Questions and Replies

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23 September 2016 - NW1830

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Economic Development

How does the Industrial Development Corporation intend to place its subsidiaries, (a) Scaw Metals and (b) Foskor, on a commercially sustainable footing given that the former made a loss of R 1,1 billion and the latter R 568 million in the 2015-16 financial year?


I have drawn to the IDC’s attention the need to fast-track a turnaround strategy for Scaw Metals and Foskor and requested the IDC Board to regularly review progress with such turnaround strategy. Both companies are in significant sectors of the economy, namely in the metal and fertiliser value-chains and their products are used in downstream industries.

The Chief Executive Officer of the IDC advises the following in respect of the two investments:

(a) Scaw Metals is in the process of finalizing the restructuring of the group, which will result in the introduction of Strategic Equity Partners (SEPs) in some or all of the four steel operations. The SEP’s are expected to add the necessary operational expertise to turn around the businesses. This process is underway and the decision will be made towards the end of the current financial year after evaluating all the proposals. The interested SEP’s have similar businesses and their core competencies are aligned to that of Scaw businesses.

(b) Foskor’s financial performance is dependent on market prices for its products, which are largely commodities. Global prices have softened since their peak in 2008-2010 as a result of supply and demand dynamics. Although this is substantially outside Foskor’s control, there are opportunities to upgrade equipment and improve production efficiencies to place it on a firmer footing. Foskor has therefore developed an investment and performance improvement plan, which also entails IDC finance. Although this will result in improved competitiveness, the timing to achieve sustainable levels of profitability will remain dependent on the speed of recovery of market prices.


23 September 2016 - NW1885

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

Whether he is aware of the fact that the SA Police Service is referring some criminal offences directly to the courts without conducting a proper investigation and making an entry in the crime register; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) how many of the specified cases were referred directly to the courts countrywide in the (i) 2014-15 and (ii) 2015-16 financial years without proper investigation and (b)(i) what types of offences and (ii) how many of each specified offence were referred in such a way in each specified year; 2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


1. I have enquired from the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) which is the institution that is mandated in law to prosecute matters in the courts, whether they are aware of such incidents where the SAPS could be referring some criminal offences directly to the courts without conducting a proper investigation and making an entry in the crime register, and they have indicated they have no knowledge of such. There are specific Standing Orders issued by the SAPS as to the registering and investigations of cases. The normal procedures relating to criminal matters are that the police official will register the case on the SAPS Crime Administration System (CAS) at the police station. The complainant will thereafter receive a CAS number that needs to be kept as reference for future enquiries regarding the criminal case.

The completed case docket relating to the CAS number is allocated to a police detective who will carry out the investigation. The detective in charge of the particular case will complete the investigation and then promote the docket to the relevant court for prosecution with the CAS number as the SAPS reference number. This CAS number will then also be entered on the charge sheet and docket so that there is a linkage between the court record and docket information. No cases will be accepted without it being registered. If a matter is taken to court, but the investigation into the criminal matter is incomplete, the matter may be postponed and referred back by the prosecutor to the investigating officer, with guidance as to follow-up investigations.

(a) and (b) not applicable

2. No statement is required.

23 September 2016 - NW1734

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

With reference to the undertaking made by his department during a parliamentary portfolio committee meeting in September 2014, that it would review the disclosure requirements for senior members of the public service with the aim to also include debts owed by public servants in the list of items to be disclosed annually, what progress has been made in revising such requirements?


The Public Service Regulations, 2001 were reviewed after consultation with relevant stakeholders. The review included Chapter 3 (the Financial Disclosure Framework) of the 2001 Regulations. The Public Service Regulations, 2016 were issued after this review process and came into effect on the 1st of August 2016. Regulation 19 stipulates details of interests to be disclosed by designated employees. These details include the disclosure of “loan accounts”, among other things to be disclosed by designated employees. Members of senior management service are designated employees.

23 September 2016 - NW1828

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What amount in funding did the Industrial Development Corporation commit to the establishment of the Beijing Automobile International Corporation automotive assembly plant at the Coega Industry Development Zone?


The IDC will be subscribing for 35% shareholding in the project and has committed a funding package totalling R1,5 billion for this purpose. This funding package is made up of subscription of ordinary shares, shareholder’s loan and shareholder guarantees proportional to its envisaged 35% shareholding in the project company. The rest of the funding for the project costs will be invested by the BAIC Group, local and international banks.


23 September 2016 - NW1652

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)What are the (a) names, (b) descriptions of the positions and (c) circumstances of the Directors-General in the Public Service that did not submit their financial disclosure forms for the 2014-15 financial year as at (i) 31 March 2015 and (ii) 31 March 2016; (2) whether all senior management staff members of his department and the National School of Government submitted their financial disclosure forms by the due date for the 2014-15 financial year; if not, (a) why not and (b) when will the specified financial disclosure forms be submitted; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what steps have been taken to avoid a repetition of the failure to submit disclosure forms by (a) Directors-General in the Public Service and (b) senior management staff members in his department and the National School of Government on time in the 2015-16 financial year deadline?


(1) Chapter 3 C.1 of the Public Service Regulations, 2001 (which was applicable during the period in question) provides that every designated employee (SMS member) shall, not later than 30 April each year, disclose to the relevant Executive Authority particulars of all her/his registrable interests in respect of the period 1 April of the previous year to 31 March of the year in question. Copies of the forms on which the designated employees disclosed their financial interests are to be submitted to the Public Service Commission (PSC) by not later than 31 May each year. In view thereof, the financial disclosure forms for the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 were supposed to reach the PSC by 31 May 2015. There were, however, financial disclosure forms, including those of some of the Directors-General, that were not submitted to the relevant Executive Authorities and the PSC by the respective stipulated due dates. The Directors-General (including those who were acting) and Executive Authorities who did not comply with the requirements to submit the financial as provided for in the Public Service Regulations are reflected in the Table below.

The level of compliance with the requirement to submit the financial disclosure forms by the due dates of 30 April 2015 (Director-General) and 31 May 2015 (Executive Authorities)






Arts and Culture

Mr V. Jack (Acting)

The official never



Correctional Services

Mr Z.I Modise

22 April 2015

28 April 2016


Dr S.M. Gulube

The official never



Economic Development

Mr K. Naidoo


21 April 2015


Environmental Affairs

Ms N.N. Ngcaba

16 April 2015

23 June 2015

Higher Education and Training

Mr G.F. Qonde

28 April 2015

17 December 2015

Human Settlements

Mr M. Tshangana

The official never




Mr R.J. McBride

The official was on

suspension during the submission period and never submitted.


Military Veterans

Mr T. Motumi

1 June 2015


National School of Government

Mr B.I. Maja


29 April 2015


National Treasury

Mr L. Fuzile

29 April 2015


Public Service & Administration

Mr M. Diphofa

30 April 2015

12 August 2015

Small Business Development

Ms P. Ncapayi

21 April 2015

16 February 2016

Sport & Recreation

Mr M.E. Moemi

16 October2015

(Submitted internally)


State Security Agency

Amb S. Kudjoe

The official never



Trade & Industry

Mr L.V. October

20 April 2015

16 February 2016


Ms J. Schreiner

The official captured

the required
information on the e-Disclosure system but was not submitted.


For the 2015/2016 financial year the financial disclosure forms of only two Directors-General were outstanding as at the due date of 31 May 2016. These are the Director-General of State Security Agency (Ambassador S Kudjoe) and the Secretary General of the Office of the Chief Justice (Mr M Sejosengwe). The form of Mr Sejosengwe was, however, submitted on time internally (i.e. 15 April 2016) through the eDisclosure system. This form was only released by the Executive Authority to the PSC on 29 June 2016. Ambassador Kudjoe's form is still outstanding.

(2) For 2014/2015 financial year Public Service and Administration and National School of Government did not submit their financial disclosure forms to the PSC by the due date of 31 May 2015. As at the end of the 2014/2015 financial year (31 March 2016), the DPSA had submitted 97% of the forms and the National School of Government had not submitted a single form by then.

(3) The PSC is continuously making efforts to try and get Departments to improve the submission rate to 100% by the due date of 31 May each year. The following steps are taken on an annual basis in the quest to improve the submission rate by the due date:

  • The PSC sends out letters to the EAs reminding them to facilitate the submission of financial disclosure forms of SMS members within their respective departments. The DPSA issues notices on the salary advices of senior managers, reminding them of their duty to declare financial interests.
  • The Executive Authorities are advised on a continuous basis to take disciplinary steps against officials who, without valid reasons, fail to comply with the Financial Disclosure Framework, as stipulated in Regulation H of Chapter 3 of the Public Service Regulations.

23 September 2016 - NW1831

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

(1)Whether, in line with the responsibilities of his department to build non-racialism through community dialogues relating to sub-outcome 2 of outcome 15 of the National Development Plan, the specified community dialogues have commenced; if not, why not; if so, (a) where; (b) when has each of the specified dialogues taken place?


1. The Department concluded the appointment of a service provider to conduct community conversations over a period of three years. The first phase of the community conversations were concluded in the last financial year and the second phase of the community conversations have commenced. A total of four community conversations were concluded in Northern Cape (Calvinia, Carnarvon, Prieska, Kimberly); two community conversations were held in Limpopo (Schoonoort and Modimolle); and three community conversations were held in Mpumalanga (Ermelo, Delmas, Lydenburg) thus far.

2. The community conversations took place from 16 – 19 August 2016 in Northern Cape; 30 – 31 August 2016 in Limpopo; 06 - 08 September 2016 in Mpumalanga.




Local Municipality

District Municipality




Nothern Cape





Tromp Nell Hall

16 Aug




Pixley ka Seme


DRC Hall

17 Aug




Pixley ka Seme


Steps of Omega Hall

18 Aug



Sol Plaatje

Frances Baard


MGregor Museum

19 Aug





Elias Motsoaledi/




Peter Nchabeleng Hall

30 Aug




Bela Bela



Library Auditorium

31 Aug



Did not take place – Cancelled by DAC Provincial

1 Sep





Gert Sibande


Transnet School Of Rail Hall

6 Sep



Victor Khanye



Braam Fisher Hall

7 Sep



Thebe Cheu



Civic Center

8 Sep


23 September 2016 - NW1884

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

How many protection orders were issued in the country’s courts in the (a) 2012-13, (b) 2013-14 and (c) 2014-15 financial years;


1. The table below provides information on the protection orders issued in the country’s courts in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act 116 of 1998):

Protection Orders Made Final: Section 6

Financial Year

Grand Total






Eastern Cape

13 567

14 075

13 382

41 024

Free State

5 790

6 625

6 235

18 650


17 962

16 344

15 364

49 670

Kwa-Zulu Natal

13 511

13 740

13 551

40 802


7 931

8 014

8 462

24 407


6 276

6 362

6 436

19 074


4 548

5 424

5 658

15 630

Northern Cape

2 730

3 701

4 429

10 860

Western Cape

16 615

14 219

13 668

44 502

Grand Total

88 930

88 504

87 185

264 619

2. My Department has placed an additional focus on assisting all victims throughout the various services we render as part of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development’s strategic and policy direction. The protection of women and children remains an important element of the justice system and from the statistics furnished above clearly show that the courts have been issuing protection orders when and where required.

23 September 2016 - NW1761

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

Whether any strategies have been developed towards the deracialisation of the South African society; if not why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


As I have indicated in my response to question 1760 that I have developed a programme to engage society through the sectoral engagement on matters that relate to nation building and social cohesion. In every province there are Social Cohesion Advocates who continuously engage various sectors of society on these matters.

These engagements will culminate in a national convention that will developed a social compact to build social cohesion and strengthen efforts against racism.

23 September 2016 - NW1865

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1430 on 6 June 2016, by which date will the detective division at the Primrose Police Station in Gauteng receive six additional vehicles in order for the specified police station to comply with the ratio of two detectives per vehicle?


On 31 August 2016, the South African Police Service Efficiency Index System that is used to manage all physical resources, reflected as follows for the Primrose Police Station:

Current detective personnel strength: 32

Current detective vehicle strength: 12

Ideal number of vehicles for 32 detectives: 16

Current shortage of vehicles: -4

New vehicles purchased for the Primrose Police Station will be issued by 31 January 2017.

23 September 2016 - NW1898

Profile picture: Selfe, Mr J

Selfe, Mr J to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Service

Whether a certain law firm (name and details furnished), provided any form of (a) legal advice and/or (b) advisory services to him with respect to the Public Protector’s reports entitled (i) Secure in Comfort, report no 25 of 2013/14, (ii) Inappropriate Moves, report no 13 of 2013/14 and (iii) When Governance and Ethics Fail, report no 23 of 2013/14; if so, in each case, (aa) during which specified financial years were the services rendered and (bb) what was the cost of the services?


No, Mchunu Attorneys were not utilised for legal advice and/or advisory services with respect to the Public Protector’s reports mentioned above.

(aa) and (bb) Not applicable.

23 September 2016 - NW1760

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

Whether in light of the recent alleged racism at the Pretoria Girls High School, he, in collaboration with the Department of Education, launched any initiatives to address racism in all schools; if not why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


On assumption of this responsibility after the 2014 National elections I have developed a programme to engage society through the sectoral engagement on matters that relate to nation building and social cohesion. In every province there are Social Cohesion Advocates who continuously engage various sectors of society on these matters. Education is amongst the sectors of society that are engaged.

Amongst others in discharging this programme, partner departments in outcome 14 like Basic Education and Justice and Constitutional Development are on board.

23 September 2016 - NW1741

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether he will table legislation to move the Matatiele Local Municipality from the Eastern Cape back to KwaZulu-Natal; if not, why not; if so, (a) by what date and (b) what are the further relevant details?



Section 103 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (“the Constitution”), read with Schedule 1A, provides for the boundaries of the Provinces.

The movement of the Matatiele Local Municipality from the Eastern Cape Province to the KwaZulu-Natal Province, or the movement of any municipality from one province to another, therefore requires an amendment to the Constitution.

As the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services is the custodian of the Constitution, it is that Minister who will table legislation in this regard, should such a decision be taken to move the Matatiele Local Municipality to the KwaZulu-Natal Province.

23 September 2016 - NW1878

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

What total amount did the SA Police Service pay for wrongful arrests as a result of (a) court rulings and (b) out-of-court settlements in the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11, (iii) 2011- 12, (iv) 2012-13, (v) 2013-14, (vi) 2014-15 and (vii) 2015-16 financial years?


The total amount paid for arrests and detention (wrongful arrests) is as follows:





R32 271 175,70


R51 003 343,96


R78 192 440,38


R101 652 001,33


R138 189 961,09


R133 260 472,68


R170 652 542,30





R8 383 395,44


R7 060 753,14


R6 419 285,40


R22 554 053,61


R28 563 752,27


R42 740 971,99


R33 015 807,55

Note: The amounts paid during the respective financial years, were not necessarily received in the same financial year. The claim could have originated in a previous financial year.

23 September 2016 - NW1852

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his replies to questions (a) 1433 on 7 June 2016 and (b) 3602 on 13 October 2015, when will he ensure that the detective division at the Kempton Park Police Station in Gauteng receives additional personnel in order to reduce the high number of cases each detective currently investigates from 200 to the recommended 40 to 45 case dockets?


The recommended personnel strength for the Kempton Park Police Station Detective Service according to the Fixed Establishment is 80. The actual personnel strength of the Detective Service is 65.

The following posts were advertised and filled:

  • 1 x Sub Section Commander: Detective Service (salary level 12)
  • 4 x Salary level 8

3 x experienced re-enlisted members were placed at the Detective Service.

Gauteng province is currently busy with a project where police stations with a surplus of members within the Visible Policing environment are instructed to identify and redeploy members to their Detective Service environment where there is a shortage of members.

Police stations are also instructed to redeploy experienced Visible Policing members to the Detective Service environment when they receive their new entry level constable allocation. Kempton Park Police Station received 4 new entry level constables.

23 September 2016 - NW1858

Profile picture: Malatsi, Mr MS

Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his replies to questions (a) 1426 on 6 June 2016 and (b) 3602 on 13 October 2015, when will he ensure that the detective division at the Boksburg North Police Station in Gauteng receives additional personnel in order to reduce the high number of cases each detective currently investigates from 52 to the recommended 40 to 45 case dockets?


The recommended personnel strength for the Boksburg North Police Station Detective Service according to the Fixed Establishment is 58. The actual personnel strength of the Detective Service is 44.

Gauteng province is currently busy with a project where police stations with a surplus of members within the Visible Policing environment are instructed to identify and redeploy members to their Detective Service environment where there is a shortage of members.

Police stations are also instructed to redeploy experienced Visible Policing members to the Detective Service environment when they receive their new entry level constable allocation. Boksburg North Police Station received 5 new entry level constables.

23 September 2016 - NW1807

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Whether (a) he and/or (b) the Government have taken any steps since 1 January 2013 to ensure that South Africa re-joins the United Kingdom’s visa waiver list; if not, why not; if so, (i) how many times has (aa) he and/or (bb) the Government met with the British authorities to discuss the re-joining of the specified list and (ii) what were the outcomes in each case; (2) whether (a) he and/or (b) the Government have conducted any assessments regarding the specified re-joining since 1 January 2013; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a-b) On 10 September 2013 the 10th SA-UK Bilateral Forum was held in Cape Town. At this meeting the two parties agreed that the United Kingdom would send a UK experts group to access South Africa’s passport and border security processes. The honourable Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane co-chaired the meeting with Britain’s then Foreign Secretary, Mr William Hague. This meeting was followed up by eight Senior Officials meetings, three of which took place in 2013, two in 2015 and three in 2016.

During the 2013 meetings the UK authorities informed the South African counterparts of its intention to review their visa policy towards South Africa. It was agreed that a road map be developed for the lifting of visa restrictions for South African diplomatic and official passport holders. This was followed by a UK experts team assessment of South African passport issuance and border management processes, which assessment recognised the improvements made by South Africa.

The 2015 meetings focussed on the United Kingdom seeking response from South Africa on their decision to lift visa restrictions for South African diplomatic passport holders. South Africa’s response was that we would only consider reciprocity if the United Kingdom lifted visa restrictions for all South African passport holders.

The 2016 meetings concerned the continuing requests for the lifting of visa restrictions for all South African passport holders. The UK counterparts are now awaiting the new government’s visa policy where after they will inform the South African authorities accordingly.

(2)(a-b) All efforts made to engage the British government to understand the rationale behind its decision or to at least reconsider by exempting South African diplomatic and official passport holders were in vain.

23 September 2016 - NW1829

Profile picture: Cardo, Dr MJ

Cardo, Dr MJ to ask the Minister of Economic Development

What are the reasons for the profits of the Industrial Development Corporation dropping by 87% from R 1, 65 billion in the 2014-15 financial year to R 223 million in the 2015-16 financial year?


The IDC posted a profit of R 223 million for the year ended 31 March 2016 compared to a profit of R1, 65 billion for the year ended 31 March 2015. The main contributor to the reduced profits for the year was increased levels of impairments (an increase of R 1, 6 billion) caused by difficult operating conditions including the impact of the drought.

The CEO of the IDC provided details of the impact at the public release of the IDC’s financial results on 30 August 2016 and he noted that these operating conditions mainly impacted the IDC’s clients in the manufacturing, mining and agricultural sectors. A number of IDC clients were affected by market conditions and requested restructuring of their facilities and / or assistance with drought relief funding. The impairment levels reflect the IDC commitment to play a counter-cyclical role in the economy as well as supporting high risk sectors and business unattractive to commercial financiers.

A considerable effort has gone towards implementing various impairment interventions which are expected to reduce the impairment levels over the medium to long-term.


23 September 2016 - NW1739

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)Has there been any investigation into (a) Sam Shabalala Manager at the Emfuleni Local Municipality and (b) the financial affairs of the specified municipality; if so, what is the (i) nature and (ii) current status of each investigation conducted; (2) whether any disciplinary or criminal charges have been preferred against any individuals as a result of the investigation?


The response below was provided by the province:

1. (a) There has been no investigation instituted against the former Municipal Manager of Emfuleni Local Municipality, Mr Sam Shabalala. Mr Shabalala voluntarily resigned from the municipality.

   (b) No investigation has been conducted with regard to the financial affairs of the Emfuleni Local Municipality.

2. There has been no disciplinary or criminal charges laid against any individual in relation to the investigation.

23 September 2016 - NW1889

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

Whether the (a) Human Sciences Research Council, (b) Iziko Museums of South Africa, (c) KwaZulu-Natal Museum, (d) National Heritage Council and (e) Msunduzi and Ncome Museum Council complied with the provisions to implement the Use of Official Languages Act, No. 12 of 2012, by May 2015, after being granted a temporary exemption; if not, (i) which of the specified entities did not comply and (ii) what steps did he take against the specified entities; if so, (aa) which of the specified entities complied and (bb) which languages has each of specified entities adopted?


There is admissible evidence that all the national public entities mentioned above complied with the implementation of the Use of Official Languages Act (the Act), No. 12 of 2012, by May 2015 except HSRC and Iziko.

(a) The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) gazetted its language policy on 18 March 2016 and indicating that it will utilise English, isiZulu and Sepedi for government purposes.

(b) Iziko Museums of South Africa gazetted its language policy on 9 October 2015 indicating that it will utilise Afrikaans, isiXhosa and English for government purposes.

(c) KwaZulu-Natal Museum gazetted its language policy on 31 March 2015 indicating that it will utilise English, isiZulu and Afrikaans for government purposes.

(d) National Heritage Council gazetted its language policy on 30 March 2015 indicating that it will utilise English, Setswana and isiZulu for government purposes.

(e) Msunduzi and Ncome Museum Council gazetted its language policy on 30 March 2015 indicating that it will utilise English, isiZulu and Afrikaans for government purposes.

(i) Institutions that did not comply by May 2015

  • Iziko Museums of South Africa complied by 9 October 2015
  • The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) complied by 18 March 2016

(ii) Steps taken to encourage entities to comply with the Act

  • The Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) organised a workshop with national government departments to encourage them to facilitate implementation of the Act with the national public entities reporting to them.
  • DAC appointed a service provider to facilitate the implementation of the Act with all non-complying institutions.

22 September 2016 - NW1843

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1429 on 6 June 2016, by which date will each of the 25 detectives at the Tembisa Police Station in Gauteng, who have not yet attended and passed the detective course, attend the specified detective course?


With reference to the Tembisa Police Station, the call up instruction for the detective course is awaited from Gauteng Provincial Human Resource Development and identified members will be prioritised.

22 September 2016 - NW1875

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Police

Whether CAS 208/08/2016 lodged at the Piet Retief Police Station in Mpumalanga contains charges that the security convoy detail that was escorting a certain person (name and details furnished) in Mpumalanga caused the death of a passenger transported by the SA Police Service (SAPS) when the specified convoy collided with the SAPS vehicle; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The case docket Piet Retief CAS 208/08/2016 relates to a charge of Culpable Homicide (motor vehicle collision). The motor vehicle collision occurred on 22 August 2016 on the N2 road between Piet Retief and Ermelo. A marked police vehicle of SAPS Piet Retief and a private motor vehicle were involved in a head-on collision in which two police officers and a member of the public, who was a complainant in a criminal matter, sustained serious injuries. The civilian who was a passenger in the police vehicle died in hospital on 23 August 2016 due to injuries sustained during the collision. The two passengers in the private motor vehicle also sustained serious injuries during the incident. Several witness statements must still be obtained and the investigation has not yet been concluded. The allegation that the security convoy detail who was escorting the Executive Mayor of the Mkhondo Local Municipality caused the collision is still under investigation and has not yet been substantiated by means of prima facie evidence.

22 September 2016 - NW1874

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 671 on 1 April 2016, (a) why did the investigation of CAS 31/12/2015 opened at the Lothair Police Station in Mpumalanga involving the Minister of State Security’s security convoy take nine months to investigate, (b) what were the findings of the specified case and (c) why has the Independent Police Investigative Directorate done nothing regarding the further investigation of the specified case?


(a) The case docket, Lothair CAS 31/12/2015 (Culpable Homicide) was received back on 29 January 2016 at Lothair Detective Service for further investigation. The investigation was then conducted and concluded and on 12 March 2016 the case docket was referred to the Senior Public Prosecutor for a decision on prosecution. On 21 July 2016 the case docket was received back from the Senior Public Prosecutor with certain requests. These requests were concluded and on 22 July 2016 the case docket was sent back to the Senior Public Prosecutor, who then requested a further report from a forensic expert. On 26 August 2016 the report of the forensic expert was received and the case docket handed back to the Senior Public Prosecutor for a decision on prosecution. This decision has not been made and the case docket is currently still with the Senior Public Prosecutor.

(b) The investigation has been concluded and the case docket is with the Senior Public Prosecutor for a decision on prosecution.

(c) This part of the question should be responded to by the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID).

22 September 2016 - NW1835

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Police

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1615 on 13 June 2016, he intends to take any steps to ensure drastic improvement of the low drug conviction rate of 9,79% in respect of cases from the Tembisa Park Police Station in Gauteng that went to court; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Yes. In most cases suspects are arrested with small quantities of dagga and those cases are not placed on the court roll. Intensive operations are then conducted to trace the dealers and sellers. This includes the involvement of the Community Policing Forums to provide information on places where dagga is sold. During the meetings with Department of Justice it was envisaged that suspects be convicted even with smaller amounts of dagga.

22 September 2016 - NW1860

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1433 on 7 June 2016, by which date will the detective division at the Kempton Park Police Station in Gauteng receive nine additional vehicles in order for the specified police station to comply with the ratio of two detectives per vehicle?


On 31 August 2016, the South African Police Service Efficiency Index System that is used to manage all physical resources, reflected as follows for the Kempton Park Police Station:

Current detective personnel strength: 63

Current detective vehicle strength: 30

Ideal number of vehicles for 63 detectives: 32

Current shortage of vehicles: -2

New vehicles purchased will be issued to the Kempton Park Police Station by 31 January 2017.

22 September 2016 - NW1862

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1432 on 6 June 2016, by which date will the detective division at the Sebenza Police Station in Gauteng receive four additional vehicles in order for the specified police station to comply with the ratio of two detectives for each vehicle?


On 31 August 2016, the South African Police Service Efficiency Index System that is used to manage all physical resources, reflected as follows for the Sebenza Police Station:

Current detective personnel strength: 19

Current detective vehicle strength: 6

Ideal number of vehicles for 19 detectives: 10

Current shortage of vehicles: -4

New vehicles purchased for the Sebenza Police Station will be issued by 31 January 2017.

22 September 2016 - NW1848

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1426 on 6 June 2016, by which date will each of the 11 detectives at the Boksburg North Police Station in Gauteng, who has not yet attended and passed the detective course, attend the specified detective course?


There are currently two members attending the detective course. The remaining nine members must still attend the detective course.

The stations are controlled via the intake of facilitators of the course. The intake usually accommodates one or two members at a time and a course lasts for three months.

22 September 2016 - NW1864

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1425 on 6 June 2016, by which date will the detective division at the Bedfordview Police Station in Gauteng receive three additional vehicles in order for the specified police station to comply with the ratio of two detectives per vehicle?


On 31 August 2016, the South African Police Station Efficiency Index System that is used to manage all physical resources, reflected as follows for the Bedfordview Police Station:

Current detective personnel strength: 31

Current detective vehicle strength: 17

Ideal number of vehicles for 31 detectives: 16

There is currently no shortage of vehicles at the Bedfordview Police Station Detective Service.

22 September 2016 - NW1850

Profile picture: Lotriet, Prof  A

Lotriet, Prof A to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his replies to questions (a) 1428 on 6 June 2016 and (b) 3602 on 13 October 2015, when will he ensure that the detective division at the Tembisa South Police Station in Gauteng receives additional personnel in order to reduce the average number of 98 cases that each detective currently investigates to the recommended 40 to 45 case dockets?


The recommended personnel strength for the Tembisa South Police Station Detective Service according to the Fixed Establishment is 36. The actual personnel strength of the Detective Service is currently at 36.

The following posts were advertised and filled:

  • 1 x Sub Section Commander: Detective Service (salary level 10)
  • 1 x Salary level 8

The Tembisa South Police Station Detective Service is fully capacitated.

22 September 2016 - NW1853

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his replies to questions (a) 1427 on 6 June 2016 and (b) 3602 on 13 October 2015, when will he ensure that the detective division at the Norkem Park police station in Gauteng receives additional personnel in order to reduce the high number of cases each detective currently investigates from 81 to the recommended 40 to 45 case dockets?


The recommended personnel strength for the Norkem Park Police Station Detective Service according to the Fixed Establishment is 38. The actual personnel strength of the Detective Service is 37.

Gauteng province is currently busy with a project where police stations with a surplus of members within the Visible Policing environment are instructed to identify and redeploy members to their Detective Service environment where there is a shortage of members.

Police stations are also instructed to redeploy experienced Visible Policing members to the Detective Service environment when they receive their new entry level constable allocation.




Date: 13 September 2016

Reply to question 1853 recommended




Date: 14 September 2016

Reply to question 1853 approved/not approved




22 September 2016 - NW1752

Profile picture: Mulder, Dr PW

Mulder, Dr PW to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether his department has met the requirements of the Use of Official Languages Act, Act No 12 of 2012, according to which his department (a) has established an official language policy for the department and (b) instituted a language unit; if not, (i) why not and (ii) what steps he will take to ensure that the provisions of the Act are met; if so, what are the relevant particulars?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(a)The department has developed a draft language policy which is currently being consulted within the department. The draft policy will be approved by the Department’s Executive Committee for gazetting after 30 September 2016.

(b) The Department does not have a language unit in existence. As this is a new Department, a review process of the Department’s organizational structure in line with the new mandate is underway. Once the review process is complete and a new structure approved, the Department will fill all relevant posts.

22 September 2016 - NW1854

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his replies to questions (a) 1424 on 6 June 2016 and (b) 3602 on 13 October 2015, when will he ensure that the detective division at the Edenvale Police Station in Gauteng receives additional personnel in order to reduce the high number of cases each detective currently investigates from 90 to the recommended 40 to 45 case dockets?


The recommended personnel strength for the Edenvale Police Station Detective Service according to the Fixed Establishment is 37. The actual personnel strength of the Detective Service is 36.

Gauteng province is currently busy with a project where police stations with a surplus of members within the Visible Policing environment are instructed to identify and redeploy members to their Detective Service environment where there is a shortage of members. Edenvale Police Station has a surplus of 1 member within the Visible Policing environment and should therefore identify and redeploy 1 member to their Detective Service environment where there is a shortage of members.

Police stations are also instructed to redeploy experienced Visible Policing members to the Detective Service environment when they receive their new entry level constable allocation.

22 September 2016 - NW1849

Profile picture: Lotriet, Prof  A

Lotriet, Prof A to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1430 on 6 June 2016, by which date will each of the six detectives at the Primrose Police Station in Gauteng, who have not yet attended and passed the detective course, attend the specified detective course?


One member was transferred back to Visible Policing at his own request.

One member successfully completed the detective course.

One member is currently attending the detective course.

The remaining three members will be trained as soon as courses and seats are available.

22 September 2016 - NW1863

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1424 on 6 June 2016, by which date will the detective division at the Edenvale Police Station in Gauteng receive five additional vehicles in order for the specified police station to comply with the ratio of two detectives for each vehicle?


On 31 August 2016, the South African Police Service Efficiency Index System that is used to manage all physical resources, reflected as follows for the Edenvale Police Station:

Current detective personnel strength: 36

Current detective vehicle strength: 17

Ideal number of vehicles for 36 detectives: 18

Current shortage of vehicles: -1

New vehicles purchased for the Edenvale Police Station will be issued by 31 January 2017.

22 September 2016 - NW1861

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1427 on 6 June 2016, by which date will the detective division at the Norkem Park Police Station in Gauteng receive four additional vehicles in order for the specified police station to comply with the ratio of two detectives for each vehicle?


On 31 August 2016, the South African Police Service Efficiency Index System that is used to manage all physical resources, reflected as follows for the Norkem Park Police Station:

Current detective personnel strength: 35

Current detective vehicle strength: 16

Ideal number of vehicles for 35 detectives: 18

Current shortage of vehicles: -2

New vehicles purchased for the Norkem Park Police Station will be issued by 31 January 2017.

22 September 2016 - NW1877

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

(a) How many senior management service members in the SA Police Service received performance bonuses in the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11, (iii) 2011-12, (iv) 2012-13, (v) 2013-14, (vi) 2014-15 and (vii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) what was the total amount paid in performance bonuses in the specified financial years?


(a) Performance bonuses were paid for the last time in the South African Police Service during the 2009/2010 financial year in respect of the 2008/2009 evaluation period. Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council (SSSBC) Agreement 2 of 2011 discontinued the payment of performance bonuses. The following number of senior management service members received performance bonuses in the financial years:

  1. 2009/10 financial year: 137 members.
  2. 2010/11 financial year: No member.
  3. 2011/12 financial year: No member.
  4. 2012/13 financial year: No member.
  5. 2013/14 financial year: No member.
  6. 2014/15 financial year: No member.
  7. 2015/16 financial year: No member.

(b) The total amount paid in performance bonuses in the specified financial years was:

  1. 2009/10 financial year: R4 775 000,00
  2. 2010/11 financial year: Nil.
  3. 2011/12 financial year: Nil.
  4. 2012/13 financial year: Nil.
  5. 2013/14 financial year: Nil.
  6. 2014/15 financial year: Nil.
  7. 2015/16 financial year: Nil.

22 September 2016 - NW1882

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Police

(1)(a) What is the current status of the investigation into CAS 459/12/2015 opened at the Benoni Police Station, (b) what are the offences contained in the specified docket and (c) what is the (i) rank and (ii) name of the investigating officer; (2) whether any feedback has been given to the complainant of the specified docket to date; if not, why not; if so, on what date(s) was the feedback given to the complainant?


(1)(a) The investigation in the case docket Benoni CAS 459/12/2015(Theft of a motor vehicle) was concluded. The stolen vehicle was recovered on 12 August 2016 and on 26 August 2016 the case docket was closed off as undetected and filed at the Benoni Police Station. No suspect(s) have yet been identified or arrested.

(1)(b) A case docket of Theft of motor vehicle was registered and investigated.

(1)(c) (i) and (ii)- The details of investigating officers cannot be disclosed to allow investigations to be conducted without fear or favour.

(2) Yes, feedback on the progress with the investigation was provided to the complainant on 6 February 2016 and on 12 February 2016.

22 September 2016 - NW1856

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his replies to questions (a) 1425 on 6 June 2016 and (b) 3602 on 13 October 2015, when will he ensure that the detective division at the Bedfordview Police Station in Gauteng receives additional personnel in order to reduce the high number of cases each detective currently investigates from 65 to the recommended 40 to 45 case dockets?


The recommended personnel strength for the Bedfordview Police Station Detective Service according to the Fixed Establishment is 36. The actual personnel strength of the Detective Service is 35. One experienced re-enlisted member was placed at the Detective Service.

Gauteng province is currently busy with a project where police stations with a surplus of members within the Visible Policing environment are instructed to identify and redeploy members to their Detective Service environment where there is a shortage of members. Bedfordview Police Station has a surplus of one member within the Visible Policing environment and should therefore identify and redeploy one member to their Detective Service environment where there is a shortage of members.

Police stations are also instructed to redeploy experienced Visible Policing members to the Detective Service environment when they receive their new entry level constable allocation.

22 September 2016 - NW1846

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1425 on 6 June 2016, by which date will the detective at the Bedfordview Police Station in Gauteng, who has not yet attended and passed the detective course, attend the specified detective course?


Nineteen members have attended the detective course, including officers.

Twelve members have not yet attended the detective course.

There are no members currently attending the detective course. Members will be sent as soon as there are courses available and members are called up to attend the course.

22 September 2016 - NW1836

Profile picture: Horn, Mr W

Horn, Mr W to ask the Minister of Police

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1613 on 13 June 2016, he intends to take any steps to ensure drastic improvement of the low drug conviction rate of 9,18% in respect of cases from the Tembisa South Police Station in Gauteng that went to court; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Yes. Reports on cases referred for diversion on the South African National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Reintegration of Offenders (NICRO) are long outstanding. Arrangements have been made with the Senior Public Prosecutor to communicate with the Department of Social Development to speed up the long outstanding diversion programme reports.

22 September 2016 - NW1810

Profile picture: Lorimer, Mr JR

Lorimer, Mr JR to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1) How many appeals (a)(i) are pending in terms of section 96 of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act, Act 28 of 2002, as amended and (ii) were pending as at 1 April 2016 and (b) have been dealt with in each of the past five months of the 2016-17 financial year, in each case indicating the number of appeals (i) granted and (ii) denied (2) (a) for how many days has the oldest pending appeal been outstanding and (b) what plans have been put in place to address the specified pending appeals?


Question 1 (a) (i)

As at 31 August 2016 the number of outstanding appeals are 957.

Question 1 (a) (ii)

At 1 April 2016, the number of outstanding appeals were 943.

Question 1 (b)

The following number of appeals were final ised in the months as indicated

April 2016 - 4 Appeals

(i) Appeals granted - 1

(ii) Appeals dismissed - 3

May 2016 - 6 Appeals

(i) Appeals Granted - 4

(ii) Appeals Dismissed – 2

June 2016 - 31 Appeals

(i) Appeals granted - 27

(ii) Appeals dismissed - 4

July 2016 - 20 Appeals

(i) Appeals granted - 10

(ii) Appeals dismissed – 10

August 2016 - 10 Appeals

(i) Appeals granted - 4

(ii) Appeals dismissed – 6

Question 2(a)

Considering the timeframes provided for in Regulation 74, it takes approximately 120 days to process and finalise internal appeals in the prescribed manner. The attainment of this period is dependent on the number of appeals received during a given period as well as the complexity of such appeals and capacity constraints. The 2010 Constitutional Court judgment in Bengwenyama held that internal remedies must be exhausted before judicial review proceedings may be instituted. This led to the lodgement of significantly more appeals than before as more applicants were required to exercise internal remedies.

Question 2(b)

Action Plans:

• There is continuous liaison with internal and external parties involved to expedite conclusion of the Regulation 74 process which appears to be yielding positive results.
• From time to time, the Office of the State Attorney is requested to assist with the finalisation of certain appeals.

• While implementing the above measures, historic appeals are prioritised.

• Draft regulations to significantly streamline the appeal process has already been formulated and is to be promulgated soon.

Approved/not approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-.. . .... ....... . .. ./. .. ......... ..... ./2016

22 September 2016 - NW1857

Profile picture: Malatsi, Mr MS

Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his replies to questions (a) 1430 on 6 June 2016 and (b) 3602 on 13 October 2015, when will he ensure that the detective division at the Primrose Police Station in Gauteng receives additional personnel in order to reduce the high number of cases each detective currently investigates from 50 to the recommended 40 to 45 case dockets?


The recommended personnel strength for the Primrose Police Station Detective Service according to the Fixed Establishment is 35. The actual personnel strength of the Detective Service is 35. One experienced re-enlisted member was placed at the Detective Service. The Primrose Police Station Detective Service is fully capacitated.

22 September 2016 - NW1844

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1427 on 6 June 2016, by which date will each of the 15 detectives at the Norkem Park Police Station in Gauteng, who have not yet attended and passed the detective course, attend the specified detective course?


With reference to the Norkem Park Police Station, the call up instruction for the detective course is awaited from the Gauteng Provincial Human Resource Development and identified members will be prioritised.

22 September 2016 - NW1859

Profile picture: Malatsi, Mr MS

Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1429 on 6 June 2016, by which date will the detective division at the Tembisa Police Station in Gauteng receive seven additional vehicles in order for the specified police station to comply with the ratio of two detectives per vehicle?


On 31 August 2016, the South African Police Service Efficiency Index System that is used to manage all physical resources, reflected as follows for the Tembisa Police Station:

Current detective personnel strength: 71

Current detective vehicle strength: 26

Ideal number of vehicles for 71 detectives: 36

Current shortage of vehicles: -10

New vehicles purchased for the Tembisa Police Station will be issued by 31 January 2017.

22 September 2016 - NW1834

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1614 on 13 June 2016, he intends to take any steps to ensure drastic improvement of the low drug conviction rate of 4,73% in respect of cases from the Norkem Park Police Station in Gauteng that went to court; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Yes, by increasing crime prevention operations and enhancing proper investigation of dockets by investigation officers. The drug conviction rate has improved for this financial year, due to the high density crime prevention operations and proper investigation of dockets.

22 September 2016 - NW1851

Profile picture: Lotriet, Prof  A

Lotriet, Prof A to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his replies to questions (a) 1429 on 6 June 2016 and (b) 3602 on 13 October 2015, when will he ensure that the detective division at the Tembisa Police Station in Gauteng receives additional personnel in order to reduce the average number of 91 cases that each detective currently investigates to the recommended 40 to 45 case dockets?


The recommended personnel strength for the Tembisa Police Station Detective Service according to the Fixed Establishment is 93. The actual personnel strength of the Detective Service is 84.

The following posts were advertised and filled:

  • 1 x Sub Section Commander: Detective Service (salary level 10)
  • 1 x Salary level 8

Two experienced re-enlisted members were placed at the Detective Service.

Gauteng province is currently busy with a project where police stations with a surplus of members within the Visible Policing environment are instructed to identify and redeploy members to their Detective Service environment where there is a shortage of members. Tembisa Police Station has a surplus of 7 personnel within the Visible Policing environment and should therefore identify and redeploy 7 members to their Detective Service environment where there is currently a shortage of members.

Police stations are also instructed to redeploy experienced Visible Policing members to the Detective Service environment when they receive their new entry level constable allocation. Tembisa Police Station received 1 new entry level constable.

22 September 2016 - NW1855

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his replies to questions (a) 1432 on 6 June 2016 and (b) 3602 on 13 October 2015, when will he ensure that the detective division at the Sebenza Police Station in Gauteng receives additional personnel in order to reduce the high number of cases each detective currently investigates from 63 to the recommended 40 to 45 case dockets?


The recommended personnel strength for the Sebenza Police Station Detective Service according to the Fixed Establishment is 17. The actual personnel strength of the Detective Service is 19. The Sebenza Police Station Detective Service is over capacitated.

22 September 2016 - NW1847

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his reply to question 1424 on 6 June 2016, by which date will each of the 11 detectives at the Edenvale Police Station in Gauteng, who has not yet attended and passed the detective course, attend the specified detective course?


Seven members attended the detective course. Only four members still have to attend the course. These members will be sent as soon as there are courses available and members are called up to attend.

22 September 2016 - NW1832

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1612 on 13 June 2016, he intends to take any steps to ensure drastic improvement of the low drug conviction rate of 1,43% in respect of cases from the Kempton Park Police Station in Gauteng that went to court; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Yes. A meeting was held with the Department of Justice and a possible solution is that members should be briefed during parades on the correct search and arrest procedures. The Forensic Science Laboratory is working on backlogs to improve the turnaround time. Arrangements will be made with members specialising in drug identification to workshop other members at police stations in recognising habit forming substances.

20 September 2016 - NW1806

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the President of the Republic

Whether, in the light of his statement on 2 September 2016 distancing himself from the announcement of the Minister of Mineral Resources, Mr Mosebenzi Zwane concerning the work of the task team established to consider the implications of the decision of certain banks and audit firms to close the accounts and withdraw audit services from Oakbay Investments (Pty) LTD, he will take action against the Minister; if not, why not; if so, (a) what action will he take and (b) when will such action be taken?


The statement issued by the Minister of Mineral Resources, Mr Mosebenzi Zwane on 1 September 2016, on the work of the task team established to consider the implications of the decisions of certain banks and audit firms to close down the accounts and withdraw audit services from the company named Oakbay Investments, was issued in his personal capacity and not on behalf of the task team or Cabinet.

I reassured the public, the banking sector as well as domestic and international investors of Government’s unwavering commitment to the letter and spirit of the country’s Constitution as well as in the sound fiscal and economic fundamentals that underpin our economy.

I also informed parliament on 13 September that I was engaging Minister Zwane regarding his statement.

20 September 2016 - NW1685

Profile picture: Selfe, Mr J

Selfe, Mr J to ask the President of the Republic

Whether he requested any form of (a) legal advice and/or (b) advisory services from a certain firm of attorneys (name and details furnished) with regard to the Public Protector’s reports entitled (i) Secure in Comfort, report No 25 of 2013/14, (ii) Inappropriate Moves, report No 13 of 2013/14 and (iii) When Governance and Ethics Fail, report No 23 of 2013/14; if so, in each case, (aa) in which specific financial years were the services rendered and (bb) what was the cost of the services?


The Presidency did not employ the services of Mchunu Attorneys to provide any form of legal advice and/or advisory services in respect of the mentioned Public Protector’s Reports. The briefing of any counsel or giving of instructions to any private attorneys to act on behalf of the President is done through the office of the state attorney.