
National Assembly Committee

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Oversight responsibility of Agriculture Portfolio Committee

The Agriculture Portfolio Committee oversees the Department of Agriculture and its statutory entities: 

Agricultural Research Council (ARC) 
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB)
Onderstepoort Biological Products Limited (OBP)

The Committee is mandated to: 

  • consider, amend and/or initiate legislation that is specific to, or impacts on Agriculture
  • consider and review the strategic plans and budgets of the Department and its entities.
  • monitor and oversee the activities, financial and non-financial performance of the Ministry of Agriculture, including the Department and its entities.
  • monitor and oversee the implementation of the Department’s policies and legislation
  • consider sector-related international treaties and agreements; and
  • provide a platform for the public to participate and present views on specific topics and/or legislation in relation to the agricultural sector.

Learn more about the work of this Committee: Legacy Reports

The role and functions of Committees in Parliament
In accordance with the powers given to it by the Constitution, the National Assembly establishes a range of committees with assigned powers and functions. 

There is a portfolio committee for each corresponding government department. A committee deliberates on bills covering the department’s area of jurisdiction and scrutinises and report on its annual budget and strategic plan. As the people’s representatives, Members of the committees determine whether government departments are delivering on what they promised and whether they are spending the public money they receive in a responsible manner. As part of their oversight work, committees may also do site visits where they find out directly from the people at ground level whether the government is delivering on its promises.

If a committee reports on a matter and makes certain recommendations, that report will be debated in a full sitting or plenary to give other Members of the House an opportunity to engage with the content of the report. Once the report has been debated, the House decides whether to adopt the committee’s recommendations. The House may also decide only to note the report, or it may refer the report back to the committee with an instruction to do further work. 

Committee Membership

Committee membership is distributed among the parties roughly in proportion to the seats they get in Parliament, so if a party wins 20% of the seats, its MPs will occupy about 20% of committee positions

NA Committee are comprised of 11 Members. The composition is as follows: ANC (5); DA (3); MK (2); EFF (1) & other parties (4). The four largest parties were given permanent positions, and the 14 other parties are grouped together to share the remaining slots.

Read more:  Committees in the Seventh Parliament: Critical Forums for Oversight

Working in Committees allows Parliament to:

  • Increase the amount of work that can be done
  • Ensure that issues can be debated in more detail than in plenary sessions
  • Increase the level of participation of Members of Parliament (MPs) in discussions
  • Enable MPs to develop expertise and in-depth knowledge of the specific Committee's area of work
  • Provide a platform for the public to present views directly to MPs, something which is not possible in a plenary sitting of Parliament
  • Provide an environment for Parliament to hear evidence and collect information related to the work of a specific Committee


Rule 167 of the National Assembly Rules (9th Edition) say that for the purposes of performing its functions  committee may, subject to the Constitution, legislation, the other provisions of these rules and resolutions of the Assembly: 

  • Summon any person to appear before it to give evidence on oath or affirmation, or to produce documents
  • Receive petitions, representations or submissions from interested persons or institutions
  • Permit oral evidence on petitions, representations, submissions and any other matter before the committee
  • Conduct public hearings
  • Consult any Assembly or Council committee or subcommittee, or any joint committee or subcommittee
  • Determine its own working arrangements
  • Meet at a venue determined by it, which may be a venue beyond the seat of Parliament
  • Meet on any and at any time, including on a day which is not a working day; on a day on which the Assembly is not sitting; at a time when the Assembly is not sitting, or during a recess. 
  • Exercise any other powers assigned to it by the Constitution, legislation, the other provisions of these rules or resolutions of the Assembly

Committees in Practice

With the agreement of members, the Committee staff sets the dates and times of committee meetings. The frequency of committee meetings is determined by a committee’s work programme but it is normal for a committee to meet weekly. From time to time, committees can meet more than once a week if they work programme so demands.

Section 59(1)(b) of the Constitution requires that the National Assembly and its committees conduct their business in an open manner and hold their sittings in public. Section 59(2) states that the National Assembly may not exclude the public or the media unless it is ‘reasonable and justifiable to do so in an open and democratic society’. Rule 184(2) of the Rules of the National Assembly further require that any decision to exclude the public from a committee meeting or part thereof must be taken ‘after due consideration’ by that committee

Who attends Committee Meetings:

  • MPs (those assigned to the committee and if they so wish, any other MP)
  • Committee Staff: Committee Secretary, Committee Assistant, Researcher, Content Advisor
  • Departments, entities, organizations, individuals and experts who are invited by the Committee to speak and be questioned
  • Parliamentary Legal Advisor (from time to time)
  • Media
  • General Public



Portfolio Committees
The National Assembly (NA) appoints from among its members a number of Portfolio Committees to shadow the work of the various national government departments.

Select Committees
The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) appoints from its permanent members a number of Select Committees to shadow the work of the various national government departments and to deal with Bills.

Because only 54 of the 90 NCOP Members are permanent delegates compared to the 400 of the NA, the Select Committees oversee the work of more than one national government department.

Public Accounts Committees
The National Assembly Standing Committee on Public Accounts acts as Parliament's watchdog over the way taxpayers' money is spent by the Executive. Every year the Auditor-General tables reports on the accounts and financial management of the various government departments and State institutions.

Heads of government departments and institutions are regularly called by this committee to report and account for expenditure. The Committee can recommend that the National Assembly takes corrective actions if necessary.

Internal Committees
The National Assembly has a number of internal committees that deal with matters affecting the running of Parliament. The Committees normally consist of senior Members of Parliament. The Rules Committee and its sub-committees deal with House rules. There are structures to deal with support for Members, internal arrangements, disciplinary matters and powers and privileges of members. Other internal Committees are the Programme Committee that plans the work of the Assembly, the Disciplinary Committee, and the Committee of Chairpersons.

The National Council of Provinces also has its own domestic Committees. The Rules Committee and its subcommittees deal with the NCOP rules. There are structures to deal with support for Members, internal arrangements, disciplinary matters and powers and privileges of members. The Programme Committee plans the work of the NCOP and the Committee of Chairpersons make recommendations about the functioning of Committees and other NCOP forums.

Ad hoc Committees
Parliament or one of its Houses may appoint an ad hoc (temporary) Committee when a special task must be done. When the task is complete, the Committee is dissolved.

Joint Committees
The National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces together appoint several joint committees. There are currently six Joint Committees:

Committees play a very important role in the process of building democracy and involving the public in the processes and activities of Parliament.

No results.

10 Jul 2024 Election of Chairperson
10 Jul 2024 DALRRD Annual Performance Plan 2024/25
26 Mar 2024 Committee Legacy Report; Ingonyama Trust Board matters
12 Mar 2024 Postponed: Challenges and interventions to address governance challenges confronting ITB & Ingonyama Trust; with Deputy Minister
05 Mar 2024 SPLUMA implementation and challenges: DALRRD & SALGA briefing
27 Feb 2024 Hemp 4 Life on cannabis & hemp producer challenges; BRRR
23 Feb 2024 DPME Evaluation of Land Restitution Programme and National Food and Nutrition Security Plan (NFNSP)
20 Feb 2024 RSA & Cuba Agreement on Animal and Plant Health; Brazil Study Tour Report
07 Feb 2024 ARC, NAMC, ITB & OBP 2022/23 Annual Reports
06 Feb 2024 DALRD, CRLR, OVG & PPECB 2022/23 Annual Reports; with Minister
12 Jul 2024 ATC240712: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and Portfolio Committee on Land Reform and Rural Development on the 2024/25 Annual Performance Plans and the Budget of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and Its Entities: Vote 29, Dated 12 July 2024
26 Mar 2024 ATC240326: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on Activities Undertaken During the Sixth Parliament, May 2019 – March 2024
01 Mar 2024 ATC240301: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development: Vote 29, Dated 27 February 2024
28 Feb 2024 ATC240228: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on a Study Tour to Brazil, dated 20 February 2024
06 Dec 2023 ATC231206: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Deeds Registries Amendment Bill [B28 – 2022], dated 5 December 2023.
06 Dec 2023 ATC231206: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Bill [B14 – 2021], dated 05 December 2023
28 Nov 2023 ATC231128: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Bill [B8 – 2021] (National Assembly– Section 76), Dated 28 November 2023
20 Oct 2023 ATC231020: Report Of The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources For Food And Agriculture (ITPGRFA), Dated 20 October 2023.
30 Aug 2023 ATC230830: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Animals Protection Amendment Bill [B1 – 2021] (National Assembly– proposed Sec 76), dated 06 June 2023.
06 Jun 2023 ATC230606: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the nomination of candidates to serve on the Board of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), dated 06 June 2023.
31 May 2023 ATC230531: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on an Oversight to Mpumalanga Province from 29 - 31 March 2023, Dated 30 May 2023
08 May 2023 ATC230508: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the 2023/24 Annual Performance Plans and the Budget of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and Its Entities: Vote 29, Dated 05 May 2023.
31 Jan 2023 ATC230131: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Bill [B15 – 2021] (National Assembly–Section 76), dated 22 November 2022
01 Dec 2022 ATC221201: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on an Oversight Visit to Sundays River Valley, Eastern Cape; Dated 29 November 2022
10 Nov 2022 ATC221110: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development; and Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour on the joint oversight on the living and working conditions in farming communities, Dated 04 November 2022
26 Oct 2022 ATC221026: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development: Vote 29, Dated 25 October 2022
24 May 2022 ATC220524: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on an Oversight Visit to the (ARC), (OBP), Gauteng Province on 19 – 22 April 2022, Dated 24 May 2022
10 May 2022 ATC220510: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on Oversight visit to the Perishable Products Export Control Board and District Six on 29 March and 1 April 2022, dated 10 May 2022
10 May 2022 ATC220510: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Cooperative on 2022/23 APP & Budget of Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and its entities, dated 10 May 2022
07 Apr 2022 ATC220407: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on an Oversight visit to Gwatyu Farms in the Eastern Cape Province from 31 January To 04 February 2022, dated 22 March 2022
25 Nov 2021 ATC211125: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development: Vote 29, Dated 23 November 2021
10 Sep 2021 ATC21910: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill [B31 – 2020] (National Assembly– sec 76), dated 10 September 2021
09 Sep 2021 ATC210909: Special Joint Oversight Visit Report to Kwazulu-Natal: Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and the Select Committee on Land Reform, Environment, Mineral Resources and Energy, Dated 7 September 2021
03 Sep 2021 ATC210903: Interim report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill [B31 – 2020] (National Assembly– sec 76), dated 03 September 2021
24 Aug 2021 ATC210824: Special Joint Oversight Visit Report to Kwazulu-Natal: Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and the Select Committee on Land Reform, Environment, Mineral Resources and Energy, Dated 24 August 2021
02 Jun 2021 ATC210602: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Liquor Products Amendment Bill [B10B – 2016] (National Assembly – Section 75), dated02 June 2021.
25 May 2021 ATC210525: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Liquor Products Amendment Bill [B10B – 2016] (National Assembly – Section 75), dated 25 May 2021
12 May 2021 ATC210512: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the 2021/22 Annual Performance Plans and Budget and Its Entities, Vote 29, Dated 11 May 2021.
27 Nov 2020 ATC201127: Budgetary Review And Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development: Agriculture (Vote 24), Dated 27 November 2020
03 Nov 2020 ATC201103: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Amendment Bill [B6 – 2020] (National Assembly – Section 76), dated 03 November 2020
15 Jul 2020 ATC200715: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Special Adjustment Budgetand the 2020/21 Revised Annual Performance Plan of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development: Vote 29, dated 15 July 2020
05 Jun 2020 ATC200605: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the 2020/21 Annual Performance Plan and the Budget of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and its Entities, Vote 29, Dated 29 May 2020.
19 Nov 2019 ATC191119: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on an Oversight Kwazulu-Natal Province from 26 to 30 August 2019, dated 12 October 2019
23 Oct 2019 ATC191023: Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development: Rural Development and Land Reform (Vote 39), Dated 16 October 2019
23 Oct 2019 ATC191023: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development: Agriculture (Vote 24), dated 16 October 2019
10 Jul 2019 ATC190710: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on Budget Vote 39: Rural Development and Land Reform, 10 July 2019
10 Jul 2019 ATC190710: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan and the Budget of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Vote 24) and its Entities, dated 10 July 2019.
28 Nov 2018 ATC181128: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on an Oversight Visit to Free State Province from 13 – 17 August 2018, Dated 27 November 2018
30 Oct 2018 ATC181030: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, dated 30 October 2018
11 Sep 2018 ATC180911: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Plant Breeders’ Rights Bill [B11D – 2015], dated 11 September 2018
11 Sep 2018 ATC180911: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Plant Improvement Bill [B8D – 2015], dated 11 September 2018
05 Jun 2018 ATC180605: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the request to nominate candidates for appointment to the Board of the Land Bank, dated 05 June 2018
29 May 2018 ATC180529: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on an oversight visit to North West Province from 10 – 15 September 2017, dated 29 May 2018
29 May 2018 ATC180529: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the National Forests Amendment Bill [B11 – 2016], dated 29 May 2018
08 May 2018 ATC180508: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan and the Budget of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Vote 24) and its Entities, dated 08 May 2018
19 Oct 2017 ATC171019: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries dated 19 October 2017
19 Oct 2017 ATC171019: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries dated 19 October 2017
06 Sep 2017 ATC170906: Joint Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Portfolio Committee on Women in the Presidency and Multi-Party Women’s Caucus on the Oversight visit to Mpumalanga Province on 26 – 31 March 2017, dated 06 September 2017
21 Jun 2017 ATC170621: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on an Oversight Visit to Knysna, Western Cape Province, 21 June 2017
19 May 2017 ATC170519: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Strategic Plan, 2017/18 Annual Performance Plan and the Budget of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Vote 24) and its Entities, dated 19 May 2017
06 Apr 2017 ATC170406: Report on the Joint Workshop on Food Security and Food Safety by the PC on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, PC on Health and the Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources
22 Mar 2017 ATC170322: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Oversight Visit to Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) and Agricultural Research Council (ARC) on 02 December 2016, Dated 22 March 2017
28 Oct 2016 ATC161028: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, dated 28 October 2016
23 Aug 2016 ATC160823: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on President’s reservations on the Performing Animals Protection Amendment Bill [B9B – 2015], dated 23 August 2016
26 May 2016 ATC160526: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the request to nominate candidates for appointment to the Board of the Land Bank, dated 26 May 2016
03 May 2016 ATC160503: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the invitation by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to nominate candidates to serve on the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC), dated 03 May 2016
19 Apr 2016 ATC160419: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan and the Budget of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Vote 24) and its Entities, dated 19 April 2016
20 Nov 2015 ATC151120: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Performing Animals Protection Amendment Bill [B9 – 2015], dated 20 November 2015
28 Oct 2015 ATC151028: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, dated 27 October 2015
14 May 2015 ATC150514: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the International Fisheries Agreements that bind the Republic of South Africa, dated 12 May 2015.
08 May 2015 ATC150508: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan and the Budget of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Vote 24) and its Entities, dated 08 May 2015
19 Feb 2015 Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Oversight visit to Kwazulu-Natal Province, dated 17 February 2015
19 Feb 2015 Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on an Oversight Visit to the Western Cape Province, Dated 17 February 2015
24 Oct 2014 ATC141024: 2014 Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
23 Sep 2014 ATC141020: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the oversight visit to NCERA Farms (Pty) Ltd In the Eastern Cape Province on 23 September 2014
11 Sep 2014 ATC140911: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the invitation by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to nominate candidates to serve on the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC), dated 11 September 2014
11 Jul 2014 ATC140711: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans and the Budget of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Vote 26) and its Entities, dated 11 July 2014.
11 Jul 2014 ATC140715: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the request to nominate candidates for appointment to the Board of the Land Bank, dated 11 July 2014:
08 Apr 2014 ATC140408: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on activities undertaken during the Fourth Parliament (May 2009 – March 2014)
07 Apr 2014 ATC140407: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on activities undertaken during the Fourth Parliament (May 2009 – March 2014)
11 Mar 2014 ATC140313: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Oversight visit to the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and the Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) in Pretoria, Gauteng Province, dated 11 March 2014.
15 Nov 2013 ATC140204: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Oversight Visit to Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd in the Eastern Cape Province on 15 November 2013
13 Nov 2013 ATC131125: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on Public Hearings on the Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill [B30 – 2013] dated 13 November 2013.
31 Oct 2013 ATC131101: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, dated 31 October 2013
30 Oct 2013 ATC131030: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance on the 2013 Revised Fiscal Framework dated 30 October 2013
29 Oct 2013 ATC131029: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill [B30 – 2013], dated 29 October 2013
29 Oct 2013 ATC131029: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the request to nominate candidates for appointment to the board of the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC), dated 29 October 2013
25 Oct 2013 ATC131030: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance on the Employment Tax Incentive Bill [B46 - 2013] (National Assembly- section 77), dated 25 October 2013.
25 Oct 2013 ATC131030: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance on the Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill [B40-2013] (National Assembly- section 75), dated 25 October 2013.
25 Oct 2013 ATC131030: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance on the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill [B39 - 2013] (National Assembly- section 77), dated 25 October 2013.
24 Oct 2013 ATC131028: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance on the Draft Supply Chain Regulations issued in terms of the Financial Management of Parliament Act, 2009 (Act No. 10 of 2009), dated 24 October 2013.
16 Oct 2013 ATC131021: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance on the Financial Services Laws General Amendment Bill [B29 - 2012] (National Assembly- Section 75), dated 16 October 2013
02 Aug 2013 ATC131125: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Oversight Visit to the Free State Province, dated 29 July to 02 August 2013
23 May 2013 ATC130524: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Strategic Plans and the Budgets of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Vote 26) and its Entities, dated 23 May 2013.
14 May 2013 ATC130517: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Fertilisers and Feeds Bill [B41 – 2012] dated 14 May 2013.
09 May 2013 ATC130509: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Arts and Culture on Budget Vote 14: Department of Arts and Culture, dated 9 May 2013
26 Mar 2013 ATC130328: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on nomination of candidates to serve on the Board of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), dated 26 March 2013.
26 Mar 2013 ATC130327: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on nomination of candidates to serve on the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), dated 26 March 2013.
27 Nov 2012 ATC130520: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Oversight visit to Ncera Farms (PTY) Ltd in the Eastern Cape Province on 26 October and 27 November 2012
26 Nov 2012 ATC121129: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the request to nominate candidates for appointment to the board of the Land Bank, dated 26 November 2012:
13 Nov 2012 ATC121114: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the invitation to nominate candidates to serve on the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC), dated 13 November 2012:
23 Oct 2012 ATC121029: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Performance of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, dated 23 October 2012
04 Sep 2012 ATC120903 Report of the Portfolio Committee of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the&nbspnbsp;  Bill [B25-2012] (National Assembly – sec 75), dated 4 September 2012:
08 May 2012 ATC120808: Report on Transformation In The Fishing Sector In South Africa Dated 08 May 2012
25 Apr 2012 ATC120425: Report on Strategic Plan & Budget Vote 26, dated 25 April 2012
15 Apr 2011 ATC110415: Report: Budget & Strategic Plan of Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries & its Entities
01 Feb 2011 ATC110201: Report on Oversight Visit to Grabouw for engagement with forestry stakeholders, dated 19 January 2011
18 Jan 2011 Report: Public Hearings on Transformation in the Agricultural Sector, dated 18 January 2011
18 Jan 2011 ATC110118 :Report on Oversight Visit to West Coast, dated 18 January 2011
22 Oct 2010 Report: Budgetary Review and Recommendation of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries dated 22 October 2010
12 Apr 2010 ATC100412: Report on Budget Vote No 25
18 Nov 2008 ATC081118: Report on Provision of Land and Assistance Amendment Bill
04 Sep 2008 ATC080904: Report on Provision of Land and Assistance Amendment Bill
04 Sep 2008 ATC080904: Report on Liquor Products Amendment Bill
13 Aug 2008 ATC080813: Report on Land Use Management Bill
26 Jun 2008 ATC080626: Report on Liquor Products Amendment Bill
25 Jun 2008 ATC080625: Report on Liquor Products Amendment Bill
09 Jun 2008 ATC080609: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and Land Affairs on Budget Vote: 27 Department of Land Affairs, dated 20 May 2008
09 Jun 2008 ATC080609: Report on Agricultural Debt Management Repeal Bill
15 Jun 2023 Notice of Introduction Performing Animals Protection Amendment Bill, 2023, [PMB]
21 Apr 2023 Preservation And Development Of Agricultural Land Bill
06 Sep 2022 Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Bill
06 Jul 2021 Deeds Registries Amendment Bill - draft
09 Mar 2021 Sectional Titles Amendment Bill
09 Mar 2021 Agricultural Produce Agents Amendment Bill
03 Jul 2020 Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Amendment Bill
07 Feb 2020 Land Donations Policy
21 Jan 2020 Draft National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF)
17 Jan 2020 Nominations: Agricultural Research Council
03 Jan 2020 Beneficiary Selection and Land Allocation Policy
15 Nov 2019 Draft document – Bovine Brucellosis Control Policy, South Afric
20 Feb 2019 Feeds and Pet Food Bill - draft
03 Aug 2018 Climate Smart Agriculture Strategic Framework - draft
31 Jul 2018 Comprehensive Producer Development Support - Draft National Policy
30 Nov 2017 Animal Protection Amendment Bill [PMB-2017]
17 Jul 2017 Liquor Products Amendment Bill [B10-2016]
17 Jul 2017 National Forests Amendment Bill [B11-2016]
17 Jul 2017 National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill [B22-2016]
06 Sep 2016 Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Revised Draft Policy and Bill
24 Feb 2016 Draft Aquaculture Bill
21 Jan 2016 Perishable Products Exports Control Draft Bill
12 Nov 2015 Draft South African Criteria, Indicators and Standards for Sustainable Forest Management.
14 Aug 2015 Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Draft Bill, 2015
03 Jun 2015 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan for the South African Agricultural and Forestry Sectors - draft
30 Apr 2015 Performing Animals Protection Amendment Bill [B9-2015]; Plant Improvement Bill [B8-2015]; & Plant Breeders’ Rights Bill [B11-2015]
14 Apr 2015 Performing Animals Protection Amendment Act: Regulations: Draft
24 Mar 2015 Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Bill 2014
20 Mar 2015 National Veld Forest Fire Amendment Draft Bill, 2015
13 Mar 2015 Draft Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Framework Bill and Policy
13 Mar 2015 Draft National Forests Amendment Bill
06 Mar 2015 Proposed regulations relating to Small-Scale Fishing
06 Oct 2014 Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Bill, 2014
10 Apr 2014 Performing Animals Protection Amendment Draft Bill
02 Oct 2013 Public hearings on Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill [B30-2013]
22 Aug 2013 Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Draft Bill
02 Aug 2013 Agricultural Research Amendment Draft Bill
07 Jun 2013 Comment deadline extended for Allocation & Management of Fishing Rights: Draft Revised General Policy
07 Jun 2013 Comment deadline extended for: Marine Living Resources Amendment Draft Bill
06 Jun 2013 National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Draft Bill
09 Apr 2013 Comment: Agricultural Produce Marketing Agencies Draft Bill
08 Apr 2013 Comment: Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Draft Bill
08 Apr 2013 Comment: Fertilizer and Feeds Bill [B41 - 2012]
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29 Apr 2024 NW446 by Mr N P Masipa - (a) What are the strategies and plans of her...
29 Apr 2024 NW747 by Mr M K Montwedi - What (a) are the reasons that livestock that...
22 Apr 2024 NW850 by Mr R A Lees - With reference to the Ntabebomvu Community...
22 Apr 2024 NW849 by Mr R A Lees - With reference to the Ntabebomvu Community...
22 Apr 2024 NW848 by Mr R A Lees - With reference to the Ntabebomvu Community...
22 Apr 2024 NW545 by Mr N P Masipa - With regard to the Land Bank clients who...
22 Apr 2024 NO204 by Ms M S Letlape - Since 1 December 1998, what are the full...
17 Apr 2024 NW210 by Mr N S Matiase - With reference to settled land restitution...
17 Apr 2024 NW816 by Dr P J Groenewald - (1) (a) Who are the trustees and (b) how were...
17 Apr 2024 NW804 by Ms T M Mbabama - On which legislative provisions does her...
17 Apr 2024 NW753 by Ms C N Mkhonto - (1) Whether there is any system in place to...
17 Apr 2024 NW669 by Mr N P Masipa - What progress has been made at the...
17 Apr 2024 NW551 by Mrs V van Dyk - What does the Constitution of the Rooiwal...
17 Apr 2024 NW546 by Mr N P Masipa - (1) What steps has her department taken to...
17 Apr 2024 NW137 by Mr N P Masipa - What is the latest update on the progress made...
17 Apr 2024 NW494 by Ms B Mathulelwa - What urgent steps of intervention have been...
17 Apr 2024 NW469 by Mrs V van Dyk - Whether, with reference to the Rooiwal...
17 Apr 2024 NW290 by Mr N P Masipa - What is the latest update regarding the R150...
12 Apr 2024 NW673 by Mrs V van Dyk - Whether she will furnish Mrs V van Dyk with...
11 Apr 2024 NW589 by Mrs W R Alexander - With reference to her reply to question 102 on...
11 Apr 2024 NW136 by Mr N P Masipa - Considering that Cabinet’s approved a R334,41...
11 Apr 2024 NW291 by Mr N P Masipa - (1)Whether she will furnish Mr N P Masipa with...
11 Apr 2024 NW543 by Ms A M Siwisa - What are the reasons that (a) students who are...
04 Apr 2024 NW651 by Mr M Manyi - What are the full, relevant details of land...
04 Apr 2024 NW672 by Mrs V van Dyk - (1) Whether she will furnish Mrs V van Dyk...
04 Apr 2024 NW699 by Mrs W R Alexander - Whether she will furnish Mrs W R Alexander...
04 Apr 2024 NW640 by Mr N S Matiase - Whether her department conducted any study to...
03 Apr 2024 NW532 by Mr M K Montwedi - Considering that her department has finalised...
03 Apr 2024 NW522 by Mr N S Matiase - Whether, with reference to her reply to...
03 Apr 2024 NW653 by Mr M Manyi - What total amount (a) has the Government spent...
03 Apr 2024 NW652 by Mr M Manyi - (a) How much land was transferred as part of...
25 Mar 2024 NW547 by Mr N P Masipa - What are the relevant details regarding the...
25 Mar 2024 NW470 by Mrs V van Dyk - Whether, with reference to the Rooiwal...
25 Mar 2024 NW328 by Mr L J Basson - What are the full details of all (a)...
25 Mar 2024 NW433 by Ms T Breedt - With reference to the recent docking of the...
18 Mar 2024 NW269 by Inkosi R N Cebekhulu - What specific steps does her department intend...
18 Mar 2024 NW289 by Mr N P Masipa - Whether she will furnish Mr N P Masipa with...
18 Mar 2024 NW382 by Mr M K Montwedi - Whether the Public Protector made any findings...
18 Mar 2024 NW268 by Inkosi R N Cebekhulu - (a) How does her department intend to address...
18 Mar 2024 NW499 by Mr N S Matiase - What has her department found to be the...
18 Mar 2024 NW498 by Mr N S Matiase - What total number of households and/or...
18 Mar 2024 NW209 by Mr N S Matiase - With reference to land restitution claims that...
18 Mar 2024 NW208 by Mr N S Matiase - What (a) is the total number of (i) commercial...
18 Mar 2024 NW57 by Mr N P Masipa - What is the (a) total cost of waste perishable...
18 Mar 2024 NW56 by Mr N P Masipa - (1)What is the latest update on the referral...
18 Mar 2024 NW381 by Mr N S Matiase - What total number of agri-hubs have benefited...
29 Feb 2024 NW72 by Ms T M Mbambama - With reference to her reply to question 789...
29 Feb 2024 NW138 by Mr N P Masipa - What is the latest update on the production...
29 Feb 2024 NW4 by Ms T Breedt - Whether, with reference to her reply to...

All questions to the Minister

Bill name Date introduced Number Status
Deeds Registries Amendment Bill 02 Nov 2022 B28-2022 Approved by Parliament. Waiting to be signed into law.
Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Bill 16 Aug 2021 B15-2021 Approved by Parliament. Waiting to be signed into law.
Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Bill 29 Jul 2021 B14-2021 Approved by Parliament. Waiting to be signed into law.
Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Bill 22 Apr 2021 B8-2021 Approved by Parliament. Waiting to be signed into law.
Animals Protection Amendment Bill 03 Feb 2021 B1-2021 Rejected
Agricultural Produce Agents Amendment Bill 26 Nov 2020 B33-2020 Withdrawn
Sectional Titles Amendment Bill 02 Nov 2020 B31-2020 Act commenced
Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Amendment Bill 06 May 2020 B6-2020 Act commenced
National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill 03 Nov 2016 B22-2016 Withdrawn
National Forests Amendment Bill 21 Jul 2016 B11-2016 The bill has been signed into law.
Liquor Products Amendment Bill 07 Jul 2016 B10-2016 Act commenced
Plant Breeders’ Rights Bill 12 Mar 2015 B11-2015 The bill has been signed into law.
Performing Animals Protection Amendment Bill 03 Mar 2015 B9-2015 Act commenced
Plant Improvement Bill 03 Mar 2015 B8-2015 The bill has been signed into law.
Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill 13 Sep 2013 B30-2013 Act commenced
Fertilizers and Feeds Bill 27 Nov 2012 B41-2012 Withdrawn
Veterinary and Para-veterinary Professions Amendment Bill 13 Jun 2012 B25-2012 Act commenced
Provision of Land And Assistance Amendment Bill 12 Jun 2008 B40-2008 Act commenced
Land Use Management Bill 28 May 2008 B27-2008 Lapsed
Agricultural Debt Management Repeal Bill 23 May 2008 B24-2008 Act commenced
Liquor Products Amendment Bill 21 May 2008 B22-2008 Act commenced
Sectional Titles Amendment Bill 16 May 2006 B8-2006 Act commenced
Deeds Registries Amendment Bill 04 May 2006 B5-2006 Act commenced
2024 10 meetings Attendance rate 79%
2023 34 meetings 65%
2022 30 meetings 68%
2021 30 meetings 75%
2020 41 meetings 80%
2019 16 meetings 89%
Detailed attendance data by committee and MP Learn about our Attendance Methodology


Secretaries of Committee:

Albertina Kakaza

Tel: 021 403 3765

Cell: 083 709 8391

Email: [email protected]


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