain the responsibility of each Executive Authority, therefore information in this regard can be obtained from the relevant departments.

3. (a) There are 168 DDGs currently employed across all National Departments (Annexure 2).

(b) Relevant details with regards to acting appointments can be obtained from relevant departments.

 (c) Relevant details with regards to any of the specified persons having applied for the position of deputy director-general in which they are acting can be obtained from the respective departments.

4. Which contracts of deputy director-general will expire in the following financial years (Annexure 3):

(a) 2017-18 = 11 contracts

(b) 2018-19 = 5 contracts

(c) 2019-20 = 3 contracts

NB: The majority of positions at Deputy Director –General level in the Public Service are filled on a permanent basis.


05 June 2017 - NW1313

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) Whether his department leases any properties to non-governmental tenants; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) how many properties, (b) to whom are the properties leased and (c) in which (i) municipalities and (ii) provinces are the properties situated in each case; (2) whether lease agreements were signed for the leasing of the specified properties; if not, why not; if so, (a) what amount does each non-governmental tenant pay in each month and (b) what are the further relevant details


1. Yes, there are properties that are let out to non-governmental tenants.

  (a) As at 31March 2017, there were 1175 surplus properties let to non-governmental tenants;

  (b) These properties are leased to non-governmental tenants such as churches, private individuals, companies, not for profit organisations, etc.

  (c) These properties are spread across the country in all provinces and various municipalities (refer to attached annexure A).

2. Lease agreements were signed with these tenants. However, there are instances where the lease agreements have since expired and are in the process of being renewed.

The department embarked on Operation Bring Back (OBB) specifically to ensure all properties of state are accounted for and utilised appropriately. The department has a team which is visiting all properties to ensure they are secured, and any illegal occupants engaged and that all leases are regularised. For vacant properties, and expired leases, the department advertised these properties to ensure that we achieve legal occupation speedily, not all the expired leases have been renewed, as this is an ongoing process.

The rental amounts vary for each property as per the attached annexure.

(a) Further details with respect to the leased properties are as per the attached annexure.

05 June 2017 - NW1194

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) experienced any staff shortages in the past five financial years; if so, (2) whether any of the MDDA’s staff members had to put in extra hours to cover hours lost due to staff shortages to ensure that the entity’s mandate was fulfilled; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (3) whether any of the specified staff members had to sacrifice any leave days to accommodate the additional hours worked due to staff shortages; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what is the total number of staff members and (b) what are their professional designations; (4) did the MDDA reallocate the lost leave days; if not, (a) why not and (b) how were the affected employees reimbursed for lost leave days; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) will the MDDA provide Ms V van Dyk with its latest organogram?


1) Yes.

2)  No, the MDDA staff members were not required to put in extra hours to cover hours lost due to staff shortages to ensure that the entity’s mandate was fulfilled. However, it is understood that due to the vacancy rate, some staff members were required to take on extra duties during normal working hours.

3) Staff members were given a choice to take leave or to take cash in lieu of leave to assist in compensating for the extra workload due to the vacancies.

  (a) A total of 17 staff members opted to not take leave and to receive cash in lieu of leave.

  (b) The professional designations were Programme Managers, Project Officers and Administration staff.

4) No, the MDDA did not re-allocate the lost leave days.

(a) The lost leave days were not reallocated as the staff had been given the option for cash in lieu for the lost leave days.

(b) The affected staff were given cash in lieu for the lost leave days. All affected staff received the cash in lieu for the lost leave days in April 2017.

5) The latest organogram is attached herewith as Annexure A


05 June 2017 - NW1048

Profile picture: James, Dr WG

James, Dr WG to ask the Minister of Health

What progress has been made in the evaluation of the capacity of the South African health security under the Global Health Security Agenda, using the Joint External Evaluation tool?


South Africa is implementing the International Health Regulations (2005) [IHR 2005] since its enactment on 15 June 2007. In February 2017, the National Department of Health completed a self IHR assessment using the Joint External Evaluation tool, with the participation of all relevant Government departments and key stakeholders. The National Department of Health officials assessed all the action packages, namely: prevention, detection, response, and IHR-related hazards as well as Points of Entry. The Department of Health is using the findings to develop an action plan aimed at further strengthening of South Africa's IHR capacity.


05 June 2017 - NW1384

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

With regard to the teacher support provided by the Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education Authority (ETDP SETA) to each teacher union, (a) what amounts have been transferred over the past three financial years, (b) what is the total amount that has been budgeted for the 2017-18 financial year as grants, (c) what are the conditions linked to these transfers and (d) how is the ETDP SETA ensuring that the transfers are utilised by the teacher unions in accordance with the set conditions?


(a) Mandatory Grant

The amounts indicated in the Table below were paid as the mandatory grant from the 20% of the 1% of the Skills Levies contributed by the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) and the National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA).

Mandatory grant payments require that organisations, which contribute towards the skills levies without any exemption from the Minister of Finance and those organisations which submit both the Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs) and the Annual Training Report (ATR) that are compliant as per the Grant Regulations, receive 20% of the 1% of the skills levies contributed in each of the financial years indicated.

The Mandatory Grant is utilised by the employer to reskill its employees based on the WSP submitted and reported in the ATR.

The Professional Educators Union (PEU), Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwysersunie (SAOU) and National Teachers Union (NATU) are not levy paying and therefore are not entitled to the Mandatory Grant.

Teacher Union




  1. SADTU

R 75 920.15

R 47 330.36

R 86 031.34


R 7 912.56

R 10 122.37

R 9 544.13

Discretionary Grant

The Discretionary Grant is not transferred to any individual or organisation. The Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education Authority (ETDP SETA) appoints service providers that will train workers/employees of organisations. Discretionary projects and their associated costs are part of the ETDP SETA Annual Performance Plan (APP) and are accounted for as per the National Treasury Regulations and the Public Finance Management Act.

ETDP SETA supports teachers via the teacher union institutes on content and pedagogical knowledge relevant to the needs of teachers as well as via the Departments of Education without transferring funds to the organisations.

(b) R4 500 000 Discretionary Grant as per the 2017/18 ETDP SETA APP for Teacher Development Teaching and Learning Programmes.

(c) The content of the training programme is outlined in the Service Level Agreement (SLA) which is linked to the ETDP SETA APP. Payments are made to the training providers as per the terms and conditions of the SLAs entered into and paid directly to the service provider.

(d) The implementation of the SLA is managed by ETDP SETA and aligned to its APP.











05 June 2017 - NW1018

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Since the reply to question 1949 on 16 September 2016, (a) what amount does the SA Broadcasting Corporation owe in royalty payments to the (i) SA Music Rights Organisation, (ii) SA Music Performance Rights Association, (iii) Association of Independent Record Companies, (iv) Independent Music Performance Rights Association, (v) Recording Industry of South Africa, (vi) Composers, Authors and Publishers Association and/or (vii) any other relevant association, (b) for how long has each amount been outstanding and (c) by what date will each outstanding amount be paid?




(a) Amount Outstanding

(b) Period

(c) Reason and payment dates


SAMRO (SA Music Rights Organisation)


April 2017

This is based on March 2017 revenue. Payment of SAMRO is scheduled for the 3rd Quarter of the 2017/18 F/Y.


SAMPRA (SA Music Performance Rights Association) and IMPRA (Independent Music Performance Rights Association)


March 2014

Both societies have not agreed on the percentage split of the amount based on the play history reports SABC has generated. Then a decision was made that both societies must submit their repertoires lists to SABC for final verification which SABC agreed on the due date of the end of May 2017. Both societies have submitted the repetoires list for the verification process which is still ongoing. Once all is completed and agreed upon by all parties the payment will be made to the societies.


AIRCO (Association of Independent Record Companies)


October 2016 -  April 2017

TV division is awaiting invoices from AIRCO for October 2016 – March 2017. Payments are scheduled from May 2017 onwards.


RISA (Recording Industry of South Africa)


January 2017 – April 2017

A payment of R19.8m was made at the end of December 2016. Payment is scheduled for the 3rd Quarter of the 2017/18 F/Y.


CAPASSO (Composers, Authors and Publishers Association)


February 2017 – April 2017

February and March payments have been submitted for payment and are dependent on funds availability. Payment is scheduled for the 3rd Quarter of the 2017/18 F/Y.

05 June 2017 - NW1175

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) Whether any money is owed to his department by other government (a) departments and (b) entities; if so, (i) what amount is owed to his department by other national departments and public entities, (ii) what amount is still outstanding and (iii) what are the reasons for not paying as required; (2) what appropriate action was taken by his department to recoup the monies owed to it?


The Department of Public works manages accommodation requirements of national departments through the Property Management Trading Entity (PMTE). Included in this mandate is the provision of accommodation through state owned and leased properties, construction of new accommodation, major refurbishment of existing properties and management of municipal services.

State-owned accommodation charges are billed quarterly in advance in line with the devolution framework principles developed at the time of establishment of the PMTE. The process that is followed to recover monies relating to private leases, municipal services, Client Infrastructure spending (Capital allocation) and other recoverable infrastructure projects (referred to as PACE and CA) is as follows:


  • PMTE pays lessors, contractors and municipalities on behalf of user departments;
  • At the end of the month, the recoverable costs are consolidated per client;
  • Invoices are then issued to clients in arrears;
  • User departments have 30 days to settle debts in terms of the PFMA;
  • However, in practice this gives rise to 60 days delay in matching the expense with the revenue.

As at the end of March 2017, R2, 854 billion was outstanding from national departments (Annexure: A) and R195 billion from other organs of state (Annexure: B).

In line with established inter-governmental cooperation principles, the PMTE has regular interactions with user departments for the recovery of outstanding debts and is assisted by the National Treasury where additional funding is required.


05 June 2017 - NW1374

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(a) What is the total number of applications for cellphone data in terms of section 19 of the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act, Act 70 of 2002, that were submitted in the period 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2017 and (b) of the specified applications, what is the total number that was (i) granted and (ii) declined in each case?


a) I have been informed that the total number of applications for cellphone data in terms of Section 19 of the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act, Act 70 of 2002 that were submitted in the period 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2017 is 866.

b) (i) Granted: 866

(ii) Declined: 0

05 June 2017 - NW1200

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) has outsourced its stakeholder engagement function; if so, (a) what is/are the name(s) of the companies to which this function was outsourced, (b) when was this function outsourced, (c) at what cost and (d) who signed off on these contracts; (2) whether the specified company(ies) has/have done any previous work for the MDDA; if so, (a) what are the relevant details, (b) what were the contract amounts and (c) who signed off on the contracts in each case; (3) whether any staff members of the specified company(ies) use (a) facilities and/or (b) office space of the MDDA; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(1) No, the MDDA has not outsourced its stakeholder engagement function. However, when specialist skills or in-house capacity limitations require the services of an external service provider, specific activities may be outsourced with a defined scope of activities and time period. The only activity that falls within the stakeholder engagement function that has been outsourced is a pilot outreach/media literacy campaign that will be held in two provinces which has been awarded to Hummingbird Media.

   (a) The contract to Hummingbird Media was awarded in April 2017.

   (b) The cost of the pilot campaign is R485 000.00

   (c) The Chairperson of the Board signed the approval memorandum requesting the services of Hummingbird for the pilot campaign as, in the absence of a CEO, the Board was overseeing activities in the Agency in a caretaker role until the Ministry of Communications seconded an Acting CEO to the MDDA.

(2) Yes, Hummingbird Media has been previously awarded one contract from the MDDA.

(a) The previous contract awarded to Hummingbird Media covered facilitation of the MDDA strategic planning in September 2016 and input into the Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan for 2017/2018 – 2019/2020.

(b) The contract amount was R325 400.00.

(c) The contract was approved by the Acting CEO, Ms Thembelihle Sibeko.

(3) Yes, Hummingbird Media has used limited MDDA office facilities for the current pilot outreach/media literacy campaign.

(a) While a member of Hummingbird Media worked for a total of four days from the MDDA offices contacting stakeholders for the outreach planning process, she did not use MDDA facilities as phone calls to stakeholders were made using her cellphone.

(b) The same member of Hummingbird Media worked for a total of four days from the MDDA offices contacting stakeholders for the outreach planning process as the close liaison with the MDDA ensured that all stakeholders were covered.

05 June 2017 - NW1201

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether the Chairperson of the Board of the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) has acted (a) on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the MDDA and/or (b) as the CEO of the MDDA in each of the past five financial years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) why in each case and (ii) on which statutory grounds was each such instance based; (2) for how long has the CEO position of the MDDA been vacant; (3) whether the specified person is compensated for the roles of (a) Chairperson of the MDDA Board and (b) CEO; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) on what statutory grounds, (ii) what are the terms and (iii) how much in each case; (4) whether, with reference to the reply to question 435 on 30 March 2017, she has found that the position of CEO of the MDDA will be filled by the end of the first quarter of the 2017-18 financial year as anticipated; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what progress has been made in this regard?


1. (a) and (b) The Chairperson of the Board of the Media Development and Development Agency (MDDA) has neither (a) acted on behalf of the CEO; nor (b) acted as the CEO of the MDDA in each of the past five financial years.

In the absence of the CEO between 1 March 2017 and 9 May 2017, the Board took a resolution, in the Board meeting of 01 March 2017, that the Chairperson of the Board is to assume the caretaker role over the existing management structure.

After the resignation of the CEO on the 28 February 2017, the Board requested the Minister of Communications via letter dated 2 March 2017 and at the bi-lateral meeting on 5 March 2017 for a secondment from the Department of Communications for an Acting CEO. After a further request to the newly appointed Minister of Communications, Mr Donald Liphoko was seconded to the MDDA as Acting CEO effective from 8 May 2017.

2. The position of CEO has been vacant since 28 February 2017.

3. (a) and (b) This is not applicable as, as stated above, the Chairperson of the Board was not acting as CEO of the MDDA. She therefore has only received compensation as Chairperson and not as CEO.

4. No, the position of the CEO will not be filled by end of Q1 of 2017/2018 as the MDDA currently does not have a quorating Board. The recruitment process has commenced which will be approved by a quorating Board.

05 June 2017 - NW1393

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

What is the (a) total amount spent by Government and (b) the detailed breakdown of such expenditure, in respect of (i) Standard and Poor’s, (ii) Moody’s, (iii) Fitch and (iv) any other ratings agency from 1 April 2008 to date?


(a)  Total amount spent by Government on rating agencies fees

South Africa has solicited the credit rating services of Moody’s Investors Services (Moody’s), S&P Global Ratings (S&P), Fitch Ratings (Fitch) and the Japanese’ Ratings and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I). In terms of the contractual agreements, the government has to pay fees to the rating agencies for the services rendered.

Since April 2008 to May 2017, a total amount of R 81 451 873.00 has been paid to the rating agencies. The table link below illustrates the total spent in rands made to all the four solicited credit rating agencies. S&P is the highest paid rating agency followed by Moody’s.

(b) The detailed breakdown of such expenditure per rating agency:

(i) S&P:

S&P’s annual rating fees are based on:

  • Annual surveillance;
  • Rating of long term debt issuances;
  • Ratings of short term debt issuances; and
  • Ratings of the Commercial Paper and Medium Term Notes.

(ii) Moody’s:

Moody’s annual and quarterly rating fees are based on:

  • Annual and quarterly credit surveillance;
  • Ratings of all Non-US Medium Term Notes Programs;
  • Ratings of all US Medium Term Notes;
  • Ratings of all Global Medium Term Notes Programs;
  • Ratings of all Commercial Paper/Short Term; and
  • Ratings of all long term debt issuances and Medium Term Notes sales in all markets including local currency debt issuances.

(iii) Fitch

Fitch’s annual rating fees are based on:

  • Annual surveillance;
  • Ratings of debt issuance; and
  • Expense reimbursement for reasonable travel and lodging expense incurred during the annual rating mission to the Republic of South Africa.

(iv) R&I

R&I’s annual rating fee is based on:

  • On-going surveillance of the credit rating
  • Foreign currency issuer rating;
  • Domestic currency issuer rating; and
  • Foreign currency short term rating.

05 June 2017 - NW1195

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether the Films and Publication Board (FPB) is currently conducting any internal disciplinary processes and/or investigations; if so, (a) what are the (i) names and (ii) professional designations of each person being investigated, (b) for what reason in each case, (c) what is the current status of each investigation and (d) what disciplinary action is being considered in each case; (2) whether any of the specified persons have been placed on suspension pending the outcome of the disciplinary investigations; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the names of the persons who were placed on suspension and (b) are they receiving full salaries; (3) whether the (a) Chief Executive Officer and (b) Chief Operating Officer of the FPB are being investigated on disciplinary charges; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (4) what are the details of all disciplinary steps that were taken against any person whose processes have been concluded to date?


(1) Yes

The issues of internal disciplinary processes and/or investigations is sub judice, therefore the FPB is not in a better position to release details in relation to (a)(b) at this stage.

(c) The investigations are at an advance stage

(d) The employee has consented to pre-dismissal arbitration and application has been lodged with the CCMA.

(2) Yes, with effect from 17 March 2017 pending the outcome of the disciplinary process.

(a) The details of the employee in relation to suspension cannot be disclosed as the matter is sub judice.

(b) Yes, they were receiving salaries.

(3) (a) Yes

(b) No, as the imployee has since resigned from the FPB following an agreement of mutual separation.

(4) The FPB has reached a mutual separation agreement.

05 June 2017 - NW1436

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether the National Treasury and / or the former Minister of Finance provided the Minister of Communications in March 2016 with a draft of the Report of PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) into the investigation into the set-top box procurement process; (2) has the National Treasury requested PWC to make further investigations into the process to complete the enquiry; if so, (a) when was this request made, (b) what further aspects of the process are being investigated and (c) by when will the final report be completed?


1. The National Treasury did provide the former Minister of Communications or the Department of Communication with the report into investigation into the set-top box procurement process.

2. (a) There was no additional request made to PWC to conduct any further investigation as the Department of Communication has not requested the National Treasury to facilitate such an investigation.

(b) No further aspects of the process are being investigated, currently.

(c) The final report will be completed subject to completion of criminal proceedings by law enforcement agencies.

05 June 2017 - NW1213

Profile picture: Lorimer, Mr JR

Lorimer, Mr JR to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her has (i) procured any services from and/or (ii) made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) were the total costs, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of the costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of the payments in each case?


(a) GCIS had not procured any services or made any payment to the Decolonisation Foundation during the 2016/17 Financial Year.

05 June 2017 - NW1105

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What (a) amount was spent by her department on e-government services in the 2016-17 financial year and (b) is the projected expenditure for the 2017-18 financial year?


E-government services are the services that Government render to the public online through the internet. In this regard, the Department of Home Affairs has developed an eHome Affairs Portal which enables citizens to apply for smart ID Cards and Passports online. The Portal was launched on 07 April 2016.

(a) FY2016/17 Expenditure

  1. Development of the eHome Affairs Portal – R6 960 447.19
  2. Post Release Enhancements of eHome Affairs – R2 846 908.79
  3. Support and Maintenance of the eHome Affairs system – R887 494.97

It is to be noted that the development of the Portal includes upgrade to Live Capture system and revenue systems to enable EFT payments and integration to various core systems.

​(b) FY2017/18 Budget allocation for eHome Affairs Portal

  1. Planned enhancement of eHome Affairs Portal – R2 500 000.00
  2. Maintenance and Support of the System – R1 000 000.00
  3. Hosting and Internet Connectivity for eHome Affairs (including hardware procurement) – R10 000 000.00

05 June 2017 - NW1179

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether performance bonuses were paid to employees in her department (a) in each of the past three financial years and (b) since 1 April 2017; if so, what is the total (i) number of employees who received bonuses and (ii) amount paid out for these bonuses in each of the specified financial years?


No, the Department of Communications has not paid any performance bonuses.


05 June 2017 - NW1063

Profile picture: Jooste, Ms K

Jooste, Ms K to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to her reply to question 406 on 27 March 2017, for how long has each of the 26 patients been accommodated in correctional services facilities due to inadequate mental health facilities in the Northern Cape?


With regard to my reply to Question 406 on 27 March 2017, I wish to inform Honourable Member that since the beginning of May 2017, the 21 of the 26 patients mentioned in March have been moved to West End Psychiatric Hospital after completion of refurbishment of facilities there.

When they were still in correctional service facilities, on a waiting basis, they used to wait for an average of 4 years.


05 June 2017 - NW1394

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)What is the purpose of the National Treasury’s review of coal contracts entered into between a certain company (name furnished) and Eskom; Response: The National Treasury reviewed coal contracts to establish if Eskom complied with the SCM norms and standards when appointing the service provider. (2) whether any consultants have been employed to conduct the review; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, what is the (a) name of the consultant, (b) nature of work conducted by the consultant and (c) (i) total cost and (ii) detailed breakdown of such costs;


(1) The National Treasury reviewed coal contracts to established if Eskom complied with the SCM norms and standards when appointing the service provider.

(2) Yes.

(a) (1) Falcon Research and Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd and

(2) Israel Monnapula Dikgwatlhe.

(b) Both were appointed to assist the National Treasury to review and analyse the quality of coal delivered to Eskom by Tegeta Exploration and Resources.

(c) The total cost for Falcon Research and Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd

R 184 500.00,

The following is the breakdown of the cost for Falcon

Analysis of test coal results ...………………………………………………. R 13 500-00

Analysis of the Environmental Analysis report …………………………… R 4 500-00

Analysis of the technical aspects of the coal supply agreement ………. R 9 000-00

Analysis of the technical aspects in the draft report ……………………… R 18 000-00

Analysis of technical aspects in the minutes of the meetings …………… R 9 000-00

Extended reviews of documents………………………………………………. R103 500-00

Compilation of a technical report …………………………………………… R 27 000-00

TOTAL………………………………………………………………………….. R184 500.00

The following is the breakdown for Israel Monnapula Dikgwatlhe

Analysis of test coal results ...………………………………………………. R 24 800-00

Analysis of the Environmental Analysis report …………………………… R 18 600-00

Analysis of the technical aspects of the coal supply agreement ………. R 18600.00

Analysis of the technical aspects in the draft report ……………………… R 18 600-00

Analysis of technical aspects in the minutes of the meetings …………… R 9 920-00

Request additional data analysis………………………………. R12 400-00

Compilation of a technical report …………………………………………… R 49 600-00

Comparison of the quality of coal expected……………………………….. R5 425.00

Clear comparison of what was delivered………………………………….. R4 650.00

Clear comparison of results for Sibonisiwe and SABS in compliance of

Brakfontein mine with requirements for mining coal R4 030.00

NT findings with the response from Eskom………………………………. R5 425.00

TOTAL………………………………………………………………………… R178 250.00

(3) whether any draft and/or final report(s) on the review has/have been produced; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date is a report expected; if so, (i) what is the title of each report and (ii) on what date was the report completed;

Response: A final draft report was sent to Eskom on 05 April 2017.

(4) whether the final report on the review will be made public; if not, why not; if so, by what date is it expected?

Response: Yes, as soon as the report is finalised.

05 June 2017 - NW1252

Profile picture: Mulder, Dr CP

Mulder, Dr CP to ask the Minister of Transport

(a)(i) Why the Telkom lines of the eNatis system have been cut by Telkom and (ii) what is the effect of this on owners of motor vehicles who want to obtain motor vehicle licences, (b) on what date will the matter be resolved and (c) what is the status of any criminal or other statutory accountability towards owners of motor vehicles who cannot obtain an/or renew motor vehicle licences?


a) (i) Telkom cut voice services to NaTIS sites on 21 March 2017 because Tasima had not paid.

(ii) There were no adverse effects because the system remained operational as data services were not affected.

b) Voice services were restored on 19 April 2017 after the RTMC had taken over the NaTIS.

c) No owner of a motor vehicle was unable to licence a vehicle due to a planned interruption by Telkom. In the event of an unplanned interruption such as copper theft or other similar incidents, the licensing office logs a call with the provincial helpdesk to obtain a reference number. Through this process, the licensing office is authorised by the provincial helpdesk to backdate the effective date of licensing to prevent any penalties and arrears being payable.

05 June 2017 - NW1197

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether any person may serve on the board of more than one of the entities that report to her simultaneously; if so, (a) on what statutory grounds and (b) what are the (i) names, (ii) names of boards, (iii) terms served on each board and (iv) salaries of each specified person; (2) whether each of the specified persons declared serving in positions on each of the specified boards; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(1) Yes

(a) The law does not prohibit any person from serving on more than one Board of the entities reporting to the Minister of Communications.

(b) (i) Ms Khanyisile Kweyama

    (ii) Brand South Africa Board and the interim SABC Board.

    (iii) Serving a three-year term at Brand South Africa and six months at the SABC interim Board.      

    (iv) payment for services rendered were in line with the required prescript

(2) Yes.

05 June 2017 - NW1176

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

With reference to the release of a statement by the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) on behalf of the Black Empowerment Foundation on 20 March 2017, (a) (i) who requested that the statement be released on behalf of the Black Empowerment Foundation and (ii) what are the particulars of this request, (b) by whom was the distribution of the media advisory authorised, (c) under what mandate was this authorisation given and (d) in which other cases has the GCIS distributed communications on behalf of (i) private, (ii) civil rights or (iii) any other non-government organisations?


GCIS’s mandate is to ensure it disseminates information to the general public. Our priority is to send out information that can be consumed by the public and members of the media are also the GCIS client base. The information that we disseminate is to empower society with knowledge and the media advisory is to offer the members of the media with a facility that provides the with information that they may wish to cover.

We assist a number of ordinary citizens through our Information Centres also the members of the media though our media database in all our Provincial Offices and National office.

(a) (i) Media Engagement Directorate and our Provincial offices, receives requests to disseminate information’s either through our media database or through our Information Centers.

(a) (ii) It may be media statements ; media advisories; general publications or face to face advisory services.

(b) Media Engagement Directorate.

(c) Mandate of the GCIS is to provide the public with information .

(d) (i)(ii)(iii) GCIS assists the public with services that are within their available resources and does not keep list of the people been assisted.

05 June 2017 - NW1026

Profile picture: Ross, Mr DC

Ross, Mr DC to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What was the total amount that was spent on international travel by the (a) chief executive officer (b) chief executive officer and (c) chief financial officer of each entity reporting to her in the past two financial years; (2) What is the breakdown of each trip undertaken in terms of (a) the date on which the trip took place, (b) the total number of persons who were part of the delegation, (c) the costs of flights, (d) the costs of accommodation, including which hotels were used, (e) the total subsistence and travel allowance approved for each member of each delegation on each trip and (f) the cost of special vehicles and/or chauffeur driven transport


Auditing process in relation to the total amount spent, amongst others, refer to in this parliamentary question is still under away, once the auditing process and all other process has been completed, the amount spent, will be submitted to Parliament as part of the Annual Reports, which will be tabled in Parliament.

05 June 2017 - NW1386

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) Which government department or entity is currently (a) the owner of the land and (b) responsible for the management of the human settlements of former forestry workers in the Jonkershoek Valley outside Stellenbosch; (2) is there a maintenance plan and budget for the maintenance of the general infrastructure and houses of these settlements; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what (a) is the total number of houses and (b) amount has been spent on the maintenance and/or replacement of the (i) infrastructure and (ii) houses in the specified area in the past three financial years; (4) (a) what are his department’s plans regarding the future of these properties and its inhabitants and (b) do these plans include the transfer of ownership to another entity or government department; (5) what contribution does his department intend to make towards the upgrading of the infrastructure and/or the maintenance of the settlements in the area before such transfers?


1. a) The National Department of Public Works is the custodian of the Jonkershoek Forest Reserve Farm 352 and the unregistered portion 4 also known as “Op-die-Bult Jonkershoek”

(b) The National Department of Public Works is currently negotiating with the Stellenbosch Municipality to assume responsibility for the human settlement of former forest workers by means of the disposal of the property to that municipality.

(2) No, currently there are no funds available for the maintenance of the general infrastructure and houses of the settlement, hence negotiations with the
Stellenbosch Municipality to assume responsibility for the settlement.

(3) (a) 18 formal structures have been confirmed at Op-die-Bult, with 123 households recorded in the broader Jonkerhoek Mixed Use Precinct. These
figures are from the time when the property was returned to Department by the South African Forestry Company Limited (SAFCOL) acting on behalf of
the then Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.

(b) (i) No funds have been spent on the infrastructure

(b) (ii) No funds have been spent on the houses

(4) (a) The Department is currently negotiating with the Stellenbosch municipalityto take over the properties together with their inhabitants as it is best-placed to provide appropriate standards of human settlement

(b) Yes, it is envisaged that the Department will hand over the properties to the Stellenbosch Municipality for management of the human settlement according to prescribed standards.

(5) The National Department of Public Works aims to transfer the land to the Stellenbosch Municipality. Other relevant Departments e.g. Department of
Human Settlements, COGTA, Department of Rural Development etc. will then be drawn in as an intergovernmental team to assist with housing and
infrastructure in formalising the settlement in terms of their core function.

05 June 2017 - NW1102

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Ms D Kohler (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works

(1) Whether Erf 81 situated in Tamboerskloof, Cape Town, Western Cape falls under the care of his department; if not, what are the relevant details; if so; (2) whether this property is being considered for transfer to another entity or department; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what is the intended use of this property?


1. Yes, Erf 81 situated in Tamboerskloof, Cape Town, Western Cape falls under the care of National Public Works Department.

2. The property is being considered for transfer to the Department of Defence, which has requested that this property – as well as all other Endowment properties – be returned to the Department of Defence for their own use. The property is an Endowment property owned by Department of Defence and is under the custodianship of National Department of Public Works.

3. The property is intended to be used by the Department of Defence for their own needs.

05 June 2017 - NW1072

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)(a) What were the reasons for the (i) suspension and (ii) subsequent reinstatement of The Hill High School principal in Johannesburg and (b) what were the allegations levelled against him; (2) whether an investigation was undertaken; if so, (a) by whom, (b) what processes were followed and (c) what were the timelines; (3) (a) who were all the parties involved, (b) what were the costs to each party and (c) what was the total cost to her department with regard to this matter?


1. (a) (i) and (ii)

The suspension of Hill High School principal was as a result of the alleged financial mismanagement of the school funds. The principal was found guilty and sanctioned to suspension without pay and subsequently returned to work after completing the suspension.

(b) The allegation levelled against him was financial mismanagement of the school funds.

2. (a) Yes, an investigation was undertaken by the Gauteng Department of Education. (b) and (c) An internal investigation was conducted and concluded within 60 days.

3. (a) The principal of the school and the Department were the only parties involved.

(b) and (c) The matter was investigated internally and therefore no costs were incurred by the Department.

05 June 2017 - NW950

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether Prof. Chris Malikane has been one of his advisors on the Government's fiscal and economic policy; if not, what role does he play in the National Treasury; if so, what topics did he advise him on; (2) what is his position with regard to Prof. Malikane's discussion document of eight pages that recommends amongst others that banks, insurance companies, mines and other so-called monopoly industries should be expropriated; (3) how was this accordance with his public undertaking to do everything possible in order to ensure that the country is upgraded from junk status; (4) what was the purpose of appointing an advisor whose advice will ensure that the country retains its junk status?


(1-2) The role of Prof. Chris Malikane is to advise Minister of Finance. The eight pages discussion documents, is not government position but was for his academic purposes.

(3) The government is doing all it can to improve the economic prospects of the country by ensuring that a conducive environment is created for public and private sector to invest in the economy and eventually create jobs.

(4) As government, we are clear and consistent in terms of Economic Policy and how to address current challenges. A lot of work is being done at the level of both local and abroad to avoid any further downgrade. We are working towards improving our current grading.

05 June 2017 - NW1311

None to ask the None

MINISTRY PUBLIC WORKS REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Public Works l Central Government Offices l 256 Madiba Street l Pretoria l Contact: +27 (0)12 406 2034 l +27 (0)12 406 1224 Private Bag X9155 l CAPE TOWN, 8001 l RSA 4th Floor Parliament Building l 120 Plain Street l CAPE TOWN l Tel: +27 21 468 6900 Fax: +27 21 462 4592 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY (ORAL) We requested information from Mr Edward Nkuna in Head Office, we are awaiting his feedback. See below: Item No Project Name WCS numbers Status 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 1 Bryntirion No. 19 053319 Completed R 158 301.19 R 2 107 035.90 R 0.00 2 331 Olivier, Brooklyn 053347 Completed   R 1 835 818.72   3 375 Lawley 053574 Completed   R 1 319 303.55   4 321 Rigel 054033 & 048576 Completed R 2 398 350.77 R 89 124.35 R 0.00 5 313 Edward, Waterkloof 054031 Completed R 0.00 R 2 597 583.51 R 0.00 6 273 Eridunus, Waterkloof 053575 Completed R 0.00 R 2 828 604.88 R 0.00 7 286 Albertus, Waterkloof 053584 Completed R 0.00 R 2 784 102.34 R 0.00 8 13, 1st Avenue Houghton* 050773 & 054581 Completed R 3 133 499.05 R 333 263.99 R 0.00 9 21A Killarney Road, Sandhurst 052038 Completed R 197 826.19 R 2 501 531.73 R 0.00 10 79 Bogey 052425 Completed R 920 961.98 R 1 200 680.99 R 0.00 11 205 Sterlitzia Street 054730 Completed R 0.00 R 2 658 529.98 R 0.00 TOTAL R 6 808 939.18 R 20 255 579.94


Pub works-4 copy




Department of Public Works l Central Government Offices l 256 Madiba Street l Pretoria l Contact: +27 (0)12 406 2034 l +27 (0)12 406 1224

Private Bag X9155 l CAPE TOWN, 8001 l RSA 4th Floor Parliament Building l 120 Plain Street l CAPE TOWN l Tel: +27 21 468 6900 Fax: +27 21 462 4592



  1. We requested information from Mr Edward Nkuna in Head Office, we are awaiting his feedback.
  2. See below:

Item No

Project Name

WCS numbers






Bryntirion No. 19



R 158 301.19

R 2 107 035.90

R 0.00


331 Olivier, Brooklyn




R 1 835 818.72



375 Lawley




R 1 319 303.55



321 Rigel

054033 & 048576


R 2 398 350.77

R 89 124.35

R 0.00


313 Edward, Waterkloof



R 0.00

R 2 597 583.51

R 0.00


273 Eridunus, Waterkloof



R 0.00

R 2 828 604.88

R 0.00


286 Albertus, Waterkloof



R 0.00

R 2 784 102.34

R 0.00


13, 1st Avenue Houghton*

050773 & 054581


R 3 133 499.05

R 333 263.99

R 0.00


21A Killarney Road, Sandhurst



R 197 826.19

R 2 501 531.73

R 0.00


79 Bogey



R 920 961.98

R 1 200 680.99

R 0.00


205 Sterlitzia Street



R 0.00

R 2 658 529.98

R 0.00


R 6 808 939.18

R 20 255 579.94

05 June 2017 - NW1269

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Whether her department has ever awarded any contracts and/or tenders to (a) a certain person (name furnished) and/or (b) any company or organisation related to the specified person in any way since 26 May 2014; if so, what were the (i) dates, (ii) amounts and (iii) descriptions of each tender and/or contract awarded in each case; (2) whether her department has ever allowed the person to assist with IT-related consulting and/or passport processing-related work; if so, what (a) were the (i) dates and (ii) descriptions of the person’s assistance in each case and (b) compensation did the person received in each case?


a) The Department of Home Affairs is not in a position to respond to the question as the Department does not know which company / companies the person referred to is associated with or working for. The person referred to is and was not employed by the Department.

b) No.

05 June 2017 - NW1121

Profile picture: Brauteseth, Mr TJ

Brauteseth, Mr TJ to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to her reply to question 498 on 5 April 2017, did the remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Umalusi increase from R1,867 million to R2,235 million between the (a) 2013-14 and (b) 2014-15 financial years due to the CEO reaching the milestone of 30 years of employment in the public sector; if so, (i) what was the name of the specific award given to the CEO for long service, (ii) what was the amount of the long service award, (iii) at what public service salary level is the CEO of Umalusi employed, (iv) how many years has the CEO of Umalusi been employed in the public service, in each case supplying details of previous positions in the public service and dates appointed, (v) who approved the long service award and (vi) in terms of which legislation was the award made?


(a) The increase in the remuneration of the CEO of Umalusi from 2013-14 to 2014-15 financial years was not as a result of a long service award as previously reported. The spur of the moment response given in the meeting of the Portfolio Committee on 3 May 2017 was informed by the fact that such an award was given to the CEO in recognition of his 30 years’ service in the public service albeit a year earlier. The decision for the long service award was guided by the long service policies of the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) and Umalusi.

The table below outlines the remuneration components of the total package reported in the annual reports of the abovementioned financial years:


Remuneration component









Basic remuneration

1 618

1 729



Pension contribution





Medical contributions




Cost to company package





Bonus & Performance payment





Leave pay-out




Long service award


Total package

1 867

2 235


In the 2013-14 to 2014-15 financial years the leave pay-out was the remuneration component that led to the high increase. In 2014 the Remuneration and Human Resources Committee of Council (REMCO) noted that 12 employees had accumulated more than 50 leave days. In May 2014, REMCO recommended to Council to pay out a maximum of 30 days to employees. The recommendation was subsequently approved by Council in June 2014 and the pay-out was actioned in July 2014. Ultimately, only 7 employees were reimbursed, and one of them was the CEO.

(i) The long service award was given to the CEO in January 2013 i.e. the 2012/13 financial year, as stipulated in the policies of the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) and Umalusi.

(ii) The amount of the award was R15 000. The employee also encashed 30 days’ annual leave as per the Umalusi policy. The total amount of leave paid out was R188 270.

(iii) The CEO is employed at salary level 16 of the DPSA levels.

(iv) The table below summarises the employment history of Dr Rakometsi from 1 January 1983 to date.


Position held


Date appointed

Date resigned / promoted

Total to date: 34 years 5 months

8 years
5 months

Chief Executive Officer



Jan 2009

To date

3 years
4 months

Superintendent General
(Head of Department)

Free State Department of Education, Bloemfontein

Sep 2005

Dec 2008

4 years
5 months

Chief Director: Curriculum and Professional Development and Support

Free State Department of Education, Bloemfontein

Apr 2001

Aug 2005

2 years
3 months

Director: Education Institute

Free State Department of Education, Bloemfontein

Jan 1999

Mar 2001

3 years

Chief Education Specialist (Deputy Director Professional) - Examinations

Department of Education, Arts and Culture, Sport and Recreation, Mmabatho North-West Province

Jan 1996

Dec 1998

3 years

Deputy Chief Education Specialist (History)

Free State Department of Education and Culture, Welkom

Jan 1993

Dec 1995

3 years

Head of Department Professional Subjects and Student Affairs

Tshiya College of Education, Qwa Qwa

Jan 1990

Dec 1992

1 year

Senior Lecturer (Student Affairs)

Tshiya College of Education, Qwa Qwa

Jan 1989

Dec 1989

1 year
7 months


Tshiya College of Education, Qwa Qwa

Apr 1987

Dec 1988

3 year
3 months


Thokoana-Makaota Senior Secondary

Qwa Qwa

Jan 1984

Mar 1987

1 year


Rearabetswe Senior Secondary School,

Jan 1983

Dec 1983

(v) A submission regarding the long service award for the CEO is recommended internally, but ultimately submitted to the Chairperson of Council for approval.

All remuneration aspects of the CEO as the Accounting Officer are recommended to Council as the Accounting Authority and only paid out with Council’s approval. The cost to company is paid in line with the rates as determined by DPSA. To this end, Council is requested annually to approve all annual cost of living adjustments.

Bonus and performance payments are made on an annual basis in line with the performance management and development policy. The award ranges from 2% to 8% of cost to company, limited by the 1.5% of the total remuneration budget. The scores are moderated by members of the Executive Committee of Council (EXCO) and signed off by the Chairperson of Council.

(vi) Legislation informing the long service award is the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) and Umalusi policies.

05 June 2017 - NW1196

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether the Chief Operating Officer of the Films and Publication Board (FPB) is currently on suspension; if so, since what date; (2) whether any steps were taken by the FPB against the specified person for allegedly plagiarising parts of the FPB’s draft policy directly from an Australian publication entitled Guiding Principles for Reform; if not, why not; if so, what (a) are the full details and (b) were the outcomes of the steps taken?


(1) Yes, since from 17 March 2017.

(2) (a)(b) the FPB conducts benchmarking studies in different jurisdictions and the work on the Online Regulation Policy was a culmination of such studies.

05 June 2017 - NW1312

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Ms S P Kopane (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works

Whether his department is paying (a) rent, (b) maintenance and/or (c) bonds for any vacant and/or unoccupied properties; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) for how many properties, (ii) what are the reasons in each case, (iii) why are the specified properties unoccupied, (iv) in which (aa) municipalities and (bb) provinces are the specified properties situated and (v) what amount is his department paying in each case per month?


The information required is being collected from various Divisions and stake holders which in turn must still be collated and verified so as to provide an accurate information. Therefore a consolidate response will be provided soon.

05 June 2017 - NW1222

Profile picture: Mokgalapa, Mr S

Mokgalapa, Mr S to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her has (i) procured any services from and/or (ii) made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) were the total costs, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of the costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of the payments in each case?


The question was forwarded to the Department and the entities who responded as follows:

(a) Department of Home Affairs

The Department has not procured any services from or made any payments to an entity called the Decolonisation Foundation as there has been no need to do so.

(b) Government Printing Works

Government Printing Works has not procured any services from or made any payments to an entity called the Decolonisation Foundation.

(b) Electoral Commission

The Electoral Commission has not procured any services from or made any payments to an entity called the Decolonisation Foundation, and none are expected to be procured.

05 June 2017 - NW990

Profile picture: Terblanche, Ms JF

Terblanche, Ms JF to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether, she has found any evidence that supports the fact that children at public schools think a certain political organisation (name furnished) is corrupt and useless, as alleged by a certain person (name and details furnished) if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, has she found that the attitude of the pupils towards the specified political organisation is as a result of what they are taught at school; (2) whether she will make a statement on the integrity of the school system?


1. The Minister has written to the identified person to provide the Department of Basic Education (DBE) with evidence in this regard. However, the DBE has been made aware of isolated cases (not a norm) involving some teachers. From the advent of democracy in South Africa, the DBE has built the curriculum on the same values and principles on which the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa are based. The National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement articulates the democratic values, aims and principles, social justice and fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The implementation of the National Curriculum and Policy Statement makes it difficult for teachers to stray from the content, pedagogy, dogma and values anchoring the curriculum itself. Where teachers were found to have strayed from the implementation of the curriculum in its true content and spirit, the Department has acted and meted out applicable sanctions.

2. There would be no need to defend the integrity of school system on this matter as the Department is not inundated with reports of such cases. The DBE will, however, bring it to the attention of Provincial Education Departments to make teachers aware of consequences of not adhering to the stipulations of the National Curriculum and Assessment Statement and the democratic values enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

05 June 2017 - NW1177

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether her department purchased a new vehicle for her official use after her appointment to office on 31 March 2017; if so, (a) why, (b) what is the make and model of the vehicle, (c) what did the vehicle cost and (d)(i) what accessories were included in excess of the vehicle's purchase price and (ii) what was the cost of such accessories; if not, (2) whether she inherited an existing vehicle; if so, (a) what was the make and model and (b) how old is the vehicle?


  1. No, the department did not procure a new vehicle for the Minister after her appointment on 31 March 2017.
  2. No, the Minister did not inherit an existing vehicle.

05 June 2017 - NW1182

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Communications

What is her position on (a) removing Parliament’s role in the appointment of non-executive board members of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), (b) the establishment of a nominating committee to advise her on who should serve on the SABC Board and (c) reducing the number of non-executive board members at the SABC?


(a) The matter on the appointment of non-executive board members at the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) is currently before Parliament. This matter is contemplated in the Broadcasting Amendment Bill 2015 was introduced into Parliament by the former Minister of Communications on 4 December 2015,

The Bill seeks to amongst other things, reduce the number of non-executive members of the Board of the South African Broadcasting Corporation Limited; to amend the procedure for the appointment and removal of non-executive members of the Board; to provide for the appointment of a nomination committee to make recommendations to the Minister for the appointment of non-executive members of the Board; to reconstitute the executive committee; to amend the procedure for the removal and resignation of nonexecutive members of the Board; to amend the procedure for the dissolution of the Board and for the appointment of an interim Board; and to provide for matters connected therewith.

Our position will be expressed or outlines when the Ministry of Communication is invited by the Portfolio Committee for a briefing in this regard.

(b) See (a) above

(c) See (a) above

05 June 2017 - NW1305

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to her reply to question 1582 on 21 June 2016, (a) how many of the 76 school classrooms damaged during the May 2016 protest action in Vuwani in the Vhembe District of Limpopo have been repaired to date, (b) what are the reasons for the delay in respect of classrooms that have not yet been repaired and (c) what safety measures have been put in place to prevent the burning of schools in the area in the future?


a) None of the classrooms have currently been repaired. 10 Schools have been identified for repairs in the 2017/18 financial year.

b) R177 million was made available during November-December 2016. This has been utilised to fund 10 Vuwani/ Malamulela protest damaged schools, and contractors have been appointed. However, due to the intermittent unrest that have been going on in the area, no progress has been registered. The service provider will proceed with the work as soon as the situation is back to normal.

c) Currently security officials have been deployed to the schools affected and fencing has been included into the scope of work that is to be done at the schools.

05 June 2017 - NW1429

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) Who is the concessionaire of the Huguenot Tunnel in the Western Cape, (b) when were they appointed, (c) how were they appointed, (d) what criteria were used to appoint them, (e) when did this concessionaire start, (f) when will it be terminated (g) what are the terms and conditions of this concessionaire and (h) what financial costs and implications exist for Sanral or any other entity?


(a) The Huguenot Tunnel is not a concession contract, but a state-owned toll road, as it is funded and maintained by SANRAL. The toll operations and tunnel management are outsourced to Tolcon Group, the Operator. SMEC Consulting Engineers are the appointed professional service providers; and are responsible for overseeing the operations and maintenance of the Huguenot Toll Plaza and Tunnel.

(b) Tolcon was appointed on 27 November 2014 and the Operations and Maintenance contract officially commenced on 01 February 2015.

(c) Tolcon and SMEC Consulting Engineers were appointed after an open tender process.

(d) The tender provided for a functionality requirement to be met as a minimum. This was calculated on the following basis:






Schedule of Work Experience in comparable projects



Proposed Personnel for Key staff



Continuing professional development of the Key staff



(Items 1,4,5, & 6)

Organisational structure, Logistics, support structures and managerial ability appropriate to the size and nature of the work



(Item 2)

Financial control structures



(Item 3)

Financial information



(Item 7)

Maintenance proficiency



Toll Systems Replacement: Methodology, Approach & Technical Compliance



Toll Manning Configuration


Total evaluation points for quality (MS)


The minimum number of evaluation points for quality (WQ) was 75.

All compliant tenders who met the threshold moved on to the second stage of the tender evaluation which was Price and Preference (90/10).

Scoring preference:

Up to 100 minus W1 tender evaluation points will be awarded to tenderers who submit responsive tenders and who are found to be eligible for the preference claimed. Points are based on a tenderer’s scorecard measured in terms of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act (B-BBEE, Act 53 of 2003) and the Regulations (2009) to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA, Act 5 of 2000).

Points awarded were allocated according to a tenderer’s B-BBEE status level of contributor and summarised in the table below:

The score for price was calculated out of the 90 points using the formula:

A = (1 – (P – Pm)/Pm)

Pm is the comparative offer of the most favourable comparative offer

P is the comparative offer of the tender offer under consideration

The points for Price was then added to the Preference Point for a total point out of 100. The tender is awarded to the highest point scorer.

(e) It should be noted that this is not a concession contract, but the current Operations and Maintenance contract started on 01 February 2015.

(f) The contract was awarded for a 3 year period, with an option to extend for a further 2 years.

(g) Not applicable

(h) The Huguenot Toll Plaza and Tunnel is part of the SANRAL Toll Portfolio. Details of bonds issued in the capital markets to fund the Portfolio with each bonds corresponding coupon rate is disclosed in the SANRAL financial statements.

05 June 2017 - NW1024

Profile picture: Ross, Mr DC

Ross, Mr DC to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether a certain official of the Films and Publications Board (details furnished) has been suspended; if so, (a) when was the official suspended and (b) why was the official suspended, (c) who is currently acting in the position the specified official and (d) on what basis was the individual appointed?


Yes, the official has been suspended.

a) The official was suspended on 17 March 2017.

b) The official is facing various charges of alleged misconduct, details of which are still confidential pending finalisation of the disciplinary processes. The suspension was to enable the Board to conduct an investigation on allegations of misconduct.

c) Mr Mmberegeni Dzebu.

d) The Council requested the then Minister of Communications to second an official to act as the CEO. Mr Dzebu was found to be a suitable person.

05 June 2017 - NW1088

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Has she and/or her department decided what will happen to the 245,000 Zimbabweans who have Zimbabwe Special Permits (ZSP) which are valid until the end of 2017 (details furnished); if not, by what date will a decision be made; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether she intends to ease the restrictions on the ZSPs to allow qualifying Zimbabweans to apply for immigration, spousal, business or work visas without having to return to Zimbabwe first; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. I have received a detailed briefing from the Department on proposed options and/ or interventions that could be considered for current Zimbabwe Special Permit (ZSP) holders beyond the expiry date of 31 December 2017. I am currently considering such proposals, and also consulting with my Cabinet peers. I will be ready to make an announcement during August 2017.

2. Relevant details will be contained in the announcement envisaged above.

05 June 2017 - NW1090

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)What is the total number of designated marriage officers that (a) her department currently has and (b) have been exempted from solemnising a civil union between persons of the same sex; (2) whether, given our constitutional order, it is her position that a marriage officer of her department may be exempted from solemnising a civil union between persons of the same sex; if not, would she introduce amending legislation to repeal section 6 of the Civil Union Act, Act 17 of 2006; if so, why?


(1)(a) 1 130 designated marriage officers

(1)(b) 421 marriage officers are exempted to perform Civil Union Marriages whereby they objected on the grounds of conscience, religion or belief.

(2) This is not a Ministerial prerogative but a provision of the law in terms of section 6 of the Civil Union Act, 2006 (Act No. 17 of 2006) – A marriage officer, other than a marriage officer referred to in section 5, may in writing inform the Minister that he or she objects on the ground of conscience, religion and belief to solemnising a civil union between persons of the same sex, whereupon that marriage officer shall not be compelled to solemnise such civil union. The Act is clear in that marriage officers will not be compelled to solemnise such civil unions.

05 June 2017 - NW1087

Profile picture: Mkhaliphi, Ms HO

Mkhaliphi, Ms HO to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether her department awarded any tender to companies associated with a certain person (details furnished), either as an employee or a director; if not what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) which tenders were awarded and (b) for what work?


The Department of Home Affairs is not in a position to respond to the above question as the Department does not know which company / companies the person referred to is associated with or working for. The person referred to is and was not employed by the Department.

05 June 2017 - NW1431

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Transport

With regard to his reply to question 653 on 29 March 2017, pertaining to the order by the Grahamstown High Court which ordered the Eastern Cape Department of Roads and Public Works to reimburse farmers who have repaired damaged roads themselves, (a) by what date will the department be in a position to have completed evaluating its options and (b) by what date will the department obtain a final legal opinion on this matter?


The Eastern Cape Department of Roads and Public Works has read the judgement and instructed the State Attorney to appeal components of the judgement. In terms of the process, the Department filed an Application for leave to appeal the judgement. The matter was heard on the 19th May 2017 in the Grahamstown High Court, which reserved its judgement. The Department is therefore still awaiting the judgement of the Court.

05 June 2017 - NW1214

Profile picture: Lorimer, Mr JR

Lorimer, Mr JR to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him has (i) procured any services from and/or (ii) made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) were the total costs, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of the costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of the payments in each case?



The Department and the Entities reporting to the Minister did not procure any services from and/or made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation.

05 June 2017 - NW1180

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Communications

What amount has (a) her department and (b) each of the entities reporting to her spend on promotional events organised by a certain newspaper (name furnished) since 1 May 2014?


a) The Department of Communications (DoC) spent R958 689.84 on a business briefing held on 26 May 2016 which was organised by the newspaper in question.

b) The entities in the DoC portfolio did not spend on promotional events organised by the newspaper in question since 1 May 2014.

05 June 2017 - NW1199

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether a certain person (name furnished) resigned from her position at the Films and Publication Board (FPB); if not, why not; if so, (a) when did the specified person resign from the position and (b) why; (2) whether any disciplinary charges were laid against the person while she was still employed at the FPB; if not, why not; if so, (a) what were the (i) reasons and (ii) outcomes of the disciplinary processes followed and (b) was the Board of the FPB aware of these charges; (3) whether the person currently serves on more than one Board simultaneously; if so, (a) what are the relevant details, (b) did she declare this to the boards and (c) what salaries does the person earn in this regard; (4) whether the person has been shortlisted to serve on the Board of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) The person has resigned from the FPB.

(a) The person resigned on 8 April 2017 and is currently handing over and concluding projects relating to the Annual Report.

(b) The resignation was due to professional reasons.

(2) No.

(3) No. (a) She used to serve on the MDDA Board. (b) Yes. (c) payment for serves rendered are made in terms of the revenant prescript.

(4) Yes, the person has been shortlisted to serve on the Council of ICASA and recommended by the National Assembly.

05 June 2017 - NW87

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1) What is the current amount owed to Eskom by each municipality which is considered to have defaulted on its payment agreement to the electricity supplier; (2) in each case, has (a) his department or (b) any provincial department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs taken any action in terms of section 139(5) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, to implement a financial recovery plan; if not, why not; if so, what was the outcome of this recovery plan; (3) what has he found to have been the reason why each specified municipality is not successful in addressing the Eskom debt?


(1) Listed below are municipalities with payment arrangements, however these municipalities have defaulted at some point. These key defaulting municipalities’ combined contribution to overdue municipal debt is 87%.

Table 1: Municipalities with valid payment arrangements, as at 31 January 2017

See the link:

(2)(a) Section 139(5) states that if a municipality, in financial crisis, breaches its obligation to provide basic services or admits that it is unable to meet its financial commitments, the relevant provincial executive authority must impose a financial recovery plan. The Minister can only intervene in terms of Section 139(7) if the provincial executive authority cannot adequately exercise its power to perform the functions referred to in sub-sections 4 or 5. The national executive authority must then intervene.

National and provincial government is obligated, in terms of Section 154 of the Constitution, to support and strengthen the capacity of municipalities in managing their own affairs and exercising their own power to carry out functions. In holding municipalities accountable, CoGTA as part of the Inter-Ministerial Task Team on Eskom debt, has been in discussion with Premiers, MECs and Mayors. The Department has had engagements with various stakeholders to resolve the issue of Eskom debt. The following agreements were reached:

  • Eskom proposed to reduce the current interest rate charged to municipalities that are in arrears from 5% to prime plus 2,5%.
  • Eskom will review charging interest after 15 days as opposed to 30 days, in terms of the PFMA.
  • Eskom has agreed to allocate the payments by municipalities first toward the principal debt before the interest.
  • The majority of municipalities have been assisted to enter into payment agreements. In August 2016, only 24 municipalities had agreements in place. However, as at January 2017, it has increased to 54.
  • The Inter-Ministerial Task Team is in the process of resolving the legislative matters on electricity reticulation between Eskom and municipalities.

(3) Based on Eskom’s interaction with municipalities and the Inter-Ministerial Task team (DPE/CoGTA/NT) during 2016, the following common challenges were identified as contributing to the municipalities not honouring their financial obligations with Eskom:

i) Financial

  • Cross-subsidisation of electricity revenue for other municipal services.
  • Electricity tariff setting is not cost-reflective.
  • Some municipalities are grant-dependent.
  • Notified Maximum Demand (NMD) penalties and interest on arrears makes it difficult to decrease the principal debt.

ii) Technical

  • Eskom charges a high penalty when municipalities exceed the NMD.
  • Theft and losses of electricity equates to as much as 50% of purchases in some municipalities.
  • A maintenance backlog in infrastructure results in high technical losses.

iii) Legislative Framework

  • Municipalities are unable to effect credit control measures in Eskom-supplied areas of electricity supply.

05 June 2017 - NW1049

Profile picture: Steyn, Ms A

Steyn, Ms A to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to his reply to question 604 on the 24 April 2017, (a) what was the cost of each borehole (i) drilled per meter, (ii) refurbished and (iii) equipped, (b) what type of (i) pump and (ii) equipment was installed and in each case and (c)(i) who was responsible for the maintenance and (ii) at what cost?


(a) (i) Please refer to Annexure A.

(ii) Only 1 (one) borehole was refurbished at a cost of R 58 129.98. All other boreholes were drilled and equipped, as per annexure A.

(iii) Please refer to Annexure A.

(b) (i),(ii) Please refer to the Annexure A.

(c) (i) There were no service providers appointed for maintenance of boreholes. Boreholes were on completion handed over to the farmers (beneficiaries or communities).

(ii) No maintenance costs were incurred by the Department.




Local Municipality


  1. Total Cost per borehole

(a)(i) Drilling cost per metre

(a)(iii) Equipping cost per metre

(b)(i) Type of pump

(b)(ii) Type of equipment installed


Free State

Dihlabeng/Maluti a phofung

Bethlehem Camp 1

R 475 218.35

R 320.00

R 3 052.00


1x5000lt tank on 350mm thick concrete base & 4 drinking troughs and 1 windmill


Free State

Dihlabeng/Maluti a phofung

Bethlehem Camp 2

R 475 218.35

R 320.00

R 3 052.00


1x5000lt tank on 350mm thick concrete base & 4 drinking troughs and 1 windmill


Free State

Dihlabeng/Maluti a phofung


R 475 218.35

R 320.00

R 3 052.00


1x5000lt tank on 350mm thick concrete base & 2 drinking troughs and 1 windmill


Free State

Dihlabeng/Maluti a phofung

Mahlake 305

R 475 218.35

R 320.00

R 3 052.00


1x5000lt tank on 350mm thick concrete base & 4 drinking troughs and 1 windmill


Free State

Dihlabeng/Maluti a phofung

Mahlake 310

R 475 218.35

R 320.00

R 3 052.00


1x5000lt tank on 350mm thick concrete base & 4 drinking troughs and 1 windmill




Mcakwini 1

R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Imanzibomvu (Mbazwana)

R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Kwageorge dip

R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Mabandleni dip

R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Thengane dip

R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Bomvini Dip

R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Genuka dip

R 265 354.15

R 3 960.51

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 265 354.15

R 3 960.51

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided




Mthaleni 2

R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 265 354.15

R 3 960.51

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided




Masakeni 2 (Giba)

R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 265 354.15

R 3 960.51

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided




Nqutshini 2 (Esimphondweni)

R 526 184.52

R 3 960.51

R 3 892.99


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 420 891.75

R 736.60

R 2 816.89


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 420 891.75

R 736.60

R 2 816.89


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 420 891.75

R 736.60

R 2 816.89


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 420 891.75

R 736.60

R 2 816.89


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 87 246.73

R 736.60

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 87 246.73

R 736.60

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 420 891.75

R 736.60

R 2 816.89


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 420 891.75

R 736.60

R 2 816.89


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Qanqathu Trust

R 420 891.75

R 736.60

R 2 816.89


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 483 218.87

R 1 214.29

R 2 826.97


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 145 193.84

R 1 214.29

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 145 193.84

R 1 214.29

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 145 193.84

R 1 214.29

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 483 218.87

R 1 214.29

R 2 826.97


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Dubeni Dip tank

R 483 218.87

R 1 214.29

R 2 826.97


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Ntshiweni Dip Tank

R 145 193.84

R 1 214.29

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided




Patane (Gcobashe)

R 483 218.87

R 1 214.29

R 2 826.97


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 483 218.87

R 1 214.29

R 2 826.97


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 145 193.84

R 1 214.29

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 483 218.87

R 1 214.29

R 2 826.97


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 145 193.84

R 1 214.29

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 145 193.84

R 1 214.29

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 483 218.87

R 1 214.29

R 2 826.97


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Inkululeko Yomphakathi

R 407 185.65

R 716.48

R 3 210.10


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

R 3 210.10


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

R 3 210.10


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

R 3 210.10


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

R 3 210.10


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided




Reserve Farm

R 292 295.64

R 716.48

R 3 210.10


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Bloodriver -Nzimane

R 292 295.64

R 716.48

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided




Bloodriver -Nzimane

R 292 295.64

R 716.48

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

R 3 210.10


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

R 3 210.10


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

R 3 210.10


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

R 3 210.10


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 292 295.64

R 716.48

R 3 210.10


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Ward 9

R 322 772.55

R 657.26

R 3 199.74


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Ward 7

R 322 772.55

R 657.26

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided




Ward 7 Replacement

R 322 772.55

R 657.26

R 3 199.74


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Nquthu Ward 12 Jabuvu

R 322 772.55

R 657.26

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided




Jabavu - alternate

R 322 772.55

R 657.26

R 3 199.74


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Nquthu Ward 13 Hluleni

R 322 772.55

R 657.26

R 3 199.74


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 322 772.55

R 657.26

R 3 199.74


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Emnambithi piggery

R 322 772.55

R 657.26

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided




Mdlatswele -Cornfields

R 322 772.55

R 657.26

R 3 199.74


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab




Mkholombe -Weenen

R 322 772.55

R 657.26

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided




Khanjana (Nhlambamsoka)

R 322 772.55

R 657.26

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided




Rosboom ( Goodhope)

R 322 772.55

R 657.26

R 3 199.74


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 322 772.55

R 657.26

R 3 199.74


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 322 772.55

R 657.26

R 3 199.74


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 322 772.55

R 657.26

R 3 199.74


3x5000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab



Greater Giyani


R 346 225.00

R 657.26

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 415 663.38

R 657.26

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided





R 482 582.50

R 657.26

No information provided

No information provided

No information provided



Thembisile Hani


R 150 000.00

R 657.26

R 3 200.00


1x10 000lt tanks on 3m stands & 1 troughs on slab




Welverdiend A

R 315 680.00

R 657.26

R 3 200.00


1x10 000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab



Chief Albert Luthuli

Lekkerloop (section 2)

R 58 129.98

R 657.26

R 3 200.00


4x10 000lt tanks on 3m stands & 8 troughs on slab



Thaba Cheu


R 160 000.00

R 657.26

R 3 200.00


4 x10 000lt tanks on 3m stands & 16 troughs on slab





R 202 000.00

R 657.26

R 3 200.00


1x10 000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab





R 189 720.00

R 657.26

R 3 200.00


1x10 000lt tanks on 3m stands & 2 troughs on slab


North West

Moses Kotane


R 190 000.00

R 657.26

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane


R 190 000.00

R 657.26

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West



R 190 000.00

R 657.26

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West



R 190 000.00

R 657.26

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West



R 220 000.00

R 657.26

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane


R 220 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

Driefontein farm-Mabiletsa

R 220 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

Driefontein farm- ntshabele PJ

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

driefontein farm -Monageng

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

Donkerhoek farm-Ramokgadi

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

Driefontein farm-Pitse

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

Driefontein farm-Lekgotla PN

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

Donkerhoek farm- Maragel BJ

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

Donkerhoek farm - Matlapeng

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

Donkerhoek farm Moraka

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

Donkerhoek farm- Maragele TM

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

Driefontein farm-Molefe ES

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West

Moses Kotane

Driefontein farm-Ntshabele NS

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West


Palmietfontein -Mokgatle

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West


Potgieters fontein-Motlhabane

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West


Palmietfontein -Rammutla

R 190 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill


North West


Lucydale farm

R 220 000.00

R 0.00

R 300.00


water tank, elevated stand & windmill

05 June 2017 - NW1371

Profile picture: Breytenbach, Adv G

Breytenbach, Adv G to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

Whether his department is in the process of revising (a) the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act, Act 70 of 2002 and (b) any other interception legislation; if not, what is the position in each case; if so, what progress has been made in each case; 2) whether each process is inclusive of a revision of section 205 of the Criminal Procedure Act, Act 51 of 1977, as amended; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


1. (a) Yes.

    (b) The Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of

Communication–related Information Act (RICA), 2002 (Act No. 70 of 2002) has been earmarked for revision and appropriate amendments. This is as a result of a number of requests for amendments that have been received from various quarters and also as a result of concerns regarding the implementation of the RICA which have been brought to the attention of the Department. These requests relate, among others, to the following:

  1. the need to enhance governance, transparency and accountability mechanisms in order to oversee the interception of communications;
  2. the need to give further consideration to the compulsory registration of SIM-cards and the regulation thereof; and
  3. the broadening of RICA to cater for the combatting of cybercrime, making provision for other forms of electronic surveillance and regulating the use of remote access tools to investigate crime.

The Department is still in an investigative and initial drafting phase. A draft Bill is not yet available. Discussions with some of the law enforcement agencies regarding certain proposed amendments are under way. Public consultation will follow once the Department has processed the draft Bill through the required internal processes.

2. Yes. Section 15 of the RICA deals with the availability of other procedures for obtaining real-time or archived communication-related information. In terms of this section, the availability of the procedures in respect of the provision of real-time or archived communication-related information provided for in sections 17 and 19 of the RICA (applications to the interception judge for real-time communication-related and archived communication related-directions) does not preclude obtaining such information in respect of any person in accordance with a procedure prescribed in any other Act. However, in terms of section 15 of the RICA any real-time or archived communication-related information which is obtained in terms of such other Act may not be obtained on an ongoing basis.

In this regard, section 205 of the Criminal Procedure Act (CPA), 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977) is relevant. Section 205 of the CPA deals with the power of a judge, regional court magistrate or magistrate, upon the request of a Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) or a public prosecutor authorized thereto by the DPP, to require the attendance before a judge, regional court magistrate or magistrate, for examination by the DPP or the public prosecutor authorized thereto by the DPP, of any person who is likely to give material or relevant information as to any alleged offence, whether or not it is known by whom the offence was committed. If such person furnishes that information to the satisfaction of the DPP or the public prosecutor concerned prior to the date on which he or she is required to appear before a judge, regional court magistrate or magistrate, he or she is under no further obligation to appear before a judge, regional court magistrate or magistrate.

The Department is aware of concerns relating to the application of section 205 of the CPA in order to obtain real-time or archived communication-related information. Since section 205 of the CPA can be used to obtain material and relevant information regarding any alleged offence and not only information relating to communication as provided for in the RICA, the Department will consider amendments to section 15 of the RICA together with the amendments referred to in question 1 above.

05 June 2017 - NW1202

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether, with reference to (a) the reply to question 1965 on 30 September 2016, (b) the reply to question 1065 on 25 April 2016 and (c) the reply to question 435 on 30 March 2017, any positions are still vacant at the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA); if not, what are the relevant details; if so, (a) which positions are still vacant and (b) what are the reasons in each case; (2) for how long has the CEO position of the MDDA been vacant; (3) whether the specified person is compensated for the roles of (a) Chairperson of the MDDA Board and (b) CEO; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) on what statutory grounds, (ii) what are the terms and (iii) how much in each case; (4) whether, with reference to the reply to question 435 on 30 March 2017, she has found that the position of CEO of the MDDA will be filled by the end of the first quarter of the 2017-18 financial year as anticipated; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what progress has been made in this regard? (2) have the specified positions been advertised; if so, (a) which positions were advertised and (b)(i) in which media and (ii) on what dates were they advertised; (3) (a) how many of the specified positions are still occupied in an acting capacity and (b)(i) how many senior management acting positions are still occupied in an acting capacity since the appointment of the new MDDA Board and (ii) which positions are these?


  1. Yes.

(a) The following positions are still vacant;

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation Director

Research and Capacity Building Manager

Project Director

Executive Secretary to CEO

Knowledge Management Co-ordinator

Assistant Company Secretary

Legal and Contracts Officer

Internal Audit Manager

Travel and Events Officer

HR Officer

Digital Media Co-ordinator

(b) Chief Executive Officer (CEO): A CEO was appointed for the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA), commencing on 1 January 2017. He subsequently resigned from the Agency, with immediate effect, on 28 February 2017. Recruitment for a replacement CEO commenced immediately with a recruitment advertisement placed nationally with a closing date of 2 April 2017. The candidates have since been shortlisted.

Chief Financial Officer: This position was put on hold to enable the newly appointed acting CEO to be involved in the selection of the Executive Team.

Executive Secretary to the CEO: This position was put on hold to enable the newly appointed CEO to be involved in the selection of the Executive Secretary.

Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation Director, Project Director: This position was put on hold to enable the newly appointed CEO to be involved in the selection of the Executive Team. On the resignation of the CEO on 28 February 2017, the Board of the MDDA decided not to delay recruitment of the executive positions any further.

Research and Capacity Building Manager; Knowledge Management Co-ordinator; Assistant Company Secretary; Legal and Contracts Officer, Internal Audit Manager, Travel and Events Officer, HR Officer, Digital Media Co-ordinator: These positions are new in the MDDA organogram which was approved by the Board in quarter four of the 2015/2016 financial year. The positions were to be funded through funding from two major funders who only committed this funding in quarter 3 of the 2016/17 financial year.

2. (a) Yes, all positions have been advertised.

(b) (i) and (ii) The positions for CEO, CFO, Legal and Contracts Officer, Assistant Company Secretary and Travel and Events Co-ordinator were advertised in the Sunday Times on 12 March 2017 and on the MDDA website.

The other positions were advertised on 10 April 2016 in the City Press and on the MDDA website.

3. (a) Two of the specified positions are occupied in an acting capacity namely; CEO and CFO.

(b) (i) None (ii) Only the executive positions listed above in (3) (a) are occupied in an acting position. These are recent vacancies.

05 June 2017 - NW1409

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Finance

Whether the National Treasury received any notification from any provincial Member of the Executive Council responsible for local government to adjust the powers and functions of any (a) local or (b) district municipality in terms of section 85(9A)(c) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, Act 117 of 1998, as amended, before December 2015; if so, (i) on what date was each notification received, (ii) which municipalities are affected and (iii) what are the relevant details of the proposed adjustments of power and functions?


The Minister of Finance has not been informed of any adjustment to the powers and functions of any (a) Local or (b) District municipality in terms of section 85(9A)(b) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, Act 117 of 1998, as amended, before December 2015. (i) not applicable (ii) not applicable (iii) not applicable