Questions and Replies

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12 July 2016 - NW1560

Profile picture: Lotriet, Prof  A

Lotriet, Prof A to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

(a) What amount did (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in the 2015-16 financial year and (b) how much has (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her budgeted for advertising in the 2016-17 financial year?


(a) The Department of Small Business Development

         (i) Advertising in 2015-16: R1 946 239.64 was paid during the 2015-16 as follows:




125 400.00


169 496.12

Promotional Items

1 651 343.52

Total paid

1 946 239.64

Promotional items include amongst others the following

  • 2500 Self Guidelines Booklets and 2500 NIBUS Strategy Booklets design and printing, 150 non branded Casio Scientific calculators, and branded back packs for the Techno Girl Programme 2015, held in Durban at the International Convention Centre from 17-19 April 2015
  • Design and production of IFAM and ASF catalogues, photo shoot, and 80 branded work suits. Minister Zulu visited women at the Vuyani market on the 20/05/2015, to help clean the area.
  • White vinyl stickers for Mandela day event hosted by Minister Zulu in Pimville Soweto, on Saturday 18/07/2015.

      (ii) Budgeted for the 2016-17 financial year as per the ENE: R2.750 million or R2.8 million.

11 July 2016 - NW1551

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) What amount did (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in the 2015-16 financial year and (b) how much has (i) department and (ii) each entity reporting to her budgeted for advertising in the 2016-17 financial year?





(b) (ii)





R18, 638, 433.26.

R30, 542, 000.00.


R1, 537, 271.00.

R895, 000.00.


R55, 000.00.

R74, 000.00.


R55, 242, 874.00.

R60, 000, 000.00.


R2, 145, 285.09.

R715, 000.00.


R 10 262 407.03

R 4 107 000.00

11 July 2016 - NW150

Profile picture: Jooste, Ms K

Jooste, Ms K to ask the Minister of Social Development

(a) How many (i) social workers and (ii) psychologists have been reported to the (aa) SA Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP) and (bb) the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) for writing ambush reports and prosecuted for breaching the Children's Act, Act 38 of 2005 and (b) what steps are the (i) SACSSP and (ii) HPCSA taking to update their codes of ethics to comply with the Act and prevent the windmill attack?


(aa) This reply is only focused on the question regarding the S. A. Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP).

    (a) How many:

         (i) Social workers: In the period 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015; the following 25 complaints lodged against social workers had been attended to with specific reference to children. During the reported period, the Council received 25 complaints about social workers reported for alleged unprofessional conduct, however none of these social workers have been found guilty in a court of law for breaching the Children’s Act.

The reported 25 cases can be broken down as follows:

    • Five (5) matters that were pending served before the Registrars Committee for Professional Conduct (RCPC) on 4 May 2016 and were resolved.
    • Five (5) matters the practitioners were requested to familiarize themselves with the Rules Relating to the Acts or Omissions of a Social Worker, a Social Auxiliary Worker or a Student Social Worker, which shall Constitute Unprofessional or Improper, with specific reference to Rule 3 (2) the execution of his or her professional duties in a manner which does not comply with general accepted standards of practising the profession.
    • One (1) matter that is pending is still under investigation.
    • Fourteen (14) matters reported, and no unprofessional conduct could be detected and issues were thus closed.

At all levels of intervention of the Council as prescribed by the Social Service Professions Act, 110 of 1978, (as amended) where a complaint has been lodged, a legal person as well as a subject matter expert in children’s matters forms part of the panel.

No complaints regarding social workers writing ambush reports received, but the complaints were mainly about alleged biasness in mediation matters.

 (b) Steps to update the Code of Ethics SACSSP

    (i)The SACSSP always endeavours to take a developmental approach; hence its code of ethics booklet was translated into frequently asked questions to ensure capacitation of the social service practitioners as this will also be applicable to the updated version of the code of ethics policy:

  • The 4th Council and 3rd Professional Board for Social Work (PBSW) identified the review of the Code of ethics as a priority and as such included in the handover report, for the incoming Council and PBSW to execute. The PBSW will constitute a Task Team for Profession Conduct (TPC), after which a steering committee will be constituted in order to revise the current Policy guidelines for Course of Conduct, Code of Ethics and the Rules for Social Workers.
  • Expert advice will be consulted in different spheres of the social service practice for example; mediation, domestic violence, children in need of care.
  • Both the child and the social worker should be protected in the Code of Ethics.
  • Broad base sector consultation will be conducted on the code of ethics policy and this policy will be translated into Rules that will be published in the Government Gazette by the Minister of Social Development.

Ethical dilemmas regarding the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 that will be considered for inclusion in the revised Code of Ethics Policy document are:

  • Consent of one parent is unreasonably withheld to assess a child. Section 30(2) of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 will then apply. However, it will be advisable to inform the other party involved of the assessment.
  • Confidentiality pertaining to information requested by Department of Home Affairs – the children’s right to confidentiality must be vividly protected.
  • Confidential information that must be divulged in the best interest of a child in terms of Section18 (3) of the Children’s Act.
  • The following will also be included in order to ensure that social workers maintains the protection of a child and not to contravene the rights of children:
  • Protecting a child form placing a photo on social media: Corrie L & Van Niekerk 2015 A Practical Approach to the Child Justice Act (LexisNexis, in printing):

"Section 8.3 of the South African Press Code, which is clearly based on section 28(2) of the Constitution and affirms that a child’s best interests are of paramount importance in every matter concerning the child, provides as follows:

The press shall not identify children who have been victims of abuse, exploitation, or who have been charged with or convicted of a crime, unless a public interest is evident and it is in the best interest of the child.”

The best interests’ principle is also to be found in section 9 of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005, which provides as follows:

In all matters concerning the care, protection and well-being of a child the standard that the child’s best interests is of paramount importance, must be applied.

In protecting the best interests of minor children, and in regard to criminal proceedings, section 154(3) of the Criminal Code provides that:

No person shall publish in any manner whatever any information which reveals or may reveal the identity of an accused under the age of eighteen years or of a witness at criminal proceedings who is under the age of eighteen years:  Provided that the presiding judge or judicial officer may authorize the publication of so much of such information as he may deem fit if the publication thereof would in his opinion be just and equitable and in the interest of any particular person.” "

(bb) The question regarding the Psychologist that is regulated by the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA) should be referred to the respective statutory body under the Department of Health.


11 July 2016 - NW1462

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Labour

whether the (a) Chloorkop Primary School in Kempton Park in Gauteng and (b) the Gauteng Department of Education have adhered fully to her department’s asbestos Regulations, 2001, Government notice 155 of 10 February 2002; if not, in each case, which aspects of the specified regulations have not been adhered to; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the specified (a) school and (b) provincial department undertook (i) initial assessments and (ii) follow up assessments in line with Regulation 7 of the specified regulations, which pertains to the assessment of potential exposure, since the commencement of the specified regulations; if not, in each case, (aa) why not and (bb) what action did her department take to ensure compliance; if so in each case, (aaa) on which date(s) were each of the assessment reports completed and (bbb) what were the findings; (3) whether her department has ever visited the specified (a) school and /or (b) provincial department since the commencement of the specified regulations to ensure full compliance; if not, why not in each case; if so, on what dates in each case?


1. During the inspection, the focus was on the complaints relating to structures, facilities and electrical installation. There were no records that were found at school indicating the presence of asbestos and the Deputy Principal also indicated that she was not aware of any presence of asbestos at the school

2. An inspection was conducted at Chloorkop Primary School in Kempton Park on the 25th of May 2016 by two Occupational Health and safety inspectors. Certificate of compliance could not be provided to the inspectors because the health and safety file of the school was in the possession Principal who was not present at the time of inspection.

3. Contravention and Improvement notices were issued to all areas of noncompliance that were identified and a follow up inspection was scheduled on the 25th July 2016 by a Senior Specialist in occupational health and hygiene.

11 July 2016 - NW597

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

How many petitions (a) in total and (b) for each city council in each petition committee of all the local authorities in Gauteng have been (i) presented and (ii) resolved since the start of the present municipal term in 2011?


The following information was provided by the Provincial Department:

Gauteng province is comprised of 12 municipalities which include: 3 Metropolitan, 2 District and 7 Local.

Total number of petitions received and resolved for each city council in each petition committee of the 3 Metropolitan and 7 local authorities since the start of the present term of councils in 2011 is illustrated in the table below:

Name of Municipality

Number of petitions received

Number of petitions resolved

City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality



City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality



City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality



Enfuleni Local Municipality



Lesedi Local Municipality



Merafong Local Municipality



Midvaal Local Municipality



Mogale City Local Municipality



Randfontein Local Municipality



Westonaria Local Municipality







11 July 2016 - NW1176

Profile picture: Volmink, Mr HC

Volmink, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Finance

Has the National Treasury undertaken any benchmarking (a) studies and/or (b) exercises in relation to health service delivery (i) performance and (ii) expenditure in each province in the (aa) 2011-12, (bb) 2012-13, (cc) 2013-14, (dd) 2014-15 and (ee) 2015-16 financial years; if not, (aaa) why not and (bbb) will the specified (aaaa) studies and/or (bbbb) exercises be undertaken in the future; if so, how did the health service delivery (aaaaa) performance and (bbbbb) expenditure of each province compare to national health priorities during the specified financial years?


(a)(b)(i) (ii) (aa) (bb) (cc) (dd) (ee)

Yes. The National Treasury conducts benchmark exercises as part of the budget process on an annual basis and has undertaken these exercises for each of the years specified. The benchmark exercises were introduced by the National Treasury in 2002 with a focus on analysing provincial budgets and expenditure to identify risk areas and bring these risks to the attention of provincial treasuries and to explore possible solutions with them.

(aaa) (bbb) (aaaa) (bbbb)

Amongst others, the benchmark exercises:

  • Interrogate the assumptions behind draft programme allocations and alignment of budgets to national and provincial health policy priorities.
  • Assess how the sector is implementing cost saving measures and assess departmental budgets in view of a constrained fiscal envelope.
  • Assess areas of risk in provincial budgets and provide feedback on areas where changes might be required.

Because the benchmark exercises cover an extremely wide range of areas it is not possible to provide a simplified answer whether provincial budgets do or do not comply with national priorities. In general there is a reasonable degree of compliance but the benchmark exercises help to find risks and deviations and point these out to provinces to address. The non-negotiable budget items announced by the Minister of Health in 2012 have assisted the National Department of Health and the National Treasury in advocating for appropriate budget allocations for prioritised spending areas that are critical to service delivery.

As an example, the table below shows spending on medical supplies per capita uninsured person by province, which is a national priority. Limpopo’s budget was only R42 per uninsured person for 2016/17 compared to a national average of R152 per capita per year for medical supplies. Limpopo was then advised to address this risk in their budget.

See the link for the table:

It is important to emphasise that the benchmarking exercise mainly focuses on budgets and expenditure. As such, the National Department of Health and the Department of Performance and Monitoring evaluation will be better placed to respond to detailed performance benchmarking questions.

At times the National Treasury has conducted the health sector benchmark exercise in partnership with the National Department of Health and in several years whole day benchmarking meetings were held with all nine provincial Departments of Health and provincial Treasuries.


The National Treasury also publishes, approximately every second year, a comprehensive review of provincial budgets and expenditure, known as the Provincial Budgets and Expenditure Review. The last review was published in December 2014 and covered details of health sector spending for financial years from 2010/11 to 2016/17. These reviews contain numerous comparative indicators in the health chapter which is available on the National Treasury’s website at


The review also reflects that substantial portion of the provincial expenditure is in line with the national health priorities.

11 July 2016 - NW550

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 3110 on 8 September 2015, the information requested from the provinces has been received by his department; if not, why not; if so, by when will the information be communicated? “3110:Whether all municipal managers implemented section 81 of the National Credit Act, Act 34 of 2005, regarding loan deductions from salaries of municipal employees; if not, which municipalities did not comply?”


1. In terms of section 81 of the National Credit Act, 2005 (Act 34 of 2005) when applying for a credit agreement, and while that application is being considered by the credit provider, the prospective consumer must fully and truthfully answer any requests for information made by the credit provider as part of the assessment required by this section.

A credit provider must not enter into credit agreement without first taking reasonable steps to assess:

  (a) the proposed consumer’s –

      (i) general understanding and appreciation of the risks and costs of the proposed credit, and of the rights and obligations of a consumer under a credit agreement;

      (ii) debt re-payment history as a consumer under credit agreements;

       (iii) existing financial means, prospects and obligations; and

 (b) whether there is reasonable basis to conclude that any commercial purpose may prove to be successful, if the consumer has such a purpose for applying for that credit agreement.

Based on the above information, credit agreement can be entered between the consumer and credit provider and therefore municipal managers do not have a role to play on the loan agreement entered into by municipal officials.

11 July 2016 - NW1254

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

With reference to his reply to question 3198 on 22 September 2015, has he received the requested information yet; if not, why not; if so, by when will the specified information be communicated? “3198: Whether, with reference to the appointment of Mr Simphiwe Duma who was found guilty by a forensic audit of nepotism, intimidation of external auditors and irregular investment and procurement transactions at the Technology Innovation Agency, he will take steps to ensure the City Manager terminates the specified person’s contract; if not, why not?”


According to the information received from the Ethekwini Metropolitan Municipality, the municipal council did not approve the appointment of Mr Simphiwe Duma. Therefore, there are no steps to be taken by the Minister.

11 July 2016 - NW1434

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) (a) On what date did her department last conduct an inspection of the Edleen Primary School in Kempton Park, Gauteng, through the inspection and enforcement services in line with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 0f 1993, as amended, (b) what were the findings of the specified inspection and (c) how often is her department compelled by law to inspect work environment in line with (i) the specified Act and (ii) any other legislation; (2) (a) when will her department conduct such an inspection at the specified school, given the structural damage to the school’s building and (b) when will such a report be made public?


(a) The Department scheduled inspection 30 days after the schools re-opening.

(b) Lack of trained first aid teachers,

Lack of clean ablution facilities;

Lack of Certificates of compliance in electrical installation

(c) There are no specified timeframes but informed by risk assessments that are done by the department from time to time.

i) Occupational health and Safety Act

08 July 2016 - NW879

Profile picture: Lekota, Mr M

Lekota, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether she had arranged to visit St Patrick’s Senior Secondary School in Libode, Eastern Cape, to solve the problem of 205 learners in Grade 11 who are inhumanely crammed into one poorly ventilated classroom; if not, why not; if so, what (a) are the relevant details and (b) will the objectives of her visit be?


The Minister has requested a report on the conditions pertaining to St Patrick’s Senior Secondary School regarding overcrowding and poor ventilation. Once the Eastern Cape Education Department has provided the report, an appropriate decision will be taken. However, since this falls within the purview of the Member of the Executive Council, he has been requested to attend to the matter forthwith.

08 July 2016 - NW1099

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

How many disciplinary hearings have taken place against educators who have been found to be in breach of the Code of Professional Ethics in each (a) province and (b) district for (i) sexual misconduct and (ii) violence and abuse in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?


This question was referred to the South African Council for Educators (SACE) and the SACE was reminded several times to respond. Continuous follow-up will be made.

08 July 2016 - NW1440

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether her department has any remedial learning and teaching mechanisms in place to assist learners who have been identified in Grades (a) 1, (b) 2 and (c) 3 as having learning challenges in the 2015 academic year; if not, why not; if so, (i) how many learners in each of the specified Grades identified in 2015 experienced learning challenges and (ii) what are (aa) these challenges from the highest to the lowest prevalence and (bb) the relevant remedial mechanisms that are applied; (2) whether her department provides (a) basic health, (b) hearing and/or (c) sight tests to school learners; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) in what Grades are these tests conducted and (ii) what budget was made available for the provision of specified tests in the (aa) 2013-14, (bb) 2014-15 and (cc) 2015-16 financial years?


(1) (a) (b) (c) The Department of Basic Education has remedial learning and teaching mechanisms in place to support learners who have been identified in the Foundation Phase. The procedures outlined in the Policy on Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (SIAS), specifically in the Support Needs Assessment Forms 1, 2 and 3 and in the Individual Support Plan (ISP) make provision for planning and tracking support provided to learners. As the Policy is incrementally implemented, by also capturing information on the revised South African School Administration Measures (SA-SAMS) and the Learner Unique Record and Information Tracking System (LURITS), the majority of learners with additional support needs will be tracked by 2019.

(1) (i) (ii) (aa) The number of learners in Grades 1, 2 and 3 who have special needs as identified in special and in ordinary schools is provided in Tables 1 and 2 below, with the categories of special needs listed in term of prevalence.

Table 1: Number of Grades 1, 2 and 3 learners in SNE schools, by primary disability and Grade, in 2015:


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3


Not Specified





Severe intellectual disability





Specific learning disability





Mild or moderate intellectual disability





Cerebral palsy





Attention Deficit Disorder





Autistic Spectrum Disorder










Numeric difficulties





Physical disability





Behavioural Disorder





Moderate to severe intellectual disability










Partially sightedness










Hard of Hearing





Multiple disability





Attention Deficit Disorder with hyperactivity





Attention Deficit Disorder without hyperactivity










Communication impairments















Reading difficulties





Psychiatric Disorder










Source: 2015 LURITS

Table 2: Number of SNE learners in ordinary schools, by disability and grade, in 2015


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3


Specific Learning Disability

2 052

2 913

3 631

8 596

Attention Deficit Disorder



1 313

2 862

Severe Intellectual Disability





Behavioural Disorder





Numeric Difficulties





Partial Sightedness





Physical Disability





Moderate to Severe Intellectual Disability





Autistic Spectrum Disorder





Hard of Hearing















Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity





Multiple Disability





Language Difficulties















Psychiatric Disorder





Cerebral Palsy





Attention Deficit Disorder without Hyperactivity










Reading difficulties
















5 246

7 856

10 141

23 243

Source: 2015 LURITS

(bb) The relevant remedial mechanisms that are applied for the learners listed above are addressed through the Policy on Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (2014) and the Guidelines for Responding to Diversity (2012). All provinces are conducting ongoing training on the implementation of these policies and guidelines at district and school level.

2. Yes, the Department provides the (a) health, (b) hearing and (c) sight tests to learners through the Integrated Health Programme, offered in collaboration with the Department of Health.

(i) The Integrated School Health Programme (ISHP) aims to assess each learner once per educational phase as follows:

  • Grades R or 1: Foundation phase
  • Grade 4: Intermediate phase
  • Grade 8: Senior phase, and
  • Grade 10: Further Education and Training

All learners repeating a grade or those that are referred by an educator are also assessed.

(ii) There was no budget allocated for specified tests in all the financial years indicated above. The services are provided by the Department of Health through the school health teams. Therefore, the cost for health services are not borne by the Department of Basic Education.

08 July 2016 - NW1441

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With reference to her reply to question 559 on 22 April 2016, how many of the (a) schools and/or (b) centers that cater for early childhood development (ECD) in each district in Mpumalanga receive the government subsidy of R12,00 for each learner; (2) (a) how many of the specified ECD (i) centers and/or (ii) classrooms in each district in Mpumalanga cater for the needs of learners with disabilities and (b) how many ECD practitioners are appropriately trained in the field of Special Needs Education?


The Response was provided by Mpumalanga Department of Education

1. The Department is not providing subsidy of R12.00 per leaner. The subsidy/support provided for Grade R learners in Mpumalanga consists of the stipend paid to the Grade R practitioner on behalf of the school, as well as providing schools with LTSM and equipment relevant to Grade R. The reply provided to question 559 therefore remains relevant as a response to this question.


2. (a) There are no ECD centres registered with the Department of Education built specifically for the needs of learners with special needs.

   (b) Only 26 ECD officials trained for differentiated curriculum with the intention to roll-it out in 2017/18 to all ECD centres. However support is provided on a continuous basis to this centres by ECD and Inclusive Education officials.

08 July 2016 - NW793

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs:

(1) (a) Which Tshwane Metropolitan Police Department (TMPD) stations currently serve Wards (i) 9 (ii) 12 (iii) 19 (iv) 20 (v) 21 (vi) 22 in the City of Tshwane and (b) how many (i) officers and (ii) operational vehicles are at each of the specified stations; (2) Whether there are any plans to establish a TMPD station to serve the community of Winderveldt in the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) (a) The TMPD has one (1) Regional Office in Region 1. Region 1 is divided into two (2) sub-regions namely Region 1 Sector 1 and Region 1 Sector 2. The abovementioned wards are serviced by Region 1 Sector 1.

(b) Region 1 Sector 1 (the wards as depicted above) is serviced by:

(i) 123 Metro Police Officers

(ii} 16 Metro Police Vehicles

• 6 Operational

• 10 Non-operational (in for service/repairs)

(2) Currently Region 1 consists of one (1) TMPD regiona l office (station). Region 1 Sector 1 is situated in Unit U, Mabopane. This station services Mabopane, Winterveld and parts of Soshanguve.

Region 1 Sector 1 was fully established during the 2012/13 financial year. The community of Mabopane was also consulted before the establishment of the said Metro Police Regional Office. Currently, no official plans exist for future expansion of Metro Police Offices within the Region 1 Sector 1. However, the Department has plans for the establishment of a fully-fledged Metro Police Regional Office within Region 1 Sector 2 (Garankuwa, Pretoria North, Akasia and Rosslyn areas} .

08 July 2016 - NW1590

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1) (a) What is the budgeted total cost of the complete construction of the Nelson Mandela Capture Site Exhibition Centre in Howick in the uMngeni Local Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal, (b) what are the total costs incurred to date and (c) how will the costs required to complete the specified project be funded; (2) what is the total square meterage of buildings at the specified project?


The information below has been supplied by uMngeni Local Municipality:

(1) (a) R 54 281 400.00
(b) R 45,350,886.20 (inclusive of VAT).
(c) Funding is being sourced from all sectors including private sector through the Corporate Social Investment. LOTIO is also being mobilised to assist. So far, nothing has been forthcoming so we need to intensify and be more aggressive in marketing the facility

(2) The total square meterage of the buildings is 1601 square metres (m2

07 July 2016 - NW1579

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

Whether any expenditure reviews were completed by the National Treasury (a) in the (i) 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14, (iii) 2014-15 and (iv) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, in respect of each specified financial year, why not; if so, in respect of each specified financial year, (aa) what was the purpose of each expenditure review, (bb) what is the title of the report on the expenditure review, (cc) on what date was the expenditure review completed and (dd) what was the (aaa) total cost of producing the expenditure reviews and (bbb) breakdown of the cost of each specified expenditure review?


The performance and expenditure reviews commenced in August 2013, and is ongoing. Many of the reviews span more than one financial year.

The attached schedule outlines the purpose (aa) of each expenditure review, the title (bb), the date of completion (cc), as well as, the total cost of the performance and expenditure reviews process (aaa) and the costs of each individual expenditure review (bbb).

The work of the expenditure and performance reviews is managed by a unit within GTAC, where the time of 2-3 people is allocated to the project.

07 July 2016 - NW1629

Profile picture: Chance, Mr R

Chance, Mr R to ask the Minister of Finance

(1) (a) How will the National Treasury be involved in the joint fund established by the Government and the private sector to support small business, as announced by the President, Mr Jacob G Zuma, on 9 May 2016, (b) how will the mandate of the specified fund differ from that of government-run development finance institutions and (c) by what date will the specified fund be fully operational; (2) whether the National Treasury will have an oversight function over the specified fund; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether the Government will be appointing directors to the entity managing the specified fund; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The details of the co-investment fund have as yet not been finalised. There is a commitment from government to play a role in the fund and to have representation on the board. The details about how much funding government will provide, if any; how the funding will be structured; and the date of the launch of the fund will be determined in the near future.

The fund will provide the details in due course.

07 July 2016 - NW1573

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Police

(a) How many (i) Chief Executive Officers and (ii) Chief Financial Officers has the SA Airways (SAA) had since 1 January 2005, (b) who are the persons in each case, (c) what is the date on which each specified person (i) assumed duty and (ii) left duty, (d) what is/are the reason/reasons that each specified person left the service of the SAA, (e) (i) which persons did not complete their periods of service and (ii) what was/were the reason/reasons in this regard, (f) what was the remuneration package of each specified person, (g) what remuneration did each specified person receive upon leaving each specified post and (h) what was the reason that each specified person received the specified remuneration?


The following information was submitted by South African Airways see the link:


06 July 2016 - NW1387

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether (a) his department and (b) all entities reporting to him are running development programmes for (i) small businesses and (ii) co-operatives; if not, why • not; if so, in each case, (aa) what are the relevant details, (bb) what amount has been budgeted and (cc) how many jobs will be created through the specified development programmes in the 2016-17 financial year?


(a) Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG)- and Department of Traditional Affairs (OTA

The Department of Co-operative Governance and Department of Traditional Affairs do not have any developmental budgeted programmes on small businesses and co-operatives. However, DCoG and National House of Traditional Leaders (NHTL) do work together with the Department of Small Business Development and the Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries in areas of interest within the municipal space.

DCoG approach towards the development of co-operatives focuses on capacitating municipalities, facilitating and coordinating support by national sector departments. Through a partnership with the German Co-operative Raiffeisen Confederation (DGRV), DCoG provides municipalities with training skills for implementing co-operative programmes. LED officials from 188 municipalities were trained on Cooperatives Establishment and Management, between 2012/2013 to 2015/2016 financial years. The training covered KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, and North West Provinces.

DCoG and NHTL do not have the number of jobs created through these development programmes. The database on the number of jobs created is administered the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Department of Trade and Industry.

(b) Associated Institutions of CoGTA: South African Local Government Association (SALGA), South African Cities Netwrok (SACN), Municipal Demarcation Board (MOB), Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL) Rights Commission and National House of Traditional Leaders.

The associated institutions of CoGTA namely SALGA, SACN, MOB and CRL are not running formal developmental programmes for small businesses and cooperatives for the 2016/17 becuase it falls outside their mandate. However, NHTL strategic objective is the development and promotion of socio-economic development programmes for traditional communities. Therefore. members of the House must participate in programs relating to the improvement of food security and revival of cooperatives in rural communities. Thus, in promoting those socio-economic programmes, traditional leaders have been allocating land for development projects, small scale farming in order to assist SMMEs and Cooperatives. for example, the NHTL has played a very instrumental role in engaging the Bakwena Ba Mogopa Traditional Council to allocate land to the community and cooperatives for agricultural projects and also ensuring that the local mines assists the agricultural cooperatives with seedlings and gardening equipment.

06 July 2016 - NW1147

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the minister of Labour

(1) How many unemployed persons her department trained to instal solar energy systems in the 2015-16 financial year; (2) whether the specified training of the specified unemployed persons has been completed; if not, why not, if so, give details; (3) whether the specified persons are now being utilised for the installation of solar energy systems; if not, (a) why not and (b) for what purpose they are now being utilised; (4) what was the total amount of the costs applicable to this training project; (5) whether she will make a statement on the matter?


(1)There were 300 unemployed persons trained on installation of solar energy systems during the mentioned financial year.

(2) the specified training of the specified unemployed persons has been completed with 294 trainees having received their certificates.

(3) the purpose of the training programme for the unemployed is to enhance their chances of integration into the labour market, however, efforts are being made to link the trained unemployed to available opportunities.

(4) the total training costs were R18,675 Million, the training has been co-funded by the Unemployed Insurance Fund (UIF) and Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority(EWSETA)

(5) statements were made during Budget Vote Debates both in the National Assembly and National Council of Provinces.

05 July 2016 - NW1276

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)Whether, with reference to the recent water crisis in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality in the Eastern Cape, any scheduled, planned and/or required maintenance on (a) the Umzonyana water treatment plant, (b) the specified plant’s intake pipes and (c) source reservoirs was carried out in the (i) 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14, (iii) 2014-15 and (iv) 2015-16 financial years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case in each specified financial year; (2) whether the specified municipality has considered replacing the unreliable siphon system currently in place at the specified plant with a gravity feed system; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the proposals; (3) whether any progress has been made with the implementation of the specified proposals; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the specified progress made to date; (4) whether any reservoirs were allowed to run dry before anyone realised that there was a problem at the specified plant; if so, (a) why and (b) how did this occur?


Upon receipt of this question, we requested the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality to provide information on this matter and are still awaiting. We will therefore submit to the Honourable Member as soon as the information becomes available.

05 July 2016 - NW1421

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With reference to the report delivered by her department to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation on 7 April 2016, where it was reported that the unsuccessful roll-over of R1, 601 billion from the 2014-15 financial year resulted in the rescheduling of a number of infrastructure projects, what are the (a) names (b) amounts (c) delays and (d) increases in costs of each of the specified projects?


Refer to Annexure A for the names, amounts, delays and cost of the specified projects affected by non-approval of rollover from 2014/15.

Although the non-approval of the rollover had a negative impact on the cash flow for projects, my Department had to reprioritise within projects, whereby funds were shifted from slow moving projects, to those projects affected by non-approval of the rollover to avoid delays and cost escalations. The available budget was spent in full for the 2015/16 financial year.


05 July 2016 - NW1024

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether her department’s investigation into alleged corruption regarding the training of youth in the Rubbytad CC project has been concluded; if not, why not; if so, (a) what were the outcomes of the specified investigation, (b) how many of her department’s officials were involved in alleged corrupt activities, (c) how many of the specified officials have been (i) suspended and/or (ii)criminally charged, (d) what amount is involved in the alleged corruption and (e) what measures have been put in place to prevent a repetition in the future; (2) (a) what is the total amount owed to a certain company (name furnished), if any, (b) when will the outstanding amount be settled, (c) what amount has been spent on the specified project up to the latest specified date for which information is available and (d) what is the total number of youth that (i) were trained and (ii) are currently working on the project?


(1)(a) Yes, my Department investigated the mismanagement of the project at Dr. Moroka Municipality into which Rubbytad CC was appointed as the service provider. The investigation found that there was no project governance. Investigation also revealed that one official received a sum of money from Rubbytad CC.

(1)(b) Falls away.

(1)(c) One official was suspended in the alleged corrupt activities.

(1)(d) The amount involved in the alleged corruption was Ten Thousand Rands (R 10 000.00).

(1)(e) My Department has developed a project management Framework to prevent repetition in the future.

(2)(a) Rubbytad is contracted to National Youth Skills Development Programme. Therefore, any outstanding amounts have to be established by this entity.

(2)(b) Falls away.

(2)(c) This information cannot be determined since the project was halted due to lack and unavailability of funds.

(2)(d)(i)A total of 500 Youth were enrolled (in excess of the 300 originally agreed on). Additional information cannot be disclosed as the matter is currently sub-judice.

(2)(d)(ii) Falls away.


05 July 2016 - NW1277

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)What steps has been taken by the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality in the Eastern Cape in resolving the recent water crisis; (2) why did the specified municipality fail to (a) adequately communicate the extent of the water problem to residents, businesses and civic organisations and (b) call for them to use water sparingly; (3) why did the specified municipality fail to (a) take steps to inform the ward councillors of the extent of the water crisis and (b) keep the specified councillors up to date with progress made in restoring the water supply?


Upon receipt of this question, we requested the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality to provide information on this matter and are still awaiting. We will therefore submit to the Honourable Member as soon as the information becomes available.

05 July 2016 - NW1516

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)Whether her department was approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2)whether her department provided any form of funding to any political party (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-15 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(1)The Department of Labour was not approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016;

(2)(a) The Department of Labour did not provide any form of funding to any political party in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-15 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016.

(2)(b)The Department of Labour is funded by way of appropriation and therefore cannot fund any political party. NW1`687E

05 July 2016 - NW1338

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)What (a) was the reason for the swopping of the Municipal Managers of the (i) Govan Mbeki and (ii) Msukaligwa Local Municipalities in Mpumalanga in March 2016 and (b) process was followed to effect the swop at each specified municipality; (2) was the specified swop (a) tabled in the council of each specified municipalities and (b) approved by each council; if not, why not; if so, in each case, what are the (i) dates and (ii) further relevant details; (3) on what statutory ground(s) was the swop done?


Upon receipt of this question, we requested the Provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs to provide information on this matter and are still awaiting. We will therefore submit to the Honourable Member as soon as the information becomes available.

05 July 2016 - NW1590

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1) (a) What is the budgeted total cost of the complete construction of the Nelson Mandela Capture Site Exhibition Centre in Howick in the uMngeni Local Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal, (b) what are the total costs incurred to date and (c) how will the costs required to complete the specified project be funded; (2) what is the total square meterage of buildings at the specified project?NW1760E


Upon receipt of this question, we requested the uMngeni Local Municipality to provide information on this matter and are still awaiting. We will therefore submit to the Honourable Member as soon as the information becomes available.

05 July 2016 - NW1023

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)With reference to her statements made during the debate on the State of the Nation Address on 16 February 2016 in Parliament (details furnished) that plans were under way to drill new and refurbish existing boreholes, (a) how many boreholes will be drilled in each province during the next three financial years, (b) where will the specified boreholes be drilled, (c) which communities will benefit in each case and (d) what will the cost be (i) per meter for drilling and (ii) per borehole drilled; (2) Whether her department has issued any tenders for the drilling of the specified boreholes; if not, why not; if so, (a) who has been appointed to date to (i) drill and (ii) equip the specified boreholes and (b) what is the estimated costs for each province in this regard; (3) (a)How many existing boreholes will be refurbished, (b) at what cost and (c) where are the existing boreholes situated in each case?


(1) Refer to the table 1 below which indicates the number of boreholes planned to be drilled in each province during the next three financial years including communities that will benefit.

It should be noted that the drilling costs are mostly dictated by the geological and drilling conditions, diameter required, required depth, and the length and type of casing installed.

Table 1: Planned Boreholes to be drilled for the financial year 2016/17-2018/19

(1)(a) Number of Boreholes to be drilled

(1)(b) Province

District Municipality

Local Municipality

(1)(c) Number of villages or communities

(1)(d) Total Estimated costs












R287.6 million


Eastern Cape

OR Tambo

Chris Hani

Alfred Nzo

Joe Gqabi







R196.3 million



Gert Sibande





Thembisile Hani

Dr JS Moroka


R44 million


Northern Cape


ZF Mgcawu

Pixley ka Seme



Karoo Hoogland



Nama Khoi



Joe Morolong


R100 million


North West

Dr.Ruth Sekgomotsi Mompati


Moses Kotane









R 11.5 million


Free State

Thabo- Mofutsanyane


Maluti A Phofung

Mangaung Metro







R82 million


Western Cape

Cape Winelands

Central Karoo



Prince Albert


R1.6 million


Kwazulu Natal





Harry Gwala






R42 million

(2) Tenders for drilling of the specified boreholes have not yet been issued. No service providers have been appointed to date. However my Department has advertised National Bids for Drilling, Testing, and Hydrogeological Consulting Services. The estimated costs per province are as indicated in table 1 above.

(3) Table 2 below indicates existing boreholes to be refurbished per province.

Table 2: Existing Boreholes to be refurbished per Province

(3)(a) Number of Boreholes to be refurbished


District Municipality

(3)(b) Local Municipality

Number of villages or communities

(3)(c) Total Estimated costs





Elias Motswaledi



Greater Tzaneen


R200 million


Eastern Cape


Joe Gqabi

Chris Hani

Alfred Nzo

OR Tambo

Ingquza Hill







R11.1 million



Gert Sibande



Chief Albert Luthuli



R34.2 million


Northern Cape




Joe Morolong


R25 million


North West

Dr Ruth Sekgomotsi Mompati


Moses Kotane



R15 million


Free State

Thabo- Mofutsanyane


Maluti A Phofung







R61.5 million


Western Cape

Cape Winelands





R3.4 million


Kwazulu Natal








R53 million


05 July 2016 - NW1438

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

With reference to the reply of the Minister of Social Development to question 61 on 13 March 2015 (a) when will the SA Social Security Agency Office in Tembisa in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality be upgraded and (b) what are the envisaged costs of the upgrading?


Upon receipt of this question, we requested the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality to provide information on this matter and are still awaiting. We will therefore submit to the Honourable Member as soon as the information becomes available.

04 July 2016 - NW577

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

1. What was the gross annual salary of (a) the municipal manager, (b) the chief financial officer and (c) each of the other managers (i) directly reporting to the municipal managers and/or (ii) appointed directly by Council of each (i) metropolitan, (ii) local and (iii) district municipality in the 2014-2015 financial year? 2. in each case, (a) what was the performance bonus paid to each of the specified officials in the specified financial year and (b) what other perks and/or benefits accrue to them? NW883E


Information from Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga is outstanding and provinces were requested to submit the information. The information will be made available to the Honourable Member once available.

According to information received from the Provincial departments responsible for local government the following municipalities paid, the annual gross salaries, performances bonuses and perks and/or benefits to senior staff members during the year 2014/15 financial year .

Find here: Metropolitan Municipalities

04 July 2016 - NW1396

Profile picture: Topham , Mr B

Topham , Mr B to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

Whether (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her are running development programmes for (i) small businesses and (ii) co-operatives; if not, why not; if so, in each case, (aa) what are the relevant details, (bb) what amount has been budgeted and (cc) how many jobs will be created through the specified development programmes in the 2016-17 financial year?


(a) (i) (aa) The development programmes for small businesses are developed and implemented by the Provinces.

(bb) The Department does not necessarily have a line item specifically for small businesses. However, we support small businesses when procuring goods and services. Accordingly, in my reply to question 370, I indicated that for the period 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016, the total percentage spent by the National Department of Human Settlements for procurement from Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs) was 32%.

(cc) We are unable to quantify jobs that will be created or saved through our support for small businesses at this stage.

(ii) (aa) The Department is promoting and supporting the establishment of Cooperatives within the human settlements delivery chain. To this end, the Department (through People’s Housing Process Directorate) has partnered with the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) and the following has been achieved:

  • Approximately 65 different Cooperatives have been established in six (6) Provinces, namely KZN, Gauteng, Free State, North West, Western Cape and the Eastern Cape
  • Housing or human settlements Cooperatives serves as a catalyst for the establishment of other Cooperatives. The housing Cooperatives ranges from Construction Cooperatives, brick-making, window/door frame making Cooperatives, carpentry, plumbing, transport, electricity, painting etc.
  • Other livelihood Cooperatives formed will focus on agriculture, sewing, catering, poultry, shoe-making etc.
  • Most of these Cooperatives are led by Women and Youth and there is one Cooperative established in the Free State led by Disabled people
  • A Military Veterans Cooperative called Matrosov was also established in the Eastern Cape for the Chatty 491 project in Port Elizabeth
  • Delivered pre-formation and Cooperatives workshops in the six (6) Provinces
  • Assessed the state of readiness for the Cooperatives Incentive Scheme (CIS) registration application for registered Cooperatives in KZN and Free State. The main objective of the CIS registration is to enable the Cooperatives to access grant funding from the DSBD as part of the start-up capital
  • In partnership with DSBD, delivered CIS workshop to the registered Cooperatives in the Free State who have now applied for the CIS Grant from DSBD
  • Through the partnership with DSBD, a project will be identified as a pilot under the new Cooperatives Incubator Programme led by DSBD
  • The Department will be sourcing Training and Skills development initiatives for the registered Cooperatives through NHBRC, SEDA and other similar institutions

(bb) We do not have a line item on cooperatives but we support them because they are crucial for the development of sustainable human settlements.

(cc) The information is being collated and will be verified once obtained. However, in respect of the Vulindela PHP Project, in Pietermaritzburg, jobs were created and skills developed as follows:

  • Two-thousand and three hundred (2 300) full-time employment opportunities created for previously unemployed community members.
  • Thirteen (13) community owned Cooperatives created and one hundred and thirty (130) community members exist
  • There is on site skills transfer during the construction programme
  • Thirty-five (35) members from the various Cooperatives were trained on different construction management portfolios facilitated by the Provincial Capacity Building Directorate. This course was undertaken during August/September 2013 over twelve (12) days and they received NQF Level 2 certificate. The graduates comprised of fourteen (14) Females and twenty-one (21) Males of which 9 were the Youth.

(b) Human settlements public entities

1. National Housing Finance Corporation

(i&ii)(aa) In line with the NHFC Annual Performance Plan for 2016/17 and through its financing and leveraging activities for residential developments, the entity budgeted towards the financing of women, and emerging black entrepreneurs.

(i&ii)(bb) R376 million.

(i&ii)(cc) It is anticipated that the amount disbursed will facilitate an estimated 4 184 jobs.

2. Rural Housing Loan fund

(i&ii)(aa) As part of its efforts to expand the reach of its lending programme to small business owners, the Rural Housing Loan Fund engages with co-operatives and the Co-Operative Banks Development Agency, with a view to lending to these organisations. Currently a few of these are under consideration for loans, while some are already borrowing from the entity. There is however a restriction on the amount that co-operative banks may borrow - their borrowing should not be more than 15% of their total assets. This means, for example, if the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA) has a loan in place, RHLF is usually unable to provide funds until that loan is repaid. This limits it to ensure the security of the members’ deposits. However, the downside of the restriction is that it limits the growth of financial cooperatives.

(i&ii)(bb) As this forms part of RHLF’s core business, no separate budget is set aside for this.

(i&ii)(cc) The number of jobs that will be created are dependent upon the success of the new lenders. This is dependent upon their target market, their marketing strategy and general economic conditions. Due to the vast number of variables over which RHLF has no control, RHLF considers it imprudent to guess the number of jobs that may be created.

3. Social Housing Regulatory Authority

(i&ii)(aa) The SHRA has an institutional investment grant programme assisting potential and accredited Social Housing Institutions and Co-operatives in terms of the Capacitation Programme of the SHRA.  The grant programme makes provisions for dedicated assistance, skills development and transfer as well as training related to the successful implementation and management of social housing.

A separate programme will be developed to assist potential new SHI’s and Co-operatives interested in social housing to receive the required assistance, training, knowledge and skills to become accredited while the SHRA is also working on a programme to deal with the improvement of the accreditation status of conditionally accredited institutions to become fully accredited.

(i&ii)(bb) A national training programme at a cost of approximately R1 million has been developed on areas of governance, property and tenant management, property development and financial management and training workshops for SHI’s and Co-operatives are scheduled on a national basis in July and August 2016 such that these institutions may receive appropriate training and skills to be able to become accredited and develop and manage social housing projects/estates.

Since proper business planning is a key component for successful business the grant programme will during this financial year also provide dedicated on-site assistance to SHI’s and Co-operatives to development their strategic and business plans such that sustainable delivery agents may be facilitated for the social housing programme.  Current business plans have been assessed in terms of the accreditation process to ensure that the assistance to respective institutions would be appropriate to their specific needs and requirements.  In this regard this programme provides for such assistance to in excess of 50 institutions on a national basis with a total cost of approximately R5 million.

(i&ii)(cc) The number of jobs to be created as a result of these initiatives have not been determined although it is intended to undertake research on the creation of job opportunities such that these may be appropriately measured going forward.  This also relates to job opportunities for women and youth and developing specific programmes for these to ensure that the results to be achieved are defined and then provide for proper measurement, monitoring and evaluation going forward.

4 Estate Agency Affairs Board

(i&ii)(aa) The One Learner One Estate Agency Youth Brigade Development Programme seeks to recruit unemployed Matric and Graduates and place them with Estate Agencies. They will complete the NQF Level 4 qualification training over a 12 months period. This will consist of 30% class-room activities and 70% on the job training. On completion of the 12 months training they will become qualified Estate Agents. The learners need to complete the NQF Level 5 in Real Estate at the employ of an Estate Agency. On completed of the NQF Level 5 qualification they will then be Principal where they can then own their own Real Estate Agency. This will enable them to sell and rent properties on behalf of a third party where they can earn commission on the successful completion of the transaction. The Estate Agency Affairs Board will assist these Estate Agents to nurture their Real Estate Agencies to grow and be a success.

(i&ii)(bb) Funding from the SSETA is R110 million over a period of 3 years.

(i&ii)(cc) It is estimated that 12 000 jobs will be created in the 2016/17 financial period.

5. National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency

(i&ii)(aa) The National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency assists small businesses and co-operatives through the lending services offered by the Subsidy Housing and Affordable Housing Programme.

(i&ii)(bb) The budgeted loan amount for the Subsidy Housing Programme is R158 million. The budgeted loan amount for the Affordable Housing Programme for emerging contractors is R91.5 million.

(i&ii)(cc) The projected number of jobs to be created through the Subsidy Housing Programme is 2 456. The projected number of jobs to be created through the Affordable Housing Programme for emerging contractors is 744.

6. National Home Builders Registration Council

(i&ii)(aa) The NHBRC is currently finalising its Social Transformation strategy. This strategy will be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year.

7. Housing Development Agency

(i&ii)(aa) The Housing Development Agency (HDA) is currently not running any development programmes. However, the HDA contributes towards the development of business through the reservation and allocation of 30% of our housing infrastructure development to local business and labour. The HDA does this through projects and initiatives which the HDA is managing on behalf of the provinces/municipalities.

8. Community Schemes Ombud Services

(i&ii)(aa) The Community Schemes Ombud Service (CSOS) does not run development programmes for small business and co-operatives. The CSOS is still new and not fully operational. Currently there are budget constraints. The development programmes will be considered as soon as the CSOS becomes financially viable and sustainable.

30 June 2016 - NW587

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 4256 on 21 December 2015, his department has received the outstanding information, if not, why not, if so, when will this information be made available as requested?


With reference to the question of 21 December 2015 a request was made to all Metropolitan Municipalities to provide the relevant information as per the question. Most Metropolitan Municipalities responded to the request and those outstanding committed to provide the information when it is available.

The original question 4256 was and the following Metropolitan Municipalities replied:

Whether each metropolitan municipality has taken any steps to enable citizens to become physically fit by (a) providing outdoor gym equipment, (b) initiating fitness programmes and/or (c) any other initiatives; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

The information was provided by the respective Metropolitan Municipality:





Buffalo City




Nelson Mandela Bay

In the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality we have installed Outdoor Equipment on the Beachfront as part of the Beach Development Upgrade by the Mandela Development Agency. The city is benefitting from the project by Sport and Recreation South Africa to deliver Outdoor Gym Equipment in certain municipalities. Outdoor Gym Equipment has been delivered in Motherwell and 2 more will be constructed in Zwide and Kwanobuhle in 2016. A MoU has been signed with the Minister of Sport’s Office for the delivery of the outdoor gyms.

The Sport and Recreation Directorate in partnership with a sport NGO, United Through Sport, has arranged the following programmes to promote active and healthy lifestyles:

  • Community Walks in Colchester, Helenvale, New Brighton, Walmer and Mqolomba Park in Kwanobuhle;
  • School holiday programmes with young people took place during the July school break at the following venues: Lilian Ngoyi Sport Centre, George Botha Sport Centre, Rosedale and Motherwell.

Activities on stage included:

  • Skipping challenge for participants aged 40+
  • Hoola-Hoop challenge for participants aged 40+
  • Soccer Ball tapping challenge for participants aged 10-
  • Soccer Ball heading challenge for participants aged 10-
  • Push-ups ladies challenge
  • Spot prizes for youngest and oldest participants

The Sport and Recreation Directorate has entered into a 3 year partnership agreement with EP Athletics to deliver a number of road races as part of the Nelson Mandela Legacy Project. The races are as follow:

  • 27/30 km Human Rights Run in commemoration of the Uitenhage Langa Massacre;
  • Freedom Run 10/5 km in Motherwell;
  • DIVA Run 10 km race for women only, in celebration of Women’s Month;
  • Gelvandale Run 15 km;
  • SA Half Marathon (2016/17) July month in celebration of Mandela Month – this event is sanctioned by Athletics South Africa and has been given Championship Status;
  • The Directorate has approved a budget of R1,380 000 for the implementation of this project.

The Sport and Recreation Directorate has entered into a 3 year Partnership with Iconage Holdings/Move-it, moving matters to implement its Get Ahead Sports Programme / GASP in 5 Primary Schools in Gelvandale / Helenvale. The programme is promoting Physical Education and Sport Development in three sporting codes, e.g. Football, Cricket and Tennis. The budget approved for this project is R400 000. The programme does not only focus on developing skills in these sport disciplines, but on life skills and improving their cognitive development.

City of Tshwane

Yes, The City of Tshwane has taken steps to enable the citizens to become physically fit by providing outdoor gym equipment in 4 of its 7 Regions. These gyms are installed through the City’s 2-Parks-Per-Ward Programme. The outdoor gyms have also been possible through the City’s partnership with the National Department of Sports, enabling 2 outdoor gyms in the City’s Regions to be installed, with one of the outdoor gyms being officially introduced by the Minister. Plans are afoot to install another outdoor gym in Region 7 (Ekangala), which should be completed late in the calendar year or early next year.

Yes, The City of Tshwane hosts events in partnership with the National and Provincial Departments of Sports to galvanize the public to keep fit and lead a healthy life style.

In the current financial year, the program is being rolled out across all the City’s Regions with events being hosted quarterly. Going forward, the City hopes to host such events more frequently in all the parks and/or open spaces easily accessible to the public.   

City of Joburg

The City of Johannesburg has been providing outdoor gym equipment since 2011/12 financial year.

The City has initiated 20 more fitness programmes since 2011/12 financial year.

The installation of green gyms is aligned to yearly capex allocation and is budget for. The City strikes a balance between greening, pathways, gym equipment etc. when designing a park with the allocated budget yearly.


The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality has allocated an amount of R8 million for the installation of outdoor gym equipment to 60 public parks and open spaces in the current financial year (2015/16). This also includes gym equipment for disabled persons to selected parks.

The installation of the gym equipment will commence after the December recess (starting 15 January 2016) and will be completed by end of April 2016.

We also have an Aerobics programme running in 8 facilities throughout the metro, every Saturday morning. To date we have had 132 sessions were on average we have 100 participants per session.


The Municipality has established a Regional Park in Thaba Nchu which includes outdoor gym equipment.

Furthermore, a Memorandum of Understanding has been concluded between the Municipality and SARSA – Sports and Recreation South Africa in terms of which the National Department will provide outdoor gym equipment to a park in Botshabelo. This agreement will unfold and be implemented early in 2016.

All the Parks that the Municipality develops are multi facility parks which includes infrastructure such as netball courts, basketball courts, chess playing facilities, morabaraba facilities, skate board facilities, tennis courts and/or 5-a-side soccer fields.

The Municipality is also in the process of appointing a service provider to supply and install outdoor gym equipment to the Municipality for a period of 3 years. Prominent parks and facilities within the Municipality will then be provided with this equipment which will ultimately contribute to a more healthy community.

City of Cape Town



The Parks Department has undertaken and started to roll out Outdoor Gyms in many of the 103 wards throughout the City.

The Department sees fitness and wellness as an important component of all citizens’ wellbeing R1.199 million

The department has undertaken to erect 1 outdoor gym in each ward.R1.287 million

The City is planning to rollout 10 new sites per year.

30 June 2016 - NW591

Profile picture: Mokgalapa, Mr S

Mokgalapa, Mr S to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 4259 on 21 December 2015, his department has received the outstanding information from the metropolitan municipalities, if not, why not, if so, when will the information be made available as requested?


With reference to the question of 21 December 2015 a request was made to all Metropolitan Municipalities to provide the relevant information as per the question. Most Metropolitan Municipalities responded to the request and those outstanding committed to provide the information when it is available.

The original question 4259 was and the following Metropolitan Municipalities replied:

(1) What amount of capital budget of each metropolitan municipality was spent on refurbishing infrastructure in the (a) 2013-14 and (b) 2014-15 financial years;

(2) (a) what are the details of each project and (b) how much was spent on each project;

(3) whether any capital funds were used to pay salaries; if so, (a) why and (b) how much?

The information was provided by the respective Metropolitan Municipality:











(what are the details of each project)


(how much was spent on each project)


(any capital funds used to pay salaries, why)


(any capital funds used to pay salaries, how much)

Buffalo City



Refurbishing water infrastructure: the budget was spent on pipe replacement and water meter replacement programmes

R13.3m and R36.7m respectively

No capital funds were used to pay salaries

Nelson Mandela Bay


City of Tshwane



Schedule attached

Schedule attached

No capital funds were used to pay salaries

City of Joburg

R99 770m

R166 400m

Schedule attached

Schedule attached

No capital funds were used to pay salaries


R963 719 157

R899 975 194

Schedule attached

Schedule attached

Yes, to reimburse employees cost of project managers directly involved in the capital projects as per GRAP standard

In 2013/14 financial year, a total amount of R33,403,241.00 was paid out for salaries of project managers; and

In 2014/15 financial year, a total amount of R69, 186,120.00 was paid out for salaries of project managers.


R257 348 123

R353 300 397

Schedule attached

Schedule attached

No capital funds were used to pay salaries

City of Cape Town

R229 949 091

R208 541 123

Schedule attached

Schedule attached

No capital funds were used to pay salaries




Schedule attached

Schedule attached

No capital funds were used to pay salaries



  1. In the City of Tshwane the following amounts were allocated:
    1. In 2013/14 financial year, the total amount of R24 Million was allocated for refurbishment; and
    2. In 2014/16financial year, the total amount of R18 Million was allocated for refurbishment
  1. (a) what are the details of each project and (b) how much was spent on each project;




132 KV network infrastructure for the primary substation.

R15 million.


Rooiwal power station.

R9 million.


132 KV network infrastructure for the primary substation.

R10 million.


Rooiwal power station.

R8 million.

  1. All capital funds were never used for salaries.
    1. Not applicable.
    2. Not applicable.


1. In the City of Tshwane the following amounts were allocated:

          (a) In 2013-14 financial year, the total amounted of R99 770 million was allocated.

          (b) In 2014-15 financial year, the total amount of R166 400 million was allocated.

2.Please refer attached Annexure A, for the list of projects.

3. All capital funds were never used for salaries.

     (a) Not applicable.

     (b) Not applicable.


1. In Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality the following amounts were allocated:

   (a) In 2013-14 financial year, the total amounted of R963, 719,157.00 was allocated.

    (b) In 2014-15 financial year, the total amount of R899, 975,194.00 was allocated.

2. Please refer attached Annexure B, for the list of projects.

3. Yes, capital funds were used to pay salaries.

     (a) To reimburse employees cost of project managers directly involved in the capital projects as per GRAP standard.

      (b) In 2013/14 financial year, a total amount of R33,403,241.00 was paid out for salaries of project managers; and

In 2014/14 financial year, a total amount of R69, 186,120.00 was paid out for salaries of project managers.


1. a. R 257 348 123.30

   b. R 353 300 397.35

2. a. 2013/14




1 048 695.00


62 262 452.02


6 188 589.89


68 451 041.91




11 811 479.10


13 035 016.49


24 846 495.59




31 995 893.97


20 642 497.61


7 697 928.72


5 000 000.00


26 644 402.88


28 520 434.98


18 704 897.64


139 206 055.80




1 791 728.10


104 481.00


13 183 628.49


197 293.20


349 490.40


1 149 234.40


1 444 567.80


1 303 171.26


5 059 245.35


261 690.00


24 844 530.00




257 348 123.30

b. 2014/15




9 644 600.99


56 705 381.94


315 228.00


157 445.00


4 799 899.44


56 305.00


71 678 860.37




2 675 439.00


28 771 174.45


19 253 625.53


8 618 373.09


18 023 394.03




25 761 468.53


397 465.70


103 500 940.33






49 887 101.69


1 367 285.00


3 782 296.88


19 781 572.21


14 963 976.94


4 678 798.55


3 295 819.10


23 528 182.73


12 973 895.00


2 302 071.00


3 999 999.88


140 560 998.98




3 408 929.33


1 045 476.29


5 845 657.41


273 499.88


738 133.88


396 829.65


902 734.00


902 866.38


435 745.00


575 275.88


365 360.46


21 262 346.46


1 406 743.05


37 559 597.67




353 300 397.35

3. No Capital Funds were used to pay salaries.

30 June 2016 - NW923

Profile picture: Maimane, Mr MA

Maimane, Mr MA to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

Has (a) he and/or (b) his Deputy Minister ever (i) met with any (aa) member, (bb) employee and/or (cc) close associate of the Gupta family and/or (ii) attended any meeting with the specified persons (aa) at the Gupta’s Saxonwold Estate in Johannesburg or (bb) anywhere else since taking office; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified case, (aaa) what are the names of the persons who were present at each meeting, (bbb)(aaaa) when and (bbbb) where did each such meeting take place and (ccc) what was the purpose of each specified meeting?


(a) Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries met with any;

(i)     (aa) No

       (bb) No

        (cc) No

(ii)   Attended any meeting with the specified persons:

      (aa) No

      (bb) No

(aaa) Names of the people present at each meeting:

(bbb)(aaaa) Not applicable

(bbbb) Not applicable

(ccc) What was the purpose of each specified meeting:

Reply: Not applicable

(b) Deputy Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries met with any;

     (i)(aa) No

      (bb) No

       (cc) No

(ii)    Attended any meeting with the specified persons:

       (aa) No

       (bb) No

   (aaa) Names of the people present at each meeting:

   (bbb)(aaaa) Not applicable

   (bbbb) Not applicable

(ccc) What was the purpose of each specified meeting:

       Reply: Not applicable

30 June 2016 - NW580

Profile picture: Rabotapi, Mr MW

Rabotapi, Mr MW to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 440 on 17 March 2015, his department has received the outstanding information from the metropolitan municipalities; if not, why not; if so, when will the information be made available as requested?


Yes, the Department received the outstanding information from the metropolitan municipalities. These are reflected below.


Hon BH Bhanga (DA) to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs:

  1. For each metropolitan municipality, ( a ) what are the details of each forensic investigation that has been commissioned since 1 June 2011 and ( b ) what were the reasons for the commissioning of each investigation;
  2. Whether he can indicate if each forensic investigation is ( a ) complete or (b ) still ongoing;
  3. ( a ) has the report of each completed investigation been made public; if not, ( a ) why not and ( b ) when will the specified reports be made public; if so, ( i ) when was each report released and ( ii ) was each report tabled in Parliament;
  4. for each incomplete investigation, when will it be completed;
  5. What action has been undertaken by the Government in terms of the recommendations made in each forensic report?

It is important to highlight that most of the forensic reports were commissioned by metropolitan municipalities as a way of intensifying the fight against corruption and related offences in local government. The information below was received from the eight (8) metropolitan municipalities:

(1) The table below illustrates the response as per municipality:

Metropolitan Municipality

Response to 1 (a)

Response to 1 (b)

Buffalo City

Two (2) forensic investigations have been commissioned since 1 June 2011.

The investigations were prompted by allegations of tender irregularities regarding the awarding of two tenders.

City of Johannesburg

A total of 127 forensic investigations have been commissioned since 1 June 2011.

The investigations were initiated as a result of allegations of fraud, corruption, theft and other irregularities reported through the fraud hotline wherein members of the public and staff members are encouraged to report.

City of Tshwane

A total of 1056 forensic cases were registered between 2011 and 2015 financial years.

The City of Tshwane receives various verbal and/or written allegations of crimes/offences from a number of sources. The reporting tools include KPMG hotline, anonymous informants, management requests, provincial anti-corruption hotline, Office of the Public Protector, and the Presidential hotline.


A total of 215 forensic investigations have been commissioned by the Municipality.

Forensic cases are investigated following allegations of possible fraud and corruption received through the municipality’s fraud hotline, the provincial and national hotlines, and allegations raised by management and the public.


1 (one) forensic investigation has been commissioned. The MEC for CoGTA KZN commissioned an investigation into allegations of maladministration, fraud and corruption alleged to have occurred at the municipality.

The MEC for CoGTA in KZN had reason to believe that maladministration, fraud and corruption had occurred at eThekwini Metro, which lead to the investigation being commissioned.

Nelson Mandela Bay

A total of 96 alleged fraud and corruption cases were received by the municipality, since 1 June 2011. The cases varied in complexity and magnitude.

The allegations reported related to fraud and corruption (which by nature could be criminal) and alleged mismanagement of public funds.

(2) The table below illustrates the response as per municipality:

Metropolitan Municipality

Response to (a)

Response to (b)

Buffalo City

Council took a resolution in 2014 to rescind its original resolution to investigate the two contracts due to procedural defects in the taking of the decision. This affected the validity of the investigation by the service provider as well as its findings.

Council has authorised MPAC to conduct an investigation regarding the irregular expenditure for the procurement of services arising from the defects in the original resolution(s). The investigation by Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) on irregular expenditure is ongoing.

City of Johannesburg

A total of 127 forensic investigations were closed.

28 are still ongoing.

City of Tshwane

A total of 636 forensic cases were finalised.

420 are still in progress.


A total of 215 forensic investigations were conducted.

Some of the investigations for 2014/15 are still on-going.


One forensic investigation was conducted and completed.


Nelson Mandela Bay

A total of 57 of the reported forensic cases had been investigated and completed, i.e. 20 reports were issued and 37 cases closed.

39 Outstanding.

(3) The table below illustrates the response as per municipality:

Metropolitan Municipality

Response 3 ( a ) ( b ) ( i ) ( ii )

Buffalo City

The investigations by MPAC were not completed as no report was tabled in Council, since Council took a decision to rescind its original resolution to investigate the aforesaid contracts due to procedural defects in the taking of the decision. As a result, the report was not tabled in Council and not made public.

City of Johannesburg

The outcomes of the investigations are communicated to senior management (including the City Manager) who will then implement appropriate actions. In addition, the outcomes of the investigations are also communicated to the Group Audit Committee, MPAC and the Auditor -General. The reports were not tabled in Parliament.

City of Tshwane

Reports are tabled at various Council structures.


The investigation reports are released to all relevant parties following the finalisation of the investigations. This finalisation process is then followed by the process of implementing recommendations. Reports are also tabled before the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC), where necessary. The reports were not tabled in Parliament.


The forensic report was tabled in council and was made public in March 2014. The reports were not tabled Parliament.

Nelson Mandela Bay

Forensic reports are submitted by the NMBM’s Internal Audit Unit to the Accounting Officer and Legal Services. Reports are then tabled at various Council Structures i.e. Audit Committee meetings, Municipal Public Accounts Committee meetings and thereafter the resolutions of MPAC are tabled at Council meetings. The reports were not tabled in Parliament.

(4) & (5) The table below illustrates the response as per municipality:

Metropolitan Municipality

Response to (4)

Response to (5)

Buffalo City

For the reasons that Council rescinded its original resolution in 2014 to investigate the aforesaid contracts due to procedural defects, the investigation was therefore discontinued.

On this matter no action was taken arising from the investigation as Council rescinded its original decision.

City of Johannesburg

The completion time for investigations is difficult to predict due to the nature of each case under investigation. However, efforts are put in place to ensure timely completion.

The recommendations emanating from forensic reports are implemented through disciplinary processes, civil recovery, and criminal actions.

City of Tshwane

Same as above.

The recommendations emanating from forensic reports are implemented through disciplinary processes, civil recovery, and criminal actions. Disciplinary cases were finalised on 17 cases.


Same as above.

The recommended actions have been taken by management and this includes improving the control environment as well as corrective measures instituted against the implicated officials.


Not applicable. The investigation at eThekwini Metro has been completed.

The recommendations emanating from the forensic report have been partially implemented. Further, some of the allegations are still being investigated by law enforcement agencies.

Nelson Mandela Bay

The completion time for investigations is difficult to predict due to the nature of each case under investigation. However, efforts are put in place to ensure timely completion. The NMBM has requested the Provincial Treasury to assist the NMBM with forensic matters in order to complete investigations.

Forensic reports are tabled at various Council Structures i.e. Audit Committee meetings, MPAC meetings, and thereafter the resolutions of MPAC are tabled at Council meetings. Action by the NMBM is implemented in accordance with these resolutions.

The City of Cape Town and Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality indicated that they are not in a position to accede to my request to release details regarding forensic investigations. The City of Cape Town indicated that releasing information relating to forensic investigations would compromise future investigations, and the implementation of recommendations contained in such reports.

30 June 2016 - NW1559

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

(a) What amount did (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in the 2015-16 financial year and (b) how much has (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her budgeted for advertising in the 2016-17 financial year?"


(a) In the 2015/16 financial year –

(i) the Department of Science and Technology spent R5 902 582 on advertising; and

(ii) the entities reporting to the Minister of Science and Technology spent the following on advertising:


Amount (R)

Academy of Science of South Africa



Human Sciences Research Council

202 776,56


National Research Foundation

3 053 648,00


South African National Space Agency

1 649 695,00


Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

7 350 000,00


Technology Innovation Agency

410 286,26


(b) For the 2016/17 financial year –

(i) the Department of Science and Technology has budgeted R6 500 000,00 for advertising;

(ii) the entities reporting to the Minister of Science and Technology have budgeted the following for advertising:


Amount (R)

Academy of Science of South Africa



Human Sciences Research Council

230 000,00


National Research Foundation

1 833 839,00


South African National Space Agency

1 924 756,00


Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

6 360 000,00


Technology Innovation Agency

464 998,06


29 June 2016 - NW1476

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether any staff members of his department’s immigration services unit are owed any outstanding overtime salary payments; if so, (a) how many staff members are affected, (b) what is the total amount of outstanding overtime salary payments owed to the specified staff members, (c) for how long have the specified payments been outstanding and (d) what are the causes of the delays in making the specified payments?


(a) Based on our records as at 20 May 2016 there are 110 staff members from Immigration Services affected.

(b) The total amount is R658 012.69.

(c) The period outstanding varies from April 2015 to March 2016 for seven (7) staff members (costs incurred monthly). For seventy six (76) staff members, the costs were incurred in November 2015. For one (1) staff member, the costs were incurred in December 2015. For four (4) staff members costs were incurred between January and March 2016. For twenty two (22) of the staff members, the costs were incurred in March 2016. In view of this, the periods during which the payments have been outstanding vary.

(d) The causes for the delay in making the specified payments include: delayed submission of overtime claims for payment, and delayed authorisation for the payment of overtime claims.

29 June 2016 - NW1587

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Tourism

With reference to the tourism signage that will be erected on major roads, which he referred to in the opening remarks of his budget speech on 3 May 2016, (a) what criteria will be adopted to determine how road signage will be (i) chosen and (ii) implemented, (b) which (i) departments and (ii) committees will participate in this process and (c) what are the envisaged (i) commencement and (ii) final completion dates of this programme?


I would like to make the Honorable Member aware that in my speech I referred to the enhancement of signage and information at iconic national heritage sites rather than tourism signage on major roads.

However, with respect to signage on major roads, we have obtained the following information from the department of transport:

(a)(i) In terms of the National Road Traffic Act, N0. 93 of 1996 and its Regulations, various provincial and municipal authorities deicide on the erection of road traffic signs and tourism signage. The South African Road Traffic Signs Manual (SARTSM) and Southern African Development Community Road Traffic Signs Manual (SADCRTSM) also require that signage for tourism attractions be signed from the nearest numbered route and implemented.

South African Road Traffic Signs Manual (SARTSM) Volume 2, Chapter 4 gives guidance on Tourism Signage as well as the required committee structures which need to be put in place for the approval process. Part of the approval process is a site inspection to determine the safety of the access to the facility.

(ii) Once signs are approved by the committee structures they have to be manufactured according to the standards set by the SABS and erected at the approved sites.

(b)(i) – (ii) The processing of applications for tourism signs will be carried out by a Regional Tourism Liaison Committee (RTLC). Membership of the RTLC must include representatives of the Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO), the relevant road/provincial and/ or local authority for the region and the Local Tourism Organisation in the region.

With regard to the completion dates, I will refer to the completion of the iconic national heritage sites as follows:

(c) (i) (ii)

The committee structures as per SARTSM, Volume 2, Chapter 4 do not exist in all provinces or district municipalities. In the absence of such committees the relevant road authorities make the decision. Thus it is difficult to assign dates to the process as the functions of these committees as per SARTSM are ongoing since tourism facilities are continuously created/generated/produced.

However, in terms of the Department’s programme for tourism interpretative signage (which is not road signage) within the iconic national heritage sites, the date of commencement will be July 2016 for two iconic national heritage sites, and October 2016 for the next two iconic national heritage sites, with the final completion date envisaged for the end of December 2016 (as planned in the Department’s Annual Performance Plan for 2016/2017). This will be done through a Memorandum of Agreement with the management authorities of the sites. It is the management authorities who will be finally responsible for the implementation.

The management authority for the Nelson Mandela Capture Site, is the Apartheid Museum who manage the site on behalf of the Umgeni Municipality in KZN. The South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) is the management authority for the Mandela Stature (Union Buildings) and Victor Verster (Western Cape) and for Freedom Park (Gauteng) the management authority is the Freedom Park Trust.

27 June 2016 - NW1215

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Why is there still a court order in place for breaching of the uMfolozi River in KwaZulu-Natal when the river hits a certain level, given that iSimangaliso Wetland Park removed the historical dredge spoil to encourage the natural drainage of the specified river?


The removal of the dredge spoil will take years to complete. The current beach channel is frequently blocks, as the sand dune alongside it, collapses into it.

An interim court order was issued on 15 October 2015. This interim court order will remain in force until the court decides the matter has been finalised. A court date has been set for 19-20 May 2016.It should be noted that the interim court order stipulates, that breaching is permitted when the level of at Cotcane Farm reaches 1.2m above sea level.



23 June 2016 - NW564

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether any gold reserves are held by the Bank of England on behalf of South Africa; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, why; (2) (a) how many gold bars are held by the Bank of England on behalf of South Africa and (b) what is the value in rand of (i) each gold bar held and (ii) all gold bars held; (3) whether the gold reserves held by the Bank of England are (a) physically inspected and (b) audited by the South African Reserve Bank; if not, in each specified case, why not; if so, in each specified case, what are the relevant details; (4) whether any costs are incurred as a result of storing the gold bars in the Bank of England; if so, what is the (a) total cost and (b) breakdown of such costs?


(1) The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) regularly publishes on a monthly basis information on the official gold and foreign exchange reserves it holds. In line with international practices, the SARB holds a large percentage of South Africa’s gold reserves in vaults of official sector institutions at offshore bullion centres, including the Bank of England, while a smaller amount is held locally. It is operationally efficient to store gold at offshore bullion centres should the need arise to conduct gold transactions.

(2) (a) The latest “Information notice on the official gold and foreign exchange reserves of the SARB as at the 29 February 2016”, indicates that the value of the official gold reserves as at 29 February 2016 was US$4,96 billion, which is approximately 4 million fine ounces.

(b) The value in Rand terms, using US dollar/Rand exchange rate of ZAR15.17 (as at 9 March 2016) and the value of the official gold reserves as at 29 February, is approximately R75 billion.

(3) The SARB performs regular reconciliations on reports based on gold held at various local and international locations. Senior SARB officials conduct due diligence visits to inspect gold reserves held offshore on a regular basis. The last due diligence visit was conducted during 2015.The executive of the SARB is informed of the findings of the due diligence visit. As these report backs contain confidential information, they are not made publicly available.

(4) Storing gold at secure locations around the world usually attracts storage costs, however, these costs are miniscule in comparison to the value of the gold being stored. When transacting with gold trading counterparties, one would also incur transaction and transportation costs.

23 June 2016 - NW1628

Profile picture: Chance, Mr R

Chance, Mr R to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

(1)(a) How will her department be involved in the joint fund established by the Government and the private sector to support small business, as announced by the President, Mr Jacob G Zuma, on 9 May 2016, (b) how will the mandate of the specified fund differ from that of the Small Enterprise Finance Agency Ltd (SOC) and (c) by what date will the specified fund be fully operational;


(a) The joint private and public sector fund established by the private sector and Government under the auspices of National Treasury is a fund that is aimed at accelerating the scale-up of high-potential SMEs for jobs and growth. This fund will only address one part of the mandate which we call growth-focused support. The details of how the different departments will be involved in the establishment and operationalization of the fund are still being discussed by the parties.

(b) As mentioned in the President’s statement the focus of the fund is to provide “venture” capital-type funding and mentoring to the target groups, especially black entrepreneurs, Sefa does not provide venture capital funding but provides financial support through loans.

(c) The date of operationalizing the fund has not been finalised as the parties are still dealing with the details of setting up the fund and therefore it is envisaged that the dates will be announced once all systems are in place.

(2) whether her department will have an oversight function over the specified fund; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1798E

The parties are still in discussions regarding the operationalisation of the fund and as this fund’s mandate falls squarely on the Department of Small Business Development’s mandate the department will play a role in the fund.

22 June 2016 - NW1574

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)(a) What are the details of the conditions of service attached to appointment as a Commissioner of the Public Service Commission and (b) how is the salary package of a Public Service Commissioner structured; (2) what (a) medical aid, (b) housing assistance and (c) pension benefits are persons who are appointed as Commisioners entitled to; (3) whether any benefits extend beyond the term of service of a Public Service Commissioner; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether any recommendations have been made or measures have been put in place to have extended benefits implemented; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) (a) The conditions of service attached to appointment as a Commissioner of the Public Service Commission are determined by the President of the Republic and include provisions of Chapter 10 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (section 196), the Public Service Commission Act, 1997 and the conditions of service applicable to members of senior management service (SMS level) in the public service.

The President, acting in terms of section 6(1) of the Public Service Commission Act, determines the annual salaries and conditions of appointment of Commissioners. The conditions of appointment, (Including remuneration and other conditions of service) of a commissioner of the Public Service Commission are linked with the ‘comparable positions at the SMS level in the public service’.

Despite the linking of the salary dispensation of Commissioners with the SMS, the salary progression measures (notch increases) applicable to the SMS were not extended to Commissioners.

The condition of appointment determined by the President with effect from 1 April 2015, provides for the following inclusive flexible remuneration packages:


Package with effect from 1 April 2015


R1 267 806

Deputy Chairperson

R1 656 618


R1 706 694

(b) The package of a Commissioner of the Public Service Commission is structured as follows (i) basic salary, (ii) State’s contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund (GEPF) and (iii) a flexible portion.

The basic salary consists of 70% of the inclusive flexible remuneration package. The State’s contribution to the GEPF is calculated on the basic salary, Commissioners may structure their flexible portion into the following items:

   (i) Motor car allowance – to a maximum of 25% of the total package per annum

   (ii) 13th cheque – equal to one-twelfth of the basic salary, to be structuredd as a once-off non-pensionable bonus

   (iii) Medical Assistance – Contribution to a medical aid scheme

   (iv) Housing Allowance – An amount as decided by the member.

   (v) Non-pensionalbe cash allowance – Any remaining amount of the flexible portion.

(2) (a) The medical aid benefit forms part of the inclusive remuneration package.

(b) The housing allowance forms part of the inclusive remuneration package.

(c) The State’s contribution to the GEPF forms part of the inclusive remuneration package.

(3) No benefits extend beyond the term of service of a Public Service Commissioner, since the conditions of appointment (Including remuneration and other conditions of service) applicable to Members of the Public Service Commission, which are determined by the President does not provide for extension of benefits beyond the term of office of a Commissioner.

(4) Falls away, since there are no benefits extended beyond the term of serve of a Commissiner of the Public Service Commission.

20 June 2016 - NW1554

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Police

(a) What amount did (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising in the 2015-16 financial year and (b) how much has (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him budgeted for advertising in the 2016-17 financial year?


(a)(i) The South African Police Service spent R39,821 million for advertising in the 2015-16 financial year. Advertising include amongst others, advertisements for filling of vacant positions, publishing of tenders, marketing on television and radio as well as promotional items.

(ii) PSIRA, CSP and IPID to respond.

(b)(i) The South African Police Service budgeted to spend R29,813 million for advertising in the 2016-17 financial year.

(ii) PSIRA, CSP and IPID to respond.

20 June 2016 - NW1633

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

(1)Whether a certain person (name and details furnished), who attended the SA Police Service (SAPS) training college in Gauteng from approximately 27 March 2015 to December 2015, is in any way related to a certain person (name and details furnished); if so, what are the relevant details of their relationship; (2) what charges were laid against a certain person in respect of certain cases (name and details furnished) and (b) what is the current status of each case; (3) whether any charges laid against a certain person (name furnished) have been withdrawn; if so, (a) on what date were charges withdrawn in each case, (b) who withdrew the charges and (c) what were the reasons for withdrawing the charges; (4) whether the specified person has a criminal record; if so, (a) what are the full relevant details, (b) which other charges were laid against the specified person and (c) what is the current status of each case; (5) what criteria were used to assess the specified person’s suitability to become (a) a SAPS trainee and subsequently (b) a member of the SAPS?


1. Yes. He is the son of the person whose name and details were furnished.

(2)(a) Assault common (Park Road CAS 978/01/2011), Domestic Violence related, and malicious damage to property (Park Road CAS 528/05/2010).

(2)(b) Both case dockets were withdrawn and filed.

(3) Yes.

(3)(a) The charge for Park Road CAS 528/05/2010 was withdrawn on 11 May 2010 and the charge for Park Road CAS 978/01/2011 was withdrawn on 30 March 2015.

(3)(b) Park Road CAS 528/05/2010 was withdrawn by the Public Prosecutor and Park Road CAS 978/01/2011 was withdrawn by the complainant.

(3)(c) Park Road CAS 528/05/2010 was finalised in court by way of alternative dispute resolution and in the case of Park Road CAS 978/01/2011 the complainant indicated that she did not want to continue with the case as she was relocating to Cape Town. She indicated that the case was going to take too much of her time.

(4) No.

(4)(a) Not applicable.

(4)(b) Not applicable.

(5)(a) The person was subjected to psychometric testing, physical assessment, interview, medical evaluation, fingerprints and met all the requirements for enlistment as a Police Trainee.

(5)(b) The person is on a two year contract in terms of the Memorandum of Agreement and will only be permanently appointed as a member of the South African Police Service on successful completion of the prescribed training.

20 June 2016 - NW1263

Profile picture: Balindlela, Ms ZB

Balindlela, Ms ZB to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With reference to the Concept Document on the Introduction of the Three Stream Model in the Basic Education Sector dated 11 April 2016, which refers to a target of 60% learners having access to vocational education, (a) how will this be split between (i) technical vocational and (ii) technical occupational and (b) on what basis was this target determined; (2) how much will it cost to equip 14 592 schools with workshops and trained teachers or artisans to implement the specified curriculum by 2030; (3) (a) will the (i) technical vocational and (ii) technical occupational streams be made available to (aa) learners with disabilities and (bb) learners without disabilities and (b) at what age will provision be made for learners to enter these streams in each case; (4) with reference to the statement in the specified document of amendments that will be required to be made to the South African Schools Act, Act 84 of 1996, as amended and the Admissions Policy to allow for learners to obtain workplace skills experience in business and industry, when is this draft legislation expected (a) to be finalised and (b) to come before the National Assembly in the form of a Bill?


(1) (a) (i) and (ii) The split of the target of 60% learners between the technical vocational stream and the technical occupational stream has not yet be determined and will only be done after conducting of audits and rigorous financial planning.

(b) The target of 60% learners enrolled in technical vocational education is based on best international practice.

(2) The costing of the expansion of the number of schools that offer technical vocational and technical occupational programmes has not yet been determined given that the number of schools will be realised progressively over the coming years. The Department of Basic Education recognises that the cost of technical vocational education is high and that implementation will go hand in hand with a reengineering of the whole institutional landscape within the basic education sector. The number of targeted schools will be further refined once the audit of existing schools of skill has been completed and projections for expansion made, based on determination of exact resource requirements. The audit questionnaire is currently being finalised.

(3) (a) (i) and (ii) (aa) and (bb) Yes, both the Technical Vocational and the Technical Occupational stream will be made available to learners with and without disabilities

(b) Learners will be able to enter the technical vocational stream at the age of 15 and the technical occupational stream at the age of 14.

(4) (a) The draft Vocational Occupational qualification will only be finalised and the Learning Programmes piloted in 2017, for introduction in 2018. No amendments to legislation will be proposed before 2018 at the earliest.

20 June 2016 - NW1626

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation owes any (a) actors and/or (b) musicians any royalties; if so, what is (i) the name of each person owed, (ii) the amount owed to each specified person and (iii) by when will the outstanding royalties be paid in each case?


The payment of royalties to individual artists are managed by the collecting agencies/societies SAMRO, SAMPRA, AIRCO, IMPRA, RISA, CAPASSO. Therefore, the SABC does not pay Royalties to individual artists but to collecting Societies.








20 June 2016 - NW1348

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) How many staff members have left the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) since the previous Chief Executive Officer, Mr Lumko Mtimde, left the MDDA in June 2014;(2) (a) how many MDDA staff members have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014, (b) what are the (i) names of the staff members investigated and (ii) reasons in each case, (c) by whom were the staff members investigated, (d) how many were found guilty and (e) what were the charges in each case; (3) whether any of the disciplinary investigations against any of the specified staff members were carried out without following proper procedures which resulted in their resignations before processes could be completed; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether she will make all supporting documents of the specified investigations available; if not, why not; if so, by when; (5) what type of information disseminated by a MDDA staff member will result in disciplinary investigations given that the MDDA is a public entity and must be open and transparent?


(1) The staff members who have left the MDDA since the previous Chief Executive Officer, Mr Lumko Mtimde, totals 11.

(2) (a) No MDDA staff members have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(b) (i) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(ii) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(c) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(d) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(e) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(3) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(4) Not applicable as no staff have been investigated on disciplinary grounds by the acting senior management of the MDDA since 1 June 2014.

(5) Any information that might bring the Agency into disrepute, which is disseminated by a MDDA staff member will result in disciplinary investigations given that the MDDA is a public entity and must be open and transparent.









20 June 2016 - NW1624

Profile picture: Atkinson, Mr P

Atkinson, Mr P to ask the Minister of Economic Development

(1)What (a) was the initial loan amount given to Oakbay Resources and Energy by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to fund the purchase of the Shiva uranium mine, (b) amount of the specified loan plus accrued interest was paid back to the IDC before the remainder of the loan was converted into equity and (c) were the reasons for the IDC registering a (i) mortgage bond to the value of R250 million and (ii) general bond to the value of R 250 million over the specified mine’s assets; (2) was any further consideration given to the specified mine for the specified bonds; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether any steps have been taken by the IDC to protect its interest in its investment(s) in the specified mine, such as acquiring a director for the board; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) (a) what was the final amount converted to equity of the loan given by the IDC to Oakbay Resources and Energy to purchase the Shiva mine, (b) how did the IDC determine the value for the shareholding percentage of the converted equity and (c) what residual amount remains owing to the IDC after the specified loan was converted to equity; (5) whether the IDC granted any other loans to (a) Oakbay Resources and Energy, (b) any other Oakbay Investments entity and/or (c) any other company linked to the Gupta family; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?NW1794E


I have been furnished with a reply by the CEO of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), Mr Geoffrey Qhena, on the matters covered by the question. The reply follows:


The IDC has been requested to respond to a question asked in parliament by Mr P G Atkinson (DA). Set out below is IDC’s response to the question.


(a) What was the initial loan amount given to Oakbay Resources and Energy by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to fund the purchase of the Shiva uranium mine?


The initial loan amount given to Oakbay Resources and Energy was R250 million.

(b) What amount of the specified loan plus accrued interest was paid back to the IDC before the remainder of the loan was converted into equity and;


None of the capital amount (R250 million) was converted to equity.

To date a total of R137.5 million of capital repayments have been received in line with the settlement agreement concluded during 2014 and the remaining balance is R112.5 million with the next capital instalment of R37,5 million due in June 2016.

The return (based on 10% RATIRR) of circa R257 million at the time of signing the restructuring agreement was converted into shares on listing date at share price of R9. This represented a 10% discount on the IPO listed share price.

After the restructuring in addition to the shares (referred to above) an interest of prime +2% is levied and will be repaid on 31 March 2018 as a lump sum.

(c) What were the reasons for the IDC registering a (i) mortgage bond to the value of R250 million and (ii) general bond to the value of R 250 million over the specified mine’s assets;


The bonds were registered to secure the IDC loan to the company.


Was any further consideration given to the specified mine for the specified bonds; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


The following security packaged was taken:

  • Mortgage bond
  • General Notarial Bond including debtors
  • Cession and pledges of shares


Whether any steps have been taken by the IDC to protect its interest in its investment(s) in the specified mine, such as acquiring a director for the board; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


The above mentioned (2) security package protects the IDC’s interest in Oakbay Resources and Energy. No board seats were taken as the security package was considered adequate to secure IDC’s interest.


(a) what was the final amount converted to equity of the loan given by the IDC to Oakbay Resources and Energy to purchase the Shiva mine,


None of the capital amount (R250 million) was converted to equity. The return of R257 million was converted into equity as explained in the answer to question 1(b).

(b) How did the IDC determine the value for the shareholding percentage of the converted equity and


Oakbay was listed at R10 a share with market capitalisation of R8 billion. The value was supported by the Mineral Asset Valuation of uranium and gold resources and property, plant and equipment in the balance sheet. The Mineral Asset Valuation was done by an independent firm, in terms of SAMVAL Code.

The Competent Persons Report (CPR) valuation, compiled by Mineral Corporation valued the mineral resource in excess of R6 billion, and PPE valued the other assets such as plant and equipment at R2 billion bringing the total to R8 billion. The Corporate Advisor and Sponsor (SASFIN Capital) supported the R10 per share listing price.

(c) What residual amount remains owing to the IDC after the specified loan was converted to equity;


Since the equity was not converted the whole capital of R250 million remained as the residual amount.


Whether the IDC granted any other loans to (a) Oakbay Resources and Energy,


No other loans were granted to Oakbay Resources and Energy.

(b) any other Oakbay Investments entity and/or (c) any other company linked to the Gupta family; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


No other loans were granted to any other Oakbay Investments entity and/or (c) any other company linked to the Gupta family.


20 June 2016 - NW1503

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether her department was approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether her department provided any form of funding to any political party (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(1) (a)(i) N/A (DoC did not exist)

(ii) N/A (DoC did not exist)

(iii) No

(b) No

(2) No, the Department’s limited funds are geared towards its operations and strategic projects.









20 June 2016 - NW1625

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

What are the relevant details of the processes followed by the SA Broadcasting Corporation in deciding to air 90% local content on its radio stations?


ICASA sets the minimum local content quota that the SABC needs to meet, but it does not prohibit the SABC from exceeding that quota. The SABC in its effort to address the outcry by local artists that most of the royalties paid to artists leave the country, as less local content is played on SABC platforms, a decision was therefore taken by the SABC that local content quotas will be increased.