Questions and Replies

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08 April 2022 - NW578

Profile picture: Ceza, Mr K

Ceza, Mr K to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether she has found that section 100 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, as invoked in the North West, has yielded positive outcomes in terms of solving problems of municipalities entangled in the non-existing synergy and service delivery within the municipal council in Tswaing, Mamusa, Ditsobotla, Makwassi Hill and Moses Kotane Local Municipalities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


When Cabinet resolved to put the province under administration, it invoke section 100(1)(a) to provincial CoGTA department. The Section 100 intervention succeded to stabilise the the province in general, however musch still needs to be done to support municipalities to perform and deliver on their mandate. Directives were issued by the CoGTA Minister directing the MEC to review the organisational structure of Provincial CoGTA to be fit for purpose to support municipalities, other directives that related to failure in municipal governance, financial management and service delivery were passed over to municipalities by the MEC.

My department’s assessment of municipalities in the North West revealed that they are facing serious governance, financial management and service delivery challenges. Cabinet then resolved that section 154 support packages in the form of Individual Municipal Support Plans have to be developed. Multi-disciplinary Task Teams were established to monitor implementation. This process have been led by both MEC Finance and MEC CoGTA.

Post Local Government Elections Tswaing, Mamusa, Ditsobotla, Maqquassi Hills and Moses Kotane are facing serious challenges that negatively impact on service delivery. 

The Premier has established Political and technical teams that is by MEC for CoGTA, MEC for Finance and MEC for Community Safety in particular for Ditsobotla,Mamusa, Maqquassi Hills and Moses Kotane to deal with some criminal elemenst interferring with municipal services. Currently we are providing support to both Political and Technical structures that’s are engaging the municipalities in order to develop intervention plans.


08 April 2022 - NW928

Profile picture: Groenewald, Mr IM

Groenewald, Mr IM to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)       What (a) is the total number of municipal entities in the Republic and (b) number of the specified municipal entities are development agencies reporting to her; (2) (a) what total number of (i) municipal development agencies and (ii) other South African Municipal Government Entities were audited and (b) which of the specified agencies and/or entities received unqualified audit reports for (i) 2018, (ii) 2019 and (iii) 2020; (3) which of the South African Municipal Government Entities fulfilled their annual objectives and mandates for every year since 2018?


1. (a) The number of municipal entities is 64.

(b) Municipal entities do not report to the Minister; however, the entities account to their respective parent Municipalities.

2. (a) and (b). The details of municipal entities are included in Annexure A, which contain list, names, audited and audit opinions of the municipal entities.

3. All entities fulfilled their reporting objectives except those that are dormant and Maluti a Phufong Development agency as per Annexure A referred above.

08 April 2022 - NW445

Profile picture: Buthelezi, Ms SA

Buthelezi, Ms SA to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)Whether, with reference to a media briefing on 21 February 2022, during which she mentioned a few factors which needed to be considered before the Government would decide to end the national state of disaster, she will furnish Ms S A Buthelezi with the full relevant details of the factors that would inform Government’s decision to declare an end to the national state of disaster; if not, why not; if so, what are the full, relevant details; (2) what has been her assessment of the manner in which the Government handled the national state of disaster?


1. The National State of Disaster was terminated on the 4th of April 2022. This followed a process of consultations which included a consultation where my department was asked to get input from with sector departments whether they still needed the regulations under the NSOD.

2. The COVID-19 pandemic was difficult for all countries and governments to handle because of its novel nature. We were forced to learn how to deal with it as we went along and as the virus was and is continues to mutate. Having said that, there is no doubt that measures that were taken by government were necessary under the given circumstances and given the knowledge at its disposal.

The declaration of the National State of Disaster on 15 March 2020 empowered government to take the measures that prevented many more people from becoming severely ill and saved countless lives.

These measures were effective in slowing down the rate of infection, easing pressure on our hospitals, and providing the time we needed to develop the infrastructure, resources, and capacity to manage many people who became ill because of COVID-19.

All these measures were necessary not only to respond to the devastating effects of the pandemic on human health, but also to limit the great cost to society and the economy.

08 April 2022 - NW1028

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether, in view of the Deputy DirectorGeneral: Civic Service of the Department of Home Affairs reporting to the Portfolio Committee on Social Development on 2 March 2022 that relatives can register orphaned and/or abandoned children if they provide a report by a social worker, whereas at a local service delivery level a Children’s Court order is required in most cases, she will clarify (a) what section of the Children’s Amendment Act, Act 41 of 2007, and Regulations may be relied upon in respect of applications for late registration of birth of orphaned and/or abandoned children in cases where such registrations are made (i) in the name of a social worker and (ii) in the name of the relative caring for the child, (b) which relatives qualify to make such applications and (c) what supporting documents must a social worker and/or relative provide to the Department of Home Affairs for a successful application?


(a) Section 48 (2) of the Children’s Act No. 38 of 2005 and Regulation 10 of the Regulations relating to Children’s Courts and Abduction, 2010 may be relied upon in respect of applications for late registration of birth of orphaned and/or abandoned children in cases where such registrations are made.

(i) Applications for late registration of birth of orphaned and/or abandoned children are not made in the name of a social worker. The Social Worker is recorded as an informant when making such application at the Department of Home Affairs.

(ii) The Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1992 (Act 51 of 1992) and the Identification Act, 1997 (Act 68 of 1997) regulate late registration of birth of orphaned and/or abandoned children in the name of a relative caring for a child.

(b) According to Regulation 4 (2) of the Regulations on the Registration of Births and Deaths, 2014, a person who is next of kin or a guardian of a child qualifies to apply for late registration of birth of an orphaned child.

(c) A social worker must provide the following supporting documents to the Department of Home Affairs for a successful application of late registration of birth of an orphaned and/or abandoned child:

  • A professional report.
  • Form 7 of the Regulations relating to Children’s Courts and Abduction, 2010
  • Form 8 of the Regulations relating to Children’s Courts and Abduction, 2010.

Supporting documents that a relative must provide to Department of Home Affairs for a successful application of late registration of birth of an orphaned and/or abandoned child are determined in terms of the Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1992 (Act 51 of 1992) and the Identification Act, 1997 (Act 68 of 1997).

08 April 2022 - NW938

Profile picture: Opperman, Ms G

Opperman, Ms G to ask the Minister of Social Development

What is total number of orphaned learners in schools in the North West?


According to available records from the North West Provincial Department of Social Development, there are currently fifteen thousand one hundred and one (15 101) orphaned learners receiving services.

08 April 2022 - NW1029

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether the directive explaining the 2018 Naki v Director General Home Affairs judgment and the 2021 Centre for Child Law v Director General: Department of Home Affairs and Others judgment has been finalised, as it was reported to the Portfolio Committee on Social Development on 2 March 2022 that finalisation was imminent; if not, by what date is it envisaged that the directive will be (a) finalised and (b) sent to local offices; if so, will she furnish Ms L L van der Merwe with a copy of the final directive?


As the Honourable Member is aware, the matter in question relates to the Constitutional Court judgment against the Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs. I am therefore unable to respond to the question as it relates to the mandate of another Department.


08 April 2022 - NW1001

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

Given the impact of the challenges faced by the SA Post Office on the grant payment system, what (a) number of post office pay points have been closed in the past two years and (b) plans does she have to (i) ensure the smooth payment of grants in the medium to long term and (ii) institutionalise the payment of grants as required by the law?


a) The number of post office branches that have been closed in the past two years are as follows:









Eastern Cape





Free State










KwaZulu Natal















North West





Northern Cape





Western Cape










(b)(i) For the medium to long term SASSA is considering introducing payments through mobile phones as an added disbursement option to what is currently available for normal social grants. SASSA is also observing the developments on the Rapid Payment Programme (RPP) which forms part of the Reserve Bank’s vision 2025. Vision 2025 is a strategy initiated by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) to modernise payment systems and, in turn, improve social and economic conditions for South Africans. A number of workshops have been held between SASSA and SARB to help SASSA gain some understanding on the RPP programme. It is our understanding that SARB has recognised that achieving this vision requires collaboration with other stakeholders to develop innovative solutions that are aligned with Vision 2025’s goals. These goals focus on developing payment systems that are transparent, secure, easy-to-use, financially inclusive, and flexible, so as to make it easier for more of the population to enter the digital economy.

Considering the current challenges experienced by Post Office, the Agency is no longer growing the customer base for Post Office with new Social Grant Beneficiaries. This decision was taken by the SASSA in 2020 to afford the Post Office an opportunity to review their systems and strategies going forward.

(ii) SASSA has institutionalised the payment of social grants as from 2018 when the contract with the previous service provider, Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) came to an end. SASSA ensures that the social grant funds are paid into the beneficiaries’ Special Disbursement Accounts handled by SAPO and into beneficiaries’ private bank accounts on a monthly basis. SAPO only assists SASSA in providing access to the distribution networks for beneficiaries who utilise the SASSA/SAPO card to access their social grant. Of the approximately 7 million accounts opened within the SAPO environment for social grant beneficiaries, only 10% actually utilise the post office branches or cash pay points to access their funds. The remaining beneficiaries already access their grants through the National Payment System at bank ATM’s and merchant point of sale devices.

08 April 2022 - NW939

Profile picture: Opperman, Ms G

Opperman, Ms G to ask the Minister of Social Development

What total number of children could not receive the child support grant in 2020, due to a lack of birth certificates?


I do not have any information on the number of children denied access to the Child Support Grant due to lack of documents, including birth certificate. The Department’s policy position is that no child eligible for the child support grant should be denied access due to the lack of a birth certificate. In terms of Regulation 11(1) to the Social Assistance Act, 2004, SASSA has an obligation to accept applications for social grants, in cases where the critical documents, including birth certificates for the children involved, or identity documents for the care givers of the child are not available.

To this end, SASSA has put measures in place to ensure that such children are not penalised, but rather given the necessary assistance to access the child support grant. A total of 35 357 children are in receipt of a child support grant using a system generated number, that is provided by SASSA in cases where the child does not have a birth certificate, as at February 2022.

08 April 2022 - NW973

Profile picture: Abrahams, Ms ALA

Abrahams, Ms ALA to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether she will furnish Ms A L A Abrahams with a detailed report on the Gender-Based Violence Command Centre (GBVCC) for the period 1 January 2021 until 28 February 2022 with respect to, but not limited to, the (a) number of (i) calls, (ii) SMSs and (iii) USSDs received in each province, (b) types of abuse and/or incidents reported, (c) number of individuals referred to (i) a social worker and/or (ii) the SA Police Service for assistance, (d) the breakdown of the GBVCC staff compliment and (e) the breakdown of the total operational cost for the financial year ending March 2022?


a) The following tables reflects the (a) number of (i) calls, (ii) SMSs and (iii) USSDs received in each province,


Description automatically generated






Eastern Cape




Free State





2 654

3 049


KwaZulu - Natal












North West




Northern Cape




Western Cape





5 368

6 370


The statistics cited in the above table represent the number of tickets/files opened on the GBV Command Centre Information System.


GBV cases:

Abandoned Children, Abduction/Kidnapping, Assault, Bullying, Child Neglect, Child Pornography, Elderly Neglect, Emotional Abuse, Forced Initiation, Forced Prostitution, Hate Speech, Human Trafficking, Incest, Indecent Assault, Molestation, Physical Violence, Rape, Sexual Harassment, Stalking, Verbal Abuse Or Intimidation

Non-GBV cases:

Anger Management, Behavioural Problems, Child Adoption, Child Custody/Visitation, Child Maintenance, Counselling Death, Counselling Depression, Counselling Marriage & Relationships, COVID – 19, Economic/Financial Abuse, Funding, Home Affairs Related, Labour Dispute, Legal Advice, Matric, SASSA Grants, Substance Abuse, Other type of Incident


Number of individuals referred to:

  1. Social Workers: 691
  2. SA Police Service: 642


The Centre presently employs 48 Social Work Agents, 8 Social Work Supervisors, 2 Quality Assurers and 1 Centre Manager to operate and offer services to victims of Gender Based Violence.



Baseline R'000


Goods and services

GBV Comm Center

26 145

17 676

8 469

08 April 2022 - NW1000

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

With reference to visits to some offices of the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) that revealed ongoing and disruptive downtimes that sometimes run for up to whole days, causing problems for grant application and resulting in a loss of working hours, and in view of the social pension (Socpen) system cited as being too old and unable to take the load, (a) what (i) number of whole day downtime has been experienced by SASSA offices nationally over the past two years, (ii) are the causes of most of the downtimes and (iii) is being done to reduce and/or eradicate downtime and (d) how old is the Socpen system?


(i) number of whole day downtime has been experienced by SASSA offices nationally over the past two years

The Socpen system downtime experienced started in May 2021 and the hours downtime was measured from September 2021. The system downtime was never more than three (3) hours per system incident or on any given day. Where it was longer than three (3) hours, it was linked to other contributing factors such as load shedding, electricity failures, network or server malfunction etc. The table below illustrates the downtime incidents per month as a consequence of the Socpen system. In each instance, the downtime did not exceed four to six (4 - 6) hours downtime per incident.


Total Incidents

























(ii) are the causes of most of the downtimes

Some of the downtime can be linked to when verification of transactions using the Biometric solution was rolled out nationally. We are however, continuously monitoring the system to identify if there could be other causes.

Some of the downtime is attributed to other causes such as power failures, network or server malfunction.

(iii) What is being done to reduce and/or eradicate downtime

Currently Software AG and IBM who are respectively the product owners of the Mainframe Technology and MQ (Messaging and Queuing middleware) on which SOCPEN is running have been requested by SITA to assist with the investigation and resolution of the intermittent system downtimes.

In order to further eliminate some of the possible causes, on 15 March 2022 a system change was done on the Mainframe. Since its implementation, no downtime has been recorded. The implemented change is still being monitored on an ongoing basis until we are certain the problem has been resolved.

(iv) how old is the Socpen system?

The Socpen system is about 25 years old.

The Agency has a five (5) year target to replace the legacy systems, including SOCPEN. The implementation of new technology such as the online application and the SRD R350 systems, is a step towards achieving this target. This will amongst other opportunities, enable ease of integration and interface with other new technology systems.

07 April 2022 - NW850

Profile picture: Chetty, Mr M

Chetty, Mr M to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What total amount in Rand has been spent on (a) catering, (b) entertainment and (c) accommodation for (i) him, (ii) the Deputy Minister and (iii) officials of his department since 29 May 2019?



What total amount in Rand has been spent on

a) Catering

b) Entertainment

c) Accommodation

Departments of Higher Education and Training and Science and Innovation

(i) Minister

R78 992.35

R56 562.13

R2 010 038.00


(ii) Deputy Minister


R2 209.50

R1 210 453.79


(iii) Departmental Officials

R17 163 787.11

R226 096.59

R53 954 822.98

Kindly note that the expenditure incurred by the Minister and Deputy Minister on these items is for official purpose use only.

07 April 2022 - NW996

Profile picture: Powell, Ms EL

Powell, Ms EL to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

(a) On what date did Ms Bathabile Dlamini cease to be employed as the Chairperson of the Social Housing Regulatory Authority and (b) what was the total remuneration paid to the specified person from the date of employment until the employment was terminated?


a) Council Members of the Social Housing Regulatory Authority are not employees of the entity but are appointed in terms of Section 9(2) of the Social Housing Act, 16 of 2008.

b)n Ms Dlamini was appointed as a Member of Council from 28 October 2019 to 25 November 2021.

c)  According to the SHRA audited annual reports, the 2019/20 and 2020/21 following remuneration was paid to Ms Dlamini:

2019/20 - R 77 031.00

2020/21 - R 108 871.00

d) The 2021/22 the audited amounts are not yet available

07 April 2022 - NW596

Profile picture: Boshoff, Dr WJ

Boshoff, Dr WJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)What is the current total number of (a) doctors and (b) nurses that are being trained at higher education institutions in the Republic; (2) what are the requirements at the various medical schools for admission, including (a) targets for transformation, (b) academic achievements and (c) any other criteria; (3) what role does race play in relation to academic achievement for admission to the medical schools?


(1) (a) 11 881 MBChB students (Audited figures for the 2020 academic year)

(b) 9 210 Nursing students (Audited figures for the 2020 academic year)

(2) There are ten universities in South Africa with medical schools with each of these universities having different admission criteria. As competition for places is intense, each university has its own methodology of calculating its admission scores based on a combination of academic criteria, e.g. National Senior Certificate results in compulsory subjects, National Benchmark Tests, etc., and non-academic criteria, e.g. extracurricular activities, measures of disadvantage, personal reports and interviews, etc. 

(3) Universities are required to select their medical students by ensuring equitable and fair access to students from all population groups, whilst ensuring optimal student throughput and success, equity and demographic representivity, and training future healthcare practitioners who can fulfil the needs of society. 

07 April 2022 - NW1088

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Mr M

Hlengwa, Mr M to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1)Given that South Africa is Chair of the 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, from 14-25 March 2022 (details furnished), what (a) policies and/or programmes does her department currently have in place to (i) promote gender equality and (ii) mitigate climate change and (b) benefits does her department hope to reap from the specified engagement; (2) what are the (a) relevant details of her department’s top priorities for the time spent in New York and (b) tangible outcomes that can be expected?


1. What (a) policies and/or programmes does her department currently have in place to (i) promote gender equality (ii) mitigate climate change and

(a) (i) The Department approved a framework on gender equality and women’s empowerment in November 2017. The Policy is premised on the promotion and protection of human dignity and human rights of women. It takes cognizance of the role of the National Gender Machinery in promoting non-sexism particularly in relation to organisational transformation and change as well as their impact and management thereof. The policy goes ‘beyond just numbers’ and incorporates comprehensive intervention mechanisms aimed at mainstreaming gender into all departmental structures, policies, processes, and programmes. In line with the National Policy Framework on Women’s Empowerment and Gender (2000), the policy proposes a shift away from treating gender issues as ‘business as usual’, towards locating it at the epicenter of transformation and development within the Department.

(ii) The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) meets annually to evaluate progress on gender equality, identify emerging challenges, set global standards for women’s rights and formulate concrete policies to promote gender equality and the advancement of women worldwide. The CSW66 theme of 2022, which was to engage on gender equality and empowerment of women in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction, is aligned to existing departmental policies.

(b) Benefits the department hopes to reap from the specified engagement

The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the economic status of women and exposed women and girls to violence. South Africa’s election to serve in the CSW has come at the opportune moment when government seriously reviewed the status of women in the country. President Ramaphosa prioritised women financial and economic inclusion, leadership in political and social sphere, including addressing the challenges of gender based violence.

DIRCO also participated in the CSW66 to advance South Africa’s positions and national interest. The Department participated in order to ensure that the international norms to be developed are consistent with South Africa’s national policies, laws, and priorities. This year was therefore important to develop global policies and strategies that will consider the inclusion and empowerment of women when responding to climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies.

2. (a) What are the relevant details of her department’s top priorities for the time spent in New York?

South Africa argued that the social construct and marginalisation of women confines women economic activities to the periphery, especially in rural areas, where they are often the ones fetching water, gathering woods, fishing or farming land that is affected by floods and droughts. Meanwhile, their voices are often ignored in environmental planning and management. Therefore, women must be at the forefront to contribute to the climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as disaster risk reduction.

Issues that were highlighted during the Session should include:

  • Burden of climate change and environmental disasters in developing countries is experienced by women and girls.
  • Discussions should focus on sustainable development solutions that can improve the lives of women and girls.
  • Gender bias of the impact of global warming is a reality and therefore women should be involved in solutions aligned with the decisions made at the UNFCCC.
  • Access to land and productive resources for women is critical.

(b) What are the tangible outcomes that can be expected?

The Chairship of South Africa at CSW66 was successful. The discussions on the priority theme were timely as environmental changes, natural disasters and climate change have become the biggest threat that affect the most vulnerable, in particular women and girls.The outcome documents adopted were progressive and reaffirmed the women’s empowerment agenda in the context of climate change and disaster risk reduction. Member States highlighted that the CSW is not a climate change forum but one that focuses on women empowerment and gender equality. As a result, Member States managed to refocus the negotiations in line with women human rights agenda which aims to attain equality, empowerment of women and fight gender-based violence.


07 April 2022 - NW274

Profile picture: Mthenjane, Mr DF

Mthenjane, Mr DF to ask the Minister of Police

(1) In view of the finding by the panel of experts appointed by the President of the Republic, Mr M C Ramaphosa, in the Report of the Expert Panel into the July 2021 Civil Unrest, that the SA Police Service (SAPS) was woefully incompetent and/or unwilling to deal with the unrest, what steps will he take to resolve the issues identified by the experts;(2) whether, in light of the damning finding by experts, it is his position that he is still fit to lead the SAPS; if so, what is his position based on?


Attached find here: Reply

06 April 2022 - NW830

Profile picture: Mphithi, Mr L

Mphithi, Mr L to ask the Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

What (a) number of (i) financial, (ii) forensic and/or (iii) other investigations that were commissioned by her Office in the (aa) 2019-20, (bb) 2020-21 and (cc) 2021-22 financial years have been completed and (b) in each case are the relevant details of the (i) investigation(s) including a synopsis of the facts and/or findings of each case, (ii) persons and/or third parties responsible for each investigation, (iii) total cost to date of each investigation and (iv) appropriate steps taken against officials and/or third parties implicated in wrongdoing in the findings of the investigations?


Attached find here: Reply

06 April 2022 - NW836

Profile picture: Powell, Ms EL

Powell, Ms EL to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

(1)What has she found are the legal and material impacts of the Protection of Personal Information Act, Act 4 of 2013 (POPI) on the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act, Act 8 of 2011 (STSMA), and Regulations; (2) whether the Community Schemes Ombud Service received any legal opinions on the matter; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, whether she will furnish Ms E L Powell with a copy of such legal opinions; (3) whether any adjudicators have received training on any material impacts of the POPI Act; if not, why not; if so, what (a) is being done to ensure that management agencies and boards (i) still have access to all relevant member information and (ii) are able to disseminate this information openly and transparently as before and (b) steps should home owners take to access contact information for members of their respective schemes and body corporates?


1. The purpose of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) Act, is to protect data subjects (internal and external stakeholders of the Community Schemes Ombud Service) from security breaches such as unauthorised dissemination of personal information belonging to or relating to data subjects, amongst others. The POPI Act achieves this goal by outlining 8 principles which data processors, such as the Community Schemes Ombud Service and scheme executives, must adhere to when collecting, processing, storing and deleting personal information belonging to internal and external stakeholders. Like most entities, the POPI Act has changed the manner in which the Community Schemes Ombud Service and scheme executives engage with personal information. Some of the legal and material impacts introduced by the POPI Act and experienced by the Community Schemes Ombud Service include:

(a) At an operational level, amending the agreements concluded with third party service providers and ensuring that they are bound by the responsibilities and principles of the POPI Act when processing information given for purposes of delivering or providing services to the Community Schemes Ombud Service. All entities regulated by the POPI Act are required to have similar provisions which give effect to the POPI principle in their contracts with third parties such as managing agents.

(b) The development and implementation of the entity’s POPI Compliance Framework which consists of the POPI Policy, Manual, Breach Incident Policy, Flow Charts and Risk Register. In addition, the Community Schemes Ombud Service procured the services of an expert service provider to facilitate training sessions for all business units and staff of the Community Schemes Ombud Service on the compliance requirements.

(c) Adoption of data protection standards aimed at ensuring that personal information is collected, processed, and stored lawfully.

(d) In relation to all community schemes, the 8 principles governing the collection, storing, and processing of personal information belonging to members of a community scheme are also applicable. Community Schemes should only collect personal information necessary for the purpose for collection and further put in place measures which protect such personal information belonging to members and their visitors from unauthorised disclosure or theft. Failure to do so will result in the imposition of fines or other enforcement steps taken by the Information Regulator. Accordingly, all entities need to invest in the resources they have identified to ensure that the principles of the POPI Act are upheld.

(2) Since the implementation of the Community Schemes Ombud Service POPI Act Compliance Framework the entity has not experienced any queries or challenges relating to the POPI Act necessitating the sourcing of external legal advice in the form of formal legal opinions from external attorneys. All queries have been from internal business units and legal guidance and support has been provided by the Community Schemes Ombud Service Legal Section.

(3) During 2021, the Community Schemes Ombud Service provided training to all business units, including its adjudicators, on the 8 principles of the POPI Act and its impact on the relevant business unit. Continuous refresher training is also being offered by the Community Schemes Ombud Service Legal Team together with the POPI Act expert service provider as and when requested by the business unit.

(a) & (b) The POPI Act has not changed the type or nature of information which scheme executives, managing agents or body corporates can obtain from their members. The POPI Act has changed the manner, in other words how scheme executives go about in collecting, storing and processing their personal information and as already mentioned above, all community schemes need to do so in accordance with the principles set out in POPI Act.

06 April 2022 - NW1078

Profile picture: Zungula, Mr V

Zungula, Mr V to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether, given the reports that more than 89 000 illegal immigrants have already been arrested and/or deported as at 9 January 2022 for attempting to cross the border illegally, she will account on what her department is doing to attend to the lack of a proper border fence at Beitbridge, since the expenditure on the current one was found to be irregular; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) What (a) plans are in place to build a suitable fence and (b) are the timelines that can be given to assure the public that her department is aware of the crisis?


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

1. I have been informed by the Department that the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) has finalised a technical condition report on the constructed fence. In its current form, the fence is not fit for purpose and is in material non-compliance with the project specifications. For this reason, the DPWI has resolved not to carry out any repairs on the fence as this will constitute wasteful expenditure.

The DPWI is also currently collaborating with the Department of Defence (DOD), the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), the Border Management Authority (BMA) and the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) to develop a multi-party Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to integrate and align the collective roles, responsibilities and operational plans of each organisation on the matter of border fencing and control as a precursor to implementing a new integrated border-line solution.

2. (a) Currently, the DOD, supported by the DPWI and the DALRRD through the above-mentioned processes, is consulting its internal DOD structures to develop user specifications and user asset management plans in compliance with the Government Immovable Asset Management Act No. 19 of 2007 Section 6 (1) (b) and Section 14 (1) (a) (b).

(b) The tasks and projected timelines are as follows:

i. Request for Information: To support the DOD in the development of an integrated Borderline solution, a Request for Information (RFI) was commissioned by DPWI on 28 March 2021. The RFI closed on 26 of April 2021 and 16 Proposals have been received. The Bid Evaluation Committee completed the evaluation of bids in June 2021. Three bids were compliant to the terms of reference of the RFI. Compliant bids were submitted to DOD in July 2021 to be incorporated into the final specifications for border fences.

DOD indicated in a meeting held on the 11th November 2021 that engagements are transpiring internally and will confirm the submission date of their approved specifications by 25 November 2021. To date DOD has not submitted their approved specifications.

ii. Feasibility studies: Site acquisition feasibilities completed.

Construction feasibilities will require 12 to 18 months to complete, upon receipt of DOD output specifications.

The above processes have been commissioned, some completed and the remainder are underway as indicated above. This will ensure that all legal and legislative frameworks are complied with to allow for the formalisation of the RSA borderline to meet South African and International Standards.

The collective body of work from the above processes will identify viable engineering options, risk analysis and mitigation strategies, funding models and budget co-ordination. These would input into subsequent bid and construction processes, and enable informed funding requests to be submitted to National Treasury.

06 April 2022 - NW1156

Profile picture: Chetty, Mr M

Chetty, Mr M to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

whether, in view of our BRICS partnership with India, who successfully assisted to evacuate 23 000 of its Indian students, 170 foreign students from 17 countries, including Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal, she engaged with authorities in India to assist with the evacuation of South African students from Ukraine; if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details?


Attached find here: Reply

06 April 2022 - NW1157

Profile picture: Chetty, Mr M

Chetty, Mr M to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1) whether, she has found that her department’s statement on 24 February 2022 calling for Russia to immediately withdrawn its forces from Ukraine in lie with the United Nations Charter is contradictory to her department’s initial position on the war in Ukraine, which was purported to be same with the position of the Presidency of sitting on the fence and requesting increased efforts for diplomacy and to find a solution to help de-escalate tensions and avert armed conflict by both Russian and Ukraine, even after the war had broken out, if not, why not, if so, what (a) is the name and/or are the names of the officials responsible for issuing the statement on 24 February 2022 and (b) action has been taken against the officials responsible for issuing the statement; (2) whether she had sight of the statement before it was released; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Attached find here: Reply

06 April 2022 - NW542

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) price and (e) purchase date of each vehicle purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) the deputy minister since 29 May 2019?


(a) Official

(b) Make

(c) Model

(d) Year of Manufacture

(e) Purchase Price

Date Purchased/ ordered


Deputy Minister Magadzi (PTA)




R799 563.97

11 Oct 2021


Deputy Minister Magadzi (CT)


UX 250 Hybrid SE


R735 004.10

19 Nov 2021


Deputy Minister Mahlobo (PTA)

Audi A6

40TDI 140 KW S Tronic


R 698 133.00

19 Nov 2021



06 April 2022 - NW867

Profile picture: Hinana, Mr N

Hinana, Mr N to ask the Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

What total amount in Rand has been spent on (a) catering, (b) entertainment and (c) accommodation for (i) her, (ii) the Deputy Minister and (iii) officials of her Office since 29 May 2019?


Attached find here: Reply

06 April 2022 - NW444

Profile picture: Buthelezi, Ms SA

Buthelezi, Ms SA to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What are the (a) current unfinished water and sanitation infrastructure projects in each province, (b) reasons for the delays in the completion of the specified projects, (c) proposed and/or implemented interventions and (d) projected completion dates of the projects?


Projects that are incomplete are indicated in Annexure A below as follows;(a) grant funded projects, (b) augmentation projects and, (c) the bucket eradication projects.








Grant funded projects

Eastern Cape

Xhora BWS phase 1 of 2 (Weir, WTW, dam Bulk pipeline)

Shortage of material available coupled with delays in resolving SMME appointments and delays in approval of concrete mix design caused delays in project completion.

  • To speed up the process of procuring material, an SMME desk has been established and appointment process to go ahead with finalisation of concrete mix design.

December 2022


Sundays river (Paterson) BWS phase 6 of 6

The purchase order of the Professional Service Person’s (PSP) was depleted, and the PSP suspended.

The Contractor cannot work without the supervision of the PSP and has been off site since 14 September 2020

  • Amatola Water is currently in the process of rectifying the issue of the PSP’s purchase order. Once this process is done, a formal process will be followed to get the contractor back to site and continue with the work.

June 2023

Free State

Rouxville/ Smithfield / Zastron BWS (Mohokare BWS)

Hydro – Tech new Mechanical Contractor has not commenced with their scope of work due to the required process of assessing the existing equipment and components prior to commencing with the works

  • MLM has finalized the assessment of the equipment scope of work for the new contractor.

April 2022


Driekoppies Phase 1C of 5

Graves were found on site which resulted in the relocation of the reservoir. This required re-design exercise

Some materials were imported and were affected by the COVID 19 lockdown restrictions

  • A revised program was submitted and an extension of time due to additional scope

July 2022


Sibange Phase 2 of 5

Delays due to community unrest and heavy rains

  • Contractors are back on site and acceleration plan will be implemented to catch up and complete the project

September 2022


Sibange Phase 4 of 5

Delays due to community unrest and heavy rains

  • Contractors are back on site and acceleration plan will be implemented to catch up and complete project.
  • New method of sealing the reservoirs after the rainfall is being implemented

May 2022


Sibange Phase 5 of 5

Delays due to community unrest and heavy rains

  • Contractors are back on site and acceleration plan will be implemented to catch up and complete project

April 2022


Balfour/Siyathemba RBWS Phase 2 of 6

Delays due to rainfall, non-payment to suppliers and community unrests

  • Community issues have been addressed and budget made available to pay service providers. The Contractor will provide acceleration plan to catch up for the time lapsed.

May 2022


Balfour/ Siyathemba Phase 3 of 6

  • Community unrest due to employment demands
  • Land servitude unavailability issues
  • Hard Material encountered during excavations
  • The Municipality has intervened, and community issues were resolved successfully
  • The Compensation for the Land has been finalised

May 2022

Augmentation projects


Raising of Hazelmere Dam

  • Unforeseen technical challenges during dam construction
  • Delays in procurement of critical instrumentation for the dam
  • The site was handed back to contractor in October 2021 and the site establishment was completed in December 2021.
  • Critical instrumentation procurement and installation included in scope of contractor

October 2022 (completion of construction)


Cwabeni OCS Dam KZN

  • Lack of funding
  • The Minister issued a Directive to Umgeni Water to fund and implement the project.
  • Umgeni Water has submitted a draft Implementation Agreement for consideration by DWS.



Stephen Dlamini Dam

  • Lack of funding
  • The Minister issued a Directive to Umgeni Water to fund and implement the Stephen Dlamini Dam project.
  • Umgeni Water has submitted a draft Implementation Agreement for consideration by DWS.



Umkhomazi Water Project (UWP) - Phase 1

  • Delay in finalising Water Supply Agreements
  • The Heads of Agreement for the Water User Agreement have been drafted and negotiations are ongoing.
  • Funding of R60 million has been transferred to TCTA for project preparation activities.\
  • The Project Steering Committee is in place


Western Cape

Raising of Clanwilliam Dam

  • Delays in procurement outsourced services and goods
  • Previous funding constraints
  • Process for resumption of construction activities has been initiated
  • Establishment of an Infrastructure Procurement Office to unlock procurement challenges

Apr 2026

(to be revised on resumption of construction activities)

Eastern Cape

Mzimvubu Water Project

  • Long-term funding for the project not assured
  • Delays in procurement outsourced services and goods
  • Challenges with obtaining the project documentation from the professional service provider
  • The processing of tenders for the procurement of construction materials is underway
  • Alternative options are being considered for the completion of construction of the access roads


North West

Mokolo Crocodile Water Augmentation Project- Phase 2 (MCWAP-2A)

  • Impact of delay in the Environmental Authorisations appeal decision on project activities
  • Delay in procurement of project and support services
  • Delay in finalisation of tender design due to delay in appointment of Panel of Experts
  • The Implementation Agreement has been signed and the Water Supply Agreements are being finalised.

April 2028

Limpopo Province

Great Letaba Water Augmentation Project (GLEWAP): Nwamitwa Dam

  • Insufficient funding for project implementation
  • Outstanding sign-off on design work undertaken under LNW as the Implementing Agent such as the dam boundary line.
  • Project activities to be planned as per the availability of funding and in stages
  • Engagement with previous IA to unlock impasse with regards to outstanding dam boundary line



Olifants River Water Resources Development Project- Phase 2D


  • Due to funding limitations, a strategic decision was taken by DWS to re-sequence the project and project implementation will need to be reviewed. A Memorandum of Intent (MOI) was signed between DWS and Commercial Users Consortium.
  • Project to be deferred as per new implementation approach

Project deferred



Olifants River Water Resources Development Project- Phase 2E & 2F


  • Due to funding limitations, a strategic decision was taken by DWS to re-sequence the project and project implementation will need to be reviewed. A Memorandum of Intent (MOI) was signed between DWS and Commercial Users Consortium.
  • Project to be deferred as per new implementation approach (ORWRDP 2E)
  • ORWRDP 2F to form part of the re-sequencing implementation model

2E deferred




Raising of Tzaneen Dam

  • Delay in conclusion of design work with previous Implementing Agent and application for licence to construct which is required for construction to commence
  • The appointment of a new IA was approved on 17 Feb 2022.
  • The establishment of a Project Management Office as well as the commencement of construction will start as soon as the process to appoint the Implementing Agent is finalised.

June 2023

(to be revised on resumption of construction activities)

Eastern Cape

Coerney Dam

  • Delays in procurement of professional service provider
  • The Coerney Dam project was declared by the Minister as an Emergency Works on 10 July 2020 to enable the detailed design to be undertaken in parallel with the environmental impact assessment process.
  • DWS Internal Engineering Unit was appointed on 08 October 2020 to undertake the detailed design on the project and is in the process of procuring an external professional service provider to undertake the engineering design work.

Dec 2025


Zalu Dam (Lusikisiki)

  • Delays in procurement of specialist services
  • Lack of sufficient funding for the implementation of the project
  • The design work is approximately 40% complete.
  • Process for procurement of specialist services is currently underway
  • Funding to advance the design work has been provided in the 2021 MTEF.



Foxwood Dam

  • Lack of funding
  • The process of appointing Chief Directorate: Engineering Services for the provision of engineering services for the project has been initiated
  • Funding to advance the design work has been provided in the 2022 MTEF.


Western Cape

Berg River Voëlvlei Augmentation Scheme (BRVAS)

  • Delay in securing funding
  • Delay in finalising Water Supply Agreements
  • TCTA is continuing with stakeholder consultations to conclude the institutional arrangements.
  • Funding of R75 million has been transferred to TCTA for project preparation activities.


Bucket Eradication Project

Free State


  • Contractor appointed in March 2021, however, took site in June 2021 after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023



  • Contractor appointed in March 2021, however, took site in June 2021 after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023



  • DWS Construction appointed – delays in acquisition of material through local tenders (however service providers are non-responsive, and this has delayed construction activities)
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023



  • Contractor appointed took site in July 2021, after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023


Petrus Steyn

  • Contractor appointed took site in July 2022, after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023



  • Contractor appointed took site in September 2022 (re-advertisement of tender), after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023



  • Contractor appointed took site in September 2022 (re-advertisement of tender), after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023

Northern Cape


  • Contractor appointed in December 2022 however, appointment found to be irregular and will be terminated. A new contractor to b sourced and appointed within 2 months.
  • A new contractor will be sourced and appointed within the next 3 months.

March 2023

06 April 2022 - NW1187

Profile picture: Langa, Mr TM

Langa, Mr TM to ask the Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

What steps have been taken in the past two years to ensure that (a) persons with disabilities are employed within her Office and (b) service providers comply with requirements to use the services of persons with disabilities?


Attached find here: Reply

06 April 2022 - NW177

Profile picture: Julius, Mr J

Julius, Mr J to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether he and/or his department ever received correspondence from a certain political organisation (details furnished), via email, WhatsApp, hardcopy and/or in any other format of which the original file is dated June 2020; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what date was the specified correspondence received, (b) who was the sender of the correspondence and (c) what steps were taken by his department in this regard?


Neither the Office of the Minister not the Department of Water and Sanitation received the correspondence referred to in the question posed by the Honourable Member.


06 April 2022 - NW1283

Profile picture: Mphithi, Mr L

Mphithi, Mr L to ask the Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

what (a) number of (i) buildings, (ii) properties and (iii) facilities does her office currenctly (aa) own and (bb) rent, (b) is the value and purpose of each (i) owned and (ii) rented property and (c)(i) period has each property been rented for, (ii) are the details of the owner of each property that is rented and (iii) is the monthly rent fee for each property?


Attached find here: Reply

06 April 2022 - NW881

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

what (a) is the total number of incidents of (i) sexual assault that were reported in her department (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2021, (b) number of cases (i) were opened and concluded, (ii) were withdrawn and (iii) remain open or pending based on the incident and (c) sanctions were meted out against each person who was found guilty ?


Attached find here: Reply

05 April 2022 - NW1138

Profile picture: Van Minnen, Ms BM

Van Minnen, Ms BM to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1) What steps will he take to resolve the ongoing complaint that offices of his department that are located in Somerset West Main Road in Helderberg, Western Cape, are heavily congested and oversubscribed; (2) how does he intend to deal with employees of his department who refuse to assist the general public in a respectful and dignified manner when they conduct themselves in a rude and obstreperous manner with the public and refuse to address them in English and/or Afrikaans while the public that are served by their office is mainly Afrikaans and/or English Home Language speakers; (3) whether there have been any disciplinary hearings and/or conduct enquiries regarding any member of the staff employed at the specified branch; if not, why not; if so, what (a) were the outcomes of the hearings and/or enquiry and (b) are the further relevant details?


1. The Office Managers are responsible for sharing of information i.e. capacity intake, client volume inside and system stability with clients queueing outside. This must be done at regular intervals throughout the day. Furthermore, there are plans to strengthen capacity with the filing of vacant positions of additional front office staff during the financial year 2022/23.

2. As part of the Western Cape Complaint resolution mechanism, the contact details of the Office Manager, District Manager and Provincial Manager are displayed in all front offices. Complaints escalated to the Provincial Manager are being recorded and monitored. All Front Office staff are required to wear name tags. Once a specific complaint related to a staff member’s conduct was received the District Manager will investigate and apply the necessary corrective measures. The aggrieved client will be provided with feedback and assisted as part of redress. All the staff members from the Somerset West Office are multilingual and are required to address clients in English. The Office has staff who is proficient in other languages should there be a specific request from a client.

3. Yes. The complaint was related to the alleged discrimination against a member from the LGBTQI community in August 2021.

a) There was no disciplinary hearing due to a lack of evidence against any specific employee.

b) A training session for all staff was facilitated by the District Manager: Operations to update staff on prevailing policies.


05 April 2022 - NW948

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Tourism

With reference to the SA National Parks and the training of tour guides by her department (a) in the past three financial years and (b) since 1 January 2022, (i) what total number of tour guides have completed their training in each province in each month, (ii) what (aa) total number of students started the course and did not complete the course and (bb) were their reasons for not completing the course and (iii)(aa) how are potential students identified and (bb) what criteria are used in this regard?


Training of Tourist Guides

(a) 2018-2019

(i) What total number of tour guides have completed their training in each province in each month.


Kruger National Park Orientation

January 2019

Mpumalanga (MP) – 20 guides

Limpopo (LP) – 3 guides

February 2019

MP – 14 guides

LP – 8 guides

A total of 45 guides were trained.

(ii) (aa) What total number of students started the course and did not complete the course.

All participants that started the course completed it.

(ii) (bb) What were their reasons for not completing the course.


(iii) (aa) How are potential students identified.

Adverts were developed and circulated to guides from MP and LP (via the respective Provincial Registrars) to apply for the up-skilling opportunity. The advert was also distributed to guides that work in the Kruger National Park and this was done via SANParks.

(iii) (bb) What criteria are used in this regard

Applicants needed to be registered tourist guides with a minimum qualification or competency as a Nature Site Guide with Kruger National Park being listed as one of the areas of operation. Those with qualifications over and above the minimum requirements were also acceptable.

No training of tourist guides was done with SANParks in the Financial Years of (a) 2019- 2020, 2020- 2021 and (b) since 1 January 2022 to date.

(i)- (iii) Not applicable

05 April 2022 - NW967

Profile picture: Van Minnen, Ms BM

Van Minnen, Ms BM to ask the Minister of Transport

With regard to the construction of the N2/T2 bypass through Somerset West to Sir Lowry’s Pass, (a) what are the details of the plans of the SA National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) to resettle the people who are currently occupying and living on the SANRAL land, (b) where will the people be relocated and (c) by what date is it envisaged that the people will be resettled?


SANRAL and the City of Cape Town (CoCT) signed an Implementation Protocol (IP) in terms of section 35(1) of the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005) ("IRFA"), in Dec 2020. This IP is a codification of the Constitutional obligation placed upon all organs of the state to cooperate with one another when embarking on major projects that will draw on the resources of two or more such organs of the state. It also allows for the exercising of statutory powers by both parties in a coordinated manner.

The IP sets out in detail the role and responsibilities of each party thereto.

In this instance, the statutory function or the provision of a service, depends on the participation of organs of state in different governments who must co-ordinate their actions. This has been done as it would be in the best interest of both the CoCT and SANRAL to construct the N2 through Somerset West, thus positively impacting the economy of Western Cape Province and that of the country. This initiative by SANRAL is accordingly in the national and local public interest.

In brief, the IP requires that SANRAL would design and construct the proposed extension of the 13 km of Greenfields N2, amongst others, whereas the CoCT would be responsible for the procurement of alternative land suitable for housing, take transfer of such alternate land, procure all necessary development rights and to develop such land to enable the main relocations and other relocations of the informal settlements within the N2 Road Reserve to be effected in keeping with the N2 Project Timeline.

The IP established an Intergovernmental Forum (the IgF) which consists of delegated management officials from both SANRAL and the CoCT. Both parties provide the alternating chairperson for the “IgF”. Various work plans have been prepared and adopted by the IgF which set out all the tasks relating to the full spectrum of the IP in support of the N2 Project. There are but two outstanding work plans which are currently being finalised. These work plans, inter alia, are geared and detailed to the extent that the projected timelines for the both the construction of the N2 Project and the relocation of all occupants from the road reserve is achieved. The CoCT has identified various land parcels for the main relocation and is currently finalising the acquisition thereof. Once this process is finalised a more detailed timeline for the main relocation will be submitted to the IgF for approval and adoption.

Once all work plans are approved and adopted by the IgF, each party is bound to these and the timeframes that flow therefrom. In terms of the IP, the IgF is empowered to intervene and seek higher authority and assistance to ensure any risk of “slippages” are addressed before they are realised. In this regard the IgF will also shortly be required to consider and adopt a full “Risk Register” that will guide the whole process under the IP. Further the IP will also be requested to consider, adopt and manage a joint communication strategy that will ensure there is a unified approach to all aspects of communication both with the communities settled in the N2 Road Reserve, the wider community of Somerset West and the greater CoCT Community. .

The work plan for project timelines will be submitted to the next IgF meeting on the 17 May 2022. At this point the provisional timeline is for the main relocation to commence from September 2024 and be concluded by December 2026. This will be in a phased manner allowing the affected section of the N2 Project to commence from July 2025.

Based on the current SANRAL planning and timelines as submitted and already considered by the CoCT, SANRAL must be able to commence with road construction when in possession of “a vacant road reserve “by the fourth quarter of 2024/2025”, as per the two planned construction sections.

It must be emphasized that the conclusion of the land acquisition by the CoCT and the procurement of all development rights to enable the alternative land procured to be developed into integrated townships, is on the “critical path” that will determine the timeline for the N2 Project construction activities. This aspect is complex, and the consents required in terms of the Planning and Environmental Laws are not within the control of SANRAL and the CoCT.

05 April 2022 - NW983

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether, with regard to the Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan, she will furnish Mr N P Masipa with a comprehensive plan of her department to address the (a) safety of the farming community and (b) theft of their livestock since 2019; if not, why not; if so, on what date?


Yes, the Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan provides practical interventions to address the issues of safety of the farming community aligned to the Rural Safety Strategy developed by the Department of Police. This notwithstanding, safety and security remain the primary responsibility of the South African Police Services.

The two specific measures addressed by the AAMP are as follows:

a) Farm safety – establish and promote farming community forums aligned to local policies and expand visibility of police in farming communities, including mobile police stations; all these to form part of Rural Safety Strategy.

b) Stock theft – Full implementation of Livestock Identification and Traceability System to all farmers. Expand the installation of livestock anti-theft cameras in the entry points of key routes in rural and farming areas.

In both areas, the AAMP promotes the Public Private Partnership (PPP) approach to leverage resources from government and business sectors. The Master Plan also addresses the measures required to curb livestock theft in rural and commercial farming areas. The Master Plan will be made available after sign-off by social partners in the first quarter of 2022.

05 April 2022 - NW896

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What (a) is the total number of incidents of (i) sexual harassment and (ii) sexual assault that were reported in his department (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2021, (b) number of cases (i) were opened and concluded, (ii) were withdrawn and (iii) remain open or pending based on the incidents and (c) sanctions were meted out against each person who was found guilty?


To date, there are no sexual harassment cases that are pending. For the past three financial years, only one case was reported, which has since been withdrawn.


05 April 2022 - NW891

Profile picture: Mabika, Mr M

Mabika, Mr M to ask the Minister of Tourism

What (a) is the total number of incidents of (i) sexual harassment and (ii) sexual assault that were reported in her department (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2021, (b) number of cases (i) were opened and concluded, (ii) were withdrawn and (iii) remain open or pending based on the incidents and (c) sanctions were meted out against each person who was found guilty?


a) What is the total number of incidents reported in the department:


(aa) 2018-2019

(aa) 2019-2020

(aa) 2020-2021

(bb) Since 1 April 2021

(i) Sexual harassment





(ii) Sexual assault





b) (i) - (iii) Not applicable

c) Not applicable

05 April 2022 - NW1164

Profile picture: Ngcobo, Mr SL

Ngcobo, Mr SL to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What amount remains unspent on the budget for the (a) Basic Education Infrastructure Grant, (b) conditional grants and (c) funds from the Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative in the 2020-21 financial year?


What amount remains unspent on the budget for the 

(a) Basic Education Infrastructure Grant:

No amount was unspent on the budget. The total budget was transferred to provinces.

(b) conditional grants and 

The other conditional grants budgets were transferred fully, with exception for Learners with Profound Disability Grant where an amount of R17.1 million was not transferred to two province, namely, KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape.

(c) funds from the Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative (ASIDI) in the 2020-21 financial year?

Unspent amount for ASIDI was R321 million.

05 April 2022 - NW901

Profile picture: Ngcobo, Mr SL

Ngcobo, Mr SL to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with reference to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the increase of automation, more use for robotic components and an urgent need to upskill those whose jobs are in danger of becoming redundant and the many opportunities for the Republic to benefit from the changes 4IR will bring, her department has a plan to focus on skills development to ensure that (a) young persons are ready for this new development in the world and (b) the Republic does not fall further behind on a global scale; if not, why not; if so, what are the further, relevant details?


Whether with reference to the fourth Industrial revolution, the increase of automation, more use for robotic components and an urgent need to upskill those whose  jobs are in danger of becoming redundant and the many opportunities for the Republic to benefit from changes 4IR will bring, her department has a plan to focus on skills development to ensure that (a) young persons are ready for the new development in the world and (b)the Republic does not  fall further behind on a global scale, if not why not; if so what are the further, relevant details?


Basic Education Sector is at the centre of realigning the output of young people that the economy requires. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is at the centre of this realignment of the required skills of the future. The Department of Basic Education has a roadmap which it has followed by the development of a Coding and Robotics Curriculum for Grades R-9 which will eventually be offered in the FET Band (Grades10-12) responding to the changing work environment. This roadmap is aligned with the National Development Plan (NDP) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) to ensure that learners going through the educations system, are being exposed to Coding and Robotics will develop the Foundational Skills required from a workplace that has been changed by the 4IR e.g. Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Automation of production systems, etc.  

Through the Coding and Robotics Curriculum, the DBE aim is to upskill the educators, education officials and youth in these areas. The Application Skills envisaged in the draft Coding and Robotics targets these specific skills required. In a short to medium term, the public-private partnerships including industry and Higher Education Institutions should activate plans that will mediate the required 4IR skills to the current workforce, to cushion the impact of change management and negative impact of automating the economic tools of production on labour.

The DBE has awakened to the realisation that the “Skills of a Changing World” is a reality that the country requires. Thus, the development and piloting of the Three Steams Model (Academic, Vocational and Occupational Steams) and the Multi-Certification Strategy in the curriculum offering by the DBE

The DBE has Orientated the Grade R-8 piloting schools’ teachers in the Draft Coding and Robotics Curriculum. The University of South Africa is currently training 950 Foundation Phase teachers in Coding and Robotics. This training will realise its objectives in the third quarter of 2022 with the support from the ETDP-SETA.

(b)the DBE does not believe that we are falling behind from the 4IR space since we are the country is amongst the first in the world to develop a formal Coding and Robotics curriculum which provide learners with necessary skills and competencies. There is no need to panic, as automation of the economic tools is not equal to job losses automated Machinery and Robots will need skilled personnel to design, manufacture, programme and code them. The   capacitation of our Human Resources both active in the economy through in-service programmes that the youth can be   part of and those in our education system will contribute to job creation and economic development noting the required “Skills of the changing world. The DBE is partnering with the private sector to resource and fund the programmes for teacher development and the youth at large

05 April 2022 - NW977

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(a) Which degrees offered at universities has he found have the most job opportunities in the Republic, (b) which universities offer the specified degrees and (c) what amount of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme funding goes towards funding students studying towards the degrees?


(a) and (b) The Department does not collect data on job opportunities linked to qualifications. However, the Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) — Quarter 3 of 2021 indicates that only 2.7% of unemployed persons were graduates, while 7.2% had other tertiary qualifications as their highest level of education.

(c) As at 31 December 2021, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) reported that R33.652 billion was paid to new and continuing students registered at public universities.

05 April 2022 - NW885

Profile picture: Lorimer, Mr JR

Lorimer, Mr JR to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What (a) is the total number of incidents of (i) sexual harassment and (ii) sexual assault that were reported in his department (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2021, (b) number of cases (i) were opened and concluded, (ii) were withdrawn and (iii) remain open or pending based on the incidents and (c) sanctions were meted out against each person who was found guilty?


(a) DPE has a zero / No cases

(aa) there was zero reported in the past three financial years.

(bb) there was zero reported since 1 April 2021.

(b) Number of cases opened and concluded:

  1. There was zero opened and concluded.
  2. There was zero withdrawn.
  3. Zero remained opened or pending based on incidences.

(c) There was zero sanctions meted out on guilty findings.

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Kgathatso Tlhakudi P J Gordhan, MP

Director-General Minister

Date: Date:

05 April 2022 - NW1038

Profile picture: Mthenjane, Mr DF

Mthenjane, Mr DF to ask the Minister of Transport

Whether his department has quantified the damage caused to the road infrastructure by the recent heavy rains; if not, why not; if so, (a) what is the extent of the damage and (b) on what date will his department begin with the repair work?


The Department of Transport and various other Departments are working closely with the Department of Cooperative Governance (DoCG) and the National Disaster Management Center (NDMC), the designated government body responsible for handling of natural disasters taking place in South Africa.

The NDMC received incident reports from various provinces and shared same with affected sector departments for support coordination and intervention measures.

Relevant structures were activated in all affected provinces through the coordination of Provincial Disaster Management Centres (PDMCs) for activation of provincial response plans as well as coordination of reports by organs of state and relevant stakeholders. This was done in line with the 2021/22 National Summer Seasonal Contingency Plan.

All PDMCs and some Sector Departments also submitted their Summer Seasonal Plans. The NDMC activated and coordinates the National Joint Flood Operational Committee (NJFCC) that constitutes all relevant organs of state for preparedness measures, contingency arrangements and intervention measures

a) Based on the initial assessments conducted by provincial road authorities, the extent of the damages is estimated at R11 919 909 965 in the various provinces.


District Municipalities

No of Local Municipalities

  Assessments Estimated Cost




Eastern Cape

Sarah Baartman, Joe Gqabi, Amathole and OR Tambo


Not Quantified


R1 469 393 770

Free State

Lejweleputswa, Xhariep, Fezile Dabi, Mangaung and Thabo Mofutsanyana


Not Quantified

R504 400 000

Kwa-Zulu Natal

eThekwini Metro, Ugu, iLembe, Umgungundlovu, Amajuba, Harry Gwala Uthukela and uMzinyathi,


Not Quantified


 R2 794 650 801


Capricorn, Sekhukhune, Waterberg, Vhembe and Mopani


R29 370 000

 R2 021 780 000


Bohlabela, Ehlanzeni, Gert Sibande and District Nkangala District


R4 000 000

R157 600 000

North west

Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, Bojanala, Ngaka Modiri Molema and Dr. Ruth Segomotsi Mompati 


R99 300 000


 R4 632 900 560

Northern Cape

Francees Baard, John Taolo Gaetsewe, Namaqua, ZF Mgawu and Pixley ka Seme



R309 814 834

Grand Total


R132 670 000

R11 919 909 965

Table 1: Estimated Cost of Flood Damages

b) The restoration works of infrastructure will be planned, scheduled and undertaken based on the inspections and assessments. Officials from the Department shall assist the teams to conduct the detailed site inspections and assessments (already in progress) as per details provide below:


District / Region

Roads / Sites


Kwa-Zulu Natal

Ladysmith, Durban, Pietermaritzburg

D2502, D91, P40, P549, P205/2, P213, D96

10-11 March 2022

Eastern Cape

Amathole, Alfred Nzo, Sarah Baartman, Joe Gqabi, OR Tambo, Chris Hani

DR08047, DR08403, DR08044, DR08331, DR08346, DR2764

16-17 March 2022

Free State

Lejweleputswa, Thabo Mofutsanyana, Mangaung, Fezile Dabi, Xhariep

S556, S570, S118, S571, P8/1

24-24 March 2022


Nkangala, Bohlabela, Gert Sibande, Ehlanzeni

D1175, D957, D2685, D1604, D2950, D1604, P77/2

29-31 March 2022

North West

Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati, Ngaka Modri Molema, Bojanala, Dr Kennet Kaunda

D141, P34/2, P48/1, D171, D970

5-6 April 2022


Capricon, Sekhukhune Waterberg, Vhembe, Mopani

D3830, D3749, D3653

9-11 April 2022

Table 2: Details of Inspections and Assessments

In the case of the National Route R61 at Tsomo junction between Ngcobo and Cofimvaba in the Chris Hani District Municipality, the repairs were completed by SANRAL and this road officially opened to motorists on the 28 February 2022.

In case of provincial and municipal roads, the implementation of emergency repairs works was activated by the various road authorities to the affected road infrastructure that falls within their respective areas of jurisdiction.

It must be noted that:

  • In terms of the Disaster Management Act No 57 of 2002, when a disaster occurs:
    • the cost of repairing or replacing public sector infrastructure should be borne by the organ of state responsible for the maintenance of such infrastructure.
    • any financial assistance provided by a national, provincial or municipal organ of state must be in accordance with the national disaster management framework and any applicable post-disaster recovery and rehabilitation policy of the relevant sphere of government
  • as storms continue to cause floods in some areas, the road authorities continues to assess and intervene by repairing damages to restore access, including temporary bypasses and alternative routing for continued access to basic amenities and socio-economic facilities.
  • the reconstruction and rehabilitation to infrastructure damaged by floods, including road infrastructure will depend on the approval of budget reprioritisation and allocation of additional funds by the NDMC and National Treasury;
  • National Government shall assist provinces through the Provincial Road Maintenance Grant (PRMG) and municipalities through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG), as allowable with the provisions of these grant frameworks in terms of the Divisional of Revenue Act (DORA);
  • discussions are taking place at the Inter-Governmental Committee on Disaster Management (ICDM) and the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC)’s Disaster Operations Centre (DOC) remains activated to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of focused intervention and response measures including the monitoring and reporting of summer-related incidents and declared disasters;
  • The Department shall comply with any policy changes approved by ICDM.

05 April 2022 - NW1032

Profile picture: Maotwe, Ms OMC

Maotwe, Ms OMC to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What is the projected return on investment for the (i) Medupi and (ii) Kusile Power Stations, and over what period?


According to the information received from Eskom

a) ( i & ii)

In terms of the economic regulation framework applicable to the regulated parts of the Electricity Supply Industry (ESI), all investments should earn a return equal to its weighted average cost of capital (WACC), on the depreciated asset value, over its full life cycle – in line with globally-accepted regulatory practice.

This is dependent on the initial asset construction cost, as well as the ongoing annual operating and maintenance cost, and the performance of the asset being assessed as prudent and efficient.

The electricity regulator assessed the %WACC for Eskom for the current MYPD4 revenue cycle as 7.1% pre-tax ‘real’. The regulator also commented in a Reasons for Decision and a subsequent affidavit that the overnight construction cost of Medupi is approximately 6% above the international benchmark norms, and that of Kusile fell within the international benchmark norms. The current operating and maintenance costs are at or below international benchmark norms. After some initial teething problems, Eskom is confident that both Medupi and Kusile will perform according to their design parameters.

Therefore, once the electricity price reaches the level of cost-reflectivity the power stations should earn a return on investment of equal to the %WACC, which for the current MYPD4 revenue cycle is assessed as 7.1% pre-tax ‘real’. However, in the interest of a gradual transition to cost-reflective electricity prices the electricity regulator is not yet awarding the full return on investment in its revenue and price determinations.

For the current MYPD4 revenue cycle the electricity regulator awarded a return of 1.5% on the regulatory asset value, however due to the regulator having reduced the revenue by the amount of the government equity support of R23bn per year the actual returns are close to zero.

(b) In terms of the economic regulatory framework applicable to the regulated parts of the ESI, the return on investment on the depreciated asset values should annually be equal to the %WACC, over the full life cycle of the asset. This will apply once electricity prices are cost-reflective.

05 April 2022 - NW916

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What steps is her department taking to assist emerging rural black farmers in order to (a) access markets and (b) sell their products?


The role of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) in marketing, as envisioned by the Agricultural Marketing Policy, is to provide a range of agricultural marketing support services in order to enhance participation by all role players across the various agricultural value chains. DALRRD implements various marketing support programmes that are aimed at enabling producers, particularly smallholder producers to gain access to markets.

(a),(b) The above-mentioned support programmes include provision of marketing information, marketing skills development programme, Good Agricultural Practices Certification Programme (SA-GAP), marketing infrastructure and market linkages program.

Marketing Information: DALRRD disseminates a wide range of market information to producers and other value chain players through the Marketing Information System, which is a web-based system that can be accessed on the internet and through cellular phones. The information distributed through the system includes daily prices for agricultural products (fresh produce and grains) and weekly prices for meat, as well as standards and grading information and contact information for various markets and market agents. This information is distributed to get producers to understand the prevailing market conditions; to inform them about the existing alternative marketing channels; and to bring to the fingertips of farmers the contact information for various markets. DALRRD runs a user-awareness campaign for smallholder producers on the use of the system, which has reached 473 producers in the current financial year. Furthermore, 11 804 people have accessed the MIS system to date this current financial year.

The marketing skills development programme is being implemented on a continuous basis to empower producers on how the market operates (mechanics) and to provide them with an exposure to different marketing channels. e.g. fresh produce producers are capacitated on fresh produce marketing and are also given an opportunity to participate in market exposure visits in order for them to meet with market management and agents. The goal is to empower producers with knowledge about markets and to give them an opportunity to meet with market managers and organize deals (on their own) with those markets. This program has reached 473 producers during the current financial year.

Marketing infrastructure: the Department is currently facilitating a funding programme for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) falling within the agriculture sector through the Agri-BEE Fund and Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP). The programme is aimed at establishing basic agricultural marketing infrastructure to collate fresh produce from several smallholder farmers in a given production area/hub with a view to performing first stage marketing functions such as grading, washing and packaging before forwarding to either wholesale or retail markets. This project will in part further facilitate the development of economic activities in the rural nodes via facilitating commercialization of fresh agricultural products within and outside the identified nodes. This current financial year, 20 projects were funded under CASP for the provision of marketing infrastructure.

DALRRD also implements the SA-GAP certification program that is aimed at providing assurance to potential buyers that the food produced by smallholder producers is safe for human consumption. Smallholder producers identified to participate in the program are taken through pre-audit exercises to identify any non-conformances on their farms and this is then followed by training/workshops on good agricultural practices, food safety, responsible use of pesticides and product safety and quality as outlined in Regulation 707 of 2005 under the Agricultural Products Standards (APS) Act of 1990. These producers will then be given an opportunity to rectify any identified non-conformances before the final audit and certification can be concluded. This financial year, 82 farms were identified to participate in the program and pre-audits were conducted on all identified farms. One-on-one consultations were conducted on 46 farms. Final audits were conducted on 46 farms and renewal audits were conducted on 21 farms.

Finally, DALRRD administers the preferential market access programme through which it issues import and export quotas and permits to traders to enable them to import and export certain agricultural products at reduced rates of duty. This system gives preference to previously disadvantaged companies and/or traders. A total 1 036 traders (660 established companies and 330 SMEs) benefitted from this programme during 2021/22 financial year.

While the abovementioned initiatives will continue to be implemented to create a conducive environment for producers to gain access to markets, it is acknowledged that there are legislative gaps in the market that still expose our producers to market risks, particularly in areas where the produce is sold on behalf of producers by agents. To close these gaps, DALRRD has initiated a process of amending the Agricultural Produce Agents Act, 1992 (Act No. 12 of 1992) to improve legislative provisions that provide protection to producers and to provide for more accountability on the part of agents.

05 April 2022 - NW1150

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)       What is the current (a) total number of (i) registered and (ii) unregistered early childhood development centres (ECDs) in the Republic and (b) breakdown of the number of ECDs in each province; (2) what (a) has she found to be the demand for such facilities and (b) number of the specified facilities meet compliance standards; (3) what number of children (a) need access to the facilities and (b) can the facilities accommodate; (4) what (a) is the current state of ECD infrastructure in the Republic, (b) number of ECDs do not have access to water, sanitation and electricity and (c) is the budget that was allocated to ECD infrastructure?


The DBE has just completed the fieldwork on the National ECD Census and is busy with data analysis. The honourable member is therefore humbly requested to allow the DBE to finalise the analysis process and release the Census data as this will enable the DBE to respond.

05 April 2022 - NW1139

Profile picture: Van Minnen, Ms BM

Van Minnen, Ms BM to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(What (a) is the staff capacity of the offices of his department that are located in Somerset West Main Road in Helderberg, Western Cape, that are heavily congested and oversubscribed, (b) number of positions have been filled, (c) is the current situation regarding the full capacitation of the specified office in terms of ensuring all the workstations are properly equipped, (d) are the causes of the alleged congestion and (e) steps will he take to ameliorate the situation as the queue outside the offices impairs the dignity of the citizens of the Republic who make use of the offices where hundreds of persons wait many hours for services that are not forthcoming?


a) The Somerset West Office has twenty-four (24) posts on its fixed staff establishment.

b) Fifteen (15) posts are currently filled.

c) It is envisaged to fill two (2) front office clerks, two (2) Immigration Officers and one (1) Control Immigration Officer posts before the end of July 2022. All workstations are currently equipped and will be further capacitated once the above mentioned appointments are concluded.

d) The building is shared with the Department of Labour. Clients for both Departments are using the same entrance. The Department is looking at the possibility of using an alternative entrance, unfortunately the building is classified as a heritage site and no alterations may be considered to the facade of the building. A secondary cause for the congestion is the various lockdowns due to the Coronavirus pandemic and the limited services available to clients as per the lockdown restrictions.

e) Several overtime projects have been conducted to increase access and alleviate the congestion.



05 April 2022 - NW990

Profile picture: Steyn, Ms A

Steyn, Ms A to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What number of hectares of land are registered in the name of her department in each province; (2) what number of hectares of land has been made available for long-term leases by her department in the past five years in each district municipality; (3) what number of hectares of land with title deeds have been transferred from her department to (a) individuals and (b) communities in the past five years in each district municipality?


1. The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development is the custodian of a total of 10 454 652 hectares (ha) of land.


Area (ha)

Eastern Cape


Free State










North West


Northern Cape


Western Cape


Grand Total


2. A total of 1 289 583 hectares under the custodianship of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development are subject to active long-term agricultural leases in the past five years.


Area (ha)



Alfred Nzo District Municipality


Amathole District Municipality


Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality


Chris Hani District Municipality


Joe Gqabi District Municipality


Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality


Sarah Baartman District Municipality




Fezile Dabi District Municipality


Lejweleputswa District Municipality


Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality


Thabo Mofutsanyane District Municipality


Xhariep District Municipality




City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality


Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality


Sedibeng District Municipality


West Rand District Municipality




Amajuba District Municipality


Harry Gwala District Municipality


Ilembe District Municipality


King Cetshwayo District Municipality


Ugu District Municipality


Umgungundlovu District Municipality


Umkhanyakude District Municipality


Umzinyathi District Municipality


Uthukela District Municipality


Zululand District Municipality




Capricorn District Municipality


Mopani District Municipality


Sekhukhune District Municipality


Vhembe District Municipality


Waterberg District Municipality




Ehlanzeni District Municipality


Gert Sibande District Municipality


Nkangala District Municipality




Bojanala District Municipality


Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality


Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality


Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality




Frances Baard District Municipality


John Taolo Gaetsewe District Municipality


Namakwa District Municipality


Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality


ZF Mgcawu District Municipality




Cape Winelands District Municipality


Central Karoo District Municipality


City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality


Eden District Municipality


Overberg District Municipality


West Coast District Municipality


Grand Total


3. The past five years 8 173 ha was transferred to individuals and businesses, while 104 850 ha was transferred to communities by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development


Area (ha)












Alfred Nzo District Municipality




Amathole District Municipality




O.R.Tambo District Municipality




Sarah Baartman District Municipality








Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality




Thabo Mofutsanyane District Municipality




Xhariep District Municipality








City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality




West Rand District Municipality








Ethekwini Metropolitan Municipality




Ilembe District Municipality




King Cetshwayo District Municipality




Umkhanyakude District Municipality




Zululand District Municipality








Capricorn District Municipality




Mopani District Municipality




Sekhukhune District Municipality




Vhembe District Municipality




Waterberg District Municipality








Ehlanzeni District Municipality




Gert Sibande District Municipality




Nkangala District Municipality








Bojanala District Municipality




Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality




Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality








John Taolo Gaetsewe District Municipality




ZF Mgcawu District Municipality




Western Cape




City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality




Eden District Municipality




West Coast District Municipality




Grand Total




05 April 2022 - NW978

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(a) Which degrees offered across universities has he found have the least job opportunities, (b) which universities offer the specified degrees and (c) what amount of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme funding goes towards funding students studying towards the degrees?


(a) and (b) The Department does not collect data on job opportunities linked to qualifications. However, the Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) — Quarter 3 of 2021 indicates that only 2.7% of unemployed persons were graduates, while 7.2% had other tertiary qualifications as their highest level of education.

(c) As at 31 December 2021, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) reported that R33.652 billion was paid to new and continuing students registered at public universities.

05 April 2022 - NW1146

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

In view of the 465 826 learners without identity (ID) numbers that were recorded on the Department of Basic Education’s Learner Unit Record and Information Tracking System (Lurits) in 2021, what (a)(i) steps is his department taking to ensure that learners without ID numbers are assisted to register their births and receive an ID number before and/or in their matric year, (ii) is the total number of schools that were visited by a mobile unit of his department in each province in the period 1 January to 31 December 2021 and (iii) were the total number of (aa) birth registration and (bb) ID applications were made by learners during the school visits in each province in the specified period and (b) criteria were used to select schools to be visited by the mobile units?


(a)(i) The Department of Home Affairs obtained a database from Department of Basic Education (DBE), at the beginning of the school year and then determines the number of learners with a qualifying age for Identity documents (matriculants and non-matriculants). Learners 16 years of age without an identity document are also assisted irrespective of the grade they are in, to ensure that by grade 12 they are in possession of a Smart ID Card.

(a)(ii) The breakdown below is the total number of services provided per province:


(ii) Total Number of Schools visited (01 January – 31 Dec 2021)

(iii) (aa) Total number of birth registration within 30 days

(bb) Smart ID cards applications

Eastern Cape



6 226

Free State



1 825




2 696




7 595




8 160




6 482

Northern Cape



4 204

North West



4 225

Western Cape


3 463

2 872



4 259

44 285

(b) Collaboration by all stakeholders (i.e Councillors, religious groups, Amakhosi, DBE District Directors and School Principals) advise on the areas where there is a dire need for learners without ID documents, especially where there is no DHA footprint in close proximity, and then a schedule of schools to be visited is developed on monthly basis. Dates for visits and lists of requirements are determined and shared with the school authorities and an implementation schedule is developed and actioned


05 April 2022 - NW1140

Profile picture: Van Minnen, Ms BM

Van Minnen, Ms BM to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What steps will he take to ensure that (a) citizens are treated with dignity and (b) the old and infirm are particularly assisted at the offices of his department that are located in Somerset West Main Road in Helderberg, Western Cape, that are heavily congested and oversubscribed (details furnished)?


a) District Manager: Operations and Office Manager to ensure compliance to basic queue management principles of communicating with clients at regular intervals and to educate the staff to conduct themselves in a professional manner.

b) All offices prioritise the aged, persons with disabilities, pregnant mothers, mothers with babies as well as school learners in uniform. The Departmental Service Charter is displayed in front offices and staff pause areas and two (2) front office clerk posts will be filled before July 2022.


05 April 2022 - NW965

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)(a) On what date did he (i) depart South Africa and (ii) land in Ukraine, (b) for what period was he in Ukraine, (c) who did he meet with in Ukraine, (d) what were the total costs to his department for his trip to Ukraine and (e) what were the objectives of his trip to Ukraine; (2) whether he received signed and written approval from the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, for his trip to Ukraine; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Ministry has never travelled to Ukraine and is therefore not in a position to respond this question.

05 April 2022 - NW921

Profile picture: Nodada, Mr BB

Nodada, Mr BB to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with reference to the internationally benchmarked systemic tests that were conducted by the Western Cape Education Department in January 2021, which provide for an independent analysis of learning losses suffered by learners during the COVID19 pandemic and rotational attendance by learners, her department has any plans to increase funding to support catching up of the curriculum, as the specified systemic tests have clearly showed that gains achieved in mathematics and language have reversed; if not, why not; if so, what amount in funding is being considered?


The question asked has direct implication to the work of the Member of the Executive Council (MEC) of the Western Cape Provincial Government who has direct jurisdiction to the work referred to, not the Minister of Basic Education. The question has therefore been referred to the MEC of the Western Cape Department of Education for response. 

05 April 2022 - NW947

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Tourism

With reference to the Tourism Relief Fund and the ruling of the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA), (a) what changes and/or amendments have been made to meet the SCA ruling, (b) on what dates were these changes and/or amendments completed, (c)(i) on what date and (ii) in what manner was the call for applications opened under the amended criteria and (d)(i) what total number of applicants were received and (ii) over what period?


(a) No amendment or changes were ordered by the Supreme Court of Appeal whose ruling came after the once off Tourism Relief Fund’s implementation was already completed. Thus, no changes or amendements were applicable.

(b) - (d) Not applicable.

05 April 2022 - NW966

Profile picture: Van Minnen, Ms BM

Van Minnen, Ms BM to ask the Minister of Transport

What are the latest (a) plans and (b) timelines for the construction of the N2/T2 bypass through Somerset West to Sir Lowry’s Pass by the SA National Roads Agency Limited?


a) The consulting engineering service providers are finalising the required detail plans and construction tender documents, subject to finalisation of various outstanding matters such as land acquisition.

b) Based on the current SANRAL planning and timelines as submitted and already considered by the City of Cape Town (CoCT), SANRAL can only commence with road construction when in possession of a ‘vacant road reserve’, which for now is planned for the period January 2025 to July 2025, as per the two planned construction sections. It must be emphasized that the conclusion of the land acquisition by the CoCT and the securing of all development rights to enable the alternative land procured to be developed into integrated townships, is on the “critical path” that will determine the timeline for the N2 Construction Projects. This aspect is complex, and the consents required in terms of the Planning and Environmental Laws are not within the control of SANRAL and the CoCT.