Postponed: Ingonyama Trust Board 2023/24 Annual Performance Plan, with Minister


21 April 2023
Chairperson: Nkosi ZM Mandela (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

Ingonyama Trust Board   

For the second time, the new board of the Ingonyama Trust failed to appear before the Committee to present its 2023/21 Annual Performance Plan. Members felt it was important that the new ITB chair be present to answer questions only he could.

The Minister expressed her dismay at the chair’s absence after she had spoken to him and explained the importance of accounting to the Committee. To which the ITB chair expressed hesitation as they are a new board that is yet to meet. Moreover, it was said King Misuzulu Zulu ka Zwelithini had requested to see the chairperson of the Trust on the same day as the Portfolio Committee hearing.

It was agreed the meeting would be deferred to next week. If the ITB failed to pitch for a third time, it would be subpoenaed to appear before the Committee, to which it accounted.

Meeting report

The Chairperson stated that the chairperson of the Ingonyama Trust Board, iNkosi u Mzimela, is again not available [he was also unavailable for the meeting originally scheduled for 19 April 2023]. He asked the Committee to deliberate on a way forward.

Ms T Mbabama (DA) stated the importance of the chairperson’s presence as there are questions that can only be answered by him. She proposed the meeting is moved to next week. This was conferred by Ms Mahlo (ANC) and Mr H Kruger (DA).

Mr H Kruger (DA) said there is an important conversation to be had with the Ingonyama Trust leadership, and that the Portfolio Committee should give the Trust notice of the meeting timeously, so they may have enough time to prioritise the Committee meeting.

Ms Thoko Didiza, Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, agreed with the Committee and confirmed that she spoke with the Chairperson’s Trust and told him the importance of presenting himself to Parliament. To which he expressed hesitation as they are a new board that is yet to meet. Moreover, it was said King Misuzulu Zulu ka Zwelithini had requested to see the chairperson of the Trust on the same day as the Portfolio Committee hearing. The Minister told him whilst she understands his predicament, it is imperative for the new chair to present himself to the Committee. As a result, the Minister is taken aback that the chairperson of the Trust did not come to present their Annual Performance Plan.

The Chairperson stressed that the Ingonyama Trust is an entity of the Portfolio Committee of Agriculture, and therefore has a responsibility to present itself and cooperate with the working of the Portfolio Committee.

The Secretary of the Committee will be requested to send a third invitation to the Trust. Should they fail to appear again, then the Committee will be left with no option but to subpoena the Trust to appear before the Committee as the work of the Committee cannot be left hanging due to the Ingonyama Trust’s failure to adhere to some of their duties of presenting themselves and accounting to the Portfolio Committee, which is an extension of Parliament. 

The Committee Members unanimously agreed to postpone the briefing to a later date.

As a result, the meeting was adjourned.


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