Questions and Replies

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16 April 2018 - NW743

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

What role, if any, does South Africa continue to play in fighting for the sovereignty and freedom of Western Sahara?


South Africa pursues a pan Africanist foreign policy, which amongst others seeks to promote the decolonisation of the African Continent. To this end, since 2004 South Africa recognized the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) as a full member of the African Union (AU). South Africa has been consistent in her support for the right of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination and independence. South Africa’s support is consistent with the United Nations (UN) Declaration on Decolonization and in accordance with the UN Resolution 1514 of 1960 which emphasized on the inalienable right of the indigenous people of the Western Sahara to total independence as well as the AU Roadmap towards a speedy peaceful resolution to the conflict which was reaffirmed by the recent 30th AU Summit held in Addis Ababa in January 2018.

South Africa further supports the right of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination, first as a State and later SADR’s admission to the African Union. South Africa’s solidarity with the SADR is not only historical and principled but practical. Since South Africa’s recognition of the SADR, South Africa continues to provide technical assistance and humanitarian support to the people of Western Sahara.

Furthermore, the South African and SADR governments on 29th March 2018 in Pretoria signed the Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Technical Assistance and Exchange of Notes on Humanitarian Assistance that will provide for the release of R10 million in humanitarian aid to assist in the provision of emergency shelter, nutrition, medical care, child protection and education in the Western Sahara refugee camps located in south-west Algeria as well as an annual R1, 771 000.00 for technical support to the SADR Embassy in Pretoria.

In addition, South Africa sponsored a decision for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to hold a solidarity conference on Western Sahara. The solidarity conference is expected to be convened during the course of this year.

13 April 2018 - NW663

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)What progress has her department made with the handing over of the dockyards to Denel; (2) has Denel’s financial challenges and the National Treasury requirements relating to the handing over of the dockyards been resolved; if not, (a) what are the persistent challenges, (b) how will they be resolved to ensure the commencement of the projects and (c) on what date will the projects commence; (3) whether there are any financial risks if the awarded tenders to two certain companies (names furnished) cannot commence; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what will the costs be in each case?


Denel was given until the 28 February 2018 to meet the suspensive conditions of securing a strategic partner in the Dockyard Transfer. On the basis that the deadline was not met, the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans determined that no further extensions be granted and that the transfer process be cancelled. Armscor continues to manage the Dockyard and deliver maintenance services of the SA Navy vessels. Armscor is now tasked with pursuing the renewal strategy of the Dockyard.

The two tenders relating to Project Hotel and Biro are standalone projects and have no interface with the Dockyard Transfer.


13 April 2018 - NW666

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether the shareholder position of a certain person (name and details furnished) in a certain company (name furnished) and its subsidiaries was disclosed to her department before any tenders were awarded to the specified company as a service provider to her department and Armscor; if so, (a) has she found that there was a potential conflict of interest and (b) what were the findings of the Auditor-General in respect of tenders that were awarded to the company?


FeverTree Consulting is a Management Consulting firm. The company was appointed to assist Armscor in the co-management of a turnaround of the corporation. The company was appointed, through an open tender process conducted in accordance with applicable legislation, included the participation of other interested parties, to assist Armscor in the co-management of a turnaround of the corporation. Criteria in the Tender process were formulated in an order of the specialist competencies and experience that Armscor require for the corporate turnaround. FeverTree Consulting was the only company that complied with all of the criteria.

The status of Mr. Ramaphosa’s association with FeverTree Consulting (Pty) Ltd is as follows: At the time of the appointment of FeverTree Consulting by Armscor, Mr Ramaphosa had resigned on 25 June 2012 from FeverTree Consulting and had no interest in the company and was not in any way associated with the company by any direct or indirect means.

13 April 2018 - NW46

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Cooperative and Traditional Affairs

What recommendations of the feasibility study (details furnished) compiled in July 2014, has the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Council (a) implemented and (b) what was the cost of the feasibility study; (2) Have the (a) Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Council and/or the (b) Department of Transport given any subsidies to a certain company (name furnished) in the (i) 2014/15, (ii) 2015/16, (iii) 2016/17 and (iv) 2017/18 financial years; (3) What was the operating expenditure of the specified company in the (i) 2014/15, (ii) 2015/16, (iii) 2016/17 and (iv) 2017/18 financial years?


The information was provided by Gauteng provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

1. The City of Ekurhuleni (COE) undertook a review and development of the governance and delivery model for its entities in 2012. The process was undertaken in terms of the Bus Options Study which cost R1 439 517.85. The review assessed the financial governance status of the municipal entities as well as consideration of reconfiguring the Brakpan Bus Company (BBC) SOC Limited, to improve service delivery and maximize funding and financial efficiencies, including the consideration of re-absorbing the entity functions into the COE. A further study was triggered in terms of Section 78 of the Municipal Systems Act, 32 of 2000, with the view to review and improve operational effectiveness, governance efficiencies and to determine the most appropriate model to deliver bus services within the City. The outcomes of the study have been presented to the Executive, and should be approved by Council within the current financial year. The feasibility study was concluded and the City of Ekurhuleni is in the process of preparing an item to council for approval of the desired option.

2. The Brakpan Bus Company received a grant of R5 million per year from City of Ekurhuleni for three consecutive years which are 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. This amount is for covering the shortfall from the subsidy received from Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport. In 2014/2015, financial year there was R7.7 million the City of Ekurhuleni has written off which emanate from expenses that Brakpan Bus Company was unable to pay in the financial year 2013/2014. These expenses are for services that City of Ekurhuleni supplies to Brakpan Bus Company which include diesel/fuel.

3. The operating expenditure of the Brakpan Bus Company for the financial years requested are as follows:

  • 2014/2015 R26 680 400 Audited financial statement
  • 2015/2016 R30 030 206 Audited financial statement
  • 2016/2017 R35 058 938 Audited financial statement
  • 2017/2018 R17 694 824 as per Q2 FS

13 April 2018 - NW665

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What (a) are the details of the remuneration increases for the management at Armscor since 1 April 2017 and (b) were the reasons for the increases?


Armscor implemented an efficient structure in order to respond to the objective of the Armscor Act, respond to the demands of the Department of Defence, to be cost effective and to achieve its Turnaround Strategy. A benchmarking study with similar organisations and state owned enterprises such as Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) was undertaken.

The restructuring of the executive management took into consideration the delegation and accountability by streamlining and strengthening the executive decision making to create fewer executive committee members with broader spans of control. Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) benchmarked the recommended remuneration and approval by the Board of Directors was obtained. No budgets were increased to fund new salaries and market benchmarks placed the salaries at the lower pay scale quartile which is below midpoint for executive management.


13 April 2018 - NW988

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

How much land does (a) his department and (b) the entities reporting to him (i) own, (ii) have exclusive rights to and/or (iii) lease from the State to (aa) use and/or (bb) occupy?


a) The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DoJ&CD) does not own any land or property. However it uses state owned properties that are under the custodianship of the National Department of Public Works.

In the effort of executing its mandate of administration of justice, the DoJ&CD’s Courts make use of physical assets in the form of courts and office buildings. The Department is accommodated in 672 state-owned properties and is leasing only 120 buildings mainly offices throughout the country. In an effort to strike a balance, the composition of the Departments portfolio lies within an acceptable ratio of 80% state owned and 20% leased building.

b) The entities reporting to me have reported as follows:


Legal Aid SA owns seven (7) pieces of land per the table below. All properties are used for as Legal Aid SA’s local offices.


Local Office

Physical Address


Building M2


Gauteng Province


National Office

ERF 4410

29 de Beer Street Braamfontein



Used as Legal Aid SA’s National Office



ERF 1737
51 Burger Street Krugersdorp,
Mogale City



Krugersdorp local office

(Refurbishment in progress and will be occupied on 01 June 2018)



ERF 884
18 Howard Avenue



Benoni local office. (Refurbishment will commence on 01 June 2018 and will be occupied on 01 October 2018)


North-West Province



ERF 1956
25 Bantjies Street



Lichtenburg local office


Free State Province



Archiquant Building
8 Heerent Street



Welkom local office

Mpumalanga Province



ERF 408
Township Tshwete Local Municipality



Middelburg local office



ERF 109
17 Botha Street, Witbank
Mpumalanga Province



Witbank local office

N.B: The Polokwane and Mitchells Plain Offices operate directly from court buildings maintained by the State.

The Nelspruit Office will in the near future operate from a state owned court building.


The Special Investigating Unit does not rent or/and have any exclusive rights on any State owned land.

13 April 2018 - NW664

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(a) What is the total number of staff members at Armscor who were granted (i) severance and/or (ii) special termination packages (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2017, (b) why was employment terminated in each case, (c) what was the rand value of each package and (d) how were the packages funded?


a) The total number of staff members at Armscor who were granted severance or Special packages are as follow:

  • 2015/16 - 0
  • 2016/17 - 2
  • 2017/18 - 29

b) The Early Retirement and Voluntary Severance Packages were offered to employees aged 55 and above subject to the retention of skills, availability of successors for critical positions, non-compromise in meeting operational deliverables as well as the financial implications per employee.

Where the company could derive savings within three years of the total severance package, an offer was made for two weeks’ pay for every year of service plus company pension benefits up to 60 years age. A total of 23 employees accepted this package.

Where the company could not deliver savings within three of the total severance package one week counter-offer was made for every year of service plus company pension benefits up to 60 years of age. A total of 6 employees accepted this package.

This proposal was approved by the Board of Directors.

13 April 2018 - NW853

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

Whether his department has paid any legal costs since 2009 in cases in which the former President of South Africa, (Details furnished), was involved; if so, (a) for which case in each individual year has payment been made to date, (b) what was the cost regarding each case in each individual year, (c) what case was (i) finalised and (ii) not finalised in each individual year and (d) what number of legal representatives was used in each individual case; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


  1. Yes. The table below provides details of legal costs in respect to cases in which the former President of South Africa, was involved in since 2009:

File Reference Number

Case Number

Number of Legal Representatives/Advocates

Status of the Case


Individual Years


79808/2016; 91139/2006

Three (3) Advocates

Client's instruction pending possible appeal

R 2 530 135.52




24396/17 & SCA 664/2017

Three (3) Advocates

Appeal pending

R 1 247 617.82


6043 & 6041/15/Z75


Five (5) Advocates


R 3 196 492.91


5076 & 8286/15/Z14

62470/15 & 93043/15

Two (2) Advocates

Appeal pending

R 1 965 705.29


0184/06/Z1 & 2295/09/Z65

CCT92/07; 13569/06; 14116/05; CCT91/07 & 19577/09 & SCA836/13

One (1) Private Attorney


R 15 300 250.00







R 24 240 201.54


13 April 2018 - NW883

Profile picture: Ollis, Mr IM

Ollis, Mr IM to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(a) What number of offenders are listed in the National Register for Sex Offenders (NRSO) in 2018, (b) have all of the specified offenders been properly evaluated according to the requirements for placement on the NRSO, (c) what number of staff members are allocated for the maintenance of the NRSO and (d) which provincial education departments have requested access to the NRSO in the past two years for the purpose of vetting educators before employment?


a) From 1 January 2018 to 27 March 2018, there are 487 convictions recorded in the National Register for Sex Offenders (NRSO). However, to date, the total number of convictions recorded in the NRSO is 28 670.

b) The number of convictions recorded from 1 January 2018 to 27 March 2018 have been properly evaluated according to the required standards. The Department is in the process of reviewing all cases that were pending prior to 1 January 2018 at the Office of the Registrar to confirm the final court order.

As part of the review, the Department has also finalised the development of the new NRSO electronic system which will, upon implementation, lead to the achievement of the following functions:

  1. Ability to issue Vetting & Removal Certificates;
  2. Ability to scan the document’s Mandatory Fields Required from inception of processes;
  3. Ability to communicate more effectively via the system between the office of the National Registrar for Sex Offenders and the courts;
  4. Secure more reliable data synchronized with stakeholder Departments and stay in Sync via an integrated solution; and
  5. Allow easier tracking of cases/applications.

c) At national office, there are six (6) officials currently allocated for the maintenance of the NRSO, namely: one (1) Registrar; one (1) Senior State Law Advisor, one (1) Assistant Director and three (3) Data Capturers.

d) None of the provincial education departments requested access from the NRSO in the past two years for the purposes of vetting educators before employment.

It is also important to note that the information on the Register can only be accessed by way of application in writing by the following category of persons:

  1. Employers;
  2. A relevant Authority in terms of section 48(1) of the Act;
  3. An employee in respect of her own particulars;
  4. A person applying for a license or approval to manage or operate any entity -section 47(2) of the Act;
  5. A person applying to become a foster parent – section 48 (2); and
  6. Any person applying in respect of his or her own particulars.

Should any provincial education department wish to ascertain whether or not the name of any teacher appear in the NRSO, it must apply in writing to the Registrar of the National Register for Sex Offenders for the prescribed certificate.


13 April 2018 - NW349

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(a) What is the total amount that was (i) budgeted for and (ii) spent on her private office (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2017 and (b) what was the (i) remuneration, (ii) salary level, (iii) job title, (iv) qualification and (v) job description of each employee appointed in her private office in each of the specified periods?


The Ministerial Handbook provides guidelines on the appointment of the staff in the Private Office. It equally provides the recommended salary levels of each post. The salary levels are adjusted on an annual basis as prescribed in the Public Service Regulations.

The Office of the Minister has a full staff complement as defined in the Ministerial Handbook. In line with the Protection of Personal Information Act (PoPi) and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act am unable to provide the members with such confidential information in the manner it is requested.

I however draw the honourable members to the department’s Annual Report wherein the organogram of the department provides the information required. Should it be insufficient, the department will make the personal files of the officials available for further scrutiny by the Auditor General as prescribed by the Act.

12 April 2018 - NW546

Profile picture: Nolutshungu, Ms N

Nolutshungu, Ms N to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What is the (i) name, (ii) location and (iii) patient capacity of each hospital that does not offer pharmaceutical services and (b) what is the reason for this in each case?


Honourable Member, there is no hospital that does not offer pharmaceutical services in this country.


12 April 2018 - NW529

Profile picture: Stubbe, Mr DJ

Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to his reply to question 3518 on 29 November 2017, (a) on what date was each of the 28 ambulances booked into the workshop, (b) what was the reason that each ambulance needed repairs, (c) what number of days was each ambulance in the workshop for and (d) what was the cost of the repairs for each ambulance?


The attached table in Annexure 1 reflects the details in this regard.


12 April 2018 - NW512

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER

Wilson, Ms ER to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether her department’s nonprofit organisation (NPO) directorate was informed of Limpopo’s decision to cancel contracts with over 400 NPOs that would have provided home-based care for poor and vulnerable citizens for the 2018-19 financial year; if so, (a) on what date was the directorate advised of the specified decision and (b) did the directorate (i) approve this decision and (ii) provide guidance on the future plans to ensure that (aa) NPOs continue to provide effective services to the poor and vulnerable citizens in Limpopo and (bb) over 15 000 home-based care workers remain employed?


Refer to the Department of Health.


Approved by the Minister on


12 April 2018 - NW702

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Mr Z N Mbhele (DA) to ask the Minister of Police

What (a) policies and (b) minimum standards are currently in place for (i) police stations and (ii) police officers when dealing with (aa) sexual offences, (bb) domestic violence and (cc) child protection?


(a){b)(i)(ii)(aa) National Instruction 3 of 2008, Sexual Offences, was issued in terms of Section 66(1) of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007). This National Instruction prescribes the policy and minimum standards (roles, responsibilities, procedures and processes) for dealing with sexual offences by all members of the South African Police Service (SAPS).

The Civilian Secretariat for Police Service (CSP), has issued the Policy on Reducing Barriers to the Reporting of Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence.

(a)(b)(i)(ii)(bb) National Instruction 7 of 1999, Domestic Violence, was issued in terms of Section 18(3) of the Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No 116 of 1998). This National Instruction prescribes the policy and minimum standards (roles, responsibilities, procedures and processes.) for dealing with cases relating to domestic violence by all members of the SAPS.

The CSP has issued the Policy on Reducing Barriers to the Reporting of Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence.

(a)(b)(i)(ii)(cc) National Instruction 3 of 2010, Care and Protection of Children in terms of the Children's Act, was issued In terms of the Children's Act, 2005 (Act No 38 of 2005). This National Instruction prescribes the policy and minimum standards (roles, responsibilities, procedures and processes) for dealing with the care and protection of children by all members of the SAPS.

National Instruction 2 of 2010, Children in Conflict with the Law, was issued in terms of Section 97(5) of the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No 75 of 2008). This National Instruction prescribes the policy and minimum standards (roles, responsibilities, procedures and processes) for dealing with cases relating to children in conflict with the law by all members of the SAPS.

The Minister's Six Point Plan sets out the minimum standards for the service provided to a victim of gender-based violence.

Original signed MAJOR GENERAL


Date: 15 March 2018

Reply to question 702 recommend

Date: 2018-04-11

Reply to question 702 approved/not approved

Date: 2018-04-11

12 April 2018 - NW551

Profile picture: Rawula, Mr T

Rawula, Mr T to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What is the (i) name, (ii) location and (iii) patient capacity of each hospital that does not offer gynaecology services and (b) what is the reason for this in each case?


Honourable Member, there is no hospital that does not offer gynaecology services in this country.


12 April 2018 - NW908

Profile picture: Tshwaku, Mr M

Tshwaku, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether she has been informed that there is a sewage spillage at Lindile Secondary School in Ermelo, Mpumalanga; if not, (a) what is the position in this regard and (b) what steps will she take to stop the spillage; if so, (i) by what date will the sewage problem be resolved and (ii) does her department have alternative plans to stop the spillage so that the children are not exposed to the sewage and the diseases it carries?


a) The sewer spillage is from a Municipal sewer line that is traversing the school site. The sewer broke and spilled sewage into the school grounds up to the school building’s corridor and verandas. As a form of emergency intervention to ensure uninterrupted teaching and learning for the school, the Department instructed the Implementing Agent, the Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport (DPWRT) to appoint a service provider to attend to the sewer spillage waste. The service provider will address the spillage starting from 24 March 2018, completing on 16 April 2018. The cleaning process involves application of sanitising chemicals around the school yard to kill pathogens that may cause diseases to the learners and educators.

b) Steps taken include engaging the responsible municipality. The Department is also engaging the municipality through the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) to re-direct the sewer pipe from the school site as a long term measure.

(i) Timeframes for the long-term solution are not yet in place as engagements are still taking place.

(ii) The alternative solution is the engagement with COGTA.

12 April 2018 - NW713

Profile picture: Stubbe, Mr DJ

Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether his department has a sexual harassment and assault policy in place; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will his department have such a policy in place; if so, (i) how are reports investigated and (ii) what are the details of the consequence management and sanctions stipulated by the policy; (2) (a) what is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment and assault that have been reported in his department (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) what number of cases were (i) opened and concluded, (ii) withdrawn and (iii) remain open based on the incidents and (c) what sanctions were issued for each person who was found to have been guilty?


The following tables reflects the details in this regard.

(1) Table 1.






13 September 2017

Appoint an investigator to investigate the complaint formally

The policy stipulates that sexual harassment is a misconduct and all cases of sexual harassment will be handled in line with the disciplinary code and procedure and LRA

(2) Table 2












Investigation still in progress


12 April 2018 - NW1009

Profile picture: Khawula, Ms MS

Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What amount of funding is required to appoint teachers to fill (a) existing vacancies and (b) future vacancies that will be required to keep up with demand?


a) Budgeting for provisioning of educators is done in terms of the normal government budgeting processes. On an annual basis, each Member of the Executive Council (MEC) for Education declares a basket of posts his/her Provincial Education Department based on the available budget for. Such posts are then distributed to schools using the post provisioning model. Therefore, vacancies that exist at any point are part of the declared post establishment and are funded. There is no additional amount of funding required to fill existing vacancies.

b) Trends in the growth of learners enrolled in public schools have shown a low annual growth of less than 1% per annum and is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. Therefore, growth in the demand for educators as a result of growth in learner enrolment which will require creation of additional posts, is unlikely to outstrip the current budget growth trends.

12 April 2018 - NW749

Profile picture: Sonti, Ms NP

Sonti, Ms NP to ask the Minister of Social Development

(a) What is the name of the bank that is officially responsible to clear bank payments made by the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) to grant recipients as at 12 March 2017, (b) on what exact date was the specified bank appointed for this task and (c) what amount (i) has the bank received from SASSA to date and (ii) will SASSA have paid the bank by the date on which the contract expires?


a) SASSA uses the Pay Master General Account held with the South African Reserve Bank.

b) 16 October 2017

c) (i) SARB – R0

Bankserv – R1 per transaction

(ii) SASSA pays all transaction fees at the agreed upon rate on a monthly basis.


Approved by the Minister on


12 April 2018 - NW885

Profile picture: Ollis, Mr IM

Ollis, Mr IM to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Does her department have a policy position to support the declaration of a minimum service level for school staff by the Essential Services Committee in order to ensure that children are not left unsupervised, thereby compromising their safety, during school hours?


Both international and South African law does not define education as an essential service. This is confirmed in the published list of essential services in South Africa by the Essential Service Committee (ESC), as established in the Labour Relations Act (LRA).

The Department of Basic Education has the view to support the declaration of a minimum service level agreement for school staff by the Essential Service Committee (ESC) when children are left unsupervised during school hours, but can only do so with the support of the teacher trade unions in the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) and with a directive from the ESC, since the jurisdiction to do so lies with the ESC as determined in the LRA.

12 April 2018 - NW557

Profile picture: Paulsen, Mr N M

Paulsen, Mr N M to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What is the (i) name, (ii) location and (iii) patient capacity of each hospital that does not offer paediatric services and (b) what is the reason for this in each case?


Honourable Member, all hospitals in the country do offer paediatric services except specialised TB and Psychiatric hospitals which will offer services related to their speciality.


12 April 2018 - NW542

Profile picture: Ketabahle, Ms V

Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What is the (i) name, (ii) location and (iii) patient capacity of each clinic which does not offer gynaecology services and (b) why?


Honourable Member, there is no clinic that does not offer gynaecology services in this country.


11 April 2018 - NW396

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) is the total number of cases of negligence by medical staff that were recorded at each clinic in the country, (b) is the name of each clinic, (c) are the details of each negligent act that occurred, (d) is the name of each medical staff member who committed the negligent act, (e) is the name of the person who suffered as a result of the negligent act and (f) action was taken in response to the negligence?


Honourable Member, I wish to strike an understanding with you that the concept of negligence by medical staff is not something that is just recorded at each hospital. It is rather a verdict that can only be arrived at by a Judicial or quasi judicial process.

As such, I will need to contact judicial and the quasi judicial structures in health, in this case the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), to get the correct information and will revert back to you as soon as I have it.


11 April 2018 - NW692

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Health

Whether each operator employed by the Buthelezi Ambulance Service in the Free State holds the necessary qualifications, particularly the (a) Basic Ambulance Assistant Certificate, (b) Ambulance Emergency Assistant Certificate and (c) Critical Care Assistant Certificate; if not, in each case, (i) why not and (ii) how does his department and the Free State Department of Health allow the specified ambulance service to operate in the province without the necessary qualifications; if so, (aa) how was this verified by his department or the Free State department of health, (bb) how many ambulances are operational in the province and (cc) what are the qualifications of each operator and support staff respectively for each ambulance?


Honourable Member, before even checking issues of compliance with qualifications of the Buthelezi Ambulance Services in the Free State, I want to know how this service was procured in the first place.

It looks like there has been a breach of several Treasury regulations and the PFMA itself.

Because this is a procurement matter at a Provincial level, the relevant authority to investigate this is the Treasury.

On the 8th March 2018 I wrote to the Minister of Finance and requested that the Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) in the National Treasury investigate this matter. As soon as I get the outcome of the investigation I will revert back to you. I regard this matter as a scene of a crime and will wait for National Treasury to show direction and take it up from there.


11 April 2018 - NW496

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)For each of the bids that closed on 17 June 2016 for the construction of 10 new technical vocational education and training college campuses, (a) where will each campus be situated, (b) what is the maximum number of students that will be accommodated at each campus, (c) what is the current status of the bids and/or the contracts and (d) what is the estimated cost of each bid; (2) on what date is it expected that each campus will be ready to enrol students; (3) has her department provided for the equipment and staff that will be needed to utilise the sites; if so, what is the estimated cost for (a) furnishing and/or equipping the training sites and (b) the annual operation of each campus?


  1. (a ) - (d) Refer to Table 1 below.

Table 1: List of the 10 new TVET College Campuses


TVET College


1 (a) Location of campuses

1 (b) Student Capacity

1 (c) Bid Status

1 (d) Estimated Cost (at the time of tender)



Physical Address


Eastcape Midlands


Camdeboo Local

Cacadu District

Erf 9012, 4140 and 4150, Graaff-Reinet


Contract awarding in process

R 99 273 673




Ngquza Hill Local

OR Tambo District

ERF 2786, Lusikisiki


Contract awarding in process

R 111 184 488




Senqu Local

Joe Gqabi District

Portion 11 of Farm 82, Herschell Road, Sterkspruit


Contract awarding in process

R 124 999 718


Aliwal North

Maletswai Local

Joe Gqabi District

Erven 3094, 3095, 3099 and 3100, Aliwal North


Contract awarding in process

R 108 128 554




uMzimkhulu Local

Sisonke District

ERF 152 being ERF 1918, 1952 – 1960, 1920 – 1949 and 1951, Umzimkhulu


Contract awarding in process

R 94 554 838



Nkandla B

Nkandla Local

uThungulu District

Portion of the Farm Reserve No.19, No.15839, Nkungumathe



R 116 564 134




uMvoti Local

uMzinyathi District

Erf 1455, situated in Greytown


Contract awarding in process

R 124 999 718




Msinga Local

uMzinyathi District

Portion 24 of the Farm Klip River Location No.4665 – GT, situated in Msinga


Contract awarding in process

R 127 157 312




Greater Giyani Local

Mopani District

Erf 1502, Giyani


Contract awarding in process

R 92 573 494


Gert Sibande


Dipaleseng Local

Gert Sibande District

Portion 0 of the farm Balfour 557 IR, Balfour


Contract awarding in process

R 106 722 624

2. Construction of the 10 new Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college campuses has an estimated completion period of 15 months per site from the date of site handover (barring unforeseen delays in construction relating to extension of time requests). At this stage, the Department cannot give an anticipated date for enrolments as 9 of the 10 new sites are currently engaged in the contract award phase and physical construction is yet to commence.

3. (a) Parallel to the construction of the sites is the process of securing operational budgets and start-up capital for the new campuses. At present, there is no funding in the base-line budget of the Department over the Medium Term Expenditure Framework. In addition to requesting funding from National Treasury, the Department will be conducting a funding campaign by inviting the relevant end-users such as Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) and industry to play a role in the development and utilisation of the new TVET college campuses. It is critical that role-players buy-in for the resourcing and utilisation of the new sites as part of their mainstream skills delivery planning.

(b) The indicative operational and start-up capital amounts for all 10 campuses are set out in Table 2 below.

Table 2: MTEF Indicative Operational and Start-up Capital for 10 new TVET Campuses:


Year 1

R ‘000

Year 2

R ‘000

Year 3

R ‘000


R ‘000


R 151 712

R 320 111

R 675 435

R 1 147 258


R 915 789

R 144 000

R 12 000

R 1 180 789

Student Support

R 34 688

R 73 192

R 133 128

R 241 008


R 1 102 189

R 537 303

R 929 563

R 2 569 055

11 April 2018 - NW511

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER

Wilson, Ms ER to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)Why (a) was a request to host five events in KwaZulu-Natal for beneficiary education and beneficiary awareness campaigns on the new payment system and foster care mop-up project on 12 and 23 December 2017 approved within a day on 5 December 2017, (b) did beneficiary education and beneficiary awareness campaigns on the new payment system take place when a new payment system for the payment of social grants had not yet been finalised, (c) did all five events take place in KwaZulu-Natal and (d) was a total amount of R20 million approved for hosting the five events without an itemised breakdown of costs; (2) what are the relevant details of (a) each service provider that provided services for each event, (b) the detailed breakdown of all costs incurred for each event, (c) the number of beneficiaries that attended each event and (d) each (i) national and (ii) provincial representative from her department who attended each event?


(1)(a) Submissions and other documents routed for CEO’s signature are attended based on her availability in office. The mentioned submission was signed on 5 December 2017 because ACEO was in office on that day.

(b) SASSA has an obligation to ensure that the payment of social grants is uninterrupted notwithstanding the phasing-in or phasing-out of services providers. Accordingly stakeholder management and constant communication becomes critical to prevent confusion amongst beneficiaries and their families

  • The beneficiary education and awareness campaigns are held to reassure clients of government’s commitment to continue with the provision of paying social grants without any interruptions
  • The campaigns are used as a platform to educate people on different types of grants e.g. Grant in aid; various SASSA projects e.g. Regulation 26A, Foster care backlog mop-up project. With regards to Reg 26A: SASSA has insourced the services to do direct funeral cover deductions on qualifying grants thus communication with beneficiaries was critical in order to allow beneficiaries opportunity to update their information, and to be within the legislation requirement of one policy per person and the policy not to be more that 10% of the grant amount.
  • The beneficiary and stakeholder engagement was critical due to the need to provide clarity on the SASSA card that was to expire December 2017 and to inform beneficiaries that it has been extended to December 2018.

(c) No, only three events took place at the following places:

1. Makhosini

2. Kwamakhutha

3. Matshensikazi

(d) At head office level regions are allocated amounts to spend per event and the breakdown of cost is done at the regional level as they do their procurement process.




Silver Ark Projects

Main Marque




Mobile Toilets, Speed Fence and Marshals


Extras (chairs, generators, air conditioners and Decorations)

Sweet Basil

Catering For Public , VIP and Officials




Sound System

Barlon Suppliers and Projects

Gift & Promotional Items




Bright Cloud

Main Marque

Thingo Investment



Mobile Toilets, Speed Fence And Marshals

Summer Rock

Extras (chairs, generators, air conditioners and Decorations)

Ethel Investment

Catering For Public , VIP And Officials



Silver Solutions

Sound System

Mbombo Events

Gift & Promotional Items


Name Of Supplier

Service Rendered

Kokumo Holdings

Main Marque

White Dove Investment (Pty) Ltd


Tito Whl Trading

Mobile Toilets, Speed Fence and Marshals

Idlomo Production

Extras (chairs, generators, air conditioners and Decorations)

Duma Suppliers Group (Pty) Ltd

Catering For Public , VIP and Officials



Sbani Samagela Trading Enterprise

Sound System

Marujwane Trading And Projects

Gift & Promotions Items

(b) The detailed breakdown of all costs incurred for each event:


Service Rendered


Main Marque




Mobile Toilets, Speed Fence and Marshals


Extras (chairs, generators, air conditioners and Decorations)


Catering for Public , VIP and Officials




Sound System


Gift & Promotion Items










Main Marque




Mobile Toilets, Speed Fence And Marshals


Extras (chairs, generators, air conditioners and Decorations)


Catering For Public , VIP And Officials




Sound System


 Gift & Promotion Items







Main Marque




Mobile Toilets, Speed Fence And Marshals


Extras (chairs, generators, air conditioners and Decorations)


Catering For Public , VIP and Officials




Sound System


Gift & Promotions




(c) Approximately 3000 people attended per event

(d) SASSA does not keep a record of official who attend the events. Officials attending events include representatives from Head Office, Provincial Offices as well as District and Local Offices.



Approved by the Minister on


11 April 2018 - NW860

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)What number of the positions of principals at public technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges are currently occupied by staff with relevant permanent appointment contracts; (2) (a) which public TVET colleges are currently operating with a staff member acting as principal and (b) for what period has each of the colleges been operating with an acting principal; (3) (a) what number of principal positions became vacant in the 2016 and 2017 academic years, (b) which of the specified positions that became vacant were due to retirement and (c) on what dates (i) was the department informed of such vacancies and (ii) were various offers of employment accepted; (4) what are the details and the timeline for the filling of the position of principal of the Boland College, including the date that her department was informed about the upcoming retirement of the previous principal and further relevant details; (5) whether she is concerned about the possible negative impact of the current turnaround time for the appointment of senior staff at public TVET colleges; if so, what (a) plans are in place to improve the specified situation and (b) has she found to be an appropriate period for the filling of the positions?


1. There are forty-one (41) positions of principals appointed permanently at public technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges.

2. The table below is showing the names of colleges, date of acting appointment and period of acting appointment:

Name of College

Date of acting appointment

Period of acting appointment

Boland TVET College

The acting appointment was after the retirement of the Principal on 1/7/2017

The total period of acting is nine (9) months, which was subject to an extension after a six months period.

Capricorn TVET College

The acting appointment was after the retirement of the Principal on 1/7/2017.

The total period of acting is nine (9) months, which was subject to an extension after a six months period.

Ingwe TVET College

The acting appointment was after the dismissal of the incumbent on 1/7/2016; the incumbent lodged a dispute at the GPSSBC.

The total perod is twenty-one (21) months, the post could not be advertised and filled permanently due to a dispute lodged by the dismissed incumbent on unfair dismissal.

Northern Cape Urban TVET College

The acting appointment was after the retirement of the Principal on 1/5/2017.

The total period of acting is eleven (11) months, which was subject to an extension after a six months period.

Sedibeng TVET College

The acting appointment was after the retirement of the Principal on 1/5/2017.

The total period of acting is eleven (11) months, which was subject to an extension after a six months period.

Orbit TVET College

The acting appointment was after the retirement of the Principal on 1/5/2017.

The total period of acting is eleven (11) months, which was subject to an extension after a six months period.

Vhembe TVET College

The acting appointment was after the transfer of the Principal to the Regional Office on 1/7/2017 due to death threats.

The total period of acting is nine (9) months, which was subject to an extension after a six months period.

Vuselela TVET College

The acting appointment was after the retirement of the Principal on 1/10/2017.

The total period of acting is six months, which was subject to an extension after a six months period.

West Coast TVET College

The acting appointment was after the retirement of the Principal on 1/1/2018.

The total period of acting is three (3) months.

3. (a) There is one (1) principal position that became vacant in 2016; and there are seven (7) principal positions that became vacant in 2017.

(b) The table below shows the positions that became vacant due to retirement,
(c) dates, (i) whether the department was informed of such vacancies and (ii) progress in respect to the recruitment and selection processes

(a) Principal vacancies due to retirement

(b) Date of retirement

(c)(i) Department informed of vacancies

(c)(ii) various offers of employment accepted

Boland TVET College

1 July 2017


The panel will be re-convened on
23 April 2018 to consider the results of the competency assessment and make a recommendation for consideration by the appointing authority.

Capricorn TVET College, the principal went on compulsory retirement

30 June 2017


The shortlisting was conducted on 27 March 2018 and the interviews will be conducted before 30 April 2018.

Northern Cape Urban TVET College, the principal went on compulsory retirement.

30 April 2017


The recruitment and selection process has been completed and a recommendation has been made for consideration by the relevant appointing authority.

Orbit TVET College, the principal went on compulsory retirement.

30 April 2017


The recruitment and selection process has been completed and a recommendation has been made for consideration by the relevant appointing authority.

Sedibeng TVET College the principal went on compulsory retirement.

1 April 2017


The recruitment and selection process has been completed and a recommendation has been made for consideration by the relevant appointing authority.

Vuselela TVET College, the principal went on normal retirement.

1 October 2017


The shortlisting was conducted on 23 March 2018 and the interviews will be conducted before 30 April 2018.

West Coast TVET College the principal went on compulsory retirement.

31 December 2017


The shortlisting will be conducted on 20 April 2018.

4. The timeline for the Department to fill the position of principal of Boland TVET College was 180 days from date of the advertisement. The Principal gave notice of her retirement on 31 March 2017 with effect from 30 June 2017. The post was advertised on 30 April 2017. The interviews were held on 09 November 2017. As required by the Public Service Regulations, competency assessments for the first two top candidates were conducted on 12 December 2017 and 27 February 2018. The panel is due to re-convene on 23 April 2018 to consider the results of the competency assessment.

5. (a) Yes, the Minister is concerned about the possible negative impact of the current turnaround time for the appointment of senior staff at public TVET colleges. The following have been put in place to improve the turnaround time for the filling of vacancies in the Department:

  • Lowering of the delegations of authority;
  • Appointing Branch Heads to manage and coordinate shortlisting and interviewing; and
  • Developing an e-recruitment system to advertise and ensure the efficient management of recruitment and selection processes.

(b) The 180 days or six months period to fill vacancies from the date of advertisement, as per the current Annual Performance Plan, is considered as an appropriate period for the filling of the positions. However, the Department has to ensure that the plan to improve recruitment and selection processes is implemented and adhered to.

11 April 2018 - NW691

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Health

Whether (a) his department and/or (b) the Free State department of health conduct regular checks on the Buthelezi Ambulance Service to ensure compliance with the provision of the National Health Act, Act 61 of 2003, specifically with regard to (i) being licensed, (ii) being supervised by a Medical Services Manager, (iii) operating from a specific location, (iv) having a communications system over which to receive service requests, backed by the ability to manage resources, (v) having access to sluice facilities for cleaning contaminated equipment and linen, (vi) having access to washing facilities, including medical-waste traps, (vii) having all the relevant equipment listed in the regulations and (viii) ensuring vehicles are clearly marked as ambulances; if not, in each case, why not; if so, how many checks were conducted in each case since the ambulance service was contracted and what were the findings in each case?


Honourable Member, before even checking issues of compliance with the National Health Act, as far as the Buthelezi Ambulance Services in the Free State is concerned, I thought it is important to check first how this service was procured in the first place.

It looks like the procurement of this service breached several Treasury regulations and the PFMA.

On the 8th March 2018 I wrote to the Minister of Finance and requested that the Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) in the National Treasury investigate this matter. As soon as I get the outcome of the investigation I will revert back to you. I regard this matter as a scene of a crime and will wait for National Treasury to show direction and take it up from there.


11 April 2018 - NW861

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)What were the details of the decisions by the board of the National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences that detemined (a) their remuneration and/or allowances, (b) claims for expenditure incurred and (c) any other specified benefits and support enjoyed by board members over the previous three financial years; (2) were any benefits and/or support given to members that were not covered by board decisions, such as office space and support with travel arrangements; if so, what was the (a) nature and (b) extent of the benefits?


The National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS) has provided the following responses.

1. (a) The Board was appointed on 27 March 2014. At that stage, the NIHSS was a new organisation and did not have policies and procedures in place. The remuneration of the Board members was therefore aligned to the “2014 Remuneration of Board Members” circular, Category A, Sub-category A2, which indicates that a daily rate of R3 648 shall be paid to the Chairperson and R2 880 to ordinary members. These rates were lowered to R3 500 for the Chairperson and R2 500 for ordinary members.

(b) Claims for expenditure for board members are reimbursed provided it was incurred for the business purposes related to the NIHSS.

(c) There were no specific benefits that accrued to board members, other than
re-imbursement of travel/subsistence or expenditure incurred while carrying out the duties of the NIHSS.

2. Yes.

(a) Office space was provided for meetings held by board members on the NIHSS premises. This was for carrying out the duties of the NIHSS.

(b) This was limited to instances for carrying out the duties of the NIHSS.

11 April 2018 - NW647

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)Whether she has found that the directive entitled Rules and Guidelines for the Administration and Management of the Department of Higher Education and Training Technical and Vocational Education and Training College Bursary Scheme for 2018 on 15 December 2017 was issued too late for institutions to properly plan and budget for the 2018 academic year; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) What (a) caused the delay in issuing the directive, (b) is the latest date by which such a directive should ideally be issued in the future and (c) steps will she take to ensure that such important directives will be distributed in time in the future?


1. The policy directive entitled Rules and Guidelines for the Administration and Management of the Department of Higher Education and Training’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training College Bursary Scheme (hereafter referred to as the Bursary Rules and Guidelines) for 2018 was issued late in 2017 for TVET Colleges to plan and budget for the 2018 academic year with absolute accuracy ahead of the January 2018 intake of students. The Department revises and updates the Bursary Rules and Guidelines annually to ensure efficient administration of bursaries and to provide greater clarity to Colleges about bursary administration processes. This revision, however, is not a radical shift from year-to-year. Considered amendments are made based on feedback requested from Colleges in the course of the year to improve the administration of the College Bursary Scheme.

2. (a) Over and above the individual written College submissions which were received by the Department for the review of the Bursary Rules and Guidelines, the South African College Principals Organisation (SACPO) requested the Department to convene a consultative meeting of all relevant stakeholders to discuss certain matters that students often challenge in the application of the rules and guidelines. SACPO was of the view that colleges needed to discuss this collectively and then make inputs rather than individually.

The Departmental officials, College Principals, Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), Student Representative Councils (SRCs), South African Further Education and Training Students Association (SAFETSA), and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) attended the consultative meeting referred to above, which was the first of its nature for this purpose. Following this extensive consultative process, the Department was requested to clearly delineate the RULES as separate from the GUIDELINES in the Bursary Rules and Guidelines policy document. As a result of these amendments, which required careful consideration and approval within the Department, the 2018 Bursary Rules and Guidelines document was released on 15 December 2017. Shortly after the release of the 2018 Bursary Rules and Guidelines, the Presidential announcement of fee-free higher education and training for students from poor and working class families followed, which had further implications for administration of the bursary scheme in TVET Colleges. The amendments to the 2018 Bursary Rules and Guidelines that resulted from the fee-free education announcement, were approved in February 2018.

b) In terms of the annual plans, the Department first has to solicit inputs from all relevant stakeholders for the review, and this process usually culminates in the release of the updated Bursary Rules and Guidelines before the end of September each year for the following academic year.

c) The Department does not foresee a situation similar to the one that occurred in 2017. The Department plans to initiate the review process in May 2018 to ensure that there is sufficient time to finalise this important policy directive by no later than 30 September 2018.

11 April 2018 - NW636

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

(a)On what basis were RDP houses allocated at the Mokgoba squatter camp in Ward 29 Greater Letaba Local Municipality in Limpopo and (b) What are the (i) names, (ii) house numbers and (iii) allocation details of all recipients of RDP houses in the specified area?


(a) Based on information provided by the Province the site to be developed was already occupied by households residing in informal dwellings. The households were approached to completed subsidy application forms. The completed subsidy applications were captured on the Housing Subsidy System (HSS) against the project. The captured subsidy applications were validated against the various datasets as prescribed in the National Housing Code. The households that passed the validation process were approved to benefit from a housing opportunity. The households that were approved on the HSS were allocated house by the municipality after the completion of the family units and houses.

(b) The Province approved 250 beneficiaries to benefit from housing opportunities in the area. Of the 250 beneficiaries who were earmarked for the housing project , an Additional 77 hostel dwellers were also assisted in the building family units for their families in the area. On completion of the construction of the houses and family units, the Municipality allocated the houses and family units. Post the allocation process it was discovered that the list used to allocate families into the project contained the details of the approved households from the Province, that were not allocated into the project.

The Province as well as the Municipality then embarked on a formalization programme in 2014 to correct the houses and family units, which were not correctly allocated. The formalization programme is currently being undertaken on a phased approach and has not been concluded to date. A current status report on the formalisation process is attached marked as Annexure A, and includes the names and house numbers of the allocated beneficiaries.

11 April 2018 - NW716

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

Whether her department has a Sexual Harassment and Assault Policy in place; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will her Department have such a policy in place; if so (i) how are reports investigated and (ii) what are the details of the consequence management and sanctions stipulated by the policy; 2. (a) what is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment and assault that have been reported in her department (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) what number of cases were (i) opened and concluded, (ii) withdrawn and (iii) remain open based on the incidents and (c) what sanctions were issued for each person who was found to have been guilty.”


1.1 The Department has a Policy and Procedure on the Prevention and Management of Sexual Harassment, approved on 7 April 2017 by the Director-General. (Annexure A)

1.2 In terms of Section 12.1.1 the policy states that “The Head of Department shall appoint the Director responsible for Labour Relations as the Department Sexual Harassment Advisor to deal with sexual harassment complaints. This shall be a permanent appointment.”

1.3 In Section 13.3 (13.3.1 to 13.3.9) of the Policy it outlines the manner on how sexual harassment should be investigated, with provisions that

1.3.1 “The Sexual Harassment Advisor serves as the first line of contact to complaints of alleged sexual harassment.

1.3.2 The role of the sexual harassment advisor is to provide a neutral, confidential and supportive environment for employees who have reported that they have been sexually harassed;

1.3.3 Explain the disciplinary procedure and time frames to complainants and respondents in both formal and informal procedures; and advise the complainant on the appropriate course of action and support available;

1.3.4 Provide guidance (if necessary) on how to complete the appropriate grievance form; and provide the respondent with a copy of this policy and any relevant document on disciplinary rules and procedures in the department;

1.3.5 Issue a written notice of the complainant to the respondent and explain the protective measures available to the complainant;

1.3.6 Investigate the complaint and bring the case to the attention of the Director-General;

1.3.7 Avoid unreasonable delays during the investigation and conclusion of any sexual harassment complaint;

1.3.8 Monitor and submit quarterly statistical reports on all cases reported, resolved and pending to the Director-General;

1.3.9 Contribute to the development, coordination, and implementation of educational programmes and awareness raising activities for prevention and management of sexual harassment in the department.”

1.4 In terms of Section 13.2.5 of the Policy it provides for ensuring that “Disciplinary measures are applied in accordance with the Disciplinary Code and Procedures (PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2003) in the Public Service, and its specified timeframes.” In addition Section 16.4.1 of the Policy provides that, “Should the respondent be found guilty of the offence, in line with Section 19.3.2, the Presiding Officer shall recommend a disciplinary sanction which may include any of the following or a combination of them: Mandatory referral for counselling and/or EHW intervention/s; Verbal warning; Written warning; Final written warning; Suspension (without pay for not more than 3 months); Demotion (as an alternative to dismissal) and Dismissal.

2(a) Two incidents of sexual harassment and assault were reported in the Department in the past three financial years:

2(b) The complaints were reported to the Employee Health and Wellness (EHW) unit although no formal grievances lodged by complainants to the Labour Relations unit, in terms of the policy.

2(c) The 1st incident was investigated with the perpetrator being reprimanded by the appointed supervisor; The 2nd incident resulted in the perpetrator being issued with a warning by his supervisor; the perpetrator apologizing to the complainant; and approval granted for the complainant to be transferred to another unit was as requested by the complainant.

11 April 2018 - NW220

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr P

Mhlongo, Mr P to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What are the details of the SA National Defence Force’s cooperation agreement with South Sudan?



According to Article 1 of the MOU, the Parties shall cooperate in the use of defence resource and promote joint research and development, including procurement of defence equipment, promote cooperation in the field of training, promote mutual support by encouraging and facilitating the exchange of defence related information, cooperate in the field of military medical services including the exchange of medical personnel and information regarding military health aspects, encourage the exchange of military personnel visits at all levels and promote sporting and cultural links between the Armed Forces, identify and promote defence related activities, including peace support operations and disaster management which would serve the principles of standardisation and inter-operability, foster cooperation between their respective defence-related industries, and act only in advisory and training capacities and will under no circumstances take part in hostilities or operations of a warlike nature by any armed force of the Republic of South Africa or the Republic of South Sudan, nor any operation of any force concerned with the enforcement or maintenance of peace, internal security or law and order.

11 April 2018 - NW804

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

Whether her department has undertaken a survey of the quality of student accommodation at all (a) universities and (b) technical and vocational education and training colleges in the past three years; if not, (i) why not and (ii) is such an evaluation planned in future; if so, what were the relevant findings in each case?


a) (i)-(ii) The Department has not undertaken a survey of the quality of student accommodation at all universities over the past three years, because a comprehensive review was done in 2010 at all university campuses. A Ministerial Committee undertook a review and issued a Report on the Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Provision of Student Housing at South African Universities, in September 2011. The report provided a comprehensive picture of the state of student accommodation at all universities as well as a projected shortfall of the number of beds at each university. Emanating from this review, the Policy on the Minimum Norms and Standards for Student Housing at Public Universities (hereafter referred to as Policy) was published in Government Gazette No. 39238 in September 2015. The Policy is still used to inform the development of new infrastructure and refurbishment of old infrastructure.

The Ministerial Review Report showed that the public university sector had sufficient spaces in university owned on-campus student accommodation for approximately 107 598 or 20% of the contact student population. The report estimated that 195 815 new beds were required to effectively house students who required accommodation. Between 2012/13 and 2014/15 the Department allocated R1.748 billion from infrastructure and efficiency funds towards the development of student housing.

The Ministerial Review Report recommended that universities should ideally be providing beds for 30% to 50% of contact students on campuses in urban areas where there is available and affordable off-campus accommodation, and 60% to 80% on rural campuses where there is less or inappropriate
off-campus accommodation. Over time, all student accommodation should meet the norms and standards for conducive living and learning spaces.

The Department is working on a long term plan to address the provision of student housing across the university sector that will enable the development of approximately 200 000 bed on-campus or close-to-campus student housing over the next ten years, depending on funding made available and the feasibility of new funding models to accelerate development.

The plan is already being implemented as described below:

  • Funding of R1.3 billion was allocated to 16 universities for student housing projects in 2015/16 and 2016/17.
  • A further R1.1 billion has been allocated towards student housing projects during 2017/18. The number of beds that will be provided through this funding has not as yet been determined.
  • The number of additional beds for 2020 onwards will only be known once the Minister approves the infrastructure and efficiency grant budget for the fifth funding cycle (2018/19 to 2020/21).

The Department is aware that many of the existing older student residences are not well maintained and require refurbishment. The Department has made funds available for backlog maintenance and universities are expected to make use of these funds, together with their own funds, for refurbishing residences that do not meet the minimum norms and standards as indicated in the Policy. In the case of private residences, universities undertake an accreditation process of the residences before students funded by NSFAS are placed in these residences.

b) (i)-(ii) The Department has undertaken a survey of the quality of student accommodation at all Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges in the past three years.

Fifteen TVET colleges confirmed to have no student accommodation.
Thirty-five TVET colleges confirmed that 99 buildings were identified for student accommodation with an estimated 12 979 beds.

The reported conditions of the 99 buildings for student accommodation are summarised as follows:

  • 8 buildings are in a poor condition (not suitable for habitation);
  • 30 buildings are in a fair condition (functional but require maintenance/ refurbishment); and
  • 61 buildings are in a good condition (functional and in good working order).

11 April 2018 - NW801

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)What is the total number of learners who (a) underwent assessment and (b) passed their trade tests for each type of trade for which assessments are undertaken by Indlela over the past two years; (2) what is the (a) mean waiting time between the receipt of an application for a trade test and the first date on which the actual assessment was undertaken and (b) time lapse between the last day of the test and the date on which the results were communicated to apprentices; (3) what (a) is the total cost of the trade test and related services for her department and the apprentice concerned and (b) services are covered by the fee for a trade test; (4) (a) what steps have been undertaken to improve the pass rate for trade tests and (b) how successful have these initiatives been; (5) (a) what is the maximum number of apprentices that can be accommodated in overnight accommodation at Indlela and (b) what is the total cost of overnight accommodation and the occupation rate of the facilities?


1. (a) The total number of learners who underwent assessment at INDLELA in 2016/17 and 2017/18 is 8361.

(b) The total number of learners who passed their trade test at INDLELA during this period is 6383.

The table below indicates the trade tests conducted and passed per trade during 2016/17 and 2017/18





As at the end of Quarter 3







Aircraft maintenance mechanic






Aircraft structures worker






Armature winder






Automotive motor mechanic






Avionics mechanician












Boiler maker


















Diesel mechanic












Electronic equipment mechanician






Fitter and turner






Heavy equipment mechanic






Instrument mechanician












Mechanical fitter






Metal machinist
















































Sheetmetal worker






Structural plater






Transportation electrician






Vehicle body builder






Vehicle painter
















2. (a) The mean waiting (lead) time between the receipt of an application for a trade test and the first date on which the actual assessment was undertaken was 120 days (annual average) for 2016/17 and 86 days (annual average) for 2017/18 which is a year-to-year average of 103 days as at the third quarter of 2017/18 over the two year period.

Table on average lead time:

Financial Year

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4


2016 - 2017

148 days

112 days

121 days

97 days

120 days

2017 - 2018

97 days

73 days

86 days



(b) When a candidate finishes his/her trade test, the assessor gives immediate feedback in the workshop, including his/her overall results. However, the process is still subject to quality assurance conducted by a moderator. If successful, it then takes a month for a candidate to receive his/her certificate issued by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). A trade test centre is required to forward the certificate to the candidate once the QCTO has issued.

3. (a) The total cost of trade tests and related services at INDLELA for the financial year 2017/18 as at 12 March 2018 was R80 474 000 made up of R9 306 000 for goods and services, R357 000 for machinery and equipment and the difference of R70 811 000 for remuneration of staff. The current allocation in terms of goods and services, machinery and equipment does not enable improvement of the facility and merely provides for service delivery.

The cost for a trade test to employed candidates varies between a minimum of R220 to a maximum of R500 depending on the trade and for unemployed candidates between R220 and R275 also depending on the trade for which the candidate applies.

b) Included in the trade test fees is the trade test application, registration, testing and certification costs. A trade test applicant only pays the fees if his or her application is successful in meeting the criteria for access to a trade test as regulated under Trade Test Regulations 11(3) or 11(5) or the Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning (ARPL) process.

4. (a) INDLELA works closely with the National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB) which in the past three years has progressively eliminated unaccredited trade test centres and training providers from the system. The elimination is achieved through allocation of a serial number system which is given only to accredited trade test centres and training providers who meet the minimum accreditation standards. Without this serial number they cannot be registered on the system for trade testing. NAMB continuously performs quality assurance audits at these accredited trade test centres and training providers and those who fall below the minimum quality standard requirements face deregistration.

To improve the success chances of candidates, the Department has, in consultation with business and organised labour, developed and progressively started with the implementation of an ARPL intervention process founded on a tested model. The broader objective of the ARPL intervention is to assist in closing knowledge and skills gaps identified during and after the assessment process. To this effect, ARPL interventions for the welding, boiler making, mechanical fitting, diesel mechanic and motor mechanic trades was implemented nationally on 19 October 2017 and for hairdressing on
6 December 2017. Due to the short period since implementation and considering the process and duration from when an applicant entering the ARPL process to writing a trade test, it is still early to indicate the success rate.

INDLELA has also developed the National Artisan Development Strategy which re-establishes the dual system of apprenticeship training. The implementation date is envisaged to be in April 2019, subject to successful policy development processes.

b) Artisan statistics from INDLELA trade testing indicate a continuously improving pass rate percentage which in the previous 3 years (2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16) on average was 45% yet in 2016/17 financial year improved to 52%.

5. (a) INDLELA hostel has a bed and breakfast facility and can accommodate a total of 100 candidates in hostel rooms, of which 20 rooms are fitted with two single beds for female candidates; 20 rooms are fitted with two single beds for male candidates; and 20 rooms are fitted with a single bed for male candidates.

b) The cost for accommodation including bed and breakfast is R 130 per candidate per day. On average 60 candidates tested at INDLELA per session are utilising the accommodation facility leading to an average occupation rate of around 60% of the facilities.

11 April 2018 - NW535

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) is the (i) name and (ii) location of each healthcare facility that has seen an upgrade in public transport facilities and services to and from the specified facilities since 2012 and (b) are the relevant details of each specified upgrade?


Honourable Member, none of our clinics and hospitals keep any information about public transport facilities - even those that may be transporting people to their facilities. Such information is kept by the Department of Transport and/or the Department of Public Works and/or different municipalities. May the Honourable Member please direct the questions to those Departments.


11 April 2018 - NW802

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)(a) What is the total amount that the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) paid to each (i) university and (ii) technical and vocational education and training college as an upfront payment for the 2018 academic year in January 2018 and February 2018 and (b) what conditions are linked to the payments; (2) what is the total budget of NSFAS for each of the institutions for the 2018 academic year?


The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has provided the following responses to the questions posed.

1. (a) (i) Total amounts that the NSFAS paid to each university as upfront payments for the 2018 academic year in January 2018 and February 2018 are:


(2) Allocation

Upfront payment

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

655 156 838

58 502 138

Central University of Technology

392 452 939

32 901 049

Durban University of Technology

739 442 055

76 809 399

Mangosuthu University of Technology

215 982 827

20 361 272

Nelson Mandela University

552 806 749

50 958 353

North-West University

802 562 904

72 736 926

Rhodes University

104 906 961

9 157 806

Sefako Makgatho Health Science University

166 686 949

15 055 518

Sol Plaatjie University

40 143 195

3 794 397

Tshwane University of Technology

1 686 504 055

159 916 208

University of Cape Town

261 736 828

26 232 728

University of Fort Hare

428 181 033

45 967 899

University of Free State

1 087 128 657

94 706 148

University of Johannesburg

1 965 357 590

173 468 591

University of Kwazulu-Natal

1 032 677 361

103 120 630

University of Limpopo

728 349 374

74 108 015

University of Mpumalanga

68 869 849

5 728 795

University of Pretoria

593 675 472

58 152 577

University of South Africa

574 486 219

53 463 768

University of Stellenbosch

146 102 526

12 871 899

University of the Western Cape

319 978 970

32 819 196

University of the Witwatersrand

1 358 216 952

113 140 134

University of Venda

554 114 481

52 436 240

University of Zululand

611 236 012

64 710 296

Vaal University of Technology

463 906 016

45 299 186

Walter Sisulu University

875 337 188

91 572 582


16 426 000 000

  1. 547 991 750

(ii) Total amounts that the NSFAS paid to each Technical and Vocational Education and Training College as upfront payments for the 2018 academic year in January 2018 and February 2018 are:


(2) Allocation

Upfront payment


80 259 999

5 682 900

Buffalo City

74 232 979

5 256 150

Cape College

106 609 413

7 548 600


167 805 385

11 881 650

Central Johannesburg College

120 347 630

8 521 350

Coastal KwaZulu-Natal

181 977 887

12 885 150

Eastcape Midlands

83 261 858

5 895 450


87 174 655

6 172 500

Ekurhuleni East

121 563 626

8 607 450

Ekurhuleni West

169 637 853

12 011 400


133 236 344

9 433 950


126 546 246

8 960 250

False Bay

73 338 989

5 192 850

Flavius Mareka

47 328 529

3 351 150

Gert Sibande

117 714 383

8 334 900


56 819 233

4 023 150


52 107 776

3 689 550


82 289 485

5 826 600

King Hintsa

48 449 195

3 430 500

King Sabata

85 242 619

6 035 700


33 929 265

2 402 400


68 627 532

4 859 250


45 570 207

3 226 650


203 992 929

14 443 950


92 176 340

6 526 650


83 463 112

5 909 700


85 384 556

6 045 750


166 061 892

11 758 200


67 320 442

4 766 700

Northern Cape Rural

51 097 270

3 618 000

Northern Cape Urban

54 764 326

3 877 650


111 668 297

7 906 800


145 936 516

10 333 200


165 614 897

11 726 550

Port Elizabeth

86 439 549

6 120 450


119 928 175

8 491 650


66 640 416

4 718 550

South cape

63 416 119

4 490 250

South west

189 203 956

13 396 800


79 912 572

5 658 300


84 821 045

6 005 850

Tshwane North

170 997 905

12 107 700

Tshwane South

141 383 944

10 010 850


143 252 426

10 143 150


71 661 168

5 074 050


201 980 392

14 301 450


86 401 417

6 117 750


65 930 732

4 668 300

West Coast

88 502 930

6 266 550


111 977 592

7 928 700


5 164 002 003

365 643 000

(b) A portion of the upfront payments should be allocated to NSFAS funded students to cover their living expenses.

2. See response to question 1 (i) and (ii) above.

11 April 2018 - NW538

Profile picture: Dlamini, Mr MM

Dlamini, Mr MM to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What is the (i) name, (ii) location and (iii) patient capacity of each clinic which does not offer HIV testing and counselling services and (b) why?


Our policy is that all our clinics offer HIV Counselling and Testing and they have been offered resources to do so. If any experiences problems at any one day, it will be a momentary problem which can be resolved.


11 April 2018 - NW319

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Health

What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on the promotion or celebration of the Year of O R Tambo on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel, (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations since 1 January 2017?


Neither the National Department of Health nor the entities reporting to the Ministry of Health spent any funds on the promotion or celebration of the Year of OR Tambo on any of the media platforms cited above since 1 January 2017.


11 April 2018 - NW395

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) is the total number of cases of negligence by medical staff that were recorded at each hospital in the country, (b) is the name of each hospital, (c) are the details of each negligent act that occured, (d) is the name of each medical staff member who committed the negligent act, (e) is the name of the person who suffered as a result of the negligent act and (f) action was taken in response to the negligence?


Honourable Member, I wish to strike an understanding with you that the concept of negligence by medical staff is not something that is just recorded at each hospital. It is rather a verdict that can only be arrived at by a Judicial or quasi judicial process.

As such, I will need to contact judicial and the quasi judicial structures in health, in this case the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), to get the correct information and will revert back to you as soon as I have it.


11 April 2018 - NW648

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)What steps has her department taken to ensure that the provisions of the Children’s Act, Act 38 of 2005, are implemented in an intersectoral and integrated manner; (2) whether she considers her department exempt from any of the provisions of the specified Act; if so, (a) which provisions and (b) on what statutory grounds does she consider the department to be exempt from these provisions; (3) has she been informed that a written agenda distributed by officials from her department during the February 2018 meetings it hosted for social workers describes the involvement of nonsocial work professionals such as lawyers and psychologists as unnecessary in service delivery to children; (4) (a) which departmental officials (i) authorised the agenda, (ii) conducted the meetings and (iii) attended the meetings and (b) what steps will she take to ensure that (i) these officials are held to account, (ii) the misperception that has been created is rectified and (iii) all members of her department will refrain from infringing upon the constitutional rights of children and contravening section 5 of the specified Act?


1. In 2009 the Department finalised an intersectoral implementation plan and a monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure that provisions of the Children’s Act are implemented in an intersectoral and integrated manner.

2. The Department is not exempted from any of the provisions of the Children’s Act.

3. The Minister’s Office has not been informed of a written agenda by departmental officials describing the involvement of nonsocial work professionals such as lawyers and psychologists as unnecessary in service delivery to children.

4. The Minister’s Office undertakes to inquire within the Department regarding this matter with a view to establish (a) which departmental officials (i) authorised the agenda, (ii) conducted the meetings and (iii) attended the meetings and (b) The Minister’s Office will take steps to ensure that (i) these officials are held to account, (ii) the misperception that has been created is rectified and (iii) written communication is sent to all members of the department to request them to refrain from infringing upon the constitutional rights of children and contravening section 5 of the specified Act.


Approved by the Minister on


11 April 2018 - NW537

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What is the (i) name, (ii) location and (iii) patient capacity of each clinic which does not offer TB treatment services and (b) why?


(a) and (b) All public clinics do offer TB services as part of the routine services offered as a component of the primary health care package.


11 April 2018 - NW463

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Health

In light of the fact that the Hansard he refers to in his reply to question 356 on 8 May 2017 does not provide the requested information (details furnished), what is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and (d) date on which each vehicle was purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) his deputy (aa) in the (aaa) 2014-15, (bbb) 2015-16 and (ccc) 2016-17 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2017?


It should be noted that no vehicles were purchased neither for myself nor for the Deputy Minister, during the financial years 2014-15; 2016-17 and since 1 April 2017. The vehicles were bought in June 2015.

Two vehicles were purchased (one for each of us) and their details are as follows:

For myself:

(a) Make: Audi Q7

(b) Model: 4LB0GA

(c) Price: R717,492.06

(d) Date: 20 July 2015 (delivery date)

For the Deputy Minister:

(a) Make: Audi Q7

(b) Model: 4LB0GA

(c) Price: R717,492.06

(d) Date: 20 July 2015 (delivery date)


11 April 2018 - NW571

Profile picture: Xalisa, Mr Z R

Xalisa, Mr Z R to ask the Minister of Health

What was the total monetary value of all government (a) goods and (b) equipment that were (i) lost, (ii) stolen and (iii) broken at each hospital with regard to its (aa) name, (bb) location and (cc) capacity?


I am sorry Honourable Member I find the word "government goods" too wide and ambiguous. May the Honourable Member be a bit specific on actually what Honourable Member wants to know.

Which particular equipment does the Member want to know about? Is it clinical equipment, and if so which ones in particular. Or is it kitchen of environmental or terrain or building maintenance equipment. Surely the Honourable Member must be having something in mind which he wants to know about.


11 April 2018 - NW536

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What is the (i) name, (ii) location and (iii) patient capacity of each clinic which does not offer immunisation services and (b) why?


Our policy is that all clinics offer immunisation and they have been given resources to do so. However, we are aware that some may offer that only on specific days.


11 April 2018 - NW570

Profile picture: Sonti, Ms NP

Sonti, Ms NP to ask the Minister of Health

What was the total monetary value of all government goods that were (a) lost, (b) stolen and (c) broken at each clinic with regard to its (i) name, (ii) location and (iii) capacity?


I am sorry Honourable Member I find this question too wide and ambiguous. May the Honourable Member be a bit specific on actually what Honourable Member wants to know.


11 April 2018 - NW213

Profile picture: Lekota, Mr M

Lekota, Mr M to ask the Minister of Health

(1)(a) What were the circumstances that led to the North West Department of Health awarding a three-year contract to a certain company (name furnished) for the provision of a mobile clinic, (b) what amount has been paid to the specified company to date and (c) on what legal provision did the North West Department of Health rely when it made the payments; (2) was the provision of the service planned and budgeted for; if not, what informed the procurement of the service; (3) were normal tender processes followed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Thank you Honourable Member for this important question.

I had visited the North West Department of Health and held a meeting with its senior staff at Ratlou Community Health Centre in the Ngaka Modiri Molema District on the 2nd March 2018.

I then had an opportunity to inspect two (2) of the mobile "clinics".

From what I could gather, I realised that this problem is much bigger than meets the eye and needs a very serious technical investigation.

Since this is a procurement function which is the purview of the provincial department, I wrote to the Minister of Finance on the 8th March 2018 and requested that the Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) in the National Treasury investigate this matter.

I also briefed the Minister of Finance. I am made to understand that this investigation is going on.

May the Honourable Member bear with me until the results of this investigation are released.


10 April 2018 - NW217

Profile picture: Singh, Mr N

Singh, Mr N to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether she has found that the seismic surveying of the South African coastline by the oil and gas industry should (a) require environmental authorisation and (b) be a listed activity under the National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998, given the clear and negative impact that such seismic surveying has on marine life; if not, why not; if so, what are the further relevant details?


(a) Yes. An environmental authorisation should be required for seismic activities utilising sonic signal methodologies as these methodologies could impact negatively on marine species, including whales.

(b) Seismic surveying that forms part of an application for an exploration or production right for oil or gas in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002, is currently listed under section 24(2) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) and therefore requires an environmental authorisation.

However, seismic surveying using sonic signal methodologies as part of reconnaissance activities under the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002, is currently not listed as an activity that requires an environmental authorisation under the National Environmental Management Act, 1998.

With regard to the question as to whether an EIA was conducted for offshore drilling which may be

commencing soon, the Petroleum Association of South Africa was contacted and it was determined

that there is currently an EIA underway for offshore petroleum drilling proposed by ENI and Sasol.

The EIA is at the scoping phase and it is being undertaken by the consulting company ERM. At the time of the application for the exploration right (that is, in September 2012), the environmental requirements were still regulated under the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA). Consequently, the Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) to undertake the 2D seismic survey programme (work programme applied for) as required by section 79(4) of the MPRDA was compiled and submitted for approval. The said EMPr was supported by two specialist studies assessing the impacts of the proposed seismic surveys on marine fauna and on fisheries. Accordingly, an EIA was carried out prior to the granting of the right under the MPRDA dispensation and not under NEMA.

Currently reconnaissance, which includes seismic activities is not covered under the EIA regulations and a process between PASA, DEA and DMR to list this activity is underway.


10 April 2018 - NW649

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether she has been informed that her department’s Central Authority for Intercountry Adoptions lodged an appeal against a children’s court order which has resulted in the adoption of a child with severe special needs being placed on hold and the child remaining institutionalised for 20 months since he could have been placed in family care (details furnished); if not, will she undertake to make enquiries within her department regarding this matter with a view to withdrawing the appeal so lodged and/or confirming her department’s course of action; if so, upon what grounds (a) was this stance taken by her department, (b) is this child being deprived of his constitutional right to family care and to education and (c) is the cost to taxpayers of the appeal justified?


No. The Minister for Social Development was not informed that her department’s Central Authority for Intercountry Adoptions lodged an appeal against a children’s court order.

The mandate of the South African Central Authority (SACA) is to regulate inter-country adoptions. In this regard the SACA strictly applies the principle of Subsidiarity. This means that the SACA is satisfied that all in country care options are explored before consideration of intercountry adoption.

The Department of Social Development took the stance to continue with the appeal so lodged on the following ground: That there was a breach of mandate by the accredited child protection organisation (CPO) facilitating this matter.

a) The issues surrounding the breach of mandate, procedural and administrative misconduct could lead to the deprivation of the child’s constitutional right to be cared for by his own biological family in his own country of origin.

b) The Department lodged its appeal in March 2017. However, the court has not provided a date for the matter to be heard. The applicant has filed a notice to oppose the leave to appeal, however, she has not filed opposing affidavit indicating the basis of her opposition. The delay is therefore not on the side of the Department.

c) The cost to taxpayers of the appeal is justified because the Department is of the view that all parties involved in this matter should act in an objective manner which favours the best interest of the child rather than the interest of any party concerned.


Approved by the Minister on


10 April 2018 - NW723

Profile picture: Rabotapi, Mr MW

Rabotapi, Mr MW to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1)       Whether his department has a sexual harassment and assault policy in place; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will his department have such a policy in place; if so, (i) how are reports investigated and (ii) what are the details of the consequence management and sanctions stipulated by the policy; (2) (a) what is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment and assault that have been reported in his department (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) what number of cases were (i) opened and concluded, (ii) withdrawn and (iii) remain open based on the incidents and (c) what sanctions were issued for each person who was found to have been guilty?


1. (a). Yes, the department does have a Sexual Harassment Policy in place.

(i) In terms of section 4 of the Departmental Sexual Harassment Policy, the victim is first assisted to determine if any medical or psycho-social intervention is required, wherein after the Director Employee Health and Wellness / Labour Relations assists the victim to compile a written report of an incident, which is then filed at Human Resources either through a formal grievance or through request to initiate a disciplinary investigation into the allegations.

Based hereon, a briefing memorandum is prepared for the attention of the Head of Department to determine whether a precautionary suspension will be required and for the appointment of an independent investigator.

An independent investigator will either be sourced from another Government department or through the Supply Chain Management process, to provide an investigation report . Based on the outcome thereof the due-processes as outline in PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2003 or Chapter 7 of the SMS Handbook regulating discipline are followed.

The victims’ rights in terms of criminal and civil remedies are also explained to him or her and are not in any way curtailed or limited by the departmental policy.

(ii) Regarding consequence management and the determination of an appropriate sanction, the department subscribes to Section 7.14 of the DPSA’s Labour Relations Sanctioning Guidelines for Public Service, which is dismissal if found guilty.

2. (a). (i) 2015/2016 – No cases.

2016/2017 - No cases

2017/2018 - No cases

(ii) As at 1 April 2017 – No cases.

(b) (i) No cases opened,

(ii) No cases withdrawn,

(ii) No cases remain opened

(c) There were no incidents reported therefore no sanctions against anyone.