Questions and Replies

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09 October 2017 - NW2594

Profile picture: Sonti, Ms NP

Sonti, Ms NP to ask the Minister of Social Development

When the application are dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to her?


(a) & (b) There are currently no vacant positions in the Board or Councils of Department of Social Development or its entities reporting to the Minister

09 October 2017 - NW2805

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture”

1. What is the total number of libraries in Mpumalanga that do not have qualified librarians; 2. whether his department advertised these positions; if not, why not; if so, (a) which positions were advertised, (b) in which publications were the vacancies advertised, (c) on what dates were the vacancies advertised and (d) what number of applications were received as a response to the specified advertisements? NW3112E


As I have indicated in my response to question No: 1077 of 15 May 2017, that:

Schedule 5A of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act No 108 of 1996, which stipulates that libraries, other than national libraries, are an exclusive provincial legislative competence”. The status quo is still the same.

09 October 2017 - NW2804

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

(1)(a) What was his department’s mandate regarding the completion of the Enyokeni project and (b) what financial obligations were set; (2) whether the (a) mandate and (b) financial obligations were met; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


1 (a).The Department’s mandate for 2017/18 financial year was to reprioritise the completion of the project elements such as the multipurpose cultural dome (amphitheatre). The focus was to complete the amphitheatre with its elements for it to be functional.

(b). The financial obligation set for 2017/18 financial year is R28.1 million budget for the completion of the multipurpose amphitheatre facility subject to confirmation by Bill of Quantities (BOQ). Not completing the project may lead to further wasteful and fruitless expenditure and the incomplete structure, as it becomes increasingly disused, and will reflect badly on the government of the day.

2.(a). The Department is working towards meeting and realising the mandate of what has been planned for through engaging and consulting National Treasury for advice as well as all relevant key stakeholders by holding on-going engagements on the attainment of the objective.

(b). At present the department is working on consolidating cost estimates for the outstanding project elements to be submitted to National Treasury to advise on the best option that could be considered as a way forward for this project.

09 October 2017 - NW2844

Profile picture: Maimane, Mr MA

Maimane, Mr MA to ask the President of the Republic

Whether he intends to heed the call for 16 August to be declared a commemorative day to be observed annually, in honour of those workers who lost their lives on 16 August 2012 in Marikana; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The death of more than 40 mineworkers in Marikana in August 2012 is a tragedy that should never be allowed to happen again in our country.

We should remember those who lost their lives by improving the living conditions of the people in Marikana.

On 26 August 2012, I appointed a Commission of Inquiry to investigate matters of public, national and international concern arising out of the tragic incidents at the Lonmin Mine in Marikana. In total 44 people lost their lives and many others were injured. Government is busy implementing the findings of the report.

I established an Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC), which is convened by the Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. The IMC comprises of the Departments of Human Settlements, Mineral Resources, Social Development, Police, Justice and Correctional Services, and Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs in order to manage the efforts to address the short and medium term challenges in the relevant areas.

The Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Revitalisation of Distressed Mining Communities, through its work, leadership and intervention, has achieved commendable results, which include:

  • Approximately 522 housing units that have been completed to date;
  • Planning for Phase 2 of the housing development in Marikana Extension 5 is already underway and measures 144 hectares in extent, owned by Lonmin. The site has capacity to cater for 5 000 housing units.  Lonmin has commenced with the pre-feasibility study for this development;
  • Lonmin completed the conversion of all their hostels, namely 776 family units and 1 908 single apartments by December 2014, as per the Mining charter requirements
  • Lonmin has also submitted a new second Social and Labour Plan for the period 2014 until 2018. It undertook to build 4 000 infill apartments which are not meant to replace homeownership but to provide decent accommodation for employees.  
  • Phase 1 at the Karee Housing Estate has been completed, comprising 100 family units and 225 bachelor units. The next phase is in progress and should be finalised by the end 2017 comprising another 120 single units and 48 family units.
  • The Revitalisation of Distressed Mining Communities has been mainstreamed into the Government Programme of Action.

Government continues to engage business, labour and communities to seek sustainable solutions that resolve the concerns of mine workers and distressed mining communities and transform the mining sector to broaden the benefits of our country’s rich mineral wealth.

The Revised Mining Charter also seeks to address some of the medium to long-term challenges through the provision that mining license-holders should, as part of Broad-based Economic Empowerment, provide 8% free carry to the mining communities in their area of operations.

Government encourages all society to commemorate tragedies such as the one of Marikana in every manner possible.

Furthermore, government remains on track with regard to implementing the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry which was led by retired Judge Ian Farlam.

We appeal to all social partners to use the lessons from the Marikana tragedy to honour the memory of the victims through practical measures to improve the living and working conditions of mining communities, which is the most effective way to honour them.

09 October 2017 - NW2019

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER

Wilson, Ms ER to ask the Minister of Social Development

(a) How many events of Project Mikondzo were held in the 2016-17 financial year, (b) on what date(s) did each event take place, (c) in which (i) province, (ii) municipality and (iii) ward did each event take place and (d) what was the total cost of each event?


a) The number of Mikondzo events held in 2016-017 financial year is 31 Mikondzo events.

b) The events date stared in April 2016 – March 2017 financial year.

c) (i) in all nine regions of the Agency (Provinces)

(ii) Municipality names are attached.

(iii) The events took place in the indicated municipal wards

d) The average cost of each event was R2 500 000.00

09 October 2017 - NW2426

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the President of the Republic

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 2278 on 11 November 2016, a certain family (name furnished) made monetary contributions towards the home loan of a certain person (name furnished); if not, what is his position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


The issues raised in the question may form part of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry recommended by the Public Protector in her Report of “State of Capture”. As such, I cannot go into the details of the issues raised in the question.

09 October 2017 - NW2018

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER

Wilson, Ms ER to ask the Minister of Social Development

With reference to Tender No. 42/15/GA awarded by the SA Social Security Agency for the provision of services to Project Mikondzo, (a) what payments have been made to certain companies (names furnished) since they were accredited as service providers and (b)(i) for which events and/or services and (ii) on what dates were the payments made in each case?


The accreditation was awarded to Azande Consulting and Vee El Promotions on 23 June 2016. In total SASSA has paid R80.7 million for Mikondzo Project since the accreditation to date i.e. R52.4 million for Azande consulting and R28.3 million for Vee El Promotions.

The details below are a list of events held and the payments made to the above mentioned companies.

Table A: Azande Consulting


Name of Region

(a) What payments have been made to Azande Consulting

In Rand value

(b) (i) For which events and/or services

(b)(ii) On what dates were the payments made in each case


Eastern Cape

484 969,40

Mikondzo : Zwide



Eastern Cape

489 500,30

Mikondzo - Dan Qeqe



Eastern Cape

470 000,00

Mikondzo - Uitenhage



Eastern Cape

450 000,00

Mikondzo: Motherwell



Free State

4 452 550.32

Mikondzo : Mangaung Metro




3 932 794,07

Mikondzo - Botlokwa on 04 Dec 2016




3 648 000,00

Mikondzo:Nkomazi (Kwamhlutshwa) 22 October 2016

22- Nov-16


Northern Cape

3 021 445,82

Mikondzo: Kuruman



North West

15 390 000,00

Mikondzo - Magogwe



North West

3 880 907,45

Mikondzo:Ratlou (Mareetsane) (28 August 2016



North West

519 456,45

Deputy Minister’s old persons Christmas lunch



North West

4 215 206.23

Mikondzo: Swartruggens (Borolelo)Mikondzo 12 May 2017



Kwazulu Natal

476 320,00

Mikondzo:Qhudeni 19/7/2016



Kwazulu Natal

495 000,00

Mikondzo:Qhudeni 19/7/2016



Kwazulu Natal

489 000,00

Mikondzo:Ntambanana 15/7/2016



Kwazulu Natal

492 689,10

Mikondzo: Qhudeni 19/7/2016



Kwazulu Natal

170 850,00

Mikondzo: Qhudeni 19/7/2016



Kwazulu Natal

4 332 889,20

Mikondzo:Mtubatuba 31/7/2016



Kwazulu Natal

4 959 000,00

Mikondzo: Mnyakanya kwaShange – 27-29 Dec 2016




52 370 578.36


Table B: Vee El Promotions


Name of Region

(a) What payments have been made to Vee-El Promotions In Rand value

(b) (i) For which events and/or services

(c) (ii) On what dates were the payments made in each case


Eastern Cape

4 800 500,00

Mikondzo: Sterkspruit



Eastern Cape

385 609,13

Mikondzo : Motherwell



Eastern Cape

484 568,02

Mikondzo: Uitenhage



Eastern Cape

4 495 154,46

Mikondzo: Alice




484 568,02

Mikonzo: Presidential visit to Atteridgeville- 1 June 2016




2 494 889.00

Mikondzo - Kwamhlanga 09 October 2016



North West

3 095 695,22

Mikondzo at Mareetsane(28 August 2016)



Kwazulu Natal

3 814 471,84

Mikondzo: Ixopo

14- Sept-16


Kwazulu Natal

3 560 132,52

Mikondzo: Umhlabuyalingana 15/12/2016



Kwazulu Natal

3 267 769,78

Mikondzo: Matshensikazi 21/12/2016



Kwazulu Natal

1 442 230,22

Mikondzo: Matshensikazi 21/12/2016




28 325 588.21


09 October 2017 - NW2088

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any entities reporting to her are funding, including by way of discretionary funding, any institution of research and development (i) domestically and/or (ii) internationally; if so, (aa)(aaa) what are the names of the specified institutions and (bbb) what are their functions, (bb) from what date has her department or any entity reporting to her been funding them and (cc) what amount has her department contributed towards such funding? NW2310E



a) (i) Yes

(ii) No, DPE is not funding, including by way of discretionary funding, international Research and Development institutions.

b) Not applicable

(aa) (aaa) (bbb) (bb)

See summary below, of the institutions which DPE has collaborative agreement with:






Date of Reporting

Relation with DPE Functions of Entities

Estimated amount







University of Johannesburg

March 2017

To provide with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace.

R 2 528 976.00


WITS University

March 2017

To provide with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace.

R 1 429 275.00



Not Applicable










Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable

(cc) Not applicable



Not Applicable










Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable




Yes, Eskom has a multitude of memberships, joint development and bilateral agreements with both Domestic and International Research Testing & Development bodies and Institutions of Higher Learning.  These agreements are for definitive scopes of work and are relevant to Eskom’s operational and strategic imperatives. Intellectual Property and Royalty agreements are in place where joint development work is undertaken.


Yes, Eskom is funding, including by way of discretionary funding, domestic Research, Testing and Development institutions


No, Eskom is not funding, including by way of discretionary funding, international Research, Testing and Development institutions


See summary below, of the institutions which Eskom funded including their function, date from which funding commenced and amounts funded for financial year 2016/17.


Name of the institution (aa)(aaa)

Function done by the institutions (bbb)

Date from which Eskom funded the institution (bb)

Amount that Eskom has contributed in financial year 2016/17 (cc)

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

South Africa's central and premier scientific research and development organisation


R 5 168 153.00


Study and research centers


R22 905 507.00

The detail on research done per institution is included in Annexure A & B.

Annexure A


Name of the institution (aa)(aaa)

Research done by the institutions (aa)(bbb)


Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

Turbine Blade Refurbishment II



Load Forecasting



Laser Shock Peening






Camera I+I+III



NDT of Laser-enabled refurbishment



CAE Capability



Camden Ash Utilisation



Rotor Refurbishment



Solar PV Economics



Home Energy Management & Optimisation



Test beds for reliable smart city Machine-to-Machine Communication (TRESCIMO)



Thermal Desalination



Turbine Blade Refurbishment



Regional Air Quality Modelling



Wave Energy Site Selection Study


University of the Witwatersrand

Bhugwandin-Strat Impl & Exe



Bisnath-HV Overhead


University of Western Cape

Gericke-Capacitive Deionization



Reynolds-Mine Backfill GeoHydro



Reynolds-Lab Test Geochem Kinetic Leaching



Reynolds-Lab Test Hydraulics



Reynolds-Simulation of mod test result



Reynolds-Numerical Geochem reaction model



Reynolds-Integrated num flow and trans model





Stellenbosch University

Gericke-counter flow cooling tower



Westhuyzen-PV Penetration W Cape



Bischoff-Lightning & Power Frequency





University of the Witwatersrand

Gericke-Groundwater Reports


University of Cape Town

Gericke-Multi Effect Distribution



Newby-Boiler Heat Exchanger



Gericke-Saline Streams


North-West University

Mbedzi-Baseline Assessment Sharpville



Gericke-characteristics of water



Fipaza-nuclear High T Reactor



Monametsi-Black C & Hg



Mbedzi-Source Apport Vaal


University of Johannesburg

Moodley-Water Samples


Nelson Mandela University

Newby-Course on ASMEVIII



Scheepers-Charact of WB36



Serameng-LCOE on the Solar PV Plants


University of Pretoria

Reynolds-ash - soil amelioration



Reynolds-Kruger Ment; Surridge Micro



Reynolds-Ash Rubber Extention


University of the Free State  


Annexure B

Name of the institution (aa)(aaa)

Research done by the institutions (aa)(bbb)

Amount that Eskom has committed in financial year 2016/17 (cc)

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

Camera I+I+III

To be paid


Rotor Refurbishment

To be paid


Solar PV Economics

To be paid


Test beds for reliable smart city Machine-to-Machine Communication (TRESCIMO)

To be paid


Regional Air Quality Modelling

 To be paid

Eskom is exploring a R2.8 million collaborative development agreement with the CSIR for the establishment of a national Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) facility.  The need for a facility of this nature stems from the need to develop local NDT skills and capacity, NDT procedure qualifications and having qualified independent oversight on contractors undertaking NDT work at Eskom sites.   The application for this funding is currently pending internal approval and is being channeled through the Eskom governance process.

Furthermore, we attach Annexure B which detail includes work carried out although Eskom has not yet made payment.

The following Eskom policies support the manner in which collaborative R&D agreements are managed:

  • Eskom IP management policy,
  • Procurement & Supply Chain Management Policy,
  • Eskom’s Legal Policies governing MOAs/MOUs.

Annexure B

Name of the institution (aa)(aaa)

Research done by the institutions (aa)(bbb)

Amount that Eskom has committed in financial year 2016/17 (cc)

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

Camera I+I+III

To be paid


Rotor Refurbishment

To be paid


Solar PV Economics

To be paid


Test beds for reliable smart city Machine-to-Machine Communication (TRESCIMO)

To be paid


Regional Air Quality Modelling

 To be paid



Not applicable


SAFCOL does not have any specific institution that it is funding by way of collaborative discretionary funding. However, SAFCOL has relationships with the following institutions as members and paying a membership fee, or paying on project basis:






Date of Reporting

Relation with SAFCOL / Functions of Entities

Estimated amount







University of Pretoria

2008 - current

SAFCOL has a forestry Chair programme with the University of Pretoria to train students and improve post graduate research

R1 200 000 p.a.

(including Bursaries)


University of Stellenbosch

Unknown - current

Tertiary Forestry Education – training students


Bursaries vary per year.

R454 441 in 2016


Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU)

Unknown - current

Tertiary Forest Education – training students


Bursaries vary per year.

R260 586 in 2016



Date of Reporting

Relation with SAFCOL / Functions of Entities

Estimated amount







FABI / TPCP (Tree Protection COOP, University of Pretoria

1990 - current

Tree protection (pests and diseases)

R500 000 p.a.


National Forestry Research Forum (NFRF)

2016 – current

The institution does research for the forestry industry

No membership fees


Forestry South Africa (FSA)

Unknown - current

South African Professional Forestry Association membership

R2.50 per ton sold


ICFR (Institute of Commercial Forestry Research)

1980 – current

Siviculture research 1980

R400 000 p.a.



20160- current


Currently no funding (future projects)


Forest Molecular Group (FMG), University of Pretoria

2016 – current

Research (genetic research on trees)

Currently no funding (future projects)


Baboon Damage Working Group

2000 – current

Research (on animals causing damage to SAFCOL trees)

R200 000 p.a.


South African Sirex Control Programme

2010 - current

Research and tree protection (pest control for better tree survival)

R 200 000 p.a.


Timber Industry Pesticide Working Group(TIPWG)

Unknown - current

Pesticide environmental control

R100 000 per project



Date of Reporting

Relation with SAFCOL / Functions of Entities

Estimated amount







Seedling Growers Association of South Africa (SGASA)

Unknown - current

Latest technology on nurseries

R 20 000 p.a.






Date of Reporting

Relation with SAFCOL / Functions of Entities

Estimated amount







CAMCORE (Camcore Cooperation)

1983 – current

Conservation, testing and breeding of forest tree species in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics

R400 000 p.a.


IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organisations)

1980 - current


R 30 000 p.a.


South African Express does not provide funding to any institution/s for any research and development purposes.


  1. N/A

(b)(i) Transnet has partnerships and sponsorships with various Universities to conduct research and development.

University of Cape Town (UCT):

  • Sponsorship: Research and Education Programme in Rail Engineering, faculty Building Environment, Engineering and Information technology
  • Duration: 2013-2018
  • Value: R6 000 000.00


University of Pretoria (UP):

  • Sponsorship: Chair in Railway faculty Building Environment, Engineering and Information technology
  • Duration 2013-2018
  • Value: R12,6m

University of the Witwatersrand (WITS):

  • Sponsorship: Systems Engineering
  • Duration: 2012-2017
  • Value: R58,762 000.00

University of Stellenbosch (US)

  • Sponsorship: Port and Coastal Engineering
  • Duration: 2015-2020
  • Value R9 400 00.00

(b) (ii) None

(bb) None

(bbb) None

(cc) N/A

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Mr. Mogokare Richard Seleke Ms. Lynne Brown, MP

Director-General Minister of Public Enterprises

Date: Date:

09 October 2017 - NW2562

Profile picture: Kwankwa, Mr NL

Kwankwa, Mr NL to ask the President of the Republic

(1)      What is the position of the Government of South Africa with regard to the resolutions taken at the 28th African Union (AU) Summit held in January 2017 to (a) re-admit Morocco to the AU, although this was in violation of the Constitutive Act of the AU and (b) adopt the Kagame Report on AU Reform without it having been discussed by member states prior to the specified summit; (2) whether the Government supported the adoption of the Kagame Report; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2822E


The Government of South Africa accepts the outcome of the Summit on the admission of Morocco to promote unity and coherence within the Continent. Member states expressed strong views that by virtue of acceding to the Constitutive Act, Morocco should abide by all provisions of the Act and immediately resolve its relations with the Western Sahara to ensure territorial integrity between the two nations. South Africa also supports the Summit’s decision that the African Union should prioritise the resolution of the impasse between the two countries to change the status quo, failing which the principles on which the African Union was constituted, as articulated in the Constitutive Act, would be undermined. We fully support the right of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination.

South Africa supports the adoption of the Kagame Report as its general thrust seeks to strengthen the African Union (AU) and improve its functioning and effectiveness.  South Africa will continue to safeguard the values of the AU Constitutive Act, and in this regard will continue to engage in AU discussions on the implementation of the report in a sustainable manner.

06 October 2017 - NW2888

Profile picture: Gqada, Ms T

Gqada, Ms T to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

What is the detailed (a) breakdown of and (b) valuation for current and non-current assets and investments held by (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him according to (aa) listed assets (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held and (bb) unlisted investments (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held by each of the entities, in each case breaking the current assets and investments down by 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months and beyond 12 months?


(a) & (b) (i) Department of Justice and Constitutional Development including National Prosecuting Authority


Valuation (R’000)


(aa) (R’000)



(bbb) (R’000)




855 883



855 883




445 170



445 170




    • 0-3 months
    • 3-6 months
    • 6-12months








1 301 053



1 301 053



A. The President Fund


Valuation (R’000)


(aa) (R’000)



(bbb) (R’000)




57 551



57 551











    • 0-3 months
    • 3-6 months
    • 6-12months
    • Beyond 12months

476 197

523 224

350 151

57 678




476 197

523 224

350 151

57 678

476 197

523 224

350 151

57 678


1 464 801



57 551

1 407 250

1 407 250

B. The Guardian Fund


Valuation (R’000)


(aa) (R’000)



(bbb) (R’000)

(bb) (R’000)


894 430



894 430











    • 0-3 months
    • 3-6 months
    • 6-12months
    • Beyond 12 months

5 000 668

2 424 495

4 351 694

62 524




5 000 668

2 424 495

4 351 694

62 524

5 000 668

2 424 495

4 351 694

62 524


12 733 811



894 430

11 839 381

11 839 381

C. The Third Party Fund


Valuation (R’000)


(aa) (R’000)



(bbb) (R’000)

(bb) (R’000)


805 972



805 972











    • 0-3 months
    • 3-6 months
    • 6-12months








805 972



805 972



(ii) The following entities have reported as follows:

A. Legal Aid South Africa:

(a) Breakdown of current, non-current assets and investments

(aa) and (bb) Legal Aid SA neither has listed assets nor unlisted investments

(aaa) Legal Aid SA directly holds the following assets:


Current assets


Trade and other receivables








Cash and cash equivalents


Non-current assets






Building improvements


Computer equipment


Furniture and equipment


Fittings and fixtures


Leasehold improvements


Motor vehicles


Finance leased assets


Intangible assets


Investments held


None held

(bbb) Legal Aid SA has no assets held indirectly.


(b) Valuation of current, non-current and investments held.

Legal Aid SA directly held the following assets as at 31 March 2017:


Current assets



Trade and other receivables


0 – 3 months

R5 902 188


3 – 6 months

R54 667


6 – 12 months

R136 166


Beyond 12 months

R527 790


R6 620 810




0 – 3 months

R1 244 889


3 – 6 months

R21 891 440


6 – 12 months

R495 094


Beyond 12 months

R936 897


R24 568 320




Beyond 12 months

R1 661 651


R1 661 651


Cash and cash equivalents


0 – 3 months

R245 971 703


(cash set aside for creditors and provision for external legal practitioners who have been briefed.

R245 971 703





0 – 3 months

R1 664 789


R1 664 789



R280 487 273


Non-current assets




R3 556 000



R24 143 169


Building improvements

R8 955 909


Computer equipment

R58 544 938


Furniture and equipment

R4 381 060


Fittings and fixtures

R439 675


Leasehold improvements

R10 690 249


Motor vehicles

58 929 637


Finance leased assets

R1 099 255


Intangible assets

R5 684 942



R176 424 834


Investments held



None held


B. Special Investigating Unit: see table link below:

06 October 2017 - NW2627

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What are the relevant details of the measures that the Government will put in place to facilitate the African Union’s vision 2063 of establishing a continental passport for freedom of movement and trade in Africa in contrast to the more strict security measures restricting movement, as proposed by the Border Management Agency?NW2933


The legal instruments relating to the implementation of the aspects of Vision 2063 relating to Free Movement are still being negotiated by the African Union Member States. Upon adoption by the African Union, the Member States will have to sign and, in accordance with their constitutional requirements, ratify and domesticate the legal instruments.

In the case of South Africa, if the legal instruments are ratified and domesticated, all relevant Departments and their entities or agencies will have to implement them as it would be the law in the Republic.

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Mkuseli Apleni Prof. Hlengiwe Mkhize, MP

Director-General Minister of Home Affairs

Date: Date:

06 October 2017 - NW2634

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether an official from her department was present at the Waterkloof Airport to process the passports and travel documents of passengers embarking on the aircraft carrier Z-WPE (a) on its arrival on 16 August 2017 at 19:11 pm and (b) on its departure on 20 August 2017 at 01:19 am; if not, why not in each case; if so, (i) what is the (aa) full name and (bb) professional designation of the official concerned, (ii) what are the (aa) full names, (bb) passport number and (cc) nationality of every individual whose passport or travel documents were processed and (iv) when was the official notified that his presence at the airport is required?


A. Whether an Official from department was present at Waterkloof Airport On its arrival on 16 August 2017 at 19:11 pm

Officials from the Department of Home Affairs were present during the embarking of the Aircraft carrier Z-WPE on its arrival

B. Whether an Official of the department was present during the departure of Z-WPE on 20 August 2017 at 01:19 am.

Officials from the Department of Home Affairs were also present during the departure of Z-WPE on 20 August 2017 at 01:19 am

(aa) Full name

Full names: David Dihele

Full names: Busi Nkambule

Full names: Molefe Machaba

(bb) Professional designation:

As per (aa) above, the professional designations are:

Professional Designation: Chief Immigration Officer

Professional Designation: Chief Immigration Officer

Professional Designation: Immigration Officer

(cc) The nationality of every individual whose passport or travel documents were processed

All individuals processed were Zimbabwean Nationals on arrival we processed 45+1=46 Pax and on departure it was 57+ 1 =58 Pax

(iv) When was the officials notified that his presence at the airport is required?

The Officials have been part of planning for the SADC Summit. The Office has been planning the summit from June.2017. There was a permanent deployment of immigration Officers for the duration of the summit from 11-22 August.2017.


Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Mkuseli Apleni Prof. Hlengiwe Mkhize, MP

Director-General Minister of Home Affairs

Date: Date:

06 October 2017 - NW2731

Profile picture: Ross, Mr DC

Ross, Mr DC to ask the Minister of Finance

Whether a certain company (Jim Aviation SA) plays any role with regard to the contract concluded between SA Airways Technical and a certain company (Allen Aircraft Radio Corporation); if so, (a) what are the full details of the (i) role that the specified company is playing and (ii) value of its involvement in the specified contract and (b) who are the (i) directors and (ii) shareholders of the specified company?


JM Aviation was, as at the time of the tender submission, and still is a BEE partner of AAR. SAA is not privy to the commercial agreement between AAR and JM Aviation and thus is not in a position to respond to the specifics around each party’s role with regard to the contract concluded between SAAT and AAR/JM Aviation. SAAT’s interactions in accordance with the contract are through a dedicated individual who is tasked with the client liaison and quarterly contract review.

a.(i) Not applicable.

a.(ii) Not applicable.

b.(i) Miss M.V. Sokhulu

       Miss I.N. Louw

       Mr V.A. Ndzeku

       Mr J. Aires

b.(ii) Miss M.V. Sokhulu: 35%

        Miss I.N. Louw: 30%

        Mr V.A. Ndzeku: 20%

        Mr J. Aires: 15%

06 October 2017 - NW2711

Profile picture: Breytenbach, Adv G

Breytenbach, Adv G to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

What is the total cost incurred by (a) his department and (b) the National Prosecuting Authority for each official international trip undertaken by (i) the National Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Shaun Abrahams and (ii) each person who accompanied him since 16 June 2015; (2) Whether a bodyguard accompanied the specified person on the international trips; if so, (a) for how many trips, (b) why and (c) what is the total cost incurred for the bodyguard to accompany the specified person in each case?


1. (a) The table link below provides details of the total cost incurred by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, the amounts excludes information of the National Prosecuting Authority:

(b) The information on the costs incurred by the National Prosecuting Authority for each official international trip undertaken by the National Director of Public Prosecutions and each person that accompanied him is attached at Annexure A.

2. Yes, the NDPP has informed me that he was accompanied by his bodyguard.

a) Three (3) trips.

b) Confidential information.

c) Please refer to Annexure A.

06 October 2017 - NW2398

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

What is the status of the appointment of the Board of the National Small Business Advisory Council?”


The National Small Business Advisory Body (The Council) is being established in terms of Section 2 of the National Small Business Amendment Act, 2003 (Act No. 26 of 2003) and the members of the Advisory Body are appointed by the Minister of Small Business Development in terms of Section 3(1) of the Act.

The Minister of Small Business Development invited nominations from the general public, small business organisations and interest groups in terms of Section 3(1) of the National Small Business Amendment Act to serve on the Advisory Body. From the nominations received, the Minister of Small Business Development is mandated to select amongst the list of nominees and appoint the members of the Small Business Advisory Body for a period of three years.

To date, the Panel approved by the Minister has finalised the process of shortlisting. All relevant documents and a shortlist of verified names by the DSBD Human Resource Directorate were submitted to the Minister for consideration of the appointment to the Council.

06 October 2017 - NW2890

Profile picture: Gqada, Ms T

Gqada, Ms T to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

What is the detailed (a) breakdown of and (b) valuation for current and non-current assets and investments held by (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him according to (aa) listed assets (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held and (bb) unlisted investments (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held by each of the entities, in each case breaking the current assets and investments down by 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months and beyond 12 months?


Assets held by the Department and each of the entities are disclosed on the Annual Financial Statements. Information required can therefore be obtained on the annual report tabled by the Department in September 2017 to Parliament. The annual report are the key reporting instruments for departments and its entities to report against the performance targets and budgets outlined in the strategic plans, read together with the ENE.

Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

06 October 2017 - NW2865

Profile picture: Bucwa, Ms H

Bucwa, Ms H to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)On what date will the investigation into the fraudulent obtaining of places in health sciences courses at various public universities be completed; (2) whether the findings of the specified investigation will be made public; if not, why not; if so, by what date?


  1. The investigation is a two-pronged process, i.e. an institutional investigation and probe by law enforcement agencies. The internal process at the University of KwaZulu-Natal is expected to be completed by end of the year.
  2. The decision to make the internal investigation findings public rests with the Council of the university.











06 October 2017 - NW2942

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Why did he not attend the opening of the first provincial One Stop Shop for InvestSA in Cape Town that was opened by the President of the Republic, Mr Jacob G Zuma?


At the time, I was undergoing a medical procedure that disfigured my face. I was advised by my medical practioner to avoid high profile public events. The President agreed that, under the circumstances, the Ministry could be represented by the Deputy Minister.

06 October 2017 - NW2121

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Finance

What is the (a) full financial value of (i) funds and (ii) guarantees received by SA Airways (SAA) from (aa) the National Treasury and/or (bb) any other national department from 1 January 1997 to date, (b) detailed breakdown of these allocations to each department of SAA in each year, (c) motivation for providing the funds in each case and (d) detailed breakdown of the amounts of guarantees (i) requested and (ii) granted in each case?


a(i): A summary of funds received and repaid is reflected in the table below, as per the records in the annual financial statements:

Financial Year

Funds Received or Paid


Initial capitalisation R3 137 million


R6 089 million shareholder loan advanced


R 4 000 million shareholder convertible loan


R 1 600 million of shareholder convertible loan repaid (balance of R2 400 million remained)


R 8 450 million of above loans was capitalised


R1 564 million subordinated loan raised. Capitalised in 2009/10


R2 208 million recapitalisation (30 June 2017)

a(ii): A summary of the Going Concern guarantees and utilisation towards loans or other purposes as is listed in the table below:

Guarantee Awarded








Subordinated Loan – Nedbank (Mar 2007)

1 300

1 300


Going Concern Guarantee (Sep 2009)

1 600


(Allocated to ATL, Sep ‘16)




Working Capital Utilisation (Dec ’14)


1 055



Going Concern Guarantee (Sep 2012)

5 006


Working Capital Utilisation (Jul ’14)


1 300


Working Capital Utilisation (Jul ’14)


1 500


Working Capital Utilisation (Dec ’14)


1 700


Working Capital Utilisation (Dec ’14)





Going Concern Guarantee (Dec 2014)

6 488


Working Capital Utilisation (Dec ’14)




Working Capital Utilisation (Apr ‘15)


1 500


Working Capital Utilisation (Jun ‘15)


1 500


Working Capital Utilisation (Jun’16) Bridge


1 000

2 038


Going Concern Guarantee (Sep 2016)

4 720


General Short Term Banking Facilities (Dec’16)




Working Capital Utilisation (Dec’16) Bridge


1 292


Working Capital Utilisation (Mar‘17) Bridge




LC and Guarantee Facilities (Mar’17)




ATL Credit Card Exposure (Apr’17)




Working Capital Utilisation (May‘17) Bridge






19 114

16 414

2 700

06 October 2017 - NW2367

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

What number of cases has since 2010 between state law advisors as representatives of the State at all three levels of government and the public and contested as settlements agreed without the necessary mandate; (2) (a) what number of cases altogether has been settled in each (i) national and (ii) provincial department since 2010 and (b) what does the total for settlements amount to for each year from 1 January 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?


  1. I have been informed that there is only one (1) reported case since 2010 (For National and Provincial Departments).
  2. The Honourable Member should note that the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development has reported that: No data was collected during 2010/11 to 2014/15 financial years. The table below provides details of information captured from 2015/16 and 2016/17 financial years as well as the first quarter of the current (2017/18) financial year:

Verified data 2015/16 to 2016/17 for both National and Provincial Departments:


No. of matters settled

Amount Claimed

Amount Awarded



R1 330 597 548.02

R453 750 543.47



R815 767 876.25

R347 354 310.86

Unverified data 2017/18 for both National and Provincial Departments:


No. of matters settled

Amount Claimed

Amount Awarded

Quarter 1


R251 194 125

R112 552 023

06 October 2017 - NW2686

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

What is the reason provided by the Master of the High Court in Cape Town for refusing to grant the Ndabeni Land Claim Trust their Letter of Authority despite being instructed to do so by the court?


I have been advised that the Master is not in a position to appoint Trustees, and the reasons for not issuing the letters of authority are as follows:

a) The judgment and order have been taken on appeal, hence the operation and execution of the latter have been suspended; and

b) The application by the Trustees Elect in terms of Section 18 (3) of the Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013, to allow the order to be operational and executable pending the outcome of the appeal, was dismissed by the Full Bench of the Western Cape High Court.


06 October 2017 - NW2801

Profile picture: Mabika, Mr M

Mabika, Mr M to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Whether the Mbazwana Thusong Centre is officially authorised to close at 15H00 and send people away thereafter; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so; (2) whether she has found that there is staff shortage at the specified centre resulting in slow provision of services such as the collection of a document which takes the whole day?


1. No, the office is not authorised to close at 15h00 as the Department’s offices official hours are 08h00 to 16h00 on weekdays. The Office Manager however, has discretion to decide on the queue cut off time depending on the number of clients on the day to be served. This depends on the number of clients already inside the office before closing time. This minimises the risk of clients refusing to leave the office at knock-off time and thus forcing the staff to perform unpaid overtime.

2. The office is short-staffed by one official currently and is operating with four officials. The standard norm for the staff compliment for a modernised office is a minimum of five officials. An additional post was approved for the office recently and the process of recruitment of the fifth official for the office has been completed and is awaiting approval of the appointment.

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Prof. Hlengiwe Mkhize, MP

Director-General Minister of Home Affairs

Date: Date:

06 October 2017 - NW2505

Profile picture: Chance, Mr R

Chance, Mr R to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 1966 on 10 August 2017, her department has set targets for the country to achieve using the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor’s index known as the Total Early Stage Entrepreneurial Activity rate, which measures start-up activity in a country’s ecosystem; if not, (a) why not and (b) by when will targets be set; if so, what are the relevant details?


No, the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) has not set targets for the country to achieve a particular rate using the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor’s (GEMS) index known as the Total Entrepreneurial Activity rate, which measures start-up activity in a country’s entrepreneurship ecosystem.

a) The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor is not the only source of data which can be used to determine early stage entrepreneurial activity. The DSBD is therefore, not only limited to this source of data as a tool to measure nor determine the entrepreneurial activity rate. The DSBD will continue to consider other relevant research available to enhance its work.

b) The DSBD is in the process commissioning a “2016 Annual Review on the status of Small Business and Cooperatives in South Africa”. The findings from this research will determine a decision whether there is a need for target setting of early stage entrepreneurial activity.

06 October 2017 - NW2812

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)By what date will e-visas be implemented as a means to streamline tourist entry in the country; (2) (a) what are the names of the (i) countries and (ii) cities where Government has opened visa facilitation centres and (b) what are the (i) names of (aa) countries and (bb) cities where the Government plans to open visa facilitation centres in the future and (ii) timeframes in this regard?


(1) By 30 March 2018 as a pilot phase.

(2)(a) Countries and Cities where Visa Facilitation Centers are opened as per the table below:

(i) Countries

(ii) Cities

1. India

Delhi/ Mumbai/ Kolkata/ Gurgaon/ Pune/ Ahmedabad/ Goa

2. Nigeria

Lagos/ Abuja/ Port Harcourt

3. China

Beijing/ Shanghai/ Chengdu/ Guangzhou/ Wuhan/ Xi’an/ Shenyang/ Hangzhou/ Jinan

4. Angola


5. Democratic Republic of Congo

Kinshasa/ Lubumbashi

6. Kenya


7. Ghana


8. Uganda


9. United Kingdom

London/ Edinburgh/ Manchester

10. Zimbabwe

Harare/ Bulawayo

11. Botswana


12. Iran


13. United Arab Emirates


14. Mongolia


15. Senegal


16. Pakistan

Karachi/ Lahore/ Islamabad

17. Philippines


18. New Zealand

Wellington/ Auckland

(2)(b)(i) The information is as follows:

(aa) Countries

(bb) Cities

  1. Egypt


(2)(b)(ii) January 2018

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Prof. Hlengiwe Mkhize, MP

Director-General Minister of Home Affairs

Date: Date:

06 October 2017 - NW2569

Profile picture: Mulaudzi, Adv TE

Mulaudzi, Adv TE to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

When are the application dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to her?”


Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) board positions

The Department issued call for nominations for members to serve on board of SEDA in the various print media from 31st July 2016 and the advert closed on 26 August 2016.

Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA) board positions

Call for nominations for members to serve on board of SEFA was issued in various print media from 12th of July 2015 and the advert closed on 27 July 2015.

All board vacancies are filled, however a need for appointment of additional SEFA board members was recently identified. The Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) initiated the recruitment process of same in accordance with Cabinet approved Handbook for the appointment of persons to boards of state and state controlled institutions, section 31 (f) consulting with the parent department and (h) using departmental databases. The process is underway.

National Small Business Advisory Council

  a) The call for nominations was published on 23 August 2015.

   b) The closing date was 3 September 2015.

06 October 2017 - NW2709

Profile picture: Breytenbach, Adv G

Breytenbach, Adv G to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

Whether the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) is currently investigating a case of alleged fraud committed by seven individuals who were arrested in Heidelberg, Gauteng, for being in possession of SA Social Security Agency cards of private individuals who were receiving social grants; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date was the case handed to the NPA by the SA Police Services and (b) what (i) is the current status of the investigation and (ii) steps have been taken to date with regard to the investigation; (2) whether the NPA launched any disciplinary action against a certain person (name and details furnished) for allegedly defeating the ends of justice after refusing to prosecute the case of alleged fraud; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions has informed me that the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) is not investigating this matter. The power to investigate this case resorts with the South African Police Service (SAPS), who are investigating the matter.

The SAPS investigating docket was handed to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) on 3 May 2017 after which guidance was provided to the investigating officer on aspects relating to the investigation after which the docket was returned to the SAPS. The docket has not yet been resubmitted to the NPA as the investigation is yet to be concluded.

2. The SAPS approached the Senior Public Prosecutor with concerns regarding the manner in which the matter was dealt with. The Chief Prosecutor subsequently investigated the allegations and was satisfied that the prosecutors had provided the necessary guidance and had taken the appropriate steps in the circumstances of that matter. The Chief Prosecutor advised that no further steps were warranted.

06 October 2017 - NW2675

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(a) What processes and systems has his department put in place to ensure maximum public participation and commentary on the South African Law Reform Commission Report on Sexual Offences: Adult Prostitution, (b) what are the details of how public participation will take place and (c) what are the timelines for public participation and commentary on the report?


(a) and (b) The Report on Adult Prostitution (Project 107) of the South African Law Reform Commission (the Report) was released into the public domain on 26 May 2017. The public and interested parties may consider and comment on the Report. The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development is embarking on the consultation process with internal governmental stakeholders on the legislative and non-legislative interventions due to the cross cutting impact of the recommendations. This internal process will consider the recommendations in a holistic and coordinated manner. A public participation process will be followed to facilitate debate and input from members of the public.

(c) The Department has indicated that this process of internal consultation will begin in October 2017. This process will be extensive as it must delve into all aspects of the implementation of the non-legislative recommendations. I will thereafter receive a report from the Department which will enable me to make a decision on the introduction of legislation.

06 October 2017 - NW2633

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Was notice of an RSA05 clearance for the flight that (a) arrived at Waterkloof Air Force Base from Harare on or about 16 August 2017 and (b) departed from Waterkloof Air Force Base to Harare on or about 20 August 2017 received by her department; if so (a) who approved the clearance and (b) on what basis was the clearance done?


The Department of Home Affairs is not responsible for the clearance of any flights.

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Mkuseli Apleni Prof. Hlengiwe Mkhize, MP

Director-General Minister of Home Affairs

Date: Date:

06 October 2017 - NW2578

Profile picture: Mkhaliphi, Ms HO

Mkhaliphi, Ms HO to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

When are the application dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to her?


The entities responded as follows:

Electoral Commission

(a-b) The Electoral Commission does not have a Board. It has a Commission whose composition is described in section 6 of the Electoral Commission Act (51 of 1996). The Commission is not the equivalent of a Board.

Government Printing Works

(a-b) The Government Printing Works does not have a Board. GPW is currently a National Government component established as such in 2009 in accordance with section 7(5)(c) of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 103 of 3 June 1994) (“Public Service Act”) and listed in Part A of Schedule 3 to that Act.

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Mkuseli Apleni Prof. Hlengiwe Mkhize, MP

Director-General Minister of Home Affairs

Date: Date:

06 October 2017 - NW2885

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What is the detailed (a) breakdown of and (b) valuation for current and non-current assets and investments held by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her according to (aa) listed assets (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held and (bb) unlisted investments (aaa) directly held and (bbb) indirectly held by each of the entities, in each case breaking the current assets and investments down by 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months and beyond 12 months?


The Department and the entities responded as follows:

(i) Department of Home Affairs

(a-b) The breakdown and valuation of current and non-current assets held by Department of Home Affairs as at 31 March 2017 are as follows:

Asset type

0-3 months

3-6 months

6-12 months

Beyond 12 months (non- current assets)


Staff debt

R1 616 079.85

R735 604.71

R242 576.06

R10 107 125.60

R12 701 386.22

Other debtors

R791 636.58


R330 558.59

R1 122 195.17

Recoverable expenditure (disallowance accounts)

R3 388 15.46


R2 781 994.10

R21 002 032.44

R24 122 842.00

Claims recoverable

R234 930.10


R173 7997 310

R843 334.20

R1 739 075 574.30


R2 981 461.99

R735 604.71

R1 741 021 880.16

R32 283 050.83

R1 777 021 997.69

(bb) There are no investments held by Department of Home Affairs, listed or unlisted.

(ii) Government Printing Works

(a-b) The Government Printing Works (GPW) has an asset base of R3 228 752 000.57. A detailed breakdown and valuation of current and non-current assets is listed below:

Non-current assets:

Fixed assets

Net value


R20 128 625.42


R25 189 570.56

Lease Improvements

R80 503 178.75

Office furniture

R3 453 048.73

Computer equipment

R3 437 878.85

Machinery and equipment

R251 817318.80



Computer software

R12 489 488.12

Asset in production

R455 345 950.10


R852 365 074.49


Intangible assets


Intangible software

R23 331 123.13


R875 696 197.62

Current assets


R242 936 477.69

Trade and other receivables

R98 442 286.16

Cash and cash equivalents*

R2 011 677 039.10


R2 353 055 802.95

*Inventories and cash and cash equivalents represent the balance as at 31 August 2017 and cannot be broken down by months.

The breakdown of trade and other receivables is as follows:



0-3 months

R88 155 067.26

Greater than 3 months



R98 442 286.16

(bb) The GPW does not have any investments, both listed and unlisted.

(ii) Electoral Commission

(a-b) The breakdown and valuation of current and non-current assets of the Electoral Commission as at 31 March 2017 are as follows:

Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents

R14 078 042.00

Trade and other receivables from exchange transactions

R22 352 490.00


R11 911 915.00


R48 342 447.00

Non-current assets:

Property, plant and equipment

R197 705 422.00

Heritage assets

R1 663 664.00

Intangible assets

R94 809 947.00


R294 179 033.00

(aa-bb) The breakdown period of current assets and investments is tabulated hereunder:

Current Assets

0 - 30 Months

3 - 6 Months

6 - 12 Months

Beyond 12 Months


Cash and Cash Equivalents

R14 078 042




R14 078 042


Trade and other receivables

R21 760 156

R8 874

R105 220

R478 240

R22 352 490

Accrued Interest

R36 682




R36 682

Cash collateral provided: property rentals

R12 634 488




R12 634 488


R7 984 858




R7 984 858

Sundry receivables

R1 104 128

R 8 874

R105 220

R478 240

R1 696 462



R11 911 915




R11 911 915


Total Current Assets

R47 750 113

R8 874

R105 220

R478 240

R48 342 447


Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

J W Mckay Prof. Hlengiwe Mkhize, MP

Acting Director-General Minister of Home Affairs

Date: Date:

06 October 2017 - NW2726

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether she (a) received, (b) considered, (c) approved and/or (d) rejected any (i) applications, (ii) requests and/or (iii) proposals to withdraw the national parks declaration of any portion(s) of the West Coast National Park; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(a) No, I did not receive any (i) applications, (ii) requests and/or (iii) proposals to withdraw the national parks declaration of any portion(s) of the West Coast National Park.

(b) No, I did not consider any (i) applications, (ii) requests and/or (iii) proposals to withdraw the national parks declaration of any portion(s) of the West Coast National Park.

(c) No, I did not approve any (i) applications, (ii) requests and/or (iii) proposals to withdraw the national parks declaration of any portion(s) of the West Coast National Park.

(d) No, I did not reject any (i) applications, (ii) requests and/or (iii) proposals to withdraw the national parks declaration of any portion(s) of the West Coast National Park.


06 October 2017 - NW2628

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)By which date will her department’s newly built offices in Bronkhorstspruit in Gauteng, which were completed in May 2017, be opened; (2) whether employees stationed at her department’s Cullinan offices received any instructions to relocate to the newly built offices in Bronkhorstspruit; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what is the status of the relocation and (b) how has the relocation affected service delivery by her department?


(1) The new anticipated date for opening of the office in Bronkhorstspruit is 1 October 2017.

(2)(a) No. Consultation with staff took place during April 2017 upon which the affected staff were given a three (3) month period to prepare for the relocation. Not all officials at the Cullinan Local office - Medium will be affected by the move and this office will still be operating with a reduced number of staff to deal with applications of birth, marriage and death only. The Cullinan and Bronkhorspruit communities were also consulted on the intended opening of the new office in Bronkhorstspruit.

(2)(b) The relocation will not impact negatively as the Cullinan Local Office - Medium remains open and staff will be available to render service delivery, whilst the Bronkhorstspruit community will benefit with the opening of the new office.

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Mkuseli Apleni Prof. Hlengiwe Mkhize, MP

Director-General Minister of Home Affairs

Date: Date:

06 October 2017 - NW2368

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(a) On which date permanent residence in the Republic was awarded to a certain person (name and details furnished), (b)(i) where and (ii) how the specified person would be able to obtain a permit and/or a copy of the permanent residence and (c)(i) on what date it will be available and (ii) which person needs to be contacted in order to collect the specified permit and/or copy from such person?


(a) As the concerned person was born in Namibia before independence, he was a South African citizen and therefore has the rights to Permanent Residence from date of birth. In terms of SA law he can never lose his right to permanent residence.

(b)(i-ii) Should he wish to obtain a letter confirming the above, he is advised to apply for it at the local Home Affairs’ office.

(c)(i) Not applicable

(c)(ii) Not applicable

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Mkuseli Apleni Prof. Hlengiwe Mkhize, MP

Director-General Minister of Home Affairs

Date: Date:

06 October 2017 - NW2710

Profile picture: Breytenbach, Adv G

Breytenbach, Adv G to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(a) What is the total number of official international trips that the National Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Shaun Abrahams, undertook since 16 June 2015 and (b) what was the (i) destination, (ii) purpose, (iii) cost of flights, (iv) cost of accommodation, (v) name of each hotel where the specified person stayed and (vi) total of subsistence costs incurred in each case for (aa) the specified person and (bb) each accompanying person?


a) The National Director of Public Prosecutions has informed me that he undertook 15 international trips since 16 June 2015.

b) The tables link below give details of the international trips undertaken by the NDPP and accompanying persons:

06 October 2017 - NW2586

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

When are the application dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to him?


In respect to the entities reporting to me, I have been informed as follows:

1. Legal Aid South Africa:

There are no application dates for members. The members of the Board are appointed by the Minister in terms of the Legal Aid South Africa Act, 2014 (Act No. 39 of 2014). The Board of Legal Aid South Africa is fully constituted. As a result, there are no Board vacancies currently.

2. Council for Debt Collectors:

There are no applications dates set for positions on the Council for Debt Collectors. In terms of the Debt Collectors Act, 1998 (Act No. 114 of 1998), 10 Council members are appointed by the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, of which 7 members are appointed based on nominations received from the debt collection industry, law society of South Africa, Magistrates commission and an institution representing consumer interests. The Chairperson and 2 remaining members are appointed in the Ministers discretion.

In terms of section 3(4) of Act No. 114 of 1998, a member of the Council holds office for a term, not exceeding three years, determined by the Minister at the time of the member's appointment. The section also provides that a member may be reappointed at the expiration of his or her term of office.

3. South African Law Reform Commission:

Section 3 of the South African Law Reform Act, 1973 (Act No. 19 of 1973) provides for the appointment of the Commissioners by the President and does not require the prospective Commissioners to apply for these positions.

4. Special Investigating Unit

The Special Investigating Unit does not have a Board as it is a Schedule III Public entity, with the Accounting Authority fulfilling the role of the Board.

5. Rules Board for Courts of Law

There are no applications dates set for positions of the Rules Board as the Board is accountable to the Minister in terms of the Act. The Minister appoints when there is a vacancy and/or prior to the expiry of the terms of the Board.

06 October 2017 - NW2596

Profile picture: Mokoena, Mr L

Mokoena, Mr L to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

When are the application dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to him?


When are the application dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to him?






7 September 2016

21 September 2016



21 February 2016

06 March 2016



21 February 2016

06 March 2016



21 February 2016

06 March 2016



9 September 2016

23 September 2016

Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

05 October 2017 - NW2261

Profile picture: Stubbe, Mr DJ

Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to her reply to question 1851 on 6 July 2017 in which she stated that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been sourced in some provinces to provide for learners in braille, (a) what is the nature of the specified ICT and (b) which schools in each province have utilised the ICT?


(a) A survey that was conducted in 2016 in all 22 schools for visual impairment in the country provided the following information with regard the provision of ICT sourced in some provinces to provide for learners who use Braille. According to the survey, the following ICT were sourced for schools in each province to expand access to the textbooks from the National Catalogue and reading texts in refreshable braille or audio format, or for production of braille at school-level:

  1. Braille embossers
  2. Graphic braille embossers;
  3. Refreshable braille readers;
  4. Classroom equipped with CCTV and magnification camera;
  5. Laptops;
  6. Cameras with keyboards;
  7. Tablets loaded with textbooks from the National Catalogue;
  8. Digital talking book readers

(b) The schools that have procured and utilised the ICT equipment in each Province are as follows:

Name of school










Open Air
















Re- Tlameleng






Pioneer School


05 October 2017 - NW2788

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What number of schools in the country currently have asbestos roofs?







1 139

























05 October 2017 - NW2794

Profile picture: Tlhaole, Mr L S

Tlhaole, Mr L S to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to her reply to question 812 on 11 April 2017, (a) has her department received the necessary information from the Northern Cape Provincial Education Department and (b) what was the response of the specified department?


The closure of schools in the Northern Cape’s John Taolo Gaetsewe (JTG) municipality during the 2013/14 financial year, was as a result of community protests for the construction of a tarred road, whereby children were barred from going to school and the school infrastructure was destroyed in the process.

The Northern Cape Provincial Education Department has since strengthened the community and stakeholder liaison structures by establishing the District Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign (QLTC) Structure, whose primary mandate is to focus on the following, amongst other things:

(a) inform citizens about the importance of education, their roles, responsibilities and obligations towards education;

(b) be the catalyst for positive change, quality improvement and transformation; and

(c) to provide a platform for communities and broader society to actively and constructively become involved in the improvement of teaching and learning.

Furthermore, the Province has appointed a dedicated official at a Provincial level to coordinate QLTC across all five (5) Districts in the province.

05 October 2017 - NW2096

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any entities reporting to her are funding, including by way of discretionary funding, any institution of research and development (i) domestically and/or (ii) internationally; if so, (aa)(aaa) what are the names of the specified institutions and (bbb) what are their functions, (bb) from what date has her department or any entity reporting to hier been funding them and (cc) what amount has her department contributed towards such funding?


Department of Basic Education

(a)(i)(ii) The Department of Basic Education does not fund any Institution of Research and Development domestically or internationally.

(aa)(aaa) Not applicable

(bbb) Not applicable

(bb) Not applicable

(cc) Not applicable

South African Council for Educators

(b)(i)(ii) The South African Council for Educators does not fund any Institution of Research and Development domestically or internationally.

(aa)(aaa) Not applicable

(bbb) Not applicable

(bb) Not applicable

(cc) Not applicable



(b)(i)(ii) UMALUSI does not fund any Institution of Research and Development domestically or internationally.

(aa)(aaa) Not applicable

(bbb) Not applicable

(bb) Not applicable

(cc) Not applicable

05 October 2017 - NW1604

Profile picture: Tlhaole, Mr L S

Tlhaole, Mr L S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(a) What percentage of military veterans, employed by her department, are former Umkhonto weSizwe veterans and (b) in what positions are the former Umkhonto weSizwe veterans employed?


The Department currently employs 206 staff members excluding interns. Of the 206 employees, 76 are non-permanent employees (NPE). Therefore the Department has 130 permanent employees on its establishment.

Of the 130, there are 24 former MK members constituting 18% of the permanent employees. They hold the following positions:

  • 1 x Deputy Director General
  • 2 x Chief Directors
  • 4 x Directors
  • 13 x Deputy Directors
  • 4 x Assistant Directors

Of the 76 NPE’s, four (4) are from former MK members constituting 5% and they hold the following positions:

  • 1 x Acting Director General
  • 1 x Director
  • 1 x Deputy Director
  • 1 x Assistant Director

In total the Department has 28 employees from former MK constituting 14% of the entire Department workforce.

05 October 2017 - NW2662

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) What was the maintenance budget for each school in each school district in the 2016-17 financial year, (b) which schools underspent on their budget and (c)(i) by what amount did each specified school underspend and (ii) what was the reason for underspending in each case?


(a),(b) & (c) (i) & (ii)

Maintenance funded from the Education Infrastructure Grant is not allocated per school but per project. As a result, it will not be possible to provide the budget and expenditure per school in each district in each province. However, the allocations for maintenance from the Norms and Standards for School Funding are allocated by the Provincial Education Departments. The honourable member is advised to request the information from the NCOP and/ or request provinces to provide the information as the function is a provincial competency.

05 October 2017 - NW2679

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) What is the total number of schools that have been built in each province since 1 January 2009 and (b) what number of schools are currently being built in each province?













Delivered in 2017/18 (1st Q)


Total School Delivered

Currently being built 2017/2018



































































































































05 October 2017 - NW2514

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) What number of staff members are employed in the vetting and verification unit at the SA Council of Educators (SACE) and (b) what steps is SACE taking to ensure that it has the requisite capacity for vetting and verifying the volume of applications that it receives for the listing in teachers’ roll?


a) Eight (8) staff members have been allocated the vetting and verification responsibilities as part of the processing of registration of applications.

b) Currently the South African Council for Educators (SACE) is conducting visual verification at the office. However Council is working on a process of re-conceptualizing vetting and verification with an ultimate goal of streamlining the processes and establishing a formal institutional network that will play a more meaningful role in this area. The reconceptualisation process also includes the review of the registration criteria to include, fitness-to-practice as a new concept that will incoporate issues of vetting and verification within a broader context of professional registration. Council is persuing establishing institutional networks with e.g the South African Qualifications Authority; Department of Home Affairs and the Africa Forum of Teaching Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA) to enhance its registration process.

05 October 2017 - NW2511

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With regard to each allegation of abuse of learners by school staff (details furnished), was the case reported to the (a) provincial education department, (b) SA Council of Educators (SACE) and/or (c) SA Police Service (SAPS); if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the details of (i) all disciplinary action taken by each (aa) provincial education department and (bb) SACE against offending teachers, (ii) CAS numbers of the cases opened at SAPS and (iii) status of the SAPS investigations in each case and (iv) the outcomes of the specified disciplinary actions, (2) has psychological support been offered to the affected learners; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. (a) In terms of section 3(1)(b) of the Employment of Educators Act, 76 of 1998, the Head of the Provincial Education Department is the employer of educators in the service of the Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) for all purposes of employment. For this reason, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) cannot intervene in the decisions of the PEDs regarding employer-employee relations matters because of the binding contract of employment between the two parties. It is therefore the responsibility of the employer to implement policies with regards to safety measures at schools. It is also the responsibility of the employer to enforce disciplinary code and procedures against their employees. The question therefore needs to be directed to the PED to establish the facts of these cases.


The following cases as per the attached list were reported to

Eastern Cape

1. EC 2 Qunu Junior Secondary School: the case was investigated on 11 October 2016 and no evidence of abuse of learners was found;

Free State

2. FS 1 Reatile Primary School: the case was investigated, disciplinary hearing was conducted, the educator was found guilty and given a sanction of a striking off, which was suspended for a period of 10 years and a fine of R10 000;


3. GP 2 Chief Albert Luthuli School - the matter was investigated. The parent of the learner did not co-operate with the investigation and removed the learner from the school;

4. GP 5 Teach to Pass College - The matter was investigated , a disciplinary hearing was finalised and the educator was found guilty, the report and sanction are to be tabled before the ethics committee in October 2017;

5. GP 6 Parktown Boys High School - The matter was brought to our attention. The school will be furnishing us with all the information at their disposal. The school is keeping us up to date with developments in the criminal case;

6. GP12 Krugersdorp High School- The matter was brought to our attention and was investigated. We await a report from the investigator and his findings;

Kwazulu Natal

7. KZN 6 Prince Tokoto High School- The matter was brought to our attention and was investigated. Charges have been brought against the educator. A disciplinary hearing had to be postponed as the educator has been admitted to hospital for depression. The hearing will proceed as soon as he has been discharged;

8. KZN 9 Ekucabangeni High School. The educator was investigated and he is currently still in prison and was denied bail. It is a bit difficult to conduct a disciplinary hearing at the moment;

9. KZN 11 George Campbell School of Technology.-The matter was investigated. A disciplinary hearing was conducted and the educator was found guilty and given a sanction of a striking off which was suspended for a period of 15 years and a fine of R25 000.00;


10. LP 1 Lemetja Secondary School- The matter was investigated, a disciplinary hearing conducted and the educator was found guilty and given a sanction of a striking off which was suspended for a period of 10 years and a fine of R10 000.00;

11. LP 3 Mphaphuli High School- The matter was brought to our attention. An investigation could not be conducted as the principal refuses to cooperate with the investigation or to speak to anyone. According to the principal, he has been instructed by the spokesperson for the Limpopo Education Department to not speak to anyone regarding the allegations. The circuit manager also refuses to cooperate and refers us to the District Manager. We are recommending to Council structures for charges to be preferred against the principal for refusal to cooperate;


12. MP2 Manyano Primary School-The matter was brought to our attention and investigated. A disciplinary hearing has commenced and is being finalised on 21 and 22 September 2017;

13. MP3 Mpakeni Primary School-The matter was brought to our attention and is being investigated;

14. MP 5 Lwaleng Primary school- The matter was brought to our attention and was investigated. There was no evidence found to substantiate the allegations. The parents and their lawyers are not cooperating with us despite our numerous requests for a meeting with them. The educator was also found not guilty by a court owing to lack of evidence;

Northern Cape

15. NC1 Laerskool Orange-Noord - The matter was brought to our attention and was investigated. A disciplinary hearing will take place on 16 and 17 November 2017;

North West

16. NW1 Poifo Primary School - The matter was brought to our attention and was investigated. A disciplinary hearing was finalised, the educator was found guilty and given a sanction of a striking off which was suspended for 10 years and a fine of R10 000.00

The rest of the reports not referred to herein did not come to our attention, we were unaware thereof and we will be following up on them in due course.

2. The question needs to be directed to the relevant employers, who are the Heads of Provincial Education Departments, for details and further responses.

05 October 2017 - NW2322

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With reference to each province, (a) what is the deadline for schools to order textbooks from their provincial department and (b) what number of schools did not order textbooks by the deadline; (2) for each school that did not order textbooks, (a) what is the name of the school and (b) on what date was the catalogue for orders made available to the specified school; (3) what measures has each provincial department put in place to ensure that textbooks are ordered by schools that have not met the deadline?


1. (a) In accordance with the National LTSM Sector Plan, textbooks orders have to be placed by 30 June of each year. Provinces and schools are expected to align the placement of orders to this date. The dates set by each Provincial Education Department (PED) is provided in the table below:


Deadline to order textbooks


30 September 2016.


30 June 2017


23 June 2017


15 May 2017.

23 June 2017 for Section 21 (1)(c) schools


28 April 2017


11 August 2017


30 June 2107.


22 June 2017


19 June 2017

(b) All Section 20 schools and Section 21(1) (c) schools that opted for central procurement through their respective Provincial Education Departments

placed their orders by the deadlines as determined by their PEDs.

2. (a) (b) Please see list of schools for EC, LP and NW attached as Annexure A.


Names of school that did not order by deadline

The date when catalogue was made available to schools


The list of schools is attached see the link:

End of June 2017


All Section 20 schools ordered by the deadline

Section 21 schools order on their own.


All 2196 schools in the province had not placed orders by 23 June 2017. There are no schools name provided.

Catalogues were distributed to all schools on 26 May 2017


A total of 48 schools are recorded as non-compliant for school-based procurement of textbooks. There are no names provided for the schools.

Catalogues were distributed to schools on 03 May 2017.


The list of schools is attached see the link:

The catalogue has been made available on the 14 August and the LDoE will place orders with publishers on 18 August.



30 June 2017


All schools ordered by the deadline

The catalogue for ordering was available from end of May 2017.


The list of schools is attached see the link:

Catalogues made available from the 12th of June 2017.


Deadline 29 May to 19 June 2017

Not provided

3. For Section 21 schools that did not opt for central procurement, the following measures have been put in place by provinces to ensure that textbooks are ordered by schools that have not met the deadline:


Measures put in place

Eastern Cape

Co-ordinators were sensitised of the challenge of schools that did not order textbooks by the deadline and they were central in the re-direction of the surplus books to schools that did not place orders.

The warehouse also submitted a list of books available at the warehouse due to rejections/wrong orders, etc. and some of the schools that did not place orders benefitted from the rejections and wrong orders.

Schools that did not place orders have been directed to place orders with the 2018 orders.


All 200 schools without section 21.1c function have centrally procured textbooks and stationery for the 2018 academic year.

Of the total of 1864 Section 21.1c schools, 1323 have submitted proof of orders to Districts and a total of 541 schools are still outstanding.

The province receives weekly procurement reports from Districts for schools with section 21.1c function. As at Friday 11 August 2017. Districts continue to follow up with the 541 outstanding schools.


The Department has issued an instruction that it would assume the responsibility of placing textbook orders on behalf of all schools which were found not to be complying with the procurement deadlines.

In these instances, Head-Office has written to District Directors to intervene and progress is updated on a weekly basis to ensure accountability for every school.

The District Offices are to solicit requisitions from the non-complying schools so that orders can be placed centrally on behalf of these schools.


The LDoE had several meetings with all stakeholders to ensure delivery deadlines for the 2018 academic year are met. Service Level Agreements have been signed with publishers/stationery

manufacturers and SAPO, the appointed delivery agent responsible for textbook distribution in the province.

The LTSM process for the 2018 academic year was communicated in circular S70. Districts have been instructed to do a verification exercise as some schools did not require additional top up textbooks.

Northern Cape

All schools placed orders. Schools are afforded an opportunity until mid-August 2017 to adjust/amend their orders through District Offices.

North West

All outstanding schools are being assisted


All schools submitted their orders therefore there was no need for further measures to be in place.

Western Cape

The Circuit Managers have the responsibility to monitor the 144 schools to ensure that textbooks are available to learners. The oversight responsibility resides with the District Directors and Chief Director: Districts.

The Department of Basic Education has obtained the above information as provided by provinces. The Honourable Member is advised to direct questions to provinces for further detail and outstanding information.

05 October 2017 - NW2599

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Basic Education

When are the application dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to her?



The nominations for new Council members:

  1. Will start on 01 February 2021
  2. Close on the 31st May 2021


Umalusi Council serves a four year term. The current term is from 8 June 2014 to 8 June 2018. The next term will be from 9 June 2018 to 30 June 2022.

Umalusi is working with the Department of Basic Education to:

  1. Advertise the soon-to-be vacant Council positions in October 2017.
  2. With the closing date in November 2017.

05 October 2017 - NW2774

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER

Wilson, Ms ER to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With reference to the undertaking by a certain person (name and details furnished) that the building of a school would commence in 2017 and be operational in 2019, (a) what monetary amount has been allocated to the building of the specified school, (b) on what date will (i) construction commence and (ii) the school be opened, (c) what will the capacity of the school be and (d) will it be a primary school or a high school?


a)  A budget of R 69 364 000.00 has been allocated for the construction of New Birch Acres Primary School.

b) (i) It is anticipated that construction will commence on 24/10/2017.

(ii) Anticipated opening date for the completed school is 12/01/2019.

c) The capacity of the school is 1 200 leaners.

d) A Primary School.

05 October 2017 - NW2768

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With regard to her reply to question 1571 on 25 September 2014, has the construction of the Esselen Park Primary School commenced; if not, (a) why not and (b) on what date will the construction commence; if so, what is the projected date of completion; (2) whether the commencement dates of construction as stipulated in the specified reply are being moved forward for (a) New Birch Acres Primary School and (b) Clayville Primary School; if so, (i) what are the new commencement dates in each case and (ii) by what dates are both schools expected to open?



(a) No, construction has not commenced due to budgetary constraints.

(b) The current project status is at feasibility stage and the start date is estimated for 01 April 2020 and completion date is estimated for 20 April 2022.


(a) The estimated start date for the construction of New Birch Acres Primary is 24/10/2017 and the project is on target to commence on the said date.

(b) Construction for Clayville Primary School is estimated to start on 15/02/2020.

(i) Commencement date for New Birch Acres has not changed and for Clayville Primary School start date is 15/02/2020.

(ii) Opening dates cannot be confirmed at this stage; however, the completion dates are estimated for 31 June 2019 for New Birch Acres and 15 May2022 for Clayville Primary School.

Project name

Project Status

Date: Start

Date: Finish

New Birch Acres Primary School




Clayville Primary School

Project Inception



Esselenpark Primary School




05 October 2017 - NW2858

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With reference to the alleged sexual abuse of learners at Bothitong High School by their teachers, (a) what is the total number of victims in the cases that the provincial Department of Education is investigating, (b) on what date did the department become aware of the cases, (c) who reported the cases to the department and (d) what is her department doing to improve reporting mechanisms within provinces; (2) have the cases been reported to the SA Council of Educators; if so, on what date were they reported?


  1. (a), (b) and (c)

In terms of Section 3(1)(b) of the Employment of Educators Act No 76 of 1998, the Head of the Provincial Department of Education is the Employer of teachers in schools. All disciplinary cases are therefore reported to the respective Employers, as the case may be and the Employer then proceeds with disciplinary actions against the alleged perpetrator. The above-mentioned case has not been reported to the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and we are therefore not able to give the details of the case. The question therefore needs to be directed to the relevant Employer, who is the Head of the Northern Cape Education Department, for details and response to these cases.

(d) The DBE is currently developing improved protocols that communicate in a user-friendly way the steps to be taken by a school community in cases of sexual abuse. Such improved protocols aim to spell out the responsibilities of any adult that becomes aware of any sexual abuse incident involving a child in terms of Section 54 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act No 32 of 2007 in order to expedite charges against the offenders. Furthermore, the DBE has requested all Provincial Departments of Education (PEDs) to submit any reported cases involving a learner and teacher to the DBE on a monthly basis in order to maintain our own data base on case management in the PEDs on the conduct of educators. The data base will comprise cases such as application of corporal punishment, sexual assault and (any other) improper conduct of educators. In managing the data base, the DBE will analyse the reports from the PEDs on a monthly basis, managing the timeframes on dealing with such cases and making follow ups where there are unexplained delays.

The Department will furthermore engage with the SACE to improve their protocols regarding sexual offences with a view to expedite the process of de-registration and striking these teachers off the roll. The SACE will be requested to report on a monthly basis such cases reported to it regarding the conduct of educators and the decision taken on conclusion of the cases to enable the DBE to ensure that the PEDs implement the decisions of the SACE whereby teachers are struck off the roll.

Discussions are envisaged between the Department of Social Development, the SACE and the PEDs to discuss the reporting protocols. The Department of Social Development will be included because of the provision of Section 126 of the Children’s Act No 38 of 2005 which provides for the National Child Protection Register.

2. The DBE cannot confirm if the cases were reported to the SACE since, in terms of Section 26 of the SACE Act No 31 of 2000, the responsibility to do so lies with the PEDs. The question therefore needs to be directed to the relevant Employer for details and response.