Questions and Replies

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23 March 2015 - NW753

Profile picture: Masango, Mr SJ

Masango, Mr SJ to ask the Mr S J Masango (DA) to ask the Minister of Transport:

(a) How many claims has the Road Accident Fund paid in the last three financial years where the amount paid exceeds the amount initially offered in settlement and (b) in each case, what were the (i) reasons for such increased settlements, (ii) initial amounts offered, (iii) amounts paid out and (iv) times which lapsed between (aa) the claim application date and (bb) the claim payment date?


(a) In order to approve efficiencies the Road Accident Fund (RAF) has implemented a process in terms of which the different components making up a claim can now be settled independently (part-settlement), e.g. a claim for past loss of earnings can now be settled whilst the claim for future loss of earnings may require further investigation, and, or assessment, resulting in a future settlement date of the aforementioned component of the claim. This process of part-settlement of the different components of the claim means that little value can be gained from comparing an initial offer (which may relate to only a specific component of the claim) with the final settlement amount (which may exclude the earlier settled component), because like-for-like amounts would not be compared. For this reason the RAF is unable to respond to the specific query.

(b) Due to the number of claims involved, the part-settlement process alluded to above, and the timing of the capturing of certain part-settlements on the RAF's claim system, it is impractical to respond to the remainder of the question, except for providing the below response to part (i) of the question as it relates to possible reasons (other than part-settlement) for the variance between an initial offered settlement and a final settlement amount.

(i) It is not uncommon for an initial offer amount on a component of the claim to be less than the eventual settlement amount. Some of the more common reasons for this include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. The RAF may have applied a percentage apportionment, based on the RAF's assessment of the claimant's contributory negligence, which apportionment served to reduce the amount of the initial offer. This apportionment may later have been reduced, or abandoned, following negotiation or receipt of new evidence:

b. Claimants are entitled to, and frequently do, amend their claims, either by increasing the amount already claimed under a specific component of the claim or by claiming a new amount under a new component. Such amendments are typically the result of the submission of new documentary evidence pertaining to a specific component of the claim; medico-legal reports; Serious Injury Assessment Reports; and, or. actuarial reports that are submitted after the initial offer, or that may be updated after the initial offer. The RAF assesses such additional submissions and may update the initial offer where indicated; and

c. The outcome of litigation, as regards the fault aspect (apportionment) and, or, the quantum of the claim could result in the apportionment being reduced or the quantum being increased, either of which may impact the final settlement amount.

It bears noting that in many instances the RAF settles claims for more than what was originally claimed.

23 March 2015 - NW759

Profile picture: Mubu, Mr KS

Mubu, Mr KS to ask the Minister of Transport:

(a) How many persons have graduated from the SA Taxi Counal Driver Training Academy since its inception, (b) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms exist to monitor improvement in driving by these graduates and (c) what has been the costs to her department in this regard to date?


(a) How many persons have graduated from the SATaxi Council Driver Training Academy since its inception.

A total number of 238 driven have been trained since the inception of the SA Taxi Council Driver Training Academy.

The breakdown is as follows:




1. 2013/14

Free State (Main Campus)


2. 2014/15

Limpopo (Satellite Campus)


3. 2014/15

KwaZulu Natal (Satellite Campus)





(b) What (i) process, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms exist to monitor improvement in driving by these graduates and,

The South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) has established a Call Centre for the commuters to call in and report any reckless driving or if it is suspected that a driver could be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If a call is received suggesting any of the above, the call centre staff will notify the nearest law enforcement agency for action to be taken.

Drivers are also trained on the aspects of customer care as part of improving the image of the industry in the face of the general public. A number of calls have been received from commuters expressing their appreciation in the manner in which taxi driven have improved in dealing with the commuters and the respect shown to them.

(c) What has been the cost to her department in this regard to date?

A once off payment of R5.5 million was made during the launch in the 2011/12 financial year.

23 March 2015 - NW434

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training:

(1) With reference to his reply to question 2663 on 9 December 2014, what are the names and relevant details of each of the 164 specific and individual projects the national skills fund supported in the 2013-14 financial year; (2) what was the (a) budget and (b) amount spent in each case; (3) in each specified case, (a) what (i) detailed predetermined set of objectives were the applications judged against and (ii) individual targets were (aa) set and (bb) met for each project and (b)(i) what are the details of the (aa) expenditure monitored and (bb) surpluses returned in each specified case and (ii) how was overspending dealt with; (4) were the projects audited; if so, in each specified case for each of the 164 specific and individual projects what (a) were the findings of the audit, (b) were the recommendations and (c) actions has he taken in this regard?


Attached please fine here: Reply

23 March 2015 - NW750

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport:

(a) What are the statistics for all motor vehicle accidents in each month by category, where seat belts were used for (i) drivers and (ii) passengers in the (aa) 2011-12, (bb) 2012-13 and (cc) 2013-14 financial years and (b) what is her department doing to educate South Africans on the benefits of using seat belts?


(a)The Department is currently working with Statistics South Africa to collate data for all motor vehicle accidents occurred in (aa) 2012-12. (bb) 2012-13 and (cc) 2013- 2014. The data processing will commence once the data capturing is completed.

(b)There are various Road Safety initiatives that focused on seatbelt usage.

19 March 2015 - NW530

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Mr S & Motau (DA) to ask the Minister of Women in The Presidency:

Whether any employees in her office have been on suspension with full salary since 1 January 2014; if so, (a) how many employees and (b) what IS the total cost thereof?


Minister in the Presidency responsible for Women only took office in the current administration.

(a) Not applicable
(b) Not applicable

19 March 2015 - NW536

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of State Security:

Whether any employees in his department have been on suspension with full salary since I January 2014; if so, (a) how many employees and (b) what is the total cost thereof?


No members of the State Security Agency (SSA) have been placed on suspension since 1 January 2014. There is however six members who were placed on suspension prior to the date above and whose disciplinary processes have commenced.

The cost implications for the period 1 January 2014 to date are R6, 984,614.00

17 March 2015 - NW571

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Mr. M S F de Freites (DA) to ask the Minister of Transport:

How many (i) ships and (ii) skippers have been licensed in each month in (aa) 2012, (bb) 2013 and (cc) 2014 and (b) in each case what (i) was the length of the Iicen9e and (ii) are the reasons for this’NW651E


(I) & (II)



Ship Surveys

Skippers License







































Ship Surveys

Skippers License
















9/ 3























Ship Surveys

Skippers Lience






























(i) what was the length of the license

Local General Safety Certificate - 12 Months

small Vessel Skippers Certificate of Competence - no expiry date

(ii) what are the reasons for this As per Regulations

Small Vessel Skippers license - there are no provisions in our Merchant Shipping (National Small Vessel Safety) Regulations, 2007 as to the expiry dates of these certificates.

17 March 2015 - NW410

Profile picture: Masango, Mr SJ

Masango, Mr SJ to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) (a) How many new appointments were made at the Air Traffic and Navigation Services in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed; (2) were (a) the positions advertised in the press and (b) standard recruitment processes followed; if not, why not, in each case; if so, (i) how many applications were received for each advertised position, (ii) what was the highest qualification for the persons who were appointed and (iii) what level of remuneration will be paid to the persons who were appointed; (3) whether vacant posts were also advertised internally; if not, why not; if so, (a) how many positions were filled internally and (b) what are the names of the incumbents; (4) (a) how many staff members are currently in an acting capacity and (b) in each case, (i) in what positions are they acting and (ii) for what reason?


Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS)

(1) (a) How many new appointments were made at the Air Traffic and Navigation Services in the (i) 2011-12 - 137(6 Professionally qualified; 120 Skilled Technical Workers and Junior Managers; 11 Semi-skilled and Discretionary Decision positions)
(ii) 2012-13 - 107(10 Professionally qualified; 81 Skilled Technical Workers and Junior Managers; 6 Semi-skilled Technical Workers and 10 Unskilled and Defined Decision Making positions)
(iii) 2013-14 - 146(4 Professionally qualified, 128 Skilled Technical Workers and Junior Managers; 12 Semi-skilled Technical Workers and 2 Unskilled and Defined Decision Making Positions

(2) (a) the positions advertised in the press -Yes, depending on the position ATNS does use the press if the position requires this recruitment method. Not all positions are advertised via the press.

(b) Yes, all positions are filled as per recruitment process and policy.

(i) Average 10 (again this is very subjective, as it largely depends on the level and qualification of the position).

(ii) what was the highest qualification for the persons who were appointed - As per minimum requirements of each advertised position. Again this varies from entry to top levels in the Company.

(iii) ATNS benchmarks all our remuneration against the South African market. Ail remuneration offered is in line with the market benchmark based on the grade of the position.

(3) Yes

17 March 2015 - NW409

Profile picture: Masango, Mr SJ

Masango, Mr SJ to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) (a) How many new appointments were made at the Airports Company South Africa in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed; (2) were (a) the positions advertised in the press and (b) standard recruitment processes followed; if not, why not, in each case; if so, (i) how many applications were received for each advertised position, (ii) what was the highest qualification for the persons who were appointed and (iii) what level of remuneration will be paid to the persons who were appointed; (3) whether vacant posts were also advertised internally; if not, why not; if so. (a) how many positions were filled internally and (b) what are the names of the incumbents; (4) (a) how many staff members are currently in an acting capacity and (b) in each case, (i) in what positions are tey acting and (ii) for what reason?


(1) (a) How many new appointments were made at the Airports Company South Africa in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed;

(a) The Airports Company South Africa appointed various people in different positions during the period under review.

(i) Appointments 2011 -12 were, 375
(ii) Appointments 2012 -13 were, 379
(iii) Appointments 2013 -14 were, 413

Detail of appointments per financial year, per position and employee is attached for reference as requested.

(2) were (a) the positions advertised in the press and (b) standard recruitment processes followed; if not, why not, in each case; if so, (i) how many applications were received for each advertised position, (ii) what was the highest qualification for the persons who were appointed and (iii) what level of remuneration will be paid to the persons who were appointed;

(a) The Company resourcing is approached in line with the approved policy, regulating recruitment, selection and appointments. (b) A copy of the policy is included for reference. Recruitment for positions that are vacant and should be filled is done according to policy requirements.

(3) whether vacant posts were also advertised internally; if not, why not; if so, (a) how many positions were filled internally and (b) what are the names of the incumbents:

In line with the policy as attached, all vacant positions that should be filled are advertised internally. The promotions for each year are reflected below:

(b) (i) Promotions 2011 -12 were, 22
(ii) Promotions 2012 -13 were, 108
(iii) Promotions 2013 -14 were, 158

The detail about each promotion is included in the attached sheet for each year under review.

(4) (a) how many staff members are currently in an acting capacity and (b) in each case, (i) in what positions are they acting and (ii) for what reason? NW485E

The Company approaches absence from people in supervisory and management positions, by requiring a person to Act in such capacity during periods of absence. This allows for business continuity and does expose individuals to gain experience in a different role as well.

The record of people acting during the period mainly December 2014- January 2015, which accumulated to 144 instances, is attached for reference.

17 March 2015 - NW412

Profile picture: Mubu, Mr KS

Mubu, Mr KS to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) a) How many new appointments were made at the Railway Safety Regulator In the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed;


A) (i) 2011/12 financial year – 23
(i) 2012/13 financial year - 25

(i) 2013/14 financial year – 2

B) FOR YEAR: 2011/12 (23 Appointments Made





Deon Bouwer

Safety Inspector


Adam Wahl

Safety Inspector


Simon Hubiner

Safety Inspector


CheyI Walters

Executive Assistant


Kgagelo Masipa

Manager Permit


Matselanane Makwela

Safety Inspector


Nonhlanhla Ndima

Safety Inspector


Lungelo Nzuza

Administrator: Analysis


Molepa Seabela

Safety Inspector


Thamsanqa Tom

Safety Inspector


Freddie Kgomari

Chief Executive Officer


Nkululeko Poya

HR Practitioner


Benedicta Damba

Officer Administrator


Pumla Ntsonkota

Senior Researcher


Mabila Mathebula

Senior Manager: Strategic Planning


Lubabalo Molefe

Senior Manager: Communications


Sibongiseni Henna

ICT Manager


Sithambiso Mbolekwana

General Manager


Stompie Xulu

General Manager: Corporate Affairs


Thanduxolo Fumbata

Safety Inspector


Vuyo Sijeku

Administrator: Safety Standards


Mandla Basani

Senior Manager: ICT


Nkululeko Mflatela

Legal Advisor

Please find here: FOR YEAR: 2012/13 (25 Appointments Made)

12 March 2015 - NW194

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1) With reference to the reply of the Minister of Communications to question 1031 on 27 November 2014, what was the total amount that (a) his department and (b) each of its entities (i) spent on and/or (ii) budgeted for advertising for each month between 1 January 2013 and 31 July 2014, excluding expenditure transferred through the Department of Communications for advertising; (2) does such figure for each month represent the (a) total value of advertising that appeared in the media in that month, (b) amount paid in that month for advertising that may have appeared previously or (c) amount paid in advance for advertising that appeared at a later date; (3) in each specified case, what amount did (a) his department and (b) each of its entities spend on advertising in (i) print, (ii) radio, (iii) television, (iv) online and (v) outdoor; (4) in each specified case, what is the breakdown of advertising by (a) his website and (ee) billboards location in each province?


Find here: Reply attached

10 March 2015 - NW346

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Transport

(1) (a)(i) How many new appointments were made at the SA National Roads Agency Limited in the (aa) 2012-13 and (bb) 2013-14 financial years, in each case and (b)(i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed; (2) were (a) the positions advertised in the press and (b) standard recruitment processes followed; if so, (i) how many applications were received for each advertised position, (ii) what was the highest qualification for the persons who were appointed and (iii) what level of remuneration will be paid to the persons who were appointed; (3) whether vacant posts were also advertised internally; if not, Why not; if so, (a) how many positions were filled internally and (b) what are the names of the incumbents; (4) (a) how many staff members are currently in an acting capacity in each case, (b) in what position are they acting and (c) for what reason?

04 March 2015 - NW9

Profile picture: Madisha, Mr WM

Madisha, Mr WM to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) Whether the intensive investigation that she promised on 4 December 2014 to remedy the serious and alarming deficits that the 2014 annual national assessments (ANA) showed in respect of Grade 9 mathematics were now in place and communicated to all schools for implementation; if not, why not; if so, what were these radical interventions; (2) Will she make a statement on (a) which interventions she is seeking from individuals in society and (b) the private sector that were in a position to dramatically improve the perennially hopeless situation of mathematics in our state schools?



▪ The Department of Basic Education (DBE) conducted an intensive diagnostic analysis of learner performance in the Grade 9 Mathematics ANA tests. The findings have been succinctly documented in the 2014 ANA Diagnostic Report.
▪ Copies of the 2014 Diagnostic report highlighting challenges that learners are experiencing in terms of Grade 9 Mathematics content have been printed and distributed to all public and independent schools.
▪ The DBE is currently conducting roadshows with all provincial and district officials involving the mediation of the 2014 ANA diagnostic report in Mathematics.
▪ Further, the DBE is currently hosting General Education and Training (GET) Mathematics subject committee meetings to focus on subject improvement plans in grade 9 Mathematics based on the findings of the 2014 ANA Diagnostic Report in Mathematics.
▪ The DEE in partnership with the Sasol lnzalo foundation has developed material in key content areas of Grade 9 Mathematics which has been mediated to all Senior Phase Mathematics subject advisors.
▪ The 1+4 Intervention Model is one of the key features of the Framework for improving performance in the Senior Phase.

(2) (b) There is an MST Roundtable that is scheduled for the 19 March 2015 in the Department of Basic Education. A total of 80 representatives from the NGO sector, universities, DHET, DST and DBE that support and/or have interest on issues relating to the MST in Education in the country are envisaged to be invited to attend the 3d MST in Education Roundtable. The purpose of the MST Roundtable is for the Minister to outline the Strategic Direction of Government in Enhancing MST Performance.

04 March 2015 - NW45

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Basic Education:

(1) Whether primary schools in the Eastern Cape have had one of their assigned posts allocated for a teacher of an African language and for isixhosa, in particular; if so, does this post assignment apply to all primary schools in the province; (2) whether these appointees will be responsible for the teaching of an African language as part of the Incremental Introduction of African Languages (IIAL) programme: if not, why are schools required to appoint an isiXhosa teacher; if so, why is it necessary to appoint a full-time educator at this stage in the implementation of IIAL; (3) why these posts have not been allocated in addition to the number of posts that would ordinarily have been required at affected primary schools; (4) whether the llAL programme will operate as planned in the 2015 academic year; if not, (a) why not and (b) what are the detailed plans for the programme; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) Whether primary schools in the Eastern Cape have had one of their assigned posts allocated for a teacher of an African language and for isiXhosa, in particular; if so, does this post assignment apply to all primary schools in the province;

The introduction of IsiXhosa in Grades 1 and 8 in 201 5 in the Eastern Cape is a provincial initiative which complements the national HAL programme. The posts are only allocated to schools that are currently not offering an African Language or isixhosa, that is, mainly the former Model C schools. The number of posts to be allocated is determined in terms of the post provisioning process. Affected schools are allocated an additional post(s) from the pool of ad-hoc posts, determined as part of the total post basket of the province.

04 March 2015 - NW316

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education:

(1) What is the number of reports of (a) drug possession, (b) drug dealing, (c) alcohol possession. (d) firearm possession and (e) possession of knives and other weapons at (i) primary and (ii) secondary schools (aa) in the (aaa) 2011-12, (bbb) 2012-13 and (ccc) 2013-14 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2014 in each province; (2) What mechanisms have been put in place to ensure that (a) principals report any such incidents to the district offices and (b) district offices report these incidents to the provincial departments of education?


I . My Department does not have such detailed and disaggregated information of schools as you have requested in your questions. The possession of drugs, alcohol. firearms. knives and other weapons would be serious transgressions in terms of the Code of Conduct for Learners at schools and will be managed at a school level in collaboration with SAPS.

2. All schools have Incident Reporting Registers to record incidents related to the use and abuse of illegal substances. This information remains with the school for the purposes of District Monitoring. The Department is not in a position to determine the number of learners affected nationally by substance abuse.

04 March 2015 - NW317

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education:

317. Ms H S Boshoff (DA) to ask the Minister of Basic Education: (1) With reference to farm schools in Mpumalanga, (a) how many private properties that have public farm schools on their premises have been turned into state-owned properties and (b) how many public farm schools on private properties are operational in terms of an agreement in accordance with section 14 of the South African Schools Act, Act 84 of 1996, between the Member of the Executive Council and the owner of the private property in Mpumalanga; (2) how many (a) learners in (i) primary school and (ii) secondary school are amending rural or farm schools and (b) of these schools lack basic facilities such as piped water, toilets and electricity in Mpumalanga; (3) (a) how many learners in (i) primary school and (ii) secondary school whose rural or farm schools have been closed are being transported to merger schools due to limited capacity at the hostel of the respective merger school and (b) what is the percentage of parents of learners whose rural or farm schools have closed, who serve on the school governing bodies of merger schools in Mpumalanga; (4) whether the Mpumalanga provincial education department has produced a provincial draft budget document for the rural farm school hostel project; (5) what number of child support grants have been transferred along with learners who have been transferred to boarding schools following the closure of their rural or farm school in Mpumalanga?


The question has been referred to the province and the response will be forwarded as soon as it is received.

04 March 2015 - NW314

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education:

(1) With reference to the building of Selowe Primary School in Blouberg, Limpopo, (a) why is this building project not completed, (b) who was the contractor, (c) what amounts have been paid to the contractor and (d) what action has been taken to finish this building project; (2) whether any legal processes are pending against the contractor; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. (a) According to information received from the province, the contractor who was appointed in May 2013 and had been progressing slowly eventually abandoned the site and all the works stopped in June 2014. He was behind on the project and was facing penalties according to the Joint Buildina Contracts Committee contract (JBCC). The implementing agent (IDT) terminated the contractor after the site was abandoned at the roof level in July 2014. The implementing agent then re-advertised the project and has replaced this contractor.

(b) The initial contractor was Shota Engineering cc.

(c) The initial contractor (Shota Engineering cc) was paid R 2,151,727.42.

(d) The contract was terminated and the implementing agent then re-advertised the project and has replaced this contractor.

27 February 2015 - NW223

Profile picture: Ntobongwana, Ms P

Ntobongwana, Ms P to ask the Minister of Women in The Presidency:

Why does her office not have accurate and comprehensive data on gender-based violence that reveals the extent and magnitude of the problem while it could assist to reduce such violence against women in society?


The Department of Women is still in the process of establishing its own systems and processes that will enable it to gather, capture, store and use such data as one of the tools to curb violence against women in our society.



Approved by the Minister on
Date: 24/02/2015

27 February 2015 - NW165

Profile picture: Mokgalapa, Mr S

Mokgalapa, Mr S to ask the Mr S Mokgalapa (DA) to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

(1) With reference to the reply of the Minister of Communications to question 1031 on 27 November 2014, what was the total amount that (a) her department and (b) each of its entities (i) spent on and/or (ii) budgeted for advertising for each month between 1 January 2013 and 31 July 2014, excluding expenditure transferred through the Department of Communications for advertising; (2) does such figure for each month represent the (a) total value of advertising that appeared in the media in that month, (b) amount paid in that month for advertising that may have appeared previously or (c) amount paid in advance for advertising that appeared at a later date; (3) in each specified case, what amount did (a) her department and (b) each of its entities spend on advertising in (i) print, (ii) radio, (iii) television, (iv) online and (v) outdoor; (4) in each specified case, what is the breakdown of advertising by (a) her department and (b) each of its entities in terms of (i) name of and (ii) amount spent on each (aa) publication, (bb) radio station, (cc) television station, (dd) website and (ee) billboards location in each province?


The Department of Women is a new department which has just been established. It is for this reason that the question is not applicable to it.


Approved by the Minister on
Date: 26/02/2015.

25 February 2015 - NW47

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education:

(1) Which schools in Malamulele? Limpopo, were prevented from opening for the 201 5 academic year as a result of protests; (2) In each school, what is the number of affected learners in each grade; (3) in each school, what measures will be taken to ensure that all learners who have not attended schools since the beginning of January 2015 will be provided with an opportunity to attend a catch-up programme, and (b) when will she start taking these measures: (4) When will the catch-up programmes begin? ( 5 ) What measures will be taken to prevent protestors from closing schools in Malamulele in the future?


(1) Which schools in Malamulele, Limpopo, were prevented from opening for the 2015 academic year as a result of protests;

Approximately 149 schools were prevented from opening for the 201 5 academic year. A list ofthe affected schools is attached. The impasse at Malamulele has, however, now been resolved. Schools in the area have opened for the first time in 201 5 allowing for learning and teaching to commence in the hundred and forty nine (149) schools that were affected.

(2) In each school, what is the number of affected learners in each grade?

A list of schools and the number of learners that were affected per grade is captured in the table attached. The information on learners is however based on 2014 statistics as the schools have only just reopened and statistics for 2015 are currently being verified.

(3) in each school, what measures will be taken to ensure that all learners who have not attended schools since the beginning of January 2015 will be provided with an opportunity to attend a catch-up programme, and (b) when will she start taking these measures;

The Provincial Department of Education has developed a catch up plan to make up for lost time.

(4) When will the catch-up programmes begin?

The commencement date for the Catch-up Programme is not yet finalised.

(5) What measures will be taken to prevent protestors from closing schools in Malamulele in the future? NW48E

The Department of Basic Education will continue to work with School Governing Bodies and communities to ensure that all schools are protected at all times. The situation in Malamulele is however unique in that the community is at the centre of the activities that pose a threat to schooling and schools.

25 February 2015 - NW60

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

When will her department conduct an inspection at the Dowerglen High School in order to determine whether any learners qualify to participate in the school feeding scheme? NW62E


In terms of the National School Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant Framework in the Division of Revenue Act (DORA), the Department has a mandate to provide meals to all learners in quintile I to 3 primary and secondary schools, as well as identified special schools in line with the specified budget allocated by National Treasury. Dowerglen High School is a quintile 5 school and currently falls outside the mandate of the NSNP.

25 February 2015 - NW58

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) How many learners attending schools in the Edenvale area were caught (a) in possession of drugs and (b) dealing in drugs in the (i) 2012 and (ii) 2013 academic years; (2) at which schools did the above learners attend; (3) what were the consequences for the learner in each case? (2) at which schools did the above learners attend; (3) what were the consequences for the learner in each case?


The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has entered into a Collaborative Partnership Protocol with the South African Police Service (SAPS) in 2011. The Protocol is an acknowledgement that safety is a shared responsibility between both the Departments. Officials from both Departments have committed themselves to promote the safety of everyone at school and to combat school violence as captured in the delivery agreement of both Ministries. Action Plan 2019 (Goal 10) is also enhanced through this partnership as it ensures that children remain effectively in schools until they turn 15 years old. One of the commitments of the Partnership Protocol is to prevent and manage alcohol and drug use amongst learners in schools.

1. According to information received from SAPS two learners were arrested (a) for the possession of illegal drugs (b) and none for dealing in illegal substances (i) during 2012 and (ii) 2013 academic years.

2. The two learners were from Edenglen High School and Don Materra Child and Youth Care Centre.

3. Both learners were arrested for possession of illegal drugs and both cases were withdrawn at Court. The learner from Edenglen High School was suspended and the learner from Don Materra Child and Youth Care Centre was transferred to another institution.

25 February 2015 - NW7

Profile picture: Madisha, Mr WM

Madisha, Mr WM to ask the Minister of Basic Education:

( I ) Whether, in view of the public controversy surrounding a certain person (name furnished) arising from the finding of the Public Protector that the said person had not been truthful about having matriculated and notwithstanding the kind of role model such a person may project, she proceeded to invite the person to speak to successful matriculants at the launch of the 2014 matriculation results; if not. what is the position in this regard, if so, (a) how and why did she arrive at the decision to invite the said person and (b) what is her position with regard to the person's statement to the matriculants at the launch that there are certificated people and educated people in the world; (2) whether it is her position that matric certification is unnecessary to one's education and should therefore not be striven for?


(a) The SABC owns the venue that was used for the announcement of the NSC 2014 results. The SABC, as a host organisation, therefore determines who represents the SABC at the event.

(b) The statement, in this particular instance, is taken out of context and therefore the Minister has no position on it.

(2) The National Senior Certificate is the most important qualification in the schooling sector and the Department of Basic Education is the custodian of this qualification and therefore the question posed in this case is irrelevant.

25 February 2015 - NW57

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) What are the reasons that the Dowerglen High School situated in Edenvale, Gauteng, receives an inadequate budget from the department given that all the learners are from disadvantaged communities and (b) when will this issue be rectified?


(a) Dowerglen High School is a fee-charging school ranked in quintile 5 with an enrolment of 422. The school has been ranked by the Gauteng Department of Education according to the relative poverty of the community surrounding the school. The school received an allocation of R530 per learner for 2014/15. This allocation was above the national 2014 quintile 5 per learner benchmark of R183. The total allocation paid to the school for 2014/15 is R223.660.

The school can apply to the Gauteng Department of Education to be re-ranked, or to be voluntarily declared a no-fee school in order for their allocation to be more than what they are receiving now.