ATC140306: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on the Housing Development Agency Regulations, dated 5 March 2014

Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on the Housing Development Agency Regulations, dated 5 March 2014

The Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, having considered the Housing Development Agency Regulations: 2008 tabled in terms of section 32 read together with section 7(3) of the Housing Development Agency Act, 2008 (Act No. 23 of 2008), referred to it, reports as follows:

  1. Having noted that the Minister of Human Settlements is not empowered by the Act to regulate on offences and penalties, it is recommended that the Minister should ensure that regulation 23 is deleted.
  2. The Committee inserted regulation 26(4) which re-enforces reference to offences and penalties as contemplated in section 37 of the Act.

Report to be considered.


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