Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

National Assembly Committee

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Oversight responsibility of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Portfolio Committee

The Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Portfolio Committee is responsible for oversight of the Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation as well as the following statutory entities:

Community Schemes Ombud Services (CSOS) 
Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB)
Housing Development Agency (HDA)
National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC)
National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC)
Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA)
Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA)

Water Research Commission (WRC)

Inkomati-Usuthu Catchment Management Agency

Breede-Gouritz  Catchment Management Agency

Amatola water board

Bloem water board

Lepelle northern water board

Magalies water board

Mhlathuze water board

Overberg water board

Rand water board

Sedibeng water board

Umgeni water board

Committees conduct their business on behalf of the House and report back on matters referred to them.

Learn more about the work of this Committee: Legacy Reports

The role and functions of Committees in Parliament (provided by Parliament)
In accordance with the powers given to it by the Constitution, the National Assembly establishes a range of committees with assigned powers and functions. The committees are required to report regularly on their activities and to make recommendations to the House for debate and decision. A large part of the Assembly’s role in the law‑making process happens in committees and much of its oversight over the executive is also done through committees, particularly the portfolio committees.

There is a portfolio committee for each corresponding government department. The composition of the committees reflects, as far as is practicable, the numerical strengths of the parties represented in the Assembly. That committee will deliberate on bills covering that department’s area of jurisdiction and scrutinise and report on its annual budget and strategic plan. As the people’s representatives, members of the committees determine whether government departments are delivering on what they promised and whether they are spending the public money they receive in a responsible manner. As part of their oversight work, committees may also do site visits where they find out directly from the people at ground level whether the government is delivering on its promises.

If a committee reports on a matter and makes certain recommendations, that report will be debated in a full sitting or plenary to give other members of the House an opportunity to engage with the content of the report. Once the report has been debated, the House decides whether to adopt the committee’s recommendations. The House may also decide only to note the report or it may refer the report back to the committee with an instruction to do further work

Broadly speaking, the mandates of Committees are to consider and process legislation referred to it; exercise oversight over the Department and entities reporting to it; consider international agreements referred to it; consider the budget vote of the Department and its entities; facilitate public participation in its processes; and to consider all other matters referred to it in terms of legislation and the Rules of Parliament

Working in Committees allows Parliament to:

-Increase the amount of work that can be done

-Ensure that issues can be debated in more detail than in plenary sessions

-Increase the level of participation of Members of Parliament (MPs) in discussions

-Enable MPs to develop expertise and in-depth knowledge of the specific Committee's area of work

-Provide a platform for the public to present views directly to MPs, something which is not possible in a plenary sitting of Parliament

-Provide an environment for Parliament to hear evidence and collect information related to the work of a specific Committee


Rule 167 of the National Assembly Rules (9th Edition) say that for the purposes of performing its functions  committee may, subject to the Constitution, legislation, the other provisions of these rules and resolutions of the Assembly –

-Summon any person to appear before it to give evidence on oath or affirmation, or to produce documents

-Receive petitions, representations or submissions from interested persons or institutions

-Permit oral evidence on petitions, representations, submissions and any other matter before the committee

-Conduct public hearings

-Consult any Assembly or Council committee or subcommittee, or any joint committee or subcommittee

-Determine its own working arrangements

-Meet at a venue determined by it, which may be a venue beyond the seat of Parliament

-Meet on any and at any time, including –

  • On a day which is not a working day
  • On a day on which the Assembly is not sitting
  • At a time when the Assembly is not sitting, or
  • During a recess

-Exercise any other powers assigned to it by the Constitution, legislation, the other provisions of these rules or resolutions of the Assembly

Committee Membership

Committee membership is distributed among the parties roughly in proportion to the seats they get in Parliament, so if a party wins 20% of the seats, its MPs will occupy about 20% of committee positions.

The NA Rules Committee agreed that all Committees will be comprised of 11 Members: ANC – 6; DA – 2; EFF – 1; other parties – 2. 

Where it is practicably possible, each party is entitled to at least one representative in a Committee.

Read More: A note to the Sixth Parliament: Committee Membership

Read More: A Note to the Sixth Parliament: The critical role of Committee Chairperson


Committees in Practice

With the agreement of members, the Committee staff sets the dates and times of committee meetings. The frequency of committee meetings is determined by a committee’s work programme but it is normal for a committee to meet weekly. From time to time, committees can meet more than once a week if they work programme so demands.

Section 59(1)(b) of the Constitution requires that the National Assembly and it’s committees conduct their business in an open manner and hold their sittings in public. Section 59(2) states that the National Assembly may not exclude the public or the media unless it is ‘reasonable and justifiable to do so in an open and democratic society’. Rule 184(2) of the Rules of the National Assembly further require that any decision to exclude the public from a committee meeting or part thereof must be taken ‘after due consideration’ by that committee

Who attends Committee Meetings?:

MPs (those assigned to the committee and if they so wish, any other MP)

Committee Staff: Committee Secretary, Committee Assistant, Researcher, Content Advisor

Departments, entities, organizations, individuals and experts who are invited by the Committee to speak and be questioned

Parliamentary Legal Advisor (from time to time)


General Public


Portfolio Committees
The National Assembly (NA) appoints from among its members a number of Portfolio Committees to shadow the work of the various national government departments.

Select Committees
The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) appoints from its permanent members a number of Select Committees to shadow the work of the various national government departments and to deal with Bills.

Because only 54 of the 90 NCOP Members are permanent delegates compared to the 400 of the NA, the Select Committees oversee the work of more than one national government department.

Public Accounts Committees
The National Assembly Standing Committee on Public Accounts acts as Parliament's watchdog over the way taxpayers' money is spent by the Executive. Every year the Auditor-General tables reports on the accounts and financial management of the various government departments and State institutions.

Heads of government departments and institutions are regularly called by this committee to report and account for expenditure. The Committee can recommend that the National Assembly takes corrective actions if necessary.

Internal Committees
The National Assembly has a number of internal committees that deal with matters affecting the running of Parliament. The Committees normally consist of senior Members of Parliament. The Rules Committee and its sub-committees deal with House rules. There are structures to deal with support for Members, internal arrangements, disciplinary matters and powers and privileges of members. Other internal Committees are the Programme Committee that plans the work of the Assembly, the Disciplinary Committee, and the Committee of Chairpersons.

The National Council of Provinces also has its own domestic Committees. The Rules Committee and its subcommittees deal with the NCOP rules. There are structures to deal with support for Members, internal arrangements, disciplinary matters and powers and privileges of members. The Programme Committee plans the work of the NCOP and the Committee of Chairpersons make recommendations about the functioning of Committees and other NCOP forums.

Ad hoc Committees
Parliament or one of its Houses may appoint an ad hoc (temporary) Committee when a special task must be done. When the task is complete, the Committee is dissolved.

Joint Committees
The National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces together appoint a number of joint committees.

There are six Joint Committees:
- Constitutional Review Committee
- Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence
- Joint Standing Committee on Defence
- Committee on Multi-Party Women’s Caucus
- Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament
- Joint Standing Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests

The committees play a very important role in the process of building democracy and involving the public in the processes and activities of Parliament.





No results.

27 Jul 2021 Oversight visit Report to Lesotho
14 Jul 2021 Bloem, Lepelle and Amatola 2019/20 Annual Reports; with Deputy Minister
13 Jul 2021 DWS; Mhlatuze Water Board, Sedibeng Water Board and Overberg Water Board 2019/20 Annual Reports; with Deputy Minister
13 Jul 2021 Umgeni, Rand, Magalies Water Boards 2019/20 Annual Report; with Deputy Minister
10 Jun 2021 DWS turnaround & disciplinary matters: Minister & Advisory Committee briefing
01 Jun 2021 Water Tariffs: DWS, Water Boards & SALGA Input; Housing Consumer Protection Bill: DHS briefing; with Deputy Ministers
28 May 2021 Ekurhuleni sewage spill & rental petitions; Breede Valley petition; with Deputy Minister
21 May 2021 Water and Sanitation Budget: Committee Report
14 May 2021 Water Research Commission and Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority: Annual Performance Plans 2021/22; with Deputy Minister
11 May 2021 Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency & Inkomati-Usuthu Catchment Management Agency 2021/22 APP; with Deputy Minister
11 May 2021 Department of Water and Sanitation 2021/22 Annual Performance Plan; with Deputy Minister
30 Apr 2021 Water and Sanitation & Housing Development Agency BRRR
29 Apr 2021 EAAB & CSOS 2021/22 Annual Performance Plans
29 Apr 2021 SHRA & NHFC 2021/22 Annual Performance Plans; with Deputy Minister
28 Apr 2021 NHBRC & HDA 2021/22 Annual Performance Plan, with Deputy Minister
28 Apr 2021 Department of Human Settlements 2021/22 Annual Performance Plan
31 Mar 2021 Water Research Commission; Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority; Inkomati-Usuthu Catchment Management Agency 2019/20 Annual Report
30 Mar 2021 Department of Water and Sanitation 2019/20 Annual Report & Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency; with Deputy Ministers
25 Mar 2021 Department of Water and Sanitation 2019/20 audit findings, performance & outcomes: AGSA, DPME & DWS input, with Deputy Minister
16 Mar 2021 Property Practitioners Act & Regulations: Department briefing; with Deputy Minister
11 Mar 2021 Housing Development Agency 2019/20 Annual Report; with Deputy Minister
09 Mar 2021 Water and Sanitation Quarter 1 Committee Report: Water and Sanitation Quarter 2 & 3 performance; with Deputy Minister
05 Mar 2021 Water Research Commission on importance & cost of water desalination: with Deputy Minister; Committee Report
02 Mar 2021 Housing Development Agency 2019/20 Audit: briefing by auditor
26 Feb 2021 International Agreements with Cuba, Lesotho & Netherlands; Committee Report on DHS Quarter 1 performance
23 Feb 2021 Implications of SONA on Department; with Deputy Ministers
16 Feb 2021 Department of Human Settlements Quarterly Reports; with Deputy Minister
12 Feb 2021 Banaero Park & Actonville Petitions; with Deputy Minister
04 May 2022 ATC220504: Draft Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on Budget Vote 33: Human Settlements, and on the revised Strategic Plan for the coming MTEF period and Annual Performance Plan 2022-23, 4 May 2022
04 May 2022 ATC220504: Draft Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on Budget Vote 33: Human Settlements, and on the revised Strategic Plan for the coming (MTEF) period and Annual Performance Plan 2022-23, 4 May 2022.
05 Aug 2021 ATC210805: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on Oversight Visit to the Kingdom of Lesotho, Dated 27 June 2021
24 May 2021 ATC210524: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on Budget Vote 41, Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan of the Department Of Water and Sanitation, Dated 21 May 2021
17 May 2021 ATC210517: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on Budget Vote 33: Human Settlements, and on the revised Strategic Plan for the coming Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period and Annual Performance Plan 2021-22, dated 14 May 2021.
03 May 2021 ATC210503: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report (BRRR) of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water And Sanitation On The Annual Reports And Financial Statements of the Department of Water and Sanitation and its Entities For 2019/20 Financial Year, Dated 30 April 2021
11 Mar 2021 ATC210311: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on Provincial Engagements on Specific Issues Relating to the Water and Sanitation Sector, Dated, 5 March 2021
01 Mar 2021 ATC210301: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on the 2020/21 First Quarter Financial andNon-Financial Performance of the Department of Human Settlements, dated 26 February 2021
03 Dec 2020 ATC201203: Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report (BRRR) of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation, Dated 02 December 2020
27 Nov 2020 ATC201127: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on Consideration of the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) Investigative Report on the State of Shelters in South Africa, 2018/2019, Dated: 10 November 2020
17 Jul 2020 ATC200717: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on the Supplementary Budget Vote No 33 of the Department Of Human Settlements, Dated 17 July 2020
17 Jul 2020 ATC200717: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on The Impact of the Supplementary Adjusted Budget and Revised 2020/21 Annual Performance Plan on the Department of Water and Sanitation (Vote 41), Dated 17 July 2020
08 Jun 2020 ATC200608: Report of the Deliberations of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on Budget Vote 41, 2020/21 Annual Performance Plan and Strategic Plan: Water and Sanitation And Entities, Dated 7 June 2020
04 Jun 2020 ATCX200604: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on Budget Vote 33: Human Settlements, and on the Strategic Plan for the coming Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period and Annual Performance Plan 2020/21, dated 29 May 2020.
29 Oct 2019 ATC191029: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on the Performance of the Department of Human Settlements for the 2018/19 Financial Year, dated 25 October 2019
10 Jul 2019 ATC190710: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on Budget Vote 36: Water and Sanitation and on the 2019/2020 Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan of the Department of Water and Sanitation, dated 10 July 2019
05 Jul 2019 ATC190705: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on Budget Vote 38: Human Settlements, on the Strategic Plan for the coming Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period and Annual Performance Plan 2019/20, dated 5 July 2019
20 Mar 2019 ATC190320: Draft Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on its activities undertaken during the 5th Parliament (May 2014 – March 2019
20 Nov 2018 ATC181120: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on Property Practitioners Bill [B 21 – 2018], dated 20 November 2018
18 Oct 2018 ATC181018: Report of the Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report (Brrr) of the Portfolio Committee On Human Settlements, dated 18 October 2018
03 May 2018 ATC180503: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on Budget Vote 38: Human Settlements, and on the strategic plan for the coming Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period and Annual Performance Plan 2018/19, dated 3 May 2018
24 Oct 2017 ATC171024: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on oversight visit to Mpumalanga Province, dated 24 October 2017
17 Oct 2017 ATC171017: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report (Brrr) of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, dated 17 October 2017
09 May 2017 ATC170509: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on petitions, dated 9 May 2017
09 May 2017 ATC170509: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on Budget Vote 38: Human Settlements, and on the strategic plans for the coming Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18, dated 9 May 2017
09 May 2017 ATC170509: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on oversight visit to Free State, dated 9 May 2017
09 May 2017 ATC170509: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on Budget Vote 38: Human Settlements, and on the strategic plans for the coming Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18, dated 9 May 2017
14 Oct 2016 ATC161014: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report (BRRR) of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, dated 14 October 2016
05 May 2016 ATC160505: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on the draft regulations on levies and fees pertaining to the Community Schemes Ombud Service, dated 5 May 2016
28 Apr 2016 ATC160428: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on Budget Vote 38: Human Settlements, and on the strategic plans for the coming Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period and Annual Performance Plan 2016-17, dated 26April 2016
20 Oct 2015 ATC151020: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report (BRRR) of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, dated 20 October 2015
05 May 2015 ATC150505: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on Budget Vote 38: Human Settlements, and on the strategic plan for the coming Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period and Annual Performance Plan 2015-16, dated 5 May 2015
24 Mar 2015 Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on the Oversight Visit to Limpopo Province, dated 10 March 2015
21 Oct 2014 ATC141024: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report (BRRR) of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, dated 21 October 2014
09 Sep 2014 ATC140910: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on the Rental Housing Amendment Bill [B 56D–2013], dated 9 September 2014:
08 Jul 2014 ATC140711: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on Budget Vote 31: Human Settlements and on the strategic plan 2014/19 and annual performance plan 2014/ 2015, dated 8 July 2014
05 Mar 2014 ATC140306: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on the Housing Development Agency Regulations, dated 5 March 2014
16 Oct 2013 ATC131105: The Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, dated 16 October 2013
15 May 2013 ATC130521: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on Budget Vote 31: Human Settlements and on the Strategic Plans, 2013/14 – 2015/16 and Annual Performance Plans 2013 – 2014, dated 15 May 2013
22 Feb 2013 ATC130226: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on an Oversight visit to Lenasia, Gauteng, dated 22 February 2013
27 Nov 2012 ATC130204: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on the Oversight visit to Lenasia, Gauteng, dated 27 November 2012
24 Oct 2012 ATC130813: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on the oversight visit to the North West province, dated 24 October 2012
08 Aug 2012 ATC120910: Report on the follow-up oversight visit by the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements to the Eastern Cape, dated 8 August 2012
13 Jun 2012 ATC120613: Report on Rental Housing Amendment Bill [B 21-2011], dated 13 June 2012
31 Mar 2012 ATC121030: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on the Budget Vote 31 – Human Settlements for the  financial year end 31 March 2012, dated 17 October 2012
15 Feb 2012 ATC120215: Report on oversight visit to Mpumalanga, dated 15 February 2012
01 Jul 2011 ATC110701: Report on Rural Household Infrastructure Programme (RHIP)
03 Dec 2010 ATC101203: Report on Study Tour to Queensland, Australia
06 Aug 2010 ATC100806: Report on Oversight visit to Gauteng from 1-6 August 2010
23 Jul 2010 ATC100723: Report on Oversight Visit to the Free State Province 19-23 July 2010
Report: Housing Development Agency Bill
Report: Budget Vote 31: Human Settlements
Report: Sectional Titles Schemes Management Bill
Report: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report on the performance of the Department of Human Settlements for the financial year 2009/10
Report: Oversight visit to KwaZulu-Natal
Report: Community Scheme Ombud Services Bill
ATC210311: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on Provincial Engagements on Specific Issues Relating to the Water and Sanitation Sector, dated, 5 March 2021
Report: Oversight visit to KwaZulu-Natal
Report: Third Africa Conference on Sanitation and Hygiene (AfricaSan 3)
Report: Oversight Visit to Eastern Cape
Report: Budget Vote 30: Human Settlements & Strategic Plan of Department of Human Settlements & its housing entities
Report: Social Housing Bill
Report: Budget Vote 26 and Strategic Plan 2009 – 2011 of the Department of Human Settlements and its Entities
Report: Rural Household Infrastructure Programme (RHIP)
Report: Housing Development Agency Bill
Notice: This ministry is now inactive. Find new questions under the ministry housing this function now.
23 Aug 2021 NW1035 by Mohlala - What are the remedial actions to be taken on...
04 Aug 2021 NW1264 by Ms E L Powell - Whether she will furnish Ms E L Powell with...
04 Aug 2021 NW1265 by Ms E L Powell - (1)What (a) is the (i) name, (ii) position and...
30 Jul 2021 NW1635 by Ms E L Powell - Whether she will provide Ms E L Powell with...
23 Jul 2021 NW1756 by Mrs M R Mohlala - Whether she intends to intervene to stop the...
23 Jul 2021 NW1402 by Ms E L Powell - (1)Whether she will furnish Ms E L Powell with...
23 Jul 2021 NW1497 by Ms S A Buthelezi - In light of her department’s policy response...
16 Jul 2021 NW1477 by Mr I S Seitlholo - (1)Whether her department has concluded any...
16 Jul 2021 NW1744 by Mrs S M Mokgotho - What (a) are the details of the housing...
16 Jul 2021 NW1223 by Mrs S M Mokgotho - What steps has she taken to ensure that the...
12 Jul 2021 NW1034 by Mrs M R Mohlala - In view of the fact that an estimated funding...
12 Jul 2021 NW1221 by Mrs M R Mohlala - Whether she intends to revise the treaty...
21 Jun 2021 NW1703 by Mr M J Cuthbert - (1)What (a) are the time frames for the...
21 Jun 2021 NW1702 by Mr M J Cuthbert - (1)With reference to the Alliance Extension 9...
21 Jun 2021 NW1368 by Mrs M R Mohlala - What steps has she taken to (a) transform the...
21 Jun 2021 NW1161 by Mr L J Basson - With reference to the agreement between the...
21 Jun 2021 NW1704 by Mr M J Cuthbert - (1)(a) How will beneficiaries who qualify be...
21 Jun 2021 NW1367 by Mrs M R Mohlala - Whether her department has made any COVID-19...
17 Jun 2021 NW1517 by Ms E L Powell - Whether (a) the Msunduzi Local Municipality,...
17 Jun 2021 NW1554 by Ms E L Powell - (1)Whether the residents of Jika Joe Informal...
17 Jun 2021 NW1049 by Ms E L Powell - Whether she will provide Ms E L Powell with...
14 Jun 2021 NW1540 by Mr P G Moteka - What (a) has she found to be the reason that...
14 Jun 2021 NW1613 by Mr S Ngcobo - Whether her department has put any measures in...
14 Jun 2021 NW1346 by Ms E R J Spies - Whether she has been informed that the waste...
14 Jun 2021 NW1403 by Ms E L Powell - Whether the (a) Kwa-Zulu Natal Provincial...
14 Jun 2021 NW1048 by Ms E L Powell - Whether she will furnish Ms E L Powell with...
03 Jun 2021 NW1353 by Ms C V King - (1)With reference to her reply to question...
03 Jun 2021 NW1216 by Ms E L Powell - (1)What total number of fidelity fund...
31 May 2021 NW1154 by Ms E L Powell - (1)What total number of fidelity fund...
28 Apr 2021 NW674 by Mr N E Hinana - Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any...
26 Apr 2021 NW790 by Ms C N Mkhonto - With reference to the approximately 1 050...
26 Apr 2021 NW749 by Mr H S Gumbi - With reference to the Inanda, Ntuzuma and...
21 Apr 2021 NW395 by Ms S A Buthelezi - In view of the fact that in November 2020 the...
21 Apr 2021 NW918 by Mrs M R Mohlala - What measures does her department have in...
16 Apr 2021 NW659 by Ms E L Powell - (a) What amount did the Department of Human...
16 Apr 2021 NW932 by Ms E L Powell - Whether she will furnish Ms E L Powell with...
16 Apr 2021 NW897 by Mr R A Lees - What are the details of the technical report...
16 Apr 2021 NW829 by Mr R A Lees - (1)Whether, with reference to the master plans...
16 Apr 2021 NW628 by Mrs M R Mohlala - Whether her department has done an assessment...
15 Apr 2021 NW284 by Ms E L Powell - Whether she will furnish Ms E L Powell with...
15 Apr 2021 NW396 by Ms S A Buthelezi - In light of the fact that early in January...
15 Apr 2021 NW285 by Ms E L Powell - Whether she will furnish Ms E L Powell with...
15 Apr 2021 NW933 by Ms E L Powell - Whether she will furnish Ms E L Powell with...
15 Apr 2021 NW934 by Ms E L Powell - Whether she will furnish Ms E L Powell with...
15 Apr 2021 NW919 by Mrs M R Mohlala - Given that her department has just bought more...
15 Apr 2021 NW917 by Mrs M R Mohlala - How does her department intend to resolve the...
15 Apr 2021 NW906 by Ms N P Sonti - What steps has her department taken since May...
15 Apr 2021 NW828 by Mr R A Lees - (1)With reference to the provision of water...
15 Apr 2021 NW660 by Ms E L Powell - (a) What is the annual amount spent by the...
15 Apr 2021 NW627 by Mrs M R Mohlala - (a) By what date does she intend to appoint...

All questions to the Minister

Bill name Date introduced Number Status
Property Practitioners Bill 14 Jun 2018 B21-2018 Act commenced
Rental Housing Amendment Bill 20 Nov 2013 B56-2013 The bill has been signed into law.
Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Bill 18 Jun 2012 B14-2012 Act commenced
Rental Housing Amendment Bill 01 Nov 2011 B21-2011 Withdrawn
2010 Community Schemes Ombud Service Bill 27 Jul 2010 B21-2010 Act commenced
2010 Sectional Titles Schemes Management Bill 22 Jul 2010 B20-2010 Act commenced
Housing Development Agency Bill 08 Feb 2008 B1-2008 Act commenced
Rental Housing Amendment Bill 27 Jul 2007 B30-2007 Act commenced
Social Housing Bill 27 Jul 2007 B29-2007 Act commenced
Housing Consumers Protection Measures Amendment Bill 26 Mar 2007 B6-2007 Act commenced


No current attendance data


Secretary of Committee:


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