Questions and Replies

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12 December 2017 - NW3828

Profile picture: Bara, Mr M R

Bara, Mr M R to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the Films and Publications Board accorded any (a) games and/or (b) films the XX rating (i) during the 2016-17 financial year and/or (ii) since 1 April 2017; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (aa) what number of games and/or films were accorded the XX rating and (bb) what were the reasons for the XX rating in each case?


(a) Not Applicable

(b) Not Applicable

(i) Not Applicable

(ii) Not Applicable

(aa) Not Applicable

(bb) Not Applicable

During the 2016-2017 financial year there were no XX Rating issued by the FPB.

Since 1st April 2017 no XX rating issued by the FPB.


Ms Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane MP,



11 December 2017 - NW2848

Profile picture: Mokgalapa, Mr S

Mokgalapa, Mr S to ask the Mr S Mokgalapa (DA) to ask Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

1)Wether her Department has decided how it will facilitate prison exchange programmes; If not, why not; if so what are the relevant details (2)Wether she will make a statement on the details of the meeting held in Gaborone, Republic of Botswana, to discuss the specified programmes?


(1)The mandate of concluding Prisoner Transfer Agreements is vested with the Department of Correctional Services.

(2)The Department is not aware of such a meeting. The question should be directed to the Department of Correctional Services.


11 December 2017 - NW3359

Profile picture: Lees, Mr RA

Lees, Mr RA to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)What are the details of all passengers who were prevented from boarding SA Airways (SAA) flights from Munich to Johannesburg on (a) 22 July, (b) 23 July and (c) 24 July 2017; (2) whether the specified passengers received any form of compensation for being prevented from boarding the specified flights; if not, why not; if so, what amount in compensation was awarded to each passenger; (3) whether all affected passengers received the compensation immediately in Munich; if not, what are the relevant details of the payment arrangements; (4) whether all affected passengers have received compensation; if not, (a) why have compensation payments not been made to all affected passengers, (b) by which date will payments be made and (c) how will payments be made?


1. Refer Annexure A.

2. Yes. All passengers received EUR600 in form of vouchers as per EU regulations. In addition they were accommodated in hotels and provided with meal vouchers.

3. Yes. The vouchers were handed over to the passengers in Munich.

4. Yes. All affected passengers received compensations in the form of vouchers for EUR600.

11 December 2017 - NW2828

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Health

(1) What is the backlog in (a) postmortem reports, (b) toxicology reports and (c) blood-alcohol test samples in laboratories administered by his department in each province (i) in the 2016-17 financial year and (ii) since 1 April 2017; (2) what are the challenges experienced by his department in eliminating the specified backlog; (3) what steps has his department taken to address the challenges experienced?


(1) (a), (b), (c) The Department of Health has four (4) Forensic Chemistry Laboratories in the whole country and these are not necessarily distributed Provincially and hence I cannot give you any provincial figures.

(i) and (ii) Please see above

(2) The challenges in the Forensic Chemistry Laboratories relate to high volumes of samples received for blood alcohol for drunken driving which increases the workload. These high volumes in blood alcohol sample were received in the 2016/17 and the first five months of 2017/18.

(3) The Department has purchased additional equipment to deal with the blood alcohol volumes.

Secondly samples are distributed across the four (4) FCLs.

Overtime work is also implemented to assist in decreasing the backlog.

Finally, the real solution is to reduce the high incidence of drunken driving in our roads.


11 December 2017 - NW3309

Profile picture: Mkhaliphi, Ms HO

Mkhaliphi, Ms HO to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether the (a) chief executive officer and (b) chief financial officer of entities reporting to her are employed on a permanent basis; if not, (2) Whether the specified officers are employed on a fixed term contract; if so, (a) what are the names of each of the officers and (b) when (i) was each officer employed and (ii) will each officer’s contract end?


Electoral Commission


(1)(a) Yes.

(2)(a) The Chief Electoral Officer is Mr Simon Phatudi Mamabolo.

(2)(b)(i) He was appointed on 1 October 2017.

(2)(b)(ii) His term ends on September 2022.


(1)(b) The Chief Financial Officer position is currently vacant.

(2)(a) Not applicable

(2)(b)(i-ii) Not applicable

Government Printing Works


(1)(a) Not applicable. The post of Chief Executive Officer of GPW is vacant and has been advertised on 16 October 2017.

(2)(a) Ms Thandi Moyo who is the General Manager: Special Projects at GPW is acting in the position until the post is filled.

(2)(i) Not applicable.

(2)(ii) Not applicable.


(1)(b) Yes.

(2)(a) The Chief Financial Officer is Ms Josephine Meyer.

(2)(b)(i) She was appointed on 1 April 2017.

(2)(b)(ii) Not applicable.

11 December 2017 - NW2849

Profile picture: Mokgalapa, Mr S

Mokgalapa, Mr S to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1)Wether she will provide details of a certain prisoner (name furnished) who is being held in Malaysia, and (2) At what stage are the prisoner transfer agreements?


(1)The Department has not been authorised by the prisoner to divulge information on her case.

(2)The mandate of concluding Prisoner Transfer Agreements is vested with the Department of Correctional Services.The Department of International Relations and Cooperation is not aware of any Prisoner Transfer Agreement(and programmes) that has been concluded with any country or countries.


11 December 2017 - NW3930

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Health

Whether he has been informed of the arbitration hearings between employees of his department, his department’s Labour Relations Committee and a Commissioner of the Bargaining Council on 22 November 2017; if so, what was the outcome of the specified hearings?


I am aware of the arbitration hearings between employees of the Department, the Department's Labour Relations Committee and a Commissioner of the Bargaining Council. The parties to the arbitration are still awaiting the outcome of the Comissioner.


11 December 2017 - NW2573

Profile picture: Mkhaliphi, Ms HO


When are the application dates? (a) Opening and (b) Closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to her?


(a) and (b) There are no application since the African Renaissance and International Cooperation Fund (ARF) does not have a board. However, in terms of the ARF Act 51 of 2000, Section 5. (1) it states that “the Minister must, in consultation with the Minister of Finance, establish an Advisory Committee consisting of the following members—

(a) the Director-General or the delegate of the Director-General;

(b) three officers of the Department appointed by the Minister; and

(c) two officers of the Department of Finance appointed by the Minister of Finance”.



11 December 2017 - NW3929

Profile picture: Ketabahle, Ms V

Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Health

Does each province have the necessary structured plan and budget to support the roll-out of the National Health Insurance scheme?


The NHI Bill is still to go to Parliament and be passed into a law first before budget plans per province can be entertained.


11 December 2017 - NW1839

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to the reports indicating (a) a catastrophic collapse of oncology services in the state hospital system in KwaZulu-Natal, (b) that there are currently no oncologists in the employ of the state in the Durban area to service the Addington and Albert Luthuli Hospitals and (c) that there are only two remaining oncologists in the employ of the state in Pietermaritzburg, servicing Grey’s Hospital, which amount to a human rights violation, what (i) are the root causes of this unacceptable situation, (ii) steps has the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health taken to arrest and turn this situation around and (iii) actions and interventions does his department intend to take in this regard?


(a) The breakdown of the linear accelerator at Addington Hospital resulted from lack of maintenance following a dispute between the suppliers and the KZN Department of Health. This has resulted in the province contracting a new service provider to maintain the equipment which from all accounts they failed to do. All oncologists that worked at Addington Hospitals were transferred to work in Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital. This also meant that all patients that required radiation in the eThekwini district were referred to Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital. It appears that the perceived additional workload at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital contributed to the oncologists resigning.

(b) The Department is in the process of finalising a service level agreement with the supplier of the linear accelerator that requires significant repairs.

The KZN Department of Health has issued a tender to contract private oncologists to work in the public sector. This tender closes on 14 December 2017. In addition, the Department has recently requested the National Department of Health for assistance to recruit English speaking foreign oncologists who are eligible for registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa.

(c) The National Department of Health has:

  1. Placed an order for a new linear accelerator to replace one of those in Addington Hospital; the service provider will also address infrastructure issues related to the bunker, including air-conditioning and leaks.
  2. Concluded a benchmarking exercise to assist the KZN Department of Health to evaluate the bids received against the tender referred to above.
  3. Commenced with a search for foreign qualified oncologists as a short term measure
  4. Developed a national plan for radiation oncology that was approved by the National Health Council on 7 December 2017 – given that the need to strengthen radiation oncology services throughout the country and in anticipation of increased need for these services over the next 5-10 years.


11 December 2017 - NW4013

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Which part of the Richtersveld coast line in the Northern Cape is considered to be the admiralty strip; (2) did the area of this strip change after the promulgation of the National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 (Act No. 24 of 2008); if so, what are the relevant details; and (3) whether the Richtersveld community owns the admiralty strip; if not, who owns the strip; if so, what are the geographical details of the admiralty strip?


(1) The Admiralty Reserve forms part of the range of zones that describe the coast along with the seashore, coastal waters and coastal buffer zone. It is generally described as a strip of land between 150 to 200 feet (45m to 60m) wide, inland of the high water mark. The Richtersveld coastline in the Northern Cape has no admiralty strip reserved, registered or designated on an official plan deed of grant, tittle deed or other documents evidencing title or land-use right.

(2) The Richtersveld coastline in the Northern Cape has no admiralty strips reserved. The National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 (Act No. 24 of 2008) does not intend changing any area or status of any strip that exists as admiralty reserve. The Act has a huge influence in how properties adjacent and in proximity of the coast are managed or supposed to be managed.

(3) All admiralty reserves are state land and falls under the custodianship of the National Department of Public Works.


11 December 2017 - NW3502

Profile picture: Ryder, Mr D

Ryder, Mr D to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Why is it not possible to gain access to her department’s offices in Vereeniging in Gauteng after 15:30 when the advertised office hours are 08:00 to 16:00 on weekdays; (2) Whether access is denied after 15:30 to ensure that staff do not remain in the offices after 16:00; if so, is this in line with departmental policy?


1. Access to the department’s offices in Vereeniging is possible after 15:30 on weekdays until 16:00.

2. Access is not denied. However access may be controlled after 15:30 in the event where queues are long, to ensure that officials can assist the remaining clients that are inside the office until 16:00 and furthermore, to enable officials to knock off at 16:00 as per departmental policy. Employees work 8 hours per day, from 07:30 to 16:00, totalling 40 hours per week, excluding meal intervals. The needs of the Public are considered, and therefore queues are managed and clients that are in the office are served until 16:00.

11 December 2017 - NW3797

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What is the current arrangement between (a) her department, (b) the National Treasury and (c) the Auditor-General in terms of resolving the (i) immigration control account and (ii) outstanding repatriation deposits?


(a-c)(i-ii) Further to the promulgation of the Immigration Regulation during 2014, which changed the collection of repatriation deposits from travellers to RSA, the Department approached National Treasury requesting it to allow the Department to recognise all unclaimed repatriation deposits as revenue in its financial statements, to surrender all unclaimed repatriation deposits to the National Revenue Fund (NRF) and to close the Immigration Control Account.

In order to address the concerns raised by Auditor General in this regard, the Department issued a Government Gazette notifying all travellers that they will forfeit their repatriation deposits if not claimed by 31 March 2016. During the 2015/16 and 2016/17 financial years, the Department performed a reconciliation of the Immigration Control Account and paid over R441, 773 million to the NRF, R69 million to DIRCO and R8,5 million to qualifying travellers. This left the Immigration Control Account with a balance of R2,172 million as at 31 March 2017 – this amount constitutes refunds (un-cashed cheques) due to qualifying travellers.

Based on the above background that outlines the arrangement with National Treasury and the Auditor General, the Immigration Control Account is closed and all unclaimed repatriation deposits are forfeited and surrendered to the NRF.

11 December 2017 - NW3490

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Health

Whether his department has considered using a device researched and manufactured by a certain company (name furnished) which detects biomarkers found in human tears (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


No. The Department of Health is dedicated to implementing the latest available technology to diagnose breast cancers. However the technology using human tears is still being researched and is not available for clinical use.


11 December 2017 - NW2960

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What (a) total amount of budget was allocated for the construction of the Nhlazatshe 6 CHC community clinic in the Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality in Mpumalanga, (b) are the full details of how the project is being funded, (c) amount of the specified budget has been spent to date and (d) is the current status of the construction of the specified clinic; (2) (a) what are the (i) names and (ii) contact details of each contractor appointed to construct the specified clinic and (b) have all contractors been paid in full in accordance with the completed phases to date; (3) by what date will the (a) construction of the clinic be completed and (b) specified clinic be fully operational?


(1) (a) R44 million.

(b) The project is funded from a special In-kind grant.

(c) Only fencing and consulting fees have been paid up to date, to the amount of R1,493,136.00.

(d) A contractor has been appointed and has already received a letter of award.

(2) (a) (i) and (ii) Names and details of contractors:

LDM Consulting (Pty) Ltd

21 West Riding Row, Sherwood, Durban, 4091

Tel: 031 207 1340

Fax: 031 209 9441

Email: [email protected];

Mpfumelelo Business Enterprise (Pty) Ltd; and

21 Norwin Street, White River, Mpumalanga, 1200

Tel: 013 751 3381

Fax: 013 751 2498

Email: [email protected]

Central Bridge Trading 109.

48 Bester Street, Nelspruit, 1200

Tel: 013 755 1133

Fax: 086 501 2531

Email: [email protected]

(b) Yes. Currently all payments have been made to the service provider and contractor. LDM Consulting (Pty) Ltd has been appointed for the total life cycle of the project, hence the contract has not been concluded with LDM. As the Project Manager/Principal Agent, LDM was appointed to manage the construction of the Clinic. Only the fencing contract was concluded and the main contract for the construction of the Clinic will commence in January 2018 after the builders' break.

(3) (a) and (b) The construction and commissioning will be concluded within 24 months from start to finish. Site hand-over to the contractor was done in November 2017. Construction will commence in January 2018. The construction period is 18 months plus an additional 6 months for the installation of Health Technology equipment and commissioning.


11 December 2017 - NW3156

Profile picture: Filtane, Mr ML

Filtane, Mr ML to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether, with regard to the insufficient provision of water at the Butterworth Hospital in the Eastern Cape, which resulted in ill people being released to go home and suffer or possibly die, he was informed of the pending water crisis; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether any measures were in place to avoid the above-mentioned consequence; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1) Through the MEC for Health in the Eastern Cape, I was made aware of water challenges facing Butterworth area, thus affecting Butterworth Hospital.

Patients were transferred to other health facilities and no patients were sent home to die.

During the period in question, water carting happened in the hospital. As an additional measure, the Hospital reservoir is being expanded.

The drought situation has drastically improved with the good rains that we received. The Hospital is functioning normally.

(2) Yes, measures were put in place to avert the situation, such as the following:


The Department is currently carting water from East London to Butterworth Hospital.


When the risk was identified by the Department in 2016, Geo-hydrological studies were commissioned by the Eastern Cape Department of Health which unfortunately indicated that there is no underground water in the Butterworth area, hence the Department resolved to initiate a project to construct an additional 800 Kilo Litre water reservoir. The project is currently in procurement. The reservoir will be sufficient to store water for 48 hours.


The Department made arrangements with Local Municipality to open water specifically to the Hospital reservoir on certain days of the week.


11 December 2017 - NW3745

Profile picture: Xalisa, Mr Z R

Xalisa, Mr Z R to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)Whether (a) her department and/or (b) entities reporting to her procured services from a certain company (name furnished); if so, (i) what services were procured in each case and (ii) what is the total amount that was paid to the specified company in each case; (2) whether the specified company provided services related to international travel to (a) her department and/or (b) entities reporting to her; if so, (i) what is the name of each person who travelled, (ii) what was the travel route and (iii) what is the total amount that was paid for each person?


The services that my Department and its entities procure from any service provider, be it in the sphere of travel management and or accomodation, are services that are always awarded after a fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective bid process in line with Section 38 (1) (a) (iii) of the Public Finance Management Act. Such procurement processes are administered by the Department’s Bid Evaluation Committee in terms of the same Act.

All procurement procedures and processes are audited annually and the information pertaining to the audit opinion on these matters is reflected in the relevant annual reports which are readily available as public documents.


11 December 2017 - NW3926

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

Whether he informed the Member of the Executive Council responsible for health in Gauteng of his decision to transfer 160 employees from the payroll of the national Department of Health to that of the Gauteng provincial department in October 2016?


I never took any decision to transfer 160 employees from the payroll of the National Department of Health to that of the Gauteng Department of Health.


11 December 2017 - NW3925

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

In which sections of the National Health Insurance Project in Gauteng were some of the 160 interns employed who were transferred from the national Department of Health to the Gauteng Provincial Department of Health?


May the Honourable Member please clarify which interns are being referred to. Are you referring to medical interns or any other graduate who was placed in the Department of Health for internship purposes? Please specify that so that I might be able to answer you. I am otherwise unable to relate to an issue of just 160 interns.


11 December 2017 - NW2163

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Health

(a) How many public (i) hospitals and (ii) clinics do not have running water currently and (b) will he provide Ms S P Kopane with a list of the specified hospitals and clinics?


(a) and (b) All our health facilities do have running water supply systems.

However, sometimes there may be some interruption due to drought, maintenance work on the system or shortage from the main source of supply, for example, a dried borehole or very low dam levels. It may also happen if there are local government problems in that municipality.

In such cases arrangements are made at facility level with the relevant municipality to cart water to such a facility until the problem is solved.

Jojo water tanks are also installed in many clinics and CHCs to harvest rain water and utilise in case of emergencies.


11 December 2017 - NW3706

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Does the Independent Electoral Commission intend to purchase new (a) software and/or (b) hardware during the current financial year; if so, (i) what is the purpose of each purchase, (ii) which company has been awarded each contract, (iii) what is the total monetary value of each contract, (iv) in which country is each contractor based and (v) what is the total price of each tender that won the contract?


(a) Yes. The present operating system is out of date and thus not subject to maintenance support and also outside Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) maintenance and support. The absence of maintenance and support will negatively impact on the reliability and performance stability of operating environment and systems, and also render our network security vulnerable. The upgrade of our Operating System (OS) necessitated the upgrade of all applications systems in the environment to ensure software compatibility and integration including access to new patches, bug fixes and security enhancements.

(a)(i-v) The information on the software are tabulated in the Annexure A attached.

(b) Yes. The present ICT hardware infrastructure (i.e. servers, backup devices, switches, printers, etc.) is out of date and thus not subject to maintenance support, most of the hardware is older than 10 years and also outside Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) maintenance support and availability of spare parts. The absence of maintenance, support and spare parts will negatively impact on the reliability and performance stability our ICT infrastructure and render our network security vulnerable.

(a)(i-v) The details of the hardware are tabulated in the Annexure B attached.



Procurement Items

(i) what is the purpose of each purchase

(ii) which company has been awarded each contract

(iii) what is the total monetary value of each contract

(iv) in which country is each contractor based

(v) what is the total price of each tender that won the contract?

1. Enterprise Network Monitoring Solution

Upgrade enterprise network monitoring and replace current solution which is inadequate

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not established yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes. However, we always procure from local South African suppliers

The monetary value is not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

2. Network Access Management solution

Improve network security through an integrated network access control solution (NAC)

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not established yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes. However, we always procure from local South African suppliers

The monetary value is not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

3. Mobile Device Management Solution

Software solution to enable control and secure access to mobile devices and deliver services securely and

manage data on mobile devices.

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not established yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes. However, we always procure from local South African suppliers

The monetary value is not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

4. Vmware

Procure additional VMware licences to increase virtualisation capacity

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not established yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes. However, we always procure from local South African suppliers

The monetary value is not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

5. Identity Management Solution

Strengthen security and access control through a modern integrated identity management solution

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not established yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes. However, we always procure from local South African suppliers

The monetary value is not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

6. Security information and event management (SIEM)

Improve network and information security by replacing current solution which has reached end of life.

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not established yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes. However, we always procure from local South African suppliers

The monetary value is not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes



Procurement Items

(i) what is the purpose of each purchase

(ii) which company has been awarded each contract

(iii) what is the total monetary value of each contract

(iv) in which country is each contractor based

(v) what is the total price of each tender that won the contract?

1. Servers

Replacing datacentre servers which are more than 10 years old, and out of maintenance support.

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not established yet, subject to market conditions, budgetary figure of

R20 660 000,00

Not established yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes. However, we always procure from local South African suppliers

The monetary value is not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

2. Provincial backup devices

Replacing backup devices at provincial offices which are too old, and out of maintenance support.

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not established yet, subject to market conditions, budgetary figure of

R2 800 000,00

Not established yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes. However, we always procure from local South African suppliers

The monetary value is not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

3. Wide Format Lazer printers

Replacing plotters and wide format lazer printers which are too old, and out of maintenance support.

Not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

Not established yet, subject to market conditions, budgetary figure of

R1 500 000,00

Not established yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes. However, we always procure from local South African suppliers

The monetary value is not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

4. Network switches

Replacing old network swithes to improve network management and security capability

Not awarded yet, but will be standardised on HP network switches.

Not established yet, subject to market conditions, budgetary figure of

R3 000 000,00

Not established yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes. However, we always procure from local South African suppliers

The monetary value is not determined yet, still subject to the outcome of procurement processes

11 December 2017 - NW2170

Profile picture: Dreyer, Ms AM

Dreyer, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Health

(a) Which public (i) hospitals and (ii) clinics (aa) have been damaged and (bb) had inadequate infrastructure in each of the past three financial years and (b) what are the details pertaining to this in each case?


(a) Honourable Member, when you say public hospitals and clinics that have been damaged, what damage are you referring to? Do you mean a broken window, a burst water pipe, damage caused by earthquake? What actually do you mean? Please help me in order to be able to answer your question;

(b) Inadequate infrastructure is also relative and subjective term. May you please specify what you mean by inadequate infrastructure?


11 December 2017 - NW3803

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether the SA Revenue Service (SARS) ITA34 Notice of Assessment Income tax forms of certain persons (Mr AK Gupta and Mr RK Gupta),(a) has been released by the SARS as public information notwithstanding the provisions of section 69 (2)(d) of the Tax Administration Act, Act 28 of 2011; if so, what are the relevant details; if not; (2) Whether he has found that the Notice of the Income Tax Assessment Forms, ITA34, of the specific persons are authentic; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


1. The Tax Administration Act has specific secrecy requirements pertaining to the confidentiality of taxpayer information and as such SARS does not discuss or release information pertaining to the tax affairs of taxpayers unless specifically allowed for by the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Tax Administration Act. The provisions of 69(2) (d) of the Tax Administration Act speaks to allowing a senior SARS Official to disclose information which is public information. The ITA34’s of any taxpayer cannot be regarded as public information as set out in the Act.

2. Due to the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Tax Administration Act, and in specific the provisions of section 69 of that Act, SARS will not discuss the validity or not of the said documents.

11 December 2017 - NW3491

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to his reply to question 158 on 13 March 2017 wherein he stated that the internship and Community Service Programme (ICSP) online application system was introduced in 2016 for placement of 2017 medical interns and community service candidates and that during the implementation of the ICSP programme various challenges were experienced with the key process activities and the use of ICSP online, what measures have been put in place to ensure smooth and fair placements of medical interns?


In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the ICSP online system the National Department developed ICSP Guidelines which are updated yearly in order to meet the demands of applicants. The Department also developed an Improvement Plan which is meant to address identified challenges experienced during the 2016/2017 period.

Both these documents are work-in-progress and are updated annually to ensure that the system is able to cope with emanating challenges.

The Department continuously engage with stakeholders to try and trouble-shoot envisaged challenges.

The Department has also established a helpdesk that operates for 8 hours from Monday to Friday to assist with responding to enquiries from applicants and directing them appropriately. Furthermore, the Department has an email ticket system that helps to track enquiries of applicants.


11 December 2017 - NW3924

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

What are the reasons that more than one-third out of about 160 interns who were transferred from the national Department of Health to the Gauteng Provincial Department of Health are not employed?


May the Honourable Member please help clarify what interns are being referred to. Is it medical interns, or or any other graduate who was placed in the Department of Health for internship purposes?

I am unable to answer your question until this matter is clarified.


11 December 2017 - NW2632

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Was the flight that (a) arrived at Waterkloof Air Force Base from Harare on or about 16 August 2017 and (b) departed from Waterkloof Air Force Base to Harare on or about 20 August 2017 granted an RSA05 clearance; if so (c) who approved the clearance and (d) on what basis was the clearance done NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR WRITTEN REPLY QUESTION NO:2632 DATE OF QUESTION PAPER: 1 SEPTEMBER 2017 PUBLISHED IN INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER NO: 31 OF 2017 REPLY: Ms S V Kalyan (DA) asked the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation the following questions regarding the Zimbabwean aircraft that visited South Africa between 16 and 20 August 2017. Was the flight that (a) arrived at Waterkloof Air Force Base from Harare on or about 16 August 2017 and (b) departed from Waterkloof Air Force Base to Harare on or about 20 August 2017 granted an RSA05 clearance; if so (c) who approved the clearance and (d) on what basis was the clearance done? Yes Yes Department of Defence The aircraft was transporting a Head of State UNQUOTE


  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. Department of Defence
  4. The aircraft was transporting a Head of State


11 December 2017 - NW3927

Profile picture: Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV

Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV to ask the Minister of Health

What are the details of the roll-out plans that his department have for the National Health Insurance in relation to (a)(i) provincial and (ii) regional hospitals and (b) clinics at municipal level?


Detailed plans for roll-out of NHI provincially, in regional hospitals and municipal clinics will become apparent after the NHI Bill has been passed by Parliament into the NHI Act.


08 December 2017 - NW3507

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

(1)What number of employees of (i) his department, (ii) each provincial Department of Rural Development and Land Reform and (iii) each entity reporting to him are currently on suspension, (b) what are the reasons for the suspensions in each case, (c) what amount has been paid to each suspended employee for the period of suspension and (d) for what length of time has each specified employee been on suspension; (2) What number of employment contracts of employees of (a) his department, (b) each provincial Department of Rural Development and Land Reform and (c) each entity reporting to him were terminated due to them being found guilty of corruption since 1 April 2014? NW3934E


1. (a) (i),(ii) National and Provincial Offices of Department of Rural Development and Land Reform : 12

(iii) Ingonyama Trust Board (ITB): 6

Land Claims Commission (LCC): 2

Deeds: 2

(b),(c),(d) Refer to the table below for details regarding the reasons, the amounts paid, and the length of time of suspension for the employees of the Department, provinces and entities reporting to the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform. One employee at the ITB was employed on a fixed-term contract which expired before disciplinary action could be taken.

2. (a),(b) None.

(c) LCC: 1


Department, Province & Entity 1(i), (ii) &(iii)

Reasons for the Suspension 1(b)

Salaries paid to Suspended employees 1(c)

Duration of Suspension 1(d)



National Office

Possible interference with the investigation and witnesses

R581 315.06

5 Months


National Office

Possible interference with the investigation and witnesses

R526 716.96

5 Months


National Office

Possible interference with the investigation and witnesses

R568 925.78

4 Months


National Office

Possible interference with the investigation and witnesses

R1 251 186.00

  1. Months



Western Cape

Possible interference with the investigations and witnesses

R165 250

2 Months



Eastern Cape

Possible interference with the investigations and witnesses

R72 075.25

1 Month


Eastern Cape

Possible interference with the investigations and witnesses

R68 926.50

1 Month


Eastern Cape

Possible interference with the investigations and witnesses

R551 358.78

14 Months


Eastern Cape

Possible interference with the investigation and witnesses

R846 217.61

13 Months


Eastern Cape

Possible interference with the investigation and witnesses

R1 144 449.59

13 Months




Possible interference with the investigations and witnesses

R17 271.00

2 Months



Possible interference with the investigations and witnesses

R25 436.75

2 Months




Possible interference with the investigation and witnesses

R415 791.28

4 Months



Possible interference with the investigation and witnesses

R303 355.32

4 Months




Possible interference with the investigation and witnesses

R169 053.00

4 Months



Kwazulu Natal

Possible interference with the investigations and witnesses

R87 415.30

3 Months




Pending disciplinary hearing relating to irregularities in discharge of duties

R 493 920.06

14 Months



Pending disciplinary hearing relating to irregularities in discharge of duties

R 724 984.75

14 Months



Pending disciplinary hearing relating to irregularities in discharge of duties

R493 920.06

14 Months



Pending disciplinary hearing relating to irregularities in discharge of duties

R274 489.11

14 Months



Pending disciplinary hearing relating to irregularities in discharge of duties

R398 135.52

14 Months



Pending disciplinary hearing relating to irregularities in discharge of duties

R398 135.52

14 Months

08 December 2017 - NW2174

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Health

(1)(a) How many (i) qualified urologists are currently in practice in the country, (ii) are in the (aa) private and (bb) public sector in each province and (iii) are currently in training and (b) what is the guideline of the World Health Organisation pertaining to the number of urologists; (2) does the country adhere to the specified guideline; if not, why not?


(1) (a) (i) 213

(ii) (aa) 248

      (bb) 77

(iii) 83

(b) Urologists - there are no published WHO guidelines or other benchmarks specifically for oncologists.

(2) No. There are no WHO guidelines specifically for oncologists.


08 December 2017 - NW3574

Profile picture: Lotriet, Prof  A

Lotriet, Prof A to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

(a) What is the total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid by (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her for more than (aa) 30 days, (bb) 60 days, (cc) 90 days and (dd) 120 days and (b) what is the total amount outstanding in each case?


The information requested by the Honourable Member is provided in the table below:


(aa) for more than 30 days

(bb) for more than 60 days

(cc) for more than 90 days

(dd) for more than 120 days






(aa) for more than 30 days

(bb) for more than 60 days

(cc) for more than 90 days

(dd) for more than 120 days

National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency

13 and total  amount outstanding is


7 and total  amount outstanding is


1 and total  amount outstanding is


1 and total  amount outstanding is


National Housing Finance Corporation





Social Housing Regulatory Authority

92 and total  amount outstanding is R3 179 454.82

16 and total  amount outstanding is

R946 184.22

1 and total  amount outstanding is

R77 922.95

4 and total  amount outstanding is

R83 022.03

Housing Development Agency

2 and total  amount outstanding is

R15 104,00

6 and total  amount outstanding is

R1 411 171,00

5 and total  amount outstanding is

R164 227,00

12 and total  amount outstanding is

R6 681 692,00

Rural Housing Loan Fund





Community Schemes Ombud Service

1 and total amount outstanding is




2 and total amount outstanding is


Estate Agency Affairs Board

13 and total amount outstanding is R242 332,46


1 and total amount outstanding is R11 475,00


National Home Builders Registration Council

20 and total amount outstanding is R2 505 610,00

2 and the total amount outstanding is R64 370,00

1 and total amount outstanding is R29 135,00



08 December 2017 - NW3162

Profile picture: Ketabahle, Ms V

Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What are the details including the ranks of service providers and /or contractors from which (a) his department and (b) the entities reporting to him procured services in the past five years 2. What (a) service was provided by each service provider and /or contactor and (b) amount was service provider and / or contractor paid 3. (a) how many of these service providers are black-owned entities, (b) what was each of the black-owned service providers awarded and; (c) how much was each black-owned service provider paid?


I have been informed by the Department and entities as follows:


The question is broad and not specific requiring detailed information over a long period of time. Various services procured by the Department range from small to big procurement of goods and services.

(1)(a) The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services was established in May 2014. Since 2014 various services were rendered to the Department by various service providers. Therefore the answer to the question will only focus on the 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 financial years.

(2)(a) The list of service providers utilised during the abovementioned periods are too long to list.

(2)(b) The type of services that were rendered to the Department are as follows:-





Security Services

Cleaning Services

Pest Control

Hiring of a Mobile Theatre Stage

Hiring of Tents

Hiring of Furniture

Hiring of Public Address System

Hiring of Audio Visual Equipment

Hiring of Chemical Toilets

Repair and Service of Air Condition

Designing of Promotional Material

Design and Layout of Banners

Manufacturing and Installation of Blinds

Personnel Assessments

Data Capturing, Processing and Recovering

Branding and Marketing

Repair and Renovation of Building

Refuse Removal

Repair Access Control System

Competency Assessments

Furniture Removal

Transcription Services

Clothing with Logo Printing

Pluming Services

Electrician Services

Maintenance of Database

Burglar Proofing

Audit Services


System Development Services

Legal Services

Advisory Consulting Services

Delivery of News Papers

Translators: Brailing Of Documents

Computer Support Services

Repair and Install CCTV System

Verification of Qualifications

Advisory Consulting Services

Video Recording

Repairing of Camera

Hiring Of Photographer

Website Development

Repair and Install Networks

Rendering of Health Care


The total spent on services was R90 million for the period of 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 financial year.





9, million


6, million


14, million

(b) Entities

1. – 3, I refer the member to the Annual Reports and the Financial Statements of the entities



Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


08 December 2017 - NW3642

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

What is the ratio of (a) nurse and (b) doctor to patient in respect of each (i) hospital and (ii) clinic in the country, based on population within the catchment area for each hospital and clinic?


Ratios of health workers to patient was always calculated as nation per unit total population. This was deemed not useful by the World Health Organisation (WHO) because it does not talk about the spread of this Health workforce within a country.

The WHO then came with a mathematical formula called WISN (Work Indicator for Staffing Needs).

We are busy calculating these needs using this mathematical formula.


08 December 2017 - NW3199

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

Whether there is a plan in place for the Alfred Nzo Hospital in the Kopanong Local Municipality in the Xariep Region, Free State province, to provide (a) maternity services, (b) oncology services, (c) neurology services, (d) eye, ear and nose care, and (e) an intensive care unit?


There is no Alfred Nzo Hospital in the mentioned municipality and districts.


08 December 2017 - NW3736

Profile picture: Ketabahle, Ms V

Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

1. Whether (a) his department and / or (b) entities reporting to him procured services from a certain company ( name furnished); if so, (i) what services were procured in each case and (ii) what is the total amount that was paid to the specified company in each case;


I have been informed by the Department and Entities reporting to me as follows:

1 (a) Kindly note DTPS only existed May 2014. No services were procured from Travel with Flair by the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services

  1. Not Applicable
  2. Not Applicable

1 (b) No services by entities of DTPS that had dealings with Travel with Flair (Pty) Ltd, except USAASA and Sentech have procured services from Travel with Flair.

  1. USAASA procured travel services.
  1. USAASA paid R29, 679.00 and USAF paid R17, 106.01.

2. (b)(i)(ii)(iii) USAASA procures services from the company for international travel and the details are as follows:

Who travelled


Travel Route

Invoice Amount

Agency Fee

P Radebe

17 Oct 2015


R130 484.72


Z Nkosi

17 Oct 2017


R117 954.72



(1)&(2) Sentech procured the following services from Travel with Flair:

Labels Sum of TWF Fee

2016 516 725

Accommodation (Acc) 234 124

Car Hire (Car) 91 522

Conference (Ccc) 31 074

Domestic Air Travel (Dom) 119 366

Insurance (Ins) 130

International Air Travel (Int) 7 985

Regional Air Tickets (Reg) 2 055

Transfers & Shuttles (Tra) 29 969

Trav Other (Sao) 280

Trav_ Accomod (Sac) 220

2017 484 090

Accommodation (Acc) 197 976

Bus & Rail Reservations (Bus) 110

Car Hire (Car) 74 501

Conference (Ccc) 58 428

Domestic Air Travel (Dom) 118 597

Insurance (Ins) 510

International Air Travel (Int) 6 215

Regional Air Tickets (Reg) 4 900

Tours (Tou) 110

Transfers & Shuttles (Tra) 22 113

Trav Other (Sao) 515

Trav_Conference (Sap) 115

2015 161 764

Accommodation (Acc) 51 790

Car Hire (Car) 22 930

Conference (Ccc) 29 207

Domestic Air Travel (Dom) 38 470

International Air Travel (Int) 4 840

Transfers & Shuttles (Tra) 14 412

Air (Ai1) 115

Grand Total 1 162 580


Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


08 December 2017 - NW2756

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Health

With regard to the upgrade of the South Rand Hospital in Johannesburg, Gauteng, what (a) resources has his department provided, (b) is the budget, (c) are the expenditure costs incurred, (d) additional human resources have been provided, (e) positions have been filled (f) posts remain vacant in each of the past three financial years?


a) The NDOH has allocated Health Facility Revitalisation Grant funds for rehabilitation of Infrastructure, and for procurement of medical equipment,

b) R 3.7 million has been allocated to procure the medical equipment in 2017/18 financial year;

c) No expenditure has been incurred up to date;

d) The NDOH does not have statistics on additional human resources provided at South Rand Hospital and is awaiting information requested from the Gauteng Department of Health;

e) A total of 582 positions are filled at the South Rand Hospital;

f) A total of 70 positions remain vacant at the South Rand Hospital.


08 December 2017 - NW3719

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Health

What is the hospital bed to population ratio in (a) each province and (b) the eight biggest metropolitan municipalities?


The following tables reflect the details in this regard

(a) Provinces

Organisation unit

Total Inpatient beds

Total population

Population to Total Inpatient bed ratio

Beds per 1000 population

Eastern Cape





Free State

























Northern Cape





North West





Western Cape










(b) The eight biggest metropolitan municipalities

Organisation unit

Total Inpatient beds

Total population Midyear 2017 DHIS

Population to Total Inpatient bed ratio

Beds per 1000 population

Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality





Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality





Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality





City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality





City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality





City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality





eThekwini metropolitan Municipality





City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality






08 December 2017 - NW3901

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Health

(1)(a) What number of forensic science laboratories are currently (i) owned and/or (ii) administered by his department in each province and (b) where is each specified laboratory located; (2) (a) what number of forensic science laboratories does his department intend to set up in each province in the (i) 2017-18, (ii) 2018-19 and (iii) 2019-20 financial years and (b)(i) where will each laboratory be set up and (ii) what are the projected costs in each case?


(1) (a) The Department of Health owns no forensic laboratories anywhere in South Africa;

(b) Not applicable;

(2) The Department of Health is not intending to set up any forensic science laboratory in the country, because they all fall under SAPS.


08 December 2017 - NW3294

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What number of the corpses in state mortuaries in each province and since the 2014-15 financial year were deaths resulting from (a) wounds caused by shootings, (b) knife wounds, (c) motor accidents, (d) motor-cycle accidents, (e) drownings, (f) fires, (g) pedestrians who were run over, (h) cyclists who were run down, (i) HIV, tuberculosis and other diseases and (j) ageing; (2) whether he will make a statement about the matter?


The reply to questions (1) is summarized in Table 1 to 9 below:






(a) wounds caused by shootings




(b) knife wounds




(c) motor accidents




(d) motor-cycle accidents




(e) drownings




(f) fires




(g) pedestrians who were run over




(h) cyclists who were run down




(i) HIV, tuberculosis and other diseases

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

(j) ageing

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* Forensic Pathology Services



2014-15** (2014)

2015-16** (2015)

2016-17** (2016)

(a) wounds caused by shootings




(b) knife wounds




(c) motor accidents




(d) motor-cycle accidents




(e) drownings




(f) fires




(g) pedestrians who were run over




(h) cyclists who were run down

Included in 1(d) above

Included in 1(d) above

Included in 1(d) above

(i) HIV, tuberculosis and other diseases

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

(j) ageing

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* Forensic Pathology Services

** Data provided per calendar year



(a) 2014-15

(b) 2015-16

(c) 2016-17

(a) wounds caused by shootings




(b) knife wounds




(c) motor accidents




(d) motor-cycle accidents




(e) drownings




(f) fires




(g) pedestrians who were run over




(h) cyclists who were run down

Details not available

Details not available

Details not available

(i) HIV, tuberculosis and other diseases

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

(j) ageing

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* Forensic Pathology Services






(a) wounds caused by shootings




(b) knife wounds




(c) motor accidents***




(d) motor-cycle accidents

Details not available

Details not available

Details not available

(e) drowning**




(f) fires




(g) pedestrians who were run over

Details not available

Details not available

Details not available

(h) cyclists who were run down

Details not available

Details not available

Details not available

(i) HIV, tuberculosis and other diseases

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

(j) ageing

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* Forensic Pathology Services

** Reported as asphyxia deaths, including drowning, hanging etc.

*** Transportation accidents



(a) 2014-15

(b) 2015-16

(c) 2016-17

(a) wounds caused by shootings




(b) knife wounds




(c) motor accidents




(d) motor-cycle accidents




(e) drownings




(f) fires




(g) pedestrians who were run over

Details not available

Details not available

Details not available

(h) cyclists who were run down

Details not available

Details not available

Details not available

(i) HIV, tuberculosis and other diseases

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

(j) ageing

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* Forensic Pathology Services



(a) 2014-15

(b) 2015-16

(c) 2016-17

(a) wounds caused by shootings




(b) knife wounds




(c) motor accidents




(d) motor-cycle accidents




(e) drownings




(f) fires




(g) pedestrians who were run over




(h) cyclists who were run down




(i) HIV, tuberculosis and other diseases

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

(j) ageing

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* Forensic Pathology Services



(a) 2014-15

(b) 2015-16

(c) 2016-17

(a) wounds caused by shootings




(b) knife wounds




(c) motor accidents




(d) motor-cycle accidents




(e) drownings




(f) fires




(g) pedestrians who were run over




(h) cyclists who were run down




(i) HIV, tuberculosis and other diseases

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

(j) ageing

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* Forensic Pathology Services



(a) 2014-15

(b) 2015-16

(c) 2016-17

(a) wounds caused by shootings




(b) knife wounds




(c) motor accidents




(d) motor-cycle accidents




(e) drownings




(f) fires




(g) pedestrians who were run over




(h) cyclists who were run down




(i) HIV, tuberculosis and other diseases

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

(j) ageing

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* Forensic Pathology Services



(a) 2014-15

(b) 2015-16

(c) 2016-17

(a) wounds caused by shootings




(b) knife wounds




(c) motor accidents




(d) motor-cycle accidents




(e) drownings




(f) fires




(g) pedestrians who were run over




(h) cyclists who were run down




(i) HIV, tuberculosis and other diseases

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

(j) ageing

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* FPS Mortuaries only handle unnatural deaths

* Forensic Pathology Services

(2) No, there is no need to. There are many state institutions which release this data time and again, e.g quarterly police crime statistics, the Department of Transport, StatsSA and the South African Medical Research Council.


08 December 2017 - NW3495

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether the SA Post Office introduced a clearance fee for parcels and / or packages received from other countries; if so, what are the relevant (a) charges for each country and (b) details of the conditions attached to the collection and / or delivery of the parcels and / or packages?


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

The South African Post Office did not introduce a clearance fee for parcels and /or packages received from other countries. These handling fees were already applicable.

(a)(b) Not applicable to SAPO


Approved/ not approved

Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


08 December 2017 - NW3571

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What is the total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid by (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him for more than (aa) 30 days, (bb) 60 days, (cc) 90 days and (dd) 120 days and (b) what is the total amount outstanding in each case?


(a) (i) 5 invoices remain unpaid;

     (aa) 3 invoices remain unpaid for more than 30 days;

     (bb) No invoices remain unpaid between 60 to 90 days;

     (cc) 2 invoices remain unpaid between 90 days to 120 days;

     (dd) No invoices remain unpaid for more than 120 days;

(b) R183,789.38 for more than 30 days;

R27,619.46 between 90 days to 120 days;


(ii) The following table reflects the details with regards to the entities:



30 days

60 days

90 days

120 days

South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)

Total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid






Total amount outstanding in each case






Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC)

Total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid






Total amount outstanding in each case






Council for Medical Schemes (CMS)

Total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid






Total amount outstanding in each case






National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS)

Total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid






Total amount outstanding in each case







08 December 2017 - NW3341

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

What number of nurses were employed at Tshilidzini Hospital in (a) 1996, (b) 2000, (c) 2005 and (d) 2010?


The following table reflects the details in this regard.






Information unobtainable

Information unobtainable




08 December 2017 - NW2176

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Health

(1)(a) How many (i) qualified oncologists are currently in practice in the country, (ii) are in the (aa) private and (bb) public sector in each province and (iii) are currently in training and (b) what is the guideline of the World Health Organisation pertaining to the number of oncologists; (2) does the country adhere to the specified guideline; if not, why not?


(1) (a) (i) 155

(ii) (aa) 163

(bb) 72

(iii) 104

(b) Oncologists - There are no published WHO guidelines or other benchmarks specifically for oncologists.

(2) There are no WHO specified guidelines specifically for oncologists.


08 December 2017 - NW2175

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Health

(1)(a) How many (i) qualified radiologists are currently in practice in the country, (ii) are in the (aa) private and (bb) public sector in each province and (iii) are currently in training and (b) what is the guideline of the World Health Organisation pertaining to the number of radiologists; (2) does the country adhere to the specified guideline; if not, why not?


(1) (a) (i) 650

(ii) (aa) 335

(bb) 130

(iii) 253

(b) Radiologists - There are no published WHO guidelines or other benchmarks specifically for radiologists.

(2) There are no WHO guidelines for specifically for radiologists.


08 December 2017 - NW3715

Profile picture: Malatsi, Mr MS

Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

With reference to the contract awarded by the Estate Agency Affairs Board of South Africa to a certain company (name and details furnished) (a) what is the current (i) contract value and (ii) length of the contract, (b) when was the contract awarded and (c) when is the contract due to expire?


(a)(i & ii) The Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB) confirmed that it did not directly award any contract to the company referred to by the Honourable Member. Instead, the EAAB has a support service level agreement and end user licence contract with a South African company which is an authorised reseller of the company in question.

(b) Falls away.

(c) Falls away.

07 December 2017 - NW3544

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Transport

With regard to the issuing of tenders by his department and the entities reporting to him in the past three financial years, (a) which tenders were issued without following normal tender processes, (b) what were the reasons for the deviation in each case, (c) what was the monetary value of each tender, (d) how were the tenders issued and (e) who authorised the issuing of each tender?


Department and entities (Refer to the Annexures) of Parliamentary Question 3544

  1. CBRT
  2. RAF
  3. RTIA
  4. RTMC
  6. ACSA
  7. ATNS
  8. SACCA
  9. SAMSA
  10. PRSA
  11. RSR
  12. PRASA











Establishment of the Single Source Transport Economic Regulator through Developing Policy, Legislation and Implementation Plan

During the Policy development, additional stakeholder engagement was required and work-shopping of various amendments

1 500 240.00

Natural Continuation

Accounting Officer

Cooperative Model for Public Transport

During the Project critical items that were not part of the TOR were identified as crucial to the success of the project, which amended the scope

1 129 536.20

Natural Continuation

Accounting Officer

RE-APPOINTMENT: Review Road based subsidized transport service

To complete the initial Project. Contract period lapsed before completion and as a result of unforeseen outside factors, at no additional cost

691 347.30


Accounting Officer

RE-APPOINTMENT :Support to Regulating Committee on Fees and Charges by ACSA and ATNS - Cost Extension

To complete the initial Project. Contract period lapsed before completion and as a result of unforeseen outside factors at, no additional cost

402 101.00


Accounting Officer

RE-APPOINTMENT :Support to Regulating Committee on Fees and Charges by ACSA and ATNS - Cost Extension

2nd re-appointment was to assist the Regulating Committee with an ongoing Court Case relating to the Fees

916 106.00


National Treasury

Forensic Analysis of Putco Sandfontein Contract

Urgent request to intervene as an emergency due to threats of violence. National Treasury notified during entire process

2 259 266.08

Closed Bid

Accounting Officer

NATURAL CONTINUATION: Forensic Analysis of Putco Sandfontein Contract

For the project to be completed successfully a census had to be conducted, which was not part of initial scope

2 338 960.80

Natural Continuation

Accounting Officer

RE-APPOINTMENT: NATMAP 2050 Review and Update

To complete the initial Project. Contract period lapsed before completion and as a result of unforeseen outside factors, at no additional cost

680 000.00


Accounting Officer

CLOSED BID: Finalize the Draft White Paper on NCAP

Open tender process was followed with no bids received that were responsive. Request to approach experts in the specific field on closed bid was approved for second attempt. Successful

983 424.00

Closed Bid

Accounting Officer

Determining the criteria for certifying Auditors and training requirements.

SAATCO is the sole provider of this service

731 300.00

Single Source

Bid Adjudication Committee

EXPANSION: Review of the National Safety Regulator Act

Additional Provincial Consultation and the development of a Money Bill had to be added to initial scope to finalise project successfully

798 000.00


National Treasury

Develop a National Railway Safety Strategy

Open tender process was followed with no bids received that were responsive. Request to approach 5 experts in the specific field on closed bid was approved for second attempt. Successful

2 730 120.00

Closed Bid

Accounting Officer

Develop a Salvage Strategy

A quotation process was followed. No bids were received. Approval to restart as closed bid by approaching experts in the field, was approved.

782 952.00

Closed Bid

Accounting Officer

Road Tariff determination framework

A quotation process was followed. All qualifying bids received were over the threshold value of R500 000. Approval to restart as closed bid by approaching all 14 suppliers who attended the first briefing session, was approved.

639 526.00

Closed Bid

Accounting Officer

PARTICIPATION: Participate in SANRAL tender for Media buying for 6 months

Request to participate in SANRAL tender for only 6 months approved while DOT finalised own tender process



Accounting Officer

PARTICIPATION: Participate in SANRAL tender for Events Management and related Services for 6 months

Request to participate in SANRAL tender for only 6 months approved while DOT finalised own tender process



Accounting Officer

Cross-Border Road Transport Agency

Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (C-BRTA) tenders issued in the past three financial years:


  1. Tenders issued without normal tender process

(b) Reasons for deviation

( c) Monetary Value

(d) How were the tenders issued

(e) Who authorised the issuing of the tender








Appointment of a transactional advisor to provide transactional advisory services on the development New Permit System

The initial cost estimation was below R500 000 and a Request for Proposal was issued to eight service providers. Only one bidder responded with three different options and the option that met the Agency’s specifications was above R500 000.

R651 715.20

Tender was issued through a ‘Request for Proposals’

Chief Executive Officer


Appointment of a service provider to provide multi-functional printers on a rental basis for a period of twenty months

The printers were originally procured through a normal tender process. This appointment was to continue using the current printers for an additional 20 months based on the following reasons:

  1. The printers in use still had the capacity to service the needs of the Agency and the rentals were maintained as per the original contract as opposed to new machines at high prices. The printers would have been returned to the service provider while they could still service the needs of the Agency.
  1. There was also a pending move of the Agency’s law enforcement unit to the RTMC and getting into a three year contract for new printing machines would have led to fruitless expenditure.
  1. The contract for office accommodation was ending later in the financial year and a determination was still to be made of the new office location and layout. As such the number of printers required could not be ascertained.

R617 6516.00

Through continuation of the current service provider

Chief Executive Officer


Extension Office Accommodation lease of a period of 36 months

The following are the reasons for deviations:

  1. The Agency was faced with a financial instability arising from the court outcome to refund operators. The market research was conducted and demonstrated that it is more cost effective to remain in the current premises. The current rental is as per the original contract while other services provider quotations were way above the current rentals.

R25 241 519.16

Through continuation of the current service provider and after market research confirmed cost effectiveness

National Treasury approved deviation as recommended by Procurement Committee of the Board.

Road Accident Fund

(a) The Road Accident Fund (RAF), in the past three financial years issued the following tenders without following normal tender processes,

(b) the reasons for the deviation in each case were,

(c) the monetary value of each tender was,

(d) the tenders were issued in the following manner,

(e) the issuing of the tender was authorised by the,

2014-2015 FY

storage facilities - M&T Development

the service provider is the only available service provider that owns storage facilities within the proximity of not more than a one kilometer radius to the RAF head office


(fixed price)

single source


Microsoft premier support services – Microsoft

renewal of Microsoft premier support services

R 632,240.00

(fixed price)

sole source


HP data protector support- HP South Africa

renewal of HP data protector support contract - original equipment manufacturer (OEM)

R 781,514.88

(fixed price)

single source


HP hardware maintenance - HP South Africa

renewal of HP hardware maintenance contract - (OEM)

R 9,889,578.24

(fixed price)

single source


Lucidview maintenance and support - Lucidview Pty (Ltd)

renewal of licensing, maintenance and support of Lucidview solution. - (OEM)

R 1,973,588.52

(fixed price)

single source


bulk media buying- Government Communications Information Systems (GCIS)

as per the National Treasury Regulations

R 117,617,400.00

(fixed price)

National Treasury transversal contract


Nashua SLA Gold Option - Nashua Communications

support and maintenance of the Openscape Voice telephone system

R 9,777,401.77

(fixed price)

single source


employee wellbeing services – ICAS

contract extension

R 700 000.00

(fixed price)

single source - extension


security services - Imvula Security

variation- additional scope to add security

original tender/contract value –

R 4, 897, 865.07

value of the extension - R 236, 034.78

(extended for five months at R90, 052.82 per month)

single source - extension


cleaning services Bontle ke Botho

variation- extension of scope as an additional cleaner was added

original tender/contract value -

R 3, 800, 422.86

value of the extension - R 282 651.60

single source - variation extension of scope


auditing services - panel

extension- while the tender process was underway to appoint a new panel

expenditure as and when required subject to annual budgeted

amount of

R 3, 740, 983.73

single source - extension


2015-2016 FY

SAP mobile platform and SAP data services - SAP South Africa

supply of SAP mobile platform and SAP data services – (OEM)

R 5,600,000.00

(fixed price)

sole source


Telephony - Nashua Mobile

service provider to provide Openscape Voice telephone system

R 9,431,126.84

(fixed price)

single source


new office space (Nelspruit) - FGK Capital

acquiring of office space in Nelspruit due to limited building space available for lease, as per the RAF specifications

R 2,600,000.00

(fixed price)

single source


supply chain management turnaround strategy- Astute Advisory

as per the National Treasury Regulations

R 8,000,000.00

(fixed price)

National Treasury transversal contract


Employee Awareness Programme (EAP) - Metropolitan Wellness

as per the National Treasury Regulations

R 1,166,666.67

(fixed price)

National Treasury transversal contract


Pro-Active 24 hardware maintenance and support - HP South Africa

renewal of the Pro-active 24 hardware maintenance and support contract- (OEM)

R 9, 889, 578.24

(fixed price)

single source


premier data protector - HP South Africa

service provider to provide premier data support- (OEM)

R 390, 757.44

(fixed price)

single source


renewal of Lucidview licenses, maintenance and support – Lucidview Pty (Ltd)

renewal of Lucidview licenses, maintenance and support- (OEM)

R 1, 891, 508.52

(fixed price)

single source


APN upgrade, Spend Manager Plus and Data Messenger- Vodacom

contract scope extension

R 21, 901, 888.08

(fixed price)

single source


supply chain management turnaround strategy - Astute Advisory

variation - extension of the scope of work

R 11 260. 000.00

(fixed price)

single source - variation extension of scope


Menlyn parking, increase of parking space - Interpark

no alternative parking space could be sourced within the near vicinity

R 4 524. 998.72

(fixed price)

single source - variation extension of scope


banking services - Standard Bank

banking services - extension while the tender process was underway

transactional expenditure subject to annual budgeted amount of

R 1,300,000.00

single source - extension


security services - Venus Securities

extension while the tender process was underway

original tender/contract value -

R 1, 130, 726.88

value of the extension - R254, 821.65

(extended for five months at R 50, 964.33 per month)

single source - extension


security services - Fidelity Security

extension while the tender process was underway

original tender/contract value -

R 3, 615, 743.98

value of the extension – R 162, 205.85

(extended for five months at R 32, 441.17 per month)

single source - extension


security services - Securitas

extension while the tender process was underway

original tender/contract value -

R 938, 448.00

value of the extension – R 153, 375.60

(extended for five months at R 30, 675.12 per month)

single source - extension


2016-2017 FY

panel of recruitment agencies

as per the National Treasury Regulation 16A.6.6

R 3,000,000.00

(fixed price)

participation agreement (South African Civil Aviation Authority)


Road Traffic Infringement Agency

(a) The RTIA has not in the past three years issued any tender without following the normal tender processes.

(b) – N/A. See answer in (a) above.

(c) – N/A. See answer in (a) above.

(d) – N/A. See answer in (a) above.

(e) – N/A. See answer in (a) above.

Road Traffic Management Corporation

(a) The RTMC has not in the past three years issued any tender without following the normal tender processes.

(b) – N/A. See answer in (a) above.

(c) – N/A. See answer in (a) above.

(d) – N/A. See answer in (a) above.

(e) – N/A. See answer in (a) above.

South African National Roads Agency Limited

  1. (b) (c) (d) and (e) Please see attached

Airports Company of South Africa (ACSA)

Please see attached 2016 and 2017 annexures, and 2015 not yet completed.

Air Traffic and Navigation Services SOC Limited (ATNS)

  • ATNS satisfy its requirements through competitive tender process unless there are justifiable reasons to the contrary. Below is a list of tender issued without following normal tender process.

a) Tender Description

b) Reasons for Deviation

c) Monetary Value

d) method of tender

e) Authorising Authority

Componentization of assets, verification and barcoding

Urgent audit request

R 4,000,000

Closed Tender


South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)





Which tenders were issued without following normal tender processes



AFGEN (Pty) Ltd



What were the reasons for the deviation in each case

Sole Supplier

Sole Supplier

Sole Supplier

Sole Supplier


What was the monetary value of each tender

R7, 461, 805.00

R5, 532, 258.00

R1, 276.80

R114, 000.00


How were the tenders issued

Negotiations with international supplier.

Negotiations with international supplier. Annual Software technical Assistance for the Flight inspection equipment.

Negotiations with International Supplier. PAPI light calibration Instrument.

Aircraft Registry System – Contract extension for 12 months


Who authorised the issuing of each tender

DCA, SACAA Board, and National Treasury

DCA, SACAA Board, and National Treasury

DCA, SACAA Board, and National Treasury

DCA, SACAA Board, and National Treasury

South African Maritime Safety Authority ( SAMSA)






Upgrade of Great Plains

Adhering to National Treasury Circular No 10 of 2016/2017 not to engaged on long term contract agreement for ICT product, software and services.

R 1 672 722.00

Current service requested to upgrade the financial system while waiting for National Treasury to finalize the tender process for an integrated financial system.


VMWare Software

Adhering to National Treasury Circular No 10 of 2016/2017 not to engaged on long term contract agreement for ICT product, software and services.

R 2 259 238.85

A quotation process was followed. Quotes were sourced from VMWare local partners. Permission to deviate from the tender process was supported by National Treasury.

Approval granted by National Treasury

Design,implement and support the MPLS Infrastructure

Contract over 15% National Treasury threshold

R2 904 559.04 (vat excl)

SAMSA requested contract extension from National Treasury for over 15% threshold.

Approval granted by National Treasury

Security Services

Tender still pending evaluated and contract award

R 801 436.00

Current supplier requested to extend the contract on a month to month

Approved by SAMSA board

Forensic Audit

Closed Tender

R 556 981.20

The company was appointed through the Company Secretary to ensure that staff members affected by the audit do not have influence on the awarding process.

Approved by the ACEO

Ports Regulator of South Africa

  1. The Ports Regulator has not issued any tenders in the past three financial years without following the normal tender processes.
  2. N/A
  3. N/A
  4. N/A
  5. N/A

Railway Safety Regular of South Africa (RSR)

2014/15 Financial Year


Question a

Question b

Question c

Question d

Question e


Supply information security solution and system

Selected service provider- services of special nature

R800 000.00

Deviation from a normal procurement process:

The solution requested is only provided by only supplier in Southern Africa. The service provider was approached by the organization for the security solution based on the security breaches that had transpired in the year in question.

Accounting Officer

2015/16 Financial Year


Question a

Question b

Question c

Question d

Question e


Consultant to conduct a culture alignment intervention in the RSR

Selected service provider- natural continuation

R741 000.00

Deviation from a normal procurement process:

The service provider initially conducted Culture Climate Survey on the employees of the Organization via normal procurement process, therefore this deviation was on the basis of natural continuation of the project.

Accounting Officer


Appointment of contractors to evaluate the condition of the current signalling and equipment installed on the Gauteng Region of PRASA

Urgency- safety of Rail Passengers following the train collision due to faulty signals

R742 539.80

Deviation from a normal procurement process:

An independent signalling systems investigation in the Gauteng South region of Metrorail focusing on the safety, technical and operational readiness of the signalling installations employed in the Gauteng Region

Accounting Officer


Appointment of contractors to evaluate the condition of the current signalling and equipment installed on the Gauteng Region of PRASA

Urgency- safety of Rail Passengers following the train collision due to faulty signals

R536 800.00

Deviation from a normal procurement process:
An independent signalling systems investigation in the Gauteng North region of Metrorail focusing on the safety, technical and operational readiness of the signalling installations employed in the Gauteng Region

Accounting Officer


An independent consultant to assess and investigate the suitability of the Afro 4000 Locomotives for use in South Africa

Urgency- safety of Rail Passengers following procurement of oversized Train Locomotives by the operator

R745 000.00

Deviation from a normal procurement process- Mechanical and Rolling Stock expertise was required urgently for the Afro 4000 to conduct an independent report.

Accounting Officer

2016/17 Financial Year


Question a

Question b

Question c

Question d

Question e


Service provider to provide strategic legal advice to the RSR on legal issues raised by operators which might have an impact on the organization

Selected service provider- expertise and experience

R2 000 000.00

Deviation from a normal procurement process:

The organisation approached the service provider on the basis of similar work which had been conducted by them before and because of their Regulatory Framework expertise as well as in order not to compromise the organisation if and when other legal issues of the same nature occur from operators as they would have a view of the history.

Accounting Officer

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA)

  1. The tenders issued without following normal tender processes during the period 2014 – 2017 across the PRASA spectrum amount to 243. See attached Annexure A, Column “C”.
  1. The reasons for deviation for tenders issued during the period of 2014 – 2017, see attached Annexure B, Column “D”.
  1. The monetary value of tenders issued during the period of 2014 – 2017, see attached Annexure C, Column “E”.
  1. The method of how tenders were issued during the period of 2014 – 2017, see attached Annexure D, Column “F”.
  1. Tenders were authorized by officials with different levels of responsibilities. Refer to Annexure E, Column “G”.

07 December 2017 - NW3983

Profile picture: Figg, Mr MJ

Figg, Mr MJ to ask the Minister of Public Works

What are the full details of each of the two international trips undertaken by him recently in terms of (a) the countries visited, (b) who was included in the delegation, (c) the total cost of the trips and (d) the purpose of the trips?


What are the full details of each of the two international trips undertaken by him recently in terms of:

(a) International trip one: details of the trip were replied to and submitted to Parliament as per PQ No. 2749. International trip two: official visit to Ethiopia.

(b) Mr Stanley Henderson, Deputy Director General: EPWP

Mr Ignatius Ariyo, Chief Director: EPWP Infrastructure Sector

Ms. Kgomotso Zantsi, Director: EPWP Evaluation and Research

Mr Percy Molefe, Chief Director: International Relations

Mr Thabo Mavimbela, Minister’s Private Assistant

Mr Neo Nage, Minister’s Protector

(c) Total costs of the trip in respect of Mr Henderson, Mr Ariyo and Ms Zantsi were fully paid by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Total costs of the trip in respect of Minister Nhleko, Mr Molefe, Mr Mavimbela and Mr Nage amounted to R279 779

(d) Attending the 17th International Labour Organisation (ILO) Regional Seminar for Labour-based Practitioners held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 13 – 17 November 2017 under the theme: “Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The Employment-Intensive Investment Approach”.


07 December 2017 - NW3886

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to his reply to question 3560 on 10 November 2017, what was the total cost for the imbizos held for the Moloto Rail Development Corridor Project?


Costs involved with regards to imbizos held for the Moloto Rail Development Corridor Project were as follow:

1 October 2013: Organised by Mpumalanga Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport as Provincial October Transport Month event. No cost known

13 July 2014: Funded by PRASA, as it was specifically for providing progress on the status of the Moloto Feasibility study to the Moloto Community, organised by the Department and PRASA. The cost of the event was R528,321.60 No cost known to the Department.

12 April 2015: This was RAF intiative, as part of their RAF on the Road. The Department used the imbizo to provide feedback to the community on progress for the Moloto Rail Corridor Project as part of the Imbizo Progress week. No cost known to the Department.

15 December 2015: The event was organized as part of the Imbizo Week Programeme with the focus on the upgrades of the Moloto Road, R573. The event was funded. No cost Known to the Department.

06 May 2016: The imbizo was a Presidential Siyahlola Monitoring Visit, and was organised and funded by Presidency. No cost known to the Department.

25 April 2016: The imbizo was a SANRAL initiative. No cost known to the Department.

05 June 2016: The imbizo was a Presidency intiative. No cost known to the Department

07 December 2017 - NW3708

Profile picture: Mokgalapa, Mr S

Mokgalapa, Mr S to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Have the recommendations of the (a) Charles Nupen report and or (b) Cheadle and Thompson report been implemented; if so, provide details; if not, why not?


The reply to the question is as follows:


( a) The Charles Nupen report and recommendations were implemented with the involvement of stakeholders. The Departmental Task Team under the Deparmental Bargaining Chamber endorsed the implementation thereof.

(b) The Cheadle and Thompson report and recommendations were partly implemented, whereas some of the recommedations are in the process to be finalised by Management.


07 December 2017 - NW3914

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to his reply to question 3550 on 10 November 2017, (a) on what date was the advertisement for the positions on the board placed, (b) what was the closing date for applications, (c) what is the current status of the selection process of a full-time board and (d) by which date will the full-time board be appointed?


a) The positions were advertised on the 5 February 2017 and 11 June 2017.

b) The closing date was 20 February 2017 and 26 June 2017, respectively.

c) On 13 September 2017 Cabinet resolved that the Transport Ministers Cabinet Memorandum No. 20 of 2017 on the appointment of the members of the Board of Control of PRASA be withdrawn and further resolved that the Minister should consider the appointment of an Interim Board of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA). The process of appointing the full-time board will be kick-started in the next financial year (2018/19).

d) In the 2018/19 financial year.

07 December 2017 - NW3815

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

With regard to the increased vehicle licensing transaction fees, (a) how were these increases calculated, (b) what are the details (i) of parties who made submissions and (ii) of the content of the submissions received, (c) which stakeholders were consulted and (d) what public participation and/or public consultation processes were undertaken?


(a) The increases of the transaction fees were based on the initial amount of R30 as determined by the Ministers of Transport and Finance, with the agreement that there will be an annual increase of R6.

(b) (i) In terms of the RTMC Act it is not required that the transaction fees be published for public comments, therefore the increase was not published for comments.

(ii) Not applicable, see (b)(i) above

(c) Not applicable, see (b)(i) above

(d) Not applicable, see (b)(i) above