Questions and Replies

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18 March 2022 - NW321

Profile picture: Cuthbert, Mr MJ

Cuthbert, Mr MJ to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What (a) period has a certain person (name and details furnished) not been at work while drawing a salary, (b) are the reasons provided by the person for not being at work and (c) amount has the person earned during the specified period? [


The Commissioner of the National Lotteries Commission (NLC), Ms Thabang Mampane has furnished me with the following response to the question:

“(a) and (b) The named person is a duly appointed staff member of the NLC who has been on medical leave in line with NLC approved policies and employment laws since end of May 2021.

(c) From May 2021 to date, the employee has earned a salary of R1 472 564.”


18 March 2022 - NW322

Profile picture: Cuthbert, Mr MJ

Cuthbert, Mr MJ to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

(a) Who is currently acting in the position of chief audit executive at the National Lotteries Commission and (b) what amount has the specified person earned since he acted in the position? [


The reply furnished to me by the Commissioner of the National Lotteries Commission (NLC), Ms Thabang Mampane has not replied fully to (a) other than to state that it is the “Internal Audit Specialist” and I will be requesting further information. In respect of (b), the reply received states that an amount of R64 256 has been paid as the acting allowance from July 2021 to February 2022.


18 March 2022 - NW48

Profile picture: Gumbi, Mr HS

Gumbi, Mr HS to ask the Minister of Tourism

(1)Whether, since her appointment as Minister, she has kept all staff in the Ministry that used to support the former Minister, Ms M T Kubayi; if not, which staff members (a) have been retained and (b) are no longer in the employ of the Ministry; (2) whether she has transferred and/or employed any staff members who assisted her in her previous ministry in the department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation; if not, why not; if so, (a) which staff members and (b) what are their responsibilities?


1. (a) No, none of the support staff of former Minister Kubayi were retained.

(b) All members of the support staff for former Minister Kubayi are no longer in the employ of the Ministry of Tourism.

2. (a) + (b) The following employees constitute the staff compliment of Ministry:

Surname & Initials


Mr B Ntshona

Chief of Staff

Ms N Mgqabi

Private & Appointment Secretary

Mr S Motale

Media Liaison

Ms Z Adams

Parliamentary Officer

Ms TJ Selamolela

Admin Support & Coordination

Ms S Sihlwayi

Parliamentary and Cabinet Support

Mr M Zuzile

Community Outreach Officer

Mr W Langeveld

Assistant Appointment and Administration Secretary

Ms VG Mbete


Ms T Mbune

Household Aide

Ms L Mokola

Household Aide

The following are departmental employees who render services to Ministry in compliance to provisions of the Ministerial handbook:

Surname & Initials


Mr J Skhosana

Administrative Services/ System

Mr F Raboroko


The following are Special Advisers in terms of the Dispensation of Special Advisers:

Surname & Initials


Adv M Simelane

Special Advisor

Mr MJ Mdekazi

Special Advisor

18 March 2022 - NW211

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Tourism

In light of the fact that the Auditor-General has made a finding that the Tourism Relief Fund was paid out to deceased persons, what (a) total number of deceased persons were paid, (b) total amount was paid to deceased persons and (c) action has she taken against those responsible?


a) The Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) reported that 17 deceased tourist guides were paid. After verification was conducted, the Department found that payments were made for a total of seven (7) deceased guides.

b) The total amount that was paid out for these cases was R16 500.

c) Case have been opened with the South African Police Services (SAPS) for further investigations.

18 March 2022 - NW353

Profile picture: Cuthbert, Mr MJ

Cuthbert, Mr MJ to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What is the final status of the grant for Peru and Bala movie; (2) whether the grant remains cancelled; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what were the reasons for his department overturning the previous approval of the grant; (3) whether he will furnish Mr MJ Cuthbert with the final report and/or audit findings of his department’s audit department regarding a complaint laid by the filmmakers on 6 March 2020; if not, why not; if so, on what date?


The department informs me that the grant approval for the movie Peru and Bala was cancelled due to the applicant’s failure apparently to comply with the Film and Television incentive guideline requirements and with the conditions set out on the approval letter. I will be reviewing the file and will thereafter provide the member with a further update.


18 March 2022 - NW312

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

(1) (a) What number of variants have been experienced in the Republic since the onslaught of the Corona virus and (b) at what intervals; (2) whether COVID-19 tests differentiate between the variants of the virus; if not, how (a) do we know which variant has infected an individual and (b) are variants tracked through the testing kits; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what number of persons were infected with each variant in the Republic; (4) whether there is updated statistics available for infections of each variant; if not, why not; if so, will he furnish Ms H Ismail with the statistics?


All viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, change over time. Most changes have little to no impact on the virus’ properties. However, some changes may affect the virus’s properties, such as how easily it spreads, the associated disease severity, its ability to evade the immune system, or the performance of vaccines, therapeutic medicines, diagnostic tools, or other public health and social measures.

1. The following variants of concern (as defined by the World Health Organization) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been found in South Africa during the Covid pandemic: Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron. The Beta variant was dominant during the 2nd wave, Delta during the 3rd wave and Omicron during the 4th wave. Other variants, which have not been classified as variants of concern, have been detected in South Africa e.g. Eta, Kappa and C.1.2.

2. COVID-19 tests identify anitgens that are common to all variants, and the tests do not differentiate between different variants of the virus. Genomic sequencing is required to identify the variant of the virus which has infected an individual, and is only conducted on some of the specimens.

a) It is not usually possible to be certain as to which variant has infected each individual, although inference may be drawn based on the dominant variant at the time of infection. From a clinical perspective, this does not matter as the clinical management of the patient is the same, irrespective of the variant causing infection.

b) No

3. Not all viruses are sequenced, and therefore the number of persons infected with each variant is not known. However, based on genomic surveillance, whereby both routine specimens from all provinces and specimens of special interest are sequenced, it is possible to identify new variants as well as shifts in the variants causing COVID disease over time. Each of the waves of COVID infection has been associated with emerging dominance of a new variant. The first wave was associated with the alpha variant, the second with the beta variant, the third with the delta and the fourth with omicron.

4. The Network for Genomics Surveillance in South Africa, which includes the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, KRISP at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of Cape Town, Stellenbosch University, the University of the Free State, the University of Pretoria, the University of the Witwatersrand and the National Health Laboratory Service, continue to monitor and assess the evolution of SARS-CoV-2. Updates are published on a weekly basis on the NICD website (


18 March 2022 - NW50

Profile picture: Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS

Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Tourism

What were the outcomes of her four-day working visit in December 2021 to the United Arab Emirates?


The outcomes of the Minister’s working visit included the following:

(i) Discussions took place with diplomats of countries that had put South Africa on a ‘red list’ and these engagements contributed to the lifting of the travel restrictions by a number of countries.

(ii) Following engagements with South Africa’s diplomatic community in North Africa and the Middle East to ensure consistency of messaging in this emerging tourism market, the diplomats committed to communicating the message that South Africa is ready to receive tourists.

(iii) Engagements took place with the Middle East investment community on their appetite and readiness to restart investment activities in South Africa’s tourism sector in light of COVID19. Minister will continue engaging those investors who have shown interest in investing in tourism-mega projects in South Africa during the next financial year.

(iv) Engagements were held with the Middle East carriers on both the need to apply a science-based approach to operational decision making in relation to the COVID19 pandemic as well as the need to explore mutually beneficial collaboration. Following these engagements a Memorandum of Understanding between South African Tourism and Emirates Airlines is in process of being finalised.

18 March 2022 - NW315

Profile picture: Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS

Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Tourism

What actions and/or strategies (a) has she put in place to ensure that the Republic is not placed on the red list of the United Kingdom in the future and (b) is she undertaking in order to have the Republic removed from the red lists of key tourism markets?


(a), (b) No one can pre-empt what other countries may do in future in relation to their approach to the management of the pandemic. However, South Africa’s approach which has proven to work effectively is to engage diplomatically with affected countries including the United Kingdom.

17 March 2022 - NW281

Profile picture: Tito, Ms LF

Tito, Ms LF to ask the Minister of Health

Whether he has been informed that from 9 February 2022 to date, the ambulances of Kimberley in the Northern Cape were not operating due to petrol cards which were declined; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


No, I was not informed about the matter.

However, on enquiry Northern Cape Department of Health (NCDOH) indicated that petrol cards were placed on hold by the service provider due to nonpayment and during this period ambulances did not stop operating as there was an arrangement made with the service providers.

The NCDOH has engaged with the service provider and has come to an arrangement for payment of outstanding accounts. The agreement included partial payment on a scheduled basis towards the accumulated outstanding balances from November 2021 and that essential vehicles fuel cards would not be placed on hold.

There is also an additional contingency plan in place of using alternative service providers as a last resort to ensure that there is no disruption of ambulance services in the province.


17 March 2022 - NW523

Profile picture: Sharif, Ms NK

Sharif, Ms NK to ask the Minister of Health

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) price and (e) purchase date of each vehicle purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) the Deputy Minister since 29 May 2019?


(i) No vehicles were purchased for the Minister since 29 May 2019.

(ii) The following vehicle was procured for the then Deputy Minister:

(a) Audi

(b) Q5

(c) 2020

(d) R756,489.83

(e) 30 September 2020


17 March 2022 - NW6

Profile picture: Hendricks, Mr MGE

Hendricks, Mr MGE to ask the Minister of Police

(1) Whether, in light of calls by the Portfolio Committee on Police for investigations into missing firearms at a police station in Johannesburg and the fact that this is not an isolated case, seeing that firearms stolen from police depots have landed in the hands of gangsters, the National Commissioner of Police will prioritise the investigation into the stolen firearms which contribute greatly to violent killings on the Cape Flats; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) Whether an intelligence officer will be deployed to the police depots identified as hotspots for missing firearms; if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details; (3) What turnaround strategy is there to encourage the public to report stolen firearms, as members of a the public are often too afraid to report corruption at a police station; (4) Whether hi Office will refer cases of police officials who were previously accused of being involved in missing firearms for further investigation; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW7E


Attached find here: Reply

17 March 2022 - NW552

Profile picture: Mokgotho, Ms SM

Mokgotho, Ms SM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

In light of the fact that the Moses Kotane Local Municipality incurred fruitless and wasteful expenditure of R2 822 000 and R111 943 868 which was incurred in respect of prior years and have not yet been dealt with in accordance with section 32 of the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, what (a) steps does she intend to take to assist the municipality to bring the officials who misappropriated public funds to book and (b) are the time frames in this regard?


The Department coordinated the Municipal Structures Amendment Act of 2021, the Act now includes the function of Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC), which empowers the committee (MPAC) to investigate and report to council on matters affecting the municipality.

The Department is embarking on the development of online monitoring and reporting tool for MPACs. The Department in collaboration with stakeholders within local government space continues to capacitate MPACs to have a better understanding of their oversight role, which includes treatment of unauthorised, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure in accordance with section 32 of Municipal Finance Management Act.

The Northwest Province has targeted to support all four district municipalities on the investigation of unauthorised, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure in line with District Development Model. Additionally, the Provincial CoGTA in collaboration with Provincial Treasury and SALGA will follow up on the work executed by the previous council on the investigation of UIF&W expenditure. 

The province has inducted newly elected MPAC members on numerous components with emphasis on investigation and reduction of the UIF&W expenditure in the municipalities on the 7-11 February 2022.

The Department of Treasury is taking a lead on the review of municipal UIF&W expenditure reduction strategy and municipalities are directed to implement the recommendations.

17 March 2022 - NW462

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

What number of babies have reportedly been stolen out of (a) public and (b) private hospitals in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020 and (iii) 2021?


The following table provides the response in this regard.


Number of babies stolen




Public hospitals

Private hospitals

Public hospitals

Private hospitals

Public hospitals

Private hospitals

Eastern Cape







Free State


Not reported


Not reported


Not reported








Kwa-Zulu Natal


Not reported




Not reported



Not reported


Not reported


Not reported



Not reported


Not reported


Not provided

North West


Not reported


Not reported


Not reported

Northern Cape


Not reported


Not reported


Not reported

Western Cape


Not reported


Not reported


Not reported


We still await information from the Eastern Cape and Gauteng Provinces. This will be furnished to Parliament as soon as it is received.



17 March 2022 - NW493

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to the mandatory polymerase chain reaction test when tourists enter our borders, (a) what informs his department to continue with the specified tests, (b) by what date will the requirements for the tests cease and (c) what is being done to ensure that tourists entering our borders experience an efficient, speedy and safe entrance in future?


a) This is a requirement stipulated in the current National State of Disaster Regulations. The global community is still grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic and its categorisation as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation COVID-19 calls for countries to decrease the disease incidence through early detection and response. Requiring tourists to produce a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is classified as part of the early detection measures South Africa has introduced to reduce transmission of COVID-19. This requirement assists in deterring travellers who are symptomatic from travelling and from potentially infecting others during travel and South Africans on entry into the country.

b) An increase in immunity levels against the virus by the general population and vaccination uptake will allow the country to revise some of these entry requirements as more and more citizens become less susceptible to severe disease caused by COVID infections.

c) Considerations are underway to allow fully vaccinated tourists to enter the country and allow for the use of other less expensive means of tests such as antigen testing in the future also in consideration of the epidemiological circumstances. There are also joint initiatives between accounting officers of Health, Tourism and Home Affairs to work on the electronic screening process of travellers.


17 March 2022 - NW387

Profile picture: Buthelezi, Ms SA

Buthelezi, Ms SA to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

What is her department’s plan to address the issue of nonviable municipalities particularly to ensure that the situation is improved to bring about economic growth and job creation?


The Department has over the years implemented initiatives to support Local Economic Development at a municipal level. In 2018 the Department released the National Framework on Local Economic Development which sought to encourage all actors and role players to recognise the critical importance of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) as a catalyst to promote inclusive, local economic growth and development.

Guided by framework, the Department has championed the establishsment of Business Development Forums (BDFs) which seeks to address the public sector – private sector divide as it relates to the planning and implementation of local economic development programmes. The BDFs have been implemented in municipalities such as West Coast; Sara Baartmaan, Ehlanzeni and Umgungundlovu District Municipalities.

The Department has also been involved in various Business Adopt a Municipality (BAaM) / Partnership projects with the business sector and State Owned Companies to support municipalities in addressing the challenges they face in complying to their legislative mandate.Partnerships established under the BAaM programme are different to other relationships between local government and the private sector in that they offer an opportunity for the private sector to share its experiences, skills and resources to directly support service delivery in a structured fashion at local level.

The Department in collaboration with the DTI and SALGA produced guidelines for reducing red tape in municipalities. The evidence study pointed out that municipal managers are usually focused on improving municipal financial audit results, and not on reducing Red Tape. The guidelines call upon municipal managers to prioritise both the improvement of audit ratings and the reduction of Red Tape. Among others, the guidelines recommend the initiation of Red Tape Reduction programmes by municipalities in conjunction with local business entities.

Lastly, the Department is coordinating the implementation of the District Develomplent Model (DDM) which is anchored on the development and implementation of district and metro one plans. One of the critical focus areas of the one plan is economic positioning - which is about that ensuring that districts and metros throughout the country understand their competitive and comparative advangateges and utilise them to grow their economies. The district and metro one plans are also meant to facilitate the reimagining district and metro spaces to promote inclusive growth and development. Importantly, one plans contain catalytic projects that will be implemented over a medium to long term to support economic recovery and growth in the districts and metros.  

Through the DDM approach, the department is championing a programme focusing on the alignment of the Cooperatives based community economic development model to the District Development Model to address service delivery challenges in Municipalities. This programme seeks to address amongst others the following challenges - high rate of unemployment and poverty; minimal community participation in their development; lack of focus on repairs and maintenance to reduce government expenditure and carbon emission; and over dependency of poor families on government handouts and services. The programme is being piloted in Kwa-Zulu Natal Province focusing on Land fill, routine road maintenance, and potholes patching targeting Community Works Programme Participants.

17 March 2022 - NW333

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

(a) With which countries does the Republic currently have the bipartisan trade protocols that relate to (i) bovine and (ii) small ruminants semens and (b)(i) since what date was each specified protocol in place and (ii) what are the relevant details in each case?


(a)(i),(ii)(b)(i),(ii) Please refer to the table below.


(a) Country


(a)(i),(ii) Species

(b)(i) Date of inception

(b)(ii) Details





January 2013

Trade is taking place. An updated veterinary health certificate was proposed to Australia for negotiation in February 2021.




Ovine and caprine


Trade is taking place. There are few applications (by importers) to import the commodity, therefore few permits are issued.


New Zealand



May 2007

Trade is taking place.


New Zealand


Ovine and caprine

January 2007

Trade is taking place. There are few applications (by importers) to import the commodity, therefore few permits are issued.





January 2010

Trade is taking place. The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development is in the process of negotiating an updated veterinary health certificate.





May 2015

Trade is taking place





May 2016

Trade is taking place





June 2015

Trade is taking place





December 2016

Trade is taking place





November 2017

Trade is taking place





June 2014

Trade is taking place





April 2014

Trade is taking place





July 2019

Trade is taking place





July 2014

Trade is taking place


United Kingdom



April 2014

Trade is taking place. The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development is in the process of negotiating an updated veterinary health certificate.


United States of America




Trade taking is place. South Africa proposed an updated veterinary health certificate for negotiation in February 2021.





August 2017

In January 2019, South Africa experienced an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and lost its World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) recognised freedom. South Africa wrote to the Brazilian Veterinary Authority to renegotiate and was informed that the protocol had been updated and it was necessary to re-negotiate. The updated requirements contain conditions for Scrapie, which South Africa cannot meet. This protocol is no longer active and trade has been suspended.

17 March 2022 - NW386

Profile picture: Sithole, Mr KP

Sithole, Mr KP to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What are the details of the moratorium placed on the filling of critical positions by the KwaZulu-Natal provincial department of health which were advertised in Circular G01/2022, (b) for how long will the moratorium be in place and (c) what factors were considered to justify the moratorium?


The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Department of Health informed that-

a|) The Circular was issued by the Department as a cost containment plan for the management of budget allocated. The primary aim is to ensure that there is no over expenditure on COE amongst other things as a turnaround strategy to reduce the over expenditure in the budget allocated.

b) The Department will closely monitor the spending of budget in which it will allow the filling of critical posts whilst the moratorium is in place as a cost containment plan.

c) The resolution by the Provincial Executive Council, Provincial Treasury and relevant Portfolio Committees is that the accounting officer submits and implements a turnaround plan that will ensure the Department does not over-spend its budget allocation as envisaged in section 39(2)(a) of the Public Finance Management Act of 1999, as amended.


17 March 2022 - NW384

Profile picture: Luthuli, Mr BN

Luthuli, Mr BN to ask the Minister of Health

Whether, following an unknown suspected gas leak and inhalation at a school and homes in the surrounding area of Richards Bay, where children as well as adults developed nausea, vomiting, difficulties in breathing with many having collapsed and transported to hospitals and clinics in the Richards Bay and Empangeni areas, his department has investigated the incident; if not, why not; if so, what (a) are the results of the investigation and (b) is being done to prevent the incident from happening in the future?


The National Department of Health is indeed the custodian of Health Services in the country, the Constitution has, in Schedule 4B, assigned some of the Health Services to Municipality later defined in section 1 of the National Health Act, 2003 (Act No 61 of 2003) as Municipal Health Services. The District Municipality is therefore responsible for the services but monitored and supported by both the Provincial and National Departments of Health.

The matter was investigated through the King Cetshawayo District Municipality lead by the Air Quality Management Unit in collaboration with the Environmental Health Unit (Municipal Health Services) thereof.

(a) The results of the investigations are as follows: There was no substantive or adequate information provided on the type of gas that was inhaled by the pupils during the interviews with the affected school (Richards Bay High School) and their neighbouring schools. The authorities could not access the main complainants through the Richards Bay Clean Air Association (RBCAA) Arboretum Station that would have provided adequate information on the type of fumes/smell experienced, times, duration and the areas (location). In addition, the available ambient monitoring data and emission data does not provide a conclusive source of emissions due to the reported symptoms not related to the monitored sulphur dioxide.

(b) The authorities to conduct a further investigation until the root cause is identified; availability of public awareness posters on how to log air quality complaints; conduct awareness in local schools on air quality. Fire, rescue and disaster management as well as the community are urged to log complaints through the authorities’ (City of uMhlathuze and King Cetshwayo District Municipality). The available complaints systems telephone numbers are 035 907 5000 and 080 011 1258 respectively).


17 March 2022 - NW561

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

In light of the fact that Tshwane has confirmed at least seven typhoid fever cases between December 2021 and February 2022, what is his department’s level of readiness to deal with typhoid fever outbreak?


The Department of Health has Outbreak Response Teams at National, Provincial, District and facility level. These teams are activated on notification of an outbreak of any communicable disease in the province and in the country, typhoid fever inclusive. The teams meet regularly to discuss and monitor the trajectory of all prevalent notifiable medical conditions, one of which is the Typhoid disease.

Typhoid (Salmonella Typhi) is a Notifiable Medical Condition, meaning that all confirmed cases must be officially reported to the Department of Health through the Notifiable Medical Conditions Surveillance System (NMCSS). The NICD Notifiable Medical Condition (NMC) system helps to notify cases of Typhoid and other communicable diseases in real-time. These timely notifications assist members of the Outbreak response teams to respond urgently to any Typhoid case and any communicable disease outbreak at all levels of service delivery. In addition, the district team downloads cases daily on the NMC system if any have been reported and liaise with the IPC nurses to get the demographics of the cases so that the clusters can be correctly identified, and contact tracing can commence.

Environmental Health Practitioners regularly go inside communities where there are possibilities of community members drinking from streams, dams, rivers, and lakes. They collect samples of water from these water entities and measure levels and concentration of E. coli in these waters. These levels are proxy indicators of the levels of the Typhoid fever pathogens.

They also use the opportunity to educate community members about the Typhoid disease and how to prevent this disease. Social mobilization and Risk Communications are ongoing in the communities towards the prevention and control of Typhoid disease. The provinces make use of community radio stations and secure slots where communities are educated about typhoid.


17 March 2022 - NW456

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Health

Whether, with reference to the Auditor-General’s report, his department will supply a breakdown of (a) the R49 million unauthorised expenditure in terms of noncompliance in the 2020-21 financial year, (b) R922 million irregular expenditure for the 2020-21 financial year and (c) R849 million for the 2019-20 financial year; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what disciplinary procedures have taken place in each case?


a) Breakdown of R49 million unauthorised expenditure

Programme 4: Primary Health Care: (R37,886 million)

Per economic classification

Amount in R’000

Compensation of Employees

(43 763)

Goods and Services

4 936

Transfers and Subsidies


Capital Assets


Net Results

(37 886)

Programme 6: Health Systems Governance: (R11,841 million)

Per economic classification

Amount in R’000

Compensation of Employees


Goods and Services

13 708

Transfers and Subsidies

(30 568)

Capital Assets

4 868

Net Results

(11 841)

Grand total: R49,727 million

b) The National Department of Health did not incur irregular expenditure to the value of R922 million for the 2020/21 financial year. The irregular expenditure disclosed in the Annual Financial Statements for the 2020/21 financial year amounts to R297,888 million and is composed as follows:

Actual Irregular expenditure incurred in 2020/21 R131,752 million

Irregular expenditure incurred in previous financial years R166,136 million

Accumulative amount as at 31 March 2020/21 R297,888 million

c) The National Department of Health did not incur R849 million for the 2019/20 financial year. The irregular expenditure disclosed in the Annual Financial Statements for the 2019/20 financial year amounts to R166,136 million and is composed as follows:

Actual Irregular expenditure incurred in 2019/20 R 58,784 million

Irregular expenditure incurred in previous financial years R107,352 million

Accumulative amount as at 31 March 2019/20 R166,136 million

With regards to disciplinary procedures, cases have been sent for assessment in terms of the Irregular Expenditure Framework as published by National Treasury, dated 16 May 2019 to determine whether the transactions are indeed irregular or not. Some of these transactions have been sent to the Office of the Accountant-General to determine if indeed the findings of AGSA are valid or not in terms of the Mechanism for Resolving Disagreement Between the Auditor (AGSA) and Auditee dated 01 June 2021, the auditee in this cases is (NDOH). Some of the officials implicated in the cases mentioned had been suspended and disciplinary hearings are underway/ in progress.


17 March 2022 - NW481

Profile picture: Brink, Mr C

Brink, Mr C to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether she has been informed of the prolonged and repeated water outages and restrictions suffered by residents of the Matjhabeng Local Municipality in the Free State in the past year due to faults in the water reticulation network and the inability of the municipality to pay its bulk water account; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) steps is the national Government taking in terms of section 154(1) of the Constitution of the Republic, 1996, to support and strengthen the capacity of the specified municipality to provide water to the community and (b) progress has been achieved in this regard to date?


The MISA technical support was made aware of the water provision challenges. MISA is continually supporting MLM in infrastructure delivery and service delivery including improving access to water together with the Department of Water & Sanitation and other stakeholders through the DDM.

a) National Government has deployed technical support, through MISA as mentioned in the background above, to low and medium capacity municipalities including MLM.

As part of the support package to MLM, MISA conducted a water infrastructure assessment from the 21st of August 2018 to the 31st of March 2019 that covered the nine (9) water services treatment plants in MLM. The Assessment Report was shared with the MLM and MLM is continuously supported to implement the recommendations of the report in order to improve delivery. MISA supports MLM with the implementation of projects throughout the project life cycle. Some of the specific activities of support are as follows:

      • Review of projects business plans and technical reports for registration processes,
      • General project management and project implementation planning
      • Verification of work done on infrastructure projects
      • Invoice verification on the MIG funded projects prior payment to ensure value for money is created on the ground.

MISA is also supporting MLM with the development the Social Labour Plans (SLP) in mining towns.

b) National government has developed programmes to support municipalities including the MLM to perform their functions.

MLM is also supported by national government through conditional grants like the MIG and WSIG to provide access to water. MISA is providing technical support to implement these grants.

Furthermore, the Minister of Water and Sanitation has commenced a stakeholder consultation process to address the challenges that SWB is facing. To that end the Minister of Water and Sanitation wrote to the Minister of COGTA in that regard on the 4th of February 2022.

17 March 2022 - NW324

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to his department receiving an unqualified audit with findings from the Auditor-General for the 2020-21 financial year, what are the accumulative figures in (a) his department and (b) the SA Health Products Regulatory Authority in terms of irregular expenditure?


The cumulative figures for the 2020-21 financial year in terms of irregular expenditure as stated in the Annual Reports are as follows:

a) The Department: R297 888.00.

b) The SA Health Products Regulatory Authority: R10 369 880


17 March 2022 - NW607

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

What is the position of his department on mandatory vaccination in institutions of higher learning?


The scientific evidence is that where people must unavoidably congregate every protective measure should be taken including masking, ventilation, social distance from one another where possible, physical barriers such as screens, and increasing individual immunity through vaccination. The approach taken by institutions of higher learning is in line with this evidence and is therefore supported.


17 March 2022 - NW461

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) is the current national backlog of postponed (i) non-essential surgeries and (ii) cancer treatment, (b) is the backlog in each province in each specified case, (c) what (i) number and (ii) types of each surgery have been delayed and (d) is the waiting time for each of the non-essential surgeries, for example, the period a patient has to wait for the procedure to remove a cataract?


a) Surgeries are conducted at facility level and the information is also collected here. The current national backlog information can therefore not be provided as there is still outstanding information.

Table below provides information by province who have reported for (b)(i)(ii).


b(i) non-essential surgeries

b(ii) cancer treatment,

Free State


Not specified

Kwa-Zulu Natal








No backlog for cancer treatment

Northern Cape


Not specified

Western Cape

Western Cape Department of Health use operations > 30 mins as a proxy marker for this:

2019 the Department performed 105 882 operations > 30 mins

This dropped by 19 % during 2020

Dropped even further to 22 % by 2021

The services have begun re-escalating cervical cancer screening activities again.


c(i)Number of delayed surgeries

c)(ii)Type of surgery

Free State





Obstetrics and Gynaecology



General Surgery









Maxillo- Facial

(d) (i) The waiting time in Free State facilities for non-essential surgery is as follows:

  • Orthopaedics surgery ranges between four (4) weeks for femur fracture to five (5 years) for arthroplasty.
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology between from two (2) weeks to two (2) years.
  • General Surgery ranges between two (2) weeks to two (2) years.
  • Urology ranges between one (1) month to one (1) year.
  • Ophthalmology there is none for Retina surgery from one hospital.

(ii) However for cataract surgery it ranges from one (1) year to three (3) years.


c(i)Number of delayed surgeries

c)(ii)Type of surgery

Kwa- Zulu Natal





Obstetrics and Gynaecology



General Surgery









Maxillo- Facial






Plastic Surgery






Paediatric Surgery

(i) The waiting time in Kwa Zulu-Natal facilities for non-essential surgery is as follows:

  • Orthopaedics surgery ranges between six (6) months to two (2) years.
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology ranges between three (3) months six (6) months.
  • General Surgery ranges between six (6) months to one (1) year.
  • Urology ranges between twelve (12) months to three (3) years.
  • ENT ranges between six (6) months to one (1) year.
  • Plastic Surgery not provided
  • Neurosurgery not provided
  • Paediatric Surgery not provided

(ii) Ophthalmology which includes cataract surgery ranges between six (6) months to one (1) year.


c(i)Number of delayed surgeries

c)(ii)Type of surgery






Obstetrics and Gynaecology







(i) The waiting time in Limpopo facilities for non-essential surgery is as follows:

  • Orthopaedics surgery ranges between six (6) months to two (2) years.
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology ranges between six (6) months to one (1) year.
  • Urology ranges between six (6) months to one (1) year.

(ii) Ophthalmology which includes cataract surgery ranges between one (1) year to four(years)


c(i)Number of delayed surgeries

c)(ii)Type of surgery






Obstetrics and Gynaecology



General Surgery




(i) The waiting time in Mpumalanga facilities for non-essential surgery is as follows:

  • Orthopaedics surgery ranges between seven (7) days to one (1) year.
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology ranges between four (4) weeks to six (6) months.
  • General Surgery is one (1) year.
  • Urology ranges between six (6) months to one (1) year.

(ii) Ophthalmology which includes cataract surgery ranges between four (4) weeks to one (1) year.


c(i)Number of delayed surgeries

c)(ii)Type of surgery

Northern Cape





Obstetrics and Gynaecology



General Surgery












Plastic Surgery



Maxillo Facial

(i) The waiting time in Northern Cape facilities for non-essential surgery is as follows:

  • Orthopaedics surgery ranges between two (2) days to three (3) months
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology not specified.
  • General Surgery not specified
  • Urology ranges one (1) year eight (8) months
  • ENT not specified
  • Plastic Surgery not specified

(ii) Ophthalmology which includes cataract surgery ranges between two (2) to three (3) years.

We still await information from the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Northwest, and Western Cape Provinces. This will be furnished to Parliament as soon as it is received.

17 March 2022 - NW310

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) was the total cost incurred for legal fees in the 2020-21 financial year and (b) are the subsequent disciplinary procedures for each province?


The following table reflects the details in this regard, as received from the provinces:


(a) Legal fees (cost)

(b) Disciplinary procedures

Eastern Cape


Legal practitioners and employees with competencies to handle cases.

Free state

 R 2 790 446.55

Legal practitioners and employees with competencies to handle cases.


 R 130 346 197,23


Kwazulu Natal





Legal practitioners and employees with competencies to handle cases.


R 35 798 383.52

Legal practitioners and employees with competencies to handle cases.

North West

R 3 748 814.05

Lawyer, consultants and employees

Northern Cape

R 2 854 890.69 

Lawyers and employees

Western Cape

R 8 526 308.99

No lawyers are used in the province for disciplinary hearing

National department of Health

R 6,092,749.98

Employees with competencies to handle cases hearing


17 March 2022 - NW636

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What number of (a)(i) doctors and (ii) nurses who have completed their (aa) degrees, (bb) period of internships and (cc) community services have been placed in state hospitals to provide health care and (b) the specified doctors and nurses have not been placed and are currently unemployed; (2) what (a) is the budget for placing (i) doctors and (ii) nurses in the healthcare system and (b) are the short comings of the budget in order to realise the placements in each case?


1. (a)(i)(aa) The total number of doctors who were confirmed as having met the requirements of completing their degrees in December 2021 that made them eligible for medical internship for January 2022 are 2 419;

(a)(ii)(aa) The total number of Nurses who were confirmed as having met the requirements of completing their degrees in December 2021 that made them eligible for community service for January 2022 are 3 196;

(a)(bb) The total number of Interns who have completed their medical degrees and were eligible to be placed for medical internship in the Annual 2022 cycle are 2 419;

(a)(cc) The total number of community service doctors who have completed their medical internship and were eligible to be placed for community service doctors in the Annual 2022 cycle are 2 155.

(b) A total of 43 Medical Community Service doctors, 10 Medical Interns and 12 Community Services Nurses were placed, respectively into positions. However, they have since rejected their placements due to various reasons and therefore remain unemployed.

(b)(i)(ii)The budget for placing Interns and Community service Doctors and Nurses in the healthcare system have since increased from the year 2016 baseline with 75%, making the budget demand to be R 4 898 440 063.00 p/a. The increased numbers demanding additional positions for placements, are due to returning medical students who studied in Cuba through the Nelson Mandela Fidel Castro (NMFC) Programme and additional intakes by local Universities, (b) the National Department of Health, had to approach National Treasury to introduce new funding as Human Resources Training Grant (HRTG) to cover the shortfalls as Provincial Departments of Health were unable to the shortfalls demands within their equitable share budgets.


17 March 2022 - NW325

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Health

(1)With reference to the SA Health Products Regulatory Authority receiving an unqualified audit with findings from the Auditor-General for 2020-21, what (a) were the findings regarding the specified audit report and (b) consequence management has been put in place by his department; (2) whether there are distinct timelines factored into the consequence management system; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what (a) were the regressions, (b) departments were guilty and (c) disciplinary actions have been taken against implicated officials who committed offences such as irregular expenditure and the amounts thereof, compliance with the law, regulations and documents, internal policies and procedures; (4) what control system has been put in place to ensure proper record keeping to ensure that complete, relevant and accurate information is accessible and available to support financial and performance reporting?


1. (a) Findings raised related to prior year material misstatements not corrected.

(b) SAHPRA has established a Loss Control Function which reviews determination reports and recommends appropriate consequence management.

2. Timelines are factored into the audit action plan for overall improvement requirements in the SAHPRA control environment. The Finance Unit embarked on a project to correct prior year material misstatements. The Project Plan was executed for the period September 2021 and January 2022. The successful implementation of the Project Plan, envisages the following outcomes:

  • Reconstructed 2018/2019 & 2019/2020 Financial Years
  • Deferred Income listing for 2019/2020 (By implication, this will also result in a listing of the Deferred Income balance for 2018/2019)
  • Adjustments Schedule

For irregular expenditure transgressions, a detailed Standard Operating Procedure has been developed together with the establishment of a Loss Control Function which reviews determination reports and recommends appropriate consequence management in line with our internal disciplinary policy and labour relation directives

Financial reporting/record keeping – business units are required to report on financial and performance management information on a monthly basis by the 7th of each month. Consequence management has been implemented against officials not submitting within specified timeframes

Irregular expenditure – Determinations are initiated once transgressions have been confirmed either through the SAHPRA internal control system or through internal or external audits. All transgressions confirmed have been condoned by the National Treasury with the exception of one which is still under consideration by National Treasury.

3. (a) None, no change in overall audit opinion and reduction of one qualification.

(b) Three officials from the Supply Chain Management, Office of the Board Secretary and Inspectorate departments.

(c) To date, disciplinary action has been taken against three officials relating to irregular expenditure as follows:

  • Official 1 – R1 920 309
  • Official 2 – R5 672
  • Official 3 – R97 750

The remainder of the condonation approved by NT related to employees who have subsequently left the organisation. Disciplinary action has also been taken against three officials relating to internal process and procedures for financial reporting and record keeping.

4. Financial reporting/record keeping: business units are required to report on financial and performance management information on a monthly basis by the 7th of each month.

Historical information (remaining qualification) is a challenge. A project has been initiated to develop supporting records for audit purposes. Listings are created from the bank statements for the 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial years to support the financial statement figures previously reported on. Application numbers are to be listed against the listings derived from the bank statement which will be linked to supporting evidence. The project is planned for completion before submission of the financial statements for audit purposes. Internal audit has been tasked to track progress made against the clearing of the remaining qualification.

Performance reporting: management is required to upload their portfolio of evidence to support the reported performance on the Performance Information SharePoint Group. Furthermore, management is required to sign the official sign-off page to confirm accuracy of the information reported and that the relevant evidence has been loaded. Furthermore, the reported performance is also audited by Internal Audit prior to submission.


16 March 2022 - NW169

Profile picture: McGluwa, Mr JJ

McGluwa, Mr JJ to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What steps has his Office taken to assist Statistics SA to overcome some of the field work logistical obstacles such as the recruitment of persons, acquisition of vehicles and shortage of tablets, which it has been experiencing to ensure that the Census takes place?


The Statistics Act, that is Act No. 6 of 1999, directs the Minister to publish the date of the census by notice of a gazette. In line with previous practice, the Office of the Minister and Deputy Minister has been working closely with Stats SA to publicise the census since the 100 day countdown and the launch of the census. They have each led numerous census publicity activities in various areas with media in tow to ensure maximum participation from the public in the sourcing of fieldworkers at large.

The Statistics Act is very clear on the responsibilities of the Minister in that the Minister may not interfere with the powers of the Statistician-General in executing the Act. The Office of the Minister is thus not involved in the operational aspects of recruitment of fieldworkers for the census as well as the sourcing and acquisition of vehicles. Stats SA has no shortages of tablets and have made adequate provisions for all fieldworkers.

Thank You

16 March 2022 - NW759

Profile picture: Tito, Ms LF

Tito, Ms LF to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What measures have been put in place by her department to develop a curriculum that empowers the youth to be manufacturers and producers of goods and services, which can be consumed in the communities where they reside?


The Department of Basic Education has introduced the Three-Stream Curriculum Model. Through this Model the DBE seeks to strengthen the offerings of subjects that equip learners with skills and competencies that enables them to fix, maintain and build products, such subjects include woodworking where learners are able to build chairs, tables, cabinets just to give an example.

Learners also offer hospitality subjects, where learners amongst others learn how to cook.  The products produced through learning these subjects may be sold during open days at schools as well as to individuals who are willing to purchase them.

Children in Agricultural schools are not only taught how to produce agricultural produce, but are also taught entrepreneurial skills, and how to access the markets to sell their produce.

These are some of the efforts of the Department offer curriculum that teach learners how to manufacture and produce goods and services which can be consumed by communities they reside in.

16 March 2022 - NW685

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What is the total number of (a) single-medium schools of each language in the Republic, (b) schools for each language in each province and (c) single-medium schools that were closed in each province in the (i) 2020-21 and (ii) 2021-22 financial years and (ii) what were the reasons for each closure?


Response: (a) (b)

Table 1 indicates that, there were 7 106 single medium schools in the country. Majority of these schools were English medium with 5 964 schools.

Number of Single Medium Schools per Province, in 2021

Source: LURITS 2021

(c) (i) During the 2020/21 and 2021/22 financial years there were eight (8) single medium schools that were closed and these schools were from Mpumalanga.

(ii) Reasons for closure: There are various measures that can lead to merger or closure of schools. The Department of Basic of Education has provided Provincial Education Departments with Guidelines for Rationalisation and Re-alignment of Public Schools; Holistic Approach. The primary objective of the School Rationalisation process is to continue providing universal access to quality basic education in a rational manner, doing so cost effectively with respect to resource provisioning, where the costs being referred to are not only limited to monetary costs but also socio-economic imperatives.

16 March 2022 - NW294

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Ms N.N Chirwa (EFF) to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

What is the reason that a certain inmate (details furnished) has been denied repeated requests for medical care?


The mentioned inmate is receiving treatment for his medical condition from the centre clinic on a continuous basis and on 01 February 2022, he was seen by the visiting medical practitioner who endorsed that the patient must be referred to King Edward Hospital.

The offender has a confirmed appointment date for 15 March 2022


16 March 2022 - NW139

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

What is the status of all the infrastructure projects of his department aimed at (a) adding additional bed spaces to correctional facilities and (b) building of new correctional centres?


a) Currently, DCS has one upgrade project in execution at Parys for the construction of additional bed spaces. This project is underway and scheduled for completion during the 2022/23 financial year. The project is implemented by the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA). The construction is at 85% completion.

b) Building of new correctional centres can be summarised as follow:

Projects: Construction of new correctional centre



Tender advertised for the appointment of a construction contractor. Bid Adjudication stage with DPWI. Construction contractor appointment scheduled for the 2022/2023 financial year.


Project in design stages. Site clearance finalised, Construction contractor appointment scheduled for the 2022/2023 financial year. The project is in the process to be adopted from the DPWI, due to delays during the planning and design stages.


Site clearance stage: Project deferred due to budget constraints.


Site identified. The feasibility studies are 80% complete. Project deferred due to budget constraints.

Richards Bay

Feasibility study stage. Project deferred due to budget constraints.


Appointment of consultants to conduct Environmental Impact Assessments finalised. Project deferred due to budget constraints.


Appointment of consultants to conduct Environmental Impact Assessments finalised. Project deferred due to budget constraints.


Project deferred due to budget constraints.


Project deferred due to budget constraints.


Feasibility study and site clearance processes finalised. Project deferred due to budget constraints.


Project deferred due to budget constraints. Site identification report completed.


Project deferred due to budget constraints. Site identification report was completed.


Project deferred due to budget constraints. Site clearance processes not initiated.


Project deferred due to budget constraints. Site clearance processes not initiated.


Project deferred due to budget constraints. A Township Establishment was approved by the Municipality in 2011.

Port Shepstone

Site clearance outstanding.

Mouth Ayliff

Project deferred due to budget constraints. Site clearance processes not initiated.


Project deferred due to budget constraints. Site clearance processes not initiated.


Project deferred due to budget constraints. Site clearance processes not initiated.

East London

Project deferred due to budget constraints. Site clearance processes not initiated.


Project deferred due to budget constraints. Site clearance processes not initiated.


16 March 2022 - NW491

Profile picture: Mbabama, Ms TM

Mbabama, Ms TM to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What (a) is the total amount of the Presidential Employment Stimulus vouchers for subsistence farmers that were distributed in (i) all nine provinces to date and (ii) each provincial department and (b) number of farmers did her department reach in the implementation of the specified programme; (2) whether she has been informed of any incidents of the abuse of the support programme that took place in the nine provinces; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a),(i),(ii),(b) Please refer to the Table below.


(a)(i),(ii) Total amount for vouchers issued

  1. Number of farmers reached

Eastern Cape

125 383 700,00

21 567

Free State

34 216 400,00

5 769


28 599 300,00

5 145

Kwa Zulu Natal

160 846 500,00

28 246


102 849 000,00

16 436


98 366 600,00

17 728

North West

79 897 000,00

12 051

Northern Cape

22 898 200,00

3 246

Western Cape

13 051 400,00

2 124


666 108 100,00

  1. 312

2. Yes.

  • Suppliers charging marked up prices;
  • Non-delivery and delayed delivery of agricultural production inputs by suppliers to farmers causing delays in implementation of projects by the farmers; and
  • Collusion between some suppliers and farmers in exchanging vouchers for cash.

In an attempt to deal with these challenges, the Department suspended the project for one month in order to review and redesign its implementation plan. The Department removed all suppliers who do not have shops (middlemen) and is replacing them with agro-dealers who own shops. These beneficiaries are now going to redeem their vouchers with agro-dealers and buy items at shelf prices like any other agricultural customer. There are no extra charges on the items. This will also eliminate any chance of exchanging vouchers for cash because the redemption of the voucher and all transactions will be done inside the shop after the farmer has selected the production inputs.

16 March 2022 - NW335

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What (a) is the status of the vaccines that are being produced and sold at Onderspoort Biological Products and (b) are the details of vaccines that are being imported from other countries and sold in the Republic and (c) are the details of their effectiveness in the treatment of animal diseases; (2) what (a) vaccines are in short supply and (b) actions have been taken to address the shortage of the specified vaccines?


(1)(a) The Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) continues to produce key vaccines, and some have recently been distributed across the country including Bluetongue vaccine and African horse-sickness vaccine. Most vaccines will be released soon in the coming months as per our sales forecast and production plan.

(b) There is a large number of animal vaccines imported into the country and are sold by OBP’s competitors. The OBP only imports Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccine, which in turn it provides to the Department for use to control FMD.

(c) During registration of vaccines by the Registrar of Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Seeds and Remedies Act 36 of 1947, all claims for effectiveness are evaluated by the registrar. The Vaccines will therefore not be registered unless they are proven to be effective. At production before bottling in particular, tests are conducted for efficacy. If there are any doubts on the efficacy, the vaccine is not passed. Efficacy test results are kept at the production facility for record purposes should there be failures in the field.

(2)(a) There have been concerns from industry on a shortage of vaccines for vector borne diseases. These vaccines included African horse sickness, Blue tongue and Rift valley fever, mainly raised by observations that rainfall for this year has been above normal. OBP has been releasing vaccine batches as soon as they are available to the outlets but because of overconsumption in the market, an apparent shortage has resulted.

(b) OBP has short and long-term production and preventative maintenance plans which are yielding positive outcomes. This is to ensure that scheduled production of vaccines is not interrupted.

16 March 2022 - NW460

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether she will furnish the details of the South African beef that has been exported to (a) European and (b) American markets since 2000, including the (i) name of each country and (ii) tons of beef exported and (c) revenue earned in each case?


(a),(b) No. Neither the European Union (EU) nor the United States of America (USA) has granted South Africa (SA) market access to export raw beef to their territories. Therefore, no raw beef can be exported to these markets.

(i),(ii) Falls away.

(c) No revenue was generated as there are no beef exports to EU and USA.

16 March 2022 - NW402

Profile picture: Breytenbach, Adv G

Breytenbach, Adv G to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

By what date is it anticipated that his department will finally make the long outstanding payments due to pensioners of the Department of Correctional Services in terms of the occupation-specific dispensation reached in March 2017?


The audit of the Occupation Specific Dispensation payments to ex-officials has been finalised on 15 February 2022. Following the audit, the process of payments to ex-officials has started again.

Payments will be processed per region, and the Department has already started with Eastern Cape. In each region ex-officials who previously never got any payments will be prioritised, after which those cases in which officials were underpaid will be processed.

It is anticipated that all Occupational Specific Dispensation payments will be finalised by 31 August 2022


16 March 2022 - NW644

Profile picture: Nodada, Mr BB

Nodada, Mr BB to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)       What is the total number of teachers who have been identified as under-qualified for their positions in the (a) 2019, (b) 2020 and (c) 2021 academic years; (2) what is the total number of teachers who have been identified as (a) under- and (b) unqualified in each district where they do not possess the relevant (i) subject knowledge and/or (ii) qualification covering teaching methodology in the classroom in the specified period; (3) what is the name of each school that is affected by teachers who were found to be either unqualified and/or under qualified; (4) whether her department has taken any steps to compel the specified educators to attend further education to upskill themselves in the missing subject knowledge and/or teaching methodology qualifications; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) (a) 912 (b) 706 (c) 547

(2) In terms of the valuation of educator qualifications, unqualified educators that are both academically and professionally unqualified with the qualification equivalent to Grade 12 while the under-qualified educators are those that are professionally qualified both in terms of subject matter and methodology but below the minimum qualification of matric plus three-year professional qualification. The table below summarises the number of qualified and unqualified educators as of December 2021. Only 218 were appointed permanently.





EASTERN CAPE                                      




FREE STATE                                        




















NORTH WEST                                        




NORTHERN CAPE                                     




WESTERN CAPE                                      





1 028


1 575

3. The detailed information per district and school is attached as Annexure A.

4. Over the years the Department has implemented various programmes, particularly, to assist un-and-under-qualified educators to improve their qualifications. The National Professional Diploma was implemented as an interim qualification for the purpose of upgrading under-qualified educators. 

16 March 2022 - NW431

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to her statement during the debate on the State of the Nation Address on 15 February 2022 that an allocation of 10GB basic data would be made available to all households, and in view of the fact that the Republic is yet to complete its digital migration that was set in motion in 2006 and scheduled to be completed in 2015, a feasibility study and/or costing has been done for the proposed 10GB data roll-out; if not, why not; if so, what (a) are the full, relevant details and (b) is the proposed timeline for the roll-out?


I have been advised by the department as follows:

a) A specific feasibility study relating to the 10GB data has not been undertaken, however, the SA Connect Phase 2 proposal borrows on the tenets of universal access to basic and essential services (e.g. water, electricity and data being the next step). Recognizing the negative impact of the digital divide, especially in the rural and underserviced areas, the statement relating to the allocation of 10GB is a statement of intent to address this divide.

b) The proposed timeline is in parallel to the roll out of the SA Connect Revised Model, which is planned to be completed within the next 3 years starting from 01 April 2022.

15 March 2022 - NW107

Profile picture: Seitlholo, Mr IS

Seitlholo, Mr IS to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

What is the (a) current status of the 51 criminal cases related to public funds in the North West that are pursued by the (i) National Prosecuting Authority and (ii) Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (details furnished) and (b) breakdown of each and every case highlighted including the person(s) involved?


(a) current status of the 51 criminal cases related to public funds in the North West that are pursued by the (i) National Prosecuting Authority and (ii) Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (details furnished):

Summary details of the 51 cases is as follows:

17 of these cases are currently enrolled;

  • With a total of 19 accused persons before court
  • Amongst the accused are a former head of department, three former municipal managers and a mayor.

Total amount of prejudice involved: R53 551 742.46

2 cases are currently with the NPA/ SCCU for guidance to the DPCI on further investigations to be conducted or decision on whether to initiate a criminal prosecution.

19 cases are with the DPCI for further investigations.

13 cases have been finalised with the following outcomes:

  • 5 Convictions: (5 accused persons convicted)
  • Total amount of prejudice involved: R2,155,990.00
  • 2 acquittals
  • 8 cases withdrawn / prosecution declined

Details of the 17 cases enrolled

  1. Ventersdorp CAS 63/07/2021 (Fraud): partly heard and remanded to 04 April 2022 for arguments before judgment.
  2. Wolmaranstad CAS 07/07/2015 (Fraud & corruption): Case remanded to 17-19 August 2022 for trial.
  3. Wolmaranstad CAS 11/09/2015 (Fraud & corruption): Case remanded to 17-19 August 2022 for trial.
  4. Orkney CAS 15/11/2010 (Fraud): Case remanded to 17 May 2022 for further trial.
  5. Orkney CAS 17/11/2010 (Fraud): Case remanded to 17 May 2022 for further trial.
  6. Orkney CAS 18/11/2010 (Fraud): Case remanded to 17 May 2022 for further trial.
  7. Orkney CAS 62/11/2015 (Fraud): Case remanded to 17 May 2022 for further trial.
  8. Rustenburg CAS 302/08/2014 (Fraud): Case remanded to 18 February 2022 pending representations by Accused 2.
  9. Orkney CAS 16/11/2020 (Fraud): Case remanded to 22 February 2022 for a pre-trial conference.
  10. Makapanstad CAS 83/12/2015 (Corruption): Case remanded to 29 March 2022 for trial
  11. .Zeerust CAS 54/03/2015 (Fraud): Case remanded to 17 February 2022 for a pre-sentence report and sentencing.
  12. Mmabatho CAS 206/02/2018 (Fraud): Case is on the High Court roll for trial from 14 February to 18 February 2022.
  13. Setlagole CAS 09/10/2019 (Corruption): Case remanded to 19 April 2022 for trial.
  14. Potchefstroom CAS 187/5/2020 (Fraud): Case remanded to 28 February 2022 for further trial.
  15. Christiana CAS 37/09/2016 (Fraud): Case remanded to 30 May 2022 for trial.
  16. Taung CAS 94/11/2015 (Fraud): Case remanded to 21 February 2022 for trial.
  17. Rustenburg CAS 552/05/2016 (Contravention of the Municipal Finance Management Act): Case remanded to 04 April 2022 for trial.

Cases pending guidance / decision (2)

Vryburg CAS 120/06/2013 Background of Case (Summary)

Tender awarded to build RDP houses and installation of electricity at Naledi Local Municipality during the period of 2009-02-01 to 2012-12-30. The contractor failed to install the electricity as per specification but invoiced the municipality for building and installation of electricity. The Technical Director confirmed that work has been done by signing the certificate knowing that no work was done.

Current Status:

The prosecutor’s decision is awaited.

Tlhabane CAS 105/7/2014:

 ackground of Case (Summary)

It is alleged that Tau Pride Project was appointed as the principal agent for the construction of Rustenburg CHC and Tlhabane CHC without following the correct tender process.

The department of Public Works approved the tender while it was not budgeted for. Tau Pride Project left the site before they could finish the construction and another company was appointed to complete the construction while Tau Pride Project was paid the full amount for the building.

Current Status:

The contract prosecutor who initially dealt with this matter resigned from the NPA with effect from 30 September 2021. A proper hand over was done to the newly appointed prosecutors who are dealing with the matter, including consulting with key witnesses, before a final decision is made.

Matters under investigation (19):

Mmabatho CAS 7/11/2016

Background of Case (Summary)

The complainant alleged that the former HOD of Public Works who is currently the administrator of Public Works, together with the four district directors and the CFO of the Dept. of Public Works colluded to award a tender to construct roads without following the prescribed tender procedures, the tender was for the four districts: Bojanala, Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati, Ngaka Modiri Molema, and Kenneth Kaunda.

Current Status:

The prosecutor has studied the docket and issued queries to the investigation officer. The forensic audit report is outstanding as there is a dispute between the Department and the forensic auditor regarding payment.

The investigation team is currently engaging stakeholders to address this challenge.

Mmabatho CAS 135/01/2016

Background of Case (Summary)

It is alleged that the Department of Health appointed service providers for the upgrading of Brits hospital unlawfully.

Current Status:

The contract prosecutor who initially dealt with this matter consulted with the witnesses and as a result of those consultations identified certain outstanding issues. The said prosecutor however has resigned from the NPA with effect from 30/09/2021. A proper handover was done to another prosecutor who has studied the docket and has engaged the investigation team on the abovementioned outstanding issues.

Feedback from the investigation team is expected by the end of February 2022.

Rustenburg CAS 331/9/2019

Background of Case (Summary):

It was alleged that CMS Water Engineering was appointed fraudulently without following the procurement processes and procedures. The tender was for upgrading and extension of Bospoort Water Treatment Works in Rustenburg. It was further alleged that the abovementioned company invoiced the Municipality for services that were not rendered or supplied.

Current Status:

The docket was submitted to the DPP for decision. Certain outstanding issues have been identified. The investigating officer is dealing with these issues with the guidance of the prosecutor.

Mmabatho CAS 141/9/2013

Background of Case (Summary)

The department went on tender and the service providers namely Raliform Investment and Mr Property were appointed to deliver and service medical equipment to Vryburg and Brits Hospital. The allegations are that the officials connived with the service provider to defraud the department by inflating prices as well as paying for services not rendered (some of the medical equipment were not delivered and those delivered were not according to specifications).

Current status:

The matter is under investigation. An additional prosecutor has been added to the team with effect from 1 October 2021. Outstanding issues in conjunction with the investigation team has been identified and possible charges have been identified.

Mmabatho CAS 302/01/2014

Background of Case (Summary)

It was alleged that officials of Public Works Road and Transport colluded with service providers and that supply chain management processes were not followed during the appointment of scholar transport tender in the North West Province. A tender was advertised (PWRT 029/10) in 2010 and approximately 150 service providers were appointed in October 2010 of which some were appointed on a month to month basis.

Current Status:

The docket was submitted to DPP for decision. The prosecutor has perused the docket, case planning meetings have taken place and directives for further investigation are being attended to.

Mogwase CAS 43/09/2019

Background of Case (Summary)

Matter involves the disposal of land to the detriment of the Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela tribe by their traditional leader and/or council, through collusion with mining companies as well as the misappropriation of tribal funds.

Current Status:

The docket was submitted to DPP for guidance. The prosecutor has issued directives for further investigation. The appointment of a forensic auditor by the administrator of the Tribal Authority is currently awaited.

Mmabatho CAS 345/5/2018

Background of Case (Summary)

A company known as AgriDelight entered into an agreement with the North West Department of Rural Environment and Agricultural Development (“the Department”) as an implementing agent for the Department. The Department would pay money to AgriDelight for the approved projects. Thus far, investigation has established that the Department made payments of approximately six hundred and four million, forty-eight thousand, eight hundred and twenty-eight rand and eighteen cents (R604 048 828.18) into the bank account held by AgriDelight.

Current Status:

Case planning meetings have taken place and the investigation team is dealing with directives issued by the prosecutor on 25/11/2021.

Mmabatho CAS 01/07/2020

Background of Case (Summary)

It is alleged that a service provider in the Office of the Premier of North West Province, namely NEPO Data Dynamic (Pty) Ltd (“NEPO”) received suspicious payments from the Office of the Premier. NEPO was appointed to provide IT services to the Office of the Premier and numerous municipalities in the North West province. There were suspicious payments made to NEPO.

Current Status:

The docket has been submitted for decision. The prosecutor has perused the docket, case planning meetings have taken place and prosecutorial directives for further investigation are being attended to by the investigation team.

Mahikeng CAS 369/06/2017

Background of Case (Summary)

The Former MEC of Public Works misrepresented to the department by signing housing documents pretending to be the MEC of Local Government and Human Settlement whereby houses were registered unlawfully to non-deserving beneficiaries.

Current Status:

Case planning meetings have taken place and the investigation team is dealing with directives issued by the prosecutor. Engagement with SIU investigators on the matter has also taken place.

Mmabatho CAS 63/02/2013

Background of Case (Summary)

The Former MEC of Finance and the Director in her office contracted Morake attorneys to render a service of proceeding over a disciplinary matter against three (3) senior officials within the department. The said law firm delayed the proceedings and inflated prices which were not agreed upon. Upon investigation it revealed that the MEC and the director connived with the service provider to invoice and inflate prices to the department.

Current Status:

The docket was submitted to the prosecutor who has issued directives for further investigation. The docket is still under investigation

Mmabatho CAS 89/03/2018

Background of Case (Summary)

The department of Health appointed a service provider namely Buthelezi Ambulances to render services of transporting patients from the clinics to the hospital. The allegations are that the tender procedures were not followed to appoint the said service provider as well as officials conniving with Buthelezi Ambulances to deviate from their initial contract and render service that they were not supposed to. Further allegations are that the service provider with the assistance of the officials inflated the amount that was supposed to be paid.

Current status:

The docket is still under Investigation, the docket has not yet been submitted to the prosecutor for decision.

Mmabatho CAS 181/5/2020

Background of Case (Summary)

The complainant, HOD of Department of Community Safety and Transport Management alleged that her department unlawfully entered into a contract with SA Express and the contract was never put onto a competitive bidding process.

The contract was for the rehabilitation and reintroduction of flights at Mahikeng and Pilanesberg Airports. The money paid out by the Department into SAX Express was paid out to various entities through a money laundering scheme which involved Koroneka and others.

Current Status:

The prosecutor has studied the docket issued directives for further investigation. The investigation is at an advanced stage.

Mmabatho Cas 36/05/2020

Background of Case (Summary)

The complainant, Administrator of Department of Transport alleged that there were irregular appointments of service providers to provide scholar transport. It is further alleged that the service providers inflated the travelling kilometres.

Current Status:

The docket is still under investigation.

Mahikeng CAS 256/4/2015

Background of Case (Summary)

It is alleged that in December 2012, a public entity known as Social Housing Regulatory Authority (“SHRA”) concluded a Restructuring Capital Grant with Mafikeng Project Securitisation (Pty) Ltd trading as Marang Estate for the construction of 2 400 housing units. It is further alleged that between19 December 2012 and 12 June 2013, an amount of R144 755 020.00 was paid out by SHRA to Marang Estate in three tranches. The said amount came from funds which had been re-directed to SHRA from Eastern Cape Department of Human Settlement and Free State Department of Human Settlement.

Current Status:

The docket was submitted to DPP for decision. Due to the scale of the allegations, the investigation was divided into sections or legs. On the first leg relating to funds paid by the public entity and the department to the private company, a decision to decline prosecution has been taken. The investigation regarding the remaining leg is still outstanding.  

Mmabatho CAS 134/03/2018

Background of Case (Summary)

The allegations are that the HoD of the Department DPW misrepresented to the department that he had invoked Section 16a of National Treasury to contractor Ayama Consulting to render service of building roads within the North West Province. Furthermore, an upfront payment of R103 000 000.00 was paid to the said contractor for services not rendered. Preliminary investigations were conducted and revealed that the tender used from Mbombela Municipality was actually for water and sanitation and not for construction of roads.

Current status:

The docket was presented for decision and on 16 November 2020 the prosecutor declined prosecution, indicating the absence of the forensic reports as main reason for the said decision. The DPCI subsequently obtained three separate forensic reports on the matter from the Department of Public Works, which they handed over to the prosecutor 18 November 2021. The prosecutor has studied the three reports and on 25 November 2021 he issued directives for further investigation thereon, which are being attended to by the investigation team.

Mogwase CAS 292/01/2017

Background of Case (Summary)

The complainant alleged that the Company Big Time Strategies was appointed to render Soft Ware services, Training and Hardware (computers etc) to the municipality and they were paid for services not rendered. Investigations were instituted and National Treasury was roped in to assist with the investigation whereby it has been established that the company was appointed unlawfully without going through proper processes as required by PFMA and MFMA.

Current Status:

The docket was submitted for decision and on 19 April 2021 the prosecutor has decided to decline prosecution. The DPCI followed up on the deficiencies pointed out by the prosecutor and has re-submitted the docket for guidance. A new prosecutor has been allocated to the matter with effect from 1 October 2021, who has studied the docket and issued directives for finalising the investigation.

Matters finalised (13):

Bloemhof CAS 187/03/2014

Background of Case (Summary)

The Bloemhof municipality had assets which were worn out and wanted to dispose them off. They then appointed an auction company to dispose the properties and the auction took place, of which the auctioneer did not pay the municipality the proceeds.


The accused was convicted and was sentenced on 2020-11-18 as follows:

5 years imprisonment

Mmabatho CAS 159/02/2014

Background of Case (Summary)

The complainant alleged that they appointed an auctioneer to sell property belonging to Botshelo water, and the auctioneer did not pay the proceeds to Botshelo water


The accused was convicted and was sentenced as follows:

3 years imprisonment wholly suspended for 5 years.

Klerksdorp CAS 392/06/2015

Background of Case (Summary)

Matlosana Local Municipality complained that certain municipal employees at the Financial Section, Indigent Unit were manipulating the system. It was further alleged that payments were done to volunteers at the Indigent Unit without them doing any work. The volunteer will then be contacted and the money would be withdrawn from the bank account and handed over to the municipal employee.


Accused was convicted on 2019-02-08 and was sentenced as follows:

-Accused to repay R68 530 in terms of Sec 300 of Act 51 of 1977 to Matlosana Local Municipality.

-All counts taken together for the purpose of sentences and he was sentenced to a fine of R50 000.00 or 3yrs imprisonment. He was further sentenced to 3yrs imprisonment which was suspended for 5yrs on condition that he does not commit any crime of the same nature during the period of suspension.

Rustenburg CAS 302/08/2014

Background of Case (Summary)

The complainant alleged that three employees within the salary department employed at Rustenburg Local Municipality connived with their colleagues that monies will be deposited in their accounts as acting allowances, of which they will withdraw the money and share it amongst themselves.


On 2019-08-26, Accused 1 was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment of which 5 years is suspended for 5 years on each count.

Accused 1 previously entered into an agreement with the municipality after a disciplinary hearing and paid an amount to R57, 767.60

The case against Accused 2 is remanded to 18/2/2022 pending representations.

Accuse 3 passedd away during 2021.


Vryburg CAS 72/02/2012

Background of Case (Summary)

It is alleged that during 2007, Naledi Local Municipality made an application for the approval of housing projects in respect of Vryburg extensions 25 and 28. The Municipal Manager appointed Khasu Engineering Services without following procurement processes for the establishment of the 3 000 low cost houses. It is further alleged that the service provider submitted claims for the work not done.

(R60, 000, 000.00).


Accused Zwelakhe Erick Phukwana was convicted on 2021-02-11 and sentenced to an effective period of imprisonment of 8 years. A confiscation order in the amount of R454,000.00 was obtained against the accused.

The second leg of the case relating to Khasu Engineering is pending decision by the prosecution team. Consultation with witnesses are underway. This matter is investigated by DPCI, Pretoria

Wolmaranstad CAS 92/12/2020

Background of Case (Summary)

The municipality advertised a tender for refuse trucks whereby the complainant was one of the service providers that bid for the tender. The complainant alleges that he was approached by the employees of the municipality whereby they promised to influence the committee to award the said tender to him for benefit.


Matter was before court on 2019-04-24. The accused was acquitted.

Mahikeng CAS 165/01/2018

Background of Case (Summary)

The department of Health Advertised a vacancy for a HoD post. The appointed HoD misrepresented by submitting false information during his application. Information was received that the appointment was irregular as he did not make the requirement as per the Advert of the post. Preliminary investigations were conducted and proved that there was a prima facie case that needs further investigation. 


The case was prosecuted in the High Court. On 9 November 2021 the Court acquitted the accused. The court found their versions in light of all circumstances to be reasonably possibly true.

Lichtenburg CAS 259/8/2016

Background of Case (Summary)

Financial Intelligence Centre (“FIC”) identified several deposits into the bank account of the Chief Financial Officer of Ditsobotla Local Municipality from the following entities:

Khoisan Roads Cc, Ipes-Utility Management Services (PTY) LTD; and Bay Breeze Trading 241 Cc Two of the abovementioned entities are service providers of Ditsobotla Local Municipality.


The main suspect has passed away and prosecution was declined on 22 July 2021.

Potchefstroom CAS 81/05/2011

Background of Case (Summary)

Docket was opened by the Department of Education North West in Potchefstroom. The complainant alleges that two tenders were awarded during 2007. These two tenders were allegedly awarded to four companies. During investigations by the Department of Education it was discovered that two of these four companies were allegedly front companies.


The DPP declined to prosecute, due to insufficient evidence to prosecute

Hartbeespoortdam CAS 174/6/2016 & 175/06/2016

Background of Case (Summary)

Docket was opened by the Department of Water and Sanitation North West at Hartbeespoortdam. The complainant alleged that the suspects contravened sec 57 (e) of the PFMA, by appointing a company to upgrade the road at Hartbeespoortdam and Lindleyspoort dam whereas the terms of the contract does not make provisions for such services. It was also found the same service provider had received other tenders without following tender procedures.


The DPP declined to prosecute.

Mogwase CAS 204/03/2013

Background of Case (Summary)

The Department appointed a contractor to disburse an amount of R1.5m to create projects to alleviate poverty for 100 indigent’s community members but the contractor allegedly disbursed for only 22 indigents. The said contractor allegedly failed to return to the site to continue with the project as agreed in the service level agreement and stole the remaining amount.


The DPP declined to prosecute (Suspect deceased).

Mmabatho CAS 270/05/2011

Background of Case (Summary)

The department of Education Advertised a tender seeking a motivational speaker who will render service to different districts within the province for a period of six (6) months. The MEC, Superintendent General and officials connived with the appointed service provider to defraud the department by inflating prices and claiming for services not rendered.

The case was before the Mahikeng High Court and was struck off the roll on 2014-08-25 because the prosecutor needed to finalise the charge sheet and get permission from the DPP North West to re-enrol the matter.


Application for re-enrolment was submitted to the DPP. The DPP requested the DPCI to follow up on certain aspects before a final decision could be made. On 21 September 2021, the DPP refused authorisation in terms of section 342A of Act 51 of 1977 for re-enrolment of the matter, and the matter is now deemed finalised.


15 March 2022 - NW422

Profile picture: Singh, Mr N

Singh, Mr N to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Given that the Government officially recognises the One China position which includes Taiwan in the People’s Republic of China, what is the reason that citizens of Taiwan are not afforded the convenience of e-visa services when applying to visit the Republic of South Africa?


Our understanding of the China Policy is that if you extend e-visa to China, all territories that are regarded as part of China are automatically covered.




15 March 2022 - NW515

Profile picture: Stubbe, Mr DJ

Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) price and (e) purchase date of each vehicle purchased for use by (i) her and (ii) the Deputy Ministers since 29 May 2019?


(a),(b),(c),(d),(e) None.

(i),(ii),(ii) Not applicable.

15 March 2022 - NW160

Profile picture: Cachalia, Mr G K

Cachalia, Mr G K to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether he and/or his department ever received correspondence from a certain political organisation (details furnished), via email, WhatsApp, hardcopy and/or in any other format of which the original file is dated June 2020; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what date was the specified correspondence received, (b) who was the sender of the correspondence and (c) what steps were taken by his department in this regard?


I have not received the attached letter, neither does the department have it on its records.


15 March 2022 - NW446

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether, with reference to media reports that a certain company (name furnished) has around 90% foreign nationals at their South African offices, he has investigated the matter and determined how it was made possible for the specified company to operate and work in the Republic under such circumstances?


In investigating this matter, DoEL consulted with DHA to determine whether DHA had granted Huawei a permit to employ more than 40% foreign nationals. The response bt DHA waqs that DHA had not granted any such permission, whether explicitly or impied. The only visas for which the Immigration regulations prescribe the 60:40 ratio are Corporate visas and Business visas. None of the current Huawei employees are on either of those two visa categories.

Home Affairs records show that Huawei has been issued with 538 intra-company transfer work visas, 76 critical skills work visas and 11 general work visas. This makes up a total of 625 work visas issued to Huawei employees.

Holders of intra-company transfer work visas do not hold a local position in the staff establishment of Huawei in South Africa. They remain employed by Huawei abroad in the Peoples Republic of China. They are physically head quartered in South Africa but employed by the mother company abroad to service other markets on the African continent.

While Huawei may have 625 foreign employees based in South Africa, those who are employed on the staff establishment of Huawei in South Africa in terms of the Immigration Regulations are 87 in total (76 critical + 11 general work).

The 87 employees are the ones who have local contracts to conduct work in South Africa for Huawei. When properly interpreted, Huawei South Africa employs 87 foreign employees.


15 March 2022 - NW126

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether the South African animal breeders’ associations has been in contact with her office to request assistance with the opening of an export and import market for semen of bovine and small ruminants; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) are the relevant details and (b) are the results of the engagements with the breeders’ association; (2) whether there was any information received from breeders’ associations; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what follow-up has her department made with countries that are interested in South African breeders?


  1. The DALRRD has been approached by several breeder associations to request market access for ruminant semen and embryos.

a) The main interest from these associations is between South Africa and the MERCOSUR countries with emphasis on Brazil and Argentina.

b) DALRRD began negotiations for the export of ruminant semen and embryos in 2010 with Brazil and Argentina and information has been exchanged over the years. In 2016, an agreed upon veterinary health certificate for ovine embryos was achieved with Brazil. In 2017, Brazil agreed to the veterinary health certificate for caprine semen and embryos. In 2019, when South Africa experienced the Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak and lost our OIE recognised free status, DALRRD was informed by Brazil that the protocols had been amended and re-negotiation of the veterinary health certificate was required. The amended MERCOSUR requirements included Scrapie measures which were not there previously, and these excluded South Africa from qualifying for exports of ovine and caprine semen and embryos.

Industry also expressed an interest in exporting bovine semen and embryos to Australia. DALRRD completed the Foot and Mouth Disease questionnaire and submitted it with our request for market access to the veterinary Authority of Australia. In July 2015, the Australian Veterinary Authority responded to SAVSEG that South Africa’s request for market access was not a priority to them.

There was also interest to export Boer Goat genetics in 2021 to the USA. DALRRD wrote to the USDA to request market access and was informed that they are updating the regulations regarding Scrapie and would not consider market access requests until the process had been finalised. At the time, the USDA could not provide an expected time when the updating of the regulations would be finalised.

The USA also has a lengthy process of recognising the FMD and other diseases of concern, even when the OIE recognises RSA free of those diseases.

2.  Industry has assisted with obtaining copies of the MERCOSUR requirements for the export of ruminant semen and embryos to MERCOSUR member ountries. They have also assisted with having these requirements translated into English and assisted with translating the proposed veterinary health certificates into Spanish or Portuguese for the negotiations. This assistance was of great value in the negotiations and successful conclusion of the veterinary health certificates for ovine embryos and caprine semen and embryos by Brazil in 2016 and 2017 respectively.

DALRRD was informed that the USDA process to update their Scrapie regulations is due to be finalized in February 2022, the updated process has not been shared by the USA yet, and DALRRD is following up periodically.

At present South Africa is facing several challenges with regard to opening markets for the export of ruminant semen and embryos. These challenges include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • there is no national animals identification and traceability system which follows livestock from birth to the final product,
  • South Africa has lost its OIE recognized FMD free status,
  • South Africa does not have adequate surveillance system for Scrapie in order to declare itself free according to the OIE general surveillance and specific Scrapie requirements, industry has been requested to assist.

Until these challenges have been resolved, South Africa is in a difficult position to provide the necessary animal disease guarantees required by countries interested in importing ruminant semen and embryos from South Africa.

Until these challenges have been resolved, South Africa is in a difficult position to provide the necessary animal disease guarantees required by countries interested in importing ruminant semen and embryos from South Africa.

15 March 2022 - NW296

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What steps has she taken to ensure that the allegations of corruption and mismanagement at Nokuthula Special School in Johannesburg are fully investigated and (b) by what date will her department ensure that the resources needed by the learners at the specified school are supplied?


The administration and management of schools is the competence of provincial education departments.  I therefore, had to consult with the MEC for Education in Gauteng Province, who has advised that: 

(a) The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) has instituted an investigation on financial irregularities at the school, based on an anonymous tip off received on 29 November 2021.  The investigation is expected to be complete by 31 March 2022.

(b) The school is a section 21(1)(c) of the South African Schools Act, 1996; and is responsible to purchase textbooks, educational materials, or equipment from the specific budget allocated.  For the 2021/22 financial year, the school has received 100% of its allocated budget to fulfil the allocated function.

14 March 2022 - NW556

Profile picture: Arries, Ms LH

Arries, Ms LH to ask the Minister of Social Development

In light of the fact that more than half of the struggling educare centres in the Western Cape which applied for the Employment Stimulus Relief Fund are still waiting for much-needed funding, what (a) total number of early childhood development centres have received their payment from the specified fund, (b) was the total cost and (c) total number are still awaiting payment?


(a) A total of 1327 ECD services have received payment as at 23 February 2022.

(b) The total amount paid is R24 287 263,00 to these ECD services

(c) A total of 1 798 ECD service are still awaiting payment which translate to 3125 staff.

14 March 2022 - NW535

Profile picture: Mphithi, Mr L

Mphithi, Mr L to ask the Minister of Social Development

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) price and (e) purchase date of each vehicle purchased for use by (i) her and (ii) the Deputy Minister since 29 May 2019?





(c)Year of Manufacture


(e)Purchase date






(ii) Deputy Minister



(c)Year of Manufacture


(e)Purchase date




R664 723





R664 723


14 March 2022 - NW506

Profile picture: Mabika, Mr M

Mabika, Mr M to ask the Minister of Transport

In view of the announcement by the President of the Republic, Mr M C Ramaphosa, that Government will provide the private sector with access to Transnet’s freight rail network from April 2022, on what date will the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) provide the private sector with access to its passenger rail network and allow the private sector to manage and operate key routes in every province and city as it is clear that Prasa is unable to do so themselves?


There is currently no determined date for Prasa to allow private sector access and operation of key routes. The Department of Transport is currently finalising the White Paper on National Rail Policy which pronounces on concessioning of commuter rail as an alternate method of delivery for rail services. Once approved by Cabinet , Prasa will implement the policy provisions.

14 March 2022 - NW539

Profile picture: Majola, Mr TR

Majola, Mr TR to ask the Minister of Transport

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) price and (e) purchase date of each vehicle purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) the Deputy Minister since 29 May 2019?


(i) Minister Vehicles Mr Fikile Mbalula, MP



(c)Year of Manufacture


(e)Purchase Date


Order Date


Mercedes Benz







Returned for Disposal


5 Series Sedan












Cape Town

15/ 02/2017



(ii)Deputy Minister Hon. Sindisiwe Chikunga, MP








(c)Year of Manufacturer


(e)Purchase Date



Order date

















Cape Town



14 March 2022 - NW521

Profile picture: Sharif, Ms NK

Sharif, Ms NK to ask the Minister of Finance

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) price and (e) purchase date of each vehicle purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) the Deputy Minister since 29 May 2019?



(i) Minister

ii) Deputy Minister

(a) Make



(b) Model

C-Class (C180)


(c) Year of manufacture



(d) Price

R653 943.27


(e) Purchase date of each vehicle purchased since 29 May 2019

28 June 2019