Questions and Replies

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19 June 2017 - NW1459

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)(a) What number of programmes were commissioned by the SA Broadcasting Corporation in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years, (b) what (i) budget was allocated for each programme, (ii) was the title of each programme and (iii) amount was actually spent and (c) on what date was each programme completed; (2) (a) what number of the programmes were actually broadcast and (b) on what date in each case?


For (1) and (2), attached herewith please find Annexure 1 and Annexure 2 on details received from the SABC in relation to the programmes commissioned and broadcasted during 2014-15 financial year and during 2015-16 financial year. Auditing on the 2016-17 details has not been concluded.

19 June 2017 - NW1336

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN


Has the Public Service Commission received disclosures of interest in terms of section 12(3) of the South African Police Service Employment Regulations of 2008 from the Minister of Police for (a) the National Commissioner, (b) the Deputy National Commissioner, (c) each of the Provincial Commissioners and (d) any person acting in any of the specified positions in the (i) 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14, (iii) 2014-15, (iv) 2015-16 and (v) 2016-17 financial years; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


The requirement to disclose financial interests by Public Servants is regulated by the Financial Disclosure Framework. This Framework was introduced in March 2000 with the requirement that all Heads of Department (HoD) and employees on post level 15 in National and Provincial Departments should disclose their registrable interests on the form determined for this purpose by the Public Service Commission (PSC). In May 2001, the Financial Disclosure Framework was incorporated into the Public Service Regulations (PSR), 2001 and extended to cover all members of the Senior Management Service (SMS i.e. levels 13 to 16). These Regulations have since been repealed by the PSR, 2016, which came into effect on 1 August 2016.

Prior to the implementation of the PSR, 2016 the disclosure of financial interests was made in terms of Chapter 3 C.1 of the PSR, 2001, which stipulated that every designated employee (SMS member) shall, not later than 30 April each year, disclose to the relevant Executive Authority, particulars of all her/his registrable interests in respect of the period 1 April of the previous year to 31 March of the year in question. Any person who assumed duty as a designated employee after 1 April in a year was required to make such a disclosure within 30 days after assumption of duty in respect of the period of 12 months preceding her/his assumption of duty. The Executive Authorities were required to submit copies of the forms on which the designated employees disclosed their financial interests, to the PSC by not later than 31 May of each year. These provisions of the PSR, 2001 were retained in new PSR, 2016.

The submission of financial disclosure forms by the National Commissioner, Deputy National Commissioners and Provincial Commissioners between the period 2012/2013 and 2015/2016 are indicated in Tables 1 to 3 below:

Table 1: Submission of financial disclosure forms by the National Commissioner/Acting Commissioner between the period 2012/2013 and 2015/2016


Financial Years






Phiyega MV

(National Commissioner)





On suspension

Phahlane JK

(Acting National Commissioner)






Table 1 above shows that the National Commissioner of the SAPS submitted her financial disclosure forms consistently between the financial years 2012/2013 and 2014/2015. The PSC did not receive the financial disclosure form of the National Commissioner in respect of the 2015/2016 financial year. This is apparently due to the fact that she has been placed on special leave during this period. The financial disclosure forms of the current Acting National Commissioner were submitted consistently between the period 2012/2013 and 2015/2016.

The submission rate of financial disclosure forms by Deputy National Commissioners is shown in Table 2 below:

Table 2: Submission of financial disclosure forms by the Deputy National Commissioners between the period 2012/2013 and 2015/2016


Financial Years






Masemola SF

(Operational Services)



Transferred to Limpopo as Provincial Commissioner

(Please see Table 3 below).

(Post not provided for in the structure)

(Post not provided for in the structure)

Lebeya SG

(Crime detection)



Termination of service

(Post not provided for in the structure)


(Post not provided for in the structure)

Mofomme AL

(Physical Resource Management)



Termination of service

(Post not provided for in the structure)


(Post not provided for in the structure)

Mazibuko NNH

(Human Resource Management)




(Post not provided for in the structure)


(Post not provided for in the structure)

Dramat A

(Directorate of Priority Crime Investigations)



Termination of service

(Replaced by Ntlemeza BM)


Ntlemeza BM

(Directorate of Priority Crime Investigations)




(Acting in the post vacated by Dramat A)


Schutte SJP

(New Structure: Resources Management )


Submitted as a Divisional Commissioner


Submitted as a Divisional Commissioner


Submitted as Deputy National Commissioner Asset and Legal Management/ Resources Management


Submitted as Deputy National Commissioner Asset and Legal Management/ Resources Management

Mbekela CN

(Corporate Service Management: name changed to Human Resource Management in 2016)




Termination of service

Mgwenya BC

(Chief Operations Officer)




Post of Chief Operations Officer was abolished. Official was moved to the re-established post of Deputy National Commissioner Human Resource Management


Molefe J

(Executive Legal Officer)





Resigned 31-08-2016

Table 2 above shows that the ten (10) officials who are/were on the level of Deputy National Commissioner in the SAPS submitted their financial disclosure forms for the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 financial years. During the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial years, the SAPS experienced certain changes relating to the incumbency of the posts of Deputy National Commissioner. The following changes were experienced:

  • Masemola SF, who was the Deputy National Commissioner responsible for Operational Services, was transferred to the Limpopo Province as a Provincial Commissioner. The PSC was informed that subsequent to this transfer, the post of National Commissioner: Operational Services was not provided for on the structure of the SAPS during the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial years. In view thereof, the financial disclosure form of the incumbent of the post of Deputy National Commissioner: Operational Services was not expected during these periods.
  • The services of Lebeya SG, who was the Deputy National Commissioner responsible for Crime Detection, were terminated. The PSC was informed that subsequent to this termination, the post was not provided for on the structure of the SAPS during the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial years. In view thereof, the financial disclosure forms of the incumbent of the post of Deputy National Commissioner: Crime Detection were not expected during these periods.
  • The services of Mofomme AL, who was the Deputy National Commissioner responsible for Physical Resource Management, were terminated. The PSC was informed that subsequent to this termination, the post was not provided for on the structure of the SAPS during the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial years. In view thereof, the financial disclosure forms of the incumbent of the post of Deputy National Commissioner: Physical Resource Management were not expected during these periods.
  • Mazibuko NNH, who was the Deputy National Commissioner responsible for Human Resource Management, retired from the service. The PSC was informed that subsequent to this retirement, the post was not provided for on the structure of the SAPS during the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial years. In view thereof, the financial disclosure forms of the incumbent of the post of Deputy National Commissioner: Human Resource Management were not expected during these periods.
  • The services of Dramat A, who was the Deputy National Commissioner responsible for the Directorate of Priority Crime Investigations, were terminated during 2014/2015 financial year. This official was replaced by Ntlemeza BM in an acting capacity during the 2014/2015 financial year. Ntlemeza BM was subsequently appointed permanently to this position and his financial disclosure form for 2015/2016 financial year was submitted. Table 2 shows further that Ntlemeza BM has been submitting his financial disclosure forms consistently between the 2012/2013 and 2015/2016 financial years.
  • Schutte SJP submitted the financial disclosure form as Divisional Commissioner during the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 financial years. During the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial years the official submitted the financial disclosure forms as Deputy National Commissioner: Asset and Legal Management/Resources Management.
  • Mbekela CN, who was the Deputy National Commissioner responsible for Corporate Service Management (name changed to Human Resource Management in 2016) submitted the financial disclosure forms consistently between the period 2012/2013 and 2014/2015. The services of this official were terminated during the 2015/2016 financial year. In view thereof, the financial disclosure form of this official was not expected during the 2015/2016 financial year.
  • Mgwenya BC submitted the financial disclosure forms consistently between the 2012/2013 and 2015/2016 financial years. During 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 financial years the official was occupying the post of Chief Operations Officer. The PSC was informed that the post of Chief Operations Officer was abolished during the 2014/2015 financial year. The official was then moved to the re-established post of Deputy National Commissioner: Human Resource Management.
  • Molefe J submitted the financial disclosure forms consistently between the 2012/2013 and 2015/2016 financial years. Although the official resigned from the SAPS during the 2015/2016 financial the financial disclosure form for this period was submitted prior to the resignation.

The submission rate of financial disclosure forms by Provincial Commissioners is shown in Table 3 below:

Table 3: Submission of financial disclosure forms by the Provincial Commissioners between the period 2012/2013 and 2015/2016



Financial Years






Eastern Cape

Binta CC





Free State

Sitole KJ




Replaced by Mpembe TS



Mpembe TS

Submitted as Limpopo Provincial Commissioner




Petros M


Contract expired

Replaced by Mothiba LJ




Mothiba LJ


Submitted as Divisional Commissioner: Visible Policing


Replaced Petros LJ as Provincial Commissioner




Ngobeni BM






Mpembe TS




Submitted as Free State Provincial Commissioner


Masemola SF


Submitted as Deputy National Commissioner


Submitted as Deputy National Commissioner




Ntobela TR



Contract expired on





Nogwanya VM


Submitted as Provincial Head: Legal and policy services


Appointed as Acting Provincial Commissioner on



The official returned to his/her substantive post of Provincial Head: Legal and Policy Services


Submitted as Provincial Head: Legal and Policy Services


Magadlela MD


Submitted as Provincial Head: Detective Services: Mpumalanga



Appointed as Provincial Commissioner on



North West

Mbombo MZN




Retired on




Tsumane LJ




Submitted as Provincial Head: Detective Services


Acting on a vacant post of Provincial Commissioner

Northern Cape

Basson JD




Retired on




Shivuri RP



Submitted as Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Policing


Appointed as Provincial Commissioner on



Western Cape

Lamoer AH




Contract expired on




Patekile TE


Submitted as Provincial Head: Operations Coordination: Eastern Cape




Appointed as Provincial Commissioner pointed as on


  • Yes: denotes that the Minister submitted the financial disclosure forms of officials to the PSC.
  • No: denotes that financial disclosure forms were not received by the PSC during the financial year in question.
  • N/A: denotes that financial disclosure forms were not expected by the PSC during the financial year in question.

Table 3 above shows that all the officials within the SAPS who were occupying or acting in the posts of Provincial Commissioner, submitted their financial disclosure forms for the period between 2012/2013 and 2015/2016 financial years. The Table also shows that there were changes in relation to the incumbency of posts. These changes and the effects thereof on the state of compliance with the requirements to submit financial disclosure forms are explained in the following paragraphs:

  • Sitole KJ was replaced by Mpembe TS as Provincial Commissioner for the Free State Province during 2014/2015. In view thereof, the financial disclosure forms in respect of the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial years were not expected from Sithole KJ.
  • Mpembe TS submitted the financial disclosure forms as Provincial Commissioner: Limpopo during 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 financial years. He was transferred to Free State during 2014/2015 where submitted his financial disclosure forms for the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial years.
  • The employment contract of Petros M expired during the 2013/2014 financial years, and was replaced by Mothiba LJ as Provincial Commissioner: Gauteng. The financial disclosure form of Petros M was submitted in respect of the 2012/2013 financial year. This was the only period when a financial disclosure form was expected from this official. Mothiba LJ submitted the financial disclosure forms as Provincial Commissioner: Gauteng between the period 2013/2014 and 2015/2016 financial years. He had previously been submitting as Divisional Commissioner: Visible Policing.
  • Masemola SF replaced Mpembe TS as Provincial Commissioner: Limpopo during the 2014/2015 financial year. This official (Masemola SF) submitted the financial disclosure forms as Deputy National Commissioner in respect of the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 financial years. The financial disclosure forms of the official were also submitted in respect of the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial years.
  • The employment contract of Ntobela TR expired during 2013/2014 after the official had submitted the financial disclosure forms as Provincial Commissioner for Mpumalanga in respect of the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 financial years. Nogwanya VM was appointed Acting Provincial Commissioner on 3 November 2013. The financial disclosure forms of Nogwanya VM were submitted consistently between the period 2012/2013 and 2015/2016 financial years as Provincial Head: Legal and Policy Services.
  • Magadlela MD was appointed as a Provincial Commissioner with effect from 1 February 2015. This official (Magadlela MD), who was initially the Provincial Head of Detective Services in Mpumalanga has been submitting his financial disclosure forms consistently between the periods 2012/2013 and 2015/2016.
  • Mbombo MZN, who was the Provincial Commissioner for North West, retired during 2014/2015 financial year (on 31May 2015). The financial disclosure forms of this official were, however, submitted in respect of the period between 2012/2013 and 2014/2015 financial years. He was replaced by Tsumane LJ who is the Provincial Head of Detective Services in an acting capacity. Tsumane LJ has been submitting the financial disclosure forms consistently between the periods 2012/2013 and 2014/2015 financial years.
  • Basson JD who was the Provincial Commissioner for the Northern Cape submitted the financial disclosure forms consistently between the period 2012/2013 and 2014/2015. The official retired from the service on 31 August 2015 and was replaced by Shivhuri RP. The latter has been submitting the financial disclosure forms consistently between the period 2012/2013 and 2015/2016 financial years. The official was previously occupying the post of Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Policing.
  • Lamoer AH who was the Provincial Commissioner for the Western Cape, submitted the financial disclosure forms in respect of 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 financial years. The employment contract of the official expired on 30 November 2015. The official’s financial disclosure form for the 2014/2015 financial year was not submitted. This form was supposed to have been submitted in view of the fact that the contract expired seven (7) months after the due date for the submission of financial disclosure forms.
  • Lamoer AH was replaced by Patekile TE as Provincial Commissioner for the Western Cape with effect from 9 January 2016. The official (Patekile TE) submitted the financial disclosure forms consistently between the period 2012/2013 to 2015/2016 financial years. The official was initially occupying the post of Provincial Head: Operations Coordination in the Eastern Cape.

The due date for the submission of financial disclosure forms for the 2016/2017 financial year was 31 May 2017. The PSC is still capturing data relating to that.

19 June 2017 - NW1391

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)Have any officials in his department been implicated during an investigation by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) into a syndicate that offered acceptances for medical students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in exchange for cash; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) does his department have any oversight mechanisms in place monitoring the fairness of the student application process at universities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


  1. The Minister is not aware of any official in the Department who has been implicated in the Hawks investigation into a crime syndicate offering acceptances for medical students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
  2. Public higher education institutions are governed in terms of the Higher Education Act (Act No 101 of 1997, as amended) and their respective statutes. The Act clearly stipulates that the public higher education institutions established in terms of this Act are juristic persons (section 20(4)); as such, they enjoy a large degree of autonomy. The Act empowers Councils to govern universities, which entails determining the admission policy, entrance requirements in respect of particular higher education programmes, number of students who may be admitted for a particular higher education programme, manner of their selection and minimum requirements for readmission to study at the public higher education institution concerned. As part of their governance role, Councils must exercise effective oversight over the implementation of these policies.

Currently there are no existing mechanisms to monitor the student application process at universities; however, the Department is in the process of developing the Central Applications Service.











19 June 2017 - NW1144

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(a) How many submarines does the SA National Defence Force have, (b) how many of the specified vessels are (i) operational, (ii) non-operational and serviceable and/or (iii) non-operational and unserviceable state, (c) how long has each vessel been in this state and (d) (i) what are the reasons for each vessel’s current state and (ii) how can this be prevented in the future?


(a) How many submarines does the SANDF have?


(b) How many of the specified vessels are operational?

(i) At present two of the three are operational.

(b) How many of the specified vessels are non-operational and serviceable?

(ii) One of the submarines is non-operational and serviceable.

(b) How many of the specified vessels are non-operational and unserviceable state (sic)?

(iii) N/A.

(c) How long has each vessel been in this state?

Apart from the two operational submarines the third submarine has been in a refit period from 2014.

(d) What are the reasons for each vessels’ current state?

(i) A refit period normally takes 24 months. Delays when experienced are attributed to funding and long lead times for the delivery of spares.

(d) How can this be prevented in the future?

(ii) N/A.

19 June 2017 - NW1169

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether, following the outcry by the Director-General of the Compensation Fund that the pace and magnitude of outcry for improving service delivery in the Compensation Fund is racing ahead of the entity’s control, she has taken any steps to assist the Compensation Fund to drastically improve its service delivery in order to ensure that social security is provided in line with sections 26 and 27 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Steps taken to assist the Compensation Fund to improve its service delivery include, but not limited;

1. The Introduction of CF-Filing;

The objective of the project improve the turn-a-round time for an employer to register with the Compensation Fund, submit Return of Earnings online, process an immediate online payment and receive the Letter of Good Standing. The project is at an advanced stage and will be launched before the end of 2017.

2. The Introduction of Online Claims System;

The Fund implemented a new claims management system in 2014. This has resulted in visible improvements in the Fund’s service delivery. The system provides an online platform for employers and medical service providers to submit claims on line which facilitates speedy adjudication of claims. Plans are in place to continue to enhance the system with the objective of improving the claims turnaround time.

3. Improving the Call Centre system;

A new and improved call centre system is in the process of being implemented. The objective is to implement a system that will ensure that the service from the call centre to the back office is well managed in order to ensure that inquiries are responded to in the shortest time possible.

4. Realigning the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) to enhance benefits and service delivery;

The process of aligning COIDA so that it is in-line with the 21st century environment in order to ensure that is capable of responding to the service delivery needs, is at an advanced stage. We will soon be asking Cabinet to give us approval to publish the draft COIDA Amendment Bill for public comment.

19 June 2017 - NW1499

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD


Whether (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her procured any services from and/or made any payments to (i) a certain company (name furnished) or (ii) any other public relations firms; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) was the total cost, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of such payments?



The Department of Public Service and Administration has not procured any services and/or made any payment to Bell Pottinger. The Department never required any services from Bell Pottinger.


b)(i) The National School of Government (NSG) did not procure any services from Bell Pottinger

(ii) The NSG did not procure any services from any other public relations firms

The NSG did not have any need for such services.


(b) (i) No-the CPSI did not have any need to procure from the said company

(ii) No the CPSI did not have any need to procure from any other public relations firms

(aa) Not applicable

(bb) Not applicable

(cc) Not applicable

(dd) Not applicable

(ff) Not applicable


19 June 2017 - NW1583

Profile picture: Madisha, Mr WM

Madisha, Mr WM to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Whether, with reference to his replies to question 27 on 2 March 2016, question 287 on 14 March 2016 and question 1155 on 10 May 2016, and in view of the leaked e-mails that have been published in the media recently, which indicate that he had travelled to Switzerland with a number of members of a certain family (name furnished) and a certain person (named furnished), he travelled to Switzerland with the specified family members and the specified person in 2015; if not, how did he travel to Switzerland; if so, (a) what were the circumstances of the specified trip and (b) what is his relationship with the specified person?


In confirmation and further to the responses to questions 287 on 14 March 2016 and question 1155 on 10 May 2016, the Minister and officials from the department made an official trip as part of his mandate and in keeping with the undertakings made to avoid job losses.

Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

19 June 2017 - NW1131

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 221 on 6 March 2017, the requested information has been received from the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi); if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date is the information expected; if so, by what date will she communicate it?



  1. Consumer Studies: Ms D J Brown and Ms CM van Pletzen
  2. Agricultural Sciences: Dr F Khumalo and Mr SM Gcwensa
  3. Agricultural Management Practices: Mr TA Tshabang and Mr SM Gcwensa
  4. Agricultural Technology: Mr TA Tshabang and Dr F Khumalo
  5. Music: Mr F Lewis and Ms Z Temmingh
  6. Dance Studies: Ms S Botha
  7. Design: Ms G Cowan
  8. Dramatic Arts: Dr LP Singh and Mr MF Hoosain
  9. Visual Arts: Ms C Delport
  10. Information Technology: Prof D Govender

19 June 2017 - NW1212

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her has (i) procured any services from and/or (ii) made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) were the total costs, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of the costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of the payments in each case?



(a) DBE



Procured any services from the Decolonisation Foundation

DBE has not procured any services from or made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation



Made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation



Services that were procured




The total costs




Detailed breakdown of the costs




The total amount paid




Purpose of the payments




Detailed breakdown of the payments






Procured any services from the Decolonisation Foundation

SACE has not procured any services from or made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation



Made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation



Services that were procured




The total costs




Detailed breakdown of the costs




The total amount paid




Purpose of the payments




Detailed breakdown of the payments





Procured any services from the Decolonisation Foundation

Umalusi has not procured any services from or made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation



Made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation



Services that were procured




The total costs




Detailed breakdown of the costs




The total amount paid




Purpose of the payments




Detailed breakdown of the payments


19 June 2017 - NW1618

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether any outstanding value-added tax (VAT) refunds were due from the SA Revenue Service (SARS) to a certain company (OAKBAY ENTERPRISES) for each of the past three tax years; if so, (2) whether any VAT refunds were paid to the specified company in 2017; if so, (a) what amount of the VAT refund was paid and (b) into which bank account was the VAT refund paid; (3) whether the value-added tax refund paid to a certain company (name furnished) was audited; if so, what time period did it take SARS to audit the VAT refund; (4) whether the bank account in which the refund was paid was verified as belonging to the specified company in that the company furnished SARS with copies of identification documents, stamped letters from the bank and proof of address; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) whether any legal advice was sought on the legal ramifications of SARS paying the specified refund; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details of the legal opinions obtained from (i) the legal advisors of SARS and (ii) any external legal advisors and (b) were these legal opinions taken into account when the decision was taken to effect the refund payment?


The South African Revenue Service is, in terms of the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Tax Administration Act, bound to treat all taxpayers’ affairs as confidential and may not divulge any aspects pertaining to the affairs of any taxpayer.

The Commissioner can therefore not divulge any details relating to this matter.

19 June 2017 - NW1127

Profile picture: Chance, Mr R

Chance, Mr R to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 217 on 6 March 2017, the requested information has been received from the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi); if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date is the information expected; if so, by what date will she communicate it?


The 2016 National Senior Certificate (NSC) External Moderator Reports for the above listed subject found that the subject question papers covered the scope and depth of the examinable content, examined the appropriate levels of cognition and difficulty outlined in the assessment syllabus and examination guideline of the examination assessment body. See external moderator’s reports in the accompanying USB flash drive.

19 June 2017 - NW1619

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether, with reference to the reported value-added tax (VAT) refund to a certain company (name furnished) around the first week of June 2017, the specified company requested that the specified refund be paid into (a) a foreign bank account and/or (b) an attorney’s trust account; if so, (2) was the refund paid into a foreign bank account and/or an attorney’s trust account; if so, in each case, who authorised the payment; (3) whether the tax affairs of the (a) specified company and (b) associated family (name furnished) and any other associated persons are handled by the VIP unit of the SA Revenue Service (SARS); if so, what are the (i) provisions that the SARS VIP unit rely on to handle the tax affairs of the specified taxpayers and (ii) detailed reasons for the SARS VIP unit to handle the tax affairs of the specified taxpayers?


The South African Revenue Service is, in terms of the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Tax Administration Act, bound to treat all taxpayers’ affairs as confidential and may not divulge any aspects pertaining to the affairs of any taxpayer.

The Commissioner can therefore not divulge any details relating to this matter.

19 June 2017 - NW986

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With reference to her reply to question 490 on 31 March 2017, has any attempt been made by her department to settle on a working definition of decolonisation as it pertains to the school curriculum; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) (a) how have colonial powers influenced the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) curriculum since it was introduced in 2011, (b) why is decolonisation of the curriculum a process and not an event and (c) what is a fully transformed curriculum policy regime; (3) since indigenous knowledge systems are already taught as part of the science curriculum, what steps need to be taken to ensure that learners are fully immersed in the indigenous knowledge systems; (4) will Newton’s Laws and Application of Newton’s Laws remain part of the physical science syllabus in a decolonised curriculum?


1. The Department of Basic Education has not formulated a definition of the term “decolonisation”, nor has it settled on a “working definition” of it as it pertains to the school curriculum. The reason for this is that decolonisation as a concept or term is not mentioned in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement. However, Section 1.3 (c) of the policy does point out the principles that the policy is based on and includes, for example, social transformation; human rights, inclusivity, environmental and social justice; and valuing indigenous knowledge systems.

2. (a) The Curriculum and Assessment Policy statement was crafted by South African education experts and stakeholders, upholding the values of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, and colonial powers have not influenced this process of development or its implementation in the education sector.

(b) Decolonisation of the curriculum is a process and not an event, as the development, review, assessment and strengthening of Curriculum in itself cannot be a once-off event. South Africa has developed and then reviewed several school curricula since 1998 as a process and the current CAPS of 2011, whilst hailed by many as the best Curriculum Statement to date, is also currently being subject to a process of review and strengthening.

(c) A fully transformed curriculum policy regime was referred to and explained in response to Internal Question Paper 09/2017, Question 490(c). It refers to a fully transformed policy reflecting the principles of CAPS and incorporating relevant policy documents that direct the content of all subjects, direct the assessment thereof and stipulate the requirements for promotion and progression of learners.

3. Steps to be taken to ensure that learners are fully immersed in the indigenous knowledge systems;

  • Indigenous knowledge advocacy in the form of expos, heritage site visits etc.
  • Inclusion of indigenous knowledge holders in local communities to link indigenous knowledge and school knowledge.
  • Promotion of play based learning through indigenous games.
  • Integration of indigenous knowledge in the social cohesion programmes.
  • Collaboration with Department of Arts and Culture, Heritage Councils and other relevant stakeholders.

4. A number of scientific laws, for example Newton’s Laws and applications thereof are part of the Physical Sciences curriculum. Scientific laws and applications thereof will remain part of any future curriculum as they provide foundational knowledge in science.

19 June 2017 - NW1094

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) What is the expected revenue and financial benefit for the South African National Parks (SANParks) regarding the proposed Malelane Safari Lodge in the south of the Kruger National Park, (b) were any monies exchanged between private and government entities during the period 01 January 2007 to 31 December 2010 regarding the approval of this project, (c) why has the project stalled for almost a decade and (d) why does her Department continue to approve this project despite the fact that a traffic assessment study has not been completed, as ordered by the last impact review process?


Malelane Safari Lodge:

a) The expected revenue will be higher than the minimum rentals of 6% of actual revenue.

Minimum Rentals are as follows:

Year 1 - R864, 525.55.

Year 2 - R1, 152,700.73.

Year 3 - R1, 440,875.91.

Year 4 - R1, 602,063.32.

Year 5 onwards - R2, 161,313.87.

b) No monies were exchanged.

c) Due to long public participation processes, further delays has recently been experienced due to the BEE partners contractual disputes, the EIA approval was only received in April 2016.

d) The construction of the lodge itself has no impact on the Traffic Impact Assessment associated with the access road in the different projects. The final alignment of the access road will be informed by all the required studies. This EIA study on the realignment of the access road will still commence.


19 June 2017 - NW1186

Profile picture: Purdon, Mr RK

Purdon, Mr RK to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Whether her department followed due processes of public participation in processing the application for the proposed Spitskop West Wind Energy facility; if not, why not; if so, (2) why did her department accept and condone the gross underrepresentation of potential and registered interested and affected parties in this application (details furnished); (3) whether officials from her department were in any way (a) aware of and/or (b) involved in the actions of certain persons (names furnished) who engaged with 22 interested and affected parties without advising AVDS Environmental Consultants?


1. I am advised that on 5 October 2016, Gestamp and Sarge Wind (Pty) Ltd, lodged an application in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, 2014, with the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) (the competent authority for this application) for the proposed construction of the 140 MW Spitskop West Wind Energy Facility and its associated infrastructure near Cookhouse within the Blue Crane Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province.

In terms of record, the applicant commissioned an independent environmental consultancy, Terramanzi Group (Pty) Ltd, to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the above application. The final Scoping Report was received on 18 November 2016 and was conditionally accepted on 23 January 2017. DEA received the draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAr) for review and comment on 18 April 2017 and is awaiting submission of the final EIAr for review and consideration within the stipulated timeframes as outlined in the EIA Regulations, 2014, as amended. The Department has however not yet received the final EIAr, and hence the EIA process has not yet been concluded and the Department has advised therefore not made any decision on the application yet.

Honourable Member will know by now, that environmental assessment practitioner (EAP),
Mr Fabio Venturi of Terramanzi Group (Pty) Ltd., is responsible for the public participation process in terms of the requirements of the EIA Regulations, (please see regulations) 2014 as amended, and not the DEA. As such, the competent authority is not responsible for the actual public participation process and the applicant’s EAP would have to “follow due processes of public participation”. DEA is however required to review the final EIAr as part of its decision-making process to determine whether the methods used by the EAP during the public participation process, have met the legal requirements of the EIA Regulations, 2014. As DEA is still awaiting the submission of the final EIAr, it is not yet in a position to determine whether the “due process of the public participation process” as well as the requirements of the EIA Regulations, 2014 were met.

2. In terms of the department’s knowledge to date, not been any “acceptance or condonation of any alleged underrepresentation” of registered I&APs. Details of the public participation process (followed and to be followed) as contained in the scoping report was thus far deemed acceptable, hence the scoping report was accepted. The EIA process is, I am further advised, still underway, including consultation, and DEA is awaiting the submission of the final EIAr.

3. (a) As indicated above, the EAP is responsible for the public participation process according to the EIA Regulations, 2014, requirements; and

(b) DEA is not involved in any aspect of the actual public participation process. Proof of the public participation process conducted notifications, meetings held, and comments received, and so forth, form part of the final EIA which is still to be submitted by the EAP. Officials from DEA were therefore not privy to such details at this. Please note that I am the Appeals Authority in this matter and all such matters and therefore unable and unwilling to get into further correspondence and engagement on this matter for reasons related to fairness and remaining legally compliant and above board. I will only be able to deal with the responses to the Appellant , should there be one at the time when such an appeal may be received.


19 June 2017 - NW1379

Profile picture: Nkomo, Ms SJ

Nkomo, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether, with reference to the Medical Schemes Act, Act 131 of 1998, he has found it to be just and in the interests of the provision of medical cover to all South Africans, that late joiners to medical aids, especially people over the age of 35 years are penalized in terms of paying higher medical aid rates because of them not being a member of a medical aid scheme at the age of 35 (details furnished); (2) would he consider motivating to cabinet to have this section of the Act repealed in the interests of making medical aid cover more financially accessible to new members over the age of 35; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) Late joiner penalties (LJP) forms part of the regulations made in terms of the Medical Schemes Act, 1998 (Act No. 131 of 1998) ("the Act")). Regulations 11 and 13 of the said regulations, refer to instances where a member wants to join a medical scheme after the age of 35 and LJP is determined by the number of years that a person was not a member of a scheme (from the age of 21) prior to the application for membership of a medical scheme. The LJP is aimed at protecting the accumulated risk pool funds from being accepted by high risk late joiners who have not contributed to them. It is also meant to incentivize people to join a medical scheme at an earlier age so that the penalty can be mitigated/avoided. There are circumstances that prevent persons from joining a Medical Scheme at an early stage. For such persons a late joiner penalty is unjust.

(2) The application of the LJP is discretionary and a scheme can choose not to apply to a member after applying to join a medical scheme after the age of 35. The Department is currently in the process of preparing amendments to the Medical Schemes Act. The matter of the Late Jointer Penalty is being reviewed as part of this process.


19 June 2017 - NW1093

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) What is the estimated cost for the construction of the Shangoni Gate accommodation and tourist complex in Giyani, (b) what is the budget for the upgrade of roads within the Kruger National Park, (c) will the roads be tarred, and (d) will the gate facilitate (i) entry and (ii) exit to Mozambique for local and foreign nationals?


(a) The estimated construction cost (2017) for the Shangoni Entrance Gate, tourism facilities (Camping site, tented site and picnic site) and tar road is R263 million.

(b) The current funding available is R25 million.

(c) Yes, the roads will be tarred.

(d) The new Shangoni Entrance gate will be used for (i) entry and (ii) exit of all guests visiting the park. We do not have a requirement nor mechanism to segregate entry into Park for nationals on the one hand and foreign nationals on the other.


19 June 2017 - NW1245

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her (i) procured any services from and/or (ii) made any payments to the Black Empowerment Foundation; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) was the total cost, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of such programmes in each case.


  1. (b) No.

19 June 2017 - NW1134

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 224 on 5 April 2017, the requested information has been received from the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi); if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date is the information expected; if so, by what date will she communicate it?


The names of the external moderators of the 2016 National Senior Certificate examination are:

(a) English First Additional Language - Ms MP Bembe and Dr L G Bull

(b) IsiNdebele First Additional Language - Mr PJ Masilela

(c) IsiZulu First Additional Language - Ms T Ngobese and Mrs FM Khuboni

(d) Setswana First Additional Language - Ms SFC Sehume-Hlakoane and Dr M Lesete

(e) Siswati First Additional Language - Mr J Mashego and Dr PM Lubisi

(f) IsiXhosa First Additional Language - Ms P Maqhude and Mrs NS Beyile

(g) Xitsonga First Additional Language - Mr TB Maswanganyi

(h) Tshivenda First Additional Language - Ms J Nedzharata and Mr L Sundani

(i) Sepedi First Additional Language - Dr NI Magapa, Ms V Masha

(j) Sesotho First Additional Language - Mr MP Thito and Ms. M Matsabisa

19 June 2017 - NW1130

Profile picture: Dreyer, Ms AM

Dreyer, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 220 on 6 March 2017, the requested information has been received from the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi); if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date is the information expected; if so, by what date will she communicate it?


a) Life Sciences: Dr P Preethlall and Ms PB Majozi

b) Physical Sciences: Dr J Govender, Mr P Struweg, Mr VM Palan and Ms P Zuma

c) Mathematics: Prof P Pillay, Prof N Heideman, Dr C Kriek and Dr R Govender

d) Mathematical Literacy: Dr R Singh and Mr M Hendricks

e) Geography: Ms Z Shabalala and Ms E Powell

f) History: Mr Q Koetaan, Mr E Smuts, Dr S Seetall

g) Religious Studies: Dr W Willemse and Mr A Botha

h) Life Orientation: Ms M Bernard-Phera and Ms F Hendriks

i) Hospitality Studies: Ms S Ismail and Ms C Koekemoer

j) Tourism: Dr L Punt and Mr R Johnson

19 June 2017 - NW1389

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

With regard to the total number of students receiving funding from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) in the 2016 academic year, what is the reason for the discrepancy between the figure of total number of students stated in his reply to question 606 on 24 April 2017 as 470 352, and the figure of 405 000 quoted by a certain person (name and details furnished) during a presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education on 3 May 2017?


The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) provided the Department on 4 April 2017 with unaudited data for the 2016 academic year. The unaudited 470 352 NSFAS funded students consisted of 244 488 university and 225 864 Technical and Vocational Education and Training college students as stated in my response to Parliamentary Question 606. Audited 2016 numbers will be submitted upon completion of the external 2016/17 audit process currently underway at NSFAS.

The 405 000 students mentioned by the NSFAS Chairperson refers to the Medium Term Strategic Framework 2016 targeted number of students to be funded.

The difference between the targeted number of students and unaudited funded students is due to the additional allocation NSFAS received for historic debt funding during the 2016 academic year.











19 June 2017 - NW1439

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

With reference to his reply to question 1545 on 11 May 2015, (a) what amount of money did his department allocate to (i) implement and (ii) manage the 112 emergency call centre programme listed under Programme 4 of her department’s 2017 Budget Vote and (b) what is her department’s plan of action for the emergency call centre programme?


With reference to Question 1545, I have been advised by the Department as follows:

(a) (i) No budget was allocated to implement the 112 emergency centre in 2017/18 financial year.

(ii) No budget was allocated to manage the 112 emergency centre in 2017/18 financial year.

(b) The 112 emergency call centre programme is not part of the Department’s current financial year deliverables.

The Budget Programme structure of the Department, which informs its programmes and sub-programmes was determined by National Treasury in 2009, following the last time the Department was restructured. Since then, there has been major changes including the change to the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) however there has never been a change to the Programme Budget Structure hence all our Estimates of National Expenditure (ENE) documents and allocation still reflect this outdated Programme Structure. Similar examples are the Digital Terrestrial Television which is still reflected as a sub-programme under Programme 5 and Programme 4 still has SMME Enterprise development.

Following the current restructuring process in line with the new DTPS mandate, the Department will approach National Treasury to revise its Programme Structure accordingly so that going forward the ENE and allocations are done in line with a Budget Programme structure that is reflective of the organisational structure.

19 June 2017 - NW1457

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)Whether a new funding model is being explored for the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether she intends to table an amendment to the Broadcasting Act, Act 4 of 1999, as amended, so that those persons viewing SABC programmes via electronic devices such as cellphones‚ tablets and laptops are brought into the SABC revenue stream; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, on what date does she intend to table the amendment?


1. Yes. This matter is a work in progress, details will be released when consultation has been concluded.

2. An Amendment to the Broadcasting Act, Act 4 of 1999 is currently before Parliament,

19 June 2017 - NW1462

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)With regard to a certain contract (name furnished), (a) what was the initial budget allocated for the outsourcing of the service to redesign the SA Broadcasting Corporation’s (SABC) website, (b) why did the service need to be outsourced and (c) how many staffers are employed in the SABC’s IT division; (2) whether a tender process was followed to appoint the specified company; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the tender process that was followed; (3) (a) who did the shortlisting, (b) who decided to appoint the specified company to provide this service, (c) what was the total value amount of the contract tendered, (d) what total amount has been paid to the specified company to date and (e) what was the quality of work delivered by the specified company?


According to the SABC:

(1)  (a) an amount of R 4 550 000 excluding VAT was budgeted for redesign of the SABC seven websites, (b) due to lack of skills and requisite expertise, (c) the business unit (BIT) currently employes five (5) technical and development resources who have to develop and maintain/support 26 websites of the SABC.

(2) an unsolicited proposal was received from the service provider and the entitiy was appointed through deviation in line with the SABC Supply Chain Management Policy.

(3) there was no shortlisting, the appointment was endorsed by the three executive directors, the contract value amount to R4 550 000 excluding VAT, an amount of R4 550 000 excluding VAT has been paid to date, the New Metro FM website bears reference.

19 June 2017 - NW1589

Profile picture: Lekota, Mr M

Lekota, Mr M to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)(a) What is his position regarding allegations that (i) a certain family (details furnished) was involved in his appointment as the Minister of Mineral Resources and (ii) his CV was forwarded to a certain person (name furnished) and (b) what is his relationship with the specified family; (2) who (a) organised his trip to Dubai in December 2015 and (b) paid for the trip?


1. a). The President appoints Ministers and assigns their powers and functions and may dismiss them.

  1. b). They are mining industry stakeholders.

2 a and b). The trip was organized and paid for by the Department of Mineral Resources.


Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

19 June 2017 - NW1797

Profile picture: Khawula, Ms MS

Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

(1)Which entities reporting to her (a) have a board in place and (b) do not have a board in place, (i) of those that have a board, (aa) when was each individual board member appointed and (bb) when is the term for each board lapsing and (ii) how many (aa) board members are there in each board and (bb) of those board members of each entity are female; (2) with reference to entities that do not have boards in place, (a) who is responsible for appointing the board and (b) when will a board be appointed? NW2005E


Not applicable.


Approved by the Minister on


19 June 2017 - NW1337

Profile picture: Redelinghuys, Mr MH


Has the Public Service Commission (a) referred any potential conflicts of interest in terms of section 16(1) of the South African Police Service Employment Regulations of 2008 to the Minister of Police and (b) received any report from the Minister of Police in terms of section 16(2) of the specified regulations in the (i) the 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14, (iii) 2014-15, (iv) 2015-16 and (v) 2016-17 financial years; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


The PSC scrutinized financial interests of SMS members of the South African Police Service (SAPS)/Department of Police for the 2012/2013 to 2015/2016 financial years in terms of Chapter 3 G of the Public Service Regulations (PSR), 2001. Regulation 16(1) of the SAPS Employment Regulations of 2008 is a derivative of Chapter 3 of the PSR, 2001. Both PSR, 2001 and Regulation 16(1) provide that if the PSC is of the opinion that a registrable interest of a designated employee conflicts or is likely to conflict with the execution of any official duty of that employee, the PSC shall refer the matter to the relevant Executive Authority. Upon such referral, the EAs were expected to consult with the employee concerned and take appropriate steps. The EAs were also expected to report to the PSC within 30 days from the date of the referral, with information on actions taken subsequent to the referral. If no actions were taken, the EAs were supposed to provide reasons thereof.


(i) No. The PSC did not refer any matter to the Minister of Police (the Minister) relating to conflicts of interest during the 2012/2013 financial year. Due to capacity constraints, the PSC could not scrutinise all the financial disclosure forms that were submitted in respect of the 2012/2013 finical year.

(ii) Yes. The PSC consulted with the forty (40) officials within the SAPS, whose registrable for the 2013/2014 were construed to be posing potential conflicts. The purpose of the consultations was to determine the following:

  • The extent of the involvement of the officials in the companies.
  • Whether the officials perform any remunerative work outside their normal duties for the companies.
  • Whether the involvement of the officials in the companies could lead to actual conflicts of interest.

In terms of Chapter 3 G of the PSR, 2001 the PSC was supposed to refer matters to the relevant Executive Authority in cases where an opinion was held that a conflict of interest existed or was likely to occur. Subsequent to the consultations the PSC referred the forty (40) cases of potential conflicts of interests identified through the scrutiny of financial disclosure forms submitted for the 2013/2014 financial year to the Minister in terms of Chapter 3 G of these PSR, 2001. It was recommended to the Minister that the Minister should provide advice to the officials concerned on the following issues:

  • Manage potential conflicts of interest so that they do not lead to actual conflicts of interest.
  • Disclose all their registrable interests on an annual basis.
  • Seek prior permission to conduct Remunerative Work Outside the Public Service.
  • Refrain from conducting business with the State

A further recommendation was made that the Minister should consult with the employees who were found to have not disclosed all their registrable interests, to determine the reasons for not fully disclosing their registrable interests and thereafter, consider charging these officials with misconduct for not complying with Chapter 3 of the PSR. The Minister was requested to revert to the PSC within 30 days from the date of receipt of the letter from the PSC, with information on actions taken subsequent to the referral. If no actions were taken, the Minster was requested to provide the reasons thereof.

(iii) Yes. The PSC consulted with the twenty seven (27) officials within the SAPS, whose registrable for the 2014/2015 were construed to be posing potential conflicts. The purpose of the consultation was to determine the following:

  • The extent of the involvement of the officials in the companies.
  • Whether the officials perform any remunerative work outside their normal duties for the companies.
  • Whether the involvement of the officials in the companies could lead to actual conflicts of interest.

In terms of Chapter 3 G of the PSR, 2001 the PSC was supposed to refer matters to the relevant Executive Authority in cases where an opinion was held that a conflict of interest existed or was likely to occur. Subsequent to the consultations the PSC referred the twenty-seven (27) cases of potential conflicts of interests identified through the scrutiny of financial disclosure forms submitted for the 2014/2015 financial year to the Minister in terms of Chapter 3 G of these PSR, 2001. It was recommended to the Minister that the Minister should provide advice to the officials concerned on the following issues:

  • Manage potential conflicts of interest so that they do not lead to actual conflicts of interest.
  • Disclose all their registrable interests on an annual basis.
  • Seek prior permission to conduct Remunerative Work Outside the Public Service.
  • Refrain from conducting business with the State

A further recommendation was made that the Minister should consult with the employees who were found to have not disclosed all their registrable interests, to determine the reasons for not fully disclosing their registrable interests and thereafter, consider charging these officials with misconduct for not complying with Chapter 3 of the PSR. The Minister was requested to revert to the PSC within 30 days from the date of receipt of the letter from the PSC, with information on actions taken subsequent to the referral. If no actions were taken, the Minster was requested to provide the reasons thereof.

(iv) Yes. The PSC scrutinised the financial disclosure forms in terms of Regulation 21(1) of the PSR 2016. In terms of this Regulation, the PSC must assess compliance with the requirement to disclose all financial interests and also to establish whether the involvement of officials in any activities of the companies could lead to conflicts of interest. It was found that sixty-one (61) officials within the SAPS did not disclose all their registrable interests. The PSC advised the Minister to consult with the officials concerned to determine the reasons for not fully disclosing their registrable interests and thereafter, consider taking disciplinary action against these officials for not complying with the requirements of the Financial Disclosure Framework, in terms of the Disciplinary Code and Procedures, as contained in the SMS Handbook.

The scrutiny also revealed that there were ninety-one (91) officials whose financial interests could be construed as posing potential conflicts of interest. In view of the likelihood that these officials could use State resources to further their private interests, the PSC advised the Minister to consult with the officials concerned to discuss the steps to remove the conflicts of interest in terms of Regulation 21(1)(c). The Minister was also advised that should the officials fail to take appropriate steps to remove the conflicts of interests after such consultation had taken place, the Minister must, in terms of Regulation 21(1)(d) cause disciplinary action to be taken against the officials concerned.

There were officials within the SAPS, with whom the PSC had consulted in the previous financial years and was satisfied with the explanation given regarding the officials involvement in companies. The PSC advised that the involvement of these officials in companies must be tightly monitored to ensure that they do not lead conflicts of interest. The Minister was also advised that should it transpire that such involvement poses potential conflicts of interest, the Minister should take the necessary steps in terms of Regulation 21(1)(c) and (d) as indicated above.

The PSC also found that seven hundred and sixteen (716) officials within the SAPS complied with the Financial Disclosure Framework and are not involved in activities that could be construed as posing potential conflicts of interest. In view thereof, no further action was required from the Minister with regard to the said officials.

The Minister was requested, in terms of Regulation 21(1)(e) of the PSR, 2016, to revert to the PSC within 30 days of receipt of the letter from the PSC with an indication as to whether any steps were taken regarding the PSC’s findings. If steps were taken, a description of those steps was to be provided. If no steps were taken, the Minister was requested to kindly provide the reasons thereof.

(v) No. The due date for the submission of financial disclosure forms in respect of the 2016/2017 financial year was 31 May 2017. The PSC is currently capturing statistics relating to the submission of these forms. The scrutiny of the financial disclosure forms has not been commenced with yet.

(b) No. The PSC has never received any report from the Minister of Police in terms of Chapter 3 G of the PSR, 2001 or in terms of Regulation 21 of the PSR, 2016.


19 June 2017 - NW1451

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

How many (a) persons employed at cultural organisations were assessed against the Child Protection Register in the (i) 2014, (ii) 15, (iii) 16 and (iv) 2017 calendar years and (b) of the specified persons were found not suitable to work with children in each case ?


We do fund legitimate and credible cultural organisations, these are Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s). Because they are independent from government we are not involved in their employment process.

19 June 2017 - NW1486

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether (a) her Department and (b) each entity reporting to her procured any services from and/or made any payments to (i) a certain company (name furnished) or (ii) any other public relations firms; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) was the total cost, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments, and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of such payments?


(a) No

(i) Not applicable.

(ii) Not applicable.

(aa) Not applicable.

(bb) Not applicable.

(cc) Not applicable.

(dd) Not applicable.

(ee) Not applicable.

(ff) Not applicable.

(b) Public Entities

South African National Parks (SANParks)

(i) No. SANParks has not procured any such services.

(ii) No. SANParks uses its own internal resources for communications and public relations work.

(aa) Not applicable.

(bb) Not applicable.

(cc) Not applicable.

(dd) Not applicable.

(ee) Not applicable.

(ff) Not applicable.

South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)

(i) No. SANBI has not procured any such services.

(ii) SANBI procured the services of Hippo Communication.

(aa) Hippo Communication services were procured to promote Kirstenbosch’s events through the media, including the Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset concerts.

(bb) The total cost to Hippo Communication is R38 775.96.

(cc) The detailed breakdown of such costs is as follows:

  • Monthly retainer for April 2017: R12 127.32.
  • Monthly retainer for May 2017: R12 127.32.
  • Monthly retainer for June 2017: R12 127.32.
  • Facebook boosts to advertise Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concerts in March, was invoiced in April 2017: R2 394.00.

(dd) The total amount paid so far is R26 648.64 (Invoice for June retainer is still to be paid).

(ee) The Kirstenbosch events office uses the Public Relations agency called Hippo Communications to help promote Kirstenbosch’s events through the media, including the Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset concerts, SANBI’s Kirstenbosch-South Africa Chelsea Flower Show exhibit, and the Kirstenbosch Winter Wonders campaign.

(ff) The detailed breakdown of such payments is as follows:

  • Monthly retainer for April 2017: R12 127.32 was paid on 23 March 2017.
  • Monthly retainer for May 2017: R12 127.32 was paid on 10 May 2017.
  • Facebook boosts to advertise Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concerts in March, invoiced in April 2017 (R2 394.00), was paid on 24 April 2017.


(i) No. Isimangaliso has not procured any such services.

(ii) No. Isimangaliso uses its own internal resources for communications and public relations work.

(aa) Not applicable.

(bb) Not applicable.

(cc) Not applicable.

(dd) Not applicable.

(ee) Not applicable.

(ff) Not applicable.

South African Weather Service (SAWS)

(i) SAWS has not procured any such services.

(ii) We have procured the services from Litha Communications in January 2017.

aa) We procured support for Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations Management from Litha Communications.

(bb) SAWS has a 12 months contract with Litha Communications for a total cost of R1.14m.

(cc) January –March 2017 (511 hrs)

  • Research current SAWS documents and reports.
  • Compile Strategies: Stakeholder Relations, Media and Communications Strategy.
  • Crisis communications, Interim communication Plan.
  • Community needs survey.

April-June 2017 (320 hrs)

  • Update Media and Communications Strategy.
  • Development of a Corporate Resource Mobilisation Strategy.
  • Development of a CSI Strategy.
  • Development of a 5-year Marketing Strategy and Implementation Plan.
  • Public Relations (media briefings, content, advisory articles etc.).

July-September 2017 (285 hrs):

  • Roll-out of approved 5 year Marketing Plan.
  • Roll-out of approved strategies.
  • Public Relations (media briefings, content, advisory articles, etc.).
  • Stakeholder Relations (meetings, invitations, partnerships, etc.).
  • Resource mobilisation strategy (monthly action list and recommendations).

October-December 2017 (229 hrs):

  • Public Relations (media briefings, content, advisory articles, etc.).
  • Finalisation of the relevant strategies and preparations for Board approvals.
  • Roll-out of approved strategies.
  • Stakeholder Relations (meetings, invitations, partnerships, etc.).

(dd) To date, SAWS has paid R434 350 to Litha Communications (for the period: January-March 2017).

(ee) Purpose of the payments:

  • Drafting of Media and Communications Strategy.
  • Conduct SAWS Stakeholder Research.
  • Positioning and messaging support to SAWS stakeholders.
  • Development of a SAWS Media and Communications Strategy.
  • Development of a SAWS Stakeholder Engagement Strategy.
  • Development of a Commercial Marketing Plan for the Agricultural Sector.
  • Capturing of community weather needs from completed survey questionnaires..

(ff) January 2017: R123 250.

February 2017: R175 100.

March 2017: R136 000.


19 June 2017 - NW1133

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 223 on 6 March 2017, the requested information has been received from the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi); if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date is the information expected; if so, by what date will she communicate it?


The names of the external moderators of the 2016 National Senior Certificate examination are:

(a) IsiNdebele Home Language – Mr P.J. Masilela

(b) IsiZulu Home Language – Ms C Maphumulo and Dr I.K. Mndawe

(c) Setswana Home Language - Prof P.M. Sebate and Mr Godfrey S Molaotse

(d) Siswati Home Language – Dr P.M. Lubisi and Mr S.Z. Simelane

(e) IsiXhosa Home Language - Mr S.M. Matsolo and Mr H.M. Matshingana

(f) Xitsonga Home Language – Ms L Ndobela and Ms T.B. Maswanganyi

(g) Tshivenda Home Language - Ms J Nedzharata and Mr L Sundani

(h) Sepedi Home Language -Ms D.M. Mampuru and Prof M.J. Mojalefa

(i) Sesotho Home Language - Ms P Mohapi

(j) Afrikaans First Additional Language – Mrs. M Venter and Dr D Lawrence

19 June 2017 - NW1082

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether he has been informed of the situation where opportunities for placements for nursing students who are not bursars and who completed their degrees in nursing have been withdrawn and/or rejected by the South African Internship and Community Service Programme and that they are therefore prevented from starting their compulsory community service year, whereas opportunities for placements for students who are bursars have been accepted and their community service year started on 2 January 2017 already; if so, (2) whether he can provide a full explanation as to why a distinction is made between nonbursar nursing students who completed their studies and those who paid for themselves when placements are made for community service; if not, (3) whether he will investigate the specified practice; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) During the 2016/17 cycle for community service placements, there was a challenge in placing all Professional Nurses eligible for community service as some provinces had incorrectly stated their available posts. This impacted both provincial bursary holders as well as privately funded graduates.

(2) In accordance with Public Service Regulations, all provincial departments are compelled to contractually obligate bursars to serve their respective departments for a stipulated period of time. Failure to redeem the bursary obligation results in the money having to be paid back by the bursar. Approximately 76% of all Professional Nurses who required a community service placement in 2016/17 had a contractual obligation to serve in a particular public health facility, district or province.

(3) The National Health Council has reviewed the matter in-depth and has requested provinces to urgently avail the posts required for the remaining group. The National Health Council resolved on 12 May 2017 that this process should be completed by 31 May 2017. I, in consultation with the provincial Members of the Executive, has written to each province to request a specific number of posts per province, to accommodate all the waitlisted individuals.

The National Department of Health has also been tasked to investigate how to improve post co-ordination and funding to avoid such challenges going forward.



19 June 2017 - NW1193

Profile picture: Stander, Ms T

Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What amount has been spent on (i) researching and (ii) producing the Government’s new Max condoms, (b) to whom was the contract(s) awarded in each case, (c) what is the (i) budget and (ii) actual amount spent to date and (d) what is the total number of condoms that have been (i) produced and (ii) distributed to date?


(a) (i) The research on MAX condoms was conducted by the Society for Family Health (SFH), on behalf of the Department of Health, through funding from the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) amounting to R420,000.

(ii) The production and distribution of the Max Condom is done on a tender basis. The current tender is for 3 years. It was awarded in July 2015 and is expiring in June 2018.

(b) The three-year contract was awarded to the following suppliers: Almika Trading, Barrs Medical, Bliss Pharmaceutical, Fulloutput, Medproc, RRT Medcon, SA Health Protecting services, Unitrade, and Medicore Technologies.

(c) (i) The budget allocated is R836,000,000.

(ii) The expenditure to date is R654,229,431.

(d) (i)-(ii) From the period: August 2015 to March 2017, the total number of MAX condoms produced and distributed to date is 1,333,121,613.


19 June 2017 - NW1132

Profile picture: Steenkamp, Ms J

Steenkamp, Ms J to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 222 on 6 March 2017, the requested information has been received from the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi); if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date is the information expected; if so, by what date will she communicate it?



  1. Computer Applications Technology: Mr MJ Chiles and Ms W Uys
  2. Civil Technology: Mr T Haas
  3. Electrical Technology: Mr D Hanekom and Mr IE Hearne
  4. Mechanical Technology: Mr MP Moodley and Mr P Naidoo
  5. Engineering Graphics and Design: Mr A Bagus and Mr MP Moodley
  6. Accounting: Ms D Woodroffe and Mr J Mamaile
  7. Business Studies: Mr S Naicker and Mr D Macpherson
  8. Economics: Mr E Pretorius and Ms PP Ntuli
  9. Afrikaans Home Language: Prof. A Coetser and Ms S Fourie
  10. English Home Language: Mrs F Suliman. Ms S Maharaj and Dr V Moodley

19 June 2017 - NW1096

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(a) What has been the income generated directly for SA National Parks (SANParks) by franchise and concession operators in the Kruger National Park for each of the past 10 years in terms of (i) tour operators, (ii) private open-safari vehicle operators, (iii) private lodges and (iv) private restaurant franchises and operators and (b) where are these figures reflected in SANParks' annual financial statements?



(i) On tour operators, SANParks only has information for the last four years as follows:

  • 2013/14 R66 866 711 million
  • 2014/15 R65 471 604 million
  • 2015/16 R76 641 603 million
  • 2016/17 R83 305 805 million

(ii) Private open-safari vehicle operators operate under permit system and their income is not shown separately it is reflected under conservation fees.

(iii) The income from private lodges is R187.4 million over the last ten years.

(iv) The income from private restaurant franchises and operators is R231.3 million over the last yen years.

(b) Yes. The figures are reflected in the SANParks Annual Financial Statements.


19 June 2017 - NW1178

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)(a) What is the total number of cases that were investigated by the forensic unit of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) since 1 May 2014, (b) what are the amounts involved in each case and (c) how many cases resulted in (i) disciplinary action, (ii) criminal procedures and (iii) no action whatsoever; (2) what is the stated deadline for conclusion of each case where disciplinary procedures were instituted; (3) with regard to the cases that resulted in no action being taken, (a) why has no action been instituted in respect of the specified cases and (b) when will the investigation be concluded in this regard; (4) how many of the SABC employees who are currently being investigated by the forensic unit have been identified in other reports, including the Special Investigating Unit report, the Auditor-General's report of 2009 and other similar investigations by audit firms; (5) how does her department intend to resolve the matter of unethical conduct at the SABC?


(1), (2), (3) and (4) Thirty-seven (37) reports were issued, table herewith below provides a summary of all reports issued for the period 01 May 2014 to 31 March 2017.

(5) The SABC has been directed to (i) review relevant policies including human resource policies, (ii) ensure participation of all employees during the review process, (iii) ensure awareness of all policies,(iv) and ensure compliance thereof, amongst others.


January 2014 – March 2014









Airtime Outside Broadcasts

Missing Petty Cash


05 December 2014

Allegations of missing petty cash

(Non-Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Accounting Officer and Financial Manager failed to comply with Cash Transactions Policy in that they did not record all cash movements, did not issue receipt, did not do cash counts and balance floats.

Disciplinary Action to be instituted against the Line Manager and the Employee.

Disciplinary Action

Dennis Harold

Awaiting Management Action


Security Tender review


02 December 2014

Review into security tender processes

(Non-Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Irregularities in the current security tender process.

New security tender process to be started.

Rectification of control environment

Madoda Shushu

Awaiting Management Action


Metro FM


28 November 2014

Allegation of unauthorised broadcast of a Campaign

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Elements of the campaign were broadcast on Metro FM without authorisation.

Disciplinary Action to be instituted against employees involved.

Disciplinary Action

Hazel Tlhabanyane

Awaiting Management Action


BIT – Missing Equipment


19 November 2014

Alleged missing equipment at BIT

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Allegations were found to be unsubstantiated.

BIT should implement a proper system of control for all items purchased.

Rectification of control environment

Lorraine Sefolo

Awaiting Management Action


Unethical Behaviour


04 November 2014

Commissioning Editor allegedly performing additional work without permission

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Allegations of additional work being performed were found to be unsubstantiated.

No evidence could be found to substantiate the allegations; therefore we could not recommend any corrective action.

No Action required

Jacqueline Setai

No action required


Verification of qualifications


28 October 2014

Alleged misrepresentation of qualifications

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Allegations that the qualifications were misrepresented were found to be unsubstantiated.

No evidence could be found to substantiate the allegations; therefore we could not recommend any corrective action.

No Action required

Anton Heunis

No action required


GM: Channels


21 October 2014

Allegations leveled against GM: Channels

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

The GM: Channels failed to disclose his Business Interests.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against GM: Channels

Disciplinary Action

Verona Duwarkah

Awaiting Management Action

Lotus FM



29 September 2014

Alleged misrepresentation pertaining to the funds raised during the Warm Hearts Campaign

(Unethical Behaviour)

No proper documentation of shoes bought and distributed, were kept for reconciliation and audit purposes.

Progressive disciplinary action to be instituted against former Marketing Manager and the Programmes Manager.

Progressive Disciplinary Action

Zolisile Mapipa

Vincent Tsoenyane

Awaiting Management Action

North West Province

Executive Producer – News and Current Affairs


25 September 2014

Alleged irregular appointment of the Executive Producer – News and Current Affairs

(Non compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Candidates were interviewed by a panel and the successful candidate was selected by the panel.

Human Resources failed to keep all the interview packs on record.

Human Resources must ensure that all interview documentation is kept for record purposes.

Recruitment Policy to be reviewed.

Rectification of control environment

Dingaan Feliti


Radio 2000

Irregular claims


16 September 2014

Irregular claims submitted by On Air Radio Presenter

(Non compliance to Policies and Procedures)

No new contract in place for 2015 after changes were made to the contract amount and an overpayment of R400.00 in October 2013.

Progressive disciplinary action to be instituted against the Programmes Manager

The amount of R400.00 to be recovered from the On Air Radio Presenter.

Progressive Disciplinary action and Recovery

Carlito Sheikh

Completed. Progressive hearing held.

Free State & Northern Cape Province

Abuse of vehicles - Kimberley


25 August 2014

Misuse of SABC Vehicle at the News offices in Kimberley

(Non compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Assignment Editor used a SABC Vehicle for private purposes and without completing the necessary ML4 forms.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against Radio Assignment Editor and Acting Regional Editor.

Disciplinary action

Mamontha Motaung

Action in progress

Commercial Enterprises

Review of RAP Studios Payments


25 August 2014

Review of payments made at RAP Studios


An artist submitted invoices for work which was never performed.

The amount of R29,400.00 to be recovered from an artist and her contract to be terminated.


Maekanya Morotoba

Recovery in progress


Head of Procurement


19 August 2014

Allegations levelled against the Head of Procurement

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

One deviation was referred to BAC and the other was under the R2 million thresholds. It was common cause that the Head of Procurement and GM: Procurement Operations knew each other and previously worked together.

The Procurement Policy and DAF is in contradiction pertaining to the referral of deviations below R2 million, this should be addressed.

Recruitment Policy is silent on if and how acquaintances should be declared, this should be addressed.

Rectification of control environment

Tian Olivier

Action in progress


Cover Quoting


01 August 2014

Alleged cover quoting during a bid for catering services


Service Provider intentionally misrepresented facts to the SABC.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the Buyer who failed to verify information submitted to the SABC.

Disciplinary action

Mamontha Motaung

Completed. Progressive hearing held

Group Services

SABC Medscheme


23 July 2014

Employees colluding with a Psychologist to bill SABC Medscheme for fictitious consultations


Twenty four employees colluded with a Clinical Psychologist to bill SABC Medscheme for fictitious consultations. In return the practitioner paid the employees a cash amount.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the twenty four employees.

Disciplinary action

  • Bongane Mabaso
  • Theresa Geldenhuys
  • Oupa Mahlangu
  • Dennis Harold
  • Lesetja Lekgotho
  • Tankiso Mothebe
  • Tumiso Radebe

In progress

(Another 192 incidents were identified and the matter was put on hold pending finalisation of the remaining matters)


Desktop RFI


15 July 2014

Procurement irregularities pertaining to the Desktop Request for Information

(Non-compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Technology requested deviation from normal Procurement processes. This was supported by the Head of Procurement and approved by the BAC Round Robin Members.

New deviation request form applicable from 1 March 2014 must be used for future deviation requests.

Rectification of Control environment

Madoda Shushu



Unruly Behaviour


11 July 2014

Unruly behaviour of employee at a hotel

(Unethical Behaviour)

Unruly behaviour at a hotel brought the name of the SABC into disrepute and damaged the image of the SABC.

Disciplinary action

Disciplinary action

Simon Tebele

Completed. Employee received a written warning.

Commercial Enterprises

Media Agency


08 July 2014

Irregularities pertaining to the account held by a Media Agency

(Non-compliance to Policies and Procedures)

We established that a SABC Marketing Executive had an undeclared interest in a company owned by his spouse which was doing business with the SABC. The spouse on whose name the company was registered, took SABC direct clients.

Progressive action and

Disciplinary action to be instituted.

The Marketing Executive to be recalled from the Eastern Cape offices to Johannesburg.

Disciplinary action- Management resolved that no further action is warranted.

Disciplinary action

Thabile Dlamini

Eugene Zwane


In Progress

Ikwekwezi FM

Ikwekwezi FM Dramas


03 July 2014

Allegations levelled against the Drama Producer at Ikwekwezi FM


Drama actor at Ikwekwezi claimed payment of the same episode twice. Abuse of power by the Drama Producer.

Disciplinary action to be instituted.

An amount of R11,000.00 to be recovered

Disciplinary action and recovery

Philip Mahlangu

Action in progress.


TV Operations

Alleged theft of SABC Property


12 June 2014

Unauthorised removal of SABC Property


SABC décor items were allegedly stolen whilst kept at the private storage facility outside the SABC. A register was not kept by TV Operations of the items, housed during transportation from the SABC to the storage facility. Stolen items could not be identified as no proper records were kept.

TV Operations should ensure that a register is kept for all items under their control.

Rectification of Control environment

Oupa Mahlangu


Ukhozi FM

Ukhozi FM Drama


03 June 2014

Fictitious invoices being submitted by actors to Ukhozi FM


Freelance actors submitted fictitious invoices in collusion with the Drama Producer at Ukhozi FM.

Disciplinary Action to be instituted and recovery of R 22, 650 from the Freelancers

Disciplinary action and recovery

Bonga Mpanza

Action in progress.

Henley TV Facilities

Invasion of Privacy


29 May 2014

Allegations of invasion of privacy

(unethical behaviour)

An employee at Henley TV Facilities alleged that his line manager accessed and downloaded emails from his computer without his permission. According to the records from BIT, only email logs were downloaded by BIT on request by the line manager for a disciplinary matter against the employee for various transgressions he committed. This was done in line with SABC policies and procedures

No evidence could be found to substantiate the allegations; therefore we could not recommend any corrective action.

No action required

Lesetja Lekgotho



Catering Services


21 May 2014

Alleged improper inducement from a service provider

(Corruption / bribery)

A service provider gave a SABC employee in the procurement division, money on two occasions as a gift. The service provider had submitted a tender for canteen services at the time of the incident. The employee reported the matter to her line manager.

The contract of the service provider was terminated

Rectification of control environment

Madoda Shushu


Human Capital Services

Gold coin verification


19 May 2014

Verification of long services awards

(Non-compliance to Policies and Procedures)

  • Long service coins were allocated to staff members who did not qualify for such coins incorrectly; e.g. a staff member received a ½ ounce coin instead of a 1 ounce. No proper documentation / records were kept when coins were issued.
  • Coins were ordered for staff in advance, as long service awards. Some of the coins were not collected due to staff retiring or resigning prior to qualifying for long service awards. Some of the unclaimed coins were not returned to Treasury thus exposing the coins to potential theft.

All coins not collected with four months, should be returned to Treasury to avoid them being exposed to theft.

Rectification of control environment

Jabulani Mabaso


Group Services

SABC Tours


14 May 2014

Irregular appointment of a temporary staff member at SABC Tours

(Non-compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Temporary Tour Facilitator was appointed based on a motivation. Three interns were appointed at Tours during 2013.

Recruitment Policy should include temporary recruitment. SOP for Interns should be communicated.

Rectification of control environment

Jabulani Mabaso

Action in progress

April 2015 – March 2016











News and Current Affairs Portable Recorders


14 March 2016

UK company claimed to be a reseller of Marantz products in SA that were distributed by another SA company.

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

HOP did not refer complaints received from clients regarding the tender at News and Current Affairs to the GCEO to resolve as per the SCM Policy.

Disciplinary action against HOP, Procurement should verify supplier letters before appointment of a service provider.

DC against HOP for failure to comply with the provisions of the SCM Policy.

James Aguma

Completed: Communication was send to Procurement staff regarding the verification of supplier letters.

Awaiting Management Action: Investigation against Mr. Shushu still in progress by external service provider.



Xitsonga Music Awards


24 December 2015

Allegations that the musician who received the best male and best collaboration award bribed two individuals at the station, with an amount of R15 000 each.


The allegation of bribery was unsubstantiated.

Most popular song of the year results were misrepresented by the station manager in that he mentioned Song B by another artist when in truth and fact, based on the number of votes, Song C was the winner of the category.

Disciplinary action against the Station Manager of Monghana Lonene FM.

Disciplinary action against Group Internal Audit Portfolio Manager.

Draft and implement a Policy and SOP for Music Awards.

Disciplinary action and improvement of internal control.

Zolisile Mapipa

Action In Progress: DC against the Station Manager to commence on the 11th May 2016.

Completed: Progressive action against the Portfolio Manager has been completed (Verbal Warning).


Protection Services


15 December 2015

Alleged irregular appointments at Protection Services.

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Protection Services appointed persons who did not meet the requirements as per advertised

position(s). We further established that applicants who met the requirements as per the advert were not shortlisted and interviewed.

Disciplinary action should be instituted against Chief Security Officer.

Progressive action should be instituted against HR Consultants.

Disciplinary action

Kubendhran Padayachee

Mzu Ndlovu

Completed: the Security Manager was requested to provide proof of qualifications which were not reflected on his CV at the time of his application and interviewing.

Human Resources updated the personnel files accordingly.

The then acting GE Risk and Governance considered the report and determined that there would not be further action taken by management

No further action required.


SABC Sport


15 December 2015

Various allegations at SABC Sport.


Independent Contractor claimed for hours not worked. Independent contractor submitted duplicate claims as well.

Specialist Producer failed to verify production registers and invoices prior to approving and for further signing as both Producer and Executive Producer as both these functions carries different controls/ responsibilities.

Operations Manager failed to exercise due care when approving payments to MOP.

GM Radio Productions engaged the supplier to render a service without a written contract.

Terminate the contractual relationship with the Independent Contractor.

Recover the amount of R1,059,200.00 from the Independent Contractor.

Disciplinary action against the employees implicated.

Disciplinary action and recovery

Bessie Tugwane

Action In Progress:

Group Executive of Sport is meeting with Employee Relations on 10 May 2016 to finalised a date for the formal sitting of the DC panel to deal with the internal candidate. This will further assist in determining how to proceed with the external / independent contractor.


Tshwane Radio Studios


04 December 2015

A Service Provider who responded to a tender, claimed to be the UK reseller of studio equipment.

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

We established that the Service Provider is not a reseller of Telos products in SA, they can only sell in the UK.

Letter of Intent for should be cancelled.

In future, Procurement should confirm with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) if a SA supplier is one of their resellers/ distributors.

Rectification of control environment

Zakir Rawoot

Completed: Letter of Intent was cancelled and Procurement staff was informed to verify the authenticity of sole supplier letters. No further action required


Various Irregular Claims- Integration in the newsroom


01 December 2015

Alleged irregular claims for hours not work by Independent Contractors.


Independent Contractor’s access card records and the time sheets revealed that some of the Independent Contractors claimed for hours which they did not work, i.e. they claimed for a full eight (8) hour shift even on days that they did not work a full shift.

Line Management failed to verify hours worked prior to approving payments.

Recover a total amount of R4,708.32 from all Independent Contractors identified consider terminating the agreements.

Disciplinary action against three (3) Line Managers.

Disciplinary action and recovery

Nothando Maseko

Completed :

Three (3) Independent Contractors have paid back the overpayments.

Two (2) have made the necessary arrangements with payroll to deduct.

The five (5) remaining Independent Contractors have not made any arrangements for payment. The Line Manager took a decision not to schedule them for work.


Security Tender Auckland Park and TVOB’s


01 December 2015

It is alleged that there had been inconsistencies in applying the established bid evaluation criteria to bidders.

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

The BEC did not evaluate the security companies as per the established criteria as stipulated in the BID documentation.

A re-run of this security tender.

Rectification of control environment

Zakir Rawoot

Re-evaluation process has been completed. Matter on the Agenda for a decision by the BAC (Bid Adjudication Committee) scheduled for 11 May 2016.


Motsweding FM- Various Allegations


17 November 2015

Various allegations at Motsweding FM

(Unethical Behaviour)

Two Producers claimed for days they were not in studio. This resulted to Fruitless and wasteful expenditure amounting to R313, 250.

R46 852 to be recovered from Producers.

Disciplinary action against the Programmes Manager.

Region should install automated access control system.

Disciplinary action and recovery

Katlego Mokhele

Action In Progress: DC against employee will take place on the 26th and 27th of May 2016.


Profounder Training Provider


10 November 2015

Staff members alleged that they never received their free gifts which were part of a package when they registered for a workshop with Profounder.


Staff members received their gifts.

The allegation was unsubstantiated.

Learning & Development Management should ensure that the delegates who attended training and received gifts, declared these gifts accordingly.

Rectification of control environment

Theigasen Govender

Completed: Staff declared their gifts. No further action required


Fictitious contract of employment

(GRP 15/1217)

27 October 2015

Alleged fraudulent offer of employment to student at UJ


The contract was not legit and wasn’t provided by an SABC employee.

Money was accepted from the student for training which he never received.

Protection Services should create awareness to all security personnel and report the matter to SAPS for fraud and pretending to be SABC employee.

Management should create awareness to members of the public regarding SABC recruitment processes / employment opportunities, training.

Rectification of control environment

Kaizer Kganyago

Simon Mathebula

Completed :

Group Communication issued a statement informing members of the public about the SABC recruitment processes.

The complainant was advised to lay criminal charges at the Brixton SAPS

No further action is required from the SABC.


DTT Migration Training RFQ(GRP15/1203)

21 October 2015

Alleged irregularities pertaining to RFQ for DTT Migration Training

(Unethical Behaviour)

Technical Training Practitioner failed to obtain relevant signatures and future exposed forwarded internal confidential to suppliers.

The Buyer accepted ‘Approval to Proceed with the Tender Process’ document without relevant signature and proceeded with the evaluation process prior to the finalisation of the Pre-Qualifying report.

Disciplinary action against the employees implicated.

Disciplinary action

Theigasen Govender

Zakir Rawoot (Acting)

Completed: Final written warning was issued against the Technical Training Practitioner.

Action In Progress: A new acting Head of Procurement has been appointed. He still needs to peruse the report and determine the action required.


Fraudulent Producer for Skeem Saam


07 October 2015

Non SABC employee held TV auditions under false pretends by and introduced himself as an employee of the SABC.


A non SABC employee held auditions under false pretends in Klerksdorp and charged members of the public a total amount of R250 per person.

Create public awareness pertaining to auditions and processes that are followed by the SABC.

Management should consider reporting the matter to SAPS.

Rectification of control environment

Kaizer Kganyago

Completed :

Members of the community opened a criminal case against the suspect in Klerksdorp.

The SABC issued a statement, advising members of the public about SABC processes regarding auditions.

No further action required from the SABC.


Metro FM

Conflict of interest - Metro FM – Programme Complier


15 October 2015

Alleged conflict of interest by Metro FM employee and Independent Contractor.

(Unethical Behaviour)

Producer and On Air presenter at Metro FM rendered services to Castle Milk Stout in their personal capacity which was in conflict with their duties at the station.

Disciplinary action against employee.

Terminating of Independent Contractors Agreement of the On-Air presenter.

Disciplinary action

Sibongile Mtyali

Completed: SABC employee’s contract has been terminated.

Completed :

Termination of Independent Contractor Completed


Metro FM

Trade Exchange


30 September 2015

Employees misused Trade Exchange Agreement with a service provider

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Employees used Trade Exchange Agreement with a service provider to order gifts for their personal use.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the former Marketing Manager, Events Coordinator and Marketing Assistant.

The amount of R47,217.35 to be recovered from the former Marketing Manager.

Disciplinary action and recovery

Sibongile Mtyali

Puleng Thulo


The Former Marketing Manager was found not quality.

The Events Coordinator and Marketing Assistant received warnings.


Ikwekwezi FM and Metro FM Music Compilers


30 September 2015

Music compilers allegedly accepted undue benefit from music artists in order to have their music played / included in the Station’s playlist.


An employee at Ikwekwezi FM accepted undue benefit to have music scheduled and played on air.

The employee resigned with immediate effect.

No Disciplinary action as the employee resigned.

Management to reiterate to all Stations’ music compilers that action will be instituted against those who solicit bribe/accept any undue benefit which may impair/influence their decision making, from musicians, record labels and members of the public.

Disciplinary action

Mr Zolisile Mapipa

Mr Leuba Ramakgolo



Freelancers in the Sesotho/Sepedi/Setsana desk


21 September 2015

It was alleged that Independent Contractors claimed for eight (8) hour shifts, yet they were not present in the SABC buildings for eight (8) hours


During the month of May 2015 Independent Contractors claimed shifts of eight (8) hours each. An analysis of their access records revealed that they were not present for eight (8) hours on all the occasion that they claimed eight (8) hours for.

Recovery amount of R5,775. And R4,875.00 from Independent Contractors involved, respectively.

Management should consider terminating the agreements of the Independent Contractors based on dishonesty.

Progressive disciplinary action the Supervisor / Executive Producer for failure to exercise due when approving payments.

Management should revisit Independent Contractor’s Agreements and their contributions, to determine whether these are in line with the Labour Relations Act regarding supervision and working hours.


Progressive disciplinary action

Jimi Matthews / Nothando Maseko



News Software


18 September 2015

Alleged non adherence to processes when procuring software for news.

Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Deviation process was not followed as no approval was obtained from the BAC / Head of Procurement.

Disciplinary action

Disciplinary action

James Aguma

Action In Progress


Corporate Storage Solution


15 September 2015

It was alleged that information pertaining to the procurement process was leaked to bidder(s)

(Unethical Behaviour)

The BEC members, who were approached by the prospective suppliers for comment, demonstrated ethical values by declining to comment on the progress / status of the process.

We could not find any evidence to substantiate the allegations.

No action required

Kuben Padayachee

No Action


Lotus FM



24 August 2015

It was alleged that the Drama Producer at Lotus FM signed and submitted tax invoices and timesheets on behalf of an independent contractor


The Drama Producer’s husband is a freelance writer for the Independent Contractor and she did not declare it.

The Drama Producer had unsigned tax invoices for the Independent contractor on her computer, which she claimed the Independent contractor gave to her.

The Drama Producer submitted tax invoices and timesheets on behalf of the Independent contractor.

The Drama Assistant allegedly witnessed the Drama Producer signing the tax invoices for the Independent contractor.

Various documents were submitted to the Forensic Analysis. It was concluded that the Drama Producer could not be excluded from having forged the signatures as the invoices were not signed by the Writer.


Signatures could not be linked to the Drama Producer as there was an element of deception on the signatures.

The Drama Producer could not be conclusively linked to the disputed signatures.

Disciplinary action against the Drama Producer.

Management should terminate the contract of the Independent contractor

Drama Producers should declare their relationships with prospective writers


Disciplinary action

Zolisile Mapipa

Awaiting Management Action


Alleged Producer (NEWS15/1205)

24 August 2015

A member of the public attended functions at different events purporting to be a Producer for News. Further promised that he will make inserts / footage available in order to gain undue benefit

(Unethical Behaviour)

we received complaints from Public Relations & Events Company, alleging that a Mr. Tumi Moatshe attended various events purporting to be a SABC News Producer and received undue benefits

Group Communication should create public awareness about people purporting to be from SABC for personal gain, using the good name of the SABC


Rectification of control environment

Kaizer Kganyago



Irregular claims


23 July 2015

Freelance employee claimed for hours not worked


Freelance employee claimed for a full shift whilst he was not at the SABC.

Consider termination of freelance employee’s contract.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against Executive Producer: TV News and Bulletin Editor: Sepedi, TV News.

The amount of R8,850.00 to be recovered from the Freelance employee.

Disciplinary action and recovery.

Nothando Maseko



Non Disclosure


22 July 2015

Alleged non-disclosure

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Supplier and spouse failed to disclose their relationship to SABC.

Supplier to update his marital status with the Vendor Master office.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against Supervisor: Tours

Disciplinary action.

Tumiso Radebe

Hosea Jiyane



Mixing Consoles Tender


10 July 2015

Irregularities pertaining to Mixing Consoles Tender

(Non Compliance to Policies and Procedures)

Employees did not comply with the Procurement Policy in that they requested three bidders to resubmit their quotations.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against Sourcing Specialist.

Disciplinary action.

Madoda Shushu

Action In Progress


Grievance – Building Technology


08 July 2015

Various allegations at Building Technology

(Unethical Behaviour)

Allegations were found to be unsubstantiated.

No action recommended as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

No action recommended as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

Liketso Mashigo



Medscheme - KZN


07 July 2015

Alleged fraudulent claims


Higher claims for certain employees were as a result of chronic medication.

No evidence was found of wrongdoing by the employees.

No action recommended as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

No action recommended as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

Frans Matlala




Missing iPads


09 June 2015

Missing iPads


No proper system is in place over the procuring and movement of iPads.

Adequate and effective system to be developed to manage movement of iPads procured by SABC.

Rectification of control environment

Dennis Herold



Fraudulent Pension Fund Claim


25 May 2015

Misrepresentation to unduly benefit from the Pension Fund and Group Life Assurance of a deceased employee


Employee intentionally and knowingly submitted false/fraudulent information on SABC nomination forms in order to unduly benefit.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the Programme Acceptance Officer.

Disciplinary action

Jabulani Mabaso



After Hours Transport Vouchers


19 May 2015

Abuse of After Hours Transport Vouchers

(Unethical Behaviour)

No evidence of wrongdoing was found against the employee.

No action recommended as no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

No action to be taken.

King Matshaba


Henley TV Facilities

Theft of steel


18 May 2015

Theft of steel at Henley TV Facilities


Project Coordinator signed out SABC property without the authority to do so.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the Project Coordinator: Henley TV Facilities

Disciplinary Action

King Matshaba


SABC Sport

Gift Registry


04 May 2015

Receiving of undue benefit from an Independent Contractor

(Unethical Behaviour)

Employee received an undue benefit from an Independent Contractor which was in contravention of SABC Policies and Governance protocols.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the former General Manager: Sport Productions.

The contracts of the Independent Contractor to be terminated.

Disciplinary Action

Bessie Tugwana

Action In Progress

Motsweding FM

Funeral Contribution


24 April 2015

Unethical Behaviour by former Station Manager

(Unethical Behaviour)

The former Station Manager utilised funds meant for the funeral contribution to purchase groceries for the office.

Disciplinary action to be instituted against the former Motsweding FM Station Manager.

Disciplinary Action

Zolisile Mapipa


Henley TV Facilities

Service Outages


April 2015

Staff members intentionally caused blackouts on Air

(Unethical Behaviour)

No evidence of wrongdoing was found against the employees.

No action to be taken.

No action to be taken.

Lesetja Lekgotho


January 2017 – March 2017










Various allegations at Media Technology Infrastructure


27 March 2017

We received a request to investigate allegations of non-compliance to SABC procurement processes for the appointment of a Licensing Service Provider

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

An employee at BIT appointed a Licensing Service Provider without following proper procurement processes.

Disciplinary action against Manager Service Desk for Failure to comply with the provisions of clause 12.1 of DAF and Contravention of the provisions of clause 57 (a) and (c) of the PFMA.

Disciplinary action

Mr. Tseliso Ralitabo

Action in progress

Limpopo Operation

failure to adhere to a lawful instruction


22 March 2017

Alleged sharing of confidential information by the panel members pertaining to the interviews conducted for the Munghana Lonene FM presenter position.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

An employee at Human Capital services failed to execute a lawful instruction pertaining to the engagement of an Independent Contractor.

Disciplinary action against Manager, Human Resource Capital, Limpopo Province for failure to adhere to a lawful instruction.

Disciplinary action

Mr. Mohlolo Lephaka

Ms. Makuya now dealing with the matter

Action in progress

HR is in the process to submit a motivation to seek approval to proceed with a disciplinary process.


Project Qinisa (Special request)


17 March 2017

We received a special request conduct a review on Project Qinisa to determine whether payments to the service provider were done in accordance to the payment schedule and deliverables

(non-compliance to policies and procedures and the provisions of DAF)

We established that payments were not linked to deliverable as per the contract. Payments were made as per the schedules and not linked to monthly deliverable

Management to implement contract management controls

No disciplinary action

Recommended in our review

Ms. Theresa Geldenhuys

No Action required

GE: Governance and Assurance has the prerogative to institute corrective actions were deemed necessary based on findings presented in the report

Kwa-Zulu Natal Operation (Radio)

Free utilisation of studios


14 March 2017

Singer and Producer altered a song belonging to another artist and submitted it to Lotus FM as his own; and


Station Manager Ukhozi FM authorised the use of SABC studio without payment.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

Station Manager Ukhozi FM allowed the Singer and Producer to use SABC Studios without a written contract. Committing him to the delivery of music in return for free utilisation of the studios to record music for the SABC to capacitate the station with 90%local content/ music.

Disciplinary action against Station Manager Ukhozi FM for Contravening the PFMA and DAF and the amount of R98, 040.00 should be recorded as fruitless and wasteful in respect of the utilisation of the studio with no benefit as no music was delivered to the station.

Disciplinary action

Ms. Zamambo Mkhize


No disciplinary action will be taken.

PGM is of the view that the Station Manager acted on an instruction by an Executive Member. This is despite the fact that the SABC has policies and procedures that needs to be adhered to. There was further no benefit to the SABC for the utilisation of the studio due to failure by Management in the Province to ensure that a contract with the Music Producer was in place for delivery of music to meet the 90% requirement for local content / music.


Alleged corruption and nepotism at Ukhozi FM


22 February 2017

We received allegations of nepotism against Programmes Manager, at Ukhozi FM increased salaries of the Ukhozi FM breakfast team in the middle of January 2016, Content Producer on the Afternoon Drive show received preferential treatment and she employed her friends in key positions.

(Non-compliance to SABC policies and procedures)

The former acting Station Manager increased the rate for one of the Ukhozi FM On Air Presenters without obtaining the necessary approval from Radio Management.

We further established an Outside Broadcast vehicle was dispatched for an Event without following proper processes.

Disciplinary action against Programmes Manager, at Ukhozi FM for Contravening Clause 12.1 of SABC Delegation of Authority Framework.

Disciplinary action against Station Manager - Ukhozi FM for increasing the salary without the necessary authorisation/approval from line Management.

Disciplinary action

Ms. Zamambo Mkhize

Action in progress

The matter was referred to the G.E. Corporate Affairs to approve that disciplinary measures be instituted against the Station Manager at Ukhozi. Currently awaiting approval.


Alleged sharing of confidential information


9 February 2017

We received a complaint that Project Manager, Henley TV Facilities, and Studio Operation shared information relating to the engagement of an Independent Contractor with third parties without following proper procedures

Non-compliance to SABC policies and procedures)

We established that an employee at Henley TV Facilities hosted an individual from an external company to serve summons to appear before a disciplinary inquiry at his place of employment. Security protocols were not observed such that the person was left to proceed to the studios where the independent Contractor was rendering services to the SABC.

Disciplinary action against Project Manager, Henley TV Facilities, and Studio Operation for breach of Physical Security Protocols and non-compliance to SABC policies and procedure

Disciplinary action

Mr. Buti Seipei


Manager, Henley TV Facilities, and Studio Operation received a written warning on 14 April 2017.

The security officers who failed to perform his/her duties have been reprimanded.


Learning and Development


8 February 2017

We received allegations that Skills Development Manager at Learning and Development changed the criteria for appointing a prospective service provider to provide Film and Television learning material for the Learning and Development Department.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

We established that two employees at Learning and Development negotiated a deal with a prospective service provider outside the procurement process. The Service Provider was privy to the specifications of a tender prior to this been released to the market.

Disciplinary action against General Manager: Learning and Development and Skills Development Manager; Learning and Development for, Failure to comply with the provisions of clause 12.1 of DAF, Contravention of the provisions of clause 57 (a) and (c) of the PFMA, Failure to comply with the Procurement Process and causing of Irregular expenditure for procuring without a valid contract.

Financial Manager: Supply Chain Management for Gross negligence in that he approved a BEC report without verifying the authenticity of the content recorded. Dereliction of duties in that he failed to oversee the work of his subordinates.

Tender Supervisor: Tender Administration Office – Supply Chain Management for Contravening the Procurement Policy.

Acting Supply Chain Manager for contravening the Procurement Policy; Dishonesty and

Dereliction of duties.

Disciplinary action

Mr. Mohlolo Lephaka & Mr. Simon Molaudzi

Action In Progress

Disciplinary of Learning and development staff is on hold due to an ongoing investigation which is pending.

Acting Supply Chain Manager was put on precautionary suspension pending finalisation of her matter.

Further discussion with Forensics necessary to understand the reasons for the recommendation against Financial Manager: Supply Chain Management and Tender Supervisor: Tender Administration Office – Supply Chain Management

North West Operation

Alleged unauthorised removal of equipment

SABC North West


1 February 2017

We received allegations that the former RBF Provincial Manager removed SABC Broadcast equipment from the SABC Premises, without proper authorisation and rented same to Community Radio Stations.

(Non-compliance to SABC policies and procedures)

SABC broadcast equipment was used in during the Marikana inquiry by the SABC News team and Motsweding FM to report on the proceedings of the hearing. The Commission subsequently relocated to Centurion and the equipment was due to be returned to the SABC premises. Instead, the Provincial RBF Manager instructed his team to install the equipment at various Community Radio Stations without authorization.

  • Disciplinary action against the Provincial RBF Manager.
  • Recovery of equipment from the various Community Radio Stations.
  • Withholding of the Managers’ benefits subsequent to his immediate tendering of resignation.

Management consulted with legal to draft letters to the Community Radio Stations for the return of SABC equipment

Mr. Dennis Herold & Mr. Simon Mathebula

Action In Progress

SABC Legal has instructed attorney to draft and serve letters of demand to the various Community Radio Stations

Mpumalanga Operation (Radio)

Ligwalagwala 34th Birthday Bash


24 January 2017

We received a request to investigate allegations pertaining to the Ligwalagwala FM 34th Birthday -Bash Deviation from the approved Business Plan regarding entrance fees for the Station’s pre – and after party events.

Revenue split 70/30 between the service provider and the Station, as per the Business Plan.

Unauthorised airtime granted to a local Biker’s Club.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

We established the following:

  • No formal written agreements concluded with sponsors,
  • Free exposure given and staff members
  • Did not declare business interest.

Disciplinary action and recovery of value of the free exposure amounting to R169, 365.00

Disciplinary action and recovery

Mr. Quinton Lenyai

Action In Progress

Charges have been drafted for both employees. A panel has been selected

Date of hearing has been diarised for the 24- 25 April 2017.

12 April 2017, a briefing meeting will be held with the Initiator and implicated employees will be served with charges.


Music Tracking and reporting tender


24 January 2017

We received a request to conduct a review of the Music Reporting and Tracking Technology Bid. This was after the BEC was requested to re-visit the scoring.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

Allegations were found to be unsubstantiated.


No action to be taken.


No Action required


Unauthorised use of rented vehicle


24 January 2017

We received allegations that Music Compiler at Motsweding FM, was off duty and not authorised to be a driver of a SABC rented vehicle on 27 June 2016. He was allegedly involved in an accident with the above mentioned vehicle.

(Non-compliance to policies and procedures)

Music Compiler, Motsweding FM, used a SABC rented vehicle from 24 to 27 June 2016 to attend the Motsweding FM Birthday event without the necessary approval to use the vehicle.

Disciplinary action against Music Compiler: Motsweding FM and Digital Specialist, Motsweding FM.

Progressive action against Marketing Assistant, Motsweding FM and Driver, Transport Department, North West Province and possible recovery of R27,409.07 from Music Compiler: Motsweding FM.

Disciplinary action and Recovery

Mr. Daniel Mongale

Action In Progress

The report has been handed over to HR Mafikeng to action accordingly.


Alleged fraudulent claims SABC Sport - Info Hub


20 January 2017

Allegations that Independent Contractors at Info Hub submitted claims for non-existing calendar days, e.g. 29 February 2015, 31 September 2015 and 31 June 2016.


General Manager Radio Sport and Managing Editor Info Hub approved shift lists with incorrect dates

No payments were made to freelancers for claims put in for non-existing dates.

Management should verify authenticity of invoices prior to approval of payments and ensure that shift lists are aligned to calendars.

Rectification of control environment

Ms. Sully Motsweni

No Action required

  1. Special Request










KZN Security Tender


14 March 2016

Forensics was requested to conduct a proactive assurance by evaluating the KZN Security Tender process to ensure that the evaluation process was conducted in a fair and transparent manner and in compliance with Procurement Policy.

Procurement adhered to the Procurement Policy and processes for the sourcing of a physical security service provider

Procurement should continue with the tender and request the latest compulsory documents from the preferred supplier.

Finalise tender

Zakir Rawoot

No action

  1. Cases reported to SAPS
    1. The following cases were reported to the South African Police Service:


Date reported to SAPS

Project Code

Case Description

SAPS Case No.

Police Station




11 November 2015


Pension Fund Fraud



in progress

The matter has been re-allocated from Sergeant. P Zidaya to WO LL Mokhanedi at Johannesburg Commercial Crimes Unit


27 June 2016


North West Equipment



in progress

RBR Manager removed broadcast equipment from SABC premises without permission


06 July 2016


Ukhozi M - Payola


Kempton Park

in progress

Ukhozi FM Presenter solicited undue benefit for interviews and to play music on Ukhozi FM platform.

19 June 2017 - NW1479

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Ms S V Kalyan (DA) to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him procured any services from and or made any payments to (i) Bill Pottinger company or (ii) any other public relations firms; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) was the cost, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of such payments


We never procured any services from any of these organisations.

19 June 2017 - NW1023

Profile picture: Schmidt, Adv H

Schmidt, Adv H to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What is the total number of media queries that the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) received in the (a) 2016-17 financial year and (b) since 1 April 2017; (2) (a) how many of the media queries were responded to and (b)(i) how many were not responded to and (ii) why; (3) whether she has been informed that a certain person (name and details furnished) refuses to respond to media queries from certain journalists and has taken some journalists off the mailing list of the SABC?


According to the SABC;

(1) Its Group communication department received approximately 144 written media queries and around 360 telephonic media queries during 2016-17 financial year, 24 written media queries and 42 telephonic media queries since 1 April 2017.

(2) The SABC strive to respond to all media queries within set timeframes, however, due to several challenges amongst others that some Journalists do not give SABC enough time to respond to queries and that some Journalists published articles before soliciting responses from the SABC, to name but a few, there are delays in responding to some queries.

(3) No, however, media list change from time to time due to the nature of business for example; with Journalists leaving their organisation


19 June 2017 - NW1125

Profile picture: Chance, Mr R

Chance, Mr R to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 215 on 6 March 2017, the requested information has been received from the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi); if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date is the information expected; if so, by what date will she communicate it?


The 2016 National Senior Certificate (NSC) External Moderator Reports for the above listed subjects found that the subject question papers covered the scope and depth of the examinable content, examined the appropriate levels of cognition and difficulty outlined in the assessment syllabus and examination guideline of the examination assessment body. See external moderator’s reports in the accompanying USB flash drive.

19 June 2017 - NW1472

Profile picture: Walters, Mr TC

Walters, Mr TC to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

What are the full details of each state-owned farm managed by (a) the SA Fruit Exporters (SAFE) and (b) Bono Farm Management in each province; (2) (a) on what date was his department’s database detailing its strategic partners established, (b) what are the details of his department’s strategic partners and (c) where was the database established; (3) is the database a central or provincial facility; (4) on which dates were (a) SAFE and (b) Bono Farm Management first registered as strategic partners with his department?


(a) The SA Fruit Exporters (SAFE) doesn’t manage any state owned farm.

(b) Please refer to Annexure A.

2. (a) 30 March 2011.

(b) Please refer to Annexure B.

(c) At the National Department of Rural Development and Land Reform.

3. The database is both national and provincial.

4. (a) Falls Away.

     (b) 7 September 2010.

ANNEXURE A TO NA-QUES 1472 of 2017


Project name

Property Description

Programme/Grant type


Strategic Partner/ Mentor

Eastern Cape

Commando Kraal




Strategic Partner

Eastern Cape

Sunlands Farms

Sunlands Farms - Portion 15,16,18,20,21,23,24-27,150-1,156,159,171 and 195 Farm Selborne No.115;



Strategic Partner

Eastern Cape


Nebraska 558/15,33 (Buck Kraal)



Strategic Partner

Western Cape

Ronald Van Schalkwyk

Portion 55,56.58 of farm Bergvallei no 408



Strategic Partner

Western Cape


Ptn 53(Ptn of 28) of De La Haye No.92



Strategic Partner

Western Cape

Rietkloof 2 PLAS

Portion 33 of the Farm Rietkloof No. 144



Strategic Partner

Western Cape

Rietkloof - Mount Piguet

Portions 8, 15, 16, 21, 22 and 23 of Farm No 144, Rietkloof in Piketberg Registration Division



Strategic Partner

Western Cape

Plateau Farms - Dassiesfontein

The Farms Dassiesfontein - Portion 6 of South, Portion 5 of North and Portion 1 of Farm No. 73


3 281

Strategic Partner

Western Cape

Plateau Farms - Rondawel

The Farms Rondawel - Portion 1 & 2 of the Farm Grasplaats No. 113, Portion 2 of Farm Taaibosch Hoek No. 75 & Portion 5 of Farm Bok Poort No. 54 & Portion 4 of Dassiesfontein No. 73


4 934

Strategic Partner

Western Cape

Plateau Farms - Melrose

The Farms Melrose- Portion 2 of Farm ADJ Driekop No. 48, Ptn 1 of Farm Taaibosch Hoek No. 75 and Rem Ext of Farm Bonkers Valei No. 76


4 860

Strategic Partner

Western Cape

Plateau Farms - Willemskraal

The Farms Willemskraal - Portion 1 of Farm Bonkers Valei No. 76


1 662

Strategic Partner

Western Cape

Plateau - Matjieskloof

Portion 1 of the farm Bonkers Valei No. 76


4 740

Strategic Partner

19 June 2017 - NW1029

Profile picture: Robinson, Ms D

Robinson, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communications

With regard to the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on SABC Inquiry and in light of the overwhelming evidence of external interference and noncompliance with the Broadcasting Act, Act 4 of 1999, the Companies Act, Act 71 of 2008, and other relevant legislation, (a) what is the progress on the implementation of the recommendations of the specified ad hoc committee that the (i) new board takes reasonable steps to regularise previous decisions that may pose a financial or legal risk and (ii) interim board investigate the validity of the memorandum of incorporation that was signed in October 2014 and (b) what is the set deadline for achieving each recommendation?


Progress Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the SABC Board Inquiry has been presented to the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Communications on Tuesday, 13 June 2017. The Interim SABC Board is working with speed for achieving each recommendation.

19 June 2017 - NW1480

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her procured any services from and/or made any payments to (i) a certain company (name furnished) or (ii) any other public relations firms; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) was the total cost, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of such payments?


(a) Department


Procured any services from Bell Portinger.

The Department has not procured any services from or made any payments to the Bell Portinger.



Make any payments to the Bell Portinger.



Services that were procured




The total costs




Detailed breakdown of the costs




The total amount paid




Purpose of the payments




Detailed breakdown of the payments



(b) Entities




Procured any services from Bell Portinger.

SACE has not procured any services from or made any payments to the Bell Portinger. SACE makes use of its own internal resources for related services



Made any payments to the Belll Portinger.



Services that were procured




The total costs




Detailed breakdown of the costs




The total amount paid




Purpose of the payments




Detailed breakdown of the payments





Procured any services from the Bell Portinger

Umalusi has not procured any services from or made any payments to the Bell Portinger. Umalusi makes use of its own internal resources for related services.



Made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation



Services that were procured




The total costs




Detailed breakdown of the costs




The total amount paid




Purpose of the payments




Detailed breakdown of the payments




19 June 2017 - NW1505

Profile picture: Mokgalapa, Mr S

Mokgalapa, Mr S to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him procured any services from and/or made any payments to (i) Bell Pottinger or (ii) any other public relations firms; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what (a) services were procured, (b) was the total cost, (c) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (d) was the total amount paid, (e) was the purpose of the payments and (f) is the detailed breakdown of such payments?


The Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa and the entities reporting to the Executive Authority did not procure any services from and/or made any payments to (i) Bell Pottinger or (ii) any other public relations firms.


19 June 2017 - NW1452

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Social Development

How many (a) persons employed at cultural organisations were assessed against the Child Protection Register in the (i) 2014, (ii) 2015, (iii) 2016 and (iv) 2017 calendar years and (b) of the specified persons were found not suitable to work with children in each case?


The Child Protection Register does not categorise organisations in terms of their activities such as cultural, but as employers. However, (a) the number of employees screened in (i) 2014 were 63664, (ii) 2015 were 94552, (iii) 2016 were 103350 and 2017 were 3921 (April and May), and (b) persons were found not suitable to work with children in (i) 2014 were 87, (ii) 2015 were 300, (iii) 2016 were 281, and there no records for first quarter of 2017.

19 June 2017 - NW1763

Profile picture: Mbabama, Ms TM

Mbabama, Ms TM to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Does (a) he, (b) his Deputy Minister or (c) any of the heads of entities or bodies reporting to him make use of security services paid for by the State for (i) him/herself, (ii) his/her immediate family members or (iii) any of their staff members; in each case (aa) what are the reasons for it, (bb) from which department or entity’s budget is the security services being paid, and (cc) what are the relevant details?


Does (a) he, (b) his Deputy Minister or (c) any of the heads of entities or bodies reporting to him make use of security services paid for by the State for (i) him/herself, (ii) his/her immediate family members or (iii) any of their staff members; in each case (aa) what are the reasons for it, (bb) from which department or entity’s budget is the security services being paid, and (cc) what are the relevant details?





  1. DPT


  1. The Minister only utilises security services provided by the South African Police Service (SAPS). None of the Minister’s family members or staff members utilizes security services paid for by the state.
  1. The Deputy Minister only utilises security services provided by the South African Police Service (SAPS). None of the Minister’s family members or staff members utilizes security services paid for by the state.


























Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

19 June 2017 - NW1728

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Whether any staff of (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him were awarded any contracts or agreements to conduct business with any state entity in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years; if so, what are the (aa)(aaa) names and (bbb) professional designations of the staff members and (bb)(aaa) details of the contract(s) and/or agreement(s) awarded and (bbb) amounts in each case?


Whether any staff of (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him were awarded any contracts or agreements to conduct business with any state entity in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years; if so, what are the (aa)(aaa) names and (bbb) professional designations of the staff members and (bb)(aaa) details of the contract(s) and/or agreement(s) awarded and (bbb) amounts in each case?





  1. DPT


The Department does not have proven information pertaining to any staff member having been awarded any contracts or agreements to conduct business with any state entity in the (i) 2014-15, 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years.


























Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

19 June 2017 - NW1488

Profile picture: Lotriet, Prof  A

Lotriet, Prof A to ask the Minister of Health

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him procured any services from and/or made any payments to (i) a certain company (name furnished) or (ii) any other public relations firms; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) was the total cost, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of such payments?


No, neither the Department nor entities reporting to it procured services and/or made payments to the company in question.


19 June 2017 - NW1450

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

How many (a) persons employed at government-sponsored sports clubs were assessed against the Child Protection Register in the (i) 2014, (ii) 2015, (iii) 2016 and (iv) 2017 calendar years and (b) of the specified persons were found not suitable to work with children in each case?


(a) Government has and continues to support sport clubs. Clubs directly supported by Government are community based clubs and are normally run by volunteers. The aforesaid volunteers are not paid by Government and thus have not been subjected to an assessment against the Child Protection Act by the Department of Sport and Recreation. Although the requirement for such an assessment may be considered in future, it will require capacity from the relevant agencies, in a programmatic fashion, thus necessitating assessments of the volunteers from the same clubs more regularly. Due consideration must be given to the communication on the purpose of conducting the assessments, as the retention of the volunteers is quite low.

(b) There was no screening done.

19 June 2017 - NW1565

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Economic Development

Did the International Trade Administration Commission oppose the introduction of a 12% safeguard duty on imported hot-rolled steel in an essential facts letter issued in 2017; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) why and (b) what are the further relevant details in this regard?


The Chief Commissioner of the International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) has advised that as part of its standard procedure before making a final determination on trade remedies, it normally issues essential facts letters. The purpose of an essential facts letter is to inform the applicant and interested parties of the relevant factors that the Commission was considering in making a final determination for all the participants to comment. It is always emphasised in these letters that the Commission has not yet made its final determination and nothing in these letters should be construed as such.

In the case of hot-rolled steel, the Commission relayed in the essential facts letter that it was considering making a final determination that: there were unforeseen developments; there was a surge in imports; there was serious injury to the domestic industry caused by a surge in imports; and that it was also considering not recommending imposition of safeguard measures on public interest grounds. It then called on parties to comment on these. ITAC considered comments received from the applicant and interested parties and the Commission made a final determination.

The contents of its final determination and reasons will be made public once the Report of the Commission on the safeguard investigation on hot-rolled steel is published for implementation by the Ministry of Finance.”



19 June 2017 - NW1477

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

Whether he is aware of any disputes that involve boxers not being paid by boxing promoters; if so, what are the (a) details of the current disputes, (b) names of (i) boxing promoters and (ii) boxers involved and (c) amounts owed in each case?


There are no disputes that involve boxers not being paid by promoters, which have been brought to our attention, as the Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa. The last dispute that involved boxers not being paid their purse money by promoters was resolved by the end of December 2016. The promoters responsible were subjected to a disciplinary process. In that respect the last incident took place in April 2016 and there hasn’t been any such incident since then.

(a) N/A

(b) (i) and (ii) N/A

(c) N/A

19 June 2017 - NW1463

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)With regard to the Imagine Communications Landmark radio booking system contract, (a) what was the initial budget allocated for the outsourcing of the SA Broadcasting Corporation’s (SABC) radio booking system, (b) why did the service need to be outsourced and (c) how many staffers are employed in the SABC’s radio division; (2) whether a tender process was followed to appoint the specified company; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the tender process that was followed; (3) (a) who did the shortlisting, (b) who decided to appoint the specified company to provide this service, (c) what are the full details of the processes followed to appoint the specified company, (d) what was the total value amount of the contract tendered, (e) what total amount has been paid to the company to date and (f) what was the quality of work delivered by the company? NW1605E


According to the SABC:

1. (a) R7.3 million were budget for Imagine Communications Landmark booking system (Radio and TV) for over a three year period, (b) the service was not outsourced, (c) 126 Radio Sales staffers have been employed of which 58 are employed at Head Office and 68 employed at Provincial Offices across South Africa.  

2. and (3) Not fully compliet, Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC) did the shortlisting, made recommendation to Bid Adjudication Committee (BAC), the process followed include; drafting of business case, budget recommendation and approval by the business unit, approval of the business case by the Group Executive Committee, tender publication, shortlisting by Bid Evaluation Committee, evaluation by Bid Adjudication Committee and then awarding. Value and amount paid is R7.3 million, however, after Radio Implementation and in line with SABC procurement and governance structures, R4.7m was approved for Radio Landmark Licence Fee and Maintenance as part of a three-year agreement with Imagine Communications (formerly Harris) from January 2017 to December 2019.

Imagine Communications has delivered the output, benefits derived by SABC Radio Sales to date are that previously-identified significant "revenue leakages" have been addressed, and that broadcast accuracy for radio advertisements has increased to more than 90%.