Question NW316 to the Minister of Basic Education:
04 March 2015 - NW316
Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education:
(1) What is the number of reports of (a) drug possession, (b) drug dealing, (c) alcohol possession. (d) firearm possession and (e) possession of knives and other weapons at (i) primary and (ii) secondary schools (aa) in the (aaa) 2011-12, (bbb) 2012-13 and (ccc) 2013-14 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2014 in each province; (2) What mechanisms have been put in place to ensure that (a) principals report any such incidents to the district offices and (b) district offices report these incidents to the provincial departments of education?
I . My Department does not have such detailed and disaggregated information of schools as you have requested in your questions. The possession of drugs, alcohol. firearms. knives and other weapons would be serious transgressions in terms of the Code of Conduct for Learners at schools and will be managed at a school level in collaboration with SAPS.
2. All schools have Incident Reporting Registers to record incidents related to the use and abuse of illegal substances. This information remains with the school for the purposes of District Monitoring. The Department is not in a position to determine the number of learners affected nationally by substance abuse.