Questions and Replies

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20 February 2023 - NW172

Profile picture: Yako, Ms Y

Yako, Ms Y to ask the Minister of Police

Whether he has provided the Vice Chancellor of the University of Fort Hare, Prof Sakhela Buhlunhu, with adequate police security following various attempts on his life; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


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20 February 2023 - NW121

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

1. What are the most common reasons given by SA Police Service (SAPS) officers for resigning from the SAPS (details furnished); 2. Whether he will furnish Ms Z Majozi with an overview of the employment conditions of the SAPS; if not, why not, if so, how have the specified conditions been adapted to minimise the number of resignations, especially considering the already limited number of SAPS officers in the country?


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20 February 2023 - NW173

Profile picture: Yako, Ms Y

Yako, Ms Y to ask the Minister of Police

What (a) progress has been made in investigating the persons who were responsible for the murder of Mr Vesele, the protector of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Fort Hare and (b) further investigations have been done to identify and arrest those who want to kill the Vice Chancellor?


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20 February 2023 - NW170

Profile picture: Pambo, Mr V

Pambo, Mr V to ask the Minister of Police

Whether his department has resolved the dispute regarding the use of grabbers by the Crime Intelligence Division of the SA Police Service, of which permission was reported to be on hold; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


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03 January 2023 - NW4545

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

What are the details of the number o cases of (a) assault on the elderly and (b) theft and/or embezzlement of SA Social Security Agency grant money of the elderly that were reported to the SA Police Service in 2021?


(a)(b) The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) did not deal with any cases, regarding the assault on the elderly and theft and/or embezzlement of the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) grant money of the elderly in 2021.However, the DPCI is investigating number of other cases pertaining to the SASSA.

(a) The cases that are related to assault on elderly persons, for the period 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021, are categorised into two groups, as reflected in the table below:


Elderly: Male (65 years and above)

Elderly: Female (65 years and above)

Eastern Cape



Free State















North West



Northern Cape



Western Cape



Total Per Province



(b) The South AfricanPolice Service (SAPS) is not able to source data related to the theft and/or embezzlement of SASSA grant money specifically, as the Crime Administration System/Investigation Case Docket Management System (CAS/ICDMS) does not reflect this information. The sourcing of this information will required every police station to physically analyse the relevant case dockets to determine the information. This will be a very deployment of personnel, is not practical, as it will divert critical resources away from planned operations.

03 January 2023 - NW4724

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Police

(1) What is the current backlog of applications for firearms (a) licences and (b) competency certificates; (2) what is the number of such applications that are outstanding for longer than (a) two, (b) three, (c) four, and (d) five years?


1(a)(b) According to the enhanced Firearm Registration Syste, (EFRS) and the internal administrative processes of the Central Firearms Register (CFR), all firearms licence applications that outstanding for more than 120 working days, are regarded as a backlog. The number of outstanding applications for firearm licences and competency certificates, as at 2022-11-30, are reflected in the table below:


Number of outstanding applications that are more than120 working days

Firearm licence applications – 557 Amnesty applications – 17 768

  1. 18 325

Competency certificate applications

  1. 14 473

(2)(a)(b)(c)(d) The information is reflected in the table below:


Total number of applications outstanding


2 years

3 years

4 years

(d) 5years

Firearm licence applications





Amnesty applications





Competency certificate applications





03 January 2023 - NW4607

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Police

(1) Whether, with reference to his reply to question 3717 on 8 November 2022, he is now in a position to indicate what (a) total number of cases where members of the SA Police Service (SAPS) were found guilty of (i) murder, (ii) rape and (iii) robbery were deslt with by his department and (b) punitive steps were taken in each case; (2) what total number of SAPS members were (a) arrested and (b) successfully prosecuted for the robberies; (3) whether he will make a statement on the matter?



03 January 2023 - NW4355

Profile picture: Whitfield, Mr AG

Whitfield, Mr AG to ask the Minister of Police

(1) What number of personnel (a) should be and (b) are actually employed at each 10111 centre in each province (i) in the (aa) 2020-21 and (bb) 2021-22 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2022; (2) what number of dropped calls have been recorded in respect of each call centre in each province in each of the specified period?


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03 January 2023 - NW4699

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

Considering that the crime statistic from 1 July to 30 September 2022, which indicate that murders, rapes and kidnappings had all increased, show that each day in the specified period on average 115 persons were raped and by the end of September 2022 a total of 10 590 rape cases were reported nationally, compared with 9 556 last year which is an increase of 10,8%, how far along is the SA Police Service in clearing the DNA backlog considering that the Ministry has revised its deadline for clearing the backlog from the end of October this year to the end of January next year?


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12 December 2022 - NW4575

Profile picture: Shembeni, Mr HA

Shembeni, Mr HA to ask the Minister of Police

Following the discovery of the theft of firearms from the Norwood Police Station, (a) which operations have been conducted nationally to inspect police stations and (b) what were the finds?


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12 December 2022 - NW4545

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

What are the details of the number of cases of (a) assault on the elderly and (b) theft and/or embezzlement of SA Social Security Agency grant money of the elderly that were reported to the SA Police Service in 2021?


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12 December 2022 - NW4507

Profile picture: Terblanche, Mr OS

Terblanche, Mr OS to ask the Minister of Police

In light of the fact that the SA Police Service returned an amount of R31 806 000 allocated for the development of new police stations and other essential infrastructure projects to the National Treasury due to the apparent inability of his department and (b)(i) how and (ii) by what date the projects be constructed?


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12 December 2022 - NW4524

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Mr M

Hlengwa, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

Whether he will furnish Mr M Hlengwa with a list of (a) all the satellite police stations that are not currently operational in KwaZulu-Natal and (b) the area that the specified satellite station serve; if not, why not; if so, what (i) are the relevant details and (ii) are the reasons that the satellite police stations are not operational ?


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12 December 2022 - NW4546

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

Whether his department has any plans in place to avail persons who can communicate in sign language at police stations to ensure that persons with hearing impairments are able to report crime; if not, what alternative solutions does the SA Police Service currently have in place to ensure equality of access to justice for persons with disabilities; if so, what are the relevant details?


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05 December 2022 - NW3748

Profile picture: Siwisa, Ms AM

Siwisa, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Police

What are the reasons that the SA Police Service failed to intercept the act of a women in Parow, who was on the verge of selling her 4 year –old child to paedophiles and which was only brought to the attention of the Government after the Federal Bureau of investigation intercepted the gruesome act of the mother?


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29 November 2022 - NW2457

Profile picture: Shembeni, Mr HA

Shembeni, Mr HA to ask the Minister of Police

(1) Whether Lieutenant-General Bonga Mgwenya was directed and provided with a list of companies from which the SA Police Service (SAPS) had to procure personal protective equipment (PPE); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, who directed and provided Lieutenant-General Bonang Mgwenya with the list of companies; (2) whether he held any meetings with Lieutenant-General Johannes Riet, Lieutenant-General Godfrey Lebeya, Lieutenant-General Fannie Masemola, Lieutenant-General Mgwenya and Lieutenant Francinah Vuma on the procurement of PPE or the SAPS; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details on each case?


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21 November 2022 - NW4129

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

With refrence to his reply to oral question 637 on 27 October 2022, which contains proposed estimates, what (a) was the exact pay-out amount for each claim lodged in the (i) 2020-21 financial years based on the merits of each case.7-, (b) measures has his department put in place to update the training of police officers so as to prevent similar claims in the future and (c) are the consequences that will be faced by the guilty police officers to hold them accountable and/or responsible for their actions?


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21 November 2022 - NW4062

Profile picture: Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS

Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Police

What (a) are the latest crime statistics for the Town Hill Police Station in the Msunduzi Local Municipality, (b) geographical area does the specified police station serve and (c) total number of (i) households does the station serve, (ii) vehicles does the police station have, ((iii) vehicles are not operational and (iv) detectives are stationed at the police station?


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11 November 2022 - NW2575

Profile picture: Whitfield, Mr AG

Whitfield, Mr AG to ask the Minister of Police

Whether (a) he and (b) his office were informed of the theft of large sum of foreign currency on the farm belonging to the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, in February 2020 at the time it occurred; if not, why not; if so, what steps were taken to report the crime through the official channels?


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08 November 2022 - NW3844

Profile picture: Abrahams, Ms ALA

Abrahams, Ms ALA to ask the Minister of Police

In light of the fact that the age consent in the Republic is 16 years old, therefore it is against the law for anyone to have sex with someone who is under 16 and constitutes a statutory rape with exceptions (details furnished), and noting teenage pregnancies in the Republic with girls as young as nine years old giving birth, which is a cause of concern, in the period 2018 up to the latest specified date for which information is available, what is the total number of (a) statutory rape cases opened (b) cases dismissed and/or acquitted as a result of poor and/or incomplete investigations by the SA Police Service, (c) cases withdrawn by the victim and/or victim’s family and (d) cases still under investigation for statutory rape in each province?


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28 October 2022 - NW3596

Profile picture: Gondwe, Dr M

Gondwe, Dr M to ask the Minister of Police

What is the progress in relation to case number CAS 753/08/20 opened at Sunnyside Police Station against 242 public servants who benefited from the R350 Social Relief of Distress grant?


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28 October 2022 - NW2909

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Police

(1) (a) What (i) total number of employees of his department are currently working from home, (ii) number of such employees have special permission to work from home and (ii) are the reason for granting such special permission and (b) on why date will such employees return to their respective offices; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


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28 October 2022 - NW3646

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Police

(1) What was the total cost to the SA Police Service (SAPS) with regard to firearm-related court cases in the period 1 January 2018 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; (2) ( a) in what year was each of the specified cases before the court, (b) what were the legal costs to the State for the legal representatives for (i) the SAPS and (ii) other parties in each case and (c) whether the SAPS won or lost the specified cases; (3) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


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17 October 2022 - NW3299

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

Noting that during the SA Local Government Association Council of Mayors conference held on 8 and 9 September 2022 in East London, the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, revealed that more than 300 municipal ward councillors have been murdered in the Republic in the few years, (a) what measured has the SA Police Service put in place to prevent the continuous killing of municipal ward councillors, (b) (i) what trends and/or patterns have been identified in the specified cases and (ii) how has the information been used to ensure the safety of municipal ward councillors and (c) will he furnish Ms Z Majozi with a report on the arrests that have been made in the cases in the past two years?


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10 October 2022 - NW2482

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Police

(1) In view of the violence against women and children, and crimes of sexual nature in particular, what (a) is the minimum number of rape kits that must be available at a police station and (b) is the period before the kits functioning expire; (2) what (a) number of officers of the SA Police Service (SAPS) do not comply with the specified requirement and (b) are the names of SAPS officers that so not meet the requirements; (3) whether all members of the SAPS received training in the appropriate handling of the kits; if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details; (4) what measures have been put in place to ensure that a member of the SAPS who is properly trained in the use of the rape kits is available when a rape victim comes to the office to lay a charge; (5) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


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10 October 2022 - NW2587

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Police

(1) What is the number of (a) criminal cases opened, (b) convictions achieved, (c) child abuse cases opened and (d) persons convicted of child abuse as a result of charges laid at each police station within the Uthekela District Municipality in the period 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021; (2) what are the relevant details of the (a) specialised equipment and (b) rooms for use in the instances of child abuse reported at each police station within the Uthekela District Municipality in the period 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021; (3) what are the details of the (a) holding cells available and (b) the number of usable holding cells at each police stations within the Uthukela District Municipality in the period 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021?


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10 October 2022 - NW2646

Profile picture: Terblanche, Mr OS

Terblanche, Mr OS to ask the Minister of Police

With regard to the recent attach and robbery at the Kwaggafontein Police Station in Mpumalanga on 15 June 2022, what(a) total number of functional police members were (i) on duty at the time the incident took place, (ii) armed and (iii) on duty in the Customer Service Centre and (b) physical access control measures are available at the specified police station?


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30 September 2022 - NW2619

Profile picture: Terblanche, Mr OS

Terblanche, Mr OS to ask the Minister of Police

In view of the recent spate of mass shootings at taverns across the country, a mass shooting being defined as three or more people being shot in the same incident, what are the relevant details of the number (a) mass shootings at taverns, (b) persons murdered in the specified mass shooting and (c) persons injured in the shootings (i) in the period (aa) 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 and (bb) 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021?


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30 September 2022 - NW3084

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to combating fraudulent South African passports, what total number of (a) arrests have been made in this regard in the (i) past three financial years and (ii) since 1 January 2022 and (b) prosecutions have taken place?


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28 September 2022 - NW3094

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

Considering that the Information Regulator has issued summons to the SA Police Service (SAPS) regarding details relating to the alleged release of personal information of the Krugersdorp rape victims by SAPS, what (a) protocol are in place for the safe keeping of victims personal information, (b) are the (i) tools used to capture data on crime scenes and (ii) detailed overview of how the data capturing tools are safeguard and (c) are the various penalties that SAPS have implemented for breaching information protocols related to the Protection of Personal Information Act, Act 4 of 2013 ?


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28 September 2022 - NW3232

Profile picture: Ceza, Mr K

Ceza, Mr K to ask the Minister of Police

On what date will he appoint a station commander on full-time basis in the Amangwe traditional community and Estcourt in KwaZulu-Natal?


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28 September 2022 - NW3156

Profile picture: Whitfield, Mr AG

Whitfield, Mr AG to ask the Minister of Police

Whether the SA Police Service (SAPS) paid for an/or continues to pay for any legal assistance to any of the SAPS members who are implicated in the CAS 988/06/2017 opened at the Hillbrow Police Station; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


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28 September 2022 - NW2460

Profile picture: Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV

Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV to ask the Minister of Police

Whether the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) was requested to investigate circumstances that led to it receiving a payment of R8 million; if so, (a) who requested the investigation, (b) what (i) processes were followed to engage the SIU and (ii) what is the reason for the engagement with the SIU not being done by the National Commissioner of the SA Police Service who serves as its Accounting Officer?


(a)(b)(i)(ii) The Special I investigating Unit (SIU) will be in a better position to respond to this question.

Reply to question 2460 recommended

Date: 22-09-2022

Reply to question 2460 approved

Date: 27/09/2022

28 September 2022 - NW2453

Profile picture: Herron, Mr BN

Herron, Mr BN to ask the Minister of Police

(1) Whether, given that a 9 mm Glock Pistol issued to a member of the City of Cape Town’s Special Investigating Unit (SIU) was reported stolen to the Bellville South Police Station under case member CAS179/3/2020, and then allegedly in June 2022 recovered from the ceiling of a member of the City’s SIU (details furnished), the specified firearm has been retrieved by the SA Police Service (SAPS); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the specified firearm was handed over by the City of Cape Town to SAPS for investigation and ballistic tests; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


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27 September 2022 - NW2537

Profile picture: Ceza, Mr K

Ceza, Mr K to ask the Minister of Police

What are the reasons for the delays around the investigation into case number CAS 317/3/2022?


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22 September 2022 - NW2524

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

(1) In view of the gang rape of eight women in Krugersdorp, what preventative measures have since been put in place to address rape endemic scourge of rape in the Republic; (2) besides the identification of the perpetrators, what (a) progress has been made on the investigation to date and (b) steps has the police in the area taken to protect the survivors against victimisation; (3) how has the specified incident affected the approach of the SA Police Service to prevention of sexual crimes in the Republic?


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22 September 2022 - NW2465

Profile picture: Maotwe, Ms OMC

Maotwe, Ms OMC to ask the Minister of Police

What assistance did the (a) SA Police Service and/or (b) crime intelligence agents provide in (i) tracking down the alleged perpetrators and (ii) recovering the stolen loot from the Phala Phala farm?


(a)(b)(i)(ii) The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) is still busy with the criminal investigation, since it was reported in June 2022 and as such, the DPCI would like to maintain the integrity of this ongoing criminal investigation without publicly divulging the steps that are being taken

Reply to question 2465 recommended

Date: 19-09-2022

Reply to question 2465 approved

Date: 21/09/2022

20 September 2022 - NW2469

Profile picture: Ntlangwini, Ms EN

Ntlangwini, Ms EN to ask the Minister of Police

What are the reasons that Major-General Wally Rhoodes has been removed and/or suspended from his position following the investigation of the burglary and theft at the Phala Phala farm?


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20 September 2022 - NW2788

Profile picture: Terblanche, Mr OS

Terblanche, Mr OS to ask the Minister of Police

(1). Whether the allegations that big criminals syndicates are operating within Eskom at the moment are supported by intelligence gathered by the SA Police Service (SAPS); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what ate the relevant details; (2) whether any case involving serious crimes that were allegedly committed during the recent illegal strikes were reported to the SAPS; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


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20 September 2022 - NW2908

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Police

(1). (a) What number of police stations were robbed in each of the (i) 2018-19, (ii) 2019-20, (iii) 2020-21 and (iv) 2021-22 financial years and (b) at which specified police station did each robbery take place in each of the specified financial years; (2) what number of (a) firearms of each calibre and (b) rounds of ammunition of each calibre were (i) stolen and (ii) recovered in each of the specified periods; (3) what number of persons were (a) arrested and (b) successfully prosecuted in this regard?


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20 September 2022 - NW3004

Profile picture: Mabika, Mr M

Mabika, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

Whether he and/or his department submitted a policy review document and/or any other government policy document to structures outside of the Government, either to private and/or external structures or structures of any political affiliation during the past five years; if no, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) will he furnish Mr M S Mabika with copies of all such documents and (b) what are the reasons that the Government documents were provided to each structures?


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19 September 2022 - NW2547

Profile picture: Shembeni, Mr HA

Shembeni, Mr HA to ask the Minister of Police

Whether the SA Police Service prioritised the investigations of the continued assassinations of the leaders of Abahlali Based Mjondolo in the eKhenana Commune in KwaZulu-Natal; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) progress has been made in understanding the primary causes of the specified assassinations and (b) total number of persons have been arrested to date?


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19 September 2022 - NW2700

Profile picture: Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV

Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV to ask the Minister of Police

(1) Whether he has undertaken any tips to (a) Turkey and (b) Dubai since his appointment as the Minister of Police; if so (2) whether all the expenditure for the specified trips were authorised; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details ?


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15 September 2022 - NW2580

Profile picture: Whitfield, Mr AG

Whitfield, Mr AG to ask the Minister of Police

What is the total number of (a) D1-Adult and (b) D7 – Paediatric Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits (i) currently in stock and (ii) is required for each SA Police Station?


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15 September 2022 - NW2710

Profile picture: Phillips, Ms C

Phillips, Ms C to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to the complaint for water theft at Polkadraai that was opened by W D F Rocher at the Swartruggens Police Station in the North West on 8 April 2014, case number 31/01/2014, in respect of which no investigation has taken place and no arrest have been made, what are the (a) details of all information pertaining to the case and (b) reasons why no arrests have been made?


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15 September 2022 - NW2688

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

(1) What are the reasons that his department has noted as the main drivers of mass shooting (details furnished) in the Republic which have increased by almost 50% in the (a) 2017-18 and (b) 2019-20 financial years according to the Institute for Security Studies; (2) what (a0 measures are planned and/or in place to prevent mass shootings and (b) has he found to be success rate of the specified measures in light of the recent report of mass shootings at taverns and several locations around the Republic; (3) what measures are in place to promote a joint effort between communities and the SA Police Service as both are vital in achieving effective crime fighting strategies?


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15 September 2022 - NW2492

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

Considering the case of police brutality that occurred in Fish Hoek in August, which is currently being investigated by the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), (a) what total amount has been paid out to civilians by the SA Police Service in the current financial year for cases of police brutality and (b) which measured have been put in place at the Fish Hoek Police Station to prevent similar instances from happening?


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14 September 2022 - NW2499

Profile picture: Terblanche, Mr OS

Terblanche, Mr OS to ask the Minister of Police

What (a) total number of flights has he undertaken to conduct official business since 1 April 2022 and (b) is the total cost of the specified flights?


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12 September 2022 - NW2548

Profile picture: Shembeni, Mr HA

Shembeni, Mr HA to ask the Minister of Police

What are the reasons that the SA Police Service has not made any progress with the investigation into the disappearance on Ms Sinazo Jack from Qeqe village in Bolotwa Dutywa, in the Eastern Cape, who disappeared on 1 June 2019 and has not been found since?


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12 September 2022 - NW2687

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

(1) Whether, in light of multiple incidents of conflicts between e-hailing/ride-hailing drivers and metered taxi drivers, his department has put any measures in place to prevent these conflicts; if not, why not; if so, what measures; (2) whether his department has put any measures in place to curb the real risk of assault and hijacking faced by ride-hailing drivers; if not, why not; if so, what measures?


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